Pets Magazine September 2016

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Pets Magazine




March 21st - April 20th

All those television ads and magazines have put your people into buying mode. With new toys for pets and fashionable outfits constantly on parade, how can anyone resist? Whether it's because you're such a dear pet, or because your friend is trying to keep up with the times or outdo a neighbour, you'll give your companion a lot of pleasure if you appear to enjoy the item they acquire for you and let them show you off.

TAURUS April 21st - May 21st

June 22nd - July 23rd

untried foods; why not be both careful and wise!

GEMINI May 22nd - June 21st

You're in a pleasant period, and if happy were a word that could So many wonderful things to be applied to you, that's what eat, so little time to sample you would be! You'll be more them all, at least that's what the than merely content over the sensible pets are thinking. Not attentions shown you by a you, you're, as always, up for newcomer, but you may be expanding the boundaries of scrutinising motives because what's possible, not thinking this person enjoys lavishing how this may also expand your both edible and wearable gifts! once slender physique. As If you're the outdoorsy type, get much as you wish it weren't so, out and run; if not, curling up overeating also sometimes in a hidden corner comes with causes you stomach upset and singular pleasures of its own. distress. Then there's the Whether in or out, you're never possibility of having an allergic without questions to ponder! reaction to certain previously


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This month is a mix of delightful and distressing days as a collection of annoying events or frazzled people enter your household. Current goings on could give you a nervous tummy so find a calm spot, take along a favourite toy or special blanket and curl up for some needed peace. Once rested you'll return to your regular activities better equipped to handle whatever's going on.

LEO July 24th - August 23rd

Freedom has always been of primary importance to you. If you are confined indoors, you need lots of space within your cage to move. Being moved to different containers will also keep your spirits high. Of course, your food station should remain in the same location, just to provide a sense of continuity. When you disagree with a rule you'll act so contrary that your owner will have no choice but to relent.

VIRGO August 24th September 23rd

LIBRA September 24th October 23rd


You may not like it if your human friends seem to be watching your every move, but give a think to what you did that made them take this stand! Did your desire to conduct an experiment fall so flat on its face that people around you are worried about what you might try next?

Fortuitously, you make your way through the month with only a slight bump in the road. There's no lack of company as good friends of yours as well as of your housemate pop in for visits; these occasions result in extra good eating for you, as well as the opportunity to sample some unusual smelling While it's fun to try new things, liquid spills that are you sometimes take things too inadvertently splattered on the far and don't realise the floor. A word of caution is damage you can cause. Give offered here; don't go to everyone a break and stick with extreme with these unfamiliar the routine. tastes, or you could end up feeling quite unwell!


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October 24th - November 22nd

A luxurious grooming session causes your self-confidence to soar. Your proud preening will delight and amuse everyone you meet. Don't be surprised if someone asks you to pose for a picture. You've got a captivating quality that is hard to ignore. If you go outdoors, other animals will make a beeline for you. You won't return the affection unless you meet a creature that is just as stunning as you are.

SAGITTARIUS November 23rd - December 21st

In spite of feeling mildly discontented, you're poised to handle your frustrations by putting yourself to work. While you have a sense of ownership within your home turf, you're likely to get a bit feisty when your housemate imposes a new rule for you to follow. There is a plus to having these boundaries; it makes for an orderly home life and allows everyone to know what's expected of them. Do your part cheerfully working together with your people to do what's needed.

CAPRICORN December 22nd January 20th

Although a pushy pal seeks to make themselves the centre of attention, you need not relinquish your spot. A guest or neighbour may involve your humans in a verbal battle and you may think you should defend them. Of course you'll take the side of your


housemate, but be careful how you construct your interference. Shall you add to the noise with barking, tugging on the leg of the offender, or can you instigate a more clever resolution?

AQUARIUS January 21st February 19th

If you feel pulled in two directions, it's not just your typical personality at work. There are confusing energies around you now and you're not sure how to respond. You may be getting mixed signals or messages from those around you. While the humans are on pins and needles, you're probably better off retreating to a comfort zone, laying low and steering clear of trouble. Things should return to normal by the middle of the month.

