Nominee for Senior Pastor

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The Reverend Erik Khoobyarian nominee for senior pastor

Erik is a “spiritual magnet.” He has an unparalleled pastoral personality. He is the right person to lead our church to be a shining beacon of Christ’s love. Chuck Goldthwaite

When I first met Erik I sensed that he was on an amazing personal faith journey and that he wants everyone he meets to join him and learn how the love of our Lord can change all of our lives. David LeMoine

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Congregational Meeting | November 19, 2023 | 11 am to receive the report of the Pastor Nominating Committee and the nomination of The Rev. Erik P. Khoobyarian to serve as the third Senior Pastor of Pinnacle Presbyterian Church starting January 21, 2024. Erik will preach at the 8 and 10 am services on November 19.

A Message from the Co-Chairs of the PNC The Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) is delighted to present The Reverend Erik Khoobyarian as the nominee for Senior Pastor at Pinnacle Presbyterian Church. Since our election by the congregation in April of this year, the PNC has worked diligently on behalf of our congregation to find the individual that God would have us call to lead Pinnacle into the future. The process began with the formation of the PNC representing a wide cross-section of the congregation, and continued by engaging the aid of a search consulting firm, as well as working closely with our local Presbytery.



Rev. Brad Munroe and the Presbytery of Grand Canyon provided strong guidance and support. Our ministry consultants from PneuMatrix provided invaluable assistance, working with the PNC to develop a comprehensive list of qualifications that we believe are vital for our next senior pastor, and providing an impressive slate of exceptional candidates from across the country. Each member of the PNC participated in every interview with the final candidates and provided strong input, thoughtful consideration, and spiritual discernment. After the committee interviewed a number of extremely talented candidates from across the U.S., one person rose to the top of our list. We unanimously concluded that we have a unique and very talented gem within our own Pinnacle Church family. We are convinced that Erik has the robust skills, great intellect, constructive perspective, positive energy, and discerning outlook to lead and help us build/grow our church from our current great foundation. He encompasses passion, pastoral love, operational understanding, and vision for our future. After all is said and done we are totally confident that Erik is the person to lead our congregation to its full potential. Erik knows us and cares for us in his warm, pastoral way. We know that God is at work in the midst of all of this, and Erik is truly a blessing for us and our church’s future! With gratitude and thanks to the ten dedicated individuals who served on the PNC, to PneuMatrix, and to Brad Munroe and our local Presbytery for the commitment and support you shared with this congregation known as Pinnacle. Thank you also to the congregation who provided prayers and support. We look forward to sharing more with you on November 19th. In Christ,

Chuck Goldthwaite and David LeMoine Pastor Nominating Committee Co-Chairs

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A Message from Erik

Dear Pinnacle Family, I am honored by the nomination to serve as your next Senior Pastor. Although it feels strange to write a letter of introduction to you, there is much for me to say about my journey at Pinnacle and my hopes, dreams, and vision for the future of our shared ministry. That, actually, is a fine starting point – shared ministry. Shared ministry has been important to God from the outset of creation. God invited humanity to be co-creators with God. God called individuals to walk alongside one another in confronting the challenges of the day, celebrating the abundance, and worshipping and praising God. God has consistently called upon God’s people to be partners with God and with one another in shared ministry. What does this mean for the pastors of congregations like Pinnacle Presbyterian Church? It means that we are called to be leaders who invite, encourage, inspire, challenge, teach, equip, and nurture the gifts of ministry

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within all who are a part of our community. As one of your pastors, I have tried to be a leader who not only guides, but also one who invites everyone to be an active part of God’s work in our congregation and in the world. My hope and vision for Pinnacle is that we will continue to build on the beautiful strength of our past while we, together, live into God’s calling for us in this unique and changing part of the Valley. With so much changing all around us, we have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to be a beacon for Christ’s transformative and redemptive love in a way that fosters acceptance, honors tradition, and inspires others to bring Christ’s love into the world. I have seen the fruit of God’s faithfulness in the Pinnacle family. I have had deep and meaningful conversations with dear ones who are opening scripture, learning to pray more or differently, and discovering what it looks like to honestly share both their challenges and their celebrations. There is so much more, though, that we can do together to foster a community where these three foundations of prayer, scripture, and vulnerability can flourish in an authentic way at Pinnacle. I can’t wait to share more with you about this! I am looking forward to serving as your next Senior Pastor and Head of Staff because I want to be in shared ministry with all of you and with all who will be a part of our growing community. As much as I feel prepared for what will come in this role, I also have the confidence to know that I have much to learn as well. I have had a front row seat at Pinnacle and I know that there will be challenges. My hope is that I will be open to growth, and willing to acknowledge when I have made mistakes. This is part of shared ministry. While I have had the chance in my short time at Pinnacle to fall in love with this community of faith and make genuine connections with so many of you, there is so much more that I want to do. I spend evenings awake at night dreaming of ways that God’s love will continue to breathe into the faithful who gather! As we transition as a church, I am honored to serve alongside Leah and Mike who are pastors with deep hearts for God’s people. I close this letter in much the way I began it. I have felt loved by God in my life. God’s love for me transformed my life in a way that has inspired me to commit myself to God’s work of redemptive love in the world, and specifically in the Church. Since becoming a part of the Pinnacle family, I have experienced God’s love in even more and different ways, and I have felt, especially as I look toward the future, even more inspired and hopeful for all that God is about to do at Pinnacle. Peace, The Rev. Erik P. Khoobyarian

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Reflections from the Nomina

Erik is a humble, caring, compassionate individual who I believe is best to lead our congregation. Fred Brown

