Daughters test book 1

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“I know I have value now” Sopeah’s Story

It was a trick, she had taken me to a brothel. She took money from the brothel owners, and left me there. She said she would come back to get me.

She never came back.

At first they asked me in a nice voice, telling me I could earn money doing this.

I refused.

They beat me with a belt until I agreed to do it.

I was so afraid.

After a while I realized I had nowhere to go. So I stayed there.

I never received money for sex work. The pimp took all the money from the customers.

I came to Daughters 2 years ago.

Sometimes I tried to buy sleeping pills to try to kill myself.

Daughters do not force me to do work that is beyond my ability. They are patient with me.

I am still scared of dying.

When I feel fear, I pray to God and my fear reduces.

I wanted to go home. But I was too ashamed to face my family.

Before, I felt so low. But now I feel so different.

Every client at Daughters has a story. Sopeah’s story did not end the way it began. Daughters of Cambodia exists so people like Sopeah can thrive. If you would like to know more, please visit: www.daughtersofcambodia.org Images taken by Daughters clients during Photography classes.

Client name changed for privacy reasons

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