Sparkford Village Magazine Vol 34 July & Aug 2016

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The VOL.34


July/Aug 2016

Magazine Covering Sparkford, Weston Bampfylde, Little Weston, Sutton Montis & Surrounds.

From The Editors Desk... Welcome to the Summer joint edition covering July & August. I am sat here looking out of the window and thinking to myself it cannot really be summer as it is pouring with rain. The Euros are currently being played and we hope that a win is looming for England. We have just voted to leave the EU so we shall see what this may bring to us in the future. I have been advised that Dot can no longer deliver for me at Wolfester Terrace end of Sparkford if one of you could please do this for me then I will be delighted. Due to my busy home & work life I have decided to trial a Bi monthly format to make things easier. This issue will be the first in this new format covering July & August I hope to make the magazine covering the following dates Sept / Oct, Nov / Dec, Jan / Feb, Mar / Apr, May / Jun, July /Aug an so on. The deadline will still be on the 15th of each month but each edition ill cover 2 months creating 6 editions per year I will see how this works over the next few months Please send all items to me at: or direct vi a post or hand deli vered to my home address shown on back of magazine.


Countess Gytha Primary School News & Diary Dates‌.. A message from the Headteacher Dear Parents, Thank you so much for your cooperation with parking in the morning and at pick up. I am equally impressed with the pupils and the way they have a II settled. There are still lots of events planned for the rest of the summer term so watch out for the dates. We now have our own Newspaper 'Gytha News'. The first edition will be on sale at the Summer Fete at the bargain price of 10p. Many thanks to Tommy and the IT club Please see our website which has lots of photographs of the new school Kindest regards Sue English Diary Dates

Monday 4th July- Robin Class visit to Dunster Castle Wednesday 6th July- Year 6 Transition Day to their new schools. Thursday 7th July- Bluebird & Woodpecker visit to Glastonbury Abbey Tuesday 12th July- Year 6 Sports Day at Ansford. Wednesday 13th July- 6.30pm Year 6 Leavers Performance 'Next Big Step' Thursday 14th July- School in a Bag packing day Thursday 14th July - 6.30pm Year 6 Leavers Performance 'Next Big Step' Friday 15th July - Sports Day Monday 18th July- Reserve Sports Day (In case of wet weather on 15th) Tuesday 19th July - Year 6 Pool Party Wednesday 20th July- Leavers Service in the School Hall

Dates for Your Diary CaféXtra The next CaféXtra Village Breakfast Gathering Will take place on Sunday 3rd July & Sunday 11th August. Breakfast served 9.30am – 11.00am Sparkford Church welcomes everyone for good coffee, Toast, Croissant, milkshake bar & A round of bacon rolls. This venture aims to provide a monthly meeting point for our village, with the option too to pray and hear a Bible story at one point in the morning. No charge for breakfast but contributions welcome

We hope you can join us for our next local concert … We are delighted to announce that at our next concert our special guests will be Tom Toomey and Millie Requelme. Tom is a guitarist with the Zombies and Millie plays keyboard and sings with her own band ‘La Cubana’. Those of you who have heard them before will know they are both wonderful musicians. The concert will take place Friday 8th July at 7.30pm at St Martins Church, Kingsbury Episcopi , TA12 6AU. Tickets are £10 and wine and refreshments will be available in the interval. Funds raised will be shared between St Martins Church and St. Margaret’s Somerset Hospice. For tickets and more information contact Victor Smith on 01935 508013. We hope you will be able to join us! Please note this concert replaces the Wincanton concert announced last month which has been cancelled due to circumstances beyond our control. If you need to do some fundraising for your church or favorite charity, maybe we could sing for you? To find out more about fundraising, future events and to join the choir, please call John Roberts on 07970 039007 or check out our website at

