Pets Magazine May 2017

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MAY, 2017


How to Plan for Your Cat’s Nine Lives... Get Fit With Your Fido! Vet

Pets Magazine


Pets Magazine

SOPHIE & NELL’S CHOICES Premium products for both you & your pet as chosen by Sophie & Nell, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, assisted by Marie.

Pet Angel Brush These colourful little brushes are designed by celebrity hair stylist Richard Ward. They come in a variety of sizes and zingy colours and are soft and light and do an excellent job of detangling fur. The comb is gentle but helps to tease out the most stubborn of tangles. We love the fact that the Pet Angel brush comes in a quirky paw print shape as well as being a great brush. We thoroughly recommend! For more info:


Pets Magazine

SOPHIE & NELL’S CHOICES Choose the Perfect Pup! Somewhere out there is the dog of your dreams! With over 200 breeds to choose from, how do you know which would be right for you? In this book you will discover: How to compare pedigree with mixed breeds; ata-glance information on the most popular dog breeds in the world; how to choose the best place to start searching; how to choose the right puppy from a litter. Written by industry expert and best-selling author, Pippa Mattinson, this book tells you everything you need to know before you welcome a puppy into your life. Available from Amazon, and all good book stores, priced £12.99

Dogs unleashed! Dogs are in their natural element when they are playing outdoors. Pet photographer Amanda Jones captures this unbridled joy perfectly in her latest collection of photographs. Set against the backdrop of four distinct seasons-each with its own colour palette and lush backdrops-these dogs are clearly having their favourite days in their favourite places. This beautiful book showcases the energy and character of a diverse group of dogs as they run, jump and play outdoors all year long. Available from Amazon, and all good book stores, priced £13.99


Pets Magazine

Magnetic therapy for pets! MAGENTIX Wellness offers a wide selection of jewelry and accessories suitable for women, men, children and pets. The magnets come as attractive charms and a range of other items and the claim is that our pets can be afforded pain relief and enhanced wellbeing by wearing the magnets. Benefits could include: stimulation of the metabolism, improved circulation, promotion of immune response, relief from painful cramps, reduction in rheumatism, faster healing of inflammation, harmonisation of the nervous system. The charms are super stylish and fit easily on to collars (see the example in the pic - collar not supplied.) From a wide range of products at

Slimline dog! Barking Heads Fat Dog Slim dry dog food is light in fat and has been formulated to support weight maintenance in dogs that are either overweight or prone to weight gain. With protein-rich portions of British chicken and brown rice to aid in the digestive process and help promote lean body tone. They say it’s nutritious and delicious to suit even the fussiest appetites, and it seemed to go down well here! Fat Dog Slim, £12.99 for 2kg. Fat Cat Slim, £14.99 for 1.5kg, both at

PS/ We’re always looking for premium products & services to review for both pets and people! Please get in touch with the boss at Love,


Pets Magazine

Sophie & Nell


LARS ANDERSEN, MD of Arty Lobster On 3D Pet Sculptures Click this link to watch the video.

And here’s two examples of Arty Lobster’s fantastic 3D sculptures. Visit their website at to order a 3D sculpture of YOUR pet!


Pets Magazine

Planning for Your Cat’s Nine Lives...

Feline expert Dr. Jeremy Campbell BVSc, MANZCVS (Feline Med) RCVS Advanced Practitioner (Feline Medicine) MRCVS on how to plan for your cat’s good health into his old age. Cats have nine lives but in order to make each of these lives last as long as possible, your cat will need regular preventative health care and you will need some provision for injury or illness should it occur. There was a time not that long ago when an ‘old’ cat was 13 or


14 years now it is common place in our clinics to see sprightly athletic cats that are 18, 19 even 20 years old.

subtle problems earlier, which means quicker intervention and better outcomes. Kittens are adorable but in order for them to grow into healthy cats they need ageappropriate nutrition, continuous and effective flea and worm control, vaccination, microchipping and neutering.

