Pets Magazine June 2018

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June 2018, FREE

MY PETS All Saints Nicole Appleton & her Dachsies

Pet Horoscopes

by celebrity astrologer Russell Grant! PLUS A UNIQUE SUPPORT DOG/CLAIRE MEADOW VetON PET LOSS & ‘LOLA LOVES’ CAT PRODUCTS Pets Magazine


Pets Magazine



Lola is a six-year old moggy living in the north of England, belonging to the pet writer David Cliff. Here, Lola along with her principal human servant David review two products for cats this month, it’s the Frolicat Fox den toy and SweetPee’s stain & odour remover - the latter of which would also be ideal for dogs!

PetSafe FroliCat Fox Den Toy by David Cliff This "automatic cat teaser" is quite an interesting toy. Basically it's a small plastic dome about 8"x8" x3" with an opening and sensor at the front, which once switched on tantalises your cat with a small faux foxtail. The foxtail appears with different speeds and with different gesticulations to tantalise your cat into doing those wonderful little "ding ding" motions. The cabinet is well made simply requiring three "AA" batteries to run it. It looks elegant, is definitely a talking point and should wipe clean easily if needed. The unit has a "one-time play" mode which will entertain the cats for about 10 minutes or a "play all day" mode, which activates the unit for three, ten-minute periods through the day. It has a proximity sensor prompting activation when your cat is nearby. The latter mode has the advantage that if your cat is used to the unit, it can be left unattended and will entertain the cat whilst alone during the day. Safety first, one must ensure the cat is OK with the toy in the standard play mode before leaving it alone with the unit in all day mode. Equally try to remember to switch it off before you have friends in for coffee as it can start up and give people a bit of a surprise. The unit has a quality feel to it and a good mechanism. The mechanism does whine a bit and this can take a little while for one to get used to it. Poor Lola stared at it for several minutes bemused, as did Max, her intrepid sidekick. Over a couple of uses however, Lola did get used to the mechanism noise and seem to interact with the toy with greater enthusiasm. So, a thumbs up with some caveats for this, one of the most sophisticated toys I've seen in a long time. Pampering with an element of human "geek " appeal, something for both pets and many owners. FroliCat do seem to be quite good at doing this. There's a range of options including laser towers and the like that they manufacture. The unit retails around £29.95 and is available from Amazon and other good pet vendors.


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SweetPee from Safesol by Lola

Okay, it’s difficult subject. I'm pretty well housetrained and so accidents in the number one and number two department are fairly rare for me, but I, do not, infrequently throw up in the strategic places after eating grass! After all I am a cat, how else can I get rid of the fur I ingest (ahem)! Talking about the "dark side", there's also the problem of honking dogs coming in the house and car especially after it's been raining after rolling in puddles and doing rather unrefined things the dogs do we cats would never dream of! Well here’s a new product which I quite like, it's SweetPee from Safesol. A bottle was produced after I bolted my food (when Max visits, if you don't eat it, it gets eaten) and managed to hurl it in a place I thought would cause much harm, you know top of the staircase on the carpet, where they can easily see it and avoid it. Anyway, after this sudden impromptu episode of "Chundercats" (isn't that the cartoon series), out came this white spray bottle and after the offending material was removed, the landing site (literally and figuratively) was duly sprayed. I was pleasantly surprised how well it freshened the place up. Not a hint of my deposit left! I preferred the ambience it created. My pal Rubio has had a bit of a stress problem and his owner says it works really well too! Sweetpee is a safe enzyme-based product that doesn't mask the odour, but breaks down the constituent components that make it, turning them into water and other things. It's good for number ones, number twos, sick, wet dog and basically just about anything pets can throw at it. It can be also used on all porous or hard surfaces, including brick, so the odd lamppost and garden fence can be treated if you are a dog owner. Sweet Pee odour neutraliser from Safelsol. "Re-tails" for £7.49 for a 750ml spray bottle obtainable via the website


Pets Magazine

My Pets... OUR COVER stars this month are All Saints over 2,000 users, and sees pets regularly singer Nicole Appleton and her two uploading posts from around the country. Dachshunds Ruby and Bridget.

