January-February 2012

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publisher’s page

So you went nut-so on the stuffing, pumpkin pie and egg nog. Yeah, me too. NOW WHAT?

Happy New Year ... Fatty.

Don’t be a fruitcake. January is for kisses at midnight, champagne and sitting by the fire. Trust me, you can’t get your preholiday body back overnight but, thankfully, there is hope to turn things around quickly. Go ahead and make the most of this romantic time of year, but you already know what’s coming next: buying a treadmill, joining as many exercise classes as you can squeeze in to your already crammed day, or worst case, drunk dialing your “ex” to make your misery go away. Oy! Bottom line? We totally get that the time is ripe to do something about our muffin-tops, saddle bags and beer bellies, before we head into the fitting room to try on 2012 bathing suits. We’re an indulgent culture. We can’t help it. We can’t stop at twenty-five ice cream flavors, we have to have thirty-one. And time and time again, we’re suckered into the romance of the holiday season. The smells, tastes and comfort food were out in force and most went for seconds. I say this because you’ve been depriving yourself all along. The moderation rule is one I subscribe to. I find that living a life of depravity is, well… annoying and it makes me sad, frustrated and a bit bitchy. So, I do pop 6 I PhillyFIT

Photo by Joe Chielli Church Street Studios

a piece of Dove chocolate every now and then – sue me. I’m only human.

For some reason, January is the month we all finally get around to looking at ourselves in the mirror with a critical eye and begin our exercising and dieting regimens. To me, that’s absolutely ridiculous! I can’t help but “check in” at least two or three times daily, and it’s not because I’m vain. It’s because I can’t help but notice when I’m barely squeezing into my favorite jeans, or putting on my swimsuit to do indoor laps at my health club. Oh, and let’s not forget we still have to undress – uh um - you know what I mean, at the end of the day. I won’t rest until my “three-time” baby factory is back to where it was during the Bush years (Bush one or two, I’ll take either, thank you.) The numbers tell the story. All the national, major diet companies see a spike in sales during the month of January. Tons of ellipticals are bought during this month on QVC and gym memberships are through the roof. But why? Why not during the summer months, when we shed our clothes and we’re most vulnerable? It’s because

January/February I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfitmagazine.com

we actually believe that we can bounce back in six months. From January through June we can all reach our goal and don the bikinis again. Sorry, it’s just not true for the average person. Unless Jillian Michaels herself is picking you up in a limo and giving you the VIP treatment at the gym each and every day, I say get your head out of the clouds. If you’ve padlocked your fridge and banned anything with fat from your home, you stand a chance. Good nutrition is actually vital to weight loss. So skipping meals is counter productive in that it doesn’t give you the energy you need for your workouts. As I said, moderation on all fronts is key. I can’t get back six months of Twinkie-eating, potato couching and gym evading. It’s just not possible. This got me thinking. As Americans, our well-being and fitness moral check in is really only once a year – it’s our way of life. It’s like Happy New Year… Fatty. What if our culture taught us to “check in” monthly – or even daily - and not just with a scale. It seems like society is obsessed with quick weight loss and toned this and that. Everyone talks about the outwardly benefits of “looking good” but “feeling great on the inside” always plays second fiddle. Our recent, unscientific study paints an interesting picture. We took a bit of time to poll some PhillyFIT readers and here are the results. We were interested in the psychology of working out, going to the gym and exercise in general as people aged. It’s interesting to see the attitudinal variances about this topic from decade to decade. The results are in and here’s the skinny (pun intended).

WORKING OUT IN YOUR 20’s I’m gorgeous, look at me!

57% of our PhillyFIT polled readers say that outfits matter, designer sneaks are a plus and a tan doesn’t hurt either. In your twenties it’s all about turning heads and attracting a potential date for Saturday night (yes, at the gym).

You’re so vain, you probably think this article is about you, don’t you, don’t you? Well, truth be told, places like Center City’s Sporting Club at the Bellevue could be viewed as one of the best places to seen-be-seen. Hitting the gym is not that different than bellying up to the bar, so to speak. Admittedly, socialization takes the front seat when bodies are hard and hormones are high. Don’t be surprised if you overhear, “What’s a nice girl like you, sweatin’ in a gym like this?” By the way, January is the socialite’s best month at co-ed gyms everywhere. Attendance skyrockets this month which equals fresh meat and prime picks (beware!). WORKING OUT IN YOUR 30’s I’m stressed out, don’t look at me.

62% of our PhillyFIT polled readers say getting more serious about the inherent benefits of a good workout help – especially as everyone is busy climbing the corporate ladder and/or creating new families. Sweating is a way to release endorphins and this

crowd needs it as they’re slowly beginning to realize that metabolism is takin’ its time and the buff twenties are a thing of the past.

No more free time. No more flirting (maybe). Now it’s time to drop and give ‘em fifty. We’re done with bar and clubs and we’re ready to get serious. Things are starting to wiggle and jiggle in places where they hadn’t before and we’re all about making it stop. We’re also using the gym to de-stress from our workday as well as prolonging the madness that’s waiting for us at home (kids, dinner, laundry, etc.). The gym starts to be a center of escapism – an oasis where no one will bother you cause you’ve got ear buds in. For many, it’s also the only place where they do TV-watching! And trust me, the gym isn’t the social scene it was in your twenties. Most of us are not interested in anything but our own efforts. WORKING OUT IN YOUR 40’s What the #*(@& are you lookin’ at?!?

53% of our PhillyFIT polled readers say vanity is a thing of the past. This is the dawn of new era – it’s finally time to work out to FEEL good, not necessarily look good. This group hits the gym while eating an apple a day. And for some, they end up looking better now than they ever did. Go figure! Maybe working out for the “right” reasons really does have fringe benefits after all.

If you’re in your forties and reading this, I bet your primary doctor has told you to make sure to eat right and start exercising. This is the “taketwoasprinandcallmeinthemorning” script of the midlife crowd. Doctors seem to dispense advise about working out to just about everyone I know at this age. Yes, studies show that a disciplined exercise regimen can reduce the likelihood of falling prey to heart disease, cancers, high cholesterol, diabetes and other pleasant diagnoses that can truly impact our day-to-day lives. Most are mature enough to heed this message, whereas in our twenties and thirties, well we think we’re invincible. Right? At this stage, most folks could care less about anything else than finishing a great workout with an expensive personal trainer because NOW they can afford one.

* * * Yes, I’m in my mid forties and I’ve turned into quite the narcissist. Well, not quite. But, I will give that type of personality a teeny tiny bit of an “okay,” and I’ll make no apologies for it either. After giving and giving and giving to my family since having my first son at twenty-one and then adding two more over the years, now moving in with my mom and our fleet of furry friends, I feel slightly entitled for once. It’s been a bumpy three years in my personal life too, and adding a little one to the mix was even more challenging – sit-ups took a back seat to spit-ups and running took a back seat to crawling. But now, little Savannah-Banana is growing up (four already!) and actually enjoys taking walks with me as my fitness buddy. My sons, Derek & Darion, have decided to go full-throttle into a hardcore workout program, which is a constant reminder to me to get off my ass. The family joke in our PhillyFIT house is always prodding each other about “Who’s the most FIT, who did the hardest workout of the day, or who can run

January/February I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfitmagazine.com

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the farthest?” Step aside Derek, Mom still kicks butt. The tides are turning and I can feel the change in my bones, even though they’re losing density... so the statistics say for gals my age. I’ve been working out three times a week. I’m one of those Cross Fit junkies, I admit it. I’ve decided that I’m okay with only three times per week, it’s just right for me and my lifestyle. That’s a critically important “thing” when deciding to get on the bandwagon: setting a realistic goal of how much time you really can invest without taking away from your all-so-important family time. Often, I take my workout outdoors. It’s something I do to feel alive and to get close to nature. I love the clean cold air mixing with the smell of burning fire logs. I am tickled to see my own breath in the freezing stillness because it’s evidence that I’m doing something for me, taking time out for me – I matter. Whoa!

I ache more in my forties, by the way. I can tolerate the burn because it’s a reminder that I’m getting the blood flowing, like the doctor says. It does become challenging when my little girl wants to play flying princesses and my calves feel like they’ve been hammered with a mallet. I work through the pain and pledge to switch up my routine, so that cardio and weight training change as needed. The love is shared throughout all my muscles. * * * My good pal Diane is in her sixties and she is, well, I’ll just say it - such a COUGAR! She attracts men nearly half her age. I asked her one day, over cups of hot green tea, to reveal the secret behind her undeniable magnetism and this is what she said: “Honey, you know that expression, never let them see you sweat Dahhhling!”

“Yeah,” I replied.

“Well, that’s horseshit. If you let them see you sweat, men equate it to sexual prowess. I know it’s not ladylike, but I think they equate that to sweating in the bedroom if you know what I mean!”

This had me thinking. Could sixty-five be the new thirty-five? Does it all turn social again in our golden years? Sounds plausible that endorphins release at any age, make us feel good and yes, sexy. Wow – I never thought of it that way. Maybe in our sixties the gym is in fact a true Fountain of Youth, a place that regenerates cells, gives us energy and makes us feel a live. Who knew? I’m holding on to that thought and manifesting it! * * * No matter how old you are, don’t let January and February be your hibernation months. Get out and walk around your neighborhood to see all the decorative seasonal lights that are still up, volunteer at a community soup kitchen (lots of calorie-burning physical work) or take up cooking those healthful yet stick to your ribs dishes (prime season for turkey chili and low-fat cornbread in my neck of the woods.) And, by all means, look around you. Don’t succumb to heavy advertising. Chances are you have things

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around your home and available in your community to help you maintain your health goals. You don’t need to plunk down lots of cash in January on fad diets or overly expensive equipment. All you need is little imagination, and maybe a friend like Diane to kick your butt! Bundle up and stop making excuses Dahhhling! All the best,

PHILLYFITfamily Published by: Jalynn Concepts, LLC

Distribution Manager: R.I.P. Jim Appenzeller

Publisher: Jami Appenzeller

All inquires are welcome... Call us NOW! 215-396-0268 Fax: 215-396-0288 www.phillyfitmagazine.com Jami@phillyfitmagazine.com

Assistant to the Publisher: Melissa Granneman Intern: Cortnee Daley, Hatboro Horsham High School Art Design: Buxmont Media: Jessica Lorah Computer/web support: Jeff Gross Copy Editors: Heather Hoehn, Bev Appenzeller Cover Photography: Photo of Chris by Les Byerley Photography. Photo of Fergie Yvonne submitted herself. Staff Onsite Photographer: Steve Hunn Publishers Page: Hair by Amy Cummings, Fresh Hair Studio in Southampton. Editorial Research: Beverly Appenzeller Calendar Of Events: John Beeler Ad Sales: Jami Appenzeller jami@phillyfitmagazine.com Rita Henry ritahenry@phillyfitmagazine.com

January/February I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfitmagazine.com

Advertising Deadlines: Reservations for the Mar/Apr 2012 issue: Ad Copy Due By: Feb 5, 2012 Payment Due By: Feb 10, 2012

PhillyFIT Magazine is a news magazine with emphasis on health, fitness and leisure. PhillyFIT Magazine is printed bi-monthly, distributing 50,000 magazines to more than 1,000 locations in the Philadelphia, Bucks, Chester, Delaware and Montgomery Counties. Address all submissions of advertising, calendar entries, photos, inquiries and letters to the above address. PhillyFIT Magazine does not assume responsibility for unsolicited materials. PhillyFIT Magazine will assume that all unsolicited materials are being submitted for possible publication and should the material be published, no fee is due to the submitting party. It is our understanding that the submitting party holds models' releases on photographs submitted. Physicians' Pages are paid advertisements. PhillyFIT Magazine does not knowingly accept false or misleading advertising or editorial content, nor does the Publisher assume responsibility should such advertising or editorial appear. PhillyFIT Magazine reserves the right to edit letters to the editor and other submissions for clarity and space availability, and to determine suitability of all materials submitted for publication. Before implementing any exercise or diet modification mentioned in PhillyFIT Magazine, readers are advised to consult with their physicians. No reproductions of printed material are permitted without the consent of the Publisher. All rights reserved.

