2015 DPN Catalog

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YOUR TYPE MATTERS Congratulations! You have just taken the first step in eating & living Right for Your Type.


Throughout your lifetime, you’ve probably observed that some people seem to lose

supplements to address the unique nutritional needs of each individual. Using his

weight easily, while for others, their weight is an on-going battle. Or wondered why

encyclopedic knowledge of botanical medicine, Dr. D’Adamo also created Genoma

some people are plagued by chronic illness, while others are healthy and vital even

Nutritionals to support and enhance your health while targeting specific health

into their advanced years. Very simply, the answer is in your blood type. Knowing

conditions and formulating them for people of all blood types.

your blood type is an important tool for understanding how your body reacts to food, your susceptibility to disease, what type of exercise works best for you, and so much more! In fact, a single drop of blood contains a biochemical make-up as unique as your fingerprint. For more than 30 years, Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo has been studying the relationship between your blood type, food, and disease. In his best-selling book, Eat Right for Your Type, published in 1996, Dr. D’Adamo introduced the world to the concept that blood type, a fundamental genetic marker, plays an important role in your health. He explained why some nutrients are beneficial to some people, yet potentially harmful to the cells of another. You see, when you eat, a chemical reaction occurs between your blood and the foods or supplements you consume. Foods contain proteins called

Why you should choose D’Adamo Personalized Nutrition supplements: • Made with the highest quality ingredients which facilitates absorption and assimilation • Stearate free (stearates are known to diminish the benefit of active ingredients) • Capsule shells are vegetarian and kosher certified • 98% of our entire line is vegetarian • Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) with our manufacturers certified through the Natural Products Association with an “A” compliance rating • Ingredients are wild crafted or organically sourced whenever possible; NON-GMO ingredients used (although not certified)

lectins – and your blood type is genetically programmed to accept or reject these

• Manufactured in USA with American grown ingredients whenever possible

lectins. When you eat a food containing protein lectins that are incompatible with

• Our Genoma Skin Care products are never tested on animals

your blood type, they cause your blood to agglutinate – or clump up – and interfere

• Tested for lead levels and adhere to Federal requirements

with your digestion, slow down your metabolism, and weaken your immune system.

• 90% of our products comply with prop 65 of California - the most stringent standard

This process has been directly linked to a number of health conditions.

in regards to heavy metals in the country and most continents

Nutritional supplements behave in a similar way to foods – they can heal or harm

Now it’s time to take the next step…turn the page and enter the world of healthy

you depending on your blood type. Dr. D’Adamo created his blood type specific

living through D’Adamo Personalized Nutrition.



O r d e r a t w w w . 4 Yo u r Ty p e . c o m   |   To l l - F r e e U S A : 1 . 8 7 7 . 2 2 6 . 8 9 7 3   |   I n t e r n a t i o n a l : 1 . 2 0 3 . 7 6 1 . 0 0 4 2


ype O was the first blood type, and like their ancestors, modern

address their health issues with a diet rich in saltwater fish and kelp to help

Type O’s are born leaders with strong, self-reliant personalities.

support the thyroid gland and normalize the sluggish metabolic rate and

When you customize your lifestyle to Dr. D’Adamo’s program, you

encourage weight loss. He suggests that Type O individuals avoid eating

can reap the benefits of your ancestry. Your genetic inheritance offers you

wheat, corn, and dairy as they often trigger digestive and health issues.

the opportunity to be lean, long-lived and optimistic. The benefits of vigorous exercise such as running, aerobics, or martial arts While Type O’s can be powerful and productive, they are vulnerable to

are tremendous in Type O – in addition to maintaining physical health,

certain health conditions; in the 1950’s it was discovered that Type O’s had

they also provide a psychological benefit.

about twice the instances of ulcers of all kinds than the other blood types. This is a result of higher than average levels of stomach acid. Eating right

Dr. D’Adamo suggests that you supplement effectively with our O Basic

for your type helps to balance your acid levels and prevent ulcers. Type

Pack that includes a multivitamin, probiotic, calcium and our unique

O’s also tend to have lower levels of thyroid hormone and often exhibit

Deflect product that are all formulated specifically to meet the needs of

insufficient levels of iodine, a chemical element whose sole purpose is

Type O’s. Additionally, you can enhance your stress recovery with Catechol,

thyroid hormone regulation. This causes many side effects such as weight

support thyroid function with Fucus Plus, and maintain a healthy digestive

gain, fluid retention and fatigue. Dr. D’Adamo recommends that Type O’s

system with Gastro-D Complex.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). Our products are not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. If a condition persists, please contact your physician.

