Penn Hillel Annual Report 2022-2023

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One of the most famous episodes in our people’s formative story is the epic travel of the Israelites from Egypt to Israel, lasting 40 long years. Interestingly, the Torah describes this time as a series of journeys - some lasting days, some last years. Our tradition understands this to be a useful metaphor in our own era; namely, that our own lives can be viewed both as a long, uninterrupted lifetime, but also as a series of personal journeys. This is certainly true of the lives of our students at Penn; their experiences can be seen as a series of journeys, be they professional, social, religious, emotional, and more.

At Penn Hillel we are exceedingly proud of our role in supporting students throughout their Jewish journeys, and their life journeys. Whether during their academic pursuits, their engagement with campus politics, their encounter with social impact opportunities, their taking on of Israel education and advocacy, their involvement with the full gamut of campus clubs and arts, Penn Hillel provides a platform for students to feel safe and secure while growing in all possible ways. We are deeply committed to being partners and supporters of students in the full breadth and depth of their Jewish journeys on campus, whatever that means and looks like to them.

This year, the notion of “journeying” took on a special resonance, in that this was the first post-Covid year that our actual physical journeying away from campus was back in full force. This meant traveling close to Penn; like when we took a group of a dozen Russian-speaking students on a day-trip to Northeast Philadelphia, the central location in the region for Russian speaking Jewry; or when 20 of our students and staff went to see the antisemitism-themed play Parade on Broadway, followed by a talkback with the starring actor Micaela Diamond. It also meant a return to traveling farther afield and internationally; see our “On the Road Again” inset to learn about our trips to Israel, the UAE, Germany, and the US South.

The richness and spectrum of Jewish life at Penn continues to grow and thrive in new ways. We are so grateful to our supporters who make Jewish life so robust and exciting for our students. As we receive no fiscal support from Penn itself, we could not do this work without you. Penn Hillel continues to be one of the elite laboratories for Jewish life in the country, and our students go on to leadership positions at the tops of their professional, social, and cultural arenas.

As we continue to journey forward, thank you, and for this past year we say chazak chazak v’nitchazek - we had great strength, and now to move forward boldly.

In thanks, Rabbi

Rabbi Gabe Greenberg



Briefly describe your Jewish background prior to coming to Penn:

I’m lucky to have grown up in the vibrant Syrian Jewish community in Deal, New Jersey, where tight knit family and delicious food were never far away. I went to a small Jewish high school where we learned a dual curriculum, both English and Hebrew subjects. Before Penn, I had never really experienced any form of Ashkenazi Judaism let alone made friends from Reform or Conservative circles. Coming to college has broadened my horizons on what it means to be Jewish, and that was only possible through Hillel.

What motivated you to get engaged with Penn Hillel?

From the start, Penn Hillel has always been a ready-to-go resource for Jewish life on campus. I remember reading emails about the Preorientation retreat and NSO events like “late night pancakes” before I even registered for classes. Coming to Penn, I knew the value of Jewish community in my life, and Hillel did not skip a beat in giving students that platform to create our own Kehila no matter their background.

What have been your most rewarding, inspiring, and/or surprising Penn Hillel experience(s) thus far and why? What were your main take-aways from these opportunities?

Although there are a ton of programs to choose from, one that always sticks out to me is the Hillel soup kitchen, which prepares hot and ready meals every Sunday evening for those experiencing food insecurity in West Philadelphia. Doing hesed on campus and giving back to the place we live was more rewarding than I could have imagined, and I know we are making a real difference in people’s lives.

How do you think your experiences with Penn Hillel might influence you going forward?

Hillel, and its incredible family, has taught me a respect and understanding for all types of Jewish life on campus. I’ve also learned to be grateful for the wonderful resources available to me, and to take charge in using them to further build our great and one of a kind community.


College of Arts and Sciences, 2026

MAJOR: PPE (Politics, Philosophy, Economics)

LEADERSHIP: Penn Israel Public Affairs Committee, Alpha Epsilon Pi Philanthropy Chair, Club Ultimate Frisbee, Penn Habibis, Orthodox community at Penn.

I grew up in a Jewish household and in a community with a large Jewish population, but was not involved in religious activities or with Jewish peers to the extent I had desired. Despite my pride in being Jewish, my knowledge relating to the religion seemed deficient. After my bat mitzvah, I lost touch with many of my friends from Hebrew school, I would generally attend services only on High Holidays, and most of my closest friends were not Jewish.