She says As well as hosting Nicole’s two own

that the pets are “a massive part of the All adorable pups, the app sees cats, dogs, Saints family,” though her two dachshunds horses, lizards, and even hedgehogs don’t get into the studio because it interact with each other through images wouldn’t “be good for their for their little and comments. ears.” Nicole’s grew up with pets (“I had an Old English Sheepdog called Winston when When did you get Ruby and Bridget? I was growing up”) and this year, the Ruby has just turned 10 and Bridget is 7, so musician took her obsession to the next I’ve had them for a long time now! I didn’t level by launching PetScene, a social plan on getting 2 dogs together as they’re so far apart in age, but I wanted Ruby to networking app for pets. The app, created have a companion, and it worked out as and launched in conjunction with Second they’re best friends! Screen, a London-based app developer, has


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How much are they a part of the All

How do you think a pet can enhance

Saints family?

peoples’ lives?

Dogs in general are a massive part of the All Pets change people’s lives every day, they Saints family, we talk about them a lot!! just bring the whole package – pure joy, When we’re in the studio, we’re always friendship and love all in one! showing each other funny photos and videos of our What effect does pets (Mel’s dog a pet’s death have is called Crystal, on a family? Nat’s dogs are Pets are part of your called Dippy family, I’ve lost pets and Bubby and in the past including Shaz’s dog is my cat and I still called Coco). think of her every day. Pets grow up Do they ever with you: they’re like go into the family, so it’s such a studio with huge impact when they pass away. you? They haven’t been to the studio with me because I know the music is too loud and I don’t think it’d be good for their little ears.

How do pets fit into the world of social media?

Did you grow up with dogs or other animals? I’ve always had pets from an early age, including gerbils, hamsters and cats. I also had an Old English Sheepdog called Winston when I was growing up.


Pets are part of everyday life, and now social media has turned into a part of everyday life, I wanted to combine the two. I love seeing everyone’s pet photos and it’s such a fun and sweet way of staying connected.

What do you hope to achieve with PetScene? I’d love PetScene to branch out into different territories so pet lovers and pets can keep connected from all around the world!

Pets Magazine


Pets Magazine

Grief is the thing with fur On national Pet Remembrance Day (5th July), people across the UK will be remembering pets that have passed over the Rainbow Bridge. Here, writer CLAIRE MEADOWS shares her own poignant tale of pet loss and the resultant grief - a grief that is, still sadly, all too often belittled by those who haven’t shared the unconditional bond of love that only


Pets Magazine animals can bring...

Next month (5th July) is national Pet Remembrance Day and people across the UK will be remembering pets that have passed over the Rainbow Bridge. Here, CLAIRE MEADOWS, Editor in Chief and Founder of After Nyne Magazine – The Art Lover’s Magazine, shares her own poignant tale of pet loss and resultant grief - a grief that is, still sadly, all too often little understand, and even belittled, by those who

Fond memories: Claire Meadows and Willow

haven’t shared the unconditional bond of love

This is an extreme example. For many of us there is that only animals can bring. comfort in the little things the same coffee mug, the Most of us work hard to same spread on your toast maintain our status quo. For and the same route to walk many of us, our routines are your dog every day. ones to treasure, to set our metaphorical watch by. I My husband had an exact knew someone once who route he followed with our wouldn’t consider it to be a Cavalier King Charles good day until he’d walked Spaniel, Willow, every day. a certain way around a We live in a tiny village in lamppost. The same Oxfordshire. No pub, no lamppost every day, outside shops. Only a large church Westminster Abbey. Until at the centre. A church that that route was traversed he I’ve always considered too wouldn’t rest easy and large for the size of the would be well aware that village, but comforting in its the day could be ‘tainted’ by sturdiness and a bastion of not pursuing it.


