Pointe-Claire Record April 2024

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The Pointe-Claire Record

Have Your SayWe Want to Hear From You

This is our fourth issue on our newspaper journey, and what a journey it has been. From what started as a brainstorming session at my dining room table with the Pointe-Claire Citizens’ Association Executive Committee to the newspaper’s inception on January 25th, we have resurrected a 100-year-old newspaper to bring a bit more of our community to you, our readers.

Producing a newspaper is a lot of work, and even more so for a community paper run exclusively by volunteers. What we find makes the Record so special is you, the citizens of Pointe-Claire; you have stepped up with great articles and beautiful photos of Pointe-Claire and your furry friends.

Last month we changed the format of our newspaper, switching to Issuu and using a flipbook style. Our features and contributors are growing in number, and our potential is limitless. In order for us to keep growing, we count on the contributions of our readers and neighbours. If you want to tell us about your not-for-profit institution, your celebration of a milestone anniversary, a local business, a youth association, or just something of interest to you – we want to hear from you! We want your help in providing content about our great city, and we welcome you to become a part of the new PointeClaire Record.

We want to know what you like – and what you don’t, what you want to see more of, and what features we could add. We have put together a short survey about our first four issues, so feel free to look them all over. You can find the past issues on our website. This is an online newspaper that is interactive, so all you have to

Donnez votre avisNous voulons vous entendre

Il s’agit du quatrième numéro de notre parcours journalistique, et quel voyage cela a été. De ce qui a commencé comme une séance de remue-méninges à ma table de salle à manger avec le comité exécutif de l’Association des citoyens de Pointe-Claire jusqu’à la création du journal le 25 janvier, nous avons ressuscité un journal centenaire pour vous apporter un peu plus de notre communauté, nos lecteurs.

Produire un journal demande beaucoup de travail, et encore plus pour un journal communautaire géré exclusivement par des bénévoles. Ce que nous trouvons qui rend le Record si spécial, c’est vous, les citoyens de Pointe-Claire ; vous avez intensifié vos efforts avec de superbes articles et de belles photos de Pointe-Claire et de vos amis à quatre pattes.

Le mois dernier, nous avons changé le format de notre journal en passant à Issuu et en utilisant un style «flipbook». Nos fonctionnalités et nos contributeurs sont de plus en plus nombreux et notre potentiel est illimité. Pour continuer à grandir, nous comptons sur les contributions de nos lecteurs et de nos voisins. Si vous souhaitez nous parler de votre institution à but non lucratif, de la célébration d’un anniversaire marquant,

suite à la prochaine page continued on next page

PC Record Contacts

General Questions and Info: info@pcrecord.ca

Get involved, submit an article or feedback on past articles. Nous encourageons la contribution des articles en français également ! editor@pcrecord.ca

Click here to subscribe to the PC Record

Vol. 1, No. 4, April 29, 2024 - Page 1
- www.pointeclaire.info April 29, 2024
An initiative of
Pointe-Claire Citizens’ Association

Welcome (cont.)

do to make your voice heard is go to the link below:

The First Ever Pointe-Claire Record Survey

One of our most popular features is our pet photos page, as well as pictures taken around town, and we encourage you to keep those submissions coming by sending them to pets@pcrecord.ca! Please include the name of your pet (yes, all pets are welcome) with your submission. Pictures of Pointe-Claire can be of an event, a beautiful shot of the landscape, or even your family participating in a local activity. We do keep all of your photos, so if you don’t see them this month, keep reading! You’re sure to see your photograph in one of our upcoming issues.

Please send your photos or articles to editor@pcrecord. ca. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us, or click here to read our submission guidelines.

Thank you for your support, this is your newspaper!

Bienvenue (suite)

d’une entreprise locale, d’une association de jeunesse ou simplement de quelque chose qui vous intéresse, nous voulons avoir votre avis ! Nous avons besoin de votre aide pour fournir du contenu sur notre grande ville et nous vous invitons à faire partie du nouveau PointeClaire Record.

Nous voulons savoir ce que vous aimez et ce que vous n’aimez pas, ce que vous souhaitez voir davantage et quelles fonctionnalités nous pourrions ajouter. Nous avons rédigé une brève enquête sur nos quatre premiers numéros, alors n’hésitez pas à les parcourir. Vous pouvez retrouver les numéros passés sur notre site web. Il s’agit d’un journal en ligne interactif, il vous suffit donc de cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous pour faire entendre votre voix :

La toute première enquête Pointe-Claire Record

L’une de nos fonctionnalités les plus populaires est notre page de photos d’animaux de compagnie, ainsi que les photos prises en ville, et nous vous encourageons à continuer à nous soumettre en les envoyant à pets@pcrecord.ca ! Veuillez inclure le nom de votre animal de compagnie (oui, tous les animaux sont les bienvenus) avec votre soumission. Les photos de PointeClaire peuvent être celles d’un événement, d’une belle photo du paysage ou même de votre famille participant à une activité locale. Nous conservons toutes vos photos, donc si vous ne les voyez pas ce mois-ci, continuez à lire ! Vous êtes sûr de voir votre photo dans l’un de nos prochains numéros.

Veuillez envoyer vos photos ou articles à editor@pcrecord.ca. Si vous avez des questions, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter ou cliquez ici pour lire nos directives de soumission.

