Star & Lamp - Spring 2011

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LEADERSHIP & lifelong brotherhood As the school year ends, it gives us the opportunity to reflect on the past year’s collective successes of our students, chapters and alumni. For our alumni members, reunion and anniversary events are an excellent backdrop for the lifelong brotherhood we enjoy. Our Theta Delta Chapter at Florida International recently celebrated its 10th anniversary. In just a decade, they have taken South Florida by storm with a proud legacy on their campus. Eta Rho Chapter at Texas State (formerly Southwest Texas State) celebrated its 15th anniversary and Beta Upsilon at the University of Virginia celebrated its 50th anniversary. We appreciate the leadership and dedication of the alumni who organize these events. At all three events, a large number of founding fathers were present. They shared the tales of the beginning of their chapter—the uncertain times, their perseverance and ultimate success in chartering the chapter. Most importantly they laid a sustainable foundation that has withstood the years. Of special note was Beta Upsilon’s anniversary that saw more than 200 of their 700 alumni present for the weekend. It certainly gave me great pride to attend the event and present Golden Legion certificates to recognize the founding fathers for their 50 years as a lifelong member of Pi Kappa Phi. Much of the success in organizing those events can be attributed to social media, email and the internet, which has not only allowed us to find lost brothers but to reconnect with them. Our anniversary event websites also provided real-time updates on those brothers attending, which can help to create a groundswell of interest from additional brothers who attend because they see such a robust turnout online. This is but one example of how Pi Kappa Phi is leveraging technology to better communicate, connect and educate our members. The greater fraternity has made a significant financial investment in upgrading our technology. You can see our efforts in our new websites at and We’re excited to continue to roll our new features over the next few months, which will include new micro sites for the Foundation and Pi Kappa Phi Properties. Our students and chapters have done their share to contribute to our collective success as well. In fact, our feature in this issue highlights Will Boyce, an undergraduate from Beta Eta (Florida State) who was recently named a Fulbright Scholar. This honor will enable him to pursue a master’s degree at the prestigious University of Glasgow in Scotland, which is one of the oldest institutions of higher learning in the English-speaking world. And on the chapter front, our young men are performing admirably. Nearly 10 percent of our chapters have been recognized as the Fraternity of the Year on their campus. In the case of our Omega Chapter at Purdue—a campus with one of the largest Greek communities in the country—our men have been recognized as the Fraternity of the Year for an unprecedented fourth consecutive year. Certainly, “Leadership and Lifelong Brotherhood” can mean supporting the fraternity through your time and talent. We are blessed with many alumni and friends who donate their energy as volunteers towards our greater mission. And for some, contributing to Pi Kappa Phi also includes financial support. The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation provides a tax-deductible vehicle for gifts that support the educational programs of the fraternity. In these recessionary times, we are grateful for your financial contributions. Within this issue, you will find the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation’s Annual Report as we recognize all those who contributed in 2010. And if you haven’t done so already this year, we encourage you to make a secure online donation through the new and be included in the list for 2011. As always, enjoy this issue of the Star & Lamp! Yours in the Brotherhood of Pi Kappa Phi,


Mark E. Timmes Chief Executive Officer





PITTSBURGH (Delta Upsilon)





FLORIDA (Alpha Epsilon)


The map details Pi Kappa Phi’s expansion plans through Spring 2012. For more information about expansion or starting a new chapter of Pi Kappa Phi, contact Director of Expansion Tyler Johansson at

MARSHALL (Zeta Pi) W. CAROLINA (Gamma Epsilon)


SPRING 2011 FALL 2011 SPRING 2012




seven NEW charters granted, TWO CHAPTERS RE-CHARTERED iota alpha  sacred heart

iota beta  texas - san antonio

Pi Kappa Phi officially began a new generation of chapters as a charter was granted to Iota Alpha Chapter. Pi Kappa Phi’s 217th chapter was installed by Jim Krucher, Beta Alpha (NJIT), and Ken Forti, Sigma (South Carolina). The 36 founding fathers were initiated by teams from Zeta Chi (Albright) and Theta Mu (UMass). In addition to chapter members, fraternity staff and university officials, more than 50 family members attended the event to celebrate the new chapter. During the keynote address at the chartering banquet, Ken Forti congratulated the men on building their chapter, but challenged them to begin building a legacy of brotherhood and leadership. “You have built your own fraternity; now it’s time to build your legacy,” said Forti. “Continue to lead in academics, maintain your involvement in campus events, recruit and show others what it means to lead through service.” “Chartering was an incredible experience,” said Iota Alpha founding Archon Wes Lynskey, “but our chapter is just beginning to leave our mark, and we don’t plan on slowing down anytime soon.”

Iota Beta was installed as Pi Kappa Phi’s 218th chapter by Tom Sullivan, Delta Omega (Texas A&M), and Brett Lee, Eta Rho (Texas State). The group of founding fathers included five alumni initiates and was initiated by teams from Zeta Theta (Texas) and Eta Rho (Texas State). Representing the national organization at the banquet was Director of New Chapter Development Curt Herzog, Theta Lambda (Missouri State), and Leadership Consultant Carter Allen, Beta Nu (Houston). Representing the UTSA was Director of Student Activities Dr. Barry McKinney, Associate Director of Student Activities Misty Kelley, Assistant Director of Student Activities Keri Shiplet and Program Advisor for Greek Life Gary Handy. Also in attendance was Pastor Skip of St. John’s Lutheran Church, where the Ritual of Initiation was held. In all, more than 92 attended the event to celebrate the successes of Iota Beta. “Chartering was an amazing experience, but moving forward our chapter is going to take over UTSA and leave a lasting impression on the Greek community,” said chartering Archon Travis Goodrich. “We will continue to grow and bring out the leaders of tomorrow from UTSA.” (Charterings continued on page 28)

Fairfield, Connecticut

Founded: February 19, 2011

San Antonio, Texas

Founded: April 2, 2011

visit the new



Pi Kappa Phi and Push America have launched new websites with updated features and an increased focus on digital and social media. Visit the new sites at and



on the COVER Fulbright Scholar Will Boyce in front the Beta Eta chapter house. Inscribed on the cover is the poem “God’s Grandeur” by Gerard Manly Hopkins, which has served as a literary inspiration to Boyce. Photo by Bill Lax of Micco Photography SUBMISSIONS/DEADLINES Materials for publication should be sent directly to the managing editor at the P.O. Box address or email address shown to the right. Letters to the editor will be printed at the discretion of the editors.

PARENTS The Star & Lamp is being sent to your address while your son is in college. Please feel free to read through the magazine as we hope it is a publication you will enjoy too! If your son is no longer in college or is no longer living at home, please send his new contact information to the P.O. Box address or email address shown to the far right.

A snapshot of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation’s financials for 2010 in addition to a list of all members and friends of the fraternity who made a gift in 2010. We’ve also recognized the individuals, chapters and states that made the top contributions to the Foundation.

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Winter 2012 Deadline January 1

The Foundation Annual Report 2010

Fall 2011 Deadline October 1

8 Periodical postage paid at Charlotte, N.C., and additional mailing offices.

PUBLISHER Star & Lamp, (USPS 519-000), is issued quarterly by Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity at 2015 Ayrsley Town Boulevard, Suite 200, Charlotte, NC 28273. A lifetime subscription is $15 and is the only form of subscription.

Will Boyce, Beta Eta (Florida State), is bringing credit to Pi Kappa Phi as a Fulbright Scholar. This prestigious fellowship will allow Boyce to earn a master’s degree from Scotland’s University of Glasgow.


A Fulbright Future








Star & Lamp P.O. Box 240526 Charlotte, NC 28224-0526

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STAR& LAMP SPRING 2011 Vol. C, No. 2




Kyle+Jason Back in 2005 a young man who had just finished his undergraduate career was spending his summer cycling the Journey of Hope South route. Kyle Thomas, Alpha Gamma (Oklahoma), cycled an average of 75 miles per day through the sweltering Southern heat on his way from San Francisco to Washington, D.C. “My motivations for riding that summer started pretty selfishly,” said Kyle. “It was appealing to have that on my resume so I could move back to Dallas, start working and make money.” It didn’t take long, however, for Kyle’s motivation to shift. “It is a challenge for all of us to change our perspectives of people with disabilities. The shift from sympathy to empathy takes time, but there’s been nothing more rewarding in my life thus far. My life is different now because of that summer,” said Kyle. During the team’s stop in Atlanta, Kyle met Jason Dorn, a 7-year-old with cerebral palsy and seizure disorder, during a Friendship Visit with the North Metro Miracle League, a baseball league for children with disabilities. The two spent the whole day together playing ball. “At that point in the summer, we had taken part in so many awesome Friendship Visits that it was hard to imagine that this one would stand out as much as it did.” “It was a lot of fun to watch Jason play baseball,” said Andrea Dorn, Jason’s mother. “There was more joy and more pride that comes out in a two-inning game than anyone could imagine. And Jason just loved being Kyle’s buddy that day.” “It was hard to leave every Friendship Visit, but this was somehow different,” said Kyle. “After we left Atlanta, Jason and I didn’t keep in contact, but I never forgot about him or the time we spent together.” Five years passed and Kyle decided to participate in a marathon for the Push America Challenge. He began to wonder how he could impact people with disabilities in addition to his fundraising efforts. Jason came to mind. Kyle reached out to the Dorn family to see if Jason would be interested in doing the marathon with him. “We were extremely touched by Kyle getting back in contact with our family, but there was some apprehension,” said Andrea.

“The length of the run without us was worrisome, but we were immediately comfortable after talking to Kyle about it all.” As the marathon approached, Kyle made one trip to Atlanta to train with Jason. Using a customized running stroller, Kyle and Jason ran around the Dorns’ neighborhood. During their training runs, Jason and Kyle were able to laugh together and rekindle the friendship they had started that day in 2005 at the Atlanta Miracle League field. After one training run, Kyle was able to once again join Jason on the very baseball diamond where their friendship began. “It brought back so many great memories for both of us,” said Kyle. “It was like no time had passed at all, laughing while rounding the bases and scoring some serious runs.” The Marine Corps Marathon took place on October 31, 2010, in Washington, D.C., and the Dorn family made the trip up a few days before. “It was a great experience for the whole family. We were able to take Jason and his sisters to all the monuments, which they just loved,” said Andrea. Then the big day came. “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little nervous about it,” said Kyle. “I’d done a couple marathons before, but this one carried a little more weight,” said Kyle. “I didn’t want to let Jason down, but I knew he was going to push me further than I ever thought I could be pushed.” With friends and family by their side and cheers from all directions, Kyle and Jason finished the marathon in five hours and 21 minutes. “There’s nothing like crossing the finish line of a marathon,” said Kyle. “To do it with Jason there with me brought tears to my eyes.” “We were just so excited and proud and tearful and happy. It was such a neat experience as a whole. We were so proud of Jason and Kyle that day,” said Andrea. Finishing the race together was so special to Jason and Kyle that they’ve decided to do it again in October of this year. If you would like to join Jason and Kyle and the rest of the Push America Challenge team for the Marine Corps Marathon/10k this October, visit

marine corp marathon & 10k

October 30, 2011 . Washington, D.C.



+Join Us

Renovations at Auburn After sitting vacant for more than two and a half years, the Alpha Iota chapter house at Auburn University is back in business. Members moved into the newly renovated chapter house on January 10, 2011—just in time to watch Auburn defeat Oregon in the BCS National Championship. When Alpha Iota was re-colonized in the fall of 2008, the house was in a state of major disrepair. In addition, the university required the house to be upgraded with a fire alarm and sprinkler system before allowing any tenants. Alpha Iota’s alumni chapter and housing corporation approached Pi Kappa Phi Properties for assistance, and after careful consideration, the project was approved. Properties would assume ownership of the house from the alumni chapter in return for financing the renovations. “The opportunity to renovate one of our chapter houses from a structure that was not being utilized into a show property at Auburn University was result of the joint collaboration of the local alumni, the undergraduate chapter and Pi Kappa Phi Properties,” said Jay Stuckel, Beta Epsilon (Missouri), the Properties board member who oversaw the project. “It would not have been possible without Alpha Iota alumni Sommerville Hill and Wilbur Hill, architects who volunteered their time and expertise to draw the plans, meet with university and city officials, and provide invaluable guidance during the planning and construction phases of this project.”

Work began in the spring of 2010 on the 11,000 square-foot chapter house. The interior was gutted to replace the plumbing and drywall and to repair the substantial termite damage. New doors, windows, lighting and flooring were installed throughout the house, and all major appliances were replaced, including the heating and cooling units and water heaters as well as the kitchen equipment. New furnishing for the interior and a sand volleyball court were also included in the renovations. While construction was ongoing, the undergraduate chapter worked diligently to obtain the necessary leases from the members. A total of 18 men moved into the house for the spring 2011 semester, and 22 have signed leases for the 20112012 academic year. “Having a house has made all the difference in the world,” said Luis Salomon, chapter archon. “Having a place to call home is an awesome experience, and it has definitely brought us closer as brothers.” For more information about housing for your chapter, contact Greg Buehner at or (704) 504-0888 ext. 105.

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Photo by Bill Lax of Micco Photography

Boyce grew up in Jacksonville, Fla., and after an extensive college search, decided to attend Florida State University. He was drawn to the tight-knit honors college, faculty support and the spirit of the unconquered Seminole tradition. Like most college students, Boyce wanted to get involved on campus, earn a quality education and prepare himself for his next step in life. However, Boyce also came to Tallahassee with the goal of receiving a national fellowship to earn a graduate degree abroad.


a fulBright future In the fall of 2008, Will Boyce sat at a corner table at Starbucks with two Pi Kappa Phi national staff members. Somewhere between discussing the upcoming presidential election the most embarrassing songs on their iPods, Boyce was handed “The White Diamond” and the Pi Kappa Phi Creed. As he read through the stanzas of the Creed and mulled over the opportunity to help restart the Beta Eta Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi, he began to feel a personal connection to the words. 6


hile he sat at Starbucks, he pondered the opportunity to create his own fraternity experience—a chance to belong to a community of leaders and create lifelong friendships. Building an organization founded on character appealed to him. He was especially struck by the call of the creed to “bring credit to the fraternity by striving to achieve the highest standards of scholarship.” As he signed his bid, he knew he would be proud to pursue his academic goals as a member of Pi Kappa Phi. As Boyce worked alongside his brothers to rebuild the bonds of brotherhood that had laid dormant at Beta Eta, he also began to chase his dream of seeking a national fellowship. He worked with FSU’s Office of National Fellowship to prepare for the incredibly lengthy application process for the various programs. In order to prepare himself for the highly competitive application process, Boyce undertook majors in history, English, creative writing and religious studies. While balancing his various courses of study, he discovered an interest in works of literature that manifest through religious beliefs. During his studies, he became enamored with poetry’s ability to communicate truth beautifully. Over the course of his sophomore year, Boyce would craft his essays and collect letters of recommendation from professors at Florida State as well as experts abroad. During that time, he decided to apply for the prestigious Fulbright Scholar Program in the United Kingdom. The Fulbright Scholarship was established in 1946 under legislation introduced by then-Senator J. William Fulbright of Arkansas. Since its inception it has grown to become the flagship educational exchange program sponsored by the U.S. government. Each year, it provides approximately 7,500 students the opportunity to “increase mutual understanding between people of the United States and the people of other countries.” This prestigious program has honored successful men and women in all industries, including Richard Debs, founding president of Morgan Stanley International; Peter A. Diamond, Nobel Prize winning economist; and John Lithgow, Emmy award winning actor. If he were selected for the program, he would have the opportunity to study literature and theology at the University of Glasgow in Scotland, the fourth oldest university in the English-speaking world. In addition to funding all tuition and fees, the Fulbright Scholarship would also provide for his living expenses, including housing costs and a stipend for food and limited travel.

LEFT: The University of Glasgow in Scotland. RIGHT: Will Boyce (front row, fifth from the right) and the refounding fathers of Beta Eta Chapter at Florida State.

