Parley 2015

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Parley 2015

Foreword What is service? Why do we serve? Does service matter? How can I serve others when I think I have nothing meaningful to give? These are just a few of the questions posed in this year’s edition of Parley, and the answers offered in the pages that follow are profound, captivating, and, above all, inspiring.

us to see our world from a fresh perspective, they make us laugh, ponder, and cry, and they replenish our faith in humanity. Here, you’ll find pieces dealing with service to self and community, nation and world. These stories, poems, essays, and visual art honor spouses, family members, teachers, friends, and strangers, and they all share one vital element: Somewhere, a person found a way to reach inside, pull out something meaningful, and give it away without desiring anything in return.

Working on journals, we always know we’ll be surprised by the breadth, quality, and heart of the submissions that roll in, but here’s the best part: We always forget just how superb they’ll actually be. The works included here humble us in a way that only honest art can. They allow

And, as is many times the case, those acts of service often


2015 Parley yielded returns that were both unexpected and life-changing.

stunning. Early on in the semester, we were lucky enough to be able to sit down for book proposals, during which the design team pitched concepts and ideas for Parley. In a perfect world, we’d have used every one of the designs we saw that day. In the real world, what we ended up with is a beautiful publication resulting from the collaboration of those same incredibly talented people. The quality of the product put forth by the design team, the MGD 213 Electronic Pre-Press class, has been incomparable, and they have routinely accomplished the impossible.

This Parley course hasn’t been just another class to teach. No course ever is, honestly, but this one has been especially fulfilling. It’s been a privilege and a pleasure to not only watch this group of editors work and grow, but to be able to go along for the ride. And what a ride it’s been, from our first day of class getting-toknow-you activity, to reading our editorial board’s initial vision proposals, to assigning Parley submissions to selection teams, gathering info from authors and artists, all the way to the final

Lastly, thanks to everyone who took the chance and submitted their writing and art to Parley. One of the most difficult parts of putting together a book like this is deciding what to keep and what to let go, and it is a task our editors took to heart every day. To those who gave of themselves, we know that parting with your art is never easy, and we are truly honored to have had the chance to share in your vision of the world.

And, as is many times the case, acts of service often yielded returns that were both unexpected and life-changing. stages, when time ran out and pulling off miracles was suddenly something that became necessary on at least an hourly basis. Every week featured unique challenges, and every week brought new and creative solutions. As you’ve no doubt already noticed, this book is visually


Gary Walker

Parley 2015

Sections of service l a u d i v i d in


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Parley 2015

What’s Inside... Ariel Keener

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Dave Musgrove

2015 Parley

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Parley 2015

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2015 Parley


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gotten the honor to experience things that the other 99% of the population will never get to. Because of this, people tend to ask me, “What will you miss most?� Well, there are so many thing that I will miss. I have seen parts of the world filled with so much beauty and other parts so decrepit that unless


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Parley 2015

What’s Inside... Loren Schofield April Guffey

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Luis Trabucco


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Rachel Fisher

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2015 Parley


Parley 2015

What’s Inside... FORTE te a m i t l u re measu an of a m what d e n e p p ha eal to r


Kemny Pierre Julia Dobyns

Laurel Burlew Emma Bailey


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2015 Parley

By the sea by Ariel Keener Ariel Keener is in her 2nd semester at PPCC studying Journalism and Photography after taking a nine year break from her first go at college.

“You think you’re just a drop in the ocean…but look at the ripple effect one drop can make!” – Anonymous It may seem as though reaching out to help just one person will make no difference in this crazy world, but helping that one person can change their lives and the lives of those they come in contact with in the future. I like to lend service to others, whether it be through my church, community service, or just taking the time to be nice to someone having a bad day because I want to see people helping people and changing the world around us.


Parley 2015

you shall do Robert Burns Memorial

First Place Poetry

Hannah Wilsey Hannah Wilsey is an English major in her third semester at PPCC. She plans on teaching either in a private school or possibly at a community college, but ultimately her dream is to be a published author. Hannah says life has knocked her down many times, and though people keep saying she has to be big and loud to make a difference, she’s found the best way to go through life is softly. She believes service is important to character and that everybone needs to learn to see the world outside themselves. When not in school, she writes stories, songs, and poems.

What is the Burns COntest? The Robert Burns Poetry Contest celebrates an educator, colleague and poet. Burns taught at PPCC, USC Pueblo and the Air Force Academy. Elizabeth Slaughter, friend and PPCC faculty member, generously donated money to create the student poetry contest in honor of Burns. Mary Piering, longtime friend and colleague, recalls, “It was obvious how much he ,cared about writing.” Burns’ poem “Talking to Anna,” featured in the 2009 issue of Almagre showcases his talent as well as his fondness for Anna Swir, Polish poet. Burns is also remembered for his sense of humor. Slaughter shares, “He had me laughing almost every time I talked with him.” The poets who submitted their work to the Burns Poetry Contest show great promise. Piering observes that “Burns regarded the work of fledgling poets as the most serious undertaking in the world.” All submissions display an awareness of language and how it can convey image, emotion, and wonder. Surely, Robert Burns would be proud.


2015 Parley

This is what you shall do: Walk slowly over the hills as they come to you, with a gentle foot to not disturb the grass, and I shall follow. I mind how you once saw more to the world, How you once saw magic and hope, and wished to be of it; How you ran over the hills with careless abandon. The hills and their grass, the grass and its thin blades, not yet known to I. Within you rose fear and you ran the hills with heavy foot And let the blades bleed you until no blood was left, And ran still. I am not of this world and wish not to be, And wish not to join with it, And wish to be rid of it. I know not of knowledge greater than to walk slowly so the blades do not bleed you, So the words do not harm you, So the people do not take you or destroy you, So the hills land softly under your feet.




Parley 2015

bearing witness by jeremy craig Jeremy Craig is a sporadic writer with two jobs who double-majors in English and History with a minor in German. This is because, as he says, he “hates free time and fun.� He intends to become an educator, hopefully overseas, and is currently in his third semester at PPCC but will transfer to UCCS fairly soon. He enjoys reading, hiking, listening to as well as playing music, and the nerdiest, most inaccessible board games fathomable. The inspiration for his poem was German philosopher and Democratic Socialist Rosa Luxemburg, an outspoken advocate for equal rights and social justice in a time when such things were relatively unheard of.

photo by Laurel Burlew


2015 Parley

“What Do I Stand For?” writing contest

First Place Poetry

Borne of conscience, drowned at once: My reason rose to fill the space. And nothing can my guilt repair And yet it hangs upon my face. With nothing held and nothing gained By waiting or by moving on A friend might sigh, “It’s all the same.” But tangled paths do prove him wrong. Yet barely had I gotten lost When once at left, I felt your ghost And shudders trickled up my spine But stayed for just a tick at most. So when I turned to mark your frame, Your specter flickered and dissolved. And thus I saw my path was clear. And thus I felt my choice resolved.


Parley 2015

Golden Rule by James Manda

don’t want to be thrown under the bus.” That’s a jarring first thought to have on a given day. However, it makes one wonder if many wake from their slumber and think, “So, who am I going to throw under the bus?” Wherever that trite philosophy came from, it certainly seems to encompass the general attitude. Am I the first to admit to having that kind of vile attitude? Anybody you ask or talk to about any given subject and his or her gripe with it, it’s always the

James Manda is pursuing his Bachelor of Arts after deciding that his true passion lies in writing. Currently in the process of publishing his first children’s book, Manda plans on writing another book featuring his own life’s debaucheries and lessons. In reference to his career goals, he says, “I want to touch people on a cosmic level with life’s lessons… perhaps teach a little something.”



2015 Parley other person’s fault which forces a lot of people into retaliation. And of course you have to protect yourself when caught in some circumstance. But my soapbox isn’t about the guilt I feel; nor is it about preaching to you about how you can fix it; and it is not about exonerating my soul because eight times out of ten I will feel like throwing you under. Yet, that is not what I stand for: this particular reflection is about a renewed courage. What it takes to, now and again, go out of my way to symbolically leave the bus out there and keeping the love in here, just between you and me. Perhaps it is an adequate task to give a little love. That is something I can stand for.

someone when you possess immediate insight becomes the theoretical bus and is not allocating love. The only thing I can do now is try to make up for it, not for any karmic repercussions, but to be square with the Universe. I cower in many some circumstances because I worry about karma. I’ve heard a couple of different theories of what karma entails. One idea I’ve heard is that it is something that affects you now from an effect

be nice to every person you encounter because you never know when you’re dealing with an angel. of your actions from a previous life. That’s tricky because I’m already under pressure for what’s happening now. Besides, I can’t fix it; I can only do better this time around.

Most of us don’t live in a bubble; the universe, or the creator, or God sees every little thing we do. I’m not certain if anything comes back three-fold with the obvious exception of any wrongdoing. Throwing someone under the bus is a lousy feeling. I’ve done it, and I’m not proud. I promised to take someone under my wing and then left in fear of losing my job. It is in those extenuating circumstances that force you to save yourself. Not helping

Another theory I’ve heard is how karma is like the Universe’s baby monitor that allows for one’s comeuppance to arrive swiftly. For a long time I used to do things because I presumed good fortune would come back to me. I have since learned how that isn’t how it works.


Parley 2015 Discussing karma leads me to thinking about my incentive to doing good deeds, like merely showing love to another. How do we show love? Buying someone flowers or giving hugs as part of goodbyes. I’m curious to how much people actually think of other little ways to give love: telling a joke to the postal employee. Or holding the door for a person, regardless of their age or sex might be a smidgen of love. When you cut someone off in traffic accidentally, do you at least wave apologetically? I don’t like it when I am that bastard who doesn’t acknowledge that he may have screwed up. Even if

Perhaps it is an adequate task to give a little love.

word, a warm meal, and human touch. I usually try to get out of my car and find a way to touch them: whether it is clasping hands or a “God bless” with a pat on the shoulder. Some might forget that simple human contact also releases endorphins. I read something a long time ago that has stuck to me in the same way that a cat will follow you around after feeding it once: be nice to every person you encounter because you never know when you’re dealing with an angel. It is a modified version of a verse from the Bible which basically instructs us to show hospitality towards others. Hebrews 13:2 says “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.” On one occasion there was a man asking me for change. I didn’t have any that day but as I walked away regretfully he stopped me and told me that I had lost something. He reached down, grabbed nothing and said, “You dropped your smile.” Getting something off the high shelf for a short person is a little love! While you all might be rolling your eyes and saying things like: “What’s the big deal? SO WHAT if you tried to brighten someone’s

I’m having a rough day, I always try to make the grocery clerk or retail clerk smile. On good days, sometimes I make them laugh. These were all simple methods of nurturing good karma. I also see those folks with the cardboard signs everywhere, whether or not they actually have a house somewhere is immaterial. Some of them still need a thoughtful


2015 Parley day, it’s not like giving them a million dollars.” Then perhaps you shouldn’t read anymore, least of all about doing something that comes from your own humanity.

little love. Again, what is love? A smile, a high-five, or a little joke to lighten a heavy brow; or even allowing that slowmoving semi to get in front of me on the road. Teaching a little something becomes another endeavor of love.

Karma and my endeavors make me to wonder about absolutely TRUE altruism: Is there such a thing? Is it possible to perform a selfless good deed when no one is looking? Karma is not about rewards, so I’m not giving love just to receive it. Might sound like boasting, however, I want only for my point to be clear. It’s a fine line but one shouldn’t be opposed to just being decent to another merely to feel good. Just recalling these incidents fills me with gratitude, love and endorphins. Perhaps the only time it isn’t selfish is when it hurts. For instance, giving away my last ten dollars may hurt but only for a few seconds. Helping someone in this moment is what I’m interested in. This is what I stand for: giving someone else a

Now the only thing I can do (karmic repercussions or not), is answer for the bad things I’ve done and trying to do a good deed(s) for good deed’s sake. I don’t want accolades because that smacks in the face of altruism. Perhaps I am selfish because when I do meet my maker, and she asks me whether or not I helped someone even once, I hope that I can say that I did, immeasurably. It’s an amendment to that golden rule: do unto others. I don’t even want that scholarship. I just want to find that young man who rescued my smile and give him a hug.


