The Pembrokeshire Herald 03/05/2024

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Facebook: @ThePembrokeshireHerald • Instagram: @pembrokeshireherald • Twitter: @PembsHerald Herald The Pembrokeshire Your award w I nn I ng local Pa P er • BodY Found In SearcH for Luke StephenSon• p3 firSt deadLineS met foLLowing enforcement action at L andfiLL • p12 FaMIlY PaY TrIBuTe To Sian BatcheLor • p3 Promoter to a PP eal after charity fund raiser sto Milford in uproar as boxing event stopped 01646 692579 TYRES • BATTERIES • EXHAUSTS FITTED WHILE YOU WAIT FAST FRIENDLY SERVICE WWW.HAVEN-TYRES.CO.UK • SHAKESPEARE AVENUE, MILFORD HAVEN

Body found in search for Luke Stephenson

POLICE have confirmed the sad news that they have discovered a body during their search for 19-year-old Luke Stephenson, reported missing from the Pembroke Dock area.

A spokesperson for Dyfed-Powys Police said at 1pm on Wednesday (May 1): “We can confirm that a body has been found in the Cleddau Estuary at about 9.30am this morning, Wednesday, 1st May 2024.

“Formal identification has not yet taken place, however Luke’s family has been informed of this development.

“Our thoughts remain with the family at this difficult time.”

Family pay tribute to Sian Batchelor

THE family of a woman has paid tribute to a “beautiful, funny, lovely person.”

Sian Batchelor, aged 32, was found on a beach near Pennar, Pembroke Dock on Tuesday evening, April 30th, 2024.

Her family has issued a statement to say: ‘We are devastated by our loss. Sian was a beautiful, funny, loving person. We will treasure the good times we had with her.

“We would now like time to grieve and would ask to be given privacy in which to do so.”

The circumstances surrounding Sian’s death are being investigated and police would like to hear from anyone with information, sightings of Sian or contact from Sian, between Thursday

April 25 to Tuesday April 30. Police can be contacted either online at:

DPPContactOnline, by emailing, or by calling 101. If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or

speech impaired text the non-emergency number on 07811 311 908.

Quote reference: DP20240430-284

Banned for sleeping in car

A MOTORIST caught sleeping in a BMW in MIiford Haven town centre has appeared before magistrates for being in charge of a motor vehicle when he was over the legal alcohol limit.

Police officers discovered John Steele, 30, soon after 5.30pm on March 9 when he was asleep in his red BMW which was parked in a car park at Hamilton Terrace.

“The engine was running and the lights were on,” Crown Prosecutor Abigail Jackson told District Judge Mark Layton who was sitting at Haverfordwest magistrates court this week.

“Officers smelt alcohol, he was intoxicated and he was slurring his words.”

Officers were unable to carry out a roadside breath test as a result of them not being in possession of a breathalyser at the scene of the incident. Steele was conveyed to a police custody suite where two samples of breath were subsequently taken, the lowest giving a reading of 44 mcg.

Steele, who is employed as a machine technician in Selby, pleaded guilty to the charge of being in charge of a motor vehicle while he was above the alcohol limit.

He was fined £400 and ordered to pay a £160 court surcharge and £85 costs. His licence was endorsed with ten penalty points.

Police had to pay £132 after prisoner defecated in their van

A HOMELESS Pembrokeshire man has admitted defecating inside a police van after being arrested in Haverfordwest town centre for being drunk and disorderly.

Police officers were summoned to Hill Street on the evening of April 13 as a result of Regan Boswell’s anti-social behaviour.

“He was intoxicated and was resistant to the officers,” Crown Prosecutor Abigail Jackson told Haverfordwest magistrates this week.

“He was arrested for being drunk and disorderly and a small bag of cannabis was found in his wallet containing about £10 worth of cannabis.

“The defendant continued to be aggressive and disorderly.”

Ms Jackson went on to say that when he was placed inside the police cage Boswell, 51, proceeded to defecate on the floor of the van. The cost of cleaning the faeces from the vehicle amounted to £132.

Boswell, who is currently of no fixed abode, pleaded guilty to being drunk and disorderly in a public place as well as possessing a controlled Class B drug and causing criminal damage to the police vehicle. He was fined £200 and ordered to pay £85 costs, £132 compensation to cover the cost of cleaning the van and a £40 court surcharge.

3 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday May 3rd 2024 newS

Man jailed after hospital escape attempt

In a dramatic turn of events at Withybush Hospital, Pembroke

Dock resident Ashley Rickard, 26, of Elizabeth Court, made a failed bid for freedom, resulting in a 27-week prison sentence. The incident occurred shortly after Rickard, who was under arrest for a series of alleged crimes, managed to break free from his handcuffs.

Prosecutor Georgia Donohue detailed the events leading up to the escape during the trial. Rickard had been apprehended at his grandmother’s home on December 4, suspected of offences that included burglary, making threats to kill, and criminal damage. Following his arrest, Rickard complained of ingesting a substance, believed to be Valium, which necessitated medical attention at Withybush Hospital.

While at the hospital, despite being handcuffed and flanked by police, Rickard succeeded in freeing one hand and fled as he was escorted

through the hospital doors. His flight took him across the car park and into a nearby housing estate, though he was captured the following day hiding at his grandmother’s residence.

Defence barrister Harry Dickens conveyed Rickard’s belief that he had been wrongfully detained, claiming this perception fueled his

decision to escape.

However, Judge Paul Thomas KC dismissed this justification, stating, “If everyone did that there would be chaos. Anarchy would ensue.”

Despite the dramatic circumstances, Rickard’s escape was described by Mr. Dickens as “not a sophisticated attempt,” noting that Rickard had acted alone and returned to a familiar location.

On the day set for his trial, Rickard pleaded guilty to escaping lawful

custody, a plea accepted by the prosecution as witnesses for the other charges were not supportive. The court subsequently entered formal not guilty verdicts for the remaining allegations.

The episode has reignited discussions on the security measures in place for handling detainees at medical facilities and the broader implications of individuals taking justice into their own hands.

Police appeal following assault outside Haverfordwest store

POLICE in Pembrokeshire are investigating an assault that happened outside B&M stores, Haverfordwest, at about 6.30pm on Tuesday, April 23.

The suspect is described as a teenage male wearing a balaclava and a cast on his wrist. He is believed to have left the location in a silver car.

The victim did not sustain any injuries.

The police have asked for assistance. Anyone who witnessed the incident or anyone with information

that could help officers with their investigation is asked to get in touch with PC 1296 Clarke, either by:

• DPPContactOnline

• 101@dyfed-powys.

• Direct message us on social media

• 101

Alternatively, contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously by calling 0800 555111, or visiting Quote ref: 24*369339

4 Friday May 3rd 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels

Smoke and mirrors as 20mph is here to stay

LAST week, Labour’s new Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Ken Skates, delivered his statement to the Senedd and seemingly reversed Labour’s blanket 20mph speed limit, writes Natasha Ashgar MS.

However, looking closely at what has been said, it becomes increasingly clear that Mr. Skates has played a PR masterclass.

Unfortunately for Wales and the people who have signed the record-breaking half-amillion-strong petition. 20mph is going nowhere and is firmly here to stay.

As time has progressed since Labour’s blanket 20mph policy was introduced last year, public opinion against it has only grown. This disastrous blanket policy has negatively impacted bus services, commuters, emergency services, tourists, residents from all corners of Wales and businesses.

The most concerning aspect of this seemingly public U-turn is that Labour, Plaid and the only Liberal Democrat are all still actively misleading the public, ignoring their plea, petition and calls to rescind even more than before.

Make no mistake about it: Labour will change nothing. The

Welsh public has received a lot of warm words, and the press has been quick to report that change is coming. However, no streamlined system exists to create equality amongst councils to revert back and give the public what they want. When all is said and done and when the dust settles, the default speed limit across Wales will remain 20mph.

The Welsh Conservatives have been clear from the start. We would scrap the blanket speed limit and introduce appropriate speed limits in areas where there is clear evidence that they are necessary, such as outside schools, hospitals, and playground areas and revert to 30mph where required.

The Labour Government in Wales is no stranger to antimotorist initiatives. It has previously banned all roadbuilding and scrapped the relief road for the M4. Despite wafer-thin assurances, it continues flirting with congestion and road charging.

The estimated cost of 20mph is £33 million, a massive amount to spend on such a madcap initiative. Yet, reversing sections of this law will

cost an additional £5m. This is an extravagant cost considering the lack of changes we will actually see on our roads. However, this is all just the tip of the iceberg.

The Welsh Government’s own estimates acknowledge that the policy could impose a staggering cost of as much as £9 billion on the Welsh economy. That substantial amount could be better spent on the failing NHS, a below-par education system (as Wales ranks at the bottom of PISA), or even investing in local public transport services such as buses and train services.

By imposing their

Shop worker kicked police officer

CHRISTMAS festivities turned sour for Haverfordwest shop worker Bryonny Smith after she kicked an on-duty police officer before attempting to bite her.

Police officers, including a firearms officer, were called to an address in Marble Hall Road, Milford Haven, shortly after midnight on December 27. There they discovered Smith, 23, hiding in a garden.

had spent Christmas at her boyfriend’s home in Milford Haven.

“An argument broke out and things got out of hand,” she said.

Smith, of Fleming Crescent, Haverfordwest, pleaded guilty to a charge of assaulting an emergency worker by beating.

punishments on motorists, Labour is strangling economic activity throughout all of Wales.

Blanket 20mph zones and a ban on new roadbuilding before creating a strong, sufficient, and synchronised public transport infrastructure is put in place is nothing short of madness, particularly at a time when Labour-run Transport for Wales (TfW) has come bottom in the UK for overall customer satisfaction and clocked up 1 million minutes of delays last year alone.

Labour’s unexpected change of tack is nothing more than an attempt to curry favour of voters in the run-up to a General Election. Keir Starmer will not want such a divisive issue standing in his way. Yet, with him referring to Wales as a blueprint for what a Labour Government will look like in the UK if he wins the next GE, we can see far more of Labour’s divisive socialist policies becoming law throughout the UK with no light at the end of the road.

In a world where we are seeing huge technological advancements and transport innovation, Wales has had a Labour government in place for twenty-five years who, in the words of Doc Brown from Back to the Future, have firmly decided ‘where we are going, we don’t need roads.’

“She was escorted to an unmarked police car but she kept banging her head and tried to bite the officer,” Crown Prosecutor Abigail Jackson told District Judge Mark Layton when he sat at Haverfordwest magistrates court earlier this week.

“The defendant then kicked out at the officer, making contact with her lower right leg.”

Meanwhile probation officer Julie Norman said that the offence was committed after Smith

She was sentenced to a community order during which she must carry out ten rehabilitation activity requirement days and was fined £150. She was also ordered to pay £50 compensation to the police officer, £85 costs and a £114 court surcharge.

“Biting an officer and assaulting an officer is something that this court does not tolerate,” commented Judge Layton when passing sentence.

“If you come before this court again on a similar charge, you’ll get a custodial sentence.”

Twelve weeks in jail for stealing computer tablets



man has been jailed after stealing two computer tablets from the counter at the town’s Mcdonald’s restaurant.

Asa Wandelt entered the Haverfordwest branch of Mcdonalds on April 7, walked up to the counter and placed a computer tablet valued at £150 inside his jacket. CCTV footage then showed Wandelt walking out of the restaurant.

Once again on April 16 Wandelt returned to Mcdonalds and stole yet another computer tablet which had been placed on the counter. Once again, he concealed it inside his coat before leaving the restaurant.

This week Wandelt appeared before Haverfordwest Magistrates Court where he pleaded guilty to two charges of theft.

Probation officer

Julie Norman said the offences were committed whilst Wandelt was the subject of a post-sentence supervision following his release from prison for previous offences.

”He’s disengaged with services over the past few weeks and is not addressing his drug use nor his misbehaviour, issues” she said.

Ms Norman went on to say that Wandelt was recently evicted from the Silverdale hostel in Johnston where he had been granted emergency accommodation following his release from custody. His eviction was the result of his behavioural issues.

District Judge Mark Layton sentenced Wandelt to 12 weeks in custody. He was also ordered to pay a total of £300 compensation to Mcdonalds, a £134 court surcharge and £85 costs.

5 NEWS For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday May 3rd 2024

Queer Ecology – Walking into another nature

T HESE days it seems as if every other person is gay or some variant of the theme (LGBT). Actually the internet says its 3.2% which is enough to be a normal variant. Ginger hair is 2.2% for example.

So apart from sexuality, which many regard as a private matter, what has this characteristic got to teach the rest of us? That is what I went to find out on a walk advertised as a Queer Ecology walk, meeting the non-binary fineries of the planet.

To Tom, our walk leader, queer is about querying assumptions. Binary gives black and white views of nature, this plant wanted, that a weed, native good, invasive bad. Queer steps outside that stiff divisive mindset.

Tom had hidden away from fellow humans in the garden since he was a child (maybe I should say since they were a child). Nature was his fellow, he melted into its mysteries, the way it entangled itself together to thrive echoed his way of being.

His vision was about symbiosis and the entwinement of all forms of life to thrive together. He questioned the hard lines between species, he saw different species cohabiting, becoming more interdependent

until they merged into single organisms made of multiple creatures. He gave the example of gut microbes being part of us. He showed how a small species like bacteria may start out as a parasite but it and the host evolve to benefit each other and become one being. Our learning was wrong, it was not competition but collaboration that was the true driver of the miracles of evolution.

We stopped every few yard to focus on another tree or mound or entanglement of

to this lower canopy and distribute seeds extending the tree cover. By an ant mound he explained the complex co-operation between blue butterflies and ants, quite extraordinary.

He dismissed the mindset of our Nature Conservation empires who defend nature with militaristic extermination of non native and diseased species. Give them time, he said and they will melt into a balanced ecology and give rise to disease resistant offspring as Ash trees have done.

It was a beautiful spring day and a wild rambling land, Brithdir Mawr, with insects, birds and their calls hovering around our little group. A first cuckoo was heard. When we returned for soup, we shared our take homes.

species to understand how they were benefiting each other. A clump of brambles. What do we think of brambles?

“Ouch”. But in their midst was a growing tree protected from the grazing animals by their thorns. As the tree grew strong enough to withstand grazers the thorns would die back here and move to another forest edge. Similarly with gorse where it is 1 - 2 degrees warmer in winter under their ever flowering ever green protection. Birds and small mammals owe their safe winter survival

A London researcher on immigration felt the nonnative species lesson was relevant to her work. I noted that queer is not a comfortable place to land in life, yet it offers vantage points for insights hidden from the majority sunk in our cushion of normality.

Beset by culture wars and the eggshells of political correctness, we miss the magic of difference. The only irritating bit to me was being asked to choose my pronoun. Um er..

Walk organised by MALWEN

Milford in uproar as boxing event stopped

PRESSURE is mounting on two local councillors who effectively put a stop to a popular charity boxing event in Milford Haven.

Was the boxing event really a problem, was the last one a problem and should it have been stopped? In over a hundred well written comments on the Pembrokeshire Herald Facebook page the answer from the people of Milford Haven is quite obviously No, No, No!

In a licensing subcommittee hearing on Wednesday, which can only be described as a total farce, members were supposed to consider a tiny number of noise complaints brought to their attention by the Authority’s environmental officer David Waltersinstead many irrelevant matters regarding The Hangar venue in Thornton were discussed, including licensing policy, fire safety and planning mattersnone of which was within

Tom Sinclair

the remit of the narrow topic of the hearing.

On May 1, almost certainly following the publication of our article online, Alan Dennison resigned on Companies House website as the director of a licensed venue - also in Milford Haven - and back dated this application to August last year. Following discussion regarding this on social media, the manager of that venue contacted us to say that this was a mistake by their accountant, and was not connected to the complaints made regarding The Hanger. Readers can make up their own minds. It is the opinion of this newspaper that the two local councillors who have put a stop to an important charity event must now do the right thing. The people of Milford Haven have spoken. Withdraw your complaints, and

allow the organisers of the boxing night to obtain their license on appeal at the magistrates court, in fact, write a letter of support. You represent the people, and this is what the people want.


THE HANGAR has been operating as an occasional events venue in Milford Haven since last September. Authorisation for the events is granted by the council through temporary event notices. Until recently, the council had consistently issued permissions for events, but today, in County Hall, the Licensing SubCommittee decided to prevent an event, planned for May 31st, from occurring. The objection was raised by one of the council’s own officers, who stated that the venue has become a public nuisance due to noise complaints received. The role of the councillors on the sub-

committee was to examine this single objection and determine whether the noise complaints were substantial enough to justify halting the event. The committee heard from The Hangar’s manager, Steve Bartram, that the event on May 31st, planned as a ‘boxing night’, would inherently be quieter than other events held at the venue.

Speaking for the Council Environmental Officer, David Walters countered that complaints had been received not only in connection with music at the venue but also concerning the ingress and egress of patrons, as well as the noise from vehicles leaving the event. However, when pressed for details, Mr Walters could not provide the committee with a definitive number of complaints received, nor was the nature of the complaints discussed in detail.

Steve Bartram told the council that he believed the complaints were ‘unfounded’ and originated

from two councillors, Alan Dennison, who serves on Pembrokeshire County Council, and Milford Haven Town Councillor Nicola Harteveld. The Herald has learned that Councillor Dennison is a director of another licensed venue in Milford Haven.

Emails obtained by this newspaper also reveal that Councillor Dennison lodged an official complaint to Licensing Enforcement last summer, prior to The Hangar’s opening, alleging it was intending on operating without planning permission. However, there is no legal requirement for a venue used temporarily, under temporary event notices for events lasting less than 28 days, to have planning permission. The Herald understands that this was the advice given to The Hangar’s management by council officers just before it started hosting events.

There was a debate in the chamber regarding whether the complaint from Nicola Harteveld represented the view

of Milford Haven Town Council or her personal opinion. Steve Bartram contended it was her personal view and not her acting in her official capacity.

This newspaper has verified with Milford Haven Town Council, whose clerk stated that the Town Council had not been notified about the application and therefore had not discussed it.

In fact, the only statutory consultees are the Noise Pollution Officer and the police.

Some of the complaints, the Herald has learned, seem unfounded. Like one complaint about noise from the burger van generator, when it runs off batteries – and another about a noisy car driving past, but no one could confirm it was anything to do with events at the venue.

Before the hearing on Tuesday, Councillor Dennison stated that while he supported the idea of a music venue for Milford Haven, he had ‘concerns’

8 Friday May 3rd 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels

about the noise levels at The Hangar.

“I was at Nicola Harteveld’s house, as she had called me over. I could clearly hear the noise from inside her house—a booming kind of music. It’s evident that something needed to be done about the sound,” he explained.

“Nicola remarked jokingly that it wouldn’t be so bad if the music were more appealing rather than the repetitive booming we can hear now.”

At the meeting, Steve Bartram earnestly tried to persuade the members to allow the boxing night to proceed, stating, “Since the initial decision to open The Hangar, I have done everything within my power to meet all the licensing objectives, before any work was carried out inside. I also sought guidance from all responsible authorities on my plans and how I intended to manage The Hangar. These included Geraint Griffiths, Nathan Miles, Stuart McDonald, and Nigel Lewis. During these meetings, everything was discussed

in detail, outlining the plans and intentions for the event hub.

“Not once was it suggested by any of the responsible authorities that planning permission should have been sought, should it have been necessary at the time, as I have done since receiving the planning enforcement warning letter.

“Regarding the temporary events notices, according to regulations, up to 15 can be issued within a calendar year, and currently, I am well within that limit at nine.

“As part of the planning application, I have had, at substantial cost, noise surveys carried out—one at a scientific ‘pink noise’ survey and another during a ‘dance event’ on Saturday 30th March. I have a 36-page document supporting these findings which confirms that we are operating well within legal noise limits.”

Members of the Licensing SubCommittee, despite being advised to focus solely on the noise issue, questioned The

Hangar’s management on a broad array of topics, including their long-term plans for the venue, why a Full Public Entertainment License had not been applied for, and why planning permission for a change of use for the building had not yet been sought.

Bartram explained that a ‘Change of Use Planning Application’ had been submitted on Tuesday 30th April, with the assistance of a planning professional.

Journalists covering the hearing noted that much of the discussion was irrelevant to the issue at hand, which was whether the event proposed for May 31st was likely to cause a public nuisance.

However, the actual event itself was only briefly mentioned, and no substantial details about the complaints, or their number, were provided.

It can only be concluded that the Licensing SubCommittee members made their decision to stop the boxing event on May 31st without

asking relevant questions or having any detailed understanding of the noise complaints at the venue.

After the hearing,

the management of The Hangar indicated their intention to appeal to a Magistrates’ Court within 21 days.

Readers should note

that the ‘Abba Tribute Night’ planned for May 11th is unaffected by this decision, and the soldout event is still going ahead.

The legal mistakes and dubious complaints

THE LIMITED issues regarding temporary events licences focus on interlocking licensing objectives.

Only one relevant consideration came before the Committee: avoiding public nuisance.

Previous events at the Hangar attracted a small number complaints - around six in total since it first opened, The Herald was told.

A number of complaints came from a Milford Haven Town Councillor who lives in Skomer Drive. Their property is one of several houses backing onto Thornton Industrial Estate.

Cllr Alan Dennison, who owns a property on Skomer Drive and was a director of another entertainment venue in Milford Haven, filed a further complaint.

In a post on The Pembrokeshire Herald’s Facebook feed following

Jon Coles

our online report, Alan Dennison said he was not involved in the other venue’s business.

At the time he made that comment, his remark was true.

Companies House records show Cllr Dennison resigned as a director of Imperial Hall Limited on August 4, 2023.

That resignation was filed online on the day of the Licensing Committee (May 1, 2024) and almost certainly after the applicant raised the directorship at the meeting.

Cllr Dennison raised a planning issue before the first event at Unit 4 on Thornton Industrial Estate, which took place last October. He raised it in an email dated July 15, weeks before he purportedly stepped down from involvement

with the Imperial Hall.

Before Wednesday, May 1, Cllr Dennison was registered as a director of Imperial Hall Limited.

The Herald previously reported that directorship after Cllr Dennison intervened in discussions about Scolton Manor’s use as a wedding venue. Alan Dennison never took steps to correct the record, either on his register of interests (filed in June last year) or with Companies House.

The Council’s solicitor, Jeff Harries, advised Committee members to stick to the point. He observed members had discussed issues irrelevant to the temporary event’s licence and barely discussed the relevant points.

The Committee had no noise pollution readings. Its members had nothing to contradict the expert’s report commissioned by the applicant. They were offered that report but

never read it.

Yet, without any corroborating evidence relating to the alleged noise problems and with evidence available to contradict those complaints, the Committee issued a counter-notice stopping the temporary events licence.

Its members also ignored a factor that would have been apparent had they considered the event’s licence a separate issue, as their solicitor advised. The objections referred to alleged noise nuisance from musical events. The event subject to the failed

application is a charity boxing evening. You’d imagine someone would have realised that comparing a music event to a boxing night was a mistake.

The Council’s solicitor appeared to; it’s a shame the Committee’s members didn’t listen to him.

9 NEWS For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday May 3rd 2024
Complainant: Alan Dennison Complainant: Nicola Harteveld

Accused of making hundreds of child abuse images

Accused of making hundreds of child abuse images

A 25-YEAR-OLD Llandissilio man has appeared before a District Judge charged with making 258 Category A images of a child.

Lawrence Lambert is further charged with making 123 category B images of a child and 135 category C images of a child.

The Crown alleges that each offence was committed between August 5, 2019 and August 5, 2022.

Lambert appeared before Haverfordwest

Magistrates Court on Tuesday, April 30, where he pleaded not guilty to each offence.

Following a request from Crown Prosecutor Abigail Jackson, District Judge Mark Layton declined jurisdiction in the case and the matter was adjourned until May 31 when trial proceedings against Lambert will commence at Swansea Crown Court.

No representations were made by his solicitor, Mr Michael Kelleher.

Lawrence Lambert was released on unconditional bail.

Drove wrong way whilst intoxicated on stolen e-scooter


man has appeared before a district judge after driving the wrong way through Tenby town centre on a stolen E-scooter.

Geoffrey Hickey spotted the G2 Pro MaxE-scooter parked at the Five Arches on the night of April 13.

He then proceeded to drive the scooter in the wrong direction towards the double roundabout before heading into Greenhill Road, again travelling in the wrong direction.

“He was clearly intoxicated, “Crown Prosecutor Abigail Jackson told District Judge Mark Layton who was sitting at Haverfordwest Magistrates Court this week.

“When police checked him over, they could see that he had an injury to the back of his head as it was bleeding.”

Gething forgets to mention £25,000 donation

THE LOOK on Vaughan Gething’s face could’ve curdled milk.

It had all started with an innocent enough question from former ministerial colleague Julie Morgan.

Hickey was taken to the police station where he provided officers with a positive breath test but he was then conveyed to the hospital as a result of his injuries.

Following his release from hospital a short while later, Hickey was taken back to the police station where he provided two further breath samples, the lowest giving a reading of 59 mcg of alcohol. The legal limit is 35. Hickey, of St Peters Road, Pembroke Dock, pleaded guilty to drinkdriving and of taking a vehicle without the owner’s consent.

Following a request by District Judge Mark Layton, the case was adjourned until May 2 for an all-options probation report to be prepared. Hickey was released on conditional bail and an interim driving disqualification was imposed.

Ms Morgan asked about access to transport for visually impaired people.

Mr Gething responded with a combination of soft soap and reassurance.

Ms Morgan followed up by relating what happened to one of her visually impaired constituents, Ryan Moreland.

Mr Moreland needed to attend hospital. He ordered a taxi. The taxi driver saw Mr Moreland waiting with his guide dog and drove off. Later, another taxi driver charged him (unlawfully) an extra £5 for letting his guide dog into the taxi.

Mr Gething moved from smooth reassurance to practised outrage with barely a flicker. The facts were so immediately to hand that it was almost as though he knew what Julie Morgan would ask him.

The taxi company, Veezu, had dismissed

the driver who had failed to collect Mr Moreland and reported them to Cardiff City Council’s licensing department.

Vaughan Gething praised Veezu for its prompt action.

Disability discrimination was unacceptable, and the First Minister stressed his government’s determination to provide disability training to taxi drivers to avoid repetition.

Even a pointier question from the Conservative Shadow Transport Minister, Natasha Ashgar, about facilities at TFW-operated railway stations didn’t deflect Mr Gething.

His government is committed to doing the right thing.

Andrew RT Davies rose to ask a withoutnotice question.

Mr Davies began neutrally: “The question that started this session of question time from Julie Morgan indicated that a taxi firm obviously had broken the discrimination rules against disabled people.”

The Conservative leader pressed home his point more combatively.

“I believe the owner of that taxi firm contributed to your leadership campaign, First Minister.”

Veezu did contribute. It contributed £25,000.

Mr Davies continued: “In referencing them, I am sure you inadvertently would have declared an interest. Still, I’m sure you’ll want to put that on the record so people can understand that you did receive a donation from them.”

At that point, Mr Gething’s face turned to stone.

Since the last Questions, he’d spent the time claiming the £200,000 donation to his leadership campaign by an environmental crook was not a matter that needed independent scrutiny.

And he’d been pantsed by Andrew RT Davies in front of the whole Chamber for a basic oversight.

The pretence he should be judge and jury over ministerial proprietary flew out of the window.

Mr Davies pressed further, but the damage had been done with his

initial point.

Plaid leader Rhun ap Iorwerth underlined Mr Davies’s point.

Before asking the First Minister about the South Wales Fire and Rescue Service, Mr ap Iorwerth observed: “Perhaps the First Minister should reflect on whether a declaration of interest is needed when he mentioned not once but twice, in positive terms, a taxi firm, Veezu, that he was given £25,000 by as a donation to his campaign.”

Mr Gething responded by confusing the declarations of contributions made to the Electoral Commissions about who bankrolled his leadership campaign and his absolute obligation to declare a personal and potentially prejudicial interest regarding Veezu to the Welsh Parliament. They are entirely separate issues.

If the First Minister doesn’t understand the difference, an independent inquiry will clarify it for him. It’d certainly do a better job than a very limited internal review/ whitewash headed by Carwyn Jones.

10 Friday May 3rd 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels

Woman suspected of carrying heroin arrested at Carmarthen train station

Woman suspected of carrying heroin A JOHNSTON woman has been remanded in custody by a District Judge on suspicion of concealing heroin inside her vagina, with intent to supply it to others.

Carrie Davidson was arrested by police officers on April 19 on suspicion that she had travelled to Cardiff to collect the Class A drug before travelling back to Pembrokeshire by train.

Officers apprehended her at Carmarthen train station and arrested her on suspicion of trafficking drugs.

She was subsequently charged with attempting to conceal a Class A drug on her person with intent to supply it to others.

Since her arrest, Davidson has been kept in police custody and supervised on a 24hour basis, as officers believe the drugs have been concealed inside her vagina.

“Last Monday a food-type bag was discharged from her vagina that did not contain drugs and two days later a further piece of cling film was discharged from her vagina, again containing no drugs,” Crown Prosecutor Sian Vaughan informed District Judge Mark Layton when Davidson appeared before

Llanelli magistrates on Tuesday morning.

Ms Vaughan went on to say that Davidson has declined to have an intimate search carried out by medics and has also refused to have both a scan and an x-ray of her lower body.

Since her arrest, Davidson has been remanded in police custody and subjected to 24-hour monitoring by officers.

This week the Crown requested that she be remanded in custody for a further eight days while officers continue to monitor her.

The request was granted by District Judge Mark Layton despite an application from her solicitor for her to be released.

“The police have reasonable grounds to believe that you have drugs inside your vagina, and two items have already been ejected,” he said.

“Your refusal to undergo any form of scans on your lower body will suggest to me that the police application is reasonable and correct.”

Davidson, who appeared in the dock in a wheelchair, has been remanded in custody for a further eight days.

“Thank you,” she commented following Judge Layton’s decision. “I’ll now stop eating and drinking.”

First deadlines met following enforcement action at landfill

THE first set of deadlines for the completion of actions to tackle the ongoing odour issues at Withyhedge Landfill in Pembrokeshire have been met, one week on following the issuing of further enforcement action by Natural Resources Wales (NRW).

NRW issued site operator Resources Management UK Ltd (RML) with a further Regulation 36 Enforcement Notice on Thursday 18 April.

This outlined a series of actions to be completed by specified deadlines to address the ongoing odour and landfill gas emission issues at the site.

During the latest site inspection which took place yesterday (Thursday 25 April), NRW was able to confirm that three actions have been completed – two ahead of the imposed deadlines.

The operator has installed 24 pin wells, which have been driven into the waste in the lower section of the cell identified as causing the odour issues (Cell 8). These have also been connected to the landfill gas extraction system.

Capping material has been placed over the

same area of the cell and welded to the basal liner to encapsulate gas in this area, allowing for extraction by the pin wells and four horizontal gas wells, which were previously installed.

While progress is being made, NRW officers detected strong landfill gas odours during an offsite assessment on Wednesday (24 April) in Poyston Cross and Crundale. Weather conditions this week appear to have led to a wider spread of landfill gas to surrounding areas, not solely linked to wind direction.

NRW odour assessments follow a set route around the landfill, with designated survey spots, identified to enable consistency of assessment and reporting. This is essential to ensure the regulatory and enforcement responses where there is offsite odour attributed to the landfill is robust.

The remaining Regulation 36 Notice actions will require significant effort by RML to ensure they are completed on time and NRW continues to closely monitor progress.

Clare Pillman, Chief Executive of NRW, met with representatives from

NRW’s South West Industry Regulation Team and Pembrokeshire County Council during a visit to Pembrokeshire on Thursday 25 April.

Clare Pillman, Chief Executive, Natural Resources Wales, said: “While visiting the area surrounding Withyhedge Landfill with our regulatory team and partners from Pembrokeshire County Council this week, I was able to see and hear for myself just what people living and working in these communities have had to endure as a result of the odour issues from the site.

“What they have been experiencing is unacceptable and our officers have been working tirelessly alongside colleagues at Pembrokeshire County Council to ensure the operator gets this under control as quickly as possible. While it was clear that a lot of work has been done on site, there is still more to do to ensure they address all the actions set out in the enforcement notice.

“We want to make sure that happens, and are exploring every option together with Pembrokeshire County Council to ensure the operator works quickly to resolve the issues which are clearly affecting the quality of life of

people in these communities.”

Huwel Manley, Head of South West Operations, said: “While we are reassured that action is being carried out by the operators at Withyhedge Landfill with a sense of urgency, we are continuing our regulatory presence on site to ensure the operator’s focus remains on tackling the issues that will address the continuing odour issues being experienced by surrounding communities.

“We will be closely monitoring progress over the coming days and weeks to ensure the operator complies with all the actions set out in Notice by 14 May. If they are not met, we will pursue additional enforcement action where appropriate.”

NRW requests that instances of odour from the landfill continue to be reported via this dedicated form: or by calling 0300 065 3000. Please report odours at the time of them being experienced, rather than historically. Reporting odours in a timely manner will help guide the work of partners more effectively, particularly in the further development of air quality monitoring.

12 Friday May 3rd 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels
Tom Sinclair

Council secures injunction to order removal of waste and scrap

A PEMBROKESHIRE man must remove abandoned cars, scrap and other waste from his land within weeks or face a potential prison sentence following Pembrokeshire County Council court action.

John Goruffydd Arthur Haffield of Fron Haul, Clynderwen, has until May 9th 2024 to clear land east of Gower Villa Lane, Clynderwen after District Judge Pratt granted an injunction to the Council.

The Council sought the injunction after Mr Haffield failed to take action to clear the land following a Council Enforcement Notice issued in 2018.

Mr Haffield pleaded guilty to failing to comply with the Enforcement Notice in March 2021 but there remained no effort to clear the land.

If Mr Haffield does not comply with the injunction he will be guilty of contempt of court and face a potential prison sentence and/or

an unlimited fine. Concerns about the state of the land at Gower Villa Lane date back to 2017 when complaints were received by the Council’s Planning department.

Visits to site discovered a static caravan, abandoned vehicles, machinery, trailers, white goods and significant general waste.

The Council wrote to Mr Haffield asking that the land be cleared within 28 days.

Further letters followed before Mr Haffield finally responded in January 2018, claiming that he intended to clear the site by that August. When that work was not undertaken the Enforcement Notice was issued.