I intended to be involved with Hillel before I stared at Penn; however, by the time I moved onto campus (late due to Covid), my interest in most on campus activities had waned. Moreover, my closest friends were not Jewish and the prospect of going to Hillel alone seemed intimidating. At that time, I was unaware how welcoming Hillel would be. It was not until the end of my sophomore year that I made Jewish friends who encouraged me to get involved with Hillel and broke the ice for me.

Junior year I was invited to participate in the Beren Greek Life Fellowship. Through Beren I developed close relationships with Ariel and Rabbi Misha,, and learned so much about Judaism that was not covered in Hebrew School. I finally felt I had a Jewish community at Penn and attended more Hillel events. Attending three Passover Seders this past year, compared to none the prior year, signifies my strong connection to Hillel and tremendous “Jewish” growth. These experiences showed that it is never too late to find a Jewish community; my only regret is that I didn’t become involved with Hillel earlier.

I know that no matter how many years removed I am from Penn, Hillel will always hold a special place in my heart. Undoubtedly the relationships and memories I have formed will stand the test of time.

CLASS YEAR & SCHOOL: Wharton, 2024

MAJOR: Finance, OIDD (Operations, Information and Decisions)

LEADERSHIP: Member of the Women’s Fencing Team, President of the Wharton Alumni Relations Council, Teaching Assistant for Finance 100 & Finance 101, Kite and Key Tour Guide Society, Wharton Women, Alpha Phi Sorority, Wharton Management Club

Measuring the Journey

Our mission is to support students on their journeys - their Jewish journeys into adulthood, and their Penn journeys overall. We are committed to making sure that every single Jewish Penn student has the opportunity to discover which parts of Jewish tradition they might find valuable, and how their heritage can instill meaning, joy, and purpose into their lives.

Some students come to Penn with an established sense of their Jewish identity, and are looking to deepen it... while others come in with little knowledge or experience and are seeking to learn and soak up everything that they can. Wherever our students come from, we are thrilled to accompany them on their personal journeys. This year, we took hundreds of students on actual journeys, as you can learn about elsewhere on this page.

Israel Learning Lab provided a transformative experience for me, coming from an interfaith family; it enriched my understanding of an aspect of my identity and bridged the gap to a part of myself I had yet to fully acknowledge, fostering a deeper connection to my Jewish heritage and community.

PENN HILLEL TRIPS 2022 Students traveled
PENN HILLEL 2022 Students engaged
SHABBAT MEAL OR SERVICE Students attended at least one 508 EVENTS AT THE BAYIT Students engaged outside of Hillel Building 268

An incredibly meaningful part of the past year was getting to take students on overseas travel experiences again. We took 25 students to Israel and the West Bank as part of the Perspectives Fellowship; 15 students to learn about the past and future of Holocaust education in Germany during Spring Break; and introduced a new program this year, the Habibi Fellowship, which culminated in a 10-day trip to the UAE and Israel. The 22 Habibi Fellows were a mix of Jewish and non-Jewish students, all of whom were Wharton undergraduates. The itinerary highlighted the way that business opportunities are thriving between the two countries, particularly as a result of the Abraham Accords. Students learned about the economic and social ties on a business to business, government to government, and person to person level. They left with insights into the way that Israel can and should be understood as a normalized business and innovation partner on the world stage, and returned to campus eager to share this message and understanding with their friends.


Closer to home, Penn Hillel students explored Jewish life in different ways in Philly, New York, and elsewhere in the country. These types of “journeys” cultivate students’ awareness of the richness and diversity of Jewish life, and the ways that it intersects with American culture. Rabbi Misha Clebaner - himself a Russian-speaker - took a group of Russian - speaking students on a day trip to Northeast Philly to explore local Jewish culture and food. A group of students went up to New York for the day to have lunch and view the Tony Awardwinning performance of “Parade”, followed by a talkback by Jewish actor Micaela Diamond. And during Spring Break, students participated in a week-long trip through Mississippi and Alabama, learning about the Civil Rights era and ways in which the Black and Jewish communities supported each other historically.

This absolutely surpassed all my expectations tenfold. I think the perspectives that were impressed upon us, combined with the intellectual stimulation and joy of exploring new countries will be impossible to replicate. I do not think I will ever be able to go on a more impactful trip in my life ever again.


