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Dirk enjoys final NBA All-Star Weekend, representing MAVs

VOL. 7 NO. 25

February 20, 2019


I lied, but I can’t help it! Cheryl Smith, Publisher

NFL settles collusion case with Kaepernick Stacy M. Brown NNPA Newswire Correspondent @stacybrownmedia

I’ve talked a lot about lying lately. Lying is wrong and I’d rather someone not say anything before they lie to me. But, that’s wishful thinking because as sure as we breathe, we are going to lie. There’s just something wrong with going through life and not knowing the truth about certain things, however. Someone I met recently said she had to deal with a difficult situation and I really don’t know any body who would want to be in her shoes. She said she was finally confronted by her two daughters, asking for the truth about their father. You see, for years she had told them that their father moved away and died while serving his country in the military. Well, the girls were old enough to begin asking questions. They knew they weren’t getting any benefits and something

didn’t seem right to them. They didn’t know his side of the family and no one talked about “daddy.” All the girls wanted to know was the truth. Sadly the truth was not pretty. The mother felt the truth would hurt her girls and make them think less of her and so she justified her lie. Which brings me to my truth. Just last week, I told a lie. As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I felt like the scum of the earth. During an out-of-town trip, I had just entered a hotel elevator. As the door was about to close, a man walked up and attempted to enter with a dog on a leash. Immediately I cringed and noticing my hesitation and wrinkled forehead, he began explaining, “She’s harmless, she Continued on pg. 4


olin Kaepernick’s more than two-year battle with the NFL has come to an end. The former NFL quarterback and the league have reached a financial settlement in Kaepernick’s collusion complaint against football’s owners. The settlement comes just one day after it was revealed that the former San Francisco 49er, who led the team to a Super Bowl in 2013, turned down a contract offer to play

Photo: CBS News / YouTube

in a new developmental league. Terms of the settlement, which also included a payout to Carolina Panthers star safety Eric Reid, were not made public. Kaepernick was effectively blacklisted from the league after kneeling during the national anthem to protest police brutality and other social ills.

Yahoo Sports reported that Kaepernick and Reid would only settle the complaint if a lucrative financial agreement was reached between the players and the NFL. The league and Kaepernick’s attorneys released a statement Friday saying the matter had been resolved confidentially. Continued on pg. 10

Black Women and Girls missing, few seem to care Stacy M. Brown NNPA Newswire Correspondent

Victoria Shaw, a Black girl approximately 15 years old, went missing Monday, Feb. 11, in West Hartford, CT. Teandah Slater, Black and also only 15 years old, was reported missing on Thursday, Feb. 7, from Noble Square in Chicago. Areall Murchinson, a 16-year-old Black girl, was last seen near the 200 block of West 111th Place, according to a community alert from Chicago police. They are the most recent to make the dubious and heart-breaking list of missing Black girls – particularly teens. It’s a list that’s quite long and there

remains no update on their status. Recently, the nonprofit Black & Missing Foundation compiled statistics from the FBI which noted that in 2016 alone, 242,295 individuals of color were reported missing in the United States. A stunning 36.7 percent of those missing were Black teens under the age of 18. In total, statistics show more than

75,000 young Black Americans are currently missing. What’s more, officials at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children’s CyberTipline said they’ve received more than 18.4 million reports, most of which led to apparent child sexual abuse images: online enticement (including “sextortion”), child sex trafficking and child sexual molestation. Those statistics, and the seeming lack of media interest, have led to cries of racism and neglect, particularly when it comes to Black girls. It has also led La’Tasha D. Mayes to pen the essay, “Why the Crisis of Missing Black Girls Needs More Attention Than It’s Getting.” Continued on pg. 6


owlett squite rdson Dallas


FEBRUARY 20, 2019


Civil Rights groups sue Texas over voter citizenship


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PUBLISHER - EDITOR Garland,Rowlett editor@myimessenger.com Mesquite

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CREDO OF THE BLACK PRESS The Black Press believes that America can best lead the xas Phone1(972) 926-8503 (903)racial 450-1397 1 Year Subscription $45.00 when it 450-1397 Year Subscription $45.00 world awayFax from and national antagonisms accords to every person, regardless of race, color or creed, full human and legal rights. Hating no person, fearing no person, the Black Press strives to help every person in the firm belief that all are hurt as long as anyone is held back.

Stacy M. Brown NNPA Newswire Correspondent

Civil rights organizations are suing Texas officials about alleged plans to purge thousands of naturalized citizens from its voter rolls, a move that intentionally targets minority voters, according to their lawsuit. The American Civil Liberties Union of Texas, the national ACLU, the Texas Civil Rights Project, Demos, and the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law filed a lawsuit against Texas Secretary of State David Whitley and Director of Elections Keith Ingram over the creation and rollout of a flawed voter purge list that discriminates against naturalized citizens. The lawsuit also includes election officials from Galveston, Blanco, Fayette, Caldwell, and Washington counties for sending out notices threatening to cancel voter registrations based on the list, according to CBS News, which first reported the lawsuit. “The right to vote is sacrosanct. Yet, the Texas Secretary of State has engaged in a sloppy exercise that threatens to unfairly strip people of the opportunity to participate in American democracy,â€? said Andre Segura, legal director for the ACLU of Texas. “Even after we told Texas officials that this would happen, they doubled down on this failed experiment and left us with no other recourse but to take this to court. We look forward to ensuring that all eligible Texas voters can make their voices heard on election day.â€? The lawsuit claims that Texas officials created and sent a flawed advisory to counties that flagged tens of thousands of registered voters for citizenship reviews, despite knowing that the list included naturalized citizens eligible to vote. “There is no question that Secretary Whitley released a flawed and inaccurate advisory that risks throwing thousands of eligible voters off the rolls,â€? said Beth Stevens, Voting Rights Legal Director with the Texas Civil Rights Project. “Our lawsuit seeks to put the brakes on this voter suppression by rescinding the flawed advisory. Not one single eligible Texan should lose the right to vote because state officials have decided to pursue a radical anti-voter agenda.â€?

