Pearls Magazine November 2020 Edition

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Editorial Editorial

Greetings and Salutations, Welcome back to another Edition of Pearls Magazine. We welcome our new and returning subscribers. We are happy to have you on board reading and commenting. Thank you for your continuous support. My name is Christena Williams and I am your new Editor and I am from Jamaica. I hope I can serve you well and I am happy to be a part of this tremendous team. There are exciting interviews, features, music, entertainment, finance and it’s all about representing and giving glory to our Almighty God. As a Follower of Christ, I try to represent my Lord and let Him be my guide. Also, as a writer one of my favourites in the Bible is Psalm 45 vs 1, “My tongue is the pen of a skillful writer”. So, if you are lying in bed, why don’t you relax and enjoy the magazine with possibly a cup of homemade chocolate tea. Spread the word about Pearls Magazine and get others on board to enjoy some sweet Entertainment.

Christena Williams Publication Editor

Michael Afenfia & The Legacy Of Nigerian Literature Nigeria has produced some of the finest Writers in world literature: Chinua Achebe, Wole Soyinka, Buchi Emecheta, Ben Okri, Odia Ofeimun, Niyi Osundare, Cyprian Ekwensi, J.P. Clark, Sefi Atta, Nnedi Okoroafor and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie are some of the best we can boast of! The list can continue. The joy is that, the tempo of writing in the country has been maintained, and one of the voices still keeping the rhythm alive is Michael Afenfia. A Bayelsa-born Writer whose novel “The Mechanics of Yenagoa” is set to be adapted into film. Afenfia is a Novelist, Social Commentator and Biographer who got his law degree from Rivers State University of Science and Technology. He also holds an MBA from the prestigious Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife, Western Nigeria. He served as Chairman of the Association of Nigerian Authors (ANA), between 2014 and 2016, Bayelsa State Chapter. A respected public figure, who has been promoting Nigerian literature through his annual literary contests. The writer of four critically acclaimed novels: “When the Moon Caught Fire” (2010), “A Street Called Lonely” (2011), “Don’t Die on Wednesday” (2014), “The Mechanics of Yenagoa” (2020). He also has experiences in Real Estate, Banking, Construction and Public Service. Pearls Magazine’s Publisher (Dike Dyke Williams) interviewed him on Nigerian Literature, his works, and other things. Below are his expression edited by Jamaican Poet and Pearls’ Publication Editor (Christena Williams). Enjoy:

Dike Williams: Can you tell us how your writing Journey began? Michael Afenfia: I have been writing from secondary school, and after I left, I continued writing in the university, but I was not really publishing. After university, I just gave up on writing to focus on work and building a career. Couple of years later, I had the time and started writing more seriously, so my first novel was published 18 years ago.

Dike Williams: Your book 'Mechanics of Yenagoa' is becoming popular; can you tell us what makes the book expand your audience? Michael Afenfia: With 'Mechanics of Yenagoa' I thought I should be experimental. It was a lot of humour. The background story behind the 'Mechanics of Yenagoa' is that it was never supposed to be a book. It has a blog series, so every week I would post an episode online and people would read. It was never intended to be a book but somewhere down the line, people started liking the story. Dike Williams: As a writer, your work should promote positive changes, what role does literature play in nation-building? Michael Afenfia: First of all, writers become cultural icons; writers become national icons, writers become people who are known, they represent, and become ambassadors of their countries. The quality of their writing reflects on the perception that people have on that country. So if you know the role Chinua Achebe has played for our literature it reflects positively on Nigeria. Another thing is that writing becomes a voice and when we speak, people listen. For example is all the drama about covid-19, whether it is real or it is not. If a writer was to come up and comment on what’s going on in America today, people would listen. As people are looking for leadership, they are also looking for a voice. Writing elevates you to that point that when you speak, people can take you serious. Dike Williams: Nigeria has produced great writers too many to mention, and the present generation of writers are showing promise, what has built this legacy? Michael Afenfia: We have been blessed with very great story tellers, and I am thankful that you (Dike Williams) rightly pointed out that the

tempo does not seem to be slowing down. I think that successively the baton has been passed to one generation and to another, it keeps going on. The cultural story telling is almost in our DNA. I do not know what generation you belong to but remember the time when our mothers told us those stories, and if you grew up in the village then the community told you stories. Overtime it became embedded in us so we have become a people with a great sense of storytelling. It is therefore easy to translate those stories, skills and abilities from oral tradition we are used to. We do very good story telling that can be translated into written story-telling format.