“Will is the epitome of a man of class. He is a shining example of how to balance your responsibilities to family, God and fraternity while truly excelling academically.” “This was the perfect opportunity to study religious aesthetics and to dive into the relationships between poets who have religious convictions and their creative works,” said Boyce. “I just had to have faith that my work would stand out amongst the applicants.” Though he was excited about the opportunity, Boyce tried not to get his hopes up. Most Fulbright Scholars apply for the award after earning masters and doctorate degrees; it is extremely rare for an undergraduate to earn one of the prestigious awards.


onths later, Boyce was walking across campus at Florida State when he got a call from his mother. “When I answered the phone, she was crying. I immediately thought ‘Oh no, what did I do wrong?’” Once his mom fought back her tears, she blurted that Boyce was going to Scotland for a year. “I was in shock. I sat down in a rocking chair as she read me the acceptance letter. It was one of the few times in my life that I was truly speechless.” Soon enough the shock turned to excitement. Boyce is eager to begin his master’s of Literature from the University of Glasgow’s Centre for the Study of Literature, Theology and the Arts while studying under world renowned scholar Professor David Jasper. The program will not only give him the opportunity to research how religion can shape the artistic impulse, but will also help him continue to develop his own poetic voice. Boyce plans to continue to study the relationship between poets who have religious convictions and their creative works. He hopes to eventually become a professor, putting his passion to work teaching religion.


hile the Fulbright honor speaks to Boyce’s talent and drive, he credits his family, fraternity, friends and faith as a constant force of support. “This has been a sobering experience,” said Boyce. “It’s an opportunity to gain knowledge in the field I hope to one day teach in as well as to be a steward of those who helped shape me: my family, my professors, my fraternity brothers.” Boyce says his experience in Pi Kappa Phi has helped him recognize that his actions reflect on those he loves and has encouraged him to not just think of how he can better himself, but also give back to others. It is this sense of servant leadership that has driven Boyce’s time with the chapter. He served as the first chaplain since the chapter’s rechartering, helping to shape Beta Eta’s ritual experience and new member education program. Recently, he developed and co-chaired a long-range planning committee that meets each week to provide general members the opportunity to voice their ideas on how to improve brotherhood. “Will is the epitome of a man of class,” said Archon John Frazier Strickland. “He is a shining example of how to balance your responsibilities to family, God and fraternity while truly excelling academically. His hard work and leadership challenges and encourages each of us to grow as men.”


n the end, it seems fitting that Brother Boyce’s introduction to the fraternity came in the form of prose, written many years ago to guide the steps of thousands of Pi Kappa Phis. Those carefully crafted lines were on his mind as he worked to bring credit to the fraternity at Florida State, and it will remain in his heart as he ventures into another culture to learn, grow and strive to achieve the highest standards of scholarship.

visit the new



Dear Brothers and Friends: This is my final report as chairman of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation. It has been my pleasure to serve you and our great fraternity in this role for four years. There is a temptation at moments like this to be overly nostalgic, preferring to look back and linger a bit too long on what has been done at the expense of what needs to be done. Yet, I would be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge the good work that our volunteers and staff have done on the heels of a very difficult economic climate. We have some successes to share, which I’ve noted below. For our fiscal year ending December 31, 2010, nearly all of our unrestricted giving channels witnessed growth year over year. Gifts to the Annual Leadership Fund, National President’s Circle and Nu Phi Society— to name most—exceeded the previous year’s return and in most cases exceeded our budget expectations. More heartening was the fact that we continue to increase our donor base—more alumni and students are giving to the Foundation’s campaigns when compared to the previous year. We find great enthusiasm in this regard because philanthropic trends indicate jerry t. brewer that donors are supporting fewer charities, choosing to concentrate their chairman support on a few groups as opposed to spreading their charitable dollar among many groups. Last year we also witnessed considerable growth in our restricted accounts. Giving to Chapter Investment Funds more than doubled in 2010. This is a significant jump, and we’re taking a closer look to better understand our donors’ habits and desires in this area. Giving to Memorial Scholarships and other funds also made noticeable gains. On the investment front, we continue to maintain a balanced portfolio through Charles Schwab. With our Investment Committee providing management of the Foundation’s invested assets, the Foundation’s portfolio posted an 11.34 percent return for the year. While we find great confidence in what we’ve been able to accomplish, our eyes are keenly focused on the horizon. The strategic priorities for the Foundation include helping the fraternity to increase the quality and capacity of its educational programs, to develop new educational and leadership initiatives that help Pi Kappa Phi remain compelling and differentiating to young men, and to reduce the cost of participation in those programs. Our fraternity has experienced tremendous growth in the last four years. By all indications, the fraternity has been counter-cyclical during the Great Recession. And though charitable donations to the Foundation fell during that time, students were joining Pi Kappa Phi in large numbers. In fact, membership grew from 6,200 in 2007 to 8,500 by the end of 2010. Part of Pi Kappa Phi’s recent success can be summed up in two words: compelling and differentiating. We have a compelling story toward which young men gravitate. The values of Pi Kappa Phi have a timeless resonance and when coupled with the specific histories and traditions of our local chapters, create an experience that young men want to be a part of. At the same time, the educational programs and service opportunities we offer young men are truly differentiating from other fraternities. Being a Pi Kappa Phi now is dramatically different than when I was an undergraduate in the mid-70s and in many ways better. The common denominator in much of this success is you. As a contributor to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, you not only help our fraternity maintain its differentiating edge, but more directly, you help us drive outcomes in the areas mentioned above. And perhaps just as important, you demonstrate to our 8,500 student members that the clause in our member’s oath that reads, “for the whole of my life” is a charge you hold close to heart. Thank you again for the opportunity to serve, and I look forward to celebrating the many more successes we will find together.

leading donors

Listed here are members and friends of the fraternity who made the largest contributions to the Foundation in 2010. $10,000 - $15,000

R. Nathan Hightower omicron (alabama) David D. Morgan beta omicron (NSU) Allen O. Woody III xi (roanoke) Robert A. Lane alpha omicron (iowa state) Toccoa W. Switzer Foundation

$5,000 - $9,999

Harry E. Caldwell Jr. omicron (alabama) Kelley A. Bergstrom alpha omicron (iowa state) Ajay J. Desai alpha omicron (iowa state) Kenneth J. Forti sigma (south carolina) Charles E. Gavin III alpha iota (auburn) Bruce L. Rogers chi (stetson) Jack M Casper alpha upsilon (drexel) William Furling III epsilon mu (bradley)

$2,500 - $4,999

J. Ernest Johnson alpha iota (auburn) Anonymous beta beta (florida southern) Robert J. Paterno alpha epsilon (florida) J. Jeffry Wahlen alpha epsilon (florida) Jason K. Dodd delta omega (texas A&M) Mark F. Jacobs delta psi (texas -arlington) Erik U. Rollé eta gamma (colorado) John R. Andrews Delta Delta (Truman State) William T. Sigmon alpha sigma (tennessee) John C. Brockmann alpha omicron (iowa state) Jerry T. Brewer sigma (South Carolina) Thomas L. Carter Gamma Delta (Memphis) Tracy D. Maddux zeta theta (texas) Dudley F. Woody Xi (Roanoke) Thomas B. Sullivan Delta Omega (texas A&M) William F. Newell Psi (Cornell) Timothy A. Martins Epsilon Alpha (Elon) PepsiCo Foundation

mission statement

The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation is committed to supporting the educational programs of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity in order to assist our undergraduate members in achieving superior results in personal development, academics, service and leadership.

Lifetime Giving Clubs Star & Lamp society



First-time Donor Supreme Circle

$250,000 - $499,999


Giving Club Advancement

Founders’ Circle

$100,000 - $249,999

Deceased Order of the Rose

$50,000 - $99,999

Order of the Bell

$25,000 - $49,999

Council Club

$10,000 - $24,999

lifetime leading donors

Members and friends of the fraternity listed here have achieved a giving level of Council Club or higher over their lifetime. star & lamp society

Stephen P. DePalma

alpha omicron (iowa state)

Kenneth J. Cribbs

alpha xi (st. john’s/brooklyn poly)

Barry L. Howell

Robert L. Bennett Sr.

gamma upsilon (oklahoma state)

Psi Sigma House Corporation

PM Realty Group

order of the bell

iota (georgia tech)

Pete H. Petit

kappa (north carolina)

founders’ circle

xi (roanoke)

Robert W. Lambert W. Keith Sheppard

Harry E. Caldwell Jr.

R. Nathan Hightower Lonnie Strickland III

Richard G. Anderson  Howard D. Leake

Bruce L. Rogers

Jerry T. Brewer

omicron (alabama)

alpha omicron (iowa state)

Gordon B. Wright

William F. Newell Edmund A. Sayer

gamma phi (south alabama)

Phillip M. Summers

Robert C. Bux

Chuck J. Barnard

Delta Zeta (Appalachian State)

Arthur J. Quickenton

Delta Omega (Texas A&M)

Thomas B. Sullivan

William Furling III

Epsilon Rho (Lenoir-Rhyne)

Donald R. Jarboe

omega (purdue)

Thomas L. Carter

alpha omicron (iowa state)

John R. Andrews

Frederick W. Raw

gamma delta (memphis) delta delta (truman state)

Mark F. Jacobs

delta omega (texas a&m)

Zeta Epsilon Housing Corp. zeta theta (texas)

Eta Gamma (Colorado)

Erik U. Rollé

theta alpha (southern miss)

John W. Langley

alpha eta (samford)

James F. House

alpha iota (auburn)

Jason K. Dodd

zeta epsilon (george mason)

Tracy D. Maddux

Alpha Zeta (Oregon State)

delta Psi (Texas - Arlington)

Jack M. Casper

Delta Delta (Truman State)

Epsilon Mu (Bradley)


alpha upsilon (drexel)

William L. Finney

Mark E. King

kappa (north carolina)

beta Beta (Florida Southern)

Robert A. Lane Frank M. Parrish III

gamma xi (georgia southwestern)

Epsilon Iota (UNC - Greensboro)

Peter C. Barr David W. Henn Bert E. Luer Robert B. Newman Mark E. Timmes

David G. Lane

Glenn Aspinwall

alpha epsilon (florida)

James A. Krucher

Otis R. McCollum

gamma kappa (georgia southern)

alpha delta (washington)

beta alpha (njit)

order of the rose

Joseph L. Alexander

psi (cornell)

alpha psi (indiana)

Frank D. Havard

gamma alpha (west alabama)

J. Patrick Figley

alpha tau (rensselaer)

Eldred J. Harman

James D. Hornbrook

chi (stetson)

alpha iota (auburn)

J. Ernest Johnson

beta delta (drake)

J. Gunnar Schalin

Robert J. Paterno J. Jeffry Wahlen


Ronald E. Krebs

upsilon (illinois)

alpha epsilon (florida)

alpha eta (samford)

John F. Lee Jr. David M. White

Robert C. Cline

Robert J. Wilcox

Ben Hill Griffin Jr.

beta alpha (njit)

tau (north carolina state)

psi (cornell)

alpha epsilon (florida)

T.J. Sullivan

Kenneth J. Forti

Richard F. Bangert

John S. Kirk


Sigma (South Carolina)

upsilon (illinois)

psi (cornell)

alpha upsilon (drexel)

rho (washington & lee)

sigma (south carolina)

chi (stetson)

William T. Sigmon

beta gamma (louisville)

Durward W. Owen Dudley F. Woody

omicron (alabama)

Alpha Sigma (Tennessee)

lambda (georgia)

Raymond E. Cartledge Travis P. Julian Paul C. Wesch Omicron Chapter

James C. Turk Allen O. Woody III

Craig A. Winkelmann

omicron (alabama)

W. Stuart Hicks

xi (roanoke)

William J. Rickert

alpha rho (west virginia)

Nicholas A. Boccella Edward L. Corson II

Charles R. Simons

David D. Morgan Sr.

J. Terry Dewberry  Lonnie A. Morris Jr. Carl D. Ring Robert M. Snuggs III

Talbot B. Newman Jr.

xi (roanoke)

iota (georgia tech)

beta omicron (nSU)

alpha omicron (iowa state)

J. Rodney Harris Frank L. Lane Phil Tappy

friends of the fraternity

supreme circle

Daniel B. Barry  Julius E. Burges John C. Hassell David H. Jaffee  E. Lawrence Powers  George E. Sheetz

iota (georgia tech)

beta kappa (georgia state)

Kelley A. Bergstrom

alpha lambda (mississippi)

alpha (charleston)

beta alpha (njit)

alpha alpha (mercer)

council club

James N. Crump

friends of the fraternity

Shirley L. Hardee Lyn Havard  Betty Lowell Cornell University Pi Kappa Phi Properties Toccoa W. Switzer Foundation

total assets This graph illustrates the Foundation’s growth in total assets since 2000. $6,243,276

$6m $5m





$4,259,561 $4,386,720






$3m $2m $1m $0











2010 Lifetime Giving Clubs

Foundation Club

$5,000 - $9,999

Lamplighter’s Club

$2,500 - $4,999

Executive Director’s Club

$1,000 - $2,499

Gold Star Club

$500 - $999

Chevron Club

$250 - $499

Crossed Swords Club

$1 - $249

visit the new



annual giving

Listed here are members and friends who contributed to the Foundation in 2010. Donors are listed by chapter under their lifetime cumulative giving club level. ALPHA (Charleston)

John R. Ritter Jr.

John C. Hassell  David H. Jaffee

Tyler & Amy Henson

chevron club

council club

crossed swords club

William M. Spearman Christopher P. Witte

foundation club

Gary A. Catterton  James B. Edwards Robert W. Marlowe Samuel W. McConnell Jr. Terence N. Moore Gregory D. Padgett Sam & Nancy Stafford

GAMMA (Cal-Berkeley) foundation club

Steven S. Ryder

lamplighter’s club  Leon K. Wolfe Jr. executive director’s club

Harry W.Freeman Jr. William S. Gaud Eric C. Helfers Carl R. Johnson Richard P. Pierce Stephen L. Thomas

lamplighter’s club  Daniel J. Bosshart executive director’s club

Walter A. Eagan James P. Kinlock Lawrence J. Olson Young D. Stewart gold star club

David W. Halligan Robert D. O’Malley Harland & Paula Ross

chevron club  Reuthanak Tap  Frank A. Winton Jr. crossed swords club

gold star club

Philip S Duwel  Andrew C. Jaffee Michael R. Renault  Henry W. Strobel Jr. L. Andrew Westbrook III

Robert J. Di Piazza Phillip V. Hurley Robert D. Parmelee John D. Steuart  Ethan J. Wicklund

chevron club  Warren & Lydia Almand

Kenneth S. Gustafson Sr.

ZETA (Wofford)

gold star club

lamplighter’s club

Mark O. Bundy William B. Evins Jr.

executive director’s club

James H. Belcher Alex O’Daniel D. Boyce Woolbright Jr.

chevron club

gold star club

Frampton W. Henderson III Jack L. Kaplan crossed swords club

Clarence C. Riner III

council club

William M. Dull  Thomas M. Garrou Scott E. Hoehn Robert S. Lawrence William T. Moore Benjamin J. Roberts Edgar F. Seagle  John J. Stewart

foundation club

LAMBDA (Georgia)

ETA (Emory)

executive director’s club

Kenneth C. Kiehl

gold star club

John C. Nix Jr.

IOTA (Georgia Tech) Robert M. Snuggs III Alan A. Imm J. Garrison Pritchett Jr.

foundation club

Isaac W. Lang Jr.  Chad V. Powell

lamplighter’s club

Michael V. Cowan  Bruce M. Jewett Thomas Lowndes Jr. Robert C. Murray Jr. Robert A. Parrish  John H. Puckett Robert B. Rowe

executive director’s club  John A. Greaves Jr.

executive director’s club

David G. Baker Jr. Stewart H. Carlin  Robert B. Costley Robert A. DeFurio Christopher E. Doyle Charles R. Ferguson  Gabriel L. Gehret  J. Michael Jones  William I. Sauser Jr. Bruce C. Vanderhoof

Julian R. Lang William F. Miller Jr.

crossed swords club

Ryan C. Rocco II John F. Tolson Jr.

chevron club  Shawn D. Doughtie

Donald N Fischer John R. Paus Bryan G. Ramey II

lamplighter’s club  Peter J. Manning

Duke A. Darrigo II  Stephen U. Davis  Wayne L. King Jason A. Schall Robert E. Wylde

David C. Ullman chevron club

J. Scott Nelson

crossed swords club

Joshua & Katie Gillespie Robert B. Seagraves Jr. Bartley W. Sides

BETA (Presbyterian) foundation club

Clinton E. Massey

lamplighter’s club  Clifton C. Goodwin III

EPSILON (Davidson) gold star club

Art & Darlene Maxwell Samuel G. McGregor

executive director’s club  Thomas H. Stearns

Eugene A. Vaughn gold star club

chevron club

Wilson S. Hendry

Rolly Bannister Jr.  David K. Dixon Walk C. Jones

Lifetime Giving Clubs Star & Lamp society



Ernest B. Hunter Jr. Harold B. Kernodle Jr. Louis M. Palles Jr. Lawrence D. Wilkerson Philip C. Winstead crossed swords club

J. H. John Vernon  First-time Donor Supreme Circle

$250,000 - $499,999


Giving Club Advancement

Founders’ Circle

$100,000 - $249,999

KAPPA (North Carolina) foundation club

J Councill Leak Keith & Margaret Rollins Thomas H. Sayre

Anders W. Hall Frank T. Wrenn III

executive director’s club

George M. Benda James G. Smith  Brian E. Swab

chevron club  Frank T. Wrenn Jr. crossed swords club

Thomas M. Garrou

NU (Nebraska) lamplighter’s club

lamplighter’s club

James A. Guretzky

executive director’s club

George W. Braun Frederick V. Coville Woodrow W. Gunter II Marvin S. Hackney Russell N. Hadley Richard K. Holzworth Clifton M. Hux Jr. Wayne N. Scott Robert C. White James M. Wilmott Mark H. Winston

lamplighter’s club

Michael L. Marable T. Benjamin Massey Bart N. Stephens

James A. Bushong John D. Englehardt Jack R. Spangler

James L. Thompson

MU (Duke)

gold star club

crossed swords club

DELTA (Furman)

McHenry Hamilton III William J. Harp Jr. Leroy Langston David J. Lerner  Charles K. Wagner Jr.

gold star club  J. B. Bradley Clarke Sr.  Fred M. Thrower chevron club

David & Claudette Cunnold Robert T. Lowrance Joseph Luciani George V. Rouse Dean W. Russell  Kenneth G. Scott

Andrew T. Shepherd

Bradley S. Hanover  Thomas M. MacGlothlin David F. McAllister John A. Redhead Jerome W. Stanislaw crossed swords club

gold star club

crossed swords club

Charles P. Adams  Peter E. Berg Alvin & Judy Daughtridge James B. Little Jr.

executive director’s club

James S. Christol Warren R. Hill Robert M. Werner William J. Wesslund gold star club

Wallace W. Loerch Thomas C. Miller chevron club

Blaine G. Beck  John C. Stohlmann

Deceased Order of the Rose

$50,000 - $99,999

Order of the Bell

$25,000 - $49,999

Council Club

$10,000 - $24,999

XI (Roanoke)

Pi Kappa Phi’s Leadership Schools—Pi Kapp College and Mid Year Leadership Conferences—provide education and leadership training for undergraduate members of Pi Kappa Phi. Through an educational grant awarded annually to Pi Kappa Phi, the Foundation is able to help offset the costs of students’ participation.

William G. Sutton Richard S. Taylor William C. Taylor

founders’ circle

James C. Turk Allen O. Woody III

gold star club  George E. Aiken Jr.  Robert L. Bowers Sr.  Barry J. Brock  Edwin V. Caldwell II

order of the bell

Durward W. Owen Dudley F. Woody council club

Edward L. Corson II

Pi Kapp College was redesigned in 2010 as an emerging leaders institute. Under the new format, undergraduates apply to attend the intensive six‑day program, which is intended to challenge and empower participants to become better leaders and better men. Feedback from the 41 participants was overwhelmingly positive. A group of 62 men have been selected to participate in Pi Kapp College 2011.

