2014 Parks, Recreation, & Open Space Plan

Page 92

Assumptions. Since impact fees are related to new residential development, this analysis estimates future revenues based on projected residential construction in the unincorporated area of the county. The housing unit projections are based on the 2030 figures from Adopted Countywide Planning Policies for Pierce County.

The analysis does not assume any future impact fee rate adjustments, although rates are likely to be reviewed, and perhaps adjusted, by the County every few years based on future project needs. Figure 6-3 shows historical park impact fee revenues to the left of the dotted line and estimated future revenues to the right.

Figure 6-3. Actual and Projected Impact Fee Revenues (2005-2030 in YOE$)

Source: Pierce County, 2013; and BERK, 2013


Pierce County Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Plan Chapter 6: Implementation Proposed Final: February 2014

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