Camelot Music Night Davis Hall, West Camel Wednesday 27th July & 31st August 2016 8pm – 11:00pm - £4 Doors open 7.30pm Enjoy an evening of music ranging from classical, traditional, blues, country, folk, boogie, jazz and more. Each month anything from 8 - 12 different extremely talented performers entertain on a variety of instruments, from guitar, fiddle, mandolin, bazooki, flute and keyboards etc. The artists range from local young groups or soloists, to established groups visiting from all over the South West. Raffle & bar. Find Camelot Music Night on Facebook or contact Martine/Iain on 01935 851556 or if you would like to play and for more details

Sparkford Playing Field Association 2016 Here is the Diary of events for the Sparkford Playing Field Association During 2016 The events that have been arranged for this year are: Fun Day – Sunday 4 September Halloween Bingo – Saturday 29 October We all Look forward to seeing you all there Lisa, Secretary – Sparkford Playing Field Association

GALHAMPTON PLAYGROUP Five Years Ago Galhampton Playgroup moved to Sparkford Parish Hall. In September 2016 The Galhampton Playgroup Will be moving once again. As of the start of the September term we shall become part of North Cadbury Primary School. This is a great opportunity for us as we will be able to offer longer hours and more days then we have been able to provide before, we are looking forward to this new chapter. We would like to all thank the local community & the parish hall committee for all their support over the last 5 years. We now have spaces available for new children as we start in North Cadbury. For more information and to enrol your children please contact us on 07704188927 MANY THANKS the staff & committee of Galhampton Playgroup

What’s On at Sparkford Village Hall…. Galhampton Preschool (term time) Monday 9:00am – 3:30pm Wednesday 9:00am – 1:00pm Thursday 9:00am – 3:30pm Friday 9:00am – 3:30pm Contact Fiona Hooper Tel: 01963 440626 Monday & Tuesday Evenings (Term Time) Scouts Cubs & Beavers Tuesday Yoga 10:00am – 12:00pm Contact Marjorie Rourke Tel: 01963 350452 Wednesday & Thursday 6:00pm – 8:00pm Dog Training Classes Contact Lucy Roberts 07817 487901 Friday Men’s Barber in Committee Room 12:00pm – 6:00pm

DID YOU KNOW??? Did you know that you can Hire Tables, Chairs, Kettles, Crockery, Glasses, Cutlery & More from the Sparkford Village Hall? To make a Donation or to BOOK the Village Hall Contact Victoria Rogers Tel: 01963 440475

Queen Camel Tuesday Group June Report The meeting in June was centred on the Queen’s 90 th birthday. The committee started early, decorating the hall with flags and bunting, and pretty tablecloths and after the usual catch up and chat with friends, delicious cakes and coffee, we settled down to the briefest of monthly reports. Our speaker was the local Community Support Officer Thelma Mead. After a very informative and lively talk, provoking many questions and anecdotes, we had a ‘QQQ,’ [Quick Queen Quiz,] before the final point of the morning. Trays of sherry were circulated together with special chocolate cupcakes, beautifully made and decorated by Marion Chapman in red and gold, to represent the crown which was topped by a golden candle. We lit the candles and raised our glasses to Her Majesty which rounded off a morning that we all found thoroughly entertaining. We meet, as you know, on the first Tuesday of each month at the Queen Camel Memorial Hall arriving at 10.00am for a 10.30am start. The next meeting is a talk by Brian Phelps intriguingly entitled ‘By Hook or by Crook.’ We meet, as you know, on the first Tuesday of each month at the Queen Camel Memorial Hall arriving at 10.00am for a 10.30am start. Our membership grows by the month and we would love you to share in that success. If you want any more information about our activities, please call Pat Champion on 01963 32264 or Marion Chapman on 01963 220741.