Merci pour votre soutien, ceci est votre journal !

Vol. 1, No. 4, April 29, 2024 - Page 2 Contents PC Record Contacts ..................................................... 1 Council Highlights for April 9th ................................ 3 Pointe-Claire Reaches out to MAMH for Assistance 4 On Elmer Lach 5 Eclipse Talk.................................................................... 7 Real Estate for Beginners - and Beyond .................... 8 The Polling Station ....................................................... 9 Book Review: Red Notice by Bill Browder................ 9 Seven Paths to Sustainability 10 Around Town 11 How to Get - and Stay - Active ................................. 12 Thoughts on Gardening for Biodiversity ................. 13 For the Love of Pets .................................................... 14 The Kitchen: Grilled Vegetable Salad ....................... 15 PC in Pictures 16

Council Highlights for April 9th

Mayor, councillor disagree over windmill communication

Pointe-Claire’s mayor and one of its councillors are at odds over who is supposed to communicate with the Archdiocese of Montreal about the restoration of the iconic windmill.

At the April 9th City Council meeting, Councillor Claude Cousineau asked Mayor Tim Thomas if there were any updates from the archdiocese about the longawaited restoration of the windmill.

“From what I know, I don’t think so, but I’m somewhat disturbed by the question because you are part of the committee that is responsible for that response,” said Thomas.

“The diocese won’t report to me,” said Cousineau. He further affirmed that the mandate of the committee handling the file had expired in December.

A copy of the resolution that created the committee in August was provided to The Pointe-Claire Record by the City of Pointe-Claire.  The document mandates the city manager to negotiate with the archdiocese on the windmill file. It also established an expiry date for the committee’s mandate, namely December 2023, and directed that the committee disband at that time even if a deal had not yet been reached with the archdiocese.

A spokesperson for the city said that the finances have since been secured for the restoration and that they are awaiting an application from the archdiocese.

Construction coming to Northview, Lakeside Heights

At the beginning of the meeting, Councillor Cynthia Homan announced that, thanks in part to a subsidy from the provincial government, repairs will be done to the intersection of Millhaven and Monterrey. Homan said a residents’ meeting will be organized closer to the commencement of the project to discuss its impact.

Council also approved major new construction on Winthrop. In addition to maintenance on the road between Hymus Boulevard and Jubilee Square Avenue, a bike path will be added to the area. At the meeting, council awarded a contract to this effect for nearly $3 million.

New vehicle charging stations to be added

Council approved more than $800,000 across two contracts to install new vehicle charging stations. Of this

amount, $416,000 will be paid for through government subsidies.

According to Assistant City Clerk Danielle Gutierrez, the new stations will be located at 94 Douglas Shand, City Hall, the Aquatic Centre, Public Works, Edgewater Park, the Central Library, and the Olive-Urquhart Sports Centre. The new stations will be installed this year.

Emails cast doubt on mayor’s “plant” allegations

In speaking to The Suburban in January, Mayor Thomas alleged that certain residents were provided with internal city communications by council, with the goal of disrupting meetings. Thomas later identified one of those residents as John Kilpatrick, a resident who has repeatedly questioned the mayor over the past year about the condition of a tree on his property.

But emails between the city and Kilpatrick obtained by  The Pointe-Claire Record cast doubt on the mayor’s version of events: The emails in question span a period of ten months between April 2023 and January 2024. Only a single email in the exchange is internal to the City of Pointe-Claire and was not sent directly to Kilpatrick; that email was written by the mayor’s assistant and forwarded to Kilpatrick by Councillor Brent Cowan. The email contains little information, only summarizing Kilpatrick’s case and concluding that “no further action is required from the city.”

It remains unclear if this was the email Thomas was referring to when alleging Kilpatrick had access to inside information.  The Pointe-Claire Record  reached out to Mayor Thomas but was told through a spokesperson that he declined to comment.

Vol. 1, No. 4, April 29, 2024 - Page 3
CC Attribution 2.0 Generic license by indiewench

Pointe-Claire Reaches out to MAMH for Assistance

At an emotionally charged special sitting of Pointe-Claire’s City Council on April 16, 2024, a resolution was passed requesting support from the provincial government’s ministère des Affaires municipales et de l’Habitation (MAMH) to intervene in the incongruence in PointeClaire governance. Councillors hope that the ministry will outline an action plan to address these issues.

With residents upset about a lack of transparency about the purpose of the meeting, exhibiting concern about the council’s ability to work together, and expressing confusion about the role of the MAMH, the question period ended, and the meeting proceeded to councillor input on the motion.

The councillors presented prepared statements on their position on the resolution, stating their desire to improve the tone and procedures of public meetings, to improve the work climate for staff and residents, and to enforce the bylaws regarding council procedures.

The council’s decision was not unanimous, voting 7-1 in favour of the resolution, with Mayor Thomas also choosing to vote against the motion; many of the voices referred to a need to restore an atmosphere of respect to City Hall and the council chamber and a desire to establish a functional municipal body.

The resolution 2024-194 reads as follows (currently available in French only):


CONSIDERANT que l’objectif des membres du conseil municipal de Pointe-Claire est de gouverner la Ville dans le meilleur intérêt des citoyens et citoyennes de Pointe- Claire.

