Pets Magazine November 2021

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Hollywood Actress VICTORIA SUMMER & her beloved pooch

PLUS: Why dogs are so good for us, and more inside Vet



DOGS: Why they’re so good for our health…


Dr. Jessica May, lead vet at video vet service, FirstVet (https:// As any dog owner will attest, your pup can almost always lift your mood, make you laugh or even provide you with comfort. It may come as no surprise, then, that owning a dog has been proven to boost both your mental and physical health. Dogs are, by nature, loving creatures. They fast become members of the family and are loyal companions. Naturally, then, owning a pet can reduce feelings of loneliness. According to a Harris poll, 95 percent of pet owners think of their animal as a member of the family. So, for those that live alone or lack companionship, owning a dog can be a great way to feel more supported.


Moreover, a study by the

can have tangible benefits for

University of Sydney found

our mental health. Interaction

that dogs can help to alleviate

with dogs can boost production

loneliness amongst their

of hormones such as oxytocin,

owners and reduce negative

serotonin and dopamine,

emotions. This companionship

which can reduce stress and

help to promote a sense of

slower heart rate, more

Liverpool, 87.3 percent of dog


regular breathing and even a

owners exercise for 150

reduction in muscle tension.

minutes per week, compared

As well as reducing loneliness,

with 62.7 percent of those

dogs can help people who are

Perhaps the most obvious

without a dog.

dealing with anxiety. Dogs are

health impact of owning a dog

used in many types of therapy

is an increase in physical

Walking is a brilliant low-

and as emotional support

activity. For anyone who

impact activity. It has been

animals because they can have struggles with motivation to

proven to lower blood pressure

a calming effect on those they

exercise, a dog’s enthusiasm

and reduce cholesterol and

come into contact with.

for daily walks can be

triglyceride levels, leading to

Researchers at Purdue


overall improvements in

University and the University

cardiovascular health. In fact,

of Pennsylvania looked into the Most adult dogs should be

dog owners are 31 percent less

physical effects of owning a

walked twice a day, come rain

likely to suffer a fatal heart

pet. Their results showed a

or shine, meaning that,

attack or stroke than non-dog

reduction in blood pressure,

according to the University of



However, fitness fanatics

make good running partners.

Owning a dog is a lot of

should be careful not to over-

Smaller dogs are often very

responsibility, but it can be

exercise their dogs, especially

enthusiastic but will naturally

hugely rewarding, too. From

young animals. During

have less tolerance for

helping us hit our daily step

lockdown, many people have taken up running with their pets, but runners should make sure to look out for when their

Brachycephalic breeds with shorter noses, such as Pugs, are also more likely to struggle with exercise due to breathing difficulties

dog starts to tire. Just

target, to boosting our welfare by being a friendly and calming presence in the home, dogs can do a lot to keep their owners happy and healthy,

like us humans, dogs need to

exercise due to their energy

particularly during these

rest their muscles, too.

levels and shorter legs.

uncertain times.

The amount of exercise your

Brachycephalic breeds with

dog can tackle depends on

shorter noses, such as Pugs,

their size and build, as well as

are also more likely to struggle

their fitness. Larger dogs with

with exercise due to breathing

longer legs - like Hungarian

difficulties, so be wary not to

Vizslas, Pointers, Border

push these types of dogs to run

Collies, and Labradors - can

too far, especially in warmer weather.



British Hollywood actress VICTORIA SUMMER, star of ‘Saving Mr Banks’, ‘Transformers' and ‘Game of Aces', has announced her engagement to Michelin star chef Fabrizio Vaccaro. We caught up with the English beauty to discuss the other love in her life, her extremely cute rescue Pomeranian pup Bentley.


Berkshire-born Victoria Summer is in a

Pictures' Transformers: Age of Extinction (Mark

whirl of excitement after announcing her

Wahlberg/Stanley Tucci/Kelsey Grammer) and

engagement to her Italian born ancé Fabrizio Vaccaro. She met the Michelin

as the lead role of British nurse Eleanor in Game of Aces (Chris Klein/Werner Daehn).

star chef by chance, in a British co ee

Victoria has created a successful new website &

shop, when he was on the way back from a

TV show, which she is really excited about. The

holiday in Florida after his ight was

show shines the spotlight on up-and-coming

cancelled. He had been on the way to Italy

young talent and is called ‘Next Generation Role Model’ and interviews visionaries and

to visit his sick 94-year-old grandmother

influencers A few

when he made the unscheduled UK

years ago, she was also asked to be an

stopover – a trip that changed both their

ambassador for Teen Cancer America by Roger

lives forever. This led to a magical and unexpected turn, and after a few dates,

Daltrey which she continues to strongly support and raise money for. She also created a special afternoon tea event for them called ‘Tea With

decided to lockdown together in the

Victoria Summer’ that kicked off in Los Angeles

English countryside…

at the British Consulate.

