Philadelphia RowHome Magazine Food Issue

Page 34


STUDIO ELLE F X HAIR SALON 2430 S. Broad St. Philadelphia, PA 19145

267.687.7134 Michelle FX, Jamie, Tami & Gia, Judy - Esthetician, Rica-Certified Massage Therapist

Anthony G. Fanty

4101 South Route 42 Turnersville, NJ 08012 Tel: 856.740.6600 email:


LAMB AND EGGS serves 6-8

INGREDIENTS: « cup Olive oil « cup Chopped Onion « 3 lb Spring lamb, shoulder cut, cubed « 1 large can chicken broth « 8 eggs, beaten « 1 stalk celery, chopped « 3 cloves of garlic, minced « 3 dry bay leaves « tbs rosemary « cup parmesan cheese DIRECTIONS: In a Dutch oven, heat oil to sauté celery, onion and garlic. Add cubed pieces of lamb, bay leaves, rosemary, salt & pepper. Cook over medium heat for about 10 minutes, stirring. Add broth and simmer for 15 minutes. When lamb is tender, slowly stir in eggs so they are scrambled into the broth. Continue to stir until broth is clear and egg is cooked into threads. Spoon soup into bowls and sprinkle with parmesan cheese.>

“Have some Italian bread on the side to soak up the flavorful broth...” 32



HONEY SALMON INGREDIENTS: « 1 lb of steaks/fillets of salmon « Italian seasoned bread crumbs « Honey (to taste) « Garlic salt (to taste) « 1 beaten egg or olive oil for coating DIRECTIONS: Pre-heat oven to 400º. Mix together seasoned bread crumbs and garlic salt in a bowl. Brush fillets in olive oil or dip in beaten egg. Bread them with the crumbs. Bake until fillets are golden brown and flaky. Add honey and serve.>

“Drizzle salmon fillets with honey and serve for a uniquely sweet flavor...”

photos by Jules Stone Soup and Nebulux76

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