CONSIDERANT qu’il devient difficile de faire avancer les projets de la Ville lorsque le climat est tendu.

CONSIDERANT qu’un fonctionnement optimal des instances démocratiques repose notamment sur le respect du rôle de chaque personne.

CONSIDERANT que le Conseil souhaite que le règlement PC-2712 de Pointe-Claire soit respecté.

CONSIDERANT l’inquiétude du personnel face à la dynamique présente au conseil municipal.

CONSIDERANT que le climat de travail parfois difficile à la Ville ne peut être attribuable à une seule personne ou à un groupe d’élu(e)s, mais qu’il s’agit plutôt d’une responsabilité collective.

Il est proposé par madame la conseillère Kelly Thorstad-Cullen,

Appuyé par monsieur le conseiller Paul Bissonnette, et majoritairement résolu, incluant le vote du maire:

DE demander au ministère des Affaires municipale et de l’Habitation (MAMH) d’accompagner, via son cadre d’intervention en matière d’aide et de soutien aux municipalités en gestion municipale, la Ville dans la recherche de solutions à cette situation complexe.

QUE le conseil municipal demande au ministère d’identifier la nature des problématiques et propose un plan d’action pour améliorer le fonctionnement général de la ville et offrir le soutien de services spécialisés pour l’implantation de celui-ci.

D’autoriser la directrice générale, ou en son absence le directeur général adjoint, à signer pour et au nom de la Ville de Pointe-Claire, tout document utile et nécessaire afin de donner plein effet à la présente résolution.

Vol. 1, No. 4, April 29, 2024 - Page 4

On Elmer Lach

Ovide Park was never “my” rink; Cedar Park Heights was the outdoor sheet of my late 1960s house-league youth. But there is something about Ovide, just below Highway 20, a slap shot up from Bord-du-Lac, that forever will have a very special place in my heart.

It was on the rink at Ovide on January 19, 2010, that my late friend Elmer Lach and I shuffled in our boots across the quiet, snow-dusted ice toward a net at the north end. I’d be writing a Montreal Gazette feature on “Elegant Elmer,” the Montreal Canadiens legend who would turn 92 in three days, and I couldn’t think of a better place for the accompanying images that would be taken that morning by award-winning photographer Allen McInnis.

Elmer famously centred the Canadiens’ iconic 1940s “Punch Line,” with Maurice “Rocket” Richard on right wing and future brilliant Canadiens coach Toe Blake on the left.

“As a group, we were good,” Elmer had said of the most feared line of the decade. “Individually, we were just average hockey players.”

Of course they were.

Elmer won the Hart Trophy in 1944-45 as the NHL’s most valuable player; in 1947-48, he was awarded the Art Ross Trophy as the league’s leading point-scorer, also having topped that list in ’44-45 before the Ross trophy existed.

In 1944-45, Elmer, Rocket and Toe went 1-2-3 in NHL scoring, not bad for “just average hockey players.”

But for all that I knew of the Rocket and Toe, and I had written extensively about them, Elmer had been a bit of a

mystery, the most modest superstar I would come to know.

I phoned him often, asking to chat for a profile story, and he politely replied, always, “My life isn’t worth talking about.”

I knew better and pretty much staked him out, telling him that one day he’d open his Bayview Avenue front door and I’d be sitting on the step.

That day came. Elmer laughed and had me in, and a wonderful, cherished friendship was almost instantly born.

In the years that followed I’d often take him to lunch, calling ahead to have his Molson brought to room temperature.

“You can drink more that way,” he’d joke to the waiter with a mischievous grin.

We’d sit at his kitchen table over coffee, Elmer humbly spinning his tales like fine yarn. The stories from hockey’s golden era wrote themselves, his details flowing with richness and warmth, stories so incredible that I couldn’t have written them as fiction.

In 2006, Elmer joined me at Indigo in Pointe-Claire for the launch of my young reader’s book on the history of hockey in Canada. The lineup for photos and autographs snaked through the store for hours, and I was as much a fan of this wonderful gentleman as the hundreds who came out that day.

Elmer had never set foot on the rink at Ovide, a few blocks east of his home, until we headed over just before his 92nd birthday.

continued on next page

Vol. 1, No. 4, April 29, 2024 - Page 5
Two photos: myself with Elmer on the Ovide rink that day, and the 1940s puck Elmer gave me to clear his conscience…

On Elmer Lach (cont.)

It was a slow shuffle to the net, my friend wearing the Canadiens jersey the team had given him a few weeks earlier when his No. 16 had been retired to the rafters of the Bell Centre.

Leaning on the crossbar, Allen setting up for his photos, Elmer looked behind the net and the great many black smudges on the boards.

“It seems,” he said playfully, “that kids miss the net a lot.”

On the blade of Elmer’s stick, pushing a small drift, was a puck I’d found nosing out of a snowbank just over the boards, the one I brought still in my pocket.

So how could he resist? Elmer jabbed it into the mesh for the 235th goal of his career, coming 55 seasons after the last of 234 he scored in the NHL.

We left the rink about 20 minutes after we’d arrived, but not before I observed my personal outdoor rink policy of leaving at the net what had been discovered in the snowbank – unless I’ve lost one of my own, I always bequeath a found puck to the rink.

