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Sampling a Louisiana delicacy. This scene was "snapped" at a Delta Pi Phi Rush Party, a Fish Fry. The men in this group are, left to right, Buddy Sonnier, Dwayne Milner, Don Morrison, and Martin Lirrie.

Houston Local Fraternity Petitions Pi Kappa Phi w Wilson Albarado star on the McNeese tennis team in 1953-54, as an outstandin~ player during the 1954-55 season.

Schools accredited McNeese unconda~~lttonSecondary · peno · d· aUY and without even the usual probatiOn t McNeese's meteoric rise from a small junior college four-year instiru.tion . i.s credited, ,:. ~any, to President Lether E. Frazar s abtlrty to cope di~t t.he many problems with which he is co~ron~ed, f POstng of them with dispatch and to the sattsfactton ~ the persons involved. He is credited also with being 0 expert organizer.

b a rapidly-growing


Invitation from Wa/Jori-Astoria C In a letter to Executive Secretary James M. Wilso-?, · · C. Philippe vice-president of the Waldorf-Astona tn that his h0 New York bty' has reminded· Mr. Wilson . 1 Cotel seryed as headquarters for Pt Kappa Ph.'1 s N auona . nventton in 1934. The 17th Supreme Chapter was I nse· l'he sston th~re Septemb~r 4, 5, 6, and ~. of .~l1at year. . was constdered the .first real conventton conventton . program. ' one wh'tch starred another expansiOn

\Vh~he following paragraph is quoted from the letter tch Mr. Philippe wrote to Mr. Wilson: th "Twenty-one years ago The Waldorf-Astoria had in e Ple~sure of serving as home and headquarters ~ur­ h g thetr New York City convention, and we cer~amly \V~pe ~hat if New York City is definite!y _in the ptcture f Wtll have the opportunity of submmmg a proposal Or Your 1958 convention." O~ Pi



ANOTHER PETITION has come to Pi Kappa Phithis one from the Lone Star State. The petitioning group is the Usonian Fraternity, one of the oldest fraternities on the University of Houston campus, Houston, Texas, and a charter member of the Interfraternity Council there. Considered as one of the top fraternities at Houston, it has always ranked within the top five scholastically. This local fraternity was founded in 1946 by a group of abour a dozen men. There are now about 40 members, headed by Anthony M. Romeo. The alumni group numbers more than 150. The annual social function is the White Rose Ball a formal banquet and dance held in the Spring. Th~ fraternity's flower is the white rose, and its colors are white and blue. Usonians participate in all school activities, including intramural athletics, Homecoming, and production of an outstanding show for the Frontier Fiesta, which is a University of Houston carnival of the Old West. The group ranked fourth scholastically among 14 fraternities on the campus last Spring, the rating for the semester being 1,206. "In the past," Mr. Romeo said, "we have had members who have held top student positions on the campus in other organizations. We also have members who at the present time are leaders in organizations to which they belong. Examples are the Interfraternity Council; University of Houston Alumni Association; the Cougar, student publication; the Frontier Fiesta Association; Pep Club; Student Association, which governs student body activities and organizations; Press Association, and the Univer~_ity Debate Team, which last year woo national honors. 5

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