Pittverse Magazine - Fall 2016

Page 48

An Analysis of Tracy Chapman’s song “Broken” by Daniel Ashkin


racy Chapman helps me see my life more clearly through the song “Broken” She teaches us that life is not what we really want. Satan uses magazines, tabloids that promise us a perfection, wealth and glamour. The devil wants us to see the pictures of beautiful girls at the beach which are only fictitious snapshots of our vivid imagination. Seeing the life style of the rich is only a false impression in your mind. People cannot accept themselves unless the imagery of material processions is broken into pieces.

resolve the world’s problems. When I write a letters or e-mails to politicians, Congressman or Senators always overlook me in like a silence snowflake in the winter. I always ask myself this question, why can’t I solve the problems of hunger? What is wrong with me? Do you ever feel this way?

When the pictures of material needs are broken, we are able to see the hungry, starving people around the world crying for our aid. The children are crying for our help for food, clothing, and medical care. When the phony Tracy Chapman pictures are burn in the trash, it via Wikimedia Commons helps me to see my personality come to life through thoughtfulness, empathy, and concern for When you experience a disability, others. However, Satan is always life is not you always of what you trying to clutter my mind with un- visualize. My disabilities often expected fantasy of wealth through prohibit me from reaching a morHollywood snapshots by advertis- al job that involves thinking and er, and magazines covers in the solving problems. I often want to grocery stores. Tracy Chapman escape to an imagination world said, “Life is not always want you with pretty girls. When I often want.” sprint off to imagination world of Supermarkets and restaurants sex, it makes me feel excited like should nourish the hungry on the beautiful princesses in the wonstreets. However, parents, close derful green forest. friends want me to worry about Since this wood is only a delusolving my own dilemmas. Since sion, I often want to travel down most people are barely able to sup- to the genuine world of problems port themselves, they are unable to

and distress. However, this fantasy is only a brief daydream in my mind said Tracy Chapman When you mind breaks away with reality, a huge rock falls on top of me like a crashing glasses of fire. Each piece of splinter glass is a fragment of our personality that is unable to become rebuilt unless I am able to accept my decent qualities. Good qualities are empathy, thoughtfulness, and concern for other people who are less unfortunate than most of us. Thinking about a fantasy world is only a visual snapshot in your mind said Tracy Chapman. When I hear this song, it makes me cry out loudly in tears. Tracy Chapman gives a distressing, repetition tone of the word broken throughout the song. She makes me think of all the starving people in the world crying for our help in need. When she repeats the word broken throughout the song, she paints a vivid picture of the hungry and starving pictures in your mind. When people listen to the song, people often visualize pictures of naked, starving, people crying for our help.

Tracy Chapman is able to give persuasive atmosphere of gloom through her deep, slow voice. Listening to the voice of a singer helps us to distinguish an atmosphere in our minds between good and evil. The slower the pitch, the more gloomily the song is for me. When a singer uses a deep voice, she is able to paint a gloomily picture in her message. I strongly recommend that a person listen carefully to the nature of a song to help them get the main idea.

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