Dear friends of PennWest Clarion,
I suspect most of you had to make changes to your daily routine during the pandemic. During my extended COVID home time, I purchased a jigsaw puzzle from a UK-based company that sells all sizes and varieties of wooden/ frameable puzzles. After completing my first puzzle, I was hooked, and I still am.
The appeal for me was taking a box full of pieces of random shapes and sizes and knowing that with time, thought, a bit of noodling, and patience, I could create something that was truly greater than the sum of its parts.
I’m feeling that PennWest University is at a point where we are presented with so many pieces of a unique puzzle. The raw materials – or pieces of our puzzle – are many. We have three campuses deeply rooted in their communities, an almost 500-year combined history of providing a wealth of educational programs, an active alumni base of over 200,000 (60,000-plus for PennWest Clarion), a dedicated staff and faculty, and strong leadership. We also have a bold vision for our future, as articulated by our new president, Dr. Jon Anderson. The near-term objectives are pinpointing a clear vision and value proposition for
PennWest, capitalizing on AI efficiencies through a neural network, and making our systems stable and strong. More pieces of this puzzle will be put in place as time goes on.
It is heartening to know that you, the friends and donors of CUF, Inc., will each have a part in creating the environment that defines how PennWest will provide valuable student experiences. The benefits of these experiences will extend beyond the online or campus studies.
Your input is valuable. In the past year, CUF, Inc., has provided scholarships totaling over $1.4 million to 635 students. This equates to an average of more than $2,200 per student. Our endowment tops $50 million, among the highest in our peer group.
Thank you for your part in helping to connect the integral pieces of our puzzle. I can’t wait to see the finished masterpiece – a visionary work that defines PennWest’s future. Then we can all say, “We did it. It took time, toil, patience and thoughtful input, but it was well worth the effort.”
I am grateful for your continued support.
Dr. Jon Anderson was officially installed as PennWest’s second president on Dec. 6, 2024, marking the culmination of a productive first semester.
Since assuming the presidency on July 1, President Anderson, his wife Kristy, and their son Bryce, have been a constant on every campus, celebrating key moments of campus life, including the Autumn Leaf Festival in Clarion and Homecoming celebrations at California and Edinboro, over three vibrant weekends in October.
Under Anderson’s leadership, PennWest has achieved remarkable milestones, such as increased student retention. Retention has seen a 9.5% growth in online enrollment, and a 9.4% rise in new graduate enrollment for the fall 2024 semester.
Additionally, the university secured a $3.2 million gift for early childhood education. It launched the PennWest Center for Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies, solidifying PennWest at the forefront of innovation and community engagement.
Looking ahead, Dr. Anderson has outlined three core goals to guide PennWest’s future:
1. Delivering high-quality, mission-aligned academic programs;
2. Fostering community partnerships to address regional needs and drive economic growth; and
3. Fostering lifelong connections with alumni.
These priorities aim to enhance PennWest’s reputation as a leader in education and innovation while strengthening its ties to western Pennsylvania.
“Our commitment to student success shapes our mission, creating an environment where our students feel valued and empowered to achieve their goals,” President Anderson said.
A champion of connection and dialogue, Anderson hosts “The Power of PennWest” podcast, where he engages with students, faculty, staff, and alumni to share stories and insights that shape the university. Tune in to “The Power of PennWest” podcast on Apple or Spotify, and follow Dr. Anderson on Instagram @PennWestPresident to join the conversation.
Clarion Theta XI Alumni Association Athletic Scholarship
Robert O'Brien ('62) Football Scholarship Endowment
Iron Furnace Chapter of Trout Unlimited Founders Award
PennWest Clarion — Somerset Nursing Scholarships
Kent Kretzler Communications Department Endowment
Phi Sigma Epsilon/Keeping the Legend Alive Scholarship
Betty McKisson Memorial Scholarship
Khalia Robinson Fund
Dan ('72) and Cheryl (Stark '72) Mortland Annual Scholarship
Irene (Vobrak '52) Tkatch Education Scholarship
At the first of the year, Joan Miller vowed that once a month, she would have dessert or dinner for her Brookville neighbors. The 94-year-old said she did pretty well until late in the summer, when she got too busy.
Explaining the myriad activities that fill her calendar, Miller said, “We’ll start with church. I’m Lutheran. I was raised, baptized and confirmed Lutheran. I married Lutheran.”
Her activities there are just the beginning.
“I play a lot of bridge, about 10 times a month. I volunteer every Thursday morning at the food pantry. We have a gathering room, and (the clients) come in there before they go through the line. I serve them coffee and cookies. I belong to WRC Auxiliary, and I go to a study here in town.”
Most of what she does is local, and she cautiously drives herself there and home again, where she enjoys entertaining guests.
“I’ll have someone in for coffee. That’s what I love – someone coming by. I usually have something baked,” Miller said. “I just like people.
As the youngest of seven girls and four boys, she was given advice one day by one of her brothers, who had already graduated college by the time she was born.
“When you’re out, you’ll be meeting a lot of different people,” he told her. “Take the time to listen to everybody, regardless of what they look like or what they’re saying.”
She still lives that way.
“I’m interested. I still am interested in what people do and where they’re at,” she said. “I want everyone to make the best of what they have.”
Like attracts like.
When Miller thinks about the most prominent qualities of her late husband, Ken Miller ’52, his practice of listening to others immediately comes to mind. It was a gift he shared as a husband, a family member, a friend, a neighbor – simply as a human being.
“He was honest. He was interested in people. He listened,” Miller said. “I would hear him with a customer, some just chewing him up and down, and he would listen.”