David L. Hinton Dr. & Mrs. Bryan McCullick Ralph T. Russell Mark E. Spear

foundation club  Edward J. Bennett  Stephen A. Esworthy

Raphael E. Ferris Gordon N. Fidura Lee S. Peregoff DeWitt R. Petterson Tim Ribar Jr. James S. Stump Jr.

chevron club

John R. Blevins  Jeffrey M. Cull  James T. Frantz III Thomas A. Martin Albert C. Skaggs

lamplighter’s club

Mid Year Leadership ConferenceS are held regionally each January to provide chapter officers with training unique to their specific position. Pi Kappa Phi is the only national fraternity to offer leadership training to 100 percent of its undergraduate officers. In 2011, Dallas was added to as a fourth location and Mid Year reached a record attendance with 1,257 students. In a survey of those students, 91 percent rated their conference experience as “excellent” or “good.”

crossed swords club

Paul C. Caldwell Cameron R. Ogilvie Donald J. Potter Jr. Tod N. Senne John R. Stafford Jr.

executive director’s club

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Barber  Joseph P. Donohue Harry I. Johnson Jr. Richard J. Milan Jr. George B. Naff Richard M. Newman Carl B. Sherertz gold star club  John R. Churchill

Paul S. Henkel  Robert W. Irvin Jr. Louis J. Mullineaux Joseph N. Payne Mark A. Wing

James C. Baldone Jr. Joseph Van Carmichael John M. Clark Sr. Dan F. Prescott James R. Webb

RHO (Washington & Lee) council club

Richard G. Anderson foundation club

Robert L. Wade

executive director’s club

Floyd W. McKinnon  Malcolm H. Squires Jr. Robert J. Taylor IV  John D. Wallace  Dorsey M. Ward Jr.

leadership schools Pi Kapp College 2010

gold star club

Edwin P. Garretson Jr. Kenneth B. Van De Water Jr.  Madison T. Woodward III

chevron club

Benjamin B. Albert Jr.  Paul Breen William H. Delatron  Paul & Tracy Jenkins  William E. LaPrade Jr. Ellis G. Ramsey Jr. Fredric S. Schneider


chevron club  Bob & Helen Ballantine  George T. Myers



Dederick C. Ward III

crossed swords club

order of the bell

Jerry T. Brewer

council club

Kenneth J. Forti

foundation club

OMICRON (Alabama) founders’ circle

Harry E. Caldwell Jr.

Paul D. Carter Jr. Walter H. Pickens Jr. Danny W. Reynolds

executive director’s club

Robert M. Gatti W. David Rhodes III  John R. Stokes

order of the bell  R. Nathan Hightower

Lonnie Strickland III

Mid Year Leadership Conference 2011 Preparedness for Office Attendance

Herbert L. Benson Jr. Michael D. Harvath II  James T. McKinnon Yancey A. Montgomery Jr Robert A. Montgomery Wright T. Paulk Jr. Frederick E. Quinn

council club

Raymond E. Cartledge Travis P. Julian Paul C. Wesch lamplighter’s club  David R. Adams

William T. Bishop Jr. Jack E. Brunson Joe C. Cassady Thomas B. Henderson  Robert F. Inman Mack O. Matthews  Stephen G. Smith



chevron club  Jeffrey D. Crane Jr.

W. Hays Pickens III Toby & Jean Reynolds

crossed swords club

executive director’s club

Jack & Marlo Elena Blasius John A. Greaves Jr. Clinton H. Paulsen William M. Schroeder Robert L. Shepherd



gold star club

Mark T. Adamson David L. Baker Sr. Charles M. Dalziel Michael G. Lukridge Joseph L. Murray Stephen M. Rhodes Gerald W. Smith William J. Van Ee III


Edward A. Bridgwood Burton G. Hurdle Patrick J. Kenney Albert E. Lietzau V James W. Pickens  Robert L. Smith

Percent of participants Percent of participants Percent of participants who have a greater interest who have a greater who say Pi Kapp College holding a leadership interest participating in a will help them to position on campus Push America event accomplish personal goals


1% 88%




Somewhat Prepared

SIGMA (South Carolina)

crossed swords club



John O. Martin






Lifetime Giving Clubs Foundation Club

$5,000 - $9,999

Lamplighter’s Club

$2,500 - $4,999

Executive Director’s Club

$1,000 - $2,499

Gold Star Club

$500 - $999

Chevron Club

$250 - $499

Crossed Swords Club

$1 - $249

visit the new



Annual Appeal & unrestricted gifts

Chapter Investment Funds

$72,205 15.1%

Pi Kappa Phi Educational Grant

$183,384 38.4%

$116,601 61.3% Pi Kapp Scholars

$9,837 5.2%

Nu Phi Society

$47,685 10%

International Scholars

$10,851 5.7%

Extra Mile Scholars

$4,786 2.5%

Officials’ gifts

McCollum Scholars

$41,015 8.6%

$2,097 1.1%

Board of Governors

CIF {Conference Grants}

$3,000 0.6%

$7,700 4%

President’s Circle

CIF {Chapter Scholarships}

$7,539 1.6%

$38,491 20.2%

Restricted Gifts

$122,764 25.7%

revenue $477,593

educational grants $190,366

financial summary A snapshot of the foundation’s revenues and grants for 2010. TAU (North Carolina State)

gold star club

Larry W. Anderson  Stanley S. Gryskiewicz Jr. Donald L. Johnson Thomas M. Wrenn

council club

Robert C. Cline

lamplighter’s club

Wallace L. Reams

chevron club

executive director’s club  Anthony L. Evans

Matt G. Smith

crossed swords club

Francis L. Joyner Jr.  Randall E. King Joseph M. McConnaughey Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Seymore

William D. Gardner Peter W. Hogue  Tyler S. Johansson John-Michael E. Lenahan John W. Lindsley Gary A. Meadows  Don E. Walden

gold star club

Hunter B. Atkins Steven M. Leamon  Kenneth A. Long Christopher M. Myers Edward R. Thomas II

PSI (Cornell)

Founders’ Circle

chevron club

James C. Johnson Andrew D. Page Jr.  Jeffrey M. Roberts  Stacey A. Smith

John S. Kirk

UPSILON (Illinois)

John H. Angus George F. Heinrich W. John Zygmunt Jr.

council club

William F. Newell Edmund A. Sayer

foundation club

council club

J. Gunnar Schalin

lamplighter’s club

lamplighter’s club  James & Melba Bayne

Gregory J. Della Rocca James E. Emig Michael J. Piscitelli Frank A. Sherer Frederick W Thorne

Michael A Lowery

executive director’s club  Robert J. Bogdanoff

James K. Kutill August M. Massa John R. Stroehlein Stephen D. Trahey

executive director’s club  Michael A. Davis

Gary R. Fisher David D. Prescott Lawrence G. Thayer  J. Cory Wright

gold star club

David Bein John W. Shustitzky Walter T. Wahlfeldt

gold star club

Erwin A. Tschanz

chevron club

chevron club

Jack J. Bakker

Michael P. Carpenter Jr.  Nicholas J. Linder

crossed swords club

Gary M. Behrens  Michael K. Yam

crossed swords club

William C. Berthold Eric M. Levine Paul A. Pietropaolo Charley S. Potter

CHI (Stetson)

founders’ circle  Bruce L. Rogers council club

OMEGA (Purdue)

J. Patrick Figley

order of the rose

lamplighter’s club  Michael J. Sweeney Jr. executive director’s club

David G. Lane

foundation club

Jack K. Berlien Patrick J. Kuhnle Gregory V. Linder Dr. & Mrs. Jack Powers

Anthony A. Biancarosa Edwin H. Culver John K. Snellings

Lifetime Giving Clubs Star & Lamp society



First-time Donor Supreme Circle

$250,000 - $499,999


Giving Club Advancement

Founders’ Circle

$100,000 - $249,999

lamplighter’s club

Herman G. Riggs  Christos C. Ziogas

executive director’s club

James R. Berlien Duane M. Davis Hugh M. Flanagan  Neil T. Hentschel  Mark A. Higgins Rikard E. Hill Grafton Houston Jr. James D. Jackson William G. Kanouse Richard H. Lowe John E. McDonald  David L. Mitzner Robert A. Rust Donald C. Swager William L. Swager Robert E. Thomson Robert C. Wingard Jr. gold star club  David R. Davis

Michael D. Kerr Robert M. Little Kevin J. Ohaver  Donald L. Porth III Robert L. Roth  Kurt M. Takara Clarke F. Thornton Kim J. Tubergen Edward M. Vana chevron club

Vytautas J. Damasius Bryan S. Freed Hilton B. Henry  Stephen M. Holtsclaw Kevin E. Johnson Mark R. Megraw Scott D. Patton Todd B. Spaulding Peter K. Todd crossed swords club

Jason E. Cooper  Rolund F. De Hoog Edwin D. Gruwell Jr.  Thomas W. Harzula Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Mike Holtsclaw Eldon Marks Stephen J. Noth  James B. Peacock  Ryan L. Nugent  Michael A. Vasil

ALPHA ALPHA (Mercer) lamplighter’s club

Ledford C. Carter

executive director’s club

Benjamin B. Bush Thomas Lowndes III Charles R. Melton gold star club

Ralph B. Montgomery chevron club  Kevin G. Berry

Drew N. Hartley Lee Seelig

crossed swords club

Hollis C. Lewis Jr.

ALPHA GAMMA (Oklahoma) foundation club

Robert E. Holly

lamplighter’s club

Jay K. Morris Robert J. Ogborn  John T. Owen gold star club

Dana L. Taylor

chevron club  Brian D. Butler

ALPHA DELTA (Washington) council club

Robert C. Bux

lamplighter’s club

Brian P. Walker

executive director’s club  Stanley J. Gratis gold star club  Joshua A. Berger

Indy C. Crowley John R. Pedersen chevron club

Manuel D. Esteban

crossed swords club

Jeffrey M. Boschee  Kevin N Chang  Ben R. Pascal

ALPHA EPSILON (Florida) Order of the Bell  Robert J. Paterno  J. Jeffry Wahlen council club

Peter C. Barr David W. Henn  Bert E. Luer Mark E. Timmes

Deceased Order of the Rose

$50,000 - $99,999

Order of the Bell

$25,000 - $49,999

Council Club

$10,000 - $24,999

foundation club

executive director’s club

David O. Charland Ira T. Hancock Robert W. McMullen II

Jimmy R. Bell Robert C. Chandler William W. Dixon Jr. William M. Ford Jack R. McDonald Glenn A. Olivenbaum Gilmer T. Simmons  James M. Smith  Henry J. Yeackle III

lamplighter’s club

Neil O. Contess Geary W. Cotton Hugh A. Gower Benjamin G. Holdorf Howard W. Pettengill Jr. Charles A. Stewart Christopher J. Tice Sr.

gold star club

executive director’s club

Bernard A. Barton Jr. Eric B. Dana Thomas M. Fitzgerald Mark E. French Scott W. Hamilton  William P. Keyes  Michael J. Nozzarella Roy T. Olsen Charles R. Rigl Robert N. Scott Don Slesnick Stuart C. Stockton Bob & Tracey Sullivan  Michael L. Sullivan

Merle L. Wade Jr.

Kenneth G. Adams Theodore D. Aylward William M. Cleary Matthew J. Shaheen

executive director’s club  Thomas H. Bird

Brian R. Connelly William L. Holler  Eivind J. Kolemainen Bruce & Susan Lessien Paul A. Long Donald E. Viecelli gold star club

Wallace M. DeMaagd Robert & Joan Ellis Scott E. Evans Jeffrey W. Hill Gerald F. Wajda Michael J. Yanachik

John L. Broe  Eduardo J. Cardenal  Ord J. Fink Jr.  Robert S. McKinney Diego R. Santangelo Glenn A. Shapiro Chandler H. Sharon Jr.

chevron club  Scott L. Bender

Curtis W. Estes Jr. Robin G. Ewen Richard L. Goetz

crossed swords club

Richard & Jill Alan Frank A. McDonald Jr.  Ilian D. Obregon

crossed swords club

ALPHA ZETA (OrEGon State) council club

Frederick W. Raw

foundation club  Robert J. Elfers

Frank W. Brutt  James P. Downey Richard W. James  Brian S. Kirsch Thomas H. Marra

Jack T. Reviglio Jack W. Steward David H. Vawter


Gary S. Munn

foundation club  Charles E. Gavin III lamplighter’s club

founders’ circle

J. Ernest Johnson

lamplighter’s club executive director’s club

Charles R. Hartsough Rickey L. Hug Gregory L. Nesbitt Thomas D. Patterson Raymond C. Terhune William W. Thomas  Roger A. Turner

Joe W. Forehand Jr. Ralph S. Foster Jr.  William W. Jones Jr. Fontaine A. Maddox Jr. Louis A. Reynolds Jr.

executive director’s club

William S. Finney Tommy W. Gordon Tommy K. Hartwell Edward N. Henderson Nathaniel D. McClure

gold star club

Roland E. Curtis  Ryan D. Howell Leon O. Ramsey

chevron club  Robert E. Calkins

gold star club  Charles S. Blackledge Jr.

Gary L. Smith Vernon D. Standish

John O. Christiansen Jr. James H. Hendry

crossed swords club

Derek J. Brice Richard W. Saunders

chevron club  Hugh D. Dozier

ALPHA ETA (Samford) council club

James F. House

foundation club

Warren W. Hilson Sr.

lamplighter’s club

Reginald B. Clay James E. Purvis Dwayne K. Todd

executive director’s club  Christopher J. Kozak gold star club  Kenneth B. Goldberg

Jason R. Prickett

crossed swords club

Justin E. Hummel

Ben B. Sayle

lamplighter’s club

chevron club

Mark E. Perrin  Patrick M. Walsh

executive director’s club

ALPHA THETA (Michigan State)

Michael L. Crovatt Donald A. Dvornik Page M. Eppele Thomas E. Johnson  William R. McCall Jr.

lamplighter’s club


chevron club

David T. Corey Robert E. Greene

gold star club  George C. Cross III

ALPHA KAPPA (Michigan)

Harold H. Hartwell James M. Jones Bill K. Kennedy  Brian P. Matisak David G. Scott  Clarence E. Weldon Jr.

crossed swords club

William G. Paulk  Zachary J. Waddell

executive director’s club  William W. Chmelar

Jeremy D. Dickinson  Stanton E. Fritz Guy K. Goodenow  David L. Hancock Kenneth R. Hook  Douglas S. Hunnicutt  David J. Knavel Jan & Jerry Love Richard C. Ohrt Ralph H. Ruedy  Gregory M. Rusk John O. Sanderson  Lawrence M. Stella John J. Veak gold star club

ALPHA MU (Penn State) Gary D. Bello Robert D. Buchwald Palmer L. Davis Jr. Richard C. Heim Richard F. McKnight Maurice P. Ranc Jr. William Simon III

Dale & Jeannene Cochran  Robert A. Handelman Terry E. Henricksen  Benjamin R. Jones David K. Little Charles J. Rehman Jr. Joshua R. Sheffler Jose & Melissa Torres

Richard W. Brown Jr. Scott D. Myers William J. Vernon Jr. John J. Yeosock

David A. Duda Richard L. Ewen Joseph O. Linney Anthony J. Sindt  Matthew D. Thornburg

executive director’s club

chevron club

gold star club

chevron club  Edwin A. Friend Jr.

crossed swords club

David W. Adickes Edward E. Cowger Jr. Karl W. Griffith  Andrew J. Long Tyson J. Salewske

Lester S. Fry Jr. Nelson E. Mattern

crossed swords club

Stephen C. Botta Robert W. Boyd Kyle J. Heffner

ALPHA RHO (West Virginia)

ALPHA XI (St. John’s/brooklyn poly) lamplighter’s club

William L. Friend

Foundation Club  Victor A. Folio gold star club

Robert J. Laughner

executive director’s club

chevron club

John J. Molinelli Richard G. Ramge Siegfried A. Rotter

John C. Marano Jr.

crossed swords club  Richard C. LaG ala

gold star club

Albert Aiello Jr. William V. Delnicki Paul W. Dillon Richard F. Groller  Stanley C. Harazim Richard J. Magg Rino Nori Antonio G. Quilon Harry F. Roener

ALPHA SIGMA (Tennessee) Council club

William T. Sigmon

lamplighter’s club

Alfred S. Sewell Jr.

executive director’s club

Thomas H. Banks James T. Cogdill  Stephen J. Evans Frank M. Pugh Jon T. Rymer James R. VanFrank Jr.

chevron club

Lee B. Fatell Albert R. Muller

crossed swords club

gold star club  Michael D. Mynatt

Arthur J. Karle Denis G. Klisz Michael J. Levinton George J. Siracuse

David B. Spalding chevron club

Robert A. Linn

crossed swords club

Kelley A. Bergstrom

Barney D. Bucy James N. Campbell Jr.  Ben F. Watkins Jr.