“I’ve been on the Blood Type Diet for about 3 years. I have no more digestive issues and I’m down 22 pounds. I’m 49 years old and feel like I’m 25 again!” — Rannia, Blood Type O


Type O Supplements

Polyvite® O

Phytocal® O

Polyflora® O

Live Cell™ O

Each blood type has unique nutritional

Phytocal O is a blend of essential minerals

Blood Group specificity is common among

Live Cell O delivers encapsulated micro-

needs. Dr. D’Adamo formulated Polyvite

properly balanced for ultimate absorption

intestinal bacteria with ½ of strains tested

nutrients in the form of sprouted kale,

O with a focus on supercharging the

in Type O individuals. It contains a unique

showing some ABO specificity. Polyflora O



and in our view the best natural source

was formulated to support healthy levels of

detoxification and immune function.

of calcium derived from pure Irish maerl

blood type O friendly bacteria (probiotics)

Adding 2-4 capsules a day to your diet will


and growth media (prebiotics) specific for

bring you the cellular benefits of sprouted

type O. Healthy bacteria correlates with


healthy digestive system, which helps

90 vegetarian capsules | BT009O | $24.95

(Multivitamin Formula)

(Sea-Based Mineral Formula)

120 vegetarian capsules | BT006O | $36.95

120 vegetarian capsules | BT008O | $26.95

(Probiotic Formula)

maintain your immune system.

(Sprouted Food Complex)


120 vegetarian capsules | BT003O | $36.95


O r d e r a t w w w . 4 Yo u r Ty p e . c o m   |   To l l - F r e e U S A : 1 . 8 7 7 . 2 2 6 . 8 9 7 3   |   I n t e r n a t i o n a l : 1 . 2 0 3 . 7 6 1 . 0 0 4 2













Deflect® O

Daily Essentials

Sip Right 4 Your Type Tea® O

Protein Blend™ Powder O

Deflect O is formulated to minimize and

We’ve put together everything you need to

Dr. D’Adamo worked closely with the master

Protein Blend Powder O is a uniquely

repair lectin damage from the foods

build a solid foundation for health with our

tea blenders at Harney and Sons to craft this

formulated, ABO-targeted, high protein

consumed. As one of Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo’s

Basic O Pack. Each pack contains 1 Deflect O,

delicious line of premium teas. Type O tea is

content from rice. It is quickly and easily

most popular and foundational formulas,

1 Polyvite O, 1 Phytocal O, and 1 Polyflora O

a soothing blend of beneficial ingredients,

absorbed by your body for optimal uptake

Deflect® has a wide range of applications,

HP005O | SRP $137.80 Pack Price $109.95

including organic green tea and licorice

and energy production. Our protein was

root, which both calms and soothes the

designed to be mixed with your favorite

acidic stomach lining of Type O.

juice, It has no added sugar, no fillers, is

(Lectin Blocking Formula)

including: • Assisting and maintaining healthy weight loss • Optimizing metabolism • Helping to develop a more balanced digestive system

(Type O)

(Premium Tea Blend)

20 Silken Tea Sachets per Canister (Each sachet contains approximately 2.5 gms) BT017O | $14.95

(Protein Right For Your Type®)

neutral in taste, and contains only pure, natural whole food sources.

454 grams | BT010O | $21.95

120 vegetarian capsules | BT004O | $36.95

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). Our products are not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. If a condition persists, please contact your physician.



