Guide on How to Write Your Successful Personal Response Essay

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Guide on How To Write Your Successful Personal Response Essay The main objective when writing a ​personal response essay is to showcase your thoughts and feelings you’ve encountered while reading a literary work. It not only motivates you to think about what you’ve read, but also what the author was really trying to say with his or her work.

Personal Response Essay Writing 1. Read the content and let it sink in After you’ve finished reading it, meditate on it a little bit before proceeding. Many students report that writing down their initial thoughts helps a great deal when writing an ​odp reflective essay​. These do not have to be completed thoughts either; some basic ideas and concepts will suffice. During this phase, it’s a good idea to note the things you don’t quite understand, or possibly even disagree with. If there’s a quote that has made a particular impression on you, write it down as well. Finally, write down your comments; anything that springs to mind and you deem relevant. 2. Get to the actual writing part

When ​writing a personal essay​, there is no tried and true method to follow, because everyone does things a bit differently. But here’s a cool trick you can try: instead of fretting over the spelling and grammar mistakes and making sure that everything looks good on paper, just forget about this and write what comes to your mind (you’ll simply go back to editing it later). This will make it easier to access your innermost thoughts and make them naturally come out on paper. Of course, no matter what you write, you’re going to have to back it up with arguments, so make sure your reasoning always stays on point. If you’re unsure of how a good argument ends up looking, take a look at a ​personal experience essay example other people have written. The higher grade the author got for it, the better.

3. Structuring your writing Do you remember the thoughts you were writing down in one of the previous steps? Take one of these and structure the content around it. This is all about grouping those ideas together and discussing them. Whether you’re writing an ​essay about famous person or a personal response essay, the core principles always remain the same. No matter how you glue your ideas together, make sure they flow from one to the next in a natural manner. 4. Finally, edit your content

If you can, let a couple of days pass before getting back to it and editing it. If you need ​help writing a personal essay​, you can also hire an expert to do it for you or give you some solid advice, maybe take a look at what you’ve done so far and comment, etc. During this phase, you’re going to be eliminating any grammar mistakes and making sure the end result is to your liking.

Conclusion Have you enjoyed these tips on how to write your successful personal response essay? The most valuable takeaway is that you don’t have to do it all in a single sitting, so take your time when writing. After all, you only need to get it right once to succeed.

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