Eldred J. Harman

ALPHA TAU (Rensselaer)

Robert A. Lane Frank M. Parrish III

Gordon B. Wright

ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) star & lamp society founders’ circle

order of the rose foundation club

Eric J. Almquist John C. Brockmann  Ajay J. Desai  Jeremy D. Galvin  Emerson D. Linney Warren R. Madden Wayne R. Moore

lamplighter’s club  John R. Bateman  James R. Carson

Hubert M. Lattan Harold D. Osborne  Thomas J. Ruzicka Brett J. Toresdahl

Order of the Bell

lamplighter’s club

Cedric H. Dustin III Robert E. Hawkins George W. Kirkland Jr. Larry J. Powell Stephen S. Strunck

executive director’s club

Benjamin M. Cahill Jr. David B. Dobson Steven H. Kaitz  Brewster W. LaMacchia John W. McMahon Kermit G. Pratt Edward Rebula Douglas A. Wiles Harry J. Zimmer

Lifetime Giving Clubs Foundation Club

$5,000 - $9,999

Lamplighter’s Club

$2,500 - $4,999

Executive Director’s Club

$1,000 - $2,499

Gold Star Club

$500 - $999

Chevron Club

$250 - $499

Crossed Swords Club

$1 - $249

visit the new



gold star club

crossed swords club

Richard J. Andrews David Dropkin Gregory M. Herlan John B. Margenot Jr. Erik B. Nagel James F. Rappolt Jr. Benjamin T. Sporn

Mr. & Mrs. Bob Benner Fredric T. Clarke Jr. Walter L. Fawcett Jr. Daniel C Gormley William H. Hitchens  Steve R. Markley George B. Mullin Robert J. Schoenberger  Daniel E. Sonon Darren J. Tapp

chevron club

Milton C. Beveridge George G. Morgan Jr. Robert G. Sidelko


crossed swords club

Jeffrey A. Cunningham Eric C. Friedrich Francis M. Goodwin Jr. Patrick H. Trainor

foundation club

Nathanael P. Gombis Martin T. Kotsch

David S. Shook III Richard L. Stutz  Fred F. Thursfield Ross A. Wingler

gold star club

James R. Crews Jr. James P. Halsey Justin P. Patterson Stephen R. Sanders John & Dana Unison James E. Witek chevron club

James A. Eshleman  Wesley A. Huesman

crossed swords club

Kevin W. Condon Heath M. Osburn Terry L. Russell  Kenneth J. Szymanski  A. J. Todd Todd A. Waldman

ALPHA OMEGA (Oregon) executive director’s club

Donald D. Lasselle Stanley C. Lynch gold star club  Robert E. Davis

Sherman W. Holmes Robert D. Potts

crossed swords club

Wayne W. Tennant


executive director’s club

John T. Higgins Matthew E. Hunt James M. Kelly James D. Leyerle Roger L. Peterson  Bryan D. Schott Paul W. Wagner  Frederic W. Widlak

ALPHA UPSILON (Drexel) order of the rose  Jack M. Casper council club

W. Keith Sheppard

foundation club

Thomas E. Berk Frederick W. Schmehl

gold star club

James M. Helm Edward W. King Jack R. Piper John A. Wheeler Jr. James C. Woodling

lamplighter’s club

Martin E. Burrows  Barry G. Campbell

executive director’s club  Robert D. Austin  John H. Buhsmer Jr.  Samuel J. Costa Jr.

chevron club

Kenneth L. Slepicka

Harold A. Cowles  Joseph R. Deluca Philip R. Earley  Gino A Fortunato Raymond H. Griffin Paul W. Gross Alan D. Henderson John D. Knoll Jr. Charles S. Kuntz John N. Marshall Vicko J. Melada Edward M. Simon Jr.

crossed swords club

Michael Gidaspow Charles H. Small Victor E. Terrana Richard D. Thompson II ALPHA CHI (Miami)

executive director’s club

Melford C. Hopkins chevron club

Wilson A. Rehfield III

crossed swords club

Kay W. Kroepsch

gold star club

Daniel J. Ginsberg Norman & Arlene Grede Dale R. Haring  Tony M. Noce Ralph & Evelyn Parris John J. Peirce Jr.

ALPHA PSI (Indiana) order of the bell

Phillip M. Summers COUNCIL club

T.J. Sullivan

chevron club  Cornelius W. Cornelssen  Michael S. Gennaro Jr.

foundation club

Jefferson S. Shreve

lamplighter’s club  Rodney L. Gunning executive director’s club

Robert E. Lake John D. LaRocca Walter W. Lovell Richard N. Mensch  Joseph A. Sheppard George F. Spingler Jr. Stephen C. Winter

Lifetime Giving Clubs Star & Lamp society



William D. Day Jr. Max A. Fawley David C. Gibson  Gary S. Louderback Jr. Joseph F. Lux Kevin L. McDonald  First-time Donor Supreme Circle

$250,000 - $499,999


$100,000 - $249,999

order of the bell  Anonymous foundation club

David L. Robertson

lamplighter’s club  John D. Davis

Carl M. Koch

executive director’s club

Donald P. Brown  Larry W. Carter William M. Fraser Jr. gold star club

Charles J. Evans John E. Trufant  Robert M. Weitzner chevron club  Douglas W. MacGregor crossed swords

David T. Meldeau  Timothy S. Vanderhoof

BETA GAMMA (Louisville) foundation club

Spencer E. Harper Jr. gold star club

James B. Grissom chevron club  Martin G. Cecil

James A. Koshewa  Joseph H. Reagan Jr.

order of the rose


order of the bell

Mr. & Mrs. James Hornbrook

council club

Robert A. Cione

Stephen P. DePalma

council club

James A. Krucher

foundation club

John F. Lee Jr. David M. White

executive director’s club

foundation club

John E Pugliesi

lamplighter’s club

Theodore & Laura Cassera Aivars E. Krumins Joseph J. Manfredi Richard Pedersen Donald R. VanHouten

executive director’s club

Nicholas Adams Fred & Judi Becker Richard V. Comiso Patrick Guerra Edward J. Klebaur Jr. Karlis V. Kopans Richard M. Labinsky Donald C. Linske Louis R. Miceli Richard J. Rodrick Kenneth J. Scheck Jr. gold star club

John R. Albright  Louis W. Crompton Jr.  Frank J. Falcone Karl Kubak  John V. Lavery  Brandon T. Sorensen Richard H. Stephan Francis J. Wood  Christopher R. Wymer chevron club  Charles J. Bertrand

Lawrence A. Kominiak Sr. Anthony V. Mangone William C. Toth crossed swords club

John Bernet James P. Brogan Robert L. Sicilano  Ryan A. Spadaccini

Giving Club Advancement

Founders’ Circle

BETA BETA (Florida Southern)

Paul H. Davis Paul H. Gilman Robert M. Moody Kenneth J. Piller Norris D. Rowland gold star club

Ronald L. Dougal chevron club  Michael J. Cohen

James Labiak James L. Rutherford Bruce N. Swanson crossed swords club

Robert L. Casanova Martin R. Radtke

BETA EPSILON (Missouri) foundation club

Jay J. Stuckel

executive director’s club

Laurence G. Trudell gold star club

Bradley A. Barondeau  Harry L. Dilley Jerry M. Dowell David M. Epperson George E. Hyde Jr.  Andrew D. McCarthy chevron club

Gregory S. Gunn Kenneth C. Weyand crossed swords club

Dowell C. Carter Willitt S. Pierce Michael S. Wallace Garrett C. Williamson

Deceased Order of the Rose

$50,000 - $99,999

Order of the Bell

$25,000 - $49,999

Council Club

$10,000 - $24,999

BETA ETA (Florida State) foundation club  Thomas H. Atwood

W. Jeffrey Niedenthal lamplighter’s club

Donald A. Bowlin  James M. Lloyd Michael S. Loy Howard E. McCall Jr.  Paul L. Nichols III

executive director’s club  Paul T. Aase

Jolyon D. Acosta  Thomas H. Coley  Charles R. Cutajar  Christian J. Downs Gilbert G. Fernandez  Guy & Helena Hollingsworth Charles W. MacMillin Kenneth K. Majewski Christopher D. New  James B. Newman  John F. Pierce Frank M. Ryll Jr.  Jonathan E. Stevens Lewis F. Symmes Eric Wahlen gold star club

Leo Almerico Brian C. Baber Ronald B. Boersma Jeffrey B Butler Hugo H. De Beaubien A. Reginald Dickey Jr. Raymond W. Jones Harry K. McIntosh Jr. Randolph M. Plotts Jeffry Pujals Christopher L. Ricci Norman D. Stoddard

gold star club

Joseph E. Costello Gerald K. Dunaway William G. Frederick George H. Hershman Craig A Myers Elmer J. Newness William C. O’Shea Sr. Gene E. Peterman Roger W. Schiller  Mark A. Urrutia

Pi Kappa Phi recognizes that alcohol abuse is a major concern in the higher education community. Through education, training and mature adult guidance, Pi Kappa Phi provides a comprehensive menu of tools to help students make good choices regarding alcohol, and to understand the consequences of their choices.

Chevron club

crossed swords club

Lucas M. Blazejewski  Matthew C. Brenot  Ryan M. Guntle Jeffrey L. Huston  Garrick P. Johnson  Adam M. Scott  Michael J. Severino

BETA KAPPA (Georgia State) order of the rose

Kenneth J. Cribbs

chevron club

Donald W. Clark Alton P. Ewing  Stephen J. McCabe Jerry W. Ragsdale

crossed swords club

Michael T Conway  Adam F. DiGiovanni Edgar A. Vaughn Jr.

Crandall L. Cunningham  William E. Holdorf Ronald L. Irwin Frank N. Kaney Henry P. Land Jr. Steven J. Louchheim  Scott C. Middlebrooks Dewey C. Mills Christopher D. Mueller Travis S. Olson Christopher D Ryle

alcohol education initiatives


executive director’s club  James R. Crosby  Robert & Mary Catherine Myers gold star club

Wade G. Birch  Ralph M. Griffin Jr.  Don Laughran Jeffrey R. White  David W. Wittenberg

crossed swords club

Arden Anderson Geoffrey G. Bowles  John D. Eaton Robert D. Elefante Jamie M Fritz Richard C. Lukas  Philip C. McCully Willie R. Mock Jr. Brian P. Murphy Paul C. Perry  Christopher J. Reed Jim Scarboro Gregory S. Sieman  Victor S. Spoto Richard Sundberg Derby L. Ulloa James K. White

crossed swords club

William P. Bosworth  David Villarroel

BETA MU (McNeese State)

Alcohol Education Delivery

foundation club

Richard B. Smith

lamplighter’s club

C. Mitchell Adrian Wilfred R. Bourne Jr.

executive director’s club

During the 2010-2011 academic year, Pi Kappa Phi delivered alcohol education programs to three of every five students.

Edwin M. Potratz II

BETA NU (Houston)

executive director’s club

Richard A. Viguerie

BETA THETA (Arizona)

gold star club

Samuel R. Andress Russell T. Gilbert

crossed swords club

executive director’s club

Jarrod Portelance  J. Carter Allen  Joseph Hykle

gold star club  James R. Hambacher chevron club

BETA XI (Central Michigan)

James C. Fritcher  Jake C. Henderson

lamplighter’s club

Duane M. Valerio

BETA IOTA (Toledo) foundation club

lamplighter’s club  Lance A. Talmage executive director’s club

Christopher E. Barton Robert D. Conley

For more information about how you can support Pi Kappa Phi’s alcohol education initiatives, contact the Foundation at If you are interested becoming a Ladder of Risk or ASTP facilitator, contact Director of Alcohol Education Dr. Lori Hart at

lamplighter’s club  David R. DeMarco executive director’s club

John W. Barber Patrick J. McCabe Donald E. Perkins John B. Whitley

chevron club

Robert C. Friess J. Robert Shindell

For the 2010-2011 academic year, Pi Kappa Phi’s alcohol education programs included Alcohol Skills Training Program (ASTP), The Ladder of Risk and GreekLifeEdu. (GreekLifeEdu is required for all associate members prior to participating in the Ritual of Initiation.) Pi Kappa Phi also utilizes other educational materials including the “ResponseAbility” DVD, “The Choice is Yours” DVD and a 21st Birthday e-card.

Richard H. Smalley

executive director’s club  Derek J. Berger  Dale R. DeWaard  Basil J. Lyberg gold star club  David E. Clappison crossed swords club

Matthew S. Norrod  Erick S. Ray  Michael R. Spagnoli

Program Completion

Illustrated here are the number of students who participated in each of Pi Kappa Phi’s alcohol education programs in 2010-2011. ASTP Ladder of Risk GreekLifeEdu


1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 Lifetime Giving Clubs

Foundation Club

$5,000 - $9,999

Lamplighter’s Club

$2,500 - $4,999

Executive Director’s Club

$1,000 - $2,499

Gold Star Club

$500 - $999

Chevron Club

$250 - $499

Crossed Swords Club

$1 - $249

visit the new



Alpha Omicron (Iowa State)

BETA PHI (East Carolina)


Omicron (Alabama)

executive director’s club  David C. Frazier

Lawrence W. Haussmann


Xi (Roanoke)

gold star club

Dennis R. Barbour  Jeffrey F. O’Geary


Alpha Epsilon (Florida)

chevron club

James G. Bishop III Stacey F. Johnson Thomas C. Sayetta


Beta Omicron (NSU)


BETA CHI (Texas A&M - Commerce) lamplighter’s club

Alpha Upsilon (Drexel)


Alpha Iota (Auburn)


Beta Eta (Florida State)


Sigma (South Carolina)

Kenneth L. Park

chevron club  Curtis H. Nugent  Ronald D. Parks

BETA PSI (Tennessee Wesleyan) executive director’s club

Barry A. Saunders chevron club


Beta Alpha (NJIT)

Norris C. Bishop Jr.  Hugh M. Queener



BETA Omega (East Tennessee)



foundation club


David C. Evans

executive director’s club

John N. Boronkay Jr. Edward P. Bowers Byron C. Brown Ronald K. Younger

leading chapters in total contributions in 2010.

gold star club








Beta Eta (Florida State)

crossed swords club

Omega (Purdue)

Alan W. Bagley

Xi (Roanoke)

GAMMA ALPHA (West Alabama)

Alpha Omicron (Iowa State)

council club

Joseph L. Alexander

Alpha Upsilon (Drexel)

executive director’s club  James C. Blackwell

Beta Alpha (NJIT)

Richard B. Bonner  Seth C. Jackson  James J. Withers

Alpha Epsilon (Florida)

gold star club

Omicron (Alabama)

Jack S. Garnett Jr.

crossed swords club

Eta Gamma (Colorado)

Timothy C. Kulas  Craig S. MacLeod Barry F. Outlaw

Epsilon Alpha (Elon) Iota (Georgia Tech)







leading chapters with the most members contributing in 2010. BETA OMICRON (NSU)

BETA SIGMA (Northern Illinois)

founders’ circle

gold star club  Norman J. Pollock chevron club  Robert E. Berry crossed swords club

David D. Morgan Sr.

executive director’s club  Jack P. McCain Jr. gold star club

Wesley L. Breeden  Rodney B. Kinder

Eric R. Johnson Daniel J. Melchin  Eric D. Vicencio

chevron club  John G. Oden crossed swords club

BETA UPSILON (Virginia) foundation club

Glenn A. Dickson Daniel B. Kimball Jr. Joseph B. Yount III

lamplighter’s club

John B. Browning

executive director’s club

W. Lane Luckie Leo & Barbara Murray  John W. Parish Jr.  Jerry R. Payne Monte W. Robinson

BETA TAU (Valdosta State)

Charles L. Nesbit Jr.  George Shipp William J. Watson III

John T. Brooks John G. Morrow III

Thomas G. Haudricourt Thomas L. Rouse

BETA RHO (Clarkson)

crossed swords club

executive director’s club gold star club

Star & Lamp society



Jason J. Diaz

First-time Donor Supreme Circle

$250,000 - $499,999


gold star club

crossed swords club

James M. Dowd

chevron club  John F. Kruse

Lifetime Giving Clubs

Thomas A. Manning William R. Mayes Jr. Eugene W. Smith Michael C. Moody Robert G. Yackanin

William F. Garner Jr.  William B. Lindsley Douglas W. Varney

Giving Club Advancement

Founders’ Circle

$100,000 - $249,999


GAMMA BETA (Old Dominion) lamplighter’s club

Kenneth L. Park

executive director’s club

Linwood A. Beverly Jr. William G. Jenkins  Paul L. Moses Matthew S. Parker gold star club

Donald L. Dixon William W. Kirby IV  Donald M. Midgett Thomas E. Treichler chevron club

Joel Allen Richard G. Howard GAMMA GAMMA (Troy State) executive director’s club  Laurence S. Turrin gold star club

James N. Clayton

crossed swords club

John F Butler Richard E. Jones

Deceased Order of the Rose

$50,000 - $99,999

Order of the Bell

$25,000 - $49,999

Council Club

$10,000 - $24,999


GAMMA NU (LaGrange)

Thomas L. Carter

Jeffry L. Esola

order of the bell

executive director’s club

Herbert W. Blow

lamplighter’s club

executive director’s club  Joseph W. Bryant

Ronald L. Farr Ralph D. Sims

gold star club

Thomas F. Lynch

David M. Dailey  Howard K. Hunter

crossed swords club

lamplighter’s club  Marvin D. Cope executive director’s club

executive director’s club  Boyce “Stick” Miller

David W. Suppes

gold star club  Robert H. Bunch

Max C. Daves Donald C. Turner

gold star club  Robert D. Amick

executive director’s club

gold star club

James T. Lusk

crossed swords club

Glen M. Chaney Marion E. Thomas Barry C. Young

GAMMA ZETA (West Virginia Tech)

Chevron club

Charles W. Hutzler

crossed swords club

Eric A. Smith

Jeremy W. Inabinet  R. Brian McCarty  Ronald W. Rice Jr. Phillip W. Whiteside II

gold star club

William G. Conrad Jr. Clifton A. Smith chevron club  Paul A. Mattox Jr.