Hi Jami, I really appreciate the work that you do and that you would even think to include me in your magazine featuring my career in diving! Hopefully, this will help the Sport of Diving. It's a sport that is coming back with a vengeance. Your magazine has done physical fitness PROUD! Jane Ann Cantwell

Hi Jami! I want to say I absolutely love you and your magazine! I particularly love reading your column! It always seems to resonate with my life at the time. Jennifer Ritorto Lower Bucks Family YMCA

Jami, Thank you again, for the BASH – we had SO much fun as always, and always LOVE being part of the workout-a-thon! This was such an awesome event, was totally amazing/amazing energy! Thanks for creating a great event that keeps getting bigger and better each year, how do you do it? Dara Patrusky

Jami, You have done an amazing job with the magazine and with developing a community of fitness professionals. I’m so glad I went to the 12th Bash– more importantly, I am glad to be part of the community! It’s so energetic. (You look amazing – as always.) You are very inspiring for me. And your daughter is cute as a button! Julie Donley, RN BSN MBA Owner, Nurturing Your Success®

PhillyFIT, We loved the BASH! Jami, I didn't think you could top last years but you did! There was so much to do, between the workout-a-thon and the BASH! PhillyFIT, you guys put on an AWESOME event!!! Overwhelming how much is going on simultaneously, my daughter was petting pigs, getting her face painted, moon bouncing, my friends were working out, having fun, tasting foods, meeting people, good times! I was sampling healthy cookies, (bought some recipes) meeting Mr. Werner Berger, (Inspirational speaker) buying PhillyFIT sweatpants, entering a raffle to win a scooter, trying to pole dance and grabbing a few extra FUZE drinks, LOL. You would have to clone yourself to see it all that you have going on at the bash, wow! Well done is an understatement. See you next year for sure! Asa Cansler

PhillyFIT Magazine, Thank you for a great day at the Bash!!! So many wonderful PhillyFit Readers out there!!! Thanks to Jami and her amazing crew for a fantastic, well organized, fun, fun, fun event!! Can't wait till next year!! The Clinical Aestheticians at The Plastic Surgery Associates in Doylestown, PA. Hi Jami, I just wanted to let you know that I thought your event was fabulous! Mainly because it

was SO well run! You had everything set perfect and organized. Your volunteer staff were first rate and extremely helpful! The whole event was full of positive energy and great people!! Thank you for including me and my little business. We had a ball. Thank you again!! Bon Appetit, Sondra of The Cooking Club

Hi Jami, I just wanted to thank you for allowing us to participate in the PhillyFit Bash. You did a wonderful job on the event. Everything ran so smoothly and you were so welcoming and accommodating. I wish I had gotten to get out on the floor and participate in the work-outs! It’s obvious you put a lot of hard work into it, and your efforts yielded an awesome event! I will definitely be back next year- hopefully I’ll get to do some of those high energy workouts! Warmly, Meghan Maguire Willow Wellness and Chiropractic Care of Doylestown Jami, I read what you have to say (in your Publisher’s Pages) and admire your work. Keep pushin’. Jim Patrick Jr.

PhillyFIT, Such an amazing day yesterday at the bash!!!! Every year it just keeps getting better! Participation at the Extreme Fitness Personal Training booth was higher than ever! It was great to meet all of you. CONGRATULATIONS TO ASA CANSLER for winning Philly's hottest workout!" Martin Mcloughlin, Extreme Fitness PhillyFIT, Another GREAT event Jami!!! Thanks to you and all of your PhillyFIT peeps and volunteers for making this a fun and fabulous day. I hope you can get some rest now that it is over, you deserve it! ALL of the Instructors did a fabulous job, very impressed with each workout! Carol Barrett Nieto

Jami, I just wanted to send a message out to everyone who worked the 6th PhillyFIT Workout-athon and Bash at the PSC in Chalfont, that my family and friends who attended had such a great time and fun workout! Thank you, Jami for allowing me to be part of your professional workout show! You are an amazing person, and it shows in all you do! Lisa Rizzo-Mele Hey Jami! The Bash was once again AWESOME and FUN! The new stage layout worked perfect. Thanks for having me! Philip Sciscione, DJ PhillyFIT

letterstothepublisher opportunity to represent Suburban Organics at the PhillyFIT Bash. I had a great time and met a lot of great folks and networked with some fantastic businesses! We are looking forward to next years event: Once again thanks so much, Chuck Suburban Organics

Jami, It was great to meet you too. We had a great time and talked to a lot of people, it was a very well organized event. You did a great job! Louisa Kipervas Tri State Imagine Solutions

PhillyFIT, What are YOU grateful for? I'm grateful for a Jami Appenzeller creating a great event at PhillyFIT yesterday! Lots of high energy workouts, great vendors and inspirational people like Werner Berger, who in 2007 at sixty nine years of age, became the oldest North American to climb the “seven summits,” the highest peaks on each of the world's seven continents. I met him on Sunday and he is one of the most down to earth people you’ll meet, with a ready smile and sparkley blue eyes. Svetlana Gradess

PhillyFIT, I just wanted to compliment you on a great Fit Blast At PSC this past weekend. It lead the way to my meeting Werner Berger - World famous climber; holds record for oldest North American to climb Mt. Everest. A great inspiration to an outdoor enthusiast like myself. KUDOS PhillyFIT Magazine! Chuck Zerambo PhillyFIT, It was an honor for me to volunteer for the PhillyFIT Bash event yesterday. Jami Appenzeller you are the BEST! Nothing in the area compares to the high energy of your events, thanks for all that you do for the community. Beatrice Salamanca Hi Jami, What a touching article you wrote this issue! Very selfless of you to move in with your mother.There is more to being fit than just going to the gym. Tom Banner AFAA Certified Personal Trainer

Jami, Thanks again for putting together one hell of a BASH! You should be proud! Dale Rimmer Roofing and Siding

Hi Jami, I really get what you’re doing for the fitness community, as does everyone that reads your magazine and sees your passion for fitness! Bill Williams

Hi Jami, I apologize for not being able to catch up with you at the BASH, I was simply too busy at our booth! I wanted to thank you for giving us the January/February I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfitmagazine.com

Hi Jami, Yesterday (the BASH and workout-a-thon) was amazing! I’m sorry I wasn't able to find you to say good-bye. Thank you so much for the opportunity to work with you and your family! I look forward to being a part of the next event! This Thanksgiving, we at Red Hot Dance Fitness are very thankful for PhillyFIT and everyone that helpes out, for putting out the magazine as well as the events! To the PhillyFITteam, the instructors, the vendors, the volunteers....you are all helping to bring overall wellness to the Philadelphia area! HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Christine Gallagher

Jami, I was compelled to email you after reading your Publisher's Page in the Sept/Oct issue of PhillyFIT Magazine. I hope that while reading this, you realize your thoughts and beliefs truly have an impact on your readers. I came across the September/October issue of PhillyFIT Magazine at my gym in Conshohocken. Instantly, I knew this magazine was right up my alley--a health and fitness magazine geared towards an audience from Philadelphia. Perfect. So I grabbed one and read the whole thing. When I read your Publisher's Page, the words you preach about passion hit me like an instruction manual across the face. A lot of what you say in your page correlates exactly with how I've been trying to live my life the past six months and it was very reassuring and refreshing to hear your like-minded opinions. In your article, you say: "I hear neighbors talking about how much they hate their jobs, or worse, their entire industry that they have worked in for twenty-nine years! Yikes, time is of the essence, and no one can be happy working where there is no connection to your heart, or passion." This really hit me Jami. Another quote from your article that resonates with me: "Remember, if you find that you love things that aren't in your life or you want to learn things that you aren't doing, make a way to get them into your life. If your passions are not appropriate anymore, get rid of them before they hurt things in your life that you really do care about." I think that this is an amazing quote. Simple, yet extremely truthful; however, the act of following through on it is complex. I think that anyone who adheres to this advice will see an immense change in their livelihood, all for the positive. Dave (Keep last name anonymous)

Have something to say about us? Email info@phillyfitmagazine.com We welcome all feedback and suggestions.

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BLAST! By Heather Hoehn

We have four body weight exercises and some of their easier modifications for you to try in the comfort of your own home or even in your office for that matter. These back to basics type moves will help sculpt your body from top to bottom, require no equipment and can be done virtually any time and in any space. Select one exercise from each category and perform 1015 repetitions of each for 1-3 sets depending on your fitness level. These inexpensive, fundamental exercises help to set the foundation for a strong and fit body. For the pectoral, triceps and deltoid muscles: Beginners Wall Push Ups- Stand with legs two feet away from a wall shoulder width apart. Lean into the wall with hands at chest level a little wider than shoulder width and lower your body towards the wall until your nose almost touches. Press against the wall and return to your starting position.

For the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes and calves: Beginners Squats- Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Lower your body as if you were going to sit in a chair. Do not go lower than a ninety-degree angle or quads parallel to the ground. Press through your heels and return to starting position. Intermediate-Advanced

Squat w/ Toe Raise- Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Lower your body to ninety degrees as if your were going to sit in a chair. Press through your heels and return to starting position. Stand on your tiptoes then return to a flat-footed position. For the abdominals: Beginners-Advanced

Intermediate-Advanced 3 Count Negative Push-up- Lie face down on the floor, with hands slightly wider than shoulder width by your chest. Raise your self up so your body is parallel to the ground. Keep abdominals engaged and back straight. Lower yourself down to the ground for a count of three. Push against the ground and return to the starting position.

Crunch- Lie on your back, with feet close to your buttocks, knees six to eight inches apart. Place hands behind your head but not pulling on the neck and raise your shoulder blades off of the floor. Keep chin off of your chest in a neutral position and contract the abdominal muscles tightly for one to three seconds. Beginners-Advanced Plank Hold - Lie face down on the floor. Place forearms on the floor shoulder width apart

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January/February I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfit.com

(elbows are underneath your shoulders.) Pull your abs in and keep your back flat. Lift your body off of the floor, and maintain this position for fifteen seconds. For your cardiovascular training:

Kick feet backwards so that your body is in a push up position. Bring feet back towards body and resume upright position. This is one repetition. Heather Hoehn is the co-owner of Flip Fitness LLC, a bodyweight exercise inspired fitness program and the owner of Flip Personal Training, LLC, the premier provider of personal training services on the Main Line and in the Manayunk and Roxborough areas. She also serves as an editor for PhillyFIT Magazine. You can contact her at heather@flipfitness.com.

Beginners-Intermediate Mountain Climbers- Place hands on the ground shoulder width apart. The lower body is in a competitive runner position with left knee toward the chest and the right leg extended back. Spring the lower extremities off the ground and bring the right foot forward while simultaneously thrusting the left foot rearward. Return to the starting position to complete one repetition.

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14 I PhillyFIT

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Broccoli Rabe (Rapini)

Nourishes: 4

Ingredients: • 1 tablespoon olive oil • 2 cloves garlic, minced • 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes • 8 cups chopped broccoli rabe • 1 tablespoon rice vinegar • Salt and ground black pepper • Lemon zest for garnish

Methodology: In a large sauce pot, bring 1 gallon of salted water to a boil. Add the broccoli rabe and blanch for 2 minutes. Drain well.

Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add oil, garlic and red pepper flakes. Stir for 1 minute.

Add broccoli rabe to skillet. Toss to combine. Season with salt and pepper. Cook over medium-high heat for 2 to 3 minutes. Remove and sprinkle with vinegar.

Top with lemon zest.

Nutritional Profile per serving: Calories: 55

Featured Ingredient Notes: This recipe contains plenty of vitamin A, C and K. Potassium, folic acid, fiber and the flavonoids found in this vegetable may help prevent the risk of heart disease and stroke. Broccoli rabe also provides iron, calcium, and phytochemicals that are known to have cancer-fighting benefits.

