The Pembrokeshire Herald 21/06/2024

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Facebook: @ThePembrokeshireHerald • Instagram: @pembrokeshireherald • Twitter: @PembsHerald Herald The Pembrokeshire Your award wInnIng local PaPer • FrIdaY June 21st 2024 • ISSue 566 • onlY £1.50
PaId To ‘mucHloved’ couple • p3 New health co N cer N s over w ithyhedge l a N dfill site • p 8 cHaoS and vIolence erupts iN streets • p6 Shocking new figure S S how longer ambulance wait time S and cancer care cri S i S • P4 nhS Performance worsens in wales

Tributes paid to ‘much-loved’ couple

THE FAMILIES of a much-loved couple who died in a collision on the A477 on Thursday, June 13, 2024, have paid tribute to them.

Katie Worrell, aged 25, and Adam Muskett, aged 27, were involved in a two-vehicle collision between Llanddowror and Red Roses at around 4pm on Thursday, June 13. Two cars were involved in the collision – a black Jaguar and a black Ford Fiesta.

A statement from Katie’s family said: “Katie was a muchloved daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece and cousin. She lived life to the full, loving to travel and achieving so much in such a short time, she graduated with a Masters and worked hard. She loved her friends and Adam beyond words. Katie was kind, caring and beautiful and our lives will never be the same without her.”

Adam’s family have issued a statement to say: “Adam, our loving son,

brother, grandson and nephew. He loved life, his friends, Tenby, football and Katie very much. How do we move on without you, your big kind heart and cheeky smile. We are heartbroken and forever proud.”

Tenby AFC said on social media: “We are shocked and saddened to have to pay tribute to Tenby AFC 1st team player Adam Muskett and his girlfriend Katie Worrell

“Adam was one of our own, a true gentleman in every sense, he was respected amongst his teammates and opposition teams also.

“He showed tremendous passion and the will to win every time he put the red and black of Tenby AFC on.

“Katie was the most beautiful person, a heart of gold and a zest for life.

“They were two of the nicest people you would ever meet and they will both be sincerely missed

by us all at Tenby AFC and I’m sure the whole of Pembrokeshire.

“This is the most heartbreaking & difficult thing we have ever had to do as a football club… rest easy Adam and Katie.”

Anyone travelling on the A477, at or near to that location at the time,

is requested to contact Police.

Investigating officers would particularly like to speak to any motorists who were in the area at that time who have dash cam in their vehicles.

Anyone with any information can contact the police on 101.

Tributes paid to man who died in A40 collision


Wednesday, June 12

Philip Venn, aged 60, died in a road traffic collision on the A40 between Llandovery and Llanwrda at around 1.05pm.

His family and friends have issued a statement to say:

“On Wednesday 12th June 2024 Philip George Venn was killed in a road traffic accident on the A40 whilst out for a ride on his motorbike.

Phil has left behind loved ones and friends

who will dearly miss him. Funeral details will be released once they are known”.

Anyone who may have been travelling along the A40 at the relevant time, is asked to contact police.

Investigating officers would particularly like to speak to any motorists who were in the area at that time who have dash cam in their vehicles.

You can contact the police by calling 101.

Drink-driver admits failing to stop

A 28-YEAR-OLD motorist has admitted driving his Audi A3 into three parked vehicles near Neyland, when he was over twice the legal drink-drive limit.

Macauley Carter hit an Audi A3, a Land Rover and a VW Golf which were all parked at Hazel Bank Hill, Llanstadwell, on the night of May 25.

“A witness heard a loud bang and when they went to see what had happened, they discovered an Audi A3 lying on its roof,” Crown Prosecutor Abigail Jackson told a judge sitting at Haverfordwest magistrates this week.

“Officers attended and discovered the vehicle still on its roof as well as a number of other vehicles which had been damaged in the incident.”

The other vehicles comprised a Land Rover, a Volkswagen Golf and another Audi A3.

Ms Jackson went on to say that the witness also heard a female calling out from the passenger side of the Audi A3, while a male was heard speaking from the driver’s side.

When spoken to by police officers, the defendant initially denied all knowledge of the incident, however his

girlfriend subsequently informed officers during a police interview that Carter had been the driver at the time of the offence. She also stated that he had consumed alcohol prior to the accident.

Subsequent breath tests carried out by officers showed Carter had 93 mcg of alcohol in his breath. The prescribed legal limit is 35.

At a previous hearing at Haverfordwest magistrates court last week (June 11), Carter denied drink driving plus additional charges of causing his vehicle to be left in a dangerous position, failing to stop after a road accident and using a vehicle without a valid test certificate. This week, however, he changed his pleas to guilty on all four charges. The court was told that Carter, of Willow End, Milford Haven, is employed at the Hinkley Point Power Station. He was sentenced to a 12 month Community Order during which he must carry out 120 hours of unpaid work. He must also pay £200 court costs and a £114 court surcharge. He was disqualified from driving for three years.

3 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday June 21st 2024 newS
THE FAMILY friends of a man who died in a collision on have paid tribute to him.

NHS performance drops in Wales

• Hywel Dda UHB figures highlight performance issues • Ambulances tied up as hospitals burst at the seams

A NEW set of Welsh NHS performance data was released today (Thursday, June 20), and it contains more bad news.

The Welsh Government described the data as “disappointing”.


Sam Rowlands MS, the Conservatives’ Shadow Health Minister, said: “These atrocious statistics show that the NHS is going backwards under Labour.

“Two-year waiting lists have increased for the first time in two years.

“Keir Starmer has called Labour-run Wales his blueprint for what a UK Labour Government would look like: these figures are a stark warning for the whole UK.”

Mabon ap Gwynfor MS, Plaid Cymru’s health spokesperson, said: “Labour’s complete mismanagement of the NHS in Wales has left us with waiting lists at the highest on record, targets for diagnosis and treatment are being consistently missed, and people are getting stranded in A&E departments for hours on end.

“It’s no wonder that we have such astronomical waiting times when the government has failed to deal with problems in primary care and social care.

“Until the government gets to grip with these fundamental problems, then waiting lists will

continue to climb.”

A Welsh Government spokesperson said: “We have made it a priority to reduce long waiting times, and today, the Cabinet Secretary for Health met with health board chairs to instruct them to redouble their efforts to tackle these.

“These figures show the NHS is continuing to manage incredible demand for urgent and emergency care – the number of immediately life-threatening 999 calls in May was 25% higher than the previous year, and demand is nearly two-and-a-half times higher than pre-pandemic levels.”


Over 30% of patients waiting to start treatment

in the Hywel Dda UHB area have been waiting for over 36 weeks. The Health Board has the second-highest proportion of the population waiting to start therapy. In practical terms, that means that around 4,000 people are yet to get the therapy they need. The number of patients told they did not have it fell. However, the number of patients starting treatment has remained stable for years.

With rising demand for cancer diagnosis and treatment and no improvement in the numbers starting treatment, performance against the target for treating cancer dropped.

At least 75% of patients should start treatment within 62 days of first being suspected of cancer.

4 Friday June 21st 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels

Only 42% of cancer patients in the Hywel Dda UHB area started treatment within the target time. To meet a revised target of 80% by 2026, Hywel Dda UHB will have to increase its performance by almost 100%.

The Welsh Government’s performance target for patients waiting to start treatment for less than 26 weeks is 95%

No Health Board is close to meeting that target, although Hywel Dda UHB is the secondbest performer—just over 50% of patients start treatment within six months.

Despite a dramatic fall in the number of inpatient beds in Hywel Dda UHB’s hospitals over the last six years, the number of inpatient admissions rose sharply in April, placing even greater pressure on chronically overstretched staff and resources.


The percentage of red emergency calls being

met within eight minutes fell across Wales. The ambulance performance target is for 65% of all red calls to be attended to within eight minutes.

Across Wales in May, there were 5,110 red (life-threatening) calls to the ambulance service, 13.9% of all calls.

45.8% of red calls received an emergency response within eight minutes, 2.2 percentage points lower than in April.

In the Hywel Dda UHB area, 47.6% of red calls received an emergency response within 8 minutes, compared to a sharply reduced number of calls in the red category.

Examining more detailed data for the Hywel Dda UHB area demonstrates the pressure on emergency hospital admissions and the knock-on effect on the ambulance service.

When an ambulance takes a patient to hospital, admission is supposed to take place within 15 minutes of arrival, with the ambulance returning to

service 15 minutes after that.

In the Hywel Dda UHB area, ambulances were tied up beyond those markers for almost 4,000 hours beyond expected admission and return to on-call.

Fewer than 18% of patients conveyed to a Major Injury Department were admitted within 15 minutes. For Major Acute Units, that turnaround was even worse, at barely 15.5%.

Once cleared, however, well over 80% of ambulances were back out on call.

Diving deeper into the data, we see that just over 1,700 patients travelled by ambulance to major emergency, major acute, and maternity and mental health units.

By a very crude piece of arithmetic, we can calculate that if those 1700 patients accounted for the 4000 hours of “lost time”, the handover stats would be even more shocking, with an average turnover of over two hours.

Moreover, localised

data shows that 35.6% of all people who are attended by an ambulance go to a hospital using other means of transport.


The issue could not be clearer: delays at hospitals are keeping ambulances off the road.

The upward pressure on A&E services caused by the collapse of outof-hours primary care (GPs, etc) is driving up attendance at all hospital A&Es.

The lack of beds is driving up a backlog of treatment. The lack of clinical staff means more junior staff fulfil tasks -including initial diagnoses- formerly taken by clinicians and registered nurses. Consolidating rural services on an urban model is making things worse.

Whatever the cure for the disastrous condition of the Welsh NHS, money will not be enough to turn around decades of decline.

Appeal for information following assault at train station

Man threatened to headbutt wheelchair bound wife


Pembroke man has appeared before a district judge after threatening to headbutt his wheelchair-bound wife.

“Your wife is wheelchair bound and yet you made threats to headbutt her,” commented District Judge Mark Layton when imposing sentence against Edward Smith this week. “It must have been a very difficult and frightening experience for her.”

The court was told that in the early hours of May 25, Smith returned to the marital property in Adams Road, Monkton, after spending the day drinking alcohol in local pubs.

“The couple married in September last year but their relationship has been described as toxic,” Crown Prosecutor Abigail Jackson told Judge Layton who was sitting in Haverfordwest magistrates court on Tuesday.

“When he drinks, he’s horrible, explosive and abusive.”

Mrs Smith was woken in the early hours of the morning, as her husband arrived home.

“She believed he was drunk, as he’d been out drinking all day,” said Ms Jackson.

“He became increasingly irate, shouting at her and being aggressive. He then walked around to his side of the bed and lay down. But he immediately got up, lunged on top of Mrs Smith and strangled her. He also squeezed her hand really hard.”

Smith then proceeded to remove his wife’s phone from her hand.

“He refused to return it and once again he

jumped on her.”

Mrs Smith, who suffers from a number of undisclosed physical disabilities, managed to get out of bed but the defendant proceeded to stand directly beside her wheelchair saying “I could easily headbutt you.”

The following day police officers discovered Smith driving his vehicle along The Parade, in Pembroke.

“Officers were trying to locate his vehicle and when they stopped him they carried out a roadside breath test which proved positive,” said Ms Jackson.

Further breath tests showed Smith had 62 mcg of alcohol in his system. The prescribed legal limit is 35.

Smith, who currently resides at the Old King’s Arms, Main Street, Pembroke, pleaded guilty to charges of assault by beating and drink-driving.

He was represented by solicitor Michael Kelleher.

“This is very difficult for my client as he’s been living in a hotel since the incident although he acknowledges that his behaviour was totally unacceptable,” he said.

“His daughter has been acting as a gobetween since the incident, and there’s every chance of a reconciliation.”

Smith was sentenced to a 12-month community order during which he must carry out 20 rehabilitation activity requirement days. He was made subject to an alcohol monitoring tag for 90 days.

He must also pay £100 compensation to the victim, £85 court costs and a £114 surcharge. He was disqualified from driving for 18 months.

5 NEWS For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday June 21st 2024
OFFICERS in Pembrokeshire are investigating a report of an assault on a woman that happened outside Haverfordwest Railway Station at approximately 8:10pm on Monday (Jun 17). One man, aged 49, was arrested on suspicion of common assault and remains in police custody. Did you witness the assault or have any information that could help officers with their investigation? If so, get in touch: DPPContactOnline 101@dyfed-powys. Direct message us on social media 101 Quote ref: 24*537044

Chaos and violence erupts in streets

PEMBROKE DOCK was thrown into chaos on Saturday afternoon (Jun 16) as violence erupted in Pembroke Street, leaving residents terrified and questioning the safety of their community.

Eyewitnesses reported a man waving a samurai sword or machete and two other men attacking an individual, leaving him beaten and wounded on the ground.

The shocking incident drew a swift response from emergency services, with six police cars and two ambulances rushing to the scene. Witnesses said that multiple arrests were made.

Videos circulating on social media showed chaotic scenes, with one clip capturing the man brandishing the sword while another depicted

two men assaulting a third, leaving him bloodied and on the pavement. Witnesses identified the assailants as local individuals, further fueling fears about escalating violence within the community.

Natalie Newton, the owner of The Dolphin Hotel, described how one of the men allegedly involved, ran into her establishment seeking refuge. She said: “He came in out of breath, couldn’t even breathe to tell me what was happening. He looked off his face on drugs, so I told him to get out,” Newton recounted. “At that time, I didn’t know what was happening in the street with the guy and the sword. I had a lovely group of ladies enjoying an afternoon of food and drinks when some crackhead walks in off his face! But it’s not the first time! Something needs to be done about the crackheads across the road negatively impacting mine and the Tavern’s business! Two days ago, there were around 12 police officers marching in the street with tools to break down their door at midday! Why aren’t they being sorted out?”

taxpayers’ money.”

The incident has left many Pembroke Dock residents feeling unsafe and demanding action.

Some customers at The Market Tavern at 15 Pembroke Street said they were ‘locked in’ whist the drama unfolded.

Residents reported that the police arrested at least one male at the scene, though details remain unconfirmed by official sources.

Comments from residents indicated a mixture of anger and disbelief.

“Absolute fools,” remarked Marie Stacey, while another resident, Sarah Gambold, mused, “Must be something in the water.”

The presence of emergency services sparked further debate among locals. Maria Rigby noted, “Look at the ambulance there for them makes me sick. They’re straight away while others got to wait hours for one.”

Shanice Riley echoed this sentiment, criticizing the perceived misuse of resources, “What a waste of resources and

“It’s about time we all did something to protect our loved ones,” urged Michelle Scott, reflecting the community’s call for greater security measures.

Police have made a statement following the incident on Saturday in which a man on a hoodie was seen wielding a samurai sword in Pembroke Street, Pembroke Dock whilst others engaged in a punch up.

The police have now confirmed that four people were arrested following events, three men and one woman.

On Monday a spokesperson said: “Dyfed Powys police responded to a report of disorder and an individual with a weapon, on Pembroke Street, Pembroke Dock at approx. 4:50pm, Saturday June 15.

“Emergency services were dispatched immediately and arrived at scene shortly after.

Four people were arrested; 3 males aged 51, 47, 46 and one female, 37 and have

since been released on bail, pending further police enquiries.

We are not looking for anyone else in relation to this incident.

Superintendent for Pembrokeshire, Craig Templeton of Pembrokeshire said.

“We understand this has caused concern amongst residents in the area.

We would like to thank members of the public for their patience and support during this incident.

You will likely see a greater police presence in the area and our local officers will be available should you have any concerns and wish to speak with someone”.

If you have any information that may assist officers in their investigation, please contact us either online via https://bit. ly/DPPContactOnline, 101@dyfed-powys.

Direct message us on social media or call 101

Quoting Ref: 252 of the 15th.

Alternatively, contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously by calling 0800 555111, or visiting

6 Friday June 21st 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels

Filling a hole in the road to Paradise Pembrokeshire

VICKY MOLLER offers an electric van for trying out

Grwp Resilience bought its first fossil fuel free van for sharing this spring. Ifan E-van is a pure electric Nissan NV200 made back in 2015 when ranges were shorter than in later years.

He is being trialled by businesses to assess the suitability of electric vehicles for their businesses supplying local customers. Once people know what works for them, we could bulk buy vehicles ensuring they are affordable to buy as well as to run.

Ifan does 70 of our hilly miles but we suggest people think 50 to allow for loads, inefficient driving and to avoid a range anxiety attack.

A relocalised economy would be short distance for basics like delivering the village’s bread, veg or milk from a neighbouring producer or getting people with their tools to local jobs.

Ifan’s low purchase price means we need around £50 a week coming in to cover replacement in four years and the running costs. These are minimal compared to the fossil ancestors, fuel about half the price and there is not much to repair apart from bodies, wheels and steering. Any driver insurance is provided for delivering a sustainable future and there is still no road tax.

In rural Wales we can grow a lot of food, medicines and structural materials, and produce energy from our lively weather. Transport is a missing link to a sustainable economy, and to a connected cultural and social life. This is the message from many a meeting or survey on what’s right and wrong with rural Wales and Pembrokeshire; transport is often the killer cost to small


So we have to invent our way forward, nurturing the seeds of the future in the body of the dying world. Ifan is trundling forward to see if he and his kin can bridge the transport gap. The next step is to install renewables to feed his kind from the generosity of our weather. Generation and storage, location and cost are pieces of the jigsaw to complete the Pembrokeshire paradise picture.

There’s a way to go. Our economy is still tightly snared in the brambles of corporation hegemony which is a product of the fossil fuel era. These fuels are being consumed at a phenomenal rate and are not being produced. They were created during one era – 100 million years of earth’s history and we have squandered this one-off gift of the earth’s 4.5 thousand million years of existence in a couple of hundred years. Most of the resource has been consumed - burnt within the 70 years of my lifetime.

A short term high for very long term destruction of the liveable planet, For all our ingenuity, collectively we are worse than twp, we are allowing greed to kill us. Or is there a global puppet master manipulating the destruction? Unlikely but seeing the obscene destruction we support in Gaza, it’s not impossible.

Back in the sunny Pembrokeshire lanes Ifan is doing the rounds, staying with a range of enterprises so they can test drive their fossil fuel free options. Since Grwp bought him with SPF funding, he has carried milk, candles, car body parts, vegetables, musical instruments, studio equipment, bread and a youth club leader to work. To invite him to stay with your enterprise for a trial run, contact

Sun powered irrigation – Watch the installation

THERE’S an opportunity to discuss and watch the installation of a submersible pump with solar panels and battery to power it. It will provide water for an allotment garden. Contact Grwp Resilience to join us in Fishguard on 25th June from 9.30.

With increasingly erratic weather, water is a threat as well as the basis for life. Too much damages growth and impedes access, but too little at the wrong times of year is fatal.

Solar PV pumps are most productive when there is least rain,

the sun and irrigation is a marriage made in heaven. Photovoltaics produce electricity from any amount of light. My neighbour recounted waking up when the moon was very bright, puzzled by the sound of slow dripping. It was the solar pump activated by moonlight.

A modest array and small pump can trickle feed storage containers for use when the gardener is present, or an automated system can trickle feed pants, matching soft rain. Jack of Little Green Planet, Fishguard, who is installing on 25th, is putting together an irrigation

package of pump, panels, battery and paraphernalia to help food production on its way to free itself of fossil fuels and their cost.

Grwp Resilience funds community and food growing improvements, this is our second solar pv irrigation system for a growing site.

Jack Johnson of Little Green Planet / 07791 809 810

Grwp Resilience is funding improvements to community growing spaces like allotments. The most common improvements are

addressing water challenges such as excess and irrigation needs. The increasing extremeness of weather due to climate change is damaging food production so these small grants are super helpful.

Jack of Little Green Planet is one of those always there family businesses. They have installed renewables from the start. In response to the garden crisis they are putting together a package of pump, panels, battery and paraphernalia to buy together to solve similar irrigation needs.

Carrying instruments , musicians and equipment Carrying bread from watermilled flour

Drunk chip shop worker admits damaging cars

A TENBY chip shop employee, described by a district judge as ‘a man who clearly goes around smashing things up’, has admitted damaging three vehicles during his latest drunken rampage.

Geoffrey Hickey, 23, was captured on CCTV footage entering the grounds of a property in Bethel Road, Pembroke Dock, and causing damage to three cars owned by Mr Ian Coombs.

The incident took place in the early hours of April Fool’s Day.

“The victim, Mr Coombs, was told that some of his cars had been damaged, so he watched the CCTV footage and saw the defendant causing the damage,” Crown Prosecutor Abigail Jackson told district judge Mark Layton who was sitting at Haverfordwest magistrates court on Tuesday.

“The defendant appeared to be holding a spanner and he used it to hit the vehicles, causing considerable damage.”

Ms Jackson said that the victim is now concerned that a similar act of criminal damage can reoccur.

Hickey pleaded guilty to a charge of causing criminal damage. He was legally represented in court by Mr Tom Lloyd.

“Alcohol was the factor here, and was the result of an on-going incident between the defendant’s family and the victim’s family,” he said.

Mr Lloyd went on to say that Hickey is currently employed at the Tenby Fish Bar, in Trafalgar Road, where he resides.

Sentencing was imposed by district judge Mark Layton.

“This man clearly goes around smashing things up,” he said. “He has previous similar convictions from 2021, 2022, 2023 and now, once again, in 2024. What makes the matter serious is that he seems to come before the court regularly, for damaging other people’s property, resulting in fines of almost £3,000 which have very little prospect of being paid for many years.”

Hickey was sentenced to eight weeks in custody suspended for 18 months. He was ordered to pay £820 compensation, a £154 court surcharge and £85 costs.

Milford youth accused of rape and sexual assault

NATHAN JOHN, a 19-year-old resident of Richard John Road in Milford Haven, has been accused of multiple serious offences against a woman. The case was presented at Swansea Crown Court, where John faced four charges stemming from an incident on May 16 in Haverfordwest.

John has been charged with rape and sexual assault by penetration, as well as assault by beating and intentional suffocation, all concerning the same woman.

Standing before

New health concerns over Withyhedge Landfill site

LEVELS of a potentially harmful gas emitted by the Withyhedge Landfill Site have been recorded above World Health Organization (WHO) guideline levels, according to a recent report. Public Health Wales (PHW) conducted a health risk assessment on air quality data collected between 1 March and 3 April 2024 in the surrounding area.

Judge Paul Thomas KC, John pleaded not guilty to all charges. The court has scheduled the trial to commence on October 14. Until then, John will remain in custody.

The data indicates that during March and April, hydrogen sulphide, a colourless gas with a distinctive “eggy” smell, exceeded the WHO’s odour annoyance guideline. PHW warns that exposure to such odours can cause symptoms like headaches, nausea, dizziness, watery eyes, stuffy nose, irritated throat, cough or wheeze, sleep disturbances, and stress.

PHW stresses the

importance of addressing the source of these offsite odours to mitigate potential health impacts on the local community. Despite an enforcement deadline passing last month, residents continue to report gas and odour issues in their homes daily.

“These are common reactions to unpleasant smells, and these effects should usually pass once the odour has dissipated,” PHW stated. “The long-term health risk is low.”

In response to the health risk assessment, PHW advises residents to keep doors and windows closed when the odours are present and seek medical advice if they feel unwell. However, they caution against blocking windows or vents completely, as these are

crucial for ventilation and controlling dampness.