Mr Haffield initially appealed but failure to communicate with the Planning Inspectorate saw the appeal closed

Manslaughter charge following death in Carmarthenshire


POLICE have confirmed Jason Thomas, 39, from Llanelli, has been charged with manslaughter following an incident on Saturday, March 25.

Police were called to a property in Robinson St, Llanelli to concerns for the welfare of a man.

and the prosecution for failing to comply proceed.

Mr Haffield was fined £500 and ordered to pay £550 in costs and surcharge.

At the County Court earlier this month, District Judge Pratt said Mr Haffield had a lack of understanding of the seriousness of the

Jason Thomas was quickly arrested and later released on conditional bail while the police investigation continued.

He will appear at Llanelli Magistrates Court on Thursday, May 30, it has been confirmed.

Liam Rhys MorganWhittle, 22, was taken to hospital where he sadly passed away.

proceedings. The Council was awarded costs of £1,132.The injunction requires the removal all un-roadworthy vehicles, articulated box trailer, static caravan, various tanks, tyres, piping, baths, patio heater, machinery, white goods, scrap metals, plastics, timber and all other waste materials by May

9. All of the above must be disposed of at an authorised location.

Council Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Delivery, Cllr Jon Harvey, said:

“I welcome the decision to grant the injunction in this case and thank the Planning Enforcement and Legal Teams for their work

“It is a shame that this situation has got to a point where the Council has had no option but to take this course of action.

“This case is a prime example of what happens if you do not engage with planning colleagues or ignore enforcement notices. The problem will not go away.”

Businessman to stand trial for assault and strangulation


businessman is to stand trial at Swansea Crown Court in September after denying charges of assaulting and strangling a woman

Appearing from custody, Oliver Torkington, 38, of Pembroke Road, appeared at the court for a plea hearing on April 26 where he pleaded not guilty.

Torkington is alleged to have assaulted a woman in St Clears on March 23, causing her actual bodily harm.

He is also accused of strangling her.

14 Friday May 3rd 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels
Passed away: Liam Rhys Morgan-Whittle

‘Honest’ caravan site owner ran site ‘under the radar’ for 20 years


caravan site owner who “honestly” admitted “dodging under the radar” by running his site without permission for some 20 years will not be allowed to continue doing do.

In an application before Pembrokeshire County Council’s April planning committee, Nicholas Kinahan sought retrospective permission to continue operating his caravan site with 19 touring pitches, along with caravan storage and the erection of a storage shed at Penrath Farm, Ryelands Lane, Kilgetty.

The long-running site operation, a kilometre from nearby Kilgetty, off the narrow Ryelands Lane, was discovered as part of an ongoing enforcement action.

on the basis of a lack of information provided within the application and access safety.

caravan site owner

of neighbour Micheal Ormond of Ryelands Caravan Park and his concerns, Andrew Vaughan-Harries – a planning agent who normally represents applicants – said to the applicant: “When I look at this application, personally, I think you’ve tried to do the application yourself.

“We see many, many problems with this application, a septic tank is not acceptable in 2024, there are lots of issues; it’s unsustainable and has to fail.”

I admire the gentleman for his initiative, I have to go with the officer recommendation for refusal.”

Councillor Rhys Jordan thanked the applicant for his honesty, adding: “I don’t think he’s tried to ride roughshod over planning, I think he’s been naïve, but I can’t support this application.”

The application was unanimously refused by planners.

The application was recommended for refusal on a long list of grounds including the site was in the open countryside, did not propose any community facility, was not supported by a Green Infrastructure Statement, no biodiversity enhancement features, the nearby road being a narrow single-track lane with no visibility splays for access, and concerns over foul waste disposal.

Kilgetty/Begelly Community Council has objected to the scheme

One third party representation was also received, raising concerns including a lack of information in respect of type of caravans and their use, no surface water or foul waste drainage details, a lack of an ecology survey, and no highway impact assessment.

Speaking at the meeting, farmer and

Mr Kinahan said there were three caravans onsite after he moved to Kilgetty in 2004, housing tenants “on benefits,” with nine caravans onsite by 2010 and ‘vans from other sites stored on site later.

“We’ve done wrong and we know we’ve done wrong,” he told councillors, adding: “I can’t afford to live there without this little bit of extra income.”

Speaking on behalf

Councillor Mark Carter said: “What can I say really? I think we’re looking at a very honest man, unfortunately in this case he’s got it wrong; he’s had a 20year run of dodging under the radar.

“We have to respect the law and the policy and be fair to every caravan site.”

Moving the application be turned down, he said: “Much as

Members heard the saga of Kinahan’s caravans may not be ended with a planning refusal, the option of a potential certificate of lawfulness – if he could prove the development had been in place enforcement-free for a decade-plus – being mooted at the meeting.

Committee chairman Cllr Jacob Williams said: “If you can prove it’s immune from enforcement it could be a ‘trump card’.”

15 NEWS For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday May 3rd 2024
Bruce Sinclair Local Democracy reporter
Friday May 3rd 2024

Lidl GB eyes Pembroke Dock for new larger supermarket

LIDL GB has disclosed a coveted list of locations for new stores across Wales, prominently featuring Pembroke Dock among other key Welsh towns such as Newport, Cardiff, and Brecon. This announcement is part of the retailer’s broader strategy to inaugurate hundreds of new outlets throughout Great Britain, a plan that promises to generate thousands of jobs and revitalize local economies.

As Lidl marks its 30th anniversary since launching its first store, the company not only celebrates a historic market share peak of 8% but also reflects on a year of substantial infrastructural investments. These initiatives include the unveiling of the largest global distribution centre in Luton and the expansion of the Welsh distribution hub in Bridgend, alongside enhancements at the Belvedere warehouse which is set to double in capacity upon completion.

Richard Taylor, Lidl GB’s Chief Development

Officer, elaborated on the company’s ambitious growth trajectory. “With significant investments fortifying our operations and a series of strategic store enhancements, our market position has never been stronger,” he stated. Taylor highlighted the brand’s ongoing status as the fastest-growing bricks and mortar supermarket for seven consecutive months, underscoring its relentless pursuit of operational excellence and commitment to affordability. The proposed expansion into Pembroke Dock is

poised to bring highquality, affordable groceries closer to more households, aligning with Lidl’s mission to make good food accessible to all. The move is expected to attract a larger customer base, boosting Lidl’s market presence even further.

In pursuit of suitable sites, Lidl is offering incentives such as a finder’s fee for identifying viable locations, which includes 1.5% of the total freehold purchase price or 10% of the first year’s rent for leaseholds. Ideal sites would be prominent,

easily accessible, and have substantial traffic or pedestrian flow, accommodating stores between 18,000 and 26,500 square feet with ample parking.

The strategic choice of Pembroke Dock reflects Lidl’s investment in regions with growth potential, ensuring that the benefits of its expansion are felt widely across Wales and beyond. As the retailer continues to explore innovative expansion avenues, the future looks promising for both Lidl and the communities it serves.

Narberth councillor monitoring town traffic problems

MOTORISTS driving through Narberth were caught in long delays last Friday.

Some drivers reported being stuck in the town centre snarl up for more than an hour as congestion built on the one-way system and approach roads.

The problem was so bad that it featured on travel reports broadcast on BBC Radio.

County Councillor for Narberth, Marc Tierney said that he had raised concerns over additional traffic build ups before the temporary closure of Redstone Road with Council officers and Dyfed Powys Police but was unable to confirm the exact cause of the delays last week.

Redstone Road will remain closed for a further couple of weeks

at its current junction with the A40, as work continues on the multimillion pound, EU-funded Llanddewi Velfrey to Redstone Cross by-pass scheme.

Cllr Tierney said:

“Residents and businesses were severely impacted by the gridlock that brought Narberth to a standstill for hours last Friday afternoon. Traffic has been a little heavier during peak times due

to Redstone Road being closed, but thankfully both the weekend closure of the A40 and Redstone closure have been managed well so far by the contractors, Griffiths Ltd and Pembrokeshire County Council.”

With the bank holiday weekend approaching, Cllr Tierney is reminding residents and businesses of the possibility of further delays and is asking motorists to be


THE CRICKET season should have started last Sunday.

It didn’t.

A hundred-odd days of rain in four months will do that.

Instead, the local cricket league postponed the season’s start until the second weekend in May. Normal service will resume on a Saturday.

By normal service, I mean a biting wind, temperatures that send brass monkeys scurrying to the nearest welder, and pitches like plasticine.

In their wisdom, the County Club decided to hold the two missing games on the Bank Holiday Mondays at the end of May and August. They can bog off.

I have work on a Tuesday. I’m not sitting in my office contemplating balance sheets while recovering from the aches and pains I spend summer Sundays easing in a hot bath.

Don’t get me wrong—I enjoy cricket. It’s the after-effects that I have a problem with. Even when I was younger and fitter, Sundays were a day of rest and recovery from muscular and bony aches and the usual three-alarm hangover.

Now, I treat my liver with more respect. While my body is not a temple, it is at least an old tin chapel with a leaky roof. From a distance, it has a certain ruined grandeur.

certainly seems to do her the world of good. She wanders around the boundary and always stops to chat with the young and lithe bowlers who tend to patrol the outfield.

She even gives them tips on performing their stretching exercises and watches carefully as they follow her instructions.

I’m always amazed at how keen they are to bowl after a good talk with the missus. You even see them volunteer to field at suicide point or shortleg when they’re not bowling.

Big Derek, our opening bat, is a man with muscles in places I don’t even have places. My wife is always solicitous of his welfare. I guess when you look like you’ve been chiselled rather than grown, there is far more to go wrong with your body.

The poor sod is always sweating after a boundary-edge conversation with my beloved. If we’ve been fielding first, Derek often has a cold shower during the tea interval.

Derek told me last season that my wife’s presence on the boundary was why he kept trying to bat throughout our innings.

Motivating young players that way is a gift.

considerate when driving through the town:

“We know that traffic can be a problem in Narberth and I’ve shared my concerns on this incident with the relevant organisations. I’d ask that all motorists travelling through town be considerate of other road users especially whilst Redstone Road remains closed and as we approach a busy bank holiday weekend.”

My beloved is always keen to take me to cricket. It gets me out of the house and into the fresh air, far away from a computer screen or thoughts of work. My darling wife always says getting me out and about does me good. It

Funnily enough, when I field on the boundary rope - a rare event - she’s never that keen to speak to me. I suppose she knows that, as a wise old head, I’ve had all the advice and coaching I need. It’s far better for my darling one to expend her energies and share her expertise with those who need inspiration.

17 NEWS For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday May 3rd 2024

One in five now accessing Ogi’s Wales-based full fibre network

Welsh full fibre telco – Ogi – has reached two thirds of its planned first phase rollout with one in every five premises now signed up to one of its home or business services.

Kick starting its ambitious FTTP [Fibre to the Premises] rollout in 2021, Ogi propelled onto the UK telcomms scene with a £200million plan to bring full fibre to south Wales much sooner than planned by the incumbent operators.

The business shifted its approach at the

beginning of 2024 to focus on customer take-upattracting thousands to the full fibre switch thanks to a new competitive pricing and shorter-term contracts strategy. Gaining first mover advantage in places like Pembrokeshire and the post-industrial towns and villages of the south Wales valleys, the fresh approach has served the provider well, with a sector-leading high customer satisfaction score to match. This comes following a targeted period of investment in

back office operations and customer service, with new 7-day opening hours and refreshed online resources among the changes introduced earlier this year.

Amid rising competition from the UK’s largest telcos, increasing build costs and other market pressures, the Gigabit-capable provider continues to see customer adoption increase, with one in five joining the network in 2023, with places like Pembrokeshire seeing double that rate of growth.

Chief Executive Officer, Ben Allwright, said: “With one in five of the premises we can serve already signed up to Ogi, it’s clear to see we’re investing in the right places. Passing the 100,000 premises milestone – two thirds of our initial plan, completed – and seeing the massive benefits from this technology as adoption increases is encouraging.

“Putting our ISP operations first since the start of the year, and harnessing the build machine as a tool for growth has allowed us

to take a breath, and make sure we’re doing the right things for our customers and long-term sustainability. While we might not be as visible installing new network as we had been – we’ve been busy in the background, supporting our existing customer base and welcoming thousands more every month.

“We’re building something really exciting here at Ogi; and the people of Wales are invested in our journey to create a real challenger brand –one that Wales can be

proud of, and others are already envious of.”

The network is currently being rolled out in around 60 towns and villages across south Wales, with thousands of customers joining the full fibre ISP every month. The Walesbased telco offers broadband and phone services for home and a suite of IT, connectivity and security options for business, with a new wholesale opportunity recently added to the portfolio for high capacity users.

Landslip-hit Pembrokeshire coast path reopening delay fears

A SCHEME to reopen a landslide-hit coastal path and tunnels near Saundersfoot may be hindered by people putting others at risk by repeatedly cutting open safety barriers and fencing, a local councillor has warned.

Barriers and warning signs have been in place at the entrance to the ‘short tunnel’ – the first of the two which lead from Coppet Hall to Wisemans Bridge, along with fencing on the Wisemans side – since landslips in the area in recent months ago which led to the closure of the popular coastal walkway.

But because the signs have been ignored by some people, along with damage caused, a gate has now been put in place on the Coppet Hall side.

Fencing on the

opposite side has now been targeted, with a hole cut through.

County councillor for Saundersfoot South, Cllr Chris Williams said: “The new safety fence to prevent access at Wiseman’s Bridge has now been cut to gain access.

“I’m lost for words on this to be honest, and would welcome any news on who is putting others at risk with this selfish action.”

He added: “The safety teams have gone in after the massive rockfall on the tunnel entrance; it’s not safe until they do the works.

“I pushed for security fencing on both sides; on the security fencing on the Coppet Hall side, they’ve already

gone through with boltcutters.”

He warned that the vandalism could hinder the reopening of the popular walk connecting Saundersfoot with Wisemans Bridge.

“It’s so disappointing, Pembrokeshire County Council have done everything they can, trying to respect the safety concerns of the contractors who are starting in the next week or two, and are hoping it will be open by July.

“Once they start on the works this could hinder contractors; we are trying our best with it, once you cut a hole people may go in not being aware of the dangers.”

Pembrokeshire County Council has said that the work to stabilise the cliffs and tunnels so that the path can be re-

opened is likely to cost around £600,000, with funding coming either from outside agencies or the council budget.

Welsh Government Active travel fund grants have recently been awarded for the works, with £452,000 to build a shared use path at The Ridgeway/The Incline, Saundersfoot, and £300,019 for Wisemans Bridge. When the scheme was brought before the county council’s Cabinet it was hoped the works would be completed by the summer holidays.

18 Friday May 3rd 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels

Housing secretary plays down talk of Wales following Scotland on rent controls

THE HOUSING secretary poured cold water on suggestions Wales could follow Scotland’s lead by introducing similar rent controls, saying early indications show it has not worked.

Julie James was pressed for her views on rent controls in Scotland while giving evidence to a Senedd inquiry on the private-rented sector.

Altaf Hussain quizzed the housing secretary about affordability, raising concerns about rent rises since the pandemic, with landlords asking for big deposits and months’ rent upfront.

The Conservative warned this is leading some into unmanageable debt as he questioned whether there is a need to regulate a maximum deposit and rent.

Asked about the Welsh Government’s current thinking on rent regulation, Ms James told the local government and housing committee: “It hasn’t really worked in Scotland, I’m afraid.

“We’ve got some evidence, although it’s early days, to be fair, so we’ll want to monitor that for a longer time period. But, so far, the evidence is it’s not having the desired effect.”

Ms James pointed to a Welsh Government green paper calling for evidence on the right to adequate housing and rent control policies, with a second consultation to follow in summer.

She said: “We’re very keen to look at international examples from all over the place in terms of what works to get affordable rents into the sector.”

Ms James said she was very nervous the renters bill and leasehold reforms will not make it through the UK Parliament before a general election is called.

She warned: “We’ve got two years left of the

legislative programme and the possibility of bringing a large bill through to replicate this is slim to none.”

Lee Waters, who was Ms James’ deputy until last month, said many tenants have damp or disrepair issues, but are unaware of their rights or too frightened for fear of eviction.

Suggesting the Welsh housing quality standard should be extended to the private sector, the Llanelli MS warned of a fundamental power imbalance between landlords and tenants.

Ms James criticised the UK Government for reneging on a commitment to uplift quality standards for the private rented sector at the last minute.

The housing secretary said protections under Wales’ Renting Homes Act have led to a substantial drop in evictions since coming into force in December 2022.

Mr Waters said tenants who are forced to move because their landlord has decided to sell face an average cost of about £1,700, suggesting two months’ rent should be waived.

Jack Sargeant, also a Labour backbencher, asked about pet-friendly policies, warning some homeless people face the dilemma of having a place to stay or giving up a companion.

Ms James said she was not able to pick which parts of the UK’s renters bill would apply, but she accepted an offer to be involved in “no benefits claimants” and “no children” exclusions.

She pointed to guidance that landlords cannot unreasonably refuse the right to have a pet but Ms James stressed there must be sensible limits

Recalling how she was once called to a high-rise building while

working for Swansea council, she said: “We took an engineer with us and the lift kept breaking because people on the seventh floor were keeping a horse in their kitchen.

“This horse was relieving itself in the lift on the way down and it was breaking the mechanism. It was quite something to see this horse in this kitchen, I have to say.”

John Griffiths, who chairs the committee, raised concerns about a mismatch between the number of students and the amount of purposebuilt accommodation in university cities.

Ms James said she has tried to persuade council planning departments they have the power to enforce better standards for student accommodation, so it can be more easily repurposed.

She admitted: “I have not been terribly successful at this but I plan to have another go.”

The former lawyer told committee members other levers will be looked at, including any unintended consequences of the council tax exemption for students.

Mr Griffiths also asked about scope for institutional investment in build-to-rent schemes, which often include shared facilities such as gyms.

Ms James said: “It’s not huge in Wales. It’s a lot less huge than it has become in England,” as she argued build-to-rent is not the solution to the housing crisis.

Mr Waters asked about low take-up of Leasing Scheme Wales, which offers incentives for owners to lease homes to councils, amid concerns the application process is “a bit of a faff”.

Ms James said the housing maintenance allowance, which has been frozen for years until the turn of the financial year in April, has been the main

She vowed to continue pushing the UK Government to say

as soon as possible whether it is a one-off or if it will be uplifted next year in line with inflation.

“I think it’s pretty awful that they haven’t said so,” she told the meeting on April 24.

19 NEWS For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday May 3rd 2024
barrier. Chris Haines ICNN Senedd reporter

Welsh National Scooter Rally gears up for a revival in Tenby


enthusiasts from across the country are set to descend on Tenby for the eagerly anticipated return of the Welsh National Scooter Rally this May Bank Holiday weekend. This marks the event’s grand return to the popular seaside destination for the first time since 2022, promising a vibrant celebration of scooter culture.

Organised by the Scooter Collective South Wales, the rally is expected to draw hundreds to Pembrokeshire’s “jewel in the crown.” Attendees can look forward to a colourful array of scooters lining the historic Tenby High Street, adding a splash of retro charm to the town’s picturesque scenery.

The weekend’s schedule is packed with activities, starting

with a scenic ‘ride-out’ from Tenby United RFC on Heywood Lane on Saturday afternoon. This event promises to be a visual spectacle,

with a parade of beautifully maintained and creatively decorated scooters cruising through the local area. Music lovers have plenty to get excited about as well. The Specials Limited, a renowned

supported by DJ Steve Foster. Concurrently, the ExServicemen’s Club and Tenby Rugby Club will host rooms

dedicated to Northern Soul and Reggae soul, respectively, ensuring that there’s something to suit all musical tastes.

Saturday’s festivities will also feature a customs show and traders fair at the Rugby Ground.

This event provides a perfect opportunity for enthusiasts to showcase their scooters and exchange tips and accessories with fellow aficionados.

As the rally winds down, the weekend will conclude with a grand end-of-rally party at the Rugby Club, where participants can celebrate their shared passion for scooters and music, reflecting on a weekend full of fun and camaraderie.

For those planning to attend, the Welsh National Scooter Rally not only offers a chance to revel in scooter culture but also to explore the enchanting town of Tenby.

With its rich history and stunning coastal views, Tenby provides the perfect backdrop for an event that celebrates classic style and community spirit.

20 Friday May 3rd 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels
two-tone tribute band, will be performing at the De Valence Pavilion on Friday night,

Barley Saturday makes a grand return to Cardigan

ON SATURDAY (Apr 27), the historic town of Cardigan in West Wales is abuzz with excitement as it hosts its largest annual event, Barley Saturday. This significant day marks not just a local festival but a vital link to the agricultural roots of the region, attracting spectators from across the country to witness a spectacular parade of livestock and vintage vehicles.

At 2 PM, the main streets of Cardigan transformed into a vibrant parade route featuring the best of rural life—from the supreme stallion, admired by an enthusiastic crowd, to the meticulously prepared parade participants. This parade not only showcases the beauty and strength of these animals but also the care and tradition that continue to thrive in Cardigan.

The event kicked off

early with an impressive lineup of agricultural workhorses displayed on the show field. The anticipation built up throughout the day as crowds gathered, lining the streets, eager to catch a glimpse of the gleaming vintage vehicles and the majestic livestock. According to Tudor Harries, the show secretary, “Barley Saturday helps restore the lost link between our community and its agricultural heritage.”

With such a large turnout, local authorities implemented strategic road closures and diversions to manage the flow of traffic effectively.

Between 1:30 PM and 4 PM, several main roads were closed, ensuring the parade route remains clear and safe for both participants and

spectators. Traffic around the town was slowmoving, indicating the high volume of attendees this year.

Beyond the festivities, Barley Saturday is a day of community and giving. Volunteers play a

crucial role in marshaling the event, and bucket collections are conducted throughout the day, with all proceeds going to local charities. This spirit of community service is a testament to the values that underpin Barley


Barley Saturday is more than just an event; it’s a celebration of Cardigan’s heritage and a vital part of its cultural calendar. It offers a day filled with joy, community spirit, and a deep

appreciation for the rural traditions that are so often overlooked in modern times. As the town enjoys today’s festivities, it also renews its connection to the past, ensuring that these traditions will not be forgotten.

21 NEWS For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday May 3rd 2024
Pic: Gareth Davies

52-home Pembrokeshire development backed by planners

A NEAR-£10m Pembrokeshire

residential development of 52 homes has been backed by planners despite concerns it will provide just four affordable homes.

In an application before Pembrokeshire County Council’s April planning committee, Wakefield Pembrokeshire Ltd sought permission for the development, which includes four one-bed affordable housing units, on land near Pilgrims Way, Roch.

Committee members were recommended to approve the council’s head of planning be delegated to approve the application, subject to the completion of a Section 106 planning obligation, making community financial contributions.

18 objections to the scheme were received, raising concerns including an “inadequate” affordable housing level, it being a high density

development for a rural area, a loss of green space, the size of some of the homes, and pressures on existing services and facilities, and fears it may lead to an increase in second homes.

Nolton & Roch

Community Land Trust (N&RCLT) has raised its concerns about a lack of affordable homes at the development, calling for a 20 per cent affordable homes element, as recommended by policy.

An officer report for members, recommending conditional approval, concluded: “It is apparent that the proposed

development is not fully policy compliant, insofar as it cannot deliver the indicative 20 per cent affordable housing sought [by policy].

“However, a substantial positive social impact will arise through the provision of housing, including four one-bed affordable housing units,

in meeting identified needs for both market and affordable housing.

“Financial obligations identified to mitigate adverse impacts arising from the proposed development cannot be met in full. However, [policy] acknowledges that in such circumstances contributions may be prioritised on the basis of the individual circumstances of each case.”

Speaking at the meeting, agent Gethin Beynon said the project had a “significant economic value” of around £10m, and the local applicant had “a sense of stewardship to the local community,” offering affordable housing and community infrastructure towards highways and education.

He said that changes to the affordable homes provision would make the scheme unviable following “dramatic changes” in labour costs


Dave Smith of Nolton & Roch Community Land Trust said, on the issue of affordable housing, there was a local need for more two and three-bed properties, adding: “More than a third of dwellings are already second homes, holiday lets or empty properties; villages and communities are being hollowed out.”

Moving approval, Cllr Mark Carter said the scheme was good but “could be better for the community” with more and larger affordable homes.

Cllr Jordan Ryan expressed his concern at the small number of affordable units, and was told that, while officers shared disappointment at the number, it was based on two independent viability assessments.

The application was backed by nine votes to four.

Paul Sartori receives National Lottery Funding for Future Care Planning

JUST over £270,000 has been awarded to Paul Sartori Hospice at Home for the Future Care Planning Service by the National Lottery. The large grant will allow the charity to build on the important work of the Future Care Planning Service, which has been serving its local community for around 10 years.

Paul Sartori Hospice at Home are mindful that this generous National Lottery grant has come at a good time for the charity. Especially when there are shortfalls in funding for hospices across the UK and difficult times lie ahead. Paul Sartori is an independent charitable organisation and relies on funds from different sources to continue. This grant specifically supports the charity’s Future Care Planning Service who work with individuals, their families and/or carers, and professionals to facilitate conversations and document preferences. Serious illness, sudden

trauma/injury and ageing bring challenges that many of us prefer not to think about. At the same time, many of us fear loss of control about decisions relating to our healthcare.

The National Lottery award will enable the Service, over 3 years, to develop and increase the understanding of future care planning within the Pembrokeshire community. The funding will enable the team to carry out community awareness sessions; lead more training to healthcare professionals and develop resources including a new bilingual online training portal.

Feedback to the service identifies that Future Care Planning (FCP) is an essential tool in health planning for the future. Having a designated team to provide this service not only supports the patient but enables health and social care providers to carry out the wishes of the individual. This adds to a collaborative approach and helps to develop an individualised, dignified

approach to future care.

With a good understanding of services in the community and with over 10 years’ experience in this field, the Paul Sartori Future Care Planning Team work collaboratively and in partnership with GP’s, Health Board staff, social care providers and other organisations and groups. This ensures wide access to information and support. Referrals are accepted from individuals, and from all areas of health and social care professions.

Future Care Planning is a sensitive subject, but one which the experienced and qualified team have a good understanding of. Fay Morley, the Paul Sartori Future Care Planning Lead has been campaigning on this subject locally and nationally for a number of years. Support has been gathered from a wide variety of professionals - they recognise the importance of individuals recording their future care wishes and how this can improve the efficiencies of other services.

The Paul Sartori Clinical Team Manager, Laura Hugman, was delighted to receive the news from the National Lottery saying, “This will benefit the people of Pembrokeshire and empower more individuals to plan for their future care. This grant will also safeguard the Paul Sartori Future Care Planning Service and enable it to grow and develop.”

John Rose, Wales Director at The National Lottery Community Fund, said: “We are

proud to be funding Paul Sartori Hospice at Home to support those who need care with a range of services and a 24/7 OnCall Facility. Thanks to National Lottery players, who raise £30 million a week for good causes, the charity can continue to expand their Future Care Planning Service, which is so important to the local community.”

Paul Sartori Hospice at Home provide a variety of services to patients with life limiting

illnesses and their families/carers. The services provided by the charity include end of life home nursing care, complementary therapy, bereavement, and counselling support, physiotherapy, future care planning and training. These services are supported by the 24-hours a day, 7-days a week On-Call Facility, and a Standby Service available for those who do not yet need hands on care.

23 NEWS For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday May 3rd 2024
Bruce Sinclair Local Democracy Reporter

Solemn tributes at Freshwater West for WWII maritime tragedy

IN an emotional gathering at Freshwater West, Pembrokeshire, the public and veterans convened on April 29, to honour the memory of the 85 souls lost in the tragic sinking of Landing Craft, Gun (LCG) 15 and LCG 16 during a brutal storm in April 1943.

The memorial service took place near the scenic, surf-popular beach, where the community assembled to reflect on the calamity that struck during a perilous wartime operation.

The service highlighted the sacrifices made by those aboard the LCGs, as well as six valiant crew members from the HMS Rosemary, who perished while attempting a daring rescue amidst the tempest.

Originally designed as Landing Craft, Tanks (LCTs), LCG 15 and LCG 16 were converted at Belfast’s Harland & Wolff shipyard to support amphibious operations by equipping them with heavy artillery.

Their redesign included the installation of two 4.7 inch guns intended for use during D-Day, suggesting that, had they survived, these crafts and their crews could have played a pivotal role in the Normandy Landings.

The crafts were en route to Falmouth when they encountered severe weather off the coast of Freshwater West.

Compounded by their flat-bottomed design, which was ill-suited for rough seas, both vessels tragically succumbed to the stormy conditions.

Denied shelter at Fishguard, they were compelled to continue towards Milford Haven, a decision that ultimately led to their sinking.

Today, the wrecks of LCG 15 and LCG 16 lie as protected war graves, and a poignant memorial

stands overlooking the beach, a testament to the bravery and enduring legacy of the men lost to the sea.

Visitors to the memorial site at Freshwater West, which also hosts another commemorative marker at Thornton Cemetery in Milford Haven, can reflect upon the harrowing experiences faced by wartime naval personnel and the profound impact of their service.

The event served not only as a remembrance but also as an educational experience, particularly for younger generations unaware of the perils faced by their forebears during such tumultuous times.

The memorial at Freshwater West remains open to the public, offering a place for contemplation and respect, against the backdrop of one of Wales’ most beloved surfing beaches, where the echoes of history resonate with the sounds of the waves.

24 Friday May 3rd 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels
Pictures by Martin Cavaney

Lib Dem leader meets student union after scrapping of teacher training

LAST WEEK, the Leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats Jane Dodds visited Aberystwyth University to meet students following the announcement that the University will be scrapping their Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) program.

The announcement comes after the publication of an Estyn inspection report last year, which found that the institution had “been too slow” when it came to prioritising student support.

The Welsh Liberal Democrats have now called for the University to produce and implement an action plan that will enable the reintroduction of this course at the earliest opportunity, as well as for the Uni to rectify any similar shortcomings in other training programs.

“Aberystwyth university has long been seen as a cornerstone of education here in Wales, and its role in shaping the future of Welsh-medium education is pivotal.

However, the decision by the Education Workforce Council to withdraw accreditation for their teacher training program now puts this at risk.

The report published by Estyn rightfully identified several flaws in the Uni’s approach to supporting student teachers, along with requiring the University to make significant improvement.

The decision of the EWC suggest that these improvements have not been made.

We are now calling on the University to get

Commenting, the Leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats Jane Dodds MS said:

their act together, fix the shortcomings in this program and begin plans to reintroduce the course as soon as possible.

Commenting, a spokesperson for the Welsh Young Liberals said: “There was an overwhelming lack of support, especially for Disabled Students, which has been consistent since 2020.

Previous lecturers were always late, and assignments were marked late and inconsistently.

As a joint honours student my timetable is very erratic, and this has an adverse effect on my wellbeing.

This does not

however, mean that the course should be cut, Aberystwyth university should be looking to improve the course and help deliver the next generation of teachers.”

Commenting, the Welsh Liberal Democrat PPC for Ceredigion Mark Williams said: “The reputation of Aberystwyth University as a wellrespected centre of education is rightfully a source of pride for many residents here in Ceredigion.

This is why it is so disheartening to hear that

the Uni have failed to take the recommendations in the 2023 Estyn report seriously, leading them into the embarrassing position of losing their accreditation which risks delivering a severe blow to the future of Welshmedium education.

The lack of foresight from the Uni in this regard is deeply worrying and I hope that, for the sake of both the students and the wider community, they take all the steps needed to restart the course at the earliest opportunity.”

Create a dried meadow flower artwork at Roch Castle

ROCH CASTLE near St Davids is hosting a workshop to create a dried meadow flower wall artwork to adorn your home on Sunday, May 19 (12pm-2pm).

During the two-hour session you will learn how to fill a 40cm x 30cm natural wood frame with your chosen mix of dried flowers, grasses and seed heads.

Most of the flowers have been grown and dried by Karen MacKechnie from the Floral Goat on her Pembrokeshire farm, with some additional stems sourced from other British flower farmers.

Places at the

dried flower meadow workshop, which will be led by Karen, are priced at £70 per person to include all materials as well as tea/coffee and Welshcakes. Book online via Roch Castle’s website or call 01437 725 566.

Free parking is available on-site but as space is limited please car share where possible. As a 12th century castle, access within Roch Castle is not suitable for those with mobility difficulties.

26 Friday May 3rd 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels

Survey of Picton Castle reveals groundbreaking medieval architecture

THE first ever detailed architectural survey of Picton Castle, Pembrokeshire, has revealed a medieval castle ahead of its time in terms of design and high status living. Much altered in the Georgian period, the castle was surveyed by the author, Neil Ludlow, with Phil Poucher of Heneb –Dyfed Archaeology (formerly Dyfed Archaeological Trust) and funded by the Castle Studies Trust: it reveals a sophisticated building fit for royalty.

However, the building was actually built between 1315-20 by a senior royal government official called Sir John Wogan, who held office in Pembrokeshire, Northern England and Ireland and possibly fought on a military campaign in Gascony.

While outwardly it retains much of its medieval flavour, the interiors were extensively made over during the

eighteenth century so that it now presents itself first and foremost as a Georgian country seat. But beneath this veneer, much medieval work still survives – though a lot of it is tucked away behind stud-walls, in cupboards, or is otherwise obscured.

Picton’s unique layout makes it a castle of great importance and architecturally groundbreaking for when it was

built in the early fourteenth century. Most castles have at least some close parallels, but Picton is effectively one of a kind. Close study shows that it resolves as a central first-floor hall, flanked by services and a chamberblock to form a very early example of the three-unit ‘H-plan’ house.

The gatehouse –unusual in buildings of this kind – led onto an equally unusual ‘grand stairway’ to the hall; a second ground-floor entry probably led to an external

kitchen and bakehouse.

The castle’s spatial disposition, access and circulation are meticulously planned, while the domestic appointments show a remarkable level of sophistication for the period, including what appear to be vertical serving-hatches between the ground floor and the service rooms above. At second-floor level, the east towers and gatehouse form two integrated suites of residential apartments

either side of a chapel, in a manner firmly rooted within royal planning. The opposite pair of towers, at the west end, seem to have been united internally to form a residential chamberblock, for Wogan’s officials and guests, possibly served by latrines in the former west tower; the present partition walls are later.

Neil Ludlow told The Pembrokeshire Herald: “The enigmatic castle at Picton in Pembrokeshire is best-known for its magnificent Georgian interiors. But beneath this veneer is a medieval castle, from around 131520, with a unique layout. A towered hall-block with a pioneering ‘H-plan’, it reveals elements derived from royal planning, and sophisticated domestic arrangements including serving hatches between the floor levels. These innovations show it to have been a castle that was ahead of its time.”