2015 Parley

Unwavering byJohn mark lohner “What Do I Stand For?” art contest

Second Place

John Mark Lohner has been doing art most of his life, doodling here and there filling up notebook after notebook. Three years ago, he made a decision that art was not simply a hobby, but rather a skill or a trade that he wanted to excel at. Lohner is heavily influenced by his travels, his upbringing, his beliefs and interest in other cultures. The search for understanding of his place in this world as a multi-cultural American is present in Lohner’s work. As such, Lohner is an advocate for others and serves through his art. “The inspiration for Unwavering came through trying to process the world we live in. We are inundated with information, images and ideas, and I feel that silence is becoming more and more impossible to find, and as a result our imagination is hindered. We’ve become so unfamiliar with silence as a culture that we are, I believe, afraid of it. Through this picture and future works my goal is to depict quiet and silent scenes that invite the viewer to reflect, even if only for moment.”


Parley 2015

Stand up by Bri Bowen What do I stand for? What do I believe down to my core? Let me tell you:

Brianna Bowen came to PPCC in the fall semester of 2014.

I stand for justice, Seeing the right thing done

I stand for kindness, Going the extra mile

Brianna wants to be a 2nd grade elementary teacher and pursue a degree in elementary education. According to Brianna, the inspiration for her poem “Stand Up” was the way “our culture has become so engaged with social media that we have allowed it to take precedence over face-to-face communication, which has greatly impacted our relationships in our personal lives, the workplace and in education.” Service, to Brianna, is being willing to help others without expecting anything in return.

I stand for family, People with whom you belong

I stand for those in need, The ones left behind

I stand for dreams, Pursuing the out-of-reach

I stand for hope, Believing there’s more.


2015 Parley

self perception by Ariel Keener


Parley 2015

Birch Tree by Teresa chavez Teresa Chavez has been attending PPCC since Fall 2014 pursuing an AA Business Transfer Degree and will attend UCCS in Spring 2017. When Teresa is not in school, she enjoys going to the YMCA as well as cooking for her family. The inspiration behind her piece is a state of enlightenment she transitioned into over a year ago. She battled alcoholism for a few years and the decision to quit saved her life in many ways. Service, to Teresa, is “the ability to give and help others. When we are of service we are there to contribute whether it is to the benefit to an individual or a community.”

t is Christmas Day, and I stare blankly into space, on a drinking binge that I thought would never end. Cleared of cancer and out of reasons to be depressed, my body feels weak and my mind is tired. I pray to “see the light,” just as I have many tearful nights before. The season of the Birch Tree has begun, and that cold December night, a seed is planted within my soul.


Days go by as I stand strong, staying away from the poison. The more water I drink, the deeper my roots absorb into the soil of the earth. My branches start to grow in an upward direction, pointing to the heavens above. My leaves began to shed that winter, to prepare for their new growth in the spring. It reminds me of the hair I had once feared losing. An internal resurrection is underway and I can feel the energy

of the Birch Tree absorbing my spirit… My reincarnation under the Birch Tree gifts me with strength and motivation. Trees represent a cycle of life; they grow, decay, and resurrect.. The Birch Tree is a symbol of my new beginning, planted through my decision to quit drinking. Through my spiritual awakening and the insight I’ve gained, life has a deeper meaning. Furthermore, understanding the connections between trees and life itself has helped to guide me towards the path I have chosen to live. I am an old soul and I can finally appreciate my journey. I have gained wisdom that adds to the appreciation of what I have been through, and what I can look forward to. My family and close friends call me “Trees,” and now-my name has a deeper meaning.


2015 Parley

Photo By Michelle Manthei


Parley 2015

Serving the Reaper By Ian chapman Ian Chapman is pursuing a Criminal Justice career and wants to be a positive role model and give back to others. He helps people who want to turn their lives around by giving them rent-free housing and assisting them with the items they need to get employment and to attend school. He loves to ask questions and debate as well as experience new ideas, ways of thinking, and other cultures.

The days begin and end The fight is survival Seeing death and destruction all around What is it that I am Am I a man or am I a machine Am I a monster or am I human I feel the pain inside From the destruction and death that I have dealt This service has left me broken inside and out The pain is real The pain is there Always to remind me of what I have done Will it go away Or am I to be tormented to my end of days. This service that I have done


2015 Parley Was it for naught Did I kill and see what should not have been seen For nothing more than the dream of the leaders I am broken This service, has killed me Parts unknown and parts unseen Below my skin I feel it within The service to my country Leaving me thanked by many And scolded my others I enjoyed it and I don’t know who I am anymore The service that I have done Has made me different Service or sacrifice that is the real question It is sacrifice A sacrifice of soul, ending in darkness Service has lead me here Broken and unknown only seeing this Smoke blood and sadness The Reaper looking for me, searching to take me home The dead below my feet marching onward Always serving, becoming something A demon from service that is always there Service has changed me Making me feel scared The service I performed has changed me Changed me to the one who I fear The one who enjoys The one who kills The service to my country That has asked me to be this machine Ever following the Reaper Becoming the end of many


Parley 2015 To serve the nation that I loved To be the demon Unleashed upon the world Asking who am I I am the service The hollow man who serves none The one who is lost to the world The servant to the Reaper The killer from above The man who fears himself The broken one who will never recover The service to my country That has left me broken and alone The end will come Who am I I am a soldier abandoned and alone The one who will be there To reap what I did Smoke above Death below Moving forward Ending in fear and pain To hope for a future that is bright And to find myself To serve the world that I want To help and not kill But fear the Reaper of souls That is looking for me The one who I evaded The one who is I have served, I will move on And life will remain Hollow and empty from the service to my country


2015 Parley

Interview with

Carolyn Mckay and

Britt Bloom By Haeley Agee

arolyn McKay is a social worker and professor at Pikes Peak Community College. “I serve others through my everyday work as a social worker,” Carolyn says. “This typically means that I work with people to recognize their own skills and access the resources around them to improve their day-to-day position. However, sometimes serving others also just means lending emotional support when needed.” Basically, this is what a social worker does: help people in need. Carolyn says she has always had the desire to help others, and feels at ease when doing so. Her work at PPCC has made her think critically about the way she is helping out. She says her service to others impacts her work at PPCC “in a way that forces [her] to be more thoughtful in [her] teaching.”


ritt Bloom, being an advisor at PPCC, had a different outlook on the way her service impacts the school. She gets to help people directly and has an influence on their lives as students. Britt serves others by helping them pick their classes, transfer to a four year university, and change or choose a major. She likes helping people make good decisions, which is what her job is all about. Britt says that PPCC has given her a different perspective that helps her help others.



Parley 2015

Bec Lewton has been attending PPCC since the summer of 2014 but hopes to transfer to CSU Pueblo.

True to yourself By Bec Lewton Bec wants to obtain a master’s degree in social work and would one day like to work with troubled teens and young adults who have found themselves trying to recover from life’s adversities. Lewton has written poetry, including the poem “True to Yourself,” as an outlet for all the good and bad in life. As for serving in the community, Bec volunteers at Inside Out Youth Group for three hours a month and at Habitat for Humanity whenever possible.

As I sat here and listened to the words which you speak. You are now truly able to become the person that you seek. For only now that you are being honest and truthful with yourself Are you able to place all of your past fears and pains quietly upon a shelf. These days you seem amazed by the change of your views on things. For it is only now that you are able to see what true honesty brings. Once you are willing to shed the masks that you have worn for so long upon your face Can you now possess the ability to enter a realm of a much more calm and peaceful place. It is a place filled with pride and true self-esteem. A place filled with serenity, while your reality has now become what you have dreamed.


2015 Parley

Bear in mind that if your search is an honest one, you may find the real you.

A place filled with more love than your heart will ever need. A place filled with you, instead of the ego which you feed. This is a place now encompassed with true warmth, compassion, and love. Only once you were willing to surrender all could you receive guidance from above. The inner strength you are receiving has always been there Blinded to the truth, until you realized that you were only deceiving yourself by thinking you did not care. Therefore, as you embark on this journey in search of what you believe to be true Bear in mind that if your search is an honest one, you may find the real you. As long as you stay true to yourself, your illusionary world beliefs will finally be set free. Therefore, when you reach the end of this journey, you will finally become the person that you have always claimed to be.


Parley 2015

Self-Respect: A letter to myself by Dave Musgrove Dave Musgrove was at PPCC for two years, from January 2013 to December 2014. In that time, Dave achieved an Associate of Arts in Journalism. He is now pursuing his BA in Communication at UCCS with an emphasis in Strategic and Organizational Skill. He wants to be a sufficient writer of fiction or journalism, but is currently pursuing a career as a police officer, which he finds more preferable at the moment, given his military skill set. His piece was meant to be a self-evaluation, to unbundle his thoughts and put them all on paper so even he knew for sure what he was about.


2015 Parley In the end, the rules aren’t the same for everyone because the question nobody asks is, “Who makes the rules for those that make the rules?” This is why the cycle will never work for you, and you have to break it, as all cycles are meant to be. You can break the cycle, or you can let it break you. And you won’t let it break you. God? God is good, sure. But direct action on your part is always guaranteed to be the true equalizer in times of adversity. That’s what all men should aspire to be: problem-solvers. If you can figure out what to do before anyone else, and before the window of opportunity is closed, then you are unique by definition.

“… I like to think I can cheat it all To make up for the times I’ve been cheated on.” --FUN

ou know who you are. More importantly, you know what you are. Some people don’t agree with it. Not enough people understand it. But that’s okay.


The words are all the same. Rules. A code. Principles. But what if everyone else’s principles are made upon a certain set of tenets that yours are not built on? Fear? It seems everybody’s always doing something in the name of fear. When is fear ever going to do something for you? When do you finally tell fear, “Now, you’re going to work for me”? Why should fear have a part of anything you decide to do or how you feel in this life? Why should you let it? Is fear any different from people? You won’t let them tell you how to walk and talk, how to breathe, or how to live. Your life is yours. Then why live with fear? We don’t know the final price for the decisions we make. All we can do is nod our heads at it and go on about our way. If you can accept the consequences, then you can live by your own rules, your own standard of morality.

Failure? Failure will happen, either when you allow it, or when it’s out of your control, no matter how hard you try to cover all the angles. Failure is, ironically, how we learn. Success is for the ego and the legacy, failure is for the heart and soul, for the sake of learning from your mistakes. If you never fail, you may well be noted as a remarkable man. But if you fail, learn, and then win against great odds, you will be remembered as a great man. As an individual, it can be argued that you have no real value or merit in this world, outside that of your family. They say your name means little to nothing,


Parley 2015 and that you’ll die with no real legacy left behind. Nobody will ever recognize you in public or stare at your name on a piece of paper for more than two seconds. Your natural instinct is to fight this theory because you know different: your name does mean something, and you have to fight for it. Only you can win this battle. Only you can lose or give up because the day we perish from this earth always feels so far away, whether it comes tomorrow or on another uncertain day. The clock is always there, and we

Friends. God. Duty. Honor. Country. Your family and friends know this about you, but not as well as you do. They know that you are fortunate to count yourself amongst them, as they are to count themselves amongst you. They teach you to hold onto yourself through even the most bitterest of emotions. That connection is always there, and no matter how happy you are in the good times or how angry you are in the bad times, that

connection will never leave. So defend it. Be the rock when they feel like sand. Stand still and let them lean on you, and they will do the same for you in those bitter moments.

Only you can win this battle Only you can lose or give up always hear it ticking when we are at our most desperate and afraid because we know that, at some point, the ticking will stop. That’s why you have to fight fear and desperation. You have to make every day count, in the name of everything that matters to you: Family.

There will always be weapons against you. Humiliation? That’s certainly a recurring one. Humiliation weakens you. It will weaken your heart and make you hang your head as you walk through your days. But, like failure, it can also be twisted to your advantage, and it can make


2015 Parley you strong. It’s like a needle: how many times can people prick you with it before you don’t know how to feel it anymore? One thing you learn in this life is that the most dangerous substances in life don’t come in bottles or vials. Love, hate, loss, greed, jealousy – these are the most painful chemicals that you have to deal with. Some taste good, some taste bad, but they’ll kill you if you let them. So don’t allow them to kill you, At the worst, they’ll affect you, change you.

