Pets Magazine April

Page 1

April 2020, FREE


TASTY RECIPES FOR YOUR PET PLUS why you need to stub out before petting your pooch & Get Knitting for Vet Rescue Cats!

Fake news, pets & coronavirus

Despite the World Health Organisation (WHO) stating that our pets, cannot get or transmit Coronavirus, there persists a dangerous ignorance that is causing pets to be put to their deaths at worst, or sent to already underpressure animal shelters, at best. Page 2


government is paying civilians to slaughter stray dogs, and the dangerous myth that pets can Despite the World Health get, and transmit, Covid-19, Organisation (WHO) stating looks set to fester, causing

that our pets cannot get or transmit Coronavirus, there persists a dangerous ignorance that is causing pets to be put to their deaths at worst, or sent to already underpressure animal shelters, at best.

The dog, the scientists explained, may have had evidence of the virus on its fur, from its human, who did have the virus. Fake news has never been so glaringly true “At present, there is no or dangerous, as this increasingly worrying evidence that companion case of the Hong animals/pets such as dogs or Kongese dog.

cats can be infected with the

Despite this ONE dog in the entire world new coronavirus.” being tagged with actually suffering from untold suffering, and death, to the virus, which it never our beloved companion actually was, scientists animals. including those at the esteemed WHO, and others such as the WHO cannot dispel the It all started with the little US Centres for Disease Control hysteria – created and Pomeranian dog from Hong and Prevention (CDC), have compounded by the media – Kong, cute and endearing in the that the dog somehow, clearly stated that pets cannot contract and therefore transmit copious media photos cuddled impossibly, contracted, up to his owner. The dog had the virus. WHO states: “At suffered from, and died as a ‘contracted’ Covid-19 and was present, there is no evidence result of Covid-19. Yes, ‘died’. in quarantine, was the that companion animals/pets ubiquitous headline. Less such as dogs or cats can be The dog died this week, prominence was given to the infected with the new probably, say the scientists, scientific evidence that the dog coronavirus.” from the ‘stress’ of being probably didn’t actually have quarantined and the fact that it the disease, but its ‘diagnosis’ And yet, pets are being put to was very elderly at 17. It did not was actually a ‘false positive’. their deaths, the Chinese die from the virus however,


because, and I repeat, our pets

cleared of Covid-19 after initial

done by this, and other

cannot contract Covid-19!

suspicions of the infection

irresponsible, headlines.

were proven unfounded Disappointingly, responsible

despite a ‘weak positive’

Many, many people will never

news organisations such as

diagnosis, passed away on

read past the sensational

‘The Daily Mirror’ are

headline, subliminally

content to disseminate alarmist, and dangerous,

already been done by this, and

headlines like ‘First Dog to Catch Coronovirus Dies…’ while completely

other irresponsible, headlines…

showing up their headline as pure clickbait in the body of their article: ‘The 17-year-old Pomeranian from Hong Kong, which had been


skim reading their

Tragically, the damage has

Facebook news feed or news snippets from elsewhere. They will now be convinced that the dog died from the virus,

Wednesday, just two days after returning home…’, writes the reporter. But, tragically, the damage has already been

despite even this article, stating categorically (although far too late) that the dog did NOT actually die from

Covid-19. As Editor of Pets Magazine, I subscribe to alerts and news feeds that mention pets. Over the past couple of weeks, as the Covid-19 health crisis has rapidly worsened, I have become increasingly alarmed by the worrying noises off surrounding the issue of pets and the virus. This has led to some hysteria where

From geckos to week-old

taken by the irresponsible

rabbits, pet owners are

headlines.The situation is

people, particularly in China, have horribly and tragically thrown their pets from balconies or had them euthanised – completely and

particularly bad in China,

Reports of people in China throwing their pets from balconies directly as a result of more Covid-19 fake news…

utterly unnecessarily. The hysteria surrounding the

where Covid-19 originated and which already has a parlous record for animal welfare, with its infamous ‘dog and cat meat festivals.’ One volunteer from Furry

abandoning their pets because

Angels Heaven in Wuhan told

of sensationalist media

the BBC that they’d rescued a

reporting. Because the

lot of dogs, and most were

virus, perfectly encapsulated by irresponsible headlines the fervid panic buying of loo encourage people to sit up and

abandoned by their owners.

roll, is starting to have rather

stare, not often reading, or

The volunteer said some of the

more tragic consequences.

