The Pembrokeshire Herald 04/08/2023

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Herald Your award winning local paper • F ridaY a ugust 4 th 2023 • issue 521 • onlY £1.50 The Pembrokeshire Facebook: @thepembrokeshireHerald • instagram: @pembrokeshireherald • twitter: @pembsHerald lola’s killer Had ‘Hairtrigger volatility’ • P3 Narberth CarNival 2023 • PiCture sPeCial • see Pages 40-41 patcH HardsHip cHarit Y fouNder stePs dowN • P13 health ProfessioNals are warNiNg of the risks to ChildreN aNd youNg PeoPle • P4 Pembrokeshire school kids accessing va P es with ease

Lola’s killer had ‘hair-trigger volatility’

A DRUG addict given a life sentence after being convicted of murdering his two-yearold stepdaughter had “hair-trigger volatility” and threatened to kill his mother, a civil court judge has heard.

Mr Justice Mostyn, who is based in the Family Division of the High Court in London, said the picture Kyle Bevan’s mother painted of him was “truly disturbing”.

Bevan, 31, of Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, was jailed in April after being found guilty following a trial at Swansea Crown Court of murdering Lola James in July 2020.

Trial judge Mr Justice Griffiths ruled that Bevan must spend at least 28 years in prison before being considered for release on licence.

Lola’s mother, Sinead James, 30, also of Haverfordwest, was found guilty of causing or allowing the youngster’s death and given a six-year jail term.

Mr Justice Mostyn had separately considered the case, at private hearings, and made findings of fact.

Social services bosses at Pembrokeshire County Council had asked Mr Justice Mostyn to make decisions relating to the welfare of other children.

He had overseen a behind-closed-doors trial, in the summer of 2021, at a family court in Swansea.

Mr Justice Mostyn’s ruling was kept under wraps until criminal proceedings had ended – to prevent jurors being influenced – but has now been published.

The judge concluded

Tenby drone display delayed

THE EAGERLY anticipated drone display over Tenby Harbour on Tuesday August 1, was sadly abandoned just minutes before take-off.

One hundred drones were due to fly over the iconic location at 9.30pm.

The ten-minute display was to capture content for an upcoming public safety campaign by the Ministry of Defence.

The MoD’s Respect the Range campaign urges the public to keep

safe when accessing military training areas.

The drones were already in place for their take-off from on the harbour pier and anticipation built up amongst spectators as music could be heard playing.

But worsening weather forced the decision by organisers to cancel the evening’s display.

It is hoped to reschedule the display, but a date has not yet been fixed.

Ketamine at an alarming level

that Bevan “abusively inflicted Lola’s injuries” early on Friday July 17 2020, and had previously inflicted “gratuitous violence” on the little girl.

Lola’s mother was asleep when the little girl suffered her injuries which caused her death, Mr Justice Mostyn concluded.

But he said he was satisfied, “to a level appreciably higher than a balance of probability”, that James was aware that Bevan had been abusing Lola, “yet did nothing” to protect her.

Mr Justice Mostyn also heard how Bevan had threatened to kill his mother, Alison Bevan, who had worked on a nursing ward.

She had described her son’s “hair-trigger volatility” and painted a “truly disturbing” picture, Mr Justice Mostyn said.

“Alison Bevan explained in disarmingly

frank evidence that her son had a history of drug abuse going back to his teenage years,” said Mr Justice Mostyn in a ruling which has now been published online.

“Alison Bevan explained to me that her son had always had an anger problem with her.

“Fury would erupt when she would not provide him with money or with prescription drugs which he expected her to steal for him from the nursing ward on which she worked.

“This had been going on for years.”

Mr Justice Mostyn added: “She explained that when he loses his temper there is shouting and screaming, intimidation and loss of control.

“When out of control and raging he had threatened to kill her.

“This had happened on four or five occasions.”

Mr Justice Mostyn went on: “The picture that she painted of her own son treating her

with such contempt and malevolence was truly disturbing.”

Bevan had denied murdering Lola.

He blamed the family’s pet dog for pushing Lola down the stairs of the home he shared with James, in Haverfordwest.

Judges heard that Bevan had moved in soon after connecting with James on Facebook.

Lola was killed months later.

Mr Justice Mostyn said: “By any objective standards the formation of her relationship with Mr Bevan on 18 February 2020, moving from being strangers to cohabitants in the space of a few hours, is almost impossible to comprehend.

“It does demonstrate an extreme neediness on the part of the mother and a readiness to surrender basic responsibility in order to fill her needs.”

He said James, who had also pleaded not guilty, had been assessed as having a low IQ.

JAMIE REES, a 23-year-old from Penybanc, Cenarth, was apprehended by vigilant officers whilst driving his Skoda Octavia along the B4327 Dale Road in Haverfordwest, just before 10.30am on February 17.

The police officers, upon suspicion of drug impairment, conducted a drugs wipe test, which came back positive for both cannabis and cocaine in Rees’s system. Consequently, he was escorted to a police custody suite, where further blood tests were conducted for thorough analysis.

Astoundingly, the blood tests revealed an astonishing 308mcg of ketamine in Rees’s bloodstream, which is a staggering 15 times over the specified legal limit of 20mcg. However, what made the case particularly

unusual was the absence of any traces of cocaine and cannabis in the forensic report of the blood tests.

During the court hearing earlier this week, Rees pleaded guilty to the charge of drug-driving, a mistake that he deeply regrets.

In light of the severity of the offence, the magistrates imposed a fine of £300 and ordered Rees to pay £85 in costs, along with a £120 surcharge. Additionally, he was handed a 12-month disqualification from driving.

This case serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of drug-driving and the potential consequences it may carry for oneself and others on the road. Authorities hope that such incidents will act as a deterrent and urge the public to prioritise safety and responsibility while behind the wheel.

3 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday August 4th 2023 news

Is vaping is more harmful than cigarettes?

MORE than four in 10 smokers in Britain believe vaping is as dangerous or more dangerous than cigarettes, a new poll has suggested.

Respiratory doctors and anti-smoking campaigners said more needs to be done to help smokers understand that vaping is less risky.

Public health charity Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) estimates that 9.1%, or 4.7 million adults, in Britain vape. Of those, 2.7 million are ex-smokers, 1.7 million are current smokers, and 320,000 have never smoked.

In a survey of 12,271 adults carried out for ASH by YouGov, 43% thought vaping was as dangerous or more dangerous than smoking cigarettes.

Anxiety over youth vaping is obscuring the fact that switching from smoking to vaping will be much better for an individual’s health, according to Professor Ann McNeill from King’s College London.

Among smokers who had never vaped, 43% said they believed it is a more harmful habit, up from 27% in 2019.

Among smokers who had used e-cigarettes in the past but stopped, 44% believed it is more dangerous than smoking, up from 25%.

Hazel Cheeseman, deputy chief executive of ASH, said: “The Government has backed a vaping strategy as its path to reduce rates of smoking, but this approach will be undermined if smokers don’t try vapes due to safety fears, or stop vaping too soon and revert to smoking.

“The Government must act quickly to improve public understanding that vaping poses a fraction of the risk of smoking.”

Dr Sarah Jackson, principal research fellow in the University College London Tobacco and Alcohol Research Group, described the survey’s findings as “concerning, but not surprising” and said “there is an ongoing disconnect” on how evidence on the relative harms of vaping compared with smoking are communicated to the public.

Professor Ann McNeill, of King’s College London, said: “Anxiety over youth vaping is obscuring the fact

that switching from smoking to vaping will be much better for an individual’s health.

“It is wrong to say we have no idea what the future risks from vaping will be. On the contrary, levels of exposure to cancer-causing and other toxicants are drastically lower in people who vape compared with those who smoke, which indicates that any risks to health are likely to be a fraction of those posed by smoking.”

She added that more regulation is needed over children and vaping “but so too is work to ensure many more adults stop smoking.”

Vaping survey Calls have been made to regulate the marketing and packaging of vapes to put children off using them (Nicholas T Ansell/PA) There have been several calls in recent months to tighten regulations around how e-cigarettes are packaged and marketed to deter children and young people from using them.

In July, MPs on the Health and Social Care Committee said the Government should consider plain packaging

for vapes in line with other tobacco products to “tackle an alarming trend” in the number of children taking up the habit.

In June, NHS figures revealed that 40 children and young people were admitted to the hospital in England last year for “vaping-related disorders,” up from 11 two years earlier.

The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) also warned that e-cigarettes “are not a riskfree product and can be just as addictive, if not more so, than traditional cigarettes.”

A Department for Health and Social Care spokesperson said: “We are doing more than ever before to support smokers to quit – helping us achieve our bold ambition to be Smokefree by 2030.

“One million smokers will be encouraged to ‘swap to stop’ – swapping cigarettes for vapes under a new national scheme launched by this Government – the first of its kind in the world.

“However, while vaping is a preferable alternative to smoking for adults, we are concerned about the rise in youth vaping.

4 Friday August 4th 2023 For up to date news please check our social network channels
Bright colours and flavours: There are so many vapes to choose from

Pembrokeshire school kids accessing vapes with ease


HERALD has undertaken an undercover investigation following allegations by concerned local parents that their children have been able to buy vapes from shops in the areadespite the sale of this type of product being restricted to those over 18.

A mother of three living in Haverfordwest, who chose not to give her name, said that all of her children had managed to buy disposable flavoured vapes for between £5 and £7. These were from convenience stores in and around Haverfordwest. Our source told us: “They should not have been able to buy these from a retailer, but have. And the problem is seriousmany many school children in Pembrokeshire are buying and smoking these products - and the long-term health consequences of these highnicotine products have not been tested on children.”

“Many say that these products are less harmful than smoking traditional cigarettes; however, it can also be argued that these e-cigarettes, as they are sometimes called, can also be a gateway to nicotine addiction. My children have never smoked or been exposed to cigarettes, but they are using a product designed to help people quit.” We spoke to a 15-yearold schoolgirl from Ysgol Penrhyn Dewi who said that many pupils in her school, and others, were using vapes regularly - and they are used especially during exam season as a relaxant to help

with stress.

“After every exam, we go into the toilets and have our vapes; it takes the stress away. Of my friends, everyone - even the goodie-two-shoes pupils - have started vaping.

not deter certain workers. And the problem is not only at YPD, other schools in the area, The Pembrokeshire Herald understands, are experiencing exactly the same problem, with teachers confiscating vapes from pupils regularly. The problem is, many close to the issue are arguing, endemic.

could be forgiven for thinking it is all child’s play. But we had a letter to the paper only two weeks ago from a retired woman from Pembroke expressing her disgust that ‘children who looked no more than ten or eleven’ were puffing away using ‘this new way of smoking’. But how safe actually

figure were 15 children aged nine or under, which is up from 12 the previous year and two the year before that. Another prominent medical practitioner has also warned about the dangers recently. Paediatric chest physician Professor Andy Bush confessed to being “absolutely horrified” by the

is one of many experts who are concerned about the health implications on children. “The acute use of e-cigarettes can put them in hospital, can put them in intensive care, things like lung bleeding, lung collapse, and air leak, the lungs filling up with fat.” Professor Bush is one of many experts who are concerned about the health implications on children. While e-cigarettes are considered a significantly safer alternative to tobacco, they are still potentially dangerous to health. A report published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine in December 2019 found e-cigarette use significantly increased a person’s risk of developing chronic lung diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema. Jonathan Grigg, a professor of paediatric respiratory and environmental medicine, was a co-author of a paper in the Archives of Disease in Childhood in November 2018 that warned there was a risk that thousands of children would become addicted to nicotine because of the “complacency” of government health officials in the UK. He said: “We saw this coming and were ignored. The trajectory was obvious.” A review by former Barnardo’s chief executive Javed Khan into the government’s ambition to make England smoke-free by 2030 said vaping needed to be promoted to reduce smoking, but the government should do “everything they possibly can” to prevent young people from vaping, “including by banning child-friendly packaging and descriptions”. A Department of Health and Social Care spokesperson said the UK had “some of the strongest regulations in place on vapes to protect children and young people” and was considering further measures: “We are clear that vaping should only be used to help people quit smoking – vapes should not be used by children, young people, or non-smokers.”

It’s not just some of us girls, it’s all of us,” she said. “We buy our vapes from convenience stores in Haverfordwest, and some teenagers buy vapes in bulk online to sell to other underage kids.” Many people think that the reason so many underage people vape is that it is easy to access vaping products and affordable. Selling vapes to underage kids carries a fine of up to £2,500, yet it does

Shortly after 3 pm, children pour out of the gates of Milford Haven School. As soon as some feel they are far enough away from the school grounds, they have already taken out an increasingly popular accessory and are using it in full view of the school building. With their bright colours and flavours such as mango, kiwi, and passion fruit, an onlooker

is it, and should we be concerned? Back in June, a children’s health expert warned that young people are ending up in hospital with “lung collapse” and “lung bleeding” after using illegallysold vapes. This comes as NHS data has revealed that 40 youngsters under the age of 19 were admitted to hospital in the past year from vaping. Among this alarming

statistics, adding: “Young children are being exposed to substances of addiction, substances that are toxic, and some of the toxicity is not known.”

“The acute use of e-cigarettes can put them in hospital, can put them in intensive care, things like lung bleeding, lung collapse, and air leak, the lungs filling up with fat.” Professor Bush

The government recently announced it would be clamping down on rogue firms unlawfully targeting teens with advertising on platforms like TikTok. “Illicit vape enforcement squads” are also being set up at a cost of £3m to uncover the traders selling to young people. In total, 40 young people aged up to 19 in England were admitted to hospital in the past twelve months for vaping, according to statistics compiled by Sky News. We do not yet have the figures for Wales. “

5 NEWS For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday August 4th 2023
Tom Sinclair Tik tok: Products are obviously aimed at children School children: Nearly everyone in secondary Pembrokeshire secondary schools have tried vapes

Accused of 22 counts of child sexual abuse

DOMINIC DEWICK, from Haverfordwest, faces counts of sexually abusing two children. The trial began at Swansea Crown Court on Monday this week.

The first witness sworn in after the prosecution opened their case said that she endured eight years of sexual abuse as a child, and told the court how her innocence prevented her from realising his actions were wrong.

“I was seven years old when he began fondling me,” she told the jury.

“And it went on for eight years. It was only as I got older that I realised what he was doing wasn’t right and I tried to think of ways to make him stop.”

Dewick, 44, of Harrier Road, Haverfordwest, faces a total of 22 charges of sexual assault on a child, gross indecency to a child and assault by penetration on a child under 13. The charges are alleged to have been committed on the first witness between 1993 and 2002, and on Victim B between 2013 and 2017.

On Monday, she told the court that the offences against her began when she was seven years old.

The first incident involved Dewick removing her clothing before being assaulted.

“After that he would fondle my breasts and he did this for around eight years,” recalled Victim A.

Victim A said the assaults came to an end when she was 15.

“I was walking home from school one day and Dominic suggested we walked together,” she said.

“I was carrying a bag and a coat wrapped round my arm, and a folder in front of my chest. And then Dominic started taking the items away from me so he could carry them himself and had access to my breasts.

On day two of the trial this week, the second alleged victim described how he began abusing her when she was just nine years old.

“He started giving me sweets and chocolates as part of the grooming process, so that I would

feel better with him, and like him,” she said.

“I was quite happy to receive the gifts but he also told me that my friends didn’t care about me. He also called me a b**ch once for making too much noise when I took some ice-cream out of the fridge. And that made me feel bad.”

Giving evidence to the court behind a screen she said the sexual assaults stemmed back to when the defendant began giving her massages, which then led to molestation.

The witness was asked by defence counsel James Hartson, KC, whether any of the alleged incidents stand out in her memory.

“Nothing stands out, per se,” she replied. “It’s just years and years’ worth that have made me terribly ill, depressed suicidal and extremely bad mentally.”

During the third day of his trial, Dewick vehemently denied all accusations and

expressed feeling “dismayed and sick” when confronted by the police.

“I’d never do anything like that,” Dewick asserted with apparent shock as he addressed the court.

“I was quite dismayed to hear this, and it was sick.”

The prosecution presented allegations that Dewick sexually assaulted Victim A repeatedly between 1993 and 2002 when she was only five to fifteen years old. Additionally, Victim 2 accused Dewick of multiple sexual assaults between 2013 and 2017.

The defence counsel, Nicola Powell KC, raised questions about the validity of the allegations, particularly regarding Victim A’s age when the alleged abuse began.

Powell questioned whether a five-yearold child could fully comprehend and make such grave accusations.

Dewick maintained his innocence and described Victim A as ‘buggy,’ claiming she first accused him of rape when he was 13 and she was merely five years old. According to Dewick, she made a

similar accusation when he was 16 and she was eight years old. However, he adamantly refuted the veracity of these claims, stating, “Not one accusation that was made by her was true.”

During the crossexamination, Powell confronted Dewick about his conduct during the initial police interview in 2022. The officers claimed he displayed a lack of respect, using terms like ‘sweetheart,’ and even chuckled when asked serious questions. Dewick explained that his chuckling was merely a “nervous laugh” due to the absurdity of the allegations levelled against him.

But the trial took an unexpected turn when the Crown brought up an incident from 2021 involving a third child who accused Dewick of inappropriate behaviour. The child claimed Dewick asked her for a “little strokey-strokey” massage. Nonetheless, no further legal action was taken regarding this accusation.

The Crown questioned the timing of the third

revelation, Dewick described the first victim, who was aged five at the time, as havingaccused him of rape when he was just 13 years old.

According to Dewick, the same accusation resurfaced when he turned 16 and she was then eight years old.

Challenged during cross-examination by defence counsel Nicola Powell KC, Dewick’s explanation for the accusations came under scrutiny. Powell questioned whether a five-year-old could fully comprehend the gravity of such allegations. Additionally, she brought attention to Dewick’s behaviour during his initial police interview in 2022, where he was reported to have chuckled and shown a lack of respect towards the officers involved.

child’s allegation, which coincided with the ages of the other victims when they were assaulted. Dewick, however, dismissed any sexual intent behind his actions, attributing the request for a back massage to his long-standing back pain.

The defence probed Dewick further regarding his medical evidence for the back pain, to which he replied that he had never visited a doctor for the issue.


Swansea Crown Court witnessed an intense third day of trial as Dominic Dewick expressed feeling “dismayed and sick” when confronted by the police with the allegations.

During the trial, Dewick vehemently denied the accusations, exclaiming, “I’d never do anything like that.” He recounted his reaction to the charges, stating, “I was quite dismayed to hear this, and it was sick.”

In a startling

Responding to the accusations of chuckling, Dewick asserted, “It was an anxious laugh, a nervous laugh because it was so ridiculous to hear this story about me. I thought, ‘This has got to be a joke.’ It was laughable.”

The Crown later revealed that in 2021, a third child, aged nine, claimed that Dewick had asked her to engage in inappropriate behavior. However, no further legal action was taken regarding this particular allegation.

During the trial, the Crown questioned the coincidence of multiple allegations surfacing when the children were around the same age when the alleged assaults took place. Dewick dismissed any suggestion of sexual intent, attributing his actions to severe back pain that he had purportedly endured for years.

In an exchange with Judge Paul Thomas, Dewick was asked to provide medical evidence supporting his claim of back pain. However, he admitted to never seeking medical attention for this condition.

The trial continues.

6 Friday August 4th 2023 For up to date news please check our social network channels
Tom Sinclair

Huge boost for local mental health charity

FOOTBALL clubs across rural Wales could soon be wellness hubs in an initiative spearheaded by the Farmers’ Union of Wales, the FAW, and Pembrokeshirebased charity the DPJ Foundation.

The DPJ Foundation was set up in Pembrokeshire in July 2016 following the death of agricultural contractor Daniel Picton-Jones. It aims to support those in the agricultural sector suffering from poor mental health.

Daniel’s mental health problems went undiagnosed and unseen by many.

Daniel’s suicide rocked the community, and his wife Emma quickly realised the lack of support for those suffering from poor mental health in rural communities.


Speaking at the Royal Welsh Show last week, Noel Mooney, CEO of the Football Association of Wales, said that the Association wants to utilise the network of football clubs across Wales to ensure that the mental health of those who feel isolated is supported.

The FUW supports the initiative and will work alongside the FAW to identify areas that could benefit from having such hubs.

There are around 950 football clubs across


“We would like these clubs to become a hub where people can come together and see what a better life could look like in terms of mental and physical health,” said Mr Mooney.

“We want to work with the likes of the NHS and the Welsh Government to try and put together services that allow a young farmer, or whoever’s involved in the football club, to have somewhere to go to talk about the issues they face.

“We’re not experts in this field, but what we can do is bring people together.

“By working in collaboration with the FUW and the DPJ Foundation, and by using our network of clubs across Wales, we can work together towards our aim of ensuring that Wales is a happier and healthier country in the future,” he added.


Kate Miles, DPJ Foundation Charity Manager, who provides mental health awareness and support training, said: “I am grateful to both the FUW and FAW for providing this opportunity to focus on mental health and wellbeing in rural communities.

“We know that for

many, football provides a chance to get off the farm and engage with others around a shared interest.

“We have the ability to train people in these clubs who are in their social setting, with their peers, to be able to look after each other and ultimately what they can do to look after themselves. Football can be another tool in the mental health toolbox and could help so many.”

FUW Senior County Executive Officer Emyr Wyn Davies said: “Mental health continues to be an issue for farmers and those living in rural communities. Although we have seen some progress over recent years in breaking down the stigma attached to poor mental health, much work remains to be done.

“This is an excellent opportunity to bridge the gap between young men living in rural areas and those who are involved with agriculture and their local football clubs so that we help those in need faster and better.”


The initiative comes after the FUW boosted the DPJ Foundation with £50,000 after just over three years of fundraising.

The FUW has worked with the DPJ Foundation since its inception in 2016, helping raise funds and vital awareness of mental health issues in rural and

farming communities.

Former FUW President Glyn Roberts, who presented the cheque to the DPJ Foundation, said: “1 in 4 people will suffer with mental health problems in their lifetime. It is not an uncommon illness and is one we need to continue to work together to tackle.

“Sadly, the agriculture sector has one of the highest suicide rates of any sector and above most other occupations. Concerns about the unpredictable weather, animal disease, support payments and many other uncertainties are weighing on many farmers’ minds throughout Wales.

“Coupled with the loneliness and isolation of farming, farmers and agricultural workers are highly susceptible to poor mental wellbeing.

“Failing to deal with that could lead to all sorts of issues, such as the farm running inefficiently, a serious injury, relationship breakdowns, poor physical health and even worse.

“The work the DPJ Foundation has done since its inception has been invaluable and we can’t thank them enough for what they have done and continue to do. They save lives, every day. We will continue to work

with them and others to keep mental health on the agenda and explore ways to help people enjoy better mental health and access help where and when it is needed.”

Kate Miles said: “We are overwhelmed by the amount raised by the FUW over the past three years and cannot say ‘thank you’ enough. £50,000 is a phenomenal amount. For a small charity like the DPJ Foundation, it will make a massive difference to us.

“To put this into context, last year, it cost us just over £100,000 in counselling costs through our Share the Load service, so £50,000 will help us dramatically.

“We look forward to continuing to work together moving forward in different ways, but for now, I would like to say a massive ‘Diolch o galon’ to everyone who helped raise this wonderful donation – this will help us to save lives.”

8 Friday August 4th 2023 For up to date news please check our social network channels
Tom Sinclair Daniel Picton-Jones: Tragic death led to charitable Foundation’s formation FAW collaborates with charity and union: Football clubs could become mental health hubs

Local eye-care services in crisis

to almost 8,000 patients across Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire.

“It’s increasingly clear that Ophthalmology services have been unable to recover from the pandemic, and concerningly this could have a devastating impact on too many patients.

OVER half of patients in West Wales with the most serious eye problems are waiting more than ten weeks for a first appointment.

The Welsh Government’s target is for all patients diagnosed with conditions needing urgent treatment to be seen within eight weeks, with a built-in margin of 25% over the target.

That should mean a maximum wait of ten weeks from the date of referral to an outpatient appointment. In the Hywel Dda UHB area, 50.3% of patients needing urgent treatment wait longer than that.

The figure amounts


Those patients are at risk of ‘irreversible harm or significant adverse outcome’ due to the target time being missed for their first outpatient appointment.

Describing the situation as “alarming”, Mid and West Wales Plaid MS Cefin Campbell said: “These figures reflect a growing trend I see in my inbox. More and more constituents contact me to express their grave frustration and concern regarding the state of ophthalmology provision in Mid & West Wales.

“It’s simply not good enough that more than one in two patients are at risk of irreversible sight loss because Welsh Government can’t get a grip on waiting times. “


Waiting times for ophthalmology appointments are excluded from the Welsh Government’s two-year waiting time target. A Senedd briefing paper, also produced in June, showed Waleswide, over 2,150 patients were still waiting for a first outpatient appointment in ophthalmology clinics after over two years.

The only - meagre - upside is that Hywel

Dda’s performance is not the worst in Wales. That dubious honour goes to Betsi Cadwaladr UHB, where over sixty per cent wait longer than the target time.

The Welsh Government has directly controlled the North Wales Health Board for most of the last decade.

Welsh Conservative Shadow Health Minister Russell George commented: “Leading doctors, the RNIB Cymru and patients suffering and waiting for care cannot all be wrong; this is a crisis.

“Our sight is precious. It is tragic to hear of patients languishing on Labour’s excessive waiting lists with deteriorating eyesight. Getting this right should be a priority.”


The data cannot be a surprise for either the Welsh Government or the Health Board.

Ophthalmologists are medical doctors who have undergone specialist training to diagnose and treat conditions involving the eyes and vision. They perform a wide range of medical and vision tests, minor procedures, and some surgeries.

Examination by an ophthalmologist can lead to the detection

At the beginning of June, a Royal College of Opthalmology report revealed a deepening crisis in the discipline across Wales.

Gwyn Williams, Llywydd of The Royal College of Ophthalmologists Wales Committee, said: “NHSprovided eye care in Wales is at serious risk of collapse, especially in North and West Wales. The development of regional centres of excellence is vital to ensuring sustainability and the very survival of ophthalmic care in Wales.

“We are in an emergency. We need infrastructure and the right workforce in the right location, including optometrists working in their practices and in hospitals to help address the backlogs of patients, as well as a planned long-term investment in ophthalmology in Wales, or we face a tide of avoidable blindness for patients.”

of other serious health conditions.

Some ophthalmologists specialize in a specific branch of ophthalmology that deals with particular procedures, parts of the eye, or groups of people.

A family doctor, paediatrician, or emergency room doctor usually refers a person to an ophthalmologist


Mabon ap Gwynfor MS, Plaid Cymru spokesperson for Health and Social Care, said:

“To show they are serious about eye care in Wales, we must see a plan from the Welsh Government on how they intend to expedite the most urgent cases on these waiting lists.

“The Welsh Government must put steps in place to ensure targets are driving the right behaviour, that targets are effectively monitored, that health boards have the resource to be able to deliver to target and that remedial action is taken as soon as possible to look after the patients that the system has let down.

“That must include a deep dive into the measures, and the current processes, that are failing more than half of the highest risk eye care patients in Wales.”

because of eye or vision problems. They refer people with symptoms and signs of conditions that need treatment or monitoring.

Someone might also see an ophthalmologist if they have a higher risk of eye conditions or have health conditions that often lead to vision problems.

10 Friday August 4th 2023 For up to date news please check our social network channels
Friday August 4

Police probe vandalism of Memorial Garden

A VANDAL has left the Tenby South Parade Memorial Garden marred by an act of vandalism, damaging a flag pole in what appears to be an overnight incident. Local authorities have launched an investigation into the matter.

The incident is believed to have occurred between the evening of Friday, July 28th, and the early hours of Saturday, July 29th, leaving the community in shock and dismay. Tenby residents woke up to discover the flag pole at the memorial garden in a sorry state, prompting immediate concern and outrage.

Tenby police, under the jurisdiction of Dyfed-Powys Police, are now seeking the public’s help to shed

light on the incident. Officials have urged anyone with pertinent information related to the act of vandalism to come forward and assist them in their investigation.

Witnesses or individuals with knowledge about the incident can reach out to Dyfed-Powys Police via various channels, including the official website ( DPPContactOnline), email (, or telephone 101.

Authorities have assigned the case a reference number: DP-20230729-109, and they request that the reference be used when providing any details related to the incident.

12 Friday August 4th 2023 For up to date news please check our social network channels

PATCH hardship charity founder to step down

A PEMBROKESHIRE hardship charity has paid tribute to its founder, who is stepping down at the end of the month.


(Pembrokeshire Action to Combat Hardship), which aims to relieve the effects of poverty for Pembrokeshire people, was founded by Tracey Olin, first opening its doors on June 3, 2008.

Since 2008 PATCH has been giving free food parcels, clothing and household items to those in a financial crisis, working closely with referral agencies.

PATCH, on its website, states: “People find themselves in financial crises for many reasons, including losing employment, waiting for benefits, homelessness, fire or marriage breakdown.”

PATCH also runs a charity shop from its base at Charles Street, Milford Haven and holds an annual Christmas toy appeal.

Following the news Tracey is to leave, PATCH issued a statement: “PATCH would like to say an enormous thank you to our founder, Tracy Olin, who will be leaving her post as general manager at the end of the month.

“Tracy has been leading the fight to end hunger and hardship in Pembrokeshire for over a decade, first as a volunteer and then as a paid member of staff. After basing the PATCH model on one she worked on in Southampton, Tracy has been the driving force behind PATCH’s

commitment to lessen the impacts of poverty in the county.

“We cannot put into words how thankful we are for everything Tracy has done. Many of our service-users, partners

and supporters will know Tracy personally and will understand the phenomenal impact that her kindness and hard work has had on the people of Pembrokeshire and beyond.

“As an organisation, we want to publicly thank Tracy for everything. Her ability to see the best in people is inspiring. Tracy’s courage and commitment to helping others, even when

she has faced her own issues, should be commended.

“On behalf of your PATCH family, and the countless families and individuals you have helped, thank you.”

Local roofer denies nine charges of unfair trading practices

average consumer.”