There was no way the after-school skater who discovered it later that day could know that it was most recently on the blade of Elmer Lach’s stick. Or that a legend’s single shot went dead-centre into the net, not adding to the black smudges on the boards.

Back at his kitchen table, still wearing his Canadiens jersey, Elmer handed me a mint-condition 70-year-old

Life of Brian

The Irish have lost another soul Canada, lost a great leader, now gone a kid from Baie-Comeau a Quebec small town full of imagination, so young, with a diplomat’s charm He raised Canada out from under the past with new measures for an economy made to last he fought for the beliefs he thought were right and never backed down from a good debate or fight The environment was top priority on his mind deniers of acid rain would not stand a chance the planet now better, because of his campaign “Never leave this earth worse for your children,” his claim

puck that had never been touched by a stick.

Arriving in Montreal from his native Nokomis, Saskatchewan, in the fall of 1940, about to begin his 14-season, Hall of Fame-bound Canadiens career, Elmer saw this puck on the floor of the team’s Montreal Forum dressing room and, as a rookie, took it as a souvenir.

“I’ve had a guilty conscience ever since,” he told me with a laugh. “I want you to have it so I can sleep nights.”

I had the puck nearby on April 4, 2015, when news reached me that Elmer, age 97, had died peacefully at the Teresa Dellar Palliative Care Residence in Kirkland, where he’d been since he’d suffered a stroke some days earlier. He spent his final days in Room 9, the sweater number of his dear friend the Rocket.

I’d visited him at the residence, as I’d sat with him in the emergency room of the Lakeshore General Hospital, holding his hand, relating to him the stories he’d told me, no matter that he was no longer responsive.

Among the many things I remembered during those final visits, as I do to this day, was our magical morning on the rink at Ovide Park and Elmer’s final goal pushed through the snow of an outdoor rink.

By Dave Stubbs. Dave Stubbs is a Pointe-Claire native who, since 2016, has been a columnist and historian for the National Hockey League at NHL.com. He began his journalism career with the weekly News & Chronicle in 1976, and during three decades at the Montreal Gazette, worked as a columnist, feature writer, and sports editor.

He stood up to apartheid before most others would human rights are something he well understood although in aged years, his body was became frail he never slowed down for those of Irish ancestry prevail His great love of friends and family was made clear his eyes sparkled with humor, his wit many held dear most were loyal, though betrayed by a Lucifer, a knave with kindness, he forgave before he went to his grave Goodbye to Mulroney, a great leader with a plan to make Canada and the world better, a righteous man who spoke of his discontentment at the horrors of today sadly, with family near, the Prime Minister passed away Goodbye from us all, Canada

Vol. 1, No. 4, April 29, 2024 - Page 6

Eclipse Talk

On April 8th, 2024, much of North America was treated to what was known as the Great North American Eclipse, which was unique in that we fell in the path of totality. The event was celebrated by many in PointeClaire, and we wanted to share some of the impressions and images they submitted:

Impressions of a local artist

Michael Thomson sent in his painting of the sky during the peak of the eclipse, along with a photograph of the scene from Antoine-Pilon Park. He is the owner of Atelier Michael Thomson and his work can be seen on Instagram at @ateliermichaelthomson.

Teen thoughts

The thoughts of a small group of Secondary IV students from St. Thomas High School were recorded by one of our editors, Caroline Speirs, who managed to capture their awe and excitement of the event. They viewed the eclipse from Belmont Park in the Valois district while donning eclipse glasses provided by the Lester B. Pearson School Board:

“That was insane!”

“That was so cool”

“Oh my gosh it was so bright!”

“The experience of a lifetime!”

“I can’t believe it’s 3:30 in the afternoon!”

“Yeah it feels like nighttime”

“Look at how quickly it changed”

Thoughts of Pointe-Claire residents

“Can we have it more often? I saw people sitting in driveways with friends and families, the companies in the park. It was very uniting.” - Olena Yaryhina

“Eerie and spectacular at the same time.” - Yolanda Lichocki-Senecal

“Day and night at the same time.” - Hilda TB

“The burning ring of fire.” - John Mihalik

A Visitor to Pointe-Claire

“I decided to head out to Edgewater Park to view the eclipse. It seemed like an activity that would be more enjoyable in a picturesque setting, and I was hoping not to have to experience it alone. I met a wonderful man named Jim, who invited me to join him. As his friends

arrived, they all introduced themselves and welcomed me into their group, sharing this once-in-a-lifetime experience with me. I cannot express what a wonderful sense of community I felt being with this group of residents, and I hope they know how thankful I am for their generosity of spirit.”

Vol. 1, No. 4, April 29, 2024 - Page 7
The burning ring of fire by John Mihalik Parc Antoine Pilon by Michael Thomson Eclipse by Hilda Teens by Caroline Speirs Eclipse by John Mihalik

Real Estate for Beginners - and Beyond

Buying real estate is a significant milestone, especially for first-time buyers. Understanding the real estate market and making informed decisions are crucial. Here are some steps to help you navigate the process effectively:

1. Set clear goals: Determine your purpose for homeownership, whether it’s long-term security, starting a family, or property investment.

2. Prepare financially: If you haven’t already, start saving up. Get to understand the fundamentals of home buying, such as mortgages and closing costs. Speaking with a mortgage broker or bank specialist can be invaluable, as they can evaluate your financial situation to determine your borrowing capacity and eligibility. They will guide you through the process and prepare you for obtaining a pre-approval bank letter, which is a crucial step in the buying process.

