Pijar Foundation - Impact Report 2023

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Impact Report www.pijarfoundation.org PIJAR FOUNDATION 2023 Pijar Foundation

© Published by Pijar Foundation, March 2024 www.pijarfoundation.org

Author: Maria Monica Wijaya

Contributors: Pijar Foundation team

Editor: Cazadira Fediva Tamzil

Design and Layout: Farida Rahmitania and Sayid Muhammad Azzahir


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Pijar Foundation is proud and grateful to present its endeavours and contributions throughout 2023 through this Impact Report. Committed to supporting the collective future of Indonesia and Asia, Pijar Foundation will continue to address key challenges and leverage opportunities across sectors and generations.

For Indonesia, Pijar Foundation seeks to contribute to the country’s vision of being among the world’s largest economies by 2045, its 100th Independence Day. For Asia more broadly, Pijar Foundation seeks to contribute toward enhanced crossborder dialogues and actions, to help the region achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.

This Impact Report highlights the journey and impact of Pijar Foundation’s flagship programs in education, innovative entrepreneurship, and public policy – Future Skills, Lestari, and Global Future X, respectively. In addition, this report also highlights Pijar Foundation’s inaugural ‘Futurist Summit’ held in December 2023, which convened 1,100 people from diverse backgrounds across Indonesia, representing government ministries/agencies, state-owned enterprises, private companies, national and international organizations, as well as universities, think tanks, and community organizations.

To close, this Impact Report will set out Pijar Foundation’s motto for 2024: #TumbuhBersama (#GrowTogether). Pijar Foundation will continue to build innovative and inclusive ecosystems toward sustainable and equitable growth — for now and tomorrow, for this generation and the next.

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With 63.000 beneficiaries in 2 years, Pijar has outpaced similar organizations.

This motivates us to create an even bigger impact for Indonesia’s future

The year 2023 was very meaningful for Pijar Foundation. It saw new networks built on shared dreams, fruitful events held based on shared convictions, and — most importantly — positive impact generated despite complex hurdles. With sincere gratitude to our team members, partners, and collaborators, we have scaled our vision, crossed limits, and defied the odds to reach new horizons of success.

Pijar Foundation started its journey in 2022 and since then has been positively impacting society, together with individuals, organizations, governments, and communities who share common goals. We have created and will maintain an ecosystem of strategic players and resources that drive our future forward. In line with that, this report is not just a reflection of the past; it is a roadmap for the future.

A significant milestone for Pijar Foundation was the inaugural Futurist Summit 2023 – a breakthrough event poised to shape the trajectory of the country’s future. Held at the Ciputra Artpreneur in Jakarta in December 2023, it brought together 1,100 strategic stakeholders from diverse backgrounds and sectors to confront the pressing question: What must be done to secure our country’s future?

In just 22 years, in 2045, Indonesia will be 100 years old. By then, Indonesia aspires to achieve its Golden Indonesia 2045 Vision. It is increasingly clear that our collective choices today will determine the fate of our nation. We are a team - our fates are interweaved. We must support each other, especially amid increasing global and national tensions.

Between 2023 and 2045, the world will undoubtedly undergo profound transformations, navigating through the currents of energy scarcity, food crises, potential pandemics, and the evolving concept of livability. In addressing these challenges, we must invest in education that bridges the gap between academia and jobs, embrace social entrepreneurship that balances profits and environmental conservation, and champion public policies that pave the way for sustainable innovation.

As we look ahead, let us be inspired by the progress we have made and not deterred by the challenges that lie ahead. Challenges in the future may not be less complex, but let us seize that as an opportunity to double our efforts and push the boundaries of what is possible through meaningful and practical collaborations across sectors and generations.

iv Impact Report 2023 www.pijarfoundation.org
v Impact Report 2023 www.pijarfoundation.org TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary Future Skills – Our Journey Pijar Foundation’s Flagship Programs Looking Ahead as We Grow Together Select International Engagements Lestari – Our Journey Table of Contents Future Skills – Highlighted Events Annual Event: The Futurist Summit 2023 Lestari – Highlighted Events A Welcome Message from Pijar Foundation Future Skills – Beneficiary Stories Our 2023 Numbers Acknowledgment Lestari – Beneficiary Stories About Pijar Foundation Lestari – Our Raison d’Être Future Skills – Our Raison d’Être FLAGSHIP PROGRAM 1 FLAGSHIP PROGRAM 2 FLAGSHIP PROGRAM 3 Global Future X – Our Raison d’Être Global Future X – Beneficiary Stories Global Future X – Our Journey Global Future X – Highlighted Events iii 14 2 37 33 20 v 17 6 23 iv 15 3 38 21 1 19 13 26 28 27 30



Pijar Foundation is an independent nonprofit organization dedicated to shaping the future of Indonesia and Asia in two core areas: Future Planet and Future Talent. We are a youth-led and youth-run organization, committed to enhancing education, innovative entrepreneurship, and public policy through meaningful collaborative governance.

Pijar Foundation is strictly independent and unaffiliated with any political activities.


Solve Asia’s Future Talent and Future Planet challenges, by building practical and actionoriented ecosystems.

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An impact ecosystem builder, which builds and invests in the next generation of entrepreneurs. Central to Lestari’s strategy are its business incubator, accelerator, and impact investment programs



Massive talent up-skilling and re-skilling, to bridge the gap between academia and sustainable employment. We facilitate industry experts to design and deliver robust learning experience to students, professionals, and blue-collar workers. We also facilitate greater interlinkage between learners and employers.

An ecosystem of policy shapers for collaborative and transformative actions, across central and local government levels. GFX advocates for ‘Collaborative Governance’, or inclusive problem-solving involving public, private, and community sectors across generations, inspired by the Indonesian ethos of ‘Gotong Royong’.

