ANC 1C03 Year in Review: 2021

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What is ANC 1C03? While some of us likely know far too much about Advisory Neighborhood Commissions (ANCs), others might hear the term ANC and wonder what it refers to exactly. Washington, DC, is divided into eight wards, all of which have roughly the same population. Each of those wards is then divided into ANCs, with each ward currently having 4-6 Commissions present. From there, each ANC is divided into Single Member Districts (SMDs) of about 2,000 residents. Some ANCs have as few as two SMDs (and thus two commissioners), while others have as many as twelve. ANC 1C03 refers to the Single Member District I represent in Adams Morgan: Ward 1 + ANC C + SMD 3 = ANC 1C03. All these boundaries throughout the city are based on US census data, which is updated once a decade. Because of the COVID19 pandemic, census data was slow to be released in 2021. Nonetheless, the redistricting process—which will create new lines for wards, ANCs, and SMDs in DC —should be done in time for the 2022 election cycle. Most ANC boundaries will remain untouched, but some will be adjusted to account for population change since 2010. In this document you can find a summary of activities during 2021 involving ANC 1C03 and my work as commissioner for the area. Thank you for all your continued support, and let's make 2022 as great a year as possible!


Community Events & outreach Hands down the best part about being ANC commissioner is getting to meet so many people in the DC community. Our official duties are fairly limited, but I eagerly go beyond those to organize and participate in events throughout the year. Here is a brief recap of some of the main affairs I took part in during 2021, as well as key neighborhood improvements I helped urge DC agencies to finalize. Neighborhood trash cleanups: January 10 after insurrectionists stayed nearby March 20 with the Reed Cooke Neighborhood Association (RCNA) April 24 multi-ANC cleanup with ANC 1B and 2B commissioners May 22 with Washington Parks & People in Malcolm X Park July 10 with RCNA November 6 crosstown cleanup covering over 11 miles Organized and moderated affordable housing panel Judge in BID's Valentine's Day contest Organized and moderated domestic violence panel Facilitated water main repair near Kalorama Park Facilitated replacement of US flag in Kalorama Park Facilitated replacement of sand and mulch in Kalorama Park Facilitated approval of Green Zone streatery on 18th St COVID vaccine registration outreach on Columbia Rd STAY DC application assistance with Spanish-speaking residents Organized Holiday caroling for Joseph's House and Christ House Completed ANC trainings on ANC responsibilities, Robert's Rules, zoning, ABRA


In the News Adams Morgan is a busy neighborhood, and it's often hard to keep up with everything that's going on. For a start, here are some times my work as commissioner was mentioned or published in the local media in 2021. Washington Post article on blighted properties My testimony from a DC council roundtable was quoted Washington Post op-ed on ANCs I wrote this piece influenced by some experiences in Adams Morgan Washington Post article on SunTrust Plaza Much of the legal history of this case I compiled here Washington Post op-ed opposing encampment evictions I co-authored this piece with two fellow ANC commissioners The Wash article on rent in Adams Morgan I was quoted commenting on the difficulties of renting The Wash article on neighborhood cleanups in DC I commented on the value of community trash collection The Wash article on traffic safety in Adams Morgan Along with other 1C commissioners, I commented on improving safety


Divided votes Most ANC votes are fairly mundane and pass unanimously. Case in point: in 2021 ANC 1C final votes were "yes" 95% of the time (308-12-3), the exact same rate as the 2019-2020 term (783-20-15). But every so often, commissioners disagree on the matter at hand. I personally think dissent is normal, often healthy, and can help teach us all more deeply about issues that matter to the community. Below are brief summaries of some of the ANC 1C votes that drew disagreement in 2021. SunTrust Plaza litigation (January 2021) Final vote passed 6-2 (I voted against) This resolution requested DC's attorney general become involved in a lawsuit over the plaza, though the AG never took such action and the lawsuit failed Letter to ABRA authorizing Madam's Organ to host live music on balcony (May 2021) Final vote failed 3-5 (I voted in favor) This letter would have supported temporary permission for outdoor music in order to adapt during the COVID-19 health emergency Resolution on budget priorities for FY 2022 (June 2021) An amendment passed 4-3 striking text which called for tax increases on higher earners, defunding MPD (I voted against removing that text) Despite this amendment, DC Council's final budget partially aligned with the preferences I advocated for and raised taxes on those with high incomes Special exception relief from lot occupancy restrictions at 2240 Ontario Rd NW (July 2021) Final vote passed 5-2 (I voted in favor) This allowed property owners to slightly expand the rear of their building Contract renewal for meeting and A/V services for ANC 1C (September 2021) Final vote passed 2-0-3 (I abstained my vote) Several commissioners joined me in expressing confusion over contract terms Amended request for special exception at 2240 Ontario Rd NW (October 2021) Final vote failed 3-3 (I voted no, which meant I favored the original exemption allowing two alley parking spots to be smaller than normal)