His way of caring for customers contributed greatly to the success of his business, Miller Equipment, a John Deere dealership in Fairmount City that he founded in 1963, then operated for 40 years.
Her husband’s work ethic is another quality that stood out.
“After he graduated high school, he went into the service. He became an Air Force pilot,” Miller said.
After he was honorably discharged, he wanted to further his education. He had dreamed of going to Penn State, but money for tuition wasn’t there, according to Miller. He was one of five children, raised on a farm. While his family supported him with love and encouragement, they weren’t able to help with higher education.
“In the meantime, he was approached about a business with soil conservation,” Miller said. “He had a ditcher, a grater and a dozer. He and his brother-in-law George bought into it, but he still wanted to go to college.”
He enrolled at Clarion.
“He worked hard through college. He worked all day at his (soil conservation) job, then he fit his class schedule around work,” she said. “He really worked for his education.”
Ken and George did very well on soil conservation, and they were getting to the place where they and their families were fairly comfortable when they were approached by John Deere about starting a dealership. Ken was excited about the opportunity; George, less so. Still, they went to Syracuse to meet with a John Deere executive.
They were told they didn’t have enough operating cash for a dealership. Miller recalled her husband’s response: “I’m going to tell you something. You’re missing the chance of two honest, hard-working individuals who would make a good dealership.”
Disappointed, he and George returned home and continued their soil conservation business, serving the counties of Armstrong, Clarion, Jefferson and Clearfield – until the phone rang one day.
It was the executive, who said John Deere had reconsidered, and they could open a dealership. He and George opened Miller Equipment; George remained with the business for a year, but for Ken, the rest of his work life was spent there.
Together, those qualities of listening and working hard made the business successful, which provided the means for a third beloved quality – being charitable.
“He was charitable, loving – all of the attributes you would want in a husband or a businessman. And of course, education was important to him, Miller said.
Together, Ken and Joan began to work with then-Clarion University administrators President Diane Reinhard and Harry Tripp.
“Ken had great praise for the university,” Miller said. “He said, ‘I wish I could do something to make it a little easier than what I had it. I just want to do for someone who was in my situation. I want to help them.’ And he has.”
The Millers’ inaugural gift to Clarion was to an existing scholarship started by former Pennsylvania Governor Dick Thornburg and his wife, Ginny. Miller said they supported the Laurel Leaf Festival and a couple of fraternities. Their generosity extended to their church and Shriners Home for Children.
Ken passed away in 2003, and Miller continues the legacy of helping others, honoring her husband’s preference for quiet giving.
“He never wanted the notability. He didn’t want to be recognized. That’s why he decided to do it all in life insurance,” Miller said. “He would be gone, and I will be gone, too.”
Miller is working with PennWest planned giving director Larry Jamison, who is making sure the Millers’ wishes will be fulfilled. She has designated 20 percent of the gift for creation of a scholarship for PennWest Clarion students who are members or whose parents are members of Zion Lutheran Church, Shannondale, and who live in Clarion, Jefferson, Forest or Armstrong counties. Eighty percent of the funds will be used to renovate Marwick-Boyd Fine Arts Center’s main auditorium, which will carry the Millers’ names.
PennWest Clarion Alumni Association presented its annual Distinguished Awards March 15 in Gemmell Student Center. The premier event was established in 1966 to recognize alumni and friends who, over an extended period of time and/or through a singular achievement, have achieved exemplary success in their own field, extraordinary service to Clarion, their community, state, nation or all of humanity.
In 1995, his first year of teaching, Albrecht empowered a group of 10 seventh graders to network hundreds of computers and create the first school web page in West Virginia history; he documented the process in his first book, “Unconventionally Successful.” For his pioneering work, he was recognized as the Sallie Mae First Class National Teacher of the Year (1996). Subsequent awards related to his innovation and excellence in education include:
• CBS Golden Apple
• State University of New York’s Roy Bubb Award for Exceptional Teacher Mentorship
• New York State Teacher of the Year
• Induction into the National Teachers Hall of Fame
• National Education Association Foundation’s Award for Teaching Excellence
Bauer has contributed to education, recreation and economic development in Clarion County. In 2007, Bauer and her former swim coach Dr. Rebecca Leas, partnered to create the Dr. Rebecca Rutt Leas Women’s Swimming Scholarship. She co-founded the Children’s Scholarship Fund of Pennsylvania and has raised nearly $7 million for Clarion County students. Bauer received a Papal Honor award from Pope Benedict in 2006 and the title of Lady of Saint Gregory. In 2020, she received the Women of Influence Award from the Pittsburgh Business Times. Accomplishments include:
• Appointed to Clarion University Council of Trustees in 2012; served Pennsylvania Council of Trustees 2016-2022.
• Clarion County YMCA board president during planning and building the new facility. Co-chaired the Capital Campaign Committee, which raised over $12 million.
• With Clarion County Economic Development, worked to designate two townships as Keystone Opportunity Zones; develops and implements strategy for the 2030 Clarion County Connected Plan.
• Created Clarion County Adventures to support community projects. Financial committee member of Clarion Blueprint Community for the 2nd Avenue Blueprint Park in Clarion Borough.
Bhattacharya, or “Dr. Dip,” began his career in 1962 as a physics teacher in Varanasi, India. He completed a MS in mathematics in 1966, did well and was appointed as a lecturer in mathematics at Banaras Hindu University the same year. In 1968, Bhattacharya was awarded a teaching assistantship at the State University of New York Stony Brook, where he completed his MS in applied mathematics. He then completed his BSE in mathematics and physics at Queen’s University Canada and taught mathematics for the Hamilton Board of Education in Ontario, Canada. He also:
• Received a teaching assistantship and resident advisor position at the State University of New York Buffalo and completed his doctorate in mathematics education in 1982.