The charges include contraventions of the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008, with specific allegations of false information, omission of crucial contract details, and aggressive tactics that significantly impaired consumer’s freedom of choice.

TOBY PRICE, operating under the trading name Best Price Roofing Services, found himself at the centre of legal proceedings this week with nine charges of unfair trading practices levelled against him by the council. During a hearing held Pembrokeshire Magistrates’ Court in Haverfordwest, Price was accused of engaging in various misleading actions and fraudulent representations in the course of his roofing


The charges, spanning a period between 1st July 2022 and 4th July 2022, relate to the provision of roofing work for one Mr. Christopher Alan Stewartson. The prosecution alleges that Price “knowingly or recklessly violated the requirements of professional diligence, thereby distorting the economic behavior of the

Additionally, Price faces fraud charges under the Fraud Act 2006, where he is accused of dishonestly making false representations to gain financially. The alleged misrepresentations concern his competency as a roofing contractor and the cost of various roofing services provided to the alleged victim, Mr. Stewartson.

The court has directed a trial by jury, which is scheduled to take place at Swansea Crown Court on 29th August 2023 at 09:30, with Price currently on unconditional bail.

The accused has pleaded not guilty to all charges.

We should assume that the accused is innocent of these charges until proven otherwise.

13 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday August 4th 2023
Tom Sinclair

Conservatives lambast Fire Service use to enforce 20mph limit

work closely with our partners to educate drivers as much as possible as the new speed limit comes into force and help deliver all of the benefits of this policy.”

South Wales Fire and Rescue Service Group Manager Richie Smart said: “Our fire fighters see the devastating impacts that road traffic collisions, including those in built up areas where people and vehicles mix closely, can have. We are therefore pleased to support our partners to raise awareness of the importance of speed limits to keep everyone safe.”

THE WELSH GOVERNMENT will use the fire service to help educate motorists ahead of September’s 20mph default speed limit rollout.

At roadsides across Wales, fire service staff will work with partners to stop speeding motorists in 20mph areas and offer them the opportunity to watch an educational video rather than face a fine or


It’s a move Welsh Conservative Shadow Transport Minister Natasha Ashgar described as “unbelievable”.

On Sunday, September 17, Wales will become the first UK nation to introduce a new default 20mph speed limit on restricted roads.

To prepare motorists, the Welsh Government and the police are working with the fire service, Go Safe (Wales’ Road Casualty Reduction Partnership), local authorities and other community groups to educate motorists.

Superintendent Leanne Brustad, Gwent Police, said: “Engagement, education, and enforcement play a huge part in the rollout.

“We will continue to

Natasha Ashgar expressed disbelief that the Welsh Government would use the Fire Service’s already thinly-spread workforce to enforce its “foolish policy”.

She said Labour: “I cannot believe that this madcap policy from the Labour Government is now pulling in fire service members to enforce the blanket 20mph speed

limit change, spreading a stretched public service even thinner.

“Labour’s 20mph speed limits will cost over £30m to implement and will cost the Welsh economy a whopping £4.5bn.

“The loss to the Welsh economy is an astounding amount that we cannot afford to write off due to this foolish policy. Could speeding fines be a stealth tax that recoups a portion

of these costs?

“Our fire service’s duties should not include catching motorists speeding. The Labour Government is showing this foolish policy is not about safety or the environment, as they have claimed, but using public services to catch out motorists and collect money in fines.

“What service will they fold into it next, paramedics?”

14 Friday August 4th 2023 For up to date news please check our social network channels
Jon Coles 23mph? Book ‘em, Danno Natasha Ashgar: Labour’s “madcap policy” now pulling in Fire Service

Lottery cash to support Pembrokeshire village


announced this week that three groups - in Pembrokeshire, Powys and Gwynedd - have successfully applied for a grant to support their rural community.

The grants, made possible by National Lottery players, have been awarded through the Rural Futures programme, which aims to support communities wishing to make a positive impact on the lives of people living in poverty in their small rural communities in Wales.

In Pembrokeshire, Kilgetty Begelly Community Council, near Saundersfoot, successfully applied for £114,472 to develop facilities at the local recreation ground. The grant will enable the council to run a range of activities to help reduce

rural isolation and to offer opportunities for social interaction.

Elaine Wyatt from the project’s steering group said: “Our project seeks to broaden the range of opportunities for local people to get involved, share skills, make, mend, and forge friendships. This National Lottery funding is crucial to

the development of the project.

Another village that will benefit from a grant of £160,000 is Cwmllinau, near Machynlleth in north Powys. The committee of Neuadd Bentref Cwmllinau will refurbish the village hall, originally built by volunteers in 1955, so that the facility is fit for purpose for the community, and for the extended community across the Dyfi Valley. The hall will be used

for social events, clubs, education, training, an internet cafe, and access to health services and services from other agencies.

Aled Griffiths, from the Neuadd Bentref Cwmllinau committee, told us: “The residents of Cwmlline and the area are over the moon to receive funding from The National Lottery Community Fund and we are excited about the plans to refurbish the hall.

We are very proud of our heritage as the hall was built voluntarily by the villagers over 60 years ago and the renovation will be a new chapter in the village’s history. The work will ensure that the community spirit here continues, and that the language and culture in the area are maintained into the future.”

Meanwhile in Gwynedd, Cyngor Cymuned Trawsfynydd will fund a building survey

to modernise the village hall in Trawsfynydd with £6,600. The plans will transform the space to a multi-purpose space, hosting a range of new activities and events, providing more opportunities for people of all ages to socialise and learn new skills. These projects are the product of significant community engagement over the past four years, with support from Severn Wye Energy Agency (SWEA) or BRO Partnership.

David Gittins, Director for Wales at Severn Wye, said:

“We are delighted that the support offered to communities as part of the Rural Futures programme has enabled them to come together and develop projects that address priorities they have identified, and to improve the quality of life for people in rural areas.”

15 NEWS For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday August 4th 2023
Tom Sinclair Tom Sinclair
Friday August 4th 2023

Slimming World: Allana Jones

I looked back at some photos whilst taking part in a horse show and just thought to myself how awful I looked! I was approaching 50 and I couldn’t believe that that was really me, I was shocked and embarrassed. I started un-tagging the photos which were now on social media and only keeping the ones where my body was hidden or the angle was just right.

I was turning 50 the following year and my daughter was getting married - I knew I had to do something. I loved to go walking in the hills with my husband but the more weight I put on the more breathless I became and my joints ached. Despite my happy go lucky personality I was hitting a low and my self esteem was taking quite a knock.

I have always liked my food, Chinese takeaways were always an option for easy meals but my love was chocolate. I would eat a whole bar, which was meant for sharing, without any thought. I was getting bigger and to top it off I was peri-menopausal and now suffered with hyperthyroidism. This was obviously why I was overweighteveryone said that being menopausal made you gain weight as well as the medication. I was lost.

I was miserable and after a good talk with my daughter we decided things must change, we were going to do this together. I found where my local slimming world group was running and took that step to join. Walking through that door was terrifying, nervously smiling at everyone I took a seat waiting to be noticed.

Charlotte glanced at us and came straight over to introduce herself. After a very warm welcome and a friendly group greeting I was ready to make changes


THE WET and wild weather has caused havoc in the garden.

Every morning I look out at it from the kitchen window and get a reminder of what Macbeth’s “blasted heath” must’ve looked like. All that’s missing is a cauldron and three witches.

My beloved wife decided the garden needed new plants “to cheer it up”.

These are the moments I dread.

The missus’s enthusiasm for gardening is confined to the sight of me digging a sodding great hole, plonking the plant into it and then asking me to move it two feet to the right to give her a better view from the kitchen window.

Last weekend she surpassed her lofty standards by buying a rhododendron to occupy a spot lately occupied by a tree lupin.

I will briefly explain the problem to those who know nothing about gardening.

to my life. There is so much more to Slimming World than just food. There is already a ready made support network in place, an amazing app on my phone and a great consultant who was ready to help me to achieve my goals and give me back my self worth and confidence. Each week when I lost there were members in group who celebrated with me and when I gained there was never any judgment. I loved that I could eat food and not go hungry. I could never go without food or skip meals and I found that the Slimming World plan was nothing like that. I learnt all about food optimizing and this really changed the way I thought about food and meals. For the last eight months I have had to live without a kitchen so I have learnt how to make healthy meals using an airfryer, microwave and slow cooker. It hasn’t been easy but I know when my new kitchen

is installed at the end of July I will be making lots of healthy meals and inviting everyone round.

Slimming World helped me understand what my triggers are and how to control the urge to snack on foods which would send me off track. The key to my weight loss so far has been enjoying a range of foods and never making it boring.

I was always active when I was younger and really wanted to feel that energy again. Slimming World encourages members, when they feel ready, to take part in daily activity. I upped my activity level and after a few months I first gained my bronze and then followed with my Silver body magic. Currently in the middle of gaining my Gold I decided to take part in the race for life. Having had to have surgery on my shoulder I had to walk the 5k but I did it! People I knew were there to help me get over the line - the

sponsorship was still coming in and I felt proud.

I loved the sense of achievement but even more so when I dropped 2 dress sizes. The inspiration from others and my new consultant Jon gave me the drive to become a Slimming World consultant too. I want to help others achieve their dreams and goals and make that step to a healthier way of living and change their mindset about food.

I still have a little more weight to lose before I hit my target weight but I feel so much more positive for the future.

Some of the meals I enjoy are from the recipe books which I have purchased from group. I will never have to go without having curry and rice, or my Sunday roast dinner, and desserts have been heaven. Learning to swap foods to free foods or of low syn value have allowed me to enjoy the same meals and still lose weight.

darling one was not to be deflected from her chosen plant.

Lots of people had rhododendrons; they had nice flowers. We should have one as well. And - I suspect this was the clincher for my wife’s inner Cardi - it was seventy per cent off.


I dutifully soaked the roots of the poor pot-bound thing. While I waited for the compacted soil to loosen, I braved the musty interior of the garage and hunted for supplies.

I found a container marked ‘Yellow Sulphur’ and shook it to see if any was inside. There was. There was also some all over my favourite gardening tee shirt and hair. The top was unexpectedly loose.

The second step was to find other helpful soil conditioners. Tea bags. Used ones. I gathered them up and broke them up carefully. I found an old box of plant food for acid-loving plants and poked at it with a fork until it finally broke into a powder.

Rhododendrons, like azaleas, are acidloving plants. They need acidic soil in which to thrive. On our heady mix of loam and clay, they seldom thrive without considerable assistance from ruses to make the soil more acidic.

Like other legumes (peas and beans), lupins fix nitrogen into the soil. You will often see on bags of compost words to the effect ‘do not use for plants that are acidloving’. That is because normal composts are choc-a-bloc with nitrogen, upon which many plants thrive.

Generally speaking, planting acidloving plants in nitrogen-rich soil is not a good idea.

Imagine for one moment, if you will, the effect of salt on a slug.

Despite my earnest entreaties, my most

In a dim corner, I espied special compost.

Armed with my shovel, I began to dig at the spot my beloved had chosen. Digging in mud and watching the resulting hole refill with water is fun for toddlers. It’s far less fun for men of advancing years and girth.

Sweating, soaked and thirsty, I returned to the house. The wife looked me up and down. She wrinkled her nose.

“See, Mike, it was easy enough. You make such a fuss about nothing sometimes.”

I felt my mouth outpace my brain. “You can...”

The wife swiftly went in for the kill.

“I think we ought to buy some more of those. Cup of tea?”

I saw many used tea bags in my future. Nodded and stumbled to the shower.

17 NEWS For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday August 4th 2023

Hotel used to house migrant agricultural workers

the county to work at Puffin Produce facilities, carrying out farming and field-based work in the horticulture and dairy sectors at local farms and business within a 40-mile radius of the site.

The workers are transported by nineseater minibuses, with five currently operating daily, which may increase to nine, along with extra shopping trip journeys.

A PEMBROKESHIRE hotel has been used as accommodation for migrant agricultural workers since March, with hopes it can continue, planners have been told.

The Nant Y Ffin Hotel, Llandissilio is to be used to house up to 67 seasonal workers, in an ‘application’ submitted

by Recruitment service Pro-Force Ltd and Pembrokeshire agricultural business Puffin Produce Ltd.

The hotel has been used for accommodation for seasonal migrant

workers since March, with up to 48 there at any one time.

Agent Geraint John Planning Ltd, in a planning statement submitted to county planners, feels there is

no need for an actual planning application as the accomodation for workers at the hotel does not represent a change of use.

“This application is made on a ‘without prejudice’ basis. It is our / the applicant’s position that, at this stage, it is not considered that the ongoing use and activity associated with the proposal requires planning permission,” the statement says.

It says no physical changes have been made to the hotel for its new role, and that “only when works are to be undertaken to the building, to support its function, will full planning permission be sought for the change of use brought about by such works”.

It adds: “The application is accordingly made purely in the interest of transparency, to confirm the exact present use and function of the hotel, which is to provide accommodation for seasonal workers.”

Recruitment service Pro-Force runs a ‘Seasonal Workers Scheme’ that has been running for three years, managed by the Home Office under the T5 (temporary worker) seasonal worker category of the immigration system.

Geraint John Planning Ltd says workers will be transported throughout

Through working with Pro-Force, Puffin Produce hopes to keep expanding its business through the use of the seasonal workers scheme, which would require suitable “highquality accommodation”.

“Puffin Produce is an expanding business, and thus its employee requirement is increasing year on year to fulfil the needs of the business. Some field-based roles are proving impossible to fill with workers from the local region, and as such, Puffin require seasonal workers from the European market to fulfil the employment requirements commensurate with the existing and everincreasing capacity of the business.”

Gemini Planning Services Ltd, on behalf of Pro-Force, said: “… with the reduced supply of labour from the EU due to Brexit and the inability of the domestic market to provide anything like the workers required, there is still a critical shortage of seasonal labour supply on farms throughout the UK, Wales and locally in this area.

“The reality is that there remains a heavy dependency on seasonal workers from outside of the UK. With this continued dependency on oversees labour comes the need to provide suitable, highquality accommodation at an affordable price in order to attract labour from the EU and beyond.”

The application will be considered by county planners at a later date.

18 Friday August 4th 2023 For up to date news please check our social network channels
Bruce Sinclair Local Democracy Reporter
Friday August 4

Secrets of the deep

The flying boat engine found in Milford Haven waterway

THE SERENE waters of the Milford Haven Waterway, off the coast of Waterston, recently unveiled a hidden secret that had intrigued marine authorities for weeks. An unexplained obstruction, which prompted a warning to all marine traffic, has now been identified as the propeller and engine of what experts believe could be a legendary Sunderland flying boat.

The discovery was made last weekend after the Milford Haven Port Authority issued warnings about an “unnamed obstruction” located approximately 300 metres south-southeast of the Valero Pembrokeshire Oil Terminal. Standing at an impressive 2.5 metres above the seabed, between the 10-metre and 15-metre contours, the object’s identity remained shrouded in mystery until now.

Amidst much anticipation, the unnamed object has finally been linked to the engine and propeller of a remarkable aircraft, possibly a Sunderland flying boat, an icon of aviation history. The revelation has generated excitement and curiosity among experts and enthusiasts alike.

John Evans, the patron of the Pembroke Dock Heritage Trust, described the find as a significant discovery, emphasising the immense historical value it carries. Early examinations suggest that the engine could be a Pratt and Whitney, used to power later models of the Sunderland flying boats. Alternatively, there’s a chance it might belong to a Catalina flying boat that once served with the RAF.

Mr. Evans recalled the wartime incidents and accidents that plagued the Milford

Haven Waterway, hinting at the possibility that the newfound engine and propeller could be linked to a Catalina that crashed in the area during 1941 or 1942.

Following its recovery from the Milford Waterway, the engine

and propeller were temporarily transported to the Neyland Marina. Subsequently, they arrived at the Pembroke Dock Heritage Centre, where meticulous restoration and cleaning efforts are set to begin. Salvaging an item that has spent more than seven decades submerged in seawater is undoubtedly a challenging task, but

experts are determined to identify the engine’s origins despite the corroded state of the aluminium.

The Milford Haven Port Authority has been praised for facilitating the investigation, revealing the waterway’s propensity for unveiling long-kept secrets, even after many years have passed. The find shines a spotlight

on RAF Pembroke Dock, once the world’s largest flying boat station during the war years, which played a pivotal role in the history of aviation.

Throughout the war, nearly 750 Short Sunderland flying boats were constructed between 1938 and 1946, with many of them taking flight from the illustrious RAF Pembroke Dock.

Tragically, some met their fate in the waters off Pembroke Dock, including the sinking of two Sunderland flying boats during a gale in November 1940, leading to the loss of two airmen. While historical accounts of these incidents were heavily censored during the war, the efforts of dedicated enthusiasts and volunteers have brought some of these forgotten aircraft back into the spotlight. One of the lost Sunderlands, bearing the serial number N6138 of 201 Squadron, was eventually recovered, restored, and returned to the skies after five decades. Its story serves as a testament to the resilience and enduring legacy of these flying boats.

Today, the wreck of the other missing Sunderland, the T9044 of 210 Squadron, lies on the seabed, around 20 metres below the surface. Thanks to the dedication of passionate volunteers, its engine has been transformed into a captivating exhibit on display at the Pembroke Dock Heritage Centre, preserving its place in history for generations to come.

As the restoration efforts commence on the recently discovered engine and propeller, aviation enthusiasts and history lovers eagerly await the unfolding of this new chapter in the saga of the Sunderland flying boats. The Milford Haven Waterway has once again revealed its secrets, prompting us to reflect on the courage and sacrifices of the brave souls who took to the skies during tumultuous times. The legacy of these flying boats continues to soar high, inspiring awe and admiration for the golden age of aviation.

20 Friday August 4th 2023 For up to date news please check our social network channels
Tom Sinclair

One person hospitalised after water rescue

A SERIOUS incident unfolded on Saturday morning (Jul 29) at Newgale beach, Pembrokeshire, resulting in one person being taken to the hospital.

Emergency services responded to distress calls reporting multiple individuals in difficulty in the water, shortly before 9am

TWO lifeboats from St Davids and Little Haven lifeboat stations were swiftly deployed at precisely 8.59am.

Responding to the situation, HM Coastguard promptly dispatched the Broad Haven and St Davids rescue teams, along with a helicopter courtesy of the Irish Coast Guard, which was the closest to the location.

The RNLI Newgale North Beach lifeguards, together with the Welsh Ambulance Service and the Wales Air Ambulance, promptly joined the rescue mission.

Details surrounding the number of people involved in the perilous incident remain undisclosed as per the Coastguard’s communication with the The Pembrokeshire Herald.

However, according to the Welsh Ambulance Service, one patient necessitated immediate medical attention and was subsequently transported by road to Glangwili Hospital.

Providing insight into their involvement,

a spokesperson for the Welsh Ambulance Service told us: “We were called today (29 July) at around 08:52 to reports of a medical emergency at Newgale. We sent one emergency ambulance, one Cymru High Acuity Response Unit, and were supported on scene by colleagues from the Wales Air Ambulance. One patient was taken by road to Glangwili Hospital.”

The HM Coastguard was instrumental in coordinating the comprehensive response to the incident involving individuals in distress at Newgale beach. The combined efforts of Broad Haven & St Davids Coastguard Rescue Team, RNLI Little Haven, RNLI St David’s lifeboats,

21 NEWS For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday August 4th 2023
RNLI Newgale North Beach Lifeguards, Welsh Ambulance Service, and the Irish Coast Guard’s dispatched helicopter were paramount in the mission to safeguard lives amidst the aquatic emergency. Nic Walker Photography UK (nicwalkerphotographyuk) Tom Sinclair

RNLI lifeguards and lifeboat crews team up

IT WAS at around 4pm that Senior Lifeguard Lowri patrolling at Aberporth Beach witnessed a sailing boat capsize off Dyffryn Beach.

Lowri asked Lifeguard

Amana to head straight out on a rescue board to see if the casualties were able to right their boat.

It quickly became clear that they required assistance, so Lowri asked Lifeguard Ela to also go out to help Amana with the casualties. There was a strong offshore wind that began blowing the lifeguards and casualties around the corner towards Tresaith.

As they blew further around the corner, Lowri lost communication with Ela and Amana so called HM Coastguard to request their assistance. The Coastguard tasked both Cardigan and New Quay lifeboats as well as Cardigan Coastguard Rescue Team.

Lifeguards Amana and Ela remained with the casualties, one of whom was losing consciousness and was confused. They continued to drift towards Tresaith Beach. They eventually drifted far enough to communicate with the lifeguards on Tresaith via their radios.

Tresaith Lifeguards

Hannah Pusey and Tom Rees were then able to relay information regarding the casualties’ location and their condition directly to the Coastguard. Lifeguards

Amana and Ela continued to support the casualties whilst awaiting the arrival of the lifeboat.

One of the casualty’s response levels were declining rapidly. He was unable to hold onto his boat or to get on the rescue board so had to be physically supported by the lifeguards. He was exhausted and very cold.

Cardigan lifeboat reached the scene and took both the casualties and the lifeguards back to Dyffryn Beach. Fortunately, the ambulance was waiting on arrival, so the casualties were

immediately handed over to awaiting paramedics and the Coastguard.

Lifeguard Supervisor Sam Trevor said: ‘This incident happened on June 13. One of the casualty’s condition was declining rapidly when

we handed him over to paramedics. Without Amana and Ela’s support the man wouldn’t have had the strength to support himself and would’ve been at serious risk of drowning.’

Cardigan lifeboat crew assisted the other boat owner with re-righting their boat and then towed the vessel back to Dolwen


The lifeguards were returned to shore and both Cardigan and New Quay lifeboats were stood down and returned to station.

Earlier in the same month, lifeguards at Newport Sands spotted a capsized sailing boat roughly a mile out from the shore. Due to the

strong offshore wind the lifeguards were flying the orange windsock.

The two males who’d fallen out of the boat during the capsize struggled to right the boat and sounded a mayday call to Milford Haven Coastguard.

Senior Lifeguard Neve Davies decided against sending a team member

to assist, as the boat was a long way outside of the lifeguard’s response zone of 400m and the strong offshore wind would have made the paddle back to shore very challenging.

Fishguard’s allweather lifeboat and Cardigan’s inshore lifeboat were tasked to the scene. On arrival, Cardigan’s crew picked up the casualties and recovered them to shore.

The lifeguards checked them over to assess whether they required any further medical assistance. They were cared for in the lifeguard unit to warm up and be monitored, before leaving with the appropriate casualty care discharge information.

Peter Austin, Cardigan RNLI Lifeboat Operations Manager, said: ‘Both of these incidents highlight the importance of checking the conditions are safe and suitable before heading out on your chosen craft or activity.

‘Please remember to check the tides, wind direction and size of the swell before heading out to sea. Conditions can change very quickly and it’s easy to be caught off guard.

‘We always recommend wearing a lifejacket that will help you float and buy you precious time until help arrives. Make sure you always carry a means of calling for help so that if you ever find yourself in difficulty – you can call 999 and ask for the Coastguard.’

You can find specific water safety advice for your chosen activity by visiting choose-your-activity.

If you get into trouble in the water, remember Float to Live; tilt your head back with ears submerged and try to relax and control your breathing. Use your hands to help you stay afloat and then call for help or swim to safety if you can. Call 999 in an emergency and ask for the Coastguard.

22 Friday August 4th 2023 For up to date news please check our social network channels
Tom Sinclair

Retrospective plans for farm approved

RETROSPECTIVE plans for an animal welfare building on one of Pembrokeshire’s largest dairy farms have been given the go-ahead by county planners.

Following a site visit by a council enforcement officer late last year, Hugh James of MD James and Sons sought retrospective permission for a hoof trimming building at 1,800 dairy herd Langdon Mill Farm, near Jeffreyston, south Pembrokeshire.

The building works were completed in February 2022; the council inviting the applicant to submit a planning application to regularise the current breach of planning control, agent Reading Agricultural Consultants Ltd said in its report to planners.

“The holding currently has a milking herd of approximately 1,800 cows, which are housed indoors for the majority of the year, with dry cows and

heifers grazed outdoors when weather and soil conditions permit,” the application said.

The agent said the

site has seen significant investment in the past decade, and currently employs 21 full-time (including the applicant), and three part-time staff.

In relation to the retrospective

application, the report for planners said: “Regular foot trimming in dairy cows forms an essential part of a farm’s lameness control plan, as overgrown hoofs can cause problems

with weight distribution, leading to non-infectious lesions and, ultimately, lameness.”

The application stated that hoof trimming is normally undertaken by visiting contractors,

but the farm’s expansion has made this more difficult.

“Although these facilities were adequate when the farm had fewer cattle, the expansion in cow numbers over the past 10 years has meant that the hoof trimmer does not have adequate time to trim the numbers of cows in the current available space. Hoof trimming would often coincide with visits by the vet, who would require the handling facilities for routine inspections of cows as well as the more intensive bovine TB testing periods.

“The new building allows the hoof trimmer to process the cows in a more efficient manner in a covered area, freeing up the handing facilities in the dairy building for use exclusively by the vet.”

The application, supported by Kilgetty/ Begelly Community Council was conditionally approved by planning officers under delegated powers.

Have your say on access to Poppit Sands

IT HAS been confirmed that Pembrokeshire County Council (PCC) and Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority (PCNPA) are consulting with the public regarding the current transport access provision into Poppit Sands beach.

The questionnaire will inform a WelTAG (Welsh Transport Appraisal Guidance) Stage 1 study being undertaken by WSP UK on behalf of PCC and PCNPA, which aims to deliver improved sustainable transport access into Poppit Sands (subject to funding and study progressing to further WelTAG Stages).

The results from the public consultation will help inform what the

key issues are within the study area and feed into the development of a long list of options for improvements.

How to take part in the consultation:

• Please complete the online response form at: https:// haveyoursay. uk/poppit-sandsquestionnaire-forpublic-consultation

• If you do not have access to the internet and would like to respond please call 01646 624800 and a hard copy response form can be sent to you.

The closing date for completed responses is 18 August 2023.

23 NEWS For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday August 4th 2023
Bruce Sinclair Local Democracy Reporter

Lauren climbs Snowdon to

THE DAUGHTER of a bike enthusiast who died on her 21st birthday has marked the first anniversary of her dad’s death by climbing Snowdown and raising money for the Wales Air Ambulance.

Lauren Barltrop had been on holiday with her mum Lisa in Venice, Italy, celebrating her upcoming birthday, when she received the call to say that her dad Peter had been involved in a motorbike accident while taking part in the Welsh 2 Day Enduro in Mid Wales on 23 June last year.

Peter, 56, came off his dirt bike on the first day of the race and the Wales Air Ambulance took him to the University

of Wales Hospital in Cardiff. Sadly, Peter passed away two days later.

Lauren, 22, said her dad loved dirt biking and would travel around the country taking part in events and was a member of several bike clubs.

She said: “Every year my dad went to Wales to take part in the Welsh 2 Day Enduro. He absolutely loved it, and he looked forward to it every year. It was the first year back after Covid-19 and he was so excited about it. Unfortunately, he fell off his bike and needed the assistance of the Wales Air Ambulance.

“My mum and I were in Italy and caught the first flight back to Gatwick

Airport and then drove straight to Cardiff to be with my dad in hospital. My brother Sam was already there and sadly my dad died on my 21st birthday on 25 June. We were all together when he passed away which we are grateful for.”

To mark the first anniversary of Peter’s death and Lauren’s 22nd birthday, Lauren wanted to show her appreciation to the Wales Air Ambulance by climbing Wales’ tallest mountain and help turn a difficult and emotional day into something more positive, while also thanking the Charity that helped her dad.

She was joined by her brother Sam, 25, and her partner Zen and they managed to raise a

24 Friday August 4th 2023 For up to date news please check our social network channels

thank Wales Air Ambulance

fantastic £1,085 for the Wales Air Ambulance.

Lauren, who is from Braintree, Essex, said: “We knew it would be a tough day marking the first anniversary of his death and also my first birthday without him, so that was the main reason we decided to climb Snowdon.

“Climbing Snowdon was amazing, and we have said we are going to do it every year. The weather was beautiful, and the views and scenery were fantastic. When we got to the top, our heads felt much clearer for the day, and it put a more positive spin on what was a hard and emotional day.

“It took about two and a half hours to reach

the summit and we had a little picnic before making the journey back down.” #

Peter was a member of Sudbury Motorcycle Club, and he rode with TBEC as well as competing in the Welsh 2 Day Enduro every year.

Lauren said she had plenty of fond memories riding on the back of her dad’s bike when she was younger, and Sam used to go riding with Peter on one of his three bikes.

She said: “My dad loved being on his bike, it was his escape. We grew up with bikes always in our house. We also used to enter the Essex Air Ambulance bike ride every year

and my dad used to donate to the Charity, so it feels good being able to support the air ambulance in Wales.

“I think the Wales Air Ambulance is an amazing Charity. We wanted to give something back and say thank you for helping our dad. The situation could have been very different. When dad was found, he was quickly taken to hospital, where we had the chance to be with him before he died.

“We are grateful for everything the medics did to help Dad. Even a year on, it still doesn’t seem real. It feels good to donate to a good cause and help continue the fantastic work of the Wales Air Ambulance.”

25 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday August 4th 2023 news

Entries wanted for 2023 Art Competition

AN EXCEPTIONAL art opportunity comes to the fore as Wales Contemporary opens its doors to artists worldwide, inviting them to participate in its renowned international art competition. With Wales positioned as the focal point of the global art stage, this event promises to be a captivating celebration of creativity.

The competition welcomes submissions from artists showcasing their talent in either 2D or 3D, encompassing a wide spectrum of subject matters and mediums. Paintings, sculptures, drawings, prints, ceramics, glasswork, textiles, collages, mixed media, and more are all accepted mediums. A distinguished panel of judges, including the esteemed designer Mehdi Moazzen, celebrated artist Janette Kerr, and innovative design professor Ashley

Hall, will curate the shortlist and bestow honors upon the deserving winners.

Artists have until Monday, 21st August 2023, 5 PM BST, to submit their applications. The grand display of artistic brilliance, Wales Contemporary 2023, will grace the Waterfront Gallery in Milford Haven, inviting art enthusiasts to immerse themselves in its splendor from Saturday 21st October to Wednesday 20th December 2023.