3rd Sparkford Scout Group

Latest from 3rd Sparkford Beavers, Cubs and Scouts Springtime is Outdoor Time! All our groups have been out and about – with Scouts successfully completing a blind hike, & now preparing for camp where our Cubs and Scouts will be using the new cooking equipment we have recently purchased with kind donations from our local Parish Councils and fundraising. We are also looking forward to a joint camp at Gilwell Park in London with West Coker Scout group in the summer. The Cubs have been hearing about the traditions of the camp fire and learning some of the songs in readiness! The Beavers are doing well, a number have moved up to Cubs and we now have some new starters off our waiting list. We have also welcomed Sally and Gemma to the leadership team, so we are now looking at an exciting outdoor program for the summer. We will be doing den building, walking, ball skills and of course campfire cooking and fun. Beavers, Cubs and Scouts all celebrated the Queen’s Birthday, lighting the Beacon on Cadbury Camp – all in uniform and waving Union flags!

! Not that the weather has kept us indoors over the winter, but the lighter evenings and warmer temperatures will bring a lot more fun for our Scouts, Cubs and Beavers in the coming months. We’ve got kayaking, hikes, bike riding, camp preparation and also a parent challenge night planned, so it’s going to be a busy and active summer term. We have camps planned for the summer with zip wires, tunnelling and traditional camp craft – can’t wait! We have some new leaders joining the group which is fantastic news, and we are still on the lookout for a few more – why not come along and join our team of volunteers? You don’t have to come every week, just whatever you can commit to. Contact Helen Wooldridge to find out more – or 01963 440801.

As you all now know Sparkford no longer has a Neighborhood Watch, It was disbanded in April 2016 due to no one willing to step forward to take the helm which is an unfortunate fact. This comes at a time when our security and peace of mind is eroded not only by the inability of the police to continue the support and protection we had once all come to expect, but also by what is happening in the world around us. Neighborhood Watch has always provided a link between ourselves and the Police and even been referred to as the “eyes & ears” of the Police. It has also helped in consolidating a community from a social angle as well as a security one. Everything was handed over to the Parish Council as of April the onus was placed firmly on our Parish council to at least keep a “watching brief” on the Neighbourhood Watch. This I believe is a possible solution and would be in line with councils who delegate the various responsibilities, such as planning, footpaths, trees etc. to different councillors. I would like to again Ask if there is anyone in our community who would be willing to take on the running of the watch. If this is something you could see yourself doing please contact a member of the Sparkford Parish Council whom would be able to help you set it up once more.

Sparkford Playing Field Association is looking for a Secretary. The Committee plays an important role ensuring that the playing field and play area are kept clean, tidy and more importantly safe for the children and adults that use it. The Secretary role is voluntary and requires someone who is able to attend about six meetings per year, produce agendas and minutes for these meetings, assist with the organisation of and help at events such as the Duck Race and Fun Day and also help to secure additional funding for the group. If you are interested in this voluntary role please contact Lisa Davis - Thanks Lisa Secretary - Sparkford Playing Field Association

Enthusiastic, reliable and polite lad (11) seeking one-off or regular odd jobs for pocket money in and around the village. Please contact Keith (Dad) on 440033 or 07970 568742. I would like to thank all my clients for their support over the weeks that I have been unable to do their hair. I really have appreciated it Looking forward now to meet up. Many Thanks Rachel

Church Treasurer The church is seeking a treasurer to support the work we do. This is not an onerous role and requires 2 or 3 hours a month and to attend 4 evening meetings a year. Please contact Andy Voysey on 01963441010. Cheers Andy

Dear Reader, I write this reflection in troubled times when, in preparation for the EU Referendum, we citizens of the United Kingdom are being bombarded with confusing information and even deliberate dis-information by the political parties. Where is ‘truth’ to be found to inform our votes? I write this having just watched news from Orlando, Florida, in the wake of the massacre at the Pulse Night Club and, already, just 36 hours after the event, the event is being interpreted in diverse ways to suit particular political ends. Trump blames immigration, the National Rifle Association attributes it to I S terrorism, some voices note that it was in a place where the LGBT community gather so it must be an anti-homosexuality protest, others that on Sunday nights Latino music was played so it was a racially motivated event. Where is ‘truth” to be found to heal the community? By the time you read this, the Referendum decision will have been made, and we shall have to live with the consequences. By the time you read this, Orlando will have faded from the news and another disaster is likely to have hit the headlines. So what may you and I hold on to for stability in turbulent times. Where are we to find fundamental and unchanging truths that can guide us in our decision making and keep us sane? For me, the anchors are: -