The clock is always there and we always hear it ticking Change? Everyone says it’s good. Only we decide when it happens. The consequences of our choices will always be there, even in the years that follow. You’ll sit at the bar and drink your beer, reviewing every bad thing you ever did and wonder if the good things can out-balance them. If you’re alive, and your family and friends are okay, then maybe you can convince yourself. Maybe it’ll be true. Maybe you’ll sleep at night, and there’s always the chance tomorrow will be better, and every tomorrow that keeps coming. Fear is an illusion. Pain is a tool. And change is not always necessary. It is better to be too effective than to stand in the corner and be left alone because you think that you can’t make a difference. Your selfrespect is always going to be the most important. If you can’t hold on to that, nobody else will give you theirs.

Love? Love is outstanding. It can make everything around you wonderful, and put light in your world. Even when it gets bad, it hits hard, but it’s the one hit you don’t always seem to mind feeling, no matter how much it helps or how much it tears. Love will always be life’s greatest lesson. It can teach you how to open up or how to close yourself off, how to be honest or how to lie, and how to laugh and how to cry. Most importantly, it will teach you to live and to battle the specter of death for a worthy cause.

So why change things now?




Parley 2015

Lean on me by Angela Giles Klocke “How Do I Serve?” writing contest

First Place Essay

Angela Giles Klocke uses her writing and photography to raise awareness about abuse and give back. Angela Giles Klocke is “ a daughter of God, a mom of three, a wife to her best friend, a new grandma, a sister to many, a friend to many more, a mentor...a woman who has survived and now thrives, a writer, photographer, speaker, activist, and princess.” She uses her writing and photography to raise awareness about abuse and give back. She was inspired to write her piece because of her life as an abuse survivor and coming face to face with victims and survivors. It was one such meeting that really inspired the moment.


2015 Parley he sits a few feet away as I tell her a piece of my story of abuse and survival. My story doesn’t rock me or bring me to tears anymore. Enough time has passed and healing has been ongoing. It moves me but doesn’t shock me. But she seems a little shocked, and tears come to her eyes. I’ve just pulled back a layer on her pain, because while my story is heavy for others, it’s her own story that she is feeling. I’m sharing with her, as I often do with others, to say, “Hey, here’s my ugly. It’s okay if you want to share yours.” It’s less about my need to share as much as it is about her need to be okay with her past, to know she isn’t alone. When she accepted my invitation to talk, to get to know each other, I doubt she realized she was accepting an invitation to dig at our wounds.

Piled up, these stones help us climb out of the pit we’re in, and so we share, we wait for the shock and awe to appear on the face of another, and we gain courage to step a little higher. It’s a process, and not everyone understands it. But I do, and I am okay with anyone who needs to pour out his or her story on me. I can handle it, and I won’t run away.


In that way, I’m walking 1,000 miles this year in the name of awareness – for abuse, for domestic violence, for sexual assault, and for pain itself. I carry dozens of stories with me every day, either shared with me face to face, through emails, or through social media. As I near 700 of those 1,000 miles, people have asked me one question over and over: Why? Why are you walking, and how does that raise awareness? And I often let them think on the question itself, because the very act, the very idea that it came to them means the walking is doing something – it’s making them ask questions. Questions lead to answers, and answers can lead to compassion, and compassion can lead to desire to help.

“I feel like I just spill my story out to anyone who will listen,” she says. I nod. I know this part very well. There are many stages to healing, and one of them includes pouring out your story on anyone you meet. It’s partly a need to tell it as many times as possible – perhaps to understand it, perhaps to believe it’s real – and it’s partly due to the journey through the stage of being a victim. If we can gain sympathy, even if we don’t realize that is our goal, we can gain another stepping-stone.

People share their stories with me, their hardest places and times, the darkest shadows in their lives, and they trust me to be delicate and understanding.


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I feel like I just spill my story out to anyone who will listen, she says. I nod. I know this part very well. More, they trust that by sharing, they will unburden their own hearts, as well as help someone else. For every wound that is healed, new steps can be taken to lift up others who are in pain. One step at a time, we reach back and pull another forward.

field, fighting abuse and violence, and sometimes the battle is tearful, and sometimes the battle is glorious, but the battle is always won because we walk on together, and we hold each other up. I serve to be part of the whole, to face the impossibility of peace on earth as if it were possible. And I serve because maybe it will be just this one woman with a broken past sitting across from me who needs just one person to lean on and then she will rise up and be that one person to someone else. We say that if we just reach one, we will be happy, and so it is with me. Just one will do, but I’ll never stop trying to reach one more.

Of all the ways I’ve sought to serve others in the past (victim advocate, teen mom mentor, etc.), this carrying of stories as I walk the miles and sit in conversation with others has proved to be the hardest but also the most valuable. Together we learn how to heal, how to help, and how to grow. Together we are hand in hand on the battle


2015 Parley

PHoto By ariel keener


Parley 2015

Molly Hail is currently a freshman at PPCC, majoring in English.

a p d n a How Gr

d l r o W e h t d e v a S il a H y l l o by M Molly enjoys living in Colorado and loves the outdoors, but what she loves more than that is exciting people with her stories. She has tried hard to keep a lively imagination and so far it has done well for her. Her favorite genre of writing is fiction because she enjoys going on adventures and writing adventures for others. She hopes her readers are excited to get a break from reality.

he sky is grey. Millions of tiny droplets fall from the heavens and splash upon the heads of those who mourn. The dirt is freshly dug and the smell is like wet earth. Grandpa lays in his new bed, looking as sharp as he always had: freshly combed salt and pepper hair, dark blue suit with his favorite shiny red tie. Crying can be heard all around—this is not what grandpa would have wanted. I look at the sorrowful faces of the people in the crowd and, although I am sad, I can rest easy knowing that grandpa knew how to live and he lived to the fullest.



2015 Parley I remember being a little kid, maybe six years old or so. The family was gathered together at my grandparents’ house because it was my cousin’s birthday. I tried playing with the other kids but none of them wanted to play the kind of games I wanted to, and they said I was too young

no one would find me. I heard the distinct tone of my mother’s voice as the adults talked in the other room—she sounded upset. Someone came into the room and said, “Jimmy? Are you in here?” It was my grandpa; he didn’t sound mad, so I took the sheets off of my body.

This was what stopped the war and saved the world. to play their games. I decided to make my own fun, slipped on my blue footie pajamas, and found an old bed sheet in one of grandpa’s closets. I transformed into my own superhero; I zipped and zoomed, and ran amuck around the living room, fighting any bad guys I came across. I suppose I was running too fast because I ran into my older brother Chris and bounced off of him, smacking my body into a wall holding the mantle with all of my grandfather’s nick knacks. A loud crash sounded off as a tiny silver music box smashed to the ground, and everyone in the dining room suddenly looked at me. My eyes widened—I knew I would get in trouble, so I ran away to one of the bedrooms in the house. I ducked my body under the sheets of the bed and hoped that

“I’m sorry about your music box, Grandpa,” I said apologetically. “That’s alright, Jimmy. It’s just an object. Are you ok?” “Yeah, I’m alright. My head hurts a little, but I will be ok.” “Jim, have I ever told you how I got that music box?” “No, Grandpa,” I said with apologetic eyes. He just smiled. “The year was 1916, and we were in the midst of World War I. I was a fighter pilot in the Air Force, flying over Mombacho volcano in Nicaragua. I was told to find a rare item in the heart of the jungle. All I was told was that this mission would be hard and there was a possibility that I would never come back to Cynthia, um,


Parley 2015 I mean, your grandma. Things were going fine until I looked over my shoulder and saw an enemy plane coming hot on my tail. I quickly dove my plane down and prepared for action. The plane behind me started to shoot multiple rounds at mine. One of the shots hit the router and I knew it was all over for me. I grabbed my parachute and jumped out of my seat as I watched the plane crash into a large group of palm trees. The other plane continued on towards the middle of the jungle. “I gently floated down and landed in the middle of Lake Nicaragua. The water was cold against my skin and I quickly unclipped

and there were hundreds of dead fish carcasses scattering the sand. I swiftly got up and looked for any sign of civilization as I walked eastward up the beach. “During my stroll, I came across a little hut parked on the sandbank where a woman and a little boy were washing their clothes. I walked up to them and at first we had a couple issues with communicating, but after thirty minutes of hand gestures, I had a breakthrough and was able to trade a medallion for a machete knife. “I came to the edge of the rainforest and used my newly bought machete to hack my way

Sometimes you have to make your own adventures in life

through the forest. It was dense and smelled like mildew mixed with rain water. There were exotic plants of all sorts surrounding me, like small pink flowers shaped like dolphins. I decided to see if they were anything like the honeysuckle out in the garden— they were very sweet. I looked around and saw giant leaves that grew from trees a hundred feet high. The earth was muddy and slippery and my clothes were dripping with water. The air was humid, almost like taking a

the parachute so it would stop pulling me down as I bobbed in the water. I swam approximately two miles to shore and collapsed onto the warm sand, the waves of the lake rushing over my tired body. I breathed in and out of my nose heavily, and then I smelled the worst thing I had ever smelled in my life; I looked to my left and right in front of my face was the body of a dead fish. I sat up and looked along the shore


2015 Parley shower without the bathtub; the smell of sulfur was high in the air, and that’s when I knew that I was near the volcano. “Then I felt something hit hard against the back of my head, and a roaring headache started to thump against my skull. I looked all over for what hit my head and finally found a small mango rolling away behind a rock. Then another mango hit my head—I abruptly turned my focus upward to the trees. Herds of howler monkeys swarmed into the opening in the trees, all growling and throwing things in my direction. I started to run until I came to a large rock where a giant monkey was standing with a scowling face. “The monkey began to make strange movements with its hands—I followed its pattern; he seemed pleased. I started to make my own dance moves, which made the monkey smile. He and I became perfectly in sync with our movements. Never in my life would I have ever guessed I would dance with a monkey! He wasn’t a bad dancer either—then again, he was following me so how could he be anything but good? “I began flailing my arms and doing whatever other awkward body movements I could, and the monkeys were going wild. The

forest itself seemed to light up with excitement as other animals crowded around. Then I heard the sound of a gunshot and the animals scattered. I saw rustling in the bushes—and then appeared Santiago, my arch enemy! He was tall about 5’11” with long, black curly hair, and had a scar over his left eye. He held a riffle in his right hand. “Luckily, your grandpa was smart and remembered to always carry a tiny knife with him. I threw the knife straight at Santiago and ran for my life deeper into the forest. Santiago was gaining on me—I quickly grabbed a rope, swung it, and made it catch on a branch. Using the rope, I jumped from branch to branch, avoiding collision with Santiago’s bullets. I stopped for a moment to catch my breath, but I couldn’t hear gun shots anymore. Between pants, I tried to listen to rustling leaves or anything that would tell me if Santiago was coming. I heard a faint calling. “Bruce, help me! Please!” yelled Santiago, who was being dragged under by quicksand. “I didn’t know what to do, Jimmy. Do I save my arch enemy or continue running to find the lost article that would end the war? I took in a deep breath and I raced back towards Santiago, found


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Emerging from the water came a monster with glowing green eyes, like no other animal I had ever seen in my life. a vine to use and, with every muscle of my being, pulled him out of the quicksand. He thanked me, saying that for my bravery he would not kill me yet. Then hobbled out of the jungle. “I continued on my mission and found the swamp I had been looking for the whole time. The air around it smelled horrible and little gas bubbles popped along the skin of the murky water. I waded my way through and something rubbed against my leg. I panicked only a little and firmly grasped my machete. The water turned as something swam around my body. Emerging from the water came a monster with glowing green eyes, like no other animal I had ever seen in my life. “As it got closer I heard a sweet melody coming from the beast’s stomach. I knew that I had to get whatever was inside. I pounced onto the back of the beast and we wrestled back and forth. I was able to finally able to cut off the head and open the belly of the

beast, and out popped the most precious sliver music box. This was what stopped the war and saved the world. The president allowed me to keep the music box as a commemorative item of my service to the country, and that is how I got that music box.” “Wow Grandpa, that was amazing!” I said. “Bruce? You bought that music box for a nickel at a garage sale,” said my grandma. “Well, maybe that’s just what I told you.” Then my grandfather winked at me “You shouldn’t lie to Jimmy like that, honey.” “But dearie, sometimes you have to make your own adventures in life.” Yes, what an adventure that old man had, I think as I turn away from the grave,a life to the fullest, indeed.


