Pets Magazine March 2017

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MARCH, 2017

RUSSELL GRANT’S Pet Horoscopes!

Feature: Pets in Nursing Homes

Our Top Pet Products! Vet

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Meet the vet with an unusual phobia... AND MUCH MORE INSIDE!


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Happy 9th birthday to our Reviewer in Chief, Sophie, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel! The Perfect Birthday Cake! These birthday cakes for the pampered pooch in your life are just perfect. They come complete with the birthday girl / boy’s name, their age and, according to Sophie and best pal Nell, they are doggylicious! From a range available at PetsPyjamas. Prices start at £13.99 for a small personalised cake.

Pupcakes! No Bones’s range is handmade and includes tasty ‘pupcakes’ dog chocolates and even ‘pupcorn’.


Pets Magazine

Luxury Birthday Box We love this premium birthday box from the wonderful folks over at Puppy Essentials. Packed full of treats ranging from great toys to pupcakes and donuts for dogs, this is a fab hamper for the lucky pooch in your life. Sophie loved hers and there was so much that she even shared with her best pawpal and assistant reviewer Nell...

Priced at £39 and available from Puppy Essentials.

Happy Barkday Sophie! Loving this wonderfully girlie (they also come in blue for the boys!) ‘Barkbox’ from the lovely peeps over at PetsPyjamas. Every box is personalised with the pet’s name and photo - which we think you’ll agree is a lovely touch. The pink blanket has become one of Sophie’s firm favourite for snoozes and the toys are very cute.

Priced at £28 and available from PetsPyjamas.


Pets Magazine


Premium pet products, destinations & activities for you & your pet chosen by Sophie & Nell, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, assisted by Marie.

Vacuum-packed! Gtech AirRam MK2 K9 The new AirRam MK2’s K9 certainly packs a punch - it’s one of the most effective vacuum cleaners in its class, in our opinion. Its efficient use of power delivers 40-minutes high performance cleaning from each 4-hour charge perfect for shifting dog or cat hairs! The AirRam Mk2 K9 also has refillable floral scented tablets that fit into the filter to leave rooms smelling clean and fresh. Dirt is compacted into a tubular bale with an active ejection system (an aluminium slider) for cleaner emptying. Enhanced Gtech Multi K9 Its unique patented AirLOC system adapts with each A cordless handheld perfect for cleaning all the hard cleaning stroke; on the forward stroke the front face of to reach places in the home; sofa upholstery, down the sides of cushions, the dog bed, curtains, skirting AirRam Mk2 k9 opens to collect larger debris. On the boards, vertical stair treads, shelves, and even your car backward stroke, AirLOC seals to the floor to collect fine interior. The Multi’s attachments provide nine dust from deep crevices. different ways to vacuum, enabling it to twist and turn, Headlights – New, full width LED searchlights mean reach up high and low, clean hard and soft surfaces; there’s now no place for dirt to hide. and its twin LED lights will ensure that no nook or cranny is a safe haven for dust and debris.

Buy exclusively from priced £249, or £349 when combined with the new Gtech Multi Mk2 K9.

Check out your breed! The new edition of the Kennel Club Illustrated Breed Standards is the definitive guide to the official Kennel Club breed standards. The Kennel Club’s breed standards form the basis for judging dogs at all licensed breed shows. As well as providing a beautiful colour photograph of each dog breed, each entry contains a history of the breed, including its origins and function, as well as a full description outlining its essential features. Available from the Kennel Club’s online shop, at the Kennel Club stand at Crufts, and from other good book retailers, priced at £45.


Pets Magazine

Keyrings of your pet! We adore these bespoke keyrings of Sophie and Nell - don’t you think they’re a fantastic likeness? They are lovingly handmade in felt and are wonderful accessories for any handbag or else to keep your keys on. Your beloved pooches can now be with you wherever you go! These are priced at £8.50 each. From a selection of other bespoke products available at and Etsy.

Dog Buffs! Now your dog can also wrap up warm while looking funky in these stylish dog buffs. Available in a range of styles. Priced at £10.25 each from

PS/ We’re always looking for premium products & services to review for both pets and people! Please get in touch with the boss at Love,


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Sophie & Nell




We find out what life is like for elderly people in the care sector with the life-enhancing addition of pets and other animals...