• Worked as an instructor in the Gifted Math Program at SUNY Buffalo until he was hired by SUNY Fredonia as an assistant professor in 1984.
• Received teaching awards including Excellence in Teaching and Best Instructor for the Upward Bound program at SUNY Buffalo.
• Donated $100,000 to Clarion University Foundation, Inc., for scholarship funds to inspire students to study math or education.
• Professor emeritus who helps students excel in math and chess.
Gent, who holds BSE from Youngstown State and MSE and doctorate degrees from Kent State, began her 34-year tenure at Clarion in 1988. She moved through the ranks from assistant to full professor, for six years chaired the Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation Sciences, served four years as associate provost and three years as provost, retiring in 2022 as provost emeritus. Gent published or presented 140 articles, chapters, and professional papers, and authored over $750,000 in funded grants. Her book, “Great Ideas: Using service-learning and differentiated instruction to help your students succeed,” was published in 2009. She developed Clarion’s first Pennsylvania DOE-approved curriculum for autism. Accolades and accomplishments include:
• Received the Pennsylvania Council of Exceptional Children President’s Award.
• Led successful Middle States Accreditation review.
• Garnered approval of eight new degree programs and 43 new minors, concentrations, and/or certificates.
• Was essential to university’s pivot to online instruction during the pandemic. Co-led Academic Affairs’ Functional Implementation Team for integrating Clarion, Edinboro and California universities into PennWest.
For 30 years, Hill has been an educator and administrator for higher education and public, private and charter schools in Pennsylvania and New York. Hill earned graduate degrees in education and a Pennsylvania Superintendent’s Letter of Eligibility and has completed coursework in the educational leadership doctoral degree program at Arcadia University. With a combined 17 years as an elementary school principal, she has been a classroom teacher, instructional coach, curriculum writer and school leader. Notable service includes:
• Has served in church ministry since the age of 6.
• First female licensed into the evangelical preaching ministry (1998) and the first female ordained minister (2006) at Faith Emanuel Baptist Church in Philadelphia. Hill serves at Jones Memorial Baptist Church in Philadelphia.
• Received the National Congress of Black Women Anointed Vessel Clergy Award in 2019.
• Appointed in 2019 to the Clarion University Presidential Diversity Advisory Committee.
• An Air Force Reserve veteran who is a sought-after preacher, revivalist, conference speaker and lecturer.
Bovard was actively involved at Clarion in the Society for Human Resource Management, worked for the Alumni Association and was a cheerleader. She graduated with a BSBA, human resource management concentration. In her career, she gained diverse experience in various industries. In 2018, Bovard joined the HR team at Graham Packaging, a leader in the design and manufacture of sustainable plastic packaging. She is pursuing a certification in organizational development and design at Cornell University. She completed a nine-month program for emerging leaders. Bovard:
• Serves on the board at the Samaritan Counseling Center, which provides affordable counseling services, mental health awareness and teen suicide prevention.
• Lends expertise to the DEI Council at Lancaster Society for Human Resource Managers.
• Is a member of Clarion University Alumni Board of Directors.
Lauren Bovard ‘18, recipient of Clarion Alumni Association’s Distinguished Young Alumna award, had an extra reason to celebrate at the March 15, 2024, awards ceremony. Former Clarion men’s basketball player Tyrone McFadden ‘15 surprised her with a huge request and some new jewelry. She said yes!
I am deeply grateful for your generous support through the Barton/ Murdock Scholarship. This scholarship is more than just funding for me; it represents the belief you have in my potential and the commitment to supporting students like me. Your generosity has not only alleviated financial burdens, but it has also sparked a renewed sense of purpose and dedication. I am fully committed to working very hard and making the most of this opportunity, striving to exceed your expectations and honor your investment in my future. Thank you again for your belief in me and for empowering me to reach new heights.
CLUB: $10,000 OR MORE
Mr. Vincent K. Aaron ’70 and Mrs. Alma R. Aaron
Addison H. Gibson Foundation
Kenneth W. Beels Charitable Trust
Mr. Gary V. Cardamone ’88 and Ms. Misha Cardamone
Mr. Michael G. Casciato ’81
Clarion Community Foundation - CCF
Mrs. Emily K. (Hincken) Emigh ’72
Ms. Jane K. France ’71 and Mr. Christian L. Allison
Samuel Justus Charitable Trust
Charles E/Virginia Kaufman Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation
William Klemstine Foundation
Mr. L. Kent Kretzler ’73
Mr. Scott Kroh ’74 and Mrs. Pamela J. Kroh
Mrs. Jean (Decker) Leety ’60 and Mr. Richard W. Leety
Mr. Dan S. Mortland ’72 and Mrs. Cheryl S. (Stark) Mortland ’72
Nick’s Autobody of Clarion, LLC.
Mrs. Marilyn J. (Follette) O’Brien ’63
Mr. James T. Ringland and Mrs. Karen E. Ivy
Robindale Energy Services, Inc.