GAMMA Sigma (Armstrong) Chevron Club


Stephen L. Crass  J. Scott Davidson

DELTA BETA (North Georgia)

GAMMA RHO (Lander)

executive director’s club

gold star club  Jonathan E. Campbell


Larry F. Callicutt William F. Willis

James C. Hincher

Cal Majure

James H Motos

William L. Finney


executive director’s club

Gilbert G. Morrison George M. Rowland  Adam Wright

council club

Stephen M. Mosher George W. Russell

Glenn N. Byrd  Paul W. Dennis  Dale S. Lewis  Robert H. Squire chevron club

chevron club

chevron club

DELTA IOTA (Middle Tennessee)

gold star club

chevron club

John C. Peden

crossed swords club

Christopher P. Moody

foundation club  Richard F. Baker Jr. lamplighter’s club  Bill W. Pope

DELTA KAPPA (UNC - Pembroke)

executive director’s club

DELTA LAMBDA (UNC-charlotte)

crossed swords club

Curtis J. Bennett Jr. Bruce E. Tanner

Andy O. Smith

Victor C. Eilenfield Victor D. Irvin Charles A. May P.J. Rodgers Brian J. Yarbrough

foundation club

Bill C. Jackson Jr. Bo Proctor Jr.

executive director’s club

Horace J. Harkey Charles A. Marus

gold star club  Donald G. Morris

gold star club

David S. Higgins William S Mumford Terry A. Reed

Richard P. Moultrie Michael T. O’Halpin chevron club

chevron club  Michael J. Grass

Donald C. DuRant

crossed swords club

Robert A. Higgins  Stephen R. Merck

Stephen C. Davis Christian A. Durham  Alan M. Pesti Allen T. Storey

crossed swords club

Quincy D. Magby

DELTA DELTA (Truman State)

DELTA NU (Western Kentucky) chevron club

Paul A. Kaluzne

order of the bell

Lee A. Lemsky Charles H. Molliston

GAMMA UPSILON (Oklahoma State)

council club

lamplighter’s club

Chuck J. Barnard

GAMMA THETA (UNC - Wilmington)

chevron club  Brian D. Stanley crossed swords club

Irvin P. Howard III

DELTA XI (North Alabama)

David L. Ewigman James C. Palmer Stephen R. Schneider Josh A. Wansing Michael R. Zolezzi

Lawrence P. Guess

crossed swords club

executive director’s club

William B. Kirby

Gilbert O. Sanders

Brian S. Richards

gold star club

Leonard H. Harris William D. McCaughan Jr. Henry C. Merritt Jr. Francis L. Wootton crossed swords club

Robert E. Keith


executive director’s club

Kyle T. Robinson

gold star club

GAMMA PHI (South Alabama) lamplighter’s club  David S. Rose executive director’s club  Thomas B. Peterson gold star club  Kenneth P. Hendrix

David V. LaRosa Jr. J Richard Rose John G. VanDerwood

crossed swords club

Michael G. Porche

Ryan L. Stinnett

GAMMA KAPPA (Georgia Southern) GAMMA chI (jacksonville) council club

foundation club

lamplighter’s club  Martin, Demere & Chad NeSmith executive director’s club

crossed swords club

Paul L. Stynchcomb

A. Glenn Aspinwall

Lee W. Davis Joseph W. Odom Jr.

Jeffrey S. Spero

GAMMA PSI (Augusta) gold star club  Ernest T. McPeake II

gold star club

John F. Riggs Richard W. Seaman Christopher A. Wagner

GAMMA MU (belmont abbey) gold star club

Guy A. Piche

chevron club  Bruce A. Martin

executive director’s club gold star club  George F. Blue chevron club

William Z. Womack

chevron club  David D. Hennings II

DELTA OMICRON (Nicholls State) gold star club

Brian M. Rey Vernon E. Wunnenberg Jr.

Jacques D. Frere

crossed swords club

DELTA PI (Wright State)

Brian M. Graham  Tyler G. Menz James M. Shumake

foundation club

Bruce K. Rockwell

DELTA ZETA (Appalachian State) council club  Arthur J. Quickenton executive director’s club  David W. Huss

Kenneth D. Lowe Steven E. Miller

DELTA RHO (southern cal) executive director’s club  Michael W. Coen

Edward A. Lang III  Alan D. Wapner chevron club

Jose L Pratts

crossed swords club

Ryan D. Aeh

gold star club  Todd S. Griffin

Michael H. Buff Bruce E. Greenland

Robert E. Howard Jr.

DELTA ETA (Morehead State)

Nicholas Kulik Scott D. Rankin  Christopher A. Shade Craig M. Ward

Warren C. Fowler Sr.

Gregory L. Kring John F. Moser  Gerald E. Slone

crossed swords club

Pat & Carol Cates Jeffrey B. Thomason

executive director’s club

Royce L. Lader David E. Wigginton chevron club

crossed swords club

David M. Harp

lamplighter’s club

DELTA SIGMA (Bowling Green)

executive director’s club

David J. Centofanti Eric T. Decker

crossed swords club

William E. Maycock

GAMMA OMEGA (Montevallo)

chevron club

Bruce A. Masden Carlos D Tatum

John R. Andrews

DELTA ALPHA (Virginia Tech) executive director’s club

John N. Crist  Kelly J. Hobbie Robert M. Loadwick  Robert B. Ritchie Jr.

executive director’s club  John P. Babel crossed swords club

chevron club  Richard E. Batson

executive director’s club

chevron club

Neno Reynolds II

crossed swords club

Lawrence N. Kindred Chris & Kim McCoy

DELTA TAU (James Madison) executive director’s club  Brian D. Baldwin  Jerry P. Keilsohn  Carlos S. Ramirez chevron club

Kenneth R. Rand

crossed swords club

James P. Wilson

Lifetime Giving Clubs Foundation Club

$5,000 - $9,999

Lamplighter’s Club

$2,500 - $4,999

Executive Director’s Club

$1,000 - $2,499

Gold Star Club

$500 - $999

Chevron Club

$250 - $499

Crossed Swords Club

$1 - $249

visit the new



EPSILON ETA (Winthrop)


Jeffrey A. Mahoney

Vince Thompson & Paul Parker

foundation club

executive director’s club

Chevron club

gold star club  Thomas P. Wilson chevron club

crossed swords club

crossed swords club

gold star club

Thomas J. Sacco

Paul M. Ingiosi

William E. Russell

Santo A. Donia

Andrew T. Kiel

executive director’s club

EPSILON UPSILON (Georgia College)

chevron club

David L. Hohnadel

EPSILON ThETA (seton hall) Len De Palma

lamplighter’s club

Steven J. Veit

executive director’s club

EPSILON IOTA (UNC - Greensboro)

Paul F. Sedor II  William C. Williams

James L. Shaw

Donald M. Crume

lamplighter’s club

pi kapp college 2010 college of charleston tour

executive director’s club

Chad A. Coltrane


David B. Craft

Scott L. McLeod

lamplighter’s club

gOLD sTAR club

DELTA UPSILON (Pittsburgh) executive director’s club

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rusbasan crossed swords club

Joseph M. Lanzetta James A. Maochi

DELTA PHI (Radford) gold star club

Charles R. Cote

David Lee Beahm  Joshua A. Donde  James V. Lewis  Alan F. Medeiros  Brian C. O’Shea  Joshua J. Phoebus  G. Chase Rumley

Daniel G. Lineback

EPSILON KAPPA (Southern Tech) foundation club  Michael L. Hubsky executive director’s club

Michael J. Dunlap William B. Odom John G. Reaves Jr.  Torin B. Reedstrom  Joseph H. White Jr.

crossed swords club

David M. Lyerly

DELTA CHI (Kansas State) lamplighter’s club  Matthew C. Keller executive director’s club

crossed swords club

Paul R. Cunningham  Conor W. Britain G. Lawrence Keller III  Michael G. Bumbry J. Timothy Lindemuth gold star club  Kyle W. Gay Edward L. Enyeart  Timothy S. Johnson chevron club  Jason R. Kahn  Aaron & Morree Floersch  Scott D. Leighty  Andrew K. Ohmes James B. Leslie Patrick L. Thaete  Matthew E. Rice  Terrance M. Sanders DELTA PSI (Texas - Arlington)  Michael A. Satterfield order of the bell James B. Stephenson II Mark F. Jacobs Cory Wilkinson foundation club Billy L. Jacobs EPSILON BETA (Grand Valley) executive director’s club foundation club Bill W. Alexander Ted R. Lukomski William T. Svihel crossed swords club

gold star club  Bryan H. Taylor chevron club

Robert D. Budlong

Keith L. Ackerman Anthony Robledo IV

Jason K. Dodd

crossed swords club

Joseph T. Walker Jonathan A. Wilson

David L. Nelson James A. Ransom

EPSILON Chi (Denver)

chevron club

Steve R. Brewer

gold star club  Adam B. Andrews

crossed swords club

Robert K. Ray

EPSILON LAMBDA (USC - UPSTATE) crossed swords club

Christopher B. Clark

EPSILON PSI (Slippery Rock) lamplighter’s club

David J. Conn  Gregory E. Moffett gold star club

EPSILON MU (Bradley)

Jerritt M. Park

chevron club

council club  William Furling III gold star club

Andrew H. Hartwell J Scott Pilotti James J. Ramsey

Carl L. Aten J. Kevin O’Brien

crossed swords club

Kenneth A Clare Andrew E. Hlavsa  Slater Waltz

EPSILON NU (Sacramento) foundation club

Robert E. Langbein


lamplighter’s club  Todd J. Rehfuss executive director’s club

foundation club  James A. Wedding lamplighter’s club

Steve & Lesley Curtis Kim A. Spannuth

EPSILON Omicron (Villanova)

Peter L. Dudley  Robert E. Welsh

executive director’s club

Gregory B. Turner

Donald C. Sisco II

crossed swords club

Peter J. Anninos

Eric Z. Gnann James T. Smith

Dale W. Rankin

EPSILON RHO (Lenoir-Rhyne)

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kurima

crossed swords club

council club  Thomas B. Sullivan executive director’s club  Enos C. Inniss gold star club

Donald W. Smith

lamplighter’s club

gold star club

order of the bell

gold star club  Zachary L. Cloud chevron club

EPSILON GAMMA (Longwood) executive director’s club


Mark S. Fogas

crossed swords club

chevron club

John R. Spannuth III

executive director’s club  Arthur B. Ennis Jr.

chevron club

gold star club

chevron club

Joseph A. Brady III

Derek W. Farrey Justin G. Hale

council club  Donald R. Jarboe lamplighter’s club

EPSILON DELTA (Auburn - Mont.)

gold star club

gold star club chevron club

crossed swords club

Cory M. Davis Christopher J. Lambert  John M. Oyerbides

Kenneth C. Brown

David M. Smith Jr.

Joseph J. Mullane Craig S. Thornburg

ZETA ALPHA (Clemson)

chevron club

crossed swords club

Timothy N. Hatch

William R. Rhyne Jr.

lamplighter’s club

EPSILON EPSILON (Virginia - Wise)

Glenn P. Goorsky  Glenn P. Goorsky Jr. Trent M. Hennigar Andrew Matznick

executive director’s club

Mark F. Munsell

Christopher R. Stringer  Evan & Sally Batt


David M. Donathan chevron club

Dale T. Kennedy Jr. Neal Lane

Lifetime Giving Clubs Star & Lamp society

Chad Horvat



First-time Donor Supreme Circle

$250,000 - $499,999


William A. White IV Chevron club

Dan Dantzler

ZETA GAMMA (North Dakota)

EPSILON SIGMA (christian brothers)

crossed swords club

Lawrence J. D’Angelo  Patrick C. Gallagher  Trent R. Gilbert

Scott C. Gasparini

crossed swords club

foundation club

foundation club  Timothy A. Martins lamplighter’s club  Christian A. Wiggins executive director’s club  Hardy K. Bobbitt

foundation club

chevron club

chevron club

gold star club  Brian A. Ward crossed swords club

Neal E. Strickland

Giving Club Advancement

Founders’ Circle

$100,000 - $249,999

executive director’s club

Erik D. Granstrom Christopher T. Johnson gold star club

Parry J. Schmeichel

Deceased Order of the Rose

$50,000 - $99,999

Order of the Bell

$25,000 - $49,999

Council Club

$10,000 - $24,999

ZETA KAPPA (Richard Stockton)

chevron club  Mark A. Hobson

Michael P. Bowblis Anthony F. Cicali III Erik X. Raj

crossed swords club

Richard C. Bushaw Connor M. Coughlin Matthew R. Myrick

ETA Alpha (Concord)

chevron club  Ross C. McCollum crossed swords club

crossed swords club

David W. Kirkland

gold star club

Michael S. Spain

Bruce J. Kantelis II  Stephen M. Toney

crossed swords club

Aaron G. Brewster

ZETA MU (Cal State - Northridge)

ZETA TAU (Barton)

ETA GAMMA (Colorado)

Jason T. Ricks

Erik U. Rollé

Steven T. Merkel

Lara & Charles Liu Stefan Wilcox

ZETA EPSILON (George Mason)

Benjamin R. Yosfan

executive director’s club

ZETA DELTA (Shippensburg) gold star club

gold star club

council club

crossed swords club

lamplighter’s club

lamplighter’s club

ZETA UPSILON (Bloomsburg)

crossed swords club

Alan P. Duesterhaus

chevron club

Joe A. Mendez  Wayne Tay

gold star club  Jeffrey M. Armstrong  Andrew J. Spellar chevron club

Thomas M. Muller ZETA PHI (Colorado State)

ZETA NU (West Chester)

executive director’s club  Steven T. Gaiser  Shawn W. Rabourn gold star club  Corey L. Dillon chevron club  Mark G. Torrez crossed swords club

chevron club  Joseph V. Rizzuto crossed swords club

Juan J. Miyares Dan T. Stanford

crossed swords club

Mr. & Mrs. Chason Hecht  Scott Kopple & Family Michael J. Lombardo Jr.  Lowell & Katy Malesky  Christopher J. Metsala  William M. Mulholland Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Suarez

Richard E. Yoegel

ZETA ZETA (North Florida)

Derek S. Forney  Gerald N. Isabelle III

ZETA XI (Averett)

executive director’s club

Robert E. Perkins II

Walter H. Pape IV Brian L. Weyenberg

gold star club

David J. Thomas

crossed swords club

executive director’s club

Matthew A. Berling Steven J. Borowiec Robert H. Cheyne Jr.


gold star club  John A Colabelli chevron club  John B. Savignano

Tracy D. Maddux

ZETA pi (marshall)

James E. Leano

council club

crossed swords club

Simon K. Foster


executive director’s club

Lance K. Burnside chevron club

Christopher M. Cordell ZETA OMEGA (Towson)

gold star club  Chad W. Forsberg

gold star club


ZETA RHO (Cal State - Fullerton)

gold star club  Kevin D. Yates chevron club  Stephen E. Kemmet crossed swords club

Christopher L. Conley

executive director’s club  J. Ross Jordan chevron club  Dirk M. Boehmer crossed swords club

lamplighter’s club

Victor C. Valencia Jr.

George E Linares

gold star club

Shahmir A. Nadjmabadi David B. Reule

Anthony S. Ascani  James M. Bender

executive director’s club  Robert R. Gould IV  Michael S. Hartman gold star club  Tanner S. Bacon  Kevin D. Graff  Erik C. Isernhagen  Braden H. Mark

Jason C Pickel

chevron club

David Cummings & Family  Michael E. Donnelly Kevin P. Kubicki Braden M. Scrivner  Clinton F. Stammer  Andrew P. Thomas  Scott L Zimmer crossed swords club

ZETA cHI (albright)


gold star club

Bret M. Heidemann

Brian M. Allen

chevron club

Garron M. Bateman  Sean T. Cavanagh  Christopher C. Chrisman  Ryan P. Cronin Peter B. Cushman  Rob J Fillion  Corey W. Gray Aaron D. Grey  John Grubin  Jack Hillyer Eric M. Jacobson Matthew R. Larson Daniel P. F. Lin Sean F. O’Meara  Brett J. Phillips  Robert J Pielsticker  Nicholas M. Poulos  Charles A. Puckett  Stephen L. Sollner  Chester A. Wallace Jr. Richard W. Wetz

leading states Shown here are the total contributions from residents of each state in 2010.








VT $70









$206 NV









AK $600 HI $110



$325 TX







NJ $47,494 DE $655 MD $11,760 WV $569 VA $36,998 DC $2,622 NC





top 10 in 2010




NH $780 MA $3,344 RI $50 CT $1,345










$9,350 PA


$560 $12,968














$1,785 $27,676 $31,078 LA




Lifetime Giving Clubs Foundation Club

$5,000 - $9,999

Lamplighter’s Club

$2,500 - $4,999

Executive Director’s Club

$1,000 - $2,499

Gold Star Club

$500 - $999

Chevron Club

$250 - $499

Crossed Swords Club

$1 - $249

visit the new



ETA DELTA (Kennesaw State)

ETA sigma (ucla)

executive director’s club

executive director’s club  Benjamin J. Hofilena Jr. crossed swords club

Brian & Patricia Barnett  Robert D. Evans Kenneth S. Smith

John & Melissa Healy


crossed swords club

Robert K. Henson  Richard T. Hollis

Thomas J. Mueller

crossed swords club

Richard C Korson Sr.

executive director’s club

ETA EPSILON (Maryland)

gold star club  Joel Kammeyer crossed swords club

executive director’s club

Ross W. Knoblauch

chevron club  Ian A. Rubin crossed swords club

John R. Smith

ETA Phi (Maryland-Balt. Co.)

Wesley J. Butts  Melvin J. Laney Jr.

crossed swords club

Matthew E. Garono

ETA ZETA (Queens)

ETA chi (texas christian)

crossed swords club

Jarred K. Bean

executive director’s club

ETA THETA (San Francisco)

chevron club  Mark J. Curry  Benjamin W. Johns crossed swords club

Kenneth J. Oubre

lamplighter’s club  Cosmo A. Taormina chevron club

Nelson E. Wong

ETA IOTA (Christopher Newport)

Brian Casebolt  Matthew J. Kiesel

executive director’s club

ETA PSI (Central Florida)

gold star club

Jeffrey L. Boles

chevron club

ETA OMEGA (New Mexico State)

crossed swords club

Patrick J. Camunez  Juan J. Suazo

Timothy D. Campbell

crossed swords club

Mark W. Bernecker William R. Boulden

crossed swords club

Christopher T. Conner

ETA LAMBDA (SUNY - Brockport) lamplighter’s club

THETA ALPHA (Southern Miss) council club

J. Scott Atkinson

executive director’s club

Jeffrey M. White  William R. Wilkinson

Brandon J. Belote

John E. Bezou Jr.  Chadler B. Cornett  Jared D. Hopkins  Larry B. Sudbeck

Richard W. Alden

crossed swords club

Matthew J. Crossman

crossed swords club

ETA MU (Wingate)

Daniel J. Barton  Bradley S. Charlesworth Chad F. Langley  David C. Meigs  Dylan B. Pair Wade O. Walker

crossed swords club

Robert B. Erb Alec LaFontaine

ETA NU (penn)

Chevron Club  Fred B. Rothman

THETA Beta (west georgia) crossed swords club

ETA Xi (SUNY-Albany)

Grant N. Hood  Ronald M. Lunk

gold star club

Todd M. Wangler

crossed swords club

THETA gamma (buffalo)

James Modzelewski

executive director’s club

ETA Omicron (San Francisco State) Paul E. Parker executive director’s club

crossed swords club

ETA PI (Coastal Carolina)


James D. Dukes Jr.