Marinated New Year’s Pork Tenderloin Nourishes: 4

Ingredients: • 1 ½ lb. pork tenderloin • 2 cans sauerkraut (drain and reserve half the juice for marinade) • 1/2 apple, peeled, cored and sliced • 1/2 onion, sliced • 1 teaspoon dry mustard • 1 tsp. ground black pepper and salt • 1 Tbs. minced garlic • 1 Tbs. brown sugar

Methodology: 1. Marinate pork by using ½ of the sauerkraut juice for 2 hours and up to overnight. Cover and keep in the refrigerator. 2. Place pork with liquid and sauerkraut on rack in roasting pan. 3. Mix garlic, brown sugar, pepper, dry mustard and salt. Rub onto surface of tenderloin. 4. Place apple and onion around pork. 5. Cover and bake in a 325 degree preheated oven for 2 to 2 1/2 hours or until internal temperature reaches 160 degrees F. Let stand 5-10 minutes before slicing.

Nutritional Profile per serving: Calories: 199 Total Fat: 3.8g | Cholesterol: 65mg

Featured Ingredient Notes: Pork at your first meal for a year of good luck!

A Graduate in Nutrition and Science, John is also a Certified Trainer with the National Academy of Sports Medicine and a Certified Weight Management Counselor with the ADA. He has produced and recorded various exercise videos (originator of Kickaerobox) and nutritional DVD’s. You previously saw him as one of the trainers on the Dr. Phil Weight Loss Challenge on NBC and on Entertainment Tonight. Currently he is the personal nutritionist for PhillyFIT Magazine events such as the BASH, Workout-a-Thon and the Fitness Retreat. Visit him at www.weightlosscoaching.org or kickaerobox@yahoo.com.

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16 I PhillyFIT

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L The 'Fit Possibilities Program' with creator Fergie (Yvonne Hardin) at Masonic Village in Lafayette Hill. Front Row: Kitty Hankins, Jim Mac, Louise Pakan, Janet Maloney, Nancy Schultz. Back Row: Ray Barker, Miriam Priest, Pat Barker, Ina Morgan, Cia Mac, Lois Reyonlds, June Behrman, Barbara Shields, Sandy Shillenn, Jeanette Rubert. Last row: Yvonne Hardin.

SEND US YOUR PHOTOS! jami@phillyfitmagazine.com

Christine Hronec, 29 Wilmington, DE.

Ava Adames, 38 at The Well Loft. Photo by AI Photography.

Clyde Walters, 53 at the PA 2011 Warrior Dash June 11th at Skirmish USA.

18 I PhillyFIT

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Outward Bound base right in the middle of Fairmount Park. Outdoor leadership school working with students all over the Philadelphia area. We motivate, challenge and inspire students to do "What they never thought possible." Pictured are Outward Bound field instructors getting ready to lead a canoe course.

Collin Fairchild, 13, of Allentown.

L Emily Golomb, practicing yoga


on Atlantic Beach, Florida this past Thanksgiving.

Debbie Race Paragano, 44.

L January/February I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfitmagazine.com

Christine Gallagher, Creator and President Red Hot Dance Fitness LLC. The 2011 PhillyFIT Magazine Workoutathon “Judges Top Choice.�

PhillyFIT I 19




Mike Marciano, 40, from Levittown working out at Extreme Fitness Personal Training in Fallsington, PA.


Ridley Creek State Park Boot Camp Challenge session. Peter Zebley, 39, Matthew Johnson, 29. Background is Thomas Copus, 43. Photo by MBM Photography.

Amber Fowler, 41 from Langhorne.


Shelley Doyle, 42, from Yardley, working out at Extreme Fitness Personal Training in Fallsington, PA.

L 20 I PhillyFIT

January/February I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfitmagazine.com

Kelly Schleyer, 22, working out at Bryn Athyn Workout Studio.



Maple Zone Sports and Fitness in Boothwyn. Pitching Clinic for The Hamels Foundation.

Lynn Blachman Caron, 38 in Ocean City, NJ.

Mark Holbrow & Lisa Martini, husband and wife. Owners of the Bucks County Academy of Fencing, New Hope & Hatfield. Photo by Bob Krist.


QB Matt Johns, of Chalfont. L Photo courtesy of Suburban One Sports.

L Maya Finkeldey and Jak Shadows from the Philadelphia School of Circus Art!

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PhillyFIT I 21

L Orlin Howell, 34, Schuylill River Trail.

Tony Sharayko, 80, Towamencin Township, at Genesis Fitness in Harleysville.



Travis Grosser, 10 and his father, Doug Grosser. From Performance Athletics, Pottstown.

Maddie Lahr, 9, Rylie Hijosh, 10, Kelsey Phillips, 12, and Morgan Lahr, 15 from Performance Athletics, Pottstown.

L Vanessa J. Smoley.

22 I PhillyFIT

January/February I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfitmagazine.com

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PhillyFIT I 23


Taking the Bull out of Bullies By Solomon Brenner

Bullying is an increasing problem in today’s society, and as a parent you may have thought about what you might do if your child was ever bullied. But have you ever considered the other alternative? How do you react when your child is the bully?

If someone tells you that your child is a bully or you witness it for yourself, it can come as a huge shock. It is natural to feel like you need to defend him or his behavior, or even get angry that another person would accuse him of bullying.

It is important, however, to stay calm and objective. Look at the facts of the situation and try to understand how to correct it. Getting upset will impede your ability to do so.

If another parent tells you that your child is bullying theirs, they are likely to be upset, which is even more reason for you to keep your cool. Hear them out and try to discuss the issue calmly. Assure them that if your child is behaving like a bully you intend to do something about it.

Whatever punishment you deem appropriate for your child, make sure it is consistent and that your child knows what the consequences for future bullying will be. Make it very clear that this behavior will not be tolerated. There can be any number of underlying reasons that lead your child to bully others. Bullies often have insecurities or low selfesteem and so pick on others to make themselves feel better. Sometimes bullying stems from a lack of social skills. Your child gets upset or angry and doesn’t know another way to handle these emotions. It could be a lack of empathy that leads your child to bully others; he doesn’t think about how his words and actions make others feel, or doesn’t know how to handle people who look, speak, or act different from him. If it’s insecurity that turns your child into a bully, try helping him find a hobby or activity that he excels at and enjoys. The confidence he gains from this will help him feel better about himself and lessen his need to pick on others.

Don’t lash out at your child, either. It may be a complete misunderstanding. You need to try to understand the situation from the point of view of everyone involved, including your child. Figure out a plan before you address the problem with your child. Hear them out, have an open conversation and don’t jump to conclusions.

The first step once you’ve ascertained that your child is bullying others is, of course, discipline. It’s important not to get angry, but rather stress the reason for the punishment and what he could have done differently.

The punishment will depend on the severity of the bullying, the age of your child, and the situation in which the bullying took place. For example, if your child was sending mean messages to someone online, ban them from using the computer for anything but school for a period of time. 24 I PhillyFIT

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Talk about alternative behaviors that your child can use instead of bullying. The next time he gets upset or angry because things don’t go his way, encourage him to just walk away rather than reacting aggressively. Praise him when he chooses to avoid confrontation rather than bullying.

If your child picks on someone who is different from him, discuss the ways in which everyone is different, but we all have feelings and deserve to be treated with respect. Ask him how he would feel if he was the one being bullied.

Most of all, create an environment free of aggression and hostility. Don’t allow your children to bully each other at home, and don’t allow destructive criticism. Ask teachers, the school counselor, or the principal for help with dealing with your child’s aggressive behavior.

Contributed by Author Solomon Brenner, Black Belt Parenting, “The Art of Raising Your Child for Success." Master instructor of Action Karate.

Were YOU at the 6th

PhillyFIT Workout-a-thon

at Philadelphia Sports Club in Chalfont? You missed four hours of endless workouts hosted by our area's finest exercise instructors! Thanks to our celebrity judging panel, the instructors were all judged and won awards for what they were "best at"...

And the Winner(s) are: PhillyFIT’s Hottest Workout Winner: Asa Cansler Judges Top Pick Award: Dr. Aaron Oberst/Drill Instructor Program

Most Creative: Dr. Drill Instructor

Sexiest: Zen Aura

Easiest to Follow/ Best Instructor: Christine Gallagher

Most Challenging: Martin McLoughlin

Best Muscle Building: Robert Jones Most Athletic: Ryan Gillespie

Most Inspirational Workout: Asa Cansler

Most Unique: Lisa Mele

Best Fat Burning: Dara Patrusky

Highest Energy: Carol Neito Most Well Rounded: Carol Nieto

Most Cutting Edge: Phil Chebook

Most Interesting: Deborah Hirsch

Most Entertaining: Tracey Hess

Most Fun: Double Trouble Crystal & Courtney

January/February I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfit.com

Best Toning: Mariah Membrino

PhillyFIT I 25

Eating for Endurance


By Sally Andersen

Drinking eight glasses of water throughout the day and grabbing a peanut butter and jelly sandwich within thirty minutes of exercise is usually sufficient to meet our body’s needs for working out. But when you start training or competing for over two hours non-stop, there’s more planning needed to make sure you find the proper diet to fuel your muscles. Endurance athletes, those that push themselves for hours at a time in events like triathlons and ultramarathons, have learned how to sustain their performance ability without weighing themselves down with overly filled, heavy bellies. They use nourishment to keep their energy high and maximize their achievements.

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Even if you never plan on running for twenty-four hours around the Schuylkill or biking 156 miles through Manayunk, you can still take notes from these athletes’ diets to help keep you consistently active and healthy so that you are ready to go whenever the exercise mood strikes.

Three Diet Tricks to Steal from Endurance Athletes: 1. Perfect your hydration. Drinking too much is as bad as drinking too little. Both can cause hyponatremia (low blood sodium) and increase your chance of muscle cramping. Over hydration can also cause bloating and excessive urination. Your body can only absorb about twenty-four ounces per hour. Excessive fluids will flush out electrolytes from your system before you even get to the race. Drink until your urine is light to clear. Include salt and electrolytes on heavy workout days. 2. Snack on small, simple meals. You don’t want to feel full and heavy or have to stop and find a bathroom mid-workout. Focus on easily digested foods that are unprocessed like fruits and vegetables and complex carbs. Avoid simple sugars, high amounts of fat and meat. Don’t use high calorie burn as an excuse to eat anything and everything. 3. Pack in the protein. Protein is not just for muscle building workouts: after two hours of fuel-burning workouts your body taps into your protein reserves for energy. If the protein is not there, your body moves on to stealing from your muscles and leads to increased fatigue. But still stick to small, simple proteins like quinoa, tofu blended into a smoothie, tempeh, hemp protein powder, and non-dairy yogurts or kefirs like coconut.

Maybe you are already competing in Ironmans, maybe you never will, but regardless you can optimize your body’s condition prior to, during and after working out.

26 I PhillyFIT

Sally Andersen has a passion for fitness and nutrition, which she exercises by teaching fitness classes at Body Resolutions and Sweat Gym. You’ll also find her biking Kelly Drive or running the hills in Manayunk.

January/February I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfit.com


Peggy’s Pedometer Pays Off By Mary M. Nearpass

Peggy Weber Bradford never stops moving except for when she sleeps. This forty-six-year old Washington Township, NJ woman is a force to be reckoned with and wants to share her determination and inspiration with you! On Facebook she stays slim with the aid of a support group the size of cyberspace. Peggy was so ecstatic with designing her own method of weight loss that she started a page on Facebook called, “Steps to Good Health”. What started as just a local group in her community has close to three thousand members in just six months’ time.