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Years Old Flagship Programs

In 2022, Pijar Foundation started its journey towards shaping Indonesia’s future

Future Skills, Lestari, and Global Future X (GFX)


Experts Engaged

from Public, Private, and Community Sectors




People of 6 Nationalities Engaged

Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, Thailand, and the Philippines



White Paper, Op-Eds, and Articles

850+ 80K+


Media Coverage Social Media Followers SDGs Covered

*Cumulative since 2022

*PhototakenwithMinisterofHealthBudiGunadiSadikinduringtheGlobalFutureFellows: AdvancingSoutheastAsia’sPredictiveHealthcare(October2023)

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Our Contributions

Fostering solutions-driven exchanges and enhancing preparedness towards the next global pandemics

Our Contributions

Providing university students and young professionals with access to skills and capacity development programs

Our Contributions

Empowering women in the MSME sector and leadership level through workshops and training camps

Our Contributions

Promoting dialogues and initiatives on sustainable energy among multiple stakeholders

Our Contributions

Accelerating venture and entrepreneurial projects through an innovative ecosystem of investors and policymakers

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Our Contributions

Preparing the skills and knowledge of youths to embrace the technological advancement of future industry

Our Contributions

Raising awareness about environmental issues and facilitating discussions to meet common solutions

Our Contributions

Encouraging individuals, businesses, and communities to adopt sustainable behaviors and efficient supply chain operations

Our Contributions

Integrating environmental issues into various aspects of society across sectors

Our Contributions

Fostering strategic partnerships with governments, private sector actors, and civil society organizations to design and implement policies and programs for better livelihood

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Annual Event


Amajor highlight of the year was Pijar Foundation’s inaugural “the Futurist Summit 2023”. Themed “Strategic Succession and Legacy in Motion: Weaving Together Threads of Indonesia’s Tomorrow”, the Futurist Summit 2023 successfully brought together 1,100 strategic players from various sectors and generations from across Indonesia to catalyze collaboration for the Golden Indonesia 2045 Vision.

The Futurist Summit 2023 was the first conference of its kind in Indonesia. It assembled visionaries and architects of the future. The integration of child-perspective performances by the Pandora Theatre infused in-depth discussions about the future of Indonesia with creativity, imagination, and fresh perspectives. This unique approach fostered a sense of optimism and possibility among participants, inspiring them to think boldly and innovatively about Indonesia’s future.

This theatrical drama followed four enthusiastic children – Ana, Budi, Caca, and Dika – who, after an exciting visit to a futuristic-themed amusement park, were filled with curiosity about the future. For this reason, they decided to create a podcast to interview influential adults. However, a small crisis arose when Dika’s toy phone broke.

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Faced with difficulties while repairing the toy phone, these children decided to play outside, but the air was too hot and polluted. Instantly, they were provoked into discussing the world they would inherit. The children were worried about losing their playground in the future, but they still dared to look for solutions and dream of becoming important figures like astronauts, presidents, and superheroes. The narrator emphasized the power of unity in shaping a brighter future, and ended the scene with a powerful statement that current and future leaders must stand together, committed to creating a world of promise for all.

The Futurist Summit 2023 received invaluable support from the highest echelons of government leadership, with H.E. Joko Widodo, the President of the Republic of Indonesia delivering a keynote remark. President Widodo underscored the imperative of fortifying Indonesia’s readiness for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead by mastering the knowledge, technology, and skills of the future.

After the President’s remarks, Minister of State Secretariat Pratikno encouraged more interest in future studies and pledged support for fostering the necessary ecosystem. He highlighted the gap between university teachings and the skills demanded by the labor market. He encouraged attendants to quickly adapt to the rapidly changing world, including the potential obsolescence of conventional ideals and jobs due to advancements in artificial intelligence (AI).

The Futurist Summit 2023 also saw the launch of a groundbreaking collaboration between Alpha JWC Ventures and Pijar Foundation: the Artificial Intelligence Institute for Progress (AIIP). With a bold vision of positioning Indonesia as a powerhouse in the global AI race, AIIP sets forth a mission to accelerate the adoption and development of AI capabilities across the nation.

The Futurist Summit 2023 saw three insightful panel discussions, each tackling critical issues facing Indonesia’s journey towards becoming a developed and equitable nation by 2045. From Indonesia’s position amidst the global geo-economic tensions, to talent development strategies for the innovation economy, to the balance between economic growth and environmental conservation.

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Beyond the panel discussions, the Futurist Summit 2023 provided wide opportunities for strategic networking and collaboration through the “Lunch and Learn” zone. Participants engaged in meaningful conversations, forged valuable connections, and laid the groundwork for real collaborative actions aimed at driving positive change.

As we reflect on the success of the Futurist Summit 2023, we are inspired by the collective commitment and determination of all participants to chart a course towards a thriving future.

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Main Takeaways:


FUTURE: Where We Are Heading Together


• Mari Elka Pangestu (FormerWorldBankManagingDirectorofDevelopment PolicyandPartnerships)

• Shinta Widjaja Kamdani (Chairman of IndonesianEmployersAssociation-APINDO)

Conversation Leader:

• Indrawan Nugroho (CEOofCorporate Innovation Asia)

• Building a better future together starts with a strong bond within our communities. We need to recognize and leverage Indonesia’s value of strong unity and tolerance to face global challenges together. By encouraging collaboration among government, businesses, and local communities, we can create fair policies that protect the environment and boost the economy.


• Supporting entrepreneurship and innovation does not mean always looking forward. Sometimes we need to look back for a while and learn from history. Indonesia’s past struggles have shaped the nation’s resilience and values. We need an improved education system that will help upgrade entrepreneurial skills, and provide resources and support for small businesses and startups.