2015 Parley

Bottled Abyss by Amanda “Noel” Goodyear “What Do I Stand For?” art contest

Honorable Mention

Amanda ‘Noel’ Goodyear has been attending PPCC for a year and a half, pursuing an Associate in Arts degree. Her career goal is to become a concept artist, mainly for video games. Her inspiration for Bottled Abyss was that of a symbolic representation of hard work and desperation; the intertwining of tentacles was a metaphor for hardships of life and the struggle of staying above the deep. To her, service is the act of doing something that benefits others.


Parley 2015

Katarina Towery is nineteen years old and was raised in Hanau, Germany.

Turn the Page by Katarina Towery She has lived in Colorado for three years now but has also lived in Washington, Florida, and Arizona. She also has a puggle named Ruby. Katarina is in her fourth semester at PPCC, majoring in Journalism, and she hopes to attend a four year college and graduate with her bachelor’s. Katarina loved working for the Children’s Literacy Center, feeling it was very rewarding to help young children improve their reading habits. Outside of school or work, she enjoys reading classic novels and watching Audrey Hepburn movies.

he Children’s Literacy Center is a not-for-profit organization founded in Colorado Springs that uses volunteer tutors to help young students in their reading skills. I first learned of this organization in my school’s library. After listening to the presentation and learning that 66% of fourth graders are illiterate, I knew that I needed to help. I enjoy reading greatly, so I was saddened after learning this statistic. That day, I went home and signed up for the program. A couple of weeks later, I was trained and ready to meet the child that I would tutor.



2015 Parley The experience of helping a child to read is unbelievably rewarding. What is special about the Children’s Literacy Center is that as a tutor, you work with the same child throughout the entire semester. This aspect of the program creates a unique bond between the tutor and the student. My student is nine years old and in the 4th grade. He is reading at about a 1st to 2nd grade reading level. Working with him twice a week I get the opportunity of watching him grow in not only his reading skills, but also his love for reading. My goal is to make reading enjoyable for my student.

My student in particular is not a fan of reading. However, when he learns a new word or masters a word he has been struggling with, his face lights up and his attitude towards reading changes. Also, when playing games that help with reading skills, the kids start to enjoy learning to read more. Earlier I mentioned that 66% of 4th graders are illiterate. In comparison, 61% of inmates in prison are illiterate as well. Once the students reach 4th grade they stop learning to read and begin reading to learn. If they are not reached early, they can be affected for the rest of their lives. Many will drop out of school and not receive their high-school diploma, and others will scrape by and then struggle to gain a job that pays more than minimum wage.

During my childhood, I read often with my parents. Once I was a little older, I read books for my own enjoyment. This translated into my love for writing as well as reading. I want children to have the same opportunity to develop an admiration for reading and writing. Several of the students in the Children’s Literacy Center come from situations where their parents don’t or are unable to read with them at home. Sometimes the two times a week that the students meet with their tutors are the only times they are able to read with another person; this creates a more personal relationship associated with reading.

There are around 100 children on the waiting list and the only thing that keeps them from being in the program is a lack of tutors. I strongly believe that anyone that volunteers for the Children’s Literacy Program will not regret it. Not only will the child’s life be improved, the tutor’s life will be forever changed because they made an important impact in a young life.


Parley 2015


Benefits of

Volunteering in


by Meshell Marshall Meshell Marshall attended PPCC from 2011 as a part-time student while serving in the U. S. Army and, after transitioning out, became a full-time student. She will be transferring to LSU after this semester, and after earning her licensures in registered nursing, she would like to work in the field of geriatrics. The inspiration for Meshell’s piece was her children and her belief that the children of today are the future of tomorrow. In her community, she serves by coordinating youth volunteer groups for special projects, and in her free time, she gardens and works on DIY projects. Many people believe that the reason people volunteer is because they have lots of time to spare and are looking for something to do. Over the past four decades, youth volunteerism rates have fluctuated due to many factors, giving researchers a reason to debate this issue. According to recent economic research, career decisions are being made earlier in youth than ever before and this is quite prevalent in the United States, suggesting that nearly 40% of youth grades 9 through 12 volunteer (Clemmitt 77). Although researchers have failed to come to an agreement on whether volunteering in youth is beneficial or not, they have as a whole concluded that in order for volunteering to be successful in career decision making, there is a method that must be followed. Youth want and need the opportunity to contribute to their communities and, by volunteering, can both give and receive. Over the years, volunteers seem to have shifted from what once was political and environmental, to what Clemmitt refers to as the “do-gooder,� in which case a person has now placed the welfare of others above the politics


2015 Parley

Service Learning Experiences can promote positive youth development and civic contributions of America in the reasoning of volunteering (82).

own educational aspirations (Johnson 322). Despite an individual’s financial standing in society, they will receive the same benefits from volunteering.

Throughout time, the word “volunteer” has been referred to as civic duty, citizenry, social service, and community (Nicholson 65). While not intentionally categorized, there are two types of youth who volunteer; those whose parents are educated and monetarily well off and those who are considered lower income and live in areas where the government provides funds for programs (Johnson 322). Some people believe that youth are just not interested in volunteering. Quite the contrary, youth who come from low income families with either two working parents or only one parent in the home must help provide and care for the younger siblings, leaving no time for volunteering. On the other hand, some perceive the other spectrum of youth who intentionally want to participate in volunteering. This is incorrect as well—these youth have parents who have some form of upper echelon of education, or the individual youth is influenced with their

Upon these studies a federal grant program was signed into law named Serve America, now called Learn and Serve America in 1990, by President George H. W. Bush to establish service learning in schools. Not long after, in 1993 the National Community Service Trust Act designated $30 million dollars to fund community service programs for school-age youth (Johnson 309). Every community needs help in some way, and allowing youth to volunteer to fulfill the needs of the community will both solve the need of the community and give the youth a hands-on experience to use later in life. The impact on youth and the daunting concerns that they face on a daily basis like drugs, crime, and bullying have left few alternatives. Since volunteering in schools has become mandated, both students and parents have been asking the same question:


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is it beneficial? Youth’s attitudes about mandatory service requirements had a negative effect on their intentions, caring, and sense of responsibility. Youth who had more negative attitudes were less likely to feel responsible to serve and showed little interest in volunteering later on in life. Students who are involved in community service, however, are likely to meet individuals who are unlike those they know and therefore become more cultured (Clemmitt 86). “The word ‘volunteer’ sounds like something your grandmother would do, you need to make it cool to continue to entice a new generation,” Clemmitt explains (86).

By volunteering students can both give and receive self-esteem, and positive selfesteem. One may suggest that adolescents, who work, paid or unpaid, could have potential development significance. Younger volunteers are more likely to gain career-related experiences (Johnson 3123). Research suggests youth volunteering strengthens inherent work values and anticipated importance of community, but decreased the anticipated importance of career (Johnson 325).

According to Johnson’s research on the first issue of schoolrelated, psychological, workrelated and future-oriented attitudes measured in the senior year,the following findings were found. The results show that volunteering has substantial effects on senior year educational plans, academic

According to both Johnson and Zaff’s research, the younger the youth is when introduced into the world of volunteerism, the more receptive they are to continue to volunteer later on in life. Zaff mentions supporting research that suggests that service learning experiences can promote positive youth


2015 Parley

development and civic contributions. By allowing youth to reflect, they can understand how the early introduction of volunteering will impact their career decisions later in life.

their time. People are not born selfless beings, we are survivors and we need to be taught how to care and love for others. As for a parent, teacher, or leader the question is: What kind of America do we want? What kind of youth do we want to educate, nurture, and develop? We are influencing tomorrow’s leaders, the future decision makers of America. Youth want and need the opportunity to contribute to their communities and by volunteering students can both give and receive.

Youth, like adults, need a purpose or drive to do something. They want to serve and contribute to society, their communities, and home. It is up to us—the adults, leaders—to present volunteering to them in a way that they can compose they are contributing as well as receiving something for

Works Cited Clemmitt, Marcia. “Youth Volunteerism.” CQ Researcher 22.4 (2012): 77-100. Web. 14 Oct. 2014. Johnson, Monica Kirkpatrick, et al. “Volunteerism in Adolescence: A Process Perspective.” Journal of Research on Adolescence 8.3 (1998): 309-332. Academic Search Complete. Web. 16 Oct. 2014. Nicholson, Heather Johnston, Susan Houchin, and Brenda Stegall. “Professional Development In National Organizations: Insights From Girls Incorporated.” New Directions for Youth Development 2004.104 (2004): 65-73. Academic Search Complete. Web. 25 Sep. 2014. Zaff, Jonathan F., and Richard M. Lerner. “Service Learning Promotes Positive Youth Development In High School.” Phi Delta Kappan 91.5 (2010): 21-23. Academic Search Complete. Web. 16 Oct. 2014.


Parley 2015

Laurel Burlew, an English major, has goals of transferring to UCCS in the fall and entering the world of literary publishing when she graduates.

h c n Tre t a o c urlew B l e r u a by L

Laurel’s piece “Trench Coat” was largely inspired by PPCC’s year of service; she wanted to write something that showed how even the small things can make a big difference to people. Laurel sees service as “giving up your time, energy, and talent to provide something for someone else.” An avid photographer, Laurel additionally enjoys listening to and playing music, writing, and crying over finishing a really good book.


2015 Parley ce cold rain pelts down on the trench coat across my back. I hurry my steps—I have to get there in time, or be faced with making the ten-block walk home in this horrid weather. Wind pushes against my numb cheeks, trying to force me back. A car speeds by on my left, hitting a dreaded pothole and sending a wave of dirty water onto my shoes. I quicken my pace, ignoring the faces of the people I push past.

I land hard on my back and squint up, water pelting my eyes. Slowly I pull myself up and shake my head, wiping some of the water from my face. People continue to push past. A hand appears in front of my face; I look up. A soaking wet old lady is smiling down at me. She reaches for my arm and slips her hands around it, helping me to my feet.

Some lady shoves my shoulder— I shake my head, brushing it off. I pull on my cap, bringing it down further to shield me from water drops attacking my face. It had to rain today, of all days, when I forgot my umbrella. I stop at the end of the block, waiting for the light to turn. People crowd around me, their shoulders bumping into mine. They try to push past me to get to the front—I push back. I was here first.

“Thanks.” I nod, continuing on my way. I glance at my watch—I still have time to make it to the bus. Something forces me to look back and see if the woman is anywhere around. She’s still standing in the same spot, waving and smiling at someone else.


A hand appears in front of my face; I look up. A soakIing wet old lady is smiling down

I focus my eyes ahead. I’m completely soaked now. Stupid rain. The bus pulls up ahead and I run to it, making sure to be first in line when its doors open up. I step on, pulling myself out of the rain and sitting on the first available seat. Something tugs at me. People continue to get on the bus, streaming in steadily. I convince myself not to notice… but it keeps nagging.

The light turns and we cross the street, some people running past me. I keep my head down, hands in my pockets, shuffling through the water on the sidewalk. My foot claims to know where the next step is, but somehow I slip.


Parley 2015 “Hey, watch it!” Someone yells as I shove past them, making it out of the bus before it departs. The rain welcomes me back, and I strain to see if she’s still there. She is. I didn’t want to notice, but it’s staring me in the face. She has no coat. I approach her, breathing heavily in an attempt to catch my breath. I step up next to her,

what’s left of her teeth being much browner than white. “Do you have a coat?” “Nope!” she replies, shaking her wet grey hair that sprays water droplets onto my face. “Well, here, take mine.” It’s a heavy feeling, taking off the new trench coat I have come to love in the last ten minutes of walking, but I take it off and lay it across her shoulders. She stares at it, feeling the material with her bony fingers. She says nothing.

Nope! she replies, shaking her wet grey hair that sprays water droplets onto my face. though she doesn’t notice at first. She waves at a child walking by and the child smiles in return. Then she waves at other people, that same grin on her face. Most of them don’t even notice her.