Phillip L. Hamilton  Robert F. Riley III

Andrew S. Davis

Scott A. Sims

chevron club

executive director’s club

David J Myroup chevron club

Brian C. Behrens ETA RHO (Texas State)

executive director’s club

Brett J. Lee  Andrae L. Turner chevron club

Elias S. Aguirre Chad C. Bryan  Jeffrey B. Dyer Richard & Carla Kalmick crossed swords club

Dean A. Laxson

Star & Lamp society



James F. Buehner

chevron club  Markus D. Goodrich crossed swords club

Constantine C. Anton  Justin A. Kenny Michael A. Lee Jr.  Ian M. Messenger

THETA Kappa (Baylor) crossed swords club

Thomas A. Horton

THETA Lambda (Missouri State) crossed swords club

Curt A. Herzog

THETA MU (massachusetts) chevron club  Joseph J. Piedrafite crossed swords club

Philip M. Benevides  Jerome J. Rogich

THETA NU (Delaware) crossed swords club

John N. Visconi II

THETA Upsilon (N. Arizona)  Drew L. Ammon

crossed swords club

Barry J. Morales


Shirley L Hardee  Toccoa W. Switzer Foundation Foundation Club

Microsoft Matching Gifts Program lamplighter’s club  Clair E. McCloy  Funmi Moka  Mary L. F. Williams  PepsiCo Foundation executive director’s club

John A. Aiello  John A. Giunco Margot McCloy  Kevin J. Oreilly  George Rountree  Schoor Family Foundation Inc.  Adobe Systems Inc. AIG Matching Grants Program WellPoint Associate Giving gold star club  Ann W. Atwood

Peter J. Cocoziello  Don E. Dillon  Rich & Sue Drewes crossed swords club Havemann Family  George Corton  Ross & SallyAnn Bagley  Peter W. Munoz  Allen Friedenberg Alain D. Sanchez  Michael B. Himmel  Herman Hockmeyer THETA EPSILON (Kansas)  Carol & David Jones  Jan L. Larsson executive director’s club  Ralph & Janice Marra Brian A. Rock  Richard Maser THETA ZETA (George Washington)  Paul & Edith Rosenberg   June G. Shackter gold star club  Mary Alleen Slade Michael L. DiSabatino  William Tureby crossed swords club  Bressler, Amery & Ross, P.C.  Wesley M. Johnson  Coca-Cola Foundation

gold star club

Lifetime Giving Clubs

executive director’s club  Gregory J. Buehner

THETA Phi (Louisiana tech)

chevron club

chevron club

First-time Donor Supreme Circle

$250,000 - $499,999


chevron club

crossed swords club

John W. Langley

gold star club

Theta Eta Chapter

crossed swords club

ETA UPSILON (Miami - ohio)

ETA Tau (Kentucky)

Community First Bank Takeda Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Wachovia Wells Fargo Foundation

chevron club

Justin W. Angotti  Abdullah I. Binshaieg  Juan M. Bofill Andrew K. Danto  Isaiah B. Headen  Benjamin D. Jardines  Bryan W. Riley

Jeremy W. Boyce

gold star club  Danny Fortney chevron club


Giving Club Advancement

Founders’ Circle

$100,000 - $249,999

Robert Altenkirch  Bellarosa Anthony  Erik J. Blomqvist  Joel S. Bloom  Jeremy Cook  Lucy DePalma  Harvey & Amy Doliner  Jerome C. Donovan  Mr. & Mrs. Peter Franzese  Avalon J. Gibson  Mr. & Mrs. Leslie E. Goodman  Waltraud F. Grande  John & Filomena Grinberg  Michael J. Gross  Edward Guttenplan  Lori Hart  Karen & Bill Henry  Hirsch Howard  Walter J. Jarema  Nora K. Jones Dorothy Kernan Ned Kirklin  Scott M. Kopecky  Robert Kullman  Chester J. Marcinkowski  Theresa E. Mintle  Gregory D. Padgett  Rocco Palmieri  Shawn W Rabourn  Joseph C. Roselle  Luis M. Salinas  Darby A. Scott  Diane Siegel  James K. Valenti  Daniel Ravenel Company  Jaskol Asset Advisors, LLC Pfizer Foundation  Sanders Bros Construction, Inc.  Texas Instrument Foundation crossed swords club

Anonymous  Catherine J. Bradshaw  Adrienne & Lia Crede  Mark Digiammarino Smith Evan  Bruce L. Epstein JoAnn Evans Allison J. Foster  Jennifer Fitzwater  Charles C. Funderburk Jr.  David & Donna Funderburk  John C. Giordano Jr.  Robert D. Graham  Bernard Hanafin  David K. Hancock  Joseph S. Hardwick  Marion L. Harley  Thomas J. Hinczynski  Anthony S. Hodson  Richard M Hoffman Cynthia G. Howell  Kacee Collard Jarnot  John L. Kilroy  Kassie Kissinger  Joseph M. Kyrillos  William F. Lenahan  Ellen L. Lesburg  Leslie C. McCloy  Marilyn J. McGinnis Glenn L. Means III  Denise Nelson  Kimberly J. Novak  Carl S. Primavera  Joseph P. Primavera III  Edward Samek Andrew W. Schutte  Robert P. Siefring  Mari-Anne Stabenau  Gail E. Wagner Sam F. Williams Jr. Ronald A. Yokubison AT&T Bank of America FMG Home Depot MFS Investment Management Simpson Reinforcing, Inc. Verizon Foundation Workman Publishing

Deceased Order of the Rose

$50,000 - $99,999

Order of the Bell

$25,000 - $49,999

Council Club

$10,000 - $24,999

gateway society

The Gateway Society recognizes individuals who include Pi Kappa Phi in their estate plans. ALPHA (Charleston) Daniel B. Barry David H. Jaffee Jason A. Schall GAMMA (Cal - Berkeley) Neil B. Weatherall Robert L. Whelan ZETA (Wofford) Jesse C. Crimm ETA (Emory) P. Seale Hipp KAPPA (north carolina) W. Stuart Hicks LAMBDA (Georgia) Frank L. Lane James L. Lester T. Philip Tappy David E. Tidmore XI (Roanoke) Edward J. Bennett Daniel R. Clow Edward L. Corson II Reginald W. Gravely Jr. Durward W. Owen Tim Ribar James C. Turk Allen O. Woody III Dudley F. Woody OMICRON (Alabama) George K. Greene Travis P. Julian Lonnie Strickland III RHO (Washington & Lee) Richard G. Anderson SIGMA (South Carolina) James A. Quinn II UPSILON (Illinois) Michael A. Lowery J. Gunnar Schalin Thomas H. Watts Phillip S. Whipple PSI (Cornell) Richard S. Shull OMEGA (Purdue) David G. Lane David L. Johnson Edwin T. Sherwood ALPHA ALPHA (Mercer) Jamey R. Porter ALPHA DELTA (Washington) Stanley J. Gratis ALPHA EPSILON (Florida) Bert E. Luer Michael L. O’Donnell Mark E. Timmes

ALPHA SIGMA (Tennessee) Michael D. Mynatt ALPHA UPSILON (Drexel) Richard N. Mensch ALPHA PSI (Indiana) T.J. Sullivan Phillip M. Summers ALPHA OMEGA (Oregon) Dade M. Wright BETA ALPHA (NJIT) Stephen P. DePalma James A. Krucher Louis R. Miceli BETA BETA (Florida Southern) William J. Wallace Robert M. Weitzner BETA GAMMA (Louisville) Ronald E. Krebs Warren D. Robb BETA ETA (Florida State) Christopher D. New Jonathan E. Stevens BETA KAPPA (Georgia State) Kenneth J. Cribbs John B. Whitley BETA Xi (Central Michigan) Jeffrey D. Brasie BETA UPSILON (Virginia) Walter H. Brinkman Glenn A. Dickson BETA PHI (East Carolina) Douglas L. Littiken GAMMA ALPHA (West Alabama) Roger L. Reed GAMMA gamma (troy state) C. Carl Nelson GAMMA KAPPA (Georgia Southern) Glenn Aspinwall Perry W. Buffington Patrick O. Manning

DELTA PSI (Texas-Arlington) Mark F. Jacobs EPSILON IOTA (UNC - Greensboro) Steven T. Kirkman EPSILON PSI (Slippery Rock) Matthew P. Stuart EPSILON OMEGA (Texas Tech) Timothy E. Haen Benjamin S. Shae ZETA ALPHA (Clemson) Jacob L. Carter III ZETA EPSILON (George Mason) Alan P. Duesterhaus James H. Perkins Jr. ZETA KAPPA (Stockton) Franco F. Catania ZETA LAMBDA (Cal State - Chico) Arden T. Anderson II

GAMMA XI (Georgia Southwestern) Benjamin G. Croxton William L. Finney

ZETA XI (Averett) Peter A. Blum Jr.

GAMMA OMEGA (Montevallo) R. Jeffery McGhee DELTA ALPHA (Virginia Tech) Jonathan A. Barney DELTA DELTA (Truman State) John R. Andrews DELTA EPSILON (Jacksonville State) Clyde J. McSpadden

ALPHA THETA (Michigan State) George W. Pardee Jr.

DELTA ZETA (Appalachian State) Arthur J. Quickenton

ALPHA IOTA (Auburn) Charles S. Blackledge Jr. Bogart S. Reed

DELTA LAMBDA (UNC - Charlotte) Matthew S. Brown Michael J. Grass William C. Jackson Jr.

ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) Kelley A. Bergstrom Jeremy D. Galvin Frank M. Parrish III

DELTA CHI (Kansas State) J. Timothy Lindemuth

GAMMA NU (LaGrange) Ronald J. deValinger

ALPHA ZETA (oregon State) David H. Vawter

ALPHA KAPPA (Michigan) Mark E. Perrin

pi kapp college 2010 college of charleston tour

DELTA SIGMA (Bowling Green) John P. Babel Kenneth N. Kaiser DELTA TAU (James Madison) Earle M. Copp III

ZETA UPSILON (Bloomsburg) Paul W. Hadzor III ETA DELTA (Kennesaw State) James E. Jeffares ETA OMICRON (San Francisco State) Eric C. Hammer ETA Rho (Texas State) Andrae L. Turner THETA ALPHA (Southern Miss) John E. Bezou Jr. John W. Langley THETA Gamma (Buffalo) Paul E. Parker THETA DELTA (FIU) Alain D. Sanchez THETA Eta (American) Carlos S. Ramirez friends of the fraternity Lillian Jost

Lifetime Giving Clubs Foundation Club

$5,000 - $9,999

Lamplighter’s Club

$2,500 - $4,999

Executive Director’s Club

$1,000 - $2,499

Gold Star Club

$500 - $999

Chevron Club

$250 - $499

Crossed Swords Club

$1 - $249

visit the new



the nu phi society

Members of the Nu Phi Society make an annual gift based on the number of years they have been an initiated brother. Eligibility for the Nu Phi Society is restricted to those brothers who have attended five Supreme Chapters, been inducted into the Pi Kappa Phi Hall of Fame or named Mr. Pi Kappa Phi. ALPHA (Charleston) John C. Hassell Robert W. Marlowe GAMMA (CAL - Berkeley) Steven S. Ryder IOTA (Georgia Tech) Michael V. Cowan KAPPA (north carolina) W. Stuart Hicks J Councill Leak Thomas H. Sayre MU (Duke) William D. Fuqua Frank T. Wrenn III XI (Roanoke) Edward L. Corson II Durward W. Owen Tim Ribar James S. Stump Jr. James C. Turk Allen O. Woody III Dudley F. Woody OMICRON (Alabama) Harry E. Caldwell Jr. R. Nathan Hightower Travis P. Julian Lonnie Strickland III Paul C. Wesch RHO (Washington & Lee) Richard G. Anderson SIGMA (South Carolina) Jerry T. Brewer Kenneth J. Forti Walter H. Pickens Jr. UPSILON (Illinois) Michael A Lowery J. Gunnar Schalin CHI (Stetson) J. Patrick Figley Bruce L. Rogers PSI (Cornell) John S. Kirk William F. Newell OMEGA (Purdue) Patrick J. Kuhnle David G. Lane Gregory V. Linder Sonny O’Drobinak ALPHA gamma (Oklahoma) John T. Owen ALPHA EPSILON (Florida) Tim Hancock Albert E. Luer Robert J. Paterno Mark E. Timmes J. Jeffry Wahlen ALPHA ZETA (Oregon State) David H. Vawter ALPHA ETA (samford) James M. Smith Dwayne K. Todd ALPHA THETA (Michigan State) Matthew J. Shaheen ALPHA IOTA (Auburn) William S. Finney Ralph S. Foster Jr. J. Ernest Johnson ALPHA kappa (michigan) Christopher J. Kozak



ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) Eric J. Almquist Kelley A. Bergstrom Jeremy D. Galvin Eldred J. Harman Robert A. Lane Emerson D. Linney Warren R. Madden Frank M. Parrish III Brett J. Toresdahl ALPHA Sigma (Tennessee) William T. Sigmon ALPHA TAU (Rensselaer) Gordon B. Wright ALPHA UPSILON (Drexel) W. Keith Sheppard ALPHA PHI (IIT) Nathanael P. Gombis Matthew E. Hunt ALPHA PSI (Indiana) Max A. Fawley T.J. Sullivan Phillip M. Summers BETA ALPHA (NJIT) Stephen P. DePalma Patrick Guerra James A. Krucher John F. Lee Jr. John E. Pugliesi Brandon T. Sorensen Kenneth J. Scheck Jr. David M. White BETA DELTA (Drake) Robert A. Cione BETA EPSILON (Missouri) Jay J. Stuckel BETA ETA (Florida State) Thomas H. Atwood Michael S. Loy Lee Nichols W. Jeffrey Niedenthal John F. Pierce Jeffrey Pujals BETA ThETA (Arizona) Jake C. Henderson BETA KAPPA (Georgia State) Kenneth J. Cribbs David R. DeMarco BETA MU (McNeese State) C. Mitchell Adrian Wilfred R. Bourne Jr. Richard B. Smith BETA XI (Central Michigan) Basil J. Lyberg BETA OMICRON (Northwestern State) Wesley L. Breeden David D. Morgan Sr. GAMMA ALPHA (West Alabama) Joseph L. Alexander R. Bryan Bonner Seth Jackson GAMMA BETA (Old Dominion) David Simas GAMMA DELTA (Memphis) Thomas L. Carter GAMMA KAPPA (Georgia Southern) Glenn Aspinwall GAMMA NU (LAGRANGE) Jeffrey L. Esola GAMMA XI (Georgia Southwestern) William L. Finney DELTA Beta (North Georgia) Richard F. Baker Jr.