FUTURE TALENT: Preparing the Humans for Our Imagined Future


• Dito Ariotedjo (MinisterofYouthandSportsAffairs)

• KGPAA Mangkoenagoro X (KingofMangkunegaran)

• Jefrey Joe (Co-Founder&GeneralPartnerofAlphaJWCVentures)

Conversation Leader:

• Farhannisa Nasution (ExpansionDirectorofEdHeroes)

9 Impact Report 2023 www.pijarfoundation.org

Main Takeaways:

• Supporting startups and youth empowerment with fundamental knowledge and funding is essential to ensure their sustainability and growth. With encouragement, they can expand their geographic and resource scope.

• On the international stage, these startups and the young generation will become the agents that promote Indonesia’s rich cultural heritage and national identity. Innovative products that come with cultural ties will bring extra added value.

Main Takeaways:


Safeguarding the Earth for Our Future Generations


• Arcandra Tahar (IndependentCommissionerofPTPLN(Persero))

• Diaz Hendropriyono (SpecialStafftothePresidentofIndonesia)

• Patrick Walujo (CEOofGoToGroup)

Conversation Leader:

• Gita Syahrani (Chair of the Executive Board - Koalisi Ekonomi Membumi)

• Better energy for everyone translates into energy that is affordable, reliable and clean for all. Balancing economic growth and energy transition requires policies that support both goals: economic stability and environmental sustainability.

• Raising awareness and promoting responsibility is therefore a responsibility for everyone. We need to understand how our actions affect the planet and leave serious environmental consequences. Everyone needs to take responsibility for the energy they use and the emissions they generate. We all play a big role in protecting the planet.

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“The importance of collaboration in shaping Indonesia’s future is highlighted through the Futurist Summit and Pijar Foundation. Collaboration to empower youth in Eastern Indonesia to address unemployment and poverty is the next goal. The issuance of policy recommendations is anticipated to guide political leaders, ensuring the integration of youth aspirations into the nation’s future direction.”


“The Futurist Summit 2023 teaches us that great ideas stem from mutual dialogues and learnings. Collaborating with Pijar Foundation, especially in education, aligns perfectly with Puro Mangkunegaran’s mission to sustain and develop our culture. Looking ahead to next year’s Summit, we hope to address emerging issues like technology and AI.”

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“Mahir Bayasut ChairmanoftheProject ManagementOfficeofKedaireka, MinistryofEducation,Culture, Research,andTechnology

“The Futurist Summit is cool and out of the box, offering new experiences and futuristic designs. With Pijar Foundation’s support, our work at Kedaireka has become more relevant and inspiring. Collaboration with Pijar Foundation is key, providing support and opportunities”

“Shinta Widjaja Kamdani Chairman of the Indonesia EmployersAssociation(APINDO)

“Pijar Foundation, with its focus on education, entrepreneurship, and public policy, provides a significant contribution in preparing the younger generation and building Indonesia towards a better future.”

“Content Creator and Founder of YouthRangerIndonesia

“Through The Futurist Summit 2023, we can collectively advance Indonesia towards the 2045 target. Collaborating with Pijar Foundation can strengthen our joint efforts in building education in Indonesia, especially in developing their soft and hard skills.”

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Rinaldi Nur Ibrahim


In a nation filled with talent and potential, the harsh reality of unemployment looms large, casting a shadow over the aspirations of countless university graduates. With over 350,000 individuals grappling with the harsh reality of joblessness, the urgency to address the systemic barriers to employment has never been more pressing.

A key contributing factor to this pervasive issue is the glaring mismatch between industry needs and the educational curriculum. Despite the great efforts of our higher education institutions, only a meager 22% of university graduates possess skills relevant to the demands of the workforce. This disparity underscores the critical need for greater collaboration between academia and industry, ensuring that educational programs are tailored to equip students with the practical skills and knowledge needed to thrive in today’s dynamic job market.

Compounding these challenges is another painful fact that access to higher education remains an elusive dream for many. For

children from households in the poorest 60%, the path to college is fraught with financial barriers, with only a slim 1%-20% chance of realizing their aspirations of higher learning.

Future Skills recognized the imperative to bridge the opportunity gap and empower individuals to maximize their full potential. By addressing the root causes of unemployment, fostering collaboration between academia and industry, and expanding access to quality education, we are committed to creating a future where every individual has the opportunity to thrive and contribute meaningfully to society.

Through our initiatives and programs, we seek to provide pathways to success, equipping individuals with the skills, knowledge, and resources needed to navigate the complexities of the modern workforce. By empowering individuals to realize their aspirations and fulfil their potential, we believe we can build a brighter, more inclusive future for all.

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Flagship Program 1:


Since its inception, Future Skills has been dedicated to empowering individuals and fostering collaboration with organizations across industries. As we reflect on our milestones and achievements, we are humbled by the impact we have made and inspired by the countless lives we have touched.

From our humble beginnings, we have grown exponentially. Each of these individuals represents a story of empowerment, a journey towards self-discovery and growth fueled by the opportunities provided through our collaborative programs.

Central to our success has been our commitment to collaboration and partnership. By forging alliances with over 100 organizations and industry partners, we have been able to expand our reach, amplify our impact, and create pathways to success for even more individuals. Together, we have leveraged our collective expertise, resources, and networks to create innovative solutions to address the pressing challenges facing our society.

Our portfolio of programs continues to evolve and expand, each one tailored to meet the diverse needs and aspirations of our participants. From Future Skills for University, ASN Berpijar and DBS Berpijar to Microsoft Berpijar, Executive Business School, and KADIN for NAKER, our

programs span a wide range of disciplines and industries, providing opportunities for learning, growth, and advancement at every stage of the journey.

Among our proudest achievements is the establishment of Future Skills for University - a program dedicated to fostering collaboration between universities, talents, and industry partners on the futureskills.id platform. Through this initiative, talents can learn directly from practitioners in various fields to equip themselves with the skills and knowledge needed for the workforce. In addition, talents also have the opportunity to intern with our collaborating partners. Furthermore, we are committed to optimizing the potential of talents through the Social Future Lab program, which aims to cultivate a community of changemakers, visionaries, and leaders who are committed to creating a more just, equitable, and sustainable world by mentoring social projects initiated by talents.

