Newsletter April 2015 DESK

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The Newsletter - April Edition 2014 - 2015 From the Principal Dear members of our school community, Winter has finally given up, and our third and last term begins with Sakura Of course we will share the beautiful season with our students, hosting events such as our traditional Easter Egg Hunt. Our oldest students out of Grade 5/6 just started their exhibition. Exhibition is an important assessment for the whole school. It makes visible of what is the outcome to be a student in the Deutsche Schule Kobe/European School. Please keep May 15th in mind, the day you can be witness of inquiry based results. On Wednesday March 18th the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Dr. Hans Carl von Werthern visited our school and gave us very positive feedback. On the very same day we had a meeting with Mrs. Tina Alto, who is executive director of the Canadian Balmoral Hall School. It is an IB school and follows a challenging educational program as a university preparatory school. Along with our development to be a Middle School in September, Balmoral Hall School expressed interest to connect with us. Speaking of Middle School, the City of Kobe finally decided to rent us the land behind the school under very favourable conditions. In the process of this decision it became apparent, that Kobe strongly supports the international community. I wish you a beautiful Sakura ‘Hanami’ and an encouraging start of the warm season. Best wishes Gerhard Lebherz, Principal Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・・

Project Week

More than 40 parents joined the final presentation of our project week. They visited all the classrooms to get an overview of the transdisciplinary skills demonstrated in many different ways by our students.

Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・・


March Assembly

This time it was Early Years hosting the March Assembly based on their Unit 'How the World works'. They performed three songs in different languages of English and German. They performed some choreographed dance moves that were very impressive.

Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・・


Early Years Last month, on February 17 the Early Years students went on an excursion to Mt. Rokko Snow Park to experience one of the great joys of winter...sledding.

Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・・


Pre School After learning about people and plants as living things, Preschool is now discovering the different types of animals that make up the living things list. We kicked it off with discussions about animals we know and started to think about what makes them the same and different. What animals live in the water? What living things are 'insects'? Do they have eggs or babies?

Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・・


Grade 1 国語のクラスでは虫体験のテーマとして虫探しを取り上げた 説明文「みいつけた」を読みました。いつのまにか自然がな くなり体験の場が減ってきましたが、よくよく目を凝らすと 小さな虫たちは、石の下や帰り道の道ばたにかくれんぼをし ています。 各々が図鑑のページを繰り、様々な虫について興味の幅を拡 げました。 「ちょうちょの羽は何枚?二枚じゃないの!?」 「カブトムシの羽は二枚?でも中に薄い何かがあるよ」 「頭からでてるアンテナはなんて言うの?」 たくさんの質問が飛び交いました。 ここでみんなはちいさな虫博士になって、自作の図鑑の一コ マを作りはじめました。 仕上げには、虫たちのグループ分けをしましたよ。 もう春はすぐそこ。この学習を通して生き物の命を感覚とし て学び、その大切さを知った上で、虫探しをして観察してみ

Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・・


Grade 2

This week we started exploring about chances and probability. We started by working with partners to sort scenarios into five categories: certain, very likely, might happen, unlikely, and impossible.

Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・・


Grade 3 & 4 The 'Math to Touch' exhibition was visiting Kobe from the University of Giessen, Germany. It offers different holistic ways to experience math. As it travels through Japan it was only be in Kobe for a few days. It has already traveled through Korea and will go to China and Mongolia afterwards. This math exhibition offers challenging hands on experiments and experiences for the children.

Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・・


Grade 5 & 6

Getting prepared for the Exhibition is a long process. The students started in January and have worked for short periods each week to have the Central Idea and Lines of Inquiry ready for the start to the Exhibition.

Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・・

Grade 5 & 6

EXHIBITION 2015: Central Idea Thoughtful choices and actions create a sustainable balance between humans and nature

Lines of Inquiry Human and natural interdependence within ecosystems, biomes and environments Human actions that change the balance in ecosystems Choices that we can make to have an impact on our environment

Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・・

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