D'Adamo Personalized Nutrition - 2014 Catalog

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2014 - 2015







Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo

Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside Front Cover

Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo has been practicing naturopathic medicine for

Your Type Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Blood Type O and Supplements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4, 5 Blood Type A and Supplements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 7

more than 30 years. He is best known for his research on human blood groups and individualized nutrition and is the author of more

Blood Type B and Supplements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 9

than 20 books, including the New York Times

Blood Type AB and Supplements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 11

best-seller, Eat Right for Your Type, which has

Condition Specific Supplements: Right For All Types . . . 12-19

been translated into 65 languages and has

Unibar: The Protein Bar Right for All Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Feed Your Skin: D’Adamo Genoma Skin Care . . . . . . . . . . 20, 21

reached over 7 million people worldwide.

D’Adamo Personalized Nutrition Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 23

DPN Test Kits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

In recognition of his leadership in

the field of personalized nutrition, Dr.

SWAMI XP2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Back Cover

D’Adamo and the University of Bridgeport (Connecticut) collaborated to create the Center of Excellence in Generative Medicine. This state of the art teaching, research, and patient care center is dedicated to better understanding the self-healing behaviors that are the basis of naturopathic philosophy and therapy.

Dr. D’Adamo is a well-regarded researcher in the field of natural

products and an expert in botanical medicine. Each D’Adamo Personalized Nutrition product is formulated by Dr. D’Adamo and tested in a clinical setting to ensure the quality and effectiveness of each product.

Beginning with the most studied marker of individuality, your

blood type, Dr. D’Adamo has developed the foundation of the Science of Individuality and established the perfect starting point for you and your health – the Blood Type Diet.

D’Adamo Personalized Nutrition® North American Pharmacal, Inc., 213 Danbury Road, Wilton, CT 06897 Toll Free: 1-877-226-8973  |  International: 1-203-761-0042 The Blood Type Diet®, GenoType Diet®, Eat Right For Your Type®, Change Your Genetic Destiny®, and Live Right For Your Type® are the registered trademarks of D’Adamo Personalized Nutrition®. For a complete list of trademarks, go to www.RightForYourType.com/DPN_trademarks.asp. © Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). Our products are not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. If a condition persists, please contact your physician. REV:121813:kd


Your Type Matters Congratulations! You have just taken the first step in eating and

programmed to accept or reject these lectins. When you eat a food

living Right for Your Type.

containing protein lectins that are incompatible with your blood

type, they cause your blood to agglutinate – or clump up – and

Throughout your lifetime, you’ve probably observed that some

people seem to lose weight easily, while for others, their weight is

interfere with your digestion, slow down your metabolism, and

an on-going battle. Or wondered why some people are plagued

destroy your immune system. This process has been directly linked

by chronic illness, while others are healthy and vital even into their

to chronic conditions like arthritis, colitis, high cholesterol, anemia,

advanced years. Very simply, the answer is in your blood type.

weight gain, depression, and diabetes!

Knowing your blood type is an important tool for understanding

how your body reacts to food, your susceptibility to disease, what

– they can heal or harm you depending on your blood type – this

type of exercise works best for you, and so much more! In fact, a

is why Dr. D’Adamo created his blood type specific supplements to

single drop of blood contains a biochemical make-up as unique as

address the unique nutritional needs of each blood type. Using his

Nutritional supplements behave exactly the same way as foods

your fingerprint.

encyclopedic knowledge of botanical medicine, Dr. D’Adamo also

created Genoma Nutritionals to support and enhance your health

For more than

30 years, Dr. Peter

while targeting specific health conditions and formulated them for

J. D’Adamo has

people of all blood types. All our D’Adamo Personalized Nutrition

been studying the

products are made with the highest quality ingredients, with no

relationship between

synthetic additives or preservatives, and use 100% kosher certified

your blood type, food,

vegetarian capsules for easy absorption and assimilation.

and disease. In his

best-selling book, Eat

the world of healthy living through D’Adamo Personalized Nutrition.

Now it’s time to take the next step…turn the page and enter

Right for Your Type, published in 1996, Dr. D’Adamo introduced the world to the concept that blood type, a fundamental genetic marker, plays an important role in your health. He explained why some nutrients are beneficial to some people, yet potentially harmful to the cells of another. You see, when you eat, a chemical reaction occurs between your blood and the foods you eat or the supplements you take. Foods contain proteins called lectins – and your blood type is genetically


Type O Matters Type O was the first blood type, and

health conditions; in the 1950’s it was

suggests that Type O people avoid eating

like their ancestors, modern Type O’s

discovered that Type O’s had about twice

wheat, corn, and dairy as they often trigger

are born leaders with strong, self-reliant

the instances of ulcers of all kinds than

digestive and health issues.

personalities. When you customize your

the other blood types. This is a result of

life to Dr. D’Adamo’s program, you can reap

higher than average levels of stomach acid.

as running,

the benefits of your ancestry. Your genetic

Eating right for your type helps to balance

aerobics or

inheritance offers you the opportunity to be

your acid levels and prevent ulcers. Type

martial arts are

lean, long lived and optimistic.

O’s also tend to have lower levels of thyroid


hormone and often exhibit insufficient

in Type O –

levels of iodine, a chemical element whose

in addition to

While Type O’s can be powerful and

productive, they are vulnerable to certain

The benefits of vigorous exercise such

“I’ve been on the Blood Type Diet for about 3 years. I have no more digestive issues and I’m down 22 pounds. I’m 49 years old and feel like I’m 25 again!”

sole purpose is thyroid hormone


regulation. This causes many


side effects such as weight gain,

health, they

fluid retention and fatigue. Dr.

also provide a

D’Adamo recommends that Type


O’s address their health issues


with a diet rich in saltwater fish

and kelp to help regulate the

supplement effectively with our O Basic

thyroid gland and normalize

Pack that includes a multivitamin, probiotic,

the sluggish metabolic rate

calcium and our unique Deflect product

and encourage weight loss. He

that are all formulated specifically to meet

— Rannia, Blood Type O

Dr. D’Adamo suggests that you

the needs of Type O’s. Additionally, you can enhance your stress recovery with Catechol, support thyroid function with Fucus Plus, and maintain a healthy digestive system with Gastro-D Complex!


Order at www.4yourtype.com or call toll-free 1(877) 226-8973 in the USA – International calls: 1(203) 761-0042

O Supplements Polyvite® O

Live Cell™ O

Sip Right 4 Your Type Tea® O

Each blood type has unique nutritional

Live Cell O delivers encapsulated micro-

Dr. D’Adamo worked closely with the master

needs. Dr. D’Adamo formulated Polyvite

nutrients in the form of sprouted kale,

tea blenders at Harney and Sons to craft this

O with a focus on supercharging the

broccoli and garlic and promotes

delicious line of premium teas. Type O tea is

metabolism and preventing inflammation.

detoxification and immune function. Adding

a soothing blend of beneficial ingredients,

2-4 capsules a day to your diet will bring you

including organic green tea and licorice

the cellular benefits of sprouted plants.

root, which both calms and heals the acidic

BT009O  90 vegetarian capsules

stomach lining of Type O.

(Sprouted Food Complex)

(Multivitamin Formula)

BT006O  120 vegetarian capsules

Phytocal® O

(Sea-Based Mineral Formula) Phytocal O is a blend of essential minerals

Deflect® O

(Premium Tea Blend)

BT017O  20 Silken Tea Sachets per Canister (Each sachet contains approximately 2.5 gms)

properly balanced for ultimate absorption

(Lectin Blocking Formula)

in Type O individuals. It contains a unique

Deflect O is formulated to minimize and

natural source of calcium derived from pure

repair lectin damage from the foods you

(Protein Right For Your Type®)

Irish maerl seaweed.

eat. It contains bladderwrack for additional

Your custom-blended D’Adamo Protein

metabolic support.