As we look to the future, our journey is far from over. Guided by our mission and fueled by our passion, we remain steadfast in our commitment to empowering futures, building partnerships, and unleashing the potential of every individual we serve. Together, we will continue to push boundaries, defy expectations, and create a brighter, more inclusive future for all.

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Student-FutureSkillsforUniversity andGrantRecipient-SocialFutureLab

““Through Future Skills, I gained important learning regarding business development and how to create a sustainable impact. Future Skills also opened up the opportunity for me to network with experts and role models that I had been looking for. I already benefitted from Future Skills, now it is your turn.”

Aimed to support local farmers and traders in Sleman who were affected by the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, Janu established Sayur Sleman as a platform to promote vegetable products through digital channels and help the beneficiaries recover from the economic fallout of the crisis.

Recognizing his need for further expertise in business and startup development, Janu took a proactive step in 2021 by enrolling in the Future Skills for University program. This decision marked the beginning of a transformative journey, where Janu embraced a mindset of enduring learning and personal improvement.

Janu’s newfound insights and capabilities, combined with

his dedication, perseverance, and strong commitment, have helped him and Sayur Sleman to gain traction, slowly but surely making their mark in the competitive landscape of e-commerce.

In 2023, Sayur Sleman received a grant from the Future Skills’ Social Future Lab program, among others. Today, Sayur Sleman has proven to show the power of resilience, innovation, and community spirit. Through www.sayursleman.id, the platform continues to connect local farmers and traders with consumers, fostering sustainable livelihoods and promoting the importance of locally sourced produce. Sayur Sleman transcends its geographical boundaries to become a presence in five cities across Indonesia.

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“I realized that I could not go to college, my parents could not afford it financially. So I had to be able to stand on my own.”

Faced with financial challenges that could have hindered her education, Zelyka began to cultivate an entrepreneurial spirit with resilience and steadfast determination. She learned to make firm decisions, ventured into the world of business, and took advantage of opportunities to resell cosmetic products as a means of financing her studies.

Knowing the importance of honing her skills and knowledge to thrive in the competitive marketplace, Zelyka pursued every opportunity for growth and learning. It was through her participation in the Future Skills program, facilitated by

Student-FutureSkillsforUniversity andDBSBerpijar

“DNVB Indonesia and Shopee, that Zelyka gained invaluable insights into creative selling strategies in the digital marketplace. She applied these innovative techniques to elevate her cosmetics resell business to new heights.

Despite the challenges she has faced along the way, Zelyka remains persistent in her commitment to achieving her double degree from the Universitas Merdeka Malang. Her journey reaffirmed the transformative power of entrepreneurship in overcoming adversity and creating opportunities for personal and professional growth.

“I hope that Future Skills will be better known to all Indonesian people who, like me, have not been able to receive higher education.”

After graduating from a vocational school in the small town of Pasuruan, Desi found herself at a crossroads, her dream of continuing her higher education was hindered by the harsh reality of financial constraints and household responsibilities. Due to her parents’ poor health, Desi made the difficult decision to prioritize stability and support her family by finding work close to home.

In her role as customer service staff at a building materials store, Desi carries out her duties with full dedication and

commitment to excellence. However, behind Desi’s confident exterior, there is a longing to grow and develop. This desire encouraged her to take advantage of the opportunity to improve her ability to communicate professionally and confidently through Future Skills. Desi’s great ambition to improve her skills was also recognized and supported by his superiors and colleagues. Desi believes that educational attainment, perseverance, and ongoing support from society are fundamental factors for success.

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Executive Business School x APJII

This program is a collaboration between Pijar Foundation and the Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association (APJII). It offered training in business knowledge and skills applicable to managing businesses for further growth. The program kicked off with the Connext Masterclass, designed to ignite the urgency for optimal business mastery across various sectors. Following the Masterclass, the program was delivered over 15 weeks using a hybrid learning model (both asynchronous and synchronous) and taught directly by five highly experienced practitioners in their respective fields. The program boasted 33 participants from diverse C-level backgrounds, including founders and CEOs, all aiming to deepen their business acumen.

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ASN Berpijar

ASN Berpijar is a collaboration program between Future Skills by Pijar Foundation and the State Administration Agency of the Republic of Indonesia, designed to improve the competence of Civil Servants in facing the challenges of the digital era. By offering various relevant and practical training topics, this program helped ASN develop the skills needed to achieve success in their government careers. The program encouraged them to become a generation of ASN who are innovative, competent, and ready to face the challenges of the future.

Kadin for Naker

KADIN for Naker is a capacity development program initiated by the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN Indonesia) together with 20 Labor Unions in Indonesia and supported by Pijar Foundation. This program was designed for workers to develop the skills needed to improve their career ladder, develop their abilities, do side jobs, expand job opportunities abroad, and learn skills in specific industries. Participants could access various free-of-charge training and capacity development materials to meet their needs in the digital era. The goal of this digital training platform was to provide training and skills development that can be accessed by all workers in Indonesia from various sectors and industries.

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Flagship Program 2:


In a world characterized by rapid change and complexity, innovation is a necessity. It is the engine that propels us forward, enabling us to tackle the most pressing challenges of our time, from climate change and global health crises to economic inequality and social injustice. In addition, innovation is also key in bridging the gap between technology adoption and awareness in Indonesia to achieve its predicted 2045 great potential.

We are convinced that innovation is a powerful catalyst that has the potential to transform lives, industries, and societies for the better. Our commitment to cultivating innovation is rooted in a deep understanding of the transformative power it holds.