Lillie Abella

Elle Baker

Mackenzie Coultoff

Hannah Dayan

Chloe Deitelzweig

Sydney Finkelstein

Abraham Franchetti

Ethan Gotian

Sara Greenberg

Aleksandra Gutsol

Morris Hakim

Caroline Hecht

Nathaniel Jean

Julius Josephson

Madeline Kohn

Daniella Kohn

Sophie Kudler

Noa Longman

Hannah MacDonald

Lauren Mehrara

Nicole Muravsky

Caroline Press

Remy Rabin

Lucas Richman

Emily Roberts

Noah Rosen

Ben Rosenthal

Bethy Rush

Maor Schultz

Claudia Tawil

Lyla Waitman



Special Thanks to Our Supporters

Hillel is dependent on the generosity of parents, alumni, and community friends.

We thank all of you whose contributions this past year allowed us to inspire Jewish life and community at the University of Pennsylvania.


Kimby and Lawrence Berger

Hillel Foundation for Jewish Life

Pam and Joseph Lubeck

Maccabee Task Force Foundation

$50,000 - $99,999

Susanna Lachs Adler

Dean Adler

Ellen and Adam Beren

Judi and Maurice Falk

Sheryl and Chip Kaye

Julie and Marc Platt

$18,000 - $49,999

Jackie and Josh Astrof

Allison and David Blitzer

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Suzanne and Jacob Doft

Deborah and Eric Edell

Julie and Martin Franklin

Adam J. Hanover

Hanover Foundation

Kim and Alan Hartman

The Eleanor M. and Herbert D. Katz Family Foundation

Thomas Katz, Sally Katz and Daniel Katz

Rena and Josh Kopelman

Susan and Martin Lautman

Rachel and Richard Lester

Elayne and Howard Levkowitz

Debra and David Magerman

Meryl Schlussel Mark

Joe Mark

Leora Mogilner

Richard Linhart

Elayne and Barry Moss

Arlene and Albert Perlstein

Allison and Bennett Rosenthal

Carolyn and Marc Rowan

Leslie Dezer Salmon

Ricardo Salmon

Jodi Schwartz

Steven Richman

Deborah and Steven Shapiro

Esther and Claudio Szajman

Abraham Wolf

$10,000 - $17,999

Caryn and Craig Effron

Jane and Ishaia Gol

Golub Family Legacy Fund

Evelyn and Shmue Katz

Sally Katz

Marion and Bret Pearlman

Cheryl and Jaime Peisach

Nina and Ivan Ross

Deborah and Kenneth Vogelstein

Wilf Family Foundations

$5,000 - $9,999

David Adelman

Valerie Altman Daniel Perla

Lisa and Arthur Berkowitz

Paula Blumenfeld

Joseph Gantz

Adina and Lawrence Burian

Abby and David Doft

Elisabeth and Scott Domansky

Cathy and John Feldman

Cynthia and Ralph Finerman

Rachael and Mark First

Judith Friedman

Fredrick Gluckman

Bari and Neil Goldmacher

Jay Goldman

Stacey and Amir Goldman

Jan and Marc Hanover

Bonnie and Andrew Jonas

Michal and David Kahan

The TLK Foundation

Daniel Kaufthal, David Kaufthal, & Joshua Kaufthal

Amy Levine

David Abrams

Lewis Family Trust

Rachel Liu

Jason Merrin

Fern and Louis Oppenheim

Mindy and Joseph Schapiro

Marimelia and Daniel Skovronsky

Linda and Jeffrey Solomon

Arianne and Michael Weinberger

$1,000 - $4,999


Elie Abemayor

Alison Abiri

Raymond Jean

David and Lauren Albert

Rachel and Jonathan Apter

Carol and Brad Asness

Kenneth Baer

Julia Baum

Adam Feldman

Dale and Allan Bell

Lisa and Jordan Bender

Deena and Benjamin Berkowitz

Seth Berkowitz

Ronni and Paul Bianco

Nancy and Martin Black

Sheila Budnick

Andrea Goldrich Cayton

Barry Cayton

Julius and Ray Charlestein Foundation

Beth and Larry Cofsky

Dalia and Joseph Cohen

Leslie and Alan Crane

Rhoda and Michael Danziger

Betsy and Philip Darivoff

Ivy and Justin Dash

Gail Daumit

Ron Minsk

Erica and Michael Distenfeld

