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May | June 2022








CONTENTS May | June 2022


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Cover Picture LUFTHANSA TECHNIK | BRABUS Adventure Lounge ELITE WINGS MAGAZINE (ISSN 2816-4040) IS PUBLISHED SIX TIMES PER YEAR (JAN/FEB, MAR/APR, MAY/JUN, JUL/AUG, SEPT/OCT, NOV/DEC) BY ELITE WINGS MEDIA, MONTREAL, CANADA. Any information of a technical nature contained in this document may contain inaccuracies and is subject to change and should never be relied upon for operational use. Copyright © 2022 All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission of ELITE WINGS MEDIA is strictly prohibited.


BOEING BUSINESS JETS The gold standard for VVIP travel

SINCE 1996


Alex Fecteau, Director of Marketing, Boeing Business Jets answers Elite Wings’ questions

In 2021 BBJ celebrated its 25 Years. How was Boeing’s experience so far in Business Aviation? Boeing Business Jets has had an extraordinary experience since our inception as a separate Boeing division now 26 years ago. We’ve since captured two-thirds of the VIP Bizliner market, are the most preferred platform for Heads of State worldwide, and are recognized as provider of the absolute pinnacle of the private jet experience. We continuously improved our airplanes too, and though we cost more upfront than other business jet competitors; you get what you pay for. Every BBJ is bespoke, interiors and functionality have advanced with every passing year – and now our jets provide everything from the highest speed Wi-Fi to a Zen or Star Ship living space, and everything in between. Reliability has continued to increase in terms of on-time performance and BBJs remain the most reliable jets ever produced. We’ve increased ranges as well, to the point where our entry-level BBJ can cover over 99.99% of all business jet routes, while our largest BBJ 777-9, which will be the first business jetliner ever to fly between any two points on Earth nonstop. This is the first business jet with a range greater than the semi-circumference of the Earth. Productivity is another feature that gave us such great success. In terms of the traditional business jet metric of productivity (range x space x speed), even the smallest BBJ provides double the productivity of any other purpose-built long-range, large business jet. This is critical to those who use our jets for business. BBJ has had a spectacular run, and looking ahead, with the recent pandemic-driven surge in global private aviation, we’re really looking forward to meeting that increased demand for our jets.



What are the typical markets served by BBJ? BBJ has 3 primary segments, governments (including Head of State) operators, private owners, and charter operators. The approximate breakdown is: ▪ Government (including Head of State) ~45% ▪ Private (including corporate operators) ~ 40% ▪ Charter operators ~ 15%

Each segment has unique needs and values different features. Governments conduct a great deal of high-level VIP transport and staff travel so they are most concerned with reliability and productivity. Also important are the economics since they must meet their fiduciary responsibility for public funds. Financially, BBJs retain far higher residual values than competitors, cost less to fly than jets half the size, and are rarely down for maintenance. When they do need maintenance, they cost far less than our half-size friends. The bespoke interiors are also important to this segment since we configure to any need, including for self-defense or secure communications. Charter operators are interested in, first, second, and third; costs and the ability to generate revenue. They also need jets that depart on-time. BBJs cost less to fly, retain value better, and bring in more revenue. As more charter companies recognize this clear BBJ 6 | ELITE WINGS MAGAZINE

profit advantage, demand continues to rise, so we anticipate further growth in this segment. Private owners have 2 primary drivers, the completely customized interiors where they spend 99% of their time, and the nonstop range that allows them to get a full night sleep uninterrupted. They love being able to work, dine, relax, sleep, and shower in full-size comfort, without interruption for 15+ hours, and arrive refreshed and ready for a new day. How did the Covid-19 Impact BBJ Fleet Demand? Have you seen any significant impact on customer behavior and/or business models? Covid initially produced a severe cutback in all types of flying, however, business jet travel and demand recovered much more quickly than the commercial sector. With private aviation demand now above prepandemic levels, BBJ demand is also higher. Unexpectedly, the pandemic rendered a new class of private traveler; commercial first-class travelers who realized that for a similar price, they could fly privately and vastly improve their experience. For the price of a first-class airline ticket, and with more available flight options, travelers could fly on private jets, skip the airport traffic and massive security lines, contact hundreds fewer people and lower risks of exposure. The cherry-on-top was conversion of that stressful commercial airport experience to a luxurious, relaxing private air terminal experience, and inflight private jet service akin to a 5-star hotel.

Last year marked the EIS of the 1st BBJ MAX, how do you see the MAX increased productivity and efficiencyboosting the demand in the narrowbody Bizliners segment. The efficiencies of the BBJ that provide double most competitor productivity, lower operating costs, and higher asset value retention, has led to a surge in demand. Sticker price of a business jet is not a good measure of actual cost. For example, sticker price for a BBJ is around $25M more than a typical large, long-range $78M jet. However, the total 12-year ownership cost is really only $5M due to the vastly lower operating, training, and maintenance costs plus long-term depreciation rates half that of competitors. So, for an extra 4%, you get over double the space, fully bespoke luxury, an ontime jet, at $1,000 - $2,000 less per hour to fly. The Purpose-built business jets have seen a significant increase in cabin size and range in the Ultra-Long-Range Segment. Do you see that as a threat to BBJ’s narrow-body offering or an opportunity to stimulate that market? I don’t see this as a threat, rather I see them moving into the space where BBJ already resides. We all work hard to meet our customers’ needs, and this is a need that I’m happy to say was foreseen when the BBJ organization was founded. I congratulate them on their continued improvements and efforts toward making business jet travel more mainstream since that is good for all of us.

AIRCRAFT MANUFACTURER | BOEING BUSINESS JETS BBJ has been very popular in the Widebody Bizliners segment. How will the latest widebodies offering help maintain BBJ Leadership? Approximately 75 percent of widebody business jets sold in the last 21 years have been Boeing Business Jets, including the BBJ 787 Dreamliner and BBJ 777. Both offer globe-spanning range and room to accommodate even the largest delegations. Our newest offering, the BBJ 777-9, will be the new flagship for Head of State travel. The BBJ 787 remains the most advanced airplane in the medium wide body segment, in every category including the industry’s most advanced composite airframe, all-electric architecture, extraordinary fuel efficiency, and range that can go nearly anywhere nonstop. The BBJ 777X, as mentioned earlier, is the first business jet to be able to connect any two cities in the world nonstop. This BBJ comes in two passenger versions, the BBJ 777-8 and larger BBJ 777-9. Both combine the technological advances of the BBJ 787, with the extraordinary reliability of BBJ 777 family. Aside from its remarkable range, this jet features a list of

advancements too long to number here. Some features include the low cabin altitude, larger electronicallydimming windows, blazing Wi-Fi, excellent economics, and a flight deck fully outfitted with Heads-Up-Displays plus all the other advanced avionics BBJ customers are used to. BBJ 777X is the new flagship. Along with the large selection of designers and completion centers. BBJ offers turn-key solutions for the design and completion of the VIP interior. Can you give us more details on this service? Many customers prefer to buy their airplane “green”, and use their own interior designer and completion center to personally tailor the interior. However, not all customers choose this; some prefer to have us take on that responsibility, which is where our BBJ Turnkey Service comes in. BBJ’s Turnkey Service means that BBJ takes on the responsibility to design and complete the interior and deliver a completely finished jet to the customer, ready to fly. BBJ works closely with the customer to ensure every detail of the airplane is designed to their tastes; from private rooms, living space arrangements, aisles, fabrics, materials, dining and kitchen functionality, and more.

Our team of highly experienced professional completion managers find the perfect designer, match them with the completion center that best fits their needs at a fair price, on-time, and satisfied. We take care of every detail so our customer can sit back and relax while their prized private jet is carefully crafted. Beyond aircraft offering, can you give us a quick overview of Boeing support and services offered to BBJ customers. BBJs are supported by Boeing’s global service network—the largest OEMprovided network of services, parts, and maintenance. We have worldwide support centers, parts facilities, training centers, and more that guarantee convenience and rapid support for every owner or operator. BBJ has BBJdedicated Field Service Representatives in every major region near a major airport. Our Service Representatives will coordinate, travel to, and support any emergent needs if an airplane ever needs parts, repair or service that can’t be done at home.


BBJ MAX Family







PERFORMANCE Max Range* Max Cruise Speed Takeoff Distance Landing Distance Max Cruise Altitude

7,000 nm 0.82 M 7,000 ft 5,000 ft 41,000 ft

* 8 Passengers, 4 Crew, LRC, NBAA IFR reserves with 7 Auxiliary fuel tanks

EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS Length Wingspan Height WEIGHTS Max Takeoff Max Landing Max Zero Fuel Maximum Fuel Capacity


116 ft 8 in 117 ft 10 in 40 ft 4 in 177,000 lb 145,600 lb 138,700 lb 10,464 USG

PERFORMANCE Max Range* Max Cruise Speed Takeoff Distance Landing Distance Max Cruise Altitude

6,640 nm 0.82 M 8,300 ft 5,000 ft 41,000 ft

* 8 Passengers, 4 Crew, LRC, NBAA IFR reserves with 7 Auxiliary fuel tanks

EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS Length Wingspan Height WEIGHTS Max Takeoff Max Landing Max Zero Fuel Maximum Fuel Capacity

129 ft 6 in 117 ft 10 in 40 ft 4 in 181,200 lb 152,800 lb 145,400 lb 10,470 USG

PERFORMANCE Max Range* Max Cruise Speed Takeoff Distance Landing Distance Max Cruise Altitude

6,515 nm 0.82 M 8,500 ft 5,500 ft 41,000 ft

* 8 Passengers, 4 Crew, LRC, NBAA IFR reserves with 7 Auxiliary fuel tanks

EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS Length Wingspan Height WEIGHTS Max Takeoff Max Landing Max Zero Fuel Maximum Fuel Capacity

138 ft 2in 117 ft 10 in 40 ft 4 in 194,700 lb 163,900 lb 156,500 lb 11,005 USG

Courtesy MBG International Design, LLC



CABIN SURFACE | 884 sq ft

CABIN SURFACE | 1,025 sq ft

CABIN DIMENSIONS Length Height Width BAGGAGE STORAGE External Cargo Volume

CABIN DIMENSIONS Length Height Width BAGGAGE STORAGE External Cargo Volume

85 ft 8 in 7 ft 1 in 11 ft 7 in 274 cu.ft

98 ft 6 in 7 ft 1 in 11 ft 7 in 654 cu.ft

BBJ MAX 9 CABIN SURFACE | 1,120 sq ft CABIN DIMENSIONS Length Height Width BAGGAGE STORAGE External Cargo Volume

107 ft 2 in 7 ft 1 in 11 ft 7 in 821 cu.ft ELITE WINGS MAGAZINE | 9

BBJ 787 Family

BBJ 787-8

BBJ 787-9

BBJ 787-8 Entry in service PERFORMANCE Max Range* Max Cruise Speed Takeoff Distance Max Cruise Altitude

BBJ 787-9 2011

9,945 nm 0.90 M 8,500 ft 43,000 ft

* 25 Passengers, LRC, NBAA IFR reserves

EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS Length Wingspan Height WEIGHTS Max Takeoff Max Landing Max Zero Fuel Maximum Fuel Capacity


186 ft 197 ft 4 in 55 ft 6 in 502,500 lb 380,000 lb 355,000 lb 33,340 USG

Entry in service PERFORMANCE Max Range* Max Cruise Speed Takeoff Distance Max Cruise Altitude


9,485 nm 0.90 M 9,300 ft 43,000 ft

* 25 Passengers, LRC, NBAA IFR reserves

EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS Length Wingspan Height WEIGHTS Max Takeoff Max Landing Max Zero Fuel Maximum Fuel Capacity

206 ft 197 ft 4 in 55 ft 10 in 560,000 lb 425,000 lb 400,000 lb 33,380 USG

Courtesy Greenpoint Technologies

BBJ 787-8

BBJ 787-9

CABIN SURFACE | 2,415 sq ft

CABIN SURFACE | 2,775 sq ft

CABIN DIMENSIONS Length Height Width BAGGAGE STORAGE External Cargo Volume

138 ft 9 in 8 ft 18 ft 4,882 cu.ft

CABIN DIMENSIONS Length Height Width BAGGAGE STORAGE External Cargo Volume

158 ft 9 in 8 ft 18 ft 6,162 cu.ft


BBJ 777X Family

BBJ 777-8

BBJ 777-82026 (Planned)

Entry in service PERFORMANCE Max Range* Max Cruise Speed Max Cruise Altitude

11,645 nm 0.90 M 43,000 ft

* 75 Passengers, LRC, NBAA IFR reserves

EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS Length Wingspan Height WEIGHTS Max Takeoff Max Landing Max Zero Fuel Maximum Fuel Capacity


229 ft 235 ft 5 in 64 ft 775,000 lb 557,000 lb 527,000 lb 52,300 USG

BBJ 777-9

BBJ 777-92025 (Planned)

Entry in service PERFORMANCE Max Range* Max Cruise Speed Max Cruise Altitude

11,000 nm 0.90 M 43,000 ft

* 75 Passengers, LRC, NBAA IFR reserves

EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS Length Wingspan Height WEIGHTS Max Takeoff Max Landing Max Zero Fuel Maximum Fuel Capacity

251 ft 9 in 235 ft 5 in 64 ft 775,000 lb 587,000 lb 562,000 lb 52,300 USG

Courtesy MBG International Design, LLC

BBJ 777-8

BBJ 777-9

CABIN SURFACE | 3,256 sq ft

CABIN SURFACE | 3,689 sq ft

CABIN DIMENSIONS Length Height Width BAGGAGE STORAGE External Cargo Volume

180 ft 8 ft 19 ft 7 in 6,010 cu.ft

CABIN DIMENSIONS Length Height Width BAGGAGE STORAGE External Cargo Volume

202 ft 9 in 8 ft 19 ft 7 in 7,705 cu.ft


BBJ 747-8

The 747 is the most iconic airplane in the world. The double-decker Queen of the Skies is operated by several governments for VVIP and Head of State transportation


BBJ 747-8 Entry in service


PERFORMANCE Max Range* Max Cruise Speed Takeoff Distance Max Cruise Altitude

8,875 nm 0.90 M 10,200 ft 43,000 ft

* 100 Passengers, LRC, NBAA IFR reserves

EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS Length 250 ft 2 in Wingspan 224 ft 5 in Height 63 ft 6 in WEIGHTS Max Takeoff 987,000 lb Max Landing 688,000 lb Max Zero Fuel 651,000 lb Maximum Fuel Capacity 63,030 USG

CABIN Surface With Overhead Space

4,786 sq ft 5,179 sq ft

PASSENGERS Typical Pax Count (Airliner) Typical Pax Count (Bizliner) BAGGAGE STORAGE External Cargo Volume

410 100 6,940 ft

Courtesy AMAC Aerospace Courtesy AMAC AEROSPACE




ALTEA successfully managed for the State of the Netherlands the nose-to-tail acquisition and outfitting of their new governmental aircraft, a brand-new Boeing BBJ bearing registration marks PH-GOV. The aircraft was delivered in July 2019 after a 12-month completion at Fokker Techniek.