Blend Powder provides the ultimate in clean

BT008O  120 vegetarian capsules

BT004O  120 vegetarian capsules

Polyflora® O

(Probiotic Formula)

Save more with Basic O Pack

Polyflora O contains high levels of

We’ve put together everything you need to

Streptococcus thermophilus and

build a solid foundation for health with our

Lactobacillus rhamnosus, the probiotic

Basic O Pack. Each pack contains

strains found in the highest levels in healthy

1 Deflect O, 1 Polyvite O,

Type O’s. Additionally, Dr. D’Adamo added

1 Phytocal O, and

larch arabinogalactan, a unique form of

1 Polyflora O

soluble fiber, that is used by the good colonic bacteria as an energy source. Larch has been shown to increase the levels


Protein Blend™ Powder O

protein fuel, quickly and easily absorbed by your body for optimal uptake and energy production. Protein Blend Powder for Type O contains rice protein and egg whites – two highly beneficial and easily digestable protein sources for Type O. This unique protein powder contains amino acids. Naturally unflavored. No added sugar.

BT010O  454 grams

of beneficial flora, especially the strains beneficial for Type O’s.

BT003O  120 vegetarian capsules

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). Our products are not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. If a condition persists, please contact your physician.


Type A Matters The Type A blood group originated when

your immune system and potentially short

cortisol levels, he recommends they choose

humans moved away from hunting and

circuit the development of life-threatening

calming exercises such as Yoga and Tai Chi

gathering to building and farming. The

diseases.” He recommends that Type A’s favor

to help A’s remain balanced and calm.

cultivation of grains and livestock changed

a vegetarian diet featuring abundant fresh

everything – for the first time people were

vegetables, tofu, seafood, grains, legumes

with the Type A basic pack that includes

able to establish stable communities.

and fruit and avoid red meat and dairy.

a multivitamin, probiotic, calcium and

This is reflected in the A blood type’s

Type A’s have naturally high levels of

Build your supplement foundation

our unique Deflect product that are

diet and personality. Type A’s flourish on a

the stress hormone cortisol and produce

all formulated specifically to meet the

vegetarian diet – if you are accustomed to

more in response to stressful situations.

nutritional needs of Type A. Additionally

eating meat, once you

The overabundance of this hormone can

you can enhance stress recovery with

begin eating right for your

manifest in several ways, causing obsessive-

Cortiguard, and use Glycoscia to help

type, you will lose weight

compulsive disorder, insulin resistance

maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

and have more energy.

and hypothyroidism. To help balance

Many people find it

cortisol levels, Dr. D’Adamo recommends

difficult to move away from

limiting sugar, caffeine and alcohol, and

eating the typical meat and

eating smaller, more frequent meals to help

potato fare to soy proteins,

balance blood sugar levels.

grains and vegetables.

“I suffered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, but since embracing the blood type A diet, my life has changed dramatically.” — May, Blood Type A

Since Type A’s already have high

But it is particularly important for Type A’s sensitive immune system to make these changes. Dr. D’Adamo says, “With this diet, you can supercharge


Order at www.4yourtype.com or call toll-free 1(877) 226-8973 in the USA – International calls: 1(203) 761-0042

A Supplements Polyvite® A

Live Cell™ A

Sip Right For Your Type Tea® A

Formulated to provide extra protection

Freeze dried sprouts of soy, onion, adzuki

Dr. D’Adamo worked closely with the

where you need it. The focus for Type A

beans plus many others deliver a highly

master tea blenders at Harney and Sons

is supercharging the immune system,

concentrated dose of micro-nutrients for

to craft this delicious line of premium teas.

supplying antioxidants, and strengthening

optimal immune function for Type A.

A calming blend of organic green tea and

the heart – Polyvite A emphasizes those

BT009A  90 vegetarian capsules

(Sprouted Food Complex)

(Multivitamin Formula)

nutrients that help to meet these goals.

BT006A  120 vegetarian capsules

Deflect® A

(Lectin Blocking Formula)

Phytocal® A

The Deflect formula provides a source of free

(Sea-Based Mineral Formula)

blocking amino sugars which bind and block

Phytocal A is a multimineral supplement. Dr.

lectins before they can attach to the cells.

D’Adamo has found that small amounts of

Deflect A contains a blend of amino sugars

zinc and selenium stimulate the body’s own

that are most effective for Type A.

antioxidant defenses and enhance immunity.

BT004A  120 vegetarian capsules

Also contains maerl seaweed, a highly absorbable form of natural calcium.

Save more with Basic A Pack

BT008A  120 vegetarian capsules

We’ve put together everything you need to build a solid foundation for health with our

Polyflora® A

Basic A Pack. Each pack contains

(Premium Tea Blend)

herbs designed to provide a soothing effect in the stress-prone Type A. Also contains hawthorn, a cardiovascular tonic, to improve elasticity of the arteries, while lowering blood pressure.

BT017A  20 Silken Tea Sachets per Canister (Each sachet contains approximately 2.5 gms)

Protein Blend™ Powder A  (Protein Right For Your Type®)

Your custom-blended D’Adamo Protein Blend provides the ultimate in clean protein fuel, quickly and easily absorbed by your body for optimal uptake and energy production. Custom blended for Type A using highly beneficial soy and pea proteins,

(Probiotic Formula)

1 Deflect A, 1 Polyvite A,

Polyflora A contains high levels of

1 Phytocal A, and

Bifidobacterium bifidus, Lactobacillus

1 Polyflora A.

powder also contains

plantarum, and Lactobacillus reuteri, the


and arabinogalactan

probiotic strains found in the highest levels in healthy Type A’s, which work to improve gut integrity. Burdock root, chicory root, and Jerusalem artichoke act as targeted prebiotics.

BT003A  120 vegetarian capsules

this unique protein amino acids, bromelain, essential for absorption and digestability in Type A. Naturally un- flavored. No added sugar.

BT010A  454 grams

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). Our products are not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. If a condition persists, please contact your physician.


Type B Matters Scientists believe that the B blood type

and dairy. Type B’s who eat right for their

B’s, Dr. D’Adamo recommends choosing

originated when humans moved from the

type, are very successful in controlling

physical exercises that challenges the

hot savannahs of eastern Africa to the cold

their weight, provided they avoid foods

mind as well as the body. They tend to

highlands of the Himalayan Mountains.

that encourage weight gain in people of

do best with activities that are not too

As the people moved northward, herding

that blood type - corn, wheat, buckwheat,

aerobically intensive, have an element of

and domesticating animals, their diet also

lentils and tomatoes. Each of these foods

mental challenge and involve other people.

changed to include meat and cultured dairy.

affect the efficiency of your metabolic

Excellent forms of exercise include tennis,

process, resulting in fatigue, fluid retention

martial arts, cycling, hiking and golf.

balance. The Type B diet includes a variety

and hypoglycemia – a severe drop in

of meat, fish, grains, fruits and vegetables

blood sugar after eating a meal. When you

with the Type B basic pack that includes

Modern Type B’s diet reflects that

Build your supplement foundation

eliminate these foods

a multivitamin, probiotic, calcium and

and begin eating right

our unique Deflect product that are

for your type, your

all formulated specifically to meet the

blood sugar levels


should remain normal

needs of Type

after meals. Another

B. Maximize

common food that

the benefits

most B’s should avoid

of proper

is chicken. Chicken

nutrition and

contains a lectin that

exercise with

agglutinates, or clumps


up, the red blood


cells of B’s potentially

enhances the

leading to strokes and

flow of oxygen

immune disorders.

and nutrients

to your

To maintain the

mind/body balance

“We are truly grateful for the research and the advice found in your book, it had given me and my family a better quality of life as we apply it daily. ” — Mosidinyana, Blood Type B


that is unique to Type


Order at www.4yourtype.com or call toll-free 1(877) 226-8973 in the USA – International calls: 1(203) 761-0042

B Supplements Polyvite® B

Live Cell™ B/AB

Sip Right For Your Type Tea® B

Dr. D’Adamo formulated Polyvite B with a

The live enzymes found in sprouts make

Dr. D’Adamo worked closely with the master

focus on fine-tuning an already balanced

them a uniquely valuable source of nutrition.

tea blenders at Harney and Sons to craft

diet, with an emphasis on improving insulin

Dr. D’Adamo formulated Live Cell B/AB

this delicious line of premium teas. Blended

efficiency, strengthening the immune system

to capture the highly beneficial enzymes

just for Type B, this tea tastes delicious and

and improving mental clarity.

in oat, onion, and broccoli to provide a

offers a bounty of health benefits. Organic

concentrated source of micronutrients.

green tea is blended with licorice, which has

(Multivitamin Formula)

(Sprouted Food Complex)

BT006B  120 vegetarian capsules

BT009B/AB  90 vegetarian capsules

Phytocal® B

Deflect® B

(Sea-Based Mineral Formula)

(Premium Tea Blend)

antiviral properties that work to reduce your susceptibility to autoimmune diseases, help to regulate blood sugar levels and soothe the digestive tract.