O r d e r a t w w w . 4 Yo u r Ty p e . c o m   |   To l l - F r e e U S A : 1 . 8 7 7 . 2 2 6 . 8 9 7 3   |   I n t e r n a t i o n a l : 1 . 2 0 3 . 7 6 1 . 0 0 4 2


he Type A blood group originated when humans moved away from

Type A’s have naturally high levels of the stress hormone cortisol and

hunting and gathering to building and farming. The cultivation of

produce more in response to stressful situations. The overabundance of

grains and livestock changed everything – for the first time people

this hormone can manifest in several ways, causing obsessive-compulsive

were able to establish stable communities.

disorder, insulin resistance and hypothyroidism. To help balance cortisol levels, Dr. D’Adamo recommends limiting sugar, caffeine and alcohol, and

This is reflected in the A blood type’s diet and personality. Type A’s flourish

eating smaller, more frequent meals to help balance blood sugar levels.

on a vegetarian diet – if you are accustomed to eating meat, once you begin eating right for your type, you will lose weight and have more energy.

Since Type A’s already have high cortisol levels, he recommends they choose

Many people find it difficult to move away from eating the typical meat

calming exercises such as Yoga and Tai Chi to help A’s remain balanced and

and potato fare to soy proteins, grains and vegetables. But it is particularly


important for Type A’s sensitive immune system to make these changes. Dr. D’Adamo says, “With this diet, you can supercharge your immune system

Build your supplement foundation with the Type A basic pack that includes a

and potentially short circuit the development of life-threatening diseases.”

multivitamin, probiotic, calcium and our unique Deflect product that are all

He recommends that Type A’s favor a vegetarian diet featuring abundant

formulated specifically to meet the nutritional needs of Type A. Additionally

fresh vegetables, tofu, seafood, grains, legumes and fruit and avoid red

you can enhance stress recovery with Cortiguard, and use Glycoscia to help

meat and dairy.

maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

“I suffered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, but since embracing the blood type A diet, my life has changed dramatically.”

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). Our products are not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. If a condition persists, please contact your physician.

— May, Blood Type A


Type A Supplements

Polyvite® A

Phytocal® A

Polyflora® A

Live Cell™ A

Formulated to provide extra protection

Phytocal A is a multimineral supplement.

Blood Group specificity is common among

Freeze dried sprouts of soy, onion, adzuki

where you need it. The focus for Type A

Dr. D’Adamo has found that small amounts

intestinal bacteria with ½ of strains tested

beans plus many others deliver a highly

is supercharging the immune system,

of zinc and selenium stimulate the body’s

showing some ABO specificity. Polyflora A

concentrated dose of micro-nutrients for

supplying antioxidants, and strengthening

own antioxidant defenses and enhance

was formulated to support healthy levels of

optimal immune function for Type A.

the heart – Polyvite A emphasizes those

immunity. Also contains maerl seaweed, a

blood type A friendly bacteria (probiotics)

nutrients that help to meet these goals.

highly absorbable form of natural calcium.

and growth media (prebiotics) specific for

90 vegetarian capsules | BT009A | $24.95

120 vegetarian capsules | BT006A | $36.95

120 vegetarian capsules | BT008A | $26.95

(Multivitamin Formula)

(Sea-Based Mineral Formula)

(Probiotic Formula)

(Sprouted Food Complex)

type A. Healthy bacteria correlates with healthy digestive system, which helps maintain your immune system.

120 vegetarian capsules | BT003A | $36.95


O r d e r a t w w w . 4 Yo u r Ty p e . c o m   |   To l l - F r e e U S A : 1 . 8 7 7 . 2 2 6 . 8 9 7 3   |   I n t e r n a t i o n a l : 1 . 2 0 3 . 7 6 1 . 0 0 4 2










Deflect® A

Daily Essentials

Sip Right For Your Type Tea® A

Protein Blend™ Powder A

Deflect A is formulated to minimize and

We’ve put together everything you need to

Dr. D’Adamo worked closely with the

Our custom-blended Blood Type Diet

repair lectin damage from the foods

build a solid foundation for health with our

master tea blenders at Harney and Sons

Protein Blend provides the ultimate

consumed. As one of Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo’s

Basic A Pack. Each pack contains 1 Deflect A,

to craft this delicious line of premium teas.

in clean protein fuel, quickly and easily

most popular and foundational formulas,

1 Polyvite A, 1 Phytocal A, and 1 Polyflora A.

A calming blend of organic green tea and

absorbed by your body for optimal uptake

herbs designed to provide a soothing

and energy production. Custom blended

effect in the stress-prone Type A. Also

for Type A using highly beneficial soy and

contains hawthorn, a cardiovascular tonic,

pea proteins, this unique protein powder

to improve elasticity of the arteries.