Castle Studies Trust Chair of Trustees Jeremy Cunnington added: “The Castle Studies Trust is delighted to have funded the first ever detailed survey of Picton Castle and to have learned so much more about the medieval form of this unique building.”§

Dr Rhiannon TalbotEnglish, Director at Picton Castle Trust told this newspaper: “Picton Castle has always been something of an enigmatic mystery: hidden gothic alcoves and arches, secret spiral staircases and untouched medieval Undercroft. Picton Castle Charitable Trust is extremely grateful to the Castle Studies Trust for its generous financial support which has enabled this research to be undertaken and we look forward to sharing this new knowledge with the public in a new exhibition about the early castle.”

27 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday May 3rd 2024 news

Llandeilo Antiques Fair has a touch of Spring

THE NExT Antiques and Vintage Fair to be held at the Civic hall Llandeilo , will be bursting with variety and good quality antiques on Saturday 4 th May.

Nestling into the Carmarthenshire countryside Llandeilo is a busy town ,lying on the outskirts of Carmarthen and just 15 minutes away from the end of the M4, it’s conveniently situated.

The fair boasts record attendance this year and May hopefully will continue this pattern .The Civic Hall can be found right in the Centre of the town ,opposite the main Car park. Here you will find a bustling, vibrant Fair with lots of antiques and vintage on display. The variety is impressive ,with lots of variety to keep your interest.There will be a number of outside stands to compliment the inside displays.Here you will find a good selection of gardening tools and pots.

May is the season where we get inspired to get planting and sowing our seeds ,as the weather gets milder. Look out for the huge collection of gardinalia that will be on display. This is an area of collecting that has grown in popularity over the past few years and especially after lockdown. People have begun to realise that growing your own vegetables , can prove to be both frugal and satisfying .There are many benefits from growing your own produce ,both mentally and physically.Turning over fresh soil on a spring day with a spade that has been handed down over

the generations ,doesn’t come better than that. The satisfaction from sewing your own seeds ,to watching them grow and mature and finally the joy from harvesting your own crop of potatoes or tomatoes. If you fancy taking up the spade or fork , then there will be a good selection of tools for sale .From spades ,forks and hoes , to garden buckets , watering cans plus axes and garden stakes and supportsMost of these vintage garden tools which have been loving restored and ready to have their place in a new garden .Fundamentally nothing has changed in the shape of garden tools except perhaps for the quality. They were certainly made to last and people knew how to care for them and look after their garden tools , so that they would last for years to come.

It’s this time of year when the the threat of frost have receded ,that we begin to plan our planting of our patio pots. Just recently there has been a trend of using and repurposing leaky old watering cans and buckets into attractive flower containers. Galvanised containers have risen in popularity as they do not rust .A old watering can,galvanised bucket , baths or even a churn can be recycled into attractive garden containers .

The trusty watering can hasn’t changed a lot over time . As gardeners and vintage enthusiasts, we often take for granted the tools we use. One such tool that has always been around is the watering can. It may seem a simple device, but it has

played an essential role in keeping our gardens and greenhouses functioning for centuries.

So let’s have a meander through the history of watering cans. Where did they come from? How have they evolved over time?

The first documented use of anything resembling a watering can was found in a painting from ancient Egypt ,depicting a gardener using a vessel with a long spout ,to water plants. In Rome, metal vessels were used by farmers to water their crops. There are a few early paintings showing people watering plants with “ordinary” jugs but we know that pots specially for watering begin to make an appearance in early medieval documents about gardens, which were of course largely utilitarian rather than ornamental. They had presumably evolved to be as efficient as possible given the constraints of material and ease of use.

The term ‘watering can’ was first used in 1692 by the cottage gardener Lord Timothy George of Cornwall, and various design types existed at that time. This was a watering pot of copper, having a big belly and a narrow neck, a strong handle of metal was now attached to the belly and head of the can to enable the gardener to carry the pot from place to place in the garden. The big revelation came in 1886 when John Haws patented a new design incorporating the sprinkler end to the spout or rose as we now call it. The Haws company remains one of the

world’s premier watering can companies to this day. They would produce watering cans that were of metal but galvanised to protect them from rusting and were much lighter than the previous copper ones.This method is still used today . And not just on watering cans ,It’s used to protect lots of garden equipment.

Galvanisation or galvanising is the process of applying a protective zinccoating to steel or iron, to prevent rusting. The most common method is hotdip galvanizing, in which the parts are submerged in a bath of hot, molten zinc. This will protect the steel from rusting. However it will in time wear off with continued use and exposure to the elements .Ironically it’s this rustic look that has proved most popular and is on trend at the moment. I can remember the old dustbins 50 years ago , we’re all galvanised .The sound of the lids being clattered by the bin men , early in the morning has stayed in my memory , as they formed an early morning wake up call. In those

bye gone days. These bins now make make ideal Flower containers , as do the old humble washing dolly tubs that every house had before the arrival of washing machines .They have become a fashionable must have container for a patio or balcony and now command a large price tag. Even galvanised animals feeders and troughs have become hugely popular as planters.In these times of being mindful of limiting waste ,it’s nice to see this recycling, up cycling and repurposing of items going on in our gardens. The displays at the fair will be eye catching and inspirational.

There’s always something interesting and new at this popular fair, one of the new attractions is Helen Brind’s ( designernell) collection of interior design and textiles . She has an impressive collection of handmade cushions and some beautiful material.Her displays are always colourful and eye catching.

The Llandeilo fair has a rich cross section of antiques and vintage on

offer, including collections of rare Welsh pottery, art and textiles. Wales is a country known for its textile treasures and especially hand stitched quilts.

The fair is located in the heart of Llandeilo, close to the main car park.Here you will find a bustling, vibrant Fair with lots of antiques and vintage on display. The variety is impressive , which is why over 500 visitors attended the fair in April.

The Llandeilo fair has a rich cross section of antiques and vintage on display, from jewellery,watches, books and silver , coins and postcards, ephemera, militaria and vintage clothes and accessories. There will also be collections of art glass and up cycled and pre loved furniture, art and textiles plus interior design pieces. I’m sure visitors will not be disappointed with the selection on offer at this popular vibrant fair.

Homemade refreshments will be available and doors open at 10 am until 4pm. Admission is just £2

28 Friday May 3rd 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels
29 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday May 3rd 2024 adVerTorIal

Classic car extravaganza returns to Carew Castle this Bank Holiday

ONE of the highlights of the Pembrokeshire calendar is set to return this Bank Holiday, as Carew Castle prepares to host some of the finest classic and vintage cars, motorbikes, and military vehicles from across South Wales.

The Carew Castle Car Show will take place on Monday 6 May, with plenty of entertainment for all the family, including music throughout the day by local folk band ‘Razor Bill’, and a variety of vintage funfair rides and games from Pembrokeshire Attractions.

For an extra cost of £2, younger visitors will also be able to take part in a Brilliant Birds Trail around the Castle Manager of Carew Castle, Daisy Hughes, said: “We’re delighted to host the ever-popular Car Show at Carew for another year. It’s a wonderful opportunity

for enthusiasts and families alike to admire the beauty of classic and vintage vehicles in an equally impressive vintage setting.

“There is no need to book tickets in advance – just turn up on the day to make the most of this fantastic event.”

Nest Tearoom will be open from 10am onwards to serve bacon rolls and hot drinks, with the usual mouth-watering selection of homemade lunches and cakes available throughout the rest of the day. Visitors are welcome to explore the majestic Castle and Tidal Mill during their visit, to find out more about the events and colourful characters that shaped this site’s fascinating history.

While the car show itself is currently at capacity and no longer accepting new entries, anyone interested in securing a spot for their vehicle on the reserve list are encouraged to

register their interest by following the link at www. pembrokeshirecoast. wales/carew-castle/ events-at-carew-castle/ spring-events.

Carew Castle Car Show will take place from 10am-3pm

with the Castle open from 10am-4.30pm.

Normal admission charges apply: Adults £8, Concessions £7, Children £6 and a Family Ticket (two adults and two children) £25.

Please note the event

may not take place in the event of bad weather.

For more information visit www.carewcastle. com or follow Carew Castle’s Facebook page (Carew Castle and Tidal Mill) for event updates.

To learn about

other events that are taking place in the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park this Bank Holiday and throughout the rest of the year, go to www. pembrokeshirecoast. com/events.

30 Friday May 3rd 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels

The Haunting Tale of indefinite prison sentences

Aaaawwk! Hello again, my fellow Pembrokeshire pals! Stephen Seagull here, perched high above the cliffs, watching over our lovely coast and pondering the ways of the humans. Today, let’s squawk about a ghostly matter that’s been haunting the corridors of power for years –it’s the sticky wicket of Imprisonment for Public Protection (IPP) sentences. Squawk!

Introduced in 2003, IPP sentences were like a net thrown too wide, catching more than intended and causing quite the fluster under the feathers of justice. Intended to be tough on crime, these sentences ended up being indefinite, based on what someone might do in the future rather than what they’d actually done. Now, isn’t that a bit like predicting I’ll steal your chips next Tuesday at noon?


By 2012, these sentences were abolished, but – and it’s a big but – not for those already tangled in this legal net. Over 2,800 IPP prisoners are still clanging their cage bars, many having served way beyond their minimum terms. Imagine, fellow gulls, being stuck in a cage long after you’ve served your time, your wings clipped with nowhere to fly. That’s not justice, that’s just... sad.

Lord Blunkett,

the very chap who introduced IPP sentences, has fluttered back saying he got it wrong, and now’s the chance to put things right. And rightly so! Even the Justice Committee, those wise old owls, have recommended

a reshuffle – a resentencing exercise for those still bound by these outdated chains.

But alas, my beaky friends, the winds of change blow slowly. Despite cross-party consensus on the matter, there seems to be a lack

of political will to truly set these prisoners free, to give them a fair shake at proving they’re no longer a risk.

It’s high time, I say, for those with the power to swoop in and sort this mess, to give these folks and their families

a glimmer of hope. Because without hope, what are we? Just gulls without chips, that’s what.

So, as I soar above our stunning shores, I ponder the fate of those caught in this human-made net. Let’s

not leave them adrift. It’s time to act, to bring justice back to justice, and to ensure that like the tides, it remains ever fair and free. Until next time, keep your chips close and your spirits high! Squaaawk!

31 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday May 3rd 2024

Badger and the Regeneration Game

BADGER is a big fan of the public’s participation in politics, especially local politics.

He also thinks social media can play a small role in providing people with information upon which they can base their opinions.

That means he avoids Pembrokeshire’s Facebook groups like the plague.

If there’s a barking-mad take on events, you can find it on Pembrokeshire’s Facebook pages and groups.

And find them you will, in profusion.

Some people have questions that require straightforward and factual answers.

For example: “Does anyone know what changes have been made to the bin collection times for the Bank Holiday?”

The right answer is either: “It’s here, on the Council website [with link]” or “I’ve looked it up, and the answer is [x]”.

The wrong answer is: “I blame the Council for increasing our Council Tax and not collecting the bins on Monday. I, for one, will never recycle anything to help tackle ‘global warming’ because it was chilly the other day.”

And yet, the wrong answers in that vein proliferate. One contributor - well, at least one - apparently just types the first thought that comes into his head on every topic. He makes things up. When his error is pointed out, he either doubles down or changes the subject in a gear-grinding way, suggesting his thought processes are as random as the beats of

a butterfly’s wings. The words “thick as mince” are often over-used. But, by gum, readers, Badger looks at what passes for allegedly informed comment and insight and can’t help thinking about how badly care in the community has failed.

Badger doesn’t expect too much from some of our County Councillors, so he is often surprised and delighted when they make a point worth making supported by real evidence. However, suppose you’re going to criticise or critique someone or something. In that case, you should do your homework before (metaphorically) jumping up and down and waving your knickers in the air.

Even worse is the species of entitled prick who insists councillors should respond to their insane ravings on Facebook because they can’t be bothered to communicate civilly via email.

Some new research has highlighted why people are so permanently enraged when they engage


Those who socialise in online communities often become alarmingly hostile, toxic, and verbally violent to one another.

Marius K. Luedicke, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, Olivier Sibai, Birkbeck, University of London, and Kristine de Valck, HEC Paris, conducted a study on online behaviour.

They aimed to find out why, although people typically join online communities to socialise peacefully, online communities are often riddled with verbal slander, trolling, and hateful flaming.

They discovered that online communities often became hostile, creating hateful spaces, a phenomenon known in sociology as brutalisation.

Specifically, the researchers identified three kinds of direct, structural, cultural, and mutually reinforcing forms of violence: sadistic entertainment (verbal conflict and exploitation performed in front of an audience for their entertainment), clan warfare

(competing subgroups vie for dominance), and popular justice (members violently enforce community norms).

The researchers theorise that frustrated desires for entertainment, social status, and justice are the main reasons for endemic verbal violence.

Although moderators can step in and curtail the tirade of lies and abuse, and assuming they’re not encouraging bolshie twerps to share whatever pieces of their mind they can spare, they are usually volunteers with better things to do with their lives than police the ding-dongs and bullies who poison public debate.

Expecting someone to recognise patterns of bad behaviour and correct them or stepping in to halt abuse and block mischief-making morons is too much of an ask for most people who moderate social media pages or groups.

And, because public debate, when supported by evidence

or at least an effort to familiarise yourself with it, is an unalloyed good, it’s easy to see why it’s easier to let the furious fulminate irrelevantly, as long as they stay within the law.

The problem is that when people conduct themselves like playground bullies and talk over or insult others, informed debate dies, and you end up with an aggrieved rabble all shouting at once.

On no subject, except perhaps the scandalous landfill at Rudbaxton, is so much hot air and toxic fumes expended as the regeneration of Haverfordwest Town Centre.

We start from brass tacks: if locals cherished and valued small shops in a thriving town centre, they’d bloody well still have them. They didn’t, and they don’t.


The trade-off for greater choice and lower prices is bigger chain stores that can offer their customers the benefits of economies of scale.

The superstore model is under pressure as online shopping expands, especially for clothes and consumer durables.

Badger heard someone suggest that the multi-storey urinal that passed for a car park for Haverfordwest town centre did not need to be demolished. He agrees. It should have been launched into space by a giant catapult in the middle of the last decade.

You don’t keep something beyond its useful life, especially when it costs more to

keep than to dispose of. This county—this country, readers—is plagued by that sort of thinking.

It’ll do is NEVER good enough.

A new car park makes sense. Does it need to be a transport interchange?

Well, you need somewhere for the buses to run to and from, and there’s no land available near the railway station.

As for all that nonsense about “enhancing the public realm”: how sodding lovely does a bus station need to look?

When it comes to the “signature bridge”, Badger can take or leave it. Without a way of linking the train station to the bus station and the bus station to a town worth visiting, the whole project falls on its arse, anyway.

If the central government thinks an area needs “levelling up” (whatever that means), it should do what’s needed. Don’t leave your mess for others to clean up.

Councils should get enough money to deliver services people need based on their residents’ needs and deliver them.

As things are, you get a photo of your local MP, MS, or a Welsh Government Minister in a hi-viz vest and hard hat gazing at a couple of breeze blocks, and then it’s someone else’s problem.

All those MPs, MSs, or Welsh Government Ministers who insist they know what towns really need? Well, readers, they walk away whistling to the next photo op without a backward glance at the rubble.

32 Friday May 3rd 2024

a T’S on

wNofit State Circus returns to Pembrokeshire

WALES’ flagship circus company, NoFit State, are back in West Wales this summer with two exciting productions.

SABOTAGE in Haverfordwest in June and BAMBOO in Amroth and Cardigan in August.

The Company’s largescale Big Top show, SABOTAGE, which enjoyed its world premiere at the Pembrokeshire County Showground in 2022, is back at the showground from 13-30 June after touring the UK and Europe to rave reviews.

Expect exciting cast changes and extraordinary new production elements, original live music, breath-taking circus, stunning imagery and NoFit State’s signature theatrical feel.

Don’t miss the only Welsh dates on the SABOTAGE 2024 tour, in the county where it was

first created.

SABOTAGE explores our separation, and our belonging. Saboteurs stand out. They stand up. They challenge the establishment. They are heard.

“We’re overjoyed to be back in West Wales which feels like our second home, we have brought every show there in recent times and we love the communities we meet there. To come three times this summer is really exciting for us, SABOTAGE and BAMBOO are both special shows, and we can’t wait to share them with you.”

Alison Woods, Executive Director, NoFit State.

BAMBOO is a spectacular new highimpact, high-skill outdoor circus production using only bamboo and human bodies. SPAN Arts present BAMBOO at National Trust Colby

Woodland Garden on 10 August, the show then moves to Cardigan Castle on 14 & 15 August, copromoted by Mwldan and Cardigan Castle.

BAMBOO is a meaningful, joyful performance with live music, comedy and amazing feats of strength and agility. The show celebrates what’s possible when humans and the natural world trust each other and work in harmony.

SABOTAGE 13 June - 30 June 2024 Pembrokeshire

County Showground, Haverfordwest Box Office: 02921 321 021 /

Tickets: £18 - £28

Family Offer: A family of 4 can attend for the special price of £72*

*You will need to have at least 1 adult and 1 child

(under 16) in your group



Use code ‘Earlybird’ at checkout to get 20% off (Offer ends midnight Monday 6 Mayonly valid on tickets for Pembrokeshire performances.)

SABOTAGE has nothing in it that makes it unsuitable for children, but it is not made for them specifically. Created by NoFit State Circus. Directed by Firenza Guidi. Supported by the Arts Council of Wales, Arts Council England and the Garfield Weston Foundation.

BAMBOO 10 August 2024 2pm & 5pm • Presented by SPAN Arts

Colby Woodland Gardens, Garden Road, Amroth SA67 8PP Box office:

ewHaTTo waXPecT... TcHHere

01834 869323

Tickets: Pay what you can £3-£20

14 August 2024 4.30pm & 7.30pm • 15 August 2024 4.30pm & 7.30pm

Cardigan Castle (Co-promotion with Mwldan)

Box office and essential information: 01239 621200

Tickets: £9 / £6 children

A NoFit State production directed by Mish Weaver, in collaboration with Orit Azaz and Imagineer Productions. Supported by the Arts Council of Wales, the Foyle Foundation, and Without Walls, and commissioned by Stockton International Riverside Festival, Norfolk & Norwich Festival, Hat Fair and Timber Festival.

34 Friday May 3rd 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels

Netflix drama series ‘Intimacy’

INTIMACY, a Spanish political drama series found on Netflix. The core of the plot raising moral issues and expectations of politicians. The lead character is female deputy mayor of Bilbao the largest city in Northern Spain with a metropolitan population of well over a million.

A sex tape of her is leaked when she is running for the Mayorship of Bilbao. She is not happily married, her husband and herself continuing as a family for their daughter. Through a dating site she meets a partner which she hopes will develop. It is not a one-night stand. Sexual activity takes place on a deserted beach. She has been set up by the man she believed had affection for her. Within days the activity on the

beach is online. A video was taken showing her face and body very clearly. Once online, as they say, all hell broke loose. Her political party expects her to resign as deputy Mayor and not stand in forthcoming elections to be the Mayor. It raises moral questions. She is female, would the same be expected of a male?

A true life example from around 1960 to 1990. President Mitterrand of France had a thirty-year relationship from 1962 until his death in 1996, whilst remaining married. Mitterrand began the relationship when he was 46 and she 19 years old. They had a child together. There were journalists and other politicians who were aware of the relationship,

but he was not asked to resign his presidency and both his wife and mistress (I hate the term) attended his funeral. If the French President had been female and begun a relationship aged 46 with a 19-yearold male, it would have been very different story. Similar to the series Intimacy and questions and expectations are asked. Subplots show other women facing similar difficulties, for example, one allows herself to be used in pornography, for money. Who is immoral, her or the men at the factory ogling the pornography and make unsavoury comments about her. But this series from Netflix, asks the question, what is morality? What is hypocrisy? A drama, well made, well acted and truly entertaining. An excellent series. Not to be missed.

One man’s dream of the NHS - ‘Nye’

Michael Sheen plays Nye Bevan in a surreal and spectacular journey through the life and legacy of the man who transformed Britain’s welfare state and created the National Health Service in 1948. Often referred to as the politician with greatest influence on our country without ever being Prime Minister, Nye will be broadcast live at the Torch Theatre this May. Confronted with death, Aneurin ‘Nye’ Bevan’s deepest memories lead him on a mind-bending journey back through his life –all unfolding in flashback from his hospital bed; from childhood to mining underground, Parliament

and fights with Churchill. Written by Tim Price (Teh Internet is Serious Business) and directed by Rufus Norris (Small Island), this epic new Welsh fantasia, a coproduction with the Wales Millennium Centre, is a real gem by the National Theatre.

Awarded three stars by Arifa Akbar for The Guardian, Welsh actor Sheen is said to be “well cast for his natural charm.”

Arifa added: “(grey helmet hair, chequered pyjamas …He brings a curious fey playfulness and vulnerability…..”

Nye will be screened at the Torch Theatre on Thursday 9 May at 7.15pm. Ticket prices: £15 / £13 concessions / £8.50 Under 26. For tickets phone the Box Office on 01646 695267 or visit torchtheatre.

35 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday April 26th 2024 newS
lISTen: SInewngle Here

Pet Shop Boys nonetheless david Tixier universal citizen

The Pet Shop Boys are known for their dynamic and neverboring style spanning four decades. Their latest album, ‘Nonetheless’, produced with Arctic Monkeys’ James Ford, continues their signature sound while venturing into new sonic realms.

Each track features lush orchestration, with standout moments like ‘The Secret of Happiness’ and ‘A New Bohemia’, which reflect Neil Tennant’s love for 1960s music. The lead single, ‘Loneliness’, evokes their 1993 album ‘Very’, with nods to Ringo Starr.

Written during lockdown, ‘Nonetheless’ unfolds like a 10-song story collection, touching on themes of longing and introspection. ‘New London Boy’ stands out, capturing Tennant’s move to London in 1973 and his early experiences in pop and sexuality.

Tennant hinted that ‘Nonetheless’ might be their “queer album”, with ‘Love Is the Law’ poetically recounting Oscar Wilde’s postprison life. This album showcases Pet Shop Boys’ ability to blend streetlevel storytelling with grandeur, a testament to their evolving craft over four decades.

I PROPERLY became aware of jazz when I was just nine years old.

My brother, a few years older than me used the city library which was not only for books but also for the loan of vinyl records. A teacher in his school had told his literature class of fifteen year olds about the record, I was soon to hear. I guess he was one of those trendy teachers who like to impress the kids, but he did me a great favour.

The disc my brother brought home was Jacques Loussier Plays Bach. I had listened to jazz before, but it was more of the pop type of stuff; Glen Miller, Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington and the like. During the 1950’s jazz moved from the bopdedop to smooth lines and that was what I heard in Loussier, his jazz interpretation of Bach’s Prelude No.1. For it’s time it was pretty wild, Bach moving from the set classical piece into improvisation accompanied by drums and bass.

I’d be quite sure though that wonderful jazz piano player David Tixier has listened to Loussier. His cd Universal Citizen flows with unique lines of music. David is a wonderful

piano player. As with players of this calibre they are high quality musicians. An example is a friend of mine, Richard Ingham, he is the worlds leading classical saxophone player but also plays jazz. Universal Citizen fits the definition of jazz, but for me the music contained is not simply for the lover of jazz.

These tunes could be the way that Jacques Loussier, had he been able to live to be a 100 plus years old, would have developed. Using one example from the CD, Tokyo a beautifully melodic piece where the music of the ages has been developed wonderfully. I could say this though about most of the tracks. Tixier is ably accompanied by double bass Rafael Jergen, drums Lada Obradovic, guitar Mike Moreno and voice on two tracks Sachal Vasandani.

Schopenhauer wrote that if the entire universe should vanish the only thing left would be music. Universal Citizen from David Tixier could be it.

36 Friday May 3rd 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels
John Eliot Guest writer
waTcH THe TraIler Here!

Fallout - A witty post-apocalyptic triumph

THIS superbly crafted and delightfully witty postapocalyptic drama stands out as another exceptional video game adaptation. It’s humorous, self-aware, and gripping—a remarkable balancing act

Firstly, akin to The Last of Us, familiarity with Fallout—the latest hit video game adaptation by Amazon—isn’t a prerequisite for viewers (although, I’m assured by a fellow gamer that there are additional joys beyond the core narrative for fans).

For newcomers like myself, this intelligent, dryly witty, meticulously structured series within the Fallout universe is wholly captivating and entertaining in its own right. Set in 1950s America amid the Cold War and the “red scare,” it introduces Cooper Howard (played by Walton Goggins), a former TV star

ostracised as a “pinko,” reduced to performing at children’s parties. As a mushroom cloud looms on the horizon, signalling apocalypse.

Those who could afford it sought refuge in secure vaults they had prepared. Fast forward two centuries to Vault 33, thriving under a preserved 50s innocence—politely, cooperatively, with modesty and restraint, yet with added quirks like daily weapons training and a proactive approach to avoiding cousin marriages.

This underground sanctuary is shattered by a brutal raid from surface-dwellers led by Moldaver (Sarita Choudhury). Vault Overseer Hank MacLean (Kyle MacLachlan) is kidnapped; his daughter Lucy (Ella Purnell) defies the Council’s orders and ventures out to rescue him. A staunch believer in the Golden Rule, she’s unprepared

for the harsh realities above ground. As one resident remarks, “Clean hair, good teeth, all 10 fingers. Must be nice.”

Above ground threats include giant cockroaches, sea monsters (the Gulper’s innards haunt me), radiation, survivors, fanatics, puppy incinerators, and cannibalistic Fiends. The Brotherhood of Steel strives to control the Wasteland, though the odds seem against them. Divided into Lords, Squires, and Aspirants, we follow Aspirant Maximus (Aaron Moten) on his journey from bullied victim to rogue Lord.

The main antagonist is a ghoul resembling Cooper Howard, hunting for the same head that Lucy seeks, harboring a sought-after chip. The encounters between Lucy and this ghoul are both harrowing and entertaining. Geneva Robertson-Dworet and

Graham Wagner deftly blend post-apocalypse tropes with 50s motifs, B-movie flair, and horror elements, sprinkling in Easter eggs for gamers.

The story unfolds at a perfect pace, combining humour and self-awareness without breaking immersion. Emotional investment in characters deepens as their layers unfold. Notably, the organharvesting robot voiced by Matt Berry, the poignant meeting between the ghoul and his colleague, and the cohesive blend of elements attest to the series’ triumphant balancing act.

It’s an absolute blast—Goggins excels as both Cooper and the ghoul, Moten brings depth to his role, and Purnell shines in portraying Lucy’s loss of innocence. Meanwhile, back at Vault 32, Norm (Moises Arias) unravels the truth behind the raid, adding layers of mystery and tension.

37 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday April 26th 2024 wHaT’S on

25 year anniversary of ‘The Phantom Menace’

AS we approach the 25th anniversary of the release of “The Phantom Menace,” I find myself reflecting on what was arguably the most disappointing cinematic experience of my life.

Back then, I didn’t fully appreciate the good fortune I had. Let me elaborate.

I wasn’t anticipating an intellectually enriching visual masterpiece like “2001: A Space Odyssey,” “Close Encounters of the Third Kind,” “Alien,” or “Blade Runner.” However, I did hope for “The Phantom Menace” to deliver an exuberant, action-packed fantasy that could rival the original trilogy, even though “Return of the Jedi” was its weakest link (a second Death Star? Really? Well, fine then).

I watched “The Phantom Menace” at the Torch Theatre with my wife and younger brother, both avid fans of the series. We left the theatre in subdued silence, spending the subsequent hours trying to convince ourselves that we had enjoyed it. Yet, apart from the threeway lightsaber duel, the pod race sequence, Liam Neeson’s dignified portrayal of Qui-Gon Jinn, and a few aesthetic elements, the overall experience felt tedious and disheartening.

Imagine a skip filled with metal tools. Now envision trying to find a few sweets among them.

Several days later, I returned to the cinema, hoping to uncover something I might have missed on the first viewing. Alas, nothing contradicted my initial impression. Armond White fittingly described George Lucas’ creation as “magisterial but leaden.”

Watching “The Phantom Menace,” you couldn’t help but recognise the craftsmanship and absolute confidence

behind it. Lucas operated with unyielding authority, determined to realise his vision, even if it meant disregarding objections (one might question the necessity of stereotypical “foreign” accents on certain characters instead of using subtitles for nonhuman languages, as done in the original trilogy).

Yet, despite this creative autonomy, “The Phantom Menace” seemed strangely lifeless. It resembled a functioning but unremarkable brick phone when viewed from a distance, revealing itself as merely a paperweight up close.

That being said, I found the latter half of the subsequent film, “Attack of the Clones,” quite enjoyable and almost all of “Revenge of the Sith” to be compelling. In retrospect, I came to appreciate the entire franchise due to its epic tragedy aimed at a middleschool audience— an unusual choice. Formally, the prequel trilogy resembles more of a gallery installation than traditional narrative cinema, as observed by Camille Paglia who hailed it as “the greatest work of art in any medium of the last 30 years,” primarily due to its formal attributes, transforming “Star Wars” into a “digital art-piece” by the third movie.

I’m also intrigued by how the prequels mirror the original trilogy in major events, forming a meditation on free will versus predestination when watched sequentially. Notable recurrent elements include a forced landing on Tatooine, the demise of a mentor by a Sith, an asteroid belt pursuit, and an unexpected plot twist followed by a cliffhanger. The droids reappear, embodying immortal tin-can Shakespearean jesters, providing a self-aware narrative

frame around Lucas’ embellishments and recontextualisations.

C-3PO, oblivious due to memory wipes, contrasts with R2-D2 who appears to retain his experiences, occasionally unveiling new abilities (including flight) that could have been useful in previous films.

Moreover, the prequels overtly depict counterculture-era metaphors for US foreign policy, diverging from the original trilogy’s Vietnam War narrative. The prequels explore how the executive branch of

a democracy gradually usurps authority from the legislature through emergency powers, orchestrating wars that they themselves instigate. The geopolitical commentary becomes more poignant in the second set of “Star Wars” movies, paralleling contemporary events, particularly in the wake of 9/11 and subsequent military conflicts. In contrast, the MCU films, evolving into incoherence, pale in comparison in terms of political commentary.

38 Friday May 3rd 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels
waTcH THe TraIler Here!


BBC1, 8pm New series. Davis Lindo is back, having decided to stay in Aberdeen and continue with his traineeship at the MIT team. The team members have their work cut out when 'reformed' drug kingpin, Grace McFadden's notorious fixer, Lucas Galloway, turns up dead, a new cocaine and ketamine compound is flooding the streets, and there's suspicion that there might be an impending turf war.


BBC1, 9.20pm

The drama series comes to a gripping conclusion as Sarah (Laura Fraser) works with McKinven to prevent another explosion. However, they also have some big decision to make about their futures. They’re not the only ones at a crossroads as Kathy (Jennifer Spence) realises it’s time to make some big changes, both personally and professionally. But will any of those choices pave the way for a third series?


8.00 Granite Harbour. New series. The MIT team finds itself immersed in Aberdeen’s drug underworld. 9.00 Have I Got News for You. Martin Clunes hosts, with guest panellists Lyse Doucet and Chloe Petts.

9.30 Mammoth. Tony Mammoth takes on the task of dating in the modern world. Last in the series. (R)

10.00 BBC News at Ten.

10.30 BBC Wales Today; Weather.

10.40 Kelly Jones in Concert. The Stereophonics frontman performs with the BBC National Orchestra of Wales.

11.10 Kelly Jones in Studio from Ocean Sound Norway.

11.40 Avoidance.

12.10 Avoidance. 12.40 Dinosaur. (R) 1.40 BBC News.

6.15 Homes Under the Hammer. (R) 7.15 Garden Rescue. (R) 8.00

Sign Zone: Antiques Roadshow. (R) 9.00 BBC News. 10.00

Snooker: The World Championship. Coverage of session two of the opening semi-final. 12.00 Elections

2024: Politics Live Special. 1.45

Snooker: The World Championship. Coverage of session two of the second semi-final.

6.00 Richard Osman’s House of Games. Previous winners Tim Key, Jamie Laing, Sunetra Sarker and Laura Whitmore compete. (R)

6.30 Great Coastal Railway Journeys. Michael Portillo samples the smallest public railway in the world. Last in the series.

7.00 Snooker: The World Championship. Coverage of session three of the opening semi-final.

9.00 Gardeners’ World. Monty Don prepares for a summer display in the cottage garden at Longmeadow.

10.00 QI. (R)

10.30 Newsnight.

11.00 Weather.

11.05 Snooker: World Championship Highlights.

11.55 Film: Kursk: The Last Mission. (2018) Fact-based drama, starring Matthias Schoenaerts.

1.45 Sign Zone: Panorama. (R)

2.15 This Town. (R) 3.15 Andi Oliver’s Fabulous Feasts. (R) 4.15 This Is BBC Two.

6.15 Children’s Programmes. 9.00 Gardeners’ World. Monty Don prepares for a summer display in the cottage garden at Longmeadow. (R) 10.00 Snooker: The World Championship. Coverage of session three of the second semi-final.

in the series. (R)

7.10 Blankety Blank. Bradley Walsh hosts the quiz show. (R)

7.40 Pointless Celebrities. Iwan Thomas, Perri ShakesDrayton, Christian Malcolm, Dwain Chambers, Aatif Nawaz, Chris Hughes, Lucy Spraggan and Katie Piper take part.

8.30 Casualty. Stevie and Dylan work together to acquire evidence of Patrick’s wrongdoing, while also striving to prevent him from harming any other patients during an explosive shift.

9.20 Traces. Sarah works with McKinven to prevent another explosion. Last in the series.

10.10 BBC News; Weather.

10.30 Match of the Day. Highlights of the latest Premier League matches.

11.50 Film: Highlander. (1986) Fantasy adventure, starring Christopher Lambert.

1.40 Weather for the Week Ahead.

1.45 BBC News.

12.00 Andi Oliver’s Fabulous Feasts. (R) 1.00 The A to Z of TV Cooking. (R) 1.15 Film: Henry V. (1989) 3.30 Natural World. (R) 4.30 Snooker: The World Championship. Further coverage of the fourth and final session of the first semi-final. 5.30 Flog It! Paul Martin presents a collection of the best finds from the show's travels round the country. (R) 6.00 Weatherman Walking. The Berwyn Mountains and Tenby. (R)

6.30 Legends of Welsh Sport: Doug Mountjoy. A profile of the former snooker player. (R)

7.00 Snooker: The World Championship. Seema Jaswal presents coverage of the fourth and final session of the second semi-final on day 15 from the Crucible Theatre in Sheffield.