The allure of the competition lies not only in the opportunity for artistic recognition but also in the enticing prize pool totaling an impressive £12,000, with a prestigious top prize of £3,000 reserved for the most outstanding entry.

Representing Wales Contemporary, Gabriella Beaumont, the

spokesperson, extends an enthusiastic invitation to share this dazzling event with readers, showcasing Wales as a

thriving hub of boundless creativity.

To enter, please

visit: new.artopps. WalesContemporary

Older people in Wales waiting longer for social care assessments

THOUSANDS of older people in Wales in need of social care are being left to either cope as best they can by themselves or rely on unpaid care from family and friends. And many of these unpaid carers are close to breaking point, according to a new report by Age Cymru.

It says that while those with the most urgent needs are being supported, thousands are being left struggling on lengthy waiting lists. The longest reported wait for an individual to be assessed by a local authority was 1,122 days.

At the same time the charity’s advice services recorded an 89% surge in enquiries about community care up from 2,787 in the pre-pandemic year to 5,254 in 2022/23.

These were the stark findings of Age Cymru’s report Why are we still waiting? based on discussions with local authorities in Wales and with the charity’s advice and various support services,

as well as analysis from its annual survey What matters to you.

One person we spoke to as part of this research told us about the huge challenges they faced in trying to get social care:

“I’ve been providing a lot of unpaid care to my mother, despite having my own health conditions which has made coping very difficult. I have been struggling to keep on top of information as well as help my mum with numerous health appointments.

When I finally contacted social services for help in April 2023, I was told that there will be a twelve month wait for my mum to have a care assessment. Since contacting social services, I’ve not had any contact from them at all, despite explaining why my mum needs the help so badly.”

The report says it is vital that earlier help becomes available and calls for an urgent focus on those waiting more than a month for an assessment.

Another woman told

us “I have cared for my husband for 11 years without a break. It is physically and mentally draining.”

It found poor communication with older people waiting for care in local authorities across Wales, adding that the information they receive also needs to be improved.

There is a concern that the real picture could be worse due to differences in data collection, so it calls on the Welsh Government to help local authorities

improve their recording systems.

The report urges regional partnership boards, local authorities, third sector service providers, and community groups to work together to improve the availability of intervention and prevention services, adding that the third sector needs to be sustainably funded on a longer-term basis.

It also urges local authorities to share good practice and to speed up efforts to provide help for

unpaid carers – many of whom are struggling to cope. And it calls on local authorities to assess whether their information and advice to support older people is accessible to the thousands of people who are digitally excluded.

Despite the huge pressures, the report says local authorities are working hard to reduce waiting lists by introducing innovative working practices. For example, several authorities are encouraging the development of micro enterprises to deliver lower-level care needs. Others are introducing community-based activities such as gardening and walking, and support closer to where people live.

However, it says local authority efforts have been hampered by the costof-living crisis and a less healthy Welsh population with more complex needs following the pandemic.

Age Cymru’s chief executive Victoria Lloyd says “We’ve known for some time that social

care in Wales has been struggling, with many older people and their carers not getting the support and care they need to live a dignified life. However, what this report shows is the extent of the problem which runs deeply in all areas of Wales.

“It also demonstrates the need for urgent action so that older people are not kept waiting for lengthy periods while their health and well-being deteriorates.

“And whichever models of care we develop it is crucial that we place older people and their needs and aspirations at the heart of social care, and we must all recognise care staff for their professionalism and dedication”

To read the full report visit uk/why-are-we-waiting or call 029 2043 1571 for a paper copy. If you would like to share your experiences of accessing social care, please call Helen Twidle on 029 2043 1571 or email helen.twidle@agecymru.

26 Friday August 4th 2023 For up to date news please check our social network channels

Council Tax payers to bear heavier burden

NEW figures reveal that council tax payers in Dyfed and Powys will face increased financial obligations to support policing in the region. The Police Federation of England and Wales has asserted that in order to achieve “proactive and consensual” policing standards, the Government must ensure adequate resources are allocated.

According to data from the Home Office, in the fiscal year 2023-24, £72.5 million will be raised from council tax bills for Dyfed-Powys Police, representing a real-terms increase of £3.99 million (6%) from the previous year’s £68.5 million. This marks the highest funding level since comparable local records began in 2015-16.

The total funding allocated to Dyfed and Powys for the upcoming year will amount to £137 million, up from the previous year’s £134 million, with the additional £64.2 million being supplied by the Government.

In a broader context, across England and Wales, total funding for policing has risen in real terms from £15 billion last

year to an all-time high of £15.4 billion in 202324. Of this amount, £10.1 billion will be provided by the central government, while £5.3 billion will be raised through council tax contributions.

The National Police Chiefs’ Council expressed that the recent increase in funding has facilitated the recruitment of an additional 20,000 police officers, enabling them to address “the most pressing concerns for our communities, such as burglary and serious violence.”

Despite the positive developments, a spokesperson warned that policing is facing significant inflationary pressure due to the escalating costs of supplies and services. They emphasised that continued investment will be essential to maintain the core services expected by the public.

Steve Hartshorn, the national chair of the Police Federation of England and Wales, voiced concerns over the lack of sustained long-term funding, stating that police forces are struggling to plan ahead under

such circumstances. He stressed that achieving proactivae and consensual policing, which the public rightly deserves, relies on the government and chief officers ensuring adequate resources are available.

Mr Hartshorn further highlighted that the increase in council tax precept is worrying, as it means taxpayers will have to pay more for the same police service. He cautioned that this could create a postcode lottery, favouring wealthier areas that can allocate more resources and deploy more officers on the streets.

In response, the Home Office asserted its commitment to providing the police with the necessary resources to combat crime effectively. A spokesperson confirmed that the total funding for policing in 2023-24 will reach £17.6 billion, representing an increase of up to £556 million compared to the previous year. Additionally, the pay rise for police officers of all ranks in England and Wales, set at 7% from September, reflects the government’s recognition of their unwavering dedication and hard work.

27 NEWS For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday August 4th 2023
Tom Sinclair

Four call outs keep Lifeboat crew busy

THE ANGLE AllWeather Lifeboat received a request to launch at 12:58 pm on Thursday afternoon, 20th of July, following a call for assistance from a 38-meter beam trawler approximately 25 miles southwest of St Ann’s Head. The vessel had a crew member onboard who had lost a finger and required treatment and evacuation. The Coastguard Rescue helicopter R187 from St Athan had also been tasked for this operation.

The lifeboat swiftly launched and raced towards the vessel, which was heading towards the Haven to rendezvous with the lifeboat. Within an hour, the lifeboat reached the fishing vessel, and two crew members trained in casualty care were transferred onboard to assess the situation. After administering initial treatment, the casualty was safely transferred onto the lifeboat.

Shortly after, the helicopter arrived at the scene, and it was decided that the winchman would be lowered down onto the lifeboat to further assess and treat the casualty. With the paramedic winchman onboard, the

casualty was lifted into the helicopter and flown to the hospital for further care.

With no further assistance required, the lifeboat was stood down and returned to the station to prepare for service once again. The following day at 4:48 pm, the All-Weather Lifeboat received another call, this time alongside Tenby All-Weather Lifeboat, following a PanPan call from a yacht located south of St Govan’s Head.

The yacht, with one person onboard, had experienced rigging failure and was struggling

to make headway. The skipper was also severely fatigued and unwell. Both lifeboats responded swiftly, with Tenby Lifeboat already having a crew member onboard to assess the situation and assist with receiving a tow. The Angle Lifeboat joined them and put a crew member onboard the yacht as well.

After a thorough assessment of the casualty and the vessel, a tow was arranged, and once everything was in order, Tenby’s crewman returned to their lifeboat. With a member of Angle’s crew remaining onboard to assist the skipper, the

lifeboat commenced a slow tow towards Milford Haven Marina, where the yacht was safely docked around 3 hours later. Satisfied that the skipper needed no further assistance, the lifeboat was stood down and prepared for service again by 9:30 pm.

At 9:24 pm on Wednesday night, 26th of July, Angle Lifeboat was paged by the Coastguard following a 999 call from a concerned member of the public reporting an unmanned dinghy drifting between Llanstadwell and Neyland. With the possibility that someone could be missing, and

considering the current weather conditions, the lifeboat was requested to conduct a search of the mooring area.

The lifeboat launched promptly and arrived at Hazelbeach 10 minutes later, where the crew initiated a meticulous search of the moorings and any boats in the area, heading east towards Neyland. The Dale Coastguard Rescue Team was also on-site conducting investigations.

After discussions with members of the public, the Dale Coastguard confirmed that the vessel was from a mooring in the

area, and the occupants were safe and well ashore. At this point, the Dale Coastguard Team requested assistance from the lifeboat’s inflatable Y boat to recover the dinghy. The Y boat was deployed and towed the dinghy to the Neyland pontoon, where it was securely tied alongside and handed over to the team.

With no further assistance required, the Y boat was recovered, and the lifeboat returned to the station to be readied for service once again by 11:15 pm.

Finally, at 6:21 pm yesterday, the Angle AllWeather Lifeboat was requested to launch to assist Tenby RNLI with a wing foiler in difficulty off Lydstep. The lifeboat launched promptly and began making best speed, but was subsequently stood down moments later when a jet skier in the area confirmed that the wing foiler was safe and well. With coastguard teams continuing to confirm the casualty’s safety, the lifeboats were stood down and returned to their stations.

The lifeboat was readied for service once again by 6:50 pm.

28 Friday August 4th 2023 For up to date news please check our social network channels

Greggs unveils new expanded shop in Tenby

GREGGS has recently opened the doors to its new and improved shop in Tenby. Situated at 44 High Street, the larger and more modern establishment has created 12 new employment opportunities.

The decision to relocate from its previous spot at 48 High Street was driven by a vision to enhance the overall shopping experience for customers, the firm said. In the footsteps of the new Greggs shop, an exciting new Costa coffee outlet is in the pipeline for its former location, The Pembrokeshire Herald understands.

With its fresh new look and welcoming indoor seating, the upgraded shop aims to cater to the diverse needs of its patrons. Operating from 6 am to 8 pm daily, the new Greggs store ensures that customers

can enjoy their favorite treats throughout the day.

Expect to find an extensive menu of freshly prepared delights, including the iconic Sausage Roll and Steak Bake, as well

as a delectable array of vegan alternatives for those with dietary preferences. The shop is brimming with delicious, freshlymade bakes and sweet treats, ideal for anyone seeking a quick bite

on-the-go. Moreover, for the convenience of customers, the Greggs App offers a seamless Click + Collect service for orders.

A standout feature of the Tenby shop is the irresistible breakfast

combinations on offer. Until 11 am daily, customers can savor a breakfast roll or baguette paired with a refreshing orange juice or hot drink, all at incredible prices. Among the hot drink selections are

Greggs’ velvety smooth Flat White and the comforting Peppermint Tea, all of which are sourced through 100% Fairtrade practices, highlighting the company’s commitment to ethical sourcing.

Gillian Long, Retail Operations Director for Greggs, expressed her excitement about the new shop, stating, “We’re thrilled to welcome customers to our improved shop in Tenby, with 12 new members joining the existing team. We look forward to providing customers with a modern, convenient new place to experience their favorite Greggs food.”

To stay updated on any future job opportunities at the Tenby shop, interested candidates can visit the Greggs Family website at https://www.

29 NEWS For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday August 4th 2023

Ledwood commences £13m LNG contract

PEMBROKE DOCKbased Ledwood Mechanical Engineering has embarked on a significant venture to enhance the capacity of Europe’s largest Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) terminal situated on the Isle of Grain. This £13 million contract, executed on behalf of a VINCI Joint Venture (EVT), aims to fabricate 300 tonnes of steel and 280 linear meters of pipework, followed by on-site installation and testing, leading to the creation and protection of up to 65 jobs.

The focal point of this ambitious project is the establishment of a 190,000 cubic meters (M3) LNG reservoir as part of the overarching program to expand Europe’s preeminent LNG terminal. The new full containment tank, akin in size to the illustrious Royal Albert Hall in London, will encompass a 9 per cent nickel steel inner tank encased within a pre-stressed concrete outer shell.

Liam Revell, the Commercial Director for Ledwood, shared his

thoughts on the project’s magnitude, stating, “Having played a pivotal role in the construction of the UK’s first three

LNG import terminals at South Hook, Dragon, and the Isle of Grain, we bring our expertise in project management, manufacture, and installation of pipework, tanks, and mechanical

engineering to the LNG sector.”

Grain LNG boasts approximately 1,000,000 cubic meters of LNG storage capacity spread across eight tanks, solidifying its

position as the UK’s premier gateway for connecting global LNG to the European energy market. As a world-class facility, it was with great pride that EVT selected Ledwood to spearhead

the steel structure installation and piping prefabrication for the new LNG tank, ensuring seamless integration with the existing facility.

Liam Revell further expressed his appreciation for being entrusted with such a critical role, stating, “It’s a real vote of confidence by the industry in our skills and expertise.”

Ledwood Mechanical Engineering stands as an independent company specializing in engineering, fabrication, and construction, with a proven track record of successfully delivering complex projects across the oil, gas, process, and energy sectors.

The expansion of Europe’s largest LNG terminal signifies a significant milestone in the energy landscape, reinforcing the UK’s position as a key player in the global LNG market. With Ledwood at the helm of this transformative project, the nation can look forward to enhanced energy infrastructure, fostering a more sustainable and secure future for all.

Urgent plea to prevent child hunger this summer

A UNION says that thousands of vulnerable children in Wales are facing the prospect of going hungry over the summer as the Welsh government’s decision to discontinue free school meals support during the holidays takes effect.

In response to this concerning situation, school support staff and the public services union, UNISON Cymru Wales, have strongly criticized the decision, labeling it as a ‘wrong choice.’ They are urging Welsh ministers to reconsider the policy, especially in light of the significant number of families grappling with low wages and soaring living costs.

Jan Tomlinson, Convenor of UNISON Cymru Wales, expressed deep concern about the

financial struggles faced by many families, particularly those of low-paid public service workers, who are now left with nothing. The stress of being unable to

meet basic living expenses is compounded by the added worry that their children may have empty stomachs during the summer break.

The impact of ending free school meals goes beyond immediate

hunger. It has led to a surge in food bank usage and a resurgence of diseases in modern society due to inadequate nutrition. While the Welsh government has been constrained financially due to limitations imposed

by the Conservative UK government, UNISON Cymru Wales emphasizes that all politicians have a moral obligation to intervene and ensure that no child goes hungry.

Emma Garson, representing thousands of school support staff through UNISON Cardiff County branch, commended the initiative of free school meals during term time. However, she highlighted that children’s hunger does not only occur during the school year, and withdrawing support during the summer is deeply concerning and shameful.

The announcement of this decision towards the end of the school term came as a shock to parents who had expected the continued provision of free meals. Many families are now unprepared to

budget for the extra cost of meals, which is already a financially straining time for them.

While some local authorities are taking the initiative to continue providing free school meals during the summer from their own budgets, UNISON asserts that this support must be extended statewide and adequately funded by the Welsh government.

In conclusion, the urgent plea to extend free school meals support during the holidays aims to ensure that no child in Wales faces hunger during the summer break. The Welsh government and all politicians have the moral responsibility to address this critical issue and safeguard the well-being of children and families across the nation.

For up to date news please check our social network channels 30 Friday May 19th 2023

Bereaved family backs mental health charity

THE FAMILY of a young man who tragically took his own life are on a mission to raise awareness of the help that’s available for people with mental health problems.

They are still heartbroken after losing Twm Bryn, from Chwilog, on the Llyn Peninsula, just days after his 21st birthday in October 2021.

His parents Bryn and Bethan Jones, paid tribute to the work of the DPJ Foundation that’s dedicated to helping people in rural communities deal with mental health issues.

Twm’s death has also inspired Harlech Foodservice, one of Wales’s leading food distribution companies, to support the charity.

They have donated £1,000 to the DPJ Foundation with £1 from the sale of every tub of their Welsh Maid ice cream going to the organisation set up to help those in the agricultural sector suffering from poor mental health.

Harlech Director

Andrew Foskett is a family friend and his son, Toby, and Twm were close friends from their schooldays.

Bethan Jones, a nurse herself, said: “The problem living where we are there’s little availability of help for people with mental health problems and at the time we weren’t aware of the DPJ Foundation until afterwards.

“I’m just so glad that its profile is being raised now because there’s no health services available. It could have helped Twm and it will definitely help others.

“We need to raise the profile because it’s OK not to feel OK. It’s nothing to be ashamed about.

“It’s really good that a local business like Harlech is supporting the work of the DPJ Foundation in memory of Twm because it’s a brilliant organisation and Twm and Toby were really good friends.”

Twm was a keen

cyclist who competed regularly but after an unprovoked attack outside a nightclub in Pwllheli he suffered from depression and was on a waiting list but died before he was able to access support.

Andrew Foskett said: “This is very personal to us because Twm Bryn and my son Toby were best friends from their days in primary school and Twm and his family are members of the local farming community.

“Just because we live in a beautiful part of the country doesn’t make people in rural Wales less likely to suffer from mental health issues.

“In fact working long and lonely hours, often in difficult conditions, can make it all too easy to be affected by depression and anxiety.

“The loss of Twm Bryn has made the work of the DPJ Foundation something very close to our hearts at Harlech and made us want to support the charity.

“They are the Samaritans of the farming world and offer such a support network

throughout rural Wales and that has been particularly important through the pandemic lockdown when issues of loneliness and isolation were exacerbated.

“These are the people who grow our food and if we can’t support them who else is going to?

“Food from Wales is renowned for its quality but there can be a price to be paid and the DPJ Foundation are there to support people in the rural community and they have helped so many.”

The DPJ Foundation was set up in 2016 by the family of young Pembrokeshire agricultural contractor Daniel Picton-Jones, a father of two, who took his own life after struggling with depression.

Since then it has helped hundreds of people across rural Wales at the same time as raising awareness of the issue of mental health in the agricultural sector which has one of the highest rates of suicide.

They hold Mental

Health Awareness courses, a confidential Share the Load counselling and helpline service, and are active on social media to signpost the ways to get help and show that there is always help available.

DPJ Foundation Charity Manager Kate Miles said: “We are delighted to receive this continued support from Harlech Foodservice, building on their sponsorship of our Tractor Raffle last year.

“It is great that Harlech have decided to donate £1 from the proceeds of the sales of their Welsh Maid Ice Cream tubs to us, but also, by including our logo on the tubs, it is helping us to raise awareness of our services and hopefully will help us to reach more people.

“The fact is that suicide can be prevented and we want to ensure that people know that making a confidential call to our Share the Load helpline can really help. The helpline is available 24 hours on 0800 587 4262.”

It is something that is important to Harlech Foodservice as well –during the pandemic lockdown when there was a dramatic rise in mental health issues across the UK they launched their own mental health support service.

They have a team of trained staff ready to provide the right assistance and ask the right questions if a colleague is showing signs of feeling under pressure.

Harlech, who have bases in Criccieth, Chester and Merthyr Tydfil, employ around 200 staff and runs a fleet of vehicles to deliver up to 5,000 product lines to cafés, restaurants, pubs and public sector customers across Wales, Shropshire, the Midlands and the North West.

For more on Harlech Foodservices go to https://www.harlech.

For more on the work of the DPJ Foundation go to https://www.

31 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday August 4th 2023 news
Harlech Foodservice have donated £1000 to mental health charity The DPJ Foundation, pictured, from left, are Rhian Hughes of the DPJ Foundation with Megan Clark and Andrew Foskett of Harlech Foodservice. Tom Sinclair

Indicting a former president - a risk worth taking!

USA v. Donald J. Trump is the most important indictment in the history of the United States of America.

And the caption of the case says it all. Most federal prosecutions have the government defending the interests of society writ large — against drug trafficking, or corporate fraud, or gun crimes. This prosecution is different. The United States is defending itself, recoiling against an effort to undo the democracy that Trump swore an oath to protect.

The indictment tells the story in clear, unsparing terms. “The Defendant lost the 2020 presidential election,” it states at the start, 45 pages that unspool a story that is at once familiar and newly shocking. “Despite having lost, the Defendant was determined to remain in power.”

The former president now stands accused — not by political opponents, not by opinion columnists, but by a duly constituted grand jury that has heard the evidence against him. As the indictment spells out, Trump tried to commit a crime against democracy. The country and its voters are his intended victims.

The indictment takes pains to recognise that Trump “had a right, like every American, to speak publicly about the election and even to claim, falsely, that there had been outcome-determinative fraud during the election and that he had won.” But Trump isn’t charged for his egregious lying.

He is charged with engaging in numerous “unlawful means of discounting legitimate votes and subverting the

election results,” in what prosecutors say amounted to three separate criminal conspiracies: to obstruct the business of government in conducting the election; to obstruct the official proceeding of Congress in counting and certifying the electoral college results; and to violate the rights of all Americans to have their votes counted.

“Each of these conspiracies — which built on the widespread mistrust the defendant was creating through pervasive and destabilising lies about election fraud — targeted a bedrock function of the United States federal government: the nation’s process of collecting, counting and certifying the results of the presidential election,” the indictment states.

Trump’s lawyers will almost certainly mount challenges to the legal sufficiency of these claims, but these charges do not have the air of a prosecutorial stretch. Special counsel Jack

Smith, for instance, held off, as expected, from charging Trump with seditious conspiracy, which would have required evidence that he intended the violent overthrow of the government.

It is terrible, tragic even, that it has come to this. If the idea of bringing criminal charges against a former president and current presidential candidate sits uneasily with you, I agree. It should, and you do not have to be a Trump partisan to conclude that Smith might have erred here.

That is not my view from up here, dear readers, but I do believe that this is not a step to be taken lightly. The risks of charging Trump include inflaming even more distrust of what his allies will claim is a partisan “weaponised” Justice Department; injecting more turmoil into an already inflamed and divided electorate; and, most frightening, unleashing a punitive cycle of prosecuting political


The Trump team’s response, complaining that “the lawlessness of these persecutions of President Trump and his supporters is reminiscent of Nazi Germany in the 1930s,” shows, as though any more proof were needed, that Trump won’t hesitate to try to destroy public confidence in the administration of justice if it might help him escape liability.

The broad outlines of Trump’s conduct, and its potential criminal ramifications, have been long known.

Fully warned that he had lost the 2020 election and that his claims about stolen votes had no basis in reality, he was nonetheless instrumental in arranging for slates of phony electors to be submitted for certification.

Fully warned that the vice president’s role in certifying the electoral college results was purely ministerial, he nonetheless repeatedly pressured Mike

facing criminal charges for his behaviour in other matters and proceeding against him on the suite of election-related offences is unwise and unnecessary.

Pence not to act as the Constitution and the law demanded — to the extent that by 5th January 2021, as Trump warned of an “angry” crowd, Pence’s chief of staff became so fearful for the vice president’s safety that he alerted his Secret Service detail.

Fully warned that the mob he had summoned to Washington to protest the election results was armed, Trump nonetheless incited them to march on the Capitol to try to prevent the peaceful transfer of power for the first time in the history of the republic.

To this extensive trove of preexisting knowledge, the indictment adds some tantalising new facts. It describes how, on the evening of 6th January 2021, when then-White House counsel Pat Cipollone beseeched Trump to cease his efforts to stop the certification, “The Defendant refused.”

There is a reasonable argument to be made that Trump is already

I disagree, and reading Tuesday’s indictment bolsters that conviction. The Mar-aLago indictment charges a separate set of crimes: illegal retention of national defence information and obstruction of justice. These are serious allegations, but to say that their existence obviates the need to prosecute Trump for his efforts to prevent the peaceful transfer of power is akin to arguing that it is not essential to bring murder charges if the putative defendant is already accused of armed robbery.

The same, except more, goes for the existing and impending prosecutions of Trump by state officials. These might or might not be wise, but they do not vindicate the national interest in ensuring that no one is permitted to thwart the will of the voters in a federal election.

If Trump’s behaviour is allowed to stand, if it is not called out for the crime that it appears to be, the message to future presidents seeking to retain power at all costs would be: The coast is clear. Do what you need to remain in office. You can get away with murder in the middle of Fifth Avenue, and insurrection in the very halls of democracy.

Stephen Seagull says: Prosecuting Trump on these charges is a grave, even perilous, step. Condoning his behaviour by ignoring it would be far worse.

32 Friday August 4th 2023 For up to date news please check our social network channels

Pembrokeshire County Council: 01437 764551

Emergency out of hours: 0345 6015522

Social Services: 03003 332222

Withybush General Hospital: 01437 764545

South Pembrokeshire Hospital: 01646 682114

Emergency number: 999

NHS Direct: 111

Welsh Ambulance Service NHS Trust: 01792 562900

Heddlu Dyfed-Powys Police: 0800 555 111

Emergency number: 999

Non-emergency: 101

Milford Haven Coastguard: 01646 690909

Tenby Coastguard: 01834 844775

Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service:0370 606 0699

British Gas: 0330 100 0056

Emergency number: 0800 111 999

Western Power: 0800 096 3080

Emergency number: 0800 6783 105

Welsh Water: 0800 052 0130

Natural Resource Wales: 0300 065 3000

Welsh Government/Senedd: 0300 200 6565

National Rail: 03457 48 49 50

Emergency number: 03457 114141

Valero Pembroke: 01646 641331

Dragon LNG: 01646 691730: 0800 0468113

South Hook LNG: 01437 782000

For up to date news please check our social network channels

Emergency number 0800 046 3470

Pembrokeshire Coast National Park: 01646 624800

Milford Haven Port Authority: 01646 696100

Pembroke Power Station: 01646 422101

Pembroke FerryTerminal: 01646 696631

Fishguard Ferry Terminal: 03447 707070

The VC Gallery: 01437 765873

PATCH: 01646 699275

Get The Boys A Lift: 01437 764983

The Samaritans: 0330 094 5717

Homeless Pembrokeshire: 07833096872

BBC Wales: 0370 350 0700

ITV Wales: 0344 881 4150

Sky: 0333 7591 018

The Pembrokeshire Herald: 01646 454545

Western Telegraph: 01437 761772

Pembrokeshire College: 01437 753000

Milford Haven School: 01646 690021

Haverfordwest High: 01437 774749

Ysgol Harri Tudur: 01646 682461

Ysgol Greenhill School: 01834 840100

Ysgol Bro Gwaun: 01348 872268

Ysgol Dewi Sant: 01437 809200

34 Friday August 4th 2023
36 Friday August 4th 2023

Milford Street Food Festival gets underway with a flavour fiesta!

TODAY marks the kick-off of the highly anticipated Milford Street Food Festival, bringing the finest UK street food to Milford Haven.

The event promises an exciting array of culinary delights, live music, and a vibrant atmosphere at Milford Waterfront from Friday, 4th August to Sunday, 6th August 2023.

The festival organisers have been hard at work preparing for this gastronomic extravaganza. The traders are gearing up to offer mouth-watering street food, the drinks are chilling, and the musicians are warming up to provide lively tunes throughout the event.

With free entry, great vibes, and a feast for the senses, this festival is a must-visit for food enthusiasts and music lovers alike. The organisers have been distributing eye-catching leaflets to residents of

Milford Haven to create excitement about the event.

“We hope it’s a bit more exciting than the usual post!” says one of the organisers. The festival aims to be a memorable experience for attendees, featuring a variety of delicious dishes and refreshing beverages, all set against the picturesque backdrop of Milford Waterfront.

Whether you’re a local or visiting from afar, the Milford Street Food Festival is the place to be this weekend. Spread the word and bring your friends and family to enjoy the flavour fiesta!

For more information and details on the festival schedule, you can visit the official website at streetfoodwarehouse. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to indulge in the best street food the UK has to offer and be part of a true culinary celebration!

37 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday August 4th 2023 suMMer!
38 Friday August 4th 2023 For up to date news please check our social network channels

THE SUN shone bright on Saturday afternoon, July 29, as Narberth Carnival took over the town’s streets, spreading laughter, excitement, and vibrant colors throughout the community.

This year’s theme of ‘anything goes’ fancy dress saw townspeople of all ages and their furry friends embrace their creative spirits, resulting in a lively parade featuring a plethora of colorful characters brought to life.

From lorries and cars to bikes, prams, and pushchairs, the carnival procession saw a fantastic display of creativity and imagination. Participants dressed up as beloved characters from pop culture, including dazzling Barbies, the iconic Spice Girls, Jack Sparrow, Hobbits, Super Mario, and the zany OOglies.

Malthouse Vets brought in their Pooch Parade, showcasing an adorable lineup of four-legged friends in captivating costumes. The carnival’s diversity and inclusivity were on full display as people of all ages came together to celebrate the

joyous event.

Noah’s Ark Nursery delighted the crowd with their “Down in the Jungle” float, while the Wilkinson family and cousin Nell Dennis took everyone on a nostalgic trip with their Super Mario-themed entry. The Narberth Social Club made a splash with their “Allo ‘Allo” float, earning them the title of the best pub/club entry.

The Cylch Meithrin Arberth playgroup wowed the spectators with their contemporary take on the major A40 road detour, earning them not only the best small float award but also the prestigious prize for the best overall float in the carnival. The float featured a blend of creativity and humor, leaving everyone thoroughly entertained.

Narberth’s royal float, adorned with flowers, transported the carnival’s dignitaries, including Carnival Queen Chantelle Stapleton, her assistants Lois O’Sullivan and Sophie Griffiths, Carnival Princess Lottie Mills, Carnival Prince Finnegan Griffiths, Fairy Queen Amber Hartt,

and their assistants Phoebe Thomas and Mali Mills. They all embraced their roles with enthusiasm, adding to the regal ambiance of the parade. The carnival, which is the longest-established in Wales, serves as the traditional finale to the Narberth Civic Week. This week-long celebration features a plethora of fun events for families and has been a huge success, thanks to the hard work of the small committee.

Earlier in the year, there were concerns about dwindling committee numbers, which raised doubts about the carnival’s future. However, with the dedication of existing members and the involvement of new ones, the event persevered and proved to be a resounding success.