Leora Eisenstadt

Michael Uram

Carolyn and Craig Enenstein

Rhonda and Richard Fein

Beth-Ann and Adam Finerman

Susan Weiss Firestone

William Firestone

Elana and Ariel Fishman

Jeanne and Darren Fogel

Lenore and David Forsted

Judy and David Gilberg

Shana and Dan Glassman

Pasha Gol

Ari Stein

Celia Goldman

Laurence Kirsch

Merle Goldman

Pamela and Jonathan Goldman

Audrey and Mark Goldstein

Scott Gottlieb

Christine Grad

Beth and Lawrence Greenberg

Gabe Greenberg

Karen and Eric Gurwin

Marit and Jason Halper

Jamie Handwerker



Charlotte and Uri Hangorsky

Pamela and Joseph Harpaz

Joanie and Leonard Hecht

Diane and David Hess

Barbara and Stephen Heyman

Christy and Mitchell Hollin

Israel on Campus Coalition

Avrom Jacobs

Tikva and Zalmie Jacobs

Jodi and Daniel Katz

Dina and Jonathan Kaufthal

Elizabeth Berns Korn

Douglas Korn

Halyce and Seth Krasilovsky

Cari and Alan Lasdon

Laura and Gary Lauder

Sabrina and Eric Lemer

Andrew Levine

Ilissa and Brian Levine

Tammy and Jay Levine

Ina Lipman

Daniel Pickens

Sue Ann and Bernard Lipsey

Susan and Len Lodish

Barry Mann

Sasan and Kimberly Mehrara

Rachel Messinger

Brian MacDonald

Marla and Richard Milgram

Jodi and David Miller

Jay Minkoff

Tamara and Richard Morgenstern

Naomi and Eric Morris

Michael Neustein

Melanie and Larry Nussdorf

Ellen Oppenheimer

Kenneth Tauber

Danielle and Jeremy Perlman

The Philadelphia Foundation

The Calabi Fund

Tali and Justin Pines

Lea and Barry Porter

Diana and Ira Riklis

Daniella Rohr

Samuel Adelsberg

Nina Rohr

Jonathan Cooper

Nicole and Eric Rosen

Roberta and David Rosenberg

Shari and Stuart Rudoler

Mary and Saul Sanders

Jonathan Sassover

Max Schapiro

Elise Scheck

Gil Bonwitt

Eileen Schein

Marsha and Lionel Schooler

David Schreiber

Michelle and Daniel Scolnick

Ori and Jacob Serfati

Herbert Shapiro

Daniel Shenwick


Beth Kaplan Sholk

Bruce Sholk

Judah Siegal

Jennifer and Mark Smith

Joanne Snow

Henry Nagelberg

Laura and Mark Solomon

Tracey and Shanin Specter

Bruce Stark

Rebecca and Kenneth Steinberg

Marilyn and Robert Steiner

Talia Sterman

Alex Stadtmauer

Nadina and Fernando Szew

Lynne Tarnopol

Michelle Toll

William O’Flanagan

Elizabeth and Joshua Trump

Janet Vance

Laura and Jon Waldbaum

Mira Wasserman

Steven Weitzman

Stephanie and Ernest Wechsler

Irene and Malvin Weinberger

Ariel and Joshua Weiner

Lisa and Steven Weiner

Laura and Adam Weiser

Matla Wiener

Dina and Etan Wiesen

Susan Winfield

Stephen Grynberg

Georgene and Steven Winick

David Wolpe

Leora and Jonathan Zabusky

$360 - $999

Lisa and Steven Abramowitz

Marilyn and Greg Adler

Richard Adrian

Jacqueline and Andrew Africk

Julie and Laurent Amouyal

Natalia and Ian Anchipolovsky

Miriam and Ilan Arlin

Richard Aronoff

Jordana and Gregory Ashe

Ali and Jason Auerbach

Sheli Barnett

Phyllis Barsky

Kathleen Battaglia

Bruce Shenker

Steve Benhaim

Craig Beresin

Daniella and Darryl Berkowitz

Alex Berman

Landon Berns

Sara and Joshua Bleier

Sondra and Mark Bollar

Ellen and Jonathan Bortz

Leigh Botwinik

Michal and Jacob Boyars

Michele Breslauer

Rimma and Gary Bressler

Pauline Candaux

Solomon Katz

Ricki Carroll

Rachel Chiel

David Katz

Gail Spiegel Cohen

Martin Cohen

Miles Cohen

Shani Cohen

Gil Orbach

Melissa Sapan Cohn

Gregory Cohn

Anita and Stephen Comite