Whitley said his office has identified 95,000 non-citizens who are currently registered to vote in of Texas â€” 58,000 of whom have voted in one or more election. Texas Secretary of State spokesman Sam Taylor says they “are very confidentâ€? the citizenship data used is current. But the organizations who have filed suit disagree. “The Texas Secretary of State simply chose to assume the worst,â€? said Brendan Downes, Associate Counsel with the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law’s Voting Rights Project. “The idea that nearly 100,000 non-citizens knowingly and willfully registered to vote, thereby risking deportation and threatening the well-being of themselves and their families, is an absurdity. “That assumption is now endangering the voting rights of thousands of qualified voters. It’s a hell of a welcome mat for people who have recently become citizens of this country. “You have to question why the Secretary didn’t do more to ensure that everyone who should be on the rolls stays on the rolls.â€? The case was filed on behalf of four nonprofits – MOVE Texas Civic Fund, Jolt Initiative, League of Women Voters of Texas, and NAACP of Texas, CBS reported. The plaintiffs in the lawsuit are seeking that the court declare that the Secretary of State’s advisory violates the United States Constitution and the Voting Rights Act and that it block all Texas counties from sending notices to individuals requiring them to prove their citizenship on the basis of the purge list, or from removing any registered voter from the voter rolls based on a failure to respond to such letters. “This exercise is a thinly veiled attempt to advance the voter fraud myth to justify restrictive voter requirements and suppress voting rights,â€? said Sophia Lakin, staff attorney with the ACLU’s Voting Rights Project. “We’re suing Texas for rolling out this errorridden voter purge program that unlawfully targets and threatens the voting rights of eligible and duly registered naturalized citizens.â€?


Dr. Zan Wesley Holmes Jr. and Mavericks CEO Cynt Marshall






FEBRUARY 20, 2019


There is no book at Barnes and Noble called “Reconstruction for Dummies,” so let me offer this mini novella that explains how we got to the second Reconstruction and Donald Trump. Four weeks and four days after Dred Scott was decided, the Civil War began. Dred Scott was the 1857 Supreme Court decision that said that “A black man had no rights that a White man was bound to respect.” Don’t tell Massa’ n’em I said it, but that law ain’t never really changed. In 1861, the Civil War, a bloody war fought over ideals, began. As the Civil War drew to a close, the United States Congress and President Lincoln realized that the newly-freed Black men and women needed assistance. The transition to freedom after cruel slavery was obvious. Lincoln’s enactment of land grants and other elements of the Freedman’s Bureau Act included a Freedman’s Bank. The aim was to establish a


Continued from pg 1 won’t bite.” You know how most dog lovers are. And here’s where the lie comes in. I responded, “I’m allergic!” Just the thought of that untruth repulses me. Does the end justify the means? All I wanted was for the man to be gone with his dog. It seems you have to lie to get people to respect your space. As I reflect, this is one lie I have been telling for decades, simply because many animal lovers are not respecters of others’ boundaries, fears or desires. I say I am allergic because that

financial plan to help guide their path to independence. It was the financial literacy program of its day, but we still ain’t taught our dollars no sense; we need another one. The plan was launched and Black commerce was in orbit. The Freedman’s Bank maintained 37 offices in 17 states, including the District of Columbia. At its height, the Bank had over $57 million in deposits (adjusted for inflation) and 70,000 depositors. Five weeks after the creation of the Freedman’s Bank, President Lincoln was assassinated. Always remember, that messing with White folk’s money is a dangerous enterprise. Seven years later, In June of 1872, the U.S. Congress voted to permanently close the Freedman’s Bureau. The Bank, however, remained operational and in 1874 Frederick Douglass was asked to run the Freedman’s Bank as the D.C. branch relocated to a new home across from the U.S. Department of Treasury, in a grand building seems to resonate for them. Actually if I were telling the truth, I would say something like, “I don’t care if your dog doesn’t bite. I don’t want it licking, sniffing or touching me, either.” Or I would ask, “She has teeth doesn’t she?” Whatever the case, I shouldn’t have to lie to avoid an encounter with someone’s loved one. Yes, people do treat their pets like members of the family, and that’s their reality. I’m cool with that. News flash: Everyone does not love dogs or cat, or any animal. But folks who do are becoming more blatant with their need to bring their pets

Reconstruction II = Donald Trump

that cost $260,000 to construct. In 1866, Congress passes first Civil Rights Act declaring freed Blacks U.S. Citizens. In 1868 - Congress passed the 14th Amendment, granting equal

citizenship and civil rights. That’s right. There had been a Civil Rights Act, 100 years before LBJ signed the 1964 act with Martin King standing over his shoulder. Parenthetically, when I was a kid, if someone gave you something and took it back, we called them an “Indian Giver.” History teaches us that Native Americans have gotten a bad rap, just like us. In 1870 Congress passes enforcement acts to control the

KKK and guarantee federal civil and political rights. That same year, Rev. Hiram R. Revels becomes the first African American Senator and Joseph Rainy is seated as first Black House Rep; five other black men were elected to U.S. House of Representatives. By 1875, the effects of representation were being felt. Congress passes the Civil Rights Act of 1875, giving equal treatment in public places and access to jury duty. But by 1883, the full “Whitelash” (White Backlash) began. The Supreme Court overturned the Civil Rights Act of 1875. I’m guessing there were some Indians on the Supreme Court? In 1896- Supreme Court approves segregation with “separate but equal” ruling in Plessy vs. Ferguson. Jim Crow followed. Now for those of you who are confused or dismayed about Virginia and its sudden outbreak of “Blackface,” Jim Crow’s origin

Vincent L. Hall is an author, activist and award-winnig columnist.

into any space. Just go to a Black College football game, especially homecomings! You’re sure to see someone walking around with a put bull, or just as frightening for me, a snake! I shake my head, because that is all I can do aside from making sure I keep my distance. I wish I could explain my fear of animals, but I can’t. I don’t recall

a dog biting me or anything like that. I don’t know what has traumatized me but I do know that my mother never gave me grief when I was late coming home from school because I walked out of my way to avoid an encounter with a dog. And yes, I have had to deal with the numerous people who tried to make light of my fears. But I am so appreciative of those who are compassionate and sensitive. I do have those who would never test our friendship by subjecting me to an encounter with their pet. Years ago, I read where Dear Abby, or her sister Ann Landers, said it was rude to

go to someone’s house and expect them to put their pets up because you are scared. I kind of agreed so I said I wouldn’t ask folks to put their animals away while I visited. Instead, I wouldn’t visit. I was not trying to be nasty, just wasn’t trying to be rude either. Sadly, I think that this is one lie that is going to continue for the rest of my life. When you consider that folks are becoming more and more inconsiderate when it comes to others feelings, I can’t expect someone to have empathy for me and my “issues.” Instead, I need to “get over it!” Oh well, forgive this one lie. Please!

