Telephone Box Series

Page 62

In the face of new information being thrown at our senses during every waking minute of the day the overwhelming knowledge needs a release before suffocation and an out come of transcendence of this state. My practice covers these three states: a clouding or suffocation of information, an outburst of release in the hope of escape and transcendence of the situation. It is a means to try and understand what to do with all the little snippets of information being feed to us constantly. I have also been considering whom you / we are in a space. Thinking about the right protocol, how to act in situations and the importance upon how people convey themselves. I would like to think that each time I am in a new space I am a new person taking on a different roll and how you act in that space determines the success or failure of that person. Me practice is over two contexts one is direct to the public that art is a relation to them as they pass and interact with the space and me. The documentation is just documentation and is not viable and the real performance as it sees only one aspect at a time.

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