Barbara Cooper

Marcia Schwartz Davis

Mark Davis

Arlene and Avrom Doft

Mary and Steven Douglas

Gail and Matthew Eilers

Rachel and Andrew Eisen

Noam Elul

Bari-Joy and Douglas Epstein

Sandra First

Debbie and Ari Fishkind

Renee and Lee Fleisher

Jonathan Freedberg

Linda Gamble

Michael Zisman

Murray Gerstenhaber

Judith and David Gitlin

Dana and Neil Glat

Caryn and Phillip Gold

Joan and William Goldstein

Rhonda and Jonathan Golub

Lauren Goodlev

Dana Goodman

Evan Schlessinger

Ellen Goodman

David Cohen

Charlie Gottlieb

Gabriela and Peter Gottlieb

David Gottschlich

Joshua Grabar

Alison and Jeffrey Granowitz

Eda and David Greenbaum

Roger Greenberg

Peter Grollman

Alison Gross

Matthew Benedon

Rachel Gross

Herbert Baker

Fran and Murray Grossman

Josh Grossman

Nancy and Stanley Grossman

Pam Grossman

David Kahn

Martine Haas

Mitchell Orenstein

Tamar and Isaac Hakimi

Dawn Hardgrave

Lisa and Steven Himmelfarb

Rebekah Hoenig

Adam Ingber

Daniel and Janice Horowitz

Michelle and Jason Horwitch

Dana and Michael Hubbe

Helena Iax

Jewish Federation of Greater Kansas City

Isadore and Yetta

Joshowitz Charitable Foundation

Randi Kahn

Shoshanah Kahn

Michael Kane

Adrienne and David Kanter

Amy and Barnard Kaplan

Barbara and Jerry Kaplan

Elizabeth Evans Katz

Tamar and Joshua Katz

Lisa Kempler

Bruce Weinstock

Diana and Zoltan Kerekes

Carmensol Kesselhaut

Noah Kest

Brenda and Victor Khabie

Rachel and Wilbur Kipnes

Janet Klein

Alexandra Hochster Korman

Jonathan Korman

Vanessa and Steven Kratka

Tina and Julian Krinsky

Stephanie and Justin Kudler

Marc Landis

Marcia and Alan Leifer

Caroline and Scott Lerner

Stephanie and Jason Levee

Michal and Brian Leventhal

Beryl and Howard Levin

Michael Levine

Norman Levine

David Levinson

Julie Meranze Levitt

Jerry Levitt

Karen Levy

Mitchell Rabinowitz

Deborah and Micah Liben

Dolores Lubin

Jacqueline and Jeffrey Marcus

Lisa and Josh Mayers

David Menchel

David Miller

Brandon Morrison

Lori and Barry Morrison

Karen and Alan Nadel

Elisa Nemiroff

Ellen Ostroff

Marion and Bret Pearlman

Erica and Kevin Penn

Michele and Michael Perlstein

Jerilyn and Brian Perman

Ellen and David Phillips

Benjamin Porat

Michele and Meyer Potashman

David Prager

Debbie and Steven Prince

Matthew Prowler

Rashmi Raine

Florence and Mark Rosen

Sheri and Andrew Rosen

Stephen Rosenberg

Raphael and Yael Rosenblatt

Scott Rosenblum

David & Cara Weinstein Rosenthal

Jonah Rubin

Louis Samuels

Arielle and Yoni Saposh

Rachel and Ian Scheinmann

Marta and Elliot Schindler

Lee Schwartz

Linda and Louis Schwartz

Sharon and Andrew Schwartz

Susan and Joel Schwartz

Allyson and Steven Shapiro

Gina and Stuart Shapiro

Maggie Shapiro

Amanda and Judah Shechter

Lisa and James Shenwick

Jennifer Sherwood

Philip Hirshman

Robert Sholinsky

Susan and Steven Shubert

Winnie Sigal

Lisa Silbret

Alan Schechter

Jeffrey Skolnik

Rifki and Jonathan Slonim

Sharon and David Slotkin

Kathryn Slott

Eric Thomas Snyder

Andrea and Robert Solomon

Susan Sommovilla

Robyn Rapoport Spero

Ken Spero

Sandra and Michael Stanger

Debra and Robert Staples

Susan and Jonathan Stein

Nathalie and Jordan Steinberg

Alexis and Richard Sternhell

Abraham Sutton

Marc Tarlow

Anna and Bill Tenenblatt

Mary and FabioTerlevich

Lynn and Lawrence Tornek

Anna Adler Tykocinski

