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[Sara’s Story #3] “I have never been able to sit still. I always have to act. I know exactly what I want out of my life and the actions needed to get there: graduation from medical school, a career as a pediatrician and then a family. That was until my latest relapse. Now, with my future unclear, I compelled to do something to improve my chances of completing med school and starting my career. Recently, I learned that I other higher-efficacy therapies are available, like newly approved PRODUCT X.” Only PRODUCT X has been proven to deliver near-complete suppression of subclinical (MRI) activity with superior clinical outcomes versus high-dose IFN β-1a in two identical 2-year trials. Across both trials, PRODUCT X…  Demonstrated near-complete suppression of T1 Gd+ lesions  Reduced relapse rates by nearly half and the risk of disability progression by 40% Are you like Sara: ready to switch to newly approved PRODUCT X today and halt progression? Or will you tell her that it’s better to wait and see, because higher-efficacy therapies have an associative safety risk? Would you be comfortable if not acting soon meant continued disease progression? With the efficacy and favourable safety of PRODUCT X, now is the time to intervene in the course of Sara’s disease—before further progression. For Sara’s future, start PRODUCT X now.

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