PetsTales May 2015 Issue

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May 2015 Issue 二零一五年五月刊


Pet Allergies 寵物過敏

Allergy season is here not only for us, but also for our allergic pets. As the pollen count rises and we start sneezing, our beloved allergic pets are also suffering, but in a different way. While humans may sneeze and get runny eyes, dogs and cats manifest their allergies through their skin. As a result, they may get itchy, and develop ear and skin infections. Some common questions: Atopic dermatitis What is it? An intensely itchy skin condition caused primarily by allergens in the environment. What are examples of allergens? Moulds, house dust mites, house dust, human dander, feathers, and pollens from trees, weeds, and grasses. What are the symptoms? Itching is the main sign of atopic dermatitis, ruling out other common itchy skin diseases. Chewing, itching and secondary infections damage the skin in pets with atopic dermatitis. Skin and/or blood tests are used to identify the cause of the allergy. When does it occur? 1-3 years of age, although it may develop as late as age 6 or 7; atopic dermatitis is usually seasonal initially (e.g. from spring to autumn), but often develops into a year-round problem. How can I prevent it? Keeping your pet away from the cause of the allergy is not always practical and rarely possible, as your pet’s coat is like a dust mop that sweeps up the allergens that cause their allergies. Therefore, you should:

• • • •

Bath your pet frequently with a moisturizing product Wipe them frequently with medicated wipes Use medicated shampoos, sprays, flushes and wipes Feed them food and supplement containing omega-3 fatty acids, which reduces inflammation

What are the treatments? Treatment with oral steroids for itchiness and other oral medications to treat concurrent underlying infections are often needed to control these allergies. Topical therapy is almost always needed in conjunction with these medications. Desensitizing injections (allergy shots) may help if avoidance or drug therapy is ineffective. Apart from atopic dermatitis, are there any similar diseases? Pets with atopic dermatitis are usually accompanied by: bacterial skin infections (pyoderma) and yeast (Malassezia) infections. Allergic cats may also have asthma. If you suspect that your pets have an allergy, please discuss it with your vet or vet nurse.

過敏季節不但影響人類,也影響我們的寵物。當我們因為空氣中的花粉量增加 而不停打噴嚏時,我們心愛的寵物也會出現其他過敏反應。人類通常會打噴嚏及流眼 水,而貓狗會在皮膚上呈現過敏反應。因此,牠們會出現皮膚痕癢,最終演變成耳朵 及皮膚感染。以下是一些常見的問題: 遺傳性過敏皮炎 這是甚麼? 遺傳性過敏皮炎是指因環境中的致敏原所引發的皮膚痕癢 。

致敏原的例子 土壤、家居塵蟎、灰塵、人類頭屑、羽毛以及樹木雜草所散發 出來的花粉。 有甚麼病癥呢? 痕癢是遺傳性過敏皮炎的最主要病癥。噬咬、搔癢及繼發性感 染都會令寵物的皮膚受損。透過皮膚及/或血液測試可以找出致 敏原,我們的獸醫會建議您何時需要為寵物做這些測試。 寵物甚麼時候會發病? 遺傳性過敏皮炎通常於寵物一 至三歲時發病,也有機會延至 六、七歲。遺傳性過敏皮炎通 常是季節性的(春天至秋天) , 但也可能發展成全年性發病。 可以怎樣避免? 要您的寵物避開致敏原是不實 際也不太可行的,因為寵物的 皮毛就好像一把地拖,會不斷

拂起致敏原導致出現過敏。所以,你應該: • 常常使用滋潤產品為寵物洗澡 • 用藥用的抹布清潔寵物的身體 • 使用市面上的藥性洗髮露、噴霧、沖洗劑和抹布, 清潔之餘可以同時治療受感染部位 • 餵飼包含奧米加3脂肪酸的食物和補充劑

有甚麼治療方法? 通常可以服用口服類固醇以減輕皮膚痕癢,也有服用其他口服 藥物以防治潛在感染情況。一般來說,局部治療和口服藥物都 會同時使用。 如果避免接觸致敏原或藥物治療都未見成效的話,就可以考慮 使用「靈敏度降低注射針藥」。 有沒有其他類似的疾病? 患有遺傳性過敏皮炎的寵物都會傾向患有皮膚細菌感染(膿皮病) 和酵母感染(馬拉色黴菌)。 患有敏感的貓隻更有可能患上哮喘病 。