Peggy describes herself as a chunky kid growing up, not really athletically oriented but a relatively happy childhood. She grew to 5’10” tall and was ok with her weight until she turned fortytwo. She had just had a baby girl, and had to have her gall bladder removed. Shortly thereafter, she found that she had developed fibroid cysts on her ovaries. She began HRT (hormone replacement therapy) and quickly put thirty pounds onto her then one hundred and sixty pound frame. Finding she still had hot flashes and signs/symptoms of menopause after a year of being on the controversial HRT treatment, she slowly weaned off of them in a month’s time.

When Peggy’s weight reached an all-time high of 218 pounds in a size eighteen dress, she decided to take matters into her own hands. Not being very comfortable in a gym setting, she purchased a pedometer and set herself a goal of ten thousand steps a day, which is no small feat (she now steps 30,000 per day!) It didn’t have to be just walking or jogging; it could be vacuuming, mowing the lawn, or jogging place while folding the laundry. Her food focus became the phrase, “Calories in and calories out.” Peggy was a big soda drinker, and decided to cut all

soda out; she wanted to eat, not drink her calories. She now substitutes it with flavored seltzer water. She began reading and educating herself on food labels and the importance of more veggies, fruits and protein in her diet.

Slowly but surely, Peggy Bradford lost seventy-five pounds over the course of a year. She now is a healthy 143 pounds and is a roomy size twelve. She gives herself five pounds “wiggle room” as our weight can change daily due to hydration, medications and other factors. Her new motto is “Don't do it alone!” It's tough to revamp eating habits, start an exercise plan, and improve our overall lifestyle. These are big changes we're talking about, and many could probably use more support and encouragement. Her "Steps to Good Health" Facebook page continues to grow twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week because anyone can join at any time and post any comment to inspire one another. Its members help each other lose weight via Bradford's 10,000steps-a-day walking system, which she's more than happy to share - free.

"A lot of people are scared to go to a gym," says Bradford, whose before photo provides an astonishing contrast to the slender, athletic woman who is seventy-five pounds lighter, and has maintained it for over two years. “The page is a place they can go," this energetic extrovert adds. "It's not about me; it's about all of us." We support one another. “I have tough days too!” Peggy starts each day by putting on her pedometer sitting on the side of her bed, and it doesn’t leave her side until she lays her head down to sleep.

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PhillyFIT I 27

After her daily, early morning, one- hour workout in front of the TV, she catches up on the news and current events. Peggy jogs in place and does some circuit training with her twelve-pound weights (she started with three-pounders).

It’s so much easier to improve your lifestyle along with someone else — a close friend, your significant other, a child — you're more likely to stick with it. It's not just about you anymore, someone else is counting on you! Even if wearing a pedometer and completing 10,000 steps a day isn’t for you, support is always available via Peggy’s Steps to Good Health. Just decide to do something; ask your neighbor to commit to walking together for thirty minutes three times a week, or plan to cook healthy meals each weekend with your spouse or kids. Sign up for a sports team or a dance troupe — you'll have to come to practice and put your best foot forward because the whole team is counting on you!

Peggy also gives you a healthy tip of the day each and every day to educate and motivate her members. Her goal is to reach as many people as possible who never thought they could, but are now seeing they can have a healthier lifestyle. There have been many inspirational, successful stories posted on losing weight and improving lifestyles on Steps to Good Health.

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Members can even sign on and visit the Message Boards to chat with other members and find weight-loss buddies who are facing similar challenges. If Facebook’s not your thing, you can always email Peggy at: peggbradford@aol.com. She is amazing at getting back to everyone who contacts her. How you go about finding that extra support doesn't matter, as long as you do it. Why not make yours the next success story on Steps to Good Health? You never know who you may motivate one day. There's no time to waste!

Mary has an extensive background in both the traditional and holistic healthcare settings. The first part of her career focused on teaching, sales and marketing, and training and development. She has worked in the classroom setting (from elementary to the college level), for a major weight loss corporation and a leading hospital in the Philadelphia region. Her focus began to shift, as did her hunger for knowledge in the numerous aspects of complementary modalities, and how they assist in both the preventive and healing components toward health. With several certifications in Massage Therapy and Yoga.

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Staying Healthy During the Holidays! By Julie Donley, RN Success Expert & Author of Does Change Have to be So H.A.R.D.?

The holiday season means more parties, more shopping, more eating, more stress, and, of course, more colds and flu! So how can you stay healthy during this busy time? Here is a short list to keep you focused on maintaining your health - and still have fun!

1) WASH YOUR HANDS! This is the one, best thing you can do regularly to avoid getting sick. Use a disinfectant gel. This is the simplest and easiest way to keep away germs.

2) GET A FLU SHOT. Stop into any pharmacy today and get yours. No excuses. If you are around people, you are susceptible. If you have kids, that doubles your chances of getting sick. Prevention is the best medicine.

3) TAKE YOUR VITAMINS. If you take vitamin C and E and a multi, that is great. If you eat healthy fruits and vegetables, you may choose not to take vitamins, however, in the winter months, adding extra C to your diet can be helpful.

4) DON’T OVEREAT. Gaining weight over the holidays does not have to be the norm. It is not healthy for your body to yo-yo in weight. It adds extra effort to your heart and other vital organs.Overeating feels badly. Your clothes tighten and that causes stress. You worry about the gain and how you’ll get it off. Then in January you are stressed about losing it. It’s a horrible thing to do to your body. Eat modestly. Eat slowly. Be conscious. Don’t just pick; use a plate and choose your food wisely. Enjoy yourself, just be sensible about it.

5) DRINK PLENTY OF FLUIDS. Water is best. It keeps your body well hydrated to flush germs out of your system. Dehydration creates a fertile environment for sickness. Also, watch your level of alcohol intake. Sweet drinks can add hundreds of calories to your daily intake and cause your weight to fluctuate wildly. Alcohol also dulls your senses. Again, be sensible. And of course, don’t drink and drive!

6) GET PROPER REST. Sleep is underrated but it is SO important for good health, creativity and clear thinking. When you're tired, you are not as alert and are more easily agitated. To 30 I PhillyFIT

keep stress at bay, make sure you are sleeping enough. Most people require eight hours but some need more while others can go with a little less. This may mean saying 'no' to some of your invitations, but you are the priority. If you're exhausted, it's easier to catch a cold. Your body will have rest, even if it has to force you to get some! 7) WORK WITH A BUDGET. I mean, really, when I listen to the stories of what people spend and how they go out of their way to get every person that comes in contact with them a gift, it makes my head swim! No one expects anything! If they receive something, they are thankful. However, there is no reason to go into debt in order to 'look good'. Most of the time, the gifts are not needed anyway. Ask a teacher how many trinkets and broaches they have received over the years and I guarantee they will roll their eyes and laugh. Give from your heart as opposed to your checkbook and do what feels good for you. Let the rest go. By being prudent with your heard-earned money, you respect yourself and experience less stress in the New Year. Additionally, you may even find that you are not in loads of debt from overspending. You might see that you have extra money to take that cruise you have always wanted.

8) THINK 'JOY' THIS HOLIDAY SEASON. In other words, if it's a chore and you are miserable doing something, then consider not doing it. Often, you put such pressure on yourself to be everything to everyone and to do everything perfectly. You are so concerned about being judged harshly when, in fact, it is you who judge yourself harshly. No one else cares nearly as much as you worry.

January/February I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfit.com

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PhillyFIT I 31




By Mary M. Nearpass

George Bruno has accomplished more in his fifty years than most people do in a lifetime. He has been a spokesperson, host of live events, motivational speaker, writer, hair stylist, commercial actor, voiceover, media trainer, and a model. I could see why he has been so successful the moment I stepped into his salon in North Wales.

Originally from New York, this striking Italian’s commercial acting and modeling jobs are on the rise, despite the economy. When most people are coming in for a landing around age fifty beginning to think about retirement, George is busy reinventing himself.

Growing up in an Italian household meant always having plenty of food around. George says he grew up on pasta, plenty of cheeses and meats, and he loves his desserts (i.e. cannoli’s and pastries.) Food represents love, care and nurturing in any Italian household. And lots of it.

George has a masters’ degree in education, and spent seventeen years in the mental health and education world. He knew what he needed to do to be healthy. However, taking it from the head to actual practice was another story.

In order for a big change to occur in all of our lives, there is always one straw that breaks the camel’s back. For George, it was to hear himself referred to as a “Big, Fat Guido”. Weighing in at 255 lbs. on his 5’10” frame and sporting a forty inch

waistline, it was now time to stop wearing a sports coat to hide his weight and start taking care of his health.

The first thing George recommends for anyone who is serious about losing weight is to surround you with supportive partners. External motivation can only be received if you engage people who want to support you in a positive way. Any nay Sayers have to go by the wayside so as not to sabotage your goal. George knows this entire endeavor would've been much harder without the encouragement of others. They helped him become conscious as to whether or not he “needed” to eat something or simply “wanted” to because it was there. Secondly, once again, portion control. George didn’t really change his diet as much as he did his portions. Did you know that American portion sizes served in restaurants have nearly doubled over the past twenty years? Did you realize that three ounces of chicken visually is equivalent to a deck of cards? He doesn’t believe in depriving himself good food, but he now knows he just doesn’t have to eat everything on his plate, and he can enjoy one cannoli instead of two or three.

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Thirdly, if you haven’t exercised in a while, start off slowly by taking a walk after dinner with a supportive companion. As George was beginning to feel better and better, having more endurance and literally no chest pains, he joined Planet Fitness and now works out three to four times a week. He approaches January/February I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfit.com

this the same way he has his diet - in moderation. He always begins and ends his exercise regime with a good stretching program to promote flexible joint health; even more important now as those of us over fifty know all too well. He does core abdominal and muscle training with moderate weights and spends twenty minutes a session doing cardio on a treadmill. George prides himself in approaching his new lifestyle in a balanced, not overly vigilant way. He has seen far too many people become addicted to the gym or depriving themselves of food they enjoy.

Next, know your limits with alcohol use. The more one drinks, the more it suppresses the pituitary gland leaving us all vulnerable to burning up to a third fewer calories each meal that alcohol is served.

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Finally, if you work shift work, know that this, too, affects your metabolism. Compared to individuals who work during the day, shift workers are at higher risk of a range of metabolic disorders and diseases (i.e., obesity, cardiovascular disease, peptic ulcers, gastrointestinal problems, failure to control blood sugar levels, and metabolic syndrome). At least some of these complaints may be linked to the quality of the diet and irregular timing of eating; however other factors that affect metabolism are likely to play a part, including psychosocial stress, disrupted circadian rhythms, sleep debt, physical inactivity, and insufficient time for rest and revitalization George accomplished his goal of losing sixty pounds and is now a slim, trim, thirty-six inch waist line. He has easily maintained his now 195 pounds and lost his weight over a year and a half time frame. Today he has much more endurance; he is silver haired, gray and proud of it versus gray and fat. He can bend down without feeling totally squashed, he no longer has to unbutton his trousers after a meal and his overall ADL’s (activities of daily living) are effortless. To the person out there that called him a “big fat Guido”, his response today is, “How do you like me now?”

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One of the many benefits of the weight loss and the lifestyle change for George is that he is going from commercial actor to actor and model. He has recently modeled and acted for Greater Philadelphia Tourism in full newspaper page ads, a University, an upscale restaurant, a financial firm, and Sly Fox Beer, and is now the commercial face of a men's skin care line. This transformation literally has opened doors that an overweight middle-aged man could never do.

Seriously, George says there are some pictures of him floating out there on Facebook and cyberspace where he look like a cross between Francis Ford Coppola and Orson Welles! His present goals (as I told you, George doesn’t sit still; you’ll never find him resting on his laurels) are to host a show on the Travel Channel, HGTV, TLC, host infomercials, and to be aspokesperson for a well-known product or service. He is humbled by the fact that his life is brighter now at fifty than it ever was. I am humbled to have had the opportunity to not only meet him, but be inspired by him. The sky’s the limit!