holds a lesson. “Jump Jim Crow” was among the earliest “Blackface” routines. It was a song-and-dance and an overwrought caricature of Black people performed by Thomas D. Rice, a White actor. His act was born in 1832, but it really gained popularity after Reconstruction. Jim Crow laws were followed by years of fighting to get to the Acts of 1964 and 1965, which granted minorities civil and voting rights. Barack Hussein Obama was elected in 2008 and the noise and nostalgia of the Tea Party turned into a rally to “Make America Great Again.” White folks looked for the toughest-talking, meanest-sounding whip cracker they could find and succeeded. And that’s how Reconstruction II gave us Donald (LittleJohn) Trump!!


FEBRUARY 20, 2019

Our planet is melting. Who cares? DR. JULIANNE MALVEAUX

The Right Reverend William Barber has revived Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Poor People’s Campaign. He has reminded us that the triple evils of an age were racism, militarism, and poverty. But he has advanced the struggle for social and economic justice by including ecological devastation and the intersection between religion and morality. Dr. King indicated that one of the evils could not exist without another. Racism, militarism, and poverty were intertwined. Moving it forward, capitalism, militarism, and racism have been responsible for much of the ecological devastation we have experienced. Rev. William Barber has made it plain. His namesake son (William Barber III) has been involved in the environmental movement and took his dad to Alaska, where the melting of the glaciers was obvious. “We could see where they were five years ago, and where they are today. We are losing our glaciers”. The young Dr. Barber told his dad

that we might see seismic changes in as few as twenty years. Melting glaciers in Alaska. Melting glaciers in Antarctica. Government reports that were delayed because of the government shutdown, but a final report from the National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration (noaa. gov) says that 2018 was one of the four hottest years on record for the globe. The heat makes a difference. It accelerates storms and hurricanes. It places low-lying areas at risk. And trivially (but some of us live this) the fluctuations between cold and heat affect the quality of roads. Many Republicans are oblivious to the challenges of climate change. That man who occupies the People’s House at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue spent 82 minutes bloviating without mentioning climate change or global warming (or the 400th year since enslaved people crossed these wretched borders), but even as he ignored a pressing issue, there

were official acknowledgments of the ways that global warming has shifted our climate realities. In the name of party loyalty, some Republicans are willing to imperil our planet. Democrats aren’t much better. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been focused on climate change and has assembled a congressional panel to deal with the matter. The New Green Deal says that the Speaker’s focus is insufficient, and first-year legislator Alexandria Ocasia-Cortez (D-NY) has promoted a “Green New Deal” that addresses comprehensive ways to deal with social, economic, and environmental justice. Leader Pelosi and Congresswoman AOC both care about the ways our planet is melting, although they approach legislative fixes in different ways. Pelosi would take a deep dive in environmental issues. AOC would connect environmental devastation to wages, education, and quality of life. The two dynamos are on the

same page, but their approach is different. Pelosi is the more skilled leader and negotiator and will find her position enhanced if she can use the AOC agenda to advance her own. The bottom line, though, is that our planet is melting. We hear a “State of Disunion” address that bloviated on for 82 minutes and mentioned climate change not once. In the days after the pathetic campaign speech masquerading as a State of the Union address, we saw Democrats lift the challenges of climate change, and Republicans to ignore those challenges. And our world melts on. Our world is melting. Glaciers are disappearing. Oceans are rising. Lowlands (mostly populated by low income and Black people) are disappearing. And, before Democrats took power in this term, few other than Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the New Green Deal have been able to address matters of climate change and, in the words of the New Poor

People’s Campaign, “ecological devastation.” How does ecological devastation shape issues of social and economic justice? When folks choose to disrespect the environment, they mainly want to disrespect those who are most vulnerable – people who are at the periphery of the economy, those who have garbage dumps and toxic waste placed near their homes. There was a focus on environmental justice with the Environmental Protection Agency before this administration decided that there was no need to protect the environment. And there has been a stunning silence among civil rights organizations who don’t’ think that the melting of our plant is essential. Our planet is melting. A few legislators care. What about the rest of us? Do we understand that, in the words of Rev. William Barber, that without a healthy planet, we have no platform to fight for social and economic justice, for our civil rights?

The fundamental problem for Black boys raised in America is that 70% of Black families are run by a single parent: a woman. African Americans make up about 35% of all children raised in the bottom 1% of the income level and distribution. From the very beginning of life, Black

males start with a financial disadvantage and one out of every three ends up in prison. The system is set up for Black males to fail, and it is extremely difficult to climb from the bottom to the top.

Rites of Passage Programs in 2019 across the Country Roger Caldwell, NNPA Newswire Contributor

2019 is important to African American Men because the opportunities are boundless and amazing. If you can conceive it, you can achieve it. The only barriers holding Black men back are preparation, knowledge and education. The challenge for Black men is Black manhood. There are many different definitions of manhood, but to be Black and a man is a unique and special position in the United States and the world. Black men come in

different sizes and shapes, with individual skillsets, mindsets, ideas, thoughts, visions, and beliefs. Our diversity is our gift to the globe — and we will be first, not last. The power and fear of the Black man will no longer be curtailed or controlled by racism. Racial bias is being fought in the courts, businesses, sports and entertainment in America and around the world. When Black men start loving each other and working together, communities will

change and they will take leadership roles in families, America and the world. There are Black role models in the communities and the Black media has a responsibility to tell positive and powerful stories of Black men and women who are making a positive difference every day. The emphasis for Black men is to bring attention on the necessity for mentors, to help Black boys narrow the achievement gap in the country.

