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Phil Evans from


Be Inspired!



One Week, One Day, One Step at a Time Volume 08


Introduction Sometimes reducing our troubles back to simple basics; one day at a time; one step at a time; can allow us to chew the big chunks in little pieces; instead of choking on the big pieces because they’re just too daunting! So, how do you eat an elephant?


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Disclaimer This publication is distributed with the express and implied understanding that the author and publisher are not engaged in rendering legal, psychological, health, medical or other professional advice. If legal, psychological, health, medical or other professional advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a qualified professional should be sought. Neither the author nor publisher make any representation or warranty of any kind with regard to the information contained in the book. No liability shall be accepted for any actions caused, or alleged to have been caused, directly or indirectly from using the information contained in this book.

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Be Inspired!

Volume 08

The Season of Success Why am I calling this period of time The Season ??? Because I want you to think of this year, and life itself, as a game. Every game has it’s challenges; it’s wins; it’s losses; it’s disappointments; the magical moments which stay embedded in our memories! Whether we’re playing any type of game ourselves, or watching someone else play, we take it in our stride to encourage practising, learning, coaching, training, mentoring .... and all the other stuff which goes with our favourite games. The rest of this year (season) is ahead of us and we’re all wondering what we’re going to do with our opportunities, and our challenges. Our efforts are ALL based in our own inner thoughts and feelings about who we are as individuals. And our best efforts are based even more so in our beliefs or doubts about ourselves! Yes, everything in our lives, whether it be personal or business, is a reflection of our inner selves: how we see things; how we judge things (or people); how we reach out for help if we need it; how we face up to our challenges (and we all get them!); and ultimately, our ability to believe that despite what’s going on in our lives, that we will be OK at the end of the day (week, month, year)! What I’m encouraging here is this: This year is just another season in the bigger game; and the things we all wish for and act upon now, will impact on our ability to play the game more effectively as we get more practice at getting it right .... just one day at a time. As individuals, for most of us our biggest challenge right now is not the global economic situation itself, but it is actually all about how the media is relentlessly presenting the gloom and doom to us! It is how some of the people in our lives are so adversely affected by their own absorbtion of what they are being fed, and doing their best to ‘alert’ us to the rough road ahead. All of these people mean well - it’s just a habit to them - which is based in fear. And as for the media it’s their job to feed the negative rubbish to the majority of people because that’s what sells newspapers, magazines, and TV shows! Drama !!! Something more to worry about !!! The answer is ridiculously simple really! Don’t buy newspapers; don’t watch the news; don’t buy the magazines preaching doom and gloom! Become aware of anything at all which may be available to you which is about ‘staying positive in an uncertain world’, and that includes the people you mix with!

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Be Inspired!

Volume 08

Become aware of people who may be draining your energy, and simply either tell them that you would rather become a positive role model for them, or let go of them without judgement, as they don’t serve your inner desires to become a winner - despite the odds! Some of you will remember me writing about my lovely old Dad a few years ago now, and how he walked out of a hospital after having a total hip replacement at the age of 88, only 3 weeks after his operation! Courage - despite the odds! All the staff at the hospital told me at the time that there was no hope whatsoever for him to recover - let alone do what he did! He told me that his driving purpose was to get home to my Mum - his wife of 60+ years - whom he still adored. I want to give you a driving purpose too! For this year to be the best year of your life! (and they’re going to get progressively better from here!) To truly achieve that success and effectiveness which you desire so much - requires some determination; some courage; some action; some persistence! The action starts now: start to think about what you want to either improve or remove (let go of) in your life. Now start to write it all down - regardless of what it is - it MUST be written down to become real and effective. Set yourself realistic dates and specific results, as if they have already happened. (I’ll give an example in a moment). Start to visualise and feel the results as if they’re already happening to you now! Do this with purpose and passion! Remember: half-hearted efforts will bring half-hearted results! Share your inner-most desires with friends - or with a group of like-minded people. Don’t be afraid to do this, because most people do avoid doing this just in case they don’t live up to their goals, dreams, or intentions - they would then feel like a failure and had told everyone about it, which made it worse. Let go of that fear - because sharing your desires and intentions with others whom you trust - actually gives you more power and determination to achieve !!! One more step to do: write a letter of gratitude to yourself - dated December this year - which is showing all of the things (as above) which you are grateful for achieving during this year. Example: Phil Evans’ 2009 Gratitude Letter: The BEST YEAR of my life - so far!

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Be Inspired!

Volume 08

By December it will have been quite a while since I wrote this letter to myself, and I want to remind myself of all the wonderful things that I am grateful for in 2010. As the Founder at PeopleStuff, I used every opportunity to grow my leadership and entrepreneurial skills, and continued to be a positive guiding influence in the huge successes being achieved by our global re-launch of new products into a massive variety of new markets. My authenticity, vision and passion were also rewarded with respect and recognition for the forming of new Community Support Groups. I continued to build an amazing team of associates and colleagues throughout the year. They are all exceptional leadership models who also inspire their own teams to achieve success for themselves. All of our seminars, workshops, and coaching in all our fields of expertise, were highly successful! We measured that success by how many people’s lives we helped to change; and by our own moral, emotional and financial rewards becoming increasingly abundant, and flowing to us with ease! I wish you all well as we move ahead graciously accepting the challenges; the rewards; and the peace and harmony which we all deserve to experience!

