The Laurel Fall 2021

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ary Clark is extraordinarily generous. The Beta chapter alumnus has been giving to the Ohio University Foundation for 59 consecutive years and was recently honored by the University for breaking a record for his uninterrupted giving. He has been giving to Phi Tau just as long. Gary initiated into Beta chapter in 1957. At the time, he explains, approximately 40% of the chapter were military veterans, making them a bit older and more mature than the rest of campus. “Phi Tau dominated the Greek scene at OU during that era and produced countless successful graduates recognized as leaders in their careers,” Gary says. They won Greek championships on campus and were especially well known for winning the Mother’s Weekend singing competitions and for their pin-mate serenades. As a trained singer himself, Gary was active in the Phi Tau and OU choral groups. “Those undergraduate years were memorable, forma-

tive, and personally rewarding, and I’m thankful for the experience and the lasting friendships fostered by our brotherhood,” Gary said. “Regarding philanthropy, there are so many worthy causes and such great need, it is impossible to support all of them. I realized that early on and decided to give back to those who have touched me personally first,” Gary said. “My highest giving priorities have always been my church, my Fraternity, and my university.” “I am 83, retired and comfortable but not wealthy,” he said. “I have always felt that to make the biggest impact, I need to exercise discipline and commitment to support the highest priorities each year. I am not going to endow a building, but I started with a little and have increased to my current giving levels. I truly believe the recipient institution benefits more by having many donors giving consistently over a long period of time as opposed to giving a lot once or twice.”


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