Central to our approach is the belief that innovation thrives in diverse and inclusive environments. By bringing together individuals from different backgrounds, disciplines, and perspectives, we create fertile ground for the cross-pollination of ideas and the emergence of breakthrough innovations that have the potential to challenge the status quo and change the world.

Through our programs, initiatives, and partnerships, we strive to provide the tools, resources, and support needed to nurture innovation at every level. By providing an innovation ecosystem, advisory, and investment, we seek to empower innovators to give their full potential and bring their ideas to life.

Our ultimate aim is to harness the power of innovation as a force for good – a force that can drive social impact, economic growth, and sustainable development. It is about building a better tomorrow with one idea, one breakthrough, and one innovation at a time.

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Flagship Program 2: LESTARI –OUR JOURNEY SINCE 2022

Looking back to our journey over the past year, we are proud to have dedicated over 115,000 minutes to our Innovation Program, alongside approximately 26,400 minutes of engaging Community Events. It has been a year of growth, collaboration, and meaningful impact, as we continue to empower innovation and foster a vibrant community of changemakers.

Our Innovation Program has been a cornerstone of our efforts, providing a platform for aspiring entrepreneurs and innovators to turn their ideas into reality. We have supported countless individuals and startups on their journey towards success through our innovative programs. In 2022, we started with PLN Elevation, which then followed by Venture Factory for Scholars, IndoBisa, and Zenith by Mandiri Capital Indonesia in 2023. In the forms of mentorship, resource allocations, and networking opportunities, we have nurtured a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, driving economic growth and social progress in Indonesia.

In parallel, our Community Events have served as vital forums for connection, collaboration, and knowledge-sharing. From Sustainability Speed Dating to Ecosystem Networking, Thematic Networking and Partner Appreciation Dinner events, we have brought together diverse stakeholders from across industries and sectors, fostering connections and driving collective action towards shared goals. In addition, our Startup Talent Forge, A Night for Collaboration, and Innovare Universitas Indonesia have provided a unique opportunity for learning, networking, and growth.

Looking ahead, we remain committed to our mission of empowering innovation and fostering community. As we continue to expand our programs, initiatives, and partnerships, we are excited to pursue the next phase of our journey, driven by a shared vision of a brighter, more sustainable future for today’s and future generations.

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Innovator–VentureFactoryFor Scholars 2023

“There were a lot of moments of almost giving up, but I kept on going because of my passions and the great potential of seaweed.”

The journey began with a eureka moment in 2021 as the Covid-19 pandemic ravaged the tourism-dependent island of Nusa Lembongan. With the locals losing their source of income, seaweed emerged as a lifeline for the community.

Seaweed is easy to cultivate and very sustainable as it could capture carbon. However, its great economic potential lay untapped. Seaweed was mainly exported as raw materials due to a lack of processing technology. This resulted in a loss of value curation.

Committed to helping the community of Nusa Lembongan, Rian tried to leverage the added value and thus the selling price of the seaweed. Realizing that passion alone would not be enough to execute his ideas, Rian joined

Lestari program to build his knowledge and expertise in business development. This program has helped Rian to understand that a product and innovation would need market validation. Sustainability alone was not enough – the product needed to be competitive in terms of price and quality. Understanding this market dynamics, Rian learned that buyers would only be enticed if the product could offer comparable margins to mainstream alternatives.

Today, Ijo, the startup that he co-founded with a new connection he found on LinkedIn, emerged as a revolution that improved the livelihood of the locals while offering a more sustainable solution to conventional plastic products such as straws.

21 Impact Report 2023 www.pijarfoundation.org

Innovator – IndoBisa 2023

““Empowerment begins with affordability. By breaking the chains of high costs, we pave the way for SMEs to thrive in the digital age.”

Rhesa believed that every trend or change requires chain breakers, one of which is related to price. He noticed that the high costs of digitalization initiatives are still the main obstacle to their development. Instead of following the norm of selling digital solutions at high prices, Rhesa offered affordable solutions to empower SMEs. By doing this, they not only contribute to the digitalization of society but also ensure the sustainability of the digital ecosystem.

Drawing from his own experience as an SME owner, Rhesa also realized the need for a userfriendly website builder. This idea

Collaborator – Lestari Innovation Hub

“led to the creation of a platform where individuals struggling to build professional websites could easily do so, thus enhancing their branding and online presence.

Through collaborative programs like Future Lestari at IndoBisa, Rhesa and his team found invaluable support. They were able to connect with mentors and fellow entrepreneurs, gaining insights and inspiration to drive their business forward. This sense of community and shared learning reinforced their belief in the power of collaboration and innovation to uplift SMEs and drive positive change in society.

“Innovation knows no bounds. At DISTP UI, startups are driven by a spirit of ‘today or never’.”

Gamal was proud to have been able to accommodate a diverse background of innovators ranging from architecture to marketing in the Directorate of Innovation and Science Techno Park at Universitas Indonesia (DISTP UI). With his unique vision, he leads DISTP UI towards success by merging innovation with startup businesses.

DISTP UI offers various funding programs and support for startups, focusing on the development of each business. One of their significant initiatives is the collaboration with Future Lestari, in providing mentorship to budding entrepreneurs.

Through this partnership, Gamal and his team successfully aided several startups in growing and thriving, while ensuring alignment with sustainability principles. They supported young entrepreneurs not only by providing funding but also access to extensive networks and knowledge.

With a spirit to create positive impacts for society and the environment, Gamal and DISTP UI continue to inspire and encourage young entrepreneurs to realize their ideas, choosing “today or never” as the motto in pursuing their dreams.