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ALTEA was the incumbent advisor to the State of the Netherlands for the procurement of the aircraft, acquired through a European tender that ALTEA co-authored. Among others, ALTEA played a pivotal role in conducting due diligence, including the comprehensive definition of the user requirements, system requirements, and throughlife management plan. ALTEA was then responsible for the interior design of the aircraft and ultimately monitored its outfitting by Fokker Techniek. ALTEA also advised the State of the Netherlands in preparing the entry into service of PH-GOV.


hen a government is considering the replacement of an existing aircraft and/or purchase of a new aircraft, it is paramount to consider all user requirements and the system requirements for what will be a minimum 10year life span of the aircraft. Both the User Requirement Document (URD) and System Requirement Document (SRD) are vital to the success of the project. They form a necessary set of conditions but are not a guarantee of success. If they are not properly defined at the outset (including the minutiae), then they will only be a recipe for failure. In validating and stress testing various governmental user requirements and overall specifications for this type of project the results usually point towards a Bizliner acquisition. This is proven by the fleet of


Bizliners currently operating as Government aircraft, Head of State and dignitary transportation. The capacity for large entourages and their luggage, the range of potential missions, and the schedule for such multiple stop missions quite often means that satisfying even the basic payload and mission requirements can only be achieved in comfort with a Bizliner type aircraft. One key aspect of the acquisition and fit-out of a Bizliner is the flexibility to configure and customize the aircraft more closely to any URD and SRD along with dedicated systems to meet government security and operational needs.

A successful Governmental Bizliner acquisition program often requires relevant specialist skills, in commercial, financial, engineering, project, and program management as well as supplier management.


THE RIGHT SIZING CHALLENGE Without a doubt, the biggest challenge to meeting a government’s complete requirement is debating what is the right size of aircraft. This is also further complicated by the perception of purchasing such expensive equipment with taxpayers’ money. Assessing what is the right budget to meet all the necessary parameters is the next obstacle, this will undoubtedly be influenced by current politics and other budget priorities within the particular snapshot of time the project might be launched.

The definition of any government’s user requirements is a critical phase as these constitute structuring data for the system requirements and lead to a tender process. If they are not identified comprehensively and accurately, then an unsatisfactory outcome is the likely result. When it comes to the procurement of any business aircraft, there are several pitfalls to overcome during this phase of the project to successfully deliver solid tender foundations. One critical element to establish is a comprehensive profiling of critical and non-critical missions. A frequently encountered mistake is to focus on the existing missions covering the vast majority of the needs expressed by the main users, but failing to take account of the most determinant – existing and future – missions in terms of payload range (with consideration for relevant restrictions at airports to be flown such as runway length and terrain altitude for instance)

expected by users. This can be summarised by one keyword: versatility, an expectation from users which may not necessarily be explicitly expressed as such. In assessing the right size and user requirements the specification should allow for some degree of user requirement evolution. This can be anything from extending the payload range to amplifying the specification of equipment on board to increase the versatility of the aircraft, adding a shower for instance. Industry specialists can also advise on the market landscape assessing the options from OEMs and as the case may be, pre-owned aircraft suitability.

Validation of all requirements and specifications by knowledgeable industry professionals such as ALTEA is key to mitigate and manage risks from inception.

It is highly advisable that industry experts, with experience in the procurement of business jets through a rigorous tender, scrutinize the URD and then the SRD, with the following objectives:


To consider their robustness and completeness


To identify any material gap which may be detrimental to the success of the procurement solution.


As such, to reduce risks of an unsuccessful and/or unsatisfactory procurement.


To reach high confidence levels that the procurement of a fit for purpose aircraft/fleet of suitable aircraft will be successfully achieved. ELITE WINGS MAGAZINE | 19

sound framework made up of a clearly defined set of parameters, key requirements, and a robust scoring system.Along with the incumbent legal team, ALTEA then ultimately managed the tender bid analysis and entered into final negotiations with the preferred supplier – in this case, Boeing. Conclusion of the contract was secured on exceptional terms given market circumstances and throughout the life cycle of the remaining project ALTEA continued to exclusively deliver its services through:

▪ Aircraft production oversight ▪ Aircraft conversion and modification oversight ▪ Aircraft delivery and handover to the new operator.

ALTEA were originally required by the State of the Netherlands to provide an initial study of the User Requirements and System Requirements – taking into account the following key areas for consideration: ▪ Benchmarking of other European government aircraft ▪ The outsourcing of the management of the replacement aircraft ▪ Extending the use of the existing aircraft ▪ Evaluating the potential replacement aircraft taking into account aircraft type analysis, new versus preowned, the then-existing market situation, and operational matters. Our original conclusions and recommendations were ultimately accepted by the Customer and a comprehensive RFI was issued by ALTEA to four OEMs (Airbus, Boeing, Bombardier, and Embraer) – the RFI parameters were centered around: (i) aircraft availability, (ii) cabin dimensions, (iii) typical cabin layouts, (iv) maximum certified passenger capacity, (v) weights, (vi) payload range, (vii) airport performance, (viii) acquisition and operating costs, (ix) OEM warranty and support; and (x) environmental considerations. Following an analysis of suitable aircraft types, ALTEA produced further documentation to support the most preferred aircraft types, and consequently, ALTEA became a key member of the Government team to coauthor the RFP. The RFP’s substance was built upon a 20 | ELITE WINGS MAGAZINE

In today’s environment of data availability and access to such data, it is known that customers do not expect a ‘ta da’ moment where consultants go off and beaver away to deliver. Collaboration is key, keeping the customer informed and involved (at whatever level they wish) will undoubtedly avoid any surprise moments and mitigate any risks that expectations are not being delivered. Close collaboration with all stakeholders involves many skills not least good communication and people management, as well translation of the necessary technical inputs by suppliers. ALTEA holds the customer’s hand every step of the way. Making sure the right, fit-for-purpose, specification for the aircraft is key. However delivering on that specification may not be automatically seen as a challenge. This is where manufacturing oversight and scrutiny come into play particularly in the bizliner market where a multi-aircraft airline order versus a single government aircraft order might not automatically be seen as different. It is important that the production differences for a customisable aircraft are captured and put into place at the correct point along the production cycle to avoid any drifting schedules or quality issues. ALTEA offer a comprehensive oversight of production support with experience and knowledge from all the major OEMs.This gives the customer peace of mind that their aircraft is being given the same attention and scrutiny as any other aircraft along its journey to delivery. Within the delivery phase (a 5-10 day process) the aircraft can be fully inspected, put through its test flight programme and fully checked and re-checked. Customers rely on independent advisers and operators to make sure the aircraft not only meets the desired specification but will fit seamlessly into an operator’s fleet.

As remarked earlier – an advantage of Bizliners over Business jets is the opportunity to fully customise the cabin to the owner’s requirements and operational needs. It is important at an early stage to understand the aircraft’s mission(s) and thus what a typical flight might demand in terms of amenities onboard within the cabin environment. ALTEA for instance has its own inhouse interior design team with over 25 years’ experience in designing aircraft cabin components. An appropriate cabin floorplan layout is fundamental and should be based upon a clear understanding of passenger needs, incorporating the delivery of services and movement within the cabin of crew and VVIPs. From ALTEA’s experience the two aspects that always get overlooked are the volume of cabin stowage and closet space required, then the volume and position of the galley to deliver high-quality food and refreshments throughout the aircraft’s mission. In some wide-body Bizliner cases this can be a journey length of around fifteen hours with over 70 VIPs onboard. Integration of technical requirements, meeting and exceeding certification regulatory requirements, and correctly planning an interior for operational needs and maintainability are all part of designing a successful cabin interior. Naturally, this must also be accomplished within the prescribed budget, time scale, and payload objectives. The cabin completion phase of any Bizliner project is highly stressful and the least predictable part of the aircraft’s journey towards delivery and operation. It is thus extremely important to make sure your green aircraft is in good capable hands. There are many accomplished aircraft completion and MRO specialists across the globe but does each one meet your needs and objectives for your particular aircraft cabin completion?

completion centre candidate and put together a suitable cabin completion specification to go out to tender. Governments will need to assess several other aspects before appointing the right completion partner and this can be driven by the aircraft OEM should a turnkey acquisition and completion tender be the starting point. There are advantages to this strategy (one lead supplier, one contract, one point of contact, and project manager) however buyers need to be absolutely sure that every detail is covered, particularly in terms of the cabin completion, right at the beginning of the aircraft tender phase in order to mitigate the risk of mission creep, change orders, additional costs and schedule impact. ALTEA supported the State of the Netherlands in this exact scenario, and with a four-year gap between authoring the tender and cabin completion PDR (Preliminary Design Review). Completion partners need to be sure all technical details are accounted for, not to mention the development of components and software within this phase. The last thing a customer wants is a ‘brand new’ aircraft with dated systems and components when taking delivery. ALTEA determines every detail upfront, from gauge of thread for decorative stitching on the VVIP’s seat through to the design, thickness and quality of the exterior paint application. Each and every detail is prescribed, documented, and stress-tested with supply chain and engineering so that no surprises are revealed during the aircraft’s completion journey. Exterior livery design is a highly regarded aspect of an aircraft’s presence and quality in the eyes of the customer and should not be left to the last few months of a programme to determine the final finish and desired quality.

ALTEA can assist in determining the suitability of each ELITE WINGS MAGAZINE | 21

Our objective at ALTEA is to be the customer’s eyes and ears throughout this typically year-long phase of the aircraft’s completion to delivery. With on-site customer representation we will ensure the cabin design specification and ambition is met in every aspect, with support from our in-house designers, experienced in-house flight engineers and hands-on operational experience, we can guide and assist the aircraft’s entry into service with the chosen operator. Again, this all aids and supports the customer in making sure there are no delays, and any teething issues at the outset of the aircraft’s operational duties can be dealt with quickly, effectively, and as early as possible. On-going support of a complex flying machine is not the glamorous part of bizliner operation however it is fundamental to ensure the customer is benefitting from the full value and utilisation of the aircraft’s capability. Up-front support and maintenance conditions are an essential part of any acquisition and completion programme and insight into future operational scenarios is a must. Our consultants have this essential experience to support customers, and indeed their operators, in assessing future needs based on the proposed operation of the aircraft. To ensure no surprises these entry- into-service and ongoing maintenance aspects can be covered by the contractual obligations of the seller at the outset making sure the customer is fully in control of finances at the start of the process and keeping the residual value of the aircraft as high as possible going forward. 22 | ELITE WINGS MAGAZINE



ALTEA is retained by those who want fresh thinking secured by experience in asset management; procurement and sales; financial solutions and design. Specialising in business jets, regional aircraft and helicopters, our expert team interprets knowledge and insight to achieve extraordinary results. From concept to completion, our authoritative approach and meticulous attention to detail protects your interests. A preferred partner, ALTEA is retained by financial institutions, operators, aircraft manufacturers, governments and private clients who seek a blend of specialist knowledge, integrity, and inspiration to resolve complex and sensitive aircraft projects.


Chartering Executive Airliners by Iris Savage.

