PLC Annual Report 2023

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Principal's Report

I am pleased to report on another wonderful year at Presbyterian Ladies’ College, reflective of our values and our vision to ‘form empowered women of character who change the world for good’.

2023 was a positive and more predictable year for the College. It was fantastic to be able to run our full program of events across the year and to share the excitement and joy of all they offer to our students with the community. The College has a reputation for providing an outstanding education for girls in a well-resourced physical environment in a park-like setting. As well as offering programs which support and challenge each student to achieve her best, we seek to assist girls to understand a wide range of academic disciplines and co-curricular pursuits.

We strive to be a school that educates the whole person, within a Christian context, helping each girl to develop personal qualities and values that will equip her for a happy and successful adult life. All of our teachers, our broader staff and student leaders work towards realising this goal of providing a rich educational experience for every girl.

Much work has already been put into planning for our upcoming 150th anniversary celebrations for 2025. A history book has been commissioned and will be ready to be launched early in this special year. Researched and written by Historysmith’s, both Old Collegians’ and LAMPAS groups enjoyed hearing from the author, Helen Penrose, during 2023 about its progress and her insights into the history of the College.

A series of special occasions progressed in their organisation this year in advance of the celebration.

The construction of the Sports, Aquatic and Fitness Centre progressed well. Much of the work this year was in ground works and by the end of the year we saw the concrete frameworks for the pool seating and the start of the large rooms and the underground car-parking. It is pleasing that this project is progressing on time and due to be completed in 2025 as was planned. This centre will transform the College offerings for both curriculum and co-curriculum in sport, physical education and wellbeing and we look forward to its completion with great anticipation.

I was very proud of the way the PLC Graduating Class of 2023 embraced their Year 12 with confidence and energy, given the disruptions and uncertainty they experienced in their middle secondary years due to the pandemic. Their leadership at both a personal and collective level was impressive.

It gives me great pleasure to congratulate the Class of 2023 on the outstanding results that they achieved in both the VCE and IB. I would very much like to acknowledge and thank our dedicated and committed staff, parents and families who supported and encouraged the girls throughout their years at PLC. We are very aware that it is a team effort and all who have been involved in the development of these young women are to be congratulated.

Of the 150 students who completed VCE and IB:


2 girls achieved an ATAR of 93.55 the median ATAR was

‘Empowering Girls’, PLC’s 2023-2027 Strategic Plan, was launched to the community in Term 2. The aspirational plan is framed around the three pillars of learning, wellbeing and connection and then set by the values of integrity, empathy, delight, service and courage. In its first year, the clear plan has begun to be embedded across the College as we strive to achieve its intention to give heart, foster resilience, encourage leadership, promote creativity, gratitude, perspective and a sense of happiness in each student for their stage of learning.

We are indeed blessed to be part of this enduring and dynamic place of education for young women. I sincerely thank everyone who contributed to the richness and depth of our wonderful College and its supportive community during 2023.

Architectural drawing of the Sports, Aquatic and Fitness Centre, due to open in 2025.

Our Vision, Mission & Values

PLC has a distinguished history and tradition of educating women who go on to make a significant contribution in the world. Today, we continue to ensure the rich, rigorous and positive schooling experience that we provide launches young women into rewarding vocations and fulfilling lives.


To form empowered women of character who change the world for good.


To deliver an outstanding education within a Christian context that:

• prioritises care

• promotes holistic development and growth

• personalises learning

• provides enriching opportunities

• perpetuates principled living and a service ethic

• prepares students for their time as... scholars, thinkers, citizens, advocates, and leaders.


Integrity: We seek truth and wisdom to determine what is right and then support each other to do what is right.

Empathy: We aim to recognise, understand and respond appropriately to the thoughts, feelings and circumstances of others. It inspires care, compassion and leadership.

Courage: Courage fosters learning, makes us willing to have a go, to advocate and encourage, be strong and endure.