3. Explore neighbourhoods: Consider factors such as proximity to work, schools, and amenities. The community vibe may also be important.

4. Evaluate properties: As you spend more time checking out properties and working with your real estate broker, you’ll get better at sizing them up according to your needs, budget, and plans for the future. But above all, trust your gut as you move through this process.

Can Revenue Properties Help You?

Now, let’s delve into the advantages of investment properties, offering an alternative for individuals with limited income. Revenue properties provide several benefits: Steady income: Rental payments provide a consistent source of income, which can strengthen financial stabil-

ity over time.

Tax benefits: Homeowners can take advantage of deductions for mortgage interest and maintenance expenses, reducing their overall tax burden.

Equity growth: Property values typically appreciate over time, especially with regular mortgage payments, allowing homeowners to build equity in their investment.

Diversification: Investing in real estate adds diversification to one’s investment portfolio, spreading risk across different asset classes and potentially providing more stable returns.

In conclusion, embarking on the journey of buying a home is filled with challenges and opportunities. With careful planning and determination, you can make your dream come true. All it takes is setting clear goals and taking decisive steps to start the process.

Recent Real Estate Statistics for Pointe-Claire (March 2024):

Single Family Homes:

- Median sale price: $712,800

- Median selling time: 24 days

- Number of sales: 30


- Median price: $523,000

- Median selling time: 29 days

- Number of sales: 40

By Crystal Champagne. Crystal Champagne is a residential real estate broker and a Pointe-Claire resident specializing in West Island and Montreal real estate. To learn more, please visit https://crystalchampagnerealty.com/

Vol. 1, No. 4, April 29, 2024 - Page 8

The Polling Station

Last month, we launched the Polling Station, asking you to weigh in on whether Pointe-Claire should change their policy on temporary winter car shelters, also known as

Tempos. The results were quite interesting, with a small majority opting for a change in the status quo.

The Polling Station - April

This month we are asking another hot question to gauge what the community thinks.

Mu1 is the site of CF Fairview Pointe-Claire, and there is much debate on what constitutes an acceptable building height in the proposed western parking lot redevelopment.

What building height would you like to see for the future redevelopment of the Fairview parking lot?

Book Review: Red Notice by Bill

I happened upon Red Notice while casually scanning the tightly packed bookshelves of a local NOVA shop –a wonderful source for pre-loved reading materials on a wide range of topics and genres. As I was reading the back cover, a customer saw me with the book and said it was terrific. I thanked her and tucked the book under my arm. Another shopper in a different section also saw me with the book and told me how much she enjoyed reading it.

Well, that sealed the deal for me! And what a deal it was! Red Notice is one of those books you just can’t put

What building height would you like to see for the future redevelopment of the Fairview parking lot?

A. A larger number of shorter structures of 10-15 storeys, with less green space

B. A smaller number of taller structures of 20-25 storeys, with more green space

C. I don’t care what they do in the parking lot, as long as Fairview Forest in Mu2 is preserved.

down. And when you do, you’re eager to quickly pick it up again.

An unbelievable recounting of political crime and espionage — it’s everything you’d want in a literary thriller. Red Notice is a must-read that shines a blinding light on horrendous crimes and the relentless intimidation of those bold enough to tell shocking truths that threaten some of the most powerful people in the Russian system of government. Published in 2015, Red Notice shares commonalities with issues ongoing in today’s political climate, urging readers to share this story with others.

Vol. 1, No. 4, April 29, 2024 - Page 9

Seven Paths to Sustainability

Confession time: I’m no minimalist. I never have been, and I know I never really will be, though I do certainly have moments when I wish I was. I am, however, a relatively frugal person, and I’m pretty careful about what items I spend money on, what impact their acquisition will have on the planet, and the method by which those items leave our home once that time comes. Without really realizing it, the ‘stuff’ in my life has been ruled by a set of ideals related to the environmental impact of my living habits.

Conveniently, those ideals or principles have been categorized in a way that can help us make better decisions about material possessions as well as encourage us to lead more sustainable lives. Most of us know the original three of these principles, which are: Reduce, reuse and recycle. Recently, more Rs have been added to this list to help complete the circle of consumerism and waste. While the exact terms may fluctuate from source to source, the four new ones I will use today are Rethink, Repair, Regift, and Rot. I’ll delve into all seven of them here, adding tips on how you can easily incorporate them into your own lives.

1. Reduce: Refuse: I think this may be both the easiest and hardest tenet to incorporate. Reduce the number of new items that come into your home, refuse to purchase new items, or even refuse to purchase anything overpackaged and over-wrapped. All you have to do is say no to ‘stuff,’ but for a good number of us, that is very difficult. What would happen if we started asking ourselves if the item we yearn for is a ‘need’ or a ‘want’? Could we save both time, money, and the planet? If you do need an item, consider whether you can spend a little more on a better-quality, longer-lasting item. It usually makes better financial sense in the long term.

2. Reuse: Before you put something in the trash or into the recycling, think, ‘Can this be reused as something else?’. That old T-shirt that has a new hole in it? It inherits a new life as a household rag. Did you find a bag of dried beans that is no longer fit for consumption? Recycling bin filling up with empty paper towel and toilet paper rolls? Both can be used as craft supplies. If it can’t be reused, hopefully it can be regifted, recycled, or composted.

