Building Business Relationships – Key to Business Success

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Building Business Relationships – Key to Business Success It is a tried and tested fact that in order to run a business successfully, you aught have a strong business network. This is true irrespective of the product or service you are offering. Business owners are aware of the fact that, in order to survive in this fast-paced competitive world it is essential to build business relationships and maintaining them. It is a fact that entrepreneurs are often too involved in business development activities such as product management, service selling and the like, that they are left with no time to understand how crucial it is to maintain existing business relationships while creating new ones simultaneously. With their day-today operations, they find it difficult to strike a balance with making profits, networking and building new associations. Not only clients, it is equally important maintain amicable relationships with your stakeholders, employees, vendors and the like. Michael Denisoff, Founder and CEO of Denisoff Consulting Group, Redondo Beach, California says, “Without strong relationships, it is impossible to have success as a business owner”. Business houses today are realizing the importance of having good vendor relations along with longterm customers that would carry them through tough situations or strict deadlines. In fact, your business associations would also help you to avail important and useful resources. You can adopt few best practices to your benefit as well. Hence, these business associations are essential in order to thrive and be successful in this aggressive market. Today, there are eminent service providers who have introduced innovative tools and applications for business networking that in turn generates consistent sales cycles. These solutions are the form of networking tools for building business relationships that would leverage your enterprise’s collective business networks to the best. Let us elucidate this with the help of an example. Consider an enterprise with 50 employees, and assume that each employee has approximately 250 contacts. This is just a fictitious number, considering that the contacts are collected from various social networking sources such as Gmail, Yahoo, LinkedIn, Outlook and Facebook. By applying a 40 percent of contact overlap between these people, the emerging network offers each user with the power to develop business relationships with millions. This is done simply by merging 1st and 2nd degree connections. Furthermore, these tools and applications prove beneficial when an enterprise or a sales professional is conducting candidate search. The time taken is much less and the results match the requirement. Therefore, you can make the best of your business by establishing profitable connections.

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