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[Barsha’s Story #1] “Any mother of 2 young boys will tell you that parenting is hard. But for me, because of my MS, parenting is nearly impossible. I’ve recently experienced not just worsening symptoms but new symptoms, too. It is easy to see that my walking is getting bad. What’s worse, is that my boys notice as well. I cannot bear to think of how my disease will affect them. What will they think when I can no longer drive them to school, make breakfast, to play with them in the park. Does that make me less of a mother? Will they still love me the same after my disabilities take away my ability to care for them?” As a neurologist, what do you suppose Barsha and her family stand to lose if she continues to relapse on her current therapy? Now, think about what Barsha can gain if you recommend a higher-efficacy treatment like PRODUCT X—Earlier in the course of disease. Only PRODUCT X has been proven to deliver near-complete suppression of subclinical (MRI) activity with superior clinical outcomes versus high-dose IFN β-1a in two identical 2-year trials. This superior efficacy is complemented a favourable safety profile that allows you to intervene earlier in the course of disease—so you can halt further disease progression. For you, it comes down to making the decision to switch Barsha onto PRODUCT X. For Barsha, there is so much to be gained: Remaining an active and able mother. At any sign of disease activity, start PRODUCT X now.

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