10.00 Ed Sheeran at the BBC. A collection of performances from the archives. (R)

11.00 Coldplay: Best of the BBC. A selection of archive performances by the band. (R)

12.00 Film: We Need to Talk About Kevin. (2011) 1.45 Film: By the Grace of God. (2018) 3.55 This Is BBC Two.

6.00 Good Morning Britain. 9.00

Lorraine. 10.00 This Morning.

12.30 Loose Women. 1.30 ITV Lunchtime News; Weather. 1.55 ITV News Cymru Wales; Weather. 2.00 ITV Racing: Live from Newmarket. Coverage from Newmarket and Goodwood. 4.30

Tipping Point: Best Ever Finals. (R)

5.00 The Chase. (R) 6.00 ITV News Wales at Six; Weather.

6.30 ITV Evening News; Weather.

7.00 Coast & Country. Ruth Dodsworth and Sean Fletcher join conservationists at Caerphilly Castle.

7.30 Emmerdale. Ruby starts a vicious rumour about Moira.

8.00 Coronation Street. Denny leaves Paul unattended in the flat.

9.00 Beat the Chasers – Celebrity Special. Bradley Walsh welcomes four more famous faces who play for charity. (R)

10.00 ITV News at Ten; Weather. 10.30 ITV News Cymru Wales; Weather.

10.45 ITV Studio Sessions. New series. Clara Amfo introduces a set by Jess Glynne.

11.15 The Twelve. The jury’s verdict is finally handed down. Last in the series.

12.20 Shop on TV. 3.00 The Twelve. (R) 4.00 Unwind. 5.10 Katie Piper’s Breakfast Show. (R)

6.00 Love Your Garden. (R) 6.30

Love Your Weekend with Alan Titchmarsh. (R) 8.25 Katie Piper’s Breakfast Show. 9.25 ITV News.

9.30 James Martin’s Saturday Morning. 11.45 Prue Leith’s Cotswold Kitchen. 12.45 James Martin’s Great British Adventure. (R) 1.15 ITV News; Weather. 1.30

ITV Racing: Live from Newmarket. Including the 3.35 QIPCO 2,000 Guineas. 4.00 For the Love of Dogs with Alison Hammond. (R) 4.30 Ninja Warrior UK: Race for Glory. (R) 5.30 ITV News; Weather. 5.45 ITV News Cymru Wales; Weather.

6.00 In for a Penny. Stephen Mulhern sets challenges to members of the public.

6.30 In with a Shout. The Bhambras from Bradford and the Pohls from Rugby compete.

7.30 Britain’s Got Talent. Ant and Dec host as more performers take to the stage to try to impress the judges and secure their place in the live semi-finals.

8.55 The 1% Club. Quiz, hosted by Lee Mack.

9.55 ITV News; Weather.

10.10 Film: Rise of the Planet of the Apes. (2011) Sci-fi thriller, starring James Franco.

11.55 English Football League Highlights. Action from the final day of the Championship season.

12.45 Shop on TV. 3.00 Next Level Chef USA. (R) 3.40 Unwind. 5.10 Prue Leith’s Cotswold Kitchen. (R)

6.00 Cyw. (R) 12.00 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd. 12.05 Codi Pac. (R) 12.30 Heno. (R) 1.00 Y Sîn. (R) 1.30 Cais Quinnell. (R) 2.00 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd. 2.05 Prynhawn Da. 3.00 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd. 3.05 Côr Cymru. (R) 4.00 Awr Fawr. (R) 5.00 Stwnsh. (R) 6.00 Teulu Shadog: Tymhorau’r Flwyddyn. (R) 6.30 Garddio a Mwy. (R) 7.00 Heno. 7.30 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd. 8.00 Alun, Chris a Kiri yn Seland Newydd. (R) 8.55 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd. 9.00 Strip. 9.40 Y Gic Fawr. (R) 10.20 Welsh Whisperer – Ni’n Teithio Nawr! (R) 10.55 Creisis. (R) 11.55 Diwedd. Channel 4: 6.10 Countdown. (R) 6.50 3rd Rock from the Sun. (R) 8.05 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) 9.30 Frasier. (R) 11.00 Work on the Wild Side. (R) 12.00 Channel 4 News Summary. 12.05 Sun, Sea and Selling Houses. (R) 1.05 Find It, Fix It, Flog It. (R) 2.10 Countdown. 3.00 A Place in the Sun. 4.00 Narrow Escapes. 5.00 Chateau DIY. (R) 6.00 Four in a Bed. 6.30 The Simpsons. (R) 7.00 Channel 4 News. 8.00 Bill Bailey’s Australian Adventure. (R) 9.00 Gogglebox. 10.00 Late Night Lycett. 11.05 Film: Step Brothers. (2008) 1.00 Formula 1: Miami Grand Prix Sprint Qualifying Highlights.

6.00 Cyw. (R) 8.00 Stwnsh Sadwrn: Oi! Osgar. 8.05 Prys a’r Pryfed. (R) 8.20 Byd Rwtsh Dai Potsh. (R) 8.30 Hei Hanes! (R) 8.50 Lego DREAMZzz. (R) 9.15 Cic. (R) 9.35 Mabinogi-ogi. (R) 10.00 Radio Fa’ma. (R) 11.00 Codi Pac. (R) 11.30 Garddio a Mwy. (R) 12.00 Ffermio. (R) 1.00 Symud i Gymru. (R) 2.00 Richard Holt: Yr Academi Felys. (R) 2.30 Adre. (R) 3.00 Cymru Wyllt Gudd. (R) 4.00 Sgwrs Dan y Lloer. (R) 5.00 Rygbi Indigo Prem. Coverage of an Indigo Premiership semi-final. 7.15 Newyddion a Chwaraeon. 7.30 Y Gem Gyda. (R) 8.00 Noson Lawen. (R) 9.00 Deuawdau Rhys Meirion. 10.00 Hyd y Pwrs. (R) 10.30 Am Dro! (R) 11.35 Diwedd. Channel 4: 6.05 The King of Queens. (R) 7.15 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) 9.05 Formula 1: Miami Grand Prix Sprint Qualifying Highlights. (R) 9.35 The Simpsons. (R) 12.05 Film: Mr Popper’s Penguins. (2011) 1.55 Four in a Bed. (R) 4.30 Worst House on the Street. (R) 5.35 The Great Celebrity Bake Off for Stand Up to Cancer. (R) 6.30 Channel 4 News. 7.00 Bettany Hughes’ Treasures of the World. 8.00 Our Dream Farm with Matt Baker. 9.00 Film: Old. (2021) 11.10 Film: The Last of the Mohicans. (1992) 1.15 Formula 1: Miami Grand Prix Qualifying Highlights. 2.35 Car S.O.S. (R) 3.30 Hollyoaks Omnibus. (R) 5.30 The Perfect Pitch. (R) 5.55-6.20 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R)

6.00 Milkshake!: 9.15 Jeremy Vine. 11.15 Storm Huntley. 12.45 Friends. (R) 1.40 5 News at Lunchtime. 1.45 Home and Away. (R) 2.15 Film: Betrayed Within. (2022) 4.00 Bargain-Loving

6.00 Milkshake! 8.50 SpongeBob SquarePants. (R) 9.05 Entertainment News. 9.10 22 Kids & Counting. (R) 12.00 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly. (R) 3.00 Our Yorkshire Farm. (R) 5.00 Reuben: Life in the Dales. (R) 6.00 5 News Weekend. 6.05 Portillo in Andalucia. Michael Portillo explores Malaga and Ronda. (R) 7.00 Michael Palin in Nigeria. Michael heads to the city of Benin and learns about the 1897 Raid on Benin. While sailing on the River Ethiope he meets Nigerian filmmaker Chuko Esiri. Last in the series. (R) 8.00 Kate: Becoming Britain’s Favourite Royal. A profile of the Princess of Wales. 9.00 Inside Windsor Castle. A look at what is like to live in the castle.

10.00 Jackie O: Style & Scandal. The life of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. 11.20 JFK Assassination: Inside the Trauma Room. A reunion of doctors present at the hospital John F Kennedy was taken to after being shot. (R) 1.15 PlayOJO

WE WON’T BE BEATEN ON PRICE BarrheadTravel 0330 094 8361 VISIT ONE OF OUR STORES THROUGHOUT THE UK *Terms and cond tions apply Barrhead Travel Service Ltd and featured suppl er booking cond tions app y The We won t be beaten on Price Guarantee appl es to ABTA package hol days and cruises that are avai able for sale to the general public through a UK high street ABTA travel agency (and not an on ine web based travel agent tour operator or cru se ine) and is on y ava lable when you have prov ded your quote in wr ting to Barrhead Trave from the other agent Spec fic terms app y – ask n-store for details 2024 & 2025 HOLIDAYS AVAIL ABLE £60PP LOW DEPOSIT FLEXIBLE PAYMENT OPTIONS MILLIONS OF FREE CHILD PL ACES (INC SCHOOL HOLIDAYS) VISIT YOUR LOCAL JET2HOLIDAYS BOOKING CENTRE AT YOUR NEAREST BARRHEAD TRAVEL BRANCH & LET OUR TRUSTED TRAVEL EXPERTS FIND YOU THE BEST PRICE GUARANTEED! FRIDAY’S TV 3.5.24 BBC1 BBC2 ITV1 WALES S4C CHANNEL 5 DIGITAL CHOICE 6.00 Breakfast. 9.30 Morning Live. 10.45 Big Little Crimes. (R) 11.15 Homes Under the Hammer. (R) 12.15 Bargain Hunt. 1.00 BBC News at One; Weather. 1.30 BBC Wales Today; Weather. 1.45 Elections 2024: Politics Live Special. 4.30 Bridge of Lies. (R) 5.15 Pointless. 6.00 BBC News at Six; Weather. 6.30 BBC Wales Today; Weather. 7.00 The One Show. Live magazine show, hosted by Alex Jones and Roman Kemp.
MasterChef. The week’s best comeback contestants return for the last quarterfinal.
Brits in the Sun. 5.00 5 News at 5. 6.00 Police Interceptors. Bob and BoBo pursue a white van through the back streets. (R) 6.55 5 News Update. 7.00 Jane McDonald: Lost in Japan. The presenter travels across Japan on an epic adventure. (R) 7.55 5 News Update. 8.00 The Big Steam Adventure. New series. John Sergeant, Peter Davison and Paul Piglet Middleton explore the Lake District. 9.00 Michael Portillo’s Long Weekends. Michael explores the dynamic, northern powerhouse of Milan. Last in the series. 10.25 Eurovision: 30 Unforgettable Moments. Celebrating the most spectacular moments in Eurovision’s history. (R) 11.50 Eurovision: Secrets & Scandals. (R) 12.50 Entertainment News. 1.00 PlayOJO Live Casino Show. 3.00 Strictly Entertainment: The Bruce Forsyth Story. (R) 4.15 Great Scientists. (R) 4.40 Wildlife SOS. (R) 5.05 House Doctor. (R) 5.30 Entertainment News. 5.40 Fireman Sam. (R) 5.50 Pip and Posy. (R) BBC Four 7.00 TOTP: 1996 8.00 TOTP: 1987 8.30 TOTP: 1976 9.00 Snooker: The World Championship. Further coverage of session three of the opening semi-final. 10.00 TOTP 1984: Big Hits 11.00 Boy George: This Cultural Life 11.30 TOTP: The Story of 1984 ITV2 4.00 Dawson’s Creek 5.00 Dress to Impress 6.00 Celebrity Catchphrase 7.00 Family Fortunes 8.00 Bob’s Burgers 9.00 Film: 22 Jump Street (2014) 11.15 Family Guy ITV3 3.40 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 5.50 Heartbeat 8.00 Doc Martin 9.00 Shetland 11.35 Lewis ITV4 3.15 Minder 4.20 The Sweeney 5.30 BattleBots 6.30 British Touring Car Championship Highlights 8.00 The Motorbike Show 9.00 Auf Wiedersehen, Pet 10.05 All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite E4 4.00 Young Sheldon 5.00 The Big Bang Theory 7.00 Hollyoaks 7.30 Modern Family 8.00 Teen First Dates 9.00 Film: Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (2014) Spy thriller, starring Chris Pine. 11.00 Naked Attraction Film4 3.35 The Guns of Navarone (1961) 6.45 Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) Action adventure, starring Harrison Ford. 9.00 Underwater (2020) Sci-fi thriller, starring Kristen Stewart. 10.50 Saint Maud (2019) SATURDAY’S TV 4.5.24 BBC1 BBC2 ITV1 WALES S4C CHANNEL 5 DIGITAL CHOICE 6.00 Breakfast. 10.00 Saturday Kitchen Live. 11.30 Simply Nigella. (R) 12.00 Football Focus. 1.00 BBC News; Weather. 1.15 Snooker: The World Championship. Coverage of the fourth and final session of the first semi-final. 4.30 Final Score. 5.15 BBC News. 5.30 BBC Wales Today; Weather. 5.40 Celebrity Bridge of Lies. 6.25 The Weakest Link. Celebrities try to bank money for charity. Last
Live Casino Show. 3.15 10 Years Younger in 10 Days. (R) 4.00 Traffic Cops. (R) 4.50 Wildlife SOS. (R) 5.10 House Doctor. (R) 5.35 Entertainment News. 5.40 Thomas & Friends: Big World! Big Adventures! (R) 5.50 Pip and Posy. (R) BBC Four 7.00 Rick Stein’s Long Weekends 8.00 Amazon with Bruce Parry 9.00 Spy/Master 10.40 Parkinson with Elton John, Robbie Williams, Kiki Dee and Ronan Keating 11.50 Boy George: This Cultural Life ITV2 3.35 Film: Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over (2003) 5.20 Film: Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted (2012) 7.05 Film: Legally Blonde (2001) 9.00 Film: There’s Something About Mary (1998) 11.25 Family Guy ITV3 3.00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 5.00 Midsomer Murders 9.00 Grantchester 11.00 A Touch of Frost ITV4 5.00 Live LaLiga. Girona v Barcelona (Kick-off 5.30pm). 8.00 1990 World Cup: England v Cameroon – ITV Football Classics 9.00 English Football League Highlights 10.00 Film: Death Wish 3 (1985) 11.55 Auf Wiedersehen, Pet E4 3.50 Modern Family 4.50 The Big Bang Theory 6.50 Film: The Devil Wears Prada (2006) 9.00 Celebrity Gogglebox 10.00 Gogglebox Film4 1.25 Sense and Sensibility (1995) 4.20 Deep Impact (1998) 6.40 Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017) Fantasy action comedy, starring Dwayne Johnson. 9.00 London Has Fallen (2016) 10.55 Scarface (1983) Listings supplied by PA Media
Granite Romario Simpson Laura Fraser

The Responder

BBC1, 9pm New series. Return of the crime drama, starring Martin Freeman as a police response officer struggling to keep a grip on his mental health. Chris is trying to get better and go straight, but when Barnes tricks him into doing a dodgy car stop, he is drawn into a drug war between two of Liverpool's top dealers. With Bernard Hill, Adelayo Adedayo, Warren Brown and MyAnna Buring.

Marcus Wareing Simply Provence

BBC2, 6.30pm New series. The chef heads to Provence to explores the secrets of simple seasonal French food, meeting producers, chefs and farmers to learn more about where it comes from and the people behind it. In the first edition, Marcus is making it his mission to discover the region's ultimate simple tomato recipe, visiting an organic farm with more than 50 varieties to harvest.

Adventure. (R) 5.05 Weatherman Walking. (R) 5.35 BBC News. 5.50 BBC Wales Today; Weather.

6.00 Countryfile. Adam Henson revisits some lambing season memories from the archives.

7.00 Mammals. David Attenborough reveals why forests are the ultimate test of survival for mammals. Last in the series.

8.00 Antiques Roadshow. A special edition dedicated to the history of nursing. (R)

9.00 The Responder. New series. Return of the crime drama, starring Martin Freeman.

10.00 BBC News; Weather.

10.25 BBC Wales Today; Weather.

10.30 Match of the Day 2. The day’s Premier League action.

11.40 The Women’s Football Show. Highlights of the weekend’s games in the Super League.

12.30 MOTD Top Ten: Best Red Cards. 1.00 Weather for the Week Ahead. 1.05 BBC News.

6.40 Countryfile. (R) 7.35

Breakfast. 9.00 Beechgrove Garden. 9.30 Landward. 10.00 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites.

11.30 Marcus Wareing’s Tales from a Kitchen Garden. (R)

12.00 Interior Design Masters with Alan Carr: The Final. (R)

1.00 Snooker: The World Championship. The opening session of the final. 4.00 Ancient Invisible Cities. (R)

5.00 Flog It! (R)

6.00 The Hairy Bikers’ Bakeation. Si King and Dave Myers travel through France, where they make tarte aux pralines, a savoury-stuffed brioche, apricot tarte Tatin and, of course, the traditional French baguette. (R)

6.30 Ray Reardon: The Welsh Master. The life and career of the snooker legend. (R)

7.00 Snooker: The World Championship. Hazel Irvine presents coverage of the second session of the final from the Crucible Theatre in Sheffield, where nine frames are scheduled to be played.

10.00 Dopesick. Bridget sees the toll the drug is taking on communities.

10.55 Dopesick. Sales are threatened by reports of patients becoming addicted.

11.55 Film: The Ones Below. (2016) Thriller, starring Clemence Poesy.

1.15 Sign Zone: Question Time. (R)

2.15 Blue Lights. (R) 3.15 This Is BBC Two.

6.00 James Martin’s Great British Adventure. (R) 6.30 James Martin’s Saturday Morning. (R) 8.25 Katie Piper’s Breakfast Show. 9.25 ITV News. 9.30 Love Your Weekend with Alan Titchmarsh. 11.30 Raymond Blanc’s Royal Kitchen Gardens.

12.30 ITV News; Weather.

12.45 Film: Stuart Little. (1999) 2.30 Live Champions Cup Rugby. Toulouse v Harlequins (Kick-off 3.00pm). 5.30 The 1% Club. (R)

6.30 ITV News; Weather.

6.45 ITV News Cymru Wales; Weather.

6.55 Backstage. With Michael Sheen.

7.30 Coast & Country. Ruth Dodsworth and Sean Fletcher join conservationists at Caerphilly Castle. (R) 8.00 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Jeremy Clarkson gives six contestants the chance to win a fortune. (R) 9.00 Red Eye. Nolan discovers a connection linking the onboard incidents.

10.05 ITV News; Weather.

10.20 Passover UK: A Jewish Journey.

11.00 Martin Clunes: Islands of the Pacific. (R) 12.00 English Football League Highlights. (R) 1.00 Shop on TV. 3.00 Paul O’Grady’s Great Elephant Adventure. (R) 3.50 Unwind. 5.05 Raymond Blanc’s Royal Kitchen Gardens. (R)

6.30 Bargain Hunt. (R) 7.15 Money for Nothing. (R) 8.00 Sign Zone: MasterChef. (R) 9.00 BBC News.

12.15 Impossible. (R) 1.00

Snooker: The World Championship.

The third session of the final. 4.15

The Secret Genius of Modern Life. (R) 5.15 Flog It! (R)

6.50 BBC Wales Today; Weather. 7.00 The One Show. Alex Jones and Jermaine Jenas present topical stories and celebrity chat.

7.30 EastEnders. Honey tries to convince Billy to give Stevie a chance.

8.00 MasterChef. The first group of eight are hit with an Invention Test.

9.00 Blue Lights. Lee is the new boss in Mount Eden.

10.00 BBC News at Ten.

10.20 BBC Wales Today; Weather.

10.30 Paranormal: The Girl, the Ghost and the Gravestone. Sian Eleri investigates the paranormal activity at Penyffordd Farm. (R)

10.55 Have I Got a Bit More News for You. (R)

11.45 Dua Lipa Live Lounge Special.

12.15 Glow Up: Britain’s Next Make-Up Star. (R) 1.15 BBC News.

6.00 Richard Osman’s House of Games. Sian Gibson, Jean Johansson, Iain Stirling and Rav Wilding go toe-to-toe testing their general knowledge skills in a variety of triviabased games across the week. (R) 6.30 Marcus Wareing Simply Provence. New series. The chef explores the secrets of simple seasonal French food, beginning by going on a mission to discover Provence’s ultimate simple tomato recipe.

7.00 Snooker: The World Championship. Hazel Irvine presents coverage of the fourth and concluding session of the final from the Crucible Theatre in Sheffield.

10.00 Film: Rush. (2013) Factbased motor racing drama, starring Chris Hemsworth and Daniel Bruhl.

11.50 Sign Zone: Countryfile. Sean Fletcher and Margherita Taylor travel to Rutland. (R)

12.45 Darren McGarvey: The State We’re In. (R) 1.45 How To with John Wilson. (R) 2.45 This Is BBC Two.

6.00 Good Morning Britain. 9.00

Lorraine. 10.00 This Morning. 12.30 Loose Women. 1.45 ITV Lunchtime News; Weather. 1.50 ITV News Cymru Wales; Weather. 2.00 Alan Titchmarsh’s Gardening Club. 3.00 Film: Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. (2018) Action sequel, starring Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard. 5.30 In for a Penny. Stephen Mulhern sets challenges to members of the public. (R)

6.00 The Chase. Bradley Walsh presents as contestants Abigail, Payal, Donna and Leanne work as a team to take on one of the ruthless Chasers and secure a cash prize. (R)

7.00 ITV News Wales at Six; Weather.

7.10 ITV Evening News; Weather.

7.30 Emmerdale. Moira meets Ruby for lunch but has revenge in mind.

8.00 Coronation Street. Liam helps himself to Paul’s medication.

9.00 Beat the Chasers – Celebrity Special. With Neil Delamere, Michelle Ackerley, Charlie Stayt, Danny Sebastian and Rick Edwards.

10.00 ITV News at Ten; Weather.

10.15 Film: The Magnificent Seven. (2016) Western remake, starring Denzel Washington.

12.35 Shop on TV. 3.00 It’s Showtime! (R) 4.10 Unwind. 5.35

Gino’s Italy: Secrets of the South. (R)

6.00 Cyw. (R) 9.00 Nôl i’r Gwersyll. (R) 10.00 Garddio a Mwy. (R) 10.30 Jason Mohammad: Stadiymau’r Byd. (R) 11.30 Seiclo: Stevie a La Flèche Wallonne. (R) 12.00 Y Sîn. (R) 12.30 Arctig Gwyllt Iolo Williams. (R) 1.30 Stori’r Iaith. (R) 2.30 Ffermio. (R) 3.35 Pobol y Cwm Omnibws. 5.00 Sgorio Byw. Cardiff City v Wrexham (Kick-off 5.25pm). 7.45 Newyddion a Chwaraeon. News, sport and weather. 8.00 Côr Cymru 2024 – Corau Plant. The last semi-final in this year’s choral competition. 9.00 Creisis. Paula learns how the unit staff have been plotting against them. 10.00 Ar Brawf. Gwenan is determined to stay away from drugs and alcohol. (R) 11.00 Pobol y Penwythnos. (R) 11.35 Diwedd. Channel 4: 6.20 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) 7.10 The Simpsons. (R) 8.00 Formula 1: Miami Grand Prix Qualifying Highlights. (R) 9.30 Sunday Brunch. 12.30 The Simpsons. (R) 2.55 Film: The Karate Kid. (2010) 5.35 Great British Dog Walks with Phil Spencer. (R) 6.30 Channel 4 News. 7.00 The Great Celebrity Bake Off for Stand Up to Cancer. (R) 8.00 Our Welsh Chapel Dream. 9.00 The Piano. 10.05 The Incredibly Talented Lucy. 11.20 Film: Senna. (2010) 1.30 Formula 1 Miami Grand Prix Highlights. 2.50 Car S.O.S. (R) 3.40 Come Dine with Me. (R) 5.50-6.30 Countdown. (R) 6.00 Milkshake!: 8.50 SpongeBob SquarePants. (R) 9.05 Entertainment News. 9.15 The Yorkshire Vet. (R) 9.40 Cruising with Jane McDonald. (R) 12.35 Inside Hampton Court Palace. (R) 2.35 A Farm Through Time. (R) 3.30 Michael Portillo’s Long Weekends. (R) 5.00 When TV Goes Horribly Wrong. 6.55 5 News Weekend. 7.00 The Bailiffs.

6.00 Cyw. (R) 12.00 Dim Byd i’w Wisgo. (R) 12.30 Heno. (R) 1.00 Dan Do. (R) 1.30 Welsh Whisperer

– Ni’n Teithio Nawr! (R) 2.00 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd. 2.05 Prynhawn Da. 3.00 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd. 3.05 Alun, Chris a Kiri yn Seland Newydd. (R) 4.00 Awr Fawr. (R) 5.00 Stwnsh. (R) 6.00 Sain Ffagan. (R) 6.30 Rownd a Rownd. (R) 7.00 Heno.

7.30 It’s My Shout: Short Films from Wales. 7.45 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd. 8.00 Cysgu O Gwmpas. 8.25 Garddio a Mwy. 8.55 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd. 9.00 Ffermio. 9.30 Drych. (R) 10.30 Iaith ar Daith. (R) 11.35 Diwedd.

Channel 4: 6.30 3rd Rock from the Sun. (R) 7.45 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) 9.40 Formula 1 Miami Grand Prix Highlights. (R) 11.10 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA. (R) 1.05 Find It, Fix It, Flog It. (R) 2.10 Countdown. 3.00 A Place in the Sun. (R) 4.00 Narrow Escapes. 5.00 Come Dine with Me: The Professionals. 6.00 Four in a Bed. 6.30 Channel 4 News. 7.00 Wildlife Rescue. 8.00 Jamie Cooks Spring. 9.00 Spacey Unmasked. 10.15 Rescue: Extreme Medics. (R) 11.15 Sky Coppers. (R) 12.15 24 Hours in A&E. (R) 1.10 Film: Name Me Lawand. (2022) 2.45 Grand Designs Australia. (R) 3.40 Couples Come Dine with Me. (R)

6.00 Milkshake!: 9.15 Jeremy Vine. 11.15 Storm Huntley. 12.45 Friends. (R) 1.40 5 News at Lunchtime. 1.45 Home and Away. (R) 2.20 Film: In Love with Murder. (2023) 4.00 BargainLoving Brits in the Sun. 5.55 5 News Update. 6.00 Police Interceptors. A pursuit comes to an end with devastating consequences. (R) 6.55 5 News Update. 7.00 Traffic Cops. A day trip to Scarborough turn into a high-speed pursuit. (R) 7.55 5 News Update. 8.00 Motorway Cops: Catching Britain’s Speeders. PC

WE WON’T BE BEATEN ON PRICE BarrheadTravel 0330 094 8361 VISIT ONE OF OUR STORES THROUGHOUT THE UK *Terms and conditions apply Barrhead Travel Service Ltd and featured supplier book ng condit ons app y The We won t be beaten on Pr ce Guarantee app ies to ABTA package hol days and cruises that are ava lable for sale to the general public through a UK h gh street ABTA trave agency (and not an online web based travel agent tour operator or cruise line) and is on y ava lable when you have provided your quote n wr t ng to Barrhead Travel from the other agent Specific terms app y – ask in-store for deta ls 2024 & 2025 HOLIDAYS AVAIL ABLE £60PP LOW DEPOSIT FLEXIBLE PAYMENT OPTIONS MILLIONS OF FREE CHILD PL ACES (INC SCHOOL HOLIDAYS) VISIT YOUR LOCAL JET2HOLIDAYS BOOKING CENTRE AT YOUR NEAREST BARRHEAD TRAVEL BRANCH & LET OUR TRUSTED TRAVEL EXPERTS FIND YOU THE BEST PRICE GUARANTEED! SUNDAY’S TV 5.5.24 BBC1 BBC2 ITV1 WALES S4C CHANNEL 5 DIGITAL CHOICE 6.00 Breakfast. 7.35 Match of the Day. (R) 9.00 Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg. 10.00 Politics Wales. 10.30 Animal Park Summer. (R) 11.15 Homes Under the Hammer. (R) 12.15 Bargain Hunt. (R) 1.00 BBC News. 1.10 Weather for the Week Ahead. 1.15 Songs of Praise. 1.50 MOTD Live: Women’s Super League. Manchester City v Arsenal (Kick-off 2.15pm). 4.35 Pizza Boys: World Cup
Documentary following the work of High Court enforcement agents. (R) 8.00 Coastguard: Search & Rescue SOS. A distress call comes in from Rockall in the North Atlantic. 9.00 The Great Flood of ’07. The devastating floods in 2007 that caused widespread damage across the UK. (R) 10.30 Reported Missing: The Murder of Danielle Jones. Investigating the disappearance of the 15-year-old schoolgirl in 2001. (R) 11.55 5 Mistakes That Caught a Killer. The errors made by Mick Philpott that led to his arrest. (R) 12.50 Entertainment News. 1.00 PlayOJO Live Casino Show. 3.00 10 Years Younger in 10 Days. (R) 3.50 Coastguard: Search & Rescue SOS. (R) 4.40 Wildlife SOS. (R) 5.05 House Doctor. (R) 5.30 Entertainment News. 5.40 Thomas & Friends. (R) 5.50 Pip and Posy. (R) BBC Four 7.00 Palin on Redpath: Ex-S 7.30 Michael Palin on the Colourists 8.30 Michael Palin: This Cultural Life 9.00 Michael Palin and the Mystery of Hammershoi 10.00 Sunset Across the Bay 11.10 Talking Heads with Thora Hird 11.45 Talking Heads with Julie Walters ITV2 3.30 Film: Scoob! (2020) 5.25 Film: Penguins of Madagascar (2014) 7.10 Film: Johnny English (2003) 9.00 Family Guy 11.30 American Dad! ITV3 2.55 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 7.00 Vera 9.00 Long Lost Family 10.00 DCI Banks 11.55 Agatha Christie’s Poirot ITV4 4.00 Film: MacArthur (1977) 6.40 Film: Twister (1996) 9.00 Film: The Green Mile (1999) E4 3.40 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 4.10 Film: Monsters vs Aliens (2009) 6.00 The Big Bang Theory 9.00 Film: The Predator (2018) 11.05 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown Film4 2.30 Johnny English Strikes Again (2018) 4.15 My Best Friend’s Wedding (1997) 6.25 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) Action adventure sequel, starring Harrison Ford and Sean Connery. 9.00 Jumanji: The Next Level (2019) 11.25 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003) MONDAY’S TV 6.5.24 BBC1 BBC2 ITV1 WALES S4C CHANNEL 5 DIGITAL CHOICE 6.00 Breakfast. 9.30 Morning Live. 10.45 Big Little Crimes. (R) 11.15 Homes Under the Hammer. (R) 12.15 Bargain Hunt. 1.00 BBC News at One; Weather. 1.20 BBC Wales Today; Weather. 1.30 Doctors. 2.00 Planet Earth III: Narrated By Kids. 3.00 Escape to the Country. 3.45 Garden Rescue. 4.30 The Finish Line. 5.15 Pointless. 6.00 The Merthyr Mermaid. Documentary following ice swimmer Cath Pendleton. (R) 6.30
BBC News at Six; Weather.
Brian Camsell pursues two reckless drivers in Newcastle. 9.00 Inside the Force. A suspect of a domestic incident is found to be struggling to breathe. 10.00 Police Code Zero: Officer Under Attack. PC Mike Davey and his dog face a man armed with knives. (R) 11.05 Police: Suspect No 1. The work of police to identify those responsible for criminal acts. (R) 12.05 Traffic Cops. (R) 1.00 PlayOJO Live Casino Show. 3.00 10 Years Younger in 10 Days. (R) 3.50 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun. (R) 4.40 Wildlife SOS. (R) 5.05 House Doctor. (R) 5.30 Entertainment News. 5.40 Thomas & Friends. (R) 5.50 Pip and Posy. (R) BBC Four 7.00 Coast 7.15 Great Railway Journeys 8.05 The Abbey with Alan Bennett 9.00 Britain’s Lost Masterpieces 10.00 Civilisation 11.40 Peter Rice: An Engineer Imagines ITV2 4.00 Dawson’s Creek 5.00 Dress to Impress 6.00 Celebrity Catchphrase 7.00 Family Fortunes 8.00 Bob’s Burgers 9.00 Family Guy 11.30 American Dad! ITV3 3.45 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 5.55 Heartbeat 8.00 Vera 10.00 DCI Banks 11.50 The Royal ITV4 4.20 Film: Cahill, US Marshal (1973) 6.25 Film: Live and Let Die (1973) James Bond spy adventure, starring Roger Moore. 9.00 Film: Central Intelligence (2016) Action comedy, starring Dwayne Johnson. 11.15 The Motorbike Show E4 4.00 Young Sheldon 5.00 The Big Bang Theory 7.00 Hollyoaks 7.30 Modern Family 8.00 Teen First Dates 9.00 Made in Chelsea 10.00 Gogglebox 11.05 First Dates Film4 2.30 Evolution (2001) 4.35 Zathura: A Space Adventure (2005) 6.40 Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008) Action adventure sequel, starring Harrison Ford. 9.00 Moonfall (2022) Sci-fi thriller, starring Patrick Wilson and Halle Berry. 11.35 Terminator Salvation (2009) Listings supplied by PA Media
Martin Freeman Marcus Wareing

Olly Alexander’s Road to Eurovision ‘24

BBC1, 10.50pm

Tonight, Olly Alexander will take to the stage during the Eurovision Song Contest semi-finals, although as the United Kingdom is one of the so-called ‘Big Five’, he’s guaranteed a place in Saturday’s grand final. However, as this documentary discovers, that doesn’t mean the former Years & Years frontman’s road to Eurovision has been without its bumps.

Inside No 9

BBC2, 10pm

Sadly, the anthology series’ latest run is also its last. Full marks go to its writers and stars, Steve Pemberton and Reece Shearsmith, for devising so many devilishly ingenious stories during the past decade. This episode, entitled Boo to a Goose, takes place aboard a latenight train that breaks down in a tunnel. As they await rescue, tempers begin to fray… Siobhan Finneran, Mark Bonnar and Susan Wokoma guest star.