Once the outdoor smell subsides, opening windows and doors can help eliminate any remaining odours inside.

Work to cap the landfill site has been completed, and PHW has welcomed plans to install static air monitoring equipment around the site to capture more detailed data. Dr. Sarah Jones, a consultant in environmental public health for PHW, acknowledged the stress and anxiety local residents are experiencing due to the odours. She emphasised the importance of resolving the issue swiftly and assured that the health risk assessment would be updated as new data becomes available.

Gaynor Toft, Chair of the Air Quality Group for the Multi-Agency Incident Management team, noted that the risk assessment from PHW is

being used to refine and develop the air quality monitoring programme. Suitable locations for static monitoring equipment are being identified to ensure robust data collection for future assessments.

Huwel Manley of Natural Resources Wales (NRW) confirmed that NRW would continue to use its regulatory powers to drive improvements at the site and address the causes of the odour affecting the community. NRW had given RML, the company operating the landfill, until mid-May to undertake several remedial actions to control gas emissions.

The Pembrokeshire Herald has reached out to NRW for a detailed update on the current situation at the site. The community remains hopeful for a swift resolution to these ongoing health and environmental concerns.

Police appeal following road death

DYFED POWYS POLICE is investigating a road traffic collision on Yspitty Road, Bynea, Carmarthenshire that occurred at around 2.45pm on Sunday, June 16. It is believed that a yellow Daytona Triumph

motorcycle collided with the central island and, sadly, the male rider died at the scene. His next of kin have been informed and are being supported by specialist officers. The road was closed and reopened at about 10.20pm.

8 Friday June 21st 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels
Tom Sinclair
us for an
performance as Dolly Parton (Kay Molyneaux) takes the
with the incredible Kenny Rogers (Michael Cosgrove)!

Man sentenced for ‘unhealthy fixation’ with woman

A MILFORD HAVEN who developed ‘an unhealthy fixation’ with a former acquaintance has appeared before a judge on a charge of stalking

For three weeks in May 2024, Jamie Norman bombarded former acquaintance with messages. He also sent numerous unwanted messages to members of her family and her friends.

The victim received the first message from Norman on May 14.

“He messaged her on Facebook, wondering if she’d like to meet up later so they could talk,” Crown Prosecutor Abigail Jackson told District Judge Mark Layton who was sitting in Haverfordwest Magistrates court on Tuesday.

“I’d really like to see you,” he said. “How long has it been? Ten or 15 years?”

Further messages were sent to Jamie Norman on May 21 by one of the defendant’s family members. “He told me that he likes this girl called Amy, so I looked you up,” read the message.

Similar messages continued over several days.

“His [Jamie Norman] desire was to move away with the victim,” continued Ms Jackson. “He then began saying he wanted to marry her. He didn’t know where she lived, but he wanted to go to her house, meet up with her and chat.”

He then posted several items on Facebook, asking his friends’ opinion on whether he should pursue the relationship.

“Do I carry on pursuing Amy?” he asked. “I’d like to know what you think.”

On May 27 he contacted one of the victims friends via Facebook. If you don’t get Amy to message me in the next two hours, I’m phoning the police,” he said. “All I want is an answer, yes or no.”

Ms Jackson said that a total of 72 messages were sent by Norman to the victim as well

as approximately four missed phone calls.

“He was repeatedly asking to meet up, saying he wanted to marry her and take her away from her so-called friends,” said Ms Jackson. “She became increasingly concerned, particularly when she found out that the defendant knew where she worked.

“She was becoming increasingly anxious.”

In a victim impact statement read out to the court, the former partner of the defendant said she was ‘afraid of the unknown’.

“I don’t know what he’s capable of,” she said. “I don’t think he’s thinking rationally about his actions. It’s the fear of the unknown that really scares me.”

Norman was legally represented in court by Mr Michael Kelleher.

“The defendant has no intention of contacting the lady again,” he said. “The messages were not of a threatening nature, but he’d clearly formed a fixation with her. He never intended to hurt the lady and has now deleted Facebook messenger from his phone.”

Norman, 39, of Elm Lane, Milford Haven, pleaded guilty to stalking involving serious alarm and distress.

“This involved persistent harassment over a long period to the victim, her family and her friends,” said District Judge Mark Layton when imposing sentence.

“He knew her from many years ago, but then developed an unhealthy obsession with her. “He bombarded her, and others, with unwanted messages and this caused her considerable fear and distress.”

Norman was sentenced to 24 weeks in custody, suspended for 18 months, and must carry out 20 rehabilitation requirement days and 250 hours of unpaid work. He must also pay a £154 court surcharge and £85 costs. A restraining order was imposed preventing Norman from having any form of contact, both directly and indirectly, with the victim.

Council accused of acting as ‘town sheriff’

THE LLANELLI Magistrates’ Court has ruled that Pembrokeshire County Council’s decision to stop a charity boxing event in Milford Haven was incorrect. The judgement was delivered on Monday, June 17.

The charity boxing event, originally scheduled for May 31 at The Hangar, was postponed due to the council’s actions. The Hangar, which has operated as an occasional events venue since September, appealed the council’s decision to issue a counternotice stopping the event.

Temporary event notices (TENs) authorise such events, and the council had consistently granted these notices until last month, when its Licensing Sub-Committee issued a counternotice, citing noise complaints and alleged misuse of the TENs process.

The objection leading to the counternotice came from a council officer who claimed the venue had become a public nuisance due to noise complaints. This officer also argued that the venue’s frequent applications for temporary permissions were an abuse of the TENs system and the

council’s licensing policy. The court heard that the complaints were from two Milford Haven town councillors, one of whom lives nearby.

The magistrates were told that the subcommittee’s role was to determine if the noise complaints were significant enough to halt the event. The Hangar’s manager, Steve Bartram, argued that the boxing event would be quieter than other events previously held at the venue.

However, David Walters from Pollution Control informed councillors he would object to any further applications for events at The Hangar due to the risk of public nuisance from noise complaints.

On appeal, the magistrates criticised the council for placing too much emphasis on the perceived misuse of the TENs system. Bartram’s barrister, Matthew Graham Paul, successfully argued that the operation of the TENs system is defined by statute and should not be overridden by the council’s policies, regardless of individual

officers’ opinions.

The magistrates noted that there had been no complaints about previous boxing events and that the complaints about other events were not clearly evidenced. “We do not consider the counternotice should have been issued because the boxing event was unlikely to cause a public nuisance,” the bench stated.

“We had to consider if the decision of the subcommittee was reached by correct procedure, and we find that it was not. We allow the appeal.”

Regarding costs, Mr Paul argued for reimbursement of his client’s legal fees of £1,750, stating, “The subcommittee was misled by the council officer. They considered their own policy rather than the merits of the boxing event.”

“Pembrokeshire County Council were effectively saying ‘we are the sheriff in this town, and we say how we do things around here’,” he said.

Pembrokeshire County Council’s counsel, Ben Blakemore, countered, “The council made a decision and it made a mistake. Mistakes happen. The council should be able to

make decisions without fear of incurring costs at appeal.”

” We are all human and mistakes happen. We are not yet in the situation where AI and computers can make these decisions for us”, he said.

Both barristers cited case law to support their arguments on costs. After a short adjournment, the bench decided to reserve the matter for a future date, allowing time for legal submissions from both sides to be considered.

Speaking after the hearing Steve Bartram said: “After the licensing committee hearing last month I felt a profound sense on injustice. It was ridiculous that the council stopped a charity boxing event, organised to raise money for a worthy cause. There were no noise complaints at the last boxing event, and the noise complaints against The Hangar which relate to other events are basically nonsense.

“I now hope that the council officer who has been against our venue reconsiders his stance and starts to support our venue, which I believe is important for the community of Milford Haven.”

10 Friday June 21st 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels
Tom Sinclair

Port launches new Community Fund

A NEW partnership has been launched between the Port of Milford Haven and PAVS to improve access to funding for community groups and charities in Pembrokeshire.

The Port’s popular Community Fund has been running for many years and attracts around 100 applications annually from a wide range of organisations which are assessed and decided upon by a committee of voluntary staff members.

PAVS (Pembrokeshire Association of Voluntary Services) has been delivering partnership funding for the third sector in Pembrokeshire for over 20 years and is a strong advocate for the sector’s ability to deliver impactful grass roots projects in response to societal needs, making it the ideal partner for managing the fund going forward.

Anna Malloy, Communications and Marketing Director at the Port of Milford Haven, said “PAVS are a wellrespected organisation

with great connections and we are delighted to be supporting them by utilising their expert skills to promote and distribute our charitable donations.

Working in collaboration with PAVS, we expect many more community groups to be able to access our funding and for those valuable donations to be used to create positive impact across communities in Pembrokeshire.”

Grants of up to £5,000 to support community action are available to projects meeting the Port’s themes of ‘a sustainable and resilient environment’; ‘a safe, inclusive and enjoyable waterway’; and ‘a vibrant and prosperous community’. The fund offers grants to all kinds of organisations, however projects that also align with the Port’s core values of safety,

collaboration, excellence and sustainability will be prioritised.

Funding Development Officer at PAVS, Lorna Livock, said “PAVS is excited about consolidating our relationship with the Port of Milford Haven through this partnership agreement to work with them to deliver the reinvigorated Community Fund, offering Pembrokeshire

Dinas man jailed for ‘sustained attack on vulnerable person

A COURT has heard how a victim recovering from a recent head and brain injury was punched to the face in what a district judge described as ‘a sustained attack’.

Matthew Reading walked into an undisclosed pub in Fishguard on the evening of January 27 and walked up to Mr David Donnally, who was recovering from recent head injuries.

“He walked up to Mr Donnally and punched him to the face with a clenched fist which opened a recent wound,” Crown Prosecutor Abigail Jackson told District Judge Mark Layton who was sitting at Haverfordwest Magistrates Court this week.

“Mr Donnally fell to the floor straight away. Because he had a

recent brain injury and cuts to his hand, he was unable to protect himself.”

As a result of the assault, Mr Donnelly sustained fresh cuts to his forehead, to the bridge of his nose and the side of his head. Photographs of his injuries were shown to Judge Layton.

Reading, 31, of Maes y Llan, Feidr Fawr, Dinas Cross pleaded guilty to a charge of common assault.

“This was a sustained attack on a vulnerable victim,” commented Judge Layton when passing sentence. “Only a custodial sentence can be passed.”

Reading was sentenced to 16 weeks in prison. He was also ordered to pay £100 compensation to the victim, £85 costs and a £154 court surcharge.

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Couple busted for drug dealing at Milford’s Ty Hotel

A CRIMINAL couple were arrested for dealing drugs at a hotel in Milford Haven after their strange behaviour and aggression towards staff aroused suspicion.

Prosecutor Georgia Donohue stated that Leanne Harland and Brian Wright checked into the Tŷ Milford Waterfront hotel on 16 December. “Staff members noticed strange behaviour from them,” Ms Donohue reported.

On 19 December, Wright requested an additional room key at the front desk but became aggressive, insisting staff should not enter the room without notifying either defendant. Staff also observed a third person frequently entering and leaving the room, prompting them to call the police due to growing concerns.

Upon the police’s arrival, Wright was initially obstructive. A search in the hallway revealed £780 in cash,

four bags of cocaine, and a crack pipe in his pockets. Inside the hotel room, officers discovered lines of cocaine on a tray and a black lockbox containing €50, weighing scales, and a bag of white powder, later confirmed as cocaine.

In total, police seized 13.77 grams of amphetamine, 46 grams of ketamine, and 22 grams of cocaine, all prepared for onward supply, along with mobile phones and snap bags. Wright’s phone contained messages indicating his involvement in drug dealing since 26 July, while Harland’s phone had messages dating from 17 November.

Videos on Harland’s phone showed her handling large amounts of cash with Wright in the background, seen preparing and consuming drugs.

“It was clearly a joint operation between the two defendants,” Ms Donohue stated. The court also learned that

Judge Paul Thomas KC expressed concern, saying, “What concerns me is the presence of an eight-year-old child in that hotel room. It’s not possible to say that the child witnessed any of

that, but the fact that the child was in the room with significant quantities of drugs is an aggravating factor.”

Defence counsel Freddie Lewendon highlighted that Harland’s daughter was not present when the police arrived. He described Harland’s involvement in drug

dealing as “relatively short” and noted her remorse and efforts to address her substance misuse issues.

Dan Griffiths, representing Wright, explained that his client had turned to drugs following the breakdown of his marriage and business failures. Wright

was said to be “nothing but realistic” about his sentencing and had been drug-free “for some time.”

Wright, 43, of Hubberston, admitted to being concerned in the supply of cocaine between 6 July and 19 December, possession with intent to supply cocaine, and possession of ketamine and amphetamine. He also pleaded guilty to possession of criminal property in relation to the cash found.

Harland, 42, of Harbour Way in Hakin, pleaded guilty to being concerned in the supply of cocaine between 6 July and 20 December 2023. The court heard that Harland had no prior convictions, while Wright had four convictions for nine offences.

Judge Thomas sentenced Wright to three years in prison, while Harland received a 30-month sentence. Both defendants will return to court on 26 September for a Proceeds of Crime Act hearing.

Call for boost to policing as over 9,231 car thefts go unsolved across Wales


9,231 car thefts have gone unsolved in England and Wales since the last election, new Liberal Democrat analysis of Home Office statistics has uncovered.

Tom Sinclair

The figures reveal that 65% of motor vehicle theft cases recorded between 2020 and 2023 were closed without a suspect even being identified. Meanwhile, just 7% of cases during

Youth arrested for racially aggravated common assault


POLICE are appealing for witnesses to a racially aggravated assault which occurred in Tesco, Haverfordwest on Tuesday June 11, at about 7.30am.

Police are seeking any independent witnesses who may be able to assist with the investigation.

One male, aged 18, was arrested on suspicion of racially aggravated common assault and has since been bailed pending

further enquiries. Did you witness the assault or have any information that could help officers with their investigation? If so, get in touch, either online at: DPPContactOnline, by emailing, or by calling 101. Alternatively, contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously by calling 0800 555111, or visiting

Quote ref: 24000517855

this period resulted in a suspect being charged or summoned.

The number of unsolved car thefts has soared during this period, with a 29% rise from 2,100 in 2020 to 2,713 last year.

The Liberal Democrats are calling for Police and Crime Commissioners to be abolished and the savings invested into frontline policing instead – a move that could generate around £170 million over the course of the next Parliament.

Welsh Liberal Democrat Leader Jane Dodds stated that more money needs to be directed away from bureaucratic roles and into allowing the police to investigate and solve crime.

South Wales Police recorded the worst outcomes in Wales, with a staggering 7,905 car thefts going unsolved in that time period –

accounting for 71% of all cases.

Commenting, Welsh Liberal Democrat Leader Jane Dodds MS said:

“We are seeing a car theft epidemic after years of Conservative chaos and failing Home Secretaries who have decimated

frontline policing.

“People want to know that if their car is stolen, the police will catch the culprit. But instead, the Conservatives have totally failed to get a grip on crime and let criminals get away with it.

“The Welsh Liberal Democrats would abolish Police and Crime Commissioners and invest the savings in frontline policing instead, giving officers the resources they need to bring criminals to justice.”

12 Friday June 21st 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels
Harland’s young daughter was present in the hotel room during parts of their stay.

Online tool matches voters with their ideal political party

WITH the countdown to the upcoming General Election, political parties are releasing their manifestos, leaving many confused about which best fits their views. To tackle this issue, Swansea University has helped create a new online voting tool.

Launched this week, WhoGetsMyVote allows voters to match their positions on key policy issues to those of political parties.

Voters are asked to state the extent to which they agree with a series of policy statements. Graphical displays then reveal how close they are to the political parties overall and on each issue.

Since the election was called, academics, postdoctoral researchers and PhD students from Swansea’s Department of Politics, Philosophy, and International Relations have been involved in developing the questions used to match voters and parties, extensively researching and coding each party’s policies.

The project continues the work of Dr Matthew Wall, leader of the project’s Swansea team, harnessing digital technologies to empower voters and improve democracy.

Dr Wall, Head of the Department of Politics, Philosophy, and International Relations and Co-director of

The project is sponsored by the Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research and Data (WISERD) and is an example of the worldleading research enabled by WISERD’s Politics and Governance Research Network. It is also supported by Swansea University’s Public Policy and Practice Research Institute.

WISERD, said: “Vote matching websites are now established as an important part of election campaigns worldwide. The best ones, like WhoGetsMyVote, are free to use and produced by academic experts for the public good. They give voters a rigorously researched, non-partisan insight into how their preferences sit alongside parties’ policies.”

Dr Micha Germann, from the University of Bath, added: “Research shows that many voters aren’t fully aware of where political parties stand on various issues, and all the political spin just adds to the confusion. WhoGetsMyVote cuts through the noise, helping you quickly find which parties best align with your views.”

Previous versions of WhoGetsMyVote were available during the 2015, 2017 and 2019 General Elections and the 2014 and 2019 European

elections. In total, the tool has been accessed by more than 500,000 voters.

There is evidence that tools like WhoGetsMyVote, known as Voting Advice Applications (VAAs), could help to increase voter turnout, particularly among younger voters. There is also strong evidence that VAAs do affect people’s voting


Dr Iulia Cioroianu, from the University of Bath, said: “WhoGetsMyVote gathers lots of ‘big data’ on what users think about key election issues, their current voting intentions, and their past voting habits. This makes it a fantastic resource for researchers who want to see how well the main parties are getting their messages across to

different groups of voters as the election campaign heats up.”

WhoGetsMyVote is an exclusively non-profit project not affiliated with any political party or organisation and represents a diverse consortium of leading political experts from various universities and research centres across the United Kingdom and Europe.

● An experienced MP: Mark represented Ceredigion in Westminster for over 12 years

● A MP who listens: Mark will stand up for our communities, businesses and public services

● A MP who acts: Mark has helped over 18,000 local people to solve problems from planning to benefits

● Fighting for rural communities: Lib Dems will cut rural petrol prices and want a fairer funding scheme for farmers

● More money for Wales: Lib Dems will give £720m extra funding to invest in health, care & education

● Cleaner seas and rivers: Lib Dems will impose tough penalties for polluting water companies

13 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday June 21st 2024
Published and promoted by Michael Woods on behalf of Mark Williams (Liberal Democrat), both at 32 North Parade, Aberystwyth, SY23 2NF. Printed by the Pembrokeshire Herald, 11 Hamilton Terrace, Milford Haven, SA73 3AL

Audi driver admits to careless driving

AN Audi driver has admitted to careless driving, which resulted in a paramedic sustaining serious injuries.

Charlotte Harding, 38, of Murray Road in Milford Haven, crashed her Audi A3 into paramedic Sean Luby, who was riding his Honda motorbike on the A4076 Steynton Road at approximately 5.10pm on January 29 last year. Mr Luby was subsequently taken to the University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff in critical condition.

Harding appeared at Swansea Crown Court, where she pleaded guilty to causing serious injury by careless driving. She is scheduled to be sentenced on August 9.

Judge Paul Thomas KC indicated that although the offence meets the custody threshold, Harding, who has no prior convictions, is likely to receive a suspended sentence.

Prosecutor Sian Cutter informed the court that Mr Luby had suffered “both grave and life-threatening injuries” in the collision. Ian Bridge, representing Harding, stated that she was “distraught” over the incident.

In the meantime, Harding has been given an interim driving disqualification until the date of her sentencing.

Following the accident, Mr Luby’s colleagues established a JustGiving page to support his family with travel and accommodation costs while he was hospitalised. The initiative received an overwhelming response, raising nearly £6,000 in less than two days, with the total amount eventually reaching £11,145.

The community’s generosity has provided significant support to Mr Luby and his family during this challenging time.

Sentenced after cannabis, coke and MDMA found

A 23-YEAR-OLD drug dealer has been sentenced to a total of two and a half years in prison after police discovered a large quantity of drugs and cash at his mother’s house.

Owen Maddocks, of Hywel Road in Haverfordwest, was arrested after police attended his mother’s address on 15 June last year to speak with him about an unrelated matter. During their visit, officers found £4,905 in cash and a substantial amount of drugs in Maddocks’ room, prosecutor Ieuan Rees told Swansea Crown Court.

The police discovered 1.284kg of cannabis, around 147 MDMA tablets, and approximately 18 grams of cocaine. Maddocks was arrested and provided a prepared statement in the interview before being released on bail pending further investigations.

On 5 April, Maddocks was stopped by police while a passenger in a

car. He admitted to having cannabis on him and further quantities at his flat and his mother’s house. Officers subsequently recovered an additional 72 grams of cannabis. Maddocks again provided a prepared statement, admitting to selling drugs to known users to pay off a drug debt.

The April offence occurred while Maddocks was on bail for the initial charges. He admitted possession with intent to supply cocaine and cannabis, possession of MDMA, and possessing criminal property relating to the cash found on 15 June. He also admitted a second charge of possessing cannabis with intent to supply on 5 April.

In mitigation, Dean Pulling explained that Maddocks was primarily involved in the supply of cannabis, with the cocaine being a minor sideline. He noted that Maddocks felt pressured to commit the April offence to make up for the cash seized by police. Mr Pulling added that Maddocks had been

introduced to cannabis at the age of nine but is now drug-free and has found his first experience of custody challenging.

Judge Catherine Richards sentenced Maddocks to two years for the June offences and an additional six months, to run consecutively,

for the April offence. An additional month was added for breaching a suspended sentence order.

Judge Richards ordered that the £4,905 seized from Maddocks be utilised by Dyfed-Powys Police in their efforts to combat drug trafficking.

Two Pembrokeshire residents honoured in King’s Birthday List

PEMBROKESHIRE is celebrating the achievements of two distinguished locals who have been recognised in the King’s Birthday Honours. John Fletcher, a dedicated farmer, and Professor Andrew Campbell, a prominent academic, have both been awarded the MBE for their respective contributions.

John Fletcher: Champion of Shire Horses

John Fletcher, 70, the founder of Gentle Giants Shires in Moylegrove, has been honoured with an MBE for his services to the conservation of shire horses. His journey with these majestic animals began at the tender age of nine on his parents’ farm at Penrallt Uchaf. Inspired by his father, who had previously used a shire horse for ploughing, young John developed a lifelong passion for the breed.

In 2003, following the

sale of the farm’s milking herd, Gentle Giants was established. Today, the organisation boasts a global following of 69,000 on Facebook and provides shire horses for weddings, funerals, and other events across the

UK. The Gentle Giants have also featured on several television shows, including “Don’t Tell the Bride” and “Coast and Country”, as well as in the award-winning film “Calon Gaeth”.

John’s dedication to shire horses has not gone unnoticed. In 2021, during a Royal visit to Nevern, he and his shire

horse, Prince George, met His Royal Highness. The future King praised John’s efforts, expressing his gratitude and interest in the farm’s breeding programme.

Gentle Giants remains a family-run venture, and the Fletcher family took to social media to celebrate John’s accolade. They expressed immense

pride in his tireless work and commitment to training and promoting shire horses. “Not one to take things easy, he always has a new project on the go,” they shared. “Buyers often return due to the high standards achieved by the horses he has trained.”