taking in, anything past the

dogs are coming from owners

There have been reports in the

headlines. Particularly in our

with the Coronavirus and who

UK of worried people

fast-paced world of media

are quarantined.

abandoning their pets at pet

commentary where clickbait


works; whatever its actual cost

The volunteer wanted to be

in terms of the animal lives

anonymous, as she has 35 dogs


use the coronavirus outbreak as ‘an excuse to abuse animals’. Meanwhile the charity Humane Society International (HSI), which is working with 35 Chinese animal shelters, said the government-sponsored culling of street dogs in Beijing, Tianjin, Shandong, Heilongjiang, Hebei, and 28 cats

Horrifyingly, the Chinese

she’s helping care for and she didn’t want

Shanghai has

government is reportedly offering

repercussions from Chinese are many more

down and kill stray dogs.

stories of abandoned pets in China alone. Far more worryingly are reports of people throwing their pets from balconies directly as a result of more Covid-19 fake


to their deaths this week in Shanghai while many dogs were also killed.

suspected patients, they should

sparked after a Dr Li Lanjuan told Chinese state TV: ‘If pets

of animal to human pandemic looks set to,

be quarantined.’ Tragically, a

very tragically, continue –

local media outlet then

unless and until, news

reportedly changed her words

organisations start to be very

to the fake news line ‘cats and

much more responsible with

dogs can spread the

reporting. After all, fake news


can, and will, kill.

Horrifyingly, the Chinese government is reportedly offering a payment to people to track down and kill stray dogs.

Such shocking incidents were

The dangerous myth transmission of this

news. Several cats were thrown

come into contact with

continued to spread

a payment to people to track

officials. There


Wuhan, Shanxi,

Animal rights group PETA has urged Chinese officials not to


Appeal to Get Knitting for Rescue Cats!

If you’re looking for a new hobby to try while the country is on

North London - is calling on

take with them with a familiar

creative and crafty people to

scent. This helps the transition

help provide some special

from our centre to their new

knitted blankets for its cats.

home much easier and less

lockdown, an RSPCA cattery in London is hoping you can help!

stressful. Nicole Grover, from the centre, said: “We give all of our cats a

“While there are lots of people

knitted blanket when they

spending more time at home

arrive here. It’s something

during the current Coronavirus

RSPCA Friern Barnet Adoption warm and cosy for them to curl Centre - located within a new up on in their pods and when

lockdown we thought it would

Pets at Home store at the

they find their forever homes it

anyone who knits or crochets -

Friern Bridge retail park in

means they have something to

or fancies giving it a try - to


be a great opportunity for

make some beautiful blankets

“Our fab volunteers Chris and

Please send your donations to

for our lovely cats.”

Vicky have made 54 blankets

Pets At Home, Friern Bridge

for us in the past year, 20

Retail Park, Pegasus Way,

The centre is asking for

chrochet mouse toys and 12

Friern Barnet, London N11

blankets of 30cm-40cm in size

string toys which have also


made out of machine washable

been really popular.


For more information, visit the “We’re incredibly grateful to all

RSPCA Friern Barnet Facebook

“Some of our wonderful

of our wonderful supporters


volunteers have also been

who spend time creating toys

making dangly toys and toy

and blankets for our cats so

To help the RSPCA though this

mice to keep our cats

we’d like to say a big thank

challenging time, please visit

entertained and to make their

you.” give or call

pods more fun,” Nicole added.


our donation line on 0300 123 8181.


Is Nicotine Poisoning Your Dog?

As a smoker, you may be trying your best to keep your home free of smoke smells. But smoke leaves behind much more than just a smell, according to recent research. According to research carried out in 2018, third-hand smoke (the carcinogenic toxins deposited by cigarette smoke) not only lingers on carpets, walls and furniture but can be recirculated around a building over and over again.


This not only causes ongoing damage to your health, but puts your pet at risk too. Dogs living with smokers are 60% more likely to develop cancers, including lung cancer and nasal cancer, among numerous other health complications – and could die younger as a result. One in five pets belonging to smokers have even eaten a cigarette in the last year. Millions of us share our homes with a four-legged companion, and the average dog-owning smoker exposes their canine friend to 3,285 cigarettes every year of their life.

There are plenty of proactive steps you can take to reduce the dangers to your dog posed by both third-hand and secondhand smoke. Why is passive smoking dangerous for dogs? 80% of cigarette smoke is invisible, so there are many ways it can harm your dog. Even moving into the home of a former smoker can have serious consequences when a dog starts breathing in the smoke particles that linger.