22 Impact Report 2023 www.pijarfoundation.org


IndoBisa 2023: Indonesia Business Startups Investor Matchmaking

IndoBisa 2023 was an investment readiness acceleration program that focused on fostering growth and innovation within the Indonesian startup ecosystem. Partnering with the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf), the program especially targeted Kemenparekraf-fostered startups and equipped them with valuable training, mentoring, and networking opportunities to enhance their investability and attractions to potential investors. The program received registrations from 200 startups interested in enhancing their investment readiness. After a rigorous selection process, 50 startups were chosen to participate in the program. The selected startups represent various sectors, including two from the gaming industries, 38 from applications, two from design and art, and eight from media and entertainment. IndoBisa also brought them together with venture capital firms, providing them with opportunities to pitch their ideas, receive training and mentoring sessions, and engage in one-on-one meetings with investors.

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Venture Factory for Scholars

The Venture Factory for Scholars 2023 (VFS 2023) was a pioneering initiative to foster entrepreneurship among Indonesian academics and diaspora. The program aspired to create a robust business innovation ecosystem, serving as a “Business Factory” for these indispensable human resource assets for Indonesia’s development and global engagement. By fostering collaboration and partnerships across sectors, VFS 2023 aimed to nurture a new generation of impact-based entrepreneurs and startups, equipping them with the skills, knowledge, and resources needed to address pressing global challenges. Encouraging collective action and collaboration with academics, community organizations, philanthropy, the private sector, and government, the key thematic areas of this program include agriculture, energy, health, and education.

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Sustainability Speed Dating

In collaboration with Xendit for the first phase and with DBS and AVPN for the second phase, Lestari hosted curated evenings aimed at bringing together sustainability founders who are raising an early round of funding (seed to Series A) with prominent investors in Indonesia’s startup ecosystem. The event, created in response to COP27, focused on companies operating in the Agriculture, Energy, Health, and Climate sectors. Featured with a series of one-to-one speed dating meetings between founders and investors, selected startups had the opportunity to connect directly with several notable venture capitals, receive feedback, pitch their ideas, or seek advice from leading sustainability investors. For the investors, this event enabled them to discover innovative startups, explore potential investment opportunities, and expand their network within a sustainable ecosystem.

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Flagship Program 3:


Our purpose is rooted in the belief that public policy is the most impactful and sustainable way to create meaningful changes. We are more than just advocates – we are an ecosystem of policy shapers, dedicated to fostering the collaboration that results from the best talent and innovation.

As part of Pijar Foundation, Global Future X is committed to building a coalition of strategic players who are equipped to embrace future trends, seize opportunities, and confront challenges head-on. Through our collective efforts, we strive to create an environment where innovative and inclusive policies can flourish, paving the way for a more equitable, resilient, and sustainable future. Most importantly, we want to ensure that no one is left behind in our pursuit of an improved livelihood.

As guardians of Indonesia’s vision to become one of the world’s largest and healthiest economies by 2045, and to achieve Net Zero emissions by 2060,

we recognized the urgent need to address a myriad of challenges that threaten to undermine our progress. Rising unemployment and poverty, growing food insecurity, the threat of future pandemics, and lack of a steady supply of clean energy are some of the key examples to mention.

On top of that, we see the sectoral ego as a great barrier that must be dismantled if we are to escalate the full potential of our collective effort.

In the face of these formidable challenges, we remain committed to catalyzing transformative public policy. Through collaboration, innovation, and a shared vision for a brighter future, we believe that together, we can create lasting change and build a better world for generations to come.

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Flagship Program 3:


Our journey began with a single program: the Global Future Fellows (GFF), a visionary initiative designed to bring together a diverse set of mid to seniorlevel decision-makers from public, private, and community sectors. Through immersive residencies lasting four to five days, GFF empowers participants to foster networks and design collaborative action plans to pressing national and global challenges. Each GFF edition tackles a different issue, spanning the spectrum of societal concerns. Our inaugural GFF in 2022 took on the theme “Safeguarding Indonesia’s Energy Transition”.

In 2023, we celebrated the success of two GFF editions, focusing on the critical topics of food security and healthcare, respectively. Our healthcare GFF was the first to be elevated to the Southeast Asian level, joined by fellows from 6 countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, Thailand, and the Philippines. These immersive gatherings featured panel talks, masterclasses on collaborative governance, and vibrant social events, fostering substantial exchanges and catalyzing actionableinsights.

Building on the success of GFF, in 2023, we expanded our impacts to local communities across Indonesia by adding “Townhall Muda” to our portfolio. Townhall Muda is

a groundbreaking initiative designed to foster synergy between youths and local governments. The program aims to cultivate skill sets, foster trust and networks, as well as to amplify advocacies. Through forums, task forces, and public-community partnerships (PCPs), Townhall Muda assembles inspiring youth communities, providing them with a platform to participate actively in shaping transformative and collaborative policies.

The Collaborative Governance Framework utilized in Townhall Muda’s Networking Sessions emphasizes human-centred approaches to problem-solving. It begins with empathy, followed by the synthesis of ideas, mapping of challenges and opportunities, and the transformation of these insights into concrete action steps.

Townhall Muda’s Policy Taskforces are instrumental in bridging the gap between government entities and local changemakers. By facilitating partnerships and advocacy efforts, these taskforces translate aspirations into actionable policies. For example, the Townhall Muda Sigi initiative led to the formation of a collaborative task force, resulting in comprehensive policy recommendations aimed at enhancing workforce welfare, revitalizing the entrepreneurial ecosystem, and promoting environmental conservation.

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Dr. Rina Kristanti

Project Coordinator at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK – Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan)

Fellow – Global Future Fellows: AdvancingFoodSecurityamidGlobal Tensions

““… we can make our dreams come true … by joining hands together.”

Dr. Rina Kristanti’s devotes herself as a project coordinator at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry with a strong commitment to sustainable development in Indonesia. Her holistic approach to developing sustainable wood industries underscores her dedication to balancing economic growth with environmental conservation and social equity. By advocating for practices such as agroforestry and supporting initiatives to enhance food security, Dr. Rina embodies a vision of long-term sustainability and resilience in Indonesia’s forestry sector.