Chris Walters, the chairman of Narberth Civic Week, expressed his gratitude to everyone who participated and attended the events. He thanked the community for their continued support and urged those with ideas or a desire to contribute to reach out to the committee.

40 Friday August 4th 2023 For up to date news please check our social network channels
41 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday August 4th 2023 suMMer! WELSH BUTCHER'SSHOP 01437 763387 Bryn Capel, Haverfordwest SA61 2PF Experience the Best in Wales The Soil Association Farm Assured Welsh Livestock Little Red Tractor Assured Food Standards

Illyria is back at Cardigan Castle

wH at ’s on

MAKE the babbling gossip of the air cry out, ‘Olivia!’

This summer, let the award-winning company whisk you away with a performance of William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night on August 17 in the beautiful grounds of Cardigan Castle.

In the mysterious coastal kingdom of Illyria, it’s a man’s world - but not if Viola has anything to do with it!

Shipwrecked and washed up, she must use her quick wit to survive.

Disguising herself as a man, she begins toc work for Duke Orsino.

The lovesick Orsino sends Viola to woo Lady Olivia on his behalf. But the disguise is so convincing that Olivia falls for Viola rather than Orsino.

Watch as a tale of romance, revenge, and mistaken identities unfolds with hilarious consequences. It could all end in tears - even if most of them are of laughter!

Pack a picnic and fall in love with another

unforgettable outdoor theatre season.

With singing, sword fights and silliness, you couldn’t wish for more than this.

Running time (approx): 2hrs 20mins (including a 20-minute interval).

Suitable for ages 8+.

Tickets are priced at £16 (£14 Concessions) £10 Child and are available now from www. (24/7) or by phoning the box office between 12 - 8pm TueSun 01239 621 200.

42 Friday August 4th 2023 For up to date news please check our social network channels

Young performers wanted to join Laila Morse

Everybody loves a pantomime - the crazy dame; the handsome prince; the beautiful princess - and the brilliant ensemble, singing and dancing right through the whole show.

If you are aged between seven-18 and would like to be in a professional pantomime, rather than just in the audience watching the show, then keep reading… because The Big Pembrokeshire Pantomime is on the hunt for Pembrokeshire’s most talented youngsters to make up the junior ensemble for this year’s show - Dick Whiittington.

And this year they will be performing alongside television legend Laila Morse - better known as Big Mo from BBC1’s Eastenders - and as the sister of Oscar-winner Gary Oldman… so this truly is a performance opportunity not to be missed.

The first Big Pembrokeshire

Pantomime - Jack and Beanstalk - was a sellout, smash hit last year, thanks to its perfect combination of traditional family pantomime values - and its headline star, Love Island’s Jack Fincham.

This year The Big Pembrokeshire

Pantomime is Dick Whittington - and Laila Morse will be joining the

rest of the professional performers - and the junior ensemble - as the villainous Queen Rat to deliver a show to remember throughout December, including some special performances for schools.

If your child would like to be a part of the junior ensemble for The Big Pembrokeshire Pantomime then they will need to register at www. youth-auditions, where you’ll find all the information about the

audition process - and lots of other useful facts too.

Auditions will take place in Haverfordwest on September 9. Tickets for the show are on sale now from www.bigpembspanto. com

43 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday August 4th 2023 wHat ’s on

FRIDAY’S TV 4.8.23

6.00 Breakfast. 9.15 Morning Live.

10.00 Big Little Crimes. 10.30 Animal Park. 11.15 Homes Under the Hammer. (R) 12.15 Bargain

Hunt. 1.00 BBC News at One;

Weather. 1.30 BBC Wales Today;

Weather. 1.45 Rick Stein’s Cornwall. (R) 2.15 Robson Green’s Weekend Escapes. (R) 2.45 Escape to the Country. (R) 3.45 Make It at Market. (R) 4.30 Antiques Road

Trip. (R) 5.15 Pointless.

6.00 BBC News at Six; Weather.

6.30 BBC Wales Today; Weather.

7.00 The One Show. Live magazine show, hosted by Alex Jones and Roman Kemp.


ITV, 9pm

It’s the last in the current series of the entertainingly glossy drama, and it seems like Alesha, Gus and Wanda can finally see a light at the end of the tunnel when they manage to get Stephen’s safe open, but are they prepared for what it contains? What we do know is that the discovery sends Claudia rushing back home. Meanwhile, Simon and Nina confront Oyin about her revelation in Zurich.

7.30 Britain’s Busiest Mountain: Our Lives. People that work on Snowdon, or Yr Wyddfa, the most popular mountain in Britain.

8.00 Wrexham: Hollywood or Bust! A journey through the history of Wrexham AFC. (R)

8.30 Celebrity MasterChef. The contestants cook a twocourse meal in a bid to make the semi-finals.

9.00 Not Going Out.

9.30 The Power of Parker.

10.00 BBC News at Ten.

10.30 BBC Wales Today; Weather.

10.40 Rewind: 60 Years of Welsh Pop.

11.10 Film: Ready Player One. (2018) Sci-fi adventure, starring Tye Sheridan and Olivia Cooke.

1.15 BBC News.



6.15 Homes Under the Hammer. (R) 7.15 Bargain Hunt. (R) 8.00

Sign Zone: Gardeners’ World. (R)

9.00 Nicky Campbell. 11.00 BBC News. 1.00 Impossible. (R) 1.45 Mastermind. (R) 2.15 Home Is Where the Art Is. (R) 3.00 Netball World Cup 2023. Coverage of a play-off match (Centre-pass 3.00pm). 5.00 Beechgrove Repotted. (R) 5.15 Flog It! (R)

6.00 Cycling: World Championships 2023. Coverage of day two.

7.00 Villages by the Sea. Coastal villages that have often been on the frontline of history. (R)

7.30 Beechgrove Garden.

8.00 Gardeners’ World. Monty Don shares tips on how to get the most out of bargain plants.

9.00 Reframed: Marilyn Monroe. Marilyn creates a new identity in New York.

9.45 Reframed: Marilyn Monroe. Marilyn triumphs in Some Like it Hot, and hangs out with the Rat Pack. Last in the series.

10.30 Newsnight.

11.00 Weather.

11.05 The Hidden World of Hospitality with Tom Kerridge. (R)

12.05 Sign Zone: Garden Rescue.

(R) 12.50 Panorama. (R) 1.20 A Wright Family Holiday. (R) 1.50 Great Coastal Railway Journeys.

6.00 Good Morning Britain. 9.00 Lorraine. 10.00 This Morning. 12.30 Loose Women. 1.00 ITV Lunchtime News; Weather. 1.20 ITV News Cymru Wales; Weather.

1.30 ITV Racing: Glorious Goodwood. Day four of the festival,. 4.00 Tipping Point. (R)

5.00 The Chase. (R)

6.00 ITV News Wales at Six; Weather.

6.30 ITV Evening News; Weather.

7.00 Coast & Country. Sean Fletcher and Ruth Dodsworth take to the waves with Tata Sailing Club.

7.30 Emmerdale. Amelia is unable to face her father after his guilty plea.

8.00 Coronation Street. Jenny fears that diminishing trade could lead to the pub’s closure.

9.00 Riches. Alesha, Gus and Wanda finally get Stephen’s safe open. Last in the series.

10.00 ITV News at Ten; Weather.

10.30 ITV News Cymru Wales; Weather.

10.45 The 1% Club. Quiz, hosted by Lee Mack. (R)

11.45 A Year on Planet Earth. A look at autumn in the northern hemisphere and spring in the south. (R)

12.35 Karen Carney’s Leaders of the Pack. (R) 1.00 All Elite Wrestling: Collision. (R) 2.40 Loose Women. (R) 3.05 Cooking with the Stars. (R) 3.55 Unwind.

6.00 Cyw. (R) 12.00 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd. 12.05 Sain Ffagan. (R) 12.30 Ar Werth. (R) 1.30 Y Sioe Fwyd. (R) 2.00 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd. 2.05 Prynhawn Da. 3.00 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd. 3.05 Am Dro! (R) 4.00 Awr Fawr. (R) 5.00 Stwnsh. (R)

6.00 Codi Pac. (R)

6.30 Garddio a Mwy. (R)

7.00 Heno.

7.30 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd.

8.00 Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru 2023.

8.55 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd.

9.00 Mwy Na Daffs a Taffs.

9.35 Tafwyl ’23. (R)

11.05 Pa Fath o Bobl Sy’n Poeni Am Annibyniaeth? (R)

11.40 Diwedd. Channel 4: 6.15 Countdown. (R)

6.55 Cheers. (R) 7.45 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) 8.35 Frasier. (R) 9.35 The Big Bang Theory. (R)

10.35 The Simpsons. (R) 11.35 Channel 4 News Summary. 11.40 Four in a Bed. (R) 2.10 Countdown.

3.00 A Place in the Sun. (R) 4.00 A New Life in the Sun: Where Are They Now? (R) 5.00 Sun, Sea and Selling Houses. (R) 6.00 The Simpsons. (R) 6.30 Hollyoaks. (R)

6.00 Milkshake!: 9.15 Jeremy Vine. 11.15 Storm Huntley. 12.40 Alexis Conran. 1.40 5 News at Lunchtime.

1.45 Home and Away. (R) 2.15

Film: A Criminal Affair. (2021) 4.00

Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun. (R)

5.00 5 News at 5.

6.00 Eggheads. Challenging the might of the quiz goliaths are the Fine Young Bramptonians. (R)

6.30 Eggheads. Trying to topple the experts today are the Winstonians from Essex. (R)

6.55 5 News Update.

7.00 Kew Gardens: A New Year in Bloom. Winter leads to a carpet of snowdrops bringing in the visitors. (R)

7.55 5 News Update.

8.00 Susan Calman’s Summer by the Sea. The comedian explores Bournemouth.

9.00 Yellowstone. The Duttons realise the potential repercussions of the dispute. (R)

10.00 Britain’s Favourite 80s Songs. Jackie Brambles narrates this look back at 1989. (R)


BBC1, 9.15pm

Beres, Aria and Vita travel to Jamaica for a family funeral, where the story of Aria's short-lived musical career comes to light - but Vita refuses to be scared off by her mother's bad experiences. Beres is furious to discover that he has been left nothing in the will, but his outburst leads Ara to a horrifying realisation about the man her husband claims is his younger brother.

(R) 1.00 BBC News; Weather. 1.15 Cycling: World Championships 2023. Live coverage of day three. 4.45 Question of Sport. (R) 5.15 Britain’s Busiest Mountain: Our Lives. (R) 5.45 BBC News. 5.55 BBC Wales Today; Weather.

6.05 The Hit List. With contestants from Nottingham, Bristol, Basingstoke and Camberley.

6.50 The Weakest Link. (R)

7.35 Pointless Celebrities. Harpz

Kaur, Harriet Rose, John Middleton, Nicola Thorp, Aurie Styla, Chris Washington, Danny Clarke and Hannah Stitfall compete in the general knowledge quiz. Last in the series.

8.25 Casualty. Max returns to the ED to treat a mother and son involved in a car accident.

9.15 Champion.

10.00 BBC News; Weather.

10.20 Film: When Harry Met Sally. (1989) Romantic comedy, starring Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan.

11.50 Film: Eighth Grade. (2018) Comedy, starring Elsie Fisher.

1.20 Weather for the Week Ahead.

1.25 BBC News.


2.20 Couples Therapy. (R) 3.15 This Is BBC Two.

5.05 Katie Piper’s Breakfast Show. (R)

7.00 Channel 4 News. 8.00 Millionaire Hoarders. 9.00 Celebrity Gogglebox 2021. (R) 10.00 The Last Leg. 11.05 Chris McCausland Live: Speaky Blinder. 12.10 Film: Action Point. (2018) 1.35 Come Dine with Me. (R) 3.45 Love It or List It Australia. (R) 4.40 The Great Big Tiny Design Challenge with Sandi Toksvig. (R)

11.30 Bee Gees: One For All Tour – Live In Australia. Barry, Maurice and Robin Gibb perform some of their most memorable songs. (R)

1.40 Teleshopping. 3.40 Great British Ships. (R) 4.30 Michael Palin in North Korea. (R) 5.20

Wildlife SOS. (R) 5.45 Entertainment News. 5.50 Paw Patrol. (R)


In the event of FIFA Women’s World Cup matches being shown, the following schedule is subject to change

6.40 Hey Duggee. (R) 6.55

Supertato. (R) 7.05 Shaun the Sheep. (R) 7.15 Dennis & Gnasher

Unleashed! (R) 7.25 Boy Girl Dog

Cat Mouse Cheese. (R) 7.40 The Deep. (R) 8.00 The Dengineers. (R)

8.30 One Zoo Three. (R) 8.50 Newsround. 9.00 Blue Peter. (R)

9.30 Deadly 60. (R) 10.00 Animals

Unexpected. (R) 11.00

Undiscovered Worlds with Steve Backshall. (R) 12.00 Caribbean

Food Made Easy. (R) 12.30 Food & Drink. (R) 1.00 Film: Whisky Galore! (1949) 2.20 Nature’s Weirdest Events. (R) 2.30 Weatherman Walking. (R) 3.00

Netball World Cup 2023. Live coverage of the second semi-final (Centre-pass 3.00pm). 5.00

Flog It! (R) 5.45 The Hundred. Birmingham Phoenix v Trent Rockets (Start-time 6.00pm).

9.00 Tony Bennett at the London Palladium: BBC Sessions. A 2011 concert in which the American singer marked his 85th birthday by drawing on a repertoire spanning 60 years. (R)

10.00 Arena: Tony Bennett’s New York. (R)

11.20 Tony Bennett Sings.. The singer performs a selection of his favourite songs. (R)

11.50 Tony Bennett Sings.. (R)

12.20 Tony Bennett: BBC Sessions. (R) 1.20 Film: Luzzu. (2021) 2.50 This Is BBC Two.

In the event of FIFA Women’s World Cup matches being shown, the following schedule is subject to change

6.00 CITV: Dare Master. 6.05 Lloyd of the Flies. (R) 6.35 Looney Tunes Cartoons. 7.05 Mystery Lane. (R)

7.30 Teen Titans Go! (R) 7.55 Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! (R) 8.25 Oti Mabuse’s Breakfast Show. 9.25

ITV News. 9.30 James Martin’s American Adventure. (R) 10.30

Catchphrase. (R) 11.15 Jason Atherton’s Dubai Dishes. 12.10 Cooking with the Stars. (R) 1.15

ITV News; Weather. 1.30 ITV Racing: Glorious Goodwood. Ed Chamberlin and Francesca Cumani present day five of the festival. 4.00 Film: GoldenEye. (1995)

6.30 ITV News; Weather.

6.45 ITV News Cymru Wales; Weather.

7.00 Catchphrase Celebrity Special. With contestants Tom Allen, Fleur East and Simon Gregson. (R)

8.00 Moneyball.

9.00 The Chase Celebrity Special. (R)

10.00 Irvine Welsh’s Crime.

10.55 ITV News; Weather.

11.15 English Football League Highlights. Action from the opening fixtures of the season.

12.40 Tipping Point: Lucky Stars. (R) 1.30 Romeo & Duet. (R) 2.25 Paul Sinha’s TV Showdown. (R)

3.00 Code Blue: The Killing of June Fox-Roberts. (R) 3.50 Unwind.

5.05 Fishing Allstars. (R)

6.00 Cyw. (R) 8.00 Stwnsh Sadwrn: Siwrne Ni. 8.05 Dyffryn Mwmin. (R) 8.25 Bwystfil. (R) 8.35 Lego DREAMZzz. (R) 8.55 Dennis a Dannedd. (R) 9.10 Rhyfeddodau Chwilengoch a Cath Ddu. (R) 9.35

Gwrach y Rhibyn. (R) 10.00 Ty am Ddim. (R) 11.00 Eisteddfod

Genedlaethol Cymru 2023.

6.15 Am Dro! Characters from Llyn show off some of Wales’ most beautiful walks in a special edition. (R)

7.15 Newyddion a Chwaraeon.

7.30 Noson Lawen. Entertainment show from Church Village near Pontypridd. (R)

8.30 Gemau’r Haf – Rygbi.

9.30 Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru 2023.

10.30 Priodas Pum Mil: Bryn a Kerry. (R)

11.30 Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru 2023. (R)

12.35 Diwedd. Channel 4: 6.10 The King of Queens. (R) 7.20 Cheers. (R) 8.55

The Simpsons. (R) 12.15

Undercover Boss USA. (R) 1.15

Film: Mousehunt. (1997) 3.05

Four in a Bed. (R) 5.45 Channel 4 News. 6.15 Elizabeth II: Making a Monarch. 7.15 The Queens that Changed the World. 8.15 Matt Baker’s Travels in the Country: USA. (R) 9.15 Becoming Elizabeth.

10.30 Film: Terminator Genisys. (2015) 12.50 Film: Bloodshot. (2020) 2.40 Couples Come Dine with Me. (R) 3.35 Hollyoaks Omnibus. (R) 5.40-6.10 Beat the Chef. (R)

6.00 Milkshake! 10.05 Teenage

Mutant Ninja Turtles. (R) 10.25

Entertainment News. 10.30

Friends. (R) 12.25 Bargain-Loving

Brits in the Sun. (R) 4.20 Jane

McDonald: Cruising USA. (R)

6.15 5 News Weekend.

6.20 When Cruises Go Horribly Wrong. Documentary taking a look at terrifying travel disasters from recent history, including a cruise ship sailing off the coast of Norway that was caught in a dangerous storm. (R)

7.45 Secrets of the Royal Dressmakers: Upstairs, Downstairs. The designers who create outfits for royal occasions, including wedding dresses, featuring a look at some of the most memorable gowns and interviews with their makers.


9.15 Buckingham Palace with Alexander Armstrong. How George lII’s illness made life at the residence intolerable.

10.15 Andrew: The Rise and Fall of the Playboy Prince.

11.50 Celeb Wars: Sex & Scandal. (R)

12.50 Entertainment News. 1.00 Teleshopping. 3.00 Great British Ships. (R) 3.45 Michael Palin in North Korea. (R) 4.30 Building Britain’s Canals. (R) 5.20

Entertainment News. 5.25 Thomas

& Friends: Big World! Big Adventures! (R) 5.35 Paw Patrol. (R)

BBC Four

7.00 Our Coast 8.00 Rome: A History of the Eternal City 9.00 Clean Sweep

10.40 Wogan’s Best of Blankety Blank 11.15 Parkinson Meets Michael Crawford


2.50 Film: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (2001) 5.55 Film: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) 9.00 Film: Fast & Furious 8 (2017) Action adventure sequel, starring Vin Diesel and Charlize Theron. 11.45 Family Guy


3.00 Endeavour 5.00 Midsomer Murders 11.00 Maigret – Night at the Crossroads


5.00 World Series of Darts: New Zealand Masters 9.00 English Football League Highlights. Action from the opening fixtures of the season. 10.35 Film: Pale Rider (1985)


4.30 The Big Bang Theory 7.00 Film: Galaxy Quest (1999) Sci-fi comedy, starring Tim Allen. 9.00 Celebrity Gogglebox 10.00 Gogglebox


2.30 How to Train Your Dragon (2010) 4.25 The Italian Job (1969)

6.35 The Day After Tomorrow (2004) Disaster thriller, starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Dennis Quaid. 9.00 Infinite (2021) Sci-fi thriller, starring Mark Wahlberg and Chiwetel Ejiofor. 11.05 Spontaneous (2020)

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BBC Four 7.00 Dee Dee Bridgewater:
Greats at the Proms 8.15 Top of
Pops 9.15 Neil Diamond: Radio 2 in Concert 9.45 Elkie Brooks in Concert 11.05 Robert Plant: 6 Music Live 11.55 Eric Clapton: Old Grey Whistle Test ITV2 4.00 Dawson’s Creek 5.00 Catchphrase 5.45 In for a Penny 6.20 Film: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) 9.00 Film: The Mummy (2017) 11.15 Family Guy ITV3 3.50 A Touch of Frost 6.00 Heartbeat 8.00 Doc Martin 10.00 Law & Order: UK 11.00 Agatha Christie’s Marple ITV4 3.45 The Sweeney 4.50 Minder 5.55 Made in Britain 7.00 World Series of Darts: New Zealand Masters 11.00 All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite E4 4.00 Young Sheldon 5.00 The Big Bang Theory 7.00 Hollyoaks 7.30 Impractical Jokers 8.00 The Great Celebrity Bake Off for Stand Up to Cancer 9.00 Film: Daddy’s Home 2 (2017) 11.00 Naked Attraction Film4 2.40 The Ghost and Mrs Muir (1947) 4.50 Mysterious Island (1961) 6.55 Congo (1995) Action adventure, starring Dylan Walsh. 9.00 Predator (1987) Sci-fi thriller, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. 11.10 Crawl (2019)
In the event of FIFA Women’s World Cup matches being shown, the following schedule is subject to change 6.00 Breakfast. 10.00 Saturday Kitchen Live. 11.30 Nadiya Bakes. (R) 12.00 Homes Under the Hammer.
Listings supplied by PA Media
Deborah Ayorinde Déja J Bowens



In the event of FIFA Women’s World Cup matches being shown, the following schedule is subject to change

6.00 Breakfast. 9.00 BBC News.

10.00 Sunday Morning Live. 11.00 Settling Down: A Believer’s Guide.

(R) 11.45 Homes Under the Hammer. (R) 12.15 Bargain Hunt.

(R) 1.00 BBC News. 1.10 Weather for the Week Ahead.

1.15 Songs of Praise: The 12th Century Church in a Hospital. 1.50 Pizza Boys. (R)

2.20 Cycling: World Championships 2023.

4.30 Escape to the Country. 4.55 Film: Ghostbusters. (1984)

6.35 BBC News.

6.50 BBC Wales Today; Weather.

Amazing Hotels: Life

Beyond the Lobby

BBC2, 8pm New series. Monica

Galetti and new copresenter Rob Rinder go behind the scenes at some of the most extraordinary hotels around the world. Their first stop is Richard Branson's remote clifftop Kasbah Tamadot in Morocco, where they work alongside the staff to discover the significance of Berber hospitality, food and culture to their guests.

7.00 Countryfile. Matt Baker and Charlotte Smith return to Dumfries House, visiting a craft workshop and discovering how the estate is helping local people to improve mental and physical wellbeing.

8.00 Antiques Roadshow. (R)

9.00 World on Fire. Kasia takes on her first assignment as an agent, while Rajib’s military values are tested, and he is torn between duty and ideal. Meanwhile, a familiar face comes to David’s aid.

10.00 BBC News; Weather.

10.25 BBC Wales Today; Weather.

10.30 Film: The King’s Speech. (2010) Fact-based drama, starring Colin Firth.

12.20 Weather for the Week Ahead.

12.25 BBC News.

6.35 Gardeners’ World. (R)

7.35 Countryfile. (R) 8.30

Beechgrove Garden. (R) 9.00

Life in a Cottage Garden with Carol Klein. (R) 9.30 Saturday

Kitchen Best Bites. 11.00

Strawbridge Over the Drawbridge.

(R) 11.30 Weatherman Walking.

(R) 12.00 Great British Menu. (R)

1.00 The Best Dishes Ever. (R)

1.20 Film: Pillow Talk. (1959) 3.00

Perfect Partners: Talking Pictures.

(R) 4.00 Money for Nothing. (R)

4.30 Iolo: A Wild Life. (R) 5.00

Netball World Cup 2023. Live coverage of the gold medal match (Centre-pass 5.00pm).

7.00 Heat Pumps: What They Really Mean for You. Justin Rowlatt, Michelle Ackerley and Dr Tara Shine investigate the eco-friendly alternatives to oil and gas boilers including heat pumps and hydrogen. (R)

8.00 Amazing Hotels: Life Beyond the Lobby. New series. Monica Galetti and Rob Rinder go behind the scenes of a remote Moroccan hotel.

9.00 Crazy Rich Agents: Selling Dream Homes. New series. Five rookie property brokers compete in the world of luxury real estate.

10.00 The Misadventures of Romesh Ranganathan. (R)

11.00 Film: Ali. (2001) Biopic, starring Will Smith.

1.30 Muhammad Ali: A Life in Ten Pictures. (R) 2.30 Sign Zone: Wolf. (R) 3.30 This Is BBC Two.

In the event of FIFA Women’s World Cup matches being shown, the following schedule is subject to change

6.00 CITV: Dare Master. 6.05 Lloyd of the Flies. (R) 6.35 Looney Tunes Cartoons. 7.05 Mystery Lane. (R)

7.30 50/50 Heroes. (R) 7.55 Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! (R) 8.25 Katie Piper’s Breakfast Show. 9.25 ITV News. 9.30 Love Your Weekend with Alan Titchmarsh. (R) 11.30

Jason Atherton’s Dubai Dishes. (R)

12.30 Love Your Garden. (R) 1.00 ITV News; Weather. 1.15 Catchphrase. (R) 2.00 DNA Journey. (R) 3.15 FA Community Shield Live. Manchester City v Arsenal (Kick-off 4.00pm).

6.30 ITV News; Weather.

6.50 ITV News Cymru Wales; Weather.

7.00 Backstage at the Eisteddfod.

7.30 Welsh Lives. Cameras focus on members of Wales’ thriving drag community. (R)

8.00 Coast & Country. (R)

8.30 Vanished Wales. (R)

9.00 A Spy Among Friends. Elliott and Lily race to interrogate Blunt.

10.05 ITV News; Weather.

10.20 Long Lost Family. (R)

11.20 Kate Garraway’s Life Stories. (R)

12.20 Romeo & Duet. (R) 1.20 The Masked Singer. (R) 2.35 Paul Sinha’s TV Showdown. (R) 3.05 Motorsport UK. (R) 3.55 Unwind.

5.10 Ainsley’s Mediterranean Cookbook. (R)

6.00 Cyw. (R) 8.50 Penblwyddi Cyw. 9.00 Garddio a Mwy. (R)

9.30 Codi Pac. (R) 10.00

Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru 2023.

6.35 Pobol y Cwm Omnibws. Extended edition of the soap. (R)

7.45 Newyddion a Chwaraeon. Weekend news and sport.

8.00 Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru 2023: Y Gymanfa Ganu. Live coverage of the Ll?n and Eifionydd Eisteddfod 2023 Gymanfa


9.30 Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru 2023. Tudur Owen, Elin Fflur and Trystan EllisMorris look back on the main events.

10.30 Gemau’r Haf – Rygbi. (R)

11.30 Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru 2023. (R)

12.35 Diwedd. Channel 4: 6.10 The King of Queens. (R) 7.00 Cheers. (R)

8.25 Bake Off: The Professionals. (R) 9.30 Sunday Brunch. 12.30 The Simpsons. (R) 2.00 The Secret Life of the Zoo. 2.50

Film: How to Lose a Guy in

10 Days. (2003) 5.00 Channel 4 News. 5.30 Film: Star Trek Into Darkness. (2013) 8.00 Levison Wood: Walking With Orangutans.

9.00 Alone. 10.00 Gogglebox. (R)

12.00 Queer as Folk US. 12.45

Film: The Worst Person in the World. (2021) 2.50 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA. (R) 3.40 Come Dine with Me. (R) 5.45-6.15 Beat the Chef. (R)

6.00 Milkshake!: 10.00 Teenage

Mutant Ninja Turtles. (R) 10.25

Entertainment News. 10.35

Friends. (R) 12.35 Police

Interceptors. (R) 2.35 Inside the Tower of London. (R) 4.30 10

Ways the Victorians Changed Britain. (R) 5.55 5 News Weekend.

6.00 Dorset: Country and Coast. Mark Anderson puts the finishing touches to his latest sculpture at Weymouth beach. (R)

7.00 TK Maxx: How to Bag a Bargain. Behind the scenes of the department store chain. (R)

8.00 Million Pound Motorhomes. Gok Wan decides to try out a luxury motorhome.

9.00 Coastguard: Search & Rescue SOS. An around-theUK rowing boat challenge goes disastrously wrong. Last in the series.

10.00 999: Police Hour of Duty. Officers finally track down a man suspected of a series of armed robberies. (R)

10.55 Police Code Zero: Officer Under Attack. PC Mark Lee fights for his life after a driver deliberately runs him down. (R)

11.50 Surgeons: A Matter of Life or Death. (R)

12.50 Entertainment News. 1.00

Teleshopping. 3.00 Great British Ships. (R) 3.45 The Yorkshire Vet. (R) 4.45 Britain’s Great Cathedrals with Tony Robinson. (R) 5.30

Entertainment News. 5.35 Paw Patrol. (R)

BBC Four 7.00

House Is Full of Music: Imagine 8.00 Tchaikovsky and Prokofiev at the Proms 9.30 Tchaikovsky: The Creation of Greatness 10.30 Tchaikovsky: Fortune and Tragedy 11.30 The Ascent of Man


3.20 Film: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)


In the event of FIFA Women’s World Cup matches being shown, the following schedule is subject to change

6.30 Glorious Gardens from Above.

(R) 7.15 Bargain Hunt. (R) 8.00

In the event of FIFA Women’s World Cup matches being shown, the following schedule is subject to change

6.00 Good Morning Britain. 9.00 Lorraine. 10.00 This Morning.

6.00 Cyw. (R) 9.30 Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru 2023. 12.00 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd. 12.05 Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru 2023. 2.00 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd. 2.05 Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru 2023.

6.00 Milkshake!: 9.15 Jeremy Vine. 11.15 Storm Huntley. 12.40

Alexis Conran. 1.40 5 News at Lunchtime. 1.45 Home and Away.

(R) 2.15 Film: Mummy’s Stolen


BBC2, 9pm

Chris Packham sets out to tell the story of how our world went from being a barren rock with a black sky to the planet we know today. It’s a tale that begins 4.6 billion years ago, when Earth first formed from clouds of dust and gas. The young planet was devoid of an atmosphere, but as it was pummelled by asteroids a period of extraordinary upheaval began.

1.30 BBC Wales Today; Weather. 1.45 Animal Park. 2.30

Rick Stein’s Cornwall. (R) 3.00 I Escaped to the Country. (R) 3.45

Make It at Market. (R) 4.30 The Repair Shop. (R) 5.15 Pointless.