While other blood types risk calcium

(Lectin Blocking Formula)

deficiency, Type B’s risk magnesium

Minimize lectin damage from the foods you

deficiency. Phytocal B multimineral is

eat and repair existing lectin damage with

formulated with additional magnesium to

Deflect B. It is formulated with synergistic

lower the risks associated with magnesium

herbs and amino acids to aid in the efficiency

deficiency, such as immune dysfunction,

of the metabolic process and processing of

(Protein Right For Your Type®)

fatigue, and depression.


Your custom-blended D’Adamo Protein

BT008B  120 vegetarian capsules

BT004B  120 vegetarian capsules

Polyflora® B

Save more with Basic B Pack

(Probiotic Formula)

We’ve put together everything you need to

BT017B  20 Silken Tea Sachets per Canister (Each sachet contains approximately 2.5 gms)

Protein Blend™ Powder B/AB  Blend provides the ultimate in clean protein fuel, quickly and easily absorbed by your body for optimal uptake and energy production. Dr. D’Adamo blends whey, rice and egg protein for the ultimate in absorbable protein specifically formulated

Polyflora B contains high levels of

build a solid foundation for health with our

Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Lactobacillus

Basic B Pack. Each pack contains

sporogenes, the probiotic strains found

1 Deflect B, 1 Polyvite B,

in the highest levels in healthy Type B’s,

1 Phytocal B, and

which work to improve gut integrity. Indian

1 Polyflora B.

is the prime protein, not


other whey formulas. This

elecampane appears to have significant antimicrobial effects against bad bacteria

for Type B and AB. In the B/ AB Protein Blend Powder, whey protein concentrate the ‘isolate’ as seen in many

and yeasts that are present in the gut.

unique protein powder

BT003B  120 vegetarian capsules

Naturally unflavored.

contains amino acids. No added sugar.

BT010B/AB  454 grams

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). Our products are not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. If a condition persists, please contact your physician.


Type AB Matters Type AB blood is rare, it’s found in less than

Type AB are chicken, corn, kidney beans,

art in a calm, quiet atmosphere will provide

five percent of the population. And it’s the

and buckwheat and should be avoided.

a welcoming start to your day.

newest of the blood types. Until ten or

twelve centuries ago, it did not exist. Type

stress reduction and maintaining a healthy

with the Type AB basic pack that includes

AB resulted from the intermingling of Type

emotional balance for Type AB. Dr. D’Adamo

a multivitamin, probiotic, calcium and

A with Type B, and it’s the only blood type

suggests a combination of both calming

our unique Deflect product that are

that is a result of intermingling rather

activities and more intense physical exercise

all formulated specifically to meet the

than environment!

to help maintain an optimal balance. For

nutritional needs of Type AB. Genoma

example, three days of biking and two days

Cardia is a blend of synergistic herbs that

of it’s A and B genes

of calming exercise such as yoga or tai chi.

work to naturally support and maintain a

and shares the benefits

As a Type AB, you may also incorporate

healthy cardiovascular system.

and challenges of both.

meditation or visualization practices into

Designed for modern

your daily routine to reduce stress and

conditions, Type AB has a

promote emotional wellness. Taking ten

highly tolerant immune

minutes in the early morning to practice this

Type AB reflects the mixed inheritance

“I actually feel better than I did in high school! Even though I was thin as a teenager, I always had puffiness in my face. After starting the blood type diet, I noticed that my skin is better and I have no more puffiness.” — Sharon, Blood Type AB

Exercise plays a critical component in

Build your supplement foundation

system, but a sensitive digestive tract and can be prone to cardiovascular conditions. Dr. D’Adamo recommends a diet high in lean protein, including tofu and seafood, and plenty of leafy green vegetables – especially when trying to lose weight. Foods that encourage weight gain in


Order at www.4yourtype.com or call toll-free 1(877) 226-8973 in the USA – International calls: 1(203) 761-0042

AB Supplements Polyvite® AB

Live Cell™ B/AB

Sip Right For Your Type Tea® AB

Dr. D’Adamo formulated Polyvite AB with

The live enzymes found in sprouts make

Dr. D’Adamo worked closely with the master

a number of well researched vitamins and

them a uniquely valuable source of nutrition.

tea blenders at Harney and Sons to craft a

herbs such as quercetin, milk thistle, and

Dr. D’Adamo formulated Live Cell B/AB

delicious new line of premium, healthy tea

bromelain to promote a healthy immune

to capture the highly beneficial enzymes

blends. In a base of organic green tea, he

system and antioxidant protection.

in oat, onion, and broccoli to provide a

blended hawthorn berries, a cardiovascular

concentrated source of micronutrients.

tonic with the relaxing properties of the herb

(Multivitamin Formula)

(Sprouted Food Complex)

BT006AB  120 vegetarian capsules

BT009B/AB  90 vegetarian capsules

Phytocal® AB

(Premium Tea Blend)

chamomile to create an immune boosting tea that is as soothing as it is healing.

Deflect® AB

Phytocal AB features higher levels of

(Lectin Blocking Formula)

BT017AB   20 Silken Tea Sachets per Canister (Each sachet contains approximately 2.5 gms)

the important co-minerals magnesium,

Minimize lectin damage from the foods you

manganese and molybdenum; the stomach-

eat with Deflect AB. It works to effectively

Protein Blend™ Powder B/AB

acidifying cofactors betaine hydrochloride

repair existing lectin damage and prevent

(Protein Right For Your Type®)

and rennet. Phytocal AB also features yellow

new attachments from forming.

Your custom-blended D’Adamo Protein

(Sea-Based Mineral Formula)

dock as a gentle source of iron.

BT004AB  120 vegetarian capsules

BT008AB  120 vegetarian capsules

Save more with Basic AB Pack

Polyflora® AB

We’ve put together everything you need to

(Probiotic Formula)

build a solid foundation for health with our

Blend provides the ultimate in clean protein fuel, quickly and easily absorbed by your body for optimal uptake and energy production. Dr. D’Adamo blends whey, rice and egg protein for the ultimate in absorbable protein specifically formulated for Type B and AB. In the B/

Polyflora AB contains high levels of

Basic AB Pack. Each pack contains

Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Lactobacillus

1 Deflect AB, 1 Polyvite AB,

sporogenes, the probiotic strains found

1 Phytocal AB, and

in the highest levels in healthy Type AB’s.

1 Polyflora AB.

is the prime protein, not


other whey formulas.

These beneficial flora have been shown to improve gut integrity, improving resistance to negative lectins. Garlic and brewer’s yeast have been shown to be effective in reducing inflammation.

BT003AB  120 vegetarian capsules

AB Protein Blend Powder, whey protein concentrate the ‘isolate’ as seen in many Naturally unflavored. This unique protein powder contains amino acids. No added sugar.

BT010B/AB  454 grams

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). Our products are not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. If a condition persists, please contact your physician.