Delight: We take the time to let awe and wonder restore and inspire us. It sparks our curiosity and creativity, provides perspective and promotes life in all its fullness.

Service: We use our gifts and talents to gladly serve others. To do so is rewarding and fulfilling for us as individuals and a community.

Strategic Plan 2023-2027

Delivering outstanding girls’ education has been our enduring commitment since 1875. It remains our compelling purpose and priority. How we go about achieving it today, however, requires both insight and foresight, the type reflected in our Strategic Plan 2023-2027.

Appreciating all the ways in which our students will need to be equipped to successfully navigate our complex, rapidly changing world, we have developed a strategic direction that is studentcentred, globally relevant and innovative. It will promote the learning, wellbeing and connection that forms women of character who are willing and able to change the world for good. Our empowering, dynamic approach will support this work and keep PLC and its students at the cutting edge of a future-focused education.

A. Deliver a future-focused curriculum that equally values all pathways and disciplines

B. Implement personalised learning strategies

C. Promote deep real-world learning

D. Promote student voice, leadership and agency

E. Integrate innovative and meaningful IT into the teaching and learning program

F. Explicitly develop emotional intelligence, social competence and metacognition

G. Build capabilities of all students and staff

We are passionate about each student’s learning journey with us and believe that with the guidance of our accomplished staff and the support of our community, this Strategic Plan will help deliver the broad, holistic and healthy schooling experience that facilitates academic excellence and human flourishing.

A. Foster and celebrate personal best and balance

B. Integrate whole school preventative wellbeing approaches

C. Make our Christian ethos and College values more visible

D. Strengthen PLC’s culture of belonging, care and inclusion

A. Develop internal and external opportunities for students to learn and socialise together

B. Provide ‘hands on’, authentic service opportunities

C. Improve connection within and across disciplines and sub-schools

D. Strengthen connection with parents and caregivers

E. Increase collaboration with Old Collegians

F. Use meaningful traditions to honour PLC’s history and inspire its future

G. Establish an Ethics Institute for PLC and the wider community that aligns with the school’s ethos and promotes ethical living

Our Community

Our school thrives on the support and dedication of our PLC community which includes current students, staff, parents, alumnae, past families, various parent groups, Foundation members, Executive members and Council members. The PLC community is a highly engaged and connected group that is vital to the life of our school.

80 Boarders

Families 1,355

1,514 Students

15,235+ Alumnae

LEAD Satisfaction Survey Results

The Independent Schools of Victoria Listen, Educate, Act, Deliver (LEAD) Survey is undertaken by hundreds of schools across the State. PLC results for overall satisfaction, and across every domain of learning, resources, wellbeing, leadership and engagement indicated PLC students, staff and parents feel our College is of the highest quality. Some key measures and the overall mean across all domains is as follows:


Our Students

At PLC, we want our students to thrive and achieve their full potential. Each day, we strive to cultivate a positive and inclusive learning environment that promotes connection, self-regulation and delight. Nurturing the wellbeing of our students is a top priority for staff and a key pillar of PLC’s Empowering Girls Strategic Plan.

Beyond academic success, our wellbeing programs such as Project Wayfinder (Years 7-10) and Wellness in Motion (Year 11), teach students about maintaining a positive mindset, developing resilience, and valuing self, relationships and experiences at the College.

Individual students funded under Commonwealth or State Government disability grant schemes

Students with a language background other than English


High levels of attendance in all year levels across the College are reported below. In the instance of absenteeism, the College follows up with each case and manages these electronically.

2023 NAPLAN Results

PLC continues to achieve outstanding results for all Junior School students and remains one of the top Secondary schools across Victoria for NAPLAN.

The table below shows the comparison between year level averages for PLC students and national scores.

Year 12 Results

The Year 12 cohort of 2023 achieved a median combined ATAR of 93.55. Additionally, two girls achieved a notional ATAR of 99.95.