Continued on pg 6

6 Black Women and Girls Missing, Continued from page 1...

Mayes’ March 2017 essay was published at Ebony.com where she noted that an academic study analyzed news coverage of missing children and found that only 20 percent of reported stories focused on missing Black children. This, despite the fact that Black children account for 33 percent of total missing children cases. “In other words, missing Black youth are grossly underreported in the news. For missing girls, it’s even worse. When Black girls go missing, far too many people don’t know or don’t care,” Mayes wrote. Many argue that the stories of young Black girls and women who are missing don’t get the same degree of local, national and global attention as

FEBRUARY 20, 2019 that of an Elizabeth Smart or Natalee Holloway. Smart, a 14-year-old white girl, was kidnapped in 2002 from her home in Salt Lake City, Utah. After an intense search that included relentless media coverage, Smart was rescued by police nine months later and, among other activities, she’s become an analyst for ABC News. Holloway disappeared in 2005 while on a high school graduation trip in Aruba. The white Alabama teen’s story drew global media coverage and, although her remains were never found, she was declared dead in 2010. Many maintain that African Americans aren’t afforded the intense police investigations or the media coverage given to whites that go missing. Child Rights activist Katerina Canyon said she’s been researching cases of missing Black girls for years

and there are several unknowns, including that many go missing without any witnesses. “This leads me to believe that the kidnappers are either very good at what they’re doing, or the girls left on their own,” Canyon said. “We need to make sure black girls have readily accessible help from adults in a safe environment such that they do not fall victim to homelessness or trafficking. A lot of times, with the proper interventions, we can prevent black girls from leaving home or falling prey to traffickers,” she said. The mystery of the disappearances also has heightened since 2016 when Donald Trump won the presidency and the subsequent rise in nationalism and white supremacy. Some of the disappearances have proven more suspicious than others. A recent report highlighted the case of Amber Evans, who disappeared in 2015.

Evans had been a key player and driving force behind state and local juvenile justice reform in Ohio – work for which she’d been rewarded when the organization she worked for, the Juvenile Justice Coalition, put her in charge. Three weeks later, Evans disappeared. Her car was found, purse in the trunk, at a pharmacy. Her last known words, a text to her mother saying, “I love you and I’m sorry.” “There never seemed to be a sense of urgency for our missing African American girls,” said Nashima Harvey, an educator and founder of Girls of Decision, a youth empowerment group that seeks to assist girls in making better choices. “The sad thing that I have encountered has been that many of the young girls I have interacted with on my journey are young women who were former human trafficked young ladies.”

Rites of Passage,

School (OCPS) system is to recruit 1,000 mentors in 2019, and there are other organizations and fraternities that have after-school mentoring programs in Orlando and Central Florida. The only way Black boys will learn to be Black men is that they must be taught by Black men. The ultimate goal for Black boys to become Black men is through months and years of studying the rites of passage. The ultimate goal of the rites of passage is to develop greater leadership roles for the youth and the younger Black boys in the Black communities. By teaching Black boys critical thinking and to understand themselves and the world around them, they will determine what it means to be a man and a leader. Through an intensive process of self-reflection, community and global analysis and understanding of their individual beliefs and goals, Black boys will become men. As older young brothers have completed the rites of passage, they will help recruit younger Black boys and instead of Black boys/ men killing each other they will start working to improve their community and spread love.

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“It’s not just being Black but being male that has been hyper-stereotyped in this negative way, in which we’ve made Black men scary, intimidating, with a propensity toward violence,” said Noelle Hurd, a psychology professor at the University of Virginia. In 2019, there is a call to action for all Black men to be fathers to all Black boys in the communities. “Black boys and young adults who face an opportunity gap but have a mentor are 55% more likely to be enrolled in college than those who did not have a mentor. In addition, mentees are 46% less likely than their peers to start using illegal drugs and 27% less likely to start drinking,” says Dr. Brian Agard, My Brother’s Keeper Lead and Minority Achievement Office – Orange County Public Schools. Black men can no longer wait for the system and the schools to educate Black boys, they must be engaged and involved from the very beginning. Dr. Agard’s goal in the Orange County Public

FEBRUARY 20, 2019

Check out TITAS Presents Kyle Abraham’s A.I.M. Urban funk meets modern dance, that’s Kyle Abraham: A.I.M. Kyle Abraham and Abraham in Motion. March 1 and 2, 2019. Featuring Catherine Ellis Kirk. 8PM | Moody Performance Hall 2520 Flora St, Dallas, TX 75201. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit https://www.attpac.org/on-sale/2019/kyleabraham/



FEBRUARY 20, 2019

Words and Photos by

Dorothy J. Gentry Sports Editor

Charlotte – It was a family affair for Dirk Nowitzki in what was likely his last-ever NBA All-Star appearance. “My wife is here, my friends. The whole crew is here one more time. I was on the stage for the last time, so it’s been great. My brother-inlaw is here; he came to support,” Nowitzki said of NBA All-Star Weekend held in Charlotte, North Carolina. “So I had fun. I look forward to closing out this weekend out on a high. Then go back home and finish the season strong.” The 40-year-old Nowitzki kept a busy weekend in Charlotte – serving as coach of the World Team for the Rising Stars Challenge – in which he coached teammate Luka Doncic – participated in the 3-point contest and participated in the All-Star Game on Sunday night as part of Team Giannis. The NBA paid homage to the League legend, with large signs and posters in hotels and all over the downtown area near the site of the Spectrum Center where AllStar festivities took place. He scored 17 points in the 3-point contest but did not make the finals.

Dirk enjoys final NBA All-Star Weekend representing MAVS He won the contest in 2005-2006. In Sunday’s All-Star Game - he drained 3, 3 pointers in 4 minutes – a performance that had the bench and crowd at Spectrum Center on its feet. He finished with nine points for Team Giannis during their 178-164 loss to Team LeBron. During the 3rd quarter he and Dwayne Wade - who has already announced his retirement from the League this year -were presented with honorary framed All-Star jerseys. After the game Dirk was swamped by players, fans, media and more offering handshakes, hugs and well-wishes. He and they knew it would probably be his last All-Star Game. “I wanted to just play a few minutes and hoist up a three and that’s exactly what happened. The first one, I was a little deep. But it’s the last time on this stage, I’m going to go for it, and it went in,” said Nowitzki, who was the oldest All-Star in attendance in Charlotte. “The second one I thought, Let me step back a little more and see what happens, and it went in too. It was a fun all around weekend for me. It was a pleasure to compete with these guys one more time on this stage. We got honored in between the third and fourth quarter and that was emotional. It was great weekend for me.”