John’s influence extends beyond the UK, with his horses working and competing as far afield as Norway and Italy. He is passionate about educating the public on the versatility of shire horses and enjoys welcoming visitors to the farm in Pembrokeshire.

Professor Andrew Campbell: Advocate for Tourism

Also honoured with an MBE is Professor Andrew Campbell of Goodwick, recognised for his services to tourism.

Professor Campbell, who describes himself as “passionate about tourism, cake baking and swimming in the sea,” has made significant

contributions to the field. A professor of practice in tourism with the University of Wales, he is currently the chair of the Welsh Government’s Economic Ministerial Advisory Board. Until September 2021, he served as chair of the Wales Tourism Alliance, representing over 6,000 tourism businesses throughout Wales. The Welsh Government describes him as “a respected academic within tourism, a key economic sector,” noting his valuable insights into the challenges facing the tourism and skills sectors. Living and working in north Pembrokeshire, Professor Campbell is known for his hands-on approach and commitment to enhancing the region’s tourism landscape. His recognition in the King’s Birthday Honours underscores the importance of his work and his dedication to the community.

14 Friday June 21st 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels
Tom Sinclair

Designing a sustainable future with Dragon LNG

KAREN WOOD, External Relations and Social Performance Manager at Dragon LNG and Dragon Energy, contacted Pembrokeshire College’s Principal, Dr Barry Walters, with an exciting work experience opportunity for graphic design learners: to create strong and informative internal graphics to visualise Dragon LNG’s journey to Net Zero by 2029. Dragon LNG, located in Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire is a regasification terminal handling up to 96 cargoes of LNG annually, capable of supplying 10% of the UK’s natural gas needs. Dragon has provided safe, reliable, and flexible services to the market since 2009 and actively contributes to community engagement via their Community Liaison Committee, Public Information Zone, and awardwinning Youth Development and Training projects with partners such as Darwin, Pembrokeshire College, Milford Haven School Cluster and Pembrokeshire County Council, among other community support programmes.

Course tutor Louise

nominated two talented Extended Diploma Graphic Design and Illustration learners, Thomas and Imogen. The motivated learners attended their first meeting at Dragon LNG in November 2023 and continued to engage in multiple progress meetings at Pembrokeshire College and on the Dragon LNG Waterston site. These meetings have been instrumental in shaping the project, providing the learners with real-world experience and industry insights.

As the project progressed,Imogen and

Thomas were tasked with interpreting and visually representing Dragon’s 5 North Stars:

1. A safe, reliable, and flexible LNG terminal and future energies hub.

2. Enabled teams, skilled to work on a digital asset.

3. Competitive high value customer contract with new business model.

4. Decarbonisation in the Haven Energy Transition.

5. Decarbonisation and growth of Dragon Energy Ltd.

Simon Ames, Managing Director of Dragon LNG and Dragon Energy commented: “The development of the graphics for the 5 North Stars is a critical component in realising the Dragon’s vision.

“These visuals not only

articulate the key steps needed to achieve our ambition of net zero and renewable energy goals whilst ensuring energy security, but also play a pivotal role in inspiring and engaging stakeholders, ensuring that everyone is aligned and motivated towards our ambitious journey. Tom and Imogen’s outstanding work in creating these representations will aid in communicating our terminal’s strategic direction effectively and compellingly.”

Thomas and Imogen effectively managed their time throughout this commission alongside completing college projects, including the course’s final graded unit and applying for university places

next year.

The creative learners reflected on their experience with Imogen commenting: “I was incredibly honoured when I got asked to work on such a big project, and I am extremely grateful that I got the opportunity to work in a professional environment, as not many people get a chance like this. Overall, I’ve really enjoyed taking on this project, and the experience has helped me put my future career into perspective, and what working with clients will be like! Thank you again for this amazing opportunity.”

Thomas added: “Although we were both working on it throughout almost all of our college year, I am so happy that I got to do this project.

Having such an important and large-scale client is something very new, but I was happy to take the challenge, and learnt a lot about the industry and how illustrators work professionally at the same time. I’d like to thank them profusely!”

Louise, Pembrokeshire College Course Tutor for the Level 3 Extended Diploma Graphic Design and Illustration, said: “It was so interesting for us all to learn more about Dragon

LNG and their future plans. Tom and Imogen responded enthusiastically to their challenge and gained some valuable experience liaising with an important client and working on a different kind of illustration. I’m very proud and pleased for them.”

The final progress meeting took place on the 20th of May at the Dragon LNG Waterston site, where Thomas and Imogen led a presentation reflecting on the experience and unveiled the finished graphics with several members of the management team. In return, Dragon LNG surprised Imogen and Thomas with an iPad and stylus to show the team’s appreciation for their efforts over the past six months.

Pembrokeshire College Curriculum Area Manager for Creative Arts & Industries, Cath stated:

“We are all so very proud of the professionalism and creative energy, flair, and traditional drawing skills and digital design finesse that both Imogen and Tom demonstrated throughout this project, from initial conception to final outcomes, and how well they worked collaboratively in communicating with this important client.”

15 NEWS For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday June 21st 2024
Friday June 21

Online meeting planned for Landlords Forum


landlords are invited to hear updates on the private rental sector at the third Landlord Forum next month.

The forum, organised by Pembrokeshire County Council, will be held on July 15th and this year be hosted remotely via Microsoft Teams.

All landlords whose details are already held by Pembrokeshire County Council will receive an email about the forum shortly and will be asked to reply to receive the joining link.

The Teams meeting is due to take place between 6pm and 7.30pm.

During the forum Gillian Owens from the National Residential Landlords Association will update on private sector renting and the Renting Homes Act.

There will also be information on the grants and loans available to landlords including details on Homes into Houses and National Empty Homes grant schemes and an update on the Leasing Scheme Wales in Pembrokeshire.

The Council’s Regeneration Team will also give a presentation on town centre grants that are currently


For more information, email: PRleasingscheme@

Pie and a Pint raises money in memory of much-loved local

THE Paul Sartori Foundation deeply appreciates the generous £2,661.71 donation received from The Old Point House in Angle following a memorable event held on Monday, 27th May 2024, in memory of Johnny AllenMirehouse. This event, named Johnny’s Fundraising Lunch, was organized by Jonathan at the Old Point House, Angle, in conjunction with the Paul Sartori team. Rosie, Johnny’s wife, received invaluable support from the Paul Sartori Hospice at Home service which, alongside other local health professionals, enabled Johnny to spend his final days in his cherished home in Angle, surrounded by his family.

On a sunny May bank holiday, Johnny’s friends, family, the local community, and

guests from near and far gathered to enjoy Johnny’s favourite treat of a homemade pie and a pint of cider at The Old Point House, a charming, historic 15th-century pub on the coast of Angle Bay. The day was filled

with the harmonious sounds of the Paul Sartori Community Choir, and guests participated in a raffle featuring generous prizes donated by The Old Point House, Pro Nails Wales, Andrew Price Hairdressers, Barti



Pembrokeshire’s status as a popular destination for tourists and other pests, there are plenty of places to go to get away from the ravening horde.

Pembrokeshire has many copses, coves, and clifftop walks untroubled by human traffic.

Although it’s nice to know that you can get away from everyday life’s trials and annoyances within about twenty minutes from our front door, it’s more than a little disturbing when I realise that the chances of finding my body are almost nil in certain parts of our county.

The other evening, we took Mitzi the Mutt for a walk in a part of Pembrokeshire we hadn’t visited for several years.

We strolled along the path and soon realised that it was far more overgrown than we remembered.

On one side, we could hear a stream burbling busily through a thicket of water weeds. On the other was a hedgerow thick with nettles and thorns. Beyond the hedge was a stand of weeds so tall and deep that a lost Amazonian tribe could live in it without fear of disturbance by other humans.

I spotted a crumbling building in the greenery and swear I saw some vegetable life form’s tendrils grasp hold of the chimney and begin hauling itself upwards. As it was, I definitely saw several plant heads swing in our direction, like cats detecting prey.

Mitzi also looked spooked. She kept her head up and tail down, wary of being plucked into the maw of a triffid or mansized pitcher plant.

We paused in a clearing and looked around us. The path continued onwards but appeared to dwindle to a narrow track some

hundred yards in front of us.

You’d have thought we were in the middle of nowhere, but I could hear the noise of the main road through the green tangle of trees, hedges, and weeds on steroids. In the distance, I heard cattle lowing, so I knew we weren’t far from civilisation.

However, apart from the path, the vegetation was feet high and yards deep.

I could see my beloved looking around thoughtfully.

“I tell you what, Mike,” she said genially, “with enough planning you could get rid of someone around here and nobody would ever find out.”

Mitzi woofed encouragingly.

“Really, light of my life?” I asked.

“Oh yes. It’s boggy over there behind that water hemlock and Himalayan balsam. And that’s feet thick, too. I’d reckon that the heat, the water, the plants, the rats and such like would get through a body before anyone realised one was there.”

Mitzi woofed again.

“In fact, Mike, who’s to say there isn’t some poor soul in there now slowly being broken down to compost.”

I felt the colour drain from my face.

The main road was momentarily quiet. The only sounds were of bird song.

The clearing suddenly seemed darker and colder.

“Don’t be daft, love,” I said with a lightness of tone that contrasted with the bleakness of my thoughts. “Let’s get back to the car while it’s still light. This path isn’t what it was, is it?” My beloved nodded and headed back the way we came. The gap between my shoulder blades prickling, I made sure she led the way.

Rum, and That’ll be the Day tickets.

The Paul Sartori Foundation is incredibly grateful to Jonathan Williams, the proprietor of The Old Point House, for organising and hosting this wonderful event.

17 NEWS For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday June 21st 2024

Teenage town crier rings in a new era for Tenby

TENBY has ushered in a new era with the appointment of its first female town crier, Erin Morgan. At just 17, Erin is not only making history in the resort town but is also carrying on a family tradition, standing beside her father, Dai Morgan, who serves as the town mayor.

Erin, a student at Pembrokeshire College, is fulfilling a vision long held by the late John ‘Yobbler’ Thomas, one of Tenby’s most esteemed town criers, who believed

that a young person should take up the iconic bell.

Erin’s inaugural engagement as town crier was a poignant one, accompanying her father to Tenby’s D-Day procession to Castle Hill. There, she opened the beacon lighting ceremony by reading the official D-Day International Tribute, marking a proud and memorable start to her tenure.

Adding to the occasion, former Yeoman of the Guard Spike Abbott made his debut as Sergeant at Arms, joining the mayoral party for the first time.

Erin’s appointment was confirmed at the recent town council meeting, where she spoke passionately about her love for Tenby and the significance of the town crier role in preserving local traditions.

Erin, who is also a young leader with Tenby Guides, expressed her desire to see greater

activities. She

that her

Chief Fire Officer awarded King’s Fire Service Medal

CHIEF Fire Officer

Awarded King’s Fire Service Medal: Chief Fire Officer Roger Thomas-2

Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service’s Chief Fire Officer Roger Thomas has been recognised in the King’s Birthday Honours for his commitment to the Fire and Rescue Service.

Announced on June 15th 2024, CFO Thomas will receive the King’s Fire Service Medal which is

awarded for distinguished service.

CFO Thomas said:

“I am both humbled and delighted to be receiving this prestigious award. I recognise that this award is testament to the incredible people who work for Mid and West Wales FRS –our operational staff who risk their lives to ensure the safety of others, our Control Room staff

who receive 999 calls and deploy resources, prevention and protection officers who reduce risk in our communities and our corporate staff who support our core functions. I am extremely proud to work for such a highly respected and proud organisation.”

He continued: “I also want to recognise my family. They too have made significant sacrifices to support me both personally and


Commencing his Fire and Rescue Service career in 1996, Roger has spent his entire career at Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service, becoming its Chief Fire Officer in April 2022. He has enjoyed an incredibly varied career in the Fire and Rescue Service, having worked through the ranks from Firefighter to numerous supervisory and middle manager roles, including a secondment to

the Welsh Government in 2007/8. He joined the Executive Leadership Team as Area Manager in 2014, followed by Brigade Manager roles from 2017.

CFO Thomas’ recognition in the King’s Birthday Honours not only celebrates his personal achievements but also underscores the collective efforts of the entire team within Mid & West Wales FRS. As he continues to lead with distinction, the Service looks forward to further enhancing the safety and well-being of the communities it serves.

The Amber Boutique: Gemma triumphs as Apprentice of the Year

IN a testament to hard work and dedication, Gemma Phillips, coowner of The Amber Boutique, has been named Apprentice of the Year at the prestigious B-wbl Consortium Annual Apprenticeship and JGW+ Learner Awards. The event took place on 7th June at the Tower Hotel in Swansea, celebrating the outstanding achievements of apprentices and learners within the B-wbl Consortium

Provider Network.

Gemma Phillips began her journey at The Amber Boutique in November 2020, embarking on an apprenticeship that saw her complete both NVQ Level 2 and Level 3 in Nail Services by 2023. Demonstrating remarkable commitment

and skill, Phillips not only excelled in her training but also took the bold step of taking over the salon in April 2024, alongside her colleague Rebecca Lloyd. Under their stewardship, The Amber Boutique has thrived, becoming a beacon of success in the local business community.

The awards ceremony highlighted the dedication and highlevel skills of learners in the Apprenticeship and Jobs Growth Wales+ programmes. Phillips was nominated by HB Training for the ‘Apprentice of the Year’ category, an honour that recognised her significant accomplishments since the inception of her apprenticeship. Among hundreds of nominees, Phillips stood out, making it to the top three before

ultimately being declared the winner. Her assessor at HB Training praised her indomitable spirit and perseverance. “Gemma was nominated for the Apprentice of the Year award due to her hard work and dedication to learning. She did not let her disability stand in her way and, with support from HB Training and adapted training provision, Gemma successfully achieved her Level 2 and 3 Nail Services qualifications. As a result, she now owns her own salon business. Gemma is a real-life hero and a true inspiration to others, demonstrating that a disability does not need to be a barrier to achieving your goals.”

The B-wbl Consortium awards, held annually,

celebrate the success and achievements of their outstanding learners. Providers within the consortium nominate their top candidates for each award category, with a panel of independent judges selecting the finalists from the numerous applications received. Phillips’ victory is a testament to her relentless pursuit of excellence and her ability to overcome challenges.

The Amber Boutique continues to flourish under Phillips and Lloyd’s leadership, embodying the spirit of resilience and entrepreneurial success. Gemma Phillips’ story serves as an inspiration, proving that with determination and support, extraordinary achievements are possible.

18 Friday June 21st 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels
Tom Sinclair youth involvement in the town’s hopes position will help foster a stronger sense of community and bring people together through the town council’s initiatives. Tom Sinclair
19 NEWS For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday June 21st 2024

Pembrokeshire residents decry inaction over Withyhedge Landfill stench

RESIDENTS near a smelly landfill site are still up in arms over the continued environmental and health impacts of the site.

Since its purchase by David Neal in 2022, Withyhedge Landfill has transformed from a waste disposal site into a source of noxious gases, significantly impacting the surrounding communities.

The crisis reached a peak in October 2023, when the landfill reportedly turned into a “toxic gas factory,” following an incident where harmful gases began to emanate freely from the site. Despite repeated complaints and incident reports filed by residents, the Natural Resources Wales (NRW) has yet to take effective action.

In November 2023, David Neal publicly declared his intent to be a “good neighbour.” However, locals have experienced the opposite. They report a relentless increase in waste trucks and the illegal dumping of 44,000 tonnes of non-conforming waste. Complaints include severe odours, burning eyes, headaches, breathing difficulties, and heightened anxiety, all linked to the toxic emissions from the landfill.

Residents feel abandoned by NRW, whose enforcement actions have been described as ineffective. Over the past ten months, thousands of incident reports have been submitted, documenting the unbearable conditions and pleading for intervention. Yet, NRW’s response has been negligible, leading to growing frustration and anger among the affected communities.

A critical analysis of NRW’s “Enforcement and Sanctions Policy” reveals a systemic failure to prioritise public health over economic growth. According to the policy, enforcement actions are supposed to be proportionate and aimed at preventing harm. However, residents argue that the lengthy assessment processes and reluctance to apply sanctions have only allowed the problem to worsen.

On 15 May 2024, it was reported that Dauson

Tom Sinclair

Environmental Group’s Withyhedge landfill faces action from both NRW and Pembrokeshire County Council after continued odour complaints. Following the expiry of a February NRW enforcement notice, Pembrokeshire has received legal advice recommending a claim for ‘public nuisance at common law.’ The council is currently studying a response from Dauson, owner of operator Resources Management Limited (RML), before deciding on an injunction.

NRW’s notice had given 5 April as a deadline for Withyhedge to comply, but a council report stated that “the malodour” had persisted. RML was due to complete planned works “in alignment with the deadline of the current notice,” but said it was unable to provide updates until NRW had completed its assessment.

NRW has since issued a second enforcement notice, requiring further actions by 14 May. It will assess whether these have been carried out this week, noting that the operator’s decision to cease accepting waste from 14 May “in no way impacts the

deadlines set in the notice.”

NRW officers on-site and in local communities will study odour emissions and conduct a full-site inspection to assess compliance with the permit. NRW’s head of southwest operations, Huwel Manley, acknowledged the investigation could take some time, understanding the “strength of feeling and growing impatience among people living and working in the surrounding communities.”

The group also remains embroiled in political controversy regarding a £200,000 donation made to First Minister Vaughan Gething for his successful

was in Crundale last month, two days after NRW’s enforcement deadline, where the foul odour was still present. He reported that residents were “incredibly angry” and told him that they had simply given up reporting the odour issues to NRW because it was not making any difference in resolving the problem. The NRW website indicated that as of last week they were assessing compliance on the landfill site.A Stop the Stink demo, organised for Saturday, May 25, shows the strength of local feeling.

Henry Tufnell said: “I have written directly to NRW, calling them to action. It is deeply concerning that the stink from the Withyhedge landfill site is still blighting the lives of so many Pembrokeshire residents after the recent enforcement deadline from NRW has passed.

Labour leadership campaign. An unsuccessful Senedd motion, proposed by Conservatives, called on Gething to appoint an independent investigation into conflicts of interest.

Conservative Andrew RT Davies highlighted that Dauson director David Neal’s criminal convictions for environmental infringements were “a matter of record.”

Davies noted that the campaign donations had broken no rules but the perception of such “substantial moneys” entering a leadership campaign had caused “considerable disquiet.”

Neal stated that Dauson supported Gething’s campaign as part of its commitment to investing in the future of the country, maintaining that donations were detailed in the company’s financial reports. Neal asserted, “Regardless of the support the Dauson Environmental Group has provided Vaughan Gething, we have not engaged with him or his ministerial department regarding any of our business plans or applications, and we would not expect him to have any involvement or influence in decisions on these matters.”

Labour’s Parliamentary candidate Henry Tufnell

“The time for half measures is over – NRW must take immediate and decisive action.”

Local residents are demanding more stringent enforcement and accountability from NRW and the Welsh Government. They argue that the current system allows companies like David Neal’s to operate with impunity, jeopardising public health and environmental safety.

“We deserve more than this,” stated one local resident. “We will not accept the status quo created by NRW.”

As the situation escalates, the affected communities continue to call for immediate and decisive action to halt the pollution and restore their right to a safe and healthy environment.

The ongoing crisis at Withyhedge Landfill highlights significant flaws in regulatory policies that prioritise economic growth over environmental protection. With growing public outcry and mounting health concerns, it remains to be seen whether NRW and the Welsh Government will step up to address these urgent issues and protect the wellbeing of Pembrokeshire residents

20 Friday June 21st 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels
Henry Tufnell on a site visit (Pic: Supplied)

Cosheston Open Gardens raises £4300 for brain tumour charity

A REMARKABLE £4300 was raised for The Brain Tumour Charity during the Cosheston Open Gardens event near Pembroke last weekend. On Saturday, 15th June, the usually quiet village saw its streets filled with visitors exploring the gardens both within the village and near the estuary. The event was well-signposted with special signage and adorned with floral displays, including a pot display at The Cross,

Cosheston, sponsored by Grandiflora Nursery, with additional support from Milford Haven Port Authority for banners and programmes.

The village hall buzzed with activity throughout the day as visitors purchased from a well-stocked plant stall and enjoyed a variety of cakes and teas provided by Cosheston WI and community members. Local resident Ela Robinson showcased a delightful display of her porcelain flower craft

Tom Sinclair

work. Additionally, a raffle with prizes donated by community businesses raised £600 for the charity. In the afternoon, visitors enjoyed demonstrations on creating sedum baskets and simple floral displays.

Organisers Jane and Alan Mason expressed their gratitude, stating, “Many thanks to the friendly people of Pembrokeshire who

came from all over the county and as far afield as Derbyshire to visit our gardens. We must have had several hundred people coming to the village. We are also grateful to over 66 members of the local community who came together to provide marshals, programme sales, signs, plants, and cakes. Our biggest disappointment was that we were all so busy the volunteers did not have time to visit the gardens ourselves.”

Renewed partnership safeguards access and conservation at Castlemartin

A NEW agreement has been made to provide continued funding for a Ranger Service on the Military Ranges of South Pembrokeshire.

Senior leaders and staff from Natural Resources Wales (NRW), the Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority met recently at the Castlemartin Range to renew their longstanding partnership, which ensures safe and sustainable access and recreational opportunities for the public, while safeguarding the area’s unique and rare wildlife which thrives alongside military training.

Those attending the meeting, which was hosted by Lt Col Richard Pope and Major John Poole, were able to experience this for themselves at Stack Rocks, where the colonies of razorbills and guillemots are gathering at the start of the breeding season.

Current Castlemartin Ranger, Lynne Houlston, explains: “This role is not only vital in ensuring that the area remains accessible to the public when military use allows, but also that the many rare and special plants, birds and animals of the Range are safeguarded.”

These include chough, marsh fritillary

butterflies, grey seals, green winged orchids and spectacular colonies of seabirds, especially during the breeding season.

Part of Lynne’s role is to ensure that people can visit and use the Ranges for activities like climbing while ensuring that they do not disturb the nesting sites of these protected species.

Clare Pillman, Chief Executive of NRW

said: “Working with our partners to ensure this role and partnership agreement continues is so important to us at Natural Resources Wales. The conservation of the many special species found at Castlemartin Range is vital to ensure their sustainability in the future. The Ranger role enables this to happen alongside allowing visitors to enjoy the beautiful landscape for recreational purposes, which has benefits for

wellbeing and allows nature and people to thrive together.”

Chief Executive of the Park Authority, Tegryn Jones, said: “We are delighted to welcome the renewal of this important partnership. The Castlemartin Range offers some of the most dramatic coastal scenery in Wales, and it’s vital that we ensure this can be enjoyed by visitors in a way that protects its special wildlife. The Ranger plays a crucial role in

achieving this balance, and this renewed commitment will ensure that the Castlemartin Range can continue to be a place where people and nature thrive.”

DIO Principal Environmental Manager, Richard Brooks said: “DIO is delighted to be joining NRW and PCNPA in signing the next iteration of this important partnership. Lynne has been in post for 21 years and, supported by a Seasonal Ranger, has clearly demonstrated

the key benefits of this joint funded Ranger Service. The role plays a key part in the successful integration of public access, wildlife management and monitoring and military training and activity”. Several guided walks taking in the history, wildlife and archaeology of the Castlemartin Range are planned for the summer months. To find out more and book a place, visit www. pembrokeshirecoast. wales/events.