Our girls have worked incredibly hard over the past two years and have been committed to their studies as well as to the life of the College and our sports, theatre, music, arts and other co-curricular programs. They have been resilient and supportive of one another and they can feel rightfully proud of their wonderful results.

95+ 43% students achieved ATAR

2 students achieved ATAR


63% students achieved 90+ ATAR

median IB ATAR


5 VCE perfect study scores across 2 subjects students achieved 75% IB studies scoring 6 or 7

Our Staff

The professional, expert staff at PLC dedicate themselves to knowing and meeting the needs of each girl. Nurturing a strong sense of self and others within a culture of genuine care fosters the humanity, confidence, leadership capacity and zest for life we want every student to enjoy.

Number of staff excluding casuals (269.28 full-time equivalent)

Number of staff including full-time, part-time and casual


Executive Members

Cheryl Penberthy BEd, M.Ed, MACE, GAICD

Lisa Saffin BSc, DipEd, GradDipComp, Med

Anne-Marie Williams B Ed (Sci)

Melissa Voce M.Ed, BMus GradDipEd LMusA LTCL

Matthew Duke B.Comm(Acc), B.Comp, MBA, CA, GAICD

Rowena Beale BEd PostGradCertHum


Early Learning

Theresa Bedelph BEd

Anne Belleville BEChildEd

Amy Brooks MEd, BASc, GradDipEd

Leonie Ellul DipEChildEdCare

Katina Grammatoglou MEd, BEd, CertIVAsst&Wkpl

Deborah Hendren BEd GradDipSpecEd

Tanya Perez BEChildEd

Eva Triantafyllou BA, AssDipSS, CertIVTAA



Stephanie Ball BA(Hons), PGCE

Hannah Bangah BEd(Hons)

Carole Blanch BTeach, BEd

Emmanuelle Brunet

MAppBehavAnal, BSc, GradDipEd

Sharon Catchpoole BA, GradDipDiv

Vikki Chan BMus, BA, GradDipEd, AMusA

Jeff Chen BArc, MTeachPri

Clare Conlon BEd

Caitlin Curran MTeach, BSc

Rosalind Edmanson MEd, BEd, GradDipEdAdmin

Francesca Frederic BEd, DipT

Michelle Fulton BBus

Julee Gatty-Watkins DipED

Megan Goodman MEd, BEd, BTeach

Kristina Guthrie BA(Ed); BA(EC)

Paul Hamilton-Smith BA

Kate Hayes Christina Hebden BEd

Alice Hicks BEd

Michele Howell BEd, DipT

Sara Hughes

Aimee Johnstone MTeach, BFilmDigMed

Belinda Juchno MTeach, BHeaSci

Charmaine Kenner DipT

Joyce Khor BComm, BFineArt, PostGradDipEdSt

Justine Lam BEd, GradCertTesol, PostGradCertIB

Carmen Lang BEd

Virginia Molan

Nicola Nagy

Mr Ashley Newell BSc, BEd

Bronwyn Northfield MLeInt, BEd

Rebecca Norton DipEd, GradDipSE

Johanna O'Sullivan BEd, BSportOutdRec

Nerilee Parkin DipT

Alison Wing Yun Pho BComm, MTeach

Elizabeth Renton MEd, BEd, GradCertEd

Katherine Roche BEd

Alison Steele

Jane Summers BMus, GradDipEd

Tara Toan MLearnInt, BEd

Sally Tweddle MPhil, BEd(Hons)

