Music Video

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An interview conducted by Pollyanna Hodson, on herself, here we go. So Pollyanna why have you made a ridicules music video? Well, Haha, It is funny, Its because Hahaha.. Its bloody hilarious. I was thinking, I am always thinking, But I had this theory that my life would be a lot easier if I knew a musical instrument And I was a musician And I could sing And I would be able to get my point across a lot easier. Erm Because music is a lot more popular, its around you at all times, Like art is But it can be, Like.. Yeah, It can be overlooked. Where as music really gets in your head, And you get all like repet… Its one of those repetitive things, And err It can really uplift you and inspire you.. Like the same way art can, But I am just But I just think it is a lot more prolific in music just because it is that much more popular, erm.. So, Even though I am not a musician I wanted to be part of it. And.. I should probably introduce Jalen Jalen My niece She’s like the same as me Well I’d say she was She’d say she wasn’t But She’s eleven So she is 10 years younger than me But she has go the same Kinda thing where

We switch and change all the time, About what we are doing Erm And what inspires us She’s got her own YouTube channel Where she has The Jalen Show and uploads All this stuff Like everything Anything that is funny She will like remake with her mates or just by herself And And then put it up onto YouTube. Erm So she has got a lot of social engagement with it. And Yeah It’s just I wanted to be the same as her Well I don’t want to be the same as her but I do Well we are the same. We’re the same. Yeah Because that is what I do. I don’t put stuff up on YouTube for social engagement and stuff but I exhibit stuff in the same… Yeah I do always get my mate to watch what I am doing So I think that is important I think. So I made this video with Jalen because I really In my head I’m one half of a collaboration I just haven’t found the other person I’ve always I’ve Yeah Since I was 16 I have thought that Erm So I wanted to collaborate Jalens got as mental ideas as me but is not like… Its not It’s more naive And I don’t know In the art world in art practice we are always, well why are you going this why are you doing this why are you doing this And

With her the reason is, The only excuse is Because it is fun And because it’s entertaining Because its You know It’s something good to do Haha And I don’t think there is anything wrong with that explanation Erm I kinda really like that explanation Like I’m Doing it Because I can. Because I will And Because its funny, It will bring entertainment to people People will like it I’m not doing anything bad in the world And Yeah What else can I do? And Yeah Because what else can you do but What you want And make people happy from it I think that’s A pretty Sound idea Not idea Pretty sound logic And an uncomplicated one Erm So I gave her quite a bit of free rein of what we are doing Like she choose the song She did a lot of the dance moves And The ideas about Like Basically all of the kinda childish Erm Dance routine things where her I just Just there for the ride really I just did the stuff with the lights, the lights where my idea. Having a rave in the larder

Yeah Like I have got some better logic than that though… What is your better logic? What is my better logic? Hmm This YouTube sensation thing is pretty fun Like It’s a really good society And a really good outlet And I wanted it to be like Erm Sort of modern phenomena You know Couldn’t Feasibly do this at any other time than this year I don’t think Especially not with the song I couldn’t Yeah This is of the time So I errr Have done this Yeah well Thing is YouTube YouTube Lets get on to YouTube It is amazing Like There is kids that have done this song that we have done There’s one in particular she has got 3 million hits. 3 million People have watched that That’s ridicules Well Like So you’ve Really I think a lot of people underestimate the power of YouTube Especially in this society In this art college You know It’s a bit Yeah Wow that is amazing, that is popular culture, watching stuff on YouTube Funny stuff Like You could go to an art gallery to relax and stuff