David Tykocinski

Harvey Wank

Terri and Alan Wasserstein

Evan Weiner

Tamara and Oren Weisberg

Harold Weisman

Marion and William Weiss

Thea Winarsky

Lindy Wisotsky

Joshua Dembowitz

Shira and Adam Wohlberg

Corinne and Lenny Yourman

Jules Zacher

Judith and Henry Zachs

The Zachs Family Foundation

Laura Zarrow

Rozana Zemlyansky

Dianne Zimmerman

Lisa Zornberg

Matthew Horowitz

$180 - $359

Rose and Victor Ackermann

Joshua Adler

Ryna Alexander

Itamar Allali

Franca Angeli

Bruce Brownstein

Sara and Gregory Angrist

Bruce Apfelbaum

Lisa and Michael Aronson

Richard Atkins

Linda Bantel

David Hollenberg

Reuven Bell

Jonathan Tauber

Mary Alice and Russell Benamy

Jennifer and Andrew Bender

Sabrina Benun

Donna and Stanley Ber

Aviva and Ezra Billinkoff

Kathy and Shahin Bina

Molly Black

Robert Book

Bright Funds

Harriet Brumberg

Ilyse Kramer

Daniel Brunwasser

Gary Charlestein

Judy Chasin

Eric Horwitz

Ivy and David Cohen

Brian Conners

Debra Copit

Nancy and Jonathan Cutler

Lauren and Judith Daman

Scott Decatur

Lisa and Nicholas Deutsch

Suzette Diamond

Joan and Peter Eilbott

Jordan Ellis

Craig Englander

Edward Epstein

Cynthia and Mark Feinstein

Elissa Fenster

Aeryn and Bruce Fenton

Nate Fessel


President, Lauren Krasilovsky

President, Eitan Weinstein

Vice President of Shabbat and Holidays, Joshua Chertok

Vice President of Shabbat and Holidays, Molly Cohen

Vice President of Social Affairs, Olivia Domansky

Vice President of External Affairs, Luke Finkelstein

Vice President of Israel Engagement, Maya Harpaz

Vice President of Tzedek, Anna Leventhal

Arlene Fickler

Kate and Dan Filler

Phyllis Fineman

Mary and Jason Fisher

Janet and Arthur Fliegelman

Felicia and Michael Freedman

Kenneth Friedman

Rachel Friedman

Naomi Gardberg

Suzanne Franchetti

Lynne and Steven Gellman

Yevgeniy Gitelman

Megan and Paige GoldMarche

Elizabeth Goldmuntz

Frederic Barr

Alisa Goldstein

Debra Goldstein

Stafford Goldstein

Cindy and Ben Golub

Ruth and Amnon Gotian

Jo-Anne and Charles Greenblatt

Beth and David Greene

Nan Gutterman

William Irby

Anne Marie Shaw Gwirtz

Michael Gwirtz

Michele and Michael Haberman

Patsy and Edward Handelman

Dennis Harris

Ann and David Harrison

Ellen and Michael Hefter

Joshua Hirsch

Deborah Hochberg

Sandra and Harris Hollin

Sheara and Jonathan Hollin

Ralph Horwitz

Gail Howard

Michael Seidman

Stephen Hurwitz

Alana and Seth Isenberg

Yonina Jacobs

Robert Rozbruch

Marina and Andrew Jacobson

Ruth Jamul Irvin Rosenthal

Sarah Kaminetsky Jonas

Isaac Jonas

Tamara and Dov Kahane

Carole Kaminsky

Leib Kaminsky

Wendy and Ronald Kaplan

Debra Karpf

Cece and Michael Karz

Robert Katz

Robert Katz

Malka and Joshua Katzin

Elisa Keller

Brandon Klugman

Jonathan Korostoff

Rita and Lawrence Kotler

Jesse Krohn

Judith and William Labkoff

Nathaniel Landau

Ronit Langer

Andrew Katz

Norman Lehrer

Gloria and Norman Leibovitz

Marcia and Stephen Leventhal

Miriam and Aaron Levine

Zachary Levine

Roberta and Phillip Levy

Janice and Paul Lewis

Suzanne and Ronald Lewittes

Risa and Steve Lieberman

Adam Lifshitz

Barbara and Herbert Linn

Gabriel Low

Martha and John Lubell

Yedida Lubin

Avi Rosenschein

Barry Ludwig

Noam Magence

Ronald Mann

Estelle Marco

Suzanne and Eric Marsh

Alison Marx

Blayne Ross Mathias

Peggy Merves

Joelle Toledano Metzman