Mary has an extensive background in both the traditional and holistic healthcare settings. The first part of her career focused on teaching, sales and marketing, and training and development. She has worked in the classroom setting (from elementary to the college level), for a major weight loss corporation and a leading hospital in the Philadelphia region. Her focus began to shift, as did her hunger for knowledge in the numerous aspects of complementary modalities, and how they assist in both the preventive and healing components toward health. With several certifications in Massage Therapy and Yoga.


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PhillyFIT I 33


A regular Jack LaLanne in our own South Jersey By Mary M. Nearpass

Ralph Pepino, eighty-four, from Runnemede, New Jersey, a physical culturist for over sixty years, is a walking definition of wellness. A physical culturist means he lives with the laws of nature much like Jack LaLanne, whom the world recently lost at the ripe young age of ninety-seven. He has been a role model for thousands and his fitness level can put most fitness gurus to shame. But what exactly is the definition of wellness? The truth is wellness is a tough world to define. There is no universally-accepted definition of wellness. There is, however, a common set of characteristics generally referring to a "state of well-being" or a "state of acceptance or satisfaction with our present condition.”

The most commonly described sub-dimensions of wellness are the following: social, occupational, spiritual, physical, intellectual, emotional, environmental, financial, mental and medical. Ralph Pepino walks the talk across the board and continually strives to improve. One of his mottos is, "Just keep getting better with age."

I interviewed Ralph over the phone with a health and wellness questionnaire I designed for PhillyFIT Magazine and the following is a summary of our conversation. Ralph begins his day at 5:00 am and immediately gets on his rebounder, a mini trampoline, for a half hour, seven days a week. He says it's the "Best cardio workout you can get." He participates in weight training three days a week at the local gym.

Ralph owned a World Gym franchise for fifteen years. Ralph also won the over-sixty Philadelphia body building contest when he was sixtytwo years old. His goal was to help all types of people with health and fitness. This has been his goal all of his life.

Ralph is not a huge water drinker, usually about a pint a day. He says he, "Listens to his body". He does, however, drink a pint of organically grown fresh veggie juice daily. He makes one for himself and his wife of fifty-three years, daily.

For breakfast he makes two energy drinks for his wife and himself. The drink consists of coconut milk, organic fresh fruit, nutritional flakes, lecithin powder, carnosin powder, raw protein powder, chia seeds, hemp seeds, camu powder (vitamin C), flax seed, galactan (fiber powder), and raw organic egg yolks. Ralph says, “It's the best 34 I PhillyFIT

protein drink there is."

For lunch he drinks organic raw kombucha juice (a cultured tea loaded with enzymes, probiotics, and minerals) and he eats raw milk cheese on flax seed bread. For dinner he and his wife sit down to lots of "organic" veggies, salad, veggie burgers, and brown rice. Ralph would like to thank his wonderful wife for preparing and planning his meals for fifty-three years. She knows exactly the type of food that he eats.

If this type of diet sounds hardcore that's because it is. Make no mistake about it, Ralph’s diet is vastly different from the average American diet. But the average American diet is not healthy. Do you want to be average or healthy?

To many, this way of eating would seem unrealistic. But would it kill us to eat like this even fifty percent of the time? If so, at least consider adding more fruits, veggies and beans to your regular diet. Ralph and his wife rarely eat out, more food for thought. You do your external exercises; you have to make sure you do your internal exercises. When you do the internal exercises you put the natural energy back in your body that you lose when you do the external exercise.

Ralph practices water therapy daily. This is taking hot and cold showers back and forth three times and ending with ice cold water. This gives him great circulation and a great feeling. He never gets a cold or a headache.

He also lies on a slant board; by doing this it brings the blood to the brain. This process slows down the aging process. It puts the body in balance and makes him sharp.

Ralph takes twenty vitamin supplements daily and he only uses a special brand of supplements. He has three wonderful children, Christina, Lisa and Ralph, Jr. He is always telling them the value of good health.

In closing, Ralph would characterize his current level of health as excellent and I'd have to agree. He stands 5'9" tall, weighs 150 pounds and his BMI (body mass index) is 12.3 percent. When I asked him if there is anything that he would like to improve upon his health at the moment, he ended the same way he began, “Just keep getting better with age."

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Were you at the 12th

Folks enjoyed tons of workouts, healthy food samplings and best of all, tons of local businesses showcasing what they have to offer!

LIST OF VENDORS Active U Advanced Medical Solutions Arbonne International American Laser Awakenings Pole Ballers for Life Bathfitters Beauty Control Bionic Willa Band Bouari Clinic Best Choice Changes Team Beachbody/Shakeology Bryn Mawr Aesthetics Bucks County Wellness Castle Doors and Windows Carole for Heart Comprehensive Dentistry Dr. Portolese Dr. Silberman Doylestown Bike Works Extreme Fitness (Oxford VallEy) Get In Shape For Women Glaceau/Powerade Godess Enterprises Crystals Gnookies Hair CafĂŠ Hearts for Autism Healthy Ice Herbalife Integrated Med Center Juice Plus Pic A Part Junk Yard Learn CPR Leisure Fitness Lickety Split Track and Field Main Event Boxing Massage Envy Organo Gold Coffee Pampered Chef Philadelphia Sports Club PhillyFIT Magazine Phila Bike Club Performance Foods Precision Dentistry Renew Acupuncture Dale Rimmer Ross Mill Farms Rodan Fields Dermatology Small World Beauty Sherman Bros Shoes Suburban Organics Safe Day Studios Spartan Race, Inc. Spectrum Health Consulting Team Valkyries Tri State Ultra Sound The Cooking Club The Earthing Link Walker Wellness Willow Wellness and Chiro Winter Sun Farms Waiora Wish Upon A Hero Foundation

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PhillyFIT I 35


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PhillyFIT I 37


Find Your Workout Match in 2012 By Christine Gallagher

You’ve survived the work parties, the family dinners and quite possibly your high school reunion. But what you may not have survived is the battle to maintain your weight this holiday season. As you set your goals and intentions for a healthy you in 2012, what workout routine will help you regain your best self? If you want your New Year’s resolution to last longer than two weeks, it’s imperative to find a workout you love and will WANT to continue long term. For most it’s a daunting task to enter the gym in January. Navigating your way through the group fitness schedule can be too overwhelming and intimidating. To help you find your workout match for 2012, take a look at some common traits and explore what workout is best suited for your personality.

Are you bored easily? Does the thought of spending thirty minutes on the treadmill sound as appealing as a root canal? Stay away from monotonous forms of exercise like the treadmill or riding the bike. What you may find more entertaining is working out with a friend. You can help motivate each other during your workout all while catching up on the latest gossip. If you don’t have a friend with a similar schedule or goals, then hiring a personal trainer would help keep you motivated and on track. If money is an issue, how about combining the two with small group training? The cost for seeing the trainer is split between you and your friends so you get the expertise and the added motivation of having a trainer while saving money and being with friends.

Do you crave order and routine in your life? Group exercise classes are definitely the best place for you to find the structure and order you enjoy. A Body Pump class will give you a full body workout in a very structured format. Instructors will provide you with modifications and corrections so your form is impeccable giving you a complete full body strength-training program complete with stretching. No sweat zone If you like staying dry during your workout then Pilates is the

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place for you. Schedule a private session using the reformer or try a mat class and sculpt your body without doing an endless amount of repetitions. Let the instructor guide you using control and focus to get the benefits you desire without all the sweat.

Is your life a reality TV show? Just got in a fight with your boyfriend? Stressed about workplace politics? You may be able to unleash all the conflict in your life with a Body Combat, Tae Bo or a kickboxing class. Throwing a few kicks or punches at that imaginary target just may unleash your pent up aggressions in a healthy way.

Creative types Be careful of very structured workouts. Being told what to do in classes like spinning or boot camps would likely squash your spirit. Do you crave self-expression and desire the freedom to move as you feel, so a Red Hot Dance Fitness or Zumba class would be the best fit to liberate your soul.

Perfectionists Are you a numbers person? If you enjoy analyzing your workouts and feel exhilarated when you see progress, training for a race could keep you committed to your workout routine for the long haul. For runners/walkers you can pick from a variety of small races like a 5k all the way up to a full marathon. For a little more variety look into adventure races, mud runs and triathlons. You can set up a training program with your event in mind. Track your progress while training and enjoy the rewards at your big event. You can even use apps like Fitnio, Run Keeper and Can Do 26.2 to make record keeping simple, easy and portable.

Homebodies Hate crowds? Does the thought of stepping into the gym cause you to break into a sweat? You may be best suited to workout in the privacy of your home. Try a workout DVD or use Kinect or Wii Fit to get a workout in with a variety of programs available.

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Competitive Types If you enjoy the thrill of competition a sports league will be the perfect place for you to shine. Philadelphia Sport and Social or Manayunk Sport and Social offer a variety of sports leagues to participate in from softball, football, and kickball to playground Olympiads. Get a great workout while showing off your competitive edge. What is your workout personality? Find the workout you love and you will likely stick with it and see the results you desire. Time to make 2012 your best year!

Christine Gallagher is a dancer, choreographer, certified group fitness instructor and the creator of Red Hot Dance Fitness™. Formally trained in Philadelphia & NYC, Christine danced competitively with the nationally ranked NCAA Temple University Diamond Gems and began teaching group exercise while an undergrad studying Journalism. With twenty years in the dance and fitness industry, Christine combined her passion and expertise to design a dance-based fitness workout that was easy to follow yet challenging enough for even the most experienced dancer all while providing a vigorous cardiovascular workout. Winner of four celebrity judge awards by PhillyFIT Magazine, Red Hot Dance Fitness™ offers classes, special events, teacher trainings as well as ongoing choreography for instructors.

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PhillyFIT I 39

Before the Vet


Dr. Jeffrey Stupine

When it comes to your pet’s health and wellness, few things are more important than “Fluffy’s annual wellness exam”. But your dog or cat’s physical examination is only part of what makes your trip to the vet’s office so important. As a veterinary student I was taught the importance of acquiring a proper history. As a practicing veterinarian I have come to appreciate just how important that is. Taking just a few minutes to prepare for your pet’s wellness exam can dramatically improve the quality of care your veterinarian can offer when it comes to overseeing the well being of you pet. Having some essential information about the diet, behavior, and lifestyle of your pet can help your vet best determine not only what vaccines are appropriate, but also help detect changes that may indicate early signs of systemic disease or illness. So before you come to the vet, here are six tips on how to best help us help the pets we love. Know Your Pet’s Diet Anyone who has been down a food isle in a supermarket or pet store knows that there are literally hundreds of choices when it comes to selecting a food for your pet. From puppy chow to senior diets there are a seemingly infinite number of choices. As veterinarians we do our best to stay abreast of the different choices out there and the benefits they may provide. As such, knowing what type of food your dog eats can make a big difference when discussing topics ranging from obesity to arthritis.

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Before coming to the vet take a minute and write down the company who makes your pet’s food, the specific brand you give, how much you feed, and how many times a day it is offered. Many of the clients I see also supplement their pet’s regular diet. Does your pet get table scraps? How often and how much? Knowing everything your pet consumes can enable your veterinarian to calculate his daily caloric intake and match that to calorie requirements needed to maintain a given level of body weight. Of course the lifestyle of your pet and their daily level of activity also plays a role, so be sure to include that information when you speak to your vet.

Monitor the Water Bowl (and the bathroom habits too!) Many systemic diseases and conditions in animals often start with increased thirst and urination. Did you know that diabetes not only affects people, but animals too? In fact, there are many other commonly seen endocrine disorders that your veterinarian can diagnose early with the correct information. Hyperthyroid disease in cats and Cushing’s disease in dogs are two examples. Many of these conditions are manageable if diagnosed early. Keeping an eye on your pet’s water bowl and monitoring for increased thirst and urination can be an early sign that may alert your veterinarian to these problems. So before you come to the vet, watch your pet’s water bowl and bathroom habits and report this information should you notice a change or increase from previous levels.