Dogs have a far stronger sense in dogs, such as bronchitis and smoking), and during the of smell than us, with over 300 asthma. colder months use an effective million receptors in their noses extractor fan system. Devices compared to six million in like air purifiers and air How can I protect my humans. This not only means fresheners will do nothing but dog from second-hand that we can sometimes be mask the smell.
 smoke at home? oblivious to third-hand smoke, but means that Vacuum your home breathing in secondregularly. Getting Dogs have a far stronger hand smoke is many into every nook and times more sense of smell than us, with cranny of your fittings unpleasant for a dog. and furnishings with a over 300 million receptors in powerful vacuum Most dogs spend the cleaner will reduce the vast majority of their their noses compared to six impact of second-hand days in your home – smoke, but again, it far around 23 hours on million in humans. from solves the average when you problem.
 subtract walks. Unless you take them to work with you The only way to ensure Make sure ashtrays are every day, then they’re complete protection from emptied and not left spending far more time in your smoke for your dog is to stop home environment than you uncovered, in order to smoking. There are just too are, exposing them to the prevent your dog from eating many ways that smoke can dangers of third-hand smoke. their contents.
 linger and cling to the insides of On top of this, dogs love to be your home, only to be breathed as close to their owners as Dust all surfaces in by your dog. 
 possible. Spending hours in the However, there are ways that regularly, as the presence of immediate vicinity of your body you can significantly lessen the dust can help to trap thirdmeans they’re breathing in the impact of your smoke.
 hand smoke and increase the smoke particles on your clothes 
 dangers it poses.
 at close range. Ensure that you only These aren’t the only reasons that second and third-hand smoke have serious health implications for your dog. Because smoke particles settle on their fur, they come into constant direct contact with them by grooming themselves. Inhaling smoke also exacerbates existing conditions


smoke outside. This will reduce the danger indoors, but the smoke particles will still settle on the fibres of your clothes.

Get your carpets

Properly ventilate the

professionally cleaned. This will not remove all the dangerous particles from your floors but it will do significantly more than a regular vacuum cleaner can.

inside of your home. Make sure that windows are opened wide (not just when you’re

Consider vaping as an

What are the signs of

alternative to quit cigarettes

nicotine poisoning in

as this will help to drastically reduce the health risks of nicotine poisoning to your dog. However, ensure that all vaping equipment is kept well out of reach as, if any elements are swallowed, the consequences can be life-threatening. While vaping is an effective smoking cessation tool it shouldn’t be shared with our pets says Dan Marchant, owner of Vape Club.


Anyone who vapes should consider their pet’s health and wellbeing and take all necessary precautions to protect them.

Nicotine poisoning becomes a very serious risk when dogs are over-exposed to smoke particles at home. The amount of nicotine which could be considered over-exposure depends upon the size of your dog – but no amount of exposure is without danger. Here are the signs of nicotine poisoning to look out for in your dog:
 Suddenly becoming hyperactive. If your dog behaves in an over-excited manner without something

prompting it, this is a sign that something isn’t quite right. 
 Excessive drooling. In most dog breeds this is not normal, and while there can be many reasons for it, it should be treated as a red flag.
 Vomiting or diarrhea. These indicate that your dog has ingested something they shouldn’t, and could suggest nicotine consumption if other symptoms are present.
 Incoordination and weakness. Is your dog stumbling? If they are suddenly unable to stay upright or avoid bumping into furniture, examine them for other

Of course, quitting smoking is the safest option of all for your dog…


immediate and serious health problem.

Abnormal breathing patterns. Some dog breeds have more trouble breathing than others, but any change to normal patterns should be closely monitored.

Elevated heart rate. Has your dog’s pulse become faster without taking part in any exercise? This could be a response to a serious internal problem.

Constricted pupils. If your

If your dog displays one or dog’s pupils have become more of these symptoms, you smaller without the presence of should get them to a vet for bright light, then keep a close emergency treatment as quickly eye out for other symptoms.
 as possible. 
 Twitches, tremors or

Making a smoking household seizures. These will be visibly safe for a dog is not as simple obvious and should all be as an overnight spring clean. It treated as symptoms of an will take long-term changes, as

well as increased awareness of the dangers of second and third-hand smoke, to really make a difference. Of course, quitting smoking is the safest option of all for your dog, but there are many other positive steps you can take towards having a much healthier canine companion that will benefit both of you for years to come.

