PetsTales 2015 August Issue

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August 2015 Issue 八月刊

Walking Your Dogs 與狗狗散步


1. Central and Western District Promenade Sheung Wan Section- Pet Corner While not a large park, Central and Western District Promenade Sheung Wan Section is a place favoured by many people due to its relatively quiet environment. Do not confuse it with Central Section though, as only Sheung Wan Section is officially recognised as a pet corner. It has facilities such as dog excreta collection bins, dog latrine and hand-washing facility. Enjoy a pleasant walk with your dog while viewing the skyscrapers across Victoria Harbour.

1. 中西區海濱長廊 上環段-寵物角 雖然中西區海濱長廊 上環段不算是一個特別大的地 方,但很多人都嚮往其寧靜的環境。可是,不要把它 與中環段混淆,因為中環段並不是正式可以遛狗的地 方。上環段-寵物角有不少寵物設施,包括狗糞收集 箱、狗廁所和洗手設備;在享受與狗狗跑步的同時, 亦可以觀賞維港的景色。

2. Dragon’s Back Hike Dragon’s Back Hike is a very famous hiking trail known for its stunning scenery and an easy-to-walk trail. In fact, it has been selected by Time Asia in 2004 as the best urban hiking trail. On the peak you will see outlying islands in the southern side of Hong Kong as well as scenery which you will never expect to see in Hong Kong. While the trail may run out of tarmac, it is never too difficult for humans and dogs alike.

2. 龍脊郊遊徑 龍脊是香港極其出名的遠足徑,沿路有令人驚嘆的美 景,而它本身並不是一條難行的路。在2004年它被 時代周刊亞洲版選了為亞洲區的最佳市區遠足徑。當 你到達了山頂時你就可以看到港島南邊的島嶼和一些 你從來不會預期在香港見到的景色。雖然龍脊郊遊徑 有不少的泥路,但對於人類或狗隻來說都是一條易走 的路。

fter last week’s article on heatstroke, you may now have an idea about how to keep your pets safe during summer. With that knowledge in mind, you are now ready to walk your dogs! While there are many dog-walking services in Hong Kong, nothing can beat walking the dog yourself. So where can you walk your dogs in Hong Kong? Hong Kong seems to be a dangerous place for our furry friends as the streets are narrow and vehicles countless, but there are always exceptions. Below is a list of dogfriendly places where you can walk your dogs:



3. Cheung Wan Street Rest Garden Cheung Wan Street Rest Garden is a place you would want to spend some time with your dogs. Apart from being close to the city, meaning you can get there easily, it is divided into Big Dog Area and Small Dog Area. So whether you have a Dachshund or a Saint Bernard, it will be the park for you. 4. Kowloon Tsai Park Kowloon Tsai Park is a very large park, somewhere you can spend an entire day walking your dog and conversing with other pet parents. We are sure your dogs will also be amazed at the sheer size of the park, something of a rarity in Hong Kong.


3. 長環街休憩花園 長環街休憩花園是一個與狗狗休息和遊戲的理想地 方。除了接近市區和有方便的交通,這公園亦分為兩 區:小狗活動區和大狗活動區。所以,無論你養的是 臘腸狗或聖伯納犬,此公園都會適合你。 4. 九龍仔公園 九龍仔公園是一個非常龐大的公園。你可以用整天與 你的狗狗漫步,或與其他養狗之人交流心得。我們相 信你的狗狗亦會因公園的規模而感到驚訝。

Some simple tips for dog walking


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上星期有關寵物中暑的文章,你應該知道如何 可在炎炎夏日保護你的愛寵了。現在,是時候 與你的狗狗散步了!雖然香港有不少的遛狗服務,但 它們始終不能與你自己遛狗相提並論- 畢竟你才是狗 狗的主人。那麼你可以在哪裡遛狗呢?香港看似一 個危險的地方,除了街道狹窄,也有無數的汽車;可 是,凡事都有例外。以下是編者建議你帶狗狗散步的 一些地方:

Do not let your dog drink water on the ground Do not apply insect-repellents for humans on your dog. Use Permoxin Rinse, available at our pharmacy Stay off the grass as insecticides and other chemicals may be present When your dog is roaming freely, make sure it is trained beforehand in such a way it comes back when called Bring enough water (and a bowl) and some goodies Take poo bags with you!