Don’t Forget to Pet! Beneath that fluffy hair and under that soft belly, lumps and bumps can form, especially as pets get older. Some of these growths may be concerning to your vet, others are less so. Finding these growths early, along with testing and removal can make the difference in preventing manageable disease. Of course, your veterinarian’s thorough physical exam should also help towards identifying new growths. However, knowing the length of time the growth has been present and describing how it has grown or changed in time can assist your vet in deciding how concerning these lesions are. Based on this complete picture your veterinarian will best be able to recommend the correct course of action towards determining the nature of these growths and the best way to manage them. So before you come to the vet, take a few minutes and pet your dog or cat all over. Report any known growths your pet has acquired

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between yearly check ups and report new growths you discover just before your annual wellness exam. Licking, Dragging and Shaking Does Your Pet Lick His Paws? Does he drag his rear? What’s with the head shaking? Many people are surprised to learn that pets can express allergies through licking their paws. In some cases the licking is so severe that “salivary staining”, a brownish discoloration of the paws that comes from repeated exposure to saliva may even be present. In addition, some dogs with allergies will scratch at their ears and even shake their heads. Sometimes dogs will scoot on the ground while dragging their rear ends. These are classic signs that may be associated with an allergy in your pet. Some of these allergies are seasonal in nature while others may be related to the protein source of their diet. Pollens, molds, dust mites, and even common household substances can all be inciting sources for an allergy in your pet. Indentifying the source of the allergy can be tricky for your veterinarian, so a thorough history can be extremely important. Knowing if the severity of these signs increase in the spring and summer can help your vet suspect that a seasonal allergy is present. If the signs are constant throughout the winter months also, a household or food allergy might be suspected. Knowing the tendency of your pet to lick, scratch, and drag are of vital importance. So before you come to the vet take note if these signs are present, how severe they are, and during what seasons they occur. In addition to helping make an accurate diagnosis, this will greatly aid in formulating a treatment plan that is custom fitted to your pet’s allergic tendencies. Check the Pet Medicine Cabinet Using heartworm and flea and tick prevention is an extremely important part of safeguarding your pets overall health and welfare. Did you know that fleas are responsible for transmitting tapeworms and that certain types of ticks transmit Lyme disease? In addition, using heartworm prevention on an animal that already has heartworm disease can be extremely dangerous to your pet’s health. For these reasons many veterinarians recommend using full year prevention on our pets. Once a month preventatives can go a long way towards protecting our patients from these diseases. Most animals tolerate these medications extremely well and may even be viewed as a treat by your pet. Missing even a single dose can expose your pet to risks and interrupt this yearly prevention cycle. So before you come to the vet, check the cabinet where you store these medications and tell your vet if your medications are running low before you run out. Is Your Pet the Outdoorsman Type, or Is He a Homebody? No annual wellness exam is complete without at least a brief discussion of the use of vaccines and how they protect your pet from serious risks including rabies, distemper, and bordetella (i.e., kennel cough). These vaccines are considered “core” and are recommended in almost all of our patients. Keeping your pet up to date on his rabies vaccine is even required by law. In addition, there are several other vaccines that veterinarians may recommend which are considered optional. They are based on the lifestyle of your pet and the risk of exposure that accompanies it. Do you take your pet hiking in the woods? Does he like to play in water? If so, he may be at risk for infectious agents. Before coming to the vet, take a minute and consider your pet’s lifestyle and don’t be afraid to ask about

which vaccines may be appropriate for his specific needs. While sometimes overlooked and easily discounted as routine, the Annual Wellness Examination of your pet is perhaps the single greatest opportunity we have as veterinarians to catch diseases in their early stages and ameliorate conditions and problems before they become severe or even life threatening. As a veterinarian, I take great pride in my job and the thoroughness with which I approach each Wellness Examination. I often compare myself to that of a detective, hot on the trail and in search of each new lead. While it is sometimes troubling for me to discover problems in seemingly healthy pets, I am aware that by doing so I can help save lives, perhaps the most important aspect of my job. Dogs are not just fluffy creatures with cute wagging tails and longing eyes. Cats are not just curious little noodlers who enjoy snuggling up against their sleeping human friends. They are members of the family. I treat my pets with every bit as much love as I would my own children. The difference is that your pet can’t speak for himself. It is up to us, the pet owner, to be the voice of these important family members and relay information about their health and wellness to their caregivers. The history of your pet is as important to your vet as his/her findings on the exam room table. Together they provide the links to an overall picture of animal wellness that we aim to keep bright and sunny for many years to come.

Dr. Jeffrey Stupine graduated from The George Washington University in 1999. After enjoying a successful career as an Equity Trader, he went back to school to study his true passion of veterinary medicine. After completing his training at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine in 2010, he now enjoys practicing at Buxmont Veterinary Hospital in Feasterville-Trevose. Jeffrey is the proud pet parent to Flooper, his dog, and Harry Potter and Joshua, his cats.

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PhillyFIT I 41



My dog has fallen and he can't get up! By Dr. Evelyn Galban, DVM - Practice Limited to Neurology and Neurosurgery

Just as humans, dogs and cats can suffer from many debilitating illnesses that prevent them from walking, playing and functioning normally. Many pets with an underlying neurological disorder sometimes arrive at their veterinarian with a variety of symptoms that are difficult to diagnose and treat. In the field of veterinary neurology, advanced specialists work collaboratively with a pet’s primary veterinarian and owner to help find the cause and best treatment for pets who suffer from diseases or conditions of the brain, spinal cord or peripheral nervous system. Like other specialists, veterinary neurologists and neurosurgeons have trained in their specific field beyond veterinary school for many years to understand the intricacies of the animal brain and central nervous system, and to implement ways to cure or enhance a pet’s life. Many times, a detailed physical exam and/or a radiograph will help the trained specialist to localize a neurologic issue. Sometimes highly complex diagnostic tools, such as a computed tomography scan (CT) or an X-ray procedure that uses a computer to produce a detailed picture of a cross section of the body, is used to take more detailed imaging than produced by a standard radiograph (x-ray). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is another diag-

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nostic tool, which can create even finer pictures using magnetic fields of hydrogen atoms within the body. A magnet linked to a computer is used to create images of the body’s internal tissues and organs.

My dog seems painful in his back. The history is frighteningly common: your dog is playing as usual, then jumps off the couch. He yelps, then won’t eat his dinner. The next morning, he is dragging his hind legs and has trouble standing! As a veterinary neurologist, one of the most common complaints seen is back pain and disk disease in dogs and cats, causing pain when a pet moves and walks. Because our animals cannot verbally tell us of their pain, we often see it manifested in their lack of desire to eat, or to jump on that favorite chair. In the spine, vertebrae are separated by intervertebral disks. These disks cushion the spine and aid in the types of movement we use for all our daily activities. Sometimes these disks change from their moist, compliant nature to a dried, calcified disk that no longer distributes forces as it should. It becomes rigid. When pets run or play, the disk can bulge or rupture and compress the spinal cord causing pain, weakness or even paralysis. In some cases, the disk material can also block a blood vessel in the spinal cord and cause a stroke. This is called a fibrocartilagenous emboli, or “FCEM.” The use of advanced imaging like the CT scan or MRI can help to diagnose these diseases and localize the problem area. In many cases, medical management and sometimes surgery to remove the compression will help a pet to return to normal activities. To further enhance recovery, physical rehabilitation and acupuncture therapy can significantly lessen pain, and can help a pet to regain strength and balance.

I think my dog had a seizure. Imagine your best buddy, your dog, lying peacefully on the bed next to you. Suddenly, he awakens and starts to paddle – his arms and legs are flailing, he's chomping, drooling and is non-responsive to your voice. It lasts about a minute and then he is frantic and shaking, but he can't stand up. He is looking at you with wild-eyes. You rush him to the veterinary hospital. Seizures are common and occur in about twenty percent of dogs. They happen from a problem in the front part of the brain (the prosencephalon) where one or two cells become excited, they recruit the other cells around them and soon there is intense, uncontrolled electric activity that precipitates a seizure. The reasons for seizures can be classified into three categories: 1) metabolic (low blood sugar, liver or kidney disease, etc.), 2) structural problem (an infection, a mass or tumor, a malformation), and 3) idiopathic epilepsy. Blood tests are first used to rule out metabolic illness, then MR imaging and spinal taps might be used to look for structural disease. When all other problems have been ruled out, the diagnosis is often epilepsy. Dogs with seizures can be treated with anticonvulsant drugs and with acupuncture with high effectiveness, allowing a pet to live a happy life with minimal effects from treatment.

Why is my dog spinning in circles? Have you ever seen your dog tilting his head? Sure, it's cute, but what if it is combined with falling down, the inability to stand, or causes him to roll around and unable to balance on his legs? Vestibular disease is very common in pets. The balance system starts in the inner ear with a complicated labyrinth and nerve endings from the vestibulococlear nerve. This nerve then travels to the brain stem to the nuclei responsible for a pet’s balance. Problems anywhere along this pathway can cause head tilts, abnormal eye movements called nystagmus (tickertape eyes), stumbling or falling and incoordination (vestibular ataxia). Using the neurologic exam, a program may be localized to either the peripheral vestibular system (inner ear) or the central vestibular system (the brainstem). Ear infections, vascular problems like strokes, masses or tumors and idiopathic illness all can cause balance problems. Advanced imaging like the MR can help to diagnose the specific area and problem causing dysfunction and medicine to provide management and treatment. Significant advancements in the field of veterinary neurology have allowed neurologists to diagnose and treat animals deemed once untreatable – allowing longer, healthier lives for pets. At the Veterinary Specialty Center of Delaware, the neurology team works collaboratively with a group of specialists in acupuncture, anesthesia, physical rehabilitation and with other specialists to provide diagnostic and treatment options for pets that might otherwise might not have had options. The hospital has the ability to perform CT scans and MR imaging for many patients, depending on the size, allowing highly graphic views of the body and its tissues. The team at VSCD works closely with referring veterinarians and owners every step of the way, to ensure that a collaborative approach to care.

42 I PhillyFIT

Dr. Evelyn Galban, DVM, Practice Limited to Neurology and Neurology, practices fulltime at the Veterinary Specialty Center of Delaware -- a full service veterinary emergency and referral center offering multiple specialties and specialized diagnostic technologies. VSCD is located on Churchman’s Road in New Castle, Delaware, and sees patients from all over the region.More information ocated at www.vscdel.com.

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By Julie Fuimano, RN ~ Success Expert & Author of Does Change Have to be so H.A.R.D.?

What is important to you in life? Do you know what your values are?

Values are those things that are priorities. These can be anything from nature and beauty, adventure, learning, having fun, or honor and integrity. You know these things because when you see them in others, they bring you joy. When you experience them for yourself, they bring you happiness. When you don’t have enough of them in your life, you feel empty, like life has lost meaning.

Too often, however, we live life without our values leading the way. Perhaps you never sat down to examine and clearly identify what you value most. Possibly you are quite clear what you value, but life’s challenges have gotten in the way and the choices you have made have led you further from what is important to you. This happens when your needs are strong and seem so important that they trick you into focusing your attention on satisfying them in the moment and you stop making choices based on your values.

Needs feel strong. Personal needs are feelings that you are lacking in some way and they make it seem like they have to be satisfied immediately or else. Because your self-worth cannot function with a void, you will go out of your way to fill that emptiness and satisfy that need. The need can be for recognition or for attention. You might feel the need for power or to be in control.

Whatever the need, if you make that need most important, then you put your values second and this costs you dearly. Real needs such as shelter, clothing and food are survival needs and they are essential for life. When you are in survival mode, it is easy to put emphasis and focus on meeting these basic needs first and putting values second. Beauty hardly seems important if you are starving. Although even in doing this, there is a chance you can lose yourself and that part of you that loves and trusts and has faith because your values are not being honored.

The more you focus attention on something, the bigger it grows. So if you focus on getting needs met and not on fulfilling your values, then your needs seem to grow bigger and bigger. What you are truly focused on is the ‘lack’ or the ‘void’ and your attention goes towards filling that lack.