Condition Specific Supplements Genoma Nutritionals Supplements are

Diet as well as those individuals who

blood types have in common, while avoiding

designed to support and enhance your

are searching for unique, one-of-a-kind

common ingredients that would not be

health while targeting specific health

designed formulations.

optimal for one blood type or another.

conditions and concerns. With his keen

Each product in the Genoma Nutritionals

awareness of each individual’s biochemical

formulations is that you can’t always be

has been uniquely designed, using the

individuality and his vast knowledge of

certain all ingredients are beneficial for

highest quality ingredients, no synthetic

herbal, vitamin, and mineral raw materials,

your blood type. From the vantage point

additives or preservatives, and uses 100%

Dr. Peter D’Adamo has designed the

of an awareness of individual needs, Dr.

kosher-certified vegetarian capsules for easy

Genoma Nutritionals as condition specific

D’Adamo has formulated a line of products

absorption and assimilation.

support for followers of the Blood Type

containing beneficial ingredients that all

The challenge with many ordinary

“I always have a bottle of Collinsonia on hand, otherwise, my sinus infections can take a running leap and develop into migraines, which I’ve avoided since taking Collinsonia nearly a year ago.” — Angelica, Blood Type O


Order at www.4yourtype.com or call toll-free 1(877) 226-8973 in the USA – International calls: 1(203) 761-0042



Find Your Supplement by Health Interest

Mental Clarity Attentia™ Trehalose Complex™ Methyl 12 Plus®

Vitamins & Minerals


ClearCal™ Exakta™ Multimineral™ Phyto D 2000™

Quercetin Plus™ Collinsonia Plus® Fish Oil Formula™

Vision Support

Stress Relief / Nervous System


Skin Care

Catechol® (O & AB) Cortiguard® (A & B) Nitricycle™ Tranquility Base™

Genoma Skin Care™ Line Genoma Derma™ Oils

Sinus and Throat

Cardiovascular System

Collinsonia Plus®

Genoma Cardia™ Hytrax™ Nitricycle™ Histona Ulterior™ El Dorado™

Weight Management Glycoscia™ Fucus Plus® CLA Formula™ El Dorado™

Stomach & Intestine Gastro-D Complex™ Intrinsa™ Bromelain™

Respiratory Support Redoxa™ Collinsonia Plus® Quercetin Plus™

Inflammation Modulation

Detox Support

Phloxicin™ Bromelain™ Quercetin Plus™ Scienca™

Hepatiguard™ DetoxiCal-D™ Redoxa™ Harmonia Deluxe™

Joint & Ligament Health

Women’s Health

Phloxicin™ Connectivar™ Phyto D 2000™

Aromastat™ Fem Balance™ Hytrax™ DetoxiCal-D™

Immune Health

Men’s Health

Genoma Security™ ARA 6® & ARA Plus® Proberry 3® & Proberry Caps®

Aromastat™ Genoma EQ™ Nitricycle™


Deep Immune System Support

Methyl 12 Plus® Carob Extract™

Helix Plus® (A & AB) Rekon Pro™

Cellular Health Membrosia™ Complex Membrosia™ Fluidizer

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). Our products are not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. If a condition persists, please contact your physician.


“ After taking Aromastat

for a while, I found my menstruation cycle improving. The premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms have also decreased menstruating is not as painful as before and I feel less and less bloated each time. I also feel lighter and healthier.” — Susan, Blood Type A


CLA Formula™

Enhances healthy testosterone and estrogen levels

Enhances muscle growth, increases insulin sensitivity

Aromastat is an all-natural blend of herbs shown in clinical studies to inhibit the enzyme aromatase. In men, aromatase activity increases with age, converting what little testosterone that is left into estrogen. It is perhaps this event that is most responsible for the many symptoms of “male menopause” and possibly even an enlarged prostate and prostate cancer. In women, most of the research on aromatase inhibitors addresses the treatment of clinical conditions known to be linked with excess estrogen production or sensitivity. In addition, aromatase inhibitors are used by the bodybuilding community to increase lean muscle mass and decrease body fat. NP010  60 vegetarian capsules

Occasional stress relief for Types O and AB

NP038  60 vegetarian capsules

NP005  60 vegetarian capsules

Helps maintain normal cognitive function and feelings of well-being

NP001  100 gram NP025  1 pound


As part of the natural process of aging, we may experience a progressive decline in cognitive function. Dr. D’Adamo has formulated Attentia, designed to help maintain healthy brain function and provide an overall feeling of well-being. Attentia contains four well-researched ingredients that work synergistically to help keep you sharp and focused.


Natural digestive and immune enhancer ARA 6 is a safe immune-enhancing product, which, unlike echinacea, can be recommended for all blood types. It is also an excellent source of soluble fiber, capable of promoting colon health. ARA 6 is a light, easily blended powder derived from the western larch tree. Its primary component is polysaccharides (a long chain of linked sugars) called arabinogalactans, which are high-molecular weight polysaccharides capable of up-regulating critical aspects of the immune system.

GT2-5SYN  60 soft gel capsules

Research indicates that individuals of differing blood groups have extremely different responses to the same occasional stressors. Equally surprising, the genetics of blood type also appear to alter susceptibility to developing certain neuro-psychiatric disorders. Type O’s with mild to moderate stress benefit from the amino acid tyrosine (which can boost dopamine levels). This formula is more specific to Type O, but can be used by other blood types as well. Catechol also features the adaptogen, Rhodiola rosea, which helps modulate the effects of excess adrenaline.

ARA 6 Powder ®

CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) reduces fat and preserves muscle tissue. CLA has been shown to decrease abdominal fat and lowers insulin resistance. It also enhances the immune system. Studies have shown that CLA seems to possess significant cancer preventive effects.

Bromelain™ ARA Plus®

Nature’s recovery and repair enzyme

Dr. D’Adamo has blended highest-grade ARA 6 with quercetin and four different mineral ascorbates of vitamin C into an easy to take capsule. The result is an exceptional enhancement of the body’s defenses. Can be used by all blood types.

Bromelain is a natural enzyme found in the pineapple plant, known widely as a digestive enzyme. However, numerous European studies have shown bromelain to be effective in helping to accelerate recovery from the temporary pain and swelling that sometimes occurs after exercise and sports activities. Bromelain is an effective aid in maintaining tissue health.

NP004  90 vegetarian capsules

NP032  180 vegetarian capsules

Immune enhancer

Carob Extract™ Support for fatigue and digestive imbalances Carob Extract is a blend of four synergistic ingredients designed to support healthy blood sugar levels, maintain healthy intestinal flora, and inhibit dysbiotic bacterial overgrowth. Carob has enjoyed increasing popularity as a low-fat, low-calorie, and caffeinefree alternative to chocolate. Carob supplementation acts as a mild energy enhancer and assists in the inhibition of bacterial overgrowth in the intestine. Carob Extract also contains cocoa beans, which are rich in antioxidants, organic agave nectar, and glycerine. (Kosher)

“I’m a single mom who works full-time and I have a lot of balls to keep up in the air and the stress can sometimes be overwhelming. Since I’ve been taking Catechol, I’ve noticed that I feel calmer and far less stressed, which makes me a better mom and a happier employee.” — Ruth, Blood Type O

NP063  8 ounce bottle 14

Order at www.4yourtype.com or call toll-free 1(877) 226-8973 in the USA – International calls: 1(203) 761-0042



ClearCal™ Nature’s purest calcium Designed by Dr. Peter D’Adamo without any additional mineral cofactors, this formula features a unique source of calcium: maerl, a small red seaweed found only in isolated areas off the coast of Ireland. Maerl has one of the lowest levels of undesirable contaminants. Maerl is composed of a wide variety of essential nutrients including calcium and trace amounts of magnesium, boron and zinc. Its superior buffering capacity allows maerl-based sea calcium to maintain very high rates of absorption and therefore a phenomenal rate of bioavailability. NP037  120 vegetarian capsules

“I formulated El Dorado as a path to metabolic gold. The formula optimizes many of the genes, and gene molecule products, that regulate sugar and optimizes the process that turns sugar and starches into energy.” — Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo

El Dorado™ Optimize energy production from carbohydrates & sugars Struggling with a sluggish metabolism? Control energy production and optimize the conversion of carbohydrates and sugars into energy with El Dorado. Working on a genetic level, this combination of synergistic herbs optimizes the gene molecule responsible for regulating cellular energy - AMPK, commonly known as the “fuel gauge of the cell,” to effectively regulate metabolism. NP075  120 vegetarian capsules

Collinsonia Plus® Support for sinus and throat Dr. D’Adamo has found Collinsonia (stone root) to be of great reliability in assisting to stabilize the lining on the sinus cavities and to minimize the build-up of excess mucus in the sinus cavities and throat, especially for blood Types A and AB. NP009  60 vegetarian capsules

Connectivar™ Helps maintain joint stability, helps support blood vessel, capillary, and ligament strength Connectivar combines the bioflavonoid butchers broom root extract, which appears to have a protective affect on capillaries, internal tissue of blood vessels, and smooth muscle, with the mineral manganese, which helps to support ligament strength and helps to maintain joint stability. Connectivar also contains rutinhesperidin complex, which seems to relieve occasional venous insufficiency, including pain, heaviness, leg cramps, itching, and swelling, and gotu kola, which may enhance collagen synthesis.