Dike Williams: Can you tell us about your works, and where lovers of literature can get them? Michael Afenfia: 'Mechanics of Yenagoa' is recent and that would be my fourth novel. My first novel was published in 2010, ‘When the moon caught fire’ which is a historical novel and it talks about slavery from a different perspectives. Slavery was forced, and over the years a lot of things have happened, it is sad that

after all these years and struggle, it is like what is going on in the US today that vicious cycle is still active and alive. After my first book, came ‘A Street called Lonely’. It kind of explored politics, as it is a story about politics and head officials etc. Then, ‘Don’t Die on Wednesday’ is an experimental novel about sports (football). I found myself surrounded by people who loved football. I have a brother that is crazy about football. If an Arsenal match falls on his wedding day he would postpone his wedding and watch the Arsenal match. I thought it would be nice to write a novel about football. Dike Williams: What should we expect from Michael Afenfia in the future? Michael Afenfia: I suspect more novels as I recently moved from Nigeria to Canada. This short period of being here I have learnt a lot. I will kind of explore that experience. Discussing emigration especially for those who wish to come here from Nigeria. Interviewed by Dike Williams, Edited by Christena Williams for Pearls Magazine


Judah Lecrae, Sevin, Bizzle, DaTruth are some of the biggest names in global gospel rap-music, not forgetting Canton Jones and Tedashi. In Nigeria and Africa, one of the best in the gospel hallof-fame is David Judah. Sometimes referred to as the Legendary David Judah. After he ministered at Euphoria (formerly the biggest gospel music festival in Benin City, Nigeria), the Southern part of Nigeria took note of him! His EPs: “The Antidote” and “Rebirth” contains some of the rap hit-tracks the ears have ever heard. Judah has graced some of the biggest stages in Nigeria, and has become a household name in South-South Nigerian gospel rap-music, where he mentors young gospel rappers understand the rudiments of this unique genre. The blend of Afro-hip hop and Nigerian pidgin in his art creates a sound that leaves you awestruck! We dare write that, if Mr. Judah is put on stage with the rappers aforementioned, he would standout. He has become one of the influential names making Nigerian hip hop music look good. His understanding of the gospel music environment is rare, which has made him an advocate for a rich Nigerian gospel music industry, with structures that represents global excellence. We interviewed the Legend himself on the gospel music terrain, his ministry, and relationship with God. The answers he gave are enough to stir the necessary change. Read…

PM: Can you tell us how your journey into gospel rapmusic started? JUDAH: My journey into rap music (gospel) began about six years ago. I just began rapping gospel for the fun of it, I never really heard anyone doing that, but took it seriously when I got divinely inspired that there’s a generation that can only be reached through this genre. PM: How did your relationship with God begin, and how did it influence your music? JUDAH: I have had a very strong relationship with God from the new birth, and that influences my music a lot. In excellence, skill, right lyrics etc. The Holy Spirit helps you achieve all that, as you walk with Him. PM: You are in a unique genre of music that is not accepted by some ministries, what do you think should be done to break the limits? JUDAH: An eye-opener! Eye-opener in the sense that (it poses the questions): who do I want to reach? How do I want to reach them? If you want to reach the young folks that comprise a greater percent of the population of Africa, you have to look for what they are attracted to. My genre of music falls into that. So, I will say it’s because they have not understood targetevangelism! PM: Do you think the gospel music industry in Nigeria has the structure to advance beyond the present level? JUDAH: I don’t think we have a gospel (music) industry yet! An industry involves a lot; we just have gospel ministers and musicians. We don’t have a framework to be called an industry, which is not a good thing! PM: You have been an advocate for investing in gospel music; can you tell us what needs to be done to better gospel music? JUDAH: It’s to first, realize we are not an industry yet, and, to build one. Then have functional departments, from media, to distribution, to labels, and to marketers etc PM: Most coming gospel rappers have not done

enough homework on their gifts, what do you think is the cause? JUDAH: I think they should define what they are in it for. Just to put out something to be part of the crowd of rappers? Or, for the impact and reaching out. When you can distinguish that, then the next question you should ask yourself is: these people I want to reach need to have the best of music excellence and truth, does my sound represent that? If not, then you should work to accomplish that. PM: How effective is rap-music in building a nation with healthy youths, with character and the fear of God? JUDAH: I will say with a lot of junk music going on in this generation and genre of music, gospel rap/hip hop is the antidote! It’s the alternative. It’s likely the sound that can travel farthest to reach what I call the UNCHURCHED, because in rap-music you can hear a full sermon. The attention paid to it can instill a lot of good in the hearers, and trust the Holy Spirit to build on those words. PM: How can gospel music in Nigeria promote the coming generation, and secure their gifts from earthly pollution? JUDAH: We should invest more, build more. The less investment, the more risk of losing the young. PM: How many albums have David Judah recorded, and where can they be streamed or bought? JUDAH: Don’t have an album yet, but I have released two EPs: “The Antidote” and “Rebirth”. You can get them on all digital stores. PM: What legacy does the legendary David Judah want to leave on the sands of time? JUDAH: What will be my legacy? That a shepherd in street-robes left truths exposed! In a way and dimension hat has never been seen. And, it’s reflecting in the lives of so many generations, as they show forth Christ’s fullness!