Mr. Scott Kroh ’74 and Mrs. Pamela J. Kroh
Mr. Jon R. Slater ’86 and Mrs. Carla P. (Pozzani) Slater ’69
Mendel and Sylvia Solomon Charitable Trust
Mr. John M. Stoner, Jr. ’75 and Mrs. Janice L. (McMinn) Stoner ’75
*Mr. Henry B. Suhr, Jr. and Mrs. Beverly Suhr
Dr. Kristopher Tkatch
GIVING FROM JULY 1, 2023 – JUNE 30, 2024
Mrs. Carol A. (Neuberger) Truscott ’79 and Mr. John Truscott
UHS of Delaware, Inc.
Mr. Steven R. and Ms. Michelle M. Varischetti
*Mrs. Mary E. “Libby” Williams ’56
UNIVERSITY CLUB: $5,000-$9,999
Alpha Gamma Phi Alumni Association
Ms. Lindsay R. Banner-Cigole ’07 and Mr. Patrick Cigole
Mrs. Milissa A. (Steiner) Bauer ’84
Bluewater Management Group Inc
Mr. Tom Bowman ’77 and Mrs. Linda S. (Allison) Bowman ’77
Clarion Theta Xi Alumni Association
Mr. Enrique Conterno and Mrs. Kathleen Conterno
Mr. Raymond W. Day ’69 and Mrs. Joanne W. Day
Ms. Jeanne M. Dennis
Mr. John M. DiTommaso ’78
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
FirstEnergy Foundation
Highmark Health
Mr. Charles P. Leach, Jr. and Mrs. Sonja Leach
Dr. David D. McFadden ’84
Dr. Terry Morrow and Mrs. Phyllis Morrow
Mr. Charles L. Motter
Mr. Wayne Norris ’65 and Mrs. Jacalyn Norris
Mr. Paul D. Palmer ’61 and Mrs. Paula J. Palmer
Mr. Ryan S. Peffer ’03 and Ms. Suzanne Peffer
Mr. Earl R. Petrucci ’64 and Mrs. Georgiana Petrucci
Ms. Julia M. Piccolino ’23
Release Coatings of New York
Mr. Ralph A. Naples, Jr. ’84
Mrs. Susan A. (Stehle) Slike ’79
Estate of Dr. Phyllis W. Smith
Mr. Jeff T. Snodgrass and Dr. Wendy Snodgrass
Mr. Jeffrey J. Szumigale ’82
Mr. Dennis J. Twigg ’17
Dr. John E. Williams
Mr. Mark S. Andrekovich ’84 and Mrs. Mari K. (Pietila) Andrekovich ’87
Colegrove Educational Trust
Mr. Mark R. Demich ’79 and Mrs. Deborah LPM Demich
Eagle Park Apartments
Mr. Jay P. Kumar ’82
Farmers National Bank
Dr. Susanne K. Fenske and Mr. Ron Fenske
Mr. Kale R. Fithian ’97
Mr. James Geiger and Mrs. Kristen Geiger
Mr. M. Scott Gemberling, J.D. ’74
Dr. Joseph P. Grunenwald and Mrs. Janice M. Grunenwald
Mr. John L. Jarzab, Jr. and Mrs. Cynthia L. Jarzab
Kiwanis Club of Clarion
Mr. Keith J. Kochert ’98
Mr. Daniel A. Kohley ’84 and Mrs. Sheree Kohley
Charles P. Leach Agency, Inc.
Mrs. Lisa A. (Leach) Goth ’85 and Mr. Edward F. Goth ’85
Mr. Barry L. McCauliff ’72
Microtel Inn and Suites by Wyndham
Ms. Amy L. (Coon) Miller ’94 and Mr. Scott Konwinski
Mrs. Mary Lou H. (Herbert) Pae ’79
PNC Foundation
The Rehab Centre, Inc.
Dr. Jason R. Jacobs
Mr. Michael C. Ruslavage ’83
S & T Bank
Mr. Vincent V. Sands ’78 and Mrs. Theresa A. (Renz) Sands ’79
State Street Corporation
Mrs. Marilyn L. Stempeck ’83
Mr. Bruce A. Sukaly ’79 and Mrs. Leslie Sukaly
Swartfager Welding, Inc.
Ms. Lee Ann Wentzel ’85
Wildflower Garden Club
Ms. Hattie Woods
RISING EAGLES CLUB: $1,000-$2,499
Mr. William Ackerman ’73 and Mrs. Leslie R. (Damon) Ackerman
*Dr. Arthur Acton and Mrs. Mary Ann Acton
Mr. Russell F. Adkins ’74 and Mrs. Sharon Adkins
Mr. Alex A. Angelone ’14
APSCUF - Clarion Chapter
Mr. Lynn Armstrong ’68
Mrs. Betty Jo Banner
Mr. David J. Bevevino ’77 and Mrs. Patricia K. Bevevino
BNY Mellon Community Partnership
Mr. Richard Bolea
Ms. Elaine L. Bonoma
Mr. William J. Brand ’63
Mrs. Nada J. (Yanshak) Brillante ’64
Mrs. Tanya and Mr. Paul Brinsky
Mrs. Mary B. (Souser) Buchanan ’93 and Dr. William E. Buchanan
Dr. David B. Burmeister ’92 and Dr. Sonja Burmeister
Mrs. Madelon (Delp) Callen ’65
Mr. Pete P. Caristo ’55
Dr. Richard R. Castafero ’68 and Mrs. Gail L. Castafero
Clarion Football Alumni Committee
Mrs. Pamela H. (Hannaford) Cousino ’80
Dr. Joseph Croskey and Mrs. Kathy (Ellwood) Croskey
Mrs. Barbara J. (Cook) Crowley ’71 and Mr. Robert D. Crowley
Dr. Peter Dalby and Mrs. Barbara Dalby
David D. Davenport ’71
Mrs. Patricia D. (Revelant) Davidson ’99 and Mr. Adam P. Davidson
Mr. Louis B. Dean, Jr. ’74 and Mrs. Bea Dean
Delta Zeta Sorority
Ms. J. D. Dunbar ’77 and Mr. Henry Faller
*Ms. Diane S. Durbin and Mr. Hans C. Olsen
Mrs. Theresa A. (Zacherl) Edder ’91, MS ’05 and Mr. Paul E. Edder ’81
Dr. Dennis P. Emerick ’71 and Mrs. Susan Emerick
Mrs. Beverly A. Engle ’71 and Mr. Roger Engle
Mr. David L. Eury ’81
Dr. Soga Ewedemi
ExxonMobil Foundation
Fab-Tec Industries, Inc.