Above: All Star Signage. Below: Dirk Signage

Nowitzki acknowledged that when things quiet down, he’ll take time to reflect. “Yeah, I think all that is going to be emotional once I sit back and get some time to think. But this weekend, I was just out there competing,” he said. “It was fun and the whole week was great. They had me running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Friday, I was coaching. Saturday, I was shooting [in the 3-Point Contest]. And then I was competing. It was fun. “I’m going to soak it all in. I think I’m going to get more emotional later when it is all said and done.” Nowitzki said he appreciates the support and love from fans as well as athletes and knows decisiontime is coming. “The fans have shown me a lot of love already on the road, even though I obviously haven’t announced that this is going to be it. I want to see how my body feels the last couple of weeks. If I get to see any improvement, if it’s still fun, and I guess we’re going to make that decision later.”

FEBRUARY 20, 2019


NBA All-Star Weekend

NBA, FIBA unveil plan to launch professional league in Africa By Dorothy J. Gentry Sports Editor

Charlotte, N.C. - In the midst of basketball, fun, paparazzi, celebrity sightings, 3-point contest and more, the National Basketball Association (NBA) and the International Basketball Federation (FIBA) announced plans to launch a professional basketball league in Africa. The new Basketball Africa League (BAL) will feature 12 teams from across Africa and will be built on the foundation

of current club competitions FIBA is organizing in Africa. The BAL is scheduled to begin play in January 2020 and, at its launch, would mark the NBA’s first collaboration to operate a league outside of North America. “The Basketball Africa League is an important next step in our continued development of the game of basketball in Africa,” said NBA Commissioner Adam Silver to media assembled at the NBA All-Star 2019 Africa Luncheon to make the announcement.

“Combined with our other programs on the continent, we are committed to using basketball as an economic engine to create new opportunities in sports, media and technology across Africa.” Oklahoma City Thunder guard Hamidou Diallo – who became the first full-blooded African (Republic of Guinea) to win any event on NBA All-Star Saturday – said these are signs that African basketball is about to emerge out of the shadows. “It’s phenomenal. If you look around the league, we have

a bunch of African players, a bunch of them are producing, and a bunch of them are great players,” said Diallo, who won the Slam-Dunk Contest. “My goal for Africa is to try to establish a platform there and try to go back home as much as possible and do things for the community out there and show them what it's like to be around an NBA player. I can't wait. I've got a lot of things planned for Africa this summer.” The NBA and FIBA plan to conduct qualification tournaments later this year

Van Jones

to identify the 12 teams that would represent several African countries, including Angola, Egypt, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa and Tunisia, with no more than two teams from the same country able to qualify. The NBA and FIBA also plan to dedicate financial support and resources toward the continued development of Africa’s basketball ecosystem, including training for players, coaches and referees, and infrastructure investment.

LeBron James

Joel Embiid Miles Brown

Kyle Kuzma


FEBRUARY 20, 2019


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As part of that confidentiality, it is believed both sides signed a non-disclosure agreement agreeing not to speak publicly about details of the case or settlement. “For the past several months, counsel for Mr. Kaepernick and Mr. Reid have engaged in an ongoing dialogue with representatives of the NFL,” the statement said. “As a result of those discussions, the parties have decided to resolve the pending grievances. The resolution of this matter is subject to a confidentiality agreement so there will be no further comment by any party.” The agreement comes as Kaepernick’s case against the NFL was to set to be heard before arbitrator Stephen Burbank later this month. Kaepernick had alleged that since 2016, the league conspired to keep him out. Multiple NFL players adopted Kaepernick’s protest in 2017, hoping to draw attention to social justice and racial inequality issues. The actions sparked a political firestorm from President Donald Trump and the furor became such a central issue for the

league for nearly one year that it instituted a rule that banned protests during the national anthem. That rule has since been shelved by the NFL and now appears to be dead, according to the Yahoo Sports report. The NFLPA also released a statement Friday, supporting the settlement between the league and players. “Today, we were informed by the NFL of the settlement of the Colin Kaepernick and Eric Reid collusion cases,” the NFLPA said. “We are not privy to the details of the settlement but support the decision by the players and their counsel. We continuously supported Colin and Eric from the start of their protests, participated with their lawyers throughout their legal proceedings and were prepared to participate in the upcoming trial in pursuit of both truth and justice for what we believe the NFL and its clubs did to them. “We are glad that Eric has earned a job and a new contract [from the Carolina Panthers], and we continue to hope that Colin gets his opportunity as well.”

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FEBRUARY 20, 2019


In Conversation: Cheryl Smith, Demond Fernandez and Dr. John McCaa Quest for Success 2019 Awardee Jason Robinson of Sound Design Studio

Quest for Success 2019 Attendee Jim Austin AKA Mr. Fort Worth

Lynne Haze of 105.7 recieves award of recognition from Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce

Quest for Success 2019 Attendee Warren Broadnax CEO of She’s Happy Hair

Quest for Success 2019 Awardee Jimmy Gatson of Premier 360 Distributing

Quest for Success 2019 Attendee Royce West Jr.

Quest for Success 2019- Awardee Senator Royce West and staff of West and Associates


FEBRUARY 20, 2019

Black History Month Recurring Events Reggae Sunday Brunch at Hero’s Lounge 3094 N. 35 Fwy. Dallas. 11am. Caribbean Breakfast & Lunch. Black Beauty Glitz and Glamor Designers Patrick Wright and Pucci Lisenbee never before seen fashion at South Dallas Cultural Center 300 Fitzhugh Ave. 6pm. Info: 214-939-2787, 2-2 - 3-23. Comerica Bank Prom Dress Drive Benefitting Dallas CASA & Boys & Girls Clubs until 2-28 at Comerica bank Info: www.Comerica.com/promdress Feeding The Needy Hosted by: Hollywood Hernandez Live 1698 Corsicana St. Dallas. 3pm-5pm. Written & Witnessed Presented by: Andrea Tosten & Jas Mardis at Oak Cliff Cultural Center 223 W. Jefferson Blvd. FREE 10am-8pm. Until 3-29-19

February 20-28 Ustoo: Phenomenal Women at African American Museum 3536 Grand Ave. 11am-5pm.