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PISCES February 20th March 20th

You're going to get quite a disagreeable surprise if you roam around rarely used areas of your home with your tongue hanging out. While it's fun to explore new tastes, a few you encounter in this manner are likely to leave you more than a little disgusted. Your best course of action is to proceed with caution. The unpleasant flavours you experience are a signal that a clean up is called for; do your part and then involve your housemate in getting this attended to.

Russell Grant’s Pet Horoscope is sponsored by The Dog Treat Company, renowned for producing delicious and ethically sourced dog treats.

t a h W e r A ! e t a W E Vet

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Our Dogs Are What they eat By LAUREN OTLEY, The Dog Nutritionist Fulfilling the nutritional requirements of pet dogs with commercially prepared foods has proved successful for many years¹, but there is growing interest in the effect of nutrient quality on longevity; in terms of reduced incidence of disease, health complaints, and mobility.

Nutrition & Health – thriving or surviving?

illness, and develop digestive problems. The same goes for our animals. Common health problems associated with poor nutrition

THE PROBLEMS -Poor nutrient quality -Low digestibility of ingredients -Cheap fillers -Artificial colours, flavours & preservatives -Vague ingredients lists - Misleading claims - Clever marketing

include skin conditions, digestive sensitivities, dental Nutrition is vitally important disease, joint problems, and for health in all species. Many obesity. These can develop pet owners do not when dogs are fed low quality acknowledge, or are simply or poorly formulated diets unaware of the potential containing allergenic effects, of feeding a poor quality ingredients². diet. Think about people: we know that if we live on a diet of highly processed foods and ready meals we will neither look, nor feel great. We get spots, put on weight, become more prone to


Speaking from personal experience (and without naming names), I can pinpoint several brands which I know can contribute to and/or aggravate common ailments; an animal’s symptoms can Pets Magazine

often be relieved simply by changing what they eat. Unfortunately, the main culprits are some of the leading brands in the industry.

Commercial Pet Food – don’t pay for a name! Choosing a dog food can be a frustrating task. There is a large variety of commercially produced food available, ranging from economy to advanced nutrition; as well as specialised veterinary disease management diets. Foods come in several forms including wet, dry, semimoist, freeze-dried, coldpressed and raw. The quality of the diet is independent of its form and price, meaning the cheapest is not always the worst, and the most expensive is not always the best – including brands sold in veterinary surgeries. Many pet owners are misled by pet food marketing campaigns and advertising into thinking they are doing the best for their dog, when frequently, their choice is far from optimum.

Pet obesity is on the rise...

The key to choosing the right food is all about looking past the big names, brightly coloured packaging and exaggerated claims, and learning how to decipher the ingredients list.

unprocessed, whole food alternatives to commercial dog food that can provide considerable health benefits. Generally speaking a raw diet is made up of muscle and organ meat, bone (ground or whole), vegetables, and usually some What’s the alternative? form of supplementation small quantities of grains and dairy may also be included. In recent years, it has become increasingly Home cooked food is common for owners of dogs with health complaints to look essentially a cooked raw diet minus the bones- and is often to nutritional management with homemade diets instead of preferred by those who aren’t comfortable feeding raw meat. more costly clinical therapies. Home cooked and raw diets are Cooked diets may also be beneficial for dogs with


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compromised immune systems resulting from illness or disease. Health benefits associated with these types of diet include healthy skin and coat, good oral health, a strengthened immune system and increased immunity against parasites, enhanced digestion, and increased resistance to disease.ᵌ The nutrition world is somewhat divided in its opinion of feeding raw, with some advising against it because of the pathogenic risk and choking hazard associated with feeding whole bones.

There are many different ways to feed the diet; it is important to find one that works for both you and your dog.

Give your dog a new lease of life!