1.30 BBC Wales Today; Weather. 1.45 Doctors. 2.15 Money for Nothing. 3.00 Escape to the Country. (R) 3.45 Garden Rescue. 4.30 The Finish Line. 5.15 Pointless.

6.00 BBC News at Six; Weather.

6.30 BBC Wales Today; Weather.

7.00 The One Show. Alex Jones and Jermaine Jenas present another mix of nationwide reports and live studio-based chat.

7.30 EastEnders. The truth about Pastor Clayton comes out.

8.00 Eurovision Song Contest. Rylan and Scott Mills present coverage of the first semifinal live from Malmö, Sweden, including a preview of UK representative Olly Alexander’s song.

10.10 BBC News; Weather.

10.40 BBC Wales Today; Weather. 10.50 Olly Alexander’s Road to Eurovision ’24. The singer’s preparations to represent the UK at next week’s Song Contest.

11.20 I Kissed a Girl. Dannii Minogue hosts an all-female dating show. (R)

12.05 I Kissed a Girl. (R) 1.00

Celebrity Bridge of Lies. (R) 1.45 Weather for the Week Ahead. 1.50 BBC News.

6.30 Escape to the Country. (R)

7.15 Garden Rescue. (R) 8.00 Sign Zone: MasterChef. (R) 9.00 BBC News. 12.15 Politics Live. 1.00 Impossible. (R) 1.45 First Minister’s Questions. 2.45 Saving Lives at Sea. (R) 3.00 Great Coastal Railway Journeys. (R) 3.30 Serengeti. (R) 4.30 The Secret Genius of Modern Life. (R) 5.30 Weatherman Walking. (R)

6.00 Richard Osman’s House of Games. With Sian Gibson, Jean Johansson, Iain Stirling and Rav Wilding. (R)

6.30 Marcus Wareing Simply Provence. Marcus explores Provence’s lamb production.

7.00 Digging for Britain. Alice Roberts joins archaeologists to explore northern Britain. (R)

8.00 Saving Lives at Sea. The Minehead crew head out to rescue two walkers cut off by the tide.

9.00 Salman Rushdie: Through A Glass Darkly. The author tells Alan Yentob about the 2022 knife attack.

10.00 Mortimer & Whitehouse: Gone Fishing. (R)

10.30 Newsnight.

11.10 Weather.

11.15 The Other War. An investigation inside the occupied West Bank. (R)

12.15 Sign Zone: Interior Design Masters with Alan Carr: The Final. (R) 1.15 Murder, They Hope. (R) 2.00 Darren McGarvey: The State We’re In. (R) 3.00 This Is BBC Two.

6.30 Bargain Hunt. (R) 7.15 Garden Rescue. (R) 8.00 Sign Zone: Rick Stein’s Food Stories. (R) 8.30 MasterChef. (R) 9.00 BBC News. 11.15 Politics Live. 1.00 Impossible. (R) 1.45 Mastermind. (R) 2.15 Great Coastal Railway Journeys. (R) 3.15 Serengeti. (R) 4.15 The Secret Genius of Modern Life. (R) 5.15 Flog It! (R)


8.00 MasterChef. As Knockout Week continues, the second group of eight remaining amateurs get the chance to cook in a professional kitchen and show their creativity in the Invention Test.

9.00 Race Across the World. The teams travel the length of Thailand to reach the next checkpoint.

10.00 BBC News at Ten.

10.30 BBC Wales Today; Weather.

10.40 BBC Wales Live. Weekly show featuring hard-hitting stories and in-depth interviews.

11.10 Abba: Against the Odds. Delving into Abba’s greatest period of musical achievement.

12.40 Pointless Celebrities. (R) 1.30 BBC News.

6.00 Richard Osman’s House of Games. With Sian Gibson, Jean Johansson, Iain Stirling and Rav Wilding. (R)

6.30 Marcus Wareing Simply Provence. Marcus searches for a high quality cheese to impress locals at a pétanque match.

7.00 Andi Oliver’s Fabulous Feasts. Andi supersizes an annual cricket match in Burnley.

8.00 Weatherman Walking. The Black Mountains in the Brecon Beacons and the Glyders in Snowdonia. (R)

8.30 David Attenborough’s Natural Curiosities. (R)

9.00 Secrets and Spies: The Nuclear Game. New series. A look at the events and causes of the Cold War.

10.00 Inside No 9.

10.30 Newsnight. 11.10 Weather.

11.15 Unspun World with John Simpson.

11.45 Saving Lives at Sea. (R)

12.45 Sign Zone: Dragons’ Den. (R) 1.45 Pompeii: The New Dig. (R) 2.45 This Is BBC Two.

6.00 Good Morning Britain. 9.00 Lorraine. 10.00 This Morning. 12.30 Loose Women. 1.30 ITV Lunchtime News; Weather. 1.55 ITV News Cymru Wales; Weather. 2.00 Riddiculous. (R) 3.00 Lingo. (R) 4.00 Tipping Point. (R) 5.00 The Chase. (R)

6.00 ITV News Wales at Six; Weather.

6.30 ITV Evening News; Weather.

7.30 Emmerdale. Tom and Belle welcome their guests for dinner, and tension simmers at the table.

8.00 For the Love of Dogs with Alison Hammond. Alison gets to know the Battersea pooches.

8.30 Changing Ends. News breaks of a pelican on the loose.

9.00 Beat the Chasers – Celebrity Special. Bradley Walsh hosts as Stephen Mangan, Grace Dent, Sam Quek and Nile Wilson hope to win big for their chosen charities.

10.00 ITV News at Ten; Weather.

10.30 ITV News Cymru Wales; Weather.

10.45 Instagram’s Worst Con Artist. Part two of two. The investigation examines Belle Gibson’s past. (R)

11.40 ITV Studio Sessions. Clara Amfo introduces a set by Jess Glynne. (R) 12.05 Shop on TV. 3.00 On Assignment. (R) 3.30 Made in Britain. (R) 3.55 Unwind. 5.10 Alan Titchmarsh’s Gardening Club. (R)

6.00 Good Morning Britain. 9.00 Lorraine. 10.00 This Morning.

12.30 Loose Women. 1.30 ITV Lunchtime News; Weather. 1.55 ITV News Cymru Wales; Weather. 2.00 Riddiculous. (R) 3.00 Lingo. (R) 4.00 Tipping Point. (R) 5.00 The Chase. (R)

6.00 ITV News Wales at Six; Weather.

6.30 ITV Evening News; Weather.

7.30 Emmerdale. Nicky plans his future.

8.00 Coronation Street. A police reconstruction of Lauren’s final hours proves harrowing for Bethany, and Maria trains her camera on Gary and Sarah.

9.00 Beat the Chasers – Celebrity Special. With Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen, Shobna Gulati, David James and Will Bayley.

10.00 ITV News at Ten; Weather.

10.30 ITV News Cymru Wales; Weather.

10.45 Peston. Political magazine show, hosted by Robert Peston. 11.40 British Touring Car Championship Highlights. Action from the first round of the season at Donington Park. (R)

12.50 Shop on TV. 3.00 Funeral

Costs: The Price of Dying –Tonight. (R) 3.25 Stalking: State of Fear. (R) 4.15 Unwind. 5.35 Gino’s Italy: Like Mamma Used to Make. (R)

6.00 Cyw. (R) 12.00 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd. 12.05 Bwrdd Dri. (R) 12.30 Heno. (R) 1.00 Ffasiwn Drefn. (R) 1.30 Ffermio. (R) 2.00 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd. 2.05 Prynhawn Da. 3.00 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd. 3.05 Ty am Ddim. (R) 4.00 Awr Fawr. (R) 5.00 Stwnsh. (R) 6.00 Dirgelion afon Dyfi. (R) 7.00 Heno. 7.30 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd. 8.00 Pobol y Cwm. 8.25 Rownd a Rownd. 8.55 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd. 9.00 Ar Brawf. 10.00 Heliwr. 11.10 Codi Hwyl. (R) 11.45 Diwedd. Channel 4: 6.30 3rd Rock from the Sun. (R) 7.45 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) 9.40 Frasier. (R) 11.10 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA. (R) 12.05 Channel 4 News Summary. 12.10 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA. (R) 1.05 Find It, Fix It, Flog It. (R) 2.10 Countdown. 3.00 A Place in the Sun. 4.00 Narrow Escapes. 5.00 Come Dine with Me: The Professionals. 6.00 Four in a Bed. 6.30 The Simpsons. (R) 7.00 Channel 4 News. 8.00 Aldi’s Next Big Thing. 9.00 Spacey Unmasked. 10.05 Gogglebox. (R) 12.10 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell. (R) 1.05 Taskmaster. (R) 2.00 The Simpsons. (R) 2.25

6.00 Cyw. (R) 11.00 Dysgu Gyda Cyw. (R) 12.00 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd. 12.05 Richard Holt: Yr Academi Felys. (R) 12.30 Heno. (R) 1.00 Codi Hwyl. (R) 1.30 Garddio a Mwy. (R) 2.00 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd. 2.05 Prynhawn Da. 3.00 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd. 3.05 Nôl i’r Gwersyll. (R) 4.00 Awr Fawr. (R) 5.00 Stwnsh. (R) 6.00 Cais Quinnell. (R) 6.30 Rownd a Rownd. (R) Newyddion S4C. 7.00 Heno. 7.30 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd. 8.00 Pobol y Cwm. 8.25 Y Sîn. 8.55 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd. 9.00 Ni Yw’r Cymry. 10.00 Cysgu O Gwmpas. (R) 10.30 Jason Mohammad: Stadiymau’r Byd. (R) 11.34 Diwedd.

Channel 4: 6.30 3rd Rock from the Sun. (R) 7.45 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) 9.40 Frasier. (R) 11.10 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA. (R) 12.05 Channel 4 News Summary. 12.10 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA. (R) 1.05 Find It, Fix It, Flog It. (R) 2.10 Countdown. 3.00 A Place in the Sun. 4.00 Narrow Escapes. 5.00 Come Dine with Me: The Professionals. 6.00 Four in a Bed. 6.30 The Simpsons. (R) 7.00 Channel 4 News. 8.00 Location, Location, Location. 9.00 Stacey Solomon’s Renovation Rescue. 10.00 Britain’s Most Expensive Houses. (R) 11.05 The Piano. (R) 12.10 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell. (R)

6.00 Milkshake!: 9.15 Jeremy Vine. 11.15 Storm Huntley. 11.55 5 News at Lunchtime. 12.00 Live: Snooker World Senior Championship. Coverage of day one from the Crucible Theatre in Sheffield. 5.00 5 News at 5. 6.00 Police Interceptors. Steve is involved in a high-speed pursuit of a car stolen in a burglary. (R) 6.55 5 News Update. 7.00 Shop Smart, Save Money: Summer Holiday

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The One Show. With Alex Jones and Jermaine Jenas.
7.30 EastEnders. On the day of Gloria’s memorial, Cindy and Phil realise something is wrong.
Special. The team assess camping products, e-readers and barbecues. 7.55 5 News Update. 8.00 The Motorway. Motorway patroller Tony is attacked by the driver of a crashed car. 9.00 A Very British Sex Scandal: The Duchess & the Headless Man. The true story of a royal sex scandal that rocked 1960s Britain. 10.30 999: Critical Condition. A motorcyclist is rushed into the emergency department. (R) 11.30 999: Emergency Call Out. (R) 12.30 Motorway Cops: Catching Britain’s Speeders. (R) 1.15 PlayOJO Live Casino Show. 3.20 The World’s Biggest Murder Trial: Nuremberg. (R) 4.30 Wildlife SOS. (R) 5.00 House Doctor. (R) 5.25 Entertainment News. 5.35 Thomas & Friends: Big World! Big Adventures! (R) 5.45 Paw Patrol. (R) BBC Four 7.00 Walk the Line with Barra Best 7.30 Dinosaurs: The Final Day with David Attenborough 9.00 Attenborough at 90 10.00 Peter Egan Remembers... A Perfect Spy 10.15 A Perfect Spy ITV2 4.00 Dawson’s Creek 5.00 Dress to Impress 6.00 Celebrity Catchphrase 7.00 Family Fortunes 8.00 Bob’s Burgers 9.00 Hell’s Kitchen 10.00 Plebs 11.00 Family Guy ITV3 3.50 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 5.55 Heartbeat 8.00 Midsomer Murders 10.00 DCI Banks 11.50 The Royal ITV4 4.00 World of Sport 4.15 River Monsters 4.50 The Sweeney 5.55 BattleBots 7.00 Junk and Disorderly 8.00 Film: Space Cowboys (2000) Adventure, starring Clint Eastwood. 10.40 Film: The Purge: Anarchy (2014) Horror sequel, starring Frank Grillo. E4 4.00 Young Sheldon 5.00 The Big Bang Theory 7.00 Hollyoaks 7.30 Modern Family 8.00 Teen First Dates 9.00 Love Triangle 10.00 Gogglebox 11.05 First Dates Film4 3.45 The Quiet Man (1952) 6.25 Mission: Impossible 2 (2000) Action thriller sequel, starring Tom Cruise. 9.00 War for the Planet of the Apes (2017) Sci-fi adventure sequel, starring Andy Serkis. 11.45 The Shape of Water (2017) Fantasy, starring Sally Hawkins. TUESDAY’S TV 7.5.24 BBC1 BBC2 ITV1 WALES S4C CHANNEL 5 DIGITAL CHOICE 6.00 Breakfast. 9.30 Morning Live. 10.45 Big Little Crimes. (R) 11.15 Homes Under the Hammer. 12.15 Bargain Hunt. 1.00 BBC News
at One; Weather.
Late Night Lycett. (R) 3.20 Couples Come Dine with Me. (R) 4.15 Location, Location, Location. (R) 5.10 The Perfect Pitch. (R) 6.00 Milkshake!: 9.15 Jeremy Vine. 11.15 Storm Huntley. 12.45 Friends. (R) 1.40 5 News at Lunchtime. 1.45 Home and Away. (R) 2.20 Film: You Can’t Escape Me. (2023) 4.00 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun. 5.00 5 News at 5. 6.00 Police Interceptors. Officers search an estate for suspects involved in a shooting. (R) 6.55 5 News Update. 7.00 The Stour: Britain’s Great Rivers. An exploration of the Kent river. (R) 7.55 5 News Update. 8.00 The Yorkshire Vet. A dog owner is heartbroken when she accidentally runs over her own terrier. 9.00 Holidaying in the 70s: Wish You Were Here. This two-part series takes a look back at 1970s holidays and what they were like. 10.00 Stalked: The Murder at the Salon. An investigation into the killing of the 20-year-old Hollie Gazzard. (R) 11.05 Skin A&E. Dr Toby treats one of the largest lipomas the clinic has seen. (R) 12.05 A&E After Dark. (R) 1.00 PlayOJO Live Casino Show. 3.00 10 Years Younger in 10 Days. (R) 3.50 Secret Scotland with Susan Calman. (R) 4.40 Wildlife SOS. (R) 5.05 House Doctor. (R) 5.30 Entertainment News. 5.40 Thomas & Friends: Big World! Big Adventures! (R) 5.50 Pip and Posy. (R) BBC Four 7.00 Coast 7.10 Great Railway Journeys 8.00 To the Manor Born 8.30 No Place Like Home 9.00 PQ 17: An Arctic Convoy Disaster 10.00 The Satanic Verses: 30 Years On 11.00 Chasing the Moon ITV2 4.00 Dawson’s Creek 5.00 Dress to Impress 6.00 Celebrity Catchphrase 7.00 Family Fortunes 8.00 Bob’s Burgers 9.00 Hell’s Kitchen 10.00 Plebs 11.00 Family Guy ITV3 3.50 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 5.55 Heartbeat 8.00 Midsomer Murders 10.00 DCI Banks 11.50 The Royal ITV4 3.40 Minder 4.50 The Sweeney 5.55 BattleBots 6.55 Junk and Disorderly 8.00 The Chase Celebrity Special 9.00 Film: The Green Mile (1999) Supernatural drama, starring Tom Hanks. E4 4.00 Young Sheldon 5.00 The Big Bang Theory 7.00 Hollyoaks 7.30 Modern Family 8.00 Teen First Dates 9.00 Love Triangle 10.00 Naked Attraction 11.05 First Dates Film4 3.55 Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970) Factbased Second World War drama, starring Martin Balsam. 6.45 Mission: Impossible (1996) Action thriller, starring Tom Cruise. 9.00 Cowboys & Aliens (2011) Sci-fi Western, with Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford. 11.20 Terminator Genisys (2015) Sci-fi adventure sequel, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. Listings supplied by PA Media
Olly Alexander Reece Shearsmith and

Double the Money

Channel 4, 8pm

Pairs of contestants receive a modest starting pot of seed money comprising £250. As soon as they receive the cash the clock starts ticking and their mission is clear – double the money within the next exhilarating few hours or face elimination from the game. The stakes get higher until one team ultimately wins a lifechanging £20,000.

Hidden Treasures of the National Trust BBC2, 9pm New series. Return of the series featuring people battling to keep the UK's priceless heritage alive. The first episode centres on two houses that belonged to people who refused to live according to the conventions of their time, and who crafted homes that were just as unusual. They include a 16-sided building called A La Ronde tucked away on the Devon coast.

6.00 Breakfast. 9.30 Morning Live.

10.45 Big Little Crimes. (R) 11.15 Homes Under the Hammer. (R)

12.15 Bargain Hunt. (R) 1.00 BBC News at One; Weather. 1.30 BBC Wales Today; Weather. 1.45 Doctors. 2.15 Money for Nothing.

3.00 Escape to the Country. (R)

3.45 Garden Rescue. 4.30 The Finish Line. 5.15 Pointless.

6.00 BBC News at Six; Weather.

6.30 BBC Wales Today; Weather.

7.00 The One Show. Alex Jones and Roman Kemp host the live magazine show featuring a mixture of celebrity chat and stories of interest.

7.30 EastEnders. Cindy gives George an ultimatum when he tells her he intends to fight again. Patrick is unhappy with how Yolande’s complaint is being dealt with by the church.

8.00 Eurovision Song Contest. Rylan and Scott Mills are live from Malmö, Sweden, for the second semi-final, as another 16 countries compete for the remaining 10 places in Saturday’s Grand Final.

10.10 BBC News at Ten.

10.40 BBC Wales Today; Weather.

10.50 Question Time. Fiona Bruce hosts the political debate from Stoke-on-Trent.

11.50 Newscast. A weekly roundup from Westminster.

12.20 Weather for the Week Ahead.

12.25 BBC News.

6.30 Money for Nothing. (R) 7.15

Garden Rescue. (R) 8.00 Sign Zone: Gardeners’ World. (R) 9.00

BBC News. 12.15 Politics Live.

1.00 Impossible. (R) 1.45

Mastermind. (R) 2.15 Great Coastal Railway Journeys. (R) 2.45

David Attenborough’s Natural Curiosities. (R) 3.15 Serengeti. (R) 4.15 The Secret Genius of Modern Life. (R) 5.15 Flog It! (R) 5.30

Weatherman Walking. (R)

6.00 Richard Osman’s House of Games. Sian Gibson, Jean Johansson, Iain Stirling and Rav Wilding test their skills. (R)

6.30 Marcus Wareing Simply Provence.

7.00 Digging for Britain. Alice Roberts joins archaeologists to explore Central England’s past. (R)

8.00 Amazing Hotels: Life Beyond the Lobby. Monica Galetti and Rob Rinder visit Glenapp Castle in Scotland. (R)

9.00 Murder, They Hope. A serial killer is on the loose. Last in the series.

9.45 Live at the Apollo. Ardal O’Hanlon introduces sets by Mawaan Rizwan and Sara Barron. (R)

10.30 Newsnight.

11.10 Weather.

11.15 Film: House of Gucci. (2021) Fact-based crime drama, starring Lady Gaga.

1.45 Sign Zone: Saving Lives at Sea. (R) 2.45 This Is BBC Two.

6.30 Money for Nothing. (R)

7.15 Garden Rescue. (R) 8.00 Sign Zone: Antiques Roadshow. (R) 9.00 BBC News. 1.00 Impossible. (R) 1.45 Mastermind. (R) 2.15 Great Coastal Railway Journeys. (R) 2.45 Beechgrove Repotted. (R) 3.00 Serengeti. (R) 4.00 The Secret Genius of Modern Life. (R) 5.00 Athletics: Diamond League Doha. The Seashore Group Doha Meeting.

7.00 Lauren Price – Fighting for a World Title. The story of boxer Lauren Price as she prepares for a shot at a world title.

7.15 Scrum V Live. Dragons v Stormers (Kick-off 7.35pm). Sarra Elgan presents all the action from the match in the 16th round of United Rugby Championship fixtures, held at Rodney Parade.


10.00 BBC News at Ten.

10.30 BBC Wales Today; Weather.

10.40 The Young Offenders.

11.10 Suits. Legal drama, starring Patrick J Adams. (R)

12.30 Suits. (R) 1.10 BBC News.

9.30 Hidden Treasures of the National Trust. New series. Return of the series featuring people keeping the UK’s heritage alive.

10.30 Newsnight. 11.00 Weather. The latest forecast.

11.05 Secrets and Spies: The Nuclear Game. A look at the events and causes of the Cold War. (R)

12.05 Salman Rushdie: Through A Glass Darkly. (R) 1.05 Sign Zone: Andi Oliver’s Fabulous Feasts. (R) 2.05 Darren McGarvey: The State We’re In. (R) 3.05 This Is BBC Two.

6.00 Good Morning Britain. 9.00 Lorraine. 10.00 This Morning. 12.30 Loose Women. 1.30 ITV Lunchtime News; Weather. 1.55 ITV News Cymru Wales; Weather.

2.00 Riddiculous. (R) 3.00 Lingo. (R) 4.00 Tipping Point. (R) 5.00 The Chase. (R)

6.00 ITV News Wales at Six; Weather.

6.30 ITV Evening News; Weather.

7.30 Emmerdale. Ethan makes a big decision, Kerry makes a big discovery and acts fast, and April is aware that things are tricky at home.

8.30 Work Where You Want? Britain’s Digital Nomads –Tonight. With more than three million Britons now work fully remotely, Chloe Keedy examines this new digital nomad lifestyle.

9.00 Beat the Chasers – Celebrity Special. Jonathan Ross, Edwina Currie, Edith Bowman, Stephen Brown and Eric Knowles take part in the quiz hosted by Bradley Walsh.

10.00 ITV News at Ten; Weather.

10.30 ITV News Cymru Wales; Weather.

10.45 Film: The Silence of the Lambs. (1991) Thriller, starring Jodie Foster and Anthony Hopkins.

12.45 Shop on TV. 3.00 Kate Garraway: Derek’s Story. (R) 3.50 Unwind. 5.05 Katie Piper’s Breakfast Show. (R)

6.00 Good Morning Britain. 9.00 Lorraine. 10.00 This Morning. 12.30 Loose Women. 1.30 ITV Lunchtime News; Weather. 1.55 ITV News Cymru Wales; Weather.

2.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal. (R)

3.00 Lingo. (R) 4.00 Tipping Point. (R) 5.00 The Chase. (R) 6.00 ITV News Wales at Six; Weather.

6.30 ITV Evening News; Weather.

7.00 Coast & Country. Sean Fletcher and Ruth Dodsworth meet the farmers brewing their own ale.

7.30 Emmerdale. Kerry confronts Pollard.

8.00 Coronation Street. Bethany comes face to face with her abuser, Glenda refuses to let George off the hook, Gemma is puzzled by Bernie’s behaviour, and Gary hopes for a reconciliation with Maria.

9.00 It’ll Be Alright on the Night. TV clangers, including a reporter humiliated in front of Brad Pitt.

10.00 ITV News at Ten; Weather.

10.30 ITV News Cymru Wales; Weather.

10.45 ITV Studio Sessions. Clara Amfo is joined by singer/ songwriter Yungblud.

11.15 Film: The Magnificent Seven. (2016) Western remake, starring Denzel Washington.

1.25 Shop on TV. 3.00 The Larkins. (R) 3.50 Unwind. 5.05 Katie Piper’s Breakfast Show. (R)

6.00 Cyw. (R) 12.00 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd. 12.05 Cais Quinnell. (R) 12.30 Heno. (R) 1.00 Sain Ffagan. (R) 1.30 Cysgu O Gwmpas. (R) 2.00 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd. 2.05 Prynhawn Da. 3.00 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd. 3.05 Iaith ar Daith. (R) 4.00 Awr Fawr. (R) 5.00 Stwnsh. (R) 6.00 Dan Do. (R) 6.30 Y Sîn. (R) Newyddion S4C. 7.00 Heno. 7.30 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd. 8.00 Pobol y Cwm. 8.25 Rownd a Rownd. 8.55 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd. 9.00 Wrecsam – Clwb Ni! 10.00 Côr Cymru 2024 – Corau Plant. (R) 11.00 Ffasiwn Drefn. (R) 11.30 Grid. (R) 11.45 Diwedd. Channel 4: 6.30 3rd Rock from the Sun. (R) 7.45 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) 9.40 Frasier. (R) 11.10 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA. (R) 12.05 Channel 4 News Summary. 12.10 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA. (R) 1.05 Find It, Fix It, Flog It. (R) 2.10 Countdown. 3.00 A Place in the

6.00 Cyw. (R) 12.00 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd. 12.05 Codi Pac. (R) 12.30 Heno. (R) 1.00 Y Sîn. (R) 1.30 Cais Quinnell. (R) 2.00 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd. 2.05 Prynhawn Da. 3.00 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd. 3.05 Côr Cymru 2024 – Corau Plant. (R) 4.00 Awr Fawr. (R) 5.00 Stwnsh. (R) 6.00 Teulu Shadog: Tymhorau’r Flwyddyn. (R) 6.30 Garddio a Mwy. (R) 7.00 Heno. 7.30 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd. 8.00 Alun, Chris a Kiri yn Seland Newydd. (R) 8.55 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd. 9.00 Rybish. (R) 9.30 Rybish. (R) 10.00 Welsh Whisperer – Ni’n Teithio Nawr! (R) 10.35 Creisis. (R) 11.40 Diwedd.

Channel 4: 6.30 3rd Rock from the Sun. (R) 7.45 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) 9.40 Frasier. (R) 11.10 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA. (R) 12.05 Channel 4 News Summary. 12.10 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA. (R) 1.05 Find It, Fix It, Flog It. (R) 2.10 Countdown. 3.00 A Place in the Sun. 4.00 Narrow Escapes. 5.00 Come Dine with Me: The Professionals. 6.00 Four in a Bed. 6.30 The Simpsons. (R) 7.00 Channel 4 News. 7.30 Unreported World. 8.00 Double the Money. 9.00 Gogglebox. 10.00 Late Night Lycett. 11.05 Jon Richardson: The Knitwit. 12.10 Film: Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. (1986)

6.00 Milkshake!: 9.15 Jeremy Vine. 11.15 Storm Huntley. 11.55 5 News at Lunchtime. 12.00 Live: Snooker World Senior Championship. Coverage of the quarter-finals on day three. 5.00 5 News at 5. 6.00 Police Interceptors. Officers track down a 17-year-old suspected of a serious robbery. (R) 6.55 5 News Update. 7.00 Jane McDonald: Lost in Japan. The presenter visits a ninja, and samples sushi. (R) 7.55 5 News Update. 8.00 The Big Steam Adventure. John Sergeant, Peter Davison and Paul ’Piglet’ Middleton board the Waverley, the last passengercarrying steam ship in the world, and explore the Isle of Wight.

9.00 Sue Perkins: Lost in Thailand. New series. The comedian explores three regions of Thailand. 10.00 Victoria Wood: All the Laughs & More. A look back at one of Britain’s best loved comedians. (R) 12.05 World’s Funniest TV Ads with Jason Manford. First-world problems, nakedness, odd pets, and parents. (R) 1.00

TV 9.5.24
Sun. 4.00 Narrow Escapes. 5.00 Come Dine with Me: The Professionals. 6.00 Four in a Bed. 6.30 The Simpsons. (R) 7.00 Channel 4 News. 8.00 Double the Money. 9.00 Taskmaster. 10.00 Joe & Katherine’s Bargain Holidays. 11.05 Gogglebox. (R) 12.10 Embarrassing Bodies. (R) 1.00 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell. (R) 1.50 Couples Come Dine with Me. (R) 6.00 Milkshake!: 9.15 Jeremy Vine. 11.15 Storm Huntley. 11.55 5 News at Lunchtime. 12.00 Live: Snooker World Senior Championship. Coverage of day two from the Crucible Theatre in Sheffield. 5.00 5 News at 5. 6.00 Police Interceptors. Dog handler Duncan attends a midnight stand-off. (R) 6.55 5 News Update. 7.00 A Yorkshire Farm. Rob and Dave Nicholson need to complete pregnancy tests on their Alpacas. 7.55 5 News Update. 8.00 Reuben: Life in the Dales. It’s early autumn and as wet weather wreaks havoc in the Dales, Reuben and Sarah help their community in a crisis. 9.00 The Hotel Inspector. Alex Polizzi is in Northern Ireland to help hotelier Eamon. 10.00 Tortured By Mum and Dad: The Turpin 13. David and Louise Turpin, who imprisoned their 13 children in their own home. (R) 11.05 Making a Serial Killer. The crimes of William Devin Howell. (R) 12.05 Motorway Cops: Catching Britain’s Speeders. (R) 1.00 PlayOJO Live Casino Show. 3.00 Greatest Ever Celebrity Wind Ups. 4.35 Wildlife SOS. (R) 5.00 House Doctor. (R) 5.25 Entertainment News. 5.35 Thomas & Friends. (R) 5.45 Paw Patrol. (R) BBC Four 7.00 Coast 7.10 Great Railway Journeys 8.00 Mark Lawson Talks to... Alan Bennett 9.00 Film: The Lady in the Van (2015) 10.40 Talking Heads with Maggie Smith 11.30 Talking Heads with Thora Hird ITV2 4.00 Dawson’s Creek 5.00 Dress to Impress 6.00 Celebrity Catchphrase 7.00 Family Fortunes 8.00 Bob’s Burgers 9.00 Family Guy 11.30 American Dad! ITV3 3.45 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 5.55 Heartbeat 8.00 Vera 10.00 DCI Banks 11.50 The Royal ITV4 4.00 The Derby Through the Years 4.20 River Monsters 4.50 The Sweeney 5.55 BattleBots 7.00 Junk and Disorderly 8.00 Giant Lobster Hunters 9.00 Auf Wiedersehen, Pet 10.05 Film: Death Wish IV: The Crackdown (1987) E4 4.00 Young Sheldon 5.00 The Big Bang Theory 7.00 Hollyoaks 7.30 Modern Family 8.00 Teen First Dates 9.00 Love Triangle: Final Decisions 10.00 Love Triangle: The Reunion 11.05 First Dates Film4 1.30 Pimpernel Smith (1941) 4.05 Deep Impact (1998) 6.25 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) Action adventure sequel, starring Harrison Ford and Sean Connery. 9.00 Ronin (1998) Action thriller, starring Robert De Niro. 11.25 Stuber (2019) FRIDAY’S TV 10.5.24 BBC1 BBC2 ITV1 WALES S4C CHANNEL 5 DIGITAL CHOICE 6.00 Breakfast. 9.30 Morning Live. 10.45 Big Little Crimes. (R) 11.15 Homes Under the Hammer. (R) 12.15 Bargain Hunt. 1.00 BBC News at One; Weather. 1.30 BBC Wales Today; Weather. 1.45 Hope Street. 2.30 Money for Nothing. (R) 3.00 Escape to the Country. (R) 3.45 Garden Rescue Revisited. 4.30 The Finish Line. 5.15 Pointless. 6.00 BBC News at Six; Weather. 6.30 BBC Wales Today; Weather. 7.00 The One Show. Live magazine show, hosted by Alex Jones and Roman Kemp. 7.30 MasterChef. This week’s best cooks are tasked to create sweet or savoury bitesize canapés.
Granite Harbour. Loyalties are put to the test as investigations
continue in both cases.
Have I Got News for You. Mel Giedroyc hosts the satirical quiz, with panellists including Helen Lewis.
9.30 Rewind: 60 Years of Welsh Pop – Eurovision Special. A whirlwind ride thorough the history of Welsh Eurovision contenders. (R)
PlayOJO Live Casino Show. 3.00 Greatest Ever Celebrity Wind Ups. 4.35 Wildlife SOS. (R) 5.00 House Doctor. (R) 5.25 Entertainment News. 5.35 Thomas & Friends: Big World! Big Adventures! (R) 5.45 Paw Patrol. (R) BBC Four 7.00 TOTP: 1996 8.00 TOTP: 1989 8.30 TOTP: 1983 9.00 TOTP: 1984 10.00 George Michael at the BBC 11.30 Chaka Khan at the BBC ITV2 4.00 Dawson’s Creek 5.00 Dress to Impress 6.00 Celebrity Catchphrase 7.00 Family Fortunes 8.00 Bob’s Burgers 9.00 Film: There’s Something About Mary (1998) Comedy, starring Cameron Diaz and Ben Stiller. 11.25 Family Guy ITV3 3.45 Agatha Christie’s Marple 5.55 Heartbeat 8.00 Doc Martin 9.00 Shetland 11.35 Lewis ITV4 4.00 Football Rivalries 4.15 River Monsters 4.45 The Sweeney 5.55 Monster Carp 6.55 Junk and Disorderly 8.00 The Motorbike Show 9.00 Auf Wiedersehen, Pet 10.05 All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite E4 4.00 Young Sheldon 5.00 The Big Bang Theory 7.00 Hollyoaks 7.30 Modern Family 8.00 Teen First Dates 9.00 Film: The Predator (2018) Sci-fi thriller, starring Boyd Holbrook. 11.05 Naked Attraction Film4 2.40 Sands of Iwo Jima (1949) 4.50 Before We Go (2014) 6.40 Sahara (2005) Adventure, starring Matthew McConaughey. 9.00 The Iceman (2012) Fact-based crime drama, starring Michael Shannon. 11.10 Dead Presidents (1995) Crime drama, with Larenz Tate. Listings supplied by PA Media
Hosted by Sue Perkins. Sue Perkins Rachel Lawson

Sker Ritual, a gothic horror game with a strong Welsh backstory, was one of the best-selling PC and console games in the world following its launch last week–reaching the top 3 on Steam, top 5 on xbox and top 10 on PlayStation.