Mr. Daniel A. Kohley ’84 and Mrs. Sheree Kohley
Mr. David Ferro
Mr. Paul L. Flickner ’85 and Mrs. Ellen Flickner
Elizabeth J. Flynn
Mr. James J. and Ms. Susan L. Flynn
Dr. Benjamin Freed and Mrs. Deb Freed
Dr. Phillip Frese and Mrs. Estelle Frese
Fun With Fundamentals
Mr. Norbert A. Baschnagel and Mrs. Beverly J. (Hey) Baschnagel ’77
Ms. Constance Gamaluddin
Mr. Alan Geiger
Mr. Richard Gent and Dr. Pamela J. Gent
Mr. Jeffrey G. Golias ’83
Ms. Rhonda E. Green ’92
Mr. Jeffry S. and Ms. Emily G. Greenwell
Lt. Col. Willis C. Hardwick
Dr. Sonja V. (Vidunas) Heeter ’77 and Mr. Cliff Heeter
Mr. David L. Hill ’89
Mr. Michael H. Hinderliter ’71 and Mrs. Kay M. Hinderliter
Mr. Henry Ho and Mrs. Katie Ho
Mr. Daniel L. Hoffman ’91 and Mrs. Kathleen J. (Spotts) Hoffman ’92
Mr. John M. Horton, Jr. ’92
Atty. Emmanuel O. Iheukwumere ’90
Mr. Carl and Ms. Michele F. Ippoliti
Mr. Michael N. Janak ’83
Mr. Scott M. Johnson
Jones Memorial Baptist Church
Lt. Col. Louis S. Jumbercotta, USMC (Ret) ’65
and Mrs. Linda R. Jumbercotta
Mrs. Cathy R. (Rhodes) Keefer ’93, ’15G and Mr. Michael R. Keefer
Dr. Deborah J. Kelly ’99
Mr. Charles F. Klingensmith ’61
Mrs. Roberta L. Kmiec ’71 and Mr. Dennis Kmiec
Ms. Deborah L. Kuhn
Mrs. Carol K. Leas ’65
Mr. Raymond D. Lichauer ’70
Thank you for awarding me the Dr. and Mrs. Arthur William Phillips Nursing Scholarship. The past two years, I have been working hard to pursue my registered nurse degree, receiving an A in all the classes that I have taken. I am the first in my family to attend a university, and I am a working wife and mother of two. I have been a licensed practical nurse for 11 years, working at Laurel Laser and Surgery Center for 10 years, but my dream has always been to go back to school to become a registered nurse. I have studied for many long nights after my job and when my children were in bed. I hope that my daughters see that they can go to school someday and be anything that they want. I plan to continue working in the operating room at Laurel Laser and Surgery Center as a registered nurse with an expanded scope of practice and higher pay.
Mr. Jeffrey S. Linden ’89
Mr. J. Paul Linnan ’68 and Mrs. Christine J. Linnan ’75
Mr. Anthony C. Linnan ’89 and Mrs. Kathy B. (Brown) Linnan ’73
Ms. Martha L. Lojzim ’82
Mr. Walter F. Long III ’20 and Mrs. Laura Long
Mr. Minde Lu ’89
Mr. John Marinich ’75 and Mrs. Patricia S. (Semonich) Marinich ’75
Mr. Rodrick J. Marquette ’97
Mrs. Jean E. (Gwin) Martin ’89 and Mr. James A. Martin ’88
Mr. L. Douglas Martin ’80
Mr. Sean A. McDonald ’97 and Mrs. Antoinette J. (Parker) McDonald ’00
*Dr. Glenn R. McElhattan ’56 and Mrs. Mary F. (Master) McElhattan ’72
Mrs. B. Helen (Christian) Milliron ’57
Mr. James E. Moffatt ’70 and Mrs. Marilyn D. (Pyle) Moffatt ’70
Mr. Jeffrey A. Moffett and Mrs. Heather L. Moffett
Mr. Cameron M. Moran ’12 and Ms. Chelsea Mague
Mr. W. Dale Murdock ’72 and Mrs. Debra A. (Uchal) Murdock ’73
Mr. Elliott Myers
New York Life Insurance Company
Rep. Donna R. Oberlander ’91 and Mr. Derek F. Oberlander
Dr. Patrick T. O’Toole ’79 and Mrs. Tracey O’Toole
Mr. Michael J. O’Toole, Jr. ’76
Mr. John Owens ’15
Dr. Dale-Elizabeth and Dr. Robert S. Pehrsson
Dr. James G. Pesek and Mrs. Karen Westfall Pesek
Mr. David A. Peura ’88 and Mrs. Carole L. (Puglia) Peura ’88
Mrs. Carolyn R. Pfeifer ’93 and Mr. August J. Pfeifer
Mr. Donald and Ms. Pamela Pine
Raymond James and Associates, Inc.