Executive airliners deliver the ultimate in comfort and luxury Airbus and Boeing consistently vie to attract the attention of the world’s most elite set of customers which has resulted in incomparable levels of airframe comfort, design, range and technology. Executive airliners are particularly attractive for those flying long haul routes but require minimal journey disruption, auxiliary fuel tanks can extend range of up to 13 hours. While the extra fuel tank may reduce available baggage space, it remains greater than large-cabin long-range models with capacity for carriage of up to 100 pieces. That is a real bonus for many users. The enhanced cabin experience stems from an interior originally developed to transport 150 passengers or more, being reconfigured to convey maybe just 18 passengers. The internal footprint is completely changed providing an environment reflecting, work, home, leisure, dining, sleeping, entertainment and well-being areas. Most airframes incorporate the tranquillity of at least one private bedroom with ensuite bathroom, shower or even jacuzzi. Conference-cum-dining tables seamlessly transition into relaxing lounge areas to support dining, discussion and dialogue, while the power of highspeed connectivity enables streaming movies, sports events or video meetings. The magic is in the diversity of executive airliner cabin interiors, and how they can be optimized. For charter customers this singular variety is hugely appealing. Executive airliners deliver the ultimate in comfort and luxury, however, there are a few restrictions to consider. Business airports are invariably developed to handle business jets, and the airliners will sometimes extend these capabilities to the limit, and occasionally beyond. Long and strong runways are needed for safe landings, space limitations on the apron may require passenger drop off and parking at another airport, and very practical considerations like ground handling, catering availability, and longer turnaround times all need to be considered. James Foster, Chief Operating Officer, Vertis Aviation with a decade-long experience in handling executive airliner charter adds “We always plan our trips carefully as while some airports will happily serve the commercial variants of these airframes, there is less economic value for these larger airports to accept them. We always try to manage our client’s expectations and direct them to airports with superior FBO facilities and handling. This is particularly true for the global circumnavigations we’ve arranged”. “Our customers represent government, UHNWI, celebrities touring for film premieres, and royalty. In addition, we are always excited to create extraordinary voyages. We flew one couple around the world for a honeymoon tour, with special touches added to complement each arrival and departure.” 24 | ELITE WINGS MAGAZINE

“We’ve had customers transform dining areas into sushi bars, ice cream parlours and Michelin star restaurants, all on the same voyage” James Foster, COO Vertis Aviation

Vertis Aviation is a boutique charter company providing discerning clients with individually curated charter flights. Working with the world’s most elite jet operators Vertis has built its reputation by providing the highest standards of personal service, with focus on the finest details, to every charter flight. By optimizing its global network Vertis secures the best customer experience possible. “We satisfy the diverse flight requirements of the world’s ultra-high-net-worth individuals. Executive airliners represent the pinnacle of our charter flight offering, and consistently prove a popular choice for our customers,” explains James Foster, Vertis Aviation COO.




Borna Vrdoljak, Head of Airbus Corporate Jets Marketing, answers Elite Wings’ questions Airbus has been active in the Business Aviation Market since 1997. Tell us more about ACJ and how significant is this market for Airbus?


irbus is the only company in the world to offer dedicated private and business jets and helicopters, and VIP services through its Airbus Corporate Jets (ACJ) and Airbus Corporate Helicopters (ACH) divisions. All Airbus corporate jets come from the most `modern aircraft family on the market. Derived from Airbus’ successful market-leading jetliners, ACJ customers will invariably be close to Airbus’ global support network and, wherever in the world they choose to fly their aircraft they will be supported around the world, around the clock. Thanks to the sales success of the Airbus Corporate Jets the ACJ’s dedicated business unit including sales & marketing as well as customer support and services was created in 2012 -thus we are celebrating our 10 years this year. Over these years we had record sales and deliveries and this is why ACJ is very important for Airbus. To date, total orders stand at 236 and some 210 have been delivered. 200 Airbus corporate jets are in service, comprising around 150 ACJ320 Family aircraft and around 60 VIP and government widebodies. They are flying on every continent, including Antarctica, highlighting their versatility.



To date, Airbus has delivered seven ACJ320neo

What are the typical markets deserved by ACJ? ACJ key markets are as follows: 50% Governments 25% Charter/Corporation 25% Private How did the Covid-19 pandemic Impact ACJ Fleet demand? Have you seen any significant impact on customer behavior and or business models? ACJ has launched the ACJ TwoTwenty during the COVID-19 pandemic. The corporate jet market is more resilient vs the commercial aircraft market during the Covid-19 pandemic. Business people will and have to travel despite the crisis, which also has attracted new clients who realised the benefits of private aviation. During the pandemic 2020-2022, ACJ sold 16 aircraft and delivered 16! These are record years for ACJ. The ACJ TwoTwenty for instance has 8 orders and commitments recorded since its launch. The A320 NEO Family has seen large success in the commercial air transport market, how do you see the NEO increased productivity and efficiency boosting the demand in the narrow-body Bizliners segment? More than a quarter of ACJ owners have more than one ACJ, and 2/3 of our ACJneo orders come from repeat customers. Our constant innovation not one brings in new Customers but also reinforces brand loyalty. 28 | ELITE WINGS MAGAZINE

The A320neo Family has lower fuel burn by 15% and Increased range to 6,750 nm for the ACJ319neo. The ACJ320neo –based on the best-selling A320neo Family, along with the ACJ319neo – is around twice as wide as traditional high-end business jets, with a similar external length and wingspan. To date, we have recorded 18 orders and 14 deliveries for the ACJneo Family of aircraft. The ACJ TwoTwenty offers a unique value proposition to business aviation buyers, do you see this airplane in direct competition with the latest generation of Ultra-LongRange purpose-built bizjets? The ACJ will provide a new value proposition to the business aviation buyers – our proposal will combine intercontinental range, unmatched personal space for all passengers, unbeatable economics, unrivaled reliability and connectivity. Today there are 2,200 heavy, long-range and ultra long range business jets that are due to be replaced in the next years and ~400 Bizliners to be replaced in the next years. The Bizliner, Large, LR & ULR business jets fleet represent ~12% of the total business aviation fleet worldwide in terms of numbers and ~50% in terms of value. We are confident that we will win part of this market. To date, we have recorded six orders and one delivery

AIRCRAFT MANUFACTURER | AIRBUS CORPORATE JETS With EIS of the ACJ variant of the latest generation of Airbus widebody offering. How do you see the exceptional performance of these airplanes boosting the demand in that segment? The A330neo, which combines new-generation engines (Rolls-Royce Trent 7000), aerodynamic and other improvements to deliver even more comfort, efficiency and true nonstop to the world range. Designed for highlydemanding VIP and private markets, the aircraft delivers topend luxury, comfort and range. For governmental customers needing to fly heads of state and delegations around the world, the ACJ330neo offers an unbeatable combination of modern design, proven capability and productivity. The ACJ330neo can fly 25 passengers up to 10,400 nm/19,260 km or up to 22 hours, enough to fly nonstop from Europe to Australia. Whereas, the ACJ350 is the latest addition to ACJ’ family of VIP widebodies. It offers up to 308 m2/ 3,315 ft2 of cabin space and lower cabin altitude for better guest comfort, as well as innovative technology such as a fuselage made from next-generation carbon composite materials. The ACJ350 can fly 25 passengers 11,100 nm/ 20,557 km or more than 22 hours nonstop, making it today’s most modern and capable corporate jet. The ACJ350 has recorded four orders and four deliveries have already been performed.

Beyond aircraft offering, can you give us a quick overview of Airbus support and services available to ACJ customers. ACJ customers will invariably be close to Airbus’ global support network, wherever in the world they choose to fly their aircraft, they will be supported around the world, around the clock with the highest level of care. ACJ Care, ACJ’s tailored support & services programme, includes dedicated customer support directors, an ACJ Customer Care Centre (C4You) manned by a highly experienced team and customised services ensuring the highest availability and the latest solutions onboard throughout the period of ownership. ACJ Care also includes the ACJ Service Centre Network with the aim to support ACJ customers around the world by offering them a high-quality network of experienced companies for line and heavy maintenance, cabinrefurbishing and cabin and system upgrades. The ACJ Service Centre Network comprises Comlux Completion in Indianapolis, HAECO Private Jet Solutions in Xiamen, Jet Aviation in Basel and Dubai and Sabena technics in Bordeaux.

In 2019, the German government placed a firm order for three ACJ350- 900 becoming the first government customer for the type


Airbus Corporate Jets Harmony design concept for widebody cabin

ACJ KEY DATES 1984: first Airbus corporate jet order 1997: launch of the ACJ319 1999: first ACJ319 delivery 2000: first ACJ320 delivery 2005: launch of the ACJ318 2007: first ACJ318 and ACJ321 delivery 2006: first ACJ340 delivery 2009: first ACJ330 delivery 2012: ACJ business unit creation 2015: launch of the ACJ320neo 2016: launch of the ACJ350 2017: launch of the ACJ330neo; creation of ACH 2019: first ACJ320neo and ACJ319neo deliveries 2020: launch of the ACJ TwoTwenty; first ACJ350 delivery


ACJ TwoTwenty

ACJ TwoTwenty PERFORMANCE Max Range* Max Cruise Speed Takeoff Distance (MTOW) Landing Distance (MLW) Max Cruise Altitude

5,650 nm 0.82 M 5,370 ft 4,750 ft 41,000 ft

* 8 Passengers, LRC, NBAA IFR reserves

EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS Length 114 ft 8 in Wingspan 115 ft 2 in Height 37 ft 7 in WEIGHTS Max Takeoff 139,000 lb Max Landing 112,500 lb Max Zero Fuel 108,000 lb Maximum Fuel Capacity 7,550 USG* * With 5 ACTs


786 sq ft

PASSENGERS Typical Corporate Pax Count 19 CABIN DIMENSIONS 78 ft 1 in Length Height 6 ft 6 in Width 10 ft 8 in BAGGAGE STORAGE External Cargo Volume 311 cu.ft* * 4 ACT | 177 cu.ft with 5 ACT



ACJneo Family





PERFORMANCE Max Range* Max Cruise Speed Takeoff Distance Landing Distance Max Cruise Altitude

6,750 nm 0.82 M

41,000 ft

* 8 Passengers, LRC, NBAA IFR reserves

EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS Length 111 ft Wingspan 117 ft 5 in Height 38 ft 7 in WEIGHTS Max Takeoff 170,417 lb* Max Landing 140,875 lb Max Zero Fuel 139,939 lb Maximum Fuel Capacity 9,880 USG** * Optional ** With 5 ACTs


PERFORMANCE Max Range* Max Cruise Speed Takeoff Distance Landing Distance Max Cruise Altitude

6,000 nm 0.82 M 6,400 ft 41,000 ft

* 8 Passengers, LRC, NBAA IFR reserves

EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS Length Wingspan Height WEIGHTS Max Takeoff Max Landing Max Zero Fuel Maximum Fuel Capacity * Optional ** With 5 ACTs

123 ft 3 in 117 ft 5 in 38 ft 7 in 174,165 lb 148,592 lb 141,757 lb 9,880 USG

Courtesy AMAC Aerospace



CABIN SURFACE |893.4 sq ft

CABIN SURFACE |1,003 sq ft

CABIN DIMENSIONS 79 ft Length Height 7 ft 5 in Width 12 ft 2 in BAGGAGE STORAGE External Cargo Volume 944 cu.ft* * No ACT - 128 cu.ft With 5 ACT

CABIN DIMENSIONS 123 ft 3 in Length Height 7 ft 5 in Width 12 ft 2 in BAGGAGE STORAGE External Cargo Volume 1,324 cu ft* * No ACT - 650 cu.ft With 4 ACT


ACJ330neo Family





PERFORMANCE Max Range* Max Cruise Speed Takeoff Distance Landing Distance Max Cruise Altitude

10,400 nm 0.82 M 41,450 ft

* 25 Passengers, LRC, NBAA IFR reserves

EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS Length Wingspan Height WEIGHTS Max Takeoff Max Landing Max Zero Fuel Maximum Fuel Capacity


193 ft 210 ft 57 ft 1 in 553,400 lb 410,060 lb 388,000 lb 36,750 USG

PERFORMANCE Max Range* Max Cruise Speed Takeoff Distance Landing Distance Max Cruise Altitude

9,900 nm 0.82 M 41,450 ft

* 25 Passengers, LRC, NBAA IFR reserves

EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS Length Wingspan Height WEIGHTS Max Takeoff Max Landing Max Zero Fuel Maximum Fuel Capacity

209 ft 210 ft 55 ft 1 in 553,400 lb 421,083 lb 399,037 lb 36,750 USG

Courtesy MBG International Design, LLC



CABIN SURFACE |2,325 sq ft

CABIN SURFACE |2,616 sq ft

CABIN DIMENSIONS Length Height Width BAGGAGE STORAGE External Cargo Volume

147 ft 7 in 7 ft 91 in 17 ft 3 in 4,680 cu ft

CABIN DIMENSIONS Length Height Width BAGGAGE STORAGE External Cargo Volume

165 ft 2 in 7 ft 91 in 17 ft 3 in 5,590 cu ft


ACJ350 Family





PERFORMANCE Max Range* Max Cruise Speed Takeoff Distance Landing Distance Max Cruise Altitude

11,100 nm 0.89 M 8,500 ft 6,600 ft 43,000 ft

* 25 Passengers, LRC, NBAA IFR reserves

EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS Length Wingspan Height WEIGHTS Max Takeoff Max Landing Max Zero Fuel Maximum Fuel Capacity


219 ft 2 in 212 ft 5 in 55 ft 11 in 606,200 lb 456,350 lb 431,450 lb 43,980 USG

PERFORMANCE Max Range* Max Cruise Speed Takeoff Distance Landing Distance Max Cruise Altitude