All life in creation, human, animal, vegetable or mineral exists in dependent relationship with other life. Nothing can exist in isolation, so we humans have to resist the fears that separate us from others. We need each other as individuals, as nations, as races and religions. Created life is incredibly diverse and out of difference and diversity comes creativity. So when refugees and immigration are on our minds, to remember there is a thread running through the Bible from Abraham, 4000 years ago, to Jesus calling us to care for the alien (foreigner) in our midst. Creation is constantly renewing itself, out of death and destruction comes new life, forgiveness brings the joy of restored relationships, and so there is always hope, always the possibility of a fresh start and new life. When faced with choices and a decision has to be made, to remember that the Creator and the life-giving energy in creation goes with us whichever way we decide to go.

So, in these troubled times, “be of good courage; hold fast that which is good; render to no one evil for evil; strengthen the fainthearted; support the weak; help the afflicted; honor everyone.” Stephen Rymer

Church Service Calendar Sunday 3rd July 2016 – 6th Sunday after Trinity (Green) Readings: Isaiah 66.10-14, Galatians 6.(1-6)7-16, Luke 10.1-11, 16-20, Psalm 66.1-8 8.00 am BCP Holy Communion at West Camel with Queen Camel 9.30 am Pets Service at Corton Denham with Sutton Montis 9.30 am BCP Holy Communion at Sparkford with Weston Bampfylde 6.00 pm Methodist Thanksgiving Service at West Camel (Their Last Sunday in the Methodist Church) Wednesday, 6th July 2016 7.00 pm Sacred Space at Queen Camel Friday, 8th July 2016 1.00 pm Wedding of Alexander Hewlett and Georgina Rudd at Queen Camel Sunday 10th July 2016 – 7th Sunday after Trinity (Green) Readings: Deuteronomy 3-.9-14, Colossians 1.1-14, Luke 10.25-37, Psalm 25.1-10 8.00 am BCP Holy Communion at Sutton Montis with Corton Denham 9.30 – 11.00 am Milkshake Church (aka CafeXtra) at Sparkford Village Hall with Weston Bampfylde 10.00 am Holy Communion at Queen Camel with West Camel Sunday, 17th July 2016 – 8th Sunday after Trinity (Green) Readings: Genesis 18.1-10a, Colossians 1.15-28, Luke 10.38-end, Psalm 15 9.30 am BCP Holy Communion at Corton Denham with Sutton Montis 11.00 am Morning Service at West Camel with Queen Camel 12.00noon Baptism of Ava & Oliver Mattravers at Sparkford 6.30 pm BCP Holy Communion at Weston Bampfylde with Sparkford Sunday, 24th July 2016 – 9th Sunday after Trinity (Green) Readings: Genesis 18.20-32, Colossians 2.6-15(16-19), Luke 11.1-13, Psalm 138 10.00 am Together at 10 The Cam Vale Benefice Service - Holy Communion at SPARKFORD 12.30 pm Baptism of Scarlett Davies at Queen Camel Sunday, 31st July 2016 – 10th Sunday after Trinity (Green) Readings: Ecclesiastes 1.2, 12-14, 2.18-23 Colossians 3.1-11, Luke 12.13-21, Psalm 49.1-12 8.00 am BCP Holy Communion at Queen Camel with West Camel