Victoria has appeared opposite Tom Hanks as

Victoria is planning to stay in Europe for the

the iconic 'Julie Andrews' in Walt Disney's

time being as she is due to fly to Spain next




Saving Mr Banks, in Paramount

month to film a supporting role in period drama Bentley is a pure bred Pomeranian. I chose him ‘Glow & Darkness’, alongside two Bond girls

because I wanted a rescue and I saw his puppy

Denise Richards and Jane Seymour. Outside of

picture on a rescue website and fell in love with

work her passions are hiking and yoga, she

him immediately! He was on ‘hold’ and I sent

enjoys a plant-based diet, and has a huge

several emails before I was able to eventually

passion for rescuing animals. She is also a fan of visit him and I drove an hour outside LA to meet fast cars and enjoys racing as a hobby. Her

him. My persistence paid off! He’s the best dog

favourite sport is basketball; you can often catch ever. her at the Clippers games.

How long have you had Bentley?

We caught up with Victoria to talk about her

I have had Bentley since he was four months

adorable rescue Pomeranian pup Bentley!

and he is seven years old now. He’s a family member and our love and connection continues

So, Victoria, what made you adopt Bentley? He’s

very cute!

to strengthen over the years.

in California, has his very own European Pet

Absolutely! He’s attended many auditions in Los


Angeles and London and he loves people and

Do you take Bentley with you to restaurants and

enjoys interacting.


Yes. Bentley is very well behaved and I’m glad I

What di erence does Bentley make to your life? got him excellent training when is was 6 months Through Bentley I’ve learnt to communicate and old at a place called Zoom Room in Los Angeles. He’s very smart, a understand all animals so much better. To

Bentley does the moonwalk!

have a deeply connected relationship

I kid you not.

with a dog, as a

great listener, incredibly calm and a joy to take anywhere. We especially love to visit

companion and best friend has brought me so much joy. I’m always so excited to see him. He

English pubs and he particularly loves to say

means the world to me.

hello to other dogs.

Do you take take doggie-friendly holidays with

What are Bentley’s favourite things in the world?

your pup?

Bentley loves cuddles and a good scratch under

Yes! Bentley has been all over California where he was born; Las Vegas, Florida, New York, London and Italy so far... he loves experiencing the smells of new countries and enjoys warm climates.

his front right leg. Generally he loves people and he enjoys bringing happiness to anyone he meets.

Does Bentley have any tricks or special character traits?

What are the best holidays you’ve taken with

Bentley does the moonwalk. I kid you not... he


plops himself down, splays he legs and pushes

New York with Bentley was really special. We stayed in a super sweet boutique hotel in Midtown Manhatten and I remember walking in

himself backwards.

How is pet welfare important to you?

Central Park with him and taking pictures

Adopt don’t shop! There are so many amazing

thinking it was a dream come true. He’s the

animals that need rescuing and providing a


perfect dog to travel with and despite being born loving home to a pet in need is very rewarding indeed.

Does Bentley come to work with you?

Cancerstricken Honey’s Remarkable Recovery

Brave Cavachon Honey was given just 18 months to live after being diagnosed with a brain tumour but more than two years later she is now living a life of sun, sea and sand on the idyllic holiday island of Bermuda thanks to innovative cancer treatment by leading Surrey vets. Honey, a 10-year old Cavalier King first shrinking dramatically before

She was referred to the renowned

Charles Spaniel Poodle Cross has

disappearing completely.

Linnaeus animal hospital North

astonished her owner and

It’s an amazing story of survival

Downs Specialist Referrals

specialist vets with a dramatic and which began in May 2018, when

(NDSR), near Bletchingley, in

remarkable recovery from cancer,

Honey first displayed worrying

Surrey, after her condition

with the life-threatening tumour

signs something serious could be

worsened, including suffering a


spate of epileptic seizures in quick


succession. NDSR’s neurology specialist Francesca de Strobel, who led the initial investigations, explained: “Honey’s owners were

Grave situation:


Honey’s large

worried due to the

tumour was clearly


visible on her rst


MRI scan


development of these epileptic

“We were told the tumour could

Honey was immediately


only be treated as palliative and

transferred to the specialist

that Honey’s life expectancy would oncology service at NDSR, which “I was immediately concerned

not be any more than a year to 18

is part of UK-wide

about the possible

Linnaeus, where she

presence of a brain

began oral

We were told Honey’s life expectancy would not be any more than a year to 18 months…

lesion, so we performed an MRI scan and took some cells from the fluid that bathes the brain and spinal cord for further analysis.

treatment, which she received once a month to begin with. NDSR clinical director and oncology specialist

months. We were not expecting that news. After all, she was only


Gerry Polton said: “Honey

“The tests revealed Honey actually seven-and-a-half. had a tumour and the cells from

tolerated the medicine very well.

the fluid indicated it was a cancer

“Honey is the first dog I have ever

we couldn’t be certain whether

called lymphoma.”

had and she is such a kind and

this was due to the chemotherapy

gentle little thing, we wanted to

working or due to the anti-seizure

The news was a huge blow to

give her the best opportunity to

medication she had also started.