And be contemplative Or you could sit at home on YouTube Hahaha And watch some amazing stuff Like I have only just got into it But It is so funny Like The really really bad things are the best. Make it really really bad and it will be really funny So and I have had I theory about bad art Like I have been wanting to make bad art Not that I know what bad art is Obviously Because you would have to know what good art is first So Yeah I just wanted to make some thing that is really really bad that is really really good, really really funny This isn’t very good logic is it But Its what it is Yeah What else has influenced this? There has been quite a lot I am just being really blasé about stuff At the moment Ermmm So I made this YouTube phenomenon Yeah I haven’t really said the point of it Well it is sort of It is sort of I am subverting it I am not I am Sort of taking the piss Because it is rather ridicules And it is one of those things You know People say popular culture will cloud your mind, its gonna detract away from all the important stuff in the world But So I am sort of going ‘look at this ,this is ridicules’ Everything is ridicules Well everything is ridicules I think everything in the world is ridicules

So why not make something really ridicules But Polly Don’t you think that It has kinda developed You practice has developed in this way Like Lead straight up to this point? And that the reason that you are doing it is because It’s like a little party at the end of Your degree Err Yeah Haha Well it is the sum of everything I have done Because Yeah In first year I was doing performative stuff It was all sort of childish and naive and escape and running away And stuff Second yeah we can call that off that was a ridicules year And this year I’ve just been trying to get through the confusion You know Hmm Getting through the confusion? I think a lot of it shows Yeah I think it is It is It is the answer to all the problems that I have had Throughout the years Of my art practice Like I love my telephone boxes and stuff but I cannot display them Because it’s a live thing But in this format This music video format It’s like perfect Because you view it as it is being viewed No not as it is being viewed Like that is the way you are meant to view it Like on a computer or on a TV screen That’s the way you view it You don’t view it live Erm Because it is a lot of editing it is not a live performance is it Its Broken up Into like 2/3 second chunks like A new scene a new scene a new scene And it

It’s actually like At 30 frames per second Which is 20% faster than real life So you are getting bombarded with all this information Which is what I have been Erm Doing My practice about But it is also really expressive and really Erm emotive and erm It goes with the music Just say like In my head I am using music and the world As like the same thing And then Yeah Music and the world combine because music is part of the world Erm so The music video All this information all this emotive stuff Going along with the music And I think that it is the same as what art is Because arts No Arts the same because it is emotive, it goes along with the world But music I part of the world So yeah I think it all becomes the same thing Yeah Music and the world and dancing your little head off Everything is nice Well everything is bad but everything is nice. Do you think you are going to continue making music videos Polly? I like it that it is 3 minutes long And you are just subjected to like Blah blah blah Its just nice I don’t know if it should always have pop music on it I probably made it have pop music on it to make it more relevant Or just to make it cool More ridicules More hilarious Because it is a hilarious song And yes of course we does!’ Who says that Ridicules music artist say that. It’s just funny

Hahaha Yeah I could just have any old sound couldn’t I I don’t even need sound But I like the sound Because It adds another level doesn’t it It makes the bombardment more Extreme Its like with a music video Like you have got the beats It can be like 3 beats going at once At in some times Lyrics on top of that And then you have this music video that then changes every like 3 seconds So I think its That’s my perfect format For my work Like multiple layers and a lot going on And this is like the simplest way I can do it I could just make a proper big mess But then it wouldn’t be funny The way I have done it It is still funny And really engaging because It’s hilarious I hope everyone thinks it is hilarious I cannot even think about it without laughing Hahaha Its ace

Continuation of discussion at vimeo....









‘We R Who W


We R’

Lyrics Hot and dangerous If you’re one of us, then roll with us ‘Cause we make the hipsters fall in love And we’ve got hot-pants on enough And yes of course because we’re running this town just like a club And no, you don’t wanna mess with us Got Jesus on my necklace I’ve got that glitter on my eyes Stockings ripped all up the side Looking sick and sexy-fied So let’s go-o-o (Let’s go!) [chorus] Tonight we’re going hard Just like the world is ours We’re tearin’ it apart You know we’re superstars We are who we are! We’re dancing like we’re dumb Our bodies go numb We’ll be forever young You know we’re superstars We are who we are! DJ turn it up It’s about damn time to live it up I’m so sick of being so serious It’s making my brain delirious! I’m just talkin’ truth I’m telling you ’bout the s— we do We’re sellin’ our clothes, sleepin’ in cars Dressin’ it down, hittin’ on dudes (HARD!)