Always implement proper food hygiene precautions and ensure the diet is balanced, be that every meal or balance over time. An unbalanced raw diet is worse than any commercial pet food regardless of quality. It can result in serious and potentially fatal health problems. If you need help or guidance, always seek advice from a nutrition professional. However, if fed correctly both raw feeding and home cooking has the potential to aid disease management and improve vitality and longevity, even in seemingly healthy animals.

chronic illness, organ failure, and cancer. The system can be under considerable strain even if the animal looks ok on the outside: the body is very resilient. Often, by the time symptoms present themselves it is already too late. If your dog develops an ailment like itchy skin, upset stomach, or stiff joints think - what is in their bowl? There are not many pet owners who would not want as many happy, healthy years with their animals as possible. I urge everyone to research food as their first point of call; the choice you make determines their quality of life.

Nutrition is one of the most important aspects of health and wellness – it doesn’t have to be time consuming or costly, small changes can make big differences! I truly believe that there are pet foods on the market that contribute to

ABOUT LAUREN: Lauren is passionate about helping people to enable their dog’s live longer, healthier lives through the use of nutrition therapy. Whether you want to feed wet, dry, raw, or home cooked, she can help you make informed


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choice for all types of diet. Based in Essex, UK she offers a home visit consultation service to develop a diet plan that suits you and your dog. If your dog suffers from ongoing health problems, has weight issues, or if you simply need advice and guidance, do not hesitate to get in touch. Web: Email: Facebook: https:// thedognutritionist/ Instagram: @thedognutritionist Article references: ¹Crane ,S.W., Griffin, R.W. & Messent, P.R. (2000) Small Animal Clinical Nutrition: An Introduction to Commercial Pet Foods. MO: Walsworth Publishing Company. ² Bontempo, V. (2005) Nutrition and Health of Dogs and Cats: Evolution of Pet Food. Veterinary Research Communications. 29(2), pp.45-50 ᵌ Jones, A.K., (2003) The Great Raw Meat Debate. Veterinary Technician. pp.712-716.


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MY Pet Our My Pet celeb this month is stage star Evelina Girling and Maysie, her Old English Sheepdog. Following business school in Sydney, Australia, Evelina moved to London to work in Management Consultancy & Finance before going to New York where she became a broadway and theatre enthusiast, prompting her to found The London Cabaret Club. Evelina’s dog Maysie stars in the extravaganza The Best of British Pop performing the Beatles track, Martha My Dear. Ironically, Paul McCartney had a dog called Martha who was identical to Maysie. Evelina’s heavily involved in charity work with NSPCC, Women’s Aid, The Rainbow Centre and many others.

Star turn: Evelina & Maysie

HOW LONG HAVE YOU HAD HER? We’ve had Maysie for two years.

WHAT BREED IS MAYSIE & WHY DID YOU CHOOSE HER? Maysie is an Old English Sheepdog and she was chosen specifically for our British themed shows.


DOES MAYSIE COME TO WORK WITH YOU? Maysie is in ‘The Best of British Pop’ Show at The London Cabaret Club, which is located at The Bloomsbury Ballroom in Holborn. She normally trains twice a week at the Ballroom, practicing her routine and learning new tricks.

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She is in the Show every Friday and Saturday night, so the Ballroom is like a second home to her!

WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES MAYSIE MAKE TO YOUR LIFE? She is a new member of the family, to the annoyance of Max; our English Spaniel has livened up his life as a younger sister. Maysie is such a charismatic dog and brings a great deal of energy, fun and entertainment to our household and to our three children! She has been in the


family now for two years and I can't imagine life without her! DO YOU DO PET FRIENDLY HOLIDAYS? We haven't taken Maysie abroad yet but she often goes to the English countryside with us when

visiting friends and family. She is too big to take anywhere else and would cause absolute chaos on a plane!

and our Spaniel, Max, who's nine years old and does his best to keep up! She enjoys her daily walks in the park and chasing Squirrels! She has a great time running around the Ballroom for rehearsals, entertaining not only guests at the show but also the cast backstage.

WHAT ARE MAYSIE’S FAVOURITE THINGS IN THE WORLD? Maysie absolutely loves playing with the kids

DO YOU TAKE THE MAYSIE WITH YOU TO PUBS & RESTAURANTS? Sometimes to local Notting Hill cafes and pubs, but it can be quite difficult to get anywhere with Maysie, as she's so friendly and always draws a crowd.