Erik has already shown our congregation and our Pinnacle staff the love of Christ through his unique talents and his sincere pastoral care. It was evident through our prayer and intense discernment that Erik is the right person to lead Pinnacle in the future. It was inspiring to hear from so many how he has impacted their life in such a short time and, in turn, how Pinnacle has impacted Erik. It’s a natural fit. Erin Boyd P G . 6 | P I N N A C L E P R E S BY T E R I A N C H U R C H

There are many reasons why the PNC chooses Erik to be our next Senior Pastor. Erik has a faithful and strategic vision for how Pinnacle needs to move forward as a congregation. He shared with us his desire for Pinnacle to continue building on the beautiful strength of our past while we, together, move toward more fully living into God’s calling for us in our unique and changing part of the Valley. Shared ministry is a concept he is passionate about as it focuses on us sharing our love for God with one another, with our friends, and with our community through our time, talents and prayer. Erik has strong, compassionate pastoral skills and thrives on building connections with people. He is an exceptional preacher who delivers inspiring and challenging messages which cause his listeners to pause, think and reflect spiritually. For all of these reasons and many more, I am excited for the future of PPC with Erik as our new Senior Pastor! Peg Boutchia

ating Committee Members Over the last year and a half Erik has poured his heart out in love to our congregation, nurturing us literally and figuratively. The congregation has been so happy with his addition to the staff. Erik possesses a unique set of skills, brilliant intellect, and deep spiritual faith that made him the obvious choice. Because he has been with us for over a year, he has a very clear vision of how to help our church grow in God’s love and spread our mission into the community. We are so blessed that Erik has chosen to serve our church in this role. Kaaren Gotwals

Erik has so many exceptional strengths, and he stood out from all the other candidates as we interviewed several exceptional candidates. Also, Erik is very familiar with our church – he knows us and cares for us in his warm, pastoral way. We know that God’s at work in the midst of all of this, and Erik is truly a blessing for us and our church’s future! John Anderson

We searched, we prayed, we listened, we discussed, we discerned and we chose. Our deliberations led us to choose Erik and his love for Jesus, the church and us. Dorothy Stingley

Erik has been a wonderful spiritual presence in worship and has provided excellent leadership as the Executive Associate Pastor over the past 18 months within our congregation. His leadership skills and relational approach will lead Pinnacle Presbyterian well into our future. Mark Leinweber

I know we will benefit so much having Erik lead our church into its next chapter with the love and support of the staff and congregation who have already gotten a chance to get to know him. I can tell he has so much more to give, and we are very lucky that he has also chosen us to strengthen his pastoral skills and to share in the love of Jesus Christ. Michelle Rogers

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A Bit About Erik The Rev. Erik Khoobyarian was born and raised in San Jose, California, and from a young age participated in the life of the Presbyterian Church of Los Gatos. Erik is the youngest of three children born to Jo Ann and Milt Khoobyarian. Growing up in a church that was close to a retirement community for Presbyterian clergy meant that Erik had many influential mentors from a young age, but especially in high school and at the American University. Erik thought that he would attend seminary after graduating from college, but God had other plans! While he continued to work with youth and young adults as a volunteer, Erik ultimately attended law school and graduated with a Juris Doctor degree from Santa Clara University and began practicing law in California. Primarily a civil litigation attorney, Erik enjoyed working with his clients on complex matters where he walked alongside them through difficult challenges. Concurrent with his legal work, he was active in church as a ruling elder, youth leader, and mission trip leader. Erik was also elected to serve in the San Jose Presbytery and Synod of the Pacific. When it comes to church life, Erik’s passion has been building connection between people. This was important to him in coordinating church gatherings, both large and small, and especially gathering people around a table for a meal, discussion, or, even better, both. Erik also values the connections that happen when people get away from their daily lives through participation in retreats, camps, and mission trips. In 2015, Erik sold his home and packed up his belongings and headed to Princeton Theological Seminary to pursue a Master of Divinity degree, and he began the process for ordination in the PC(USA). In seminary, he completed internships at Stanford University Hospital (as a chaplain), and in general ministry at West Side Presbyterian Church in Ridgewood, New Jersey. Additionally, Erik completed a preaching internship under the supervision of Rev. Dr. Dave Davis, Senior Pastor of Nassau Presbyterian Church. Erik was ordained as a Minister of Word and Sacrament by the San Jose Presbytery and installed as the Senior Pastor and Head of Staff of the Presbyterian Church of Western Springs in the suburbs of Chicago where he served until joining Pinnacle in 2022 as the Executive Associate Pastor. In line with his commitment to retreat and camp ministry, Erik currently serves on the Board of Directors of Zephyr Point Presbyterian Camp & Conference Center in Lake Tahoe and previously served on the Board of Directors of Westminster Woods Presbyterian Camp & Conference Center in Northern California. Erik also serves on the Board of Directors of Amor Ministries (an organization with which he has participated in the building of more than 30 homes in Mexico over the last 25 years). Erik enjoys camping, travel, photography, cooking, coffee, watching ice hockey (especially the San Jose Sharks), and spending time with friends, family, and his two cats, Milo and Jack.

RECOGNITION from PRINCETON SEMINARY at GRADUATION The Friar Club Award Given to a member of the senior class who has contributed significantly to the life of the Seminary community. The Bryant M. Kirkland Award for Excellence in Practical Theology Recognizes a graduating senior who has demonstrated excellence in the academic disciplines of practical theology, and who shows promise for effective pastoral ministry. The C. Frederick and Cleta R. Mathias Memorial Award in Worship and Pastoral Ministry Granted annually to a graduating Master of Divinity student who demonstrates great promise for pastoral ministry marked by significant leadership in worship. The Wilbur R. and Mae Closterhouse Award in Church History and Pastoral Ministry Awarded annually to a graduating student earning a Master of Divinity degree who demonstrates great promise for pastoral ministry, with an educational experience marked by significant proficiency in church history.

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