10,300 nm 0.89 M 8,500 ft 41,000 ft

* 25 Passengers, LRC, NBAA IFR reserves

EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS Length Wingspan Height WEIGHTS Max Takeoff Max Landing Max Zero Fuel Maximum Fuel Capacity

242 ft 1 in 212 ft 5 in 56 ft 703,300 lb 520,300 lb 491,600 lb 43,320 USG




CABIN SURFACE |2,905 sq ft

CABIN SURFACE |3,315 sq ft

CABIN DIMENSIONS 167 ft 5 in Length Height 8 ft Width 18 ft 5 in BAGGAGE STORAGE External Cargo Volume 5,400 cu.ft 36 X LD3 Containers

CABIN DIMENSIONS 190 ft 5 in Length Height 8 ft Width 18 ft 5 in BAGGAGE STORAGE External Cargo Volume 6,600 cu ft 44 X LD3 Containers


Photos by Luc Boegly


From Gulfstream, Bombardier Global, and Dassault Falcon business jets, to Airbus ACJ319 and ACJ320neo and on to Boeing 737 and 747 based BBJ aircraft, Yves Pickardt has designed more than 30 interiors, some of which have won awards, such as the Acropolis Airbus ACJ320neo, recently recognized as “Best of the Best 2021” by the prestigious Robb Report magazine in New York. 38 | ELITE WINGS MAGAZINE

Yves Pickardt is one the most renowned names in Bizliners interior design, with projects dating back to 1998. Before we go through some of your incredible projects. Tell us more about how do we become a VVIP aircraft interior designer? As with the careers of many of us, I believe it was a mixture of vocation, luck, and chance that guided my path. I come from a line of artists, painter, filmmaker, actress, and dancer. The creative fiber was in the family for several generations. Then it happened that my Franco-German parents had me born in Monaco where they spent their summers. It is certainly in the principality that I got the taste of a certain luxury, less flashy at the time than today, as well as that of beautiful boats. My father was a filmmaker, but also a Stampe biplane pilot as a hobby and this proximity to airplanes influenced me very early on. I was also very young, like thousands of children, attracted by the making of model planes, electric train sets, houses in cardboard boxes, etc. This taste for making objects in volume and organizing spaces has never left me. Being more gifted for writing and drawing than for mathematics, I turned to literary and artistic studies. At the same time, I continued to nourish a devouring passion for the history of aviation by accumulating models, books, magazines, old and new as well as rare documents and original blueprints. At the age of 14, I was an active member of the magnificent Aviation Museum in Meudon near Paris, the predecessor of the famous Air & Space Museum of Le Bourget. As luck would have it, at the end of my studies in design and interior architecture at the Ecole Nationale des Arts Appliqués et des Métiers d'Arts in Paris, I landed an internship in a prestigious decorating agency in Rome, which led me to live and work for ten years in the Italian capital city. Worksites on almost all continents and this, while bathing in the unique Italian artistic and architectural environment. This was the opportunity to discover the world of international luxury interiors, both on land and onboard large yachts. This knowledge was very useful when the world-famous Alberto Pinto called me to work with him in Paris on the design and layout of two large Club Med sailing cruise ships, plus many residential projects. In 1998, we together created the aviation department, which I managed until very recently though he passed away in 2012. Since then, we have designed and fitted out more than thirty remarkable large private aircraft.


What are the unique challenges in designing VVIP aircraft interiors compared to “Land” projects? Obviously, the main constraints are ergonomics, due to the limited space, as well as weight and safety. Also, there is no catalogue of furniture that exists prior to the project, unlike in a house or an apartment or a hotel. In an airplane, we design absolutely everything, from chairs to tables to closets, and even minor pieces such as latches and switches. These items are subject to engineering studies, prototypes, and safety tests as thoroughly as if they were mass-produced industrially. Although, we will have no more than ten pieces or so of each custom-designed piece of furniture on board, and most of them in a single copy. This is the major issue! Then, should it be a single-aisle aircraft, we ought to find a theme that would be the same throughout the cabin without generating boredom or an effect of exaggerated repetition. For wide-bodies aircraft, there is more freedom, even if we always prefer to start with a common theme and to vary the theme according to the different parts of the aircraft.


We push the customization of our projects to the point of having fabrics and carpets specially woven. The same goes for leather, which we often have custom tanned and dyed. Of course, we are very much concerned by all the technical advances that allow us to apply to aeronautical projects as much ecological consideration as for all other industrial sectors. Of course, the search for eco-friendly, recyclable, and environmentally friendly materials is omnipresent in our work. But while doing so, we always try to privilege natural materials rather than artificial ones such as faux wood films or recon leathers, or composite metals. Finally, we always think about the resale of the aircraft, this commercial aspect almost always guides the client and us towards elegant and refined but not overly fancy solutions. Sci-fi decors do not sell well! Better yet, several aircraft have seen a strong increase in value thanks to our design.

With a very wide international customer list ranging from private industry tycoons to heads of State and governments. How are you able to capture different design requirements with such a wide range of culture values and design elements perception? Among heads of state, billionaires from all continents, and young tycoons; the most demanding clients are not necessarily the ones you might think! Some participate in all phases of the project, giving precise instructions; others give you carte blanche and attend only one or two meetings. There are no rules! But whoever he or she is, we serve them all with the same maximum degree of attention. We meet the client and instantly we have to understand who they are, how they live, and what their tastes are. Or sometimes we don't even meet him or her personally. I would say that the essential motivation for a designer's profession is curiosity. Travelling contributes enormously to quenching this curiosity. But we are also fed with historical culture, and we are constantly listening to new trends, new technological advances, and all the artistic, political, and sociological events that can influence our work. We sense the times and stay ahead of the trends. Each project is the object of intense preliminary reflections.

And when comes the moment of creation, we forget everything we have seen and accumulated before and we project ourselves on a blank page. Then the ideas spring up as if by magic. With the help of designers, they take the form of perspectives or virtual animations and detailed plans. We select all the materials, furniture, and accessories that make up these interiors. Items often numbering several hundred. To do this, we have had to store countless amounts of information over many years while honing the accuracy and finesse of our professional eye. we are also skilled technicians capable of solving many technical problems. We know how to train a team, unite them and make them do their best.


“Acropolis ACJ320neo has been designed as a full-fledged private aircraft except that it is available for rent”


In 2020 you led the design of the first-ever ACJ320neo for Acropolis Aviation. How is designing a Bizliner for the VVIP charter market differ from the ones designed for private usage? In two words, let's say it's a rental plane that has been thought of as a private plane! The vast majority of corporate jets and even government planes are composed of a bedroom, a bathroom, and possibly a meeting space that serves as a dining room. The rest of the cabin is equipped with business or first cocoon-type seats. With Acropolis ACJ320neo, we have a completely different charter aircraft. It has been designed as a full-fledged private aircraft except that it is available for rent. We find a large bedroom with a king-size bed accessible from two sides. A bedroom equipped with a vanity writing table and plenty of storage space. It is adjoined by a large bathroom equipped with a rectangular shower double the size of the norm. The rest of the cabin consists of two large lounges, a seated coffee corner, a dining room for eight passengers, a large galley with double circulation, a dedicated seat for one crew member, a rest section for two crew members, and a very spacious lobby. This aircraft is considered by the market and the industry as the most comfortable, beautiful, and luxurious charter jet in the world. It is the direct and faithful descendant of an Airbus ACJ319 that I had previously designed for the same operator. The input and confidence of the owners were decisive in bringing these two projects to absolute excellence. ELITE WINGS MAGAZINE | 43

Yves Pickardt was born in Monaco to German parents, who had settled in Paris. With a father who was a filmmaker and aviator, a mother who was an actress, an aunt who was a dancer in America and a great-uncle who was a famous painter in pre-war Berlin, he had a wonderful start to embark on an artistic career with a strong taste for aviation. This he did, after studying interior architecture and design in Paris, from which he graduated from the École Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Appliqués et des Métiers d’Art. The multiculturalism of his origins and training was affirmed when his career began in Italy, the country of the arts par excellence, whose birth in the nearby Principality of Monaco had revealed to him very early its immense creative wealth. After ten years spent in Rome with the great Italian decorator Anna-Laura Angeletti, he returned to Paris to begin a collaboration with the late, world-famous decorator Alberto Pinto that is lasting for more than 33 years. With these two stars of international decoration, he worked for more than forty years for the most prestigious and demanding clients around the world. He has designed cruise ships, yachts, hotels, luxury apartments and homes. He created the Alberto Pinto Aviation Interiors department 23 years ago and, since then, the aviation order book has never been empty.

Yves PICKARDT is now an independent professional with internationally recognized expertise.






A FRENCH STARTUP IS AIMING TO BRING A LITTLE MORE SOUL TO YOUR BIZJET BY GIVING IT SOME ART. Many investors are looking to art as a value-preserving asset well suited to diversify their portfolios and mitigate these precarious times in a year marked by economic uncertainty. Art is indeed unaffected by how the financial markets are performing and is a much more stable investment. With collectors, galleries, and auction houses all shaping what will become the next big thing, a French-based Startup is introducing a new concept of business jetinstalled art pieces that may become an art movement by itself. Launched by private aviation Industry veteran Matthieu Faëne in 2021, Art&Jet presents itself as the first Art Gallery fully dedicated to business jet interiors. Pioneering a revolutionary one-stop-shop solution for aviation certified artworks commissioning and installation onboard all categories of bizjets, Matthieu explains the company’s vision: “Art&Jet is established to realize, in a simple way, what no one else does: investing in a unique piece of art for your aircraft interior, commissioned from renowned artists, fully certified for aviation use, and reflecting your passions and personality”.



The cabin artwork furnishing is highly customizable to fit customers’ unique cabin, tastes and lifestyles. Along with EASA certified partners, Art&Jet is extensively working on streamlining the process to fit with the stringent regulatory and safety requirement of aircraft cabin certification. They have established a pre-qualified network of renowned artists carefully selected for the investment value of their pieces and the compatibility of their artwork for aircraft cabin installation and certification. This network of artists is constantly growing and can be extended upon customers’ requests to their favorite artists. Several different types of installation have also been carefully studied, some allowing for easy installation and removal of the artworks to revert the aircraft to its original configuration. “Every aircraft cabin is a fresh canvas, new or pre-loved, large or small. Contact us so that our team can prepare a brief analysis and propose alternative artistic possibilities and installation options” Matthieu concludes.

“Together, we can create a beautiful enhancement to your cabin, whatever your aircraft size is” 47 | ELITE WINGS MAGAZINE


Meet one of Art&Jet ARTISTS


Michel BASSOMPIERRE has been drawing attention in the world of animal sculpture since the end of the 1970s. The numerous prizes and recognitions he has received underline the singularity of his work. Indeed, he saw how to carve out his place in this discipline by infusing his work with a resolutely contemporain feel. Boasting a perfect mastery of anatomy and design, his work displays a beastial nature which, far from hostile, is peaceful and compassionate. He sheds the anecdotal to attain the essential: pure form, delicate curves, and enveloping light which highlights the roundness and the weight from which emanate tenderness and poetry. Bears, gorillas, Asian elephants, of bronze or marble seem, in their stillness, to give us a privileged glimpse into the elusive privacy of their lives. https://www.bassompierre.fr/ 48 | ELITE WINGS MAGAZINE


Le Dominant n°5. Gorille. Œuvre originale, édition limitée. The Dominant n°5. Gorilla. Original Artwork, Limited Edition.



Nikki Gledhill CEO and Creative Director MBG International Design, LLC After her graduation from the University of Texas at San Antonio, College of Architecture, Nikki started her career in the high-end luxury market as a Senior Interior Designer for a large completions center, where she was responsible for decorative styling and design for all projects. In this role Nikki traveled the world, meeting with top executives, head of state clients, and vendors, gaining an extensive knowledge of high-end luxury materials. Those travels were the taste Nikki needed to put her passion for design and owning her own company into a plan when creating MBG International Design, LLC. in 2009.


MBG International Design Based in San Antonio, Texas, MBG is a luxury boutique aircraft interior design firm with a team of dedicated designers and trade professionals based who will take the time to determine your personal style and travel needs to create a customized interior.



Project Pegasus is an Airbus 330 Private Stateroom Design with rejuvenating modern touches. This project was designed with the business minded client in mind. For the client using their private aircraft for business meetings and travel. The decorative use of ombre lighting along with calming/stylized modern design touches creates a space that is relaxing after a long day but is also a space to rejuvenate. A key aspect of the project is the ombre lighting. Lighting is such an important part of any space, creating atmospheres people want to be in.


The design works well because of the lighting techniques along with the calming modern design features creating a space that is inviting, fun and enjoyable to be in. Clients want cutting edge designs but they also want functionality and comfort. Combining these important elements makes uniquely designed spaces captivating, inspiring and invigorating.