3. Recycle: There is no easy way around this issue at the moment, so I will say it plainly: our recycling system is in rough shape, and it has been for a very long time. Recycling should be a last resort. That said, metal and paper are still being fairly well recycled, and efforts are be-

ing made, in some areas of the province, to make glass more widely recycled. There are also a few places that accept old electronics for recycling, some of the components being of value. As residents continue to voice the need for a more comprehensive recycling system and awareness about the overuse and production of plastic continues to grow, I am hopeful that changes will come. In the meantime, it’s best to reduce the materials that come into our lives.

4. Rethink: I’m a crafty person who enjoys a good many hobbies. I love to read, knit, garden, and DIY just about anything you can imagine. But what is a woman to do when her budget doesn’t line up with her interests? First, rethink whether I really need the ‘thing’. Second, make do with what I have on hand. Third, borrow the thing from a friend, barter for it, or find the needed item secondhand. And finally, as a last resort, buy the item as new. Rethinking how to alternatively acquire an item only takes seconds.

5. Repair: I get extremely excited about the idea of repairing household items. Partly, it’s because I’m frugal, but ultimately, it’s because the concept of planned obsolescence absolutely infuriates me! My partner has successfully repaired a belt and pulley system in our dryer and rewired our coffee grinder. A few years ago, I watched a YouTube video and fixed a water leak issue in our freezer. Recently, I was thrilled to see some repair café events popping up, including one happening soon at a local Pointe-Claire makerspace, FabZone on April 21st. The concept is simple: on a set date, you bring the item in need of repair and experts will help you repair it! It can be a paid service, but sometimes it is by donation. The Pointe-Claire Library ran a similar event continued on next page

Vol. 1, No. 4, April 29, 2024 - Page 10

Seven Paths (cont.)

about four or five years ago and I was able to get my vacuum cleaner fixed. It may take the same amount of time to fix something as it would to research and shop for a new item. Plus, there is the bonus of possibly saving hundreds of dollars and not falling into the obsolescence trap. Well worth it!

6. Regift: This tenet can apply to actual gifting for birthdays or other special events, as well as just giving away or selling used items. VarageSale, Marketplace, or any other Facebook group offering used items (for free or at a cost) have made it as easy, accessible, and acceptable as never before, especially with the current cost of living, to acquire used items. Low-tech clothing swaps are another fun way to regift gently used clothes to others and to yourself. Renaissance and NOVA stores are local organizations that sell used clothing and housewares. They also accept donations. At this point, I’d also like to give a shout-out of appreciation to all the folks who put their bulk garbage goods out a few days early so my friends

Around Town

May 3: The Placeholders

May 4: Tea with Flair Fundraiser

May 4: Danse à 4 mains

May 4: Concert: Soirée classique

May 4: Second Chance Speed Dating

May 5: Cedar Park 6th Annual Clean-up

May 10: Paint Night!

May 11: Plaza Pointe-Claire Antique Show

and I have time to do a comprehensive drive-by! I’ve acquired many wonderful additions for my garden this way.

7. Rot: In Pointe-Claire we have the option of composting at home or sending our compostable materials into the green bin to be transported somewhere else. This bin can accept some things we cannot safely compost at home, such as meat and fish. The facility that the compost is brought to is able to neutralize pathogens by composting them at high temperatures, something that can be hard to do in a home compost. This can keep up to 30% of our waste out of landfills. Sending organic waste to the landfill instead produces methane, a greenhouse gas, which is a huge problem. Side note: Plain cardboard is great at suppressing weeds in the garden. I’ve used it successfully under a layer of mulch for my garden pathways.

Our ecological footprint lasts much longer than the time we have here on the planet. Imagine the collective impact if we all decided to take a walk in a forest or bike ride with friends instead of making shopping a pastime, or if we decided to challenge ourselves by refusing to buy new clothes for a year, like a good friend of mine did. There is no shame in using items that have been pre-loved or free. Similarly, there should be no shame in gifting something used, especially if you know the recipient will appreciate it. It is possible to change our habits, and ultimately we must, because the Earth has a finite amount of resources. It is our responsibility to treat her accordingly.

By Geneviève Lussier, a dedicated educator with a B. Ed. in elementary childhood education, who is not only shaping young minds but also leading the charge for environmental stewardship and community activism. From her family’s household of activists to her passion for crafting and gardening, Geneviève embodies a holistic approach to living sustainably and fostering connections within her community. Whether she’s teaching knitting at the Pointe-Claire library or preserving food from her garden, Geneviève’s boundless optimism and unwavering belief in the power of community shine through, inspiring those around her to embrace positive change and collective responsibility.

May 17: Regeneration Art Exhibition

May 18: Community Craft Fair

May 18: Starfield Cookout band

May 19: Bethel BBQ

May 22: CLSC du Lac-Saint-Louis et de Pierrefonds

Foundation Annual Fundraiser Breakfast

May 24: West Island Stand-Up Comedy

May 25: The Killing Moon

May 25: Cinema 5

May 30: Apocalyptik

Vol. 1, No. 4, April 29, 2024 - Page 11

How to Get - and Stay - Active

We change our clothes each day and change jobs every once in a while, but we only get one body so why not keep it in good shape? Canadian guidelines say we should do 2.5 hours (150 minutes) of moderate to vigorous exercise per week plus weight training to strengthen muscles and bones. Are you finding it hard to reach these targets? Here are 10 ideas to help you get - and stay - active.