6.00 BBC News at Six; Weather.

6.30 BBC Wales Today; Weather.

7.00 Iolo’s Borderlands. Iolo Williams explores Monmouthshire. (R)

7.30 EastEnders. Ben feels inadequate ahead of Jay’s parental hearing.

8.00 Panorama.

8.30 Extraordinary Portraits with Bill Bailey.

9.00 Wolf. Jack delves deeper into the Donkey Pitch case.

10.00 BBC News at Ten.

10.30 BBC Wales Today; Weather.

10.40 Rewind: 60 Years of Welsh Pop. A celebration of Mike Peters and the Alarm. (R)

11.10 Have I Got News for You. (R)

11.40 The Hit List. With contestants from Nottingham, Bristol, Basingstoke and Camberley. (R)

12.25 BBC News.

Sign Zone: Clive Myrie’s Italian Road Trip. (R) 8.30 Great British Railway Journeys. (R) 9.00 Nicky Campbell. 11.00 BBC News. 1.00 Impossible. (R) 1.45 Mastermind.

(R) 2.15 The Hairy Bikers. (R) 2.30

Cycling: World Championships

2023. Live coverage of day five.

6.00 The Farmers’ Country Showdown. (R)

6.30 The Farmers’ Country Showdown. Cattle and Goat farmers compete at the Moreton-in-Marsh Show. (R)

7.00 Mediterranean with Simon Reeve. A journey around the region. (R)

8.00 Only Connect.

8.30 University Challenge. Southampton takes on Christ Church, Oxford.

9.00 Earth. Chris Packham looks at development of the planet’s atmosphere.

10.00 Victoria Wood as Seen on TV. Acorn Antiques is cancelled. (R)

10.30 Newsnight.

11.10 Weather.

11.15 Film: Entebbe. (2018) Factbased drama, starring Rosamund Pike and Daniel Bruhl.

1.00 Sign Zone: Countryfile. (R)

1.55 Rip Off Britain. (R) 2.40 Wolf. (R) 3.40 This Is BBC Two.

12.30 Loose Women. 1.30 ITV Lunchtime News. 1.50 ITV News Cymru Wales. 2.00 James Martin’s Islands to Highlands. (R) 3.00 Lingo. (R) 4.00 Tipping Point. (R)

5.00 The Chase. (R)

6.00 ITV News Wales at Six; Weather.

6.30 ITV Evening News; Weather.

7.30 Emmerdale. Laurel and Jai’s plans are jeopardised.

8.00 Coronation Street. Staff and regulars unite to help Jenny to save the Rovers.

9.00 Long Lost Family. Davina McCall and Nicky Campbell present the stories of two men hoping to find birth family, including one who was adopted as a baby in Bermuda in the 1970s and grew up in Norfolk.

10.00 ITV News at Ten; Weather.

10.30 ITV News Cymru Wales; Weather.

10.45 The Murder of Grace Millane: Social Media Murders. (R)

11.40 English Football League Highlights. (R)

1.00 All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite. (R) 2.40 Winning Combination. (R)

3.30 1987 FA Cup Final: Coventry v Tottenham – ITV Football Classics.

(R) 4.20 Unwind. 5.35 Made in Britain. (R)

6.15 Ffilmiau Ddoe. (R)

6.20 Ffilmiau Ddoe. (R)

6.30 Colleen Ramsey: Bywyd a Bwyd. (R) Newyddion S4C.

7.00 Heno o’r Steddfod.

7.30 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd.

8.00 Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru 2023.

9.25 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd.

9.30 Ralio+. 10.00 Y Llinell Las. (R) 10.35 Y Babell Lên 2023. 11.35 Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru 2023. (R)

Diwedd. Channel 4: 6.15 Countdown. (R)

Cheers. (R) 7.50 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) 8.40 Frasier. (R) 9.40 The Big Bang Theory. (R) 10.35 The Simpsons. (R) 11.35

4 News Summary. 11.40

in a Bed. (R) 2.10 Countdown.

3.00 A Place in the Sun. (R) 4.00 A New Life in the Sun: Where Are They Now? (R) 5.00 Sun, Sea and Selling Houses. (R) 6.00 The Simpsons. (R) 6.30 Hollyoaks. (R)

7.00 Channel 4 News. 8.00 A Cotswold Farm Shop. 9.00 24 Hours in A&E. (R) 10.00

Confessions of a Cam Girl. 11.05 The Unique Boutique. 12.05 Dr Death. 1.15 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA. (R) 2.05 Couples Come Dine with Me. (R)

Memories. (2023) 4.00 BargainLoving Brits in the Sun. (R) 5.00 5 News at 5.

6.00 Eggheads. Sultans of Swing take on the experts. (R)

6.30 Eggheads. Leeds Roller Derby take on the experts.


6.55 5 News Update.

7.00 Traffic Cops. A team sets out to intercept a car suspected of being used in drug deals. (R)

7.55 5 News Update.

8.00 Police Interceptors. Officers stop a car suspected of being stolen in a keyless theft; 5 News Update.

9.00 The Child Snatcher: Manhunt. Documentary telling the story of one of the UK’s largest murder investigations.

10.00 999: Emergency Call Out. Documentary following joint police and paramedic fast response units. (R)

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6.15 Film: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) 9.00 Love Island: The Reunion 10.35 Family Guy 11.30 American Dad! ITV3 3.55 Agatha Christie’s Marple 5.55 Rosemary & Thyme 8.00 Judi Dench’s Wild Borneo Adventure 9.00 Joanna Lumley’s Silk Road Adventure 10.00 Endeavour 11.55 Upstairs, Downstairs ITV4 3.30 ITV Racing: Sky Bet Sunday Series. Oli Bell presents coverage from Haydock Park. 7.05 Film: The Magnificent Seven Ride! (1972) 9.15 Film: First Blood (1982) 11.05 Film: Death Wish IV: The Crackdown (1987) E4 3.45 The Big Bang Theory 6.15 Film: Bride Wars (2009) 8.00 Young Sheldon 9.00 Film: Baywatch (2017) 11.15 Naked Attraction’s Best Naughty Bits Film4 2.35 Hotel Transylvania 3: A Monster Vacation (2018) 4.30 Rat Race (2001) 6.40 A Good Year (2006) 9.00 12 Strong (2018) 11.35 Underwater (2020) MONDAY’S TV 7.8.23 BBC1 BBC2 ITV1 WALES
In the event of FIFA Women’s World Cup matches being shown, the following schedule is subject to change 6.00 Breakfast. 9.15 Countryfile Treasures. 10.00 Dom Does America. (R) 10.30 Defenders UK. (R) 11.15 Homes Under the Hammer. (R) 12.15 Bargain Hunt. (R) 1.00 BBC News at One; Weather.
11.05 999:
(R) 12.05 Police Interceptors.
1.00 Teleshopping. 3.00 Sainsbury’s:
Street. (R) 3.45 Britain’s Biggest Mosque. (R) 4.35 Wildlife SOS. (R) 5.00 House Doctor. (R) 5.20 Entertainment News. 5.25 Thomas & Friends. (R) 5.35 Paw Patrol. (R) BBC Four 7.00 Great American Railroad Journeys 8.00 Treasures of the Indus 9.00 My Family, Partition and Me: India 1947 10.00 Shadow of Truth 11.15 Catching History’s Criminals: The Forensics Story ITV2 4.00 Dawson’s Creek 5.00 Dinner Date 6.00 Film: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009) 9.00 Family Guy 9.30 American Dad! 10.30 Family Guy 11.30 American Dad! 11.55 The Stand Up Sketch Show ITV3 3.50 A Touch of Frost 6.00 Heartbeat 8.00 Endeavour 10.00 Law & Order: UK 11.00 Unforgotten ITV4 3.45 The Sweeney 4.50 Minder 6.00 Extreme Salvage Squad 6.55 BattleBots 8.00 MotoGP Highlights 9.00 Film: Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985) 11.05 Film: Death Wish V: The Face of Death (1994) E4 4.00 Young Sheldon 5.00 The Big Bang Theory 7.00 Hollyoaks 7.30 Young Sheldon 8.00 Taskmaster Bleeped 9.00 Gogglebox 10.05 Naked Attraction’s Best Naughty Bits 11.05 Gogglebox Film4 3.10 The Black Shield of Falworth (1954) 5.10 The 7th Voyage of Sinbad (1958) 6.55 My Best Friend’s Wedding (1997) 9.00 Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017) 11.20 Kingsman: The Secret Service (2015) Listings supplied by PA Media
Critical Condition.
150 Years on the High
Monica Galetti Chris Packham

Ysgol Caer Elen pupils shine a light on their futures

A VERY successful collaboration has developed between Pembrokeshire College and Ysgol Caer Elen during the last couple of years, providing Year 10 and 11 pupils with a vocational opportunity to enrol on a Welshmedium/bilingual GCSE Engineering course.

This year, the College has welcomed 38 learners across Years 10 and 11 who are working towards WJEC GCSE in Engineering. Not only has it given the learners an opportunity to widen their studies, they have also been able to continue learning bilingually. Head of Ysgol Caer Elen commented, “We are delighted that we are able to collaborate with Pembrokeshire College in order to offer important and relevant vocational courses to our learners through the medium of Welsh. This means that we are further preparing our learners for fundamental career opportunities in Pembrokeshire and beyond”.

The learners have been supported by

a team of Welsh speaking lecturers including Curriculum Area Manager William Bateman, lecturers Jake Mowbray and Morgan Lewis, who are fluent Welsh speakers, and also

James John and Rhys Hutton who currently both learning Welsh.

Ffion Scourfield, a Year 11 pupil at Ysgol Caer Elen stated, “I’ve really enjoyed this twoyear course at the

College. It’s been a whole new experience for me and very different from school. I’ve learnt practical skills in the engineering workshop I never thought I’d learn. I think I’ve been very fortunate to have this opportunity.”

The GCSE is a twoyear course where the learners are split 50/50 on a weekly rotation between classroom and workshop. In the classroom they are developing their design skills, learning engineering calculations and creating engineering drawings. While in the workshop they are learning how to use hand tools, lathes and milling machines to make components from various materials. In their final year, they will be putting their new found skills to the test to make an individual workpiece.

Morgan Lewis, Engineering Lecturer at Pembrokeshire College added: “The Engineering Level 2 programme with

Ysgol Caer Elen school pupils has proven to be a very popular and successful vocational option. Learning takes place bilingually and gives pupils the opportunity to use their bilingual skills in a vocational context. Year 11 pupils have created lamps that are operated with USB as part of their final project and they are all very proud of what they have achieved.”

Emma Clegg, a Year 11 pupil on the programme commented: “I’m very interested in things that are being created for the future and what’s emerging in engineering. This Level 2 course has been fantastic. It has prepared me to go on to study Advanced Engineering Level 3 here at College to be able to pursue a career in engineering.”

Jake Mowbray, Engineering Lecturer at Pembrokeshire College concluded by saying: “It has been a pleasure to work with Ysgol Caer Elen

on delivering the WJEC Engineering GCSE bilingually. The learners have been successful in gaining both theoretical knowledge from classroom teaching, and practical experience from producing engineering components in the mechanical workshop. The opportunity to enhance Welsh/bilingual engineering specific communication skills can only benefit learners in their future careers. The learners have developed valuable manufacturing skills that place them in good stead for progressing onto a Level 3 further education programme - leading to an apprenticeship or higher education. I look forward to meeting next year’s cohort of keen engineering learners.”

To find out more about the College’s wide range of engineering programmes visit our website: pembrokeshire.

46 Friday August 4th 2023 For up to date news please check our social network channels

South Hook scholarship supports local students

Daniel Morgan from Neyland - a former pupil of Haverfordwest High - has been awarded a £5,000 Scholarship, following an impressive application to South Hook LNG Terminal.

Having completed his first year of a four-year degree in Chemical Engineering at Loughborough University, Daniel is focused on attaining his degree and using his qualifications to carve a career in the energy sector.

With the aim of supporting local students to excel in their chosen field of study, the South Hook Scholarship is given to applicants who demonstrate a commitment to academic achievement and long-term career

goals. Daniel was not alone in his impressive application; so much so, that the company made the decision to this year, recognise a further four local students with an Award of £1000 each.

The 2023 South Hook Scholarship Award winners are:

• Daniel Morgan formerly of Haverfordwest High, studying Chemical Engineering at Loughborough University

• Eve Mathias formerly of Ysgol Y Preseli, studying Mechanical Engineering at Bath University • Gruff Green formerly of Ysgol Y Preseli, studying Mechanical Engineering at Bath University •

Iestyn Morgan formerly of Fishguard School, studying Geography at Aberystwyth University

• Olivia Disney formerly of Redhill High School, studying Dentistry at Cardiff University

Commenting on the Awards, South Hook’s General Manager,

Hamad Al Samra said, “We are pleased that our Scholarship continues to attract applications from students across Pembrokeshire, who are continuing their

education in a wide range of subjects.

“Congratulations to Daniel, Eve, Gruff, Iestyn and Olivia – all of whom are incredibly impressive young people with

ambition, focus and drive. We are proud to be able to support them in their continuing education and look forward to celebrating their future achievements.”

47 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday August 4th 2023 news

BLIMEY, what a journey, mate! From a jest in South Park to an Apple Arcade game, who would’ve thought this would turn out bloomin’ fantastic?

Hello Kitty Island Adventure might look like Animal Crossing on the surface, but it’s a whole lot more, innit? It’s got a bit of Legend of Zelda and A Short Hike vibes, you know? A game based on Sanrio characters clever and fun, can you believe it? It’s brilliantly done, all around.

So, first off, you get a limited character creator, and then you’re on a plane with various Sanrio characters. Everyone’s chatting away until Kitty causes a mess, Badtzmaru drops a famous movie reference, and you all parachute down to the island below. Used to be a theme park, I reckon? But the specifics escape me, mate. The island’s a big place, and you all landed in different spots. Luckily, most ended up

in a central seaside area, perfect for learning the game. What a stroke of luck!

Them Sanrio characters will throw quests your way, mostly fetch quests, really. Finishing them gets you rewards and can up your friendship level with the characters. Higher friendships mean more quests and rewards, including tools to explore further. Though you can explore quite a bit from the start, you can’t swim, so don’t go too far. Eventually, you’ll get items to explore more. The world opens up, and there’s plenty to do, like fishing and bug collecting. There are even miniraces with trophies up for grabs based on your time.

Sometimes, you’ll delve underground or into buildings for puzzles. They’re not overly tough, as the game considers kids might be playing. No real danger here, mate. At most, you might fall

off the screen or into the water, but you’ll respawn safe and sound.

It’s got a bit of Animal Crossing, but with more structure, mate. You can follow linear threads, solve island mysteries, and track down characters. Or you can just hang about, bake loads of stuff, go fishing, decorate houses, invite guests, design new threads, and improve your island’s vibe score. It’s got life simulation ticked off, along with exploration and puzzle-solving, like a proper game.

The controls are simple, with a virtual stick to move and a few buttons for tools and talking to folks. Press on the right side to jump and float with balloons. The platforming can be a tad clunky at times, and you might get stuck, but the game sorts you out. Menus let you change tools, check items, and there’s a map and quest log, so you’re never lost.

Bloody hell, Hello

Kitty Island Adventure is addictive! I didn’t even notice time passing while playing for this review. I expected a simple Animal Crossing clone, but it’s much more enjoyable for anyone, regardless of age or gaming knowledge. It’s cleverly written too, just like Animal Crossing, which many other games inspired by it miss out on.

Now, here’s the one real knock I have, mate. Multiplayer didn’t work for me while playing. Apparently, the devs are working on a fix, so no worries there. In the meantime, the singleplayer experience is topnotch, so it won’t ruin the fun.

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Hello Kitty Island Adventure is one of my favorite mobile games this year, hands down. It’s way beyond my expectations, and it’s absolutely brilliant. Apple Arcade needs more reasons to subscribe, and this game’s a bloody good one, just like Butters said!

48 Friday August 4th 2023 For up to date news please check our social network channels
watcH tHe trailer Here!
witH eddie tHe gaMe guru

Friday June 16th 2023

100 Mlynedd o Raglenni Cymru Ar Gael Nawr yng Nghornel Clip Caerfyrddin

MAE cannoedd o filoedd o raglenni radio a theledu o archifau

BBC Cymru Wales, S4C ac ITV Cymru nawr ar gael idiolch i Gornel Clip newydd sydd bellach ar agor yn Llyfrgell Caerfyrddin. Mae gan y Gornel Clip newydd 4 terfynell gyfrifiadurol mewn ardal gyfforddus a gall unrhyw un ddod i wylio a gwrando ar y cyfoeth o raglenni sydd ar gael.

Fel rhan o’r prosiect hwn, bydd casgliad amrywiol o 1,500 o glipiau o’r archif yn cael eu casglu ac ar gael i unrhyw un eu gweld gartref ar-lein. Bydd gweddill y casgliad ar gael trwy gyfres o Gorneli Clip a fydd yn cael eu sefydlu ledled Cymru. Bydd ffurfio’r Corneli

Clipiau hyn yn sicrhau y bydd cymunedau y tu hwnt i Aberystwyth yn gallu gweld yr archif yn eu hardal leol, ac mae gwaith ymgysylltu lleol eisoes ar waith gyda grwpiau fel Menter Dinefwr.

Archif Ddarlledu

Cymru yw’r gyntaf o’i fath yn y DU gan roi mynediad i bron i ganrif o ddarlledu.

Mae’n dwyn ynghyd deunydd o gasgliadau

BBC Cymru Wales, ITV

Cymru Wales, S4C a

Llyfrgell Genedlaethol

Cymru. Trwy gadw, catalogio a digideiddio’r deunydd hwn a’u cyflwyno ar wefan y gellir ei chwilio’n llawn, mae

Llyfrgell Genedlaethol

Cymru wedi ymrwymo i wneud y casgliad hynod hwn yn hygyrch i bawb.

Gwnaed prosiect

Archif Ddarlledu Cymru yn bosibl trwy gyllid gan

Gronfa Dreftadaeth y Loteri Genedlaethol (£4.7M), Llywodraeth Cymru (£1M) a chronfeydd preifat

Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru (£1M).

Dywedodd Pedr ap Llwyd, Prif Weithredwr

Cwpan Rygbi’r

BYDD pob gêm

Cymru yng Nghwpan

Rygbi’r Byd yn Ffrainc yn cael ei darlledu’n fyw ar S4C.

Sarra Elgan, Jason

Mohammad a Lauren Jenkins fydd yn cyflwyno’r darllediadau o’r twrnament.

Y sylwebydd Gareth

Charles fydd yn dod â

holl gynnwrf y gemau i’r gwylwyr adre ac yn ymuno ag ef bydd y dadansoddwyr arbenigol

Mike Phillips, Gwyn Jones, Siwan Lillicrap, Rhys Priestland, Dyddgu Hywel, Robin McBryde a Rhys Patchell.

Mae Cymru wedi eu rhoi yng ngrŵp C yn erbyn Fiji, Portiwgal, Awstralia a Georgia.

Bydd darllediadau

S4C yn dechrau gyda’r gêm agoriadol rhwng

a Llyfrgellydd Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru: “Mae’n bleser gweld y Gornel Clip hon yn agor – y gyntaf o sawl un ledled Cymru fydd yn dod â’r archif cenedlaethol arloesol hwn yn agosach at y cyhoedd. Mae’r Llyfrgell yn diolch i Gyngor Sir Gâr ar eu cydweithrediad parod wrth hwyluso creu’r gofod yma fydd yn gam mawr i ni wrth roi mynediad at ein casgliadau, hybu ymgysylltu a grymuso ymchwil.”

Dywedodd y Cynghorydd Alun Lenny, Aelod Cabinet ar gyfer Adnoddau, Cyngor Sir

Gâr: “Rydym yn falch iawn bod y Corneli Clip cyntaf yn agor yma yn Llyfrgell Caerfyrddin. Yn dilyn gwaith adnewyddu helaeth ar y llyfrgell a’r estyniad gwerth £2.4m i archifdy Sir Gaerfyrddin i’r adeilad, mae’r cyfleuster cyffrous hwn i’w groesawu’n fawr gan ei fod yn caniatáu i drigolion ac ymwelwyr archwilio archifau gweledol ar-lein y BBC, S4C ac ITV sy’n cwmpasu 100 mlynedd o hanes Cymru. Bydd hefyd yn cynyddu nifer yr ymwelwyr i ben dwyreiniol Heol y Brenin wrth iddi ddatblygu ymhellach yn ardal ddiwylliannol yn

nhref Caerfyrddin.”

Dywedodd Andrew White, Cyfarwyddwr Cronfa Dreftadaeth y Loteri Genedlaethol

yng Nghymru: “Mae

darlledu wedi chwarae rhan sylweddol mewn

dogfennu hanes modern Cymru – o adroddiadau

newyddion torcalonnus o drychineb Aberfan; i ddarlithoedd wnaeth

ysbrydoli cenhedlaeth

fel ‘Tynged yr Iaith’

Saunders Lewis, darllediad cyntaf S4C ym

1982 ac uchelfannau tîm pêl droed Cymru yn yr

Euros yn 2016 a Chwpan y Byd yn 2022.

“Mae hefyd wedi caniatáu i ni daro llygad dros ein gorffennol gan ddysgu am ein

treftadaeth trwy raglenni fel ‘The Dragon Has Two Tongues: A History of the Welsh’ ym 1985 ac wedi rhoi Cymru ar y map gyda rhaglenni poblogaidd fel

‘Doctor Who’, ‘Un Bore Mercher’ ac ‘Y Gwyll’.

“Ein braint yw cefnogi prosiect mor bwysig ac mor arloesol, fydd yn gwarchod a rhannu treftadaeth ddarlledu Cymru fel bod cenedlaethau heddiw a’r dyfodol yn gallu gwerthfawrogi, mwynhau a dysgu ohono am flynyddoedd i ddod.”

Byd Ffrainc 2023 ar S4C

Cwpan y Byd, ar sianel YouTube S4C a BBC Sounds.

Bydd Newyddion S4C hefyd yn dod â’r diweddaraf am ymgyrch Cymru yn Ffrainc drwy gydol Cwpan Rygbi’r Byd.

Gallwch weld uchafbwyntiau tair gêm Cymru yng Nghyfres yr Haf hefyd ar S4C, yn dilyn darlledu’r gemau byw ar Prime Video.

“Maen nhw wedi cael amser da yn paratoi a dwi yn edrych mlaen i weld Cymru yng Nghwpan y Byd.”

Yn ymuno â Mike ar dîm S4C ar gyfer Cwpan Rygbi’r Byd mae Rhys Priestland sydd wedi ennill dros 50 o gapiau dros Gymru:

Ffrainc a Seland Newydd.

Byddwn yn dilyn tîm

Warren Gatland drwy gydol Cwpan y Byd, ac yn dangos rownd yr wyth olaf, y rownd gynderfynol, y trydydd safle a’r rownd derfynol yn fyw o’r Stade de France ym Mharis.

Bydd darllediadau

S4C yn cynnwys rhaglenni rhagflas gyda

Sarra Elgan, a bydd

Sarra hefyd yn ymuno â

Jonathan Davies a Nigel Owens i drafod tim Cymru yn eu ffordd llawn hiwmor arferol ar Jonathan.

Gallwch glywed y diweddaraf am garfan Cymru gyda vodcast Allez Les Rouges sy’n cael ei gyflwyno gan Lauren Jenkins.

Bydd penodau wythnosol o’r vodcast yn y cyfnod yn arwain at yr ymgyrch, ac yn ystod

Dywedodd cynfewnwr Cymru a’r

Llewod, Mike Phillips: “Fi’n gyffrous achos ma crop o chwaraewyr newydd wedi dod mewn i’r garfan nawr, ma’n nhw yn ifanc ac ma’n teimlo fel 2011 gyda bois ifanc yn dod trwodd adeg yna.

“Gobeithio byddwn ni yn cael yr enwau newydd yn dod trwodd nawr, ‘na beth ni moyn gweld.

“Mae timau gorau’r byd yn maeddu ei gilydd yn eitha’ aml, ac mae bod mas yn Ffrainc yn le arbennig i wylio rygbi, fi’n credu bydd y twrnament yn arbennig.

“Mae’r grŵp am fod yn anodd i ddod mas ohono fe, ond os eith Cymru mas o’r grŵp, ma’r pedwar tîm gorau yr ochr arall y bencampwriaeth.

“Mae siawns da iddyn nhw fynd i’r semis, neu’r holl ffordd.”

new Y ddion

F ar M ing

2023 HCC Scholars announced

TWO AMBITIOUS livestock farmers have been announced as this year’s HCC Scholars.

Dan Jones from Llandudno and Tudor Roderick from Brecon have been announced as the 2023 HCC Scholars during the Royal Welsh Show in Builth Wells.

The duo will be undertaking research trips to study conservation management and anthelmintic usage on sheep farms around the world.

Dan, a National Trust tenant farmer on the Great Orme, is intending to study farming practices in the USA and the UK to understand the latest techniques and advances in conservation grazing and upland farming. The US Sheep Experimentation Station, the Montana Highland Ranch and, closer to home, Bangor University, will all form stops on his Scholarship tour.

On being appointed as a HCC Scholar, Dan commented ‘There are farms in the United States which are actively adding key conservation

practices to their farming systems. There are a number of pilot ranches which are able to store more carbon in the soil than what they emit in their own farming system as well as research into the relationship between grazing, soil health and carbon sequestration.’

‘The HCC Scholarship will enable me to learn from a range of farming systems, gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced and, crucially, share this bank of knowledge and firsthand experience with colleagues and counterparts across the industry’

Dan farms with his wife Ceri and son Efan on the Great Orme near Llandudno managing

a flock of 600 breeding ewes and over 900 acres of open access land. Dan has a keen interest in conservation through his work on the farm and utilizes traditional shepherding techniques on the upland farm as well as engaging with the public on conservation and farming issues.

Tudor Roderick, a recent agriculture graduate from Aberystwyth University, works on the family farm in the heart of the Bannau Brycheiniog. Australia will be his scholarship destination and he is focusing on sheep enterprises in Australia and their approach to anthelmintic resistance, a key topic

within Welsh and UK agriculture, as well as understanding how they cope with extreme weather scenarios. Tudor follows in the footsteps of his father Richard who was also a HCC Scholar in 2016.

Tudor explained ‘The Welsh sheep industry currently faces numerous challenges which range from policy and trade, the environment, and the increasing pressure to reduce anthelmintic resistance and antibiotic usage.’

‘The HCC Scholarship will allow me to seek new ideas and bring knowledge back to the Welsh sheep industry. I’m particularly interested in their practice of breeding replacements with higher resilience to perform with a worm burden. I believe this is a practice which is highly replicable in Wales and could lead to reduced reliance and resistance to anthelmintics.’

The HCC Scholarship has been established for over twenty years and offers the chance for ambitious individuals working within the red

meat sector in Wales to study an aspect of production or processing across the world. Recent scholarship topics include techno grazing, beef grading systems and DNA shepherding.

Rachael MadeleyDavies, HCC’s Head of Sustainability and Future Policy commented ‘We are delighted to announce Dan and Tudor as this year’s HCC Scholars. We had a record level of interest in the HCC Scholarship this year and a very strong field of candidates, proving that there is a great deal of ambition and appetite to learn in our industry.’

She continued ‘Both Dan and Tudor have chosen themes which are incredibly timely for our industry and will undoubtedly bring back a wealth of information and learnings which will benefit our sector as a whole. I am sure Dan and Tudor will make excellent representatives for the Welsh red meat sector when studying abroad and we look forward to hearing their findings in due course.’

50 Friday August 4th 2023 For up to date news please check our social network channels
51 Friday August 4

FUW recognises dedication to agriculture with awards at Royal Welsh Show

The Farmers’ Union of Wales has recognised two individuals for their services to agriculture at the Royal Welsh Show.

Receiving the external award for service to agriculture was Senior Lecturer in Natural Sciences, at Bangor University, Dr Prysor Williams. The FUW’s internal award for services to agriculture was presented to Margaret Shepherd, who served the Union for over 40 years.

Dr Prysor Williams farms in the Conwy Valley and graduated at Bangor University in Environmental Sciences. He has an interest in researching a number of subjects that are bridging the gap between agriculture and the environment, including the use of organic resources such as manure and slurry to name a few.

He has also developed a major interest in the discussion related to land use, intensification, sustainable agriculture

and the provision of public goods. Prysor Williams also sits on a number of committees and engages with the agricultural industry on

a regular basis.

Speaking at the awards presentation, FUW President Ian Rickman said: “Prysor is an

innovative person who is always trying to develop a number of viable projects that will be of benefit to the agriculture industry

in the future - it is therefore my pleasure to present him with this award tonight.”

Presenting the internal award for services to agriculture, Mr Rickman said:

“Whilst we recognise people and organisations from outside of the Union, we also recognise what those who work for us have done for agriculture, our members and the Union and through that the work we do to ensure that there are thriving, sustainable family farms in Wales.

“Margaret Shepherd has given over 40 years of service to agriculture and words will never do justice to the dedication and commitment we have all benefited from in that time. It is my pleasure to present Margaret Shepherd therefore with the internal FUW award for services to agriculture.”

52 Friday August 4th 2023 For up to date news please check our social network channels

Wales Woman Farmer of the Year Award announced

Year Award. Katie is a strong advocate for safeguarding the future of Welsh agriculture, Welsh heritage and culture and believes education plays a key role in promoting the fantastic work farmers do in producing safe, healthy and sustainable food. She endeavours to look beyond the farm gate and embrace a new, and perhaps different, approach to her business and embodies everything we look for in a winner of this award.

A THIRDGENERATION hill farmer from Nantymoel, near Bridgend, is the 25th winner of the NFU Cymru / NFU Mutual Wales Woman Farmer of the Year Award.

The award, given at the Royal Welsh Show last week, celebrates its 25th anniversary this year. It seeks to champion women’s contribution to the agricultural industry and to raise women’s profile in farming.

Katie Rose-Davies, who has a degree in agriculture from Aberystwyth University, plays a pivotal role in running the family hill farm in the Ogmore Valley, where her family have farmed for over 90 years. Alongside being a partner in the business since 2015, she is a mother to three young children and works as a Lecturer in Agriculture at Bridgend College.

