Advantages and Precautions of Concrete Compression Testing Machine

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Advantages and Precautions of Concrete Compression Testing Machine An improper site testing procedure may result in failure of the entire project later. Compression test of concrete help engineers to know the quality as well as the grade of concrete. Factors like compressive strength also play a role in quality control procedures and their extent, and their adequacy and optimization results in reliable and quality structures. A compression testing machine can test concrete blocks and cylinder samples. Some of the advantages are listed below. 1. With the use of the testing machine, the range along which the force can be measured expands and turns to be stable and broader. 2. There is a very low or negligible sound generated during the test. The aspect provides for more convenience. 3. The performance and consistency of the testing procedure are apparent. Several experiments can be carried out in a session, and there will be minimum inaccuracies in the test results. 4. Temperature does not exert any effect on the tests or their results. Hence the tests can be run in many different kinds of conditions and environmental scenarios. 5. The leading concrete compression test machine providers (suppliers and distributors) also offer service and maintenance, on-site itself. Precautions to be exercised with the Concrete Testing Machine 1. All the stages of the operation should be checked and scrutinised. All kinds of illegal operations should be prohibited. 2. It must be seen that the vertical column’s marking line is not exceeded (for instance, beyond the 50 mm mark). 3. The electric motor should never be started at the high-pressure configurations, as it may damage the electrical appliances. 4. It must be ensured that the tank has adequate hydraulic oil. Only oil of the right standards and quality should be used. 5. If the testing machine is used frequently, the hydraulic oils should be periodically replaced, and the tanks should also be periodically cleaned. In most cases, either of the procedures should be carried out once every six months. The best of concrete testing machine and equipment suppliers will also offer you on-site maintenance services, and hence any procurement should be made through a reputed laboratory equipment supplier only.

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