21 NEWS For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday June 21st 2024
Tom Sinclair

Social landlords in Wales ‘can help the country meet green targets’

SOCIAL housing providers in Wales could lead the way in helping the country meet targets to reduce its carbon output by refurbishing their stock of affordable homes, according to NorDan UK, one of Europe’s leading manufacturers of highquality windows.

NorDan UK, which has just opened a new office in Cardiff, says housing associations can help residents keep their homes warmer and reduce their heating bills, while also reducing the carbon output and wider environmental impact of their housing stock, by installing its low-carbon window systems.

Lou Johnson, NorDan UK’s Regional Director for Wales and West of England, who is heading up the Cardiff office, explains: “Decarbonising social homes hinges on hitting energy performance targets.

For housing associations in Wales, this means grasping the critical role of windows and doors, which are responsible for around 20% of a home’s total heat loss.

The company says social landlords should consider windows when they access the Welsh government’s £270 million investment into upgrading social homes. The investment is part of the Wales Housing Quality Standards (WHQS) scheme, which aims to improve the living conditions of residents, and the Optimised Retrofit Programme (ORP) in Wales, which focuses on retrofitting homes with energyefficient technologies that reduce carbon and improve energy performance.

“Establishing a permanent base in Cardiff will enable us to provide even better support to our clients and partners

in Wales. This is about NorDan UK’s deepseated commitment to supporting sustainable housing practices in Wales, helping social landlords find the best and most cost-effective solutions for their residents.”

NorDan UK has a wide range of potential customers in Wales, from private new build developments and retrofit schemes, through to smaller self-build and DIY projects. Because Wales has hundreds of miles of rugged coastline, NorDan UK’s products will be perfect as they are designed for tough Scandinavian conditions.

Demand for NorDan UK’s products from affordable housing owners and developers in England and Scotland, for new build and refurbishment projects, has soared in recent years as providers strive to meet the UK’s net Zero targets.

The company counts ten of the twelve major G15 social landlords in London among its customers. Not only do their windows deliver long-term cost savings because they last longer than PVC windows, they also help keep homes warmer, meaning lower energy bills for tenants.

This is why the company is extending its

expertise and innovative solutions with the inauguration of a new Wales headquarters and showroom in Copse Walk, Cardiff. By establishing a local presence, NorDan aims to forge strong relationships with housing associations and private developers in Wales, while highlighting the vital role windows play in the overall mix

of improvements to homes.

Founded in Norway almost 100 years ago the company now has 12 factories across the UK and more than 2,200 employees, with project management offices in Exeter, Gloucester, Birmingham, Manchester, Livingston, Aberdeen and Inverness, and now Cardiff.

23 NEWS For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday June 21st 2024
Bruce Sinclair Local Democracy Reporter

Angle Palmerston fort works final approval granted

THE FINAL stage of plans to remove a “shanty-like” 1960s bar on a historic 19th century Palmerston fort guarding the gateway to Milford Haven, with modern conference facilities replacing it, has been backed by national park planners.

In an application back at last October’s meeting of Pembrokeshire Coast National Park’s planning committee Mike Conner, the owner of technology company Appsbroker, sought retrospective permission for works at Thorne Island Hotel, Angle.

They included the replacement of an “incongruous” and “shanty-like” bar built in the 1960s with a conference room and facilities, along with the creation of storage areas, the construction of a viewing deck and generator house and emergency cliff


A statement submitted in support of the application said: “The key aim of this planning application is to make Thorne Island a truly sustainable proposition. Not only sustainable from an environmental point of view, but also from a financial perspective.

“A great deal of urgently-needed restoration work has already taken place on the Island by the current owner, but there is much more to do.”

It adds: “The living accommodation on the Island has been sympathetically restored to its former original condition and can now accommodate 40 people comfortably.

“The ambition is to make the island financially viable with the refurbishment of the

multipurpose room that will act as the focal point for visitors. The aim is to attract corporate events, product launches, music events and entertainment events to the Island.”

At that meeting, members heard that, while the application was retrospective, officers said the applicant deserved credit for the

work carried out to date, with the removal of the “1960s shanty-like bar area” highlighted. The application, along with a related listed building consent scheme, was approved at that meeting. However, concerns were later raised at points in the listed aspect by officers, relating to

the refurbishment of the multipurpose room and the detail of standing seam roofs and cladding of the storage areas.

The listed building consent has now been conditionally approved by officers.

The Grade II*-listed Thorne Island Fort, on a small island just north of West Angle Bay, was

It was later converted to a hotel by 1947. After a period of neglect, the fort has been refurbished since 2017 by its present owner, and much of its original infrastructure remains.

The Conservatives in Westminster have failed you. Labour in Cardiff have taken you for granted. It’s time for a fair deal with Lib Dem Alistair Cameron.

24 Friday June 21st 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels
built 1853-54 as an outer defence to Milford Haven against Napoleonic threat.
Alistair Cameron For Mid & South Pembrokeshire
Bruce Sinclair Local Democracy Reporter
A fair Deal with 2 3
FIGHTING FOROUR LOCALNHS END SEWAGE DUMPS CUTTHE COST OF LIVING 4 STANDUP FORWELSH FARMERS Promoted by Alec Cormack on behalf of Alistair Cameron, both of St Non, Pleasant Valley, Stepaside, Narberth SA67 8NY

Haverfordwest Business Circle champions

THE HAVERFORDWEST BUSINESS CIRCLE, established in 2014 by a dedicated group of independent businesses, is committed to revitalising the town. With a clear mission to enhance the ‘Haverfordwest’ brand, the Circle aims to improve the shopping experience for both residents and tourists, fostering a vibrant and thriving community.

The Circle actively promotes local businesses through their Facebook page, where daily advertisements highlight the diverse offerings available in Haverfordwest. They recognise the need for businesses to collaborate, addressing the town’s challenges collectively. “It is not enough to just promote our own business,” a representative stated, “we need to promote the town itself, providing shoppers and visitors with an enjoyable experience.”

This collaboration is key to the Circle’s strategy. By organising attractions and events, they aim to make visiting the town centre a delightful experience for all. The emphasis is on creating a welcoming atmosphere that encourages people to shop locally.

Shopping locally is crucial for several reasons, and the Haverfordwest Business Circle is passionate about highlighting these benefits:

Economic Boost: Local businesses are the backbone of the community’s economy. When residents shop locally, they are effectively investing in their own town. The money spent in local

shops circulates within the community, leading to job creation, higher wages, and increased investment in local infrastructure and services.

Job Creation: Small businesses are significant employers within local communities. By supporting these businesses, shoppers help maintain and create jobs, providing livelihoods for their neighbours and contributing to lower unemployment rates.

Community Development: Local businesses are often more invested in the well-being of the community. They are likely to contribute to local causes, sponsor events, and support schools and sports teams. This fosters a sense of community spirit and cohesion.

Environmental Impact: Shopping locally can reduce the environmental footprint. Local businesses typically source their products from local suppliers, which means fewer transportation miles and lower emissions. Additionally, shopping locally reduces the need for largescale shipping and packaging waste associated with online shopping.

Unique Products and Services: Independent shops offer a variety of unique products that are not found in large chain stores. These products often reflect the character and culture of the area, providing shoppers with distinctive and high-quality choices. Furthermore, local businesses often offer personalised services, ensuring a

26 Friday June 21st 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels

better customer experience.

Sustainable Growth: By supporting local businesses, communities can achieve more sustainable growth. Small businesses are more adaptable and can respond quickly to changing economic conditions and customer needs. This resilience helps create a stable and prosperous local economy.

The Haverfordwest Business Circle understands these benefits and strives to make them a reality for their town. By fostering a culture of local shopping, they aim to create a sustainable and prosperous future for Haverfordwest, ensuring that it remains a charming and dynamic place to live, work, and visit. champions local shopping for town’s prosperity

Keeping the Town Vibrant: A bustling town centre with thriving shops and services attracts visitors and

enhances the quality of life for residents. It creates a vibrant atmosphere where people want to spend time, contributing to the overall appeal and attractiveness of the town.

27 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday June 21st 2024 adverTorIal A real shop for Artists in Pembrokeshire UK WIDE DELIVERY - REAL LIFE SHOPPING - CLICK & COLLECT 22 Market Street, Haverfordwest SA61 1NH - 01437 779 646
28 Friday June 21st 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels

“The Haverfordwest Business Circle is a large group of businesses in and around the town of Haverfordwest. Our new map shows all the businesses within the group and where they are situated in the town.

As a group we are pleased with all the changes in the town... we understand that the works could cause disruption but believe the outcome will weigh in its favour.

Within the next few years, Haverfordwest will prove itself as the County Town it is.”

29 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday June 21st 2024 adverTorIal
30 Friday June 21st 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels

The election squabbles in Holborn and St Pancras

SQUARK! Listen up, humans! Stephen Seagull here, flapping around the hustle and bustle of election fever in London. It’s a right old nest of politics, and I’ve got the inside scoop for you from up high and down low!

First, we swoop into Holborn and St Pancras. Keir Starmer’s turf, yeah? This patch has been red since 1983, and it ain’t changing anytime soon. One of my feathered friends told me the bookies have Starmer’s odds at a whopping 1/250 or 1/500. That’s like betting a fish on a full tide – pretty safe, right? But hey, what’s this? Canvassers flying off to Barnet instead? Seems like Starmer’s nest is so secure, they’re helping out elsewhere.

Next door in Islington North, the squawking gets louder. Jeremy Corbyn, the old bird, is running as an independent! Corbyn’s got fans squawking, “I’ll vote Jeremy, of course. I’ll

vote Labour.” Confused?

So are they! It’s like deciding between chips

and fish – can’t have both!

Now, don’t go thinking everyone’s out in the open about their picks. Most Labour party peeps chatted with me only under the cover of the night – anonymity, they called it. Why? Well, if they’re caught fluttering for Corbyn when Labour’s got Praful Nargund on the ballot, they could be booted out of the party! It’s like a pigeon caught stealing breadcrumbs –ouch!

In both Holborn and Islington, it’s a Labour stronghold, but this time, the feathers are flying. Across the UK, we’ve got 459 independent candidates, more than double from 2015. It’s a flock of independents, all right!

In Holborn, Starmer’s got Andrew Feinstein pecking at his tail feathers. Feinstein squawks that Starmer’s invisible –no Labour posters in sight! His beak’s also sharp on Palestine. A “Gaza week” in Kentish Town ruffled many feathers, with speeches, rallies, and even a few arrests. Labour’s been slow to squawk on Israel’s actions, and that’s got some voters looking elsewhere. The manifesto’s promise to recognize Palestine might smooth some ruffled feathers, but not all.

Now, let’s not forget the big red split in the Labour party over Israel and Palestine. It’s a nest of left and right factions, with some Labour

members feeling like they’ve been treated like seagull droppings if they don’t toe the line on these issues. It’s a messier nest than one after a storm!

Feinstein’s no real threat to Starmer, but Corbyn in Islington? That’s another fish entirely. Corbyn’s got name recognition and a loyal flock. His supporters are everywhere, and he’s been the MP for 41 years – that’s a long time to build a nest! Nargund’s got his own army of activists, but it’s a steep climb. Some big Labour names are backing him, but Corbyn’s got the grassroots pecking for him.

This election ain’t just about Labour being radical or the cost-of-

living crisis. It’s also about who gets to flap their wings in the party. Islington North rushed in Nargund without letting the members have a say – not the best way to keep the nest happy! So, what’s the big takeaway? There’s a lot of grit in Labour’s relationship with its members. Democracy’s at stake when party elites ignore the grassroot flocks. Labour members are ready to squawk and fight – the election juggernaut’s grinding over fragile alliances, and Stephen Seagull’s got his beady eye on it all. Keep your feathers unruffled, and stay tuned for more squawks!

Stephen Seagull, over and out! Squawk!

31 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday June 21st 2024

Badger looks for honesty

THE WORLD is still the same. It keeps on turning.

Just as sure as the stars shine above.

Dean Martin, I fang kew.

Badger always bears the famed crooner’s words in mind whenever the fog of ignorance descends on public life.

At the moment, the fog is pea soup thick.

But Badger has an idea to clear the view.

Instead of talking about the cost of everything, start by talking about their value.

So far in this General Election campaign, there has been nothing about the value of public services to the people of Wales or the UK.

Nobody is talking about measurably improving the health service or social care.

There are spending pledges, promises to cut waiting lists, the expectation that new technology will solve problems, and vague and imprecise promises to ensure the NHS works for all.

On social care, the parties’ silence is deafening.

Nobody has a plan. Nobody has taken a long and hard look at how the NHS delivers services or how social care is commissioned and paid for and thought: this is not working. Is the structure fit for purpose?

They haven’t done that because the answer is self-evident: the NHS and the system for commissioning and providing social care are hopelessly broken. They are unfit for the needs of the 21st century and need a total overhaul and restructure.

Suppose the parties regard the NHS and

social care as things that add value to people’s lives. In that case, it’s appalling that nobody is prepared to do something about them to create and embed a health and social care system that reflects their importance to people’s lives.

The NHS and social care must not be regarded as drains on public finances but as essential to the futures of communities and individuals.

That does not mean writing blank cheques. However, it does mean looking at the thicket of NHS structures, both clinical and administrative, and cutting through the undergrowth.It means looking at the tax take, considering costs, and taking firm action.

Badger will start at the most basic level.

Any assessment of the need for services must account for reality. You cannot make a one-size-fits-all decision

about the shape of service provision.

What works in urban areas with wellconnected transport infrastructure will not work in rural ones where public transport and roads are a substandard joke.

To take a local issue as a starting point: the existing West Wales General Hospitals (Withybush, Bronglais, Glagwili) are no longer fit for purpose. Their sites are constrained, their buildings past it, and their maintenance costs are huge and increasing. It makes sense to update planned and emergency hospitalbased healthcare.

However, as the Labour Party and the Health Board do, it is monumental folly to pretend that the solution is a new hospital inconveniently placed for everyone.

Badger is reminded of the scene in Fawlty Towers when Basil gestures out of the

window and says: “That is Torquay, madam. May I ask what you were expecting? Herds of wildebeest sweeping majestically across the plain?”

“This is West Wales, Cabinet Secretary. Come back with a plan for a “super-hospital” when you’ve worked out how people will get there.”

There is no plan at the moment.

Let’s suppose a new hospital IS built.

Let’s suppose it is built in St Clears.

Finally, suppose it is the primary principal hub for planned surgery for the Hywel Dda UHB area.

Don’t picture only Pembrokeshire. Remember, the Hywel Dda UHB area covers Carmarthenshire and Ceredigion as well.

Imagine that you need orthopaedic surgery due to a painful, chronic, and debilitating condition - knee or hip replacement, for example. Your surgery

is due to take place at 8:00am on November 16. You live in Llandovery, Tregaron, or Trefin.

There is no public transport. Your condition means you cannot drive. Now, get to St Clears an hour or two before you go under the knife.

And, when you’re fit to be discharged from the hospital, find your way home.

In the event you need care at home after surgery, let’s hope you can get the postoperative care you need when you need it.

Unless all of that is in place at the point a new hospital opens, get used to living in increasing pain.

Patient transport and the connections between where people live and where they will get treatment must not be afterthoughts. They must be in place before a brick or breeze block is laid.

And they are not.

Nobody has a clue. It’s all being thought about in the abstract, not reality.

It’s healthcare planning a la Wilkins Micawber: something will turn up.

You only have to consider the state of mental healthcare to see where “communitybased care” ends up.

It’s risible.

It’s not so much pie in the sky as several vague notions circling the black hole at the heart of the Milky Way.

Let’s be clear: nobody promises pennyone more resources for the NHS in Wales.

“Modernise the NHS”?

Don’t make Badger laugh.

Twenty-five years of devolution and the Welsh Government is like Oliver Twist standing before Mr

Bumble the Beadle.

“Please, sir. May I have some more?”

The proof of that proposition is amply demonstrated by Eluned Morgan’s remarks in the Senedd a couple of weeks ago.

She expressed the vague hope that once/ if a Labour Government grows the economy, there might be more money for public services.

That is framing the argument in reverse.

The need is now, not then. You may as well be waiting for Godot as hanging around waiting for actual and measurable improvements.

There are lies, damned lies, and statistics.

The best Labour in Wales can conjure is that public services in Wales are getting lousier slower than they are in England.

You’ll forgive Badger if he finds that about as comforting as a bed of nails.

None of this, “we need to see the books first”.

The data is published, and the financial projections made by the Office of Budget Responsibility are available. If politicians don’t know, they haven’t bothered reading and thinking about the material.

If any party values public services for what they do to improve people’s lives, now is the time for one to stand up and spell out precisely what it will do and how long it will take.

If you haven’t considered that question and if you do not have an answer, you are not fit to run to a whelk stall, let alone a country.

32 Friday June 21st 2024

Torch Theatre presents: The Big Country Music Show 2024

MILFORD HAVEN’S Torch Theatre is set to host a spectacular event this summer with ‘The Big Country Music Show 2024’. Scheduled for Thursday, 4th July at 7:30pm, this eagerly awaited performance promises to transform the theatre into a haven for country

music enthusiasts.

From the acclaimed creators of ‘One Night in Dublin’, the show has garnered widespread acclaim during its UK tour, captivating audiences with its infectious blend of classic country hits and electrifying performances. Featuring a talented ensemble of

musicians, complete with male and female lead singers and live fiddle, the twohour extravaganza guarantees a night of toe-tapping, handclapping entertainment.

Audiences can look forward to a repertoire spanning iconic artists such as Kenny Rogers,

Craft group puts on summer fayre

Gear up, craft enthusiasts! This Sunday marks the grand spectacle of creativity at the annual Craft Fayre hosted by the Kilgetty & Begelly Art & Craft Group. Prepare to be dazzled by an array of stalls overflowing with handmade treasures, from fragrant “smellies” to bespoke personalized goods, charming mugs and signs, and captivating metalwork.

Jewelry aficionados will find themselves in heaven with exquisite

pieces on display, while memory books and resin creations promise to evoke nostalgia and wonder. Knitted wonders and the famous Vivs bottles add another layer of charm to this vibrant event.

But wait, there’s more! Dive into the craft class table, where every item is a steal at £5 or less, or explore the craft destash table for hidden gems. Need a break? Relax with a cuppa and indulge in delicious tea/coffee and scrumptious cake for just £2.50.

Short on time?

Don’t fret! Take home an Afternoon Tea Box bursting with delight for only £6, featuring two freshly baked cream scones and your choice of two delectable cakes.

Above all, this fayre is a celebration of local talent and craftsmanship. Join us in supporting our community’s artisans and immerse yourself in a day of creativity and camaraderie. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to discover and cherish handmade treasures.

Dolly Parton, Shania Twain, Garth Brooks, Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, and The Eagles. Hits like ‘The Gambler’, ‘Take it Easy’, ‘Man! I Feel Like a Woman’, ‘Ring of Fire’, and ‘The Devil Went Down to Georgia’ are sure to resonate with fans of all ages.

Tickets for this notto-be-missed event are priced at £23.50. So, dust off your cowboy hats, shine your boots, and round up your friends for an evening of unforgettable country music at Torch Theatre. For bookings and further information, visit

34 Friday June 21st 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels
H a T’S on
July18-31Gorffennaf2024 WelshNationalOperaOrchestraPeterDonohoe MarmenQuartetNationalYouthOrchestraofWales CatrinFinch&AoifeNíBhriainCadiGlwys ClaireBooth&JâmsColemanJenniferPike&JâmsColeman WelshNationalOperaChamberEnsemble ButeWindQuintetNationalYouthChoirofWales SethBye&AlexHenshawVRï NationalYouthBrassBandofWales "Awonderfullyvariedanduniformlyimpressiveseriesofconcerts" Programme&tickets: 07941510889

Inside out 2’s teenage anxiety

HOW typical of Pixar to create a summer sequel that delves into normative social influence and introduces us to a French character named Ennui, only to give this character a nickname (Wee Wee) that is sure to make children under ten giggle.

The company has recently struggled to connect with audiences, but Kelsey Mann’s ambitiously vibrant epic deserves to reverse that trend.

In the 2015 original, the San Franciscobased Andersen family

had brains controlled by five emotions.

Now that the heroine, Riley, has turned 13 and developed smelly armpits, a new feeling, Anxiety, hilariously voiced by Maya Hawke, takes control of headquarters.

With the help of Envy, Embarrassment, and the aforementioned Ennui, Anxiety suppresses Amy Poehler’s Joy so that Riley can appear cool during a weekend at an ice-hockey summer camp.

Admittedly, some elements of the plot create a sense of

déjà vu. Once again, the indefatigable cheerleader Joy embarks on a journey through the colourful hinterlands of Riley’s mind and learns a valuable lesson about so-called painful memories.

What’s new is the subtle message that tribalism is toxic. And it’s subtle because the girls Riley wants to impress are nice—the world we’re in is less Lord of the Flies and more lord of the highflyers.

The pressure to belong to a winning team leads to a panic-

attack sequence that is as moving and visually inventive as anything in those impeccable Pixar spin-offs Toy Story 2 and 3. It’s hard not to sob as Riley’s anguished inner voice hammers home a newly forged belief that she’s a failure.

It’s equally upsetting to watch Anxiety, frozen with terror, inside a dense, fluorescentorange forest of looping thoughts.

Is Inside Out 2 as memorable as the original? To borrow a word popular with Ennui, “Non!” Is it a must-see? Oui oui.

Horror heritage and personal demons: The Exorcism

JOSHUA John Miller, director and co-writer, brings a deep horror pedigree: as a child, he played the young vampire in Near Dark and is the son of Jason Miller, who starred in The Exorcist as Father Karras. The Exorcism, with Russell Crowe drawing from his own public

struggles, offers a personal take on the classic horror genre, contrasting with recent entries like The Exorcist: Believer. The film mixes eerie ambiance with backstage drama. Director Peter (Adam Goldberg) manipulates faded star Anthony Miller (Crowe) like a demon tormenting a priest, using cutting

remarks to inflict psychological wounds. Scenes unfold on a studio set resembling a demoninfested house, including a chilling ‘cold room’ where actors’ breath is visible on film, akin to techniques used in The Exorcist.

Sam Worthington plays a second exorcist eyeing the lead role,

while Chloe Bailey provides a poignant moment as she comforts Anthony amid his turmoil. David Hyde Pierce adds creepiness as a priest on set, triggering painful memories for Anthony. Crowe’s performance, inspired by The Pope’s Exorcist, delves into tragedy more than terror, enriching the film’s emotional depth.

37 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday June 21st 2024 wHaT’S on
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‘Supacell’ hits Netflix - June 27

“THERE are people in this world with superpowers.

” Premiering this month on Netflix is Supacell, a fresh scifi series crafted by the rapper and record producer Rapman (known for Blue Story), who serves as showrunner, creator,

writer, and lead director.

Supacell follows a group of five ordinary individuals who unexpectedly manifest superpowers. Despite their diverse backgrounds, they share a commonality: all are Black South Londoners. Michael Lasaki takes on the

task of uniting them to rescue the woman he loves.