Honey’s owner Julie Tomkins,

survive - and thank goodness we

who admitted: “To say we were


“The only way we could tell the

devastated is an understatement.

She didn’t have any more fits but

treatment was working was to repeat the MRI scan. This was



“None of us could believe the news that the tumour had gone…”

done in December 2018 and,

somewhat speechless when we last he should be proud to be

incredibly, the tumour had shrunk had her scanned.

associated with, just as we are.”

by around 80 per cent.

“None of us could believe the news

“Honey continued her treatment

that the tumour had gone. Honey

with a gradually increasing

is now 10 years old and loving her

interval between doses and was

new life

scanned again in December 2019.

here in Bermuda,

“Again, the results were

walking on

remarkable. The tumour had

the pink

resolved – all that remained was a

beaches and

thin crescent of scar tissue.

sometimes dipping her

“Honey will finally finish receiving paws in the chemotherapy at the end of this

warm sea.

year and it is amazing to see her looking so well more than two

“We are so

years after her initial

grateful to


Gerry for his expertise

Delighted owner Julie Tomkins,


originally from Surrey but who has kindness now emigrated, along with Honey, and believe to Bermuda, added: “We all think

Honey is a

Honey’s response has been

true success

incredible and even Gerry was

story which


Tony Knight, an internationally-acclaimed Dog Listener and trainer, on why you shouldn’t get your


male dog neutered…

“Dogs ask us questions every day to see who they can trust...”

Speaking as a male, I admit that I have a soft spot (well, two really) for my own “equipment; men will wince in empathy should they hear a story about some poor chap whose “poor chap” was involved in some kind of painful accident. dog trainer (and not species) that I came many years ago that is cracked up to be. However, it is still often the rst course of action when dealing with aggression in male dogs.

run after anyone? My own old fellow, Kez (I am

for health reasons or to avoid unwanted puppies is de nitely recommended in the rst case (and begrudgingly in the second, although intelligent

Too many vets propose this procedure as the cure-all (which comes at a price of course). I have met many aggressive female dogs in all




my years as a Dog Listener –

(and de nitely not removed).

to be....”

castration is not all it

Maybe their legs so they can’t

all it is cracked up

to the conclusion


body that should be treated

“Castration is not

as a male of the

what should we cut o them?

Don’t get me wrong, castration referring to my dog here) was

That said, it is as a



Tony Knight, an internationallyacclaimed Dog Listener and trainer, on why you shouldn’t get your male dog neutered…

control from dog owners is preferable). When it comes to dealing with aggressive behaviour though, there is a

an entire male and the most chilled out individual you could have hoped to meet. A very large part (I promise you I am not making these puns on purpose!) of the reason

for his calm demeanour was the way I interacted with him to show him that he could relax and trust me with the big decisions. Dogs ask us questions every day to see who they can trust, so when Kez asked, I made sure to give him

completely di erent part of the the right answer.

Kez asked, I made sure to give

drop, leaving them prone to

him the right answer. That way, feeling vulnerable.

concentrate on the other end of the body. Using the way they

I avoided him

think is the key to

taking on the role

success. Calm and

himself, which


could have led to

communication in

bigger problems.

their language shows them that

In nearly every case

you are capable of

of dog aggression,

looking after

there is a big dose

everyone, allowing

of panic added. This does not come from

Female dogs can be aggressive too...

any appendage; If you have ever had to go to

mind that it is responsible for

work or look after your

the safety of its family in a

children while feeling unwell, I

world that it does not

am willing to bet that you may

understand. That panic can lead to reactions that can understandably

“Many vets now realise that castration for

be seen as aggressive. Once again, we know

aggression problems

that there are females that can also have these aggressive tendencies,

clearly does not work.”

but there is not an equivalent, arbitrary, medical procedure for them. What can make the situation worse for a male that has been given the chop is that they may still have the responsibility of looking after everyone, only now they are constantly feeling out of sorts. The levels of


testosterone take a massive

responsibility and relax.

rather the belief in a dog’s


them to relinquish

have been more easily irritated… On so many occasions, I have been asked to work with highly strung dogs that have previously been castrated, only for their behaviour to remain unchanged or even worsen. My approach to solving dog aggression is to

Thankfully, not every veterinarian is still stuck in the old-fashioned practice of slicing o a mutt’s nuts. There are plenty of professionals out there who have realised that castration for aggression problems clearly does not work. They also know that there are ways to help solve this problem that do not require drugs, force, pain or surgery. When it comes to helping your dog to be happy and calm, I guess the ball is in your court… To nd out more, visit: www.tonyknightdoglistener.

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