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stability in ever restless times. My husband, Keith, would walk Willow up to the church every day, turn right and follow a winding path towards a verdant area named ‘the orchard’. Yew trees are vile things, with every fibre of its being geared towards being poisonous, and this path towards the orchard was edged with them. Willow had been very sick after eating two yew berries a few years ago, so Keith tended to move at a fair clip, angling Willow’s head away from the luminous red

berries. Because it couldn’t be assumed that Willow had learned her lesson about eating them. This routine was familiar, and laid a bedrock for our life in our tiny Oxfordshire village. Until it came to an abrupt end with Willow’s sudden death two months ago. Embarking as normal upon her daily walk, she had collapsed five minutes from our gate. The first I knew of it was Keith dashing through the garden gate with a prostrate Willow in his arms. I thought she had been attacked, and rushed to find her at the front door in Keith’s arms, squealing, with her tongue dangling from her mouth. She died in my arms in the back of the car before we reached the vets.

“Just days before we had been planning where we were going to take Willow for her eighth


‘birthday lunch...” Our vet Graham said he suspected it was an aneurysm, and there was nothing that we could have done. She had been pronounced healthy just that Monday. She died on the Wednesday. Graham guided us through the backdoor of the practice, while we staggered into the car park. What had been routine and stable just an hour before was blown into oblivion within minutes. She was gone. Pets Magazine

Keith got behind the wheel of the car - I don’t drive and screamed his heart out. Just days before we had been planning where we were going to take Willow for her eighth ‘birthday lunch’ on the 12th of January. This wasn’t meant to happen. We arrived home to a cold empty house. I telephoned the doctor to find out if there was something we could do for Keith.

He had taken to pacing up and down the house, saying ‘no, no, no’ and I was worried. The doctor refused to medicate.

already with a smile, he’ll cry.

The support we received in those dreadful days was beyond anything we My grief rose in waves, expected. Family, friends culminating in me lying on and neighbours provided the bathroom floor at 3am comfort and kind words. In the following morning, desolation of death, and screaming. The following especially sudden death, morning we found ourselves isolation is one of the worst at the vets, discussing our factors. We didn’t suffer cremation options. We alone, but there were still decided to go for a those dark moments where communal cremation, and everyone returned home have Willow’s ashes and we were left with the scattered at the silence, staring into the crematorium garden of spaces where Willow used remembrance. We chose to lie. communal because she never liked to be alone, and We didn’t rest on our laurels, we saw no reason why and a couple of days later should be on that final we rehomed a cocker journey. She never thought spaniel named Susie from much of other dogs, but if it our local Blue Cross centre. meant she wasn’t alone, The support from the staff that’s what we had to do. has been amazing, and Susie has been a blessing. I recall these details not for We’re establishing new any attempt at routines - some different, mawkishness. Grief is a some the same. Grief flies in funny thing. Keith and I through the window. And at have found ourselves those times you have to ride grieving in completely it out. There’s nothing to do different ways and at rapidly with grief but ride it out and different paces. I shut down try to redirect that energy and move on, while he into something else. That’s dwells and cries. I can talk what I try to do. Susie has about the good times been a big help. I still miss


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Willow, but my grief isn’t the gaping wound that it has been for Keith. That dog was, he admits, ‘his life’, and he’s having to make plans to see a therapist, as Willow’s death has dragged up loss issues that have been dormant for a long time. If this experience has taught me anything it’ be kind. To be patient and understanding of other people’s circumstances. I thought of myself as a pretty compassionate person, but this experience has brought the lives of other people into sharp focus for me. And be kind to myself. We’re always in such a rush to stick to our routines and be achieving constantly. We need to take time out to reward ourselves, and to take stock of everything around us. Smell the flowers. Be more dog, in fact.

Unconditional LOVE...

Border Terrier ‘Sir Jack Spratticus’ won the Friends for Life ‘Dog Hero’ competition at this year’s Crufts. Owned by Vanessa Holbrow, rescue dog Jack is credited with changing her life...In the second part of our special feature, Jack ‘explains’ how they learned to live life to the full together.