Sinach and The Revolution of African Gospel Music There is no doubt that gospel music in the continent of Africa has reached success, but with Sinach hitting Billboard’s number one Christian Songwriter Chart for seven weeks on (when it was announced), for her song “Way Maker”, Africa’s gospel music reached the zenith of success!

“Way Maker” by Sinach was released as a single on 30th of December, 2015. From the time of release to 2020, it has been viewed over 135 million times on YouTube. American gospel legend Michael .W. Smith confessed it’s a song he would be singing for the rest of his life. So powerful was Michael Smith’s cover of “Way Maker” that it made top ten on Billboard. It’s the first time Smith reached top ten on Billboard in sixteen years.

“Way Maker” has been covered by Leeland, Bethel Music, Christafari, Darlene Zschech and William MacDowell and more. This and more made it one of the most successful songs from Africa. Sinach, unarguably, is presently the most successful female singer in Nigeria. She is the first African to lead Billboard’s Songwriters’ chart.

In an article published on 27th of November 2019, by (Top ten gospel artistes of the decade), an excerpt reads thus about ‘Way Maker’: “If it had an official release in the US, it will probably be certified a platinum-selling single”.

The success behind the song is the Songwriter connecting with the Divine, where only God and the Worshiper communicate in spirit and truth, and such song is born! It’s a song given by God before time, especially during the Corona Virus pandemic. It’s a prayer to the “Way Maker” Himself to help in such times! No wonder the Italians wanted their own version.

Whatever is given by Heaven, earth will praise. The win is not for Sinach alone, it’s for African gospel music to climb many steps higher. Worshippers around the world are amazed the song was born in Nigeria, which has made them turn this side for more great worship songs born not just in Nigeria, also in Africa. The song’s success is an African success, and Sinach has become its pacesetter. Acknowledged as the most viewed song by a female artist in Nigeria on YouTube, it’s time for a male category. I am predicting Steve Crown’s “You Are Yahweh” as the next success story, before this decade completes its stories. For now, Sinach has touched the peak, and calling us to come to that apex of success. There is no competition in this, just a win for the song of the Spirit, and, a revolution for African gospel music the world should never recover from!


Music Producer with a rare touch G’Will is a trained music producer, vocalist, and music production consultant with a rare touch! He has been part of Album and Singles projects for various remarkable artistes. His production made listeners wonder if he was Nigerian. He is sought-after by great musicians in Nigeria, because of his eclectic approach to music production. By talent and uniqueness, he should earn a nominee in some of Africa’s biggest music awards. His clients include: Lemuel Climbs, SallyMuzic, LMAM Benin City, Bootstrap and more. Despite his challenging start to music, he has succeeded in getting his own chair in the Nigerian music industry. A very fine vocalist who is set to release his official debut album, but his single “First Place” was officially released on April 3rd, 2020, on AudioMack. He was interviewed by Pearls Magazine, and he gladly gave his responses below:

PM: How did you learn music production? GWill: I learnt music production from different people. I had a friend named Chuks, who put me through the basics. Then, Bamtunez from FUTA, Ondo State, Nigeria. L’Kainami in Makurdi State, Nigeria. This was the year 2013, and early 2014. PM: Tell us about your journey so far. GWill: Sincerely, it’s been a mix of ups and downs, but in the end, I can say things are better now! I had to identify, grow through the process involved in making good music, satisfying customers and creating a name for myself. PM: Your production is very unique, how did you perfect your work? GWill: In every aspect of life, one needs to have their own touch, so I decided to consciously apply myself to the music to create an alteration to what people hear normally. Let’s say it’s doing ordinary things extraordinarily. PM: Can you remember your best productions? GWill: Cool! Some of them are: “iFlourish” by Florichie, “Young” by Lemuel Climbs, “Bless Thee” by SallyMuzic, “First Place” by GWill, “Did it All” by Kesta Lucky, “Sweet my Belle” by WisdomStarz, “Dominion” by Perez and more. They are all available on iTunes, AudioMack, YouTube and Google.

