Contents 3
Editor’s Note
5 COVID-19 in Casino Gaming Bennie Mancino chats to Bill Healey about the effects of COVID-19, and practices casinos can implement to emerge from the pandemic 11 All Things Hospitality – COVID-19 Crisis Mode… Adapting to Change. How quickly can the damaged hospitality industry respond to a new day? By: Robert Ambrose 14 The Value of Experience Peter White chats with Lisa Waterfield, LW Consulting 21 Coasting in the Casino Prolific inventor Bill Kitchen turns his proven talents toward gaming. By: David McKee 26 Gaming Legislation Report: South East Europe By: Marko Tomic, Partner, Law Firm Anđelović, Siketić & Tomić d.o.o. 30 Japan IR Legislative Timeline Update By: Bay City Ventures Managing Director, Joji Kokuryo 32 UK Casinos Post- Coronavirus By: David Clifton, Director, Clifton Davies Consultancy Limited 35 Dr Stanley Ho Obituary By: Niall Murray 38 Book Review: Casino Game Protection from Both Sides of the Table By: Robert Ambrose 39 The Power of Appreciation By Andy Cosgrove 42 Can A BlockChain Fuelled Social Casino Boost Deliverables? By Shaun McCamley 46 Post-COVID: the era for Digital Transformation By Raymond Chan 49 Time to Update Your Casino Gaming Floor By Robert Brassai 50 Last Word By: Damien Connelly Editorial Policy: The views and opinions expressed in Casino Life remain principally the views of contributors and do not necessarily reflect those of the editor or publishers. The publishers wish to avoid inaccuracies and, whilst every precaution has been taken to ensure that information contained in this publication is accurate, no liability is accepted by the editor or publishers for errors or omissions, however caused. Unless otherwise stated, articles appearing in this publication remain the copyright of the publishers and may not be reproduced in any form without the publisher’s written consent. Printed in the UK by MPC Ltd.