Bake-off for your pooch!

The award-winning team behind The Big Bakes are helping dog owners across the nation turn Barking to Baking with their new free online classes as part of a new mini series helping owners make simple dog treats at home.


The award-winning team behind The Big Bakes are helping dog owners across the nation turn Barking to Baking with their new free online classes as part of a new mini series helping owners make simple dog treats at home. The Big Bakes is the UK's first and only live baking competition, where guests take part in live bake off events in fully decked out marquees in London and Birmingham. Whilst we are all isolating at


home, they are hosting an array of remote tutorials across their instagram and facebook channels to get the nation baking. Keeping us humans company during our new indoor time is hard work for our four legged friends, so to say thanks, homeowners across the country can now bake their canine companions some special treats to say thank you. Eloise Frank, Co-Founder at The Big Bakes commented: “My dogs Luna and Freddie have provided me

unconditional love and friendship, making life in lockdown infinitely more manageable which is why it is great to be able to return the favour and spend time together baking their favourite dog treats!� Adam Chaudhri, Co-Founder at The Big Bakes commented: “It is usually our job to entertain customers in our wonderful baking marquees, but whilst we live through this challenging time, we thought it would be lovely if we could bring some amazing baking classes to families at home.

As our pets are very much part of the family, we wanted to spread the love and give them a treat too.�

Keeping us humans company during our new indoor time is hard work for our four legged friends, so to say thanks, homeowners across

list of all the necessary ingredients needed for their up-coming class. And the good news is, there are also plenty of free baking classes on the channel for us humans too.

Launching this month, the the country can now bake their new mini pet baking series canine companions some special will see recipes launched treats to say thank you. twice weekly for an array Once people have of pets in the home. The completed their home use the day-to-day ingredients baking team will be sharing two made creations, they can share and standard kitchen pet treat bake-at-home classes a photograph with equipment found in the home. each week across their social @Thebig_bakes, in order to be media channels, airing on IGTV in the running for a prize. To take part in these digital every Monday and Friday Each week, the team will sessions, all people need to do make sure you look out for the choose the winning amateur is visit @Thebig_bakes on cuteness overload making a baker, who will receive Instagram or The Big Bakes on guest visit in the Peanut Butter vouchers to attend a live Facebook where they will find a Dog Cookie recipe. All recipes session later in the year.


Homemade Peanut Butter Dog Cookies Ingredients:

5. Then, once your dough is bound together in a ball, dust a work surface with flour and then knead the cookie dough (use your knuckles to press firmly and turn the dough a few times) until it comes together. If you are finding the dough to be sticky just sprinkle on some more flour. Then, using a rolling pin, roll the dough until it is about the thickness of a ÂŁ1 coin.

â…” cup or 85 grams fruit puree e.g. pumpkin, banana, apple

Âź cup or roughly 3 tablespoons natural peanut butter (Do not use peanut butter spread that contains sugar, or additives, this should be an all natural whole nut butter suitable for animal consumption e.g. Meridian or Pip and Nut as Xylitol, the sweetener most often used in peanut butter with using an electric whisk with the 6. Once rolled, take your cookie paddle attachment or with a sugar is toxic to dogs). cutters (you can also make wooden spoon. Remember to these by choosing some stencil give it a good mix if you are 2 large eggs shapes online and printing and using a spoon! cutting these out using a piece 3 cups or 384 grams plain flour of card) and cut out your 3. Once combined, gradually wholemeal or rye desired shapes and place onto add your flour about a quarter the prepared baking sheet at a time and fold into the wet leaving a little space between mixture. If you are using an 1. Begin by preheating your each cookie. electric whisk then beat this oven to 180c degrees and line slowly until just incorporated. 7. Place into the oven and bake a large flat baking tray with baking parchment or a silicone Then repeat to add the rest of for 20-25 minutes until they the flour quarter by quarter until baking mat. start to turn a golden brown the dough is no longer sticky. and they are firm to touch. 2. Take your large mixing bowl and crack in your eggs and then add the peanut butter and fruit puree. Now mix the wet ingredients until combined

4. Now, form your dough into a ball TIP: you may need to use your hands to do this, so dust them with some flour first.

Once ready, leave to cool completely before treating your 4 legged friend to a delicious peanut butter treat!

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