February 20 Nancy Wilson DOB 1937 Songstress

Zan W. Holmes Lunch and Learn Grant Writing Boot Camp at Frazier House 4600 Spring Ave. Dallas. 11:30am-1pm. Polk-Wisdom Branch Library Presents: Black History for Children Rock & Roll: Female Pioneers 7151 Library Ln. Dallas 4pm. Methodist Health System Heart Health Update at Methodist Richardson 2831 E. Pres. George Bush Hwy. 12pm. Reg: 214-947-4628. Arlington Black Chamber of Commerce Live2Lead Lunch & Learn Session #3 at Tower 360 Lower Level Conference Rm. 1901 N. Hwy 360. 12pm-1pm.

February 21-23 Hispanic/Latino Media & Marketing International Conference 2019 at University of Texas at Arlington 6pm.

February 21 Judicial Investitures for Criminal Court Judges at Dallas Bar Assoc. 2101 Ross Ave. 3:30pm. Red Alert! Celebrating the Stars Among Us by: Metropolitan Dallas-Alumnae Delta Sigma Theta Sorority at The Manderley 2010 N. Hampton Rd. #700, DeSoto. 7pm-11pm. Info: www. mdadst.org

Reclaim at Tarrant County College South Campus Student Center 5301 Campus Dr. Ft. Worth. 8am3pm. Register: ww.tccd.edu/professional-conference

February 23 Zan W. Holmes Lunch and Learn Series Expundgement at Frazier House 4600 Spring Ave. Dallas. 11:30am-1pm.

William Edward Burghardt Du Bois Writer/ Teacher DOB 1868

A K A Sorority Alpha Xi Omega Chapter-Dallas Founder’s day Luncheon Celebration at Hilton Anatole Hotel Dallas 12noon.

TBAAL’s CD Release & Listening Series: Niko Preforms at Clarence Muse Café Theatre 1309 Canton St. 7:30pm info: 214-743-2400 Dance Your Pounds Off Dallas at Alpha Midway Dance Studio 13740 Midway Rd. # 174 7pm-8pm. Eventbrite.

10am-12:30pm. HBCU Panel and Scholarship Search Party at Dymensions Academic Center 8105 Rasor Blvd. Ste # 273, Plano. 10am-1pm. Free Eventbrite. Savior’s Day Commemorating African American History Month at South Dallas Cultural Center 3400 S. Fitzhugh Ave. 10am-3pm. Free. Black History Celebration African American Read-In at The Dock Bookshop and Dock Community 6637 Meadowbrook Dr. Ft. Worth. 12pm.

February 24-25 2019 Black History Celebration at East Pointe COC 3029 Handley Dr. Ft Worth. 24th 3pm. & 25th 6pm.

Youth Event-Dallas at Concord Church 6806 Pastor Bailey Dr. 7pm. Tickets: unalteredtour.com

JAMALZ REGINALD PRODUCTIONS presents Apollo Dallas Style at Hall of State at Fair Park. Show Time 7pm. Info. to contest, email: jamalzwanttell@gmail.com.

Super R & B Jam Feat: Tyrese, Avant, Ginuwine, Donnell Jones, 702 at The Theatre at Grand Prairie 1001 Performance Pl. 8pm.

Heritage Oak Cliff Neighborhood Leaders Meet and Greet at La Calle Doce 415 W. 12th St. Dallas. 5:30pm-7:30pm. Eventbrite.

UNCF Mayor’s Masked Ball at Hyatt Regency Dallas 300 Reunion Blvd. Reunion Ballroom 6pm. Info: Kristie Patton Foster dallasinfo@uncf.org

February 22-23

Eco Latino/LULAC 2019 Job Fair at Hilton Garden Inn 800 N. Main St. Duncanville. 10am-6pm. Zan W. Holmes Lunch and Learn Series Cryptocurrency Tokenization at Frazier House 4600 Spring Ave. Dallas. 11:30am-1pm. Polk-Wisdom Branch Library Black History for Children Rhythm & Blues: Male Pioneers 7151 Library Ln. Dallas 4pm. Polk-Wisdom Branch Library Adult events Celebrating Black Culture: Reading D.I.V.A.S. Book Club 7151 Library Ln. Dallas 6pm. 2019 Diversity Job Fair at Hilton Garden Hotel 800 N. Main St. Duncanville 10am-6pm.

February 24 Shades of Slay Dallas Host: Slay Magazine at Royal Lane Studios 4843 W. Royal Ln. Irving. 3pm. The Black Bridal Experience Expo at Eventfully Yours Special Event Venue 7640 N.E. Loop 820 #110 North Richland Hills. 11am-4pm.


Community Resource Workshop Senior Services & Homeownership Host: Ruth Torres at Ebenezer Memorial Baptist Church 4791 Buckner Blvd. 4:30pm. Info: www.Torre-

Glendale Park Master Plan Community Meeting at For Oak Cliff 4478 S. Marsalis Ave. Dallas. 6pm-8pm.

15th Annual Weekend Fest. of Black Dance “Rhythm & Soul of a People” TBAAL Bruton Theatre 1309 Canton St. Tickets: $5.

2019 Honors Brunch J. C. Belt, Jr. Awarded to Hon. Helen Giddings at Paul Quinn College 3837 Simpson Stuart Rd. 11am.

Our Journey A Tale of Yesterday and Today- Live Recording at Star of Bethlehem Baptist Church 8702 Eden Valley Ln. 8pm, 23rd 3pm & 8pm

Black Girl Magic Tour Dallas by: Boss Women Media at Sugarfina North Park Center Northwest Hwy. Dallas 9am-11am.

Sunday Evening Theatre Stage Readings of African American Classics A Soldier’s Play at TBAAL 1309 Canton St. 5pm.

February 22

Flaunt - The Big 1970’s Party 8pm-1am Tickets: Eventbrite Location will be provided with ticket purchase.