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不要讓你的狗狗飲用地上的水 不要把用於人身上的驅蚊劑噴到狗隻身上;可使用 Permoxin Rinse,於我們藥房有售 避免在草地上行走,因為草地可能有殺蟲劑或其他 化學物品 確保狗隻在自由漫步時會對你的叫聲有反應,並回 到你身邊 帶備水兜及預備足夠的水份以及小食 記得帶狗隻的便便袋!

Heartworm Disease While many people may enjoy summer, it is when pet parents have to pay attention to different summer-related illnesses. Following last month’s article on heatstroke, we will look at another illness this month: heartworm disease.

By Dr Louise Anderson What is heartworm?

Heartworm (dirofilaria immitis) is a parasitic roundworm that infects the major blood vessels of the heart and lungs. It mainly infects dogs but can also infect cats, wolves and foxes.

How does my dog catch heartworm?

Heartworm is transmitted from animal to animal by bites from infected mosquitos. Therefore any dog or cat which is bitten by a mosquito is at risk of getting heartworm. The life cycle of heartworm starts when an adult worm in an infected dog produces microfilaria (or baby heartworms). These microfilaria travel around the dog’s blood system and are ingested by a biting mosquito and travel to the mosquito’s salivary glands. This infected mosquito then bites another dog and transmits microfilaria in its saliva. The microfilaria then travel through the dog’s blood stream to the heart where they grow to become adult worms.

How do I tell if my dog has heartworm?

Unfortunately, by the time your dog starts showing signs of heartworm, the disease will already be at a very advanced stage. Your dog may be infected with heartworm but appear completely normal until it is too late. Heartworm infection causes congestive heart failure which typically presents as coughing, lethargy, difficulty with breathing, poor appetite and in some cases an enlarged abdomen.

How will the vet diagnose heartworm?

Your vet will suspect heartworm disease based on the history, symptoms and physical examination of your dog. If the vet is worried that your dog has heartworm, there is a very simple blood test that can be performed. It is very quick and it only takes a few minutes to get the test results.

Can heartworm be treated?

Yes. The treatment for heartworm depends on the stage of disease. If your pet is diagnosed with heartworm, the vet will usually take some chest x rays and possibly an ultrasound scan of the heart to decide how severe the infection is. Once the vet has decided on a treatment option for your pet, they will discuss the risks involved. The treatment kills the worms which should then be broken down by your pet’s immune system. However, the dead worms can cause blood clots which can endanger your pet’s life and this is why PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE.

How do I prevent my dog from getting heartworm?

There are a few different options available to stop your dog from being infected with heartworm. At Pets Central we offer the following medicine to help protect your pet from being infected with heartworm: • Monthly chewable tablet (Heartgard) • Yearly injection (ProHeart) • Monthly Spot–On (Advocate Spot-On) Should you wish to know more about heartworm and what protection would be best for your pet then please speak to your veterinary surgeon. They will be able to offer you the best advice on heartworm and always want to help keep your pet healthy and happy.

