Gabriella Saderna

Page 26

In the dimly lit setting of Mahiki she dances, twirling from side to side in her simple pastel smock dress. Hair flowing down her back, a contagious grin on her face. The music thumps wildly as she bounds over, clutching her drink. “Did you see it? What did you think?!” she questions ecstatically. Brown eyes growing wider, her whole body bubbling with excitement. The first day we meet with Gabriella Sardena she is contently sewing, her pale cheeks flush as she recites the story of her work. We had already seen her textiles many times before we eventually saw the face and hands behind each masterpiece. Pink mesh was scattered carelessly across the large pattern cutting table, trapped tightly within a wooden embroidery hoop, brown shiny cassette tape woven through the center. We knew it was cassette tape as Head of the College, Jeremy Till, had told us on our first day. He’d welcomed us to the school with an inspiring speech about the fascinating wonders and marvelous delights that adorned the hallways of Central Saint Martins. “It’s incredible! There’s a girl out there sewing cassette tapes!” he exclaimed, pointing towards the large door that concealed the entrance to the MA Fashion studio.

That girl was Gabi.

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