Ranking above globally established games such as FIFA 24, Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto, Sker Ritual is Penarthbased Wales Interactive’s follow up to the 2020 game Maid of Sker which is inspired by the Welsh folk song Y Ferch o’r Sger. The song tells the story of Elisabeth Williams, a young woman imprisoned by her father in Sker House, a real-life location near Porthcawl, to stop her from marrying the man she loved. She is said to have died of a broken heart.

In addition to the familiar locations and backstory, Welsh gamers should also listen out for snippets of Welsh dialogue and excerpts of Welsh hymns used

in the soundtrack of the Sker games as they try to shoot down relentless waves of zombies.

Wales interactive, the Penarth-based company behind Sker Ritual, is a globally renowned, multi-award-winning video games and interactive movie publisher that has previously received funding support from Welsh Government and Creative Wales - the internal agency established to help grow the Creative sectors in Wales.

Collectively, Wales Interactive’s studio and portfolio of titles have received over 140 award nominations and over 60 accolades, not only for their creative work but also for their entrepreneurial spirit and constant innovation in their field.

Dr David Banner MBE, CEO & Co-Founder of Wales Interactive, said:

“We’ve been overwhelmed by the positive reception, support and love that Sker Ritual is getting around the world. And it’s great to see

Creative Wales’s continued support for the growing gaming industry in Wales which has helped champion Welsh Games developers like us.”

Hannah Blythyn, the Minister for Creative Industries in Wales, said:

“Huge congratulations to Wales Interactive on Sker Ritual’s success. It’s no mean feat for an independent Welsh studio to be up there competing against the likes of Call of Duty and FIFA 24and it shows what’s possible with a little bit of support and a huge amount of talent.

“We’re proud of our thriving gaming industry and the growing games engine technology base that we have here in Wales. I am committed to giving games developers the backing they need continue to grow and show what’s possible in this fastchanging and exciting sector. Look out for more international success!”


ARIES You’re going to have an enthusiastic fan today, and they will be singing your praises to anyone who will listen. Try not to blush too much! This wave of adulation might make you feel embarrassed at first, but as the day goes on and you take bow after bow, you’ll start to enjoy the sensation of being recognized for your work. This is a boost to your ego, which means it’s a good time to initiate new projects. You’re unstoppable.

TAURUS Take the sales pitch one of your friends gives you with a grain of salt. Sure, they may sound positive about something, but your healthy intuition is telling you that this thing isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Do your best to alert your friend to your concerns in a diplomatic way. You don’t want them to think you’re attacking them. Help them see things more conservatively. Show them that they should be more careful in the future.

GEMINI Too much is going on in your life right now to be worried about what’s going on the lives of others. If you’re going to be even slightly concerned about anyone else’s needs but your own, focus on your partner. It’s all about your inner circle right now. Make sure that you and the person (or persons) you care about the very most in this world are doing well. Everyone else can take care of themselves. Your heart needs to be reminded who matters most.

CANCER No one is going to walk up to you and ask for your ideas today. If you want to put your thoughts in motion, you have to step in and start the discussion. Frame it in a way that’s favorable to your ideas. What you say today will be heard and taken seriously, so have faith. Be bold and insert yourself into situations that seem like they can be advantageous to you. It’s okay to be calculating from time to time. Be more active in pushing your agenda.

LEO Don’t care what others think about you. Yes, your reputation is important. But when you stop yourself from saying something you feel or doing something you want because you’re worried about how it will look, you’ve gone too far. The stress caused by trying to dress the right way, say the right thing, and be the right kind of person takes too much energy out of you. To start feeling good, you need to forget the useless quest for perfection.

VIRGO Take a look in your closet today and count the number of things you never wear. Chances are good that no matter how high the number, every one of those forgotten items was an impulse buy. Today, remember those neglected outfits when you see something you think you must have. Think about all the money you’d have now if you’d resisted that compulsion. Don’t spend money on something you don’t need.


You will make a major impact on people today even when you don’t intend to. Your words carry extra weight, and your decisions carry extra significance, so be careful. Your smallest, most innocuous actions can trigger big events you can’t control, so think before you speak, and make sure you don’t send a message that could be misconstrued. And watch how friendly you are with new people. They could think you are flirting with them when you’re just being nice.


The Universe is sending you some introverted energy, so you’re probably not going to feel up for a party or big social exchange today. It’s okay to take a break from the world and stick to yourself for a while. In fact, it’s healthy. So instead of hanging out with a bunch of friends, feel empowered to enjoy a quiet night in. Let everyone else have fun without you. You’ll have a great time settling in on the couch and enjoying some good movies.


Don’t overload yourself, especially if someone close is trying to talk you into making a long-term commitment you’re really not sure about. Listen to your intuition. If it tells you to hold off, there’s almost certainly a good reason for it. Most importantly, don’t try to just be nice and say yes to everything that anyone asks of you. That road leads only to disaster. Hold off for a while before asking for more.


When things get tricky today, it might be easy to let someone else take over making the decisions, but is it in your best interests? You’re up for whatever challenges come along, so don’t sit on the sidelines. Jump in there and start getting things done. Be more actively involved in what you’re doing today. Every challenge is an opportunity to be proud of yourself, so if you let those situations pass you by or allow someone else take care of them, you’re cheating yourself.



45 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday May 3rd 2024 wFEATURE HaT’S on
is too close to your situation. They aren’t likely to be objective about the situation and could use your trust as an opportunity to advance their own issues and hidden agendas. PISCES This is a great day to start projects that involve improvements around your home. Even if you don’t have the greatest DIY skills, you have tons of energy. Stick with what you know you can do, and do that. Paint a room. Fix a leaky faucet. Clean out a closet. Then make arrangements for a professional to come in and take care of the rest. You run the risk of making a bad situation worse if you attempt something beyond your level of expertise.
you feel you’re in the wrong situation right now, you should talk to someone who has been through it before. Get insight from a friend or coworker who’s always been willing to help you in the past, and find out what they think you should do. Avoid talking to anyone who
gaMIng waTcH THe TraIler Here!

new Y dd

Carwyn Graves yn lansio ei lyfr newydd

MAE Carwyn

Graves, aelod o staff

Prifysgol Cymru y Drindod Dewi Sant wedi lansio ei lyfr

newydd ‘Tir: The Story of the Welsh Landscape’ ar gampws

Llambed yr wythnos


Mae’r llyfr yn ddilyniant o’i gyfrol llwyddiannus ddiwethaf

‘Welsh Food Stories’, lle mae’n cymryd cam yn ôl o ganolbwyntio ar hanes bwyd i edrych ar hanes y tir wnaeth gynhyrchu’r bwyd. Er hyn, mae yna gysylltiad cryf gydag afalau gan fod yna bennod cyfan ar hanes

perllannau yn nhirwedd Cymru yn y llyfr.

Wrth lansio’r llyfr, dywedodd Carwyn: “Mae’n deimlad braf iawn ar ol tair blynedd o waith. Roedd hi’n amlwg wrth ddechrau ysgrifennu bod maes amaeth a bywyd gwyllt yn un dadleuol ac o bwys cynyddol – ac erbyn i’r llyfr ddod allan roedd ffermwyr yn protestio ar risiau’r Senedd.

“Mae hynny’n dangos pwysigrwydd deall ein tirwedd ni, a’r rôl mae amaeth a natur wedi eu chwarae yn ei siapio.”

Yn y gyfrol ‘Tir: The Story of the Welsh Landscape’ mae’r awdur a naturiaethwr yma felly yn mynd â ni ar daith o amgylch saith elfen

allweddol o dirwedd Cymru, fel y ffridd, y rhos a’r cloddiau.

Trwy blymio’n ddwfn i hanes ac ecoleg pob un o’r tirweddau hyn, mae’r llyfr yn dangos fod tirlun Cymru, yn ei holl amrywiaeth hardd, lawn cymaint o greadigaeth ddiwylliannol ddynol â ffenomen naturiol: esblygodd ei deunyddiau crai ochr yn ochr â’r bodau dynol sydd wedi byw yma ers i’r iâ gilio.

Byrdwn y llyfr yw mai hanes ynghylch pobl a natur yn datblygu ochr-yn-ochr yw hanes tirwedd Cymru hyd ganol yr 20fed ganrif, a bod y newidiadau

mawr sydd wedi dod ers hynny wedi bod yn amlwg yn niweidiol i bobl yng nghefn gwlad ac hefyd i fywyd gwyllt.

Mae yna wersi felly am gynhyrchu bwyd ochr-yn-ochr a natur yn ffynnu y gallwn eu dysgu o’n hanes.

Ceisio rhoi darlun ehangach i’r darllenwyr yw ymgais y llyfr. Mae Carwyn wedi mwynhau tynnu ar arbenigedd cynifer o bobl – o amaethwyr traddodiadol, i haneswyr y dirwedd (gan gynnwys yr Athro David Austin, Llambed gynt), ecolegwyr a beirdd, gan sylwi ar y gorgyffwrdd sy’n

perthyn rhwng y meysydd hyn. Dywedodd Gwilym Dyfri Jones, Profost campysau PCYDDS Caerfyrddin a Llambed: “Roedd y Brifysgol yn falch o gynnal y lansiad mewn cydweithrediad â Calon, Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru. Cafodd y gynulleidfa luosog ei chyfareddu gan wybodaeth eang Carwyn a’i ddull hamddenol a chwbl ddiymhongar o gyfathrebu agweddau ohoni trwy air a llun. “Bydd cryn edrych ymlaen yn awr i ddarllen y gyfrol a mwynhau’r cynnwys cyfoethog o fewn ei chloriau.”

Ffrae gyfreithiol £10,000 dros rybudd parcio uniaith Saesneg yn parhau

BYDD yr ymgyrchydd

iaith Toni Schiavone yn ymddangos gerbron llys yn Aberystwyth am y pedwerydd tro ar ddydd Llun, 13 Mai am iddo wrthod talu

rhybudd parcio uniaith Saesneg, wedi i’r cwmni parcio One Parking Solution ennill apêl i ailgyflwyno’r achos fis Ionawr.

Mae hyn er gwaethaf

rhybudd y barnwr, Gareth Humphreys, y dylai’r cwmni ystyried yn ofalus gwerth parhau gydag achos sydd eisoes wedi bod yn “hir, anffodus tu hwnt” ac sydd wedi costio dros £10,000 mewn ffioedd cyfreithiol i’r cwmni parcio hyd yma.

Mae Cymdeithas yr Iaith wedi galw ar y llys i ddyfarnu nad yw rhybuddion parcio uniaith Saesneg yn ddigonol fel gwaeth y barnwr

Mervyn Jones-Evans mewn achos diweddar yng Nghaernarfon, ac ar Llywodraeth Cymru i ddeddfu i sicrhau bod hawliau siaradwyr y Gymraeg yn y sector breifat yn cael eu parchu.

Derbyniodd Toni Schiavone yr hysbysiad cosb parcio uniaith Saesneg am beidio talu mewn maes parcio yn Llangrannog ym Medi 2020.

Taflwyd yr achos gwreiddiol ym Mai 2022 o’r llys gan nad oedd

cynrychiolydd o’r cwmni parcio yn bresennol, a’r ail yn Awst 2023 oherwydd cyflwynwyd yr achos yn hwyr ac o dan reolau anghywir.

Ar 26 Ionawr eleni, enillodd One Parking Solution apêl i barhau i erlyn Mr Schiavone, wedi i’r barnwr ddyfarnu nad oedd sail i daflu’r ddau achos cyntaf o’r llys.

Yn siarad yn y gwrandawiad fis Ionawr, dywedodd Toni Schiavone ei fod wedi derbyn llythyr gyda chostau o £10,156.70 ddiwrnod ynghynt gan

One Parking Solution, a bod y cwmni wedi ymddwyn yn “amharchus, yn afresymol ac yn

ddialgar.” Yn ôl gwaith ymchwil Cymdeithas yr Iaith, byddai cyfieithu’r rhybudd i’r Gymraeg wedi costio dim ond £60.

Dywedodd Siân Howys, Cadeirydd Grŵp Hawl i’r Gymraeg Cymdeithas yr Iaith: “Mae’n siomedig bod

One Parking Solution wedi penderfynu ailgyflwyno’r achos hon, ond y gwir reswm bod rhaid i Toni fynd o flaen llys unwaith eto yw am nad yw hawliau pobl Cymru i ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg wedi’u sicrhau mewn statud. Rydym wedi gweld achosion eraill o hyn yn ddiweddar wrth i HSBC a’r cwmni egni OVO

israddio neu ddiddymu eu gwasanaethau Cymraeg, heb unrhyw ymateb cadarn gan ein Llywodraeth.

“Galwn ar ein haelodau a’n cefnogwyr i fod yno ar 13 Mai i gefnogi Toni, ac i fynnu bod yr hawl i ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg mhob agwedd o fywyd yn cael ei barchu, a hynny trwy ddeddfwriaeth.” Ar 30 Ionawr, pleidleisiodd Llywodraeth Cymru yn erbyn cynnig Heledd Fychan ar ran Plaid Cymru yn y Senedd i osod Safonau’r Gymraeg ar sail statudol ar sefydliadau yn y sector preifat, megis banciau, archfarchnadoedd a meysydd parcio preifat. Yn ystod y ddadl, cyfeiriodd Siân Gwenllian AS at achos Toni Schiavone fel enghraifft o angen i ddeddfu i sicrhau hawliau siaradwyr Cymraeg. Yn trafod y cwmni parcio, dywedodd: “Unwaith eto, mae’r ymateb yn un trahaus a sarhaus.

“Pam mae’n rhaid i siaradwyr Cymraeg barhau i ymgyrchu a mynnu cael gwasanaethau drwy’r Gymraeg?

“Mae’n hen bryd i hawliau sylfaenol siaradwyr Cymraeg gael parch drwy statud, a hynny ym mhob agwedd ar fywyd.”

For up to date news please check our social network channels 46 Friday March 15th 2024
I on

Ysgol Greenhill welcomes positive Estyn report

Ysgol Greenhill and Pembrokeshire County Council have welcomed a highly positive Estyn report for the school.

Estyn, the education and training inspectorate for Wales, has released its findings following a comprehensive inspection of the Tenbybased school in January 2024.

The report highlights several key points:

• Under the supportive leadership of the Headteacher, staff at Ysgol Greenhill collaborate effectively to nurture a happy and respectful learning environment. They have fostered a culture of openness and teamwork with an ambitious aim to become a selfimproving school.

• Leaders have successfully enhanced various aspects of the school’s operations, including pupils’ learning, attitudes, and the provision of care and support for their well-being.

• There is a wellcoordinated effort to improve pupils’ literacy, numeracy, and digital skills,

offering tailored support to those with weaker foundational skills.

• Regular feedback from pupils shapes ongoing improvements to the curriculum and personal development initiatives.

• Teachers’ lesson planning is meticulous, ensuring pupils achieve good progress in learning and subject knowledge, with a focus on developing essential literacy and numeracy skills. Teaching assistants collaborate effectively to provide

targeted support.

• The school offers a comprehensive range of provisions to support well-being, including tailored resource centres and a nurture centre for pupils with specific needs.

• Pupils’ positive attitudes towards school life are noted, along with their appreciation for staff’s friendly and supportive approach, reflected in the ‘Ready to Learn’ behaviour system.

• Sixth form pupils demonstrate strong leadership and act as positive role models for younger students, benefiting

from valuable opportunities to lead school activities.

• The school’s governance and staff dedication are commended for ensuring every pupil’s well-being and learning progress.

• Headteacher David Haynes expressed delight and immense pride in the report, noting the school’s consistent progress and aiming to place Ysgol Greenhill among Wales’ top schools.

Councillor Guy Woodham, Cabinet Member for Education and Welsh Language, praised the school’s

recent progress, attributing it to strong leadership and support from the governing body and local authority.

Chair of the Governing Body, Mrs Heulwen Lear, highlighted the school’s commitment to building supportive relationships with pupils, fostering secure progress in learning and subject knowledge, and embodying values of kindness, respect, empathy, and diversity.

Ysgol Greenhill remains a source of pride for pupils, families, and the wider community, reflecting a shared commitment to excellence in education and personal development.

Latest chance to access community grant funding

THE ENHANCING Pembrokeshire Grant is open and Expressions of Interest (EOI) are welcome.

More than £4million of funding has been distributed to areas where the impact of second home ownership is highest since Pembrokeshire County Council set up the Enhancing Pembrokeshire Grant.

Funded by the Council’s second home council tax premium, there is £700,000 available in 2024-2025 for small and large community groups and projects across the county.

A total of £300,000 is available for small grants up to £15,000 and £400,000 has been allocated for large grants up to £100,000. Small

grants are assessed on a rolling programme throughout the year. The closing date for EOIs to the large grant scheme is 14th June, with full applications needed by 12th July 2024. There is a focus on the well-being objectives including equipping learners with lifelong skills and knowledge for the future; prevention

and ensuring vulnerable people are safe; initiatives that deliver decarbonisation, manage climate adaptation and tackle the nature emergency; projects that support communities and build active, resourceful, connected, sustainable and creative places to live and activity that supports the Welsh language

within communities

More information about what can be funded and how to apply can be found on the Pembrokeshire County Council website.

To register a project, request an EOI form and access support please email enhancing. pembrokeshire@

educa TI on

47 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday May 3rd 2024 educaTIon

RSPCA braces for surge in baby bird queries

THE RSPCA is gearing up for a surge in queries from animal lovers looking for advice on caring for baby birds found outside their nests, with visits to the charity’s website expected to hit record levels.

As we approach the peak ‘baby bird’ season of May and June, recent data from the RSPCA shows a significant increase in visits to its baby bird advice webpage last year. In just two months, there were 30,865 visits, with 13,468 in May rising to a substantial 17,397 visits in June. That’s almost 500 people seeking advice daily on helping baby birds during these peak months.

Although online guidance is now the primary way people seek help, the RSPCA has also received nearly 19,000 calls across England and Wales (1,563 in Wales alone) about baby birds since the beginning of 2021, mostly during peak months.

In Wales, the counties with the highest numbers of inquiries were Cardiff (249), Conwy (133), Swansea (129), and Denbighshire (122).

The best way to help baby birds is by checking the RSPCA’s website for advice, and tens of thousands are expected to do so in the coming months.

RSPCA’s advice on helping baby birds depends on their age and whether they are nestlings (without feathers) or fledglings

(with feathers).

For nestlings (no feathers), try to return them to the nest if possible, as they won’t survive long outside. If there are concerns about their health, consult a vet.

For fledglings (with feathers), avoid disturbing them. It’s normal for them to be on the ground as they learn to fly. Parents are usually nearby and taking care of them. Seek veterinary advice

if they appear injured.

Rebecca Machin, RSPCA scientific officer, said, “It’s great that so many people want to help our wild birds, especially when a baby bird is found outside its nest. Using online guidance is often the quickest and most effective way to get support.”

Emma Horton, spokesperson for the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), advised leaving

baby birds alone unless they are sick or injured, as parents typically look after them well.

For specific advice on handling different bird species, visit the RSPCA website.

The RSPCA reminds the public to handle baby garden birds with care due to bird flu concerns, recommending wearing gloves and washing hands thoroughly afterwards.

The charity encourages more

people to support animal welfare efforts and offers resources on to assist in helping wildlife promptly.

In its 200th year, the RSPCA aims to build a community of one million for animal welfare through its Wildlife Friend initiative, inviting animal lovers to join in creating a safe environment for our fellow creatures.

48 Friday May 3rd 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels PROUDLY SPONSORING PETS CORNER P e
corner Pembrokeshire County Showground, Withybush Road, SA62 4BW Tel: 01437 454663
Road, Narberth, SA62 7AB Tel: 01834 860590 DOG FOOD • CAT FOOD • SMALL ANIMAL FOOD • TOYS • ACCESSORIES TREATS • ENRICHMENT PRODUCTS • HELP & ADVICE WE’RE OPEN MONDAY - SATURDAY 9AM - 5PM The Burns celtic knot logo is a registered trademark and this is used under license from Burns Pet Nutrition Ltd.
Friday May 3

The Fair Dealing Obligations set to come into force

DEFRA have announced that The Fair Dealing Obligations (Milk) Regulations 2024 have been laid, with commencement of the regulations due on the 9th of July 2024 for any new milk purchasing contract. Concurrently a period of transition to compliance for existing contracts is to be completed by the 9th of July 2025. These regulations are a product of evolution from the voluntary dairy code of best practice on contractual relationships in the dairy sector that was introduced in 2012.

FUW Milk and Dairy Produce Committee Acting Chair Brian Walters said: “The voluntary dairy code was established to stamp out unfair contractual arrangements between milk producers and purchasers which could in turn help stabilise the UK dairy industry.

“Despite many

processors supporting the values of the voluntary dairy code, the lack of legislation meant that some processors continued with unfair and underhanded contractual expectations leaving dairy farmers extremely vulnerable to market changes.”

In June 2020 the ‘contractual practice in the UK dairy sector’ consultation was published of which responses provided direction for the newly made Fair Dealing Obligations (Milk) Regulations 2024.

“We discussed various drafts of the regulations as a committee and the Union presented those views to Welsh Government and Defra representatives.

“Most importantly, we managed to ensure that the regulations will apply to all milk purchasing contracts across the UK which avoids any risk of

creating a two-tiered market.

“Processors will now be required to review their contracts

over the next twelve months in order to become compliant with these regulations, and I am hopeful that as a

result of these changes there will be a fairer foundation for selling milk across Great Britain,” he added.

50 Friday May 3rd 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels F ar MI ng

Practical improvements for suckler herds highlighted

A JOINT report between levy bodies, Hybu Cig Cymru –Meat Promotion Wales, QMS and AHDB, has highlighted practical steps farmers can take to improve their environmental impact and how to be more profitable.Dr Heather McCalman, HCC’s Research and Development and Sustainability Executive said: “This report was commissioned in response to the challenges facing the UK suckler beef sector and offers really practical tools for farmers so they are in a strong position to address those issues.”

The study explored how 16 practices, across four categories: genetics and breeding, calving and fertility, feed, and management, both individually and collectively, could contribute to increased productivity and profitability, and reduced environmental impact.

While outcomes have been assessed separately, they are interrelated, the study highlighted.

“Improving efficiency on-farm will result in reduced costs and increased profitability. Many practices that improve productivity, like reducing age at first calving, result in a

reduction in the number of replacements required, which has a positive knockon environmental effect. Fewer replacements mean less enteric methane, less manure (which reduces nitrous oxide, ammonia and nitrate leaching) and less feed requirement, resulting in lower embedded emissions,” said Dr McCalman.

Statutory targets, including the requirement for the UK to reach Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, and increasing requirements from the supply chain for beef produced with low greenhouse gas emissions necessitate that farmers make improvements to their production systems.

“Adopting farm practices that improve efficiency will help meet environmental goals and improve profitability. This work gives farmers and advisors a clear picture of the evidence of how management practices can help effective decision making.

“The outputs of this research will enable farmers to review and improve current farm practices and take advantage of practical advice that will boost productivity, profitability and improve environmental impacts. This gathers and provides insights and robust evidence to support and promote the beef sector,” she added.

51 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday May 3rd 2024


HUGE thank you to the stalwarts of our local and county shows

With Spring upon us and at least the promise of warmer weather we will soon start reconvening at our local, county and national shows and events. After a wet and miserable winter, it will be a welcome boost to catch up with friends and family, and enjoy the very best of what agriculture has to offer here in Wales.

Sioe Nefyn, is the first agricultural show of the season here in Wales and it takes place this coming Bank holiday Monday, 6 of May, at Botacho Wyn, Nefyn on the Llŷn in Gwynedd (LL53 6HA). The show was established in 1893 by a small group of local farmers who wanted to showcase their own horses and livestock to the local community. And what an achievement for a small rural voluntary led show to progress and continue to its 126th show, this coming week.

There will be vintage cars and tractor demonstrations, Gwynedd Axemen will share their prowess, trade and craft stands will dot the field, showjumping, a shepherd’s crooks exhibition plus a fairground and children’s entertainment will be sure to draw in the crowds. And that’s on top of the livestock, poultry, equine, dogs, handicraft and cookery competition sections! Visit the website www. for all the information.

We are truly indebted to our rural community volunteers for continuing to drive and organise these local shows and events. It’s no easy task. It needs dedication, time and commitment and we know within this industry how limited our downtime is.

A useful webinar was held this week

by the Animal & Plant Health Agency (APHA) which aims to guide show officials who welcome cattle, sheep, pigs, camelids, poultry, other captive birds and other livestock to their events. Between 4pm and 5pm this Friday, 3 May, a webinar will cover what you should consider and prepare for and what actions you must take to protect the health of animals at agricultural shows.

It will share with organisers what to do if a notifiable disease is suspected or confirmed at the show or event. At the end of the session questions will be taken to support the group attending. The webinar promotion says: “Being aware of, and prepared for, the risk that notifiable and new and emerging diseases pose to animals, and maintaining effective biosecurity to protect them has never been more critical. These DEFRA ‘Plan, Prevent and Protect’ webinars will be led by policy officials, epidemiologists and veterinary professionals.”.

With avian influenza or bird flu having caused problems in Wales, new guidance from the 26 of April states that gatherings of all poultry and captive birds in Wales are permitted. You must, however, meet the requirements of the poultry or captive bird gathering general licence plus notify the APHA of the event at least 7 days before it begins.

As you can see, there is a lot of behind the scenes work needed to ensure, not only the safety of the people attending our local shows, but the safety, health and wellbeing of the animals too. From all FUW members, can we say a huge thank you to all show volunteers who make sure that these events continue to showcase our fantastic industry to the wider community.

Search begins for Gareth Raw Rees travel scholarship applications

Learning about agriculture abroad can be one of the most beneficial experiences for young farmers starting out in their agricultural careers. This is why, supported by the NFU Mutual Charitable Trust, the Gareth Raw Rees Memorial Scholarship is once again on the lookout for applications from youngsters wanting to travel the world.

This year, the committee have made £3,000 available for applicants considering travelling within the UK, Europe or further afield. Past winners of the award have travelled to New Zealand, Australia, America, the Orkney Islands, Georgia, the Isle of Man and many other destinations.

If you are under 30 years old and would like some financial

assistance with your travels, even if you have already received support from another scholarship or fund, this could be the perfect opportunity.

NFU Cymru Policy Adviser Lowri Price said: “The scholarship fund was launched in 1984 in memory of the late Gareth Raw Rees MBE from Ceredigion, whose considerable energies had always been directed towards promoting the interests of young people in farming and in the countryside. He was a firm believer in the benefits of travelling towards the fulfilment of a broader and more rewarding education.

“We have awarded scholarships to some incredible young farmers and their experiences abroad have been extremely beneficial to their own farming practices back here in Wales. I urge anyone

looking to travel abroad to submit an application this year as you could very well be successful.”

The Scholarship is managed by the Raw Rees family, NFU Cymru, NFU Mutual, Wales YFC, the Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS) at Aberystwyth University and the Future Farmers of Wales.

Trevor Lloyd, Chairman of NFU Mutual’s Advisory Board for Wales, said:

“The Gareth Raw Rees Scholarship offers fantastic opportunities for young people to travel and learn about farming methods in other parts of the world.

“In today’s fast changing agricultural industry, it’s vital that our young farmers gain a wider perspective to help them farm successfully, which is why NFU Mutual is a strong supporter

of the scholarship scheme. Over the years we’ve received some exceptional applications from some very capable and enterprising young people and have been able to support their efforts in visiting and learning about a variety of agricultural techniques employed across the globe. We very much look forward to receiving some equally impressive applications once again in 2024.”

The closing date for applications is Friday, June 14, and the winners will be announced on the Tuesday of this year’s Royal Welsh Show. For an application form, contact Lowri Price at NFU Cymru on 01982 554200 or email Lowri. A copy of the guidelines and an application form is also available here on the NFU Cymru website.

52 Friday May 3rd 2024
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KGM Motors UK go beyond expectation

KGM Motors UK is delighted to announce the launch of Torres EVx. The C+ segment battery electric vehicle (BEV) shares the same brand-new platform of its Torres 1.5 G-Di turbocharged petrol engine variant, which was released in February 2024.

Torres EVX blends futuristic design with the robust nature of a traditional SUV, combining urban sophistication with rugged off-road capabilities. Its innovative technology and classleading load space of 1,662 litres make Torres EVX a highly efficient choice for both city driving and off-road adventures, merging electric power with exceptional performance.

Embodying KGM’s design ethos of “Powered by Toughness” Torres EVX features modern, confident lines and distinctive elements like horizontal LED daytime running lights, offering a blend of strength and sophistication.

Inside, the Torres EVX mirrors the layout of the Torres ICE, providing a sleek and spacious environment with a focus on driver visibility

and convenience. The ergonomic dashboard and dual 12.3-inch digital interface minimise clutter to maximise control.

Powered by a BYD lithium iron phosphate blade battery and utilising ‘cell to pack’ technology, Torres EVX achieves a driving range of 287 miles (WLTP) on a single charge, suitable for daily commuting and longdistance travel. Torres EVX also includes GSR safety features complainant with EU regulations, such as intelligent speed control and safety speed assist.

Kevin Griffin, managing

director of KGM UK, said; “Torres EVX is our next SUV in electric vehicle innovation. It builds on our advancements and proud SUV heritage by integrating cutting-edge technology, unparalleled safety features, and exceptional performance, representing a significant leap forward in mobility solutions.

“We are dedicated to providing drivers with a premium driving experience that seamlessly integrates luxury, versatility, and electric performance, and Torres EVX does just

that. It stands as a marker towards our unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of automotive excellence in the UK market and leading the charge towards the future of electric mobility.”

Built on a versatile platform designed for multiple drive trains, Torres EVX allows drivers to embrace the brand’s SUV and 4x4 heritage while experiencing the latest in EV technology. Equipped with a 3-in-1 EV motor system, BYD blade battery, integrated 3-in-1 power conversion module, and ‘shift-by-wire’ toggle

switch for gear control, Torres EVX ensures both safety and convenience.

Torres EVX also comes with a 1 million km battery warranty*, allowing customers to drive with confidence on every journey. Plus, customisable and fast charging enhances the driver’s charging experience, and a vehicleto-load (V2L) connector provides power for outdoor appliances straight from the car’s battery.

The spacious interior offers comfort and contemporary design, complemented by standard features such as Apple CarPlay, Google Android Auto, Bluetooth connectivity, DAB radio, front USB and AUX ports, TomTom navigation, and wireless phone charging.

Torres EVX K40 also includes a 3D 360˚ ‘surround view’ monitoring system that ensures safe and easy parking.

With ample cabin and load space, Torres EVX sets an industry standard for luggage capacity and storage ranging up to 1,662 litres. Additionally, it boasts a towing capacity of up to 1.5 tonnes and competitive approach and departure angles for offroad driving.

53 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday May 3rd 2024 FarMIng
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55 TOYOTA AYGO - 2012
CRDI 2 ECODYNAMICS 5d 126 BHP **DIESEL.......ESTATE......6 SPEED......87,389 MILES.......SERVICE HISTORY 4 STAMPS......2 KEYS.....,.£35 ROAD TAX.......64 MPG.......SPORTS WAGON .... £6,295 BMW 1 SERIES - 2013 1.6 116I SE 5d 135 BHP ** PETROL........8 SPEED AUTOMATIC.......2 PREVIOUS OWNERS........YES ONLY 68,313 MILES FROM NEW....... SERVICE HISTORY 4 STAMPS........2 KEYS.........£150 ROAD TAX..........50 MPG.... £8,995 SMART FORTWO COUPE - 2010 PASSION MHD ** PETROL......AUTOMATIC......YES ONLY 59,859 MILES......... SERVICE HISTORY 8 STAMPS.........£20 ROAD TAX........74 MPG........PASSION EDITION.......AIRCON.. £4,995 TOYOTA AYGO - 2015 1.0 VVT-I X-CLUSIV 5d 69 BHP ** PETROL.....5 SPEED.......YES ONLY COVERED 36,629 MILES FROM NEW........FULL SERVICE HISTORY 8 STAMPS........2 KEYS........£0 ROAD TAX... £7,995 MERCEDES-BENZ A-CLASS2015 1.5 A180 CDI BLUEEFFICIENCY SE 5d 109 BHP **DIESEL....6 SPEED.....£0 ROAD TAX.......74 MPG.......2 KEYS....... SE EDITION.......HALF LEATHER SPORTS SEATS.......MEDIA SCREEN... £9,995 CITROEN DS4 - 2012 1.6 HDI DSTYLE 5d 110 BHP ** DIESEL......6 SPEED.....2 PREVIOUS OWNER........96.829 MILES........SERVICE HISTORY 6 STAMPS.......£150 ROAD TAX.......60MPG.........2 KEYS........ DSTYLE EDITION..... £4,995 DS DS 3 - 2016 1.6 BLUEHDI ELEGANCE S/S 3d 98 BHP ** DIESEL.......5 SPEED...... ONLY 81,373 MILES......2 PREVIOUS OWNERS.......2 KEYS........£0 ROAD TAX.......83 MPG..... £6,495 HYUNDAI TUCSON - 2016 1.7 CRDI SE NAV BLUE DRIVE 5d 114 BHP ** DIESEL .......6 SPEED.....1 PREVIOUS OWNER........SERVICE HISTORY 10 STAMPS ALL MAIN DEALER.......2 KEYS.... £8,495 VAUXHALL CORSA - 2012 1.2 ACTIVE AC 5d 83 BHP 88 PETROL.....5 SPEED......1 PREVIOUS OWNER........YES ONLY COVERED 38,510 MILES FROM NEW........2 KEYS.......£150 ROAD TAX.. £4,995 MERCEDES-BENZ C-CLASS - 2014 2.1 C220 CDI AMG SPORT EDITION 2d 168 BHP ** DIESEL.......COUPE...... AUTOMATIC 7 SPEED.......YES ONLY 83,149 MILES........£180 ROAD TAX........53 MPG........AMG SPORT EDITION.......HALF LEATHER £9,495 CITROEN C4 GRAND PICASSO 1.6 E-HDI AIRDREAM EXCLUSIVE PLUS 5d 113 BHP ** 7 SEATER.... DIESEL....6 SPEED....£20 ROAD TAX....70 MPG.......EXCLUSIVE PLUS EDITION.......HUGE SPEC... £7,495 VOLVO XC60 - 2011 2.4 D5 R-DESIGN AWD 5d 212 BHP ** DIESEL.......AUTOMATIC......ESTATE......4 WHEEL DRIVE......ONE PREVIOUS OWNER.....SERVICE HISTORY 10 STAMPS......R DESIGN EDITION £6,995 BMW 1 SERIES - 2010 2.0 118D SPORT 2d 141 BHP ** CONVERTIBLE.....DIESEL........6 SPEED.......2 PEVIOUS OWNERS.......YES ONLY 91,740 MILES FROM NEW.......SERVICE HISTORY 8 STAMPS... £4,995 VOLKSWAGEN UP - 2013 1.0 ROCK UP 3d 74 BHP ** PETROL.......5 SPEED.......YES ONLY COVERED 42,131 MILES FROM NEW........FULL SERVICE HISTORY 5 STAMPS........2 KEYS........£20 ROAD TAX.......60 MPG.. £6,995 DACIA LOGAN MCV - 2015 0.9 AMBIANCE TCE 5d 90 BHP ** PETROL.......ESTATE......ONE PREVIOUS OWNER.......5 SPEED......£20 ROAD TAX .......LOW INSURANCE GROUP 8.........57 MPG......AMBIANCE EDITION..... £4,995

Hyundai SANTA FE takes home Red Dot Design Award

HYUNDAI Motor Company today reaffirmed its global design leadership by winning a prestigious 2024 Red Dot Award for the SANTA FE in the Product Design: Cars and Motorcycles category.