Katie is responsible for developing the business and ensuring its viability. She does this through continuous professional development, benchmarking and attending various workshops. Low lamb prices in 2018 were the main driver for Katie developing a marketing strategy for lamb. In 2019, she developed the ‘Bwlch Mountain Lamb’ brand and started marketing their products through box schemes. Direct sales to the public increased their sales significantly, and along with the financial

responsibilities, she prides herself in producing high-quality beef and lamb in harmony with the environment.

One of Katie’s key responsibilities is to ensure they farm in a sustainable way that protects and enhances the farm’s ecosystems. Both modern and traditional farming techniques are used to achieve this, including shepherding techniques like hefting and the cutting of Molina to encourage groundnesting birds. Participation in the Glastir scheme has allowed her to invest in capital works such as rebuilding dry stone walls and sheepfolds and keeping South Wales Mountain ewes, which are indigenous to the area and play an intrinsic part in the heritage and culture of the South Wales Valleys.

Katie is keen to play her part and fulfil her role in the industry’s journey to net zero. She believes carbon capture, using technology to improve efficiencies, utilisation of grassland management and clean energy will be key to achieving this. She is part of a Farm Photography Club, which feeds into a PhD Project at Gloucester University that looks at how the UK livestock industry reacts to current climate change discourse. She was also part of HCC’s Farm Carbon Auditing Project in 2019, where her suckler enterprise came out with the lowest net emissions from the ten farms participating across


Katie has hosted several farm visits, including the Minister for Rural Affairs Lesley Griffiths MS and the Vice Premier of China, where she showcased Welsh beef and lamb. Following this, she was identified as a leader in environmental farming practices and met with the then Prince of Wales to discuss sustainable farming practices.

She recently hosted a farm visit for Nantymoel Primary School, with nearly 200 pupils attending to learn about food, farming and the environment. She has since arranged for the Cows on Tour group to visit the school and has agreed to make this an annual event, showing her passion for the industry and educating young people.

Katie is also joint secretary of the Glamorgan Farmers Club and an AgriAcademy Graduate from the Rural Leadership Programme. She was a Young Ambassador for the Welsh Black Cattle Society in 2010, an HCC Livestock Scholarship finalist in 2011, Wales YFC Stockperson of the Year in 2008, and an Agriscop Leader for 2014 – 2015.

NFU Cymru Deputy President and judge of the award Abi Reader, said: “We are delighted to announce Katie as the winner of the 25th anniversary Wales Woman Farmer of the

“Katie believes that the industry needs the best people who are able to tackle the many challenges that face our industry, and after visiting her farm it was clear she is a very worthy winner of the Wales Woman Farmer of the Year award.”

Fellow judge Lona Davies representing award sponsors NFU Mutual in her role as NFU Cymru / NFU Mutual Group Secretary in Llanrwst, added: “It has been a pleasure to help judge the NFU Cymru/NFU Mutual Wales Woman Farmer of the Year Award and see for myself the huge depth of talent we have among women in Welsh agriculture. The standard of the applications was exceptionally high, which made our role as judges enjoyable and challenging in equal measure.

“However, both Abi and I were in agreement that Katie was the pick of the entries for this year’s award. Her passion and dedication to the industry, not only in taking care of her stock and the environment, but also her attitude towards educating youngsters about where their food comes from, shone through during our visit to her farm. Along with working off farm educating students about agriculture and running the farm with her husband Trystan and her parents, she also raises three young children and is a truly fantastic advocate for our industry.”

Katie was presented with a Welsh crystal engraved bowl and £500 prize money to mark her achievement.

Last week we enjoyed a successful Royal Welsh Show and celebrated everything that is great and good about our industry. We held a diverse selection of seminars for our members and engaged with politicians from across the spectrum, lobbying on issues that ensure the survival of our family farms.

There was a topic that we couldn’t get away from during the week and actually it was not a new issue but a point we have discussed and lobbied the Welsh Government on for well over a year - the proposed inclusion of a 10% tree canopy target for all farms as part of the Sustainable Farming Scheme.

This is a major barrier for many farmers, and our response to the original July 2022 proposals and subsequent lobbying and regular meetings with the Welsh Government has led to significant changes announced a couple of weeks ago that will help thousands of farmers. Sadly, this news was lost amongst the media messaging around the issue.

However, further concessions are needed if we are to ensure that this and other barriers are removed from the scheme, and we were therefore pleased to receive assurances directly from First Minister Mark Drakeford

that our concerns would continue to be listened to and that the proposals would be further developed to address barriers, including in relation to trees.

In order to do this, we must continue to engage with and lobby the Welsh Government, just as we have done since the first proposals were issued in 2018proposals that have been improved beyond recognition thanks to our efforts. Whatever the rumours, no organisation is boycotting the scheme or negotiations, and FUW will continue to work hard to secure changes that will maximise the number of farmers that can access the scheme. Without these further changes and improvements we will see adverse effects not only for farmers but also those second and third sector businesses which rely on the agricultural industry.

As we’ve said many times, the Royal Welsh Show gives us a tiny glimpse of how important agriculture really is, with every section of the agricultural supply chain on display, from the machinery dealer to the farmer to the food producer and supermarket - industries that along with others collectively employ hundreds of thousands of people and feed millions.

53 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday August 4th 2023 FarMing


Throw a thunderstorm party to soothe pets

AS WEATHER warnings, thunder and rain continue to hit Wales, vets are sharing their top tips for soothing petrified pets during storms, including top preparation tactics, thunderstorm parties and ear wraps.

Storms and loud noises can be a trigger for anxious pets, with 42% of pet owners saying that their furry friend experiences anxiety.

According to veterinary surgeon and medical writer, Lily Richards (Bsc Hons BVSc MRCVS), animals may suffer from noise phobias during thunder and anxiety during lightning, but they can also feel the electrostatic pressure changes when a storm is looming – meaning their senses are perfectly attuned to ‘scary’ weather conditions.

To prepare fur parents for storm season, experts at TrustedHousesitters

have teamed up with vet, Lily Richards, revealing five expert tips for keeping pets calm:

1. Throw a thunderstorm party

Often distractions are the best thing for nervous pets – so while a ‘party’ may seem unusual, it may

be just what an anxious animal needs! Vet, Lily Richards, recommends:

“To offer a distraction to anxious pets, have a thunderstorm party. Close the curtains, put some music on, and play an epic round of tug or ball. It works perfectly with my Collie dog, who is barely aware of a storm occurring!”.

According to a TrustedHousesitters pet parenting study, background noise is one of the most effective ways to relieve stress and anxiety in pets, with 34% of pet owners using the TV and another 34% playing music to help comfort their pets. However, most owners say offering their pets their favourite toy is the most effective way to relieve pet anxiety – 43% of owners claim this tactic works perfectly for them.

2. Be prepared for storm seasons

When it comes to pet anxiety, preparation is key. Lily Richards says: “Check the weather forecast to help you prepare if you have

noise-phobic pets. Hold off walking dogs so you’re not caught out in a storm, especially with anxious pups who can bolt if startled. Keep cats inside, cover hutches or bring smaller animals like rabbits or guinea pigs inside in bad storms. You should also secure your home and garden to prevent your pets from escaping if they do get spooked.”

When a storm is imminent, Lily recommends:

“Prepare a safe, enclosed, dark space for pets to rest; include their favourite toys and blankets, and maybe even a puzzle feeder, for distraction. Always close your curtains or blinds to limit lightning flashes.”

3. Understand when to give your pet space

It can be tempting to cuddle your pets when they’re feeling frightened, but it’s important to meet their needs. Some pets want attention, while others may want to hide. Lily explains: “Give your pet space to be stressed. There’s nothing worse than being fussed over when you’re anxious; it just breeds more anxiety. If your pet wants to pace, let them pace. Your pet will find a way of easing their own anxiety given the space to.”

4.Consider natural remedies

Keep an eye on the weather forecast and stock up on thunder-masking essentials. What works may vary from pet to pet, so try a few different options to see what works for you. Lily suggests:

“Considernatural remedies such as rescue remedy, lavender oil, anxiety diffuser plug-ins

or pet thundershirts/a tightfitting t-shirt. Thundershirts act like blankets swaddling a baby, touching on pressure points to release endorphins and happy chemicals to help calm your pet.”

If you have a frightened pooch, it’s also important to remember that dog hearing is up to five times better than humans, which is why loud noises such as thunder can be so startling to them. Look into dog ear wraps, or snoods, which cover the dogs’ ears and help to muffle sounds.

5. Distract with food

If you’re struggling with a nervous pet, turn to one of the best pet distractions –food! A third of pet owners say giving their pet treats helps relieve anxiety. If your pet is showing signs of uneasiness during storms, try distracting them with treats, or by adjusting their meal schedule to eat during storms. CBD-infused treats are an excellent option for pets with severe anxiety, as they can help them remain calm and sleep during storms – with 18% of pet owners saying they find this remedy helpful.

Angela Laws, award-winning community manager of TrustedHousesitters and pet sitter with over 14 years of experience, commented:

“It can feel so heartbreaking to watch your pet experience distress and not know how to help them. With how much pets help us, it’s only fair for pet owners to learn how we can help them too. This is especially important if a storm is expected, and your pet may be without you. Share these tips with your pet sitter, prepare for storms with desensitisation techniques, and learn exactly what your pet needs to be the best owner you can be for them.”

54 Friday August 4th 2023 For up to date news please check our social network channels pets

Aber physicists collaborate on solar telescope

Aberystwyth University is part of an international collaboration to build the biggest solar telescope ever constructed in Europe.

The European Solar Telescope (EST) project aims to provide unparalleled new insights into space weather phenomena.

The project involves the collaboration of several European countries, including the UK.

Aberystwyth University is a member of a consortium of UK universities which will help to develop designs for the construction of the large-aperture solar telescope, which will be located at the worldrenowned El Roque de los Muchachos Observatory at La Palma in Spain.

The EST project aims to provide valuable insights into the mechanisms underlying solar flares and coronal mass ejections.

These events determine so-called ‘space weather’, which can lead to geomagnetic storms on Earth - seen

as the northern lightsand strongly influence our technological society.

The University of Sheffield leads the United Kingdom Universities Consortium (UKUC).

The Consortium involves Aberystwyth, Belfast, Durham, Exeter and Glasgow Universities.

Professor Huw Morgan, Head of Solar System Physics at Aberystwyth University, said: “Aberystwyth University is proud to be a member of the UK consortium for the European Solar Telescope. This builds on our long history of involvement in

international missions and facilities that are dedicated to improving our understanding of the solar system.

“Over recent years, our staff and researchers have made key discoveries of the Sun based on data from current ground-based solar telescopes. We are therefore excited to be part of the European-wide network of organisations who will collectively push towards the construction of this new facility.”

Professor Robertus von Fay-Siebenburgen from the University of Sheffield’s School of Mathematics and

Statistics is the principal investigator for the UKUC project. He said:

“The EST will be the biggest groundbased solar telescope constructed in Europe and keep its European partners at the forefront of solar physics research… This kind of unrivalled research infrastructure will provide European astronomers and plasma-astrophysicists with an extraordinary tool for observing the Sun and its space weather, one that will pave the way for scientific advancements in some of the world’s biggest and most important challenges,

such as the development of green fusion energy.

“By being able to study the physical processes happening in the solar chromosphere in such detail for the first time, we will gain new insight into how the heating mechanisms occur that underpin the plasma heating processes. Learning from how nature does it will help us explore how to replicate the process for the benefit of humankind.”

One of the EST’s primary objectives is to improve understanding of the Sun by observing its magnetic fields in unprecedented detail. Once operational, it can uncover signals currently hidden in the noise and reveal the existence of unknown, tiny magnetic structures.

The telescope’s preliminary design phase, funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme, has recently been completed. After a construction period of six years, the EST’s first light - or becoming operational - is planned for 2028-2029.

Welsh Water’s Education Team reach the highest number of pupils ever.

DWR Cymru Welsh Water has marked an exceptional year for its Education Programme, reaching a record 93,897 pupils across every corner of its customer area.

This year’s achievements are particularly significant in building social value, especially in areas of deprivation. The Programme, offering free education resources to all, provides pupils access to high-quality learning experiences. It also enhances knowledge and understanding, per the National Curriculum for Wales, and fosters a shared responsibility towards water.

With a unique approach to teacher professional development, the notfor-profit company has seconded over 80 teachers to the company, enriching the education landscape with industry-specific knowledge and creating a more dynamic, real-world learning environment for pupils. This is particularly significant within the National

Curriculum for Wales, which focuses on the four core purposes - capable learners, enterprising contributors, informed citizens and confident individuals.

Claire Roberts, Head of Community Engagement at Welsh Water, highlighted the impact of the Programme:

“Our success in reaching over 93,000 learners this year demonstrates the appetite and value of this support, which engages with future generations at the heart of each community. Through seconding

teachers and offering hands-on, accessible education, we’re not only supporting in shaping our future generations, but also contributing to the social value of communities.”

Ysgol Tremeirchion said of their visit: “The presentation by the teacher was fantastic. Everyone was focused and were keen to answer questions. Thank you very much! The workshop was practical yet educational. Every pupil was on task, even those that are sometimes difficult to


The programme ensures that the benefits reach far and wide by offering outdoor environmental education sessions, school outreach assemblies, classroombased workshops, and live, online education sessions.

Duri Programmecademic year, approximately 60,000 pupils attended an assembly, 25,000 participated in workshops, and 4,000 engaged in outdoor environmental education. Whilst some of the 93,000 pupils involved

will have participated in multiple sessions, acknowledging that there are 219,000 pupils in full-time primary schools education in Wales at least offers a sense of the scale and success of the delivery of this education programme. While Cardiff had the highest pupil participation in the programme this year, areas like Merthyr Tydfil and Caerphilly programmes have benefited most significantly relative to their pupil populations.

Of the 464 evaluation forms received from schools, 459 expressed high satisfaction with the support offered, reflecting the programme’s value in the education sector.

With 700,000 pupiProgramme’ssince its launch in 1998, Welsh Water’s Education Strategy exemplifies a deep-rooted commitment to social responsibility and nurturing future generations’ knowledge and skills to protect our most precious resource.

55 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday August 4th 2023 education


Top trailer firm joins forces with Bentley for new hill climb record

straw hauled to the top of the hill was enough to make 1,100 miles-worth of fuel for the Bentley Bentayga EWB.

The stability and performance of the car and the trailer were tested at the Trac Môn circuit at Tŷ Croes on Anglesey and the famous MIRA test track near Nuneaton, in Warwickshire.

This is not the first time Ifor Williams Trailers – which has five manufacturing sites in Deeside and Denbighshire - has hooked up with a luxury car brand.

through the grounds, the challenging course has been the centre of the action since the festival’s inception 30 years ago.

The Bentayga EWB (extended wheelbase version) completed the 1.16-mile hill climb in just 1 minute 21 seconds while towing 2.5 tonnes of straw.

It’s the fastest time ever recorded for a car towing a trailer on the course and Bentley made a film of the run which they showed at the festival.

The climb was completed ahead of the start of the festival, during the build up phase of the event, meaning the record time is not official.

The trailer used in the ascent was a standard tiltbed model, except of a frame to hold the bales in place and the addition of alloy wheels to match the look of the posh SUV.

The 4.0-litre, turbocharged V8 engine was running on 100 per cent renewable biofuel made from agricultural waste straw.

All the modern Bentleys doing the hill climb at Goodwood ran on biofuel which can be used as a straightforward replacement for normal pump fuel without modification - but with an 85 per cent reduction in carbon emissions.

The 2.5 tonne load of

In 2019 the firm unveiled its sleek new HBX506 model alongside a top-of-therange Lamborghini SSUV model, the URUS, at the glitzy Dubai International Horse Fair which was sponsored by the Italian car marque.

Among the team from Ifor Williams Trailers involved the testing ahead of the hill climb at Goodwood was Senior Design Engineer Geraint Williams.

Geraint said: “We were only too pleased to be able to assist Bentley in the very thorough preparation for the record-setting run at Goodwood.

“We are particularly familiar with the track at MIRA because we have conducted rigorous tests on our trailers there over the years, so we can ensure the highest levels of safety and durability of our range.

“The success in creating the unofficial record at Goodwood was yet another testament to stability and build quality of our trailers.

“The tiltbed trailer was a totally standard model without any modifications apart from the alloy wheels which were a nod to the sophisticated Bentley styling.

“Having said that, we’re not expecting a rush of requests for alloy wheels from the majority of our customers just yet, although in fairness they looked absolutely lovely.”

56 Friday August 4th 2023 For up to date news please check our social network channels
MA TRAILER firm has teamed up with luxury car maker Bentley to create a new record with a difference – powered by straw. With the help of a tiltbed model from Ifor Williams Trailers, a Bentley Bentayga set a landmark time for the famous hill climb at the Goodwood Festival of Speed in Sussex. Winding its way
57 Friday August 4 TOYOTA AYGO - 2012 1.0 VVT-I FIRE AC 3d 67 BHP ** PETROL......5 SPEED......YES ONLY 60,065 MILES FROM NEW.......SERVICE HISTORY 9 STAMPS.......2 KEYS........2 PREVIOUS OWNERS.........£0 ROAD TAX.........LOW INSURANCE GROUP 3.. £4,495 CHEVROLET SPARK - 2012 1.2 LT 5d 80 BHP ** PETROL.....5 SPEED......1 PREVIOUS OWNER........ YES ONLY COVERED 60,799 MILES FROM NEW........£35 ROAD TAX....... LOW INSURANCE GROUP 6.........55 MPG.... £3,995 FORD FIESTA - 2010 1.2 ZETEC 5d 81 BHP ** PETROL.....5 SPEED........LOW INSURANCE GROUP 6..........49 MPG.........ZETEC EDITION....... AIRCON.......ELECTRIC WINDOWS.... £4,495 FORD KA - 2013 1.2 ZETEC 3d 69 BHP ** PETROL......5 SPEED......YES ONLY COVERED 35,785 MILES FROM NEW.......WITH SERVICE HISTORY 5 STAMPS.........1 PREVIOUS OWNER......2 KEYS.........£35 ROAD TAX... £5,495 CITROEN C4 CACTUS - 2014 1.6 BLUEHDI FLAIR 5d 98 BHP ** DIESEL.......5 SPEED......£0 ROAD TAX...... SERVICE HISTORY 4 STAMPS........83 MPG........FLAIR EDITION.......TOUCH SCREEN......SATNAV......CRUISE CONTROL... £5,395 KIA CEED - 2014 1.6 CRDI 2 ECODYNAMICS 5d 126 BHP **DIESEL.......ESTATE......6 SPEED......87,389 MILES.......SERVICE HISTORY 4 STAMPS......2 KEYS.....,.£35 ROAD TAX.......64 MPG.......SPORTS WAGON .... £6,295 BMW 1 SERIES - 2013 1.6 116I SE 5d 135 BHP ** PETROL........8 SPEED AUTOMATIC.......2 PREVIOUS OWNERS........YES ONLY 68,313 MILES FROM NEW....... SERVICE HISTORY 4 STAMPS........2 KEYS.........£150 ROAD TAX..........50 MPG.... £8,995 SMART FORTWO COUPE - 2010 PASSION MHD ** PETROL......AUTOMATIC......YES ONLY 59,859 MILES......... SERVICE HISTORY 8 STAMPS.........£20 ROAD TAX........74 MPG........PASSION EDITION.......AIRCON.. £4,995 NISSAN QASHQAI - 2014 1.5 DCI ACENTA PREMIUM 5d 108 BHP ** DIESEL....6 SPEED....£ZERO ROAD TAX....SERVICE HISTORY....2 KEYS....PARKING SENSORS FRONT AND REAR....DUAL ZONE CLIMATE CONTROL... £9,495 MERCEDES-BENZ A-CLASS2015 1.5 A180 CDI BLUEEFFICIENCY SE 5d 109 BHP **DIESEL....6 SPEED.....£0 ROAD TAX.......74 MPG.......2 KEYS....... SE EDITION.......HALF LEATHER SPORTS SEATS.......MEDIA SCREEN... £9,995 CITROEN DS4 - 2012 1.6 HDI DSTYLE 5d 110 BHP ** DIESEL......6 SPEED.....2 PREVIOUS OWNER........96.829 MILES........SERVICE HISTORY 6 STAMPS.......£150 ROAD TAX.......60MPG.........2 KEYS........ DSTYLE EDITION..... £4,995 MERCEDES-BENZ E-CLASS - 2013 2.1 E250 CDI SE 5d 202 BHP ** ESTATE......DIESEL.......7 SPEED AUTOMATIC.......ONE PREVIOUS OWNER.......SERVICE HISTORY........2 KEYS.......SE EDITION.......FULL CREAM QUILTED LEATHER........ £9,795 HONDA CR-V - 2013 2.2 I-DTEC EX 5d 148 BHP **DIESEL......6 SPEED......1 PREVIOUS OWNER.......2 KEYS........48 MPG....... EX EDITION......HUGE SPEC.......GLASS ROOF.......FULL CREAM LEATHER........ HEATED SEATS........ELECTRIC TAILGATE.... £6,995 MERCEDES-BENZ C-CLASS - 2015 2.1 C220 BLUETEC SE 4d 170 BHP ** DIESEL......6 SPEED.......1 PREVIOUS OWNER......£20 ROAD TAX......70 MPG......2 KEYS.....blueTEC SE EDITION.......FULL BLACK LEATHER......... MEDIA SCREEN.........BLUETOOTH... £9,995 VOLVO V60 - 2015 2.0 D4 BUSINESS EDITION 5d 178 BHP **ESTATE......DIESEL....6 SPEED.... ONE PREVIOUS OWNER......MAIN DEALER SERVICE HISTORY - 10 STAMPS....74 MPG......£ ZERO ROAD TAX....TWO KEYS....BUSINESS EDITION.... £6,995 MERCEDES BENZ C-CLASS 2014 2.1 C220 CDI AMG SPORT EDITION 2d 168 BHP ** DIESEL.......COUPE...... AUTOMATIC 7 SPEED.......YES ONLY 83,149 MILES........£180 ROAD TAX........53 MPG........AMG SPORT EDITION.......HALF LEATHER £9,495 VAUXHALL INSIGNIA - 2009 2.0 SRI NAV CDTI 5d 130 BHP ** DIESEL.......6 SPEED.......,.YES ONLY 99,673 MILES.......48 MPG........SRi EDITION........SATNAV........AIRCON....... CRUISE CONTROL.....CLIMATE CONTROL..... £3,495 KIA SPORTAGE - 2011 1.7 CRDI 3 5d 114 BHP ** DIESEL......6 SPEED.....SERVICE HISTORY 9 STAMPS.......52 MPG......,.SPORTAGE 3 EDITION,,,,,,,NICE SPEC,,,,,,,,ELECTRIC GLASS ROOF........FULL BLACK LEATHER....... £6,995 VOLKSWAGEN UP - 2013 1.0 ROCK UP 3d 74 BHP ** PETROL.......5 SPEED.......YES ONLY COVERED 42,131 MILES FROM NEW........FULL SERVICE HISTORY 5 STAMPS........2 KEYS........£20 ROAD TAX.......60 MPG.. £7,495 FORD KA - 2013 1.2 ZETEC 3d 69 BHP ** PETROL......5 SPEED......YES ONLY COVERED 35,785 MILES FROM NEW.......WITH SERVICE HISTORY 5 STAMPS.........1 PREVIOUS OWNER......2 KEYS.........£35 ROAD TAX.. £5,495
59 Friday August 4 2020 20 FORD FIESTA 1.0 TREND, 5dr, blue, 15k ............................................................... £13,595.00 2019 19 VAUXHALL INSIGNIA DESIGN 1.6 TD, 5dr, service history, blue £8,995.00 2019 68 FORD FOCUS 1.0 125 ZETEC, 5dr, silver, 43k, 1 owner, fsh £12,995.00 2018 68 BMW I3 600cc RANGE ENTENDER, blue, 21k, 1 owner, fsh £19,995.00 2018 18 VOLKSWAGEN GOLF 2.0 GT TDI 5dr, B/motion, white,1 owner ......................... £11,995.00 2018 18 VAUXHALL ASTRA 1.6 CDTi DESIGN ESTATE, silver, £8,995.00 2018 67 RENAULT CLIO 1.5 Dci PLAY grey, 5dr, 1 owner, 36K £8,995.00 2017 67 KIA SPORTAGE 2 1.7 CRDI, silver, 1 owner, fsh, £11,995.00 2017 67 HYUNDAI TUSCON 1.7 CRDi 2wd, grey, 1 owner, 76k, fsh ................................... £13,995.00 2017 67 FIAT ABARTH 1.4 AUTOMATIC, blue, 2000 miles, 1 owner, fsh £14,750.00 2017 67 TOYOTA AYGO 1.0 VVTi X-STYLE, 5dr, red, 57k, £7,495.00 2017 17 SKODA FABIA 1.4S Tdi ESTATE, grey, 1owner, ....................................................... £7,495.00 2017 17 FIAT 500 1.2 POP, white, 33k £7,650.00 2017 17 PEUGEOT 208 1.6 ACCESS Hdi, 5dr, 1 owner, s/history £6,495.00 2016 16 FORD FOCUS 1.5 ZETEC Tdci ESTATE, silver, £6,995.00 2015 65 PEUGEOT PARTNER HORIZON S 1.6 MPV, mobility access, blue, 19k ............... £9,995.00 2014 64 PEUGEOT 108 1.0 ACTIVE, red, 5dr £5,450.00 2014 64 PEUGEOT 108 ALLURE 1.2 TOP, white, 32k, service history, £6,995.00 2014 14 VAUXHALL CORSA 1.2 EXCITE, 3dr, white, 63k £3,995.00 2014 14 VAUXHALL MOKKA 1.6 EXCLUSIVE, white, ........................................................ £5,995.00 2013 63 FORD FIESTA 1.5 ZETEC Tdci, 5dr, blue, fsh, £5,995.00 2013 13 VAUXHALL ADAM 1.4 VVT SLAM, yellow, 3dr, 62k, £5,995.00 2013 13 VAUXHALL CORSA 1.2 LIMITED EDITION, yellow £5,495.00 2013 13 FORD FIESTA EDGE 1.4 TDCI, 1 owner, blue, ....................................................... £5,295.00 2013 13 FORD FIESTA 1.5 STYLE Tdci 5dr, silver £4,850.00 2013 13 AUDI A1 1.6 SPORT Tdi, black, 3dr £5,000.00 2013 13 FORD KA 1.2 ZETEC, 3dr, silver, fsh £3,495.00 2012 62 FORD FIESTA 1.2 ZETEC, silver 42k, ...................................................................... £6,500.00 2013 62 FORD B MAX 1.0 TITANIUM silver, £5,495.00 2012 12 PEUGEOT 107 1.0 ACTIVE, 3dr, red, 60k, s/history £3,995.00 2011 61 TOYOTA AYGO 1.0 STYLE 5dr, 85k, £3,450.00 2011 61 FORD MONDEO 1.6 TDCI ESTATE, red, ............................................................. ARRIVING 2010 10 FORD FIESTA EDGE 1.4 TDCI, 1 owner, silver £4,595.00 2010 10 PEUGEOT 107 1.0 URBAN AUTOMATIC yellow, 5dr £3,500.00 2009 59 FORD FIESTA 1.4 TITANIUM AUTOMATIC, 63k, silver £6,450.00 2004 53 PORSCHE BOXSTER S 3.2 CONVERTIBLE, blue, 54k, s/history ........................... £7,995.00
inclusive of 20% VAT 2019 69 MERCEDES SPRINTER CAR TRANSPORTER 2.1 Cdi, 1 owner, 70k £29,995.00 2019 19 MERCEDES SPRINTER DROPSIDE Lorry, 2.1 Cdi, 1 owner, £18,000.00 2019 19 FORD TRANSIT CUSTOM 2.0 LTD Tdi white, 1 owner ......................................... £13,995.00 2018 68 FORD TRANSIT CUSTOM 2.0 Tdi, white, 1 owner £14,595.00 2018 18 FORD TRANSIT 2.0 TDCI TIPPER, 49k, 1 owner, white £16,495.00 2018 18 FORD TRANSIT CUSTOM 2.0 Tdi, yellow, £14,995.00 2018 18 PEUGEOT PARTNER 1.6 TDI, white, 79k £9,995.00 2018 18 PEUGEOT PARTNER 1.6 TDI, white, £8,995.00 2017 67 FORD TRANSIT CONNECT 1.5 td, 1 owner, 70k £13,000.00 2016 16 MERCEDES CITAN 109 1.5 Cdi, white ..................................................................... £7,950.00 2016 16 MERCEDES SPRINTER 2.1 Cdi FRIDGE VAN £7,500.00 2016 16 VAUXHALL CORSA 1.3 Cdti, white, 85k £6,995.00 2016 16 VAUXHALL CORSA 1.3 Cdti, white.......................................................................... £5,450.00 2011 61 FORD TRANSIT 100 2.4 T350 Semi high top, white £5,995.00 2017/17 JAGUAR F-TYPE 5.0 V8R SUPERCHARGED CONVETIBLE AUTOMATIC ONLY 6000 MILES, WHITE WITH BLACK ROOF

Withybush concrete safety under the spotlight

WORK continues on a programme of surveys at Withybush Hospital to determine the condition of concrete roof planks in wards at the hospital site in Haverfordwest.

Withybush’s principal construction is concrete panel and plank. The panels form the walls, and the planks support the panels. Due to several significant design flaws dating to its original construction, Withybush has chronic roof problems.

Those problems are additional to the fact Withybush’s fabric is beyond the end of its predicted service life.

When the thenPembrokeshire Health Authority’s Estates Directorate carried out surveys of Withybush between 1989 and 1991. Those surveys predicted end-of-life within 20-25 years due to the inferior materials used in construction and the cost of maintaining the building.

The surveys began in May 2023. They aim to manage the risks around reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC) planks. They are expected to continue for at least another seven months.

HRAAC is a material commonly used in building construction between the 1960s and 1990s. Its presence has been confirmed in National Health Service properties across the United Kingdom, including several properties in Wales.