David Metzman

Ellen Milgrim

Deborah Miller

Adam Strickberger

Uri Moche

Sarah Eisen Nanus

Elizabeth and David Nover

Joe and Selma Pastor

Jayne and Ronald Perilstein

Steven Perskie

Elizabeth Philipp

Patrick Moriaty

Leonard Popowich

Annie Portnoff

Julia Posluns

Max Silverman

Paulette and Jeffrey Rake

Jacqueline Reses

Matthew Apfel

Inga Robbins

Steven Robbins

Jenny Rolef

Suzanne Rose

Kenneth Stern

David Rosen

Margot and David Rosenbaum

Matthew Rosenbaum

Stephan Rosenfeld

Faye and Jerry Rosenthal

Daniel and Jade Ross

Karen and Ronen Rubin

Erika and Hal Rudin Luria

Gerrie and Joachim Rudoler

Michelle and Norman Rutta

Steven Sable

Michelle Sahl


Orthodox Community at Penn (OCP) Co-Chair, Sophia Reich

Orthodox Community at Penn (OCP) Co-Chair, Ethan Rutta

Shira Chadasha Co-Chair, Sadie Waldbaum

Shira Chadasha Co-Chair, Elan Roth

Reform Jewish Community (RJC) Chair, Karen Raphael

Reform Jewish Community (RJC) Chair, Tova Tachau

Sephardi / Mizrachi Jews at Penn (Habibis) Chair, Morris Hakim

JELP Co-President, Ian Zang

JELP Co-President, Andrea Lang Goldgewicht

Robyn and Alan Samuels

Brian Schachter

Adam Schaffer

Susan and Clifford Schlesinger

Anne and Alan Schnitzer

Sanford Schuman

Dawn Schwab

Bruce Schwaidelson

Lauren Schwartz

Amy Schwartzman

Jill and Evan Seigerman

Mark Seltzer

Marla and Joseph Shafran Foundation

Roberta and Abraham Shaked

Amy and Corey Shanus

Allison Shapiro

Yael and Mark Shayne

Neil Shweky

Eric Silberstein

Candace and Mark Silver

Elizabeth Slavitt

Seth Pross

Edward Solomon

Nina Soloner

Ellen and Phillip Spandorfer

Reena Spicehandler

Jeremy Brochin

David Spiegel

Jeremy Spiegel

Daniel and Ben Spiritoso

Leslie Spitalnick

Joshua Kaplan

Joan Starzmann

Joel Hoffman

Marlee Stesin

Ezra Margolin

Leslie Stewart

Stuart Senkfor

Jamie Chiel Sturm

Josh Sturm

Monica and Richard Sussman

Lila and Darren Taichman

Michae Tanitsky

Andrea Tinianow

Alla and Kenneth Toff

Robert Wallner

Bonnie and Ben Wasserman

Benjamin Weinstein

Lee Weinstock

Gary Weisband

Julie and Eric Weissman

Sarah Weitzman

Chellie and Jacob Wilensky

Spencer Willig

Deborah Winter

Jay Harris

Risa and Joshua Wolf

Susan and Michael Yellin

Judith and Harvey Zalesne

Jack Zeldis

All gifts were received between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023.

We apologize for any errors or omissions. All gifts to Hillel are greatly appreciated. Due to limitations, contributions of $180 and more are listed.

Thank You!

Make your gift online today at or call 215-898-8265.

First Year Leadership Board (FYLB) Mentors:

Emily Albert

Lauren Krasilovsky

Molly Cohen

Tess Asness

Gabriel Steinberg

Matthew Rabinowitz

JBagel Co-Chair, Sarah Kane

JBagel Co-Chair, Sarah Bernstein

Penn Israel Alliance Chair, Sarah Bender

TAMID Co-Chair, Julia Marks

TAMID Co-Chair, Eric Lieberman

PIPAC Co-Chair, Noah Rubin

PIPAC Co-Chair, Maya Harpaz

SSI Chair, Dennis Fleish

Nariya Chair, Jake Zubkoff

Shabbatones Co-Chair, Alana Schreibman

Shabbatones Co-Chair, Ethan Soloway

Soup Kitchen, Luke Finkelstein

Tikun Olam Makers, Noah Rubin


Deborah Shapiro (L ’92), Chair

Daniella Rohr (C’10) and Sam Adelsberg (C’10)

Susanna Lachs Adler (C’74, ASC ’76) and Dean Adler (W’79, L’83)

Jackie Einstein Astrof (C’93) and Joshua Astrof (W’93, C’93)

Kenneth Baer (C’94)