The series features a talented cast including Tosin Cole (Doctor Who), Nadine Mills (Sliced and The Weekend), Eric Kofi Abrefa (Blue Story), Calvin Demba (The Rig), Josh

Tedeku (Moonhaven), Adelayo Adedayo (Timewasters), Rayxia Ojo (Harry Potter and The Cursed Child –West End Production), Giacomo Mancini (Top Boy), and Eddie Marsan (Deadpool 2). Supacell will make its debut on Netflix on 27th June.

New documentary on Broad Haven UFOs

THE new UFO documentary Paranormal: The Village That Saw Aliens follows BBC presenter Sian Eleri as she delves into the Broad Haven UFO sighting of 1977, when 14 school pupils reported seeing the same silver craft.

In 1977, 14 seemingly petrified primary schoolboys in Broad Haven reported seeing an enormous silver craft in their playground. Tasked with drawing what they saw under exam conditions, they each produced strikingly similar images, and

the story quickly went global.

In this season of Paranormal, Eleri tracks down the boys nearly 50 years later, along with several other eyewitnesses.

These include Rosa, a local hotelier who reported seeing two lifeforms emerge from a spaceship before the school sighting, and Pauline, a farmer who claims she and her children fled from an orb of light. The investigation spans south and west Wales, uncovering numerous accounts of unexplained phenomena.

While prominent scientists are able to explain some of the reported incidents, the vast majority remain a mystery. The case files of original investigator Randall Jones Pugh and recently released official government documents only add to the sense of unease.

Paranormal: The Village That Saw Aliens is availabel to stream no on BBCi iPlayer.

38 Friday June 21st 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels

MY dear beloveds, prepare yourselves for an extraordinary revelation from the mystical realms of Nintendo!

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom is flipping the script and letting you play as the legendary Zelda herself. Yes, that’s right, this isn’t another recycled relic or some lackluster filler to keep us tided over until the next console – this is the real deal, unveiled during Tuesday’s Nintendo Direct.

Now, picture this: our usual hero, Link, has just vanquished the menacing Ganon and liberated Princess Zelda, only to be whisked away through

a cosmic rift into another dimension. Talk about a twist of fate! Suddenly, it’s our beloved princess who must rise to the occasion, donning her heroic mantle to rescue Hyrule and, naturally, our favorite tunic-clad adventurer.

The game draws you in with a charming top-down perspective, reminiscent of the enchanting Link’s Awakening remake. Eiji Aonuma, the maestro behind this magic, revealed that the team sought to conjure a fresh gameplay style. Forget the swordplay – Zelda’s weapon of choice is the ingenious trirod. This nifty gadget lets her create “echoes” of various

items, infusing the adventure with sandbox puzzle-solving brilliance, akin to the wonders of Tears of the Kingdom. Imagine hurling echoed items at foes or summoning spectral monsters to aid our princess in battle. It’s a gameplay revolution, my friends!

And the best part? You won’t have to wait long to embark on this epic journey. The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom graces the Nintendo Switch on September 26. Plus, there’s a Hyrule-themed Nintendo Switch Lite launching the same day. It’s time to step into Zelda’s shoes and embrace the adventure that awaits.

ARIES Someone who’s not quite as comfortable in the spotlight as you are may try to make you feel bad about letting your talents show. Don’t let that happen. Everyone’s entitled to strut their stuff every now and then, and if anyone has earned the right to do that at this particular moment in time, it’s you. Why not forget about the opinions of others and go with your gut? If your antennae are telling you to alert the media, don’t be shy. Alert the media!

TAURUS Today could be full of drama, or even melodrama. The good news is that by the time the evening arrives, you’ll most likely be enjoying an equally romantic experience with the person you enjoyed being with earlier. And if you weren’t with them earlier but were just thinking about them, you will likely have the chance to turn that fantasy into a lovely reality.


A sibling or neighbor who’s not usually what you’d call needy may ask for something now, and you’re feeling so darned good about recent events that you’ll want to do it. Why not? Just don’t forget about those wonderful plans you have for the evening, which are destined to turn out not just well but spectacularly well. Oh, and don’t even try to rein in your gift of gab tonight. Your companions are expecting it.


You might get backed into a corner by a boss or coworker today, but don’t panic. When you panic, you start to make silly decisions and your tendency to exaggerate grows. So if someone asks for something you haven’t done yet, don’t run around like a chicken with its head cut off. Ask for the time you need and get it done correctly. The timetable you’re being asked to adhere to might be unrealistic, and that’s not your fault.

LEO Your day can go one of two ways. It’s all up to you. Either way, you’ll be speaking your mind. There’s no doubt about that. You can either speak it with wisdom, compassion, and love, or you can lash out at someone you’re absolutely sure deserves it. Fortunately, you probably have some wonderful plans for the evening, and if you spend the day preparing, there’s a good chance that you’ll be far too busy to get into it with anyone.


Some secrets are easier to keep than others. The ones that involve hurting someone you care about, for example, that’s the kind you have no problem keeping mum about. When it’s the opposite, however, when you know that exposing the truth might actually help someone you care for, that’s when the real dilemma kicks in. You could be faced with just such a dilemma now. Better do some serious deliberating before you make up your mind.

LIBRA You’re looking toward the future with a happy heart and an optimistic attitude, and there’s really no better way to do it. That’s not all that’s required, however, and you know that too. So when it comes time for you to step up and do the right thing, to put your money where your mouth is, you’ll be more than willing to do it. The good news is that with all that confidence oozing out of every pore, you can’t help but be a success.


You’re nothing if not a reluctant celebrity, even when you know you deserve some public recognition. At the moment, however, you’ve done something that just can’t be passed over, something that a simple nod won’t cover. Prepare yourself for a bit of the fanfare you’ve never been fond of. Oh, you can force yourself to enjoy it for a little while, can’t you? Especially since it will mean so much to those who care about you.


Even if you were halfway across the world just weeks ago, by your standards, that’s still probably far too long. So when the chance to travel arrives, you’ll jump on it, and why not? Everyone deserves the chance to do what they love as often as possible during their brief time here on the third planet. Besides, when they’ve had their fill, it makes them ever so much easier to get along with. That goes double for you.


You’ve been thinking about how to handle this attraction you’re feeling for a certain someone, and you’ve come up with a plan. You don’t take laying your feelings on the line lightly, so when you do manage to mention how you feel to them, you’ll absolutely insist that all conditions are right. That way, things can’t help but turn out well. Now that you have that plan, shouldn’t you be on the phone, arranging for the most important element? The other person?


A certain someone you spend an awful lot of time with is about to let you know that every minute you’ve invested has been well spent. You’re set up to learn the depth and breadth of a loved one’s feelings, and even if you’re single, there’s no way you’ll miss the enormity of those same emotions coming to you via the casual utterances and behavior of someone you had no idea was as fond of you as they really are.


You’ve known this

39 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday June 21st 2024
person for a long time, most likely in far more than just a friendly way. In fact, you’ve crossed paths for job-related reasons many times. What you may not have known is that they’ve been secretly on your side for some time now, treading lightly around your enemies and quietly building you up to anyone who would listen. Especially the authority figures, the ones who count. So when that pat on the back arrives, toss them a wink at the very least. Horoscopes wHaT’S on gamIng
wITH eddIe THe game guru

Trade up your education

TRADESPERSON champion MyBuilder. com is calling on the next Government to encourage young people to consider a career in the skilled trades to tackle the UK’s critical shortage of skilled workers.

GCSE exam season is well underway, and young Brits are considering their next steps.

Many students are currently encouraged by schools to pursue further education and university rather than consider trades as a viable and lucrative career prospect.

Currently, trades are not promoted as an option despite the pressing need for more skilled workers, while the rise of AI may threaten other professions.

The lack of promotion can lead to many young people choosing to study non-vocational subjects at university, racking up crippling debts, and then struggling to find jobs in their 20s after obtaining a degree.

Many who find work discover that their degree is irrelevant to their job but still have to pay off their debts for decades.

The Student Loans Company statistics suggest that the average UK student leaves with nearly £45,000 worth of debt.

During the last King’s Speech, King Charles acknowledged this issue, highlighting that

the Government must focus on implementing proposals to: “reduce the number of young people studying poor quality university degrees and increase the number undertaking high-quality apprenticeships”.

Recent research revealed that only one in ten (13 per cent) students had been told about the skilled trades as a potential career choice.

That’s even though the UK is facing a nationwide trade shortage, which is predicted to cost the UK economy £98 billion in missed GDP growth opportunities by 2030.

Research from, the reliable way to hire tradespeople, also showed that many parents recognise the opportunity in this industry.

Fifteen per cent of parents stated they would like their children to be in a skilled trade, making this the most desirable choice over occupations such as doctors, dentists, or lawyers.

Meanwhile, those studying a trade can often be established by their early 20s, fully qualified, and earning a good wage. They also rarely have significant student debt due to obtaining apprenticeships and learning on the job. Salaries range depending on the trade but are generally comparable to many managerial positions

and offer the potential to offer six figures should the tradesperson be selfemployed.

Entry-level roles post-qualification are often highly paid and can exceed the salary for those jobs that are traditionally seen as wellpaid.

Andy Simms from said it was time for work in the trades to become a desirable career choice.

“There are so many reasons that our tradespeople love their careers. Job security is likely to be assured for them with the current

shortfall in skilled trades, which is predicted to reach 250,000 by 2030.

“It’s also not threatened by the rise of artificial intelligence, allows you to begin earning as soon as you begin - and, by your mid20s, you can be making significant money without any student debt.

“While university is of course a fantastic choice for some, it’s not a perfect fit for others, and it’s time the Government guided schools to be promoting the trades as an exciting and impressive career choice.”

Dan Chaney,

a carpenter with, began an apprenticeship after a labourer friend suggested it. “School never pushed the idea of apprenticeships, even though I was not a great candidate for A Levels and beyond.

“There needs to be more education for young people about the opportunities of a career in trades - particularly in helping them see beyond the few years of low pay during an apprenticeship. It’s a means to an end, and after it’s completed the potential is endless.”

41 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday June 21st 2024 FEATURE
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Animal centres full as costs to provide emergency shelter mount

THE RSPCA is urging the public to consider adopting a pet instead of buying - as with its rescue centres full, the number of animals in private boarding has soared, costing the charity in the region of £500,000 a month.

The charity - the oldest of its kind, and celebrating its 200th anniversary this yearsays the cost of living crisis has left rescue centres facing an ‘animal welfare crisis’ as animals are coming into its care faster than they are being adopted.

Currently, there are more than 1,400 animals waiting in private boarding centres because RSPCA centres are full.

In the first four months of this year*, it cost the RSPCA an eye-watering £2.1 million to provide care for hundreds of animals in private boarding centres because its own centres are already at capacity. Of that total, almost £1.2 million went on kennelling hundreds of dogs because there wasn’t any space left in any of the RSPCA’s own dedicated centres and branches**.

The animal welfare charity is increasingly having to rely on private boarding to look after animals in need, and that comes at a huge cost. The RSPCA currently has 1,441 animals*** in private boarding, costing in the region of £500,000 a month - or approximately £125,000 per week. That includes 503 dogs - costing more than £50,000 each week - as well as 126 rabbits,

201 cats, 285 horses, 58 exotic animals and 126 farm animals.

Karen Colman, Head of Animal Logistics and Welfare Oversight at the RSPCA, said: “As we celebrate our 200th birthday this year, it’s incredible to see how far animal welfare has come since our founding in 1824. But the sad reality is that there’s still so much to do, and we’re currently facing an animal welfare crisis. Our rescue and rehoming centres are at breaking point with the number of animals coming in versus the number being rehomed.

“We currently have 503 dogs waiting to come into our rehoming centres and, while they wait, they’re being cared for by an amazing network of private boarding kennels - but, amid the cost of living crisis, many of these

have also had to increase their prices, making it a growing expense for us. The bills we’re facing are mounting every month.

“Sadly, more animals in need are coming into us all the time - many who have been the victims of awful cruelty, abuse and neglect - and rehoming rates have struggled in recent years as many families feel the pinch of the cost of living crisis and make the decision not to take on a pet.

“We’re launching an urgent appeal to those families who do feel they commit to the cost and responsibility of a pet to please consider adopting a rescue instead of buying from a breeder or a pet shop. We have hundreds of animals in our care with so much love to give, they just need a chance.”

The RSPCA has 503 dogs in private boarding centres; more than 200

owners as well as animal rescue organisations.

Dr Samantha Gaines, Head of the RSPCA Companion Animals Team, added: “Sadly we’re seeing more animals coming into our care and more pet owners turning to us for help because of the increasing costs of owning a pet, including the cost of food and vet bills.

“The cost of living has also led to a reduction in the number of people who are willing to take on an animal as they try to save money, and a recent RSPCA survey**** found 72% of people were not planning to get a new pet.

of these are waiting to be rehomed - but need spaces freed up in RSPCA rehoming centres so they can begin their training and rehabilitation as they start the search for a new home. The RSPCA’s national centres cannot rehome animals directly from private kennels

Three-year-old German Shepherd cross Jackson [pictured] was rescued by the RSPCA in November 2023 after he was found by police lying beside the body of his owner in his home in East Yorkshire. He was taken to a local vet before being moved 200 miles to a private boarding kennel, in Surrey, that had space for him. As soon as a suitable space becomes available in an RSPCA rehoming centre he can start his journey to a new beginning.

The cost of living crisis is seriously impacting pet

“But the crisis is also hitting animal rescue organisations, like the RSPCA. Our food bills have soared, our energy bills to keep the lights and heating on in our centres have also rocketed, and animals are staying with us for longer as fewer people are adopting, which means spaces in our centres are becoming available less often and we need more and more private boarding spaces. It’s quickly becoming a serious welfare crisis.”

The RSPCA has a clear policy that it will not put healthy, rehomeable animals to sleep and euthanasia is only carried out, on advice of a vet, to prevent further physical or mental suffering to an animal. The charity goes to great lengths to find the animals in its care loving homes, whether that takes weeks or months - but that means that animals are staying for longer and spaces are opening up less frequently.

42 Friday June 21st 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels PROUDLY SPONSORING
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Wales legislates to tackle Bovine Viral Diarrhoea

On 1 July, the Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (Wales) Order 2024 will be introduced to facilitate an industry-led approach to eradicating the disease.

Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD) is a widespread viral disease affecting cattle, which can lead to abortion, infertility, deformed calves, and compromised herd health and welfare, particularly among young stock. Herds infected with BVD often experience increased cases of calf pneumonia and scours, as well as reduced productivity and other cattle health and welfare issues. BVD is not recognised to be a risk to public health or food safety.

Cattle sector representatives and Welsh Government have been closely working together to develop legislation to facilitate the next steps towards the eradication of BVD in Wales. This compulsory

phase of the industryled BVD eradication programme starts this summer.

Eradicating BVD from Wales will improve standards of animal health and welfare and help Wales achieve its Net Zero targets sooner. Eradicating BVD from a typical Welsh herd of 40 cattle could reduce the carbon footprint by around 70,200kg CO2e annually.

In addition, eradication should bring significant farm-level financial benefits stemming from improved cattle health, welfare, and productivity, including increased milk yield and reproduction rates.

From 1st July 2024, the industry-led BVD legislation that Welsh Government is introducing will require keepers to:

Screen their herds for Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD) annually by testing a small number of cattle.

Isolate Persistently

Infected (PI) animals from the rest of the herd for the remainder of their lives.

Cattle keepers will have until 1st July 2025 to complete their annual herd test.

These measures will support the innovative, industry-led approach to stopping the spread of BVD, safeguarding animal welfare, and maintaining a healthy and sustainable cattle industry in Wales. Cattle industry representatives, with Welsh Government assistance, will set up a Wales BVD governance body involving a comprehensive partnership and farmer support structure to facilitate BVD eradication efforts.

Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs, Huw Irranca-Davies, said: “I understand and appreciate the serious impact of BVD, not just on standards of animal health and welfare, but also the impact

on production and the serious economic costs of this disease to farm businesses.

“The eradication of BVD in Wales is a longstanding commitment, and I fully support industry and Government working together in close partnership to achieve this outcome.”

Chief Veterinary Officer for Wales, Dr Richard Irvine, said: “The benefits of being BVDfree include increased cattle health, welfare, productivity and fertility. Eliminating BVD can reduce costs and the carbon footprint of your

herd. Maintaining a BVDfree status strengthens the health and welfare of our cattle farms in Wales, and can also help reduce antibiotic usage.

Embarking on this next phase of the BVD eradication programme in Wales is a really important step. I would like to recognise the industry-led approach, backed up by this new BVD legislation. We can achieve eradication through the ongoing efforts of all cattle farmers, working closely with their vets, to screen and protect their herds from BVD.”

44 Friday June 21st 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels F arm I ng

NFU Cymru launches Sustainable Agriculture Award

NFU Cymru and sponsors Wynnstay Group PLC have once again launched the Sustainable Agriculture Award to recognise the unparalleled contribution Welsh farming enterprises make to the economic, environmental, social and cultural well-being of Wales.

Now in its fourth year, the award seeks to champion outstanding examples of sustainable farmers and/or farming businesses in Wales.

The NFU Cymru / Wynnstay Group PLC Sustainable Agriculture Award will be awarded to the farm or farmer who, in the round, can:

• Demonstrate a commitment to the production of high-quality food to world-leading standards;

• Demonstrate their involvement and contribution to the rural economy, rural community and Welsh culture.

The winner of the award will receive £500 and a commemorative accolade. The closing date for entries is Friday, September 6.

NFU Cymru President Aled Jones said: “Welsh farmers make an unparalleled contribution to the economic, environmental, social and cultural well-being of Wales. Alongside producing high-quality food to world-leading standards, farmers manage over 80% of the land area of Wales, playing a crucial role in protecting, maintaining and enhancing the farmed environment.

“Welsh farmers are key drivers of our rural

• Demonstrate their positive contribution to protecting, maintaining and enhancing the quality of the farmed environment;

economy and are the very heart of our rural communities, the Welsh language and culture.

“The NFU Cymru / Wynnstay Group PLC Sustainable Agriculture Award aims to recognise the economic, environment, social and cultural contribution of

farming in Wales and will be awarded to the farmer judged to have achieved the most outstanding example of sustainable farming business in Wales.”

Nominations are invited from farms and/ or farmers throughout Wales. Farmers are

invited to nominate themselves or they can be nominated by friends, relatives or organisations. Please visit the NFU Cymru website to complete an application form. Alternatively, please contact the NFU Cymru office on 01982 554200

or email

The judging panel will interview shortlisted candidates at their farms during September and October, and the winner will be announced at the NFU Cymru Conference on Thursday, November 7.

45 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday June 21st 2024

Welsh Beef campaign is ‘naturally’ a success

HYBU CIG Cymru –Meat Promotion Wales (HCC)’s multi-media campaign to promote PGI Welsh Beef has seen an increase in awareness and propensity to purchase for the brand.

The ‘Welsh Beef: Naturally Local’ campaign featured real Welsh Beef farmer stories across a range of marketing channels including: television, radio, printed advertising, outdoor advertising, social media and digital advertising, all bearing successful results for Hybu Cig Cymru and the wider Welsh Beef sector.

The campaign featured farmers from south, mid and north Wales: brothers Ben and Ethan Williams from Pentyrch in south Wales; Emily Jones from Tregaron in mid Wales and Alwyn Phillips from Caernarfon in north Wales. The campaign championed sustainable Welsh farmers by putting them in the spotlight and highlighted Welsh Beef as the ‘naturally local’ choice to consumers and shoppers across Wales.

Farmer Alwyn Phillips explained: “As a life-long farmer it was a real joy to be able to play my part in promoting the fantastic Welsh Beef that we produce here in Wales and showcase the fantastic scenery and surroundings which make it all possible.

“Like many of my counterparts and farming friends, I take a great deal of pride in working in harmony with Wales’ natural resources and environment to produce the highest quality Welsh Beef. I hope that this campaign has given consumers and shoppers an authentic insight into how farming in Wales is special and different from other parts of the world and given consumers and families reassurance that when they choose Welsh Beef, they are choosing a product which is not only good for them but good for our natural environment also.”

The campaign ran from November 2023 to the second week of January 2024 and included sweeping landscape footage and photography from the three farms across Wales. A television advert

featuring Ben and Ethan Williams was featured on S4C whilst radio adverts were scheduled with Smooth Radio in November and December. Outdoor advertising was also featured at locations around Cardiff City during the Six Nations tournament whilst digital advertising took place across Facebook, Instagram, X and TikTok. The campaign also featured seasonal recipes for the winter and Christmas periods using high-value cuts and joints and promoting Welsh Beef as a high-quality and delicious festive choice.

Over 1.5million people were reached through all the aspects of the campaign and there were over 40,000 clicks on Welsh Beef social channels and webpages. Results from the campaign further show that 85% of adults in Wales were aware of the Welsh Beef brand and their willingness to purchase increased by 21 percentage points, demonstrating a positive impact from the advertising.

Phillipa Gill, HCC’s Campaign’s Executive, commented: “We are really pleased with the results of the Welsh Beef campaign. The increase in awareness of the Welsh Beef brand and logos and the increased propensity to purchase demonstrates the impact that undertaking these wide-scale, multimedia campaign has.”

“We are looking forward to building on these successful results this year as we continue to promote Welsh Beef Aand sustainable product and champion the Welsh farmers who produce it.”

NFU Cymru campaigns to secure the future of Welsh Food

NFU Cymru is launching an exciting new campaign championing Welsh food and seeking the public’s support to help secure the future of food production in Wales.

The union’s Secure the Future of Welsh Food/ Diogelu Dyfodol Bwyd Cymru campaign is due to kickstart the third annual Welsh Farming Week on Monday, June.

The initiative will encourage people across Wales to show their support for Welsh food by adding their names to the NFU Cymru online petition. The union hopes that significant numbers signing the petition will underline to the government the high level of public support for food produced in Wales.

NFU Cymru will be raising awareness of its

campaign with a series of eye-catching gate banners positioned along popular routes across the country, as well as at farm shops and other popular food destinations.

The launch of NFU Cymru’s Secure the Future of Welsh Food/ Diogelu Dyfodol Bwyd Cymru campaign will spearhead the union’s activities over the course of Welsh Farming Week, beginning Monday 17th June.

NFU Cymru President Aled Jones said: “Over the last year, the swell of public support for Welsh food and Welsh farmers has been humbling. Our consumer polling last winter highlighted that 82% of the Welsh public support the government providing funding to farmers to produce food.

I also know that NFU Cymru members and staff

were taken aback by the positive response from those passing the union’s display of 5,500 wellies on the steps of the Senedd in Cardiff in March. All of this points to the fact that the people of Wales hold Welsh food in high regard, and they want to see farmers supported in continuing to produce that food.

“Our Secure the Future of Welsh Food/ Diogelu Dyfodol Bwyd Cymru campaign seeks to bring the industry together and show the high level of backing for the food produced in Wales by the nation’s farmers.”

NFU Cymru Deputy President Abi Reader said: “The future of farm policy and the funding attached to it has been the subject of much debate in Wales over many months. It is clearer than ever before that concerns

over the impact of those policies on farmers’ ability to produce food is a view shared not just by the industry but by the public, too. As farmers, it’s in our collective interests to make sure the voice of the public is heard when it comes to our efforts to Secure the uture of Welsh Food.

