Newsletter May 2015 DESK

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The Newsletter - May Edition 2014 - 2015 From the Principal Dear members of our school community, Another month with many activities and events has passed and obviously the end of our current school year comes closer. This years preparation for the new school year of course includes our opening of Middle School in September. After having secured the land, we now have to decide on the architectural proposals. We shortlisted two equally attractive designs, which have to be assessed in terms of price, space and eco friendliness. Both building proposals have 2 stories, one for the Middle School and the bottom floor for to have more space in our primary School and Early Years. The size of the land, the City of Kobe is willing to rent, provides additional space for a new playground. On March 11th the Board will have to decide which model suits better our education and our school. For parents we have loosened the regulation on our school parking lot. For most of the time the parking lot is empty. There is no reason not to use it in supporting helpers of the school. The office has a parking reservation list that will be used to register those who park. In agreement with our PTA we have set up a priority list. Parents who support the school to volunteer in classes, helping in the library or for a birthday and of course as PTA have priority. Between 8:30-9:00, 12:45-13:10 and 15:30-16:15 the parking lot will be used by our school buses. Before using the parking lot please give the office a call to make sure that space is available. And when using, do not leave the school. For Golden Week I wish you a relaxing time and much pleasure Gerhard Lebherz

Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・・

Swimmy Project DESK students are always happy to support social projects like SWIMMY. The project finances children's after school activities like sports clubs and juku which the parents can not finance by themselves. All of our students took the chance to contribute a good luck message to express their supportive attitude.

Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・・



A group of parents from PreKindergarten and Grade 1 volunteered to help rearranging the library. They did an awesome job and finished this hard task in only a few hours thanks to their great teamwork! The books are now arranged in a way that the appropriate books are more accessible to younger children and the English and German books are more clearly separated.

Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・・


Early Years

Becoming old That is how Early Years students would look like as a Grandfather or a Grandmother

Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・・


Pre School

It was unfortunately a rainy day out to the park and beach; but we saw lots of nature (and that includes the rain). Our first stop was at Kabutoyama Park, where we saw many beautiful spring flowers and green trees. We had our snack next to a big pond, where there were fish (big gold and white ones) and ducks. There were also other living things like bees and birds flying about near us. It certainly felt like Spring with all the cherry blossoms peeping their petals out to say hi.

Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・・


Grade 1 Having fun with adjectives! In class we discussed different adjectives and then chose ones that we felt best describes ourselves. Look what we say about ourselves! In our ICT class, we made wordles filled with all kinds of adjectives!

Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・・


Grade 2

Students of grade 2 expressed themselves by describing what makes them special and what they like. Finally they arranged those words in a shape of their choice.

Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・・


Grade 3 & 4

子供達は侍の時代のお話を読み、自分 たちの衣装やかつらなどの小道具を工夫しながら 作り、実際に劇をしてみました。

Students read a story about Samurai era and they performed a play after making all their props including costumes, wigs, short swords, fans and kanzashi(hair accessory)

Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・・


Grade 5 & 6

In preparation for the exhibition, students went to observe the River Mall in front of our school and took notes about what they wondered and noticed.

Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・・

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