1. Choose your Motivation

Post your motivation somewhere you can see it; it will remind you of your desire to stay active. Is your motivation about feeling good? Living longer? To fit into a pair of jeans or look great for an upcoming event? Whatever your motivation, keep it top-of-mind, visible, and even share it with others to keep you focused on your goals when your willpower wavers.

2. Start Small

Did you know you can achieve those exercise minutes by spreading them throughout the day? Do pushups in the morning, squats while you brush your teeth, and jumping jacks while you watch TV. Try the 7-minute workout twice a week. If you start exercising for just 10 minutes, you’ll soon see how easy it is and how good you feel. You’ll be naturally inclined to do longer workouts.

3. Make it Fun!

If exercising sounds like punishment, is dancing to three of your favourite songs at lunchtime more appealing? What about a brisk walk with a friend or with a dog? Or signing up for a sport you’ve always wanted to learn? On rainy or cold days, I can’t imagine hopping into a cold pool or donning a pair of bike shorts, so I might just light a candle and go to the “Yoga With Adriene” YouTube channel. I get to stay cozy at home and get in those activity minutes.

4. Schedule


Put a reminder in your calendar for when you will do your daily exercise. Make it part of your daily routine. Making a plan to work out every day has worked for me for the last 20 years. If I skip a day, no big deal; I’ve already done at least 5 or 6 workouts. Another way to schedule it is to pay or sign up for a scheduled class. Or you could commit to meeting a friend or trainer at the gym. If it’s

scheduled, it’s less likely to be missed or forgotten.

5. Make it Easy

If adding something new to your routine requires lots of extra driving, spending, or planning, it’s harder to comply. Exercise doesn’t have to be pricey or done in a special location. Find a gym near your home or place of work, or better yet, work out at home in your PJs. Being active doesn’t require special clothing or skills, just commitment. Running around Pointe-Claire is a great example.

6. Measure Your Progress

The best way to see improvement is to compare how you were at the start to how you’re evolving. Take a “before” photo and then a comparison shot four weeks later. Write down the duration of your activities or the weights you’re using. Journal, and you’ll see that at first it took you 10 minutes to catch your breath while running, and now it takes only 3.

Note: Weighing yourself does not always indicate progress; you might put on weight as you lose body fat and gain muscle, which adds weight through density. Your clothes are a better indicator and so is how you feel at rest.

7. Stay Accountable

Just like with New Year’s resolutions, a great way to keep your commitment is by staying accountable to someone else. Make a pact with a friend that at the end of each day you’ll text them how you got in your activity minutes. Write your activity in a journal, use an app to log or track it, or even post your workout selfie daily on social media. Exercise watches at all price ranges will count your steps, track your calories and activity type; some even give you awards! When you see all you’ve accomplished you’ll have that positive feedback to keep going. And if you’re thinking about skipping a workout, having to tell a friend or friends that you bailed might be just the deterrent you need.

8. To Combine is Divine

I’m a big fan of multitasking, which works for exercise too. Combine your fitness activity with something else like picking up groceries by bicycle, listening to a podcast as you jog, watching TV while you row, and, of course, walking the dog. You can vacuum and mop while you listen to music or spend time with a friend together at a Zumba class. And public transit gets you continued on next page

Vol. 1, No. 4, April 29, 2024 - Page 12

moving too; when I take the train and metro to work, I hit my activity targets by 4pm!

9. Switch it up!

Our bodies are capable of doing hundreds of movements, not only walking and sitting. Make sure to do a range of movement in your activities each week. Incorporate twists, side bends, balance exercises, and work your upper and lower body, as well as hips, shoulders, back and abdominals. Make sure that at least 25% of your activities get your heart rate up, and that whatever you do, you’re working both sides of your body, not only one.

10. Celebrate!

Did you get through a whole week of exercise? Then you need to pause and acknowledge your good efforts! Spoil yourself with new workout gear, a special dessert

on a cheat day, a photoshoot of your stronger self, or a special dinner with a loved one. Even if you just look in the mirror and say: “Way to go!” it’s important to celebrate our successes and stay inspired to keep up the hard work.

Here’s a list of activities to inspire you:

Walk, run, dance, swim, ride a bike, bowl, ski, snowshoe, jump rope, curl, golf, or speed-walk.

Do martial arts, yoga, Pilates, calisthenics, kickboxing, gymnastics, burpees, planks, sit ups, bear crawls, birddog, squats, lunges, box jumps, step-ups, or wall sits.

Play soccer, hockey, pickleball, basketball, baseball, cricket, ringette, lacrosse, badminton, or tennis.

Try rock climbing, tai chi, Essentrics, chair yoga, paddleboarding, kayaking, body weight training, frisbee golf, or a mini triathlon or duathlon.