“Designing an environment to celebrate as well as relax.” 53 | ELITE WINGS MAGAZINE





When an aircraft initially conceived to transport high volumes of passengers on short haul flights is transformed into an executive airliner for longrange travel, the design potential is immense. Every interior presents a blank slate on which to stamp a personal style. It is a heady responsibility to realize an owner’s vision. Designers and installers combine interior artistry with innovative materials and an understanding of aviation parameters to create capacious cabins seamlessly transitioning between day-time workspace, to evening relaxation, to nighttime rest. The intelligent use of extraordinary materials is vital which is where Austria-based, family run firm, F/LIST step in. The collective expertise of the international F/LIST team, experts in handcrafted interiors for business & private jets, yachts, and exclusive homes, responds to these very specific demands by consistently innovating new concepts. The F/LIST portfolio of award-winning products offer a Pandora’s box of striking options that are stunningly beautiful, as well as functional and practical.



“Our stone surfaces are incredibly popular with executive airliner designers as the natural product is genuinely unique,” says Shannon Gill, Director Business Development USA, F/LIST. “The biggest drivers for selection relate to the natural characteristics - the veins, colors, and shading – of the stone which our stone smiths convert into veneer thin enough, yet strong enough for multiple uses in the cabin.” Once in place the original stone surface creates seamless galley counter tops, striking entry way floors, or complete bathroom interiors. “We refresh our collection regularly to meet trending designs, right now the tendency is to select lighter colors. We also manage custom projects, a client may request a very specific color, pattern, or texture and invariably we will visit our contacts to personally select the perfect stone.” F/LIST has maximized the possibilities of the stone in response to client demands. “One customer wanted a back-lit stone bar. We researched and developed this technology, the customer was delighted, but we took it one step further and can now offer a multitude of illuminated surface options.” To increase comfort in the cabin, F/LIST has developed heated stone floor technology and created stone surface accents for seats, door and table trims for other customers. It is these details that make F/LIST stand out from the crowd as its R&D experts look beyond the surface for the next design concept. In the last twelve months the company has released a breathtaking portfolio of products giving designers a plethora of patterns, textures, palettes to add to cabin design.


The first-of-a-kind Pure Metal Finish employs genuine metals and alloys to produce striking patterns and textures on virtually any surface type and structural shape. Customers select from a smooth veneer, fine stippled, coarse stippled and brushed finish, in a variety of metal tones including copper, tin, bronze, and brass. The intriguing Fresco Décor surface brings organic shapes and forms to traditionally one-dimensional features as luxuriously embossed, surfaces enliven flat areas including bulkheads, furniture fronts, or side walls, as Ultraleather, Ultrasuede, or other specified soft materials, are fashioned into different shapes, with embossing depths creating subtle light and shadow effects. “There is a strong trend for natural, organic shapes that encourage well-being in the air, and with our Pure Fresco Décor surface we are introducing natural forms, as well as acoustic dampening. It is an extremely tactile, attractive and practical surface, perfect for quiet zones, bedrooms, relaxation areas and the increasingly popular wellbeing zones which we anticipate becoming a regular feature incorporated in executive airliner designs,” explains Gill. To create stunning surfaces, F/LIST has created a Glass Wood Veneer that delivers an exquisite sheen to real wood veneers by layering high-tech, hygienic, Aviationglass™ onto flat surfaces. The design options are limitless as the customizable veneer blends layers of glass, or mirror glass as an option, to represent specific patterns, corporate logos, or other defined images. The Glass Veneer is more than just beautiful, it is extremely robust, thus well suited for either interactive technology integration, areas seeing a high passenger traffic, or cleaned with harsh chemicals which may prematurely degrade traditional surface finishes.


As the demand for the switchless cabin, seamless design, and streamlined interiors continues the Glass Veneer doubles as an interactive control system to optimize cabin functionality. Gill adds, “Well-being in the air has become a major consideration. For passengers flying long haul on executive airliners the ability to efficiently control their environment, maintain their exercise regimes in a dedicated zone and enjoy impeccable surroundings at the same time adds real value to their experience. That is what F/LIST is committed to, we want our customers to be surprised by, delighted with, and most importantly satisfied by the quality, innovation and craftsmanship we bring to the cabin. We are focused on elevating existing cabin design, and the future of cabin interiors to a whole new level and will be introducing a game-changing new portfolio of products towards the end of 2022.” The power of F/LIST innovation is limitless, and it is undoubtedly driving, steering and creating the future of interior design.




BIZLINERS COMPLETION CENTERS Picture | Greenpoint Technologies completion center 60 | ELITE WINGS MAGAZINE











With some 35 subsidiaries and affiliates, the Lufthansa Technik Group is one of the leading providers of technical aircraft services in the world. Certified internationally as maintenance, production, and design organization, the company has a workforce of more than 22,000 employees. Lufthansa Technik’s portfolio covers the entire range of services for commercial and VIP/special mission aircraft, engines, components, and landing gear in the areas of digital fleet support, maintenance, repair, overhaul, modification, completion, and conversion as well as the manufacture of innovative cabin products.

The Lufthansa Technik EXPLORER design concept was first unveiled at the Monaco Yacht Show 2021. It is based on the current trend for luxury Explorer superyachts. 62 | ELITE WINGS MAGAZINE

Wieland Timm, Head of Sales for VIP & Special Aircraft Services at Lufthansa Technik in Hamburg answers Elite Wings’ questions. Lufthansa Technik is one of the most notorious names in VIP/VVIP Cabin completion. Tell us what makes your capabilities unique in this market Our unique position stems not only from more than half a century of experience with VIP/VVIP and government aircraft completions, it is moreover based on the fact that we are also one of the leading global MRO (maintenance, repair and overhaul) providers for all modern Airbus and Boeing aircraft types, as well as for their engines and components. Due to our business success in this field, we have become a major partner for both OEMs, which gives us advance insights into their technical solutions. This results in a unique knowhow of aircraft maintenance and technical modifications, which reflect into our bespoke cabin interiors. None of our competitors has such a close relationship and strong partnership to the aircraft and system OEMs. Due to this holistic approach, we can offer our customers not only topnotch cabins, but also complete packages of all relevant services for their aircraft.

Being the MRO arm of one of the largest and most renowned flag carrier airlines will certainly benefit your customers. Other than cabin completion, what other services are available to Bizliner operators? Our deep aircraft expertise already starts with consulting services that help our VIP and government customers in the selection of the right aircraft type for their needs. Here, our close relationship to a leading international airline enables us to provide most accurate route calculations and range diagrams, for example. Moreover, we usually take over the aircraft production inspection for our customers to ensure that the aircraft manufacturer builds every aspect of their valuable assets in the desired quality. Due to our decades-long experience with both airliners and private aircraft, we moreover ensure that the design and completion of our customer’s cabins provides for easy maintainability in everyday operations. In case our customers do not operate their aircraft every day, we can implement special low utilisation programs and other services in line of the Continuing Airworthiness Management Organization (CAMO) for our customers. Another advantage is our wealth of experience with aircraft modifications of all sorts: From Satcom antennas and onboard Wi-Fi to most modern in-flight entertainment and connectivity systems (IFEC) or even self-defence systems: Based on numerous STC´s from airline

modifications and the wide range of MRO activities, we can realize a broad spectrum of customer wishes. Another strength is our worldwide MRO support network that is available 24/7 and ensures shortest possible reaction times, for example in case of an AOG. How did the Covid-19 pandemic Impact VIP/VVIP Fleet Demand? Have you seen any significant impact on customer behavior and/or business models? Most of our existing customers used their VIP/VVIP aircraft as they already did before the pandemic. However, we also noticed significant new demand in the market, both for new-built and used aircraft. We even contracted a number of first time completion customers during the pandemic. In addition, we experienced very strong demand for our MRO and modification services. Another example: In the past two years, requests from charter operators increased significantly, because many former first class airline passengers decided to use a chartered aircraft instead of their routine airline connection. This resulted in significant numbers of aircraft transitions and the respective cabin modification and MRO business for us. We also noticed that a number of older aircraft were kept in service for longer, whose owners and operators requested additional maintenance and refurbishing work from us.



Go anywhere at any time 64 | ELITE WINGS MAGAZINE

By integrating the unique ceiling projection system of Diehl Aerospace, Lufthansa Techniek created a breathtaking interior that exploits the technology`s full potential for a VIP cabin. For the first time, you can bring a variety of atmospheres into your private jet - depending on your mood and occasion. The system covers huge areas of the ceiling and sidewalls where it brings an endless variety of virtual worlds to life. 65 | ELITE WINGS MAGAZINE


Greenpoint Technologies, a Safran Company, is a premier Business Jet Interior Completion Center providing custom aircraft interiors for private clients, governments and heads-of-state. Greenpoint offers a turnkey completion experience with in-house interior design, engineering, manufacturing, certification, installation and post-delivery support. Over the past thirty-five (35) years, Greenpoint has delivered more than fifty (50) major interior programs for both narrow and wide body aircraft, including the world’s first V-VIP BBJ3, Boeing 747-8, Boeing 787-8, and Boeing 787-9 interior completions. Strategic goals focus on the client experience by incorporating quality, commitment, and craftsmanship into every program. Founded in 1987, Greenpoint is one of the original completion centers recognized by The Boeing Company. Greenpoint headquarters are located in Bothell, Washington, minutes from Seattle and The Boeing Company. Additional facilities include VIP cabinetry and precision machining in Denton, Texas; commercial manufacturing in Marysville, Washington; and a modification facility in Moses Lake, Washington.

Chad Throne, Vice President, Sales & Marketing Greenpoint Technologies answers Elite Wings’ questions Greenpoint Technologies is one of the most renowned completion centers for VIP & Head-of-state interiors. Can you tell us more about your history? Greenpoint is known as a premier completion center delivering exceptional interiors to the most discerning clients in the world. Greenpoint’s journey into the V-VIP aviation industry began thirty-five (35) years ago when founders John Broback and Jon Buccola represented U.S. aircraft interior manufacturers in Latin America. By listening to clients and adding value at every opportunity, Greenpoint’s capabilities expanded into interior completions; first narrow body then widebody interior completions. To date, Greenpoint has designed and delivered over fifty (50) major VIP and Head-Of-State (HOS) programs to include interior completions, refurbishments and reconfigurations. Greenpoint offers a turnkey interior completion experience encompassing in-house interior design, engineering, program management, manufacturing, certification, installation and post-delivery support. By carefully listening to our clients and focusing on their requirements, we continuously adapt our processes to deliver the finest aircraft in the world. As one of the originally licensed Boeing Business Jet Completion Centers, Greenpoint has designed and delivered specialty interior systems and modifications for nearly every Boeing commercial model. Greenpoint’s rich history includes delivering the world’s first VVIP BBJ3, the first V-VIP 747-8 in 2014, the first V-VIP 787-8 in 2016, and the first V-VIP 787-9 in 2021, a true testament to innovative engineering strength and performance. Greenpoint is also working with multiple Airbus clients and looks forward to completing our first ACJ interior. 66 | ELITE WINGS MAGAZINE

programs and one (1) B787-9 V-VIP interior completion, with two (2) additional B787-9 V-VIP interior completions underway, reinforcing the company’s position as the leading Boeing 787 completion center. Greenpoint Technologies has also a long experience in completing the doubledecker 747. Can you tell us more about Chad Throne your innovative solutions for the 747-8? Vice President, Sales & Marketing CT: Greenpoint made Boeing 747-8 history Greenpoint Technologies when it became the world’s first Over all these years in VIP & Head-ofcompletion center to redeliver a Head-ofstate Cabin Completions, what can you exceed our client’s expectations. Safran State Boeing 747-8 interior completion. tell us about aircraft and interior designs Cabin’s product breadth is unmatched in The aircraft was the eighth 747‐8 evolution? the market, to include galleys, lavatories, delivered by Boeing to a completion Our clients embrace elegant and overhead bins, seats and so much more. center, and as the world’s first to redeliver, functional modes of transportation with By being part of Safran, we have access to it boasts the shortest completion duration. advanced technology, connectivity and a wide range of new products and A core strength of Greenpoint is designing, modern designs. In V-VIP and Head-oftechnologies and leverage our relationship engineering, and manufacturing unique Sate interiors, the main cabin often to satisfy our small quantity purchases. interior solutions for VIP and government features a central expansive space for Greenpoint Technologies is one of the aircraft. The Aeroloft® program is an gathering, a conference room which can leading Boeing 787 completion centers, excellent example of an innovative be adapted into a dining room, and guest having completed five (5) aircraft product installed on a new type of aircraft. seating. V-VIP interiors designed for including the world’s first 787-9. tell us The Aeroloft® features a customizable private individuals often seat less more about your experience with this stairway leading to eight private sleeping individuals and feature grand master aircraft. berths and an optional lounge, located suites, guest suites, expansive lounges and CT: Nearly ten (10) years ago, Greenpoint above the main deck between Doors four more. committed to becoming the world’s and five of the Boeing 747-8 VIP aircraft. It Our clientele own luxury yachts, leading Boeing 787 completion center, provides passengers a comfortable rest automobiles and homes, each adorned investing in substantial research and area away from the main deck during with the latest technology, fashion trends development to master the intricacies of flight. To date, Greenpoint has sold six and brands. The aircraft becomes an this complex aircraft platform. The Aeroloft® kits and delivered five. extension of this lifestyle enabling high net company’s technical knowledge and V-VIP worth individuals to traverse the globe in completion experience resulted in clients comfort and style. As our clients transition entrusting Greenpoint with seven (7) Vbetween modes of transportation, they VIP Boeing 787 interior completions to expect simple and seamless connectivity date, including delivery of both the world’s of personal devices to the cabin controls first V-VIP Boeing 787-8 and Boeing 787-9. and IFE, as well access to personal Greenpoint debuted the world’s first V-VIP content. Clients often query into voice B787-8 at the European Business Aviation activated technology, hands free galleys Convention and Exhibit (EBACE) in May and lavatories, antimicrobial surfaces, and 2016 and the second V-VIP B787-8 at systems that delight the sense of sight and Middle East and North Africa Business smell. Greenpoint Design continuously Aviation (MEBAA) in 2018. Greenpoint explores new ways to bring ultimate delivered the world’s first B787-9 V-VIP lifestyle luxuries into our client’s aircraft. Interior Completion in 2021. The company Since 2014, Greenpoint Technologies is applied detailed planning, processes, and part of Safran Cabin. A world leader in a 10-year knowledge base of complex Aircraft Interiors and Systems. What Boeing 787 systems and structures to strength does that bring to your expedite delivery of this V-VIP Boeing 787business? 9. The power of teamwork resulted in Greenpoint is honoured to be a Safran Greenpoint modifying the aircraft eight (8) Company. Safran and Greenpoint embody months faster than the first V-VIP Boeing a continuous improvement culture 787-8. In total, Greenpoint completed four powered by trust, always evolving to (4) B787-8 V-VIP interior completion ELITE WINGS MAGAZINE | 67