“At a time when food production around the world is under pressure due to the impacts of climate change and global conflict, we simply cannot afford to hinder the production of safe, high-quality food made in a climate that is perfectly suited to producing milk, meat, eggs, potatoes, crops and vegetables. We need as many people as possible to sign the petition on the NFU Cymru website over the next few months, in either Welsh or English, to mobilise this support for Welsh food. Ultimately, we want policy makers to see that the Welsh public want future support to deliver on the production of safe, sustainable, highquality food produced in Wales.”

Visit uk/SecureWelshFood or follow the #SecureWelshFood #DiogeluBwydCymru hashtags on NFU Cymru’s Facebook, X and Instagram accounts for more details on the public campaign and to find farmer-facing and public-facing resources to support the cause.

46 Friday June 21st 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels

New Volkswagen Golf GTI, GTE and Style eHybrid


and frugal eHybrid versions of the new Golf are about to go on sale in the UK, alongside the Life, Match, Style and R-Line versions that are already available.

The legend reborn

The new Golf GTI offers more power than its predecessor as well as the latest technologies and sharp styling that were revealed earlier this year for the new Golf. With 265 PS – an increase of 20 PS over the previous GTI – the newcomer is capable of sprinting from zero to 62 mph in just 5.9 seconds.

The comprehensively enhanced new GTI features Volkswagen’s latest IQ.LIGHT LED matrix headlights, which have a range of 500 metres. There is also an illuminated Volkswagen logo at the front, as well as redesigned LED tail light clusters and striking 18-inch Richmond alloy wheels.

The impressive cabin space includes a revamped infotainment system that is controlled via a visually freestanding 12.9-inch

touchscreen or the latest Volkswagen IDA voice assistant with ChatGPT integration.

Premium sports seats featuring the distinctive GTI check pattern, along with additional red decorative stitching, emphasise the fact

that this interior is unmistakably a Golf GTI.

The car is equipped with a seven-speed direct-shift gearbox (DSG) as standard; gears can also be selected manually using paddles on the GTI-

badged multi-function steering wheel, which now has physical buttons in response to customer feedback. Other standard features include keyless access, heated front seats, three-zone Climatronic air conditioning, rear-

view camera, adaptive cruise control, Lane Assist, Traffic Jam Assist and Emergency Assist.

The Golf GTI can be ordered from 20 June for £38,900 RRP (on the road including VAT).

47 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday June 21st 2024 FarmIng mo T or S

New Volkswagen Passat named Britain’s best tow car by What Car?

THE Volkswagen Passat has been named the best car for towing for a record fourth time at the annual What Car? Tow Car Awards, held in partnership with the Camping and Caravanning Club and supported by Adria Caravans.

Britain’s leading

consumer champion and new car deals platform, What Car?, and the towing experts at the Camping and Caravanning Club gave the Passat the overall win due to its huge breadth of abilities.

What Car? editor Steve Huntingford explained: “The new

Passat shows that you don’t need a CEO’s salary to buy a brilliant, modern tow car. Despite being relatively light, it pulls with the assurance and stability of a heavyweight. What’s more, it has powerful brakes, remains unflappable during a sudden lane change,

and is as comfortable as it is practical.”

The Camping and Caravanning Club’s Huw Hopkins, a tester judge on the programme, added: “Whenever the Passat has won the overall title in the past, we’ve always recommended a diesel. But while the new car isn’t available

with diesel power, the abilities of the 1.5-litre mild-hybrid petrol meant we didn’t miss it. This engine is both smooth and quiet, it copes easily with a sensibly matched caravan, and fuel economy is distinctly diesel-like.”

What Car? and the Camping and Caravanning Club have been collaborating on the Tow Car Awards since 2007, with the Passat previously taking the top prize in 2007, 2011 and 2015.

Before deciding on the overall winner in 2024, the judges handed out awards to cars in four different towing weight classes, ranging from up to 1549kg, to 2000kg+.

In addition, the Kia EV9 was named best electric car for towing and the Kia Sorento best used tow car.

To decide the winners, testing was undertaken by matching eligible cars to caravans weighted to 85% of the car’s kerb weight (the maximum the Camping and Caravanning Club recommends) or its legal towing limit, depending

on which was lower. They were then ballasted to simulate driving with passengers and luggage. One of What Car?’s expert road testers was responsible for the most highly-skilled manoeuvres, designed to show which cars will stay under control in an emergency. Meanwhile, drivers from the Camping and Caravanning Club assessed high-speed stability, carried out a hill start on a 1-in-6 slope, looked for towing-friendly features – such as a trailer stability system –and confirmed whether the puncture repair provision was suitable for use while towing. What Car?’s road test ratings were then used to assess how the cars perform when not towing. And the latest What Car? depreciation data and Reliability Survey information was also factored into the decisions.

Key brands that supported the testing in 2024 include caravan manufacturer Adria, plus Al-Ko, Milenco and Witter.

Nissan ARIYA named Best Car For Long Distances

THE Nissan ARIYA has been named the UK’s Best Car for Long Distances at the AutoTrader New Car Awards 2024, beating competition from both the Volvo XC60 and BMW iX3 to secure the title.

The Auto Trader New Car Awards differ from other automotive awards schemes – the winners aren’t decided by industry insiders, but by the people whose opinions matter most: car owners.

This year, more than 200,000 UK car owners completed an online survey sharing exactly what they think of their cars, meaning that their allimportant views, derived from own real-world experiences, determined the winners.

The Auto Trader recognition for the Nissan ARIYA is the latest in a

long line of awards the allelectric coupe crossover has received since its arrival on UK shores.

Among organisations to have recognised its many qualities – such as its range of up to 330 miles – are the Caravan and Motorhome Club, Company Car & Van and The Car Expert. ARIYA is also a former Auto Express Car of the Year.

As part of the Auto Trader survey, car owners who have bought, driven and lived with their vehicles, were asked to rate them taking into account a variety of lifestyle factors.

Erin Baker, Auto Trader’s Editorial Director, said: “With its long range, comfort and sleek looks, it’s no wonder the Nissan ARIYA is the car of choice for those travelling long distances. Owners love how cost-efficient it is to

run, and its features and technology make driving long distances a breeze.

‘‘One owner said: ‘It’s a comfortable longdistance cruiser. Excellent performance and cheap to run. Very environmentally friendly. Can’t fault it.’ Who are we to argue?’’

Fiona Mackay, Nissan GB Marketing Director, said: ‘‘Naturally, we’re delighted that ARIYA has been named ‘Best Car For Long Distances’ at this year’s Auto Trader New Car Awards.

‘‘It’s particularly pleasing because this accolade is based on the real-world opinions of ARIYA owners from across the UK. It will help dispel any remaining myths that electric vehicles are suitable for short journeys only.

‘‘Aside from its long-distance cruising credentials, ARIYA has so

much to offer. A stylish, fully electrified crossover, it combines the practicality of a versatile SUV and the space, comfort and styling of a premium city car.

We’re incredibly proud of it and, as I say, thrilled to have won this Auto Trader award.’’

As part of the awards survey, people were asked to rate their cars across 16 different categories, from reliability and performance to appearance and running

costs. They were also asked about their overall satisfaction with their vehicle and how likely they would be to recommend it to others.

Erin Baker said: “The Auto Trader New Car Awards set out to achieve something different than other awards, and that is to recognise the brands and cars that are achieving excellence in the eyes of real-world car owners, not just industry experts.

‘‘The awards are now in their eighth year and in 2024 we saw over 200,000 car owners telling us exactly how they feel about their cars, making them the most accurate indicator of consumer opinion. Many congratulations to all of this year’s winners and finalists.”

A full list of this year’s winners can be found here: www.autotrader.

50 Friday June 21st 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels
51 Friday June 21 2022 72 TOYOTA AYGO 1.0 X Pure AUTOMATIC, 5dr, white, 1 owner, 5k £15,500.00 2022 22 PEUGEOT 208 GT EV 18K, blue 18k ....................................................................... £18,000.00 2021 21 PEUGEOT 208 GT EV PREMIUM, 27k, yellow, £15,000.00 2021 21 VOLKSWAGEN POLO 1.0 ECO MATCH, 5dr, black, 24k fsh £14,995.00 2021 21 FORD FIESTA 1.0 ST LINE Edition, 5dr, black, 1 owner, fsh, £15,495.00 2020 70 MINI COOPER S ELECTRIC. 3dr, grey. 19k, 1 owner ............................................ £13,995.00 2020 20 FORD FIESTA 1.0 TREND, 5dr, blue, 15k £12,995.00 2019 19 PEUGEOT METROPOLIS 399cc 3 wheeler trike 2000 miles £6,450.00 2019 19 CITROEN C3 AIRCROSS 1.5 BLUE Hdi Flair, 19k, £11,995.00 2019 19 VOLKSWAGEN T-ROC 1.6 RLINE Tdi, 5dr, white, service history £12,995.00 2019 19 FORD FOCUS 1.5 Tdci ZETEC, grey, 5dr, 1 owner, service history £7,995.00 2019 19 VAUXHALL INSIGNIA DESIGN 1.6 TD, 5dr, service history, blue £7,995.00 2018 18 FORD FOCUS ESTATE 1.5 Tdci, 5dr silver, service history ..................................... £6,995.00 2018 18 VOLKSWAGEN GOLF 2.0 GT Tdi 5dr, B/motion, white,1 owner £11,995.00 2018 18 CITROEN C3 1.5 Hdi black, 5dr £6,450.00 2018 18 PEUGEOT 108 1.2 ALLURE, purple, 46k, £6,795.00 2018 18 CITROEN C3 1.5 Hdi black, 5dr ................................................................................ £5,995.00 2017 67 PEUGEOT 208 1.6 Hdi, 5dr, grey £5,695.00 2017 67 HYUNDAI TUCSON 1.7 Crdi 2wd, grey, 1 owner, 76k, fsh £10,995.00 2017 67 FIAT ABARTH 1.4 AUTOMATIC, blue, 2000 miles, 1 owner, fsh £13,595.00 2017 67 CITROEN C1 1.2 FEEL 5dr, white, ........................................................................... £5,595.00 2017 17 PEUGEOT 208 1.5 Hdi, 5dr, black £6,750.00 2017 17 TOYOTA AYGO 1.0 EXCITE, yellow, service history £6,995.00 2017 17 FIAT 500 1.2 POP, white, 33k ..................................................................................... £6,995.00 2016 66 FORD FIESTA 1.4 EDGE Tdci 5dr, silver £4,995.00 2015 15 RANGE ROVER SPORT 3.0 AUTOBIOGRAPHY DIESEL HYBRID, red, £23,500.00 2015 15 VAUXHALL CORSA 1.2 Cdti ECOFLEX, 5dr, black £3,995.00 2015 15 CITROEN C1 1.0 AIRSPACE, orange, 5dr, 59k £5,495.00 2013 13 AUDI A1 1.6 SPORT Tdi, black, 3dr .......................................................................... £3,995.00 2013 13 PEUGEOT 308 1.6 TDI, silver, 5dr £4,250.00 2013 13 VAUXHALL CORSA 1.2 Cdti LTD EDITION, 3dr, red, service history £4,995.00 2012 12 VAUXHALL CORSA 1.2 Cdti ECOFLEX, 5dr, silver £3,500.00 2010 60 FORD FIESTA 1.2 EDGE, 3dr, silver, service history................................................ £3,995.00 2010 10 FORD FIESTA 1.4 ZETEC Tdci, silver, 5dr, £2,995.00 2004 53 PORSCHE BOXSTER S 3.2 CONVERTIBLE, blue, 54k, s/history £7,995.00 1999 S BMW Z3 2.8 SPORT CONVERTIBLE, 2dr, silver, genuine low mileage £6,995.00 COMMERCIALS Prices inclusive of 20% VAT 2022 22 HARDLIFE XN 2.3 LWB MINI EXCAVATOR (KUBOTA DIESEL ENGINE) £8,000.00 2019 69 MERCEDES SPRINTER CAR TRANSPORTER 2.1 Cdi, 1 owner, 71k £29,995.00 2019 19 FORD TRANSIT CUSTOM 2.0 Tdi, yellow, 1 owner ............................................... £12,495.00 2019 19 MERCEDES SPRINTER DROPSIDE Lorry, 2.1 Cdi, 1 owner, £15,000.00 2019 19 VAUXHALL COMBO 1.6 Cdti SPORTIVE white, service history £8,995.00 2019 19 PEUGEOT PARTNER 1.6 BLUE Hdi, white, service history, 71k £9,500.00 2019 19 PEUGEOT PARTNER 1.6 Hdi, white......................................................................... £8,350.00 2018 68 FORD TRANSIT 2.0 CUSTOM Tdi, yellow, 74k, 1 owner, £13,500.00 2018 68 FORD TRANSIT CUSTOM 2.0 Tdi, white, 1 owner £12,500.00 2018 18 PEUGEOT PARTNER 1.6 Hdi, white £7,995.00 2017 67 VAUXHALL COMBO 1.3 Cdti CREW CAB, white, 74K .......................................... £8,495.00 2017 17 FORD TRANSIT DROPSIDE LORRY LWB, £10,000.00 2017 66 FORD TRANSIT CUSTOM 2.2 Tdi, white, 1 owner, 2 rear seats £7,495.00 2016 16 MERCEDES SPRINTER 2.1 Cdi FRIDGE VAN £6,250.00 2013 63 RENAULT TRAFFIC 2.0 Dci HIGH TOP, white £5,995.00 2013 13 ISUZU TRUCK 5.2 TURBO DIESEL TWIN CAR TRANSPORTER £14,400.00 2017/17 JAGUAR F-TYPE 5.0 V8R SUPERCHARGED CONVERTIBLE AUTOMATIC ONLY 7000 MILES, WHITE WITH BLACK ROOF

Welsh cancer care in peril as workforce crisis escalates, warn radiologists

THE ROYAL College of Radiologists (RCR) has issued a stark warning about the escalating workforce crisis in Wales, revealing alarming shortfalls in clinical radiologists and oncologists.

Two new reports highlight a dire situation: Wales faces a 34% shortfall in clinical radiologists and a 12% shortfall in clinical oncologists. Without immediate action, these shortfalls are projected to rise to 28% and 38%, respectively, by 2028, the largest in the UK. Additionally, nearly a quarter (24%) of clinical oncology consultants in Wales are expected to retire in the next five years, compared to the UK average of 18%. Currently, trainees make up 29% of Wales’s clinical oncology workforce, slightly below the UK average of 32%.

Patient safety is at risk due to the critical

shortage of radiologists. Wales has only 6.1 radiologists per 100,000 people, the lowest ratio among the four nations. All clinical directors in Wales report that they lack sufficient radiologists to provide safe and effective patient care. Cancer centres are experiencing routine delays in starting treatment and are struggling to manage increasing demand, relying heavily on goodwill, insourcing, and locums. Such delays are critical for cancer patients, as each month’s delay in treatment raises the risk of death by approximately 10%.

Despite the implementation of the Cancer Improvement Plan for Wales a year ago, the workforce crisis continues to worsen due to insufficient training and retention efforts. Hospitals are struggling to meet patient demand, and this issue is one of the most pressing

challenges that the UK governments must address urgently.

The reports also reveal significant regional disparities in access to cancer care across Wales. Rural areas are the hardest hit. South West Wales has 7.4 clinical oncologists per 100,000 older residents, South East Wales has 6.6, but North Wales lags behind with just 5.3. North and West Wales suffer from the UK’s largest shortage of clinical radiologists, with London having twice as many radiologists per 100,000 people. This disparity leads to faster imaging test results and cancer treatment initiation in some regions, causing significant delays and increased anxiety in others.

An anonymous consultant stated, “I can no longer defend the NHS as an exemplary healthcare system. We are all failing and in so doing failing our


The RCR has written to the cabinet secretary, warning that without immediate intervention, Wales risks undoing decades of progress in cancer care. The RCR demands urgent investment in workforce development to ensure patients are not left waiting for a diagnosis and can begin lifesaving treatment promptly. They urge the next government to collaborate with the NHS to outline a plan to recruit, train, and retain clinical oncologists and radiologists, ensuring workforce stability for future generations.

Dr Katharine Halliday, RCR President, said, “Today’s reports lay bare a harsh reality: the crisis in Wales’ radiology and oncology workforce is jeopardising patient health. Despite our commitment to providing the best care, severe staff shortages are significantly impeding our efforts. We simply

do not have enough doctors to safely manage the growing number of patients, and this issue will worsen as demand rises and more doctors leave the NHS. The immense strain on an overburdened system, coupled with exhausted staff and increasing demand, creates a toxic mix for the healthcare system in Wales.

“Urgent action from the governments of all four nations is essential. We must prioritise recruiting and training more doctors and implement strategies to retain our current workforce. Time is critical; doctors are working under extreme stress and are deeply concerned for their patients. We’re calling on the governments of all four nations to reset the system, save our NHS, and ensure that patients receive the quality care they deserve.”

52 Friday June 21st 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels
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Young people in Hywel Dda can celebrate with Walter the penguin

A FRIENDLY penguin in the Hywel Dda area is helping reassure children receiving care from the nuclear medicine team.

The words ‘nuclear medicine’ and ‘scan’ can sound scary whatever your age – but this is especially the case for children.

The Nuclear Medicine team at Withybush Hospital have come up with an award-winning video for children, which makes the experience a lot less scary.

The service cares for children aged from three months to 18-yearsold from across the Hywel Dda area, serving Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire.

Nuclear medicine scans can help the doctors look at your kidneys, bowel, or bones. It uses gamma radiation which is like special medicine. The gamma camera can then take pictures of where you have been given the medicine. The

scan takes around 30 minutes.

Rachael Cunliffe, a Clinical Technologist, helped create the Walter the Penguin story, which is told through video. She said: “The video was created mainly for children aged between two to six years old as we saw that this is the age which can be the hardest for them to understand what is happening to them.”

The team recognised there was an opportunity to create something that children could watch before coming to their scan to help understand the process.

Radiology staff worked with play specialists from Glangwili Hospital, a paediatrician from Cardiff, the Welsh Language Team, and Digital Communications Team to create the story and video.

Rachael continued: “The video shows Walter’s adventure down to Withybush hospital for a scan. Walter is nervous but is quickly put at

ease when he is warmly welcomed by staff, shown the machine, and talked through what is going to happen to him.”

The video recently won in the category of Innovative Team of the Year at the British Nuclear Medicine Society (BNMS) awards.

Rachel said: “The

awards were a really great experience. I am very proud of what our team has achieved. It was amazing being able to show what we’ve created as a team and to inspire other departments not only across the UK but also from Europe. Being able to help children through

what can normally be a very stressful time has been extremely rewarding. I am happy that our video has helped us to achieve this.”

James Severs, Executive Director of Therapies and Health Science commented “Congratulations to our teams involved

in this project, we are so proud of the collaboration and achievement. It is important to us that out young patients feel safe at ease when they are in our care and we’re delighted that Walter the Penguin is there to help.”

53 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday June 21st 2024


The Port of Milford Haven reports over £40m in revenue

IN the Port of Milford Haven’s 65th year, revenues exceeded £40m for the first time; closing the year at £41.3m.

Despite a slight fall in shipping numbers (to 1,909) and cargo (to 34.7m tonnes), the marine division remained busy, safely shepherding 58.7m gross tons of shipping in some of the world’s most challenging sea conditions.

Healthy trading for the Port’s cargo handling, property, and hospitality and tourism divisions also highlighted the success of its long-term growth and diversification strategies, helping boost this year’s strong financial performance which saw profits rise to £4.1m.

The Port of Milford Haven’s solid financial position comes at a key time as it looks to the future. The Port’s strategic growth and investment plans focus on expanding its world-class pilotage capability, developing infrastructure to become a leading renewable energy hub, and developing its hospitality

offering, creating opportunities for today’s communities and for future generations.

The Port’s investment in a new (first-in-class) pilot boat during the year is a key step in supporting its pilotage growth ambition. It emphasises the Port’s focus on ensuring continued delivery of a world-class service for Waterway customers, and for supporting new shipping traffic associated with

the hydrocarbon and renewables sector as it transitions and grows.

The Port’s renewables growth strategy took a significant step forward during the year with the completion of new infrastructure; the enlarged slipway and new laydown areas, office facilities and workboat pontoons were part of the £60m Pembroke Dock Marine* project, with funding through the Swansea Bay City Deal and the

European Regional Development Fund. The Port’s third strategic focus, on the hospitality and tourism sector, saw a great return on its investment to build the Ty Hotel Milford Waterfront with a strong performance in 2023, laying the foundations for further diversification and investment in this sector.

Notwithstanding a successful overall year of trading, the fishing and ferry

related elements of the business continue to struggle with declining performance as a result of reduced demand.

Chief Executive Tom Sawyer said, “2023 has been a standout year for us, with record turnover and increased profitability. In keeping with our trust port status, we’ll be reinvesting our profits back into the business. This will translate into jobs and opportunities for our communities long into the future. We also completed major infrastructure projects, but that’s just the start of our plans. As part of a key energy and shipping hub, we’ll keep investing to ensure we continue to meet industrial demand. And our decision to diversify into hospitality and tourism has gone from strength to strength, enhancing our financial stability but also adding to the types of opportunities our community can enjoy.”

He added “Every day, I see shining examples in our communities of how all this investment could help them realise their full potential. I am excited by the boundless opportunities ahead for us all.”

Emergency work at Royal Lion Hotel given the go-ahead


Tenby hotel, which had an Urgent Works Notice served on it by the national park due to the unsafe condition of external windows, has been given the go-ahead for works.

The poor condition the Grade-II-listed Royal Lion Hotel has recently led to an Urgent Works Notice being served on it by the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority.

Safety concerns have been raised in recent months by councillors and members of the public over the hotel, in the town’s conservation area, overlooking the North Beach.

A listed building planning application to reinstate the hotel’s windows was submitted to the authority by South Terrace Developments Ltd.

A spokesperson for

Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority has previously said: “The Park Authority has served an Urgent Works Notice on the Royal Lion Hotel in Tenby.

“The owners acknowledge the risk posed by the windows and have proposed an alternative scheme to begin remedial works, having recently submitted a listed building application to reinstate the windows to the High Street and White Lion Street frontages.”

An Urgent Works Notice can be served by an authority which believes that a building is not being properly maintained. It gives the owner a specific time in which to carry out necessary works.

The plan for the hotel sought consent for replacement bays and windows, insertion of a new door replacing an

existing window, and minor ancillary works.

As a consultee to the proposal, Tenby Town Council’s members sought more information as to the materials to be used for the replacement windows.

They were also concerned about the proposal to install a door opening on to White Lion Street.

It was pointed out: “The carriageway is narrow in this location and vehicles often mount the pavement to pass each other which could compromise safety of individuals using this door.”

A report for planners, recommending approval, said: “An Urgent Works Notice is in force with regards to the unsafe bay windows to the front elevation.

“The application relates only to the original hotel building with listed

building consent sought for replacement bays and windows, insertion of a new door replacing an existing window and minor ancillary works.

“The proposed scheme is in keeping with the character of the listed building, and its setting in terms of design and form.

As such, the application can be supported subject to conditions.”

The application was conditionally approved by officers under delegated powers. The hotel was rebuilt in the late C18 and extensively altered 18534 when the façade was remodelled and raised a storey to four floors with two tiers of canted bay windows, the report for planners said.