For a London kitten, the The reasons for this are twoapproximate cost to the servant fold: fantastic home care and for this first year of life is in the nutrition but also top quality range of £600-£1000. These veterinary care. Cats born in costs are not reclaimable from the last 10 years have been born your insurance company as into a period of exciting they are not illness or injuryadvances in our veterinary related. knowledge, diagnostics and skills. We can diagnose more Pets Magazine

Kittens are cute but can be costly...

An excellent way to help you budget and manage your finances is to join a health care plan if your veterinary practice runs one. These plans spread the cost of your kittens or cat’s preventative health care over the year, paying monthly by direct debit. These plans allow you to get everything your cat or kitten needs without having to remember and they will often provide significant other in-practice benefits and service discounts.


NHS for cats. Teeth problems are the most common disease of adult cats and studies have found signs of dental disease in up to 70% of cats over 5 years of age. This is a problem you are almost A healthcare plan isn’t a certainly going to encounter substitute for insurance but if with your cat at some point fills the gap where insurance despite what you feed. Just like won’t go! us diagnosis requires general Cats are sentient, living beings anaesthesia, dental x-rays to determine the appropriate that will get sick or injured at some point as they tick off their treatment, how will you manage the not insignificant nine lives, just like we do, the costs associated with this? difference being there is no Pets Magazine

How can I budget?

A concept that is common place with dentists that is becoming more popular in veterinary practice is the offering of 0% interest repayment over 12 months to clients who can’t easily find the big sums of money at the beginning of

depleted. The most significant knock on from this if your cat is left with a chronic condition. You are unlikely to make that money up and no insurance company will insure your cat for this condition.

Insurance, insurance, insurance. It is something I can’t emphasise enough to our clients. Vets don’t recommend insurance so we can do unnecessary procedures or see it as artistic licence to charge The best advice our clients I can give you more - it is is prepare for quite the the worse and opposite. We expect the best. recommend This will put insurance so your wallet in a when illness or position of injury strikes, strength and knowing you much more will have importantly significant your cat’s treatment health and options wellbeing will Teeth problems are the most common disease among adult cats... available to you be nonwe don’t want negotiable. you to have to choose between treatment but can afford to spread the treatments over the your finances and your cat’s year. This enables the client Dr. Jeremy Campbell is care. It is a truly painful who doesn’t have insurance but founder of The London Cat dilemma that we see all too wants the treatment to be able Clinic, a feline only often. to do so. It is not a replacement veterinary practice for insurance but a great facility opening in May 2017. In There are a huge number of if it is available. 2015, he became a Royal policies out there and you will College of Veterinary need to do your research for Putting money aside each Surgeons Advanced one that suits you and your month may work if you are Practitioner in Feline circumstances, but whichever disciplined enough to do it Medicine, 1 of only 15 you choose, as a cat owner regularly and the amount you people to currently hold choose a life-long policy that are squirreling away is a that qualification in the will cover your cat as they get reasonable sum. The major United Kingdom. older for ongoing chronic pitfall of this method is if conditions. Premiums vary (heaven forbid!) something depending on where you live serious happens to your cat and what breed your cat is. when they are only young and these funds are rapidly


Pets Magazine

Get fit with Your Pooch! Research shows that people with pets, and dogs in particular, are generally healthier, happier and fitter than those without a pet1. The reason for this is simple – if you have a pet dog, you’re probably taking them for regular walks. Taking your dog out for a walk is a fantastic way to keep them happy; however, you don’t need to limit your outdoor activities to a simple walk in the park. Here’s Jayne McPherson from evolution to wellbeing introducing her work-out guide in association with Petbarn to keep your pooch pal entertained while keeping you both fit and active. 1

study from the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), found that dog owners who regularly walked their dogs were more physically active and had a reduced chance of being obese than those who did not own or walk a dog. Source: February/feature1.htm


