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Also our d b McCool N goo rather, Grant C. \Vatkins, of loved w:f ebraska, suffered the loss of his be1 e recently We great! . sympat] Y regret these untimely ends and our 1Y goes t l11easure. ou to the bereaved ones in full

of whom do not receive this publication and for that reason only learn of the fraternity's problems through talking with members from time to time who happen to have a little advance knowledge. It is thought that if TnE S'l'AR AND LAMP could be placed in every member's hands for a period of one year the cost and expen e ~~ i\ would be doubly repaid by the benefits that ANOTHER VIEW OF OUR ALUMNI wou ld be derived. PROBLEM The a lumni are the assets of a growing fraternity. Our strength depends largely on how B'J' R.w K SMA'l'lll!Rs, H they are used in the working organization. H.O!v! time t 0 · . As I stated in the beginning, as a general rule '1' 1 S time art1cles have appeared in . . !!~ 'l'AR AN L .. . . . . bv1ty of D AMP cntiCISII1g the mac- the alumni are inactive but every one has a de. our a! · cou ld all b ~ umn 1 members. If these articles sire to do his part in some way. Now, the . . ctrt1cle ·t e gJ ou peel ca 11 d ones I1ouJd analyze each question of placing Trm S'l'AR AND LAMP in or les; \ _.w_ould be found that they all are more these members hands. To do this the writer I . CIIVJngattl . 1as een b . le same thmg. As the writer wou ld suggest that contributions b.e_ received · that Y this constr uc t'lve cnt1c1 · · · · t0 h1111 sm 1t appears from the a lumni each year, and that subscripshould not . th_e fault of the a lumni inactivity tions to TnB S't'AR A ' D LAMP be given to all f erent to md1cate th a t our a 1umn1· are mdlf· · those who have contributed . In making these ward the f t · 10 t interest. ra ermty or that they have suggestions it is taken for granted that the central office w ill handle and provide way.s and 1'here 1· · · . a questio 11 111 my mmd lf the a lumni means of soli citing these contr ibu tions. The are not at c a 1oss to 1 · • can serve tl <now 1n JUSt what way they word "contribution " is used not to signify beI.1eve it le fraternit . Y· A s a general rule I a lumni dues, but voluntary contribution s. 11 Now, for the way to secure these contribubers of tl Wfl be found that the a lumni me;llle raternit 11 and the g Y rea Y appreciate its worth tions: Place Trn: S'I'AR AND LAMP in the hands 1 Younger oocb that 1't can d o. more than the of every alumnus, and at the same time build 111 t d em ers • Tlley I1ave IJeen through the up an endowment fund. The writer wou ld In ergra 1 benefits tchuate days, they have received the sugge t a "Loyalty Fund," and that each year to b 1 · 1·11 the f. at are . e c enved from membership our alumni be given an opportunity to make ty d I atern 1 a 1un1nus a d . ' an there shou ld be in each contribution s to this fund. Contributions of a from the f. es lre_ to repay for benefits received certain amount cou ld be asked, or to make it on l-Io 1atern1ty. a more voluntary basis, members might be al. w can the a! can be a 1 umnJ help? If this question lowed to subscribe whatever amount would fit I I lswered and d f .. )elieve tl . a e 1n1te program adopted their pocket-books. Besides giving these contrib. . lat we w 111 f'111 d . \Vllhng to d . our a lumn1 more than utors Tm~ S·l'.\R AND LAMP, it strikes me that 0 duty of their part. I believe it is the first it would be proper to give a card certificate of t our alumn i . I a Present t • ' especla ly the ones who are proper size to carry in a card case. This certi1 Working . a <mg so much activity to outline a ficate shou ld state that the holder, giving his Ptogra f ' one should ..c m or the rest of the fellows. If name, is a member of the Loyalty Club and has lltight ra· attempt to outlin e a few things that contributed to the Loyalty Fund for the year ISe alum 111.. Wou ld . mterest, TnE S'l'AR AND I AMP indicated. Pe1 11aps a) J -< o f getting . c I I ear to be the way and means The wr iter recognizes the fact that such a 111 But here . touch with our inactive members plan wou ld somewhat confli ct with the present t0 anses anoth bl · Provide er pro em. \ i\1 e have first plan of financing THE STAR AND LAMJ>. We the hands af way of placing our publication in now allo w life subscriptions for the price of $10. o these members, a large majority In order not to conflict with this present ar-


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