Annika Svore Wicklund Design Director Greenpoint Technologies Interior design is always evolving! Modern, clean and functional interior schemes are increasingly requested. Today, we see a lot of neutral tones like cream, taupe and grays, with pops of bright, energizing colors. Textures are key as well, in tiles, wall coverings, 3D veneer and others, creating subtle depth. Popular material trends include hand-tufted carpet, embossed leathers, feature walls and wall coverings. There has also been an increase in sustainable, 65/65 options such as hardwood, stone, and vinyl tiles, including F/list’s vinyl tiles and Techno Aerospace’s Authentique flooring products. Sustainable materials are increasingly prevalent in residential and commercial design, and we are pleased to see it enter the aviation industry. Newly engineered materials and treatments, from the durability and consistency in quartz and reconstituted veneer to nano products, offer our interiors a beautiful, repeatable look and long-term performance. We have come a long way in developing representative materials to meet our aviation requirements, and I am confident we will continue to make advances with new materials. Other trends include aesthetic lighting, where lighting adds to the overall interior design rather than serving a purely functional use. This includes lighting incorporated into artwork. As new products, design trends and technology emerge, it takes time, research and qualification to finally install these features onto our client’s aircraft. To be prepared, we, need to be far ahead of trends, advocating for these features early. Our team spends much time researching, proactively building mock-ups and diving into how things will work differently in flight.



Greenpoint Technologies is a business jet completion center providing turnkey interior completions for private clients, governments and Heads-of-State. Greenpoint utilizes a proven completion process that encompasses in-house interior design, engineering, program management, manufacturing, certification, installation and post-delivery support of custom aircraft interiors. Strategic goals focus on a superior client experience by incorporating engineering innovation, quality craftsmanship and on-time delivery into every program. By carefully listening to our clients and focusing on their requirements, we continuously adapt our methods and capabilities to deliver the finest aircraft in the world on time and without surprises


When a client purchases a new aircraft, such as a Boeing 787, it delivers from the OEM without interior elements including seats, monuments, walls, and more. The client contracts Greenpoint to perform the interior completion and deliver the interior of their dreams. At the start, a dedicated program manager is assigned to each program from initial concept through final delivery. He or she is the client’s main point of contact for reporting and managing the interior completion program. Our experienced program managers oversee design, engineering, manufacturing, installation, certification and the integration of parts, materials and services. Programs are tracked through every phase to ensure that the completion occurs on schedule and in accordance with client requirements.


Greenpoint’s award-winning Design Team works to create an interior concept reflecting the client’s individual style. Greenpoint Design partners with the client, or a third-party design firm, to oversee the completion process from concept through delivery and ensure the finished interior meets the client’s expectations for design intent, aesthetic quality and cabin flow. Greenpoint’s design process begins with an ergonomic study which translates into the floorplan layout, designed to meet the client’s desires and aircraft mission requirements. Next, Designers define and detail furniture standards, then model and sketch all interior elements. To visualize decor concepts and design elements, digital computer aided drafting (CAD) data is used to build virtual interiors and renderings. Interior colors, textures, layouts and features are adjusted and fine-tuned in advance of fabrication for client approval. Greenpoint Design assesses the décor, function and livability of the interior layout in a way not possible in the traditional art-based graphic design process.


The Design team partners with Engineering who provides everything needed to design, manufacture, install and certify custom aircraft interiors. Engineering generates all drawings and requirement specifications as well as analyzes aircraft stress, substantiation, weight and balance loads and systems certification for overall functionality and airworthiness. In-house Designated Engineering Representatives (DERs) streamline certification by playing an integral role from program inception. This ensures the interior meets all certification requirements throughout the program so there are no surprises during delivery. Additionally, Greenpoint’s on-site Lab conducts pre-design and certification testing for each program. The Lab is an important capability in the engineering process as it provides immediate feedback to the team in validating design feasibility.


Once engineering is complete, procurement and manufacturing begins as the aircraft is prepped for the custom interior installation. Greenpoint clients benefit from bespoke cabinetry built in-house and engineered to be maintenance free, aesthetically beautiful and customized to fit their interior. State-of-the-art technology ensures durable and lightweight fabrication. Cabinetry artisans and installation technicians carefully install the interior elements including all systems, cabinetry, ceilings, sidewalls, flooring and furniture per the engineering and design specification.


The design, engineering and manufacturing of many interior parts and assemblies come together at Greenpoint’s widebody Modification Facility, where master craftsman install and complete the interior for certification and delivery. Greenpoint’s EASA and FAA Part 145 modification facility provides comprehensive VIP and Head of State interior completions, AOG and warranty support including maintenance, repair and overhaul throughout the aircraft’s life. .



The final stage before “turning over the keys” includes functional and flight testing, supplemental type certification (STC) award, and the client walkthrough. Once complete, the completed aircraft is ready for redelivery to the client!



Fokker Techniek is located at Woensdrecht Airport (EHWO) in the Netherlands. As a leading brand in building exclusive aircraft cabin interiors, Fokker Techniek goal is to turn its customers vision of flying into reality. The principal’s ultimate ideas and preferred way of traveling are the inspiration to deliver unique and tailored cabin interiors. Since 1955 maintenance and modification activities have taken place at the Woensdrecht location on a huge variety of aircraft from fighters to private planes, from rotary wings to wide-body aircraft. Over the years the company has developed in new skills and areas resulting in a true transformation. Fokker Techniek has ambitions to continue improving, innovating, grow and renew. Investments in people, equipment and the facility are being done. New ownership has kickstarted several programs to work on efficiency, employee development, site renovations and infrastructure renewals. It looks like a clear roadmap for the future is being executed! A positive sign for the Dutch completion and conversion center. For generations-long, the company has been offering hundreds (of primarily regional) citizens an exciting job, facilitates traineeships, and teaching craftmanship from one to the other.


Anthony Fokker | 1890 - 1939 The remarkable Dutch aviation pioneer forms the main pillar of Fokker Techniek. In 2019, Fokker celebrated its centennial milestone. Anthony Fokker started the Nederlandsche Vliegtuigenfabriek Fokker (Netherlands Aircraft Factory Fokker) more than a 100 years ago. Today, Fokker Techniek is still continuing his legacy by providing, among others, exclusive aircraft interiors. The company is proud to perpetuate the heritage of one of the most renowned aviation pioneers!



Boaz Bal, Sales Director VIP at Fokker Techniek B.V. answers Elite Wings’ questions

Fokker Techniek is one of the most renowned names in the aviation industry. How do you see Fokker heritage carried on your Bizliners interior completion offering? We indeed have quite some history. Anthony Fokker, the remarkable Dutch aviation pioneer forms the main pilar of our company. In the year 1911 he flew for the first time in his self-designed and self-constructed small propeller aeroplane called “de Spin”. In the year 1919 Anthony Fokker officially started his aircraft factory and became a world-renowned creator of innovative aircraft. Through the years, Fokker built his company with great passion, growing it into the largest aircraft manufacturing company in the 1920s. Fokker Techniek prides itself in still sharing the core values that made Anthony Fokker and his aircraft so successful. In the decennia to follow many aircraft types where built. Among the most successful are the Fokker F27, F28, Fo50, Fo70 and Fo100. Many of these types have been delivered as a VIP aircraft for head of states. It is such an advantage to be able to design and engineer having the background as an aircraft manufacturing company. Understanding the behavior of airframes and systems is important for the direction of solutions we are seeking, and our customers benefit from this skill. Past 15 years we have transformed the company into a narrow and wide body market expert providing multiplatform MRO services in the Airframe Services business unit. In the Aircraft Completions and Conversions business unit we are focused on VIP & SMA completions and conversions independent the aircraft type. Generation after generation we continue to teach the core values, the expertise, the knowledge, the craftmanship, the passion, the solution-oriented mindset and flexibility. It is the blend of all these unique competences that has built our aviation-DNA over the years which is passed along to the next generation employees every time. 74 | ELITE WINGS MAGAZINE

Last year Fokker Techniek was acquired by Dutch investment company Panta Holdings. How do you see this change of ownership impacting your business? Since April 2021, Fokker Techniek is part of the Fokker Services Group, owned by Dutch investors and lead by a strong aviation minded management with a clear future vision. Fokker Services Group is a key aftermarket integrator with a complete service offering and global reach. We have a Leadership Team that’s taking care of the group. This enhances the global vision, distribution of market intelligence and sharing of daily practices. For sure the decision-making process and entrepreneurship has benefitted from this change of ownership. Both CEO’s are heavily involved in the dayto-day challenges and opportunities and the governance is much easier and accessible compared to the different owners before. Fokker Techniek has been very popular with head of state and government transportation bizliners completion. What makes your offer unique for this market segment? There is great knowledge in our organization about aircraft due to our OAM heritage and the vast experience in complex heavy maintenance and modifications. Furthermore as already mentioned, a high number of Fokker aircraft were delivered as paratrooper, special mission or head of state role. Customizing aircraft in terms of their avionics systems, structure and cabin layout is standard for us, it always has been. Another advantage we have is that we are located adjacent to a Military Air Force base We also make use of their non-commercial military runway. The whole area has controlled access procedures which enable us to offer high level of confidentiality and security. VIP customers and Special Mission principals like to limit exposure and can benefit from this unique location. Last but not least, as a company Fokker Techniek strives to be agile, adaptive and flexible in relation to last minute changes to the scope. The customers perception of the achieved end-result in comparison to the original request is what counts, and we will go all the way to meet that goal. This requires a maximum contribution of all employees to think along, be creative, solution minded and problem solving.

Earlier this year Fokker Techniek announced the award by K5-Aviation of your first widebody Bizliner completion. Tell us more about this project and your new widebody capabilities? We are extremely proud to have been awarded with the ACJ330 project by K5-Aviation. We have been completing Exclusive VIP cabins for many years and stepped into the widebody (MRO) market in 2017. It’s great to experience the confidence of K5-Aviation being the first customer entrusting its valuable widebody asset to us and asking us to complete the aircraft with a VVIP exclusive cabin. Certainly not a walk in the park to provide a top job, on time, in budget while the requested deliverables are complex and very high-end. The project is going to be a masterpiece that we would like to describe and show everyone in great detail as much and many times as possible. However we all know that privacy and discretion is key in this market, for that reason we cannot disclose details other than that the aircraft will for sure have a lot of innovative features, will cover a lot of different requirements and applications and all in all a very classy and stylish design. Those who will have the opportunity to fly on the aircraft will have all luxury, functionalities, the ability to gather or to withdraw themselves, to party or to rest; but in any case, have an exclusive way of traveling. Fokker Techniek is very active in the Bizliners refurbishment market. Can you tell us more about your services offering and the particular needs in this market? First of all it might be good to mention that a full cabin refurbishment of executive aircraft is underestimated to our opinion. In most cases it is more complex than outfitting a green aircraft. Starting from scratch with a green completion provides some predictability. While a refurbishment, certainly when previous completion was performed by another Completion Centre, often has surprises or unknown aspects. From a cost perspective a refurbishment will try to use as much as possible of the existing backup structure, cabinets, and seats. From

a design and certification perspective this is not always the easiest approach. A full cabin refurbishment needs the proper and timely preparation, you cannot request a full refurb a few weeks prior to a heavy check and expect to have a make-over done in a couple of weeks. There are constant new materials entering the scene, new features that customers would like to have and repairs to be performed. Due to the fact that there is a lot of customization in the parts and materials used there is also always a challenge in the (after-market) supply chain. Sometimes the engineering department needs to assist in getting a certified replacement. Our cabin refurbishments are supported by all in-house skills. Our upholstery shop can take care of the seats, the curtains, the floorcovering. Our composite shop can manufacture cabinets, cabin dividers, stowages. Cabin lining can be manufactured and covering can be applied on our vacuum applicator. Paint, touch up, buffing of varnish is done by our paint specialist, etcetera. We certainly forget a lot of the other skills now but it hopefully gives a flavor of the diversity of activities we can cover and the craftmanship we have on board at our facility. With all the fantastic and passionate employees that are part of our team there is no challenge we refuse. As a company in total, but also our specialists individually, we take pride and intense happiness in delivering the most complete and exclusive cabins to our customers.