also contains amino acids, bromelain, and

20 Silken Tea Sachets per Canister (Each sachet contains approximately 2.5 gms) BT017A | $14.95

arabinogalactan essential for absorption and

(Lectin Blocking Formula)

Deflect® has a wide range of applications, including: • Assisting and maintaining healthy weight loss • Optimizing metabolism • Helping to develop a more balanced digestive system

120 vegetarian capsules | BT004A | $36.95

(Type A)

HP005A | SRP $137.80 Pack Price $109.95

(Premium Tea Blend)

(Protein Right For Your Type®)

digestability in Type A. Naturally unflavored. No added sugar.

454 grams | BT010A | $21.95

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). Our products are not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. If a condition persists, please contact your physician.



O r d e r a t w w w . 4 Yo u r Ty p e . c o m   |   To l l - F r e e U S A : 1 . 8 7 7 . 2 2 6 . 8 9 7 3   |   I n t e r n a t i o n a l : 1 . 2 0 3 . 7 6 1 . 0 0 4 2


cientists believe that the B blood type originated when humans

avoid is chicken. It contains a lectin that agglutinates, or clumps up, the red

moved from the hot savannahs of eastern Africa to the cold

blood cells of B’s potentially leading to health and immune disorders.

highlands of the Himalayan Mountains.

As the people moved

northward, herding and domesticating animals, their diet also changed to include meat and cultured dairy.

To maintain the mind/body balance that is unique to Type B’s, Dr. D’Adamo recommends choosing physical exercises that challenges the mind as well as the body. They tend to do best with activities that are not too aerobically

Modern Type B’s diet reflects that balance. The Type B diet includes a variety of meat, fish, grains, fruits, vegetables, and dairy. Type B’s who eat right for their type, are very successful in controlling their weight, provided they

intensive, have an element of mental challenge, and involve other people. Excellent forms of exercise include tennis, martial arts, cycling, hiking, and golf.

avoid foods that encourage weight gain for B’s - corn, wheat, buckwheat, lentils, and tomatoes. Each of these foods affect the efficiency of the

Build your supplement foundation with our Basic B Pack that includes a

metabolic process, resulting in fatigue, fluid retention, and hypoglycemia –

multivitamin, probiotic, calcium, and our unique Deflect product that are all

a severe drop in blood sugar after eating a meal. When you eliminate these

formulated specifically to meet the nutritional needs of Type B. Maximize

foods and begin eating right for your type, your blood sugar levels should

the benefits of proper nutrition and exercise with Nitricycle, which enhances

remain normal after meals. Another common food that most B’s should

the flow of oxygen and nutrients to your muscles.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). Our products are not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. If a condition persists, please contact your physician.

“We are truly grateful for the research and the advice found in your book, it has given me and my family a better quality of life as we apply it daily. ” — Mosidinyana, Blood Type B


Type B Supplements

Polyvite® B

Phytocal® B

Polyflora® B

Live Cell™ B/AB

Dr. D’Adamo formulated Polyvite B with a

Phytocal B features a unique natural source

Blood Group specificity is common among

The live enzymes found in sprouts make

focus on fine-tuning an already balanced

of highly absorbable calcium from the

intestinal bacteria with ½ of strains tested

them a uniquely valuable source of nutrition.

diet, with an emphasis on improving insulin

small red seaweed called Maerl, which is

showing some ABO specificity. Polyflora B

Dr. D’Adamo formulated Live Cell B/AB

efficiency, strengthening the immune

composed of a wide variety of essential

was formulated to support healthy levels of

to capture the highly beneficial enzymes

system and improving mental clarity.

nutrients. Maerl’s unique structure insures

blood type B friendly bacteria (probiotics)

in oat, onion, and broccoli to provide a

a phenomenal rate of bioavailability and

and growth media (prebiotics) specific for

concentrated source of micronutrients.

utilization. Phytocal B features the highest

type B. Healthy bacteria correlates with

levels of magnesium to support healthy

healthy digestive system, which helps

nerve and muscle function; proper doses

maintain your immune system.