心絲蟲病 很多人都喜歡夏天,但對於寵物主人來說,夏天卻會為寵物帶來不同的病。接著 上個月有關中暑的文章,讓我們看看另一個和夏天有關的病:心絲蟲病。

作者:Dr Louise Anderson

Microfilaria 微絲蚴*


心絲蟲 (dirofilaria immitis) 是一種會感染心臟和肺臟主要血管的寄生蛔蟲。這種寄生蟲 大多會感染犬隻,但亦會感染貓,狼和狐狸。


狗隻被心絲蟲寄生的蚊蟲叮咬時會受感染,而受感染的動物亦會傳染此病給其他動物。 所以,貓狗被蚊子叮咬後,都會有患上心絲蟲病的風險。心絲蟲的生命會從成蟲於狗 隻內繁殖微絲蚴(或年幼的心絲蟲)開始。這些微絲蚴活動在狗隻的血液系統裡, 並在蚊子叮咬狗隻之後,隨血液被吸到蚊子的唾液腺。當這些受感染的蚊子叮咬 其他狗隻的時候,微絲蚴會通過蚊的唾液感染該狗隻。然後,微絲蚴會沿著血 管抵達狗隻的心臟,並長為成蟲。


非常不幸的是,當你的狗隻開始有受心絲蟲感染的病徵時 ,該病已經 到了後期。雖然你的狗隻看起來完全正常,但你的狗隻很可能已感染 了心絲蟲,更可能過了治療的最佳時機。狗隻感染心絲蟲會導致充 血性心臟衰竭,包括了咳嗽,嗜睡,呼吸困難,食慾不佳和在某些 情況下腹部腫大的症狀。


你的獸醫會根據狗隻的病歷,症狀和身體檢查而估計狗隻有沒有 心絲蟲。如果獸醫擔心你的狗隻有心絲蟲,他會進行一個非常簡 單的血液檢查,只需幾分鐘就可以獲得測試結果。


可以。心絲蟲的治療視乎該疾病的階段。如果你的寵物確診患有心 絲蟲病,獸醫會替你的寵物照胸部的X光片,去決定感染的程度。一 旦獸醫決定了治療的方法,會與你討論當中涉及的風險。治療過程中心 絲蟲會被殺掉,並會被寵物的免疫系統分解。可是,死了的心絲蟲可能 會引起血液凝塊,並危及寵物的生命。所以,預防勝於治療。


預防狗隻被心絲蟲傳染有數項有效的途徑。於 Pets Central, 我們提供以下的藥 物,可以預防你的寵物感染心絲蟲: • 每月進食的口服藥片如 Heartgard • 每年一次的心絲蟲預防針 (ProHeart) • 每月使用滴頸的 Spot-On 藥物 (Advocate Spot-On) 如果你想知道更多有關心絲蟲的資訊,或想知道保護寵物的最佳方法,請與你的獸醫聯 絡。他們會為你提供合適的建議,讓你的貓貓狗狗健康又快樂。

*"Microfilaria" by en wikipedia. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons -

Juvenile Doggy Basic Etiquette Training Class

Puppy Classes 幼犬班


by Pets Central Mongkok 旺角 Starts from August, every Thursday 由八月份起,逢星期四 19:30-20:30

by Dog Artists 爆炸猛男團隊 6, 13 September 2015 (Sunday) 九月六日和十三日 (星期天) 10:30-12:00 $100 (Pets Central Clients 會員) $200 (Non- Pets Central Clients 非會員) Juvenile Doggy Basic Etiquette Training Class will be held in Pets Central Mongkok, co-organised with Trainers from ‘Dog Artists’. Lessons in Chinese. Target age: 6 to 12 months-old dogs. For enquiry or registration, please call 2309 2139. Pets Central 旺角舉辦幼犬基礎禮儀班,由‘爆炸猛男團隊’中文教學。透過課 堂,你的愛犬將會學到基本指令;愛犬不受控制的情況將會改善。 歡迎6個月至12個月大幼犬參加,現在接受報名。 查詢或報名, 歡迎致電2309 2139 。

Discount 優惠 10% discount for: • 3 bags of Dry Food (same size & same product) • 3 trays/ boxes of Canned or Wet Food (For Royal Canin and Hill’s prescription items)

乾糧滿三包 (同款同重量)


Pets Central 旺角將會舉辦幼犬班,用英語教學(有即時傳譯)。透過課堂, 你的愛犬將會學到基本服從訓練,社交禮儀,及預防疾病技巧。你的幼犬亦 會認識到新朋友。 歡迎8至14週的幼犬參加。 查詢或報名, 歡迎致電2309 2139