54 Friday June 21st 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels bu SI ne

Council considering enforcement action against unauthorised wedding venue


Rhys Owain Lloyd, and his partner Carys Elin Mair Davies have found themselves at the centre of controversy in recent days.

Their operations at Redberth Gardens in Pembrokeshire, where they are running an unauthorised wedding tipi venue, have caught the ire of local authorities and residents alike.

Now the council is considering formal enforcement action, it has been confirmed.

Despite being denied planning permission by Pembrokeshire County Council on April 23, the couple has forged ahead with their venture.

Weddings have already taken place at the venue on May 25, with another booked for June, locals said. Lloyd and Davies, both from Carmarthen, are brazenly advertising and accepting payments for weddings and music events under the guise of Serenity Garden,

even though they lack the necessary wedding licence.

The properties they advertise for accommodation—safari tents and glamping pods— do not have the requisite planning permission. Furthermore, the lodges have not been signed off by building regulations, raising serious concerns about their ability to secure insurance for guests.

As if these infractions weren’t enough, ceremonies are conducted on a site not listed on PCC’s approved venue list. Adding another layer of complexity, the land used for these ceremonies is designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and is under investigation by National Resources Wales due to allegations of land grabbing from a local farmer, which has ignited a legal dispute.

Pembrokeshire County Council responded to the situation with a series of statements sent to the

Pembrokeshire Herald by email.

Regarding planning issues, a council spokesperson said, “The planning application was submitted retrospectively following a planning enforcement investigation. The refusal of the application means we are considering formal enforcement action to remedy the breach of planning control.”

The council also noted that a separate planning application for an extension to the holiday accommodation, comprising three glamping pods and six safari tents, was withdrawn in May. “An indication was given that a revised application would be resubmitted,” the spokesperson added.

In terms of marriage ceremonies, the council explained, “The venue applied to become licensed as an approved premise for ceremonies some months ago. As part of the licensing procedure, we require proof of planning

and event consent. Neither of these were provided with the application, so we have proceeded no further, pending receipt of these documents.”

The council is aware that the venue continues to take booakings. “Any ceremonies currently taking place are not legal ceremonies or undertaken by the Registration Service; instead, they are non-legal ceremonies conducted by

independent celebrants,” the spokesperson clarified.

The saga of Rhys Owain Lloyd and Carys Elin Mair Davies at Redberth Gardens is a stark reminder of the ongoing issues with unauthorised venues and the difficulties faced by local authorities in enforcing planning regulations and ensuring public safety. As this story unfolds, the community watches closely, awaiting

the next move in this contentious drama.

Although there is no wedding licence, the council have confirmed that there is a current premises licence issued under The Licensing Act 2003 for the venue, authorising the sale of alcohol and regulated entertainment.

The Herald has tried to contact the business owners for comment.

RWE launches pre-application consultation for RWE Pembroke Battery

TO support their decarbonisation ambitions as part of Pembroke Net Zero Centre, RWE is progressing proposals to develop a battery energy storage system on its land adjacent to Pembroke Power Station.

Battery energy storage plays a crucial role in the integration of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, into the power grid, excess renewable energy can be stored and fed into the grid when needed. Electricity is consumed in real time and this technology will, where possible, enable homes and businesses to be powered by renewable energy.

The consultation on RWE’s plans launches Monday 17 June 2024 and will end on Monday 15 July 2024. RWE is asking the community for their views on these plans and has launched a consultation where local people can provide feedback on the planning application. The

proposed development would be located on a 5.1 hectare area to the south of the current power station and would comprise 212 Battery Containers, 106 Power Conversion Systems (PCS) enabling connectivity to the grid, and associated infrastructure.

The battery would have a maximum charge / discharge power of 350 megawatts and would connect via underground cables to the grid at the adjacent National Grid 400 kV substation. Once fully operational, Pembroke Battery would be capable of storing enough electricity to meet the average daily domestic energy needs of more than 72,0001 typical UK homes.

In line with RWE’s commitment to protect and enhance local environments, the company has pledged to deliver various biodiversity measures as part of the proposals. Field margins will be enhanced by species-rich meadow

planting, native woodland and scrub planting, while a new large pond will be provided and managed to support local wildlife. The periphery of the development site will also be further enhanced with bat and bird boxes, insect hotels and reptile hibernation shelters around the field edges. A Habitat Management Plan will ensure the habitats created are managed sensitively in support of local wildlife for the lifetime of the project.

Commenting on the proposals, Richard Little, Pembroke Net Zero Centre Director, said: “RWE Pembroke Battery represents the next step in our plans to invest in new innovative energy technologies, as part of our vision for Pembroke Net Zero Centre. We would like to thank those who engaged with us in our Green Hydrogen consultation and encourage the community to get involved with the consultation process, learn more about our battery energy

storage proposals, and have their say on the proposals.”

Members of the community can contact the project team and leave feedback via the project website battery, telephone 01646 370090, email or by writing

to ’Freepost PNZC Consultation’.

Local people can also join RWE at an in-person event at South Pembrokeshire Golf Club on 24th June 2024 between 2pm and 7pm to speak with project team members, ask questions and provide feedback.

Pembroke Net Zero Centre has a critical role

to play in Wales’ and the UK’s pathway to Net Zero. By decarbonising its current operations at Pembroke Power Station, while investing in new innovative technologies, such as battery energy storage and hydrogen generation, RWE can establish Pembroke at the forefront of South Wales’ low carbon future.

55 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday June 21st 2024 buSIneSS

cSUK Parties to curtail Senedd powers further

DEVOLUTION in Wales is threatened no matter what the outcome of July 4’s General Election.

On the one hand, the Conservatives threaten to overreach Welsh statutes on speed limits and trade union recognition. On the other, Labour in Westminster is - at best - indifferent and - at worst - contemptuous of Wales’s parliament and government.


The Conservatives laid bare their willingness to legislate in devolved areas in their disastrous manifesto launch, which sent ripples of despair throughout the Conservative Party in Wales.

In the midst of disastrous UK-wide polls, it’s easy to overlook that the Welsh Conservatives are doing better than their English counterparts. Vaughan Gething’s raging unpopularity among even Labour voters and the Welsh Government’s track record weigh against the Labour narrative that “it’s all Westminster’s fault.”

The ineptitude of the UK Conservative manifesto threw Labour a fresh attack line: the Conservatives will undermine devolution.

If Labour wanted a hand in climbing out

of the stink of rotting rubbish around Mr Gething, Rishi Sunak again rode to the First Minister’s rescue.

It is practically immaterial that support for devolution was low in 1999 and that enthusiasm for the Welsh Parliament is minimal.

Anyone saying they’re going to take something away from Wales gets Welsh voters’ backs up.

It’s almost visceral.

As Mr Gething acknowledged many years ago, some people define their Welshness through antipathy towards England and the English.

It is only thanks to its own ineptitude that Labour is struggling to cut through by hitting the Conservatives harder on devolved powers.

No sooner had Rishi Sunak plonked his handmade loafers into a steaming pile of manure than Jo Stevens, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State of Wales, gave an interview to S4C that impliedly dismissed the Welsh Government as a sideshow.

You can see Jo Stevens’ interview here. It starts at the 12-minute mark and is in English.


Opposition parties in the Senedd were quick to highlight that a

UK Labour government would do nothing to help its Cardiff Bay counterpart meet its manifesto pledges over a host of issues, including HS2 funding and returning total control of structural funding to the Welsh Government.

Heledd Fychan, who stood in for Rhun ap Iorwerth at First Minister’s Questions on Tuesday this week (June 18), said: “It’s revealing that whilst trying to defend his party’s position on sticking with the Conservatives’ postBrexit funding power grab, the First Minister conveniently omitted that what Labour’s manifesto actually says is that powers over structural funds would be restored ‘to the representative of Wales’.”

If the Labour manifesto meant to say “the Welsh Government”, it could easily have done so.

The true position is that the UK Government and the Welsh Government will have a say. We know that’s the case because that’s what the Shadow Secretary of State for Wales told BBC Wales Breakfast.

For a Labour Party in Cardiff that spent the last half-decade complaining vociferously about Westminster intervention in pre-Brexit devolved policy areas, that’s a climbdown

even larger than the one over not getting full consequential funding from the money spent on HS2. This project is still ongoing between London Euston and Birmingham, but Labour has not promised one penny to Wales.

Heledd Fychan continued: “Only two months ago, the First Minister himself declared in the Senedd that these funds and powers would return to the Welsh Government under Keir Starmer. Here we have yet another reminder that Labour is rowing back at full pace on their commitments to Wales.”

Andrew RT Davies, the leader of the Welsh Conservatives, claimed that Mr Gething was “a marginal figure” with little influence over UK Labour’s direction of travel.


Whether or not Mr Gething is of limited importance to UK Labour, the dangers of taking voters for granted—buoyed by UKwide polls and ignorant of local factors—present a considerable risk to Labour.

That risk is even more obvious when considering the difference between voting intentions in the Westminster election and those for a Senedd election.

Labour’s poll lead

over Plaid Cymru at a Senedd election is just seven percentage points.

A YouGov poll carried out between May 30 and June 3 put Labour at 30%, Plaid Cymru at 23%, and the Conservatives at 19%.

An equivalent poll undertaken between May 2 and May 4 showed Labour at 36%, with the Conservatives in second place at 29% and Plaid Cymru at 20%.

By contrast, Labour retains a commanding lead in Wales in Westminster voting intentions, with the backing of 45% of voters, while 18% say they will vote Conservative, 13% for Reform UK and 12% for Plaid Cymru.

The full poll results are here.

While voters might vote tactically in Westminster elections, a proportional system reduces the need to do so.

If one mapped straight proportionality based on the YouGov poll of Senedd voting intentions, of 96 seats in an expanded Senedd, Labour would have 35 seats. That’s only five more than in the current 60-member Senedd.

Bearing in mind the enthusiasm with which Labour in Wales is burning its boats with Plaid Cymru, the chance of another kiss-andmake-up agreement is highly unlikely.

56 Friday June 21st 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels P ol ITI

Westminster isn’t working, says poll


of the public say that Westminster needs to improve, new polling has found.

A poll of 2,226 people conducted by Savanta on behalf of the Electoral Reform Society, found 76% feel that politics needs to improve significantly.

That figure comprises 48% of respondents who said that politics needs ‘a great deal of improvement’ and 28% who said it could ‘be improved quite a lot’.

Only 4% of respondents said UK politics needed no improvement.

While Conservative voters are less likely to say politics needs improvement, a majority (58%) of those still want to see a change in how politics is conducted.

Meanwhile, the overwhelming majority of those intending to vote for other parties, including Labour 78%, the Liberal Democrats 72% and Reform UK 96%, say politics in the UK needs a great deal or quite a lot of improvement.

The poll findings come just a week after a major study by the National Centre for Social Research found that more people ‘than ever before’ ‘almost never’ trust the British government of any party

to place the nation’s needs above the needs of their political party.

The report concluded: ‘All in all, it appears that people’s trust in governments and politicians, and confidence in their systems of government is as low now as it has ever been over the last fifty years, if not lower.’

The public’s trust and confidence in how they are governed has been shaken by the events in the 2019-24 parliament. They are more likely than ever to think that the country’s system of government needs improvement. They are at least as distrustful of government and politicians as they have ever been. And they are inclined to think that democracy works less well in Britain now than it did in the past.

Many of those who voted Leave in 2016 feel that Brexit has not had the impact they expected, and that perception has largely reversed the boost to their trust and confidence that was in evidence shortly after the UK left the EU.

Underlining the problems encountered when fantasy politics meets realpolitik, 48% of those who voted Leave now say they ‘almost never’ trust governments, even

higher than the 40% who did so in 2019.

Those who are struggling financially following the cost-ofliving crisis and those who are dissatisfied with the state of the health service—two groups that are now far more numerous—are particularly disenchanted with the state of government and politics in Britain.

72% of those struggling financially ‘almost never’ trust politicians, compared with 49% living comfortably.

86% of those who are dissatisfied with the NHS believe the system of governing Britain needs considerable improvement, compared with 65% of those who are satisfied

Meanwhile, although more difficult to prove, the dramatic resignations of two Prime Ministers— one over their difficult relationship with the truth and a second over their difficult relationship with reality—have probably only served to further undermine the nation’s trust and confidence.

Darren Hughes, Chief Executive of the Electoral Reform Society, said: “It is clear there is a crisis of confidence in our democracy.

“Just a week after the National Centre for

Social Research found that public trust in politics has sunk to a record low, our new polling shows that 76% of the public thinks politics is not working well and needs to improve.

“It is imperative that we arrest this startling decline and rebuild trust in our democratic institutions as a matter of urgency.

“No project to repair the British public’s relationship with politics will succeed if it doesn’t reform our stuttering Westminster system.

“Central to this is the distorting First Past the Post voting system, which doesn’t accurately represent the way the country voted with seats in Parliament. It also reduces the focus of the main parties to the handful of ‘swing seats’ that change hands at an election, meaning large parts of our country have been ignored and left behind by politics.

“Restoring trust in Westminster is vital and has to start with bringing in a fairer proportional voting system for the Commons.

“This would reinvigorate the public’s relationship with our democracy by ensuring that every vote counts and every part of the country matters to whoever is in government.”


WITH the General Election taking place on Thursday 4th July, the campaign trail is now in full swing, and it is a real privilege to stand for reelection in my home seat.

As a local man who lives and was raised in the heart of Pembrokeshire, I am committed to providing a strong voice for our county. I understand the needs of our rural community and have a trusted track record of speaking up for Pembrokeshire. I always work hard for local people, whether they voted for me or not, and I will never stop defending our access to local health services.

Growing up in Haverfordwest, I benefited from being part of a closeknit community, received an excellent education at Tasker Milward School, and had the security of living in good quality Council housing supported by my single mother. I will always be grateful for the opportunities that Pembrokeshire gave me, and I am passionate about seeing Pembrokeshire become an even better place to live and work for future generations and beyond.

I have a strong reputation for getting things done in our community, and for helping people of all backgrounds. I’ve worked hard to secure the Celtic Freeport which will bring new investment and jobs to the Haven Waterway, and to improve local Broadband which is so vital for businesses and households across our County. My work to secure new Levelling Up money for Pembrokeshire, and to boost the number of police officers in our communities, is helping to bring new activity back into our towns. I also led the fight to protect the ex-MOD houses in Haverfordwest and have them transferred to Pembrokeshire County Council so they could offer more houses to local people. Welsh Labour are turning Pembrokehsire into a dumping ground and I have been at the forefront of efforts to sort the ongoing issues at Withyhedge landfill site.

Over the last few weeks, I have been out and about across Mid and South Pembrokeshire knocking on doors and listening to residents. I

have engaged in lots of good conversations about many different issues. But the topic that is coming up repeatedly at doorsteps across the county are the difficulties many people are experiencing trying to book a GP appointment. Last Friday I stood alongside the local community at the St Davids GP drop-in event against the planned closure, and since 2005, I have campaigned against the Welsh Labour Government on their plans to downgrade Withybush Hospital.

Pembrokeshire, like other parts of Wales, does not have anywhere near enough GPs, or specialist doctors. But the current crisis of GP provision across rural Wales has not happened overnight. The Welsh Labour Government did not listen to any of the warnings over the last 10 years about the growing problems of recruiting new doctors to replace retiring GP’s.

Fighting to protect local health services and Withybush Hospital from Welsh Labour Government cuts remains my top priority. Our county face some big challenges that require local knowledge and real experience: better jobs for local people, improved transport connections, more good quality affordable housing and fair access to good health services. It has been a huge honour to represent my home seat at Westminster over the last nineteen year.

The Welsh Labour Government record of failure on health, education and other devolved areas is a blueprint for Keir Starmer. On July 4th if re-elected, I look forward to continuing to put the needs of my community first, and to keep delivering on our priorities in my home seat.

Stephen Crabb Conservative Candidate for Mid and South Pembrokeshire

57 For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday June 21st 2024 PolITIcS

POSITIVELY LIBERAL Nigel goes to Merthyr

concerned about pollution in our rivers such as the Cleddau and Teifi.

The river Cleddau has suffered from decades of pollution as well as climate change and this is severely compromising the health of the river and its habitats. There are wider consequences of the pollution to the Cleddau. It has led to a moratorium on housebuilding in many nearby areas such as Narberth. At a time when we desperately need new affordable housing this is a major concern.

The Cleddau Project has been set up by local volunteers to raise awareness of the damage being done to the Cleddau and the need for action to save the river from pollution.

Most of the powers and funding to address river pollution rest with the Welsh Government rather than the UK Government. However, river and lake pollution has become an important issue during the General Election and Sir Ed Davey, Leader of the Liberal Democrats, has spectacularly publicised the issue through falling into Lake Windermere whilst attempting to paddleboard.

The Liberal

policies on river pollution for England as this falls within the UK Parliament. However, these policies should also be implemented by the Welsh Government.

In particular, the Welsh Government should introduce a ‘blue corridor programme’ for rivers, streams and lakes to ensure clean and healthy water and set new ‘blue flag’ standards. Under this, rivers could be designated with special status to protect them from pollution, including from Dwr Cymru, discharging sewage into them.

We need to set meaningful targets and deadlines for Dwr Cymru to end sewage discharges. We should abolish Ofwat and establish a new ‘Coastal, Rivers and Lakes Authority’ with strengthened regulatory powers to initiate prosecutions in extreme cases. We need to end the current system of ‘self monitoring’ and ensure unannounced spot checks are part of the new regulatory framework. We also need to give local authorities increased powers to hold Dwr Cymru accountable.

Dwr Cymru should have a 25year investment plan, including nature based solutions and innovative approaches to water management. This will need to be backed up by appropriate funding.

In addition, Natural Resources Wales should be given increased powers to regulate and prosecute where appropriate. We have seen in the Withyhedge scandal its failure to take decisive action and it needs the necessary powers to safeguard our natural environment.

If you wish to discuss these issues, please contact me at Facebook: AlistairCameronPembs

Twitter: AlistairPembs


REFORM UK launched its manifesto on Monday, June 17. They held the launch in a community hall on the Gurnos Estate in Merthyr Tydfil to ram home what a dump its leaders think Wales and the UK are.

Voters always respond well to being used as a backdrop for a cheap political point.

Not that this was a manifesto.

No, as befits a limited company, this was “a contract”.

As a contract, it has shortcomings.

At the most basic level, a contract is an

agreement into which both parties enter in good faith to perform a service or exchange goods in return for consideration with the intention of creating a legally binding relationship.

In the wildly unlikely event that we wake up on July 5 to find Mr Farage grinning like Kermit the Frog outside Number 10 Downing Street, we will have no recourse to law when he and his fellow Reform MPs spend their first hundred days in power squabbling, splitting, falling out, walking out, and failing to do

reflect voters’ wishes more accurately. However, it’s pitching its campaign rhetoric at that section of the electorate who’ve always rejected electoral reform.

In case you’d forgotten, we had a referendum on electoral reform in 2011. Voters overwhelmingly rejected change.

The people have spoken. There’s no need for another referendum, as Nigel Farage might say in other circumstances.

It’s uncontestable that the UK needs electoral reform. It’s a pity, therefore, that the only parties that recognise this are those that lose out the most under the current arrangements.

Reform’s manifesto contains a series of pledges a party can make when, like the Greens, of which Nigel Farage was once a member, they have no hope of forming a government.

The Reform Manifesto is cavalier, ungrounded, unaffordable claptrap.

everything promised in their side of the bargain.

The share dividend for Reform voters will be much the same as the Brexit and peace dividends: non-existent.

Simple electoral arithmetic comes into play. No matter what percentage of the vote the polls say Reform will get on July 4, the party’s prospects of having any MPs are small and based on how voters split in one or two marginal seats.

Reform favours proportional representation for elections to the House of Commons to

It’s not that there are not some proposals of merit and interest, but those are swamped by intellectually incoherent gibberish.

Last week, we looked at how often the party manifestos mentioned Wales.

We checked Reform’s manifesto.

Once. And only then when it referred to policing “in England and Wales”.

Reform UK is an English Nationalist Party, and its manifesto proves it.

Like the people whose circumstances Reform cynically exploited in Merthyr Tydfil, Wales doesn’t figure in its plans.

For up to date news please check our social network channels

Fair funding “essential” for public transport and communities

FAIR funding for Wales is essential to invest in public transport and connect rural communities

Plaid Cymru has said.

Ann Davies, Plaid Cymru’s candidate for Caerfyrddin in the general election, said Wales was owed almost £4bn in rail funding from Westminster. This funding could be used to build Wales’ public transport infrastructure and restore bus services that the Labour government cut in Cardiff.

Ms Davies was speaking ahead of a visit to Bysiau Cwm Taf Valley Coaches on Tuesday, June 18. Last year, bus services in Wales were cut by


Plaid Cymru candidate for Caerfyrddin Ann Davies said: “Plaid Cymru is the only party making the case for fair funding for Wales in this election – and that includes securing the £4bn owed to Wales from HS2 to invest in improving our public transport in all parts of the country and reversing cuts to local bus services.

“The Tories have underfunded Wales for over fourteen years.

“Between 2011 and 2020, for example, Wales received a total of £514m less than it would have if it received it under a populationbased share of the UK’s rail infrastructure


“But it’s also utterly scandalous that Labour refuses to commit to giving Wales full funding from HS2 – ignoring the will of the Senedd and their branch in Wales, which has called for this.

“And that’s to say nothing of the Welsh Labour Government cutting £150 million from bus funding in 2023.

“As someone who lives and works here, I understand how impossible it is to get anywhere without decent public transport.

“It’s why Plaid Cymru has been so relentless in demanding the billions in funding that we’re owed so we can build our transport infrastructure, restore our bus

IT’S frightening to think about how close we came to not getting our own national parliament when the referendum was held in 1997.

With 50.3% of those who voted saying they wanted devolution, the margin –just 6,721 votes – between continued disempowerment and a historic step forward was small.

The rest is not quite history because there is much more of it that is yet to be written.

Where opinion in Wales is heading on this is abundantly clear. It is heading decisively towards more selfgovernance.

A further referendum held in 2011, was far more decisive, with 63.5% of voters supporting more powers for what was still at that time called the National Assembly for Wales.

The appetite for more self-governance has only grown since then.

For example, a YouGov poll commissioned by YesCymru last year suggested that over 75% of Welsh residents favour control of the Crown Estate being handed over to Wales.

There is also a clear direction of travel on the question of independence.

In 2014, the year YesCymru was launched, an ICM Research poll showed support for independence to be as low as 3%.

services, and connect our communities north to south.

“And the benefits of this funding go beyond just improving our transportation network. It could also mean investment in our local economies, creating jobs and stimulating growth.

This could help to attract new businesses and industries to our region, bringing muchneeded prosperity and opportunities to our communities.

“Only a vote for Plaid Cymru on July 4 and fairness for Wales – giving us the funding we need and the public transport system we deserve.”

The turnaround in public opinion since then has been remarkable, with a recent poll by Redfield & Wilton indicating that support for Welsh independence is at 35%.

What this demonstrates is that the Welsh public is rapidly losing faith in the Westminster establishment to govern in its interests.

The UK economy has tanked, living standards are falling, public services are a mess, and poverty is endemic.