The UK’s Standing Committee on Structural Safety reported risks associated with aerated concrete in 2019. The product is still manufactured and installed worldwide.

HIt can be an appropriate construction material if properly designed, manufactured, installed, and maintained.

Professor Chris Goodier, a Materials Scientist from Loughborough

University, said: “It is RAAC from the 1950s, 60s and 70s that is of main concern, especially if it has not been adequately maintained. RAAC examples have been found with bearings (supports) that aren’t big enough and RAAC with the steel reinforcement in the wrong place, which can have structural implications. Prolonged water ingress (not uncommon on old flat roofs) can also lead to deterioration.”

NHS England issued an instruction to NHS Trusts affected requiring aerated concrete’s removal by 2030.

Hywel Dda University Health Board’s Director of Operations, Andrew Carruthers, said: “In response to Welsh

Government and wider industry alerts on this product, we have put in place a range of measures to manage the risk.

“In May 2023 we appointed a structural engineering company to undertake further intensive surveys of the areas in question and provide a full report on each RAAC plank.”

Survey work is being undertaken at pace and is likely to continue for several months. The work includes a visual survey of affected areas before a plank-by-plank detailed survey.

Where structural issues are identified, the extent of the remedial work is also assessed. This may see more local mitigations, including structural props and


To compensate for the temporary loss of beds at Withybush, 14 additional beds have been made available in Cleddau Ward at South Pembrokeshire Hospital in Pembroke Dock.

“Our hospital and community teams are working closely together to provide effective alternatives to the reduced capacity at Withybush, ensuring our patients are cared for in a place that best suits their needs, and this includes more beds and treatments in our community hospitals,” said Mr Carruthers. “This, in turn, has enabled us to treat more patients who have required hospital care and reduce the time they stay in hospital.”

Teams are now implementing plans for the next phase of the surveys on the remaining wards and offices on the ground floor at Withybush Hospital. This includes a visual inspection of planks in the first instance, which will identify any areas of concern.

temporary closure of impacted areas.

Mr Carruthers continued. “Survey and repair work will have an impact on clinical areas and hospital wards, so all arrangements for repair work are being supported by the clinical hospital managers.”

Plans were put in place at the beginning of the survey process to manage the impact on the operation of day-to-day services at the hospital, with the availability of hospital beds a priority.

The order of surveys and associated remedial works have been arranged to maximise clinical capacity and ensure routine and emergency surgery can continue with minimal disruption to patient

Mr Carruthers continued: “We know that the survey work can cause considerable disruption and I would like to thank hospital staff, patients and visitors for their patience and understanding while we are carrying out this essential work.”

Professor Goodier said: “The Department for Education (in England) has requested all of the country’s 20,000+ schools to check if they contain RAAC, but some still have not, and hence urgently need to.

Several have found RAAC and have been advised to seek expert guidance from a qualified Structural Engineer.

“The Ministry of Defence also issued a safety alert in 2019 on the back of the SCOSS report and is also investigating the problem.”

60 Friday August 4th 2023 For up to date news please check our social network channels
Aerated concrete: Older installations under scrutiny Withybush Hospital: Safety inspections underway

Charity-funded biopsy equipment delivers big benefits

us to provide this.”

Neil Griffiths, Service Delivery Manager of Urology, said: “The new equipment has not only allowed us to increase the capacity of prostate biopsies for all Hywel Dda patients who are referred with suspected prostate cancer; it has also enabled us to carry out the advanced transperineal biopsies at Prince Philip Hospital.

“This has benefitted patients by reducing waiting times and the need to travel for optimal service.

“It has also improved staff morale as it allows us to provide improved care to our patients.”

Nicola Llewelyn, Head of Hywel Dda Health Charities, said: “The purchase enables the health board to continue a sustainable and advanced prostate biopsy service.

NEW biopsy equipment purchased with charitable funds is positively impacting the experience of patients across the Hywel Dda region who are being tested for prostate cancer.

Hywel Dda Health Charities, the official charity of Hywel Dda University Health Board,

has funded state-of-theart trans-perineal biopsy equipment for Prince Philip Hospital worth £50,000, following a £30,000 donation from the West Wales Prostate Cancer Support Group. The new biopsy equipment is used to test for the possibility of prostate cancer.

Previously, the Hywel

Dda urology service had just one biopsy machine in Glangwili Hospital. However, this machine did not carry out a transperineal biopsy, a more accurate procedure.

Mr Ng, Consultant Urologist, said: “The purchase of this equipment is an important step in the full transition over to

trans-perineal biopsy for prostate and a key component of the current Cancer Research UK-funded project to provide a gold standard prostate cancer diagnostic service in Hywel Dda. I am very grateful for the continued support of charity and patient group partners to enable

“It demonstrates how the generous support of our local communities makes it possible for us to provide services over and above what the NHS can provide in the three counties of Hywel Dda. We are extremely grateful for every donation we receive.


61 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday August 4th 2023

Civil and Structural Engineering Consultants Transitions to Employee Ownership

ROGER CASEY Associates, civil and structural engineering consultants, has decided after nearly 25 years in business to transition to employee ownership.

Roger and Ann Casey, the founders of the practice, have sold 100% of their shares to the employee ownership trust (EOT), meaning that all current and future employees will have a share in the ownership of the company.

Ann Casey, Philip Lawrence and Adam Williams will now become the new company directors, with the trust board comprising of founder Roger Casey, Martin Jones as staff representative, and Sandra Jenkins of Bevan and Buckland Accountants, who joins as an independent trustee.

BRCA has offices in Carmarthen and Haverfordwest and has recently expanded along the M4 by opening an additional office at Baglan Energy Park.

Roger Casey said of the transition:

“We are totally committed to south west

Wales and have no plans to move the consultancy from our main base in Carmarthen. So, when it came to succession planning and retirement, we looked at all of the options, including a management buyout or an outright sale.

“Selling the business wasn’t an option as we could see that interested companies could possibly create uncertainty around the future of the company and we weren’t happy to do that. A management buyout wasn’t a viable option either, as it wasn’t the right time for those who expressed an interest, therefore when we looked a bit further into the EOT model, we realised that it was perfect for us and the business.”

Ann explained:

“The success of the company is down to the hard work of past and present employees and the loyalty we have received from our clients, many of whom have been with us from the beginning. Retaining the practice will safeguard the future of the business which is rooted in its locality, sustain employment opportunities for current

and future employees and continue to support economic development in south west Wales.”

“Now we are employee owned, those who work with us currently and in the future will have a vested interest in the success of the practice. We believe keeping that legacy, the work and those skills here in south west Wales is vital,” Ann added.

As a consequence of the transition into employee ownership, Philip Lawrence, who has been with the company since inception has been promoted to Managing Director.

He said of the transition:

“This is an exciting time for us as a business, and to be able to continue to serve our clients has been an important consideration. Roger and Ann are staying on for the foreseeable future, so it will be business as usual. For those that might be looking to join us in the future, it does make for a much more attractive business. Working for RCA means that they will have a say and a stake in our successes.”

Adam Williams is now Technical Director of Structural Engineering and has been responsible for the Haverfordwest Castle and Saundersfoot Harbour Regeneration projects. He added:

“The decision by Roger and Ann to sell their company to the staff provides an exciting opportunity for all of us to become part of a successful business and shape the way the company is run.”

New independent Trustee Board member, Sandra Jenkins of Bevan and Buckland Accountants, said:

“I’m delighted to join RCA EOT Ltd as a Trustee, having worked with the directors at Roger Casey Associates Ltd since the company’s incorporation in May 2005.

“I look forward to supporting the Employee Ownership Trust and to use my 25 years of experience working at Bevan Buckland LLP to advise and guide the Trust. We as a practice are proud to work with local businesses, supporting continued development and economic growth in the west Wales region.”

RCA was advised on its EO transition by Social Business Wales, which is delivered by Cwmpas.

Sarah Owens, specialist EO Consultant for Cwmpas, said:

“RCA is the perfect example of how using an EOT as the mechanism for becoming employeeowned can suit certain types of businesses. For Roger and Ann, it was vital that the skills and business they had built remains in south west Wales.

“It is so difficult to find the right way to pass on a business that is beneficial to both the founders and the staff, but Employee Ownership is exactly that. Huge congratulations to RCA on this move to employee ownership, and I look forward to it expanding further in the coming years.”

The Employee Ownership Wales service is part of the Social Business Wales programme delivered by Cwmpas. It is part of the Business Wales family and funded by Welsh Government and the European Regional Development Fund.

62 Friday August 4th 2023 For up to date news please check our social network channels Unit 6 Riverside Shopping Centre Haverfordwest SA61 2LJ Want to test your products and services on the high street? Contact us today!

More empty shops in Wales

THE NUMBER of empty shops in Wales further increased in the second quarter of 2023, according to the Welsh Retail Consortium.

In Q2 2023, the Welsh vacancy rate worsened to 17 per cent, increasing from 16.5 per cent in Q1 2023. It was 0.3 percentage points worse than the same point in 2022.

Shopping Centre vacancies improved to 22.2 per cent, compared to 22.3 per cent in the first quarter of 2023.

On the High street, vacancies worsened to 16.9 per cent, up from 16.3 per cent in the first quarter of this year.

Retail park vacancies improved to 10.2 per cent, compared to 10.7 per cent in Q1 2023. It remains the location with by far the lowest rate.

Sara Jones, head of Welsh Retail Consortium, said: “The number of empty Welsh

shops continued to grow in the second quarter of 2023, with over one in six shops lying vacant and with Wales remaining one of the worst performing nations and regions compared to the UK average rate.

“The upward trajectory is bad news for local economies who rely upon retail as a mainstay of the high street, and as a key contributor to jobs and growth. This troubling increase in empty units

wasn’t universal across all destinations however, with retail parks and shopping centres seeing a small improvement despite a further deterioration on our high streets.”

Jones called for

action on cost pressures and a freeze on business rates.

She added: “The Welsh Government’s recently launched Retail Action Plan has the potential to offer real opportunity for growth

for Welsh retailers, but it must be backed up with early action and intervention to enable that growth to be realised.

“As the Finance Minister considers her budget for the forthcoming financial year, we are calling for a freeze on business rates to prevent businesses being thwarted with eye watering uplifts to their rates bills. This needs to be coupled with a greater awareness of the cumulative impact of public policy making, and a moratorium on government-imposed costs.

“Retailers are doing all they can to shield consumers from the impact of increasing costs pressures but, with further regulation planned, this will be increasingly hard for retailers to absorb which will be bad news for business and bad news for consumers.”

63 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday August 4th 2023 Business

POSITIvELY LIBERAL Welsh building safety

• Report highlights lack of resources and joinedup thinking

clean water campaign group Surfers Against Sewage designated five Pembrokeshire Beaches as no-go zones for swimming due to pollution alerts: Wisemans Bridge, Saundersfoot, Castle Beach Tenby, Manorbier and Newport sands.

Following heavy rainfall on Wednesday, 26 July the local treatment works were overwhelmed and raw sewage was released into our seas. It appears that every time we have a period of heavy rainfall, sewage is discharged into our seas by Dwr Cymru / Welsh Water.

The statistics are alarming. According to the Herald report, in 2021 Pembrokeshire recorded the highest amount of sewage dumping incidents in the whole of England and Wales including 6,754 sewage dumps in Preseli Pembrokeshire constituency lasting for 79,501 hours. The worse affected was Poppet Sands with 79 dumps over 1,518 hours followed by Coppet Hall Beach, Saundersfoot enduring 79 dumps over 1,294 hours.

There are several reasons why this has become so

change is causing more heavy rainfall which overwhelms our treatment plants. We are also responsible as customers for ensuring we do not be put anything without thinking into our drains and toilets.

However, Welsh Water needs to play its role in investing in sewage treatment works to cope with the raised demand. It is a non-profit company (unlike in England) but it has seen fit to award its bosses over £1 million in bonuses over three years.

At the May County Council meeting, I asked the relevant Cabinet Member (Councillor Jon Harvey) to call for a meeting between councillors and Welsh Water so that the water company can explain what investment and action they are taking to deal with untreated sewage.

As a consequence, Welsh Water together with the regulators (Natural Resources Wales) will be meeting Pembrokeshire County Councillors on 23 August. I will need to see clear commitments and timescales indicating how Welsh Water will improve our sewage treatment plants so that we do not suffer sewage discharge in our rivers and seas every time there is heavy rainfall.

I have to declare a personal interest as I swim off Saundersfoot up to three times a week. Sewage is a frequent conversation amongst the wild water community and last Friday a member of the public, using an app supplied by Surfers Against Sewage, warned me from taking my early morning dip.

If you wish to discuss these issues, please contact me at Facebook: AlistairCameronPembs

Twitter: AlistairPembs

• Local authorities lack funding to deliver legal obligations

• Building safety services unfit for the present or the future

IN 2017, 72 people died in the Grenfell Tower Fire. Following this tragedy, the UK government commissioned the Hackitt Inquiry, an independent review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety.

The Inquiry revealed serious and longstanding issues with the current building safety system.

Since this time, both the UK and Welsh Governments have prioritised action to improve the policing of building safety to ensure we avoid another disaster like Grenfell.

An Audit Wales report published this week concludes that although the changes to Building Control and Building Safety are welcome, those responsible for implementing these changes are not wellplaced to deliver them and cannot effectively carry out their enhanced roles to ensure safe buildings in Wales.


There remains uncertainty over how some aspects of the new Building Safety regime will be implemented, with some key decisions yet to be decided.

Although most local authorities and fire and rescue services understand local building safety risks, they have not outlined how they plan to deliver the Building Safety Act 2022 requirements.

The Building Safety Act 2022 came into force in April 2023. All aspects of the Act apply to England. Only Part Three (with some minor exceptions)

applies to Wales.

The Welsh Government is introducing subsidiary legislation and guidance on Part 3. Full implementation and compliance are set for April 2025.

The Welsh Government is also developing legislation for the areas covered in Part 4 of the Building Safety Act 2022.

That legislation includes introducing a new Regulator for Wales (yet to be decided) and equivalent dutyholder roles such as the Accountable Person.

Audit Wales found many problems facing the building control and building safety profession, including significant staffing challenges, an ageing workforce and poor succession planning.

The lack of investment in training and development means services are not resilient or fit for the future, raising concerns that local authorities will struggle to deliver their responsibilities successfully.

Audit Wales has particular concerns over the financial management of building control. Some authorities’ current practices are potentially unlawful because they do not comply with the regulations and guidance. Although the pandemic helped local authorities to modernise their services, Audit Wales is concerned about the services’ resilience.

The absence of a national framework for monitoring and evaluating building control and safety means that local authorities and partners are not working

to agree on outcome measures and targets. That weakens the scrutiny of services and does not help mitigate risk.


The Audit Wales report outlines several recommendations for the Welsh Government and local authorities, including: Providing greater clarity on the implementation and expectations of Part 3 of the Building Safety Act Ensuring that there are sufficient resources to deliver the legislative and policy changes for Building Safety to reduce implementation risks

Increasing oversight and management of building control to ensure there is a robust assurance system in place for building control and safety Auditor General Adrian Crompton said:

“The Grenfell Tower fire was a national tragedy, the impact of which we continue to feel today.

“My report highlights major concerns with the implementation of the new system for Building Safety.

“Although it’s heartening to see the passion and commitment from those working in the sector, I am concerned that not enough priority is given to these services on the ground.

“The absence of robust plans, clear decision making, and adequate resources raise real fears that the new legislation will not be delivered and the problems it is seeking to address will remain.”

64 Friday August 4th 2023 For up to date news please check our social network channels

failings putting people at risk


IT HAS becoming more interesting in the world of politics recently. Who would have thought that Nigel Farage would be siding with Gina Miller and Piers Corbyn, but that is what has happened recently.


Plaid Cymru spokesperson for housing, Mabon ap Gwynfor MS, said: “The report from Audit Wales rightly points out the significant weaknesses under the building safety regime in Wales. More work must be done to ensure that the new regime must be properly resourced with consistency in implementation across Wales.

“The Local Government and Housing Committee is looking into the issue, and the evidence that has been brought forward suggests that building safety is like the “Wild West”, with developers cutting corners to maximise profits, so it’s about time we see something done about this.

“The new Building Safety Act should be a step in the right direction. However, it shows the weaknesses in the devolution

settlement, as Wales and England diverge on certain issues.

“TheWelsh Government should not be trying to hang on to the coattails of Westminster and should instead be developing primary legislation in Wales, for Wales.

“Local government funding has been cut to the bone. It’s no wonder that Local Authorities are struggling to fully implement the requirements of the Act because they have other statutory duties that they must fulfil with diminishing resources.

“The UK and Welsh Governments must ensure that Local Authorities are properly funded if we are to have faith in building safety standards in Wales and across the UK.”


Welsh Conservative Shadow Housing Minister Janet FinchSaunders, MS, said:

“The Auditor General’s report is alarming. It provides a catalogue of evidence that the building safety regime in Wales is broken.

“I have long campaigned with building safety victims to try and see their homes made safe, but six years after the Grenfell tragedy, people are still trapped in unsafe homes.

“We have seen the crisis is far wider and deep-rooted than feared.

“The Minister for Climate Change has repeatedly failed to get a grip on building safety in Wales and should be held responsible for the fact that diverging from the UK Government in Wales is having a detrimental impact, at least on victims.”


Mark Isherwood MS, Chair of the Senedd’s Public Accounts and Public Administration

Committee, said: “The tragic events at Grenfell in 2017 mean the Welsh Government must strengthen building safety. The sector’s struggle to respond to the new Building Safety Act 2022 requirements is troubling.

“I am concerned about the significant staffing challenges, ageing workforce, poor succession planning and the lack of investment in training and development, the Audit Wales report highlights.”

“I share the Auditor General’s concerns over the financial management of building control, with some authorities’ current practices potentially being unlawful because they do not align with the regulations and guidance.

“Across Wales, we need services to be resilient and for local authorities to be resourced and adequately staffed to deliver on their important responsibilities to keep people safe.”

As was widely reported Mr Farage had his bank account cancelled and he was unable to access any banking services, and he fronted a media campaign to highlight the issue. From that a picture has emerged which shows that enormity of the scandal of banks cancelling customers’ accounts. With no route to appeal or any explanation accounts are being shut and there is nothing they can do about it. Unless, like Nigel Farage, you have a platform where you can make it known what has happened. Alongside him is Gina Miller, who famously took the Government to court over Brexit, and is probably as politically different from Farage as is possible. Both were identified as Politically Exposed Persons, or PEPs as they are known. Their views are legitimate and not unlawful, whether you agree with them or not.

This is not the only concerning behaviour by banks and banking. The continuous drive for a cashless society, and the removal of High Street banks is creating a two-tier system. Not everybody is digitally savvy and rely on cash for their daily transactions. The cost of processing digital sales is causing small businesses to suffer with the exorbitant fees demanded by the banks and credit card companies. This

was highlighted by Piers Corbyn who entered a “card only” store, selected a pack of strawberries and left the exact price in coins by the till. Yes, it was a stunt but highlighted the issue of excluding people from simple pleasures of enjoying a fresh strawberry.

Farage, Miller and Corbyn are entirely right in taking a stand against the banks and financiers, who are happy to make it as difficult as possible for people with low incomes, disabilities, or other reasons why they can only use cash. At the same time, they will profess to be “inclusive” and wave a flag supporting whatever minority issue is fashionable. If they really want to be virtuous, they should demonstrate true inclusion by retaining cash services, which will ensure equality for everybody.

It is not just buying strawberries which is the problem; car parks, trains, gyms, restaurants, and many other places are becoming no-go zones for those who are unable to pay by card. But a cashless system only works when the technology works. Parts of Devon were cut off for a week when rats chewed through broadband cables which meant businesses were unable to process any payments.

I am fortunate that I have a bank account and can decide how I wish to pay for goods or services, and it should be my decision on how I manage my personal finances. Perhaps we should be boycotting cashless businesses and it may make them think that it is not cost effective to turn off cash.

65 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday August 4th 2023 politics

IT IS an enormous honour and privilege to have been selected by local Labour Party members to be Welsh Labour’s Parliamentary Candidate for Mid & South Pembrokeshire at the next general election.

I live just outside St Davids, but I grew up in a farming family and have spent many Easters lambing and many summers doing the harvest. Professionally, I trained and practised as a barrister, specialising in healthcare, public and employment law, before leaving to work as an organiser for a grassroots trade union that helps cleaners campaign for better pay and working conditions. My values are hard work, community and caring for others.

I am committed to Pembrokeshire and want to be an MP that is embedded within our local community, using my skills to fight for a kind, caring and compassionate society where everyone is valued.

I’ve been out campaigning regularly on the doorstep with a fantastic team of volunteers, and we have been hearing the same message: people in Pembrokeshire are really feeling the pressure of the cost-of-living crisis. After 13 years of Tory government and nearly 20 years of a Pembrokeshire Tory MP, there is a clear sense of anger and frustration. And they have every right to be angry when the economic record of this Tory Government is so dire: real average weekly earnings are stuck where they were in 2005, while mortgage rates are going up and working people are saddled with the highest tax burden for a generation.

We must reverse this cycle of economic decline. Our heavy industry, once dominated by the oil industry, is lacking

the leadership that we need from the UK Government as we transition to renewable energy. Our young talent is too often forced to leave the county in search of other career opportunities, and priced out by an inflated housing market. On tourism, we have a world leading coastline with an abundance of natural beauty, but that sector should be offering people long and rewarding careers, rather than seasonal, low-paid and insecure work. Finally, our agricultural sector is being forced to grapple with botched Tory trade deals that seek to make Welsh farmers uncompetitive.

As your Labour MP, I would stand up for Pembrokeshire and work alongside our Labour Senedd members and local Labour councillors to address the problems we face – both as a local community and as a wider society. Labour’s agenda is bold: economic competency, a new deal for working people, climate leadership, a commitment to locally sourced and sustainable food, a removal of export barriers, and trade standards which we can be proud of. A Labour Government in Westminster can and will make a difference. Above all, however, we recognise the importance of cooperation and we are prepared to reach out across traditional party lines. I am ambitious for Pembrokeshire and believe that together we can achieve great things.

It is time for change – both in Westminster, and in Pembrokeshire.

Forgotten Giants

In this

The quote this article opens with comes from Enoch Powell’s biography of Joseph Chamberlain. Joseph Chamberlain is not well-remembered these days. But he was the arbiter of Prime Ministers’ fates at the end of the 19th century and the turn of the 20th.

Before he became an MP, Chamberlain was

already a substantial political figure. His administration regenerated Birmingham. It brought essential utilities under public control, cleared slums and created improved public housing in their place. Chamberlain’s actions brought him national attention. He inevitably became an MP and immediately rose to prominence in the Commons.

Originally a Liberal

politician, he argued with Gladstone, whose cosy relationship with the Irish Nationalists and distaste for radical reform alienated Chamberlain and his followers.

He formed an uneasy partnership with the Conservatives under Lord Salisbury, but their alliance produced nationwide compulsory education, land reform and created democratically-elected county councils. He supported calls for a universal old age pension (for men) and devolved government across the United Kingdom.

Chamberlain was a radical on the home front and an imperialist in foreign policy.

As Colonial Secretary, Chamberlain tried forging an Anglo-German alliance and guided the conduct of the Boer War. Regarding the economy, he favoured an Imperial Federation and tariff barriers to shelter the British Empire and its industries from international competition.

Chamberlain was a mesmeric public speaker.

Beatrice Webb, who, with her husband Sidney, later influenced the Labour Party, wrote of him: “As he rose slowly and stood silently before his people, his whole face and form seemed transformed. The crowd

became wild with enthusiasm. At the first sound of his voice, they became as one man.

“Into the tones of his voice, he threw the warmth and feeling which were lacking in his words, and every thought, every feeling, the slightest intonation or irony and contempt was reflected in the face of the crowd. It might have been a woman listening to the words of her lover.”

Yet, for all the power he wielded over such a long period, he is regarded as “a Splendid Failure”.

During the civil and political turmoil between his entry into Parliament and the debilitating stroke that ended his frontline political career in 1906, he was central to almost every major dispute within successive governments. He brought two parties to the brink of ruin- Liberals and Conservatives - and his Liberal Unionists were (mostly) absorbed into the Conservative Party.

Chamberlain’s reforms are largely forgotten. They were overtaken by Lloyd George’s reforms, the First World War, and the rise of the Labour Party. His influence on some Conservative Party policies remained deep into the 1960s. Margaret Thatcher dismantled Chamberlain’s municipal vision and embraced the laissez-faire economics he loathed.

In the 21st century, Theresa May cited Chamberlain as a political hero. The parallels are inescapable. Chamberlain damned near split the Conservatives and was almost always on the wrong side of the major issues affecting the governments he served.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Perhaps Mrs May took it too far.

For up to date news please check our social network channels 66 Friday July 21st 2023
d I
“All political lives, unless they are cut off in midstream at a happy juncture, end in failure, because that is the nature of politics and of human affairs.”
series of brief essays, The Herald looks at some of the fallen titans whose names once inspired and influenced political history’s path during the last century.
JOSEPH CHAMBERLAIN Joseph Chamberlain: His reputation dwindled even while he was alive
Protectionism: Chamberlain was bitterly opposed to free trade

Celtic nations and regions come together in Brittany

for future collaboration, such as marine energy.

“Ahead of the Rugby World Cup later this year, it’s also an opportunity to celebrate the WalesFrance relationship, revitalising existing partnerships and planting the seeds for future collaborations in culture, sport, the economy and innovation.”

Antwn Owen-Hicks, delegation leader for Wales at the Festival Interceltique de Lorient, said: “We’re presenting a strong programme of artists in Lorient, which reflects the ongoing development and confidence in our arts and culture.

In March, one of our contributors, reported on the “Great Wales Train Robbery” that is the HS2 development.

In view of the fact that the HS2 high speed rail project has been dogged by claims of lack of value for money and overspending since its inception, it’s not surprising that the project has entered the UK headlines yet once again.

The First Minister will represent Wales at the Celtic Forum and the Interceltique Festival in Brittany this week.

The inaugural Celtic Forum will take place in Rennes on Thursday 3 August, ahead of the start of annual Interceltique Festival in Lorient, which begins on Friday (4 August).

The Celtic Forum will bring together leaders from the Celtic nations and regions – it will be an opportunity to strengthen relationships and discuss areas for potential collaboration.

The First Minister will hold bilateral meetings with other Celtic leaders during the Forum.

Festival Interceltique de Lorient is the largest annual celebration of Celtic culture of its kind. The festival is a celebration of the traditions of the Celtic nations and regions, with music, dance and visual arts, sports and gastronomy. In 2022, the festival attracted around 900,000 people over 10 days.

As a key part of the Wales in France year, there will be a strong Welsh presence at

the festival this year, including musical performances by folk trios VRï and The Trials of Cato, as well as Only Boys Aloud and harpist Meinir Olwen. There is also an exhibition of photographs by Scott Taylor and a dance production, Qwerin, to be performed in the Théâtre de Lorient.

First Minister Mark Drakeford said:

“The Celtic Forum is an excellent opportunity to come together as Celtic nations and regions, to build on our cultural and historical links and seek out areas

“There’s always a lot of interest in the Welsh artists amongst the festival goers. From Only Boys Aloud’s songs to Cerys Hafana’s sublime triple harp playing or the joy of Qwerin queer street folk-dance, our programme this year will provide an opportunity to discover Wales’ talents and culture and entice the audience to visit Wales.“

Backed by the Arts Council of Wales, and led by its agency Wales Arts International, the Wales in France culture programme is a celebration of the arts, languages, sports and song.

Ending free school meals in holidays means hungry children this summer


of children across Wales are at risk of going hungry over the summer because of Welsh government’s decision to end free school meals support during the holidays.

That’s the warning from school support staff and public services union, UNISON Cymru Wales. The trade union has labelled the decision as the ‘wrong choice’ when so many are trapped by low wages and high prices and has called on Welsh ministers to think again.

Jan Tomlinson, UNISON Cymru Wales convenor said, “So many families are struggling financially

and have absolutely nothing left. That includes many low paid, mainly female, public service workers.

“Not being able to pay the bills is horribly stressful and now they’ll now be worrying their children will have empty tummies over the summer.

“Welsh government has made the wrong choice. Working families are already using food banks in record numbers and we’ve seen an increase in diseases we thought we’d got rid of in civilised society, because people can’t afford to eat properly.

“We understand the Conservative UK government

has deprived Welsh government and councils of the money they need for vital local services that tackle poverty, but every politician has a moral duty to intervene and ensure children don’t go hungry.”

Emma Garson, whose UNISON Cardiff County branch represents thousands school support staff, said, “Free school meals for all during term time is an excellent initiative, but children don’t just go hungry in the school year.

“Withdrawing free meals support this summer means children could face six weeks without regular

hot meals. That is shameful.

“Making the announcement towards the end of the school term would have shocked parents expecting it to continue and they are unlikely to have budgeted for the cost of extra meals at what is already a more expensive time for families.”

UNISON understands some local authorities are actively looking to continue to provide free school meals during the summer out of their own budgets, but the union argues this needs to be right across Wales and should be funded by Welsh government.

apprenticeships to date, Wales is not set to derive any benefit from the project – despite the fact that we are making a significant financial contribution towards the project, to the tune of £5 billion.

Billed as the “largest infrastructure project in Europe”, and the “most important economic and social regeneration project in decades”, the HS2 rail project will “integrate with new lines and upgrades across Britain’s rail system to deliver faster travel to many towns and cities, according to the website.

However, although the forecast spend for HS2 was expected to be in the region of between £72 and £98 billion according to 2019 prices (already a 29% – 75% increase on 2015 forecasts), the bill has increased due to inflation and the cost of materials. The spiralling costs have led to a link to Leeds being scrapped and the project is behind schedule: there is already a two decade construction programme to complete the rail network to Manchester.

The HS2 infrastructure map includes London Euston, Birmingham Curzon Street, East Midlands Parkway, Crewe, Manchester Piccadilly and Manchester Airport. It is claimed that other areas not directly on the HS2 network such as Liverpool, Glasgow, Sheffield and Leeds will also benefit from “improved connectivity” as a result of the high-speed project.