Not knowing what else to say, I wish her a good evening and turn back around, beginning the tenblock walk ahead of me. I shove my hands into my jean pockets, shrugging against the cold. I look back once more. She’s waving at strangers, smiling, wearing a trench coat that is entirely too large for her.

“Excuse me,” I interject. She looks up at me, startled, and then squints at my face. Recognition floods her eyes and she grins—a somewhat toothy grin, with


2015 Parley

h t i w w e i v inter

s e m l o H n Stephe

by Rachel Fisher tephen Holmes is a student at PPCC who serves with the student government, which is, as he says, “a liaison between the student body and the school’s administration. We bring the students’ voices to the president, and we work closely with Student Life and the Office of Sustainability. The president of the student government meets with the college’s president at least every month.” With a student body of 22,000, it can be difficult for each person to have his or her questions addressed; the student government helps people get answers to their questions in a more timely fashion.


For Stephen, the ability to serve others was limited due to his upbringing. “I separated myself from those restrictions when I learned about student government; it intrigued me,” he says. “It has been a great way for me to meet new people and give back to the community.” His education has played an integral role in him giving back to others, and while learning how to think critically, he has been able to find new ways to help others. Through working with the student government, Stephen has been motivated to do well in classes and understands the necessity of a good education. “I have learned to only take on what I can handle,” he says. “I would rather take fewer classes, spend more time [with the student government], and be successful, than overload myself just to get done faster and not be successful.”


Parley 2015

f o e b o t e c i v ser By Amanda Bailey

Amanda Bailey is in the MGD program for web design and has been at PPCC since 2012. She is considering pursuing a certificate in computer networking or computer security, and after finishing her associate’s degree is looking into transferring to a four-year university. To Amanda, service is giving up time to help others without asking for anything in return; she serves in the community by volunteering at places such as Goodwill and Care & Share through CAP. When not in school or volunteering, Amanda draws, writes stories and poetry, and is learning how to crochet.


2015 Parley have been volunteering since 8th grade. I have over 1,000 hours of volunteer work, both in California and here. Now I am in Civil Air Patrol (CAP)— we are the auxiliary of the Air Force. We perform search and rescue missions, provide disaster relief, and support homeland security affairs. CAP was called in to help during 9/11, hurricanes Katrina and Sandy, and even during WWII.

We have helped with the Chickfil-A Ride For Heroes bike ride, staff events, help park cars at Rockledge Ranch almost a dozen times or more a year, help at airshows, and even help kids build rockets at the UCCS science fair.


CAP is a program for Sr. member cadets, ages 21 and up. Our program is designed to help give teens military experience and knowledge, and basically give them a taste of what to expect if they join the military. We are provided many opportunities to motivate us. We also get to fly planes, which helps future pilots. We inspire teens to become connected and engaged in their country. Now that I’m a Sr. member myself, I am a mentor to the cadets and help them in the program. I feel like I am a big part of helping to inspire them with a meaningful future and as it says in our cadet oath, “to be of service to our community, state, and nation.”

Just last year we found a missing man who had Alzheimer’s. He strayed a little too far from his home, and got lost. He was on his way to the store in Kansas, but ended up in northern Colorado. Luckily, the man stayed with his car and called 911 in two different areas, so we were able to triangulate his location. He was found alive, thanks to our Colorado Springs cadet squadron. Another way we help serve is by assisting with local events.

We inspire teens to become connected and engaged in their country.


Parley 2015

f l wo n i u r b e d by nick

Nick DeBruin is pursuing an AA in music at PPCC and is currently in his second semester. He’s always wanted to make movie scores and make a living in the music industry. To him, service can be as simple as a smile to brighten someone’s day.


2015 Parley annah Arendt, a German political philosopher of the twentieth century, developed a model of judgment regarding political representation. Arendt proposes that the validity of a claim or judgment is rooted from knowing the standpoints of the people involved. In this model, a conviction can only be made through “genuine encounters with different opinions,” so one can evaluate a particular matter from every angle to produce a solid concluding opinion. Epistemologically, this is a reference to Empiricism, the claim that experience is the primary source of knowledge about the world. That being said, I believe service experience can demystify beliefs and develop philosophical competence.

survival. Also, wolves may be fragile but they are wild animals nonetheless. When provoked they can become emotional and dangerous. At this point one of two things happens; either the animal is put down, or it is sent to a sanctuary to live by the hand of man. Until Mission: Wolf was established, the former was almost always the case. An attempt to domesticate intelligent animals comes from the notion of judgment that humans are superior, and the unexamined fear of being attacked by “The big bad wolf.” Stereotypes such as these are not only harmful to the animals, but to ourselves as well. One must put assumptions aside and evaluate, through raw sensual data, whether or not these accusations are just.


In early March this year I had the opportunity to do volunteer work for Mission: Wolf, a wolf sanctuary located 20 miles outside Westcliffe, Colorado. More than 200 wolves in the past 30 years have called this place home. One of the many things I learned during my time at Mission: Wolf is that wolves are delicate in nature. They live within their own system and play a part in an even bigger one. When a wolf is raised in captivity, it disrupts this innate system and the animal swiftly grows dependent on its host for

Whilst living around these beautiful animals, in a teepee, for three days I had plenty of time to observe and connect with them. I began to witness the true nature of what some call a beast. Canis Lupus is an unbelievably societal species. They display hierarchy, complex relationships, and emotions. If I hadn’t seen their interactions firsthand I would have a hard time conceptualizing their complexity. Not only did I observe from a distance, I was lucky enough to meet a pack of ambassador wolves face to face,


Parley 2015 in the flesh. Greeting a family of wild carnivores was probably one of the most intimidating things I had ever done. Wolves like to shake hands in their own way, and establish dominance immediately by throwing their softball size paws on your chest and licking your teeth. This empirical experience, besides sending shivers down my spine, demolished any preconceived belief about wolves. This alpha “Beast” sniffed me out at the door and decided to let me in his space and around his family. How could this territorial killer do such a thing, unless, perhaps, it was nothing of the sort? Later, after meeting the family, I began my volunteer work. Everything from

Through their body movements, grunts and howls I knew they were communicating comfortable curiosity. In a sense I was becoming a member of the pack. Judgment is “the act or process of forming an opinion or making a decision after careful thought: the act of judging something or someone.” Unfortunately a plethora of judgments are made daily with misinformation. To prevent poor decisions being made, especially ones that affect others, one must consider all inputs regarding the issue on which the judgment will be made, primarily sensory data- for this is the only way one can truly know about the world in which we live. Keep in mind there are subtle senses. We have the ability to perceive things outside of the restrictions our five concrete senses provide. It has been through this empirical experience that my beliefs and judgments have been altered and clarified to the extent that, without a doubt, I am better off having had this journey. From first-hand experience I have grown as a person and discovered philosophical competence within my beliefs.

I believe service experience can demystify beliefs and develop philosophical competence. building enclosures, installing irrigation, cleaning horse corrals, to feeding the pups. As I worked the wolves watched. They were doing the same to me as I had done to them earlier: observing, and trying to figure me out. On some level I felt as if they knew my intentions, although this is only speculation. (Without hearing their thoughts I could never know.) I watched them back.


2015 Parley

Interview with Konrad Schlarbaum By Stephen Holmes onrad Schlarbaum is the sustainability coordinator for Pikes Peak Community College. He is very passionate about living a sustainable life and feels it is his mission to promote this lifestyle to others. Konrad explains that there is a need to take three elements of life—social, environmental, and economic—and work to have them exert as little negative impact on the world around us as possible. He works very hard to present to students and faculty how they can live a sustainable life. Konrad feels that educating people about alternative ways to do things is a vital service that he can provide. Working in this arena has also helped him see that sustainability is not a one-sizefits-all situation. There are many varying factors he must recognize in order to teach people how to tailor sustainability to their lives.



2015 Parley

“How Do I Serve?� art contest

First Place

Man serving nature Ady has been at PPCC for about two By Jacob Ady Jacob years in pursuit of an Associate of Arts degree. His career goal is be a designer for Disney,

possibly a clothing designer, or maybe both. The inspiration behind Jacob’s work was the way electronics serve man, and how man serves nature, and vice-versa, an appreciation for nature that can be taken for granted. To Jacob, service is giving of oneself for someone else, whether with a smile, an act of kindness, or something given to the community that contributes to its welfare in a positive way.




Parley 2015

I feel as though others share my love and concern for our country.


Beauty By Mary Eddings “What Do I Stand For?” art contest

First Place

Mary Eddings began drawing at the age of three when the neighbor’s horse stepped on her foot. She didn’t even cry. She knew immediately that she wanted to be surrounded by horses and the only way to do that was to draw them. Fifty years later, there are still not enough hours in a day to put everything to paper or canvas. Eddings started school after her husband’s death to re-establish goals in her life. She couldn’t ask for better instructors than those she has found at PPCC. The other students and their art inspire her every day. Learning to speak with a voice that is seen and not heard is a fascinating endeavor, daunting and rewarding simultaneously. American Beauty is a powerful piece for Eddings. She remembers feeling it coursing through her, like breathing air. “I love my country and would gladly die for her,” declares Eddings. “Many of the skulls in this work already have. Many more have yet to.” The rose is the hope that America will rise and live to the beauty and love that she came from.


2015 Parley


Parley 2015

The motivation for her piece was her wife’s experience in the army... “What Do I Stand For?” writing contest

First Place Essay

Drops in the Bucket by Suzanne Calvin-Yim Suzanne Calvin-Yim has attended PPCC twice, first doing two semesters during 2008. Suzanne is now pursuing a BA in education with an emphasis in English, and, this time, she says, the only thing that will make her leave is a transfer to UCCS. She loves writing, reading, biking, swimming, snowshoeing and wine tasting. The motivation for her piece was her wife’s experience in the army, prior to the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. She says, “My inspiration comes from the men and women who fight for the rights of US citizens, while having their own denied because of race, religion, sexual orientation, and other issues we choose to discriminate against.”


2015 Parley hy did you join the Army?” I remembered asking my wife Juli a while ago over a glass of wine while we reminisced about years past.


“Well,” she explained to me. “I was scared to death. Not because of what was happening, but because of what I might lose.” Juli knew that even if she denied being a lesbian, her life in the military would change forever, and she was correct. She lost her high level military clearance, was pulled from her hard-earned job of decoding Russian documents and assigned to move furniture for six months. Eventually, she entered the Medical Corps and earned a nursing degree in Hawaii, where she was stationed.

She answered simply. “I wanted to become a Russian linguist.” “Why?” Juli shrugged. “I didn’t go in to fight, but I was still willing to pay the ultimate price, if necessary. I went in to help make peace. I figured if I became a linguist, I could help with peace talks.” My life always seemed so meaningless in comparison.

The most amazing thing to me, about her story, is that she remained a steadfast soldier through it all. The Army gave her every opportunity to leave the humiliation and disappointment behind her, but she chose to stay. How could she stay when her dream of being a Russian linguist had been annihilated? She stayed because there was still good to be done. Perhaps peace talks were out of the question, but in the Medical Corps, thousands of soldiers could be helped. She felt an allegiance to the Army and embraced that loyalty as a defining part of who she was.

My wife joined the Army before “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” was born and found her first girlfriend during basic training. Unfortunately, her girlfriend did not want to be in the Army as much as Juli did, so she “outed” both herself and Juli in an effort to be discharged. At nineteen, Juli had to appear before a panel that grilled and devoured her. There is one element that she feels disappointed and embarrassed about, when interrogated about her sexuality, she denied being homosexual. To this day, she remains humiliated at having denied who she was in front of that panel. So, why did she?

Sadly, Juli still feels angry with herself for lying about her identity. She seems to straddle a line between feeling cowardly,


Parley 2015 but justified in a falsehood she had to assume in order to keep at least a portion of what she’d worked so hard to earn in her career. When I look back at her experience, I see a woman who was young, but wise; who had an altruistic trust for people and situations that came from a kind heart; and who realized what she stood for was not limited to doing good things as a Russian linguist, but who simply wanted to just do good things. I see a soldier who was brave and strong when others were tearing apart who she was as if it would impact what she offered. Juli’s story is the story of hundreds of soldiers. Soldiers, who joined the military when society still referred to them as “kids.” Soldiers, who have left their families, their homes, and their ways of life. Soldiers, who marry and forego honeymoons for overseas assignments or miss the births of their first children. Soldiers, who hold their two year old child on their lap, then do not see those children again until they are a year or two older. Soldiers who kiss the people they love good bye one last time without really knowing it is the last time. Soldiers who are fighting for what I, a civilian, stand for.