如果你懷疑你的愛寵有過敏情況,請尋求獸醫或護士的協 助,並與他們討論寵物的情況。


Single-eyed Bruno 單眼的Bruno A couple found a kitten in the bustling street of Mongkok and brought him to our Pets Central hospital. The kitten was named Bruno by our staff. He was energetic and in perfect condition—except for his left eye, which looked pale and swollen. Upon further inspection, his pupil was obscured and only his sclera could be seen. It was very likely that, due to his eye condition, he was abandoned by his previous owner, and was left to wander in the street. Unfortunately, since he was too young—at only 1.5 months old—the vets could not identify the problem; no surgery could be performed either. He had to reach maturation before any diagnosis and treatment could be made. Due to this most unfortunate condition, it was very unlikely that he would be adopted. The young couple who bought him in wanted to adopt him, but, limited by their ability, they could not. However, one of our vets, Dr Anne, willingly took him with her. With her most delicate and personal care, we are sure that Bruno will grow up to become one happy and healthy cat. Bruno is staying in our Mongkok hospital for now. He enjoys cuddling with humans and has a chubby tummy. He will be joining Dr Anne’s family soon. 在繁華的旺角鬧市中,一對年輕的情侶發現了一隻小貓,並把他帶到我們旺角的診所。 我們的護士叫他做Bruno。他很有精力,而且十分健康;可是,他的左眼腫了起來,有 點蒼白。經進一步檢查,我們只能隱約地看到他的瞳孔,但眼白卻顯而易見。基於他的情 況,他很可能被上一個主人遺棄了,留他在街上徘徊。 不幸的是,他太小了,只有一個半月大,獸醫們不能鑑定出他的問題,所以亦不能做任 何手術,要等他到成熟了才能作出診斷和醫治。 由於他眼睛的問題,很少人會願意領養他。發現他的年輕情侶也因為沒有能力照顧他 而不能領養他。幸好,我們的其中一位獸醫 Dr Anne 願意領養他。在她無微不至的照顧 下,Bruno定會成為一隻健康和幸福的貓咪。 Bruno現在逗留在我們旺角的診所;他很喜歡與人擁抱,而且有一個胖乎乎的肚子。他 將會加入Dr Anne的家庭。

Activity 活動展影

Pets Central Spring Dinner 2015 Pets Central 春茗 2015

Pets Central Spring Dinner was held on 26 March. It was a joyous gathering in which the staff of Pets Central enjoyed a great meal as well as games, such as Bingo and lucky draw. Almost all of us have won prizes! Many vets and nurses, however, could not come due to work. Let us not forget their dedicated service for animals! 春茗於三月二十六日舉行,我們都樂在其中,享受了一頓美味佳肴, 並進行了不同的遊戲,例如Bingo和抽獎遊戲。大部份人都抽到了不同的獎 品! 但是,很多醫生和護士都不能參與春茗,在診所緊守崗位。讓我們不 要忘記他們的辛勤工作吧!


Park Island Pet Fun Day 2015 珀麗灣寵物嘉年華2015

1. Our booth 2. Many people came to our booth for lucky-draw 3. Our nurse giving dental check-up to a pet dog 4. A happy puppy after check-up 5. Our mobile vet clinic in Park Island

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

我們的攤位 很多人參與我們的抽獎遊戲 我們其中的一個護士為小狗提供口康檢查 小狗檢查後十分開心 我們在珀麗灣的流動寵物醫療車

Park Island Pet Fun Day 2015 was held on 22 March under the soothing sunlight. Our Pets Central team offered free oral exam for pets at our counter. Oral hygiene tips were also given to many pet parents. Many pet parents were attracted by our lucky-draw, and they have many products, such as toys and snacks for their adorable pets. 珀麗灣寵物嘉年華2015在3月22號舉行。當日雲淡風輕,不少寵物主人都來到我們的攤位。我們為寵物 提供了免費的口腔檢查,亦教導了主人不同寵物的口腔清潔技巧。我們的抽獎遊戲吸引了不少人,很多 人都贏了不同的寵物用品,包括玩具和零食。






Welcome to our family! 歡迎來到我們的家庭! Dr Louise Anderson, BVMS Dr Louise is from Scotland and graduated from the University of Glasgow in June 2009. She has worked in various companion animal practices throughout the UK since graduating. Dr Louise has a particular interest in small animal medicine and is currently studying for her RCVS Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice (small animal medicine). She has also completed an RVC course in small animal abdominal ultrasound. Outside of work she enjoys playing hockey and tennis.