Letters to DC Government Outside of official ANC votes, where the Commission can decide to submit official letters and resolutions to DC government, a key way to communicate local needs is through unofficial letters. Here are letters I wrote or signed onto this past year as 1C03 commissioner. Links are provided, where available. Letter requesting improved police accountability measures Support for transportation justice and rejection of commissioner parking passes Sunrise DC-led letter to WMATA on transportation budget Letter to Mayor Bowser recommending a parking pilot study DC Jobs with Justice-led letter supporting an essential workers' bill of rights Empower DC-led letter on improved investment in DC public housing Letter to DC council in support of hybrid/virtual meetings Letter to DC council supporting full funding of Vision Zero Opposition to streateries that displace people dealing with homelessness CNHED-led letter on digital literacy and internet access Comments to NPS on keeping Upper Beach Drive closed to cars Letter to DC officials opposing encampment evictions at Ward 2's Burke Park Letter opposing encampment displacement in DC Request for improved pedestrian safety in Adams Morgan Letter to DC Council supporting emergency encampment legislation


DC Government Testimony Another important mechanism for voicing feedback to DC elected officials is offering testimony. This can occur at DC Council meetings, agency roundtables, or other officially sanctioned events held by DC government. Here are testimonies I gave this past year as 1C03 commissioner, with links to video included. Committee on Human Services oversight hearing Called for Council to increase investments for survivors of domestic abuse ABRA hearing in support of barbershop/speakeasy acquiring a liquor license DC Council roundtable on vacant and blighted properties DC Health public hearing on sexual assault victim services Committee on Human Services on budget recommendations Domestic violence Homelessness Undocumented migrants Committee of the Whole budget oversight for FY 2022 Subcommittee on Redistricting Ward 1-focused roundtable Subcommittee on Redistricting roundtable on DC redistricting priorities Committee on the Judiciary & Public Safety on ranked choice voting


residents in Focus

Jackson Stuteville

Paula Hughes

Clarissa Villondo

Matthew Mayers

Jessica Bruce

Solomon Abrams

Phillip Katinas

Audra Edwards

Xinyu Wen

Anthony Salinas

Rachel Norman


Businesses in Focus


The Grill from Ipanema

Picture Frame Factory

Juicy King Crab Express

Yerevan Market & Cafe

Pop's Sea Bar

Urban Dwell

Julia's Empanadas


Capital Blossom Day Spa



Goals in review: Safe Homes Let's take a moment to review my performance as commissioner during 2021. I entered the year with three main sets of goals: safe homes, vibrant streets, and affordable living. Where did I meet expectations? Where did I come up short? Safe Homes goal: Help create and sustain a living environment where residents and visitors are free from harm within a healthy, happy, supportive community Objective 1: Advance criminal justice and police reform Successes: Supported multiple residents who sought alternatives to police for public safety issues Challenges: MPD budget continues to grow despite examples of abuse of power Results: Mixed Objective 2: Increase Ward 1 domestic violence budget Successes: FY 2022 budget expanded shelters for survivors of abuse ($67m + $1.2m for LGBTQ-focused services), exceeding my recommendations to Council Challenges: Domestic violence was cited as the primary cause of homelessness for 42% of homeless adults in DC in 2021 Results: Positive Objective 3: Support unhoused residents to attain permanent housing and remain safe throughout the process Successes: Advocated for and with unhoused 1C03 residents in multiple settings Challenges: DC's encampment program continues to forcibly displace residents Results: Mixed


Goals in review: vibrant Streets Vibrant Streets goal: Ensure that Adams Morgan is safe, beautiful, fun, and accessible Objective 1: Support local businesses, especially DC native and immigrant-owned Successes: Consulted multiple businesses facing barriers to entry in Adams Morgan Challenges: Business retention in Adams Morgan continues to see high turnover Results: Positive Objective 2: Expand dining and pedestrian space Successes: Facilitated new and renewed streateries on 18th St and Columbia Rd Challenges: Efforts to restrict car traffic on 18th St have stalled Results: Positive Objective 3: Improve public art and beautification of public spaces Successes: Supported Kalorama Park garden maintenance & public art proposals Challenges: Application process for art projects has occasionally been slow Results: Moderately positive


Goals in review: Affordable Living Affordable Living goal: Expand and/or modify the institutions which make it easier for people to have enough resources to live in DC long-term Objective 1: Achieve rent and mortgage cancellation during public emergency Successes: Programs including STAY DC were created and helped many residents Challenges: Rent assistance funds have exhausted, evictions protections lapsed Results: Moderately positive Objective 2: Improve wages and benefits through support for local labor unions Successes: Maintained outreach with local employees and employers on their needs during COVID-19 crisis Challenges: Informal, undocumented, and/or tipped workers continue to struggle, unions remain underrepresented in Adams Morgan Results: Mixed Objective 3: Advocate for a fair system of taxation and wealth parity Successes: The FY 2022 budget is one of the most progressive in DC history, reflecting much of what I testified to DC Council in favor of Challenges: Enormous economic inequities persist within the DC population Results: Mixed


priorities for 2022 With a new year upon us, I want to set out goals for my role as ANC 1C03 commissioner in 2022. Keeping the same three-pronged theme as 2021, below are some of the main objectives I hope to accomplish. Safe Homes Convert the 1800 blocks of Kalorama Rd, Wyoming Ave into one-ways with speed bumps and bike lanes Increase the number of domestic violence-specific first responders and accompanying training programs Decriminalize illicit opioid use, improve funding for opioid abuse services Vibrant Streets Restore call boxes, organize community art projects in & near Kalorama Park Improve small business retention by supporting good faith businesses to acquire proper licensing in a timely manner Refresh efforts to establish a pedestrian mall on 18th Street NW Affordable Living Help create & maintain deeply affordable housing in Adams Morgan Advocate for a cleaner, cheaper energy mix in DC Improve protections for undocumented workers and their families

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