Jayde Viney BEd

Melissa Voce BMus, GradDipEd, LMusA, LTCL

Anne Walsh MEd, BEd, DipT

Mark Williams  BEd, BTeach

Senior School

Lynette Elizabeth Alexander HigherDipTeachSec

Catherine Altmann MCrWrtg, BA(Hons), GradDipEd

John Arbuckle BTh, GradDipEdcat

Karina Archman BA(Hons), DipEd

Victor Bao MBA, BSc

Peter Bartels MMus, BMus(Hons), GradDipEd

Anne Beech

BA(Hons), GradDipInfoMgt, GradDipEd

Fiona Bell

BEng(Hons), BSc, GradDipEd

Leonie Blackwell

Oliver Bonnici ARCM

Amanda Bryant BA(Hons), DipEd, BSc

Sarah Buckman BA, DipEd

Jane Cameron BA, DipEd

Mitsui Cameron BEd

Georgina Canty BTeach, BA, COGE

Marianne Caris BA, DipEd

Tracey Carroll BEChildSt, PostGradDipEdSt

Sarah Catton BA

Stephen Catton BA(Hons), MAH, PGCE

Andrew Chan BSc(Hons), GradDipEd

Mrs Nicola Clark MTeach, BExSs, BComm

Madeleine Costello BEdMidSecSch, BA

Fiona Cross BEdSec

Clare Crowe BA

Zecheng Dai GradDipEd, BM, AdvDipTI

Emma Davies

MTeach BASc

Rowena Day BA(Hons), DipEd, AMusA

Patricia Dove BSc, GradDipEd, GradCertAst, CertIISc

Cameron Dunwoody BSc, DipEd, GradDipOEd, GradCertEdT

Jo Anne Sharmini Eager

Bernadette El Sheik PGCE, BCom(Hons)

Hildy Essex MMus, BMus(Hons), DipModLan, GradDipEd, LMusA

Stephanie Fourquet-Moylan MA, GradDipEd

Peter Francis BEng, GradDipEd

Allison Frattaroli BTeach, BA

Nance Frawley MTeachSec, MLaw, BLaw, BA

Catherine Garrett MEd, BEd

Inderpreet Gill

Marinka Gnaden BEd

Angela Gower BA(Hons), PostGradEd

Maree Gray BA, DipEd, GradDipTESOL

Sibella Guest MSc, DipEd

Monica Guo MTeach, BEng(Hons)

Annette Hall BA, DipEd

Susan Hall BSc(Hons), DipEd

Naho Hamanaka BEd, BA

Sandra Hanson DipTeach, BEd, GradDipGEd

Louisa Hare MEd, BBus, GradDipCareers, GradDipEd

Anna Hayman-Arif BA, BEd(Hons), BCommProfWriting

Jaana Hillary BA, GradCertLing, GradDipTeachSec

Mrs Penny Hondrakis BSc, DipEd

Erin-Maree Horsley BEdVisArt

John Howes BSc, BComm, GradDipEd

George Hronakis MTeach, BMus

Benjamin Hudson DipMusPerf

Takako Ikegami-Lee BA, GradDipBus

Asha Jacob BSc

Penelope Joyce BSc

Tania Joyce BSc, GradCertRE, GradDipEd

Timothy Joyce BComm, DipEd

Xiaozhi Kan

Jiayi Kang BSc, BSecEdu

Junko Kawabata BSc, BEd, GradDipTeach

Bronwen Kellett BSc, DipEd

David Kendrick BEd, MSpEd

Sheldon Kendrick Mteach, BScAdv(Hons)

Dannielle Keogh BSc, BEd, GradCertCareers

Christie Kurrle-Faulks MHlthBehavSc, BEd, GradDipSportSc

Stephanie Lamont BSc, BTeach

Lisa Lander BA, GradDipTeach

Alexandra Legge BEdPri

Anna Lewis BSc, DipT

Isabelle Lloyd MTeachSec, BPsychSc(Hons)

Giselle Lobo GradDipEd, BEng(Hons)

Meiyi Lu MA, GradDipEd

Xing Luo MEd, BEd

Genevieve Lynch MEd, BEd

Aimee Macauley BHPE

Fairlie Mackinnon BA(Hons), GradCertInfoMgt, DipEd

David MacGregor MCom, BCom(Hons), GradDipEd

Katherine McLeod BA, DipPhoto, GradDipEd

Tiffenny Nelson BSc(Hons), PGCE

Pam Newlan BSc, DipEd

Lan Siu Chan Ng Sing Kwong BA(Hons)