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Although she is a massive scaredy cat and gets frightened by new things and has even been known to jump at her own shadow!

IS THERE ANYTHING YOU FEEL STRONGLY ABOUT REGARDING ANIMAL WELFARE? I feel very strongly about treating her with kindness and respect, ensuring her happiness and well being always comes first. It is also so important to make sure she gets plenty of exercise and attention. If anything she gets too much attention and is a bit of a diva!

twisting DOES MAYSIE HAVE ANY around, SPECIAL TRICKS? walking Maysie is trained by The backwards and London Dog Trainer, Dean standing on Ashton. She has her hind learnt numerous tricks for her legs. She talks on stage performance in The a lot and has a London Cabaret Club's very loud Show. Her tricks include voice! She can jumping through hooped arms, bark ‘hello’ and say ‘thank you’.


Pets Magazine

ASK The Vet Jessica Podmore DVM Cert SAS MRCVS at The Vet, says: “The rise of exotic diseases in the UK is a problem for domestic pets and pet owners should be increasingly vigilant as tick-borne diseases could present serious health problems for our pets, and may

“What can I do to protect my dog from tick- borne disease?” Signs of Lyme Disease

these diseases are not thought to pose a risk to cats.” Jessica lists ways pet owners can prevent tickborne disease: 1. Prevention is based on the routine use of flea and tick spot-on and / tick collars.

2. Please ask your vet for a recommendation and correct dosage. 3. Performing regular checks of your dog especially on returning from a walk 4. Removing ticks from your dog’s fur.

5. Ticks ideally should be removed by a nurse at your veterinary clinic, as it’s easy for the mouth parts of the tick to be left in which can then lead to further problems even prove to be fatal.” “There are no vaccines and infection. Tick removers Jessica continues: available in the UK for are also sold at the clinic. babesiosis. Treatment is “We’d advise pet owners to be focused on killing the parasite Do you have a question vigilant as well as to carry out and stopping the dog’s immune regular tick treatments and system from destroying more for The Vet? Please checks. red blood cells. Currently, email your questions to


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SOPHIE & NELL’S CHOICES Premium pet products, destinations & activities for you & your pet chosen by Sophie & Nell, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, assisted by Marie.

Four-legged Fancies Four Legged Fancies is a beautiful bespoke dog bakery near Bath, which specializes in handmade, organic and wheat-free treats for dogs. In addition to homemade baked goods, Four Legged Fancies (FLF) now supplies dog accessories, toys and a newly launched ‘Party Package’ which includes an edible pass the parcel, birthday cake and doggy music playlist. The brand has been featured on ITV’s This Morning and has a growing list of celebrity clients including 'Buster' the gorgeous greyhound from Gogglebox. We love these super tasty treats including the yummy ‘pupcakes’ (pictured). The biscuits are perfect for treats and the party packs are a great idea for pooch birthday parties.

‘Peamutt Butter’ for Dogs Duerr’s Peamutt Butter is a peanut butter for dogs that can be added to Kong’s for a special treat. It’s produced by wellknown preserves company Duerr’s who decided that pets should be treated too. It contains heart-healthy vitamin B, niacin and vitamin E.


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Upcycled Dog Toys Atlantic Blue is a Jersey based company that upcycles products for dogs that are 100% eco-friendly and sustainable. Made from car seatbelts, stuffed with wool from Jersey sheep, the toys are tough and long-lasting. They are particularly good for larger or more playful dogs who tend to destroy their toys quickly.

Famous Cats & Dogs! The two books Dogs and Cats on Instagram profile the social media pet stars of today in all their cuteness and quirkiness. A great picture selection and insight into this social media phenomenon. Dogs on Instagram by @dogs_of_instagram (Chronicle Books, £10.99) Cats on Instagram by @cats_of_instagram (Chronicle Books, £10.99)

Cats image @birchmanchella Dogs image @igstagrams


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Pet Teepees We love these beautiful beds or dens for pets. The pet teepees are both quirky and cute and will provide a snug little bed for the pampered pooch or feline in your life.

PS/ We’re always looking for premium products to review both for pets and people. Please get in touch with the boss at Love,

Nell & Sophie


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