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Alpha Alpha Repeats

The committee on endowment also carried over from the last Supreme Chapter, ha; continued its stu~Y and wi ll make its report. In the present economiC situation it has been out of the question to inaugurate any actua l campaigns. I trust that we can take some forward steps here to bring nearer the realization of our hopes in regard to endowment. Scholarship

The increased interest in our schola·rship awards, upon which a report will be rendered by the com· mittee . on scholarship, is gratifying, although the effect upon general chapter scholarship seems to have been so far negligible. A certificate has been prepared for presentation, together with the pendant, to ead1 winner.

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Efficiency Contest

The cup that will adorn the mautel of Alpha Alpha (Mercer) for second consecuti'Ye year. It is the scholarship cup awarded ranking frater· uity. The yearly a'Yerage of the group was 1.723, which was .46 abo'Ye student body a'Yerage.

severa l more strong chapters in that section of our country. I commend to you the serious consideration of possibilities in the Middle West. Prospects appear to be excellent for our needed expansion .on the Pacific Coast. I wish again to state my belief that we do not desire an unwieldly mass of chapters, but that . we do need a well-knit organization with a sufficient number of chapters to assure an income large enough to support our legitimate activities on a solvent basis. Legislation

The legislative committee carried over from the last Supreme Chapter has inade a carefu l study of our supreme laws and will present for your consideration a complete draft, phrased in approved legal terminology. The work of the committee has been thorough. Few radical changes are proposed. I desire particularly to commend the revision of the laws relative to discipline and disciplinary procedure. Such definite laws have been long needed and their lack has seriously handicapped the administration. I trust that, after due deliberation, this body will adopt the proposed. revision.

A chapter efficiency contest has been conducted for the past two years and the results have been good. The award of one hundred dollars went in 1930 to Omega Chapter. The 1931 award will be announced in the October issue of the Star and Lamp. The effect of the contest has been to impress upon the chapter officers the necessity for accurate and prompt reports ; and to show how the chapter efficiency may be in· creased by the attention to duty and to the per· formance of their tasks and obligations by the individual members, while it may be destroyed by the indifference of a few. Persona I Activities

I have during the past months maintained as close personal contact with chapters as possible through correspondence and visits. It has been my privilege to visit the chapters at the University of North Caro· !ina, North Carolina State, Duke University, Brook· lyn Polytechnic Institute, Howard College, University of Alabama, and Pennsylvania State College. I at· tended district conventions at Tuscaloosa, Roanoke, and State College. I was present at the installation of Alpha Rho and Alpha Tau chapters. I attended all meetings of the Supreme Council and made one ad· dit.ional visit of inspection to the Central Office. May I say, in conclusion, that it has been a pleasure and an honor to serve Pi Kappa Phi as her supreme archon. I shall always remember these years, particu· lady because of the many delightful associations which they have brought to me with my fraternity brothers old and young in all parts of our land. I trust that I have been of some service in advancing our frater· nity along the road which will lead to the goal of perfect brotherhood-which we do not doubt that she will in the end attain.


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