The Global Future Fellows (GFF) program offered Dr. Rina and others like her the

opportunity to collaborate with diverse stakeholders and explore innovative solutions to pressing environmental challenges. Through collaborative governance facilitated by GFF, Dr. Rina gained access to valuable networks and resources, enabling her to amplify the impact of her work and contribute to shaping policies that promote sustainable development. By joining GFF, participants not only enhance their professional development but also play a vital role in advancing Indonesia’s environmental agenda for future generations.

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Brili Agung

Young Farmer from Banyumas


““Hopefully, GFX could become an ecosystem of policies that are targeted and beneficial to farmers at the grassroots level.”

As a young farmer and leader of the Muda Tani movement, Brili is committed to revitalizing agriculture and enhancing food security in Indonesia. His advocacy for young generations to reconnect with agriculture reflects a profound sense of responsibility and social solidarity. Through his efforts, Brili seeks to address the challenges faced by farmers, particularly in marketing their products, while empowering local communities and promoting sustainable livelihoods across Indonesia.

“Townhall Muda program enabled Brili and his community to voice their opinions in front of relevant stakeholders and explore innovative solutions to agricultural challenges together. From this kind of engagement, an exchange of understanding among the supply chain players can take place. The collective efforts, resources and networks of all these important actors are key to public policies that endorse everyone’s interest.

Fellow – Global Future Fellows: SafeguardingIndonesia’sEnergy Transition

“With the GFF, we further increase our collaboration. Not only among ministries but also externally, with young people who started to learn about the energy transition.”

For Guntur, accountability and integrity are fundamental building blocks in pursuing sustainable development in Indonesia. Recognizing the importance of cross-sectoral collaboration, Guntur actively seeks to enhance cooperation between government, society, and the private sector through programs like the Global Future Fellows. His dedication to creating positive impact reflects a commitment to inclusive and effective policymaking, ultimately contributing to Indonesia’s socio-economic development and resilience.

Through Global Future Fellows (GFF), Guntur was able to meet other policy makers and

key actors in various sectors. Listening to input from each stakeholder opened new insights and perspectives for policy analysts like himself, thereby helping speed up and enhance the development process. Guntur believes that making public policy is a collective task of all stakeholders. In his view, the inclusion of various stakeholders is not merely a procedural formality but a strategic imperative for crafting robust and responsive policies. Whether it’s representatives from governmental bodies, civil society organizations, private enterprises, or grassroots communities, each stakeholder brings a unique expertise and perspective to the table.

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GFF 2023: Achieving Food Security Amid Global Tensions & Launch of Collaborative Action Plan

The second edition of the Global Future Fellows (GFF) program, held on 21-25 May 2023 in Yogyakarta, focused on the theme “Achieving Food Security Amid Global Tensions.” The program brought together 36 fellows representing the public, private, and community sectors to address the pressing issue of food security amid global challenges. They engaged in a series of discussions, provided thought-provoking materials, and attended special classes taught by 15 expert figures from Indonesia, Japan, and the United Arab Emirates. This plan identified key areas for collaboration to achieve food security amidst global tensions. The program facilitated synergetic knowledge exchange among participants and resulted in a Collaborative Action Plan white paper, whose outcomes will be coordinated with decision-makers to encourage the emergence of a meaningful collaborative governance framework.

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GFF 2023: Advancing Southeast Asia’s Predictive Healthcare

The third edition of the Global Future Fellows (GFF) program, a collaboration with Unilab Foundation (ULF) and Google Cloud, focused on the theme “Advancing Southeast Asia’s Predictive Healthcare.” This edition brought together 42 Fellows that represented various sectors, including government representatives, academics, researchers, large companies and start-ups, hospitals, philanthropic institutions, investors, and community groups from six ASEAN countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, Thailand, and the Philippines. By harnessing the power of technology and engaging stakeholders from diverse sectors, the program aims to build a more responsive and comprehensive health system in the region. All participating Fellows collaborated synergistically to produce a Collaborative Action Plan, identifying key areas for collaboration to advance Southeast Asia’s predictive healthcare. This plan aims to be part of the ASEAN Health Hub ecosystem, translating ideas into actionable initiatives. As part of our commitment to sustainability, Global Future X collaborated with Surplus (an online marketplace for food rescue and food waste prevention), dedicated to sharing our food with those in need to reduce food waste at our event, extending the impact of our collaboration beyond healthcare.

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Townhall Muda Series

In 2023, Global Future X organized eight impactful Townhall Muda series across various cities/regencies in Indonesia, including Cilacap, Banyumas, Bandung, Medan, Yogyakarta, Purwakarta, Sigi, and Temanggung. This program serves as a nationwide movement bridging the gap between Indonesian youth and policymakers to address pressing issues and foster collaborative solutions. Through a unique “Collaborative” ecosystem, Global Future X facilitates collaboration via PublicCommunity Partnerships (PCP), which include Policy Discussion Forums, Policy Taskforces, and tangible projects aimed at addressing societal challenges.

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Paris, 20 April 2023


Pijar Foundation was invited by our partner Edheroes, to speak in a panel in the Forbes Philanthropy Summit 2023. The session was titled “Leading the Global Economic Race: Growth through Education Innovation”. Aptly moderated by Edheroes CEO and Co-Founder Alina Baimen, the session also featured Harry A.Patrinos (World Bank) and Boris Bulayev (Educate!).

Macau, 11 May 2023

Pijar Foundation delivered a keynote address in the BEYOND Expo 2023, delving deep into Indonesia’s burgeoning technology and start-up scene.

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Taipei, June, July, and October 2023


We engaged in a year-long collaboration with the Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation (TAEF). We began our journey with a visit to Taipei in June 2023, continued with our participation in the Southeast AsiaSouth Asia-Taiwan (SEASAT) Youth Camp in July 2023, and an invitation to attend the Yushan Forum: Asian Dialogue for Innovation and Progress in October 2023.