2015 Parley

What if it happened to rain? What if it poured? What if we experienced a monsoon of good deeds? Our buckets would be full. There is a saying, “It’s just a drop in the bucket.” It is a saying meant to reduce contributions that are minimal in comparison to what the actual need is. For instance, when I was on a walk with a friend several years ago, I stopped to give a homeless man a dollar. When she shook her head and said, “Just a drop in the bucket,” she was inferring that one dollar really wouldn’t make a difference. We hear all of the time how one vote doesn’t matter. We live in a world that criticizes the effort individuals take to make even the smallest of differences and call them a “drop in the bucket.”

the expectation that every single drop matters, regardless of how small or how lonely it may be in that bucket. If we don’t collect a first drop in that empty old bucket, then we could be missing the drops that follow. The world is suffering from a “drought mentality,” simply because most of us have forgotten how to make it rain, while we busily criticize others for producing a drop. Collectively, we need a flood, life has just distracted us from remembering the steps to our rain dance. It isn’t so difficult, though, we can just start by putting our right foot in and shaking it all about… and...

I ask, what if it happened to rain? What if it poured? What if we experienced a monsoon of good deeds? Our buckets would be full.

Drop… Ping…. Drip…. Ping… Drop…Drip… Splash.

I stand for not discounting the drop in the bucket. I stand for making it rain, no, making it pour. I stand for a leak in the ceiling of life and a bucket beneath it, collecting every drop. I stand for

Then we turn ourselves around. That’s what it’s all about.


Parley 2015

Jacob Crowder, born and raised in Monticello, Indiana, served in the United States Army Infantry for nine years.

The Proud Few byJacob Crowder Jacob was deployed three times, twice to Afghanistan and once to Iraq. He enrolled this fall at PPCC for his first semester of college, and is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in engineering. He is the father of two children, four-year-old Olivia and three-year- old-Jason.

erving nine years in the United States Army infantry, I have gotten the honor to experience things that the other 99% of the population will never get to. Because of this, people tend to ask me, “What will you miss most?� Well, there are so many thing that I will miss. I have seen parts of the world filled with so much beauty and other parts so decrepit that unless

you were by my side to see it for yourself, no amount of details or pictures could depict an accurate portrayal. I have been thanked and welcomed home by the most loyal patriots, but also protested against by the Westboro church extremists at the gates of the base. I have pushed myself to my own limits while pushing the enemy well past theirs. But most importantly, I have had the



2015 Parley chance to serve alongside and lead the most passionate, loyal and fearless people on this planet.

During the 2014 deployment to Afghanistan, Corporal Clouse’s squad leader was late to deploy with us. Clouse unhesitatingly stepped into his role and took over a squad of six other soldiers most of whom were much older

Joining at 18 in 2005, I have served 16 months in Iraq and a total of 15 months in Afghanistan. I have been stationed at 3 different duty stations in that time, stretching across the whole United States. I have served in nearly every position the infantry branch has to offer. While in Iraq I was a lower level grunt that did most of the dirty work on the ground. Then while in Afghanistan, I had the honor of leading my own squad through the rigors of combat. It was here that I had the life changing opportunity to serve with Corporal Justin Clouse.

clouse unhesitatingly stepped into his role and took over a squad of six other soldiers. and a few who had even served for a longer time in the Army. Leadership was a natural role for Clouse and he thrived in this position. Having a larger role in his unit now, Corporal Clouse had a greater influence in the decisions that were made.

Clouse (as we called him) was born and raised in Sprague Washington. He was captain and most valuable player of basketball team his senior year, enlisting shortly after graduation in 2010. He was the life of his platoon, and challenged everyone physically and tactically despite being in the Army only a few short years. Being 6’3” about 220 pounds, Clouse’s stature alone commanded the respect of his peers. He had the ability to be outgoing and quiet all at the same time.

Clouse was no “yes man”. He was quick with the tongue when needed. Clouse would do whatever it took to put the best interest of his men above even his own. Confrontation was one of his strengths. Once during a 105 degree day while on this most recent deployment, our leadership had us at the marksmanship range for several unneeded hours. Clouse’s soldiers were near heat exhaustion, so he finally took a stand. After his endless reasoning to the higher-up went nowhere, he led his guys off the range.


Parley 2015 This attitude didn’t fare too well with his leaders, but it gained endless respect from his soldiers.

in suppressing the enemy, in hopes to bring the soldiers back to base safely. Tragically, due to a miscommunication, the pilot mistook the muzzle blasts from our own soldiers as that of the enemies. The aircraft then dropped multiple bombs on Clouse’s position killing him and 4 others. It was the biggest American friendly fire incident of the Afghanistan War, and a devastating time for our unit. The only comforting fact was knowing they went out like a true soldiers, fighting till their very last breath.

This is not to say that Corporal Clouse was not mission oriented. Whenever there was a tough mission, he was first to volunteer his squad and himself. This did not go without notice from everyone. They would send Clouse’s squad out on many of the most difficult missions, knowing that they were well trained, and that Clouse would know what to do when the times got tough. Unfortunately this would be the case on 9 June 2014.

I am proud to say that Clouse was not only a friend of mine, but a brother. He inspired me to be more ambitious with my future. When you lose such a young friend like that it really pushes you to make the most of this short life that we live. You never know when it is your time.

On this day, Clouse and his squad were sent out with a small unit of Special Forces soldiers to disrupt enemy movement and provide security for a voter polling station in the Gaza Valley, Zabul Afghanistan. The mission went as usual with few sporadic amounts of enemy fire. All of a sudden, all hell broke loose. The situation spiraled quickly as the troops came under insurgent gunfire while waiting for helicopters to extract them near the end of the operation. To suppress the enemy, Corporal Clouse and four other soldiers climbed up a nearby hill and started returning fire.

So when I am asked, “What will you miss most about my time in the Army?” the answer is simple. It is not the gratitude you receive. It is not the sometimes amazing places you get to travel. It isn’t even the life changing experiences you get to put yourself through. It is without a doubt the friendships that you get to build and experience. It is getting to serve with those few, those proud few people that I will always consider my brothers.

It was an epic fire fight that seemed to have no end. Air Support was called in to assist


2015 Parley

GoodBye by Loren Schofield

Recently retired from the military Loren is a 40 year old, full time student with no idea what he wants to be when he grows up. Although he has an awesome beard, the struggle in learning how to function in polite society is very real. His wife currently has a lawyer on retainer in order to take care of any unfortunate miss-steps. He is now a full time student majoring in History, a part time writer, full time husband and dad who is meandering through the transition from military service to civilian life.


Parley 2015

A Military Wife’s Service by April Guffey

How do I serve? As a military wife, I’m different than my husband Who serves with his life. Loved ones are far away, And we often miss events. Getting to see family is rare But I live for those moments.

April Guffey sees service as anything done to improve the well-being of the world and its people.

Through many deployments And lots of lonely nights, I serve every minute Though I never actually fight. As a college student, In pursuit of my degree My credits don’t always transfer It’ll take some time to complete. Having to make new friends, Moving from house to house, These are the hardships Moving a lot brings about.

She serves her community as a military wife and by helping children grow and thrive. Her piece was inspired by her desire for the American population to understand the dedication and sacrifice family members of service members go through. As an elementary education major, April hopes to transfer to a four-year school and become an Elementary Ed teacher, coach high school swim and water polo, and work with special needs children.

My soldier works hard For the little money he makes. We keep a tight budget, It’s not a piece of cake It’s hard to get a job, I don’t stay very long, Three years max And we’ll be moving along Military life is not easy Loneliness, hardships, and fear But I love my soldier dearly And it’s worth every tear.


2015 Parley

Coming Home by Laurel Burlew


Parley 2015

Juvenile Community Service: Goals, Needs, and Challenges

by Vincent Gambina Vincent Gambina is pursuing a Criminal Justice career and wants to be a positive role model and give back to others. He helps people who want to turn their lives around by giving them rent-free housing and assisting them with the items they need to get employment and to attend school. He loves to ask questions and debate as well as experience new ideas, ways of thinking, and other cultures.

uvenile programs exist in order to deter delinquent behavior, mostly to reactive approaches that do not address problems until it is too late, such as probation, incarceration, and youth-mandated community service. Once a child is in the system, recidivism increases and is likely to carry into adulthood. We as a society need a proactive approach that can identify, remedy, and abolish these acts before they occur. We need preemptive community service!

associated with punishment. When a youth offender commits a delinquent act, more often than not, the sentence they will receive some sort of community service. The offender receives punishment in the sense that a payment serves a victim, which can be a person, state, or institution. The ideology follows that of restorative justice. According to Global Youth Justice, it instills accountability. This organization states that, “community service is strongly associated with the ‘accountability’ goal of balanced and restorative justice.”


Community service directed towards youth is mostly


2015 Parley Preemptive community service, not used as a punishment, but rather a tool to instill community values and empathy, has been shown to help put juveniles on a path towards not offending. There are role model programs to combat substandard peers or lack of peers’ community involvement initiatives that clean up streets and reduce criminal activity, decrease community apathy, instill community pride, and increase empathy.

solely on volunteers donating their time. Finding qualified individuals to donate their

We need preemptive community service! time to these programs is time consuming and key. Donations, community involvement, qualified volunteers, and lack of government assistance puts these programs in turmoil.

Arguments exist that community service performed due to an injustice is more of a punishment and not community service. This directly affects the outcome of what community service is trying to accomplish. Community service is to be associated with community, understanding, responsibility, empathy, etc., not punishment. This can lead to a distaste and negative viewpoint by the juvenile performing the “community service (punishment).� Also, it brings up the question: Is it effective? Studies show that taking action is more effective in deterring delinquency and that once a child is in the system, his or her chances for not living an adult criminal life decrease.

Not using these proactive measures makes them ineffective. Most of these programs exist to fill a void, whether it be mentoring, education, housing, etc. If society could be educated on proactive methods, community service programs could help all those in need.

The brunt of these issues falls on the people. Almost all programs are non-profit and run


Parley 2015

All Gave Some, Some Gave All by James Strickland A PPCC student and US Army veteran, James Strickland reflects on the terrible cost of too little information on the battlefield.


2015 Parley hat if every time you opened a door or entered a room, you had to worry about what was on the other side? How would you feel or react if you knew that your next action could be your last? If you had to face the fear that this might very well be your final moments, and that normal, hypothetical scenarios are actually a real matter of life or death, to not only you but possibly five people you have grown to call brothers, how then would you compose your thoughts and actions?

the cherished lives of fathers, sons, husbands, and friends.