Rendering of Fokker Techniek “OPEN SPACES” design concept


Waleed Muhiddin, Director business development and marketing, answers Elite Wings’ questions Since its foundation in 2007, AMAC Aerospace has become one of the most renowned names in VIP/VVIP cabin completion. Can you tell us more about your capabilities? Our capabilities are geared so that we can accomplish most if not all work on site, under our leadership and control. We started in 2007, we had our first hangar in 2008 and our first completion projects was for a head of state. Today, if a client is looking for the latest generation SATCOM, air defense, extended range for mission types - these requests can all be covered by us at AMAC Aerospace. We work closely with the aviation authorities from around the world, we work hard internally to bring the latest desires and hardware’s onto the aircraft and we use the concierge approach like a hotel has – ‘if a client wishes it, we will work hard to see it become reality’. With new demands means new recruitment. From what we started with a handful of people, we thrive now with over 1’000 professional people spread across all aviation disciplines. When we work on maintenance projects, the brief is clear and the work gets carried out per task cards. What is not clear before work starts are any ‘findings’ such as corrosion or broken component parts that either require repairs or replacement. With completion projects, these are more labour intensive, as they demand discussion, analysis and rectifications. We thrive on the STC capabilities we have in hand thus far, we work tirelessly to improve and generate new technologies into a medium that allows us to attract more clients based on realities that they desire. 76 | ELITE WINGS MAGAZINE

AMAC Aerospace has been the completion center for both Boeing BBJ Demonstrator and the first corporate variant of the popular Airbus A320NEO. How do you see the narrowbody Bizliners market demand evolving in the coming years? It is true, AMAC Aerospace completed the prestigious Boeing Demonstrator and the first privately owned Airbus A320neo. These were discerning projects for discerning clients. The narrow body markets is a stable and a constant market. If the question were asked in terms of the wide bodies, I would have answered that they are in decline but as with any new development from the OEM of aircraft production, there are cycles and waves of aircraft types that come to the forefront. At the moment, we are in a period of the latest and greatest narrow bodies. They are in high demand, typically clients account for regional flights or transatlantic flights, of which the narrow body platform can execute well. The maintainability of narrow body aircraft and the running costs of a narrow body are considerably lower than that of a wide body. Our clients often fly with direct family members and/or executives from the family businesses, thus meaning that the payload of PAX is not more than 20x (typically). Some briefs account for more and some less but the narrow body platform is the working horse of the skies. We hope to see a continuous development into the future. We hope that the OEM will work with MRO stations as AMAC, as we are experts in handling new materials they use as a baseline for productions, such as composite component parts. There is still a lack of repair stations – with the latest count, we have approx. 3 workshops of such description in Europe, one of them at our facility.

How did the Covid-19 pandemic Impact VVIP/VIP Cabin completion demand? Have you seen any significant impact on customer behavior and/or business models?

COVID period has been challenging, turbulent and disruptive for most. We were challenged by the working areas and patterns, ensuring that our workforce had clean and natural air whilst working with masks and having suitable distances in place. The challenge is that aircraft are not exactly roomy like a cruise ships, therefore we were obliged to be wary and cautious of how certain works types would be played out with regard to maintenance and/or completions. We had UV machines to neutralize closed and small spaces, kept basics like windows open and washing hand reminders throughout the facilities, hand sanitizers and ensured a strict adherence to wearing masks where it complied. We had management meetings every week and as a company, we invested in anti-gen test kits for our workforce, whereby we requested to all our people to perform tests twice a week. Added on top of this we also had a medical station at the facility to carry out rapid tests, when needed. The commercial aviation industry was heavily affected by the pandemic and the lock-downs; contrary to the private aviation where we experienced even a slight upturn in regard to maintenance requests, PPI’s (Pre-Purchase Inspections) and charter flights. We put to bed any misconceptions that we as a company would be late on any client commitments, serving the purpose that we are on time and on budget. What we did experience was a little disruption with regard to supply chain management.


With 45 years of experience, including 70 VIP Airbus & Boeing completions, the team at Jet Aviation certainly know how to tailor every element to a customer. The company unveiled the world’s first VIP completion at the 1977 Paris Airshow, and has gone from strength the strength since then. At the heart of what they do is a dedication to creating the ultimate cabin experience – beautifully crafted, perfectly engineered, and completely bespoke

Matthew Woollaston, VP of Completion Sales, answers Elite Wings’s question. With a 45 year history, Jet Aviation is one of the most experienced completion centers in the world. What makes you unique? Since 1977 Jet Aviation has been crafting beautifully customized private aircraft interiors. With some 70 Airbus Corporate Jet and Boeing Business Jet wideand narrow-body projects in our portfolio, we are the most experienced center in the world, offering a combination of beautiful hand craftsmanship, innovative engineering and design, and an effortless experience. We work one-on-one with every customer to create a completely bespoke interior that reflects their unique vision and needs. This can be from design to the processes that we are using. In short, we tailor everything to our customer, wherever they are from and whatever they require. Our experience in quality 78 | ELITE WINGS MAGAZINE

craftsmanship is matched by a dedication to innovation to ensure that we continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in VVIP completions to create the ultimate cabin experience for each of our customers – whatever that might be for that individual. Our facility in Basel offers a full in-house service, with almost all aspects on the completion process under one roof. This allows us to collaborate closely with one another and with our customer, to ensure an efficient process and a beautiful end result. We are also a completion center that sits in a much wider network and company. Jet Aviation has some 50 locations worldwide, and in addition to completions, we offer aircraft management, maintenance and refurbishment, FBO, and charter, meaning we can continue to be a valued global partner for our customers throughout their aircraft ownership journey.

You recently delivered your first Boeing 787 VVIP completion, can you tell us any more about that project? We redelivered our first Boeing 787 completion in December 2021. The aircraft was redelivered on-time and under target weight – with exceptionally good cabin sound values. Alongside this technical success, this aircraft was one of the most beautiful cabins we have ever redelivered in Basel. The cabin interior was designed by an external design studio and included a number of complex features, all engineered and produced in-house at Jet Aviation. In addition, we redelivered an additional three aircraft in 2021, including the world’s first-ever VVIP cabin interior completed on a BBJ MAX 8, and two ACJ aircraft in 2021, including our first ACJ320neo. What was so special about all of these redeliveries was that they all demonstrated our continued commitment to leading the industry in the balance between sound and weight. We are excited about the possibilities for further innovation to develop and shape sound experiences for our customers. In collaboration with our sister company, Gulfstream, our teams have developed sophisticated analytical models to predict the cabin noise of VVIP cabins by modeling the exact custom interior. They can then use this model to evaluate how different materials will affect these sound levels, even before production starts. This deep understanding of acoustic behavior means that we can accurately predict acoustic performance

Over the decades, the industry has evolved, and our ability to innovate is key to staying relevant in this everevolving world, where customers expect more and more of their ‘home comforts’ while in the air. We are committed to remaining the partner of choice for our customers, and we recognize the need for a strong focus on innovation in VIP completions to continue to provide the highest levels of quality, performance, and safety. From a completions point of view, this centers on our continued development of our sound and weight capabilities, our commitment to innovation in VVIP completions and partnerships with a number of higher education institutions, and how we are exploring new, innovative tools in our promise to make our customer’s completion center experience seamless. Alongside this forward thinking, we are also dedicated to ensuring exceptional craftsmanship. We opened a new 8,000 square-meter production center in Basel in July 2021, bringing together our expert artisans in one place to facilitate even better collaboration and creativity as we bring our customer’s visions to life. This investment is also a testament to our promise of being easy to do business with. Customers trust us with one of their most valuable assets, and this beautiful and state-of-the-art space makes it easier for our customers to visit and experience first-hand the craftsmanship that makes their aircraft so unique. before production, offering our customers more flexibility when designing their interior, whichever airframe they choose.

How important is innovation in VVIP completions? And how do you ensure a balance between traditional hand-crafted interiors and new technology? Innovation is essential. When we launched our first completion at the Paris Airshow in 1977, we were pioneers in aviation interiors, working with customers to push the limits of what was possible inside the cabin.

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Jacqueline Jiang Yi Da, Chief Operating Officer of HAECO Xiamen. answers Elite Wings’ questions

Established in 2008, HAECO Private Jet Solutions (HAECO PJS), a division of HAECO Xiamen, is the first and only Airbus-approved and Boeing-licensed cabin completion centre in the Asia Pacific. Tell us more about your capabilities? HAECO Xiamen PJS business unit provides comprehensive and integrated cabin completion services including turnkey corporate jet and private jet cabin completion / modifications, maintenance and other design engineering and certification for Bizliners aircraft of ACJ and BBJ. It holds Part 21J DOA and Part 21G POA from HKCAD, HAECO PJS is also an approved DMDOR of CAAC, and its EASA Part 21J DOA makes it capable to provide minor changes and repairs under EASA regulations. A working arrangement is in place between HKCAD and EASA, whereby EASA will validate STCs awarded by HKCAD to HAECO Xiamen. In addition, FAA certificate is supported by HAECO Americas as an FAA-certified ODA (Organization Designation Authorization). In general, HAECO Xiamen is able to provide a comprehensive major and minor engineering work for an aircraft under most authorities’ coverage. Tell us more about HAECO PJS ACJ and BBJ cabin completion experience. HAECO PJS has experience in performing VIP green cabin completions and modifications. Over the years, we have successfully performed projects such as green Airbus ACJ319 cabin completions, BBJ retrofits, & IFE upgrades etc. Utilising our design engineering capability, we also provide modification services to Airliners by converting passenger cabin to carry cargo during the COVID-19 pandemic.


requirements. We also build long term strategic partnership with cabin interior suppliers from Europe and worldwide to provide the most modern and exquisite experience to the customers.

From its unique location, HAECO PJS is well-positioned to serve some of the world’s most dynamic Bizliners markets. How successful have you been serving these markets? Thanks to HAECO Xiamen’s strategic location and taking the advantage of free trade zone, HAECO Xiamen PJS Division is wellpositioned to support its customers from all over the world especially Greater China. Since its establishment in 2011, HAECO Xiamen has proven its professionalism, high quality and good services to customers from these markets. HAECO Xiamen is also equipped with a team of cabin expertise who has the know-how to perform cabin removal & installation and cabin monuments refurbishment. HAECO Xiamen becomes the choice of VIP maintenance and refurbishment.

HAECO PJS has been very active in Bizliner’s fleet maintenance and cabin refurbishment. What can you tell us about Bizliners cabin refurbishment cycles and market dynamics? Based on our experience, cabin refurbishment cycle for business jet is around 10 years. Cabin refurbishment and major modifications such as IFE/Wifi upgrade are normally planned with a heavy maintenance check due to the longer aircraft ground time and major cabin open up are normally performed during the heavy check. We believe there are great potential of cabin refurbishment business in the post-COVID era. HAECO Xiamen PJS Division is well prepared to support our customers on cabin upgrade. We are equipped with VIP back shops and a team expertise that can cater to customer’s cabin upgrade

With 16 operating companies worldwide, HAECO is one of the world’s leading independent aircraft engineering and maintenance groups. How do you see being part of one of the world’s largest MRO service providers serving your Bizliner customers? HAECO Group provides a comprehensive range of services encompassing Airframe Base Maintenance Services, Line Maintenance Services, Cabin Solutions, Private Jet Solutions, Fleet Technical Management, Inventory Technical Management, Component Overhaul, Aerostructure Repairs, Landing Gear Services, Engine Services, Parts Manufacturing and Technical Training. HAECO Xiamen also provide ACJ/BBJ aircraft maintenance up to D check. It is part of ACJ Service Centre Network since 2016. HAECO Xiamen can also provide line services to customers via our 15 line stations in Chinese Mainland which offers our customers more flexibilities on support their operation. With synergy within HAECO Group companies, we aim to offer a total solution to fulfil the customers’ needs.


Comlux is one of the leaders in Business Aviation, Transaction and Completion services. For nearly 20 years, Comlux has been Engineering luxury for VIP customers looking for personal & professional management of their private aviation needs: aircraft operations & charter, aircraft sales & acquisitions, cabin interiors, maintenance & upgrades. Since early 2022, the new entity Comlux Tech complements Comlux’ portfolio with a comprehensive range of operational, technical, consultancy & crew after-sale services. Headquartered in Switzerland with a global presence around the world, Comlux delivers World-class Swiss-made business aviation services at the highest standards of the industry.





Comlux Aviation provides exclusive business jet operations & management services to VIP customers who wish to have their own aircraft managed with the highest standards of safety and quality. Thanks to its exclusive and comprehensive fleet of ultra large luxury jets, Comlux provides ultra personalized luxury charter solutions to large groups of VIP passengers travelling together.

Comlux Completion is continuously innovating in the large to very large VIP aircraft segment engineering luxury into cabin completions, upgrades and refurbishments. Located in Indianapolis, IN Comlux Completion has established itself as one of the most unique and modern completion & service centers in the world, exclusively for ACJ and BBJ aircraft. Comlux Completion is also the exclusive outfitting partner of the all-new ACJ TwoTwenty business jet, which will enter in service with Comlux Aviation in 2023.