Fish Oil Formula™

Supports healthy estrogen levels and liver function

Total essential fatty acids

DetoxiCal-D is a unique blend of three synergistic ingredients: calcium combined with glucaric acid to form calcium D-glucarate, which enhances the process by which the body rids itself of potentially dangerous environmental pollutants, including foreign organic compounds, fat-soluble toxins and excess steroid hormones such as estrogen, and the botanical, Phyllanthus, known for supporting liver function.

Cortiguard® Occasional stress balance for Types A and B Studies of cortisol and blood type showed that Type A’s and B’s had higher and more rapid rises in cortisol levels than the other blood types when subjected to occasional stress. An increasing amount of evidence indicates that individuals of differing blood groups have extremely different responses to the same stressor. Dr. D’Adamo formulated Cortiguard to enhance the health of the nervous system and strengthen resistance to the physical effects of occasional stress, especially in Types A and B. It is further balanced with Bacopa, the renowned ayurvedic herb (Brahmi), a clinically proven cerebral antioxidant.

Fish Oil Formula is designed to offset the excess of omega-6 oils found in meats and most vegetable oils, which can cause a deficiency of the omega-3 oils. Our pharmaceutical grade marine lipid concentrate comes from some of the purest, untouched waters in the world off the coast of Peru and are free from mercury, other lipid peroxides, heavy metals, environmental contaminants, and other harmful compounds. GT1-4SYN  60 soft gel capsules

NP053  90 vegetarian capsules


Multi-nutrient support for children, mothers, and seniors At different life stages, we can experience a higher biological need for more precise nutrient supplementation and support: growing children, pregnant and nursing mothers, and seniors. It is for these groups that Dr. D’Adamo created the Exakta formula. Exakta is a precise proprietary blend of nutrients including vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, and botanical concentrates and extracts. Dr. D’Adamo carefully formulated Exakta to be easier to assimilate, utilizing only highly bio-available vitamin and mineral sources.

NP036  60 vegetarian capsules .

NP006  60 vegetarian capsules


NP052  120 vegetarian capsules

Flaxseed Oil Formula™ Total essential fatty acids Flaxseed Oil Formula is designed to provide a balance of 1,000 mg of flaxseed oil containing omega-3, omega-6, omega-9, and flaxseed lignans. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to reduce inflammation and help prevent certain chronic diseases such as heart disease and arthritis and appear to be particularly important for cognitive and behavioral function as well as normal growth and development. GT3-6SYN  60 soft gel capsules

Fucus Plus® Metabolic balance

Fem Balance™ A natural alternative for maintaining a healthy hormonal balance In creating Fem Balance for his clinic, Dr. D’Adamo selected the best-researched herbs and vitamins and combined them into a powerful formula that helps to insure healthy menstruation and menopause. Fem Balance can be used with confidence by women of all blood types.

Fucus Plus is made from the highest quality organic freeze dried seaweed. It is high in fucose and used to enhance the metabolism in Type O and modulate the immune system in Types O and B. Fucus vesiculus binds many problematic type O lectins, bacteria and microorganisms, essentially stopping them from attaching to Type O cells. NP007  60 vegetarian capsules

NP033  90 vegetarian capsules *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). Our products are not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. If a condition persists, please contact your physician.


Gastro-D Complex™

Genoma Derma™

Genoma Security™

Promotes stomach and intestinal health

Helps maintain healthy skin

Gastro-D Complex has 150 mgs of Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice (DGL) in each capsule. The DGL assists in protecting the stomach lining, and in combination with seven other synergistic ingredients, Gastro-D Complex is an essential supplement for individuals with occasional stomach problems. In addition to DGL, Gastro-D Complex includes Mastic Gum, which may help to protect the gastric mucosa; Safflower Tops may help to provide additional support against H. Pylori infestation; Bentonite Clay assists in attracting and soaking up environmental toxins; the inner bark rind of Slippery Elm protects the GI tract from excess acidity; and Bismuth helps protect the lining of the stomach from stomach acid.

Formulated from well-researched botanicals, amino acids, and the flavonoid, resveratrol, Genoma Derma supports the body’s natural ability to maintain healthy skin. It may also have Advanced Glycation End products (AGEs) effects as well. L-lysine, an essential amino acid for human health, plays an important role in the formation of collagen and is essential for bone, connective tissue including skin, tendon, and cartilage.

Gently enhances a healthy, balanced immune system response

NP042  90 vegetarian capsules

NP047  60 vegetarian capsules

Genoma EQ™ Supports healthy hormonal balance and immune system

Genoma Cardia is a combination of hawthorn berry and L- Taurine, designed to promote healthy cardiovascular function. Hawthorn berries have been used since the Middle Ages to help maintain cardiovascular functions while also lowering blood pressure.

The main ingredient in Genoma EQ is urtica dioica (stinging nettle root), which supports healthy hormonal balance. Urtica dioica exhibits antiviral activity, is capable of modulating aspects of the immune system, and is considered to be a diuretic. It beneficially controls an overactive immune system and is approved for use in promoting prostate health in Germany. Urtica dioica is a potent candida agglutinating lectin.

NP046  60 vegetarian capsules

NP045  60 vegetarian capsules

Genoma Cardia™ Supports healthy cardiovascular function

Genoma Security is a traditional herbal formula crafted by Dr. Peter D’Adamo from a balance of five well-researched, traditional herbal remedies designed to gently enhance a healthy, balanced immune response while rebuilding metabolic function by increasing nutrition, increasing energy, and regulating fluids: Andrographis paniculata, Schisandra chinensis, Atractylodis Macrocephala Root, Scutellaria baicalensis (Chinese Skullcap), and Eleutherococcus senticosus (Siberian ginseng). NP048  60 vegetarian capsules

Harmonia Deluxe™ Blood Type friendly green drink with added antioxidants Harmonia Deluxe blends instantly into juice or beverage right for your type. It features a wide range of sprouted seeds and grasses bursting with nutritional integrity and enzymatic activity. Chlorella may help promote the body’s natural detoxification mechanisms. This blend also contains antioxidant-rich elderberry, cherry and blueberry, plus phytonutrients such as ginseng and ginger. NP000  198 grams/7 ounces

Helix Plus® Immune support from the humble snail


“Glycoscia is a terrific supplement. My 33 year old son was diagnosed with borderline diabetes about 2 years ago. He started on a diet with Glycoscia and got his blood sugar under control in a matter of weeks with no prescription medication.” — Jane, Blood Type O

Supports healthy blood sugar levels Dr. D’Adamo selected three well-researched botanicals from the traditional texts of China, India, and Japan, and blended them with nature’s foundational flavonoid quercetin and the potent nutraceutical resveratrol. Mice fed resveratrol, the polyphenolic compound found in red wine and grape skins, were reported over time to be thinner and healthier with increased lifespans. Salacia root plays an important role in supporting natural carbohydrate metabolism, while a potent polysaccharide in maitake mushroom may increase the body’s ability to recognize glucose levels and improve insulin levels. The naturallyoccurring antioxidant flavonoid Quercetin offers support for the natural processes of insulin secretion. NP056  60 vegetarian capsules