(Multivitamin Formula)

(Sea-Based Mineral Formula)

120 vegetarian capsules | BT006B | $36.95

of iron and copper - two important bloodbuilding nutrients and significant levels of

(Probiotic Formula)

(Sprouted Food Complex)

90 vegetarian capsules | BT009B/AB | $24.95

120 vegetarian capsules | BT003B | $36.95

vitamin D and vitamin K.

120 vegetarian capsules | BT008B | $26.95


O r d e r a t w w w . 4 Yo u r Ty p e . c o m   |   To l l - F r e e U S A : 1 . 8 7 7 . 2 2 6 . 8 9 7 3   |   I n t e r n a t i o n a l : 1 . 2 0 3 . 7 6 1 . 0 0 4 2










Deflect® B

Daily Essentials

Sip Right For Your Type Tea® B

Protein Blend™ Powder B/AB

Deflect B is formulated to minimize and

We’ve put together everything you

Dr. D’Adamo worked closely with the master

Our custom-blended Blood Type Diet

repair lectin damage from the foods

need to build a solid foundation for

tea blenders at Harney and Sons to craft this

Protein Blend provides the ultimate

consumed. As one of Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo’s

health with our Basic B Pack. Each pack

delicious line of premium teas. This green

in clean protein fuel, quickly and easily

most popular and foundational formulas,

contains 1 Deflect B, 1 Polyvite B,

tea blend for Type B tastes delicious and

absorbed by your body for optimal uptake

Deflect® has a wide range of applications,

1 Phytocal B, and 1 Polyflora B.

offers a bounty of health benefits. Derived

and energy production. Dr. D’Adamo

from rosehips, ginger root, licorice, and

blends whey, rice and egg protein for the


ultimate in absorbable protein specifically

(Lectin Blocking Formula)

including: • Assisting and maintaining healthy weight loss • Optimizing metabolism • Helping to develop a more balanced digestive system

120 vegetarian capsules | BT004B | $36.95

(Type B)

HP005B | SRP $137.80 Pack Price $109.95

(Premium Tea Blend)

20 Silken Tea Sachets per Canister (Each sachet contains approximately 2.5 gms) BT017B | $14.95

(Protein Right For Your Type®)

formulated for Type B and AB. In the B/ AB Protein Blend Powder, whey protein concentrate is the prime protein, not the ‘isolate’ as seen in many other whey formulas. This unique protein powder contains amino acids. Naturally unflavored. No added sugar.

454 grams | BT010B/AB | $21.95 *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). Our products are not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. If a condition persists, please contact your physician.



O r d e r a t w w w . 4 Yo u r Ty p e . c o m   |   To l l - F r e e U S A : 1 . 8 7 7 . 2 2 6 . 8 9 7 3   |   I n t e r n a t i o n a l : 1 . 2 0 3 . 7 6 1 . 0 0 4 2


ype AB blood is rare and found in less than five percent

Exercise plays a critical component in stress reduction and maintaining

of the population.

a healthy emotional balance for Type AB.

It’s the newest of the blood types.

Until ten or twelve centuries ago, it did not exist.

Dr. D’Adamo suggests a


combination of both calming activities and more intense physical exercise

AB resulted from the intermingling of Type A with Type B, and

to help maintain an optimal balance. For example, three days of biking and

it’s the only blood type that is a result of intermingling rather

two days of calming exercise such as yoga or tai chi. As a Type AB, you may

than environment.

also incorporate meditation or visualization practices into your daily routine to reduce stress and promote emotional wellness. Taking ten minutes in

Type AB reflects the mixed inheritance of its A and B genes and shares the

the early morning to practice this art in a calm, quiet space will provide a

benefits and challenges of both. Designed for modern conditions, Type AB

welcoming start to your day.

has a highly tolerant immune system, but a sensitive digestive tract that can be prone to cardiovascular conditions. Dr. D’Adamo recommends a

Build your supplement foundation with the Type AB basic pack that

diet high in lean protein, including tofu, seafood, and plenty of leafy green

includes a multivitamin, probiotic, calcium and our unique Deflect product

vegetables – especially when trying to lose weight. Foods to avoid that

that are all formulated specifically to meet the nutritional needs of Type

encourage weight gain in Type AB are chicken, corn, kidney beans, and

AB. Genoma Cardia is a blend of synergistic herbs that works to naturally


support and maintain a healthy cardiovascular system.

