1957-1958 Catalog

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Robert W. Lutnes. It is not an i ncorporated and legal congregationj it is an organization desig ned to promote the C h risti a n l ife a nd to trai n the students for i nformed a nd active Ileaders h i p in the church. It a n n u a l l y e lects a Board of Deacons, a Board of Trustees, a Genera l Cou nci l a nd promotes a stewardship prog ram. Students are i nvited to affi l iate with this org a nization d uring their col lege career. This affi liation does not consist of a transfer from, nor affect in a n y way, their members h i p i n the 'home congregation. Morn i ng wors h i p is conducted each Sunday a nd the Lord's Supper i s celebrated the first Sunday evening of each month in the Col lege Chapel . The fol lowi ng rel igious organ izations are promoted and coor­ d i nated by the Student Congregation: WTH ERAN STUD ENTS ASSOC IAT I O N . This is an a l l-col lege rel igious orga nization in which the students have fu l l charge of the program with meetings being held each Sunday eveni ng . It i s a n aff i l i ate o f t h e Luthera n Student Association o f America a nd works with the Division of Col lege and University Wor k of the N ational Luthera n Cou nci l . MISSION CRUSADERS, ALL STUDENT IP R AYER SERVICE, and CAMPUS D EVOT IONS meet reg u l ar'ly throughout the year with student-p l a n ned programs. LUTH ERAN DAUGHTERS OF T H E REFORMAT ION, a n aff i l i ate of the Women's Missionary Federation of the Eva ngelical Lutheran Chu rch, meets month ly. Adviser: Miss Knudso n . P H I DELTA EPSI LON is a n organization for you n g women i nterested in f u l l-time Ch risti a n service as a vocati o n . Adviser: Miss Wickstro m .

Col lege Pu b'lications T H E MOOR�NG MAST is a weekly pa per p u b l i shed by the students. Adviser: Mr. Nesvig. T H E SAGA is the Col lege annual p u b l ished by the students. The editor-i n-ch i ef and the business manager a re elected by the Associated Students. Adviser: Mr. Nesvig .

POliCIES GOVERN ING COMMU NITY LI FE for the Col lege com m u nity o n l y such ru les h ave been adopted 8S h ave been found necessary for the promotion of the h i g h est interest of the students. The Col l ege adm i ts students with the express understanding that they w i l l cheerfu l l y comp l y with its rutes and regu l ations in every respect a nd conduct themselves a s Christia n ladies and gentlemen. The Col l ege m a i ntai ns the right to exercise su pervision over the work, conduct, and recreational activities of a l l students. 15

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