DELTA DELTA (Truman State) John R. Andrews Charles J. Barnard Irvin P. Howard III Josh A. Wansing DELTA ETA (Morehead State) Gerald E. Slone DELTA LAMBDA (UNC - Charlotte) William C. Jackson Jr. Bo Proctor Jr. DELTA CHI (Kansas State) G. Lawrence Keller III J. Timothy Lindemuth DELTA PSI (Texas - Arlington) Billy L. Jacobs Mark F. Jacobs DELTA OMEGA (Texas A&M) Thomas B. Sullivan EPSILON Alpha (Elon) Trent Gilbert EPSILON EPSILON (Virginia - Wise) David M. Donathan Neal Lane D. Travis Kennedy Jr. EPSILON iota (unc-greensboro) Chad A. Coltrane EPSILON NU (Cal State - Sacramento) Robert E. Langbein EPSILON Omicron (Villanova) Joseph A. Brady III EPSILON TAU (St. Joseph’s) Vincent J. Thompson III EPSILON UPSILON (Georgia College) David L. Hohnadel EPSILON PHI (UAB) Scott L. McLeod EPSILON PsI (slippery rock) Greg Moffett Jerrit M. Park EPSILON OMEGA (Texas Tech) Peter L. Dudley Robert E. Welsh ZETA ALPHA (Clemson) Scott C. Gasparini ZETA EPSILON (George Mason) Alan P. Duesterhaus ZETA ZETA (North Florida) Steven J. Borowiec ZETA THETA (Texas) Tracy D. Maddux ZETA Iota (Indiana - PA) Stephen E. Whitby ZETA RHO (Cal State - Fullerton) Victor C. Valencia Jr. ETA GAMMA (Colorado) Bret M. Heidemann ETA DELTA (Kennesaw State) Robert D. Evans Richard Hollis ETA pi (coastal carolina) James D. Dukes Jr. ETA RHO (Texas State) Brett J. Lee ETA Chi (Texas Christian) Ben Johns theta gamma (buffalo) Paul E. Parker

chapter investment funds

The following individuals supported a chapter investment fund (CIF) in 2010. CIFs are restricted endowment accounts maintained by the Foundation for each chapter. Donors are listed beneath the CIF(s) they supported, not necessarily under the chapter in which they were initiated. ALPHA (Charleston) Thomas H. Atwood Thomas L. Carter Gary A. Catterton Duke A. Darrigo II Andrew C. Jaffee David H. Jaffee Carl R. Johnson Samuel W. McConnell Jr. Gregory D. Padgett Richard P. Pierce Andrew T. Shepherd Mari-Anne Stabenau Gamma (Cal-Berkeley) John D. Steuart Ethan J. Wicklund Kappa (North Carolina) George Roundtree Lambda (Georgia) Mary Alleen Slade Xi (roanoke) Paul Breen John R. Churchill Stephen A. Esworthy Paul S. Henkel Burton G. Hurdle Paul & Tracy Jenkins William E. LaPrade Jr. Louis J. Mullineaux George B. Naff Richard M. Newman Lee S. Peregoff Carl B. Sherertz Allen O. Woody III

ALPHA Kappa (Michigan State) Christopher J. Kozak Justin E. Hummel ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) Eric J. Almquist Kelley A. Bergstrom John C. Brockmann Ajay J. Desai Stephen J. Evans Douglas S. Hunnicutt David J. Knavel Emerson D. Linney Joshua R. Sheffler James E. Yarbough ALPHA PHI (IIT) Matthew E. Hunt ALPHA CHI (Miami) Robert F. Riley III BETA ALPHA (NJIT) William F. Newell Richard Pedersen Richard H. Stephan BETA DelTA (Drake) Robert M. Moody

Terrance M. Sanders Michael A. Satterfield James B. Stephenson II Joseph H. White Jr. Christian A. Wiggins Cory Wilkinson epsilon Epsilon (uva-Wise) Chad Horvat epsilon Rho (Lenoir-Rhyne) Glenn P. Goorsky epsilon Phi (UAB) Harry E. Caldwell Jr. Arthur B. Ennis Jr. Mark S. Fogas

mid year leadreship conference 2011 college night in st. louis

ZETA epsilon (george mason) Jeffrey M. Armstrong Stephen J. Evans Mr. & Mrs. Chason Hecht The Kopple Family Michael J. Lombardo Jr. Lowell & Katy Malesky Christopher J. Metsala Juan J. Miyares William M. Mulholland Andrew J. Spellar

Theta Alpha (Southern Miss) Daniel J. Barton Brandon J. Belote Chadler B. Cornett David K. Hancock John W. Langley Dylan B. Pair Wade O. Walker

Theta Beta (West Georgia) Grant N. Hood ETA GAMMA (Colorado) Tanner S. Bacon Theta delta (fIU) Garron M. Bateman Phillip L. Hamilton Sean T. Cavanagh Robert F. Riley III Christopher C. Chrisman Alain D. Sanchez GAMMA DELTA (Memphis) Ryan P. Cronin Thomas L. Carter Peter B. Cushman Theta Eta (American) Stephen M. Mosher Michael E. Donnelly Abdullah I. Binshaieg Stephen J. Evans Mark Digiammarino GAMMA Xi (Georgia Southwestern) Rob J. Fillion UPSILON (Illinois) Isaiah B. Headen William L. Finney Robert R. Gould IV Gary M. Behrens Benjamin D. Jardines Kevin D. Graff Dorothy Kernan delta beta (north georgia) Bryan W. Riley Corey W. Gray Funmi Moka Bill W. Pope Theta Eta Chapter Aaron D. Grey June G. Shackter P.J. Rodgers John Grubin Mary L. F. Williams Theta Theta (iowa) Allen T. Storey Michael S. Hartman Constantine C. Anton Chi (stetson) Jack Hillyer delta Sigma (Bowling Green) Gregory J. Buehner Tyler S. Johansson Erik C. Isernhagen Christopher A. Shade James F. Buehner Eric M. Jacobson Stephen J. Evans PSI (Cornell) Kevin P. Kubicki delta chi (kansas state) Havemann Family John H. Angus Matthew R. Larson G. Lawrence Keller III Markus D. Goodrich William F. Newell Daniel Lin Matthew C. Keller Nora K. Jones Braden H. Mark Justin A. Kenny OMEGA (Purdue) Sean F. O’Meara EPSILON ALPHA (Elon) Michael A. Lee Jr. Jason E, Cooper Brett J. Phillips David L. Beahm Clair E. McCloy Vytautas J. Damasius Jason Pickel Conor W. Britain Leslie C. McCloy Rolund F. De Hoog Robert Pielsticker Jeremy Cook Margot McCloy Edwin D. Gruwell Jr. Nicholas M. Poulos Paul R. Cunningham Sam F. Williams Jr. James D. Jackson Charles A. Puckett Lawrence J. D’Angelo Simpson Reinforcing, Inc. Kevin E. Johnson Erik U. Rolle Joshua A. Donde Patrick J. Kuhnle Braden M. Scrivner Michael J. Dunlap Richard H. Lowe Stephen L. Sollner Stephen J. Evans John E. McDonald Clinton F. Stammer Patrick C. Gallagher William F. Newell Andrew P. Thomas Timothy S. Johnson Stephen J. Noth Chester A. Wallace Jr. Jason R. Kahn Durward W. Owen Richard W. Wetz Scott D. Leighty James B. Peacock Scott Zimmer James B. Leslie Donald L. Porth III James V. Lewis Todd B. Spaulding ETA Iota (Christopher Newport) Timothy A. Martins Robert E. Thomson Christopher T. Conner Alan F. Medeiros Peter K. Todd Brian C. O’Shea ETA LAMBDA (SUNY - Brockport) Robert C. Wingard Jr. William B. Odom J. Scott Atkinson Joshua J. Phoebus ALPHA DELTA (Washington) John G. Reaves Jr. ETA UPSILON (Miami - Ohio) Brian P. Walker Torin B. Reedstrom Joel Kammeyer ALPHA Epsilon (Florida) Matthew E. Rice G. Chase Rumley Robert N. Scott BETA omicron (NSU) Rodney B, Kinder John W. Parish Jr. Monte W. Robinson

visit the new



scholarships & other restricted giving

Individuals listed here supported a scholarship or other restricted fund in 2010. Alcohol education initiative

supporting pi kappa phi’s alcohol education programs

William A. White IV

Al Brown Memorial fund

supporting education & leadership initiatives at beta Alpha (NJIT)

Donald R. Van Houten


supporting education & leadership initiatives at beta Alpha (NJIT) gifts made in honor of Steve & Penny Depalma

John & Molly Aiello Bob & Beth Altenkirch Anthony Bellarosa Ross & SallyAnn Bagley Ed & Debbie Bennett Charles J. Bertrand Rick & Kathy Blomqvist Joel & Diane Bloom Theodore & Laura Cassera Peter & Sharon Cocoziello Len de Palma & Jill Dulber Lucy DePalma Don & Diane Dillon Harvey & Amy Doliner Jerry & Sharon Donovan Rich & Sue Drewes Bruce Epstein & William Bales Mr. & Mrs. Peter Franzese Allen & Frannie Friedenberg Charles & Mary Funderburk David & Donna Funderburk John & Andrea Giordano John & Janet Giunco Les & Joyce Goodman John & Traudy Grande John & Fil Grinberg Michael & Marion Gross Pat & Jill Guerra Ed & Bonnie Guttenplan Ben & Laurie Hanafin J.S. & Claire Hardwick Marion & Mary Harley Bill & Karen Henry Michael & Eileen Himmel Tom Hyncznski Herman & Susan Hockmeyer Tony & Michelle Hodson Howard & Pam Hirsch Walt & June Jarema Dave & Carol Jones Jack & Nina Kilroy Scott & Christina Kopecky Jim Krucher Robby & Claudy Kullman Joe & Susan Kyrillos David & Mary Beth Lane Jan L. Larsson John & Bobbie Lee Bill & Cathy Lenahan Bab & Ellen Lesburg Chet Marcinkowski Ralph & Janice Marra Rich Maser Theresa E. Mintle Kevin J. Oreilly Durward & Connie Owen Rocco & Carole Palmieri Carl & Cristina Primavera Jo & Edie Primavera John & Phyllis Pugliesi Jo & Annita Roselle Paul & Edith Rosenberg Fred & Jodi Rothman Miguel & Tori Salinas Ed & Marti Samek Dan & Darby Scott Bob & Caroline Siefring Danny & Diane Siegel Mark E. Timmes Bill & Jackie Turbey Jim & Laura Valenti Don & Chris Van Houten Gail E. Wagner Allen & Dianne Woody Dudley F. Woody Ron & Liz Yokubison Bressler, Amery & Ross, P.C. Jaskol Asset Advisors, LLC The Schoor Family Foundation Inc. Workman Publishing Co



jabe v. Hardee II Memorial Scholarship

supporting education & leadership initiatives at Delta zeta (appalachian state)

Shirley L Hardee David W. Huss William E. Maycock

international scholars Fund

supporting participation in study abroad programs

Jack M. Casper

Todd J. Porterfield Memorial Scholarship

supporting education & leadership initiatives at Alpha Delta (Washington)

Jeffrey M. Boschee Robert D. Graham Marilyn J. McGinnis Ben R. Pascal

past staff scholarship

supporting graduate studies for former national staff members

Thomas H. Atwood Glenn A. Dickson Jeffrey L. Esola Stephen J. Evans Matthew E. Hunt J. Ernest Johnson Tracy D. Maddux Durward W. Owen Christian A. Wiggins

pi kapp college fund

supporting participation in pi kapp college

J. Carter Allen John R. Andrews Chuck J. Barnard Peter C. Barr Kelley A. Bergstrom John E. Bezou Jr. Jerry T. Brewer Gregory J. Buehner Harry E. Caldwell Jr. Jonathan E. Campbell Thomas H. Coley David J. Conn Edward L. Corson II Jeffrey D. Crane Jr. John D. Davis Stephen P. DePalma Jason K. Dodd J. Patrick Figley William L. Finney Kenneth J. Forti Ralph S. Foster Jr. Jeremy D. Galvin Kevin D. Graff Marvin S. Hackney Anders W. Hall R. Nathan Hightower Jared D. Hopkins James F. House Mark F. Jacobs J. Ernest Johnson Kassie Kissinger James A. Krucher Omicron Chapter Patrick J. Kuhnle John F. Lee Jr. Gregory V. Linder Nicholas J. Linder Michael S. Loy Tracy D. Maddux

Peter J. Manning Andrew D. McCarthy David C. Meigs Gregory E. Moffett David D. Morgan Sr. William F. Newell Tony M. Noce Kimberly J. Novak Kenneth J. Oubre Durward W. Owen John T. Owen Gregory D. Padgett Jerritt M. Park Robert J. Paterno John C. Peden Walter H. Pickens Jr. W. Hays Pickens III Arthur J. Quickenton Kyle T. Robinson William I. Sauser Jr. J. Gunnar Schalin W. Keith Sheppard Scott A. Sims James M. Smith Lonnie Strickland III Christopher R. Stringer Larry B. Sudbeck Thomas B. Sullivan Phillip M. Summers Lance A. Talmage Matthew D. Thornburg Eric S. Wahlen J. Jeffry Wahlen Slater Waltz Christian A. Wiggins Allen O. Woody III Dudley F. Woody Frank T. Wrenn III

memorial & honorary giving

The following members and friends made a gift in memory or in honor of a brother or loved one in 2010. memorial gifts

honorary gifts in honor of keith a. ackerman

in memory of Terry D. Davis

in memory of Jabe V. Hardee II

in memory of Roy G. Baldwin

Cory M. Davis

William E. Maycock

Jerry R. Payne

Keith L. Ackerman

in memory of Dorothy H. Nix

in memory of Griffin McCarthy

in memory of Scott B. Durren II

in honor of harry e. caldwell jr.

John C. Nix Jr.

John C. Brockmann Eric J. Almquist Ajay J. Desai Em Linney Douglas S. Hunnicutt

Scott L. Bender

John & Virginia Greaves

in memory of Stephen L. Pankau

in honor of William L. Fenney

in memory of Nicholas G. Evans

JoAnn Evans

Charles R. Melton

Boyce “Stick” Miller in honor of ralph s. foster jr.

Bill W. Pope P.J. Rodgers Allen T. Storey

in memory of James A. Hess

in memory of Vernon A. Sodawasser

John V. Lavery

Robert M. Moody

in memory of Janice O. Figley

in memory of James S. Ralston

in memory of William C. Bradshaw

Gilbert G. Fernandez

Catherine J. Bradshaw

in memory of Jason R. Tirado

in memory of William E. Massey Jr.

William M. Mulholland

T. Benjamin Massey

in memory of Jeffrey T. Harper

in memory of William F. Pierce

Hugh M. Queener

Charles R. Melton

in memory of Mark M. McCloy

in memory of William R. Holler

James F. Buehner Nora K. Jones Michael A. Lee Jr. Margot McCloy Sam F. Williams Jr.

William L. Holler

in memory of Jo F. Hamlett

William L. Finney

Karl W. Griffith

in memory of John H. Bridges Sr.

in memory of John P. Adams

Kenneth C. Kiehl

Joseph L. Alexander Clifton C. Goodwin III Stanley S. Gryskiewicz Jr. John R. Stafford Jr. Dudley F. Woody

Gilbert G. Fernandez

in memory of Rhonda Bell

in honor of Richard P. pierce

in memory of Joseph Chapski

Jimmy R. Bell

Thomas H. Atwood

Joseph J. Manfredi

in memory of Robert Badger

in honor of marlin a. sloan III

in memory of Madison Woodward Jr.

Matthew J. Crossman

William Warren Dixon Jr.

in memory of Clarence R. Crede

David G. Baker Jr.

in memory of Robert S. Smith

in honor of t.j. sullivan

Adrienne & Lia Crede

in memory of Patrick S. Cantey Jr.

William F. Newell

in memory of David C. Heisser

Willie R. Mock Jr.

in memory of Sally Williamson

Stephen L. Thomas

in memory of Thomas W. Dalton Jr.

William L. Finney Durward W. Owen in memory of Jeremy A. Chandler

Brian J. Yarbrough in memory of Kenneth R. Danto

Andrew K. Danto in memory of Marie Ragsdale

Jerry W. Ragsdale in memory of Brian W. Cari

Patrick C. Gallagher in memory of Charles A. Rose

Spencer E. Harper Jr. in memory of Charles O. Moka Jr.

Gary M. Behrens Mary L. F. Williams Dorothy Kernan June G. Shackter Funmi Moka

in memory of Wilson R. Wood Jr.

Charles S. Blackledge Jr. in memory of Sara N. F. Olbert

in memory of Ramsey Gergis

George E. Hyde Jr.

in memory of David C. Gibson

Timothy S. Vanderhoof

in memory of Tom Duckett

Avalon J. Gibson

in memory of Robert D.j Sills

James H Motos

in memory of David N. Goin

John E. McDonald

in memory of Virginia C. Simon

Harry W. Freeman Jr.

in memory of Robert J. Wilcox

Edward M. Simon Jr.

in memory of Ernest Saunders

William F. Newell

in memory of Joseph T. Melvin Jr.

Barry A. Saunders

in memory of Robert S. Griffith

James L. Thompson

Thomas B. Peterson

William I. Sauser Jr. in honor of William hicks

Durward W. Owen in honor of stephen m. holtsclaw

Mr. & Mrs. Mike Holtsclaw in honor of mark f. jacobs

Mark A. Higgins in honor of evan r. keith

Robert E. Keith in honor of gregory h. nowak

Justin G. Hale in honor of Durward W. Owen

Thomas H. Atwood Stephen J. Evans Michael J. Grass in honor of phillip m. summers

David S. Shook III in honor of dwayne k. todd

Brian Casebolt in honor of dudley f. woody

James W. Pickens in honor of thomas w. powers

Dr. & Mrs. Jack W. Powers

trustees and board of governors

chairman Jerry T. Brewer sigma (south carolina) vice chairman R. Nathan Hightower omicron (alabama) secretary/treasurer James F. House alpha eta (samford) national president Mark F. Jacobs delta psi (texas-arlington) national council liaison Dudley F. Woody Xi (Roanoke) trustees

Daniel B. Barry alpha (charleston) Robert F. Berry Sigma (South Caroliina) Kenneth J. Forti Sigma (South Caroliina) Robert J. Paterno alpha Epsilon (Florida) Phillip M. Summers alpha psi (indiana) John D. Davis Beta Beta (Florida Southern) Tom Coley Beta Eta (Florida State) Lance A. Talmage Beta Iota (Toledo) John R. Andrews Delta Delta (truman state)

Board of governors

Richard G. Anderson rho (washington & lee) Peter C. Barr alpha epsilon (florida) Kelley A. Bergstrom alpha omicron (iowa state) Thomas L. Carter gamma delta (memphis) R. Gene Cartledge omicron (alabama) Kenneth J. Cribbs beta kappa (georgia state) William L. Finney gamma xi (georgia southwestern) W. Stuart Hicks kappa (north carolina) Travis P. Julian omicron (alabama) Durward W. Owen xi (roanoke) James C. Turk xi (roanoke) Paul C. Wesch omicron (alabama) Allen O. Woody III xi (roanoke) Gordon B. Wright alpha tau (rensselaer)

visit the new




LIFELONG Chapters celebrate milestone anniversaries beta upsilon (virginia) 50th anniversary

More than 200 alumni and guests returned to Charlottesville, Va., during the weekend of April 8-10 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Beta Upsilon’s founding. A full weekend of activities was planned by Don Smith and his committee beginning with a Friday night gathering of alumni by decades. Saturday events offered a number of choices for those attending, including a golf outing, sporting clays, a wine tasting and cheering on the Cavaliers at the UVA vs. UNC lacrosse game. The highlight of the weekend was the Saturday evening cocktail reception and banquet held at the Farmington Country Club. Former chapter archons and rose queens were recognized during the evening along with the chapter’s founding fathers in attendance, including Beta Upsilon No. 1 James Clendenin. Pi Kappa Phi’s CEO Mark Timmes presented each with a Golden Legion certificate in celebration of reaching the 50-year membership milestone. Also attending and representing the national fraternity were National Vice President Dudley Woody and Assistant Executive Director Christian Wiggins. Executive Director Emeritus Durward Owen was a special guest at the banquet and offered the evening’s keynote remarks.