Ms. Linda D. Reinertsen ’76
Ms. Shelly A. Respecki ’92
Mr. Scott A. Rhoades ’92
Mr. Dale P. Richards ’64 and Mrs. Andrea R. (Yanshak) Richards ’66
Mr. Mark and Mrs. Sheryl Riesmeyer
Mr. Lawrence D. Romboski ’86
Ms. Neyju Rondon
Dr. Kevin J. Roth ’81 and Mrs. Carol A. Roth
Ms. Amanda M. Schaffer
Mr. Greg and Mrs. Holly Schena
Mrs. Janet Sessions
*Mr. Robert H. Shaw ’53
Mr. Brian E. Shea ’76 and Mrs. Sheryl T. (Thatcher) Shea ’76
Mr. Abhijit A. Shinde ’11
Sigma Tau Gamma/Sigma Tau
Mrs. JoEllen Steinbrunner ’67 and Mr. Karl Steinbrunner
Mr. Daniel J. Stellute ’68
Mr. Matthew Stuckey
Dr. Jeffrey D. Sutton, D.V.M. ’95 and Mrs. Jennifer Sutton
Maj. Gen. Peter J. Talleri, USMC (Ret) ’79 and Mrs. Deborah L. (Lipko) Talleri ’80
Talonvest Capital, Inc.
Mr. Kenneth M. Tkatch
Mr. David D. Todd ’76
Dr. Andrew M. Turner and Dr. Sharon L. Montgomery
University Korner
Mr. Peter D. and Mrs. Anna Vuckovich
Mr. Seth E. Walker
Mr. Edward D. Wallace ’73 and Mrs. Sharon Wallace
Mr. Lynn E. Watson ’75 and Mrs. Susanne Watson
Mr. Douglas E. Williams ’83
Mr. Matt and Mrs. Michele Wilmoth
Mr. Ronald J. Wilshire ’72 and Mrs. Stephanie A. (Morgan) Wilshire ’75
Mr. Daniel S. Wolovich ’70 and Mrs. Cherie L. (Lowe) Wolovich ’68
Dr. Paul R. Woodburne and Ms. Nancy J. Sansone
Mr. Matthew K. Zents ’87
Mrs. Janet L. Zidansek ’72 and Mr. Anton Zidansek
Mr. Curtis L. Zimmerman ’79 and Mrs. Carrie L. (Englert) Zimmerman
Ms. Noel and Mr. Erik Abromavage
Mr. Lawrence H. Allen II ’94
Alling Agency, LLC
Mr. Wayne F. Alling ’98 and Mrs. Sherry Alling
Ambassador Asset Management of Denton, LLC
Mr. Royce E. Freebourn ’80
American Chemical Society
Mr. David C. Ashe ’77 and Mrs. Donna R. (Deviney) Ashe ’78
Mr. Jason D. Ashe ’03
Mr. A. Craig Aston ’63 and Mrs. Susan L. Aston ’63
Mr. David A. Bailey ’65
Mrs. Bethany J. Bankovich ’04 and Mr. Michael) Mihalik
Mr. Edward J. Bauer ’70 and Mrs. Kathryn S. Bauer
Ms. Lauren B. Bovard ’16
Mr. Roy J. Bowerman, Jr. ’73
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Marsha Bubb
Mr. H. Eugene Burns and Mrs. Susanne A. Burns
Mrs. Angelia M. (Cherico) Burns ’87 and Mr. Scott Burns
Mr. Heath N. Calhoun ’14 and Ms. Sarah A. Calhoun ’16
Mr. Anthony F. Catalano ’66
Ms. Mary Chiarelli-Gormley
Mr. Mark A. Ciccarello ’84 and Mrs. Brenda Ciccarello
Clarion Pin Club
Dr. Daniel D. Clark ’98 and Mrs. Kristin (Tomeo) Clark
Mr. Harold D. Clark ’68 and Mrs. Mary E. (Proper) Clark ’67
Mr. Armon S. Coleman ’18
Dr. Barbara A. Coles ’89
Cordia Mechanical, LLC
Mr. Charley and Ms. Tina Cordia
Mr. Scott J. Courtney ’94
Mr. Robert A. Dandoy ’74
Mr. Gary N. Datt ’72
Mr. Jeffrey P. Douthett ’79 and Ms. Terri Douthett
Maryclaire Malizia
Thank you for creating the Clarion Class of 1961 Fiftieth Anniversary Endowment Scholarship. This award will help me with tuition at PennWest Clarion in the next year. I am in my senior year as a secondary education: earth and space science major. I chose Clarion because of the overall atmosphere of the university. I fell in love with the campus itself, and I connected well with the faculty and staff. Someday, I plan to be a high school science teacher. I can’t wait to stand in front of students and teach them something that I love in my own classroom.