PM: You are a great vocalist, how do you combine singing and production? GWill: It’s not easy when you are an Artiste and Producer! You really don’t have time for yourself. Despite that, I am coping and have projects lined up for release soon. PM: You produce more of gospel songs; tell us about your relationship with God? GWill: I believe God is everything! When I am in Him, and work with Him, every other thing makes sense. That part always stays on point, because without God, I am nothing. PM: What should your fans expect from your musical journey in the future? GWill: More! More improved work. With respect to the songs I produce for others, and the works from me.

SallyMuzic Family:

Her Inspiration &Love Life:

Araromi Ochechevesho Salome was born on May 5th 1986 into a loving family of Mr and Mrs Gabriel Araromi Otaru among four other siblings. She began doing music from her childhood and was actively involved in the Choir of Church of God’s Mission in Sabongida-Ora of Edo State, Nigeria, where she was raised and schooled till her High School, before proceeding to the University of Benin, Nigeria, to study Microbiology.

Till her father’s demise on July 28th 2001, she enjoyed the tender love and care of her father Mr. Araromi (Of Blessed Memory). However, her father’s demise exposed her to the harsh nature and challenging hazards of growing up to fend for herself early in life and be self dependent. She has also had her fair share of heart breaks, disappointments and betrayal! Yet, in all of this, God never left her without a guide and reassurance of His love. Some of these experiences and more birthed her songs and music.

Other Areas of Specialty: SallyMuzic is also a Professional Make-Up Artist and CEO of GlamFab Inc. What Makes her Unique. She is a Gospel Soul Singer currently based in Nigeria. The Brand SallyMuzic was coined after her work on a number of Mali Music’s songs and precise duplication at ministrations. She never goes to minister anywhere without God’s presence made manifest during and after her ministrations. Especially because of her transfigured and electrifying moments on stage, yet the skill remains intact.She has a knack for Professionalism and quest for more, she came in contact with the renown Music Instructor, Trainer and Creative Executive Officer (C.E.O) of Dexterous Music Media, MD Crown who became her Friend, Teacher, Mentor, Coach, Director and Brand Manager. For SallyMuzic, every opportunity to minister is a whole new experience and is regarded as such. Calling/ Vision: “Revealing God’s love by setting the oppressed free through music” is God’s mandate to her on the 8th of January 2015, saying “I will raise you up in righteousness and I will direct all your ways. You will build my city and let my captives go, not for hire or for a bribe”. This, God has been doing by His Spirit through series of concerts and ministration He’s brought her way, to minister to His people with proofs and testimonies accompanied by His presence. Concerts: SallyMuzic hosts her Annual Concert on the first Sunday of the month of May. 80% of the songs ministered during the concerts are as given by God to her. This annual concert has been on since May 2016, featuring a number of Gospel Ministers over the years. Season 1(The Maiden Edition) was “Grace & Mercy with theme taken from (Heb 4:18)” in May 2016, which held at Living Faith Church (a.k.a Winners’ Chapel) Technical School Road, Benin-City, with over 2,000 worshipers in attendance. Season 2 came strongly on May 7th 2017 to fulfill REST (in Love) where over 1,534 people basked in God’s Love during diverse ministrations and worship sessions; and found REST for their wearied souls!

Season 3 “ESTABLISH (His presence) Sunday, 6th of May 2018 was held @ The University of Benin’s Main Auditorium. Season 4: LOVED BY HEAVEN (which is her First Album's Title) was her Pre-Album Listening and Launch on May 5th 2019. Discography: She recorded the following songs: I. BLESS THEE | REST | MIRACLE | GREATEST LOVE | LOVER | UNCONDITIONAL LOVE | AS GOLD | FOREVER Album Title: LOVED BY HEAVEN Release date: Sunday July 28th, 2019. Mentorship: She enjoyed scoring songs of the Legendary Cece Winnas, Dorinda Clarke Cole, Kim Burrel, J. Moss, and later in her Musical life while working on Vocal Depth and ad libs fell in love with songs from Mali Music, Jessica Reedy, Tasha Cobbs, and Jeckalyn Carr. She also works with songs from Travis Greene and Johnathan Mcreynolds. She soon became renown for her Vocal depths, riffs, and spiritual presence in every song ministered.

Social Media Handles: Facebook Page: Instagram: Whatsapp: +2348065252238 E-mail: Contact/ Booking Address: Dexterous Music Media Top Floor Ighomo House, 7 Akpakpava Road Benin City Beside BEDC Building... Ring Road +2349069041754.