As well as promising improved connectivity (notice how Cardiff or Swansea were not listed above), HS2 promises that every train will be powered by zero carbon energy and that the project will enable space on the current network for more local, regional and freight services, benefitting commuters with more regular trains.

While it is important to note that the project is said to be supporting 28,500 jobs and has created 1,200

Indeed, not a single metre of track will be laid in Wales and alarmingly, according to the Department of Transport’s own estimations, the HS2 project could even negatively impact the Welsh economy by up to £200 million a year.

Calls to re-classify HS2 as an “England-only” project, rather than an “England and Wales” project have predictably, fallen on deaf ears and the classification means that Wales will miss out on the Barnett consequential rightfully due to it – unlike Scotland and Northern Ireland. So much for being an “equal partner” within the Union!

Imagine our surprise (or lack thereof) when it was revealed last week that the UK Government had underwritten £680 million worth of investment for a new high-speed electric rail network in Turkey!

Not that we do not support the electrification of railways everywhere to effect high-speed rail travel, however, if it is the UK Government’s goal to support the modernisation of the railways in England and overseas – one begs the question, why does it not support doing so here in Wales?

Just 2% of Wales’ railways are electrified in comparison to 41% and 25% of English and Scottish railways respectively. What’s more, despite Wales occupying 11% of UK rail tracks, we have only received a meagre 2% worth of UK rail investment since the onset of devolution.

If ever there was evidence that we are the junior party in this Union, this is it. Independence would give us the spending, borrowing and taxing powers so desperately needed to invest in our vital services and infrastructure.

67 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday August 4th 2023 politics

death notices

LYE Rosa Lucy

Mynachlogddu Suddenly on Thursday, 20th July, at Withybush Hospital, Haverfordwest, Rosa of Allt-y-gog, Mynachlogddu, Clunderwen. Beloved wife of Tom dear mother of Jeremy respected mother-in-law of Jennifer loving grandmother of Catherine and Jason. Private Funeral Service

on Saturday, August 5th, at St Dogmaels Church, Mynachlogddu. Family flowers only. Donations if so desired, towards The British Heart Foundation, c/o Ken Davies & Sons,Funeral Directors, Blaenwern, Bro Waldo, Clunderwen. SA66 7NQ Tel: 01437 563319.


Mrs Hilda Clarke (née

Scarr) Newport Peacefully on Thursday 27th July at Parc y Llyn Nursing Home, Hilda of Newport. Beloved wife of the late Tony, loving mother of Biddy and the late Tim, a much-loved Granma and Great Granma. Funeral service on Wednesday 9th August at St Mary’s Church, Newport at 11am followed by interment in the Churchyard. No flowers by request. Donations in lieu if

Pause for thought...

Whoever would have thought that a film about child trafficking would rake in fourteen million dollars on its first day? But that’s exactly what happened when cinemas in the United States showed ‘Sound of Freedom’, a film that tells the story of a former U.S. government agent who left his job to dedicate his life to rescuing children from sex traffickers.

While applauding the decision to make this film we should also be aware of the fact that human trafficking and modern-day slavery are not confined to the jungles of Colombia. As one (informed) friend has told me ‘The trafficking and enslavement of children is happening within our own urban jungles, on our own streets, within buildings we may pass by on the way to work, or in the same parks where our children play. The faces of victims are not as invisible as we think, rather, they are hidden in plain sight’.

I have to admit I didn’t realise the size of the problem until I was asked to help write a children’s book a few years ago. The storyline of ‘Brave’ is certainly fictional, but it does reflect the real-life traumas of those who are suffering from the scourge of modern slavery. As a result of doing that I helped found the charity known as the ‘The Brave Bear Trust’ and I am now an ambassador for ‘Invisible Traffick’, a charity that seeks to ‘make the invisible visible’.

The statistics are horrifying. According to the International Labour Organisation there are some fifty million people enslaved in the world today and we are hiding our heads in the sand if we think we don’t have a problem in the UK. A recent investigation for the BBC’s ‘File on 4’ for example has shown that the number of potential victims referred to by the Home Office in

2022 was almost 17,000 - the highest number ever recorded. Modern slavery infiltrates several employment sectors including construction and car washes, and even the care industry where the number of reported cases has doubled in the past year.

The problem is not confined to trafficking either. One consultant has told me that as many as 170 million children worldwide are being exploited to meet the demand for cheap fashion which is why he would encourage us to buy less, to buy from ethical sources and to buy products that are sustainable. Can I challenge you to take a closer look at these disturbing issues? Would you spend a little time pondering the facts and ask yourself what you could do to make this world a better place?

For up to date news please check our social network channels

desired, made payable to ‘Pembrokeshire Samaritans’ c/o Paul Jenkins & Sons Funeral Directors, Feidr Castell, Fishguard, SA65 9BB. Tel: 01348 873250.

Mr. Brian Richards

Pembroke The death occurred peacefully on Saturday 22nd. July of Mr. Brian Richards of Croft Court, Pembroke. Brian was 88 and will be greatly missed by all his family and very many friends. The funeral will take place on Tuesday 15th. August with a service at Tabernacle Chapel, Main Street, Pembroke at followed by cremation at Parc Gwyn Crematorium at 2.30. pm. Family flowers only please but if desired, donations in lieu in memory of Brian for The Paul Sartori Foundation may be sent to John Roberts & Son, Funeral Directors, 51, Bush Street, Pembroke Dock, SA72 6AN, Tel. 01646 683115, who are carrying out the arrangements.

Mrs Yvonne Ann Price

Fishguard Peacefully on Thursday 20th July at Morriston Hospital, Swansea, Yvonne of Maesgwynne Road, Fishguard. Beloved wife of Gwilym, and a kind and doting mother and grandmother, she will be sadly missed by her family and friends. Funeral service on Tuesday 8th

August at Parc Gwyn Crematorium, Narberth at 1pm. Family flowers only. Donations in lieu if desired, made payable to ‘Cancer Research Wales’ c/o Paul Jenkins & Sons Funeral Directors, Feidr Castell, Fishguard, SA65 9BB. Tel: 01348 873250.


OWENS Edward George “Ted” Pembroke Dock The death occurred peacefully at Hollyland Lodge Residential Home on Tuesday 18th. July of one of last surviving Normandy Veterans, Mr. Ted Owens formerly of Elizabeth Court, Pembroke Dock. He was 98. The funeral will take place on Thursday 10th. August with a service at St. John’s Church, Pembroke Dock at followed by cremation at Parc Gwyn Crematorium at Family flowers only please but if desired, donations in lieu in memory of Ted for The V.C. Gallery and Age Cymru may be sent to John Roberts & Son, Funeral Directors, 51, Bush Street, Pembroke Dock, SA72 6AN, Tel. 01646 683115, who are carrying out the arrangements.


Mrs. Sylvia Lilian Wallace Steynton, Milford Haven The death occurred peacefully at Withybush Hospital, Haverfordwest on Sunday

30th July of Mrs. Sylvia Lilian Wallace, aged 99 years, Derwent Avenue, Steynton, Milford Haven. Sylvia will be sadly missed and fondly remembered by her devoted family and friends. The funeral service will take place on Tuesday 22nd August at 2pm at St. Peter’s & St. Cewydd Church, Steynton followed by cremation at Parc Gwyn Crematorium, Narberth at 3.15pm. No flowers by request, donations if desired may be sent direct to The Salvation Army, 101 Newington Causeway, London, SE1 6BN. All enquiries to Tom Newing & Sons Ltd., Funeral Directors, Milford Haven. Telephone 01646 693180.


Miss. Elizabeth (Nan) Peters Llangwm

The death occurred peacefully at Woodfield Residential Home, Narberth on Saturday 29th July of Miss. Elizabeth Peters, aged 89 years formerly of Knapp Farm, Llangwm. Nan as she was affectionately known will be sadly missed by her family and friends. The funeral service will take place on Wednesday 23rd August at 11am at St. Jerome’s Church, Llangwm followed by cremation at Parc Gwyn Crematorium, Narberth at 12.15pm. Immediate family flowers only. All enquiries to Tom Newing & Sons Ltd., Funeral Directors, Milford Haven. Telephone 01646 693180.

68 Friday August 4th 2023
69 NEWS For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday August 4th 2023 good Food guide 01646 681 369 REGULAR, RELIABLE AND FLEXIBLE DELIVERIES great places to eat out in peMBrokesHire

picture of the week!


Amidst a world facing escalating environmental crises and the threat of ecosystem collapse, it is disheartening to witness our ‘leaders’ engage in geo-strategic war games to further their interests at the expense of our planet’s wellbeing. The upcoming arms fair at London’s Excel centre in September, subsidized by the UK, is set to sell arms to oppressive regimes, prioritizing profits over human lives. Moreover, the recent revelation that the USA will deploy armed drones from its military bases in the UK, specifically from ‘RAF’ Fairford in Gloucestershire, operated by the US Air Force with minimal oversight from our government, raises significant concerns.

The use of drones in unlawful operations, termed as extrajudicial killings by the UN, various states, and international law experts, undermines global peace and security. It is deeply troubling that our current Government seemingly disregards

international law and the loss of civilian lives in distant lands under the pretext of the war on terror. The potential consequences of these drones flying over our homes and villages in Powys cannot be ignored. With a history of frequent crashes, both the Global Hawk and Reaper drones pose safety risks, especially in our densely populated country with crowded skies. Becoming mere collateral disaster statistics is a real possibility.

Furthermore, the development of technology enabling autonomous drones to act without human oversight is alarming. Such advances raise ethical questions and challenge the very essence of humanity’s responsibility in warfare and decision-making.

Adding to the distressing news, the Government’s decision to issue 100 new oil and gas licenses reflects a continuation of the military-industrial complex that perpetuates human misery and environmental devastation. It is high time for citizens to rise and voice their dissent against this path towards destruction.

We, as a society, must demand an end to the unsustainable growth and destruction driven by the

70 Friday August 4th 2023 For up to date news please check our social network channels SENd YOUR LETTERS TO: THE EdITOR, 11 HAMILTON TERRACE, MILFORd HAvEN, PEMBROKESHIRE, SA73 3AL EMAIL US AT: letters ,
• • • • • • • • • • • • • •
“Keep your fish close...and your chips closer still” - Tenby - John Pullen –

capitalist, corporate profit system. It is incumbent upon us to take a stand, raise our voices, and engage in meaningful activism to protect our future from this looming catastrophe.

Let us not remain passive observers; instead, let love and peace guide our actions as we collectively work towards a sustainable and just world.



I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my concerns regarding the growing dominance of selfcheckout systems in our local supermarkets and commercial stores. While I understand that automation can streamline processes and save costs, it is essential to strike a balance that preserves customer satisfaction and job opportunities for our community.

Recently, during a shopping trip at one such store, I noticed an increasing reliance on selfcheckout lanes, and this raised some significant issues. The incident that caught my attention was the lady checking receipts at the exit, stopping everyone who went through self-checkout. This experience left me feeling uncomfortable and dissatisfied as a customer.

I firmly believe that if supermarkets are going to encourage customers to use self-checkout, they should trust us to complete the process without unnecessary interventions. As a conscientious shopper, I take my responsibilities seriously and respect the rules and policies of the store. Having already navigated the selfcheckout process after meticulously scanning all my items, I was taken aback by the receipt check at the exit.

It is essential for supermarkets to understand that selfcheckout is a two-way trust between the customer and the store. If they want us to embrace this technology,

they should demonstrate their confidence in us as responsible shoppers. Frequent interruptions at the exit counteract the convenience of self-checkout and may discourage customers from using it in the future.

Additionally, while I appreciate the convenience of self-checkout, I also recognize the importance of preserving job opportunities for our community. Supermarkets should not solely focus on profit maximization but also consider the social impact of their decisions. By reducing the number of cashiers, they are potentially taking away vital job opportunities for young people and others who depend on these positions.

Therefore, I would like to urge our local supermarkets and big commercial stores to find a balance between automation and maintaining a satisfactory customer experience. Trust your customers to responsibly use selfcheckout and respect their time and efforts. At the same time, please ensure that job opportunities are available to those seeking employment, fostering a positive impact on our local community.

Let us remember that customers like me are not interested in proving that we can do the job for the stores. Instead, we seek a shopping experience that combines convenience, efficiency, and the human touch.



I am writing to you as a mother of four and a proud volunteer for Mary’s Meals, the international school feeding charity.

The importance of children receiving a quality education that sets them up for a successful future cannot be overstated, and it breaks my heart to know that not every child in the world has the opportunity to access this fundamental right.

Mary’s Meals is doing remarkable work in 18 of the world’s poorest

countries by providing daily school meals to hungry children. By offering them a nutritious meal, Mary’s Meals not only encourages them to attend school but also gives them the energy and hope they need to learn and strive for a brighter future.

I first learned about Mary’s Meals when my eldest son, Joseph, was involved in a school project about the charity. Witnessing the incredible impact they were making,

I was inspired to become a volunteer for this wonderful movement that feeds over 2.4 million children every school day. As a parent, I understand the challenge of finding an appropriate gift to show appreciation and gratitude to your child’s teacher at the end of the school year. This year, Mary’s Meals is offering a unique opportunity to express gratitude while making a difference. They have introduced ‘Present for my Teacher’ digital

gift cards, which can be purchased for £5, £10, or £19.15—the exact amount it costs to feed a child with Mary’s Meals for an entire school year.

By gifting a ‘Present for my Teacher’ card, you not only convey your appreciation to the teacher for their important work but also provide hope and nourishment to the children who need it most. To purchase one of these meaningful gift cards, please visit marysmeals.


I am proud to be a part of Mary’s Meals and witness firsthand the positive impact they make on the lives of children. By supporting this initiative, we can all play a role in ensuring that no child goes to bed hungry and every child has the opportunity to receive an education that can transform their lives.

 Tenders

o Tenders are requested for remedial works to the railings as described below. Completed tenders shall be returned to The Clerk, City Hall, High St, St Davids SA62 6SD no later than 12.00pm on Friday 1st September 2023.

o Tender documents shall consist of:

 Completed Tender Details.

 Completed Contractor Information.

 Copy of Public Liability Insurance Certificate to carry out all aspects of the work required.

 Written terms of warranty.

 Scope of the Works

o The work to commence on Monday 6th November 2023.

o The work involves examining the exposed three round structural steel columns supporting the mono-pitched roof which are rusted.

o To remove all the current coating and blast / grind to SA 2 ½: any rust remaining should be treated with Rust Converter.

o Re-paint – ensuring that prior to using the rust convertor and final painting, all areas be thoroughly degreased. RAL colour to match existing colour and finish.

o Because of the location of the site it is essential that material applied are high quality primers, rust converters and polyurethane topcoat paints.

 Access

o There will be ample access in the Whitesands Car Park on commencement of the contract.

o You are requested to visit prior to preparing for the tender. To visit the site please contact the Clerk.

 Requirements – The contractor shall: -

o Provide all labour, materials and equipment to complete the contract in timely fashion and within the agreed timescales.

o Be responsible for the removal and disposal of all debris from site.

o Ensure public safety by the provision of protective barriers and signage to current safety regulations.

o Provide the Council with a written Risk Assessment and a Method Statement prior to commencing the contract.

o Comply with all relevant statutes e.g. Health & Safety at Work Act and other agreements in respect of safety, health and welfare and include the adjacent properties to the railings.

o The contractor shall not assign the contract nor sub-contract any part of the work without the Council’s prior consent.

 Terms of payment

o The contract is made between St Davids City Council and name (“the Contractor”).

o Payment will be made by bank transfer within 30 days on receipt of invoice. For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday August 4th 2023 71 letters















serVices to adVertise in tHe local serVices section email lauren@Herald.eMail
75 Friday August 4

Haverfordwest AFC’s Europa League journey ends

IN an electrifying encounter at the Cardiff City Stadium, Haverfordwest County AFC displayed immense determination and skill in their final Europa Conference League match against B36 Torshavn.

As a passionate Haverfordwest supporter and reporter, the rollercoaster of emotions during this gripping fixture cannot be overstated.

The second-round tie against B36 Torshavn had been a nail-biting affair from the outset. Haverfordwest faced an uphill battle after suffering a 2-1 loss in the Faroe Islands on July 27. However, their neversay-die spirit came to the fore when they secured a 1-0 win in the home leg, leveling the aggregate score and leading to a dramatic penalty shootout victory.

The ‘home’ leg at the Cardiff City Stadium was nothing short of epic. The Haverfordwest players entered the field buoyed by their improved second-half performance in the Faroe Islands and the deafening cheers of their devoted traveling contingent.

The match began with scintillating action on both ends, as Haverfordwest showcased some intricate passing plays. However,

the team suffered an early blow when their influential captain, Jazz Richards, was forced to leave the field due to injury. This was a heart-wrenching moment for the fans and a significant setback for the squad.

Despite the absence of Richards, Haverfordwest held their ground admirably. The defensive line, marshaled by goalkeeper Zac Jones, showcased resilience and composure, making crucial saves and parrying dangerous attempts from the formidable B36 side.

As the first half drew to a close, Haverfordwest

supporters held their breath with anticipation. The goalless score at halftime against B36, a professional team with a strong track record, was a testament to the grit and determination of the Welsh side.

The second half saw a brilliant offensive push from Haverfordwest, led by young talent Ben Fawcett. His superb strike found the back of the net, igniting euphoria among the fans and leveling the aggregate score at 2-2. The atmosphere inside the stadium reached a fever pitch as both teams battled fiercely for the decisive


In the dying moments of regular time, Haverfordwest’s Rhys Abbruzzese delivered a heroic save on the goal line, putting his body on the line to deny B36 a late winner. The crowd erupted with appreciation for his incredible efforts.

With the scoreboard still tied after extra time, the prospect of another nail-biting penalty shootout loomed. But fate took a cruel turn for Haverfordwest as a controversial handball decision in the first period of extra time awarded

B36 a penalty. Jann Benjaminsen converted the spot-kick, sealing a 3-2 aggregate victory for the Faroese side. Despite the heartbreaking loss, there were many positives for Haverfordwest to take away from this epic encounter. The fans witnessed a stellar performance from their goalkeeper Zac Jones, who stood tall amidst the pressure. Kai Whitmore’s tireless efforts in midfield and Lee Jenkins’ commanding presence in defense were also noteworthy.

sportFootball club’s women’s side triumphs in fundraiser

WHILE the Women’s World Cup captivates global audiences, the women’s team from Kilgetty AFC faced their own challenge closer to home.

Ten dedicated players from the club traveled to Swansea to participate in the Pretty Muddy Cancer Research Race For Life on July 29, raising over £1,400 for a noble cause.

Having undergone intensive pre-season fitness training, the athletes were wellprepared for the 5k race in Singleton Park. The route offered a thrilling mix of terrains and obstacles, creating an adrenalinefueled event with an electric atmosphere.

Maisie Sherratt, one of the players, expressed their motivation behind the effort: “We wanted to do something fun as a group, so we thought why not do something fun and raise some muchneeded funds whilst at it. Super proud of the girls and the effort everyone put into it, incredible show of commitment and determination from the Kilgetty AFC Women.”

Their fundraising target of £1,200 for Cancer Research was not only met but surpassed, with the team raising an impressive £1,410 through sponsorships, and additional donations still pouring in. Kilgetty AFC Women’s coach,

Matthew Davies, couldn’t be prouder: “Really proud of our team for raising so much money for such an important cause. Well done to you all!”

The players express their heartfelt gratitude to everyone who supported them in this endeavor. By conquering the Pretty Muddy obstacle course,

these lion-hearted women have not only showcased their determination but have also made a meaningful contribution to the fight against cancer.

76 Friday August 4th 2023 For up to date news please check our social network channels

THIS WEEK IN CRICKET Narberth emerges victorious

IN A THRILLING encounter in the Thomas Carroll Pembrokeshire Cricket League division one, Narberth emerged victorious with a 23-run win over Cresselly.

The highlight of the match was an outstanding century scored by Narberth’s star batsman, Loui Davies, which played a pivotal role in his team’s triumph.

Cresselly’s bowling attack put up a good fight, with notable performances from Christian Phillips, who took 3 wickets for 42 runs, and Steffan Jenkins, Charlie Arthur, and Tom Murphy, who chipped in with 1 wicket each. Tom Murphy was not just effective with the ball; he also showcased his prowess with the bat, scoring an impressive 112 runs, supported by Morgan Lewis and Simon Cole, who contributed 24 runs each to the total.

Narberth’s response was anchored by the brilliant innings of Loui Davies, who scored a magnificent 106 runs.

Richie Adams and Kyle Quartermaine also made substantial contributions with scores of 56 and 50 runs, respectively. Despite facing some resistance, Narberth managed to post an imposing total of 278 runs for the loss of 7 wickets.

Cresselly’s chase began promisingly, but Narberth’s bowlers proved to be formidable opponents. Lewis

Hough emerged as the pick of the bowlers, claiming 4 wickets for 83 runs, while Ben Quartermaine provided excellent support, taking 3 wickets for 19 runs. Their combined efforts restricted Cresselly to a final score of 255 runs, falling short by 23 runs.

The victory for

Narberth was indeed a team effort, with both their batting and bowling units delivering exceptional performances. Loui Davies’ century was the standout moment of the match, and his efforts were recognized by the team and fans alike.

In other matches in the Thomas Carroll Pembrokeshire League, there were notable performances as well.

Toby Hayman’s superb knock of 90 runs helped Burton secure a 30run win over Neyland.

Lawrenny edged past Saundersfoot by 14 runs, thanks to impressive batting displays from Harry Thomas, Steve Lewis, and Finley Lewis. Meanwhile, Carew registered a comprehensive 8-wicket victory against St Ishmaels, with Morgan Grieve and James Hinchcliffe starring with both bat and ball.

In Division 2 action, Carew II claimed a 4-wicket victory over Pembroke Dock, courtesy of Mark White’s and Barry Evans’ remarkable bowling efforts. Llechryd managed to defeat Johnston by 14 runs, led by John Curran’s all-round performance. Whitland secured a convincing 100-run win against Llanrhian, thanks to Jacob Owen’s brilliant 94-run knock. Haverfordwest, led by Adam James and Conor Lally’s contributions, cruised to a 10-wicket victory over Kilgetty. Finally, Hook pulled off a thrilling 3-wicket win against Cresselly II, with Aled Phelps leading the charge with both bat and ball.

The Thomas Carroll Pembrokeshire Cricket League continues to provide exciting cricketing action, and fans are eagerly looking forward to more thrilling encounters as the season progresses.

thomas carroll pembrokeshire league



Fishguard v Neyland II

Hundleton v Haverfordwest III

Llanrhian II v Lawrenny II

Saundersfoot II v Llangwm II

division 5

Haverfordwest IV v Kilgetty II

Herbrandston II v Whitland II

Pembroke II v Pembroke Dock II

division 6

Llechryd III v Cresselly III

Stackpole II v Hundleton II

Whitland III v Neyland III

77 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday August 4th 2023 sport DIVISION 1 P W D L T AB Pts Neyland 15 11 0 2 0 2 224 Carew 15 10 0 3 0 2 205 Cresselly 15 8 0 5 0 2 188 Lawrenny 15 7 0 6 0 2 178 St Ishmaels 15 7 0 6 0 2 163 Saundersfoot 15 6 0 7 0 2 162 Narberth 15 5 0 8 0 2 148 Llangwm 15 4 0 9 0 2 127 Herbrandston 15 4 0 9 0 2 116 Burton 15 3 0 10 0 2 109
DIVISION 2 P W D L T AB Pts Haverfordwest 15 12 0 1 0 2 232 Whitland 15 10 0 2 1 2 217 Hook 15 10 0 3 0 2 203 Llechryd 15 6 0 7 0 2 159 Pembroke Dock 15 5 0 8 0 2 147 Carew II 15 4 0 9 1 1 143 Llanrhian 15 4 0 9 0 2 125 Kilgetty 15 5 0 6 0 4 115 Johnston 15 3 0 8 0 4 97 Cresselly II 15 3 0 9 0 3 97 DIVISION 3 P W D L T AB Pts Pembroke 15 11 0 1 0 3 216 Lamphey 15 9 0 4 0 2 196 Stackpole 15 9 0 4 0 2 188 Burton II 15 6 0 7 0 2 154 Haverfordwest II 15 6 0 7 0 2 154 Narberth II 15 6 0 6 0 3 142 Hook II 15 5 0 8 0 2 136 St Ishmaels II 15 5 0 7 0 3 131 Laugharne 15 4 0 8 0 3 126 Llechryd II 15 2 0 11 0 2 101 DIVISION 4 P W D L T AB Pts Neyland II 15 11 0 1 0 3 223 Fishguard 15 10 0 2 0 3 203 Hundleton 15 9 0 2 0 4 194 Lawrenny II 15 7 0 6 0 2 173 Saundersfoot II 15 8 0 6 0 1 168 Carew III 15 7 0 5 0 3 154 Llangwm II 15 4 0 7 0 4 111 Llanrhian II 15 2 0 11 0 2 102 Crymych 15 3 0 10 0 2 96 Haverfordwest III 15 1 0 12 0 2 73 DIVISION 5 P W D L T AB Pts Pembroke II 15 9 0 3 0 3 189 Pembroke Dock II 14 7 0 5 0 2 172 Herbrandston II 14 8 0 4 0 2 159 Whitland II 15 4 0 6 0 5 102 Haverfordwest IV 14 3 0 7 0 4 80 Kilgetty II 14 2 0 8 0 4 65 DIVISION 6 P W D L T AB Pts Laugharne II 13 8 0 2 0 3 153 Neyland III 13 5 0 4 0 4 123 Stackpole II 13 4 0 7 0 2 123 Whitland III 13 5 0 3 0 5 118 Cresselly III 12 4 0 4 0 4 113 Llechryd III 12 4 0 6 0 2 100 Hundleton II 12 3 0 7 0 2 100
5th august division 1 Carew v Herbrandston Lawrenny v Cresselly Llangwm
St Ishmaels
v St Ishmaels Narberth v Burton Neyland v Saundersfoot
2 Cresselly II v Llanrhian Kilgetty v Carew II Llechryd v Haverfordwest
Dock v Johnston
v Hook
II v Narberth II
II v Pembroke
II v Stackpole
v Lamphey
II v Llechryd II division 4 Carew III v Crymych

Gatland announces new look Wales team

In preparation for the upcoming Rugby World Cup, Wales coach Warren Gatland has unveiled a youthful starting XV with three new caps set to make their debut in the first warm-up Test against England this Saturday.

Jac Morgan, the Ospreys star, will have the honour of captaining the side for the first time at the senior level. He previously led the Wales U20s team.

Joining Morgan in the back row are Christ Tshiunza at blindside flanker and Aaron Wainwright at No. 8. Cardiff props Corey Domachowski and Kieron Assiratti, along with Gloucester-bound centre Max Llewellyn, will all receive their first caps. Additionally, two new caps have been named among the replacements, with former England tight-head Henry Thomas and new

Scarlets signing Taine Plumtree ready to make an impact from the bench.

The coach praised the players’ commitment during the training camps, and now he looks forward to seeing them perform on the pitch at Principality Stadium. Gatland added,

“There is some great competition among the squad in all positions, and we’ve selected a team this week with a few debutants because we want to give them the opportunity to see what they can do.

There’s a lot to play for over the next three matches, and everyone is still in contention to make that final squad for France.”

In a significant milestone, Leigh Halfpenny will achieve his 100th cap for Wales, an impressive feat considering his debut against South Africa in 2008. Gatland has opted to field the young Scarlets

playmaker Sam Costelow in the No. 10 jersey, while the experienced Gareth Davies will take on the scrum-half role.

On Leigh Halfpenny’s milestone Gatland said: “I’d like to make a special mention for Leigh Halfpenny who will win his 100th cap for Wales on Saturday. Reaching this milestone is an incredible achievement and testament to the player and person Leigh is. I know it will be a very special day for him and all his family. There are some tickets still available this weekend and we’d encourage as many fans as possible to come down to celebrate Leigh’s achievement with us and see the new players making their Wales debuts.”

Gatland expressed his confidence in the team’s potential, stating, “We’ve named Jac as captain

for this match, and it is a great honor for him to be leading his country. We’ll be looking at probably having a different captain for each of the matches as we give as many as possible in the squad an opportunity to impress, but also mindful about potential combinations as we get closer to naming the World Cup squad.”

This Test match against England marks the first of three warmup Tests before Wales embarks on their World Cup campaign, starting with a match against Fiji on September 10. Following this encounter, Wales will face England again at Twickenham on Saturday, August 12, and then host defending world champions South Africa in Cardiff on Saturday, August 19.

Wales Starting XV: 15. Leigh Halfpenny, 14.

Louis Rees-Zammit, 13. George North, 12. Max Llewellyn, 11. Rio Dyer, 10. Sam Costelow, 9. Gareth Davies, 1. Corey Domachowski, 2. Ryan Elias, 3. Keiron Assiratti, 4. Dafydd Jenkins, 5. Will Rowlands, 6. Christ Tshiunza, 7. Jac Morgan (capt), 8. Aaron Wainwright.

Replacements: 16. Elliot

Dee, 17. Nicky Smith, 18. Henry Thomas, 19. Ben Carter, 20. Taine Plumtree, 21. Tomos Williams, 22. Dan Biggar, 23. Mason Grady.

When is it?

England face Wales, in the first of their four World Cup warm-up matches, on Aug 5 at 5.30pm (BST).

Where is the match being played?

Wales will host Borthwick’s side at the Principality Stadium, Cardiff. England can expect a cauldron-like

atmosphere if the home side opt for the roof to be closed, as is their preference. What other warm-up matches are England playing?

Wales vs England, Principality Stadium, Saturday, Aug 5, 5.30pm England vs Wales, Twickenham, Saturday, Aug 12, 5.30pm

How to watch on TV

The first match of this summer double-header against England will be broadcast on Amazon Prime (UK).

Amazon Prime Video membership starts at £5.99 a month. Alternatively, the streaming platform offers a free 30-day trial of its full £8.99 a month package, which comes with other benefits including free Amazon delivery. This can be cancelled at any time.

79 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday August 4th 2023 sport


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