As mentioned in Eat Right For Your Type, Helix aspersa, a species of edible snail (not the common edible snail escargo) has a powerful component, which helps the immune system to function more effectively and efficiently. The consumption of this species of snail may serve as a very potent protective agent, allowing your immune system to more accurately distinguish between healthy and unhealthy cells, especially in blood Type A and AB. NP011  60 vegetarian capsules

Hepatiguard™ Supports healthy liver function Hepatiguard is designed to support healthy liver function using: milk thistle standardized extract, which contains silybin, an antioxidant and free radical scavenger; bupleurum root, which may help to regulate body energy and discharge toxins out of the system; phyllanthus leaf, which acts primarily on the liver and contains important bioflavonoids; and turmeric, used by ayurvedic practitioners, which inhibits the overproduction tissue growth. NP043  120 vegetarian capsules


Order at www.4yourtype.com or call toll-free 1(877) 226-8973 in the USA – International calls: 1(203) 761-0042



“I created Membrosia Complex and Membrosia Fluidizer to increase cell membrane health. Better cell membrane health means a more efficient metabolism, a better response to and control of our hormones, and better nerve signaling. In clinical use, almost all patients report greater energy, less signs of aging, such as wrinkles and sagging skin, a general sense of happiness and well-being, and increased energy.”

Membrosia™ Complex Essential nutrients in a powder form that support cell health Cell health is total health. Membrosia Complex contains lecithin, trehalose, and uridine - a building block of the RNA molecule. This product represents a unique combination of essential nutrients that supports cell health by eliminating cellular by-products and stabilizing the cell membrane. For best results, use with Membrosia Fluidizer. NP073  210 grams

Membrosia™ Fluidizer Essential nutrients in an oil form that support cell health Membrosia Fluidizer is a perfect balance of five natural oils - flax seed, cod liver oil, black cumin oil, perilla seed oil, and walnut oil. These oils have been shown to help alleviate allergy symptoms, enhance detoxification, regulate immune function and contribute to hormonal balance. For best results, use with Membrosia Complex. GTMULTI-M  8 fluid ounces

— Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo

Histona Ulterior™ Optimizes metabolism and promotes healthy cardiovascular function Histona Ulterior is a combination of magnolia bark (Houpu), Chinese skullcap root extract, and salvia (Dan shen). It is designed to support cell normalization, relieve occasional stress, and to provide powerful antioxidant protection. NP061  60 vegetarian capsules

Mr. Itaru’s Green Tea™


Powerful antioxidant inhibits toxins and carcinogen producing enzymes

Oxygenating support for cardiovascular, nerve, and muscle health

Mr. Itaru’s special Green Tea blend, Gen Mai Cha, is grown and produced in Japan from the finest premium green tea leaves carefully processed to maximize the tea’s health promoting compounds. This loose-leaf green tea is blended with toasted brown rice. Numerous scientific studies document the tremendous benefits of drinking green tea.

Nitric oxide functions as a “signaling molecule,” influencing learning, blood pressure, heart/arteries, immunity and the nervous system, and enhances blood flow to the muscles, bringing with it much needed nutrients, oxygen and hormones. Right for all types, B’s and AB’s may find it very beneficial.

NP026  200 grams/7 ounces green tea

Hytrax™ Supports healthy kidney, bladder, and urinary function Hytrax includes organic dandelion leaf (Taraxacum officinale), which has been shown to have diuretic activity by stimulating the loss of excess water and promoting weight loss, buchu leaf extract traditionally used to relieve bladder ailments, and uva ursi, an herbal tonic for urinary tract health.

Methyl 12 Plus® The vitality-enhancing B-vitamin Vitamin B-12 helps your body metabolize food and fine-tune the nervous system. An ideal cellular energy addition to your daily nutritional intake, our exclusive Methyl B-12 formulation contains two biologically active forms of B-12 with the synergistic cofactor of folate for maximum bioavailability.

NP013  60 vegetarian capsules

Ocubright™ Advanced nutritional support for the eyes Ocubright, a stellar botanical-vitamin formula, is designed to support visual acuity and eye health. It is a blend of six ingredients that have been well-researched for their role in supporting visual health and vitality. NP062  60 vegetarian capsules

NP044  60 vegetarian capsules NP008  60 vegetarian capsules

Intrinsa™ Supports stomach, small intestine, and colon health This combination of butyric acid, which supports cell health in the intestines and colon, improves metabolism, and maintains healthy blood lipid and sugar levels, and caprylic acid, which has anti-fungal properties. These are blended to more easily penetrate the body’s tissues and stabilized with magnesium. Larch arabinogalactan improves gastrointestinal health and immunity.


Optimized blend of minerals, nutrients, and cofactors for all blood types and all GenoTypes Dr. D’Adamo’s new Multimineral formula features his unique source of highly bio-available sea calcium, composed of a wide variety of essential trace nutrients. The formula also features an optimal amount of the heavily researched vitamin D. Easily assimilated and well tolerated, the Multimineral works in harmony with Blood Type formulas and GenoType formulas.

Phloxicin™ Designed to maintain joint health and flexibility Phloxicin uses a combination of L-Histidine, an amino acid usually found deficient in cases of arthritis, and Polygonum cuspidatum, a member of the buckwheat family that contains resveratrol, which has been shown to demonstrate antioxidant activity when associated with the occasional joint pain and stiffness resulting from normal wear and tear on joints. NP034  60 vegetarian capsules

NP054  120 vegetarian capsules GTMULTI-M  120 vegetarian capsules

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). Our products are not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. If a condition persists, please contact your physician.


“After my doctor found that my vitamin D levels were low, I began to take Phyto D 2000. Three months after starting to take this product my doctor tested my levels again and my vitamin D levels were in the optimal range!” — Anna, Blood Type A

Phyto D 2000™


Designed to maintain joint health and flexibility

Supports immune health, respiratory health, and detoxification

Phyto D 2000 includes a unique combination of vitamins D3 and K and is compounded with Epimedium and Drynaria - two traditional Chinese herbs with long historical usage in the support of proper bone and connective tissue health. Vitamin D has essential, wide-ranging effects throughout the body, including maximizing bone health to stabilizing mood and energy levels. Increased dietary Vitamin K intake is associated with increased bone formation and decreased bone breakdown. Phyto D 2000 also includes Strontium, a naturally-occurring mineral routinely prescribed throughout Europe that has been shown in many studies to reduce the risk of bone fractures. NP074   60 vegetarian capsules

Redoxa is a blend of botanicals, antioxidants, and the chelating amino acid, N-acetyl cysteine, which helps maintain healthy levels of the liver’s natural detoxifier. It is easily absorbed and neutralizes many free radicals and environmental toxins. NP078  90 vegetarian capsules

Rekon Pro™ Deep immune support There are times when the body needs immune support that goes deeper. Dr. D’Adamo designed his exclusive Rekon Pro formula for use in his clinic. Blended from botanicals historically known for their immune-enhancing properties, Rekon Pro boosts healthy natural antibody function, which tends to drop with age and infirmity. Can be used by all blood types. NP030  60 vegetarian capsules

Proberry 3™

Proberry Caps™

Powerful antioxidants in a delicious liquid concentrate

Elderberry and ARA 6: Potent immune enhancers

A special blend of blueberry, elderberry, red raspberry, and cherry extracts, Proberry 3 is an excellent source of powerful antioxidants and a great choice for immune support during cold and flu season. These dark-hued berries contain antioxidants that fight free radicals and may even be a potent weapon against aging. They help to increase intracellular levels of vitamin C and maintain capillary stability and the integrity of collagen, inactivating microbial enzymes and enhancing resistance to infection, and blocking microbial adhesion to cells. The syrup is pleasant tasting and a hit with children. Add a teaspoon to water, tea or juice during cold and flu season, and at any time the rest of the year for a potent and delicious healthy-aging, antioxidant tonic. (Kosher)

Elderberry is a traditional European remedy. Recent studies seem to indicate that elderberry compound increases the body’s natural anti-viral defenses. Proberry caps feature a critical 4:1 concentrate of elderberry combined with ARA 6 to optimize immune function. Plant anthrocyanidins such as those found in elderberry, black cherry, blueberry, and other pigmented fruits and vegetables have been shown to block the enzyme ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) that is responsible for the production of polyamines, growth factors which can be problematic when found in the body in excessive amounts. Hence the use of pigmented fruits and vegetables can be a valuable method of enhancing normal systemic detoxification.