Though the vast majority of Welsh people and their representatives in the Senedd firmly support Wales getting more powers, it is abundantly clear that there is significant resistance to this in Westminster.

Though our national parliament has been invested with further powers over significant areas of legislation over the last quarter of a

century, the flow of power has not gone in one direction only.

In the last few years, we have seen a backlash in Westminster against selfdetermination.

Through the Internal Market Act, politicians in London have moved to claw back powers over swathes of important regulations and billions of pounds of funding. Through this law, they have made overruling the Senedd in its areas of competence a regular occurrence.

The strict limitations that constrain the Senedd and the ambition of our nation are clear to see.

Under the Westminster system, we do not control the vast majority of our taxes or our finances. We don’t control our welfare system. We do not control our justice system. We do not control our foreign policy.

We do not control whether our Senedd will even exist in the future. A majority vote in the Westminster parliament could easily be used to scrap it. There would be absolutely nothing we could do under the current constitutional arrangement to stop it.

Though the Senedd is now secure in the hearts and minds of the Welsh people, its future remains under threat.

The great strides our young democracy has taken forward since 1999 is something to take pride in. But this is not a time to overcelebrate, to back-slap or rest on our laurels.

Not at a time when our democracy remains fragile and our country faces enormous and deep-seated challenges.

This is a time to renew our commitment to Welsh self-government as well as our determination to secure its future.

The lesson from 25 years of devolution is that only independence can guarantee Welsh democracy will continue to exist.

by YesCymru Chair, Phyl Griffiths. Another version of this article was published in Nation Cymru on 19th May 2024.

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death notices



St.Davids Peacefully on June 12th, Anne of St.Davids Beloved wife of the late Henry, dearly loved mother of Elisabeth (Buffy) and Charles, a much loved grandmother of Kate, Nicholas, Jack and Louise, and an adored great grandmother. There will be a private family funeral held in Llanhowell Church, but there is a warm welcome for all to join the family in a service of thanksgiving for the life of Anne on Friday September 13th at St.Davids Cathedral. Donations, if desired, for Ty Hafan c/o W.G.Bernard Mathias & Daughter, 64 New Street, St.Davids, SA62 6SU

Ji M W H y BO r N

WHYBORN Jim of Melksham, formerly Fishguard, Pembrokeshire. Former president and MJF of Melksham and Fishguard Lions Club. Passed away at home surrounded by his family on 4th June 2024 aged 82 years. Dearly loved Husband, Father, Grandfather and Great Grandfather will be sadly missed. The funeral service takes place Tuesday 25th June, 1.15pm at West Wiltshire Crematorium, Semington. Family flowers only, donations if desired are for Melksham Lions Club c/o DJ Bewley Funeral Directors, Melksham. Tel. 01225 702521.



THOMPSON Jeffrey of St.Davids & Cosheston. Died on 2nd June at Withybush Hospital. Dearly loved and devoted husband of Nina, a loving and much loved father, grandfather, brother, relative and friend. Funeral service Tuesday 18th June at 11.30am at Seion Baptist Chapel, New Street, St. Davids. Donations if desired for the Paul Sartori Foundation c/o W.G.Bernard Mathias & Daughter, 62 New Street, St.Davids, SA62 6SU.





t ON

Mrs. Marilyn Llewellyn Of Johnston The death occurred peacefully at Withybush Hospital, Haverfordwest on Friday 31st May of Mrs. Marilyn Llewellyn, aged 73 years, of Greenhall Park, Johnston. Dearly loved wife of the late Ray, devoted mother and mother-in-law of Wayne & Sam and Anna & Shane and a loving nan to Aiden, Amber & Alisha. Marilyn will be greatly missed by all who knew her. The funeral service will take place on Friday 21st June at 11:30am at Parc Gwyn Crematorium, Narberth. Donations in lieu of flowers if desired for the Withybush Hospital Cancer Day Unit Appeal may be sent c/o Mrs. Janet Phillips, Ferry House Inn, Hazelbeach, Milford Haven, SA73 1EG.


LEWIS Des Ann, Helen and Jane of Fagwrfran West extend their heartfelt thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for their overwhelming kindness, support and sympathy given to them in their sudden bereavement. To the Reverend Canon Richard Davids for conducting the funeral service at Parc Gwyn, assisted by the Reverend Alwyn Daniels, Reverend Geraint Morse and Reverend Geoffrey Eynon. To all who attended the service and to Paul Jenkins & Sons for all their support and for the funeral arrangements.


PRIEST Kenneth Whitland. The death occurred peacefully on Thursday 30th May 2024 of Mr Kenneth Thomas Priest, affectionately known as Ken, aged 84 years of Ciffig, Whitland. Dearly loved husband of the late June. Much loved father of Helen and David. Respected father-in-law to Gethin and Amanda. Cherished Grandad of Christopher, Ella, Beth and Katy. A dear Brother and Uncle. The funeral service will take place on Friday 28th June 2024 at Parc Gwyn Crematorium, Narberth at 2.30pm. There will be family flowers only with donations in lieu, if so desired for Cancer Research UK and The Down Syndrome Association c/o E.C.

Thomas & Son Funeral Directors, Zoar Chapel Funeral Home, Llanteg, Narberth SA67 8QH (01834) 831876 & 21, Main Street, Pembroke SA71 4JS (01646) 682680 or via www.ecthomasandson.


JAMES Rose Ann “Ann” of Haverfordwest. Ann passed away peacefully at Withybush Hospital, Haverfordwest on the 29th May, 2024 aged 79 years. Dearly loved, she will be sadly missed by all who knew her. Funeral service, Friday 14th June, 1.45pm at Parc Gwyn Crematorium, Narberth. Family flowers only. All enquiries to Roy Folland & Son Funeral Directors (01437) 763821


CARR Sarah Olive Fishguard (formerly of Tenby) Peacefully at her home on Friday 31st May, Sarah of Fishguard (formerly of Tenby). Loving mother of Julie, Michelle and the late Alan, devoted grandmother of Jenni, Kim, Chris & Amy, a cherished great grandmother and dear sister of Olive & Rita. Funeral service on Wednesday 19th June at Parc Gwyn Crematorium, Narberth at 10:45am. No black dress, please wear colourful clothing. Immediate family flowers only. Donations in lieu if desired, made payable to ‘Paul Sartori Foundation’ c/o Paul Jenkins & Sons

Funeral Directors, Feidr Castell, Fishguard, SA65 9BB. Tel: 01348 873250.


PARRY David John Neyland (Formerly of Narberth) The death occurred peacefully on Friday 31st May of David John Parry, affectionately known as Dai, aged 71 years of Gaddarn Reach, Neyland formerly of Narberth. Dai will be sadly missed by all his family and friends. A service to celebrate Dai’s will take place on Wednesday 19th June at Parc Gwyn Crematorium, Narberth at 11.30am. Please wear what makes you comfortable, no black. There will be family flowers only with donations in memory of Dai for The Collie and Rescue & Rehabilitation Centre, Wales which may be sent c/o E.C. Thomas & Son Funeral Directors, Zoar Chapel Funeral Home, Llanteg, Narberth SA67 8QH (01834) 831876 & 21, Main Street, Pembroke SA71 4JS (01646) 682680 or via www.

P H i L i P J AM e S R EES

REES Philip James It is with deep sadness that I hereby announce the passing of my beloved husband, Philip James Rees. He was a wonderful man. Also grieving are his sister Gillian and his brother and sister in law Paul and Janet Rees. Shan Rees A celebration of his life will be held at his home with all family and friends who

wish to attend on Monday 12th August. 49 North street, Pembroke Dock

G W i Ly M J AM e S



Gwilym James Woodstock Peacefully on Saturday 8th June at home with his family, Gwilym of Woodstock. Beloved husband of Carol, devoted father and father-in-law of Kevin & Nicola, the late Gwawr and Daniel & Janet. Much loved Gramps and Great Gramps and a cherished brother. Funeral service on Monday 17th June at Woodstock Chapel at 1pm followed by interment at Woodstock Cemetery. Family flowers only. Donations in lieu if desired, made payable to ‘Paul Sartori Foundation’ or ‘Get The Boys a Lift’ c/o Paul Jenkins & Sons Funeral Directors, Feidr Castell, Fishguard, SA65 9BB. Tel: 01348 873250.



Hilary Fishguard Hilary Wheeler of Glasfryn Farm, Fishguard died peacefully on Wednesday 5th June 2024, aged 91. Dearly loved by all her family and friends. A Service of thanksgiving will be held at St Brynach’s Church, Dinas Cross at 11.30am on Wednesday 26th June. Family flowers only, donations in lieu to ‘St Brynach’s Church’ c/o Paul Jenkins & Sons Funeral Directors, Feidr Castell, Fishguard, SA65 9BB. Tel: 01348 873250.

60 Friday June 21st 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels
61 NEWS For up to date news please check our social network channels good Food guIde 01646 681 369 REGULAR, RELIABLE AND FLEXIBLE DELIVERIES greaT PlaceS To eaT ouT In PembroKeSHIre



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António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, recently announced: “Scientists have just confirmed that May 2024 was the hottest May in history, marking twelve straight months of the hottest months ever. Our planet is trying to tell us something, but we don’t seem to be listening.”

le TT

Meanwhile, The World Bank estimates that by 2030, the climate crisis could push over 120 million more people into poverty globally.

One aspect of the climate crisis that is often overlooked is its devastating impact on working animals who support lowincome communities. In many cases, dangerous conditions are a worsening problem for working animals and are threatening the survival of many animals globally.

Working animals like horses, donkeys and camels have a vital role

in their community. From carting heavy goods to transporting families, they are fundamental to livelihoods and the survival of communities.

This forgotten workforce is struggling to endure extreme weather conditions, highlighting the urgent need for global action to protect them.

In the past year, severe flooding and landslides have caused terrible destruction in Tanzania and Iraq – and countries in North and West Africa have experienced a deadly heatwave, something I saw and experienced during my visit to Mali in May this year. Meanwhile, Zimbabwe, Tunisia and Namibia are just some of the countries struggling through a prolonged drought.

These events have made life for working animals more precarious than ever and have left owners struggling to feed, care for or even keep their working animals.

SPANA works across the world providing lifesaving care and support to working animals experiencing the devastating effects of the

climate crisis. Through essential veterinary support, we are able to offer a lifeline to animals in desperate need.

We are working to transform the lives of working animals and create a world where animals, people and the environment are respected and thrive.

On International Working Animal Day (15 June), please find out how you can show your support for working animals affected by the climate crisis by visiting: www.

Linda Edwards

Chief Executive, SPANA (the Society for the Protection of Animals Abroad)



During the last 70 years, Conservative Governments have almost destroyed the Labour model of ‘Universal’, Free NHS, by progressive Privatisation of sections,

because they hated that in1947, insisting on NHS Insurance Subscription versions. Defeated by Labour, they changed their tactics.

Conservatives allocated high levels of taxation to the NHS, only to divert a large proportion from medical treatment, to become shares, salaries, profits, bonuses, dividends, for shareholders in Privatised Companies who had no interest in the Nation’s health, but only one motive, to make a quick buck.

Similarly, the Labour NHS model depended on Free Blood Donation, eagerly offered from the healthy to serve the sick, while Conservative thinking thought it clever to buy blood from the USA, purchased from convicts, at 4 dollars a bribe.

So Conservative thinking, ‘The price of everything and the value of nothing’, brought disease and death to UK NHS patients.

There was then an enquiry, like several others you know of, offering the Tory solution, that financial

compensation could correct the evil which had been injected into the Labour NHS model, which had been firmly based on Ethical Principles, quite foreign to Tory voters and politicians, whose beliefs, then and now, never extend above Pragmatism and Money.

What is astonishing in 2024, when all adults already know the truth of the above disastrous events during their lives, that 13 million Conservative voters have learned absolutely nothing at all.

They have finally accepted that Conservative Government was corrupt and dishonest, but they cannot blame themselves.

Many fine citizens died from diseased blood, perhaps their relatives, yet still 13 million ex-Tory adults cannot see Right from Wrong. They are ‘undecided.’ Still they cannot recognise that the Labour NHS vision was the future for all humankind, for them to learn and be grateful.

62 Friday June 21st 2024
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Long course weekend returns

First and foremost, the Long Course Weekend is not your typical triathlon. Instead, it features three distinct events –The Wales Swim, The Wales Sportive, and The Wales Marathon – each covering the traditional triathlon disciplines of swimming, cycling, and running, spread over three exhilarating days.

As the largest multisport festival in Europe, LCW Wales attracts over 11,000 athletes and 35,000 supporters from 56 nations to our very own Tenby, right here on the beautiful south-west coast of Pembrokeshire. It’s no surprise that this mid-season highlight is so popular, given our stunning local scenery,

the vibrant fireworks, lively samba bands, and distinctive medals.

For us locals, the event brings a unique opportunity to witness a world-class spectacle right on our doorstep. Participants have the flexibility to enter as many disciplines or distances as they wish – whether it’s tackling one event or completing them all. Options range from the full distance of a 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bike ride, and a 26.2-mile marathon, to shorter courses of 1.2 miles, 40 miles, and 5 kilometres. Our younger residents also have their races: children aged 4-11 can take part in a surf run, those 11 and older can compete in the 5-kilometre run, and

the 10-kilometre event is open to participants aged 14 and up.

Many competitors rave about the fabulous medals awarded for finishing. However, to earn the coveted “fourth medal” and participate in the “world-famous” (according to the organisers) ceremony on Sunday, athletes must complete the grueling full Long Course Weekend.

For the weekend, Tenby will be transformed, with thousands of athletes and spectators flocking to our town to race and revel in the festivities. Expect a vibrant, festival-like atmosphere and a wealth of inspiration.

The official race headquarters, start, and finish lines are situated

just outside the town centre in Saltern’s Car Park, conveniently close to all amenities. The swim event will be held in the local bay, while the bike and run courses will wind through the stunning, castle-laden landscapes of Pembrokeshire, before bringing everyone back to the finish line in Tenby.

Local eateries will be bustling as competitors and spectators alike refuel or carbo-load. We can showcase our best culinary spots, from award-winning Qube Restaurant to Tap & Tan, known for craft ales and wood-fired street food.

Accommodation in Tenby tends to fill up months in advance, but there are plenty of options available, from budget-

friendly Premier Inn to boutique hotels like The Billycan. Additionally, Coastal Cottages offers a range of stunning properties across Pembrokeshire, providing a perfect retreat for visitors and locals alike.

For those travelling within Pembrokeshire, arriving by car is likely the easiest option. However, for any guests or participants coming from further afield, Tenby station in the town centre provides a convenient alternative for those preferring to travel by train.

Let’s come together to welcome the world to our beautiful corner of Wales and celebrate the spirit of the Long Course Weekend.

68 Friday June 21st 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels

Scotland can still make it!

Scott McTominay and Xherdan Shaqiri exchanged first-half goals, resulting in an entertaining 1-1 draw in their second UEFA EURO 2024 match. Despite being only their second match of the tournament, this Group A encounter had the intensity of a knockout game, fuelled by Scotland’s precarious position in the group and their fans’ fervent support from the outset. Every won throw-in and contested tackle was met with huge roars, energising the players who quickly took the lead. Andy Robertson broke free down the left and passed

to Callum McGregor, whose cut-back was struck goalwards by McTominay. Yann Sommer seemed poised to save, but Fabian Schär deflected the ball into the top corner.

The Tartan Army erupted in celebration, but their joy was shortlived as Switzerland equalised by the 26th minute. Shaqiri, making his first appearance of the tournament, capitalised on a loose pass from Anthony Ralston, curling a brilliant first-time effort past Angus Gunn.

The Scotland goalkeeper then had to react swiftly to deny Dan Ndoye, as

the game’s pace remained relentless. Scotland suffered a setback on the hour mark when Kieran Tierney was forced off with a hamstring injury while trying to stop Ndoye, who shot wide.

Grant Hanley later headed a Robertson free-kick against the post, keeping the game finely balanced.

McTominay had a volley blocked, while Ndoye continued to pose a threat, now on the left with Breel Embolo joining the action. Another Swiss substitute, Zeki Amdouni, headed just wide as the game moved into added time. Although Scotland pressed for a

winner, they couldn’t find the second goal their fans craved. However, they kept their EURO hopes alive, while Switzerland moved to four points, trailing the already-qualified Germany in Group A.

Steve Clarke, Scotland head coach, remarked: “That’s what we expected [from the team]. This is the way we’ve been playing for the last three or four years. We knew what we had to do. It was a good team performance against good opponents and a good reaction to a disappointing night [against Germany]. We’re still alive.”

Haverfordwest County officials to visit Atlético Osasuna

NEXT week,

Haverfordwest County

A.F.C. chairman Robb Edwards and COO Beccy Nuttall will travel to Spain to visit Club Atlético Osasuna.

During their visit, they will engage in high-level discussions with Osasuna’s upper management, focusing on community and fan engagement strategies. In April, both

Haverfordwest County

A.F.C. and Club Atlético Osasuna were appointed to the Executive Board of the Union of European Clubs (UEC), an international organisation established in April 2023. The UEC was founded to provide a voice to the 92% of professional football clubs that often go unheard. The Union aims to democratise decisionmaking processes in

European football, ensuring that each club has a vote and that the destiny of the sport is not determined solely by the wealthiest clubs on the continent.

“We look forward to this meeting with Osasuna and hope our collaboration with other clubs continues to grow,” said Edwards. The upcoming visit underscores the commitment of both

clubs to fostering stronger ties and working collaboratively to shape the future of European football.

The discussions will likely cover a range of topics, from enhancing fan experiences to developing community outreach programmes, reflecting the shared values and objectives of both clubs within the UEC framework.

70 Friday June 21st 2024 For up to date news please check our social network channels

Tish defeat Llangwm

IN RECENT weeks, Llangwm have demonstrated that having players like Steven Inward and Steven Mills in your ranks means you can defeat anyone on your day.

However, their lack of depth has been noted, and on Saturday, St Ishmaels (Tish) exploited this weakness to full effect.

Llangwm batted first, with Inward looking in good form. Reaching 32, Tish may have feared he was about to take the game away from them. However, they managed to dismiss the star batsman for 32, which turned out to be their highest score. Wickets fell regularly, and Llangwm were all out for just 77. Steve Williams took an excellent four wickets for only 13 runs, while Thomas Williams claimed 2 wickets for just 11 runs,

making it a successful afternoon for the Tish bowlers.

With 77 set as a comfortable target for Tish, both teams knew that a few early wickets could change the game. Brennan Devonald batted brilliantly, and although the Tish opener had to stop batting, he was undoubtedly delighted with his team’s comprehensive victory. Devonald ended unbeaten on 58, leaving his opening partner, Rhead, with few runs to score. Rhead concluded with an unbeaten 22, continuing his impressive form this season.

This result was significant for Tish, placing them 26 points ahead of Llangwm, who are now second from bottom. Despite the quality in their ranks, Llangwm appear to be struggling at the lower end of the table.

Lamphey vs Johnston

LEE SUMMONS narrowly missed a century, falling just four runs short, as he led his team to an impressive victory that moves them into fourth place.

Batting first, the hosts were anchored by David Blackwell, who scored an impressive 76. He was supported by the in-form David Dredge, who contributed 34 before being dismissed. Johnston’s bowling attack, spearheaded by their skipper Chris Fitzpatrick, restricted Lamphey to 171 all out. Fitzpatrick delivered an exceptional spell, claiming five wickets for just 21 runs. Lee Summons, bowling with his characteristic pace and aggression, took 2-31, while Liam James also picked up two wickets. With 171 being a competitive score, Lamphey knew they needed to dismiss Johnston’s key players early.

Thomas carroll Pembrokeshire league Table

Summons, one of those dangerous players, was not taken early by the hosts. Batting with his usual elegance, he stroked the ball around the ground, reaching 96 before being dismissed. By then, the match was all but won. Summons found valuable support from Lewis Boswell, and the pair batted well together once again. Boswell added a solid 49, and youngster George Twigg guided his team home with a mature, unbeaten 12.

This victory is another significant win for Fitzpatrick’s team. In past seasons, they have often been involved in relegation battles despite possessing the quality needed to remain in the league. This win puts them in fourth place, marking a start to the season that everyone at the club will undoubtedly be pleased with.

71 NEWS For up to date news please check our social network channels Friday June 21st 2024 DIVISION 1 P W D L T AB Neyland 6 5 0 0 0 1 Cresselly 6 5 0 0 0 1 Carew 6 5 0 1 0 0 Lawrenny 6 3 0 3 0 0 Saundersfoot 6 3 0 3 0 0 St Ishmaels 6 2 0 4 0 0 Whitland 6 1 0 5 0 0 Narberth 6 2 0 4 0 0 Llangwm 6 2 0 4 0 0 Haverfordwest 6 1 0 5 0 0
DIVISION 2 P W D L T AB Burton 6 5 0 1 0 0 Herbrandston 6 5 0 1 0 0 Carew II 6 3 0 2 0 1 Hook 6 3 0 2 0 1 Pembroke 6 3 0 2 0 1 Johnston 6 2 0 3 0 1 Llechryd 6 2 0 3 0 1 Lamphey 6 2 0 4 0 0 Llanrhian 6 1 0 5 0 0 Pembroke Dock 6 1 0 4 0 1 DIVISION 3 P W D L T AB Cresselly II 6 6 0 0 0 0 Stackpole 6 5 0 1 0 0 Burton II 6 4 0 2 0 0 Neyland II 6 4 0 2 0 0 Fishguard 6 3 0 3 0 0 69 Hook II 6 2 0 4 0 0 68 Haverfordwest II 6 2 0 4 0 0 62 Kilgetty 6 2 0 4 0 0 61 Narberth II 6 1 0 5 0 0 38 St Ishmaels II 6 1 0 5 0 0 30 DIVISION 4 16 11 0 1 0 4 223 Laugharne 6 5 0 1 0 0 104 Hundleton 6 5 0 0 0 1 96 Carew III 6 4 0 2 0 0 79 Pembroke II 6 3 0 3 0 0 73 Lawrenny II 6 2 0 4 0 0 59 Llanrhian II 6 2 0 4 0 0 55 Llangwm II 6 2 0 4 0 0 53 Pembroke Dock II 6 2 0 3 0 1 52 Saundersfoot II 6 2 0 3 0 1 50 Llechryd II 6 0 0 3 0 3 11 DIVISION 5 P W D L T AB Pts Herbrandston II 6 5 0 0 0 1 98 Haverfordwest III 6 4 0 1 0 1 85 Crymych 5 4 0 1 0 0 79 Neyland III 5 3 0 2 0 0 73 Whitland II 6 3 0 3 0 0 70 Cresselly III 6 2 0 4 0 0 59 Laugharne II 6 1 0 5 0 0 35 Stackpole II 6 0 0 6 0 0 13 DIVISION 6 P W D L T AB Pts Hundleton II 6 4 0 0 0 2 79 Kilgetty II 5 3 0 1 1 0 68 Haverfordwest IV 4 2 0 0 1 1 48 Whitland III 5 2 0 2 0 1 43 Pembroke III 4 1 0 2 0 1 30 Llechryd III 6 0 0 3 0 3 19 Lamphey II 6 0 0 4 0 2 18

Long course weekend returns


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