Ellen and Adam Beren

Kimby (C ‘95) (WG ‘00) and Lawrence Berger (W ‘94) (WG ‘00)

Suzanne (C’92) and Jacob Doft (W’91)

Chancellor Arnold Eisen (C’73)

Jane and Ishaia Gol

Adam Hanover (C’10)

Kim and Alan (W’87) Hartman

Sally Katz (C’82)

Caroline (C’11) and David (C’11) Klatt

Debbie Kupfer Cosgrove (C’91) and Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove

Susan and Martin Lautman

Elayne (C’90) and Howard Levkowitz (C’89, W’89)

Leora Mogilner and Richard Linhart (W’83)

Debra and David Magerman (C’90)

Meryl (EAS’81, W’81) Joseph Mark (WG’82)

Jason Merrin (ENG’13) and Rachel Liu (ENG’13)

Elayne and Barry Moss (W’85)

Arlene (C’59) and Albert Perlstein (W’57, GGS’96)

Julie (C’79) and Marc Platt (C’79)

Allison Rosenthal (L’91) and Bennett Rosenthal (W’85, WG’86)

Leslie (W’92) and Ricardo (W’93) Salmon

Max Schapiro (C’08, W’08)

Deborah (L’92) and Steven Shapiro (C’89, L’92)

Esther and Claudio Szajman

Gayle and Larry (W ‘87) Wieseneck

Rabbi David Wolpe (C’81)


Kenneth Baer (C ’94), President

Guy Abramovitz (WG ’04)

Kimberly Berger (C ’94, WG ’00)

Suzanne Doft (C ’92)

Pasha Gol (C ’12)

Jill Golub (C ’17)

Lauren Krasilovsky (C ’25)

Sally Katz (C ’82)

Richard Lester (W ’88)

Len Lodish

Jodi Miller (C ’91, WG ’97)

Albert Perlstein (W ’57)

Justin Pines (C ’05)

Jonathan Sassover (C ’11)

Jodi Schwartz (C ’81, WG ’84, L ’84)

Deborah Shapiro (L ’92)

Robert Steiner (C ’60)

Eitan Weinstein (C ’25)

Steven Weitzman

Leora Zabusky (C ’95)


We support Penn Hillel because it is an institution that plays a critical role in promoting a robust Jewish community on campus. It was an important part of our Penn experience and we want it to continue to impact students for generations to come.

Kimby (C’95) (WG ‘00) and Lawrence (C’94) (WG’00) Berger

We invest in Penn Hillel because it was a central part of our college experience. Hillel provided us with the framework to live Jewishly on campus without any barriers and with enormous support. We are in gratitude to Hillel for providing us with a place to call home.

Nina Rohr (C’18) and Yoni (ENG’18) Cooper


A Word from the Hillel Presidents

If you walked into Penn Hillel during this past year you would hardly know that we are just out of a global pandemic. From students studying in the library or having a cappella practice downstairs, Jewish life has been in full swing and as vibrant as ever. This would not be possible without the hard work of our wonderful staff and engaged student leaders, and of course the generous support of our donors and wider community. We’ve had an incredible year, and we’d love to share some highlights to give a taste of what Penn Hillel has offered students of all backgrounds and interests.

• Record participation in Jewish Learning Fellowships covering topics from Jewish art to life’s big questions

• Opportunities to give back to the Philadelphia community through weekly soup kitchen, visits to the Jewish Relief Agency (JRA), and an exceptional Good Deeds Day

• Communal celebration of Jewish holidays through late-night Hanukkah latkes, a fun Purim auction, and enough kosher Passover snacks to keep everyone energized throughout the week

• Ways to engage in Israel education through Israel Learning Labs, Israel Week, and Hillel-sponsored trips to Israel

• A wide range of religious communities that give a meaningful home to so many in our community

While all of these programs, communities, and fellowships are impactful, Penn Hillel is all about the connections and friendships that are formed that will last a lifetime. Come any night and you’ll see Falk dining packed with students from all corners of campus bringing the building to life and making Penn Hillel the joyful and meaningful place that it is for so many of us Quakers. This year we will continue to strive to make Penn Hillel accessible, inclusive, and welcoming to all. We offer a huge thank-you to all of Penn Hillel’s donors for all you have done to support our community in creating a home away from home for students. Penn Hillel means so much to us and we know it does to you too, and please know how grateful we are for your commitment to robust Jewish life at Penn.

Yours truly, Lauren

THANK YOU to our key partners

Eitan Weinstein Lauren Krasilovsky
Visit Hillel online at

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