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Judy Robbins with a four-legged friend

Pets of all shapes and colours have joins residents for their afterAll pets have a routine in place for passed through the doors of lunch walk in the gardens every feeding, cleaning, and regular vet Sunrise Senior Living care homes day. Two further PAT dogs, check-ups. Residents, staff, and over the years, all across the UK. Paddington the Old English Sheep even visitors can always be found Dog and Max the Collie, were in the lounge, spending time with Despite their diversity, the pets at visiting Sunrise of Tettenhall until the animals, or preparing for Sunrise communities across the recently, when one moved away highlights like the Annual Dog country are united by the fact Show held at the care home. that they always bring a smile ‘One of the key challenges is The biggest challenge, to residents’ faces. Residents according to Geraldine trying to keep residents from Bunning, Activities Coare always encouraged to bring their pets along with at Tettenhall, is feeding the pets covert treats ordinator them; but Sunrise, trying to keep residents from recognising the profound feeding the pets covert treats outside their diets!’ impact pets can have on the outside their diets! wellbeing and comfort of and the other retired after a long older people, also goes out of its According to Geraldine, pets have career of cheering up residents. way to offer pet-less residents a vital role in offering residents alternative furry or feathered company, and often even become Sunrise of Tettenhall is home to so options at their care home. the main focus of a resident’s stay many pets that staff have even set at Sunrise, filling their days with up a dedicated “Pets’ Corner”, At Sunrise of Tettenhall, there is a additional purpose. One resident which is frequented not only by whole menagerie of pets in commented upon joining, “the Bella, but by two gold fish and residence. Bella is Activity only thing that I miss here at Mitzee the rescue rabbit. Mitzee Assistant Alex Jahn’s dog, who has Sunrise is having a dog” – but she lives in a stately hut in the Pets’ been at Sunrise ever since she was soon found solace in the Corner, but runs around the a puppy. Bella has recently communal pets, as well as the lounge whenever she likes. graduated to an officially accepted regular visits from Rupert the Pets as Therapy (PAT) dog, and Therapy Horse, and the various


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Catherine Healey and Huffy the cat, and Margaret Manning, Activities Co-ordinator at Sunrise of Esher

animals brought along by Robin James, “The Animal Man”, twice a month. Geraldine comments that pets give residents great agency over their lives – from Mitzee the rabbit, whom the residents named themselves, to the animals hatched by residents on request every year, which have included butterflies, chickens, and ducks.

At Sunrise of Esher, cats usually dominate the scene: residents used to keep an eye on Perky, a “happy little fellow who loved to cuddle”, in the words of Margaret, the Activities Co-ordinator; and Tinker and Barnaby, who spent their days in the warm and cosy residents’ room. Catherine Healey, a resident at Sunrise of Esher, currently shares her black and white cat Huffy with When this year’s ducks grew out of anyone who visits her. their paddling pools at Sunrise, Geraldine took them home to her Huffy has been in Catherine’s farm. Later, she organised a trip family ever since Catherine’s son by minibus for the residents, who received Huffy as a kitten eighteen visited the ducklings in their new years ago. Describing what Huffy habitat, the farm pond. These trips means to her, Catherine says: provide conversational fodder for residents for weeks to come.


“I have known him a very long time and he makes me feel like I have someone to look after, which makes a huge difference.”

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Huffy passed into Catherine’s care four years ago, after he spontaneously stayed with Catherine for two weeks and the two became inseparable. Huffy has the run of the place, leaving his bespoke chair in Catherine’s room through the cat flap whenever he likes and is often found roaming the Bistro area, or Visiting lambs with Barbara Moxham (left) and Freda Turner observing proceedings but she is delighted to “share him from his vantage post under a with everyone who loves him as dining table. One lady says Huffy much as I do”. always sits next to her at mealtimes. Laughing, Catherine At Sunrise of Banstead, four-yearsays she suspects this is because old Pomeranian the lady secretly drops crumbs;

Leila entertains the community every day. Leila has been at Banstead since she was 9 weeks old, and Tamara Juckes, the Activities Coordinator, says Leila’s life at the care home is “pure luxury: constant petting, attention, strokes, treats, and walks!” Residents at Banstead are visited by dogs daily – including the dogs of friends and family of the community, and the community’s PAT dog, Lassie, a Golden Retriever. Residents have always brought their own pets to stay with them in their private suites in the past, including cats, dogs, and goldfish, and Banstead will soon be joined by birds, too. Commenting on the value of keeping pets in care homes, Tamara says: “Pets are brilliant companions for the elderly. They are mentally stimulating and light up our residents’ faces every day. “They are a fantastic form of therapy particularly for those living with depression or anxiety, and bring everyone together to care for our furry friends.”

Sunrise resident Julia Talbot


Pets Magazine

ARIES March 21st - April 20th

CANCER June 22nd - July 23rd

Whether happily or not, for the foreseeable future peace and quiet aren't really in the game plan. There are lots of excited humans at home making plans, having friends over and generally feeling alternately serious and giddy. Consequently there's lots of chatter and sudden movement in the house; it's no wonder you're a bit on edge! Entertain yourself usefully until this passes or just find a comfy spot and wait.