NP023  8 ounce bottle

NP065  120 vegetarian capsules

“My brain is working more efficiently – the fog has lifted! My vitality has increased and stabilized so that I don’t feel like I’m running on empty by the time late afternoon rolls around!.” — Victoria, Blood Type B

Quercetin Plus™ Stomach, cardiovascular, and antioxidant support Recent studies confirm that the quercetin flavonoid is 400 times more potent than vitamin E. It appears to have many beneficial effects, including cardiovascular and stomach health protection, maintaining immune system health, and helping to calm the occasional, temporary discomfort following sports activity. Bromelain enzyme is added to increase absorption. Hypoallergenic and derived from non-lectin containing sources. NP031  90 vegetarian capsules


Order at www.4yourtype.com or call toll-free 1(877) 226-8973 in the USA – International calls: 1(203) 761-0042



Scienca™ Curcumin complex with multiple applications Scienca’s main ingredient is turmeric, long used in Indian cooking and by ayurvedic practitioners. This antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immune booster is combined with the antioxidant quercetin and bromelain, which is thought to enhance absorption of the primary ingredient, turmeric.

“The Unibars are, quite honestly, the best-tasting and most energizing and filling snack bars I’ve ever had.”

NP059  60 vegetarian capsules


Tranquility Base™

The one protein bar right for all blood types—especially designed by Dr. Peter D’Adamo

Supports relaxation; decreases stress and anxiety

NP035  60 vegetarian capsules

Trehalose Complex™ Neuroprotective memory-enhancing formula To maximize the functional capacity of existing nerves, Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo formulated Trehalose Complex - a blend of Trehalose, a natural sugar, that clinical trials suggest may have a positive effect in promoting brain health, D-Ribose, an essential compound in energy metabolism and the structural backbone of DNA and RNA, and modified citrus pectin, a short chain pectin that improves the connections and conductivity between nerves.

The Blueberry Almond Unibar offers 13 grams of blood-type friendly protein. Almonds are a vitamin E-dense food source providing the form of vitamin E, alpha-tocopherol, that the body prefers. Blueberries are an excellent source of antioxidants. Researchers at the USDA Human Nutrition Center (HNRCA) have found that blueberries rank #1 in antioxidant activity when compared to 40 other fresh fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants help neutralize harmful by-products of metabolism called “free radicals” that can lead to cancer and other age related diseases. (Kosher) NP050S Blueberry Almond Single Bar NP050 Blueberry Almond Package of Twelve

rtifiers Ce

Finally, there’s a satisfying, energizing snack for when you are trying to eat smart. The Unibar is the healthy snack you don’t have to feel guilty about! Designed by Dr. Peter D’Adamo for all blood types—including secretor and nonsecretor—the Unibar is ideal for multiple uses: `` for a burst of energy between meals od Fo `` quick solution when you don’t have time for a full meal `` clean fuel workout bar `` nutritious pocket-sized snack or treat `` Kosher, wheat free, gluten free Unibars are made from the purest, natural food ingredients. They are sweetened naturally with organic agave nectar. More slowly metabolized, with fewer calories and with a natural sweet taste, agave nectar is nature’s perfect answer to great taste without processed sweeteners, refined sugar or other less healthful, less nutritious ingredients. Natural

Tranquility Base is uniquely formulated for men and women of all blood types to help provide mental and physical relaxation, while decreasing occasional stress and anxiety. This formula does not induce drowsiness and can be used as a nutritional aid to restful, restorative sleep.

The Chocolate Cherry Unibar offers 15 grams of blood-type friendly protein. Chocolate provides natural health-promoting substances called flavonoids, which seem to help prevent heart disease by improving nitric oxide function and may guard DNA from damage that can lead to cancer. Cherries contain compounds with antioxidant and antiinflammatory properties. Ojibwa indians treated coughs and colds with tea made from the bark of wild cherry. Cherries have been linked to beneficial health effects in that cherry growers, who eat six times the amount of cherries than the average American, have a lower incidence of cancer and heart conditions. (Kosher) NP051S Chocolate Cherry Single Bar NP051 Chocolate Cherry Package of Twelve

NP067  240 Grams

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). Our products are not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. If a condition persists, please contact your physician.











Eye Crème

Delivers targeted results to the delicate area around the eyes, reducing fine lines, eliminating puffiness, and stimulating collagen production to firm and revitalize the eye area. Made with sweet lupine and licorice to stimulate cellular activity and renew the outermost layer of the epidermis, alfalfa seed to support the synthesis of collagen, and myrtle to limit the aging process.



Day Light Face Crème

This hydrating crème plumps and softens the skin reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. A blend of amino acids and milk thistle keeps collagen fibers pliable. Date, pomegranate and strawberry extracts provide broad-spectrum antioxidant protection and cassia seed, a renowned Ayurvedic plant, provides moisturizing benefits similar to hyaluronic acid.



Anti-AGE Serum

A light, yet powerful serum that locks in moisture on a cellular level and plumps up skin to minimize the look of fine lines. Formulated with Trehalose, the product decreases AGE related pigmentation (brown spots) and evens skin tone to give you a more youthful appearance.


Order at www.4yourtype.com or call toll-free 1(877) 226-8973 in the USA – International calls: 1(203) 761-0042

(The Genoma Skin Care line is not tested on animals.)



Rejuvenating Cleanser

The cleanser is a creamy, super-hydrating formula that gently removes dirt and makeup without over stripping essential oils from the skin. Contains krameria root extract, one of nature’s gentlest and most effective cleansers. This unique cleanser is further enhanced with a proprietary extract of lemon myrtle, a plant long used for healing by indigenous Australians.



AGE-Inhibiting Toner

To make this unique toner, Dr. D’Adamo uses three natural mineral peptides to enhance toning of the ligaments underneath the skin, helping to tighten soft and sagging facial muscles. To this he added wild-crafted extracts of milk thistle and neroli flower to help tighten pores and help expel trapped dirt and debris.



Restorative Night Crème

Our potent anti-aging formula was designed to promote an intense level of restorative support. Dr. D’Adamo blends a proprietary extract of mung bean, a plant known since ancient times to possess anti-irritant properties, with carnosine and yerba mate, renowned for their ability to block tissue-aging glycation. This complex improves hydration, firms, smoothes, and clearly reduces wrinkle depth.



Deep Pore Cleansing Masque

Montmorillionite, a French green clay, has been used for centuries to detoxify and lift impurities from the skin. Dr. D’Adamo blends botanicals, minerals, and organic oils to heal, tone, and moisturize, keeping skin smooth and supple. Weekly use of Deep Pore Cleansing Masque leaves skin feeling healthy.



Cellular Renewal Body Wash

Our wash contains two key ingredients—vitamin B5 which increases the humectant properties of the skin and plays a role in cellular metabolism, and sodium hyaluro-nate a naturally occurring substance that penetrates the skin’s basal layer to replenish devitalized cells.



Daily Repair Body Lotion

Dr. D’Adamo blended aloe vera with shea nut butter to create a body lotion that not only moisturizes, but heals dry and damaged skin. After shower or bath, gently pat skin dry. Apply lotion to slightly damp skin to seal in moisture, and massage in until the lotion is completely absorbed.