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Achievements:Jack with a selection of training certificates

Border Terrier ‘Sir Jack

May I remind at this stage of

frightening time for both of us,

Spratticus’ won the Friends

writing, we are 4 to 5 years

I know it was for mum as I was

prior to finding Canine

unpredictable when out

for Life ‘Dog Hero’ competition at Crufts earlier

Generated Independence (CGI) walking. and thus training to become

this year. Owned by Vanessa

an assistance dog began. Years I was her first dog, so our

Holbrow, from Burnham on

before CGI, there were

learning curves to overcome

significant challenges to

immense challenges and to


rescued at the age of 13

bond I have to say, we fully embraced. Mum had to filter

This had to be partly due to a

individual’s opinions regarding

months by Vanessa. Jack is

miserable start in life before I

my behaviour. For example, a

credited with changing

was handed into the care of

common theme was I required

Border Terrier Welfare UK (BTW.) To behave acceptably

a muzzle whenever out. Mum was determined that with

and with manners around

consistency, love and firm

health issues, by giving her

other dogs was certainly

boundaries we would

confidence, companionship

something I did not excel at.

eventually turn a corner. And

and stability. In the second

Socially I had been deprived. ‘Turning on’ mum without

that we did.

Sea, Somerset, Jack, had been to four homes before being

Vanessa’s life, helping her to live with complex mental

part of our special feature, ‘Sir Jack’ explains how learned to live life to the full together.


letting go until a good bite had Step by step, many of which been executed wasn’t an

were backward steps we

unusual occurrence (I had no

turned more corners. This

bite inhibition). It was a

came with an inventory of

Pets Magazine

failures, tears and

disorder. Together we have

Mum's ultimate aim, with the

unimaginable anxieties on

several aims, one of which is to

support of her Community

mum’s part. It took

continue supporting charities

Psychiatric Nurse since 2013 to

approximately a year before off including BTW (this started lead walking along a dog

date, was researching whether there was any chance I could

friendly beach was possible. To

become her legit Assistance

say the least, our trust and

Dog (AD). In effect that is

connection has grown

exactly what my intention had

considerably. I offer mum a new chance and opportunity

been up until this time, but we needed this to be under a

in life, one of worth and

genuine organisation and of

purpose, and mum offers me

course legal. I was also keen to

a safe and loving home. We're

add AD tasks to my repertoire

both as mad as each other (actually mum is the

of ‘tricks’ mum had trained me to perform.

maddest!) and not afraid to challenge others when it

To have the privilege to

comes to the understanding

remain together, for example

people have of mental health illnesses, with a passion to

in public buildings, and for mum to have the

breakdown the stigma

reassurances/help from an

attached to mental health.

approved assistance dog

Mum has spoken on local BBC

would have a positive impact

radio on several occasions, has given talks to nursing

on the quality of her daily life. Mum and I would spend

students, written articles for Rethink and other mental health charities. Raising money for mental health charities will continue to help spread awareness and raise understanding, as well as supporting the charities themselves. This has occurred due to my coming into her life. For example, 2015 we raised £2000 when I gave mum the challenge to shave her head; 2017 we baked 725 dog treats. That number represents the

with items sold in aid of BTW “Spratticus Creations” cards 2012 - 2014 which mum made

hours working together, having fun e.g. learning to skate board. Our walks were

never without fun, playing using original photos of myself. impromptu games, and dance Then mum learnt to make moves, and utilising anything Jewellery 2014 which is now to aid our training e.g. weaving sold in a local shop. The through bollards. Why were we Jewellery is proving a success so keen? Why not! and a therapeutic activity for mum, so now I have jewellery We are both indebted we both and other homemade are to charities such as Border products named in honour of Terrier Welfare UK and Canine me “JackSpratt Jewellery” or Generated Independence. “JackSpratt Design”). I reiterate Without these life changing this is prior to finding CGI. opportunities Mum, I strongly

number of people in the UK

expect, would not be here to

diagnosed with an eating

help me tell you this story.


Pets Magazine

Pet Horoscopes by Russell Grant

ARIES (March 21st-April 20th)

that person in their new

Exciting adventures with

home, you'll be unusually

friends and family make this

delighted, especially after

month zoom along. You attract

you discover where they're

a fair amount of attention on

now living. Enjoy your many

an outing with your housemate upcoming travels and particularly after you run into


someone neither of you have

TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st) that needs doing at the

seen in quite a while, perhaps a Though you have ample

moment! Why not take a few

former neighbour who moved

opportunities for napping this

days to just relax and enjoy the

away or a clerk from a local

month, you're on your feet and quiet that's descended on your

shop. When this encounter

eager to be of help, even if

household in the wake of a

ends with an invitation to visit

there's nothing in particular

month of activity.