During my six years of service as an infantryman serving in the United States Army, I have witnessed first-hand the brave, heroic men considered to be

forever grateful to those strong individuals who perished in the line of duty. professionals and masters of their craft being cheated out of life and having everything they have ever known snatched away from them in the blink of an eye. According to, there is a death toll of almost seven thousand American troops since the beginning of the war in 2001. Seven thousand troops who have been killed in the name of their country for loyalty to their seniors, peers, and subordinates is a large number of deaths that cannot be explained by enemy aggression alone. Negligence is also to blame. Although death in war is a terrible and unescapable expectation that cannot always be avoided, that high number should have been and could have been substantially smaller had there been just a little bit more attention to details and better

Imagine that you and these five people trust each other and are willing to die in order to protect one another from these unknown fatal uncertainties, as you operate through towns and villages with your team in a country whose population hates your very existence. Now imagine that the deaths of those comrades you once called brethren, who made the ultimate sacrifice of their own lives in order to save yours, could have been prevented with just a little bit more knowledge. The knowledge that would have prevented an insurgent ambush, decreased the possibility of unexpected improvised exploding devices (IEDs), and could have provided crucially needed awareness that might have saved


Parley 2015

One death is one too many.

police armed with AK-47s lurked only fifty feet away behind a small building, plotting the execution of as many U.S. soldiers as possible, waiting until the moment that they thought Alpha Company appeared to be the most relaxed and off guard before taking violent and deadly action. Driven by the financial persuasion of a terrorist cell who was motivated by hate for America and its soldiers, these two Iraqi police and their unpredicted arsenal spray of ammunition killed two U.S. Soldiers who I called close friends. They also critically wounded an additional three before Alpha Company could react and eliminate these despicable creatures. This terrible and permanent occurrence, which may just be a story to you, is a horrific memory to me, as I remember helplessly watching my dear friend bleed to death in my arms. That evening haunts my thoughts and attacks my mind, wrenching my dreams into vivid gruesome night terrors on a regular basis.

transfer of vital information from higher authority units with specific, updated intelligence to the troops on the ground who are actually in contact with and fighting enemy forces. It was a typical very hot day about ten months into my deployment in Iraq. Everything so far seemed to suggest that the rest of our long day spent conducting key leader engagements at an Iraqi police compound would be a pleasantly peaceful occasion for Alpha C and me. As the day neared to an end and the sun made its descent to slumber upon the horizon, Alpha Company, including myself, eagerly waited for our commander to conclude his meeting with Iraqi police chiefs so that we could get some rest before having to execute our next mission that night. Little did Alpha Company know that rest would not be on the agenda in the near future. Two corrupt Iraqi


2015 Parley

This emotionally and psychologically devastating event is only intensified by the revelation of information much too late. The Iraqi men who tore my friends from this world were known to be involved in terrorist activities and had strong ties to powerful insurgents. The knowledge of these miserable excuses for humans and their terroristic stance was known for several days, approximately a full week before that tragic day, but was negligently ignored, costing precious, irreplaceable lives. That unforgettable event is a disturbing example that demonstrates the importance of providing ground troops with

as much relevant knowledge as possible. There is nothing pretty about war or the loss of our fellow countrymen who willingly volunteered to fight and defend and gave their all to our country. One death caused by negligence and failure to provide proper information to troops on the ground is one too many. These deaths must be prevented by any means necessary so the duty of our heroes can be carried out. I am proud to have served as a noncommissioned officer in the United States Army. I will be forever grateful to those strong individuals who perished in the line of duty. All Gave Some, Some Gave All. God Bless!


Parley 2015

WHY he D E V R SE by Lauren behan Art Directors Choice

Award Winner

Lauren Behan’s parents are artists and they taught her the love of the fine arts and creativity. She wishes to take her passion of creating wild concepts into the video game industry when she has finished at PPCC.

In 1952, Behan’s grandfather, Billy R. Gray decided to enlist at age 17. The artist was inspired by her grandfather’s service during the Korean War when working on this piece. Behan wanted to use her skills in art to commemorate his service and the service of all who go to war. (For more on Bill R. Gray, search “Artist Voices” at


Parley 2015

Sister in Arms by Rachel Fisher

Rachel Fisher has been at PPCC since Summer 2014 and is currently in pre-nursing and hopeful that she will enter the nursing program next Spring to earn her associate’s. Ever since she can remember, other people have told her what she could and could not do because she is a woman, and this was no different when she joined the Army. Her piece was a way for her to let her voice be heard. To Rachel, service is “putting your own needs behind those of others, even if the people being sacrificed for will never see you as being any different.”


2015 Parley ombat tactics and technology have drastically changed over the history of the United States. Advancements in armored vehicles, innovative training for troops, and digital warfare are a few of the advancements that have changed the dynamic of war. Yet the debate on whether or not women should be integrated into combat roles and allmale positions is ongoing. Jack Kenny, from The New American, brings to light many of the concerns regarding the integration of women into these roles in his article, “Wanted: Women in Combat for Wars Without End.” In a time of non-traditional tactics, many people argue that women should still be barred from traditionally all-male positions.

sexes to integrate women into combat roles.


Furthermore, Kenny points out, there is the potential that gender integration could be more detrimental to women. Captain Petronio, a young

. . HE ALSO ASKS HOW PUTTING WOMEN ON THE FRONT LINES WILL REFLECT ON OUR SOCIETY. woman who could physically match her male peers during her prime, describes that despite her physical fitness, multiple deployments have left her injured from the constant physical stress. Kenny asserts that the effects of so much physical strain have not been thoroughly studied in females. Women’s fitness testing standards are already lower than men’s. Kenny questions if standards would need to be further lowered for women to be able to meet the requirements of combat positions. If so, this gap in physical capabilities could cause mission failure and service members to lose their lives.

Kenny argues that women do not belong in combat roles because they will interfere with mission readiness. The current leaders of the military’s combat forces utilize a kinship system reinforced by high hormone levels to stay mission oriented, cites Kenny. If women were to be integrated into these units, they would distract men from their jobs. Additionally, critics worry that the presence of women will increase sexual misconduct. According to Kenny, it would be detrimental to both

Kenny writes that historically troops sent to war were motivated by the idea that they were fighting for the safety of women and


Parley 2015 children. He acknowledges that as a volunteer military with no draft, the nation’s forces have been pushed to their limits, thus making women essential resources; but he also asks how putting women on the front lines will reflect on our society. In addition to the armed forces needing to keep its personnel combat ready, Kenny references Navy Captain Martha Whitehead, who states that women are much more likely to be nondeployable because of unplanned pregnancies. Finally, referencing an internal study performed by the Israeli armed forces, Kenny contends that the presence of women is detrimental to combat missions, and consequently Israeli women have been removed from the front-lines.

are physically and mentally strenuous, dangerous, and are vital to the war effort. Medics are assigned to a wide variety of care settings and this often includes all-male platoons with combat related missions. The first time a female medic was introduced to an all-male platoon most of the soldiers doubted if she could carry any of them to safety if the need should arise. Pre-deployment training and time are necessary for the female medic to prove herself to her brothers in arms and after training for months they eventually call her “sister.” Her mission is to ensure everyone makes it home alive and her determination is exemplified through the months of physical and tactical training leading up to deployment. When the unit deploys, she is ready and her brothers have faith in her. They nickname her “Doc” and they all swear to keep her safe just as she swears to keep them safe. As the deployment progresses, the issues about her gender fade. She is the platoon’s medic and they trust her with life, limb, and eyesight. The platoon becomes a well-organized and functional team that carries out patrols and missions daily with the she-medic. Her bag is heavy with saline and various medical supplies, but she carries it and

From personal experience as a female in the army, much of the time spent in the service can feel like a constant struggle to prove oneself to peers and supervisors. This can be said of any position that is open to both sexes and is certainly applicable to the position of the combat medic. Officially titled “Health Care Specialist,” medics often care for soldiers in clinical settings. However, the majority of the training these soldiers receive focuses on the treatment and evacuation of battlefield casualties. The tasks required to effectively save lives


2015 Parley

Together they are a seamless team that functions effectively, undeterred by gender issues. her own weapon just like every other member of the platoon. She marches like this for miles, staying alert and watchful for danger, just like every other member of the platoon. When a brother gets injured she is there to give effective medical treatment. The whole platoon, the medic included, gets the soldier back to safety. Together they are a seamless team that functions effectively, undeterred by gender issues.

units to operate effectively. It is equally unfair to say that men will always try to protect a female and this will cause mission failure. A platoon takes care of its members whether they are male or female; they become a family and they protect each other. By this point, the female medic has become part of the brotherhood, gained her platoon’s trust, and has surpassed their expectations. When a person claims that women are unfit for combat, they inadvertently claim that women are unfit to be combat medics, and women have been combat medics for decades.

It is unfair to claim that females will interfere with the “cult-like brother-hood� that allows combat


Parley 2015

g n i t r so the h s a r t by shannon pierce Shannon Pierce hope’s to help others through art therapy.

Shannon Pierce has attended PPCC for 3 semesters and plans to transfer to CU Pueblo to finish up an Art major. Her personal goal is to create her own business helping individuals with certain psychological disorders through art therapy. Pierce serves her community in many ways. Currently, she volunteers at her children’s school, donates clothing and food, and picks up trash in camping spots at the Pike National Forest, by Divide, Colorado. “On my own time, if I ever have any, I love to read, hike and sketch landscapes,” says Pierce.


2015 Parley

As an employee of Village Inn, in Colorado Springs, I have seen thousands of pounds of food waste end up in the trash. Food that should be sorted into bins for composting. Reducing food waste is a smart tactic to incorporate into restaurants while ensuring that it will help save them money and help save our environment. Restaurants acknowledge that there is an abundance of food waste in the industry, yet some do not acknowledge the problem with the food waste.

average, the price for a fouryard dumpster, with a twice a week pick-up, is around $517 a month, before any fees or taxes. When Village Inn decides to add a recycling service during those pick-up days, it would cost around $100 a month. While eliminating discarded waste, they would still be saving money. Developing a composting program for fellow employees would involve four easy steps. Call or meet to set up a time with a local trash company to switch services, place compost bins throughout the cook’s line and the service line, train staff for which items goes in which bin, and then wait for the trash to be picked-up on such days. Best-Way Disposal in Colorado Springs is a local trash company that service with composting. They will also sort out the organic waste for their customers. The organic items Best-Way Disposal collects are coffee grounds, paper napkins, paper bags, waxed paper, paper board, cardboard, butter tubs, pie tins, yogurt containers, milk jugs, and newspaper.

Natural processes can remove methane from the atmosphere, but they can no longer keep up with the amount of methane produced because of landfills. Properly composting the food waste, rather than having it transported to a landfill, ensures that it can slowly remove the methane from the atmosphere, which in turn helps the environment. If Village Inn serves approximately 200-300 customers per day, that is equivalent to a four-yard dumpster at their location. On




Parley 2015

Not only a bruise by Luis Trabucco Luis Trabucco was born in Trujillo, Peru, where he finished high school at age fifteen...

“How Do I Serve?” writing contest

First Place Literary

At twenty, he earned his engineering degree and devoted a few years of his life to teaching for free to his country’s displaced natives, especially during the internal war in Peru from 1980 to 1990. At age twenty-six, Luis moved to the United States, six years ago he moved to Colorado Springs, and three years ago began his studies at Pikes Peak Community College. One of his great passions is his love for poetry. This poem was inspired by National Domestic Violence Awareness month as recognized at PPCC by the empty chair exhibit.


2015 Parley

No, it’s not only a bruise, It’s more than that. Barbarity found his victim in my face. Choking the words and violating my being. It is the denial of my right and the humiliation of my condition. No, it’s not only a bruise, but it’s more It is molestation to my image, a mother, a daughter, a woman, with no physics to answer it. The storm opaques my hope. It is the action that precedes the verb. It is the action that forgets consequences. Today you play as a man, but maybe in your next life you will be female, and maybe you will learn to understand what you are doing to me today. No, it’s not only a bruise.


Parley 2015

Design For Social Change by Andrew Kerns

Andrew Kerns is a twenty-nine year old student currently attending the Art Institute of Colorado pursuing a Design Management degree. He is passionate about photography and design. He is interested in pursuing a career as an art director after he graduates. He was inspired to write his piece after learning about design thinking and wondering how this could be used to help improve people’s lives.

Many people who work in the design industry feel like their work is used to sell “dog biscuits, designer coffee, diamonds, detergents, hair gel, cigarettes, credit cards, sneakers, butt toners, light beer, and heavy duty recreational vehicles� (First Things First). The industry has expanded from visual communications, architecture, and industrial fabrication to becoming a strategic player in the world of social change. Where does this leave the design industry and designers? The job of a designer is to create things that people need and or want. By following a few strategies, design can be used to ignite social change.


2015 Parley Design, by definition, is, “transforming current situations into preferred situations� (Simon). This is not only strictly for physical items, but also the designing of consumer and user experiences. Social issues affect the lives of millions of people globally and with the proper social change, the quality of life for millions can be greatly improved.

can be used as problem-defining technique, and not just a problem-solving technique. In order for design thinking to be effective, a shift needs to occur from design thinking being used solely as a problem solving technique but also for shaping the definition of problems as well. Design thinking allows for the adaptation of issues, making them more relatable, and allowing people to experience them. Next, through design thinking, something is created which is tangible and gives people something to gather around to discuss. Third, design thinking is a creative process. Creativity not only can be potentially disruptive but also can force people to

By applying some essential strategies and principles, both agencies and freelance designers can have a role in igniting social change. Design thinking, design empathy, community focus, and environmentally friendly processes are among these strategies. There are many definitions of the term design thinking available on the web, so determining exactly what

empathy is vital to uncovering insights and understanding the values of the client look at a situation from a new perspective. Fourth, design thinking offers an approach to social problems that offers multiple effective solutions. Lastly, design thinking creates a sense of open-mindedness about who can be included and

it means can be somewhat of a challenge. To put it simply, design thinking is a creative problem solving and defining technique combining creativity, technology, business, and human values to strive for innovation. The concept of design thinking


Parley 2015 what can be done to have an impact on a social issue.