9.30 am BCP Morning Prayer at Sutton Montis with Corton Denham 6.30pm Evening Service at Weston Bampfylde with Sparkford Wednesday, 3rd August 2016 7.00 pm Sacred Space at Weston Bampfylde Saturday, 6th August 2016 1.00 pm Wedding of Justin French and Rhian Hatton at Corton Denham Sunday, 7th August 2016 – 11th Sunday after Trinity (Green) Readings: Genesis 15.1-6, Hebrews 11.1-3, 8-16, Luke 12.32-40, Psalm 33.12-end 9.30 am BCP Holy Communion at Sparkford with Weston Bampfylde 9.30 am BCP Holy Communion at Corton Denham with Sutton Montis 4.30 pm Tea Time in the Davis Hall, West Camel with Queen Camel Friday, 12th August 2016 2.00 pm Wedding of Nicholas Elsworth and Georgina Case at West Camel Saturday, 13th August 2016 2.00 pm Wedding of William Smith and Tilly Cooper at Queen Camel Sunday, 14th August 2016 – 12th Sunday after Trinity (Green) Readings: Jeremiah 23.23-29, Hebrews 11.29-12.2, Luke 12.49-56, Psalm 82 10.00 am Holy Communion at Queen Camel with West Camel 11.00 am BCP Morning Prayer at Weston Bampfylde with Sparkford 6.30 pm BCP Evening Prayer at Sutton Montis with Corton Denham Sunday, 21st August 2016 – 13th Sunday after Trinity (Green) Readings: Isaiah 58.9b-end, Hebrews 12.18-end, Luke 113.10-17, Psalm 103.1-8 8.00 am BCP Holy Communion at West Camel with Queen Camel 9.30 am BCP Matins at Sparkford with Weston Bampfylde 11.15 am Informal Morning Worship at Sutton Montis with Corton Denham Sunday, 28th August 2016 – 14th Sunday after Trinity (Green) Readings: Ecclesiasticus 10.12-18 or Proverbs 25.6-7, Hebrews 13.1-8, 15-16, Luke 14.1, 7-14, Psalm 112 10.00 am Together at 10 The Cam Vale Benefice Service – Holy Communion at WESTON BAMPFYLDE pm Wedding of James Hoar and Rachel Leese at Queen Camel

From the Registers Baptisms: We welcome them into God’s family May 29th Oscar Upscale at West Camel June 11th Oliver Price at Queen Camel Weddings: May God bless their lives together June 4th Christopher Dyde and Richelle Drewery at Sparkford June 11th Marcus Price and Elisha Warren at Queen Camel Funerals: Behold, I stand at the door and knock June 16th Bunny Sowerby at Yeovil Crematorium June 20th Ian Crinks at Yeovil Crematorium

SPARKFORD CHURCH ROTAS July Flowers 3rd Mrs. J. Wake 10th Mrs. G. Westcott 17th 24th Patronal Festival – flower guild 31st Flower Guild

July Keyholders 3rd Mr. A. Voysey 10th Mrs. R. Carpenter 17th T. Groves th 24 Mrs. D. Osmond 31st Mrs. H. Sanders

July Cleaners 3rd 10th 17th 24th 31st

July Sidespersons 3rd Mr. B Tallon 10th Together @ Ten 17th Mrs. M. Wright 24th Mr. D. Ham 31st Mr. B. Tallon