Obama-Ology Play at Jubilee Theatre 506 Main St. Ft Worth Time and Dates Vary. Tickets: www.jubileetheatre.org

Mariah Carey at The Pavilion at Toyota Music Factory 300 Las Colinas Blvd. Irving 7:30pm. Tickets: via Live Nation

Texas Black Sports Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony Luncheon at Dallas Sheraton Hotel 400 N. Olive St. 11am. Tickets: www.aamdallas. org/2019/TexasBlackSportsHallofFame.asp

La Llorona: A Love Story at Bishop Arts Theatre Center 215 Tyler

Zan W. Holmes Lunch and Learn Series Grant Writing Boot Camp at Frazier House 4600 Spring Ave. Dallas. 11:30am-1pm.

Dr. Ralph J. Bunch 1st Black awarded Noble Peace Prize in 1950

HBCU Alumni Meet & Greet at Bar Louie 4001 Bagpiper Way, Arlington 5pm-10pm. 3rd Annual Ron Bivins “The Peoples Servant” Living Legends & Scholarship Banquet Norma Adams-Wade at Hilton Garden Inn 800 N. Main St. Duncanville 7:30pm. Texas Black Sports Hall of Fame Legends Reception at A. A. M. 3536 Grand Ave. 6:30pm-8:30pm. Tickets: www.aamdallas.org Paint N Sip with Kinfolk at The Flying Daiquiri 900 E. Copeland St. Ste. 160 Arlington. 7pm-10pm. Tickets: Eventbrite DBDT at DeSoto High School 600 Eagle Dr. 7pm-10pm. Tickets: www.artsdesoto.com Black History Month Movie Night “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” at FWBC 2020 W. Wheatland Rd. Dallas. 7pm-9pm. “No Cost” Watermelon Woman (1996) Black Filmmakers Series at Texas Theatre 231 W. Jefferson Blvd. 6:30pm-8pm. $1

Coffee & Politics Housing & the City of Dallas at A. A. Museum at Fair Park. 10am-11am. Women Like Us, Painting With A Twist Host: Women Like Us, Inc. 3pm-5pm. Must RSVP: www.womenlikeusinc.org/events

Southwest Writers Showcase 2019 at Country View Golf Course 240 W. Belt Line Rd. Lancaster. 3pm-7pm. Tickets: Eventbrite.


February 25 In 1853 the 1st YMCA for Blacks opens in Washington, D.C.

Erykah Badu at The Bomb Factory 2713 Canton St. Dallas. 8pm. Tickets: ticketfly.com The Exchange – DFW African American Market Showcase at MLK, JR. Recreation Center 2901 Pennsylvania Ave. 12pm. Free. Polk-Wisdom Branch Library Adult events Celebrating Black Culture: Let’s Grove today! 7151 Library Ln. Dallas 11am. Polk-Wisdom Branch Library Adult events Celebrating Black Culture: Dred Scott. By LaRome Armstrong 7151 Library Ln. Dallas 1pm. Methodist Charlton Heart to Heart at Methodist Charlton Auditorium 3500 W. Wheatland Rd.


Fibroid Free Health Wealth & Happiness Mixer Feat Speaker Claudia Jordan at Fibroid Institute Dallas 12400 Coit Rd. #505, Dallas. 6pm7:30pm. Info: 214-382-

Fed Listens: Community Listening Session at St Philips School & Community Center 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. 9:15-11:30am. Info: dallasfed.org. Men Stand for Life Breakfast at Dallas Country Club 4155 Mockingbird Ln. 7am-8:30am. Tickets: Eventbrite

February 26 Fats Domino R&B & Rock n Roll Musician DOB 1928

February 27 Debbie Thomas 1st Black figure skater Olympic Bronze Champion 1988

Polk-Wisdom Branch Library Black History for Children Rhythm & Blues: Female Pioneers 7151 Library Ln. Dallas 4pm. Cardio Hip Hop w/ Jessie Mae at J.C. Fitness L.L.C. 901 N. Polk Ste. #370 DeSoto. 6:30pm. www.jcfitness.info Dallas Job Fair at Embassy Suites Dallas Market Center 2727 N. 35E Fwy. 11am-2pm. To RSVP to Secure Your Spot Eventbrite.

February 28 Black History Pack the Seats with Greeks at Bonair Baptist Church 5707 Bonnieview Rd. Dallas. 8am & 10:30am. Info: www.bonairchurchfamily.org BLAK Talks Series 10 Invest in your Success at African American Museum 3536 Grand Ave. Dallas. 6:30pm-9pm.


FEBRUARY 20, 2019

Happy Death Day 2U



Hollywood Hernandez

Happy Death Day 2U is the rare “Comedy/ Thriller.” It’s not a slapstick over the top comedy like Scary Movie. It has some real Boogeyman in the closet scenes that will keep you on the edge of your seat; while meanwhile, the movie delivers plenty of laughs during all of the scary stuff. The lead actress, Jessica Rothe, plays Flower Gelbmans. The movie is set on her birthday and she relives that one day over and over again in a parallel universe. Celebrating your birthday every day wouldn’t be so bad except for the fact that she dies

at the end of every day. It was reminiscent of the movie Ground Hog Day where Bill Murray had to live the same day over and over again. The sequel picks up where the original took off and now the nerdy clique of college students has caused Flower’s current situation in an alternate universe with a lab project that transfers them all to another reality. In the new universe, a lot of things have changed. For instance, she and her boyfriend are not together in this world and in the sequel her mother is back from the dead. But still, in

the alternate universe, someone wants to kill her. There are a lot more laughs than thrills in Happy Death Day 2U. It wasn’t exactly what I expected but it was still a good time. The movie is rated PG-13 and has a run time of 1 hour and 40 minutes. On my “Hollywood Popcorn Scale” I give this movie a LARGE.



Each day is amazing for me as I live each day in joy and abundance. I continually send good vibes to the watchers, listeners and readers of the Valder Beebe Show that their lives are lived abundantly. I would be remised if I did not jog your memory with …..TLC 19 Kids and Counting series being rocked by sexual molestation scandal. The Duggar’s and their 19 kids were the center of the show. To return to television, TLC repackaged 19 Kids and Counting into TLC series, Counting On.