Thoughts on Gardening for Biodiversity

As all of us start to plan for spring, I would like to make a proposal to help increase biodiversity in our gardens. I have had the good fortune to garden in Pointe-Claire for over 40 years now. In that time, our garden has evolved from a traditional garden comprised of imported plants to a more natural setting using mainly plants indigenous to our area. It currently remains a “work in progress” and a continuing experiment in using native plants in a suburban landscape.

mental and physical health for the human and, indeed, benefitting the health of the planet.

Besides being beautiful, native plants are also best equipped to fuel biodiversity. They have evolved with, and their lives are inextricably bound to, the insects and animals of our region. We all know the story of the monarch butterfly, whose life cycle is inseparably linked to the milkweed plant, but do we realize that there are numerous less photogenic insects that rely on a single plant species as well?

In the past decade or so, there has been a seismic shift away from landscapes involving extensive lawn care and gardens containing plants collected from around the world. Instead, there is a worldwide movement towards a more sustainable landscape that feeds and shelters diverse native species and engages the human caretaker in an odyssey of discoveries of the natural world, thus improving both

Native plants have weathered many storms and can adapt to extremely variable conditions. Bloodroot, for example, will wait to be pollinated for three days, after which it will self-pollinate. Many plants, like goldenrod, are keystone species, feeding and sheltering a remarkable number of diverse insects. By the way, goldenrod is not the plant that causes hay fever (that would be the alien “ragweed”). There are other benefits to these plants as well. For example, most have deep roots which help prevent erosion. By contrast, turf grass roots are only a couple of inches deep.

When you go shopping for native plants be sure to get the straight species of a plant, or as close as you can get. Often, plants are cultivars specifically bred for unusual continued on next page

Vol. 1, No. 4, April 29, 2024 - Page 13
How to Get (cont.)

Thoughts on Gardening (cont.)

colours or double petals. Insects cannot always recognize an altered plant.

Small changes can yield big results if we all contribute to native plant gardening at whatever level is possible for each of us. As I indicated in my Pointe-Claire library talk last year, Think Big - Start Small, it can all begin with one plant. Perhaps it could be our purple coneflower, which provides nectar and pollen for insects and winter seed for birds, or even a milkweed, which not only supplies pollen and nectar for bees and butterflies but also feeds very hungry monarch caterpillars all summer long.

The Pointe-Claire library has many great books on native plant gardening. Authors to check out include Douglas Tallamy and Lorraine Johnson. Space for Life /Espace pour la vie (with which the Botanical Gardens is a partner), Canadian Wildlife Federation, and the David Suzuki Foundation have excellent native garden information on their websites. And finally, you can contact me for more information or a garden visit at wildgardenlady17@gmail.com, or check me out on Instagram at @111wildgardenlady.

Happy Gardening!

By Kim Dooley-Freeman. Kim Dooley-Freeman has lived and gardened in Pointe-Claire with her husband Peter since 1981.

For the Love of Pets

Let’s see some pics of your furry friends! Send your pet pics to pets@pcrecord.ca and we might publish it in our next edition.

Vol. 1, No. 4, April 29, 2024 - Page 14
Tigger Nemo Caleb & Tessa Pumpkin

The kitchen: Grilled Vegetable Salad

This is a tasty and simple way to eat more vegetables, either as a side dish or as a main course. For best results, grill the vegetables on your barbecue grill; if not, they can also be broiled in the oven on a cookie sheet. Note for winter grillers: vegetables don’t require that much heat, so you can grill them during the winter months.

What you will need

For grilling on the barbecue, metal or wood skewers work very well. It’s worth investing in metal skewers because they are reusable and won’t catch fire. I have also used a wok with holes that is meant for barbecues. You can use skewers, or a wok, or both.


1 large eggplant

2 zucchini squash

2 bell peppers, any colour

Mushrooms, onions, or other vegetables that you prefer (optional)

¼ cup olive oil

2 tbsp Club House La Grille Vegetable Seasoning (or make your own)

Balsamic vinaigrette (any brand or make your own)

Crumbled goat cheese


Marinade and vegetable preparation

Cut vegetables into approximately 1” pieces. For the zucchini and eggplant, make sure pieces are cut thickly enough, at about ½”. This will make it possible to grill

them and avoid them getting soggy, which is what most people dislike about eggplant.

In a large mixing bowl, add the olive oil and seasoning. Add cut vegetables to the mixture and stir until fully coated.


Ensure that your barbecue has been warmed up on “high.” I usually grill the vegetables separately (i.e., one skewer for zucchini, one for eggplant), because some vegetables take longer to cook than others. If grilling in the wok, stir regularly to ensure even grilling on all sides. For skewers, simply turn them over to grill on all sides.

So, when are they ready? My personal preference is to keep them crispy while getting grill marks or some browning. Once I see grill marks or browning on all sides, I remove them from the barbecue.


Remove the vegetables from skewers. When serving, add a bit of balsamic vinaigrette and sprinkle with crumbled goat cheese.

Serve as a side dish with any meat; my preference is with steak or grilled pork. It can also be enjoyed as a main course.

Vol. 1, No. 4, April 29, 2024 - Page 15

PC in Pictures

We welcome picture submissions about Pointe-Claire. Send them to editor@pcrecord.ca. Submissions must be from the person that took the picture. Feel free to tell us where it was taken, when, and any other interesting information.

Vol. 1, No. 4, April 29, 2024 - Page 16
Eclipse sunset by Deborah Ancel

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