August 7th 14th 21st 28th

August 7th 14th 21st 28th

Keyholders Mr. D. Ham Mr. T. Marsh Mr. B. Tallon Mr. A. Voysey

August 7th 14th 21st 28th

Sidespersons Mrs. R. Carpenter Mr. M. Wright Mr. B. Tallon Together@Ten

Flowers Mrs. R. Carpenter Mrs. R. Carpenter Mrs. S. Braithewaite Mrs. R. Giles

August Cleaners 3rd 10th 17th 24th

Parish magazine article for July 2016 The end is in sight! No, I’m not talking about the EU result (whatever that is – at time of writing this we haven’t yet had the election!), I’m talking about the end of term and the long summer holiday period beckoning our children and young people to put the cares of exams aside. I remember those school holidays as seemingly endless days of sun and relaxation. Building tents in the garden around the swing and sleeping out. Packing up picnics and fishing for tiddlers in the local stream. Halcyon days! But of course, it wasn’t really like that. Well, not all the time… We often look back with rose-tinted specs, remembering the golden days nostalgically when life was good and there were happy endings. Those of us who have been vicars know that it was always our predecessor who got it right and rarely ourselves! But why not make the most of those opportunities today, when the sun is shining and all is well in the world, to celebrate and give thanks to God for his goodness in the here and now? We all need to take time to stop and view, to catch our breath and acknowledge the graces of God in our lives. To mark a ‘holy day’. A little more fun, relaxation and play would do us all good and help us regain strength, energy and vigor for the tasks ahead. So let’s encourage our children or grandchildren to enjoy their ‘hol(y)days’ - and let’s join in ourselves! + Ruth Taunton

‘To be or not to be – that is the question.’ Or perhaps we should say ‘to stay or not to stay – that is the question’. June 23 is EU Referendum Day and some commentators say it is the most important election most of us will vote in. The difficulty seems to be, for me at least, to know what the real issues are and how these should be assessed and weighted. Financial, political, economic and social arguments have been presented by both sides and there is seemingly no consensus as to which arguments are the most persuasive or compelling. In all that I have heard to date, however, there seems to have been too much emphasis upon self-interest (‘what we might get out of it’) and not enough being said about service and mutual flourishing (‘what we can put into it’). Of course, it is important to consider what the impact on staying or leaving would be on the UK but there is another important question which we need to consider - what can we contribute as a nation to the development, security and prosperity of other countries in the world and would that be best served by staying or by leaving? As we know, opinion polling is not an exact science but analysts seem to agree it might be close. Research suggests younger people are more likely to vote to remain in the EU, while older voters tend to favour leaving. My hope is that we will all make it a matter of focussed and sustained prayer. Let’s pray that this will serve to unite rather than divide the UK and, whatever the outcome, that the UK will continue to seek the peace and welfare of all. Let’s pray for God’s peace and blessing on all the nations of the world. Rt Revd Peter Hancock Bishop of Bath and Wells

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Vale of Camelot Growers OPENING FRIDAY 22nd APRIL 2016 THIS MONTH STRAWBERRIES AND GOOSEBERRIES READY THIS MONTH (please ring for availability or watch out for fruit signs!) Perennials and some annuals still on sale Opening times Tues - Sat - 9am - 6pm Sun - 10am - 4pm PLEASE NOTE WE ARE NOW CLOSED ON MONDAYS Except Bank Holidays. You can find us between Sparkford and South Cadbury on the old A303. For details Email: Vale of Camelot Growers, Sparkford, Yeovil. BA22 7JR. Tel. 07969372979

DON"T MISS OUT! Booking a family get together, wedding or a special party? Our luxury Georgian mansion will be yours throughout your stay, including 23 acres of stunning parkland, orchards and gardens, plus our tribe of alpacas & miniature ponies. The house has 11 bedrooms, a huge kitchen for family meals, several lounges and even a downstairs party room for up to 150 guests. Please call Tony on 07971 234333 or email

Dear Readers we are looking for distributors to deliver the Village Magazine it’s a Voluntary Post & this can be either a permanent post or to cover illness & Holidays as and when needed in ALL AREAS: Sparkford, Little Weston, Weston Bampfylde, Sutton Montis, Queen Camel, & South Barrow. If you have some spare time and do not mind delivering in your Village or locally & would be interested, please fill out the following form & post to me at the editors Address or email me your details Many Thanks. Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Contact Number: …………………………………………… Email: ………………………………………………………………………… Areas able to cover: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….........

Copy deadline for inclusion by noon on 15th of each month Typeset © Mr Peter Downton, TerrierByteIT, Wychwood, Church Road, Sparkford, BA22 7JN Tel: 01963 441423 Email: Printed by Gillingham Press Company Ltd, South Street, Gillingham, Dorset SP8 4AP

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