Mr. James F. Droz ’75 and Mrs. Joann Droz
Mr. Joseph M. Dudzinsky ’71 and Mrs. Elizabeth Dudzinsky
Dr. John Eichlin
Mr. Thomas England
Mr. Steven W. Etzel ’82 and Mrs. Michelle Etzel
F. L. Crooks and Co.
Mr. James M. Crooks ’74 and Mrs. Lydia K. (Pifer) Crooks ’80
Mr. Sean M. Fagan
Mr. Matthew J. Foradora ’10
Dr. Melinda E. (Laese) Ford ’97 and Mr. Josh Ford
Mr. Edward A. Fox ’74 and Mrs. Nancy E. (Whiteman) Fox ’75
Mr. Gerald M. Frantz ’64
Mr. Royce E. Freebourn ’80
Mr. Kurtis J. Fritsch ’76
Mr. Arthur D. Gallo ’64 and Mrs. Trudy Gallo
Mr. Andrew G. Ganoe ’00 and Mrs. Natalie Ganoe
Mr. Robert J. Garritano ’66 and Mrs. Joyce A. Garritano
George’s Barber Shop
Mr. Richard A. Staley and Mrs. Cindy Staley
Gray Family Foundation
Ms. Ashley J. Grimm ’08
Mr. William Grove ’88 and Dr. Colleen A. McAleer ’75
Mr. Thomas P. and Mrs. Victoria J. Gunn
Ms. Pamela G. Hart ’70
Dr. James S. Hnat ’03 and Mrs. Amanda E. (Beam) Hnat ’03
Mr. Shawn M. Hoke ’95 and Mrs. Rayna A. (Liegey) Hoke ’97
Mr. Geremy L. Hoover ’03 and Mrs. Taylor A. Hoover ’07
Mr. Bryan S. Huddleston ’83 and Mrs. Michelle Huddleston
Mr. Charles A. Hunt, Jr. ’73
Mr. Daniel B. Ignasiak ’76
Iron Furnace Chpt. #288 Trout Unlimited
Mr. John T. Irwin ’71 and Mrs. Marcy M. (McCoy) Irwin ’74
Mr. Craig Jacks
Mr. Jim and Ms. Heidi Jurski
Mr. Robert J. Kannegieser ’79
Mr. Robert Kellner
Mr. Paul B. Kemble, Jr. ’68
Mr. Paul W. Kennedy ’67 and Mrs. Patricia L. Kennedy
Mr. Thomas P. Kennedy ’06
Dr. Andrew C. Keth ’88
Mr. Matthew R. Koerper ’17
Mr. Thomas J. Komenda ’71 and Mrs. Judy Komenda
Mr. Alexander D. Kozora ’15
Ms. Dave Lichina
Frederich E. Liechti - Attorney at Law
Mr. Frederich E. Liechti, J.D. ’72 and Ms. Michelle Mason
Mr. David D. and Ms. Denise L. Liptak
Mr. Scott Love
Luton’s Plumbing, Heating and A. C.
Mr. Daniel Luton and Mrs. Lori J. Luton
Mrs. Mary J. (Ihnat) MacKinnon ’66
Mr. Joseph Malis
Mr. Mel G. Mandic ’59 and Mrs. Sally L. (Bryant) Mandic ’59
Mr. Richard L. Martin ’70 and Mrs. Sharron S. Martin ’88
Mr. Joe Mathai ’16
Mr. Charles C. Matsko ’70 and Mrs. Loretta V. (Vastadore) Matsko ’71
Mr. Richard and Ms. Michelle McClelland
Mr. D. Craig McClure ’70 and Mrs. Dayna B. McClure
Mr. Shawn M. McGorry ’80 and Mrs. Jeanne A. (Deger) McGorry ’82
Mr. Scott T. and Ms. Amy McManamon
Mr. Eric J. McWilliams ’69 and Ms. Kathy B. Sickles
Ms. Deborah A. Meyers
Loyal Order of Moose 101
Mr. David L. Moxie ’73 and Mrs. Debra Moxie
Mr. Edward M. Munn ’75 and Ms. Christine S. Light
Mr. William L. Myers, Jr. ’80
National Fuel Gas Company Foundation
Mr. Kenneth C. Nellis ’86 and Ms. Cynthia A. Nellis ’16
OCR US Holdings, LLC dba Tough Mudder
Mrs. Joyce A. (Stewart) Overheim ’60
Ms. Kathy L. Pape
Mr. Gregory Parker
Mr. Robert B. Perry ’53
Mr. Dave Petke and Mrs. Debbra Petke
Mr. Michael P. Phillips ’03 and Mrs. Karissa Phillips
Mr. Larry C. Pickett ’77 and Mrs. Melissa D. (Audain) Pickett ’80
Mr. Scott Pierce
Mrs. Lois V. Pierce
Mr. Gregory W. Pierce ’69 and Mrs. Lynn D. Pierce
Pittsburgh Diamond Dawgs
Ms. Helen G. (Grudowski) Porter ’60
Mr. Rob G. and Ms. Kristi Powell
Mr. James A. Powney ’78
Mr. Eric Regrut and Ms. Pamela J. Regrut
Dr. James J. Reynolds and Mrs. Janie Reynolds
Dr. Richard A. Sabousky ’84
Mr. Henry W. Sacco ’66
Dr. Elaine M. Shuey ’78
Mrs. Donna Shuey and Mr. William Shuey
Mr. Shajee Siddiqui
Dr. Randall Potter and Dr. Jeanne M. Slattery
Mrs. Emily E. (Deible) Smith ’02 and Mr. Max R. Smith
Mr. Darrin and Ms. Stacy Smith
Mr. Ryan I. Smith ’10 and Ms. Michelle C. (Flowers) Smith ’06
Society of Holy Trinity #240
Mr. Gregory S. Spinetti ’88 and Mrs. Lisa Spinetti
St. Marys Insurance Agency, Inc.