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With things now all put back in

While your all your buddies

fun to mix with a wide variety

their normal places you and

would be happy to see you,

of friends, both animal and

your housemate can take

your human friends would be

human, so look forward to this

pleasure in the familiar daily

beside themselves with worry

company. Best of all these

routine and each other's

as to your whereabouts and

visitors bring along foods from


well being; postpone madcap

their locales and you'll get to

adventuring until you're taken

sample different fruits of the



to know what a significant part

LEO (July 24th-August 23rd)

LIBRA (September 24th-

you can play when those you

The people you live with, as

October 23rd)

live with are in need of

well as those who come to visit, As tidy as your housemates

GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st) It ought to be a comfort to you

consolation. When humans are will pay attention to you this

may be you're likely to run into

sad or distressed you're the

month, but it's up to you to

some cobwebs this month. You

one they'll turn to as a soft

draw their notice for positive

can't blame the humans for

place to share their feelings;

reasons. A visitor is rather strict this; it's because your nose for

being there for someone who

and has a reputation for laying

adventure is itchy and leads

is grieving or distraught is an

down the law, so they won't

you into places that haven't

important role. Your animal

want to see you acting up. On

been visited by a vacuum

instinct will alert you to the

the other hand, you'll be

cleaner in many months. In

shifting moods within your

greeted by some friends who

fact, some of these corners are

home territory; do all you can

adore animals; these humans

so remote they're not even in

to support your human

will enjoy playing with you or

the consciousness of busy

companions through whatever

having you sit by while they

people who have little time for

disturbs them.

chat amongst themselves.

in-depth scrubbing. Your sneezes will alert those you live

CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) VIRGO (August 24th-

with something needs to be

If you're toying with the idea of

September 23rd)


going off to explore the wide

Housekeeping chores are

world, consider how far you

definitely in focus and there

SCORPIO (October 24th-

would get on your own! You're

seems to be a special reason

November 22nd)

well known for launching into a this work needs to be done. It

Finding sweet ways to let your

plan without working out the

could be a traveller will be

housemates know how much

details, so before you go

arriving at your home and it's

you care puts you in sync with

sneaking out the back door

possible they'll bring another

the time; you'll likely notice the

unseen, stop, look and listen!

animal friend along. It can be

more you do for your loved


Pets Magazine

ones the more they do for you

CAPRICORN (December 22nd- AQUARIUS (January 21st-

creating a nice circle of accord.

January 20th)

February 19th)

With so much good feeling

A flurry of excitement and

The month ahead brings some

going around, you'll be filled

flashing colours are scheduled

happy surprises. New

with a heightened sense of

smack in the middle of this

purchases of furniture and accessories make

family and can rest

your environment

contentedly in

lovely and inviting.

an aura of

These arrivals may


also mean new

Sleep is a

rules and

healthy way to

regulations for you!

escape when

Be cooperative and

you need to;

stay out of trouble.

your nap

A surprise gift for

comes with

your good

happy dreams.

behaviour could be your reward.

SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st) As the month begins you're still in your element. You're the star of the neighbourhood, cozying up to everyone who passes by. Relish these days. Spend as much time as you can out on the town soaking up the spotlight, but eventually you'll find yourself pining for the comforts of home. Spend the weekends relaxing indoors,

month. The sound of popping champagne corks and cheer as you see human friends toast a special celebration or exciting news. Some people like to make lots of noise including playing loud music and dancing. Whatever form the celebration takes, don't forget to show your special companion you love them, before retiring to somewhere quieter.

PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) Your bond with your owner has never been stronger than it is this month. You have a delightful opportunity to expose your human companion to new friends. Perhaps your pal will join a chat group devoted to your species. Maybe they'll meet someone who owns an animal just like you. Whatever the

curled up on your favourite

basis for this relationship, try


not to be jealous. Nobody could ever be a substitute for you!


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