Rachel O'Neill BSc, GradDipEd

Karen Orelli BAppSc, GradDipEd

Jiahui Pan MTeach, BBioMed

Elissa Payne GradDipEd, GradDipArtEnt

Estelle Payne FLE, GradDipEd

Jane Payne BA, DipEd

Timothy Phillips MMus, BMus(Hons), GradCertMusSt, GradDipPerf, GradDipED

Priscilla Pho MTeach, BAMediaComms

Sally Pontifex BEd

James Poon MEd, DipEd, BEngCivil(Hons)

Mark Poustie BAAg, DipTh

Philipa Purser MTeach, BA

Susie Renney BEd

Michele Rennie BSc

David Renshaw BSc(Hons), GradDipIS, PGCE

Andrew Rivis MEdSt

Michele Rochwerger MSpEd, BA, DipEd

Mike Rossy BA, GradDipEd

Felicity Russell BA(Hons), DipEd

Sahil Sunil Shahzadpuri BA, MTeachSec

Jane Sharkey BEd, GradDipSpecEd, GradCertReadInt

Patricia Shiel BA, DipEd, GradDipEdStud

Siksha Sivaramakrishnan BSc(Hons), BEd(Hons)

Jody Smith MEd, BEd, GradDipEdStud, CSLML

Lucinda Smithson BEd

Robyn Speedy CertIIIGroupFit, BSc, DipEd

Richard Squibb BPA PostGradDipEdSt

Kate Stanton BA, DipEd, GradDipDiv

Harriett Steenholdt

Ping Sun

Jialing Sun BSc, BEdSec

John Taylor BSc(Hons), DipEd

Thomas Than BSc, PGCE

Annette Thompson BEd

Martine Thompson BA, BSocSci

Nicole Thomson BA, DipEd

Jennifer Thomson BA(Hons), DipEd

Mary Thornhill MEd, BA(Hons), GradDipEd

Lindsay vander Pal BSc, DipEdAppSc

Toni Vernon MA, BA, DipEd

Katherine Wells LLB, MTeach, BA, PostGradDipEd

Perri Winter MEd, BDes DipMin, GradDipEd

Erica Wright BMus(Hons), GradDipEd, AMusA, LMusA

Jessica Yang MTeach, BA

Tian Yuan MTeach, MSc, BSc

Finance Report

Under the governance of the College Council and Executive, the College continues to manage the economic challenges of the high-inflation climate. In 2023, we faced rising costs across various expenses. The new payroll tax by the Victorian State Government, effective 1 July 2024, added another financial hurdle, requiring a revision to our 2024 fee structure.

After careful planning, at the start of 2023, we began construction of our new sports and aquatic fitness centre. This transformative project, the most significant the College has undertaken, will revolutionise our campus and sporting program. Scheduled to open in 2025, the construction is progressing well, funded by cash reserves, bank finance and donations.

In addition to this major project, we completed several smaller ones, including upgrading the Junior School entrance to improve traffic flow for parents and staff.

The College also operates an Early Learning Centre and a Boarding House (Years 7-12), which sit within the College's single entity financial reporting framework and are subject to an annual external audit. The College’s activities undergo annual audit requirements and include reporting to the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profit Commission (ACNC).

The College's overall financial position remains strong, and the continued healthy demand for enrolment places us in an excellent position to achieve our upcoming strategic and development plan goals. This is crucial as we enter 2024, when we will complete the sports building and continue to manage the effects of high inflation and interest rates.

We remain dedicated to fiscal responsibility, careful budgeting and efficient operations. We are excited to advance our Strategic Plan for site and building improvements while continuing to deliver an exceptional educational experience for our students.

The following charts provide a graphical representation of the funding inflows and outflows for the 2023 financial year.


Fees, Charges & Parent Contributions

Government Recurrent Funding

Other Income


Employee Benefits

Tuition Expenses

Property Expenses

Other Expenses

Capital Expenditure

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