By winning one of the world’s top three design awards, Hyundai Motor demonstrates the excellence of its customer-centric, lifestyle-driven design.

“We feel a tremendous sense of honor to receive acknowledgment from the Red Dot Design Awards for these significant vehicles and innovations,” said SangYup Lee, Executive Vice President and Head of Hyundai and Genesis Global Design. “This recognition serves as a testament to the exceptional dedication exhibited by our team of visionary designers, who poured their unwavering passion and commitment into this project, alongside our collaborative engineers at the R&D center. It highlights the remarkable competitiveness of Hyundai’s design identity within the global market.”

With its ‘Open for More’ design concept, the fifth-generation SANTA FE midsize SUV accommodates outdoor pursuits by offering a class-leading, terracelike living space at the rear made possible by its extended wheelbase and enlarged tailgate opening. This longer wheelbase also facilitates enhanced third-row seating, ensuring a comfortable ride.

The all-new SANTA FE features a boxy shape and distinctive silhouette derived from its long wheelbase and wide tailgate area. The front of the vehicle creates a grandeur with its high hood, H-shaped headlamps and bold fenders. The H-shaped design elements reinterpret Hyundai’s ‘H’ emblem. The lengthened wheelbase accommodates a bold roofline, powerful volume around the fenders, sharply defined wheel arches, shortened front overhang and 21-inch wheels. The rear end is balanced and simplified with H-shaped taillights.

Hyundai Motor also won a Red Dot Award in the Product Design: Outdoor and Camping Equipment category with its Multi-Lantern. This versatile product combines two features to cater to different user needs. It functions as a portable flashlight for outdoor activities and can also transform into a warm color mood light when used with a translucent light diffuser.

The Multi-Lantern reflects the company’s aim to create products that users will cherish for a long time, incorporating familiar materials as design motifs to provide a fresh, updated look. For the Multi-Lantern, the designers used the

The interior offers generous living space and a terrace-like feel when the tailgate is open. The foldable second- and third-row seats provide classleading interior space. The refined interior emphasizes horizontal and vertical lines with an H-motif design. High-tech features include a Panoramic Curved Display and dual wireless charging. Sustainable materials are incorporated, including recycled plastic and eco-friendly leatherette. The colors of the interior and exterior are inspired by natural light, bringing inspiration and vitality to everyday life and adventures.

‘Horongbul,’ a Korean traditional light, as a motif, which visually and symbolically conveys a sense of stability and warmth to users through its shape and visual elements.

The Multi-Lantern has an intuitive, userfriendly interface that prioritizes convenience and usability. Its operation is practically effortless, with no complicated settings, just relying on a single button. Its practical features include USB C-type charging and wireless charging. When fully charged, it can provide a maximum brightness for up to five hours and a minimum brightness for up to 35 hours.

To ensure durability and versatility, the Multi-Lantern has been certified as dustproof and waterproof with an IP65 rating. This certification guarantees that the product can withstand harsh

external environments and inclement weather conditions without any issues.

Hosted by Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen in Germany, the Red Dot Award is one of the world’s largest design competitions. The award breaks down into three different disciplines — Product Design, Brand & Communication Design and Design Concept — to better appraise the diversity in the field of design. The Red Dot Award: Design Concept invites designers, design studios, companies, and universities to challenge the status quo and present their most exciting design concepts and prototypes to an international panel of design experts. For more information about Red Dot, please visit org/

56 Friday May 3rd 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels

The All-New Dacia Duster opens the next chapter

THE All-New Dacia Duster opens the next chapter in the story of a model that has grown into a standardsetter in the market. It is an all-round icon, encapsulating everything the Dacia brand stands for: ‘Robust and Outdoor’, ‘Essential but Cool’, and ‘Eco-Smart’. Duster was born in 2010, overhauled for the first time in 2017, and rose to the top by rewriting the SUV rulebook.

Duster is a proven success story. In its 14-year-long career, it has been awarded more than 40 accolades, production stands at 2.2 million vehicles and counting, and it is steadily increasing in popularity, ranking as Europe’s best-selling SUV across

all segments in the retail market in 2022. Around 1,000 Duster roll off the production lines at Dacia’s plant in Pitesti, Romania, every day – about one every minute!


Dacia has reinvented Duster’s design. It still has the striking looks that propelled the previous generations to the top –especially its solid, sturdy SUV character – but pushes them further with Dacia’s new, distinctive design.

Dacia’s philosophy of providing all the essentials applies to the All-New Duster’s design as much as every other model.

The team started simply, by looking at the cabin, bonnet and wings. Then they assembled them into the whole car to give the model a modern, well-built style, with deliberately taut, selfconfident lines.

The simple shapes and volumes add to the design’s power, including the sharp, vertical face, chamfered wheel-arch guards, large tailgate and side windows reaching seamlessly from bow to stern.

The All-New Duster is shielded with a stylish belt wrapping all the way around it. The

David Duran, Dacia Design Director, said: “Before even starting work on All-New Duster’s style, we honed its proportions, to find a strong, balanced posture. When you get the proportions right early on, you don’t need artifices to tweak style later.”

side underbody shields connect to the hallmarks, then to the wheel-arches, which in turn connect to the front and rear bumpers, making the AllNew Duster more robust and ready for the outdoors than ever.

The All-New Duster’s design is consistent, it moves with the times and combines its adventurous character with a more sustainable edge.

The front and rear skid plates are dyed in the mass, meaning the plastic is already coloured when it is injected to make the part. Not using paint is both good for the environment and for customers, as scrapes and scratches won’t alter the original colour

The side underbody shields, wheel-arch guards, hallmarks,

triangles on the front bumper and rear shield tail are made of a sturdy material called Starkle®. Designed by Dacia’s engineers and LyondellBasell’s chemists, the material, which was unveiled on the brand’s Manifesto concept car, is up to 20% recycled. Its composition includes white particles that give it a mottled look, which Dacia decided to display instead of painting.

David Durand continues: “We wanted the exterior and interior design to be consistent. The firm and tough style inside makes you feel properly protected.”

This feeling also comes from the high, vertical new dashboard. The shape of the air vents, which resemble the wheel arches, adds to the consistent feel.

Like the outside, the inside comes with all the essentials – meaning the features that serve a purpose. A lot of work went into the ergonomics, including the 10.1-inch central screen positioned in the driver’s field of view and at a 10° angle towards them. The new automatic transmission shifter, coupled with the HYBRID 140 engine, is particularly easy to use. The steering wheel’s flattened surfaces at the top and bottom make it exceedingly comfortable to handle.

David Durand said: “Duster wouldn’t be Duster without a clever and practical interior that makes daily life easier for users. Everything is designed to make you feel at home, front and back”.

58 Friday May 3rd 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels
59 Friday May 3 2022 72 TOYOTA AYGO 1.0 X PURE AUTOMATIC, 5dr, white, 1 owner, 5k £15,500.00 2021 21 FORD FIESTA 1.0 ST LINE EDITION, 5dr, black, 1 owner, fsh, £15,495.00 2020 70 MINI COOPER S ELECTRIC. 3dr, grey. 19k, 1 owner £13,995.00 2020 20 FORD FIESTA 1.0 TREND, 5dr, blue, 15k £12,995.00 2019 69 TOYOTA C-HR DYNAMIQUE 1,8 HYBRID, 5dr, silver, fsh, 1 owner.................... £13,995.00 2019 19 PEUGEOT METROPOLIS 399cc 3 wheeler trike 2000 miles £6,495.00 2019 19 CITROEN C3 AIRCROSS 1.5 BLUE Hdi Flair, 19k, £11,995.00 2019 19 FORD FOCUS 1.5 TDCI ZETEC, grey, 5dr, 1 owner, service history £7,995.00 2019 19 VAUXHALL INSIGNIA DESIGN 1.6 TD, 5dr, service history, blue £7,995.00 2018 18 VOLKSWAGEN GOLF 2.0 GT TDI 5dr, B/motion, white,1 owner ......................... £11,995.00 2018 18 PEUGEOT 208 1.5 HDI, 5dr, black £6,750.00 2018 18 CITROEN C3 1.5 HDI grey, 5dr £6,450.00 2018 18 VAUXHALL ASTRA 1.6 CDTi DESIGN ESTATE, silver, £7,995.00 2018 18 PEUGEOT 108 1.2 ALLURE, purple, 46k, £7,495.00 2018 18 CITROEN C3 1.5 HDI grey, 5dr................................................................................. £5,995.00 2018 18 PEUGEOT 208 1.6 HDI, 5dr, grey £5,695.00 2017 67 HYUNDAI TUCSON 1.7 CRDi 2wd, grey, 1 owner, 76k, fsh £10,995.00 2017 67 FIAT ABARTH 1.4 AUTOMATIC, blue, 2000 miles, 1 owner, fsh £14,750.00 2017 67 CITROEN C1 1.2 FEEL 5dr, white, £5,595.00 2017 17 TOYOTA AYGO 1.0 XCITE yellow, service history................................................... £6,995.00 2017 17 FIAT 500 1.2 POP, white, 33k £6,995.00 2016 66 FORD FIESTA 1.4 EDGE Tdci 5dr, silver £5,495.00 2015 15 RANGE ROVER SPORT 3.0 AUTOBIOGRAPHY HYBRID, red, £23,500.00 2015 15 VOLKSWAGEN POLO 1.2 TSI SE, 4dr, black, 61k, £8,495.00 2015 15 CITROEN C1 1.0 AIRSPACE, orange, 5dr, 59k £5,495.00 2013 63 FORD FIESTA 1.2 ZETEC 5dr, yellow, ...................................................................... £5,495.00 2013 63 CITROEN C1 1.0 VTR+ white, 5dr, £4,995.00 2013 13 AUDI A1 1.6 SPORT Tdi, black, 3dr £5,000.00 2013 13 VAUXHALL CORSA 1.2 CDTI LTD EDITION, 3dr, red, service history £4,595.00 2012 12 TOYOTA AYGO 1.0 VVTI ICE, 3dr, white, 18k £4,995.00 2010 60 FORD FIESTA 1.2 EDGE, 3dr, silver, service history................................................ £3,995.00 2004 53 PORSCHE BOXSTER S 3.2 CONVERTIBLE, blue, 54k, s/history £7,995.00 1999 S BMW Z3 2.8 SPORT CONVERTIBLE, 2dr, silver, genuine low mileage £7,995.00 COMMERCIALS Prices inclusive of 20% VAT 2022 22 HARDLIFE XN 2.3 LWB MINI EXCAVATOR (KUBOTA DIESEL ENGINE) £8,000.00 2019 69 MERCEDES SPRINTER CAR TRANSPORTER 2.1 Cdi, 1 owner, 70k ................... £29,995.00 2019 19 FORD TRANSIT CUSTOM 2.0 Tdi, yellow, 1 owner £12,495.00 2019 19 MERCEDES SPRINTER DROPSIDE Lorry, 2.1 Cdi, 1 owner, £16,000.00 2019 19 VAUXHALL COMBO 1.6 CDTI SPORTIVE white, service history £8,995.00 2019 19 PEUGEOT PARTNER 1.6 BLUE HDI, white, service history, 71k £9,500.00 2018 68 FORD TRANSIT 2.0 CUSTOM Tdi, yellow, 74k, 1 owner, £13,500.00 2018 68 FORD TRANSIT CUSTOM 2.0 Tdi, white, 1 owner £13,500.00 2018 18 FORD TRANSIT CONNECT 1.5 TDI, blue .............................................................. £8,995.00 2017 67 VAUXHALL COMBO 1.3 CDTI CREW CAB, white, 74K £8,495.00 2017 17 FORD TRANSIT DROPSIDE LORRY LWB, £10,000.00 2016 16 MERCEDES SPRINTER 2.1 Cdi FRIDGE VAN £6,250.00 2014 64 FIAT FIORINO 1.2 DIESEL, blue .............................................................................. £3,995.00 2013 63 RENAULT TRAFFIC 2.0 DCI HIGH TOP, white £5,995.00 2013 13 ISUZU TRUCK 5.2 TURBO DIESEL TWIN CAR TRANSPORTER £14,400.00 2017/17 JAGUAR F-TYPE 5.0 V8R SUPERCHARGED CONVERTIBLE AUTOMATIC ONLY 7000 MILES, WHITE WITH BLACK ROOF

Health Secretary congratulates Welsh winners at UK awards


professionals from across NHS Wales were awarded for their innovative work, collaboration, and leadership to improve healthcare in Wales and beyond, at the UK’s Advancing Healthcare Awards 2024

Now in its 19th year, the awards brings together allied health professionals and healthcare scientists, to recognise and celebrate their work.

A third of the awards were won by NHS staff from Cardiff and Vale, Swansea Bay and Cwm Taf Morgannwg health boards. They were honoured for innovative practice including:

• Piloting an intervention service to improve outcomes and help people to sustain type 2 diabetes remission through weight and improved nutrition management

• Work to improve the mental health and wellbeing of staff and patients across Welsh health boards by raising the profile

of team wellbeing, and setting up a menopause education and exercise group in a hospital gym

• The creation of a cost-effective online training resource, used across the UK, to enhance staff and patient safety when handling medical gasses and cylinders

• Effective leadership to deliver diabetes education

programmes and an all-Wales diabetes prevention programme operational across all health boards.

Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care, Eluned Morgan said:

A big congratulations to all the NHS Wales Allied Health professionals and healthcare scientists who won awards at the UK’s Advancing Healthcare Awards this


“I’m delighted to see the talent and innovative practices that we have in our workforce in Wales being recognised and celebrated.

“The winners should be very proud of themselves. The breadth of talent illustrates the valuable contribution and dedication of these professions in keeping people well and improving outcomes in Wales and beyond.

Wales’ Chief Allied

Health Professions Advisor, Ruth Crowder said:

Healthcare scientists and allied health professionals are vital team members in every service in health and care in Wales.

They are working incredibly hard to implement innovative, evidence-based and high-quality services and it is wonderful to see that professionalism recognised and acknowledged in these awards.

Wales’ Deputy Chief Scientific Adviser for Health, Dr Delia Ripley said:

The Advancing Healthcare Awards are a real opportunity to shine a light on the vital and innovative work undertaken by allied health professionals and healthcare scientists. As well as recognizing and rewarding high quality professional practice, these awards give our professions in Wales a platform to demonstrate the value and impact of their specialist skills and drive improvements in patient care.

Choosing sugary drinks over fruit juice for toddlers

CONSUMING sugarsweetened drinks in the first few years of childhood can be linked to poor diet patterns that increase the risk of obesity in later life, according to a new study by the School of Psychology at Swansea University. Published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the study tracked the influence of diet on 14,000 British children from birth to adulthood and is believed to be the longest of its kind ever reported.

Using the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children, the research team found: Children who drank fizzy drinks such as cola or sugar-sweetened fruit cordials before the age of two gained

more weight when they were 24 years old. Girls who had pure fruit juice gained less weight, while the weight of boys remained the same.

At three years of age, toddlers who drank cola consumed more calories, fat, protein, and sugar but less fibre. In contrast, those given pure apple juice consumed less fat and sugar but higher amounts of fibre.

The study also highlighted corresponding differences in food choices. Children who consumed pure apple juice often followed a diet with more fish, fruit, green vegetables, and salad, whereas those drinking cola ate more burgers, sausages, pizza, french fries, meat, chocolate, and sweets. Additionally, the

team discovered a link between sugarsweetened drinks and social deprivation, with children from affluent backgrounds more likely to have access to pure fruit juice.

Lead researcher Professor David Benton said: “The early diet establishes a food pattern that influences,

throughout life, whether weight increases. The important challenge is to ensure that a child develops a good dietary habit: one that offers less fat and sugar, although pure fruit juice, one of your five a day, adds vitamin C, potassium, folate, and plant polyphenols.”

Dr Hayley Young

added: “Obesity is a serious health concern, one that increases the risk of many other conditions. Our study shows that the dietary causes of adult obesity begin in early childhood and that if we are to control it, more attention needs to be given to our diet in the first years of life.”

60 Friday May 3rd 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels
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HRH The Princess Royal Visits Mobile Support Unit

On Friday 12 April, HRH The Princess Royal visited Tenovus Cancer Care’s Mobile Support Unit and the ongoing build of a new chemotherapy unit at Bronglais Hospital.

The Princess Royal met with staff and supporters from Tenovus Cancer Care and Hywel Dda University Health Board helping to continue to deliver cancer treatments during the refurbishment.

During the visit, HRH viewed the ongoing developments of the new chemotherapy unit and was given a tour of the Mobile Support Unit. She also signed a visitors’ book before being presented with a posy of flowers.

Tenovus Cancer Care’s three Mobile Support Units travel across Wales

bringing treatments to communities. The charity works in partnership with local health boards to deliver cancer treatments including chemotherapy and immunotherapy.

This was the fourth visit HRH, Patron of Tenovus Cancer Care, has paid to the Mobile Support Units after previously attending in Cardiff Bay in 2018, Wrexham in 2015, and Cwmbran in 2010.

The Units set up in cark parks, supermarkets, and community venues and have the same clinical standards you’d expect from a hospital. They are currently being used at full capacity and, last year, delivered over 3,000 treatments.

Tenovus Cancer Care Chief Executive, Judi Rhys MBE, said: “We are proud to be supporting Hywel Dda

University Health Board by providing them with use of our Mobile Support Unit to continue to deliver vital chemotherapy and immunotherapy treatment.

“It was an honour to have our valued Patron, HRH The Princess Royal, meet with staff and see the partnership first-hand. Colleagues relished the opportunity to showcase the Unit, of which we are so proud, and to talk to HRH about our work.

“This is the ninth engagement HRH has attended with us and we are extremely grateful for the continued support we’ve received over the years.”

Previous engagements HRH has attended with Tenovus Cancer Care include a Christmas concert, anniversary events, volunteer awards, and

charity dinner.

His Majesty’s LordLieutenant of Dyfed, Miss Sara Edwards, said: “We were delighted that Her Royal Highness, The Princess Royal, made a special visit to the area and highlighting the invaluable work and support provided by Tenovus Cancer Care and Bronglais Hospital in assisting patients and families”.

The Deputy Chair of Hywel Dda, Eleanor Marks, said: “We were pleased to welcome HRH The Princess Royal to Bronglais Hospital to see the plans for the new Chemotherapy Day Unit, the building of which will start in May 2024 that was supported considerably by the fundraising efforts of our local population and through our Hywel Dda charities.

“We were also

delighted to be able to showcase the partnership between Hywel Dda University Health Board and Tenovus Cancer Care in ensuring patients who live in remote rural parts of the country can access Oncology services while the new Chemotherapy Unit is being built.”

John Harrison, Mobile Support Unit patient, said: “The use of the Tenovus Cancer Care Mobile Support Unit at Bronglais for the chemotherapy unit is very important because it is one of the few available services to a very rural area with limited public transport and potentially hours of travelling for treatment.

The chemotherapy staff using the unit not only provide treatment but also offer vital support and reassurance for any problems or concerns.”

61 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday May 3rd 2024 H eal TH

Low carbon homes at £6m passivhaus scheme slash heating bills for tenants

HEATING bills will be slashed by more than 80 per cent at a £6 million development of 21 low carbon homes in North Wales.

The properties at the Plas Penrhyn site in Penrhyn Bay in Conwy are being built to passivhaus standards thanks to a groundbreaking partnership between two housing associations, Adra and Cartrefi Conwy.

The timber frames and posi-joists for the affordable homes are being custom made for the Adra scheme by Creating Enterprise, a subsidiary of Cartrefi, at their factory in Rhyl.

The development was paused for a while when the original construction company, Brenig, went into voluntary liquidation but it’s now all systems go again after Beech Developments were appointed in their place.

Work has started on the site which will comprise a mix of social rent and intermediate rent properties of varying sizes, including

a specially adapted one-bedroom bungalow, four two-bedroom bungalows, eight twobedroom houses and eight three-bedroom houses.

The foundations for the first phase are in place with the frames to be trucked onto the site within weeks and the project due to be completed in around 12 months.

As well as being highly insulated and triple glazed, airtight seals mean that heat loss will be reduced so much that hardly any heating is needed at all.

Any additional warmth that’s required can then be provided by electric heaters, often powered by photovoltaic solar panels on the roofs.

All of the homes will also have mechanical ventilation and heat recovery systems fitted, extracting stale and moist air and blowing in fresh air that’s warmed by a heat exchanger unit.

According to Adra, the properties are virtually self-sufficient in terms

of heating with very little energy required from the grid – and no fossil fuels being used directly by the properties.

The green theme continues outside where there will be electric vehicle chargers which will be powered in part by the solar panels.

Adrian Johnson, Deputy Chief Executive of Cartrefi Conwy, who heads up Creating Enterprise, said: “We’re very proud to be working in partnership with Adra on this fantastic project and to be providing the timber frames and posi-joists to build these affordable, energy efficient and environmentally friendly homes for local people.

“The beauty of the passivhaus modular system is that it can be configured in different ways – ranging from a single storey onebedroom bungalow to a two-storey family home.

“This development is tackling two different issues at the same time, reducing fuel poverty, with a saving of more

to reducing our carbon footprint aligns with our mission to benefit our tenants and contribute positively to environmental sustainability.

“Engaging in projects of this nature is personally exhilarating, as it underscores the pivotal role of carbon emission reduction and heightened energy efficiency in the trajectory of housebuilding’s future.

“From my own point of view, it’s really exciting being involved in a project like this and look forward to seeing the progression on site.” It was a sentiment echoed by Craig Kelly Jones, Contracts Manager for housebuilder Beech Developments.

than 80 per cent on heating bills as compared to traditional homes, and providing much needed homes to address the desperate shortage of affordable housing.

“We are creating a virtuous circle because the profit we make is being recycled for the benefit of our communities.

“The other gain from this project is that the workforce and the supply chains are local so 80 per cent of the cost of the project is going back into the local economy. We’re using the Welsh pound in the best possible way”

Gethin Thomas, Adra Development Project Manager, will be helping to manage the development through to handover to the tenants.

He said: “This is the first passivhaus development for us at Adra, occupants will benefit from increased energy efficiency and reduced bills and we hope this will be the start of a future of similar developments.

“Our commitment

He said: “The timber frames and posi-joists are a great product to work with. This is the way the industry is headed, using modern methods of construction. It’s what we get into the building industry to do.

“The air tightness rating for these houses will be 0.6 on a scale of nought to ten where nought is zero emissions and the average new build house comes in at five or six.

“There’s mechanical ventilation at the property with a turbine in the loft space to circulate air and prevent damp while making use of the heat from activities like cooking to keep the property comfortable and warm.

“Collaboration with Creating Enterprise and Adra has been very good and we’ve worked together very well.

“This is Adra’s first passive house development and the first for us working with Creative Enterprise and I hope it’s going to be the first of many.”

62 Friday May 3rd 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels B u SI ne

Cabinet Secretary for Economy says Tata chose to ignore multi-union report

TATA STEEL has confirmed to the Welsh Government plans to close its two blast furnaces at Port Talbot, transitioning to electric arc furnace steelmaking as part of a £1.25bn strategy. This move is set to impact approximately 2,800 jobs, with major implications for the local community and wider Welsh economy.

Jeremy Miles MS, Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Energy and Welsh Language, expressed deep disappointment over the company’s decision to disregard the multi-union report’s recommendations for a more sustainable transition. This report, commissioned by the UK Steel committee, had advocated for measures that would reduce the environmental impact of steel production while considering the workforce’s welfare.

The phased closure will begin with Blast Furnace 5 in June, followed by

Blast Furnace 4 and other heavy assets by September’s end. Over the next 18 months, the first wave of job reductions will take effect, beginning this July, with further losses anticipated at the Llanwern site over the next two to three years.

The Welsh Government has criticised the pace of the transition, suggesting that a more extended consultation period between Tata and the unions might have mitigated the scale of job

losses. As the company prepares for a threeyear transition period, it will rely heavily on steel imports to meet customer demands, a move that raises concerns about the future of local production capacity.

Miles underscored the strategic importance of the Welsh steel sector, not only for the local economy but also as a vital component of the UK’s industrial landscape. He urged Tata Steel to avoid compulsory redundancies

and to collaborate closely with the Transition Board to provide the necessary support, including reskilling and employment opportunities for the affected workers.

The confirmation of the shift has prompted significant unrest among the workforce, with unions balloting for potential industrial action. Tata has set conditions on its voluntary redundancy packages, which are subject to ongoing negotiations along

with future investment commitments.

The Welsh Government remains committed to supporting the steel industry, emphasizing the need for a clear and substantial investment vision that will ensure the sector’s sustainability and the prosperity of its workforce. The transition board has already initiated various support mechanisms, including job fairs, advisory sessions, and a comprehensive action plan to cushion the economic impact on the community.

This transition marks a challenging new chapter for Port Talbot and the entire Welsh steel industry, with long-term implications for the regional economy and its people.

Commenting, Welsh Conservative Shadow Economy Minister, Samuel Kurtz MS said: “The disappointment felt by those losing employment at Tata cannot be understated. We need to support our steelworkers, not just with warm words,

but with skills, retraining and jobs.

“We have been clear that we want to see a blast furnace remain open in the transition to electric arc furnaces and we need to take full advantage of the opportunities that the new Celtic Freeport will bring.”

In a joint statement following their respective contributions in response to the statement, local Senedd Members for South Wales West, Tom Giffard MS and Dr Altaf Hussain MS added: “We need to support our communities in and around Port Talbot more than ever following the disheartening news from Tata.

“It is a matter of deep regret that the Labour Welsh Government have yet to put a single penny on the table to support the UK Conservative Government-funded transition board. We need more detail from Labour as to what they are actually doing to back the workforce.”

63 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday May 3rd 2024 BuSIneSS


and Social Justice Committee published a report ‘Calling Time on Child Poverty: How Wales can do better’.

The report paints a depressing picture of child poverty in Wales with 22% of children households experiencing absolute poverty in 2019-20 to 2021-22 (where a household’s income is below 60% of the median income threshold for 201011). Unfortunately, Pembrokeshire has one of the five worse rates of child poverty in Wales.

Jenny Rathbone MS in the forward to the Senedd report states:-

“Children have no control over their circumstances and lack any means of redress. The hardship they face is one that is imposed on them. It is a burning injustice which sits awkwardly with any claim to be a country that promotes fair play.”

Growing up in poverty will affect a child’s education and life chances. It also affects a child’s chance of survival as child mortality rates in Wales are 70% higher in the most deprived groups than the least deprived children.

We live in a cost

However, we have to ask how, when we are part of the 6th richest economy in the world, we have allowed this to happen?

Tackling child poverty is the responsibility of all governments. At a local level, Pembrokeshire County Council can help through supporting schools to ensure children get decent meals, helping voluntary organisations such as food banks and ensuring people get decent advice when in difficulties (such as through Citizens Advice). The council also needs to support growth, jobs and prosperity in Pembrokeshire such as through helping offshore floating windpower to develop.

The UK Government has the most financial firepower to tackle poverty, mainly thorough the benefits system. Liberal Democrats have pledged to repair the broken safety net by reversing the £20-a-week cut to Universal Credit, raising legacy benefits, and replacing the sanctions regime with an incentive-based scheme to help people into work. We will set a target of ending deep poverty within a decade, and establish an independent commission to recommend annual increases in Universal Credit to achieve it.

The Welsh Government must also play its role, as highlighted by Welsh Lib Dem Leader Jane Dodds MS in the Senedd last week, by setting clear targets to reduce child poverty. Only then, will we really know if we are making progress.

£20m grant support for slurry storage

THE CABINET Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs, Huw IrrancaDavies, has confirmed two funding schemes to support investment in on-farm infrastructure, which will help build resilience to climate change’s potential impact.

£20m has been committed to two schemes to support farmers in complying with agricultural pollution regulations.


The Nutrient Management Investment Scheme and the Small Grants—Yard Coverings scheme will open shortly. Both schemes are designed to enable farmers to address nutrient management and storage by supporting additional slurry storage capacity and preventing rainwater from entering slurry stores to reduce storage capacity requirements.

The support has been increased to provide a maximum 50% contribution towards certain project costs.

Detailed guidance will be available shortly; both schemes will be open by the summer.

The Rural Affairs Secretary said: “In response to the prolonged period of wet weather, I recently chaired an ‘Extreme Weather Summit’ with key agricultural partners to discuss its impact on farmers and growers. The impact of wet weather shows the importance of investing in resilience. During the summit, I heard of significant issues concerning slurry storage capacity.

“Whilst the weather has slightly improved recently, the delayed access to work the land and increasing costs incurred during the extended winter months will have short, medium and long-term impacts.

“I’m pleased to announce these schemes to help farmers build resilience to extreme

weather conditions. The funding will also support farmers in reaching compliance with our Agricultural Pollution Regulations, which will help improve water quality in our rivers and their tributaries.

“I would encourage applicants to consider potential investments before application windows open and, where appropriate, engage with local planning authorities. Planning and SuDS applications should be submitted as soon as possible; doing this work before an application window does not affect your eligibility to apply.

“In the short term, I am acutely aware of the human impact on farming families. I am clear we need to face this issue with communication and a pragmatic approach. The mental health of those involved in the agricultural industry is of great concern to me, and I strongly encourage anyone suffering from stress or other mental health issues to ask for help.

“The Welsh Government will also play its part.

“Suppose farmers have any difficulties meeting the requirements of their contracts due to this prolonged wet weather period. In that case, they should contact Rural Payments Wales as soon as possible to discuss their options or to request a derogation.

“All requests will be considered on a case-bycase basis.”


FUW President Ian Rickman commented: “Despite concerns we’ve raised previously regarding this promised funding as a proportion of the estimated overall costs to the industry of over £360 million, this long-awaited support will be welcomed by many in light of the recent wet weather.”

“This statement shows an example of co-working where our concerns result in prompt action from the

Welsh Government. We sincerely hope that this positive engagement continues in the context of other fundamental policy developments,” Mr Rickman added.

James Evans MS, Shadow Minister for Rural Affairs, said: “I’m glad the Welsh Government has softened its approach and acknowledged the real challenges farmers face with the constant rainfall. It’s a step in the right direction that they’ve provided extra funding for on-farm improvements to help meet Nutrient Management requirements, as farmers are a key stakeholder in keeping our rivers clean. With farm incomes falling, they need government support to comply with the Water Resources (Control of Agricultural Pollution) (Wales) Regulations. However, with the Welsh Government only providing up to 50% of the funding, it is still a huge challenge for farm businesses to find the additional money.

“It’s a welcome change that the new Cabinet Secretary appears to be listening to the industry. I hope he’ll now work collaboratively across the Senedd to revisit the Sustainable Farming Scheme (SFS). We need a scheme that supports our farmers, not hinders them.

“Only by working with farmers can the Welsh Government achieve its long-term goals for climate change and nature recovery.”


NFU Cymru President Aled Jones said: “Given that the government’s 2021 impact assessment highlighted a £360m industry-wide upfront cost to comply with these regulations, it is crucial that this funding is released without further delay to support the industry.

“While we await more details on the grant schemes, I am pleased that the Cabinet Secretary has increased the grant

64 Friday May 3rd 2024
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intervention rate to 50%.

Infrastructure costs have spiralled since the original impact assessment was undertaken, and cash flow is a serious concern on many farms. Therefore, this additional contribution towards project costs is to be


“The Cabinet Secretary has highlighted that this announcement will allow applicants to engage with local planning authorities.

“Our members across Wales report to us the unnecessary

difficulties they continue to face in obtaining planning approval for new infrastructure to help them meet regulatory requirements and environmental betterment.

“We have asked for a Wales wide review

of local planning authorities and NRW’s approach to applications for new infrastructure to streamline and reduce the significant administrative cost and burden associated with making environmental improvements on farm.”

MP Crabb continues to support local ex sub postmaster

New legislation to overturn convictions linked to the Post Office scandal cleared its final House of Commons stages on Monday, April 29, with local MP Stephen Crabb saying that it is still taking too long to get compensation out to those affected.

Stephen has followed this issue closely since meeting with Tim Brentnall from Roch in 2012. Mr Brentnall was one of 736 sub-postmasters caught up in the Horizon IT scandal and wrongfully convicted as a result of faults in accounting software developed by Fujitsu for Horizon. Mr Brentnall was prosecuted in 2010 after a £22,000 shortfall was discovered at his branch.

The Post Office Horizon scandal has been described as one of the UK’s most widespread miscarriages of justice, and was the subject of the recent ITV drama series

‘Mr Bates vs The Post Office’.

Last week, Mr Crabb organised a meeting between the Post Office Minister, Kevin Hollinrake MP, and UK Government officials to discuss the compensation process and ensure that Mr Brentnall receives the necessary support. Since 2012, Stephen Crabb has pressed Government ministers to move faster to ensure that subpostmasters finally get justice. He ensured that Mr Brentnall’s experience formed part of the catalogue of cases that former MP James Arbuthnot used to shine a light on the scandal.

The Post Office (Horizon System) Offences Bill, introduced to Parliament on 13 March 2024, will automatically overturn convictions for certain offences linked to the Post Office Horizon scandal. Mr Brentnall’s own conviction was

quashed in the Court of Appeal on 19 July 2021.