Pets Magazine

settled, repeat the sequence between three and five times for a great cardio and body workout. Two people and a pet work-out: This routine is designed for two people. What to do: The first person throws the ball and runs against the dog to catch the ball Raise your heart rate with Rex: Interval training is the perfect activity for dogs as they have short bouts of energy. What to do: Throw the ball up a hill (or across flat ground) and sprint/jog/power walk in same direction as the ball with your furry friend – even challenge yourself and race your dog to get the ball! After each sprint, switch up the activity in order to create an active rest. Give your legs a break by working on your core. Jayne says that bodyweight exercises are a simple and effective way to improve fitness, strength and flexibility. Use a bench or the ground to do any of the below exercises in between each


sprint or throw of the ball. Your pet can also join in by being part of your sit ups or even step ups. (If appropriate, hold your pet for some extra resistance.) o o o

o o

16 x step ups (8 on each leg) 16 x push ups 16 x squat jumps (or squats if you can’t do jumps) 16 x tricep dips 16 x sit-ups or crunches

After you have completed the above exercises, take a rest by playing fetch with your dog until you catch your breath. If your pooch looks parched make sure to give them plenty of water and adequate rest. Make sure you do this for yourself as well. After your breathing and heart rate have

Meanwhile, the second person performs a body weight exercise using the sequence below which alternates between lower and upper body: o o o o


16x lunges (8 on each leg) 16 x push-ups 16 x squats or squat jumps 16 x running m o u n t a i n climbers 16 x sit-ups or core exercises

When the first person returns they swap roles, and the second person throws the ball and runs against the dog, while the first person performs their body weight exercise Aim to complete one full round each (i.e. working through all the above exercises).

Pets Magazine

Smaller breeds: The advantage of having a smaller breed is that you can use your pooch as a power prop. When doing this, ensure both you and your dog are comfortable and your posture remains the priority.

Larger breeds: •

• •

Squats – To create added resistance, cradle


Dog treats Water and a container Your best friend

Squat - with dog sitting in front of you. Hold squat position and ask Tips to keep your work-out dog for paw. Stand up interesting: and repeat with other paw. Find an area with varied terrain i.e. Push ups - with dog combination of hills and sitting in front of you. flats. You’ll also need a Perform a push up and bench or solid surface. Perform the different exercises by holding the position for longer, going through the movements faster or slower changing the rate at which you perform each movement and /or change the amount of repetitions (reps) i.e. 14 reps, 12 reps, 10 reps.

your pet in your arms against your chest. •


Sit Ups – Hold pup against the chest for added resistance.

come back up to starting position for a wet sloppy kiss or ass a pat / treat. •

Sit ups – Command dog to sit at feet, assume sit up position and give a treat every five sit ups.

Elbow plank (on knees or toes) – Come up into a straight arm plank Important work-out tips: position, reach out and pat your dog for a few Where to work-out: - A dog-friendly park seconds for an added challenge. Reset, hold and repeat with other What to bring: - A ball hand. - A ball thrower - Leash - Poo bags

When performing any exercise (which includes walking your dog), ensure that your posture is strong. This means: a. standing tall b. relaxing the shoulders c. keeping the head back and the chest lifted. This will ensure that you and your pooch get the most out of your workout and maximise the amount of calories burnt. If your dog has to be on a lead then a harness is a better alternative as they distribute pressure over a wider area and minimises the risk of neck injury.

Pets Magazine



March 21st - April 20th

June 22nd - July 23rd

A human companion who has a lot to say about your residence could upset your plans for rest and relaxation, but if you go along with this change in routine without a fuss you earn the respect of your housemate. Not only that, you'll soon be able to nap in luxury as home repairs that are under consideration include upgrading your special and won't hesitate to show how space. Having a new and you like them. comfortable area is surely something to look forward to, so GEMINI as you undergo a brief upset, May 22nd - June 21st think cosy thoughts!