PROTECT Genoma Derma

Genoma Derma, formulated from well-researched botanicals, amino acids, and the flavonoid, resveratrol, supports the body’s natural ability to maintain healthy skin. It may inhibit the skin damaging effects of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) as well. L-lysine, an essential amino acid for human health that is not made by the body, plays an important role in the formulation of collagen. Essential for bone, connective tissue, including skin, tendon, and cartilage.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). Our products are not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. If a condition persists, please contact your physician.


D’Adamo Personalized Nutrition Library Eat Right For Your Type® The Individualized Diet Solution to Staying Healthy, Living Longer, & Achieving Your Ideal Weight “One of the ten most influential health books of all time”—Nutribooks Eat Right For Your Type, the international bestseller by Dr. Peter D’Adamo, continues to change the way we eat and live. Dr. D’Adamo’s groundbreaking medical and genetic research reveals that blood type is the key to your biochemical uniqueness. When you Eat Right For Your Type, your body responds the way nature intended. With more than five million copies in print and translated into more than sixty languages, Eat Right For Your Type has made a lasting mark in the field of diet and nutrition, with a simple, effective formula: 4 blood types; 4 individual diet plans. ED001 (391-page hardcover book) ED050 (Audiobook with 3 CDs/3 hours) ED007 (Spanish Edition 457-page softcover book)

Live Right For Your Type The Individualized Prescription for Maximizing Health, Metabolism, and Vitality in Every Stage of Your Life Deepen your understanding of blood type genetics and further refine your diet. In Live Right For Your Type, perhaps the Magnus Opus of the blood type theory, Dr. Peter D’Adamo distills the voluminous data on blood type, physiology, and metabolism into a series of fascinating observations and simple guidelines. Live Right For Your Type seamlessly follows the path paved by its phenomenally successful predecessor, NY Times bestseller Eat Right For Your Type. New data looks at the importance of “secretor subtype” as a refinement to the theory and the use of blood type genetics to help understand the mindbody connection. Extensive new food lists and prescription recommendations. ED003 (383-page hardcover book)

Cook Right For Your Type The Practical Companion to Eat Right For Your Type® The essential cookbook for the Blood Type Diet. “Now, with the help of a team of chefs, Dr. D’Adamo presents a book chock-full of background and delicious recipes for each blood type. For meat eaters or vegetarians, thirty-day meal plans help you integrate the diet into your life—and there’s plenty of advice for eating well on the run...From lamb stew to lemon squares, from braised vegetables to delicious soups, you’ll barely notice you’ve started a regimen designed to optimize your health, your weight, and your total well-being.”—from a review on Amazon.com ED002 (448-page hardcover book) ED002S (449-page softcover book)

Change Your Genetic Destiny The Revolutionary GenoType Diet Your Personalized Plan to Lose Weight, Boost Energy, and Improve Immunity Move from the world of single genes such as blood type and secretor status to a new world of possibilities—the ability to use nutrition to improve your genetic function using Dr. Peter D’Adamo’s latest research. As he researched the role of nutrition and its relationship to your genes, Dr. D’Adamo found that the emerging science of epigenetics plays a tremendous role in health and well-being. Your genes are not a fixed set of preprogrammed instructions. They are a dynamic, active part of your life, responding every single day to your environment, your history, and your diet. This ability to change your genetic expression is called epigenetics, and this relates to approximately 80% of our genetic inheritance. Now it’s time for you to get started! To learn more about the GenoType Diet, go to: www.genotypediet.com. ED011 (Change Your Genetic Destiny book)

Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo is a noted naturopathic physician, researcher, lecturer, and author of the revolutionary Right For Your Type series. His extensive research and clinical testing of the connection between blood type, health and disease has garnered international recognition and led to groundbreaking work with many illnesses. With more than five million copies of his books in print worldwide, Dr. D’Adamo’s books have been translated into more than 60 languages. For a complete listing of Dr. D’Adamo’s books, go to www.4yourtype.com.

Blood Type Diet® iPhone and Android App Introducing the first Blood Type Diet App that lists beneficial, neutral, and avoid foods for each of the 4 blood types. Handy for grocery shopping, eating in restaurants, and meal planning. On the go or at home, you can always be sure that you are eating right for your type. The Blood Type Diet App (iTunes Version 2.1.1) (Android Version 1.2.1) features the new secretor status option, supplement purchasing capability, web access in landscape mode, and overall refinements. Available in English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish. Buy now at the iTunes App store for only $3.99. http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/blood-type-diet/ id379485721?mt=8 Buy now at the Google Play Apps store for only $3.99. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com. northamericanpharmacal.btd&feature=search_result


Order at www.4yourtype.com or call toll-free 1(877) 226-8973 in the USA – International calls: 1(203) 761-0042

DPN Test Kits Eat Right For Your Type Pocket Guides

Original Home Blood Typing Kit

Blood Type, Food, Beverage, and Supplement Lists The Eat Right For Your Type Portable and Personal Blood Type Guides are pocket-sized and user-friendly. They serve as a handy reference tool while shopping, cooking, and eating out. Each book contains the food, beverage, and supplement list for each blood type plus handy tips and ideas for incorporating The Blood Type Diet into your daily life. Wrap it up with a Blood Type product pack for the perfect gift for those you love. TYPE 0 - ED0050 TYPE A - ED005A TYPE B - ED005B TYPE AB - ED005AB (80-94 page softcover book)

Discover your blood type in under 6 minutes with the easy, self-testing Blood Typing Kit. It contains everything you need to discover your blood type and rhesus factor in the comfort of your own home—pain free. Performing the test is easy. Prepare the Eldon Card with drops of water per instructions. After first cleaning the finger with the supplied alcohol prep pad, the finger is lanced with the sterile disposable lancet. A drop of blood is placed on top of each of the four sticks. The sticks are then applied to the card, and stirred for two minutes. The results are then read from the card. *For educational purposes only. YTE001

GenoTyping Kit Dr. Peter D’Adamo’s home GenoTyping Kit gives you the tools you’ll need to quickly and easily determine your GenoType – including your Easy Typing Guide, Biometric protractor/ruler, fingerprinting tools and taster strips.

Eat Right For Your Type Complete Blood Type Encyclopedia The A-Z Reference Guide for the Blood Type Connection to Symptoms, Disease, Conditions, Vitamins, Supplements, Herbs, and Food Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo has established himself as the world’s most popular and respected authority on the connection between blood type and eating, cooking, healing, and living. His first three books have created an international phenomenon. Now comes the essential desk reference to answer all your questions. The ultimate blood type guide to: disease susceptibility, allergic responses, symptoms, chronic pain, digestion, herbs, supplements and food, muscle tone, exercise, and medical studies proving the connection between blood type and disease. Entries on the most widely used protocols will help readers find out what is helpful or harmful to their blood type. Food, herb, and supplement entries give specific information by blood type on efficacy for different conditions as well as overall health. A comprehensive introduction lays out the history of blood type science as well as confirmation of D’Adamo’s theories yielded by the new maps of the human gene.

Discover what your GenoType reveals about you: What your fingertips tell you about your risk for heart disease or cancer / What role your taste buds play in cravings for sugar, alcohol, and caffeine / What the length of your index and ring fingers say about your fertility / How the shape of your teeth indicate your best diet choices / What your blood type tells you about your best weight loss method. Most importantly you’ll learn how you can use this information to live a longer, healthier life. TE011 (GenoTyping Testing Kit)

Blood Group Secretor Test Kit - Available February 2014 Deepen your understanding of your genetic individuality by learning your secretor status. Did you know that 80% of people secrete their blood type antigen into bodily fluids, like saliva and the mucus in your digestive tract, while the remaining 20% don’t? Knowing your secretor status is a valuable piece of health information. It provides you with greater insight into your risks for certain health conditions and allows you to take steps to refine your food and supplement choices to enhance your health and well being. This test will determine your secretor status (secretor or non-secretor). You must know your blood type to perform this test. TE002 (Secretor Test Kit)

ED004 (583-page softcover book)

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). Our products are not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. If a condition persists, please contact your physician.


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