Hong Kong, 11 September 2023

Hong Kong

Pijar Foundation spoke in a panel in the Philanthropy for Better Cities (PBC) Forum 2023, hosted by The Hong Kong Jockey Club (HKJC). Titled “Mass Entrepreneurship as Fueling Engines for Job Creation”, the panel also featured Somachi ChrisAsolukha (The Tony Elumelu Foundation), Nisa Leung (Qiming Venture Partners), and Mekin Maheshwari (Udhyam Learning Foundation).

Pijar Foundation also spoke in the Foundations Circle, the first convening of the HKJC’s newlyminted Institute of Philanthropy (IoP), a think, do, and fund tank.

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Saudi Arabia, 16 November 2023

Saudi Arabia

Pijar Foundation was invited to attend The Misk Global Forum (MGF) 2023, organized by the Mohammed Bin Salman Foundation (MSF).

Tokyo and Kyoto, 1-3 December 2023


Pijar Foundation was invited to the 2nd convening of the Asian Philanthropy Congress (APHIC). In the culminating session, we were invited to deliver an address regarding the collaborations we have engaged in with partners from the Philippines, Taiwan, and Japan.

35 Impact Report 2023 www.pijarfoundation.org

Tokyo, 16 December 2023


Pijar Foundation and PoliPoli Inc. signed a MoU in Tokyo to collaborate on a policy fund and innovation program to build the future of Southeast Asia.

Jakarta, 8 December 2023


Pijar Foundation’s dinner reception with the Philippines’ Secretary of Trade and Industry.

36 Impact Report 2023 www.pijarfoundation.org
MoUsigningwitnessedbyKenSaito,Japan’sMinisterof Economy,Trade,andIndustry.Sinceassumingoffice,this wasthefirstMoUsigningwhichtheMinisterwitnessed


Around the world, people are challenged by issues that have become increasingly uncertain, complex and interconnected. From unemployment, social and economic inequality, to food insecurity, health crises and climate change, we are pushed to address all of these problems at the same time.

The world has indeed eight billion individuals with creative, innovative and collective solutions to these problems. But no one can tackle these global challenges alone. A collaboration is key to drive solutions.

At Pijar Foundation, we believe in collective action and strive to be the bridge that connect like-minded innovators, collaborators and change-makers to achieve a common goal of a better future. We embrace the ethos of “growing together,” forging partnerships and nurturing communities to drive meaningful change.

Our commitment goes beyond creating new programs; we are dedicated to supporting ongoing community initiatives, amplifying their impact, and providing the resources and guidance needed to thrive. With each endeavor, we seek to empower individuals and organizations, fostering an ecosystem of innovation, resilience, and inclusivity.

Against this background, we are proud to launch an avant-garde initiative: The Futurist Hub.

Running from 2024, The Futurist Hub will serve as a catalyst for collaboration, a space where visionaries, changemakers, and thought leaders come together to explore, innovate, and shape the future. Together, we will navigate the complexities of our everevolving world, united in our pursuit of a brighter tomorrow.

37 Impact Report 2023 www.pijarfoundation.org


Pijar Foundation’s success stories and achievements in 2023 are all thanks to:

• Achmad Adhitya

• Adelia Anjani Putri

• Ageng Sajiwo

• Ahmad Ataka Awwalur Rizqi

• Ajeng Silvayanti

• Aldiego Adhi Makayasa

• Alfianda Karuza

• Alifia Putri Chaerunissa

• Alzihad Sud

• Ammalya Rohmah

• Anastasia Imelda Cahyaningrum

• Andy Fernanda Probotrianto

• Anisa Firdia Hanum

• Anthony Marwan Dermawan

• Arby Tedjo Laksono

• Ar va Naufal Rachmanoka

• Astri Irawanti

• Aulia Pradipta Prabandaru

• Bagus Wicaksono

• Banni Raihan Dipo

• Bayu Dardias

• Brian K. Edityanto

• Bulan Fitri Amalia Noer Setiawan

• Cazadira Fediva Tamzil

• Christian Sandjaja

• Cynthia Krisanti

• Dhea Yudith Anggraini

• Dhiera Anarchy Rihi Lay

• Dias Sunandi

• Elizabeth Avelia Poereta

• Ellya Rizki Handayani

• Fauzan Adrianto

• Fayzah Anggana Abhirama

• Felisitas Friska Dianing Puspa

• Ferro Ferizka

• Filisitas Arianie Widyantara

• Fiqie Zulfikar

• Fitra Ade Setiawan

• Gabriella Anindyacitta Sanjung Benyamin

• Gede Janaka Narayana

• Hanif Panji Prasetya

• Hanifa Rizka Putri

• Hilda Halida

• Kidung Asmara Sigit

• Larasati Putri Indaryani

• Latifa Hanum

• Leody Rama Putra Sarmanella

• Leorede Thenu

• Maya Rosmadewi

• Melisa Nirmaladewi

• M. Imam Wahyudi

• Muhammad Baariq Arya

• Muhammad Ikhsan Alfani

• Muhammad Nabil Satria Faradis

• Muhammad Rizky

• Muhammad Zul Mausir

• Naufal Musri

• Novia Ihza Ardhana

• Nurmala Indah Oktaviani

• Pramusinto Nugroho Dewa

• Rachel Michaela

• Rayhan Raspati

• Rino Febrian

• Ruth Angela Christie Kirana

• Sayid Muhammad Azzahir

• Shanaz Makrufa

• Sekar Laksmicita Cakramurti

• Tasya Nafilah Firdausyi

• Titus Aldi Nata Wijaya

• Widya Priyahita Pudjibudojo

38 Impact Report 2023 www.pijarfoundation.org

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