GEMINI May 22nd - June 21st


How fortunate that you're optimistic enough to understand There are times when you feel so all the dark clouds you and your housemates have been under will low you aren't able to get pass and sunshine will return to interested in playful roughhousing or going for walks; the land. what a relief it is when cycles Getting through a rough period change, the mood shifts and challenges you and the people you're ready to interact with people. As many creatures bustle who go through it with you, but with good energy you slip into a it makes you all stronger. Bad lively flow. Whatever it was that news on TV might add to the dismal feeling at home, so it's up got you down, isn't it grand to to you to restore a sense of know you can rebound so well and allow a new spirit to enliven strength and continuity. you! Keep plugging in to the great mystery!

Though you enjoy playing with friends better than almost anything else, an interest in gadgets and things electrical comes in as a close second on your list. With a house full of things that whirr, buzz, spin or tick, it's no wonder you're fascinated and end up tangled in the cords that connect these items to a power source! You're likely particularly attracted to the colourful wires, but take care; as interesting as all these may appear, there are dangers to chewing on them!

April 21st - May 21st


Pets Magazine

LEO July 24th - August 23rd

A few bumps in your road don't ruffle your easy nature. Even though you can't see what's coming, you seem to be able to go along with things with an attitude of calm and acceptance. This attitude is noticed by your companions and is admired more than you realise. Without knowing it, you are a comfort and model for others.

VIRGO August 24th September 23rd

If you're in the mood for love, you'll surely find it now; whether it takes the form of cuddling with a human pal or getting friendly with another of your species, the spark of good feelings carries you through the month. You can also use this positive energy to get something material you've wanted; you just need to indicate what it is to the one who's in a position of providing it to you.

SCORPIO October 24th - November 22nd

LIBRA September 24th October 23rd

You got so used to prowling about looking for surprises last month, you're at a bit of a loss as to what to do with yourself as your days return to a routine existence. Don't fret, in due course there will be special events on the calendar that set your heart to beating happily, but for the moment enjoy getting back to basics. There is a simple pleasure in day to day doings and the familiarity of the rituals you have with your companion. Cherish those.


A decidedly happy feeling seems to be permeating the air; housemates, human visitors and pets who come to call all pick up the cheerful energy that you've tuned in to. Isn't it delightful to see everyone in a good mood, hear inspiring music being played at home and smell tantalising aromas coming from the direction of the kitchen?

SAGITTARIUS November 23rd - December 21st

It's remarkable what a sunny attitude creates for you as you go about your daily routine. You may recently have been upset with people who didn't pay as much attention to you as you'd like, but scratching furniture or chewing items of clothing is no way to turn things in your favour.

If you're fair you'll acknowledge you've gone through cycles when For a pet who appreciates elegance, you're quite pleased to you were too distracted to attend to your companion's wants, so be see the house getting decorated in high style and people dressing patient now until they have more time for you. in their finest!

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difficult to relate to this climate Russell Grant’s Pet and make your way through it. Horoscope is sponsored by CAPRICORN Just lay low. This will pass soon The Dog Treat Company, December 22nd - January 20th enough and the household will renowned for producing delicious and ethically A friendly spirit permeates your return to a happier and calmer sourced dog treats. environment and you're happy to place. comply with whatever suggestions your housemates make. The activity level is to PISCES your liking and you'll often find February 20th yourself at the centre of things, March 20th so this period will be remembered as one of your most A good mood settles over you enjoyable. You're rightfully and all you hold dear. You're proud of some new tricks you've feeling good and looking learned since the last time forward to playful days in the special visitors dropped by and park, woods or local you'll have fun showing off these neighbourhood. Spending time off. You and your human outdoors helps to build your companion will share many connection with nature and pleasant and tender moments. enhances the bond with your family. Flowers decorate your special spaces like kitchen and hallway. Take care to cherish these simple pleasures. You're AQUARIUS on your best behaviour and January 21st February 19th admired by all so enjoy all the love and attention that is Confusing energies surround shown to you. your family. Human friends seem out of sorts due to problems of their own. This can create a strange and confusion atmosphere at home which can be quite unsettling for you. Animal friends seem disgruntled for their own reasons. You're finding it


Pets Magazine




Winter 2016/17

PR ‘Quality Mark’ For Pet Industry Vet-PR, the specialist Content Marketing Consultancy to the Pet & Vet industries, has launched a ‘PawMark’ quality mark for its pay-as-you-go services. Vet-PR now offers three ‘pay-as-yougo’ packages under the PawMark brand, including ‘Beagle’ (professional content written by ex-journalists), ‘Saluki’ (professional content & distribution) and ‘Greyhound’ (writing, distribution & photography.)

Marie Carter, Vet-PR Consultant, said: “The PawMark packages will be popular with businesses looking to dip their toes into PR and content marketing. They’re a great way to get started in promoting a product or service.” Vet-PR provides content marketing including blogs and social media as well as traditional online and offline PR for the pet and vet industries. All prices are featured on the Vet-PR website at Call 07760 477694.