Following the meeting, MP Crabb commented:

“I’m pleased to have been able to arrange the meeting for Tim and myself to talk through the compensation process with the Minister so that finally a line can be drawn under this awful experience for Tim and for all those affected”

“I have long been calling on the Government to take action. I am encouraged by the steps that have already been taken by

IT’S been another chaotic week in politics: a Conservative defection to Labour with Dan Poulter MP, a government minister making a fool of himself on Question Time, and the resignation of the First Minister of Scotland, Humza Yousaf. I’m not sure how much more chaos the UK can take. It’s definitely time for a change –it’s time for the General Election to take place now. Let’s have our say.

I think it’s time for a Labour government in Westminster. We have a plan to make our country work again. Here are three ways this will benefit Pembrokeshire and Wales.

Labour offers fresh thinking about food security, climate change and farming practices.

The new Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs, Huw Irranca-Davies, has announced two new farming financial support schemes (including for water quality) and has met with those advocating for regenerative farming and food production.

Government on this with the introduction of the bill announced by the Prime Minister earlier this year. It has been an arduous and painful process to get to a point where justice is finally being served.”

“However, the speed at which compensation packages are being paid is currently too slow. It is so important that all those affected are compensated as fast as possible and I will be seeking further clarity from the Minister on this in due course.”

The importance of food security is paramount – this week new border duties on food exports from the UK are introduced as a consequence of leaving the EU.

Additionally, Ed Miliband and Steve Reed are travelling across the UK promoting UK Labour’s plans to secure a new era of growth, job creation, and sustainable energy solutions (including the publicly owned GB Energy).

Labour has a plan for food security, farming and climate change.

Labour listens Transport is one of the key issues on the doorstep. Ken Skates, the new Cabinet Secretary for Transport in the Welsh Labour Government has announced a review of 20mph, showing that Labour is listening. Ken Skates has made it clear he wants to work in partnership with residents and community groups to ensure policies work for the people of Wales. Later this year, the Welsh Government will bring about its Bus Bill, where routes will be devised with the needs of the communities in mind, better linking up buses and trains for an integrated service. All aboard Labour will deliver a Railways Act for England, Scotland, and Wales to establish Great British Railways and enable the full benefits of a unified railway. Devolved leaders in Scotland, Wales, and in Mayoral Combined Authorities will have a statutory role in the rail network. National and regional transport bodies will have the ability to agree national and regional rail services with Great British Railways. Our plan will create better integrated transport structures across the country. These are just three ways Labour will make a positive difference in all our lives, and why we should vote Labour in Thursday’s PCC elections and in the General Election later this year. We can change this country for the better. Give us a chance: Labour has the plan.

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IN RECENT years, Yes Cymru has campaigned on the important issue of devolving the Crown Estate to Wales.

For those unfamiliar with the Crown Estate, this is essentially a large corporation which is responsible for managing the monarchy’s huge land and marine assets.

The profits are often generated from tenants as well as lucrative deals with offshore renewable energy companies which produce energy from wind, wave, tidal and thermal sources.

As things stand, 75% of the Crown Estate Revenue goes directly to the UK Treasury, 25% to the Monarchy, but not a penny is given to Wales.

This, despite the fact that the Crown Estate in Wales is now reportedly worth a whopping £853 million – a staggering increase of over 788% since 2020.

Yet, how can this be justified in the current era?

As we have previously reported time and again, Welsh regions rank amongst the most deprived in the UK.

Analysis of the 2021 England and Wales census data by the Office for National Statistics for instance, has revealed that 61.7% of households in Blaenau Gwent and 59.8% of households in Merthyr Tydfil were classed as deprived in at least one of the four dimensions of deprivation, which included employment, education, health and disability and housing.

Senedd Research published in September last year also found that child poverty is the biggest issue affecting children in Wales, with 28% living in relative poverty.

And, in December 2023, Business News Wales reported that despite a fall in rent prices across many areas of the UK, rental prices in Wales again had increased by 0.5%.

As the impact of the costof-living has plunged more people into poverty – with a rise of nearly 30% of Welsh households threatened with homelessness in 2022 since 2016 – the Crown Estate’s value in Wales continues to grow. This is

helped, in no small part, by the increase in marine enses granted to energy companies, taking full advantage of Wales’ wealth of natural resources and its huge capacity to generate renewable energy.

Indeed, a UK Parliamentary Committee for renewable energy in Wales affirmed Wales’ status as a potential renewable energy powerhouse, stating that: “Wales is currently producing 25% of all its generated electricity from renewables, but in total generates double the energy it consumes (30.2 TWh to 14.9TWh). It is the fifth largest exporter of electricity in the world”.

With the Crown Estate owning up to 65% of the Welsh foreshore, riverbed, ports and marinas in Wales, no wonder then that it is so lucrative.

Looking at the data, there is a compelling case for arguing that these substantial land and offshore property interests should be devolved to Wales, and the majority of people in Wales agree.

According to a 2023 YouGov poll, 58% of people polled supported the devolution of the Crown Estate to Wales, with just 19% opposed, and 23% indicating that they didn’t know.

But devolving the Crown Estate would bring other opportunities besides control of the current assets.

As reported on last year by Forbes, due to concerns around climate change, renewable energy is becoming increasingly important and The Energy Information Administration forecasts that renewable deployment will grow by 17% in 2024.

Wales is rich in natural resources and control of the Crown Estate in Wales would enable us to expand on domestic energy production, storage and export – all of which have the capacity to introduce more jobs to Wales and benefit our communities, through partnerships between energy companies that invest in Wales and local communities.

Welsh lessons from Hamza’s fall

HAMZA YOUSAF, Scotland’s First Minister, quit on Monday (Apr 29), only days after tearing up a coalition agreement with the Green Party.

Mr Yousaf, whose period as First Minister has been scarred by a disastrous inheritance from Nicola Sturgeon and his ability to shoot himself in the foot, was Scotland’s third and shortest-serving SNP First Minister.

In fairness to Mr Yousaf, the stink surrounding Nicola Sturgeon’s departure from office, a poisonous internal legacy, and the pledge to stand by unpopular policies hamstrung him from the start.

It also underlines a key issue dividing Scottish voters from the SNP establishment.


In the decade since 2014, the Westminster Government has been led by David Cameron, Theresa May, Boris Johnson, Liz Truss, and Rishi Sunak.

Despite those leaders’ unpopularity in Scotland and their disastrous tenures as Prime Minister, support for Scottish independence has either remained static or fallen.

Faced with a succession of what should have been open goals following Brexit, the SNP has blazed their opportunities high, wide and handsome.

When Nicola Sturgeon succeeded Alex Salmond as First Minister, she pledged another independence referendum. Despite having ten years to do so, she never delivered one.

When Hamza Yousaf competed to replace Ms Sturgeon, he and his two opponents said they would deliver another independence referendum.

That prospect

appears more distant than ever.

Rather than pursuing intellectual pipedreams or Braveheart nationalism, Scottish voters prefer that their governments focus on boosting their lives through practical means: by improving housing, health, and education.

Instead, the SNP— like Plaid Cymru and, to an extent, Labour in Wales—has wasted political capital talking to its activist base instead of paying attention to the electorate.

The same applies to the Westminster Government, which has been under Conservative control since 2010.

As demonstrations of the dangers of oneparty rule go, they are hard to beat.


Corruption, scandal, squandering public money and pandering to party self-interest finally caught up with the UK’s political parties. The arrogance and insularity originating in prolonged periods in power for one party or another are as harmful to the UK’s nations as to the parties and the UK’s political health.

Mr Yousaf’s departure also illustrates the dangers of entering coalition agreements with fringe parties.

Hamza Yousaf’s immediate cause of resignation was his decision to scrap the Bute House Agreement with the Green Party. He decided that the green tail was wagging the SNP dog, reducing his room for manoeuvre.

His decision to scrap an undeliverable net-zero target was practically unexceptional. Performative targets have no place in practical governance. That decision provoked the Greens to call a special conference to

decide whether to pull out of the coalition.

Mr Yousaf, not unreasonably, decided that he could not serve at the pleasure of a few activists in the SNP’s junior coalition partner. Logically, that position must be correct. It’s one thing to change leader in midstream, as Nicola Sturgeon vociferously complained the Conservatives did. It’s quite another to have a First Minister and their government held to ransom by unaccountable junior partners’ members.


The SNP’s coalition with the Greens was already strained. The Gender Recognition Act passed during Nicola Sturgeon’s leadership, has been a lead weight around the SNP’s electoral ankles. It’s the sort of law that makes perfect sense to politicians who have lost their connection with the electorate and want to polish their credentials with the fringe through gesture politics.

The SNP’s response to the Cass Report rubbed salt into the Greens’ resentment.

Plans to introduce extensive marine conservation areas and restrict commercial fisheries around Scotland’s coast, championed by the Greens, provoked deep anger at potential damage to a key Scottish industry.

The disastrous deposit return scheme, championed by the Greens, folded after Scottish businesses spent millions preparing for it.

It’s not as if Mr Yousaf didn’t have enough problems caused by SNP policies.

A scheme to deliver ferries to service the islands off Scotland’s coast is years behind and tens of millions over budget.

The Scottish NHS and social care

are basket cases. Education is not much better. Devolved policing lurches from crisis to crisis. Social housing provision is crumbling. Scottish local government leaders have warned that many councils are at risk of bankruptcy not “if” but “when”.

The Scottish budget has a huge black hole caused by zero tuition fees for Scottish higher education students and more generous welfare benefits. Attempts to close the gap with higher Scottish income taxes have failed.

Allied with those factors are the continuing revelations about how the SNP bypassed public scrutiny by using private and party emails to conduct official business, governed by WhatsApp during Covid and then deleted the evidence, played politics with the pandemic, and used strong-arm tactics to quell internal dissent. Anyone would think they were the Labour Party in Wales. Apart from the financial scandals, of course.


Plaid Cymru ought to look at the SNP and reflect on how often its leaders harked to its leadership as providing evidence of what a Plaid-led government would deliver for Wales. It’s an object lesson of being careful what you wish for and relying on show and publicity over actual achievement.

Like Mark Drakeford’s, Nicola Sturgeon’s public profile rose during the pandemic, they benefited from increased national exposure, a sense of communal difficulties shared, and sounder leadership than offered by Captain Chaos in Downing Street. Their fall in popularity was swift and

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inevitable. When you’ve got the bully pulpit in a crisis, you can shape the narrative to suit yourself. However, with that opportunity comes increased scrutiny once the crisis passes. That increased scrutiny did for them as much as it did for Boris Johnson.


Hamza Yousaf’s fate is also an object lesson for the Labour Party in Cardiff Bay.

“Grown-up partnership politics”to use the hackneyed phrase beloved of Mark Drakeford and Adam Price - already fuels resentment

on the Labour backbenches in the Bay. Mr Yousaf’s abrupt departure illustrates the dangers of sharing power and influence without concomitant responsibility when things go wrong.

Having missed his chance to pull out of the

Cooperation Agreement with Labour, Rhun ap Iorwerth faces it being pulled out from under him as soon as Labour’s wildly unpopular and half-baked Senedd Elections (Rigging) Bill passes the Welsh Parliament with his side’s support.

and Drink Festivals and Events Fund announced.

A FUND to support food and drink festivals and events across Wales opens for applications on Wednesday 1 May.

The small grant scheme supports festivals and events to add value to the industry in Wales whilst improving visitor access to and awareness of Welsh food and drink.

The fund will help address the key actions of the Welsh Government’s ‘Vision for the Food & Drink Industry’.

It also aims to encourage collaboration and co-operation between Welsh hospitality and food and drink businesses to source more local food and drink, and to increase the prevalence of Welsh food and drink on menus and retail offering.

The grant scheme will open for applications between 1 May 2024 and 7 June 2024 for interested organisations who wish to participate and can demonstrate their project/event

delivers on the defined scheme outcomes between 1 May 2024 and 31 March 2025.

The Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs, Huw Irranca Davies, said: “This fund will provide support for food festivals and events which have innovative ideas on the promotion of Welsh food and drink.

“Welsh food and drink is going from strength to strength, with a number

of new and exciting high-quality products available. I’m pleased to announce this scheme is now open, to support festivals and events in showcasing the excellent quality of food and drink we have here in Wales.

“The aim of the scheme is to generate greater connections between food festivals and events with agriculture, food processing, tourism destinations and the food


FOR those who haven’t been closely following Welsh politics, Wales has a new First Minister and a new Cabinet, now known as Cabinet Secretaries. However, this isn’t the only change that has occurred in the Welsh Parliament over the last few weeks.

To reflect the Government’s new front bench, we Welsh Conservatives have also had a reshuffle of our own Shadow Cabinet, and I’m pleased to announce my new role!

As a farmer’s son born and bred in Pembrokeshire, it has been an honour to serve as the Shadow Rural Affairs Minister for the past three years following my election in 2021. It has been a turbulent period for Welsh farmers, with Bovine TB continuing to devastate cattle herds, the controversial introduction of Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (NVZs), and the establishment of a new farming subsidy program in the form of the Sustainable Farming Scheme (SFS). These challenges culminated in the recent protest outside the Senedd earlier this spring.

I am passing on the Rural Affairs portfolio to my colleague James Evans, who I know will be a champion for the needs of rural Wales.

As one door closes, another opens, and I am delighted to have been appointed to the front bench by Andrew RT Davies, our leader, as the Shadow Minister for Economy and Energy.

for bringing economic benefits and high-quality jobs to not just our corner of west Wales, but to the country as a whole.

Pembrokeshire has a rich history of energy production, from 17th-century tidal mills harnessing the power of the tides to the mining of the coal vein between Saundersfoot and Broad Haven peaking in the mid-1800s, to our current power stations, LNG terminals, oil refineries, and exciting renewable energy projects. The journey of energy production in Pembrokeshire mirrors that of the UK over a similar course of time.

service sector. This will enable us to capitalise on the economic benefits while also providing visitors with a unique, high quality and distinctive cultural experience.”

Full details about the scheme including eligibility and how to apply is available on Business Wales at Food Tourism and Culture | Business Wales - Food and drink (

The economy is crucial for all of us. A robust economy supports the public services we rely on, and I look forward to holding the Labour government accountable for its shortcomings in Wales. Central to the strength of our economy, is the creation of good quality jobs.

This ties in well with the energy aspect of my portfolio, which is not only relevant to my constituency but also holds great potential

Energy is a passion of mine, and Pembrokeshire is home to many exciting and innovative projects that can position our county as a key player in our nation’s journey to energy self-sufficiency. The formation of the Celtic Freeport, which incorporates the Port of Milford Haven, underscores the strategic importance of the Haven waterway – the UK’s leading energy port. Projects such as the Floating Offshore Wind sites in the Celtic Sea, tidal energy schemes, interconnector cables transporting electricity between the Republic of Ireland and Pembrokeshire, and the recently announced RWE Green Hydrogen project planned for land next to the existing gas-fired Pembroke Power Station, are all examples of this exciting development. It is vital that we seize these innovative opportunities in Wales and ensure that we have a skilled workforce not only to create and build these projects but also to maintain and operate them for years to come. I’m excited to dive into my new role, and hope that I can contribute to delivering a greener, brighter and economically stronger future for us here in Pembrokeshire and the whole of Wales.

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death notices

Terry Morgan

The death occurred peacefully at Withybush Hospital, Haverfordwest on Monday 22nd April of Mr. Terry Morgan, aged 75 years of Milford Haven.

Dearly loved husband of the late Brenda, Terry will be lovingly remembered and sadly missed by his family and many friends.

The funeral service will take place on Thursday 9th May at 2pm at Hamilton Court Funeral Home, Dartmouth Street, Milford Haven followed by light refreshments at The Priory Inn, Milford Haven. Family flowers only, donations if desired may be sent direct to Macmillan Cancer Support, Freepost RUCYXGCA-XTHU Macmillan Cancer Support, PO Box 791, York House, YORK, YO1 0NJ. All enquiries to Tom Newing & Sons Ltd., Funeral Directors, Milford Haven. Telephone 01646 693180

Paul ‘Charlie’John Goodman

The death occurred peacefully at his home surrounded by his family on Tuesday 30th April of Mr. Paul John “Charlie” Goodman, aged 57 years of Milford Haven.

Charlie will be lovingly remembered and sadly missed by his devoted family and many friends. The funeral service will take place on Monday 20th May at 11.30am at Parc Gwyn Crematorium, Narberth.

No flowers by request, donations if desired may be sent to The Paul Sartori Foundation, Paul Sartori House, Winch Lane, Haverfordwest, SA61 1RP. All enquiries to Tom Newing & Sons Ltd., Funeral Directors, Milford Haven. Telephone 01646 693180

Mervyn Davies

DAVIES Mervyn of Haverfordwest Mervyn passed away peacefully at home, surrounded by his family on the 27th April, 2024 aged 91 years. Dearly loved father, grandfather and great grandfather, he will be sadly missed by all who knew him. Funeral service, Tuesday 7th May, 2.00pm at St. David’s Church, Prendergast followed by interment in Prendergast Cemetery. Family flowers only. All enquiries to Roy Folland & Son Funeral Directors (01437) 763821.

Judith Neumann

NEUMANN Judith Peacefully on Thursday 25th April at Park House Court Nursing Home, Judy of Newgale (formerly of The Wolfe Inn, Wolfscastle). Beloved wife of the late Fritz, loving mother of Erika, Tim and Nick, much loved grandmother and great grandmother of Karl, Laura, Kieran, Ellen, William, Sophie, Dexter and Matilda. Funeral service on Thursday 9th May at St Mary’s Church, Roch at 2pm followed by interment in the Churchyard. The

family request that those attending the service wear something red in memory of Judy. Family flowers only. Donations in lieu if desired, made payable to ‘Alzheimer’s Society’ c/o Paul Jenkins & Sons Funeral Directors, Feidr Castell, Fishguard, SA65 9BB. Tel: 01348 873250.

Anna Leontine Wilson

WILSON Anna Leontine Of 11 Williamston Terrace, Llangwm, Haverfordwest Died peacefully surrounded by her family after a short illness bravely borne on 20th April. She was 51 years old. Anna was the beloved wife of David, adored mother of Charlie and Harry, cherished daughter of Eric and Caroline Smith and dearest sister of Anthony. Her funeral is to be held on 7th May at 10 45am at Parc Gwyn Crematorium, Narberth, and afterwards at Llangwm Village Hall for family, friends and colleagues. Dress code to be smart casual. There are to be close family flowers only but donations in lieu may be made to Paul Sartori Foundation. c/o Mrs Caroline Smith, Highmead, Ashdale Lane, Llangwm. SA62 4NU. Enquiries to Roy Folland & Son, Funeral Directors.

Jeanette Wilde

WILDE Jeanette Minwear, Martletwy The death occurred peacefully at Hillingdon Hospital, Northwood, Middlesex on

Tuesday 16th April 2024 of Mrs Mary Jeanette Wilde affectionately known as Jeanette, aged 90 years, of Minwear, Martletwy. A devoted wife of the late Charles, dearly loved Mum, much loved Mother-in-law and cherished Gran. The funeral service will take place on Tuesday 7th May 2024 at St. Womar’s Church, Minwear at 2.00pm followed by cremation at Parc Gwyn Crematorium, Narberth at 3.15pm. There will be family flowers only with donations, if so desired, for Alzheimer’s Research c/o E.C. Thomas & Son Funeral Directors, Zoar Chapel Funeral Home, Llanteg, Narberth SA67 8QH (01834) 831876 & 21, Main Street, Pembroke SA71 4JS (01646) 682680 or via www.

Elizabeth Mary Williams

WILLIAMS Elizabeth Mary Thornton Peacefully at her home on Saturday 27th April 2024, Elizabeth Mary Williams of Thornton, Milford Haven aged 96 years. Dearly loved mother to Susan, Michael and Andrew. Much loved mother-in-law, grandmother and great-grandmother. A private family funeral service will take place. Family flowers only, donations in memory of Elizabeth for the Paul Sartori Foundation can be sent direct to Paul Sartori House, Winch Lane, Haverfordwest, SA61 1RP. Further enquiries to Tom Newing & Sons Ltd,

Hamilton Court Funeral Home, Dartmouth Street, Milford Haven. Telephone 01646 693180.

Glyn Bateman

BATEMAN Glyn Pembroke

The death occurred peacefully at home on Thursday 25th April 2024 of Mr Glyn Bateman, aged 90 years of Lloyd George Lane, South Meadows, Pembroke. Beloved Husband of Linda. Dearly loved Dad of Stephen and Anthony. Much loved Father-inlaw of Wendy and Karen. Treasured Gramps of Lee, Emma, Shaun, Nathan, Darren and wife, Siobhan; Hayley and husband, Dave. A dear Brother of David, Jean and Brother-in-law to Anne. The funeral service will take place on Friday 10th May at Parc Gwyn Crematorium, Narberth at 11.30am There will be family flowers only with donations in lieu, if so desired, for Wales Air Ambulance and British Heart Foundation c/o E.C. Thomas & Son Funeral Directors, 21, Main Street, Pembroke SA71 4JS (01646) 682680 & Zoar Chapel Funeral Home, Llanteg, Narberth SA67 8QH (01834) 831876 or via www.ecthomasandson.

Dilys GriffithMary

GRIFFITH Dilys Mary Neyland The death occurred suddenly on Thursday 18th April 2024 at Musgrave Hospital, Taunton of Ms. Dilys Mary Griffiths, aged 79

years of Neyland Terrace, Neyland. A dearly loved Sister to Margaret and Enid. The funeral service will take place on Saturday 11th May 2024 at Zion Free Church, Pembroke Dock at 11:00am followed by interment at Honeyborough Cemetery, Neyland at 12:00pm. There will be family flowers only with donations in lieu which will be given to Dilys’s preferred Charities c/o E.C. Thomas & Son Funeral Directors, 21, Main Street, Pembroke SA71 4JS (01646) 682680 & Zoar Chapel Funeral Home, Llanteg, Narberth SA67 8QH (01834) 831876 or via www.ecthomasandson.

Timothy O’SullivanJohn

O’SULLIVAN Timothy John Peacefully on Sunday 21st April at Withybush Hospital, Tim (Ted) of Harbour Village, Goodwick. Beloved husband of Romey, loving father and father-in-law of Jeff & Bethan, Miranda & Richard, much loved grandfather of Eleanor, Florence, Anwen & Iolo and a dear brother. Funeral service on Friday 3rd May at The Chapel of Rest, Feidr Castell, Fishguard at 2.30pm, followed by Cremation at Parc Gwyn, Narberth at 4pm. Family flowers only. Donations in lieu, if desired, made payable to ‘Tŷ Hafan’ c/o Paul Jenkins & Sons Funeral Directors, Feidr Castell, Fishguard, SA65 9BB. Tel - 01348 873250.

68 Friday May 3rd 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels
69 NEWS For up to date news please check our social network channels good Food guIde 01646 681 369 REGULAR, RELIABLE AND FLEXIBLE DELIVERIES greaT PlaceS To eaT ouT In PeMBroKeSHIre


le TT er S & no TI


DEAR SIR, I am writing to express my profound dismay and disappointment at the recent decision to permanently close the public toilets located at Nolton Haven car park.

As a former resident and regular visitor, I am deeply troubled by the implications of this closure, not only for the residents of our community but also for the countless visitors who rely on this facility.

For decades, these public toilets have served the community,

providing a critical service that upholds the dignity and well-being of individuals. From the elderly and disabled, who may require frequent access to facilities, to families with young children who rely on clean and accessible toilets, to the RNLI Lifeguards who spend long days keeping our beaches safe, the closure of these facilities will have far-reaching consequences.

The decision to close these toilets overlooks the fundamental rights of our citizens to access basic amenities, regardless of their age, mobility, or socioeconomic status. It disregards the needs of vulnerable members

of our community who rely on these facilities for their comfort, safety, and dignity.

The closure of these public toilets sends a terrible message about our community’s priorities and values. By neglecting such essential infrastructure, we risk undermining the inclusivity, accessibility, and hospitality that are central to the identity of Pembrokeshire.

I urge the councl to act swiftly and decisively to reverse the closure of the public toilets at Nolton Haven car park. Our community’s wellbeing, dignity, and sense of belonging depend on it.

Regards, John Lee


Dear editor, We know that some of your older readers may have difficulties coping with everyday issues such as accessing GP services, dealing with energy suppliers, or simply taking part in community events.

However, anyone in Wales aged over 50, or caring for an older person, can now access free support from our HOPE (Helping others participate and engage) service.

It’s a partnership project delivered by Age Cymru and Age

Connects Wales, together with their local partners, and is available in communities across Wales.

HOPE uses trained volunteers to help people access vital services, and to obtain the information they need to make informed choices.

It tries to help people have their voices heard when important decisions affecting their lives are being made. If any of your readers would like more information about the HOPE service call 029 2043 1555, email advocacy@ or visit advocacy.

70 Friday May 3rd 2024
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PIc Ture oF THe weeK! by Preseli Gate Friday May 3rd 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels 71 leTTerS
























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Promotion, relegation and everything in between

AS we come to the end of the 2023-2024 season it’s time to look at the winners and losers so to speak as most promotion and relegation battles are now all sewn up.

We begin at the very top where Goodwick United have blown away the first division to become deserved champions elect. At the opposite end of the

table Fishguard Sports struggled all season and we comfortably relegated, going down with them are Neyland who’s relegation was confirmed a few weeks ago. Neither team were cut adrift and battled right until the end which is credit to both outfits, sometimes relegation can act as a spring broad and both clubs will be hoping this is the case.

Monkton Swifts

reserves were the outstanding team in the second division and were a cut above the rest on their journey to becoming league champions on 56 points with an impressive plus 61 goal difference.

As Monkton can’t be promoted due to their first team being in the first division it allowed both Herbrandston and St Ishmaels to be promoted. Herbrandston finished in

third on 40 points, whilst the Mice just beat them to second place ending up on 42 points. Both clubs will now use the summer to prepare for the step up that awaits.

At the opposite end of the division, Cosheston never really got going and after their points deduction ended on a lowly 6 points which is never going to be enough to avoid relegation. The

second relegation place was much closer with St Clears, Carew reserves and Broad Haven all being in a dog fight for the majority of the season. Broad Haven showed good fight and character which steered them clear of trouble while Carew found form at a key time, which means St Clears will play their football in the third division next season.

Johnston Tigers are second division cup champions


Pembrokeshire Division

Two Cup final under the floodlights of Bridge Meadow Stadium, fans witnessed an epic battle between Monkton Swifts reserves and Johnston.

Despite Monkton Swifts reserves being touted as favorites, Johnston proved their mettle from the outset.

The game kicked off with a burst of energy as Johnston’s center half, Craig Bendall, seized an early opportunity to put his team ahead just ten minutes into the match. However, Monkton Swifts’ prolific Scotsman, Davis, swiftly responded with an equalizer, showcasing the resilience of the favourites.

The momentum shifted again when the dynamic

duo of Alfie and Scott Crawford of Johnston orchestrated a beautifully executed goal, putting Johnston back in the lead at 2-1.

As the game progressed, Monkton Swifts brought in reinforcements, including Ben Steele, to regain control. Their efforts paid off when Jordan Kilby leveled the score at 2-2 with just under 20 minutes remaining.

But the Crawfords had other plans. Combining once more, Scott provided the assist for Alfie, who coolly finished to put Johnston ahead once again.

With time running out, Monkton Swifts launched a relentless onslaught in search of an equalizer. However, Johnston’s

defense held firm, defying the odds to clinch the Division Two Cup title in a memorable victory.

The match showcased the passion and determination of both teams, with Johnston emerging as deserving champions in a fiercely contested final at Bridge Meadow Stadium.

76 Friday April 12th 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels

Manderwood PeMBroKeSHIre league

77 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday April 12th 2024 SPorT DIVISION 1 P W D L GD Pts Goodwick United 21 18 3 0 +75 57 Hakin United 22 13 4 5 +26 43 Clarbeston Road 21 12 2 7 +1 38 Tenby 22 10 5 7 +10 35 Carew 22 10 4 8 +11 34 Merlins Bridge 22 8 5 9 +7 29 Monkton Swifts 22 8 5 9 +3 29 Milford United 21 8 4 9 -5 28 Kilgetty 22 6 7 9 -16 25 Pennar Robins 22 4 8 10 -17 20 Neyland 21 3 5 13 -55 14 Fishguard Sports 22 1 6 15 -40 9 DIVISION 2 P W D L GD Pts Monkton Swifts II 22 18 2 2 +61 56 St Ishmaels 22 12 6 4 +37 42 Herbrandston 22 12 4 6 +13 40 Merlins Bridge II 22 10 5 7 +1 35 Narberth 21 10 3 8 +16 33 Camrose 22 8 6 8 +11 30 Hakin United II 22 8 6 8 -6 30 Johnston 19 8 4 7 +10 28 Broad Haven 21 5 6 10 -27 21 Carew II 22 5 4 13 -19 19 St Clears 22 4 5 13 -17 17 Cosheston 21 2 3 16 -80 6 DIVISION 3 P W D L GD Pts Lawrenny 20 15 2 3 +31 47 Solva 22 15 2 5 +28 47 Goodwick Utd II 21 12 2 7 +33 38 Neyland II 22 9 6 7 +9 33 Clarbeston Road II 21 10 1 10 +5 31 St Florence 22 9 3 10 -6 30 Haverfordwest CC 22 7 5 10 -17 26 Kilgetty II 20 8 1 11 -20 25 Pendine 22 7 3 12 -13 24 Letterston 21 6 4 11 -11 22 Pennar Robins II 22 7 1 14 -19 22 Pembroke Boro 21 6 4 11 -20 22
results final fixtures for 2024 DIVISION 1
- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -DIVISION 2 Lawrenny 2 1 Goodwick United II - - -- - -- - -- - -- - -DIVISION 3 DIVISION 4 DIVISION 5 Pennar Robins 0 0 Goodwick United Kilgetty 1 1 Carew - - -- - -- - -- - -Newport Tigers 2 2 NH & Saundersfoot Tenby II 11 0 Milford Athletic - - -- - -- - -- - -For more county sport please visit Fixtures Season finished cricket season begins on 11th May DIVISION 4 P W D L GD Pts Camrose II 22 19 0 3 +59 57 Tenby II 22 17 3 2 +68 54 NH & Sfoot 21 16 1 4 +52 49 Newport Tigers 21 12 2 7 +12 38 Angle 22 9 3 10 +5 30 Monkton Swifts III 22 9 2 11 -6 29 Milford United 22 7 4 11 -2 25 St Ishmaels II 22 6 4 12 -12 22 Fishguard Sts II 22 7 1 14 -40 22 Prendergast Villa 20 6 2 12 -25 20 Milford Athletic 22 3 4 15 -55 13 Carew III 22 4 4 14 -56 10 DIVISION 5 P W D L GD Pts Hundleton 23 17 3 3 +98 54 Johnston II 23 15 4 4 +47 49 Pembroke Boro II 24 14 5 5 +59 47 St Clears II 22 13 4 5 +35 43 Haverfordwest CC II 23 13 2 8 +35 41 Manorbier United 22 11 7 4 +47 40 Narberth II 23 12 5 6 +33 38 Broad Haven II 23 8 5 10 -22 29 Herbrandston II 23 9 1 13 -18 28 Letterston II 24 6 3 15 -51 18 Milford Athletic II 22 4 0 18 -89 12 Lawrenny II 22 3 2 17 -83 11 Cosheston II 20 1 1 18 -91 1 Broad Haven II 0 5 St Clears II Letterston II 1 8 Narberth II - - -- - -- - -- - - -
St Ishmaels 3 2 Monkton Swifts II

SPORT, it isn’t just a game, for many people around a county it’s a way-of-life and a necessity.

Staying active is good for both our mental and physical health, it can teach teamwork, dedication and focus.

The skills picked up from taking part in sport are too numerous to mention, but it’s not always easy for people with ability issues.

The Herald are changing that today by taking a closer look at local sports clubs that either cater for or are aimed solely at improving access to sport for everyone, no matter their ability or learning difficulties.

This week we’re taking a closer look at Pembroke Dock Cricket Club which was awarded the insport ribbon standard by Cricket Wales; by achieving certain goals and ensuring the club was able to delivery coaching and training, potentially in a range of different formats to a spectrum to disabled and non-disabled people,

These goals are about good practice across the board, and supporting the clubs doing this will mean that opportunities for involvement in the sport the

clubs offer will increase.

Pembroke Dock Cricket Club has two senior sides, a First and Second Eleven who play in the Pembroke County Cricket Club league.

The teams comprise of senior and juniors; the mix works well as each player has an opportunity to bat and bowl.

The Under 15 team play on the league as well.

Pembroke Dock Cricket Club has a strong coaching structure; consisting of two Level 2 coaches and four Level 1 coach assistants. All have attended a First Aid course.

One of the club’s mottos is enjoy – that extends to

the cricket and social side of the club.

The management committee arrange various activities throughout the year such as charity matches, and various fund raisers.

Soft ball festivals have also been introduced to promote the Ladies cricket; all-encompassing everyone from the community.

Sport shouldn’t be exclusive, we’ve seen during the pandemic that many, many people rely on the local sports scene for their mental health as well as their physical health.

The sports we play are not all about the physical

act of hitting or kicking a ball, there’s also the social aspects with many Pembrokeshire residents using team-based sports as their main chance to make and speak to friends and to be around like-minded people, those of us with restricted abilities could be missing out on vital opportunities to socialise and learn the inter-personal skills that being part of a team or club teach you.

Pembrokeshire has a vibrant and active sports scene and it seems that Pembrokeshire’s disabled sports scene is just as vibrant and just as vital an outlet for the members of

78 Friday April 12th 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels
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those clubs.

Next we’re taking a closer look at the Clarby Warriors, the pan-disability football team based at Clarbeston Road AFC.

The Warriors were formed more than 20 years ago and draws players from much of the county of Pembrokeshire.

The team trains every Wednesday evening at Pembroke Leisure Centre between 7pm and 8pm and fortnightly on Sunday mornings at the Clarbeston Road AFC Graham Roberts Field.

Now that football has resumed again, the Warriors are looking to

The team takes part in regular pan disability festivals across south Wales and the players also have many social connections outside of football.

recruit new players of all ages and abilities and new members are very welcome to come along to trainings sessions.

Further information may be obtained from Disability Football Coordinator Ian Eynon, at or on 07849 528444 or via their facebook page: clarby warriors football team. Or via the clubs main web site,


Clarby Warriors prove that there’s real longevity and call for teams that cater to those with differing abilities, andwe’re going to do all we can to promote and highlight the plight of the clubs and organisations that offer their services to those with alternate or restricted abilities, keep up the great work!

79 NEWS For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday April 12th 2024 07977 101 197 01437 772 277

Promotion, relegation and everything in between


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