Values, on the other hand, fill you up without much effort. For example, if connection is important to you, then focus your attention on finding ways to connect with people throughout your day. Do this instead of thinking about how lonely you are without a life partner. Look for the love you already have in your life. The more you find it (it is everywhere), the bigger it will grow and the more satisfied and fulfilled you will be even without a love partner.

Susan put ‘survival’ over her values by staying at a job that did not fit her value structure. It was a cutthroat environment with bullying and backstabbing. Instead of leaving, she tolerated it for quite some time with the ‘excuse’ that she needed the job to survive; she needed money.

While that may be true, she did need to make money to pay her bills; she didn’t honor herself. And when we don’t honor ourselves, we lose ourselves. The cost is high. Susan had succumbed to the environment and did not see that there were choices, specifically the choice to leave. Once she decided she could no longer put up with it (the stress was impacting her health) she began to seek new employment. This created a shift in her where she reclaimed her power and rediscovered her values. She found a job whose culture more closely matched her values. She felt free, lighter and happier than she had in years. It was as if a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders.

All that time, she thought she needed to shrink, pretend, and walk on eggshells. She could not be herself for fear of verbal assault, of not fitting in, or of being ridiculed. That was no way to live!

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When your values lead the way, you never forget who you are. It is easier to stand up for yourself. You do what is ‘right’ which means you live in integrity. There is freedom here. When you live by needs – the need to impress or to gain something from others, you put your power in the hands of others and it hurts. Needs are illusions; you have all you need. There is always enough – more than enough – and you are complete. If you feel you need something, it is best to ask for someone to meet that need for you. Own it, rather than being at the mercy of it. Living by your values ensures that you are free to be you and that you enjoy yourself. Leading by your needs, however, will feel as if you have to chase something and that you are not good enough without this thing that seems to be missing. It is not a relaxed feeling; it is a stressful feeling.

What do you value? What is most important to you as you go about your daily life? First identify the value and then find ways to incorporate that value into your life each day. You will find over time that you spend less time worrying about whether there is enough or if you are good enough, and instead, you’ll enjoy life more.

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Julie Donley, RN BSN MBA is a psychiatric nurse, success expert and author of several empowering and motivating books including Does Change Have to be so H.A.R.D.? and The Journey Called YOU: A Roadmap to Self-Discovery and Acceptance. After losing over forty-five pounds, she now helps others burdened by their overweight condition become a thinner, healthier version of themselves in just twenty-six days with BestChoiceChanges HCG program and coaching! Contact Julie@JulieDonley.com for a personal consultation.

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On your mark… get set... slow! By, Victoria Capozzoli, Clinical Aesthetician

Happy New Year! It’s a glorious time to refocus and to decide who you want to be. Maybe you want to get back in the game or renew your health, fitness and beauty goals. It’s time to make this year, your year! As a skin care specialist, I joyfully experience it every New Year. Patients come in eager to “go for it!” During the initial consultation, they have no hesitation. They want to jump right in to the most aggressive approach to quickly reach their goal. With dollars waving in hand, they are anxious to buy all of the latest and greatest products to quickly fix the past year of facial neglect. But if you were to overhear me consulting with a resolute patient, you may be surprised to hear me say “We are going to take it slow.” I am proud of anyone who is looking to improve themselves. I know we are each capable of amazing feats when we set our minds to it. But clients need to understand something. You can’t just jump into advanced skin care, the same way you can’t jump into running a marathon. You need to work up to it. You need to go slow. You need to set a goal, make a smooth progressive plan and work up to it. You WILL get to your goal. I promise. Yes, you can get smoother skin! Yes, you can reduce your wrinkles! Yes, you can beat that acne. But it is going to take awhile. I’ve been in this profession a long time, and I know that nothing comes easily. Without proper preparation, you may not get the result you want. If you run a marathon before you are ready, you can easily injure yourself. Advanced skin care has risks too: dryness, dyschromia, or increased breakout, just to name a few. This was a surprising lesson for me to learn. I had been a salon facialist for ten years but I wanted to do more to improve my clients’ skin. I was delighted in ’03 when I landed a position as a clinical aesthetician in a doctor’s office. I thought I had reached the pinnacle of my career! While under a doc’s employment, I would legally be able to apply the stronger chemicals that allowed deeper, more aggressive peeling and really make a difference in people’s skin. And then I saw the

truth. Back then it was a booming economy and patients had lots of disposable income. Young women were able to treat themselves to the best and most powerful products in the world and bought up as much as they could. In an effort to maintain their looks, ladies came in to see what treatments would be best. Back then, I was disappointed to continually advise new patients to discontinue almost half of their products and to simplify their routines. Sadly their skins were too overprocessed to even receive in office treatments. I would send them home with a simplified program and I didn’t recommend treatments. Weeks later, ladies praised my work, when all I had done was tell them to do less. Bummer for me. I just wanted to play with the acids. There is nothing more important to achieving your new year’s resolution than to seek the advice of a professional. This is why my new boss, plastic surgeon Dr. David A. Silberman, calls his aestheticians The Personal Trainers for your Skin. A personal trainer is a professional who points you in the right direction, creates a custom program just for your needs, and teaches you how to keep you from hurting yourself. This is exactly what a skin care specialist does for you and your skin. She will assess your skin, define your goals and lead you carefully down the path to great skin. She will help you handle the hurdles that arise and will pace you to negate any unwanted side effects. She may be the expert, but you are the star. Shine bright, my friend, shine bright. This year IS your year.

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This Year’s


By Solomon Brenner

When you're choosing your most important parenting principle, put teaching the Golden Rule at the top of your list: Treat others the way you want to be treated. Just like gold, the Golden Rule has permanent, high value when fully refined. It ensures good mental health, joy, and life-sustaining quality relationships.

Children want to feel acceptable and lovable even when they mess up. Validate your child’s feelings at the beginning of a problem before setting limits and finding a way to improve their behavior. That way your child feels accepted, and discipline works a lot better.

Validate your child's strengths. Every day, strive toward making five positive comments for every corrective comment. Most parents fall into the trap of giving more negatives than positives.

Reinforce the idea that mistakes do not make your child bad. Teach that mistakes are an opportunity to learn and grow emotionally, not evidence that a child is bad. The feelings-firstbehavior-second corrective approach works really well. Put effort toward helping your child accept himself on the inside before you work on disciplining outside behavior.

Once your child sees the value in himself, use the following tips for teaching how to treat other: Teach awareness and acknowledgment of others' feelings. For young children, show and tell all aspects of feelings, including appropriate expression of feelings (tone of voice, facial expression), feeling words (sad, mad, afraid, happy, etc.), and how to deal appropriately with feelings—your own and others'. Demonstrating feelings is a powerful starting point. For example, "Your brother kicked the wall when he was angry. What would be a better way for him to handle his anger?"

Teach self-disclosure and ownership of one's part in a problem. Closeness and successful problem-solving happen a lot more when people share feelings openly. Help your child learn to first 48 I PhillyFIT

own his or her part in a problem before pointing out what the other person did wrong. Start by showing your child how it works: "My yelling at you made you really upset. I'll work harder to stay calm." When siblings squabble, always get each child to own his part first—with a lot of support from you. Don't forget the feelings-first-set-limits-second approach.

Teach and demonstrate humility and compassion for others. From one year of age on, continue the approach of modeling and then letting your child demonstrate a behavior, especially compassion. "Your sister isn’t feeling well today. Let's help by picking up her toys for her so she doesn’t have to do it later." Make sure to show appreciation and kindness to your spouse or partner. Children want to be like you, and they soak in everything they see and hear.

Demonstrate and teach humility. When your partner or spouse disagrees with you, make sure your child sees you do three things: (1) seriously consider and kindly acknowledge, when possible, the other person's point of view; (2) with assertive kindness, give your point of view; and (3) find a mutually satisfying solution (sometimes let the other person get his way). When opportunities come up, train your child to follow these steps, because humility is the life-blood of an emotionally healthy life.

Here's the take-home lesson: Follow these tips and you will have successfully demonstrated how to treat others by treating your child lovingly. The Golden Rule will have been refined within your child. Your child will believe he is lovable and will acquire the ability to treat others with respect. Maybe next month he will even strive for the platinum rule! Contributed by Author Solomon Brenner, Black Belt Parenting, “The Art of Raising Your Child for Success." Master instructor of Action Karate.

January/February I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfit.com


Rethink the Holiday Drink By Heather Hoehn

While I’m certainly far from being a teetotaler, the caloric values and the often overlooked side effects of alcohol consumption were enough to make me think twice this holiday season when reaching for a drink and certainly for a refill. Take for example the fact that hot buttered rum registers at 220-350 calories per serving. Ingredients for this delectable drink include: unsalted butter, light brown sugar, ground cinnamon, grated nutmeg, ground cloves and salt and bottled dark rum.

If you think that is bad, the candy cane drink weighs in at a whopping 440 calories. This scrumptious, dessert-drink is made with peppermint, chocolate and berry flavors. Ingredients include: berry vodka, peppermint schnapps, white Crème de Cacao, grenadine, half and half and soda water.

Finally, eggnog, which originated in East Anglia, England is found in many a home throughout the holiday season. It is a holiday classic that contains an unbelievable 340-460 calories per serving. Ingredients include: milk, cloves, vanilla extract, ground cinnamon, egg yolks, sugar, light rum, light cream and ground nutmeg. While you may not elect for these rich holiday specialty drinks, remember that a twelve ounce serving of light beer, a five ounce glass of wine and a one ounce shot of hard alcohol are all approximately 120 calories.

Unfortunately calories aren’t the only thing one must consider when ingesting alcohol during the holiday season. Your body processes alcohol first, before fat, protein, or carbohydrates. Thus drinking slows down the burning of fat, which could contribute to weight gain.

Additionally, the consumptions of alcohol also affects your sleep pattern. Alcohol initially acts as a depressant on the body. However once fully digested, it becomes a stimulant, thus interrupting your body’s ability to fall in to a deep sleep pattern. This is why although you may sleep a large number of hours

after a night of alcohol consumption you still awaken not refreshed.

Another side effect of alcohol consumption is the often, uncontrollable feeling of needing to eat everything in sight. The “munchies” typically result in the eating of hundreds of unwanted calories that are above and beyond our normal intake.

Alcohol has a direct effect on many of your specific body parts. It causes weakness and deterioration in your muscles by reducing blood flow. Alcohol wreaks havoc on your hormones, by reducing testosterone in your blood and increasing the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. This causes increased fat deposits and fluid retention. Alcohol creates imbalances in your liver that can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), fatty liver and hyperlipidemia (build-up of fats in the bloodstream).

Finally alcohol cuts off the supply of oxygen to the brain, resulting in a “blackout” caused by a lack of oxygen supply to the brain that can kill tens of thousands of brain cells. Before you reach for the spirits this holiday season, please think twice. If you do decide to imbibe, keep the quantity low. Finally, regardless of the time of year, don’t drink and drive! Follow these tips for skinnier cocktails: * Add only splashes of fresh juice. * Avoid premade drink mixers. * Know your serving sizes. * Limit how many types of alcohol go into a cocktail. * Keep liqueur use to a minimum. * Have cocktails ‘on the rocks’. * Use unsweetened sodas and sparkling waters instead of full calorie versions. Heather Hoehn is the co-owner of Flip Fitness LLC, a bodyweight exercise inspired fitness program and the owner of Flip Personal Training, LLC, the premier provider of personal training services on the Main Line and in the Manayunk and Roxborough areas. She also serves as an editor for PhillyFIT Magazine. You can contact her at heather@flipfitness.com.

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Expires January 31, 2012.

At the beginning of every new year, people tend to go into ‘feast or famine’ mode and take on drastic diets that are just not sustainable. as we head into 2012, celebrity health & wellness expert, Jillian Michaels offers her new year resolution health tips.