Something about the Duggar’s just seems to make people want to watch. Newlyweds Josiah and Lauren Duggar are returning to their popular TLC series, Counting On. Valder is catching up with Josiah and Lauren Duggar, as they are opening up about a recent miscarriage in season four of their TLC series Counting On. In addition to catching up with the Duggars, Seewalds and Vuolos, viewers will witness Josiah and Lauren as they adjust to newlywed life, go on a romantic honeymoon in Austria and later experience the joy of finding out they are expecting, followed by the difficult realization of

The Mother Ghost

Dear Alma, I have a friend and we’ve known each other most of our lives. We’ve spent many years together going on family vacations, dealing with marriages and divorce. We had children around the same time and we’ve always been there for each other. We are now at the stage where you take care of your parents. I’m not taking care of my mom, she’s in a nursing home, but my friend decided to take care of her mom at home. Her mother recently died, but before she died, she told my friend that she would come back and visit her. My friend believes that her mother is back in the house. She told me the lights are blinking on and off in one room and she also said there’s one step that squeaks now that never did before. I think that’s crazy and she thinks it’s her mother. What’s the best way to explain to her, her mother cannot come back from the grave? Name withheld Dear Name withheld: Hold up, wait – it could happen… shaking my head, naaawwww, LOL, I don’t think so. If you’ve followed Ask Alma for

half a minute, you’d know I’ve lost my mother, father and one and only big sister Kim, so when it comes to grieving, I’m at the head of the line. I never thought my sister was gonna die, even when she was in a coma. I would talk to her and say, “You can open your eyes now, it’s just me in the room.” After she died, I had to pretend she was in the Bahamas, unreachable for the first six years. I remember telling my father, I don’t know what I’ll do without you. He lovingly answered, “Yes you will, you’ll know.” When it came to my mama, don’t you dare speak the words. I could not even entertain the thought. My heart broke, I was broken. Some might call it irrational, but you’ll never know until it happens to you. As far as your friend is concerned, like my mother use to say, if you go looking for it honey, you’ll find it. Well, actually she said, if you keep stirring sh*t, you’ll start to smell it, but we’re a PG publication here, so let’s just keep it moving, LOL. Humans, unlike our furry K-9 friends, don’t go looking for something for the sake of looking. We always have an agenda, an inkling, something that doesn’t sit right in our belly. You know what

I’m saying. She’s looking, so just let her look. Yea, she’s stretching, but that’s her broken rubber band to bend. I’m not sure why her mom would tell her something like that, although we’ve all got our “Why did my mama say that?” stories to tell. If she believes her mom can operate her lights from heaven, it’s nothing you or I can say or do to change that. And why should we? When I see a beautiful red bird, I say hello to my grandmother, she loved birds. I don’t think the red bird is my grandmother, just like if the lights are flickering in my house, my first thought is to change the bulb. This, my friend, is not a dilemma you should elect yourself to correct. Let her look for her mama in every twinkling star and tri-color rainbow she can find. As long as she’s paying her electric bill and ain’t breaking any laws, l say, let her grieve her mama as she pleeze. Alma Email questions to: alwaysaskalma@gmail.com. Follow her on Facebook at “Ask Alma” Tweet @ almaaskalma.

Josiah & Lauren Duggar

Lauren’s miscarriage. Moments such as these underscore the importance of faith and family, and test the strength of love and marriage. As Josiah and Lauren open up to Valder and

VBS: Lauren, tell us about your series Counting On and sharing your life in public. LD: We’ll have our honeymoon shown on TV. This next season of Counting On, a lot of things are happening. VBS: Josiah, how long have you two been married? JD: Seven and a half months.

share their story for the first time, audiences will get an honest and emotional look at their journey so far.

VBS: You both have a lot going on. You’re on a series on TLC, you’ve just gotten married, you have this huge family. That’s a lot.

JD: The show, back in the day focused on the entire family. Counting On focuses on us the younger family members. It’s really hard because the show captures the intimate and the tense members. It’s really hard after losing………… Interview continues On-Demand video: ValderBeebeShow.com THAT CELEBRITY INTERVIEW On-Demand video: ValderBeebeShow.com, 411RadioNetwork.com Youtube.com/valderbeebeshow, 411RadioNetwork.com; PODCAST audio: Soundcloud.com/ valderbeebeshow, Soundcloud.com/kkvidfw, 411RadioNetwork.com, PChatman Streaming TV Network and VBS affiliate broadcasters. – Now available on 411RadioNetwork APP (download free in Google Playstore); Valder Beebe Show is a Power of 3 Women media influencer consortium partner.


By Veronica Perez FEATURED STAR: PISCES - The Fish - 02/19 - 03/20 Try not to let lack of friend time get to you, everyone is busy. Inspiration/Influence: Allow yourself some fun and relaxation. Lucky Numbers – ARIES - The RAM - 03/21 - 04/19 This week should feel like an adventure. Time to shift and do things differently. TAURUS – THE BULL – 04/20 - 05/20 Embrace all those that share even a small portion of your agenda. GEMINI – The Twins - 05/21 – 06/20 Don’t worry too much about family or friend issues. They will get through by end of the week. CANCER – The Crab – 06/21 – 07/22 Put self-doubts on hold for good, they are not helping. LEO – The Lion – 07/23 – 08/22 Keep filling every room with good energy; things only get better for you. VIRGO – The Virgin – 08/23 – 09/22 It’s a great time to make plans. Your mental and emotional state can handle it. LIBRA – The Scales – 09/23 – 10/22 You need new ideas. It shouldn’t be that hard to shake something out. SCORPIO – The Scorpion – 10/23 – 11/21 Now is not the time to be asking people for help. You will need to find new ways. It all gets better from there. SAGITTARIUS – The Archer – 11/22 – 12/21 Make sure your time is used wisely, get the most difficult things out of the way first. CAPRICORN – The Goat – 12/22 – 01/19 You can’t satisfy everyone. Pick and choose, and hope for the best. AQUARIUS – The Water Carrier – 01/20 – 02/18 A quick change brings new things to learn, and see, this is where you’ll shine. Daily Oracle Reading: Ask and it is given: The only way to see a clear day is to get through your “storm”.

FEBRUARY 20, 2019

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FEBRUARY 20, 2019

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