MBA trained business professional from the problem solving process. Don Norman’s article, “Design Thinking: A Useful Myth,” states that “design thinking is a public relations term for good, oldfashioned creative thinking.” Both of these authors are overlooking the fact that design thinking combines creativity, technology, business, and human values into a central problem solving and defining methodology.

Using design thinking, Jerry and Monique Sternin developed a model to decrease malnutrition among children in the villages of Vietnam. The couple collaborated with an organization called Save the Children and established cooking classes to teach families how to cook snails, crabs, and shrimp found in rice patties. The idea for the classes came when the couple approached families in the villages with healthy children and discovered that they were already feeding their children snails, crabs, and shrimp.

In order for the Sternins’ project to be successful, the couple needed to go to Vietnam and experience the lives of the villagers. They had to experience and witness first-hand what the issue was in order to fully understand it. The couple’s cooking classes for the families in Vietnam is an outstanding example of design empathy. Design empathy “draws upon people’s real world experiences to address modern challenges” (Battarbee et. al). Andrew Shea’s book Designing for Social Change states that establishing an emotional connection with clients and the issue at hand is one of the most important strategies to effectively design for a social issue.

The couple understood the values and needs of the group they were designing for, which is key. The creative aspect of the design thinking process allowed the couple to generate the idea for cooking classes. This is an innovative alternative to the donations villagers were receiving from the Vietnamese government and the United Nations. Their innovative solution combined creativity, technology and human values. In the article “Why Design Thinking Won’t Save You” in the Harvard Business Review, Peter Merholz states that one of the fallacies with design thinking is the immediate dismissal of the

While working in the social sector or trying to have social impact design empathy is vital to uncovering insights and


2015 Parley understanding the values of the client. Understanding what motivates people’s behaviors is at the heart of designing for social change. This strategy is important to avoid developing solutions that do not meet the requirements of the end user.

water plant requires people to use a five gallon rectangular plastic container. The container was not designed to be carried on the head or the hip and becomes too heavy to carry the length of the trip when it is filled with water. The system

Social issues affect the lives of millions of people globally and with the proper social change, the quality of life for millions can be greatly improved. The Naandi Foundation installed a water treatment plant near Hyderabad, India to provide safe and clean water to the people of the countryside. It is well known that the water is safer for consumption, within walking distance, and affordable. However, there is a, “series of flaws in the overall design of the system� which has people passing on the safer water and choosing the local water for their families (Design Thinking for Social Innovation). In the Indian countryside, it is common for the women of the family to get water. They typically carry it on their head or on their hip in three gallon plastic containers. The Naandi Foundation-run

also forces families to buy five gallons of water, which is more than many families need. A huge opportunity has been missed here because the designers did not use emphatic design to develop a solution that meets the needs of the end user. International design and consulting firm IDEO is well known for their use of design empathy in their work. On a recent project the company was hired to redesign the shopping experience of villages in Ghana. Traditional research methods to understand how villagers made financial decisions would not suffice. The company sent a team to Ghana where they set up


Parley 2015 a booth at a community market and engaged with the people. The experience gave the team an understanding of how the people of Ghana make financial decisions and led to a successful redesign of the shopping experiences in the villages. It is clear that using design empathy is indispensable if a social project is going to be successful.

In the Stanford Social Innovation Review, Robert Fabricant argues that design does not have a social impact. He implies that the industry simply rides the coattails of the hot issues of the moment and misses the opportunity for real social impact. Fabricant also suggests that the community of designers focused on social impact is too small to achieve great things. Fabricant goes on to propose that the human values aspect of design promise a level of intimacy that is far too often too expensive to maintain and therefore cannot deliver any type of deliverable impact. This intimacy can be expensive to maintain but the uncovering of insights into a community’s values can save money in the long run.

Mark Randall’s column in Communication Arts magazine recently highlighted a project called “Visualizing Violence.” This was a mentorship program where graphic designers worked with troubled inner city high school students to create billboards that raise awareness of the issue of gun violence in Los Angeles, California. The billboard chosen to go into production featured a small child dressed as cowboy, to his right was the image of a young man dressed for work, and to his left was an image of a gangster. The tagline read: “What will your little cowboy be when he grows up?” Pairing the designer with a troubled teen led to a perspective that could have otherwise gone unnoticed but now effectively communicated the need of an underserved community.

Design contributes to more than “sell[ing] dog biscuits, designer coffee, diamonds, detergents …” (First Things First Manifesto). The role of the designer is expanding to include social impact design. Although some may not agree, the design industry is poised to have a great social impact on the world.

There is more than one side to everything, but not everyone agrees that design is in the position to have any kind of social impact.


Service comes in every shape and form; I saw an opportunity to serve through the overlooked form of music. This manifests itself through serving at my church on the worship team. Music resonates with people and touches them emotionally.

Forte By Laurel Burlew


2015 Parley

Parley 2015

Emma Bailey has been at PPCC since 2011 and is transferring in the fall to pursue a degree in Rhetorical and Interpersonal Communications at Biola University...

e t a m i t l


f o ure

s a e m

n a am by Emma Bailey Impacting the lives of others was her main inspiration in creating her poem—she was inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and by his relationship with God. Emma serves as a student leader in The Institute for Cultural Communicators, and though she loves developing herself as a leader and exploring new opportunities for success, she has other passions: singing, dancing, drawing/painting, writing, acting, photography, and being silly with her family at home.


2015 Parley


ome people are born great while others are born greater

That’s like only diving down to the depths of the ocean

But even the greatest of the great don’t always remember the image that they’re made in.

because I’ve been hurt so many times I can’t ever let this door open.

One great person I know of, His name is Dr. Martin Luther King.

No one can get to me, they can’t read what’s on my heart today,

He left this Earth, a hero, with a legacy in the making,

I won’t let them get inside no matter how hard you pray.

He said, “Everybody can be great because everybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.”

I am ME and ME is great, I’m the greatest you’ve ever seen, And I won’t let anyone, not even God try to take that from ME. I am strong, I am strong, but I’ve been hurt a lot before,

Everybody can be great because everyone can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve You only have to put your hope and faith in the king who reigns from above. “Only?” you ask, “Only put your hope in Him?

The difference is that was then but now I am locking the door.” “ONLY??” you ask, “ONLY trust someone else? I don’t think you understand, I can ONLY trust myself.

You say it like it’s so easy, but I know that the truth lies within because,

Because I’m the only one


Parley 2015 who knows, the only one who understands,


The only one who feels my heart beating and won’t screw up my plans.”


But let me tell you, that’s not true, those are lies seared in your brain.


Those are lies that you developed to try to mask all that pain,


But let me tell you, let me tell you, let me tell you something real,


There is one person in this universe that knows exactly how you feel

But as He sat there on His Holy throne, He knew that we misunderstood.

And He won’t steal you or reveal you, He will make your whole life new,

So He sent Jesus, He sent Jesus, down to earth as a simple human.

He won’t try to change you or rearrange you, He accepts you for you.

As a baby He was born and later He died to make us new again.

let me tell you something real, There is one person in this universe that knows exactly how you feel And He was HURT, He was BETRAYED, even though in His friends you’d think He could trust.

“And what makes ‘him’ different?” What makes HIM different, you ask?

HE IS 110% GOD, and yet He chose to live with us.

Well let me show you, you need to know too, because He is more than


2015 Parley He came down to the grave and then went back to heaven to help so He could restore us.

Because the Lord Jesus Christ, oh He loves me, I know because the Bible tells me so.

And now we have His word and Holy Spirit so we can remember He walked this road before us.

Dr. King was a really great person, I admire Him a lot. And as he sits face to face with Jesus, I hope he is saving my spot

So when you think you’re all alone and you’re afraid to trust other people,

So I could ask Him a few simple questions and congratulate him on winning the cause,

Remember that the Cross means more than just a friendly welcome sign on a church steeple. It means HOPE, it means PEACE, it means LOVE, it means PERFECTION, But not perfection in who we are, but in His death and resurrection. SO FIND HIM MY SONS AND DAUGHTERS. FIND HIM TO LIVE IN HIM TRUE. FIND HIM and in him rest your hope son.

The cause for the Kingdom of Christ, because that’s the greatest cause for applause. “I just want to do God’s will. And he’s allowed me to go to the mountain. And I’ve looked over, and I’ve seen the promised land! I may not get there with you, but I want you to know tonight that we as a people will get to the promised land,”

Because He will always find you.

Just as the Bible commands,

And on days when you’re lost and lonely and you think no one understands,

Martin Luther King put his faith in Jesus, and that is the ultimate measure of a man.

You read His word, to remember that there is one who knows where you stand. And He cares for you and He loves you and He will never let you go


Parley 2015

What Happened by Kemny Pierre to Real Kemny Pierre is an ex-military policeman who loves staying active, enjoys being creative, and has big goals for the future. To him, service is helping people who want to be helped. About his published work, he says, “The inspiration behind my piece was just mainly observation. My piece speaks to people who observe and can relate- it speaks to you if you let it.�


2015 Parley I’m about to go on a mission, no better yet a spiritual expedition so people listen, I’m going to look for real love, real men and real women, real feelings and real words, cause the real ones are lost all that’s left are the extras and copies, fake smiles and lies, people don’t understand all the faking bring real pain to those eyes, you lie fake, and bring real tears to their eyes, real cries, all the fake truths blossom, as real hope dies… what happened to the man that’s a man? what happened to flowers and poems? roses are still red and violets still blue, what happened to y’all, what happened to you? now all we do is meet up and screw, between the sheets you know exactly what to do, how about you leave the darkness of the room, how about you go for a walk hold her hand enjoy her voice and her smell of perfume, how about you buy her flowers and watch her blossom and bloom, how bout we forget first, second, and third base and make her smile just cause you wanna see that glow on her face, how about we replace... replace the hits with hugs, how about we end the chase. what happened to the woman that’s a woman? what happened to the lady, the woman who works for her worth? not the woman who’s lazy, the woman who responds to chivalry and respect, not money and the honk of a horn, those days are so gone i sometimes i question if those women were ever even born, i wonder where they are, clearly these people are lost, now i see women bought, a lady ain’t a lady if she comes priced with a cost... clearly lost what happened to the Real.


Parley 2015

What it Means by Julia Dobyns to Serve erving is a vast plane, Sacrificing your time for no personal gain. Anyone can do it, A little time is all it takes. It is the little things that make it worthwhile, It is the picking up of litter that makes the extra mile.


One can share time by cleaning the dishes, One can show compassion by holding the door open. One minute a day is all it takes to be the good omen, One minute to grant a wish. Making a difference does not end here, Military service also takes part in this, lend an ear. The people who defend this country are well deserving, The soldiers who protect against terrorists and persevere. On the battle field they fight for their country, On enemy lines they stand their ground for all countries. Gather left over change for a donation, Gather unused shoes for someone who is running in bare feet. Gather unused clothing or toys so someone can have something neat, Gather the unopened food cans for a starving nation. It is the little things that make it worthwhile, It is that one minute a day to grant a wish. It is the veteran who serves their country, It is the gathering of resources that help missionaries do their job. It is the sacrifice for no personal gain, It is the realization that you can help serve too.


2015 Parley

For rent by ROGER PATTISON Roger Pattison is pursuing a degree in Multimedia Graphic Design. The inspiration behind his piece was an actual rental property in Colorado Springs, showing the way that persons with criminal records are taken advantage of when in desperate need of housing. Roger serves as a volunteer at the Springs Rescue Mission. Service, to him, is an act of listening and assisting, not one of giving advice.


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