I’ve got that glitter on my eyes Stockings ripped all up the side Looking sick and sexy-fied So let’s go-o-o (Let’s go!) [chorus] Tonight we’re going hard Just like the world is ours We’re tearin’ it apart You know we’re superstars We are who we are! We’re dancing like we’re dumb Our bodies go numb We’ll be forever young You know we’re superstars We are who we are! DJ turn it up DJ turn it up DJ turn it up DJ turn it up Tonight we’re going hard Just like the world is ours We’re tearin’ it apart You know we’re superstars We are who we are! We’re dancing like we’re dumb Our bodies go numb We’ll be forever young You know we’re superstars We are who we are!









Music videos are emotive and resp usic.

Art is diverse, em onsive to the worl

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motive and respo ld.

Music is in the world.


“They (teenagers) frequently use music and other popular culture as a system of signifiers to help them explore their identities, their sexuality, and their values” (Jennings, D (2007) Net, Blogs and Rock’n’Roll. London. Nicolas Breadley Publishing. P 186. Teenagers and younger are very socially aware of themselves and desire the need to fit in seamlessly with there peers, through the internet and new technologies they are being tested on more levels than previous generations, a web presence is required to be part of an international popularity game. Having several hundred friends on Facebook and hits on YouTube is the social norm among the youth of today on top of the social norms that have been forever present. I don’t want this to sound like an added pressure although I think in some ways it is for the most part an expression and a social learning experiences as they recreate and invent there own take of there passions in all ways. The most prolific and prevalent in young girls is singing and dancing along to their favourite pop single. Which every girl always has done, with YouTube with their tag line ‘broadcast yourself’ opens the world of talent and competitiveness to another level, by raking up views all over the world. Their has been cases of the success of the home videos exploding into a full time career, in recent phenomena’s kids such as Justin Beiber have been scouted by music producer and record companies off the back of the success of their YouTube presence. It is a modern dream for teens of the day to have this break through success. In the case of Rebecca Black she had the drive and the money to record and make her own song and video with featured rappers at the age of 13. The effect of this video within a week of uploading on to YouTube was unknown before; it quickly spread all over the world making her famous to an unprecedented level. My niece, Jalen, is eleven years old. Her hobby is making and uploading videos onto YouTube. Her dream is to get a million hits, and then a billion. She interpretates everything she sees and likes, from the Jeremy Kyle show to music videos as well as exercise classes and tutoring languages. I see a lot of my own confusion on how to view, respond and interoperates the many things around us, through her switching and changing her interests and roles the way that I do frequently, though watching her I have realised the deficit on our part of being able to keep our attention steady. In a world of so much interest how can we stay coherent, in a straight line, with a constant goal? We are moving through one fad/craze into another searching for the relevance and definition of our time, the moment. Who are we right now and what should we do?



OUR COMPETITORS LittleMissLovelysxx number one competitor at 3 million hits


over 800,000 views

MattyBRaps Rap version at 6 and a half million hits!

Everything I want and wish it to be.


A collaboration. With someone who will take it for what it is and enjoy it without a question of meaning and relevance. In that way the performance will be natural and relaxed.

A medium of the era. The internet, video editing and the music video where everything is viewed 20% faster than real life and is ever-changing, not just what is in fashion but by clipping to another shop every 3 seconds on average. A hilarious joke It is comedy entertainment, in no way meant to be studied seriously. It is joining in, in a game that is about showing interest and inspiration from culture around us.

A social enterprise It is going world wide, will be liked, disliked and commented on by everyone within the sphere. An expression of confusion. Ever changing and travelling with the times never having a fixed idea or concern. playing An expression of freedom. Dancing like no one is watching Link to naivety Childish perspective and escapism


Really bad Like so bad it is good‌. The song is awful so the video is awfull. Unlike anything else in the show.





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