Finance: Money Sense by Temitope Olusanya In my pursuit of financial Intelligence and advocacy for financial education alongside scholastic education for some years now, I’ve discovered that having money truly makes one influential. You can reach out to millions of people through purposeful causes, products and services on different platforms when you are rich and wealthy. Not just in money, but in values and impact. Against popular opinion, being rich is not just about earning money. It is about what you do with the money you earn. What you earn off your job or business won't make you rich. It is how you effectively manage and allocate what you earn that makes rich. It's not in the quantity of money you amass for yourself. It's in the impact of your existence. “The love of money is the root of all evil: which while some 'coveted' after”... as we know is the word of God people try to manipulate to justify poverty. It is scriptures out of context when people quote 'money is the root of all evil'. It is just a scheme to justify a self-made predicament. Poverty is not of God. One of Africa's heroes I respect his impact and legacy, Nelson Mandela said and I concur “Like Slavery and Apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made”. Therefore, such evil eating deep into the lives of many should not be justified. If cancer is not God's will, you can't sell the lie that to be poor is God's will. You will be the only one to buy that. Money is a DEFENCE. Not having it is not congruous with being righteous. You need money, that's why you spend it and must possess skills to make it work for you every day. Every vision, purpose or goal needs money to be actualized. It takes money to run a foundation that will cater for the needs of disabled beggars on our

streets. It takes money to run a Bottle Water Company. It takes money to eat and live healthy. So, get in tune with the truth that you need money to fulfill your purpose. The difference between the Rich and the poor is not just in the amount of money they have access to, but in their MENTAL CAPACITY. It's evident in the way they think, talk, earn, spend, retain, invest and most importantly, the impact the money has on them and the lives they've influenced. The wealthy guys think rich, live rich, talk rich & give rich. They are mainly characterized by ABUNDANCE MENTALITY & PROVIDING SOLUTIONS. On the other hand, the poor guys think poor and small, live poor talk poor and mostly characterized by the SCARCITY and ENTITLEMENT MENTALITY. They only see problems and more problems. These distinguishing characteristics form the basis of people’s experience with money and the gospel truth is “Every man has a choice and opportunity of either being RICH or POOR”; that decision is being made every day with how you take control of your finances, network, association, opportunities, skills and capabilities. As a Millennial, you probably have a source of income and hope to be so rich by forty but building wealth does not happen overnight. It happens OVER TIME. Riches gotten through get-richquick schemes as we have it today in our world, does not last. It takes good time to become WEALTHY and what makes it happen in time is what you are doing now. Maximize your capacity to build wealth consciously, leveraging on the principle of Compounding Effects. Use your money well and create wealth over time. Small compounded efforts of mastering your money, investing

right, getting good financial education. Paying money for resources that help your net worth and network over the years give you greater chances of being part of the wealthy class. Start your Journey to wealth from where you are now. You are better wealthy. You can reach many people being wealthy. Bio: Temitope Olusanya is an entrepreneur and quintessential teacher whose interest cuts across education, business and people development. She's an author, thought leader, inspirational speaker, and founder of The MoneyTucker, a financial education enterprise that provides Personal and Business Finance solutions to individuals and organizations through its educational tools and projects. She is a graduate of Accounting Education and certified as a Project Management Professional by the British Project Management Academy. She is a candidate of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, with certification in leadership. She is also a member of the prestigious Yali Network. Temitope has impacted hundreds of young adults and youths, with her excellent writings and teachings on money mastery, wealth building, mind engineering and personal development. She's passionate about helping the next generation transit into a whole environment where their skills and potentials are relevant and maximally employed. She lives in Lagos, Nigeria.

PEARLS MAGAZINE TEAM DIKE DYKE WILLIAMS – Publisher & Founder. DIKE .I. ALPHONS – Publication Consultant CHRISTENA WILLIAMS- Editor (Jamaica) UWA NUEL - Contributing Editor OGBAIFO EFEMENA DAVID- Executive Producer URIE OBASA JAMES- Regional Head (USA and Canada) BRADLEY KLEIN- Regional Head (South Africa) OMORUYI LIBERTY- Marketing Executive SARAH IWENWA- Planning & Strategy AKENI KYLE- Fashion Editor ADEWOLE WALE MICHAEL - Graphical Creator/Consultant DAVID PRAISE OSARO - Marketing Executive OREVAOGHENE OSOKOGU- Research Contributor BLESSING BALDWIN – Research Contributor NNAJI-DIKE LAW CHAMBERS- Legal Consultant

Pearls Magazine is published quarterly by Dyke International Limited [RC: 56389], in Nigeria, West Africa. No article in this publication should be used without a clear permission from the publisher. Failure to invite our consent will attract legal invitation. ©. 2020. Pearls Magazine For advert placements on Pearls Magazine, please contact us via mobile: (+234) 813 403 8406 or (+234) 908 391 8454. EMAIL:

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