Mr. Jeffrey F. Azzato ’85 and Mrs. Michele Azzato
Ms. Lorraine C. Staples, J.D. ’76 and Mr. Frank Hershkowitz
Mr. Jerry R. Starr ’89 and Mrs. Kathleen A. (Hodgson) Starr ’89
Ms. Brenda L. Stelika ’84
Mr. Kenneth and Ms. Sharon Stickrath
Mr. Jonathan W. Strub ’12
Mr. Thomas L. Taormina ’76
Mr. James A. Town ’95 and Mrs. Annette M. Town ’05
VFW - Palmyra Memorial Post #6417
Mr. Anthony J. Vincent ’67 and Mrs. Judy Vincent
Grace Dalton
Thank you for choosing me as the recipient of the Emily Schena Scholarship. I am very grateful to be able to receive this award and continue to honor Emily. I am an early childhood education major, and upon graduation, I plan to teach in the area of my hometown of Bradford. This scholarship will help me to continue my education and make a difference with my degree. I have made many connections within the Clarion community because of Delta Zeta, and I can’t wait to combine my love for Delta Zeta and my career as I move forward. Clarion and Delta Zeta have given me so many things: countless friendships, memories and heartwarming experiences that will last a lifetime.
Mr. Jeffrey P. Walentosky ’90
Mr. Louis J. Weiers ’89
Mr. John W. Whelan ’64
Mr. Tracy and Mrs. Holly Wiant
Dr. Richard A. Wiesen ’59 and Mrs. Sandra L. (Hepler) Wiesen ’59
Dr. Thomas H. Witherup ’66
Ms. Dalia H. Wold
Dr. Kevan M. and Mrs. Nee Yenerall
Mr. Jeremy T. Young ’98, MBA ’08
Mr. Benjamin J. Zappa ’61
Zonta Club of Oil City-Franklin
Ms. Sara J. Zybura ’66
*Donor passed away. The listing of names of our contributors is subject to error, both human and computer. If there is an error, please accept our apology and bring it to our attention.
2023-2024 Contribution
Donors: 1,734/ $1,690,064
1,109 / $683,658
Donors: 272 / $169,348
Donors: 89 / $690,355
Donors: 156 / $113,573 PARENTS
Donors: 108 / $33,130
For 2023-2024, approximately 1.8% of the total living Clarion Alumni (1,109 out of 63,062) had made contributions to the Foundation.
As our university’s story of integration continues to be written, our campus legacies as Golden Eagles, Fighting Scots and Vulcans remain intact as a reminder of who we are and where we came from. While we remain rooted in the values and ideals established by previous leaders, we’re not living in the past. Our direction is new and transformative.
We’re grateful for our new president, Dr. Jon Anderson, and the proven experience he brings, and for our existing university leaders and the Foundation’s board of directors for their time, talent and treasure in supporting PennWest’s mission to provide our students with an accessible education through innovation, academic excellence and empowering environments to foster lifelong success.
Our Foundation is proud to facilitate PennWest Clarion’s philanthropic goals through sound financial management, stewardship and service to our campus community. Last year, Clarion University Foundation, Inc., provided over $1.4 million in scholarship support to 635 students. Through the continued, selfless generosity of you – our alumni, friends, and families – we raised $1.7 million for 2023-2024, and the endowment exceeded a milestone of $50 million for the first time in our Foundation’s history. In the current economic climate, all support is so very important to keep our students safe, healthy and learning to safeguard their futures. Thank you.
In closing, I send an enthusiastic “Wings Up!” to our Golden Eagles and friends as we embrace the Power of PennWest which is embodied by you – its people.
With sincere gratitude,
Max R. Smith Executive Director msmith@cuf-inc.org
Clarion University Foundation, Inc.
Clarion, Pennsylvania Board of Directors 2024-2025
Effective July 1, 2024
Ms. Jane France
President ’71
Mr. Mark R. Demich
President-Elect ’79
Mr. Scott E. Burns
Mrs. Carol Truscott
Secretary ’79
Mr. Tom Bowman
Treasurer ’77
Mr. Chris Allison
Mr. Paul Palmer ’61
Maj. Gen. Peter J. Talleri
USMC (Ret.) ’79
Ms. Theresa Edder ’91, MS ’05
Mr. Gary V. Cardamone ’88
Mr. Keith Kochert ’98
Ms. Patrice D’Eramo ’86
Mr. Jeremy Young ’98, MBA ’08
Ms. Lindsay Banner Cigole ’07
Ms. Samantha Thauvette ’09 (Ex-Officio) Alumni Board Representative
Dr. Jon Anderson (Ex-Officio) President – Pennsylvania Western University
Mr. James M. Geiger (Ex-Officio) Vice President for Advancement and Clarion Campus Administrator
Mr. Max R. Smith (Ex-Officio) Executive Director
Mr. John Zacherl ’90, MBA ’09 (Ex-Officio) Assistant Treasurer/Controller
Mrs. Desirée N. Beck (Ex-Officio) Assistant Secretary/Admin. Assistant
October 24-25
The PennWest Pantry at Clarion assists our students by providing food, academic supplies, household goods, winter accessories, and personal hygiene items, so they can continue to the path toward graduation. Supported by our generous donors, the campus-based food pantry helps to meet students’ basic needs with compassion and discretion. We recognize that even ambitious, hard-working college students sometimes need a helping hand.
Students in need can ask to receive food or non-food supplies (personal hygiene items or school supplies) through their myPennWest account. Students are able to see all available items, customize their selections, and schedule their own pick up. In addition to providing items to students, the PennWest Pantry staff are able to connect students to campus and community resources to address students’ basic needs.
To donate items to the pantry or learn more about our services, please contact PennWestPantry@pennwest.edu
Or make a monetary donation at pennwest.edu/clarion-give and select Student Resource Room Fund from the drop-down menu.