Eta Rho (texas state) 15th anniversary

On April 13, Eta Rho Chapter celebrated 15 years of brotherhood at Texas State University. To mark this occasion, a group of alumni and undergraduate brothers planned the anniversary celebration that took place over the course of April 15-17 in San Marcos, Texas. The weekend was hugely successful as many brothers, families and friends enjoying the fellowship of one another as the chapter marked this important milestone. The weekend began with a welcome reception, during which many alumni who had not been back to Texas State or San Marcos in a number of years were able to share stories and memories with all those in attendance. In addition to great stories, some alumni presented the chapter with gifts such as the original chartering flag. On Saturday, alumni were treated to a number of events around the San Marcos area. The morning began with tours of the chapter house. Alumni viewed the new fraternity house and were able to look at memorabilia that dated back to the founding of the chapter. Following the house tours, some alumni attended the Texas State Spring Football game while others attended a baseball game at Bobcat Ballpark. The weekend was capped with an anniversary banquet on Saturday evening, which included a number of special guests including CEO Mark E. Timmes. During his keynote address, Brother Timmes talked about the State of the Fraternity. He recalled the chartering of Eta Rho, and he challenged all brothers in attendance to “do our share



to make Eta Rho the ideal chapter.” Guests in attendance also had an opportunity to hear from Chris Duncan, Eta Rho No. 1, and Robert Moffett III, Eta Rho No. 2, as they told of the chapter’s founding and subsequent chartering and presented the chapter with a number of gifts. The event was a huge success thanks to the hard work and dedication of the planning committee and will surely be remembered for years to come.

theta delta (FIU) 10th anniversary

February 3 marked the 10th year of Pi Kappa Phi at Florida International University in Miami. To commemorate this milestone, the chapter hosted a series of events to welcome home the chapter’s 450 initiates as well as spouses and friends from throughout Theta Delta’s history. The brothers started the weekend by hosting a model initiation. Albert Maury, president and CEO of Leon Medical Centers Health Plans and chairman of the FIU Board of Trustees, as well as five fathers of student members were welcomed to Pi Kappa Phi. Friday evening more than 100 guests gathered at the Hilton Miami Airport Hotel for a formal dinner celebration. Twenty-five of the chapter’s original 39 founding fathers were in attendance to recount memories and milestones, and brothers of all ages had the opportunity to meet the newest generation of Golden Panthers to wear Pi Kappa Phi’s letters. Representing the national fraternity were the chapter’s original chartering officers: National President Mark Jacobs, Delta Psi (Texas-Arlington), and Pi Kappa Phi Foundation Trustee Bob Paterno, Alpha Epsilon (Florida). Other honored guests in attendance included Allen Woody, Xi (Roanoke), and South Beach Regional Governor Rob Riley, Theta Delta (FIU). The festivities concluded on Saturday afternoon with a picnic at A.D. Barnes Park, where brothers were able to relax with another other and spend time with spouses and children. February marked not only a landmark in Theta Delta’s history, but reconfirmed the fraternity’s honored standing within the greater FIU community. The chapter looks forward to the continued development of both an enhanced collegiate experience for its students and life-long alumni engagement in the decade to come.

c olle g ia t e N e ws

ONCAMPUS omicron alabama

TUSCALOOSA, Ala.—This spring, Omicron has been dedicated to serving both the University of Alabama as well as the surrounding community. Brother Grant Cochran was elected as SGA president and has begun working to improve the student experience. The chapter also hosted a cleanup day at the park at Manderson Landing on campus. The event was inspired by a story in the local news in which a mother and daughter who is blind walk the park so she can listen to the sounds of the water and nature. The fouracre park offers riverfront views, picnic areas, accessible fishing dock, walking trails and an upcoming facility for UA’s rowing team and the public to enjoy. Thirty-eight members were in attendance and committed more than 75 community service hours.


BIRMINGHAM, Ala.—This year has been a banner year for the brothers of Alpha Eta. The chapter continued to grow the brotherhood by recruiting 32 new outstanding associates during the fall. The brothers hosted events including the Caribbean Party, a dry recruitment event that drew more than 100 potential new members this year. Alpha Eta once again took part in Samford’s premier event, Step Sing. Each year various student organizations enter teams of 40 to 60 people to take part in the musical theater-style competition. This year the chapter took home the third place trophy with a performance entitled “Pi Kappa Phi ‘Does It Live.’”


COLUMBIA, Mo.—Beta Epsilon has had a successful year and has continued to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood in Columbia. The chapter placed third out of 30 fraternities in fall grades with a 3.149 G.P.A. and has grown to become the fourth largest fraternity on campus. As Mizzou hosted ESPN College Gameday for Homecoming, Beta

Epsilon was proud to represent two of the top five finalists for Homecoming King. Brother Andrew Lorenz was named Homecoming King and Pi Kapp placed third overall in the annual Homecoming competition. Beta Epsilon also hosted its sixth annual alumni weekend and dedicated the new study room to Andrew McCarthy, housing corporation president and longtime volunteer, for his hard work and dedication to the fraternity. Two Beta Epsilon brothers were also honored at Tap Day, which is one of Mizzou’s oldest traditions and highest honors.

beta iota toledo

TOLEDO, Ohio—This semester Beta Iota gathered to “tie one on” to fight cancer. The chapter hosted a fundraiser, organized by alumnus initiate Larry Burns, selling bow ties for $100 apiece to raise funds to support cancer research. The chapter wore the philanthropic neckwear to the University of Toledo vs. Bowling Green basketball game. The chapter was recognized on the court before the game as their fundraising total of $4,000 was announced to the crowd.

DElTA Alpha Virginia Tech

BLACKSBURG, Va.—Delta Alpha Chapter has been enjoying an excellent year at Virginia Tech. This fall the brothers worked together to host their Push America fundraiser, War of the Roses. The week of events included a brother auction, t-shirt sales and a giving-night at Rita’s Italian Ice. The week not only raised awareness for the abilities of people with disabilities, but also raised $5,500 for Push America. In addition to hosting chapter fundraisers, three Delta Alpha brothers will take part in the Journey of Hope this summer. Chris Anger, Rob Lyerly and Alex Everline have already started training and raising money for their trip and cannot wait to be a part of one of Pi Kappa Phi’s most prestigious event. The brothers will also celebrate Delta Alpha’s 40th anniversary on May 8. The

chapter will gather with alumni and friends to host an anniversary celebration at Sudflood. Delta Alpha is also proud of brothers Sergio Marino and Nate Wrona who will both be deployed to the Middle East to fight for our country. All of the brothers recognize the incredible sacrifice and will by praying for their safe return home.

Delta Eta

Morehead State

MOREHEAD, Ky.—Delta Eta hosted a Disability Awareness Day on March 1. Brothers used a wheelchair for a day in order to gain an appreciation for the strength of people with disabilities. The chapter also recently enjoyed hearing their name called a number of times at the recent Greek Awards Banquet. Delta Eta earned the highest cumulative G.P.A. awards for both the spring (3.16) and fall (3.22) semesters of 2010. This marks the seventh consecutive semester the chapter has had the highest fraternity G.P.A. and shows the chapter’s commitment to academic achievement. Pi Kappa Phi was also awarded the Greek Collaboration award, given to the group who has shown a willingness to work with other on campus and Greek organizations. Archon Glenn Means was honored by the community and named the Greek Man of the year. At the end of the night, the chapter brought home the most prestigious honor of the evening when they received the Chapter of the Year Award for the third year in a row.

Delta Iota

Middle Tennessee State

Murfreesboro, Tenn.—Delta Iota recently hosted its most successful Push America Week ever. The chapter raised nearly $1,300 in four days during the annual War of the Roses event. The chapter hosted a 48-hour Cycle-A-Thon, penny wars, relay races, a blind volleyball tournament, “Pull for Push,” Pie-a-Pi Kapp and sign-a-Pi Kapp along with collecting general donations all week from the student

visit the new



c olle g ia t e N e ws

ONCAMPUS COLLEGIATE NEWS body. The chapter also partnered with Best Buddies during their first event on campus promoting the “Spread the Word to End the Word” campaign. The week was an excellent opportunity for the brothers to come together for a fun week that will help redefine the way people at Middle Tennessee State view fraternities and people with disabilities. Delta Iota has also been participating in other fraternity and sorority philanthropy events and won Kappa Delta’s Green Week as well as Zeta Tau Alpha’s Lip Sync.

Theta alpha

southern mississippi

HATTIESBURG, Miss.—On February 18, Theta Alpha volunteered at Lake Thoureau, an outdoor learning center owned by the University of Southern Mississippi. Thirty-two brothers came together and put in 132 hours of service. Lake Thoureau has been used in the past for a Give-A-Push Weekend, and the university was eager for Pi Kappa Phi to volunteer again. While there, brothers cleared brush and wooded areas

that will be used for biking and biological research for the university. In the future, the chapter plans to again partner with the university to help make the area more accessible to people with disabilities. Theta Alpha also formally created the Red Rose Society—a group for mothers, grandmother, aunts and female guardians of active members. The society was created so that the special women in brothers’ lives can be a part of functions of the chapter. The first induction ceremony was held on Saturday, March 19, and included a meal prepared by mothers and other family members.

Theta zEta

George Washington

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Theta Zeta chapter has had a lot of exciting activity in the last two semesters. In December, the brothers initiated 30 new members. In doing so, the chapter achieved its goal to retain 100 percent of the men who were given bids during recruitment. During the fall the chapter’s annual Push

(Charterings continued from page 1)

America fundraiser, War of the Roses, raised more than $10,000 in one week as the Greek community came together for a fun week of activities benefitting people with disabilities. Additionally, the chapter was thrilled to win GWU’s Greek Week for the first time in chapter history. This spring, the brothers began the semester with the annual “End the R-Word Barbecue,” where the chapter teams up with Best Buddies to raise awareness against the hurtful and harmful effects of the word “retard” and promote the abilities of people with disabilities. Four of Theta Zeta’s brothers traveled to Elgin, Texas, to participate in the Push Camp during spring break. Six brothers are also gearing up for the Journey of Hope this summer. The chapter will have five cyclists and one crew member. Another member will participate in Gear Up Florida as a crew member. The chapter is proud of the brothers and excited to hear the stories of service and brotherhood at the arrival in Washington, D.C.

Iota gamma wyoming

Laramie, Wyoming

Iota delta new hampshire

Durham, New Hampshire

Iota epsilon susquehanna

Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania

theta xi

arizona state

TEMPE, Ariz.—The brothers of Theta Xi are having a great semester thus far. The annual 48-hour Bike-A-Thon was held March 8-10 and proved to be an overwhelming success. Brothers, friends, sorority women and ASU faculty took shifts riding one of the five stationary bikes used for the event. Nearly all of the sororities took part in the event, with Gamma Phi Beta logging more than 50 hours on the bike. Push America Chairman Andrew Chang managed to spend 47 of the 48 hours at the Bike-A-Thon. The chapter will also host its Miss Push Ambassadorial Pageant, which should raise more awareness and fundraising than ever before. The venue had to be changed in order to accommodate a larger audience as every sorority on campus has chosen to take part. Theta Xi attended Mid Year Leadership Conference in Dallas. A total of 18 brothers were in attendance as participants and facilitators. Founded: April 9, 2011

Pi Kappa Phi officially welcomed its first chapter in the state of Wyoming as the fraternity granted a charter to Iota Gamma. Pi Kappa Phi’s 219th chapter was installed by National Treasurer Tracy Maddux, Zeta Theta (Texas), and National Historian Tim Hebson, Alpha Eta (Samford). The chapter was initiated by men from Zeta Phi (Colorado State). In addition to chapter members, fraternity staff, university officials and alumni, more than 30 family members attended the event to celebrate the chapter. During the banquet the men reflected on their recent recruitment successes, participating in the Give-A-Push Weekend in Colorado and the bonds of brotherhood formed through their efforts. During the keynote address at the banquet, Tracy Maddux congratulated the men on achieving their goal of chartering, but challenged the men as well. “You have an opportunity to make a difference, to build something here, but most importantly to build yourself up and develop the leadership skills that will lead you into your future,” said Maddux.

Founded: April 16, 2011

Pi Kappa Phi chartered its 220th chapter at the University of New Hampshire. Iota Delta was installed by National Secretary Thomas B. Sullivan, Delta Omega (Texas A&M), and Past National Chaplain David M. White, Beta Alpha (NJIT). The new chapter was initiated by teams from Theta Mu (UMass-Amherst) and Alpha Tau (Rensselaer). “It was really inspirational seeing all the work we put in culminate in a celebration we could share with our families, friends and significant others. It showed all of us that we are capable of completing very difficult tasks together,” said founding Archon Austin Dobson. During his keynote address, National Secretary Sullivan, Delta Omega (Texas A&M), challenged the men of the Iota Delta to truly leave their legacy at the University of New Hampshire. “Your greatest legacy is not that your name is on this charter,” Sullivan said. “Your greatest legacy is what you give to those who come after you.”

Founded: April 16, 2011

Pi Kappa Phi chartered its 13th chapter in Pennsylvania as Iota Epsilon. The chapter was installed by T.J. Sullivan, Alpha Psi (Indiana), and Richard Yoegel, Zeta Nu (West Chester). The founding fathers of Iota Epsilon, which included two alumni, were initiated by teams from Alpha Upsilon (Drexel) and Theta Nu (Delaware). After a year of building brotherhood, creating sound chapter operations and learning what it meant to be a member of Pi Kappa Phi, the men were overjoyed to celebrate their initiation and official recognition as a chartered chapter. Parents, brothers, fraternity staff and university faculty gathered to reflect upon the brothers’ experience and commemorate the occasion. During the keynote address at the chartering banquet, Sullivan reassured the parents gathered in the room that their sons had made an excellent choice. He went on to challenge the men to make the decisions that would maintain the chapter as a group that parents will love for their sons to join.




Iota zeta stephen f. austin state

Nacogdoches, Texas

Founded: April 30, 2011

Pi Kappa Phi chartered its 222nd chapter at Stephen F. Austin State University as Iota Zeta. The chapter was installed by Pi Kappa Phi Properties Vice President Eric J. Almquist, Alpha Omicron (Iowa State), and Iota Beta Chapter Advisor Elias S. Aguirre, Eta Rho (Texas State). The men of Iota Zeta were initiated by teams from Beta Nu (Houston) and Beta Omicron (Northwestern State). Welcoming the newly-chartered chapter on behalf of the SFA fraternity/sorority life community, Director of Student Activities Beverly Farmer congratulated the men of Iota Zeta on achieving the highest fraternity G.P.A. she had seen in her 20 years at the university. During his keynote address, Brother Almquist challenged the men of the Iota Zeta Chapter to continue to lead on the SFA campus. “We know that others are watching and following what we are doing,” Almquist said. “You cannot stop now. You must continue on. You have a responsibility to lead this chapter upward and onward.”

Iota Eta Embry-Riddle

Prescott, Arizona

Founded: April 30, 2011

Pi Kappa Phi’s 223rd chapter was installed at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. The weekend was presided over by Pi Kappa Phi Properties President Chuck Barnard, Delta Delta (Truman State), and Regional Governor Alan Wapner, Delta Rho (USC). The founding fathers were initiated by teams from Theta Upsilon (Northern Arizona) and Theta Xi (Arizona State). The chapter was eager to celebrate its achievement after more than a year of hard work. While pursuing their goal of building their own chapter, the men earned the highest G.P.A. among IFC fraternities and performed more than 350 service hours. The chartering banquet was hosted at The Armory, and the brothers enjoyed the company of the dean of students and a number of professors. In addition to the chartering ceremony and chapter awards, the new brothers of Iota Eta were welcomed by the IFC president as a fully chartered and recognized chapter at Embry-Riddle. As the chapter accepted their charter, Archon Jake Terlizzi issued wise words of excitement to his chapter: “Brothers, we have reached the finish line, but rather than resting begin sprinting!”

Gamma Tau North Texas

Denton, Texas

Re-Founded: January 22, 2011

The Gamma Tau Chapter at the University of North Texas was re-chartered on January 22, 2011, making Pi Kappa Phi’s official return to Denton after a 36-year absence. The chapter was installed by National Secretary Thomas B. Sullivan, Delta Omega (Texas A&M), and Jason Dodd, Delta Omega (Texas A&M). The group was initiated by teams from Eta Chi (Texas Christian) and Theta Kappa (Baylor). During the chapter’s chartering banquet, the men were challenged to leave a legacy of leadership at North Texas: to continue to lead in academics, to grow and lead in size and to show others what it means to lead through service. As the chapter gathered together to accept the charter, it was clear that the men were committed to building a culture of excellence and prepared to make the choice to lead. “We are so excited to have finally written the introduction of our story and legacy on campus,” said Archon Patrick Smith. “The hard work of the Gamma Tau Chapter has helped lay a strong foundation from which to build the ideal chapter and raise the bar for all of Greek Life at the University of North Texas.”

Epsilon Gamma Longwood

Farmville, Virginia

Re-Founded: March 5, 2011

The Epsilon Gamma Chapter at Longwood University was re-chartered on March 5, 2011, making Pi Kappa Phi’s official return to Farmville after nearly a decade of dormancy. The chapter was installed by National Vice President Dudley Woody, Xi (Roanoke), and Allen Woody, Xi (Roanoke). The 26 founding fathers were initiated by teams from Epsilon Epsilon (UVA-Wise) and Theta Eta (American). Representing the national organization at Epsilon Gamma’s chartering banquet were Coordinator of Chapter Development Chris Conner, Eta Iota (Christopher Newport); Director of Chapter Development Chase Rumley, Epsilon Alpha (Elon); and Assistant Executive Director Christian Wiggins, Epsilon Alpha (Elon). Also in attendance was past staff member and Assistant Director of Student Activities Billy Boulden, Eta Iota (Christopher Newport). The weekend was quite the celebration for Epsilon Gamma brothers—both new and old. More than 40 alumni were in attendance, including 12 of the chapter’s original members from 1979. The exciting evening was capped with a presentation of the original charter to the newly initiated brothers of Epsilon Gamma.

SAVE THE DATE Join us next summer in D.C. to celebrate the 53rd Supreme Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi and Push America’s 35th anniversary.

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