Michaels, one of the leading health and wellness experts in the country, advises that the best way to stick to any health related resolution is by making small changes that are easy to maintain. her tip, “get your friends together and resolve to be healthier as a group and together, make small changes to your diet that are easy to keep, such as replacing fried foods with healthier options. substitute grilled chicken for fried chicken, fresh vegetables for fried vegetables and popchips for fried potato chips.”

For more of jillians new year tips: celebrity health & wellness expert Jillian Michaels shares her tips for the new year…

1) According to a recent blind survey that popchips (the all-natural popped chip company) conducted in partnership with google, half of americans say they eat at least one fried food per day. all that fat really adds up…imagine 365 fried foods eaten this year!

2) A diet that includes fried food puts you at risk for high blood cholesterol and heart disease. diets high in saturated fat and cholesterol raise total cholesterol and ldl cholesterol. I suggest replacing these (although tasty) fried foods for healthier alternatives. for example, popchips are a delicious replacement for fried chips. popchips taste great and they have less than half the fat of fried chips and only 100 calories in the single serve bag. you can find many other tasty non-fried snacks on the market.

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3) To reduce these unhealthy risks that come with eating fried foods, try these other alternatives to fried foods: a. Opt for cooking methods that use little or no fat such as steaming, grilling, baking, popping, broiling, or roasting. b. Eat no more than 6-8 teaspoons of fats and vegetable oil. choose oils that are mostly unsaturated such as olive oil. c. Ppurchase the healthier alternatives when given a choice, popchips vs fried chips, grilled chicken vs fried chicken, fresh vegetables vs fried vegetable, roasted potatoes vs french fries. 4) It’s a fact that you will achieve greater success when you have the support of those closest to you. get your friends together to support each other in being healthier in 2012. remember, friends don’t let friends eat fried. 5) Eating three balanced meals (every four hours) with a snack between lunch and dinner is key. reach for a healthier snack like carrot sticks and hummus, fresh fruit, or curb salty cravings with tasty snacks such as popchips or almonds and dried cranberries.

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Universal Earthing Mat

What is Earthing? We live on a planet that is alive with natural energies and subtly pulsating frequencies caused by free electrons. Walking barefoot on the Earth, as humans have done throughout history, naturally discharges electrical stress from our bodies by facilitating the reception of these free electrons up into our system. The free electrons on the surface of the Earth are easily transferred up, into, and throughout our body as long as there is direct contact with the ground. These electrons restore our body's natural internal electrical stability and rhythms, which in turn, promotes normal functioning our body systems. This process remedies an electron deficiency, which as a result reduces inflammation a common cause of disease. It shifts the nervous system from a stress-dominated mode to one of calmness. By reconnecting to the Earth, you enable your body to return to its normal electrical state, which makes you better able to self-regulate and self-heal. What Can Earthing Do For You? · Diffuse the inflammation and improve or eliminate the symptoms of many inflammation-related disorders. · Reduce or eliminate chronic pain. · Improve sleep in most cases. · Increase energy. · Lower stress and promote calmness in the body by cooling down the nervous system and stress hormones. · Normalize the body's biological rhythms. · Thin blood and improve blood pressure and flow. · Relieve muscle tension and headaches. · Lessen hormonal and menstrual symptoms. · Dramatically speed healing and help prevent bedsores. · Reduce or eliminate jet lag. · Protect the body against potentially health-disturbing environmental electromagnetic fields (EMFs). · Accelerate recovery from intense athletic activity. How Can I Use The Universal Mat? The Earthing Connection Universal Mat offers broad flexibility. You can use it anywhere in the house or office! Try it: · Under your feet as you work at the computer. · On your desk under your hands while typing. · In front of the sink while doing dishes. · In front of the sink in the bathroom. · Under your feet while preparing dinner. · Under your feet while eating. · Under your feet while sitting in a chair working, watching TV, or reading a book. · As a sleep system for your pet. · As a sleep system in your bed. · Make up your own use! How Do I Ground The Universal Mat? The mat connects via a grounding wire into the grounded port of a three prong outlet. Grounding equipment plugs are only compatible with U.S. and Canadian outlets. If you are a customer outside of the U.S. or Canada, you will most likely need to purchase and use a Grounding Rod. If you have grounded outlets outside the U.S. and Canada, you may just need to purchase an adaptor online to switch to the correct hole size. If this is the case, please ensure that the adaptor has metal inside the prongs on the adaptor. If it is all plastic, the grounding connection will not be made. Does The Universal Mat Need To Come Into Contact With Bare Skin? No, you don't need bare skin against the mat, but it's always best if you can. If it is too cold for bare skin contact, you can have a thin layer of clothing against the mat. The sweat from your body will act as a conductor through the fabric of your clothing, but the amount of perspiration and the thickness of the clothing will permit varying degrees of conductivity. To be sure you

52 I PhillyFIT

are fully grounded, bare skin is best. Do I Need To Use The Fabric Cover That Comes With The Universal Mat? The mat comes with a conductive fabric sleeve-like cover that you can slip on the mat for added comfort if you chose to lay on it. The cover is not necessary for using the mat. Is The Universal Mat Washable? Yes, you can wash down the mat with a gentle dishwashing soap and water mixture if necessary. The fabric cover can be washed in the washing machine with regular detergent, but no bleach or fabric softener. Dry it on a low heat cycle to avoid damaging the fibers. Always detach the wire before washing the Universal Mat. Materials: Made from sturdy conductive carbonized rubber. Includes: 10 x 20 inch mat, one 12 foot wire, conductive fabric sleeve-like cover, and instruction brochure.

It may be one of those best kept secrets!! Now revealed in an award wining book called EARTHING in seven languages that addresses all the benefits of simply sleeping with your bare feet on this unique sheet that relieves the stress your body builds up each and every day. It's about "Grounding' oneself by receiving the same energy you get by walking barefoot on the grass, but can now bring indoors with an Earthing sheet! A simple, but amazing path towards true wellness. We have documented evidence of people who have tried it, and now won't sleep without it..READ THE ACTUAL INTERVIEW OF ONE OF OUR CUSTOMERS SHOWN BELOW, who has been sleeping grounded for only three months. She did not know she was being interviewed for publication, but we did get her permission to do so, and here it is. And, by the way, we have an EARTHING book available for a very low cost should you want more information. Call Harriet Leff 215-441-0991 or Karen Jnoschka 267544-0601 or visit our website: www.theearthinglink.com Actual interview from November 8, 2011 between Karen J. and Marilyn S. Karen: Hi Mar, how's it going? Marilyn: Truth is, I'm a mess. I'm so glad you're home, and have I got an Earthing story to tell you! Karen: Oops, is there a problem? Is the story good or bad? Marilyn: Well, actually it's both. I took Earthing sheet off the bed over two weeks ago. Karen: You were doing so well, why did you do that? Marilyn: Well, I wanted to wash it and then I neglected to put it back on the bed. I got busy and didn't realize it for several weeks, and boy, did I pay a price. Karen: Why, what do you mean? What happened? Marilyn: Well, in the weeks it was off, my stress level built up to the point that my allergies returned, and I had an out of control rash again. My husband reverted to his old ornery disposition and his hip pain came back. It was really strange, because the only thing that was different is that I didn't have the sheet on the bed. I can only relate it to that. Initially, I didn't connect the two things. Karen: Did you notice any changes after you put it back on the bed? Marilyn: Yes, and all I can say, is that thing is nothing short of a miracle. In just two days, Ed's hip pain was gone, and my rash started to clear. That sheet is a real god send. Thanks, Karen for suggesting I try it. I'm even going to take it with me when I visit my son over Thanksgiving. I won't make the mistake of not using it in the future for sure. Karen: I'm truly glad you remembered, and you both are on the mend. Super. Thanks for sharing it with me. I hear similar stories all the time, and I'm no longer surprised when I do. COMMENTARY: The Earthing products are a way of moving the natural healing energy of the earth indoors to stabilize our body rhythms. Today's electrical environment and rubber soled shoes keep us insulated away from this healing element. It's the easiest thing in the world to use. Just put your bare feet on the sheet (it's the same as when you walk outside barefoot on the grass), and get the same benefits the earth provides. Tour de France coaches recommend it for faster recovery. Cardiologist, Stephen Sinatra also recommends it. Thousands of satisfied customers on three continents recommend it as well. From my own personal experience, I can't imagine anyone NOT sleeping grounded. When you care about your health, recovery and prevention-Earthing is waiting-Reconnect! Call: 215-441-0991 or 267-544-0601 for local delivery or more information. Karen and Harriet are here to help.

January/February I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfit.com

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Do YOU know someone that deserves to be recognized in PhillyFIT Magazine for their


A co-worker, a workout partner, a client, a friend. Maybe your child, your spouse or favorite teacher! PhillyFIT Magazine is building a special page of "THANKS" to people of your choice! This will be a page with 16 featured people. For a nominal $50, you can submit a photo of the person you want to be seen, and write a word of THANKS to them! Email Jami@phillyfitmagazine.com with the following info: We need a photo, name of person featured and what you are thankful for (in regards to that person) in one sentence! Also, give us your full name so they know who is “thanking” them!The promotion must be paid for in advance via credit card. It will run in an upcoming issue.


I would like to thank my studio teachers Katie, Heather and Ora (Ora is not pictured) at The Well Loft for what will be a fantastic and fun year of fitness!

Love, Ava Adames

January/February I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfitmagazine.com

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January/February I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfit.com

If you are one of the millions of Americans who suffer from lower back or neck pain, you know how debilitating it can be. Burning, shooting nerve pains and muscles in constant spasm make even the simplest movement an ordeal. Often, just finding a comfortable position is virtually impossible.

Traditional treatment starts with medication and bed rest and ends with the prospect of surgery – a painful, expensive, frightening experience. Treatments such as acupuncture, epidural injections, hot/cold therapy, massage and other "therapeutic" techniques may offer limited relief. Considerable research has produced a relatively new therapy that is highly effective in treating intervertebral disc problems. This treatment, known as Decompression Therapy, has opened the floodgates of new patients to Tri County Pain Management and Precision Pain Management Centers.

Decompression Therapy is a traction-based procedure that can relieve pain associated with disc herniation, degenerative discs, posterior facet and compression-related syndromes. It also enhances the healing process and renders quick, effective and amazing pain relief that enables most patients to return to a more active lifestyle! It is an FDA-cleared procedure, and most insurances cover traction therapy.

Decompression occurs as a result of an improved understanding of how to reliably cause the spine to "unload." The vertebral separation causes a vacuum or a centripetal force in the disc, which results in a "phasic change in pressure." This "vacuum effect" helps in the retraction (pulling in) of the extruded disc material.

When the disc retracts it can stop putting pressure on the spinal nerve or spinal cord. Thus the term "Decompression." Once the nerve is decompressed, a significant amount of patients will notice a decrease in arm/leg pain.

Someone who has previously not found relief through other treatments is a perfect candidate for this treatment. Decompression Therapy may also be useful in determining the overall prognosis of passive care and expediting the phase-in of rehab protocols. Clinical findings suggest Decompression will create a relatively quick initial response. Patients who do well tend to feel a sense of relief (which can be direct pain cessation or a centralization of pain and/or reduction to an ache or stiffness) within six sessions. Full relief, if attainable through this passive treatment, can be in as soon as a few weeks. (Occasionally a "stubborn" pain syndrome may continue to improve slowly over 15 sessions, though this is not the norm.) Often, patients will be treated in 4-6 sessions and notice enough relief to allow active rehab to begin. Their Decompression may continue (pre- or post-rehab depending on the methods chosen) for 4-6 further sessions before discontinuing or reducing the frequency. Typical frequency is 3-5 times per week. The extent and seriousness of the symptoms will determine if more than 3 sessions per week should be used. Treatments only take about 25-30 minutes, and again, most insurance companies cover them. For more information on how you can benefit from the Dynamic Traction System (DTS), call Tri County Pain Management Center 215-957-5400 or the Precision Pain Management Center at 215-657-9393.

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