Reward Points 積分計劃

Prazivet Plus Dog 10kg/tab

Pets Central 環保袋

1,000 points for the offer* 以1000分換領杜蟲藥*

Pets Central Recycle Bag 1,000 points for 1 bag 以1000分換領1個

Prazivet Plus 犬用10kg杜蟲藥 *Amount of tabs depends on weight of dog, 1 dog only *換領粒數取決於犬隻體重亦只限1犬

Or purchase at HKD10/ bag 或以港幣10元購買一個

購買以下產品可享九折優惠: •

For Pets Central Clients only 只供會員參加 Puppy Classes in Pets Central Mongkok are scheduled for August. Your puppies will meet new friends and you receive basic obedience training, with commannds such as ‘stay’, ‘sit’ and ‘drop’. Disease prevention skills will also be taught. Lessons in English (with Chinese translation). For dogs between 8-14 weeks of age. For enquiry or registration, please call 2309 2139.

Pets Central Umbrella Pets Central 雨傘

1,000 points + HKD50 for 1 umbrella 以1000分 + 港幣50元換購一把

(適用於Royal Canin和Hill’s獸醫處方糧)

Name: Polly Species: Dwarf hamster Sex: Female Age: 1 year

Name: Sardine Species: Domestic short hair Sex: Male Age: 9 months

姓名:Polly 品種:倉鼠 性別:雌性 年齡:一歲

姓名:Sardine 品種:短毛家貓 性別:雄性 年齡:九個月

Name: Pluto Species: Domestic short hair Sex: Male Age: 13 weeks

Name: Venus Species: Domestic short hair Sex: Female Age: 13 weeks

Name: Mars Species: Domestic short hair Sex: Male Age: 13 weeks

姓名:Pluto 品種:短毛家貓 性別:雄性 年齡:十三週

姓名:Venus 品種:短毛家貓 性別:雌性 年齡:十三週

姓名:Mars 品種:短毛家貓 性別:雄性 年齡:十三週

Pets for Adoption


The above animals are now at Pets Central North Point

Please call 2811 8907 for enquiries. Adoption procedures apply.

以上動物現於Pets Central 北角

Mongkok Hospital • 24 Hours Nursing Care 九龍旺角上海街488號順明大廈1樓及2樓 1/F & 2/F, Sun Ming Bldg., 484-488 Shanghai Street, Mongkok, Kln

詳情請致電 2811 8907 安排領養申請手續 Follow us on Instagram

Tel: (852) 2309 2139 Fax: (852) 2309 2149

Follow我們的 Instagram


North Point Hospital • 24 Hours Nursing Care 香港北角渣華道66號地下 Tel: (852) 2811 8907 G/F, 66 Java Road, North Point, H.K. Fax: (852) 2811 8957

Like us on our Facebook Page!

Sai Kung Hospital • 8am-7pm Daily 新界西貢宜春街66號4號舖 Tel: (852) 2792 0833 Shop 4, 66 Yi Chun Street, Sai Kung, N.T. Fax: (852) 2792 9113


Pets Central

Tseung Kwan O Hospital • Mon to Fri: 10am-8pm Sat & Sun: 9:30am-7:30pm 新界將軍澳將軍澳中心B01A號舖 Tel: (852) 2244 6684 Shop B01A, Park Central, Tseung Kwan O, N.T. Fax: (852) 2244 6502 Pets Central Mobile Vet Clinic 流動寵物醫療車 珀麗灣 Park Island 錦綉花園 Fairview Park (Wed & Fri) 2pm-8pm (Tue & Sat) 10am-7pm 2nd & 4th Sun of Each Month: 10am-4pm



Our website: 我們的網頁:

Tel: (852) 6223 0903

Home Delivery

Editor 編輯: Timothy Chan


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