A Very Painful Experience

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A very painful experience. Pip Cree

A very painful experience Pip Cree. 2013.

‘It happened to me. But it’s got no affect on me at all now.”

“It’s the business of feeling so dirty that no matter how many baths you have, you can never get it out of your system. And I‘d been rubbing myself so raw because I felt so used and dirty and horrible. It messed up my whole idea of who I am, it robbed me of my childhood.”

“Somehow I knew it was wrong but I was only little so nobody would listen to me anyway.�

“I remember lying in bed at night and being so, so scared because I didn’t know who was going to come in.”

“I’ve got such a lovely relationship with my family and my girls.”

“When I was 14 he left home. And that’s when it stopped. But of course everything had stuck in there.”

“It was a very painful experience.”

“And that’s been my drive; to share and set people free. Because you can be free.”

“My child and I had a bed and that was it, nothing else. No heating, nothing like that.�

“I was seeing for the first time; husbands and wives, how it should be. I’d never seen that.”

“I don’t have any bad memories anymore.”

“Not knowing what was going to happen to me and who I was going to be passed onto next. I was just 5. The abusers were older than me, bigger than me.�

“I didn’t have the opportunity to get away. And from 5 to 14 is a very, very long time.”

“I’d been given love that wasn’t love.”

“I held her and just said “I’ve forgiven it along time ago mum.”

“I was in an abusive relationship and if you’re abused, you marry someone who is going to abuse you. That’s the way it is.”

“I drew a line in the sand saying that this generation wasn’t going to have my experience. I didn’t have to be afraid.”

Speaking up about abuse is becoming more prevalent in the UK. This book contains one person’s reflections on life and abuse. To those who have shared your stories, thank you. This book is dedicated to you.


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