Selling or buying a VIP aircraft requires technical, commercial and contractual skills that Comlux Transactions has integrated within a team of aviation professionals. With its strong market network, Comlux Transactions helps VIP customers in finding the best aircraft adapted to their needs and budget requirements, or in selling their asset within the shortest period of time and at the right price.

Comlux Tech is the crossfunctional organization of Comlux offering a wide range of “a la carte“aftersales services complementing the core activities of the Group. The services proposed by Comlux Tech are deployed into 4 main activities: ▪ Technical Services ▪ Operational Services ▪ Consulting Services ▪ Crew Services


ACJ TwoTwenty

© Airbus


COMPLETION PARTNERSHIP With its solid experience in VIP completion, especially on Airbus neo cabins, Comlux has become Airbus's exclusive cabin completion partner for the ACJ version of the Airbus A220-100 model, marketed under the ACJ TwoTwenty designation. Airbus and Comlux worked together to define a flexible cabin catalogue for the ACJ TwoTwenty which offers multiple cabin arrangements. It includes a wide range of layouts and options that customers can select to match their needs and requirements. Three interior ambiances have been defined to inspire customers and help them to create their most wanted cabin interior. Comlux worked jointly with the ACJ team, sharing its long experience in operating and completing all types of aircraft, and bringing to the ACJ TwoTwenty program the latest cabin innovations available in the industry.


Arnaud Martin, Chief Strategy and corporate development officer, Comlux Group answers Elite Wings’ questions In October 2020, Airbus’s announcement of the launch of the ACJ TwoTwenty business jet brought a lot of industry premiers including the first-time flexible cabin catalogue offering in a Bizliner and an exclusive partnership with Comlux for the cabin outfitting of this 73m²/785 ft² “ Xtra Large Bizjet”. What attracted Comlux to this new program? Comlux’s interest in the A220 aircraft family started before the acquisition of the program by Airbus in 2017. The unique combination of intercontinental range, comfort, extra space, second-to-none economics, and the reduced environmental footprint has convinced us for a long time that this aircraft could be a winner in the business aviation market. We are proud to have been selected by ACJ to outfit the cabin of the ACJ TwoTwenty in our completion center in Indianapolis. Our long experience in bizjet operations and completion has helped us to develop an all-new business jet cabin combining the best of comfort with the latest cabin innovations available in the industry, such as Electro chromatic window shades, 55in screens, inductive chargers...etc. Comlux has a long experience completing highly customized We are convinced that the ACJ TwoTwenty is a game changer Bizliners interiors. What does it take to develop an industrial in the industry, and this is why we have also became the interior completion line for the ACJ TwoTwenty program? launch customer of the program. To support this program, Comlux Completion center introduced a new Virtual Reality tool specially developed for What is Comlux’s scope of work in the ACJ TwoTwenty the ACJ TwoTwenty program. This tool allows customers to program? immerse themselves into the future cabin environment. It also Comlux Completion Center in Indianapolis is in charge of the provides a virtual interactive capability that allows the interior engineering, manufacturing, installation, and certification of to be analyzed from an ergonomic, equipment functionality the VIP cabin of the first 15 ACJ TwoTwenty. We have been and maintainability standpoint. working together with Airbus on defining the design and Since the interior installation is more industrialized, Comlux developing innovative engineering solutions for almost two has put in place rigorous configuration management years already. This is a totally new aircraft on the market that processes and tools allowing to streamline the definition, requires extensive planning internally, as well as a very strong manufacturing, installation, and certification of the 6-zones co-operation with Airbus at every stage of the program. VIP interior. 84 | ELITE WINGS MAGAZINE

© Airbus The ACJ TwoTwenty program launch happens during the COVID pandemic. Have you seen any impact on market demand? The Covid pandemic has restricted our marketing What is the expected completion cycle capabilities with the cancellation of many industry events for an airplane this size? and the limited ability to visit our clients to present them this fantastic aircraft. However, in 2021 with the The first ACJ TwoTwenty will take around 12 months to vaccinations ramping up and the opening of borders, the complete. Comlux aims at reducing the interior completion customer interest has grown up and today we see a strong cycle to around 8 Months for the next aircraft. demand. The dedicated ACJ TwoTwenty completion line can End of last year, during the Dubai Airshow, the most accommodate 3 to 4 aircraft per year. If market demand significant in-person aviation event in 2021, we announced requires and green aircraft slot availability allows, we can the acquisition of our first Airbus ACJ TwoTwenty by Dubairamp up production to 6 aircraft per year. based FIVE Group. The aircraft will enter into service at the This completion process will be the most efficient, beginning of 2023 and will be operated on charter by stringent, and reliable we have ever achieved. Comlux Aviation. ELITE WINGS MAGAZINE | 85



A SCULPTURE MASTERPIECE That also boosts your range


Gary Dunn, President of Aviation Partners, answers Elite Wings’ questions

Aviation Partners’ blended winglets have seen such tremendous success in commercial aviation that we tend to forget that their success started with Boeing Business Jets when offered as standard equipment in the 737-based BBJ family in 1999. Tell us more about the incredible wide adoption of blended winglets technology by 737 operators. Aviation Partners, Inc. (API) was formed in 1991 to develop and market retrofit Winglets for the Gulfstream II. Existing winglets at the time mostly featured an angular transition between the wing and winglets: the new APIdesigned Winglets, which featured a graceful curve between the wing and winglets were called Blended Winglets. In addition to the aesthetic improvement over the existing winglets at the time, the Blended Winglet provided significantly higher drag reduction, increased range and reduced fuel burn, when compared to the conventional. The Blended Winglets quickly became a common sight on GIIs on FBO ramps. At the Paris Air Show in 1997, API founder Joe Clark met with Borge Boeskov, then VP of Product Strategy, and shortly thereafter President, of the newly formed Boeing Business Jets to discuss the new 737 NG-based BBJ aircraft. Borge knew of the success of API’s winglets on the GII and believed the recently announced BBJ needed them to improve range and performance, and to differentiate it from the typical 737 airliner as Boeing entered the business jet market. This initial meeting led to the testing of API-designed Blended Winglets on a 737 NG, and in September 2000, certification of the winglets for the BBJ.

Whilst one of the initial goals related to the addition of Blended Winglets on the BBJ was to make the aircraft look less like an airliner, and more like a business jet, the performance benefits demonstrated during testing were simply too compelling for the commercial operators to ignore. In parallel with the certification efforts for the BBJ Winglets API and Boeing formed a joint venture, Aviation Partners Boeing (APB) to offer Blended Winglets to the airline operators of Boeing 737 NGs. APB subsequently certified and marketed winglets for all 737 NG variants, and numerous 737 classic, 757 and 767 models. API-designed Blended Winglets are now flying on approximately 10,000 commercial and business aircraft, including Boeing, Falcon and Hawker models. Since initial certification, around 98% of all 737 NG aircraft built have had winglets installed, either via retrofit or in-production. As the industry focuses more on sustainability, the drag reduction benefits of Blended Winglets and Split Scimitar Winglets are more attractive than ever. To date, APIdesigned winglets are estimated to have saved over 13 billion gallons of jet fuel and reduced global CO2 emissions by approximately 140 million tons.


In 2015, Boeing Business Jets introduced Split Scimitar Winglet as standard equipment in BBJ. Tell us more about the benefit of this technology. In early 2014, API further improved the existing Blended Winglets design with the addition of a ventral strake – a lower winglet “blade” featuring a scimitar tip. A new scimitar tip cap was also added to the original upper winglet blade. This optional retrofit, which turns the Blended Winglet into a Split Scimitar Winglet (SSW) provided up to an additional 2% drag reduction over the 5-7% provided by the previous Blended Winglet. The 737-800 was the first model to have SSWs certified in early 2014, and by 2015 the SSW was approved for retrofit on all Blended Winglet equipped 737 NG models, including the BBJ. At EBACE 2015 it was announced that the unique SSW became standard equipment on all new delivery 737 NGbased BBJs, in addition to being offered as a retrofit for in-service BBJs.


The Split Scimitar Winglets are available as a retrofit on in-service BBJs by Aviation Partners. Can you provide us with more info on the retrofit downtime and available modification facilities? The SSW upgrade is a retrofit to the existing Blended Winglets. The modification involves some additional on-wing structural upgrades that vary by model, and the physical conversion of Blended Winglets to SSWs at an off-site location. Typically, upon arrival at the MRO facility, Blended Winglets are removed and shipped to one of two locations (one in Europe and the U.S.) for the reconfiguration work and returned to the MRO for reinstallation around the time the wing structure work is complete. Depending on the scope of the wing modification and manpower scheduling, the process can run anywhere from two to four weeks. Numerous airline and business jet MROs have completed the SSW upgrade on BBJs, and others would be quite capable but have yet to do one. Aviation Partners works with clients and their chosen MRO to support the installation in either case. To date, the list of BBJ-experienced MROs that have completed SSW retrofits includes Aloft AeroArchitects (Georgetown, Delaware), Jet Aviation (Basel, Switzerland), and Lufthansa Technik (Hamburg, Germany). Blended winglets are also available for retrofit on the Bizliners version of the 757-200/300 and 767-300ER. Can you provide us with a quick overview of the benefit and popularity of this modification on these aircraft models?

In addition to the success of Blended Winglets for the Boeing 737 family, STCs were also developed for the 757-200/-300 and 767-300ER/F between 2005 and 2009. These models were primarily commercial airliners and the winglet retrofits saw tremendous success with more than 70% of the 757 fleet upgraded, and over 60% of the 767-300ER/F fleet wearing winglets. The 757-200 in particular has been a popular airframe for the bizliner community, and Blended Winglets have been retrofitted on 20 airplanes operated in VIP, corporate, charter or head-ofstate roles.




Cabin connectivity in the Bizliners market is a very critical element as VIP & VVIP including government leaders need to stay connected with their remote teams and make decisions even when cruising at 30,000 feet. James Person, Viasat Sr. Director, Global Business Development for Business and VVIP Aviation tells us more about Viasat’s offering for this very demanding market.


Viasat delivers the end-to-end business aviation connectivity solution for super-mid and large cabin business aircraft. This includes everything from designing and building highcapacity satellites to developing the ground infrastructure that connects to the internet or to corporate private networks to creating the hardware systems, such antennas, terminals and the in-cabin router on an aircraft. What does this offering mean for business aviation operators? Viasat brings powerful and high-performing internet service in three in-flight connectivity (IFC) solutions -- the ideal service depends on a business jet operators needs and the routes you fly. Our most popular Ka-band solution is delivered without speed limits to offer an unrivaled in-flight connectivity experience. Features include: ▪ Video conference, browse, stream, email, VPN, and access business applications – in near real time. ▪ Virtually connect with colleagues, business teams, family, and friends – wherever you are in the air. ▪ Watch your favorite movies and shows, stream live sports and other events, listen to music – all at the same time. With an ever-evolving threat landscape, communications security, and cybersecurity, in general, are becoming key elements to assess before selecting its cabin connectivity provider. How is Viasat protecting its customer’s sensitive information? Viasat’s customers represent major financial and technology companies, among others, and of course they all demand the highest levels of data security and integrity. Fortunately, Viasat is also the provider of connectivity to the US Government senior leadership aircraft. We apply the same cybersecurity techniques to our business and private aviation customers’ data as we do to our government customers, less the government encryptors, and we are able to use our shared cyber data threat vectors to better serve the security requirements of our commercial customers. This is an area that Viasat takes very seriously, and fortunately we are in a strong position to keep our customers’ data safe when they fly.

With a large variety in size and passengers' capacity, what are the different hardware installations available to Bizliners operators. In the past, perhaps due to limitations on SWaP (size, weight and power) as well as cost of equipment or service, satellitebased high speed connectivity was an option for large cabin and long range aircraft only. Now with smaller shipsets, such as Viasat’s Ka-band 3-LRU shipsets, super-mid cabin aircraft can now have the same connectivity experience. ▪ Viasat’s equipment only requires three line-replaceable units (LRUs). ▪ Every component from antenna to modem is optimized for our network. ▪ The hardware an operator installs now is forwardcompatible with our next-generation network. ▪ Equipment can be placed outside of the pressurized cabin, saving luggage compartment space. What are we at Viasat doing from a technology perspective to prepare for the growing demand for higher speeds? One major area of focus is our advanced satellite technology. With each generation of Viasat satellites, we add typically an order of magnitude (that is, at least 10x) the amount of capacity per satellite. As an example, our first generation Ka-band satellites that Viasat operates, such as WildBlue-1, have on the order of 10 Gbps (gigabit per second) of total throughput capacity. Our European Ka-band satellite, KA-SAT, has nearly 100 Gbps. ViaSat-2, which launched in 2017 has over 250 Gbps, and each ViaSat-3 satellite, which are expected to start launching in 2022, have over 1000 Gbps or a terabit per second each of capacity. And because it’s a Viasat designed shipset, we make our hardware forward compatible, so a Viasat Ka-band shipset installed today will be able to take advantage of advances in our ViaSat-3 constellation when it begins launching next year. This incredible increase in satellite capacity – and in the smarts of the satellite to adjust that capacity to when and where it is needed – are required to keep up with that never ending demand for higher speeds.



ELITE WINGS MEDIA Any information of a technical nature contained in this document may contain inaccuracies and is subject to change and should never be relied upon for operational use. © 2022 ELITE WINGS MEDIA


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