TAURUS April 21st - May 21st

By now your people have figured out they can get you to do just about anything with the promise of a handful of comfort foods. The enticement of these items draws you to the part of the house where your companion waits with further instructions. Once you do your bit you're rewarded with more treats and titbits. When a neighbour drops by with delicacies from a distant land you'll get to enjoy some entirely new tastes and flavours


There's probably not anyone around who can keep anything hidden from you and you know right away when anyone takes a special liking to you. It's no wonder your heart's beating faster after a recent encounter; that euphoric feeling means you've responded to the unique vibration you picked up from this special individual. Others would find it hard to have to wait until you cross paths again, but with a natural psychic communication system you're able to send good thoughts across time and space.

Pets Magazine

Whatever your human friends need, you're there to do what you can; this month presents you with a test of how far you're willing to go. Are you up for rescuing a human in trouble, what if it's beyond your strength? Using your head, and your feet, you can run for assistance and get others to follow you to the distress scene. Your ability to keep your cool while others are losing theirs is what helps you save the day.

LEO July 24th - August 23rd

Was there ever a time when you weren't dashing to be first? There's really no issue with your overall aspirations, but the zest with which you approach your quest is a bit much for your housemates to take. You've also been known to get quite loud, consequently causing others to pay negative, rather than positive, attention to you. Move through the day more quietly and before you know it you'll attract all the cuddles and compliments a little pet could hope for.

VIRGO August 24th September 23rd

Everything you do for those near and dear to you is of great importance now; happily you'll be in the right place at the right time to do the thing that needs doing. Isn't it stellar to rise to the occasion and carry out a significant responsibility that others will be talking about for a long time to come? Being part of a team where all the members support each other is a good thing, but what makes you a star now is a solo contribution!

LIBRA September 24th October 23rd

Perk yourself up by helping your human companions around and about the house. Help out with the digging of a hole or guard your humans as they do their gardening. This is a good way to spend time with them without being too much of a pest. Your mood will improve as time passes. You'll even give the neighbour's pet a friendly greeting.


SCORPIO October 24th - November 22nd

Well, what can you do but revel in the delightful energy that's swirling around! While you've been prancing about in regal mode, you may not have noticed that whatever you need to do or wherever you need to go, you're can't get there directly. If you go about your neighbourhood you're slowed down by everyone you see calling greetings to you; while at home your companion responds to your begging for a biscuit by giving you belly rubs instead. Be patient, all will work itself out.

Pets Magazine

SAGITTARIUS November 23rd - December 21st

Tensions may be mounting, but it's nothing you can't handle; you're an expert at getting hostile parties to back off and finding calm solutions to problems, so tap into this talent now. Harsh words are coming more easily than usual to you human friends; it may seem everyone you encounter has a sharp tongue! The sting of this isn't lost on you and you'd do well to remind those you live with how long it takes a creature who's been bullied or insulted to get over it!


CAPRICORN December 22nd - January 20th

Your family's travel plans are thwarted and it's got you down. You were looking forward to some time away from home, and now it looks like you'll be stuck roaming around the house. Racing up and down the stairs is only fun for so long. Pleading with your humans will prove to be ineffective. Eventually you'll stop moping and move on to a new adventure.


Russell Grant’s Pet Horoscope is sponsored by The Dog Treat Company, renowned for producing If you and your housemate delicious and ethically haven't got down to business sourced dog treats. yet, it's time you both started to look around and figure out what you don't need and get rid of it. Nothing invites wonderful new things to enter your life and the life of your favourite people than the creation of enough space for it to move in. Don't imagine that this advice means you must part with items of importance or things you truly treasure, it's all a matter of taking a review and making wise choices. February 20th March 20th

January 21st February 19th

How you delight in having visitors you love come to your home; you're ready and happy to take care of all the extra little chores that need doing. Don't cause a fuss if there are some tasks that have to be perfected by your companion; though your intentions are good, you may not do things exactly the way your friend prefers. If you're asked to try again do so with a cheerful attitude; it's your good nature that wins everyone's hearts, you sweet little dear!


Pets Magazine

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