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Be Inspired!

Volume 08

The ‘Why’ Factor: (Unravelling the ‘Why’ Knot) For a very large amount of years, and with a huge amount of time, energy and commitment, I was on a personal mission to find out why I felt like I did. Why did I feel so much fear? Fear which was so strong and controlling, that it was more like a deep dread that something was going to go wrong: and it felt like that every day! Why did I feel so much insecurity and doubt from a very early age? If I hadn’t been on such a determined quest to find out the ‘why’ behind my own feelings and emotions, I wouldn’t have called my Mother last year and ask her if I was adopted, and discovered in an instant when she answered “yes”, the answers to all of my questions! Suddenly, it all made sense! I also then realised why I had been working so diligently in helping as many people as possible to unravel the ‘why’ knots in their lives. I became aware quite a long while ago that until people actually learn the ‘why’ behind their life’s confusing behaviours, they usually can’t heal or change them properly! When we look at the children in our lives who are great learners, or look back at the children who we grew up with who were ahead of the pack, there is always one common denominator: they’re the ones who never stop asking questions! They’re the ones who often drive their parents and teachers nuts with their persistent asking of the most common question for them: “but why”? Regardless of the answer, they will continue to ask the ‘why’ question until they are satisfied that they have the right (or most complete) answer. Asking questions is one of the foundations of learning. In my work as a Life Coach I have found that being as intently focused as those clever kids, on exposing the ‘why’ factors behind behavioural patterns or habits, is the key to unlocking the real answers for most people! Discovering the why factor applies equally to both personal and business situations which don’t seem logical or rational at all; but have a relentless way of just being there, and constantly getting in the way of good results! Some examples of common questions are these:

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Be Inspired!

Volume 08

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Why can’t I stop over-eating; and find it impossible to shed weight? Why do I stay in relationships which don’t serve me? Why is it that most of my friends are clingy and needy, and drain my energy? Why do you think that I feel badly treated and misunderstood? Why does it seem that I’m always the bridesmaid, and never the bride? Why isn’t my business working as well as it should be? Why can’t I stop the drinking merry-go-round I’m on, and get off? Why is it that my life is like a roller-coaster of high and low emotions? Why do I stay stuck in a job which I hate more each day? Why do I keep putting on weight, even though I exercise regularly? They’re just a few examples of commonly asked questions which people often ask themselves, and the answers are always lurking within our subconscious minds, and are based on our life experiences to date. They are based on what we’ve been taught about ourselves - and life itself!

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Be Inspired!

Volume 08

A Brief Look at Feeling Unworthy You might recall that some time back I strongly recommended that we have to feel READY to receive anything at all which we may be desiring in our lives; and that includes feeling worthy of receiving! If you (or anyone close to you) happen to be going through life feeling like you’re not good enough, not worthy, or don’t deserve a better life, then here’s a gentle warning: As a result of those feelings, if and when you do experience some blessing, like a better job, a respectful balanced relationship, or more abundance, you will possibly sabotage it. And if you do commit self-sabotage, then you reinforce the horrible myth that you’ve been taught, that you’re not good enough. I speak from strong personal experience here folks: I was the champion of feeding the ‘Saboteur Within’ - it became a habit! And it controlled my life in the most destructive ways for many years! It was a dark place to re-visit so often: and I never knew ‘how’ or ‘why’ it would appear again. Yuk !!!! Low self-esteem (self worth) is the main contributor to self-destructive behaviors, like smoking, over-eating, making bad choices, attracting harmful relationships, and much more. And life can’t improve for any sustainable length of time, until that self-worth improves! So my big question to everyone is this: Are You Ready To Feel Worthy? My own answer is this: “I am ready to receive all the love, good health, wisdom, freedom, and abundance which is on offer for me in every given moment”! “And, I accept that I am worthy to receive absolute miracles in my life each and every day”! “And lastly, that I live by the principle that giving is receiving, and the more I give out - then the more I will receive”! Good healthy self-esteem is necessary for you to feel worthy of all the good that the Universe has already given you, so that you can accept that good, and allow it to flow easily into your life. So, are you READY to: Love yourself? Accept your gifts? Feel better about yourself? Improve your relationships? Believe in yourself? Listen to your intuition more? Accept more good? Have a closer connection to the Universe? Shifting from a place of feeling unworthy; into a place of actually feeling worthy; takes time! It also takes diligence, patience, commitment, a total re-focus, persistence, and lots of courage! So be patient with yourself, and give yourself the time that it takes: you CAN do it!

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Be Inspired!

Volume 08


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