LARS ANDERSEN, MD of Arty Lobster On 3D Pet Sculptures Click this link to watch the video or click the video below.


Pets Magazine

Who’s Afraid of Mr Bunny? Retired vet and author of Pets Aplenty MALCOLM D. WELSHMAN on his unusual phobia...that strikes at Easter-time I’ve a confession to make. I’ve a could have been worse. I could phobia. Leporiphobia. A fear of have been suffering from rabbits. It’s something ailurophobia I’ve been able to keep – a fear of cats under control over the or cynophobia years. Well I’ve had to. – a fear of After all, I was a vet, dogs. Even now retired. zoophobia – a fear of all It wouldn’t have looked animals. If very professional to that had been suddenly shriek and the case, then Malcolm and Dora lurch out of the my veterinary veterinary hospital where career would I worked when a client’s have definitely gone up the Flemish Giant came in to have spout. his nails trimmed. Suppose it


Pets Magazine

So this is a bad time of year for me. Apart from mad March hares, we’ve our own breeding stock of wild rabbits that live in three large warrens which virtually encircle our garden. Like giant sandy fortresses. Since the beginning of the month, they’ve been having a fecund old time doing what rabbits do best. Breed. Daddy rabbit had his way with mummy rabbit under our kitchen window. The result? Five babies bunnies popped their twitchy little noses up from under the box hedging

Leporiphobia is the fear of bunnies. It is one of the most common phobias in the Western Hemisphere...

that runs close to the back of the house. When I first saw them one early March morning, my nose gave an involuntary twitch back. And the whole of me hasn’t stopped twitching since.

the exploits of Benjamin Bunny. This was all reinforced a year or so later by the playing of Happy Families, Snap and Pairs with Beatrix’s ghastly little friends depicted on the cards. Maybe they were the trigger that set my phobia off. It’s an unusual phobia. Not What have I done about it? often seen. I search back to my Well the idea with phobics is to early childhood days to see if exposure them to their object of anything traumatic could have fear gradually over a period of instigated my aversion to these months or years. And so creaures. My mother did have a desensitise them. tendency to brandish a constant stream of Beatrix For a potential leporiphobic Potter books over my bed at like me, I’d be advised to read story-time. I had to endure rabbit books with plenty of endless recounting of the pictures in them. Done that. shenanigans of Flopsy, Mopsy Now know more about the ins and Cottontail not to mention and outs of rabbits – especially


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those of a buck when he’s with a doe. The randy beasts are sexually mature as early as three months of age. They can keep at it for the whole of their lives which can be as long as 12 years plus. Pregnancy lasts 30 days with litters of 4 -12 babies. Once born the female is up for it the next day and so can produce over a 100 babies a year. In the course of a lifetime I calculated that could be 1000 babies per rabbit. I broke out in a cold sweat and slammed the book shut. Further along the path to desensitisation, I’d be expected to subject myself to things associated with rabbits.

My daughter’s ex-partner, Bangles, has a bit of the gypsy in him. It was he who suggested me wearing a rabbit’s foot on a leather cord round my neck.

hop round the precinct, reasoning it was all in a good

“Will help restore your inner peace, man,” he said, slapping his palm against my sweaty one as he handed me the rabbit’s paw. “And will also bring you luck.” It did neither. When a friend wondered if it was from a client’s pet rabbit that I’d failed to treat successfully, the foot got the boot. The best therapy came via our local Red Cross Charity shop in Crewkerne, Somerset, where I live. Jo, the manager, remarked she was having a fund-raising event in Crewkerne’s shopping precinct. Would I like to help? She disappeared upstairs to return with a white rabbit onesie that had large floppy pink ears, white whiskers and a neat bob-tail scut. I ended up donning it to do a sponsored


out of the kitchen at the lagomorphs invading my pitch, and feel my blood pressure starting to rise, my palms beginning to sweat. I do wonder whether it might be worth nipping upstairs to don the rabbit outfit again which Jo had let me have for free. It might be soothing to wear it. Calm my nerves. Besides which, my wife’s still in bed. I could hop in with her and do what rabbits do best. That would certainly do the trick!

cause and might just help to desensitise me a bit more. It did raise a few bucks for the Red Cross and, yes, it did help to allay my phobic tendencies. Though being a warm morning and the onesie being made of synthetic fur, I found myself turning into a hot cross bunny instead. But at least not a frightened one. So now, as dawn breaks this early March morning, I gaze Pets Magazine


Malcolm D. Welshman is author of Pets Aplenty published by Austin Macauley Publishers 0207 038 8312 at £7.99 Kindle version 99p www.malcolmwelshman *****************************


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