Dr Louise 來自蘇格蘭,並於2009年 六月於格拉斯哥大學畢業。她畢業後在 英國為不少寵物機構工作。Dr Louise 對小動物科有特別的興趣,現在正攻 讀皇家獸醫學院(RCVS)的Advanced Veterinary Practice (小動物科)證書課 程。她已完成皇家獸醫學院的小動物腹 部超聲波課程。 在空閒時間,她喜歡打曲棍球和網球。


Mongkok 旺角

Mongkok 旺角

Juvenile Doggy Basic Etiquette Training Class

Puppy Classes 幼犬班 by Pets Central Mongkok 旺角

幼犬基礎禮儀班 by Dog Artists 爆炸猛男團隊

7, 14 June 2015 (Sunday) 六月七和十四日 (星期天) 10:30-12:00

Starts from May, every Tuesday 由五月份起,逢星期二 19:30-20:30 No charge 學費全免 For Pets Central Clients only 只供會員參加

Juvenile Doggy Basic Etiquette Training Class will be held in Pets Central Mongkok, co-organised with Trainers from ‘Dog Artists’. Lessons in Chinese. Target age: 6 to 12 months-old dogs. For enquiry or registration, please call 2309 2139. Pets Central 旺角舉辦幼犬基礎禮儀班,由‘爆炸猛男團隊’中文 教學。透過課堂,你的愛犬將會學到基本指令;愛犬不受控制的情 況將會改善。 歡迎6個月至12個月大幼犬參加,現在接受報名。 查詢或報名, 歡迎致電2309 2139 。

Puppy Classes in Pets Central Mongkok are scheduled for May. Your puppies will meet new friends and you receive basic obedience training, with commannds such as ‘stay’, ‘sit’ and ‘drop’. Disease prevention skills will also be taught. Lessons in English (with Chinese translation). For dogs between 8-14 weeks of age. For enquiry or registration, please call 2309 2139. Pets Central 旺角將會舉辦幼犬班,用英語教學(有即時傳譯)。 透過課堂,你的愛犬將會學到基本服從訓練,社交禮儀,及預防 疾病技巧。你的幼犬亦會認識到新朋友。 歡迎8至14週的幼犬參加。 查詢或報名, 歡迎致電2309 2139

$100 (Pets Central Clients 會員) $200 (Non- Pets Central Clients 非會員)

Discount 優惠

20% discount for any Royal Canin Prescription Diet (Vet Care Nutrition and Vet Diet) purchased in May.* 於五月份購買任何Royal Canin的處方食糧(Vet Care Nutrition 和 Vet Diet)可享有八折優惠。*

Available at our Mongkok, North Point, Sai Kung, and Tseung Kwan O hospitals, mobile clinic, and online store • Full payment paid in advance for the promotion transaction • Purchase made with this offer cannot be exchanged or refunded • Offer only available from 1 May 2015 - 31 May 2015. While stocks last • 交易前需全數繳付金額 • 已購買的產品不可更換或退款 • 優惠只限於5月1日至5月31日。 售完即止 Mongkok Hospital • 24 Hours Nursing Care 九龍旺角上海街488號順明大廈1樓及2樓 1/F & 2/F, Sun Ming Bldg., 484-488 Shanghai Street, Mongkok, Kln

Tel: (852) 2309 2139 Fax: (852) 2309 2149

North Point Hospital • 24 Hours Nursing Care 香港北角渣華道66號地下 G/F, 66 Java Road, North Point, H.K.

Tel: (852) 2811 8907 Fax: (852) 2811 8957

Sai Kung Hospital • 8am-7pm Daily 新界西貢宜春街66號4號舖 Shop 4, 66 Yi Chun Street, Sai Kung, N.T.

Tel: (852) 2792 0833 Fax: (852) 2792 9113

Tseung Kwan O Hospital • Mon to Fri: 10am-8pm Sat & Sun: 9:30am-7:30pm 新界將軍澳將軍澳中心B01A號舖 Shop B01A, Park Central, Tseung Kwan O, N.T.

Tel: (852) 2244 6684 Fax: (852) 2244 6502

Pets Central Mobile Vet Clinic 流動寵物醫療車 珀麗灣 Park Island 錦綉花園 Fairview Park (Wed & Fri) 2pm-8pm (Tue & Sat) 10am-7pm 2nd & 4th Sun of Each Month: 10am-4pm



Editor: 編輯: Timothy Chan Our website: 我們的網頁:

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Tel: (852) 6223 0903

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