“I actually feel better than I did in high school! Even though I was thin as a teenager, I always had puffiness in my face. After starting the blood type diet, I noticed that my skin is better and I have no more puffiness.”

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). Our products are not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. If a condition persists, please contact your physician.

— Sharon, Blood Type AB


Type AB Supplements

Polyvite® AB

Phytocal® AB

Polyflora® AB

Live Cell™ B/AB

Dr. D’Adamo formulated Polyvite AB with

Phytocal AB features higher levels of

Blood Group specificity is common among

The live enzymes found in sprouts make

a number of well researched vitamins and

the important co-minerals magnesium,

intestinal bacteria with ½ of strains tested

them a uniquely valuable source of nutrition.

herbs such as quercetin, milk thistle, and



showing some ABO specificity. Polyflora AB

Dr. D’Adamo formulated Live Cell B/AB

bromelain to promote a healthy immune



was formulated to support healthy levels of

to capture the highly beneficial enzymes

system and antioxidant protection.

hydrochloride and rennet. Phytocal AB also

blood type AB friendly bacteria (probiotics)

in oat, onion, and broccoli to provide a

features yellow dock as a gentle source of

and growth media (prebiotics) specific for

concentrated source of micronutrients.


type AB. Healthy bacteria correlates with

(Multivitamin Formula)

(Sea-Based Mineral Formula)

120 vegetarian capsules | BT006AB | $36.95

molybdenum, cofactors

(Probiotic Formula)


120 vegetarian capsules | BT008AB | $26.95

healthy digestive system, which helps maintain your immune system.

(Sprouted Food Complex)

90 vegetarian capsules | BT009B/AB | $24.95

120 vegetarian capsules | BT003AB | $36.95


O r d e r a t w w w . 4 Yo u r Ty p e . c o m   |   To l l - F r e e U S A : 1 . 8 7 7 . 2 2 6 . 8 9 7 3   |   I n t e r n a t i o n a l : 1 . 2 0 3 . 7 6 1 . 0 0 4 2










Deflect® AB

Daily Essentials

Sip Right For Your Type Tea® AB

Protein Blend™ Powder B/AB

Deflect AB is formulated to minimize

We’ve put together everything you need to

Dr. D’Adamo worked closely with the master

Our custom-blended Blood Type Diet

and repair lectin damage from the foods

build a solid foundation for health with our

tea blenders at Harney and Sons to craft a

Protein Blend provides the ultimate

consumed. As one of Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo’s

Basic AB Pack. Each pack contains 1 Deflect

delicious new line of premium, healthy tea

in clean protein fuel, quickly and easily

most popular and foundational formulas,

AB, 1 Polyvite AB, 1 Phytocal AB, and 1

blends. In a base of organic green tea, he

absorbed by your body for optimal uptake

Deflect® has a wide range of applications,

Polyflora AB.

blended hawthorn berries, a cardiovascular

and energy production. Dr. D’Adamo

tonic with the relaxing properties of the

blends whey, rice and egg protein for the

herb chamomile to create an immune

ultimate in absorbable protein specifically

boosting tea.

formulated for Type B and AB. In the B/

(Lectin Blocking Formula)

including: • Assisting and maintaining healthy weight loss • Optimizing metabolism • Helping to develop a more balanced digestive system

120 vegetarian capsules | BT004AB | $36.95

(Type AB)

HP005AB | SRP $137.80  Pack Price $109.95

(Premium Tea Blend)

20 Silken Tea Sachets per Canister (Each sachet contains approximately 2.5 gms) BT017AB | 14.95

(Protein Right For Your Type®)

AB Protein Blend Powder, whey protein concentrate is the prime protein, not the ‘isolate’ as seen in many other whey formulas. This unique protein powder contains amino acids. Naturally unflavored. No added sugar.

454 grams | BT010B/AB | $21.95 *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). Our products are not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. If a condition persists, please contact your physician.


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