PERSIAN TRIBUNE Volume 1, Issue 2

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Like most things, you get what you pay for, but the total fee Pre-K to Grade 12 is not the only consideration. Many orthodontists offer interest-free payment plans. Ask if theGrammar office is flexible in terms of how low the monthly payments can be. • Ensure availability for appointments and emergencies. Some practices are only open certain days of the week while others are open full-time. This is important in terms of convenience (for appointment availability) and well-being (in case of discomfort). Furthermore, some doctors are personally on-call 24/7 for emergencies, whereas others ask patients to leave a message so they can be contacted the next business day. Ask if appointments can be scheduled before or after school and who is available if there are any issues while the office is closed. • Patient motivation. Orthodontic treatment requires the active participation of the patient. Wearing of elastics and retainers and proper oral hygiene are critical to treatment success. Assess the office to determine whether the environment is likely to promote cooperation between the patient and the care providers. Choosing your orthodontic provider is an important decision. You want the very best care for yourself and for your children. A little inquiring goes a long way to ensuring that you get the gift of confidence that lasts a lifetime. n Dr. Kevin Davis practices in Richmond Hill, Vaughan, and Newmarket. He earned his Doctorate in Dentistry from the University of Toronto, and his Specialty Diploma in Orthodontics from Harvard University, while simultaneously completing a Masters in Public Health. Dr. Kevin has taught at Harvard, the University of Toronto, George Brown and Seneca College. He is also active as an Admissions Interviewer for local high school students applying to Harvard. In addition to local charity works, Dr. Kevin has participated in and organized several charity